#thanks for the message! ​♡‧₊˚.
maiiuelle · 2 days
Now I'm picturing the opposite: Mermaid!reader bringing jj something she thinks is really valuable but is kind of worthless. but jj sees how excited and hopeful she is so he pretends it's valuable and carries it around in his pocket all the time so she'll see that he likes it. and then with time it ends up being one of his favourite things he owns because it reminds him of her 🙊
ooo i love thiss!! opposite of this ask :)
jj is relaxing on the warm sand after a long day of surfing, watching you run around the beach in search of shells to bring home as a souvenir. since leaving the sea, your obsession with exploring has only grown, especially with so many new things to find on land.
it’s not long until you’re running back over to him with something tucked safely in your fist. “jayj! i got somethin’ for youu.” you drop to your knees beside where he’s sitting, your hand hidden behind your back.
“oh yeah? lemme see.”
you pull out a handful of sand and seashells, but you carefully pick out a shard of green sea glass, dull at the edges and translucent from tumbling around in the surf. you’re practically shaking you’re so excited, eyes locked on his face in anticipation for his reaction.
as always, his face lights up. truthfully, he doesn’t care what you bring him, just the fact that you want to give him anything is enough to melt his heart. “oh wow, look at that!” he holds his calloused hand out for you to drop it into his palm so he can take a closer look.
“you like it?” you smile, putting it in his hand while you shove the rest of the shells into your pocket.
“uh, yeah! ‘course i do, cupcake.” jj slips it into the pocket of his cargo shorts where it stays from then on. he pulls it out if he needs a reminder of you, which is really any time you’re apart. it’s mostly just that he likes you so much, but there’s always a twinge of anxiety about something happening to you. you’re curious, but really oblivious — if you got yourself into trouble, or if someone discovered your secret, he doesn’t know what he’d do. the way his thumb glides over the smooth glass grounds him, helping him at least calm down until he sees you again.
jj loves it so much he ends up drilling a little hole in it, tying a thin black string through it to hang it around his neck so it doesn’t get lost. you honestly forgot all about it until he shows up wearing it, and you just about fall in love all over again <3
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Hello may 31th anon! Look at that, another year behind us and a new one to come. Have a nice day! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
#may 31th anon#hello friends!! (。’▽’。)♡ how are you!! I missed you so much!#I'm sorry that once again i have not been posting but I did that thing again where I got scared of posting#I do not know why but it is the same with physical paper diarys#I have 3 diarys and they all have 1 entry#I think one just says 'I am ten'#what have you been up to!! did you do something fun? is it summer too where you live? c:#my tumblr messages seem to be broken! I'm sorry if you wrote something :C it just says 'no new messages' despite also saying new messages#not a lot has happened here! I got a tomato plant and then I got very invested into the tomato plant and I have eaten three tomatos so far (#my roses are also doing well!! I just got a new yellow rose and since she got here she only made orange flowers#I do not know the meaning of that#but I am very thankful! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ I love it when things are orange!!#I've been trying to buy an orange shirt for the past 2 weeks but they always sell out before I get to them#I'm also thinking about buying a jean jacket#I have not worn a jean jacket for at least 15 years because one time in 7th grade  tthe girl behind me said#that I was wearing a cool jean jacket and I just assumed that this was bullying for no actual reason#but maybe she just thought that it was an acutal cool jean jacket#we'll soon have out 10 year school reunion#maybe I should ask her#is anyone else going to a secret Sherlock phase again#I just want to see that silly little hat again#would sherlock holmes wear a jean jacket#have a nice day everyone!!#see you soon hopefully!!#♡^▽^♡
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only-cat-memes · 10 months
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Welcome to Only-Cat-Memes ♡
If you have a cat, there’s a good chance your camera roll is already full of photos of your furry feline. But that doesn’t mean there’s no room for a few more. And just like cat photos, there’s also always room for a cat video or two. Take a cup of coffee and enjoy our daily content! This blog is dedicated to bring people happiness.
“No home is complete without the pitter patter of kitty feet.”
Prepare your favorite drink and enjoy our content. Currently, this blog has +3,000 different cat memes.
Also if you want to support this blog, please buy me a coffee HERE ♡
Top Supporters ♡
Mei H 🐱(Thank you so much for the full collection of Heartstopper books x13 coffees)
Anon Supporter 🐈(Thank you so much for 5 coffees)
Anon Supporter 🐱 (Thank you so much for 3 coffees)
House of Cat Lovers🐈 (Thank you so much for 3 coffees)
Anon Supporter 🐱 (Thank you so much for 2 coffees)
Ruth D🐈(Thank you so much for 1 coffee)
Sheye🐱 (Thank you so much for 1 coffee)
Anon Supporter🐈(Thank you so much for 1 coffee)
Much love for you, xoxo♡
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sandara-and-coco · 6 months
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I just wanted to say that I'm in love with Sandara, and I miss her greatly.🐚
That's all. Thank you.
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Hani, your kind words means the world—thank you so much! ❤️
Sadly the pace of life outside the fandom has kept me very occupied, limiting my Sandara content creation...Yet, it brings me great joy to know you missed her and that she doesn't slowly fade into oblivion and end up forgotten lol (she miss Daphne too ♡)
I still have some delightful surprises prepared for Sandara and her little family in the near future I’m really excited (and a bit anxious) to share!
In the meanwhile you can enjoy this festive Sandara and Coco inspired by the latest yakmel outfit set 🐮
Wishing you the most wonderful moments during this year-end festivities 🌟
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healer-pop · 29 days
god I cannot even tell u how much they would be all over that. bc listen, this act is so sensual and intimate and that’s something Venture is all about. It’s the feeling of fullness, of pressure against the inner most part of you, while you’re basically pressed against your partner and the endorphins it releases is just… wow. unmatchable.
Virgin Venture would go absolutely speechless at the feeling. They would be completely at your mercy, their brain just wouldn’t be able to comprehend the sensation. Honestly, if they’re still being bratty and talking big, it’s the only way to shut them up. A KO. They’d stare up at you with wide eyes, mouth falling open, just completely helpless at the pleasure being rocked through their body right now. Their hands on your shoulders leaving beautiful crescent moons via blunt nails, their own form of tattooing themself upon you. As you fix your gaze on them, breathing whispers of praise on their cheeks, the tears take their place, starting to fall. Wet streams that leave their skin glistening without the two of you realizing, “U-uhng- m-more. More, please, fuck, m-more?”
It’s almost completely guttural sounds, a few words you can pick out mixed into the noise being a couple of strung together letters that Venture can actually remember right now. Anything else that spills from their lips is just gasping babble, punched straight from their lungs.
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A Venture with a bit more experience is still in cloud nine, but has more control over their brain function. Their face is blissed out, seeing more colors than humanly possible, staring straight into the ceiling because anything else would be too overwhelming.
Their voice still hitches in places as they talk, “A-aah… yes, yes, cariño. So fucking good. You’re- you’re so deep in me… So deep. I feel so filled up by you. Mm… I- I want you to move. Hard, ok? Wanna… wanna feel you tomorrow too.”
Loose arms, tossed over your neck like a shawl. You lean down to kiss their neck, savoring the moan it pulls as you lick off salty sweat from their heated skin. Their legs pull you in as tight as they can, every time you give a vicious thrust to their cunt. You live for the way Venture shuts their eyes, the broken moans that they hand out shattered by your pace.
They’re completely relaxed in your arms despite the bruising fuck you’re currently delivering to them right now. Open to your desires, putty in your hands. You could line hickies up on their neck. Fuck, play tic tac toe with it, they couldn’t care less. All they can think about is the way your cock hits their cervix every time you push in.
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You might literally drive them wild. Expect their clinginess to drive up 500% because getting fucked like that? Yeah, no. Their body suddenly craves everything about you. Your scent, your warmth, your presence. It’s like an undeniable itch that they need to scratch, can’t get through the day with out having some sort of physical contact with you. Like all their hormones are secreting some sort of need. Maybe due to their fucked out state that you created, the way they just completely imprinted on you as theirs… Like, they are hanging off of you the next day.
Many others try and attempt to talk to Venture, but don’t get very far since they’re still not completely able to formulate full thoughts. They chalk it up to poor sleep and let Venture be, but it makes you smile to know the full story.
They snuggle into your neck as you try to get paperwork done, try and pull you into sharing their jacket. They’ve always been affectionate but this feels… different. Almost as if they are gently floating down from sub space, using the physical touch to ease the transition. You allow it, of course, but it’s definitely a plus to have a snugglebug on your arms the next day.
Yeah. Venture definitely likes when you cervix kissing them, but would probably ask that you save it for when they DON’T need to be a single person. Or, you know, have a brain the next day.
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foursaints · 1 month
saints im addicted to your blog… like you are so interesting
i'm super addicted to going on my computer so this is a super beneficial arrangement . i think
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xbraveheartx · 9 months
I was reading the post under your screenshots of Romeo. I'm curious. What is your theory on Romeo's death? Before he became a puppet?
Hmmm... I gave this some thought, so bear with me on this! Hear me out:
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If we look at his skin here, prior to the explosion that burnt him... you'll see he still has kinda... dark spots on him? And his dialogue during the fight is very flame oriented.
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Not to mention his Ergo, the very reflection of his heart, is titled "Burnt-White King's Ergo" and while it feels sorta like a copout, I feel like just maybe Romeo was victim to a fire. Krat was kinda burnt to the ground in a lot of places, after all. Subject 826 says so himself! And I really don't think he just means the newly burnt Opera House.
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There's also the fire in the main section of Rosa Isabelle Street. So what I'm saying is... maybe... Romeo, after Carlo's death, graduated and became a Stalker himself. Remember, Carlo gave Romeo his own graduation pendant, meaning... Romeo hadn't graduated yet! Is Romeo maybe a grade behind? Younger? Less experienced, and therefore, made to stay longer? Who knows... But in the end, maybe, perhaps, as his duty to the people, he was helping people in, specifically, Rosa Isabelle Street? And got overwhelmed by the puppets there and died in a fire/burning building? (Leaning towards burning building, because his face prior to explosion doesn't look charred... just kinda dusty. So maybe a building collapse?)
Also, I'm comfortable saying he died at Rosa Isabelle Street because it's there that we find the "Notes from an Experiment" document!
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His body had to have been close enough to drag into the Opera House in secret to experiment on, y'know? So I'm thinking maybe it's definitely his resting place (twice over, oof). It'd also be really sad if he really didn't even realize he had died? Like the death had been instantaneous.
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"When the boy opened his eyes..." As in, one moment he was okay, and the next?? He was... not where he thought he would suddenly wake up at. Kinda my take on that...
This was extremely long, I apologize for that!! But thank you for the question!!!! ♡ It's loving Romeo hours up in here, he died trying to do what's right, I'm standing by that!!! How he took it upon himself to use his new found power to fight against the disease and alchemists just says enough of his character to say he definitely died being a hero!!
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frogchiro · 9 months
Don't let people tell you what to write. If you don't want write a male reader don't, they can find someone else who can do it or cry about it. Don't force yourself to make content you don't want to make! It won't be fun or even enjoyable out yourself first over random people on the Internet. 🫶
I mean it's really not that big of a deal really😭 because I technically could and would write for a male reader no problem but I just don't really want to deal with the possible drama of a female writer writing for males.
I mean, look how some people reacted to hybrids, I really don't need a second coming of andrew tate come here on my blog and spew misogynistic shit and tell me to kill myself just bc I wrote a reader who has a dick and is reffered to as he 😭
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hisui-dreamer · 5 months
ok so i accidentally forgot about these messages cuz i got really sick lol, but i wanted to reply to some of these so here's a two week late response!!
this post is a bit long so sorry about that!!
also im sorry if i confused anyone for anyone else ahaha, if you'd like to be tagged, you can comment below so i can identify you!!
this is part 1!
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@somany-fandoms-solittle-time i think this is you? correct me if im wrong hehe
thank you so much!! i always love seeing you pop up in my notifs haha, i hope you'll have a great year too!!!🎉🎊🎊
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@amaribelt im always so so so happy when i talk to you mari💕💕!!! i love seeing the stuff you send me hahaha! dw you're more fun than imposter jade hehe
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@v-anrouge i hope this was the letter you mentioned hehe
hello love!! i adore the ornament you picked! it's so cute that i want to cradle it in my hands!! ahaha, maybe for next year, i should crochet some mushroom ornaments for you, i'd love to hear about what mushrooms you'd like.
id be so honoured to celebrate with your family! your invitation is most welcome and i can't wait to visit coral sea again! i should prepare some gifts for your family, would you mind telling me what they'd like?
(don't worry you did great with jade!! this was such a sweet letter i loved it so so much lakdhsjksla💕✨)
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im glad they could cheer you up!! thank you for your sweet wishes, i hope you'll have a great year ocean!!
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@azulashengrottospiano aubbie!!! this was so sweet i couldn't stop smiling aldhhakahdka. i know we don't talk as much now but im still so excited to see you on my feed and see what new fictional guy is spinning in your head hahaha. i feel like i can always go to you for advice and it's like you're a trustworthy older sister hehe. thank you so much for being you and always being so enthusiastic and welcoming!! im so glad i met you haha💕💕
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aww thank you!! im glad to be contributing to the fandom haha!!
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@spadecentral BITES YOU BACK!!! have a great year eli💕🎉🎉
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hi moca! thank you for the message!! im glad my portrayal of the twst bois and my silliness could bring you joy hehe!! also you like my diction🥹💕💕 that's such a compliment omg thank you!! it makes me so happy my fic could cheer you up! i hope my writing will continue to be a source of comfort for you💕💕 have a great year!
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@dove-da-birb it's funny you say get plenty of rest cuz i ended up getting a fever 💀 ANYWAYS i hope you enjoyed the holidays and you'll have a great year elder sibling💕
also idk man the twst bois are weird 😭
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@amaribelt im assuming this is you??
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maiiuelle · 29 days
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omg imagine having a cute little girl's night with bf!rafe (he was forced into it) and putting a face mask on him, doing skincare with him and getting him to paint your nails... he ends up enjoying it much more than he thought he would, despite his grumpy attitude in the beginning
He tries to braid your hair as the both of you are sitting on your bed, your legs crossed as you close your eyes and just take in the feeling of his calloused hands on your hair trying to be as gentle as possible with you, the song 'Oh to be in love' by Kate Bush faintly playing from your bluetooth speaker. He's murmuring sweet little things into your ear while he's doing it too, and when he's done he devours your face with kisses on your nose, temples, chin, lips, neck..
(sorry this was supposed to be a request but I got a bit carried away.. I'M FEELING ROMANTIC, OKAY? TwT)
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OMG OMG OMG this is so cute i love it!! 🥺
rafe was grumpy to begin with, having dealt with a very long week full of meetings. your solution to his stress is to have a spa day! it always works for you, and you know if he just gives it a shot, he’ll feel so much better. rafe being rafe thinks the idea is stupid at first, complaining on the way to sephora. “see, i don’t think i’m really understanding here, baby — how’s a goddamn face mask gonna fix my deal that just went under? huh?”
“rafe! would you just give it a try? just trust me, okay?” you bat your lashes at him, a sweet smile dawning your cheeks. you swipe his card to buy all sorts of new sheet masks, moisturizers, sprays and lotions. you were going to make sure tonight was perfect!
he doesn’t admit it at first, but having you sat on his lap smoothing a calming lavender sheet mask over his face is pretty relaxing. you even brought out your jade roller to massage it in, humming softly to yourself as he leans his head back and closes his eyes. you smile now that he’s not looking, biting your lower lip in silent victory. “mm, it is pretty nice, hm?”
“shutup — n’keep going.”
rafe would definitely want to do something to return the favor later that night, insisting he can stay a little later and help you fall asleep. you’re sitting in between his legs under the sheets, back to his chest so he can braid your hair while kate bush plays in the background. for once, he’s really gentle, using his thick fingers to comb through your hair and carefully untangle any knots. “so pretty baby, n’so sweet. what’d i do to deserve a girl like you, huh?” he puts the finished braid over your shoulder, letting his hand linger there to pull you flush against his chest. you just smile up at him, his eyes stuck on your soft lips as he comes down for a kiss. but he doesn’t stop there, heating up the kiss and trailing down your neck and shoulders, then coming back to litter them all over your face.
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Ahehehem, I wish to tell you something; First things first, I hope you know everyone down below (from you) adores you very much. You are such a unique being, a very sweet, loving, caring, and adorable one too! I think you are a literal angel, you're in the clouds and live up there, only the purest souls could end up there! No wonder why you aren't on earth, the earth is too wicked for such a sweet tender soul like you to be on. I also hope you know that you make so many people's days brighter and better. I bet the others up there with you would love you just as much as we do if they were awake. You're so strong and brave, braver than you think you are. Just seeing your sweet smile would make a hurt soul's day. You deserve so much love.. Love you so much!! Thank you for being here for us all. 🤗💕
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madame-fear · 2 months
🪐 and 🛼 my love go for it !!
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
my family, my moots, my work! ♡
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
😱📞🏃‍♂️🌃 🫂 ( it’s one of your requests, my angel !! ALMOST FINISHED AAA 💗 )
→ writer truth & dare ask game! ♡
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wiredsmi1e · 4 months
WARNING , if my old discord acc messages you like the following , DO NOT ANSWER ! it's not me , its the person who hacked me last month. block & report the acc !!! don't let them fool you ♡♡♡
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wulfhalls · 2 months
no the official max account posting this 2012 era fan video of daemyra. sidenote the art of the relationship journey video has been lost...
I see hbo nordic intern got a promotion and is doing gods work on main now 😭😭😭
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fear-is-truth · 4 months
jackie… honey… my GOD.
i know i told you this not too long ago - but your writing leaves me speechless EVERY. TIME. every time. it’s INSANE literally.
you deserve so much love on your work it’s not even funny.
just saw this in my inbox and—
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lippythepup · 4 months
Woof :D
Woof woof woo woof! (Hello for you too!)
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