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strawberrum · 2 months
thinking about how I had a few folks at my last market suggest to me (kindly and with good intentions) that I make and sell some versions of the hand knit cardigan I was wearing because people would "totally pay $300 for that!"
I appreciated the sentiment, but people don't understand what goes into handmade clothes! I don't use a knitting machine. Every stitch in that garment is created by hand on needles, and the sleeves were brioche. Even using inexpensive acrylic yarn for the whole project, and accounting for the HUGE sleeve stitches (saving me time making the sleeves)—the material cost was $55 and the labor was well beyond that.
Let's conservatively estimate the cardigan took me 30 hours to create. Currently, when pressed to put a dollar amount to my time, I use the living wage as a baseline and then go up from there $1/hour for every year I have been actively practicing that particular skill. In the case of knitting that would be 11 years, and the current living wage in my area is approximately $23/hour. Setting aside the fact that this is calculated based on a 40 hour work week and I don't believe that is ethical or sustainable, we'll just leave it at $34/hour. That would make labor alone $1,020.
This brings the "production cost" to $1,075.
Items are not sold at production cost because that would leave your profit margin at 0%. This is not sustainable because it costs money to run a business (think things like paying for computer repairs, buying tools, the tablecloth you use at markets, paying for a website, etc.). Realistically to cover business costs and still come out with a 7% "net" profit margin, which is just a number pulled from averages in the clothing retail business...
... I'd have to sell that cardigan for $1,350.
So yeah! Something to think about when you see the price of clothes that are handmade. :o)
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soimcoga · 2 years
Ice Cream Kitty
Everyone in the family call Ice Cream Kitty differently. Leo calls her Icy, Raph calls her ICK, Donnie calls her Cream, Mikey addresses her solely by her given name Ice Cream Kitty, Casey calls her Ice Cat and April calls her Kitty.
Ice Cream Kitty acts accordingly to how the family addresses her. She's clingy and soft with Leo, cool and brash with Raph, sophisticated and delicate with Donnie, essentially her little shit self with Mikey, and she shows off her mutant side with Casey and acts like a normal cat with April.
Ice Cream Kitty is very smart and learns things very quick. She can and she will call you a 'piss baby' if you lose to her in a board game, and the only reason she's allowed to is because Leo doesn't know about it.
(L: Raph, stop teaching Icy how to swear!
R: You do what you must.
L: Why is having a mutant cat swear considered a must?!)
Ice Cream Kitty can read and write in English, though nothing too complicated. She usually communicates by meowing, but if there's something she wants to convey very badly, she'll write it down for the family.
There was one time Ice Cream Kitty completely froze because the fridge was too old and there was no way to control the temperature in the freezer. The next day the Hamatos were breaking in the everything your home needs type of store, stealing a brand new fridge.
(They had to stage a car theft, so Kirby won't be convicted, because they used his party van to transport the fridge. It was a fun night)
Leo has been teaching Ice Cream Kitty Japanese, as per Mikey's request. She's a good student.
Raph's been teaching Ice Cream Kitty excessive violence and acceptance thereof
(D: Did... did Cream just try to stab Slash with an icicle...?
M: My baby's free to do what she wants.
R: Yeah, don't deny her freedom.
D: Aren't you and Slash friends???
R: Friends shank each other all the time.
Donnie has created several pet carriers for her comfort, because you never know when you have to run. And no family gets left behind.
Mikey has stolen several portable fridges for her. Surprisingly, Leo never complained about it. Now every room in their lair has a place for Ice Cream Kitty to rest.
Ice Cream Kitty is violently protective of her family. If you hurt them once, intentionally or not, she hates you, she despises you, she will claw your heart out and present it to Donnie for research. Leatherhead's cool though. She has forgiven him for everything.
Slash though? That bitch gets it every time he visits.
(L: Do you not like Slash all that much, Icy?
I: mrow
L: Right, you're a good girl that don't hold grudges.
D: *whispering* So we're not telling him Cream tried to murder Slash in cold blood...?
M: *whispering back* Let him live his illusions)
Karai and Shinigami are on thin ice. She tolerates them, but she will fight them in a heartbeat.
Donnie created a system for her to traverse the lair mostly on her own, like a real cat. Mikey almost died, choking on his tears, when he came back home and had Ice Cream Kitty greet him.
(Donnie never told anyone that Ice Cream Kitty was the one to ask for that. Because she saw how lonely the kids were coming home to no one greeting them)
Casey is financially indebted to her.
(L: Are... are you playing actual poker... with Icy?
C: Shush Leo, I have a good hand!
L: Don't play on money with a cat?!)
Ice Cream Kitty loves being stroked/patted and makes sure every single member of the family snuggled her at least once a day. Ain't nobody gonna escape affection.
(They adore her just as much as she adores them)
Mikey is a teensy bit overprotective (borderline crazy) cat dad. Everyone lets him be.
(She's the best daughter to her dad)
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Anyone who’s only played the single player final fantasy games has to know that ffxiv has all of the classic ff experiences:
- if your equipment sucks you WILL die. This is not like FF7R where the accessories are just kinda there. Your old earrings can be the reason you die.
- your party won’t survive the next big AOE because you didn’t have enough MP to heal.
- surprisingly affecting story told mostly or in some cases exclusively in text and canned animation.
- you can go straight from a harrowing experience which changes your character forever to dick joke quests from the Woodworking guild. Or Hildibrand quests.
- moogles
- leveling up jobs takes forever
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sallows-hufflepuff · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt.
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yopatbo · 5 months
2024 is the year I finally get some amazing tickle sessions. I want to tickle someone out of their mind as they enjoy it and laugh their head off. I want to be tickled until I am made to beg for more. I want to nerd out about common interests and chill. I know I can find lovely, kind people in the tickling community who want these things as well.
As I find my new normal, this is what I want. The past I'm leaving behind doesn't define me. The future is all opportunity.
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biscuit-munchies · 4 months
headcannon that the daishinkan's (or Grand Priest's) actual name is Meda like mead cause that's one of the oldest alcoholic beverages ever made by people and it would fit cause the other gods and angels are named after alcoholic beverages and the grand priest is probably the oldest or first angel ever created and and and- *explodes*
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tacokinnie · 2 years
i feel like taco wouldn’t think she’s straight but wouldn’t specifically think she’slesbian but if she saw candle i think she’d just fucking FOLD i mean like stuttering and all that shit and realise oh my fuck she’s a lesbian and women (candle) are pretty and women and females and women and woman and woman and women and females
she would have the biggest fattest crush on candle nobody can prove me wrong
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wherefore-whinnies · 1 year
m alear appreciation hours he is so cute ;_;
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rays-of-gold · 1 year
evidence for why i am a segmented worm
comes out of hole for rain
smalll middle part and looooooong
has eatendirt
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orgasming-caterpillar · 7 months
"fuck it we ball" is for stress about the future "it is what it is" is for stress about the past and "this too shall pass" is for stress about the present thank you for coming to my TED talk
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the-random-man · 1 month
I am of the opinion that every needs at least 3 kinds of tea in their life at all times. A caffeinated tea (for the mind), a fruit tea (for the soul), and a sleepy tea (for being so comfy cozy).
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the-phantom-peach · 10 months
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🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
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hattersarts · 9 months
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im already at the south downs cottage guys, catch up
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thinkingabout-girls · 2 months
rating these laios hugs out of 10 cause they are quite possibly the funniest things i have ever seen
(please note this is not based on laios’s efforts it’s just rating the overall hug)
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senshi hug: 10/10. that’s a solid hug right there. bit awkward with the height difference but they made it work
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chilchuck hug: 5/10. i’ve been laughing at this for 10 minutes. an effort was made. points have been awarded for an obvious attempt at making chilchuck more comfortable but still is still the awkwardest hug i’ve ever seen. it is painfully obvious that laios once attempted to crouch down to hug chilchuck and received a kick to the nuts and was cursed out for 20 minutes, and has adapted to this so that chilchuck doesn’t kill laios or himself
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marcille hug: 8/10. this is the way i hug my relatives that i don’t see very often at family events but it’s still a solid hug
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shuro hug: 2/10. this is a great hug but points have been deducted because shuro is a bastard man
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falin hug: 1000/10. THAT is a hug and it’s a damn good one. very obvious sibling love right there we love to see it
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kabru hug: ???/10. what the fuck is this. what’s with the christian side hug. why are you gently holding his tit what’s wrong with you
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tims-missing-spleen · 2 months
(I like to think that) Lex Luthor gets clowned on by literally everyone, and Bruce is the absolute worst.
Like he'll attend an event and a literal millisecond later, Bruce will roll up and steal all the attention. And when they're inside, him or one of his crazy "children" will "accidentally" spill very red wine all over his expensive ass suit.
And what can Lex even do?
Last time he retaliated and mildly shoved Bruce, the man very dramatically flung himself across the room and fell straight into a table. He hadn't even gotten hurt- not a single bruise or cut- but that drama queen didn't appear in public for an entire month after the incident. The backlash Lex had gotten was so not worth it.
And it doesn't stop there. His kids join in on the "fun" and bully him too.
Tim permanently bans him from all the platforms owned by Wayne enterprisese, which is like borderline illegal, so Lex sues and somehow always loses.
Jason Duke and Steph team up and make it a game to throw things on his head without him realising. And when Luthor catches one of them, he can't even shout at them or whatnot cause hes actually scared shitless. Jason, the absolute tank of a man, just grins at him while placing his hands on the very noticeable gun at his hip. Duke and Steph stand on either side of him, gripping literal knives in their hands.
Damian just outright walks up to him and begins insulting him in a couple of different languages. He always gives Lex a final disgusted look before turning and walking off.
Dick might seem the sweetest, approaching him while smiling in that nice way of his. He's the worst, though, cause he always makes sure to bring a few reporters with him before he innocently starts outing Lex's latest evil scheme in front of the audience. He makes sure to bring solid evidence of the nefarious plans, but right at the end, he goes, "idk I could be wrong," before shrugging and walling off.
Cassandra doesn't do much, but she's definitely the scariest. Whenever Lex has had enough and is about to call a hit on Bruce, she appears out of nowhere, stares straight at him, and just shakes her head while saying, "No. Regret"
Basically, Lex Luthor, public enemy #1, gets (justifiably) bullied by the entirety of the human population (honestly, only the Waynes).
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wow-its-me · 3 months
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