healer-pop · 17 days
god I cannot even tell u how much they would be all over that. bc listen, this act is so sensual and intimate and that’s something Venture is all about. It’s the feeling of fullness, of pressure against the inner most part of you, while you’re basically pressed against your partner and the endorphins it releases is just… wow. unmatchable.
Virgin Venture would go absolutely speechless at the feeling. They would be completely at your mercy, their brain just wouldn’t be able to comprehend the sensation. Honestly, if they’re still being bratty and talking big, it’s the only way to shut them up. A KO. They’d stare up at you with wide eyes, mouth falling open, just completely helpless at the pleasure being rocked through their body right now. Their hands on your shoulders leaving beautiful crescent moons via blunt nails, their own form of tattooing themself upon you. As you fix your gaze on them, breathing whispers of praise on their cheeks, the tears take their place, starting to fall. Wet streams that leave their skin glistening without the two of you realizing, “U-uhng- m-more. More, please, fuck, m-more?”
It’s almost completely guttural sounds, a few words you can pick out mixed into the noise being a couple of strung together letters that Venture can actually remember right now. Anything else that spills from their lips is just gasping babble, punched straight from their lungs.
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A Venture with a bit more experience is still in cloud nine, but has more control over their brain function. Their face is blissed out, seeing more colors than humanly possible, staring straight into the ceiling because anything else would be too overwhelming.
Their voice still hitches in places as they talk, “A-aah… yes, yes, cariño. So fucking good. You’re- you’re so deep in me… So deep. I feel so filled up by you. Mm… I- I want you to move. Hard, ok? Wanna… wanna feel you tomorrow too.”
Loose arms, tossed over your neck like a shawl. You lean down to kiss their neck, savoring the moan it pulls as you lick off salty sweat from their heated skin. Their legs pull you in as tight as they can, every time you give a vicious thrust to their cunt. You live for the way Venture shuts their eyes, the broken moans that they hand out shattered by your pace.
They’re completely relaxed in your arms despite the bruising fuck you’re currently delivering to them right now. Open to your desires, putty in your hands. You could line hickies up on their neck. Fuck, play tic tac toe with it, they couldn’t care less. All they can think about is the way your cock hits their cervix every time you push in.
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You might literally drive them wild. Expect their clinginess to drive up 500% because getting fucked like that? Yeah, no. Their body suddenly craves everything about you. Your scent, your warmth, your presence. It’s like an undeniable itch that they need to scratch, can’t get through the day with out having some sort of physical contact with you. Like all their hormones are secreting some sort of need. Maybe due to their fucked out state that you created, the way they just completely imprinted on you as theirs… Like, they are hanging off of you the next day.
Many others try and attempt to talk to Venture, but don’t get very far since they’re still not completely able to formulate full thoughts. They chalk it up to poor sleep and let Venture be, but it makes you smile to know the full story.
They snuggle into your neck as you try to get paperwork done, try and pull you into sharing their jacket. They’ve always been affectionate but this feels… different. Almost as if they are gently floating down from sub space, using the physical touch to ease the transition. You allow it, of course, but it’s definitely a plus to have a snugglebug on your arms the next day.
Yeah. Venture definitely likes when you cervix kissing them, but would probably ask that you save it for when they DON’T need to be a single person. Or, you know, have a brain the next day.
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francarieq · 2 months
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doumadono · 10 months
can i request Douma with a tsundere (fem!) s.o! i think that'd be so funny:> <3 i'll leave the type of fic up to u if that's ok! do whatever u feel fits best<3
ily girl<3 thank u for everything u deserve this milestone the absolute most
Douma & tsundere s/o - headcanons
A/N: thank you once again, darling! I love you too and I'm so happy we met! My little, lovely bean! ♥ Since you didn't choose the prompt, I went with "jealousy" in a headcanon format
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At first, Douma found your tsundere behavior somewhat bothersome. Your constant rejections hurt him, making him wonder if you disliked him or saw through his cheerful exterior to his true demon nature.
Douma's unwavering friendliness towards everyone often stirs up feelings of jealousy within you. While you're aware that there might not be a valid reason for your distress, the radiant smiles he bestows upon his followers manage to ignite a sense of turmoil within your heart.
As you observe Douma's disciples gathering around him, seeking advice and getting overly close with hands touching, a surge of intense anger engulfs you. Who do they think they are, daring to touch him in such a familiar manner? He belongs to you, even if you still didn't claim your feelings to him, and the audacity of anyone else to touch him stirs your fury.
"Hey, I noticed you glaring at me with such anger in your eyes during the meeting with my people. Is there something bothering you?" Douma inquires as he approaches you one evening.
"You've misunderstood what you saw," you say icily, struggling to suppress your response. The sound of Douma's chuckle from behind only succeeds in further elevating your temperature.
Some of Douma's fellow followers assured him that you actually had feelings for him, but your hot-headed nature made it difficult for you to show it.
Douma persistently approaches you, disregarding your attempts to distance him — his determination never wavers.
Occasionally, your insults sting Douma's emotions (surprisingly, he has grown capable of feeling), causing him brief moments or even hours of withdrawal, but he bounces back swiftly.
Whenever jealousy creeps in, Douma usually has a knack for defusing the tension and bringing comfort to your emotions.
As your relationship progresses, Douma notices you gradually becoming more comfortable with expressing affection, a change he embraces wholeheartedly.
He opts not to rush anything, fully aware that hurrying might revert you to the same tsundere behaviour you exhibited at the beginning of the relationship.
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jiminrings · 3 months
had to screenshot this ask n answer bc it was so so good but i had to scratch out spoilers ... BAE THANK YEW SO MUCH !!!
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ok first of all This is so valid n second.. YER RIGHT!!!!! my mom would do the same for me too now that i think abt it and oc.. oh Gawd…. she’s such a strong soldier bc wdym ur carrying the brunt of everything by yourself and haven’t told anyone the ENTIRETYYYY of what happened between u and yoongi, except for [redacted second lead] ???? oc was still a kid and especially sensitive (who wouldn’t after seeing what she saw!!!) and raising herself so she can’t be blamed at all for stoming off that night!! i’m both the youngest child and youngest n i don’t have any sisters but if this happened to someone just as close??? i think i would Really lose it . it’s v disheartening that technically (or atleast from what i’ve posted so far hee-hee) nobody stood up for oc :( she’s REALLYYYY a successful person but given with all the talks for passion n practicality n belittling, she still looks at herself the way she’s always had even back in her town!!! Just Average … Just Staying Afloat ☹️☹️☹️ and about the brief interaction with jimin, she really deserves to be treated as such!!! that’s the energy she’s supposed to receive!!!!! the bed scene in part two… Yes that is so vile I AM SO SO SORRY!!!! thank u so so much bae for reading n loving n taking the time to send me this ask <3 i’m v grateful for people like you!! MWAHHHH ILY
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savventeen · 11 months
purple, white, grey, and black
pairing: idol!seungcheol x gn!reader rating: M wc: 2.9k summary: you're asexual and proud, and have been for a while. so why does seeing ace pride posts sometimes churn something within you? or, the one where reader talks about where/if their asexuality and trauma intersect. warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced sexual childhood abuse, (these things are only talked about in the vaguest sense but please be careful), anxiety, mentions of acephobic family members tags: asexuality, asexual reader, established relationship, dialogue-heavy, emotional hurt/comfort a/n: this is a rewrite of a fic i wrote for a bts queer introspections fic fest, and i want to preface this by saying everyone's journey with asexuality is different and the one reflected here is based purely on my own personal journey. if any of you struggle with any of the same thoughts/questions reader does, that I do, i hope this can remind you that you're not alone 💜
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jimbo the himbo @spaceace9393
just a friendly reminder: asexuality is a valid identity. it's not any kind of disorder, and it has nothing to do with disability, or trauma, or mental illness. we are not sick, or broken, or in need of "fixing.” we're just people who don't experience sexual attraction, that's it.
You stare at the tweet for a long, long time. Long enough that your phone screen dims before shutting off entirely, leaving you with only your reflection for company.
Your chest feels... you're not sure how to describe it, exactly. It might be a little bit like when you accidentally clogged the bathroom sink the other day — like there's something cold and murky sloshing around inside your lungs, bits of feelings you can't quite name sinking down to rest on something that's been building unseen for a while now.
Closing your eyes, you breathe in, slow and deep, and then release a shaky exhale. Your fingers start tap-tap-tapping away on your thigh as you realize that you kind of, maybe, really want to talk to someone right now.
You have your kakaotalk app open between one blink and the next.
cheollie? are u still at one of the hybe studios?
cheollie 🧡
yeah i'm still here not working on anything too important rn tho so you can swing by if you want i have extra ramyeon packs that soonyoung dropped off they're the spicy kind you like
You can't help but smile softly to yourself. Even though the anxiety of what you want to talk about makes your heart race, you don't think you'll ever stop being endeared by Choi Seungcheol.
cheollie ur the best ily ❤️ see u soon ~
cheollie 🧡
love you too ❤️
You quickly throw on your comfiest hoodie, threadbare and fraying at the seams, and you make your way over to the Hybe building. You also stop at a convenience store on the way, grabbing a canned coffee for each of you because you're a good partner like that.
By the time you get to the door of the studio, though, what little confidence you'd built up for yourself starts to fizzle out, replaced by the anxiety simmering on low just beneath your skin. The confusing feelings are still sloshing around inside your chest, so much so that you think about knocking even though you haven't knocked in months — not since Seungcheol started texting you the code of whatever studio he was working in at the time.
Groaning to yourself, you smack the edge of your phone against your forehead a few times before quickly punching in the code and opening the door before you can talk yourself out of it.
Seungcheol is slouched comically in the chair, head so low it's practically leaning against the armrest as his socked feet rest propped up on any empty corner of the desk. The computer's wireless keyboard is cradled against his chest and stomach, keys down, and he's using its smooth back as a makeshift mousepad. ...To play Solitaire of all things, you realize.
You stand there, just blinking for a moment as you process the image in front of you. He looks so stupid and cute and you can't help the grin that pushes against your cheeks.
"Cheol," you giggle. "What the fuck."
"Shhhhhhhh..." Seungcheol's eyes don't leave the monitor. "Don't question the process."
You snort as you finally close the door and walk over to set his canned coffee on the desk, on the opposite side his feet are propped up.
"What process?" You stand over him, folding your arms across your chest as you try to keep a straight face. Raising an eyebrow at his posture, you ask, "The one where you turn into a slouchy slug?"
"Hey!" Seungcheol swings the keyboard into your hip like he's trying to chop down a tree, making you double over even as you start giggling. "I am not a slug, how dare you!"
You just laugh louder and playfully shove his chair away from the desk. He yelps in surprise as his feet suddenly fall to the floor and he nearly topples over, and then he turns the full force of his pout upon you.
"I can't believe my very own partner is trying to kill me," he laments. "What did I do to deserve such betrayal? Did Jeonghan put you up to this?"
"Aww, poor aegi," you coo. You walk over to him and squish his cheeks between your palms so that his lips pucker out comically. "My poor little guppy wuppy."
His dark brows furrow harder and you let out an oof when he jabs you in the stomach with the wireless keyboard he'd managed to hang onto in the chaos, letting go of his face. It wasn't hard enough to hurt (never is) and you just stick your tongue out at him in retaliation.
He rolls his eyes and points to the couch. "Go have a seat, traitor."
You acquiesce with a soft snort, burying yourself in the corner while Seungcheol tidies up the studio. You pull one of the throw pillows into your lap and very quickly end up hugging it tightly to your chest.
For a few blissful moments, you'd forgotten about all of the confused, anxious things swimming around inside of you — forgotten the main reason you'd come here in the first place.
You must zone out, because the next thing you know, Seungcheol is squatting in front of you and trying to catch your eye, one hand gently squeezing your knee. "Hey, Y/n-ah. You doing okay over here? Want me to take you home?"
His eyes are wide and earnest, worry lightly furrowing his brow, and you will never cease to be grateful for how much he embodies unconditional care and comfort.
Shaking your head, you reach out to clasp the hand on your knee. "No, 'm fine." You tug on his hand, a silent request to come sit next to you. "Just wanna talk to you, if that's okay."
"Of course it's okay," he promises. "Always."
When he sits, he leaves a sliver of space between the two of you, leaving it up to you to decide how much (if any) physical comfort you want right now. That simple, little act of thoughtfulness is like the glimpse of a lighthouse amidst the storm that's brewing within your ribcage, and it gives you the courage you need to hoist your metaphorical sails and let the wind take you where you need to go.
You waste no time in anchoring yourself to Seungcheol's side, throwing your legs over his lap and burying your face into his collarbone.
"Hey, jagiya, hey, you're okay," he soothes automatically. His hands come up to wrap around you, pulling you close and rubbing soothing arcs up and down your back. "You're okay. I'm here to listen, yeah? I'm here."
He doesn't say anything else after that, just settles a bit more into the couch and waits for you to speak, always so full of patience when it counts.
It does take a while for you to say anything, mostly because you don't really know where to start. There's still so much swirling around inside you, murky and confusing, that you're not really sure if there is a start.
And a part of you wonders if it's even worth opening up your mouth at this point — the same part of you that's always walked hand-in-hand with your shame and doubt.
But Seungcheol's breathing is a steady rise and fall against your chaotic thoughts, his heartbeat a siren song reminding you that he has always held your hopes and dreams and fears and questions oh so carefully in the palms of his hands.
Eventually, you realize that it doesn't really matter where you start as long as you jump in. So jump you do. "Cheol?"
"Do— do you remember when I came out to you and the rest of the group as ace?"
" 'Course I do," he assures warmly, giving you a small squeeze. "Still so proud of you."
You hum happily. But your anxiety is making you feel fidgety again, so you pull one of Seungcheol's arms down into your lap so you can play with his long, sturdy fingers. He lets you do it without complaint, and something within you settles.
You let yourself breathe in, breathe out.
"After you guys," you start, bending and unbending his fingers one by one, "the first person I ever came out to was my mom, you know? And it's— it wasn't that she wasn't supportive. Or like, I think she was trying to be supportive, at least, but." You take a breath. "Do you wanna know what the first words out of her mouth were, after I told her that I was ace?"
Seungcheol hums an encouragement, pulling you impossibly closer with the one arm he still has wrapped around your back. You take another breath, uncurling all of his fingers and holding the spread-out digits in both hands, almost like you're going to try and read his palm.
You breathe in, breathe out. "She said— without any hesitation, she said, 'Oh, is it because of your trauma?'"
You feel the way Seungcheol tenses beneath you, watch the way his fingers twitch between yours like he's trying not to curl them into a fist.
"And I didn't know how to respond to that," you continue, keeping your eyes down, "so I just said 'I don't know, probably.'" You give the same little helpless shrug you'd given then, small and defeated, and you use the motion to hunch your shoulders a little more.
"Y/n-ah. That's..." Seungcheol starts, voice a little rough around the edges like he's trying to keep some big emotion from breaking through. "I can't imagine what that must've felt like."
And you know, you know, that he's filling in the blanks. That he's taking the words 'trauma' and 'asexuality' and drawing conclusions that probably aren't too far from the truth.
You grip his hand tightly between yours and tuck it against your chest like a child clings to a favorite stuffed animal; he presses a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. You both breathe — in, out.
"Yeah. It didn't— it didn't feel great," you admit, an understatement. "And she's not the only one, either. Every single family member I've come out to, every single one of them— that question has always been the first thing to come out of their mouth."
The faces of those family members flash before you, all carrying the same expression — pity, one etched so deep it felt (feels) almost condescending. "Is it because of your trauma?" "Is it because of what happened to you? Did he make you like this?"
"And I just..." You flail the hand not clutching Seungcheol's, searching for a way to put into words what you've been feeling for so, so long. "I have this knowledge living inside me at all times that, to the family members that I'm out to— they'll never see my asexuality as something to celebrate. All they will ever see is my trauma and how this part of myself is something that comes from a broken place."
You think about the tweet from earlier, the hundreds of others you've seen like it, and feel tears begin to gather.
Sniffling, you continue. "And then I'll go on the internet and see all kinds of ace pride and posts about how we're valid and don't need to be fixed and... and I know that. Logically, I know that my ace-ness isn't something that needs to be changed, isn't something that could change, even if I wanted it to, but..."
For so, so long, you have had no idea how to finish that sentence. And it feels like some kind of defeat when you realize you still don't have an answer. "...I don't know," you shrug, helplessly.
Seungcheol presses another kiss to the top of your head, staying silent like he knows you still have more to say. He keeps a steady rhythm of slowly rubbing his free hand up and down your back, a tactile metronome for you to follow.
After a few minutes, you continue with a sigh. "About once a year, I'll talk with my aunt, and she never fails to ask if I'm "still ace" and... I just..." You cut yourself off with a frustrated groan.
"S'okay, aegi," Seungcheol whispers, squeezing the hand you're still holding close to your chest.
"Sometimes it feels like my ace-ness is tainted, you know?"
Even as the sentence feels punched out of you, it's such a bitter relief to finally admit it out loud. Because even though you've never really let yourself put it into words, you are finally able to recognize that this is one of the murky feelings that has been weighing you down — collecting in your subconscious like debris in the gutter. "And it's why bringing up my past can be so difficult for me. Because I'm so scared that people will go from just accepting my asexuality to thinking 'Ah, that explains it.' Like I just gave them the missing piece to a puzzle or something, when before it was just a part of who I am.
"And there's also a part of me that feels like... I don't know, that I'd just be adding fuel to the fire for all the people who like to shit on asexuality. That I'm just an example of why people who think they're ace are just traumatized and need therapy. But... I think I would have always been ace, no matter what happened or didn't happen to me as a kid. And I just...
"I don't know, Cheol," you croak, the tears you've been trying so hard to keep in finally starting to cascade down your cheeks. "I don't know how to feel anymore. I don't know where to fit. If I fit. If it even matters whether I fit or not."
And really, now that you've talked it out a bit, it essentially boils down to one thing.
"I guess— I guess what I'm saying is that I just want to be able to feel like I can be ace and a little bit broken at the same time. That I can be a work in progress and still something... worth celebrating."
You tuck your free hand into the sleeve of your hoodie and use it to wipe away the tears that are still falling. Seungcheol's next exhale shudders a little bit out of his chest, and then he's letting go of your hand so he can cradle your jaw and tenderly wipe at the tears himself.
"Hey, jagiya, will you look at me, please? Will you let me look at you?"
You nod, the lump in your throat having doubled in size between one moment and the next, and he gently lifts your chin until you're eye-to-eye.
"There you are," he murmurs, with a sad lopsided smile. You notice he has tear tracks of his own, and looking into his big, glassy eyes aches and soothes in equal measure. "I'm going to tell you something very important, so I need you to listen carefully, okay? Can you do that for me?"
Again, you nod, swallowing thickly.
Seungcheol's expression quickly melts into something serious. Not something scary, but something solid — a firm foundation for you to rely on.
"Y/n L/n. You will always, always be something worth celebrating. Being a work in progress is a part of life, and you and I and everyone else on this planet will be one until the day we die. I may not know all the answers, and we might never find the ones we're looking for, but if I know anything, it's this: not a day has gone by since getting to know you that I am not so, so incredibly proud of you — of the person that you are and that you are continuously becoming. More than I can really put into words."
You think you could drown in all of the love and support and affection pouring out of Seuncheol, overwhelming you in the best way. It's like your heart has capsized and all of the ooey-gooey feelings are flooding in, pulling you down deeper, deeper, deeper still.
But you've hit your emotional threshold for the day and decide to cut the moment the best way you know how. "Even when I'm an annoying little shit?" you choke out past your now-stuffed nose.
Seungcheol laughs wetly and wraps his arms around you again, tilting you both over so you're both mostly lying down on the couch. "I think maybe especially then," he murmurs, mostly to himself. Louder, he says, "I think we've earned ourselves a nice nap, what do you think?"
You think that sounds heavenly, and you both adjust your positions until you're comfortable and you can feel sleep pulling at your consciousness. Before you let it claim you, though, you take a few moments to breathe.
It feels a bit easier than before, the breathing. The stuff sloshing around inside your lungs doesn't feel as murky as it did before, doesn't feel as suffocating now that you've been able to bale some of it out. You don't have any more answers than you did before, but you have a bit more peace.
And as you finally drift off to Seungcheol's quiet, snuffling snores, you think that having a bit more peace might be enough for now.
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zorkaya-moved · 5 months
me @ tumblr rpc: YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLOT WITH OCs and it shows.
And you know what? That happens. Plotting is hard. Honestly? Hate plotting so much if I don't know a person these days because I just feel overly anxious and ramble. So yeah, anyhow... Let me share some personal thoughts! THIS DOES NOT TOUCH ON PEOPLE WHO TAKE THEIR TIME, PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME IN PLOTTING AND PLEASE DO EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN PACE! THIS IS A HOBBY AND THIS IS SOMETHING WE DO FOR FUN! This is based solely on some of my own experiences with SOME plotting (not all ofc!) as a woman oc writer in 2022-2023. I've had fantabulous experience with plotting and not so much. Please know you're valid, Ily, thank you for bearing with my burnt out ass in plottings. Mwah. Stay winning.
We all suffer from the collective dead brain cell syndrome when it comes to plotting any interaction, but do you know what kind of sucks and makes little ol' me tinsy bit bitter at the end of 2023 after going through countless people who just ignored my plotting proposals when I gave a ton of ideas? And what I'm going to call out just a tiny bit as a woman oc writer?
You can get into wikipedia and seek out information about a canon character to figure out some ideas on plots if you don't know the fandom, but do you do the same for OCs? 'Cuz OCs are sure as hell the very same 'canons from fandoms I don't know' type of situation.
Do you reach out to the CREATOR who can answer all your questions no matter how miniscule they can be? We, OC writers, are ready to give you the deep lore if you ask.
Do you check out about pages or headcanon pages? Hell, some of us have DETAILED NAVIGATION PAGES FOR VERSES! Is your OC or Canon from there? Check it out! Read! Find what interests YOU or if you didn't find something? Just ask the WRITER! Simple, innit? God, Imma be real, some of y'all gonna get my DMs like 'Listen, I can't find if you have this hc, could you please link it to me?' because I want info for plot ideas and if you do the same to me? I kiss u platonically.
Lemme give you a Done For You plotting thoughts you can use on how to plot with OCs, ladies and gents and nonbinary folks!
Do you have a specific dynamic you WANT for your character? Perhaps, you see a villain OC and want smth toxic to try out - ASK. Or you see an OC that might be a fun friend or neighbor or any other more positive dynamic - ASK. Inquire each other about what DYNAMICS you're open to. Oh you open to all? Sick. PUT DOWN YOUR BOUNDARIES FIRST. BOTH SIDES. SPEAK YOUR BOUNDARIES.
Do you have verses both of your characters are in? Be it OC & OC or Canon & OC? Noice, discuss all possible connections your characters might have! Offer ideas! Offer thoughts! The worst thing another can say is 'no'. And if so? COUNTLESS POSSIBILITIES. Yummy possibilities. Friends, childhood friends, childhood rivals, exes, rivals, co-workers, fight on sight, live next to each other, see each other in the same fucking cafe your muse goes at 2 pm specifically and ALWAYS sees another muse there... Countless. I'm telling you.
OFFER. IDEAS. The vaguest ones will do ok too. I cannot stress this enough but as an OC writer, I've had instances where I just... Gave 5 ideas only to have someone just drop me. Fully and completely. Not the 'I'll reach out to you later I need to think about this' but just full on 'wow this is too much plotting and I don't want to invest that much time' like it sucks. It sucks being the only person offering possible dynamics, ideas, even funny ones in some cases! I'm so burnt out from plotting dynamics because I keep. Offering. Ideas. But I don't have the same feedback loop. More like I have 0 feedback in the instances I dive into possibilities which burnt me out from plotting altogether, closing plotting possibilities with those who may actually be the same kind of insane as I am. And it sucks. Bless you all who give vague ideas or not vague ideas. Love you. You're fucking champions.
BE OPEN TO ASKING QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS, HOLY SHIT, PLEASE. Please never forget to ask "Hey, how would you feel about this scenario?" or "Would your character be in this kind of situation? Maybe that's how they met and started hanging out?" or "Oh, how about us trying out this type of dynamic and see where it goes?" or anything, really.
Anyways, this is just my 2 am psa because yeah why not. December sucks ass so why not speak out my thoughts at the end of 2023 to enter 2024 with sunglasses and cool Women OCs Propaganda I will continue preaching. You're all welcome to reblog this.
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tojisun · 6 months
I have sm to say I HAVE SO MANY WORDS TO SAY !!
I’m literally in love w the way you write; the imagery and the subtle little details like Simon washing his hands before climbing into bed (period cramp fic) and the initials along the gloves. The little squeezes and making sure everything is perfect when w him. Like what if I licherally died of a heart attack rn bc of you?!?!
BUT ITS NOT ONLY THAT: I can’t even begin to explain how obsessed I am w soft, sweet Simon - and the way you write him has me going WILD. ITS NOT FAIR. You capture how I imagine him so well it’s not even funny. Even in the first meeting fic he was so sweet like my man is a GOOD MAN. me when I find more people writing sweet and tender Simon: 💍
this was literally a rant bc your writing makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, like eating a bowl of warm soup on a cold day, esp w the way you capture feelings and describe them so well !! - I’m probably (definitely) gonna be re-reading everything bc I love it. You have a piece of my heart now - lovedove heart.
OH MY LOVE YOU HAVE MY ABSOLUTE HEART!! this is too heartwarming, im actually giggling n kicking my legs!! im so sorry for how late im replying :(( but
thank you so, so much
i crave a love that is so tender that i write about it. so im glad, truly truly glad, that u (guys) love it 🥹
it’s just, the way he cares yk? it makes me feel illll. to be at the receiving end of something so tender and so gentle and so soft? ahhhhhhhh
and pls heres also a ring 💍 from me to you because i love u so much!! its just, the way ur words made me feel so full w giddiness and love, and the way i feel so touched about how u (guys) love my works, and the assurance that simon isnt too ooc, and its such a kind validation. im so so thankful my sweet love
ALSO! im glad and super thankful that my works can be such a comfort ^v^ i will do my best to do more!! thank you again my sweet starlight <333
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celestie0 · 13 days
HALLO ELLIE!!! proud to say ive successfully managed to move on from my situationship! hope u don’t mind me rambling about this guy.
let’s call him f since that’s his initial. F and I have been friends since primary sch, he eventually had to move because his dad passed away. Anyways, two years ago we started talking again because his family visited mine. Long story short, things were complicated because we had been flirting a lil bit and he also said that ‘if you flirt with other guys, I’ll starve myself’ which Icked me so BAD. He did apologised .Last year, I ‘happy birthday’ed my way into his life and started talking again because I really did miss him, he’s my childhood best friend after all. After like two weeks? I don’t remember anymore💔 He told me he loved me and i was happy to say it back to him. (I was such a fool😭) I remember being giggly and all. On 23rd August we got into a fight because we planned to meet up and i said to him ‘okay I’m nervous. I don’t think I wanna meet up’ which made him mad. MIND YOU! we were in planning stages. i didn’t cancel on him on the day itself! I had lots of things going on at that time so him just casually saying I was PLAYING him made me so upset. He had the cheek to tell me ‘ily’ because honestly I hate when people start getting all affectionate after a fight. I hope you get it😭 the next month went okaaay until 23rd sep. (23 is like a curse at this point💔💔) I confronted him on why he hasn’t been saying ‘ily’ back it may seem something small but I hate not getting it back like excuse me? AND HE SAID TO ME ‘my ex was the only one who managed to make me feel loved’ I CRIED SO BADDD!!!! how could he say that after everything I’ve did for him. smh. yada yada things went on and in dec we stopped talking. I really did liked talking to him and all but it was too much. There was certain moments where I felt like he was just using me cause I wanted him. The times where we sexted (no nudes were exchanged, just texts.) though we did call because he wanted to hear me moan. not my proudest moments, I don’t wanna be begging for a guy’s attention again. I genuinely loved him with my whole heart :((
IM SO SORRY 4 RAMBLING ON!!!! I needed to let this out so badly 🤒❤️‍🩹 love u sm ellie
— frank ocean anon
hiii my love <3 omg GASP i’m so proud of uuu situationships are hell on earth i hope you feel at peace now!!
PLS YOU’re SO REAL FOR GETTING THE ICK OVER THAT!! i swear jealousy is only attractive w fictional men ✋🏼😭 it is NOT a cute look for actual men slsldkfjfh imo its a lil overbearing n strange haha
aww thats sad hun u guys are like childhood best friends so i imagine it was still tough not speaking :(( WOW he said i love youu n you said it backk. its ok bb if it was a happy thing in the moment then it can stay that way in your memory regardless of how stuff turned out in the end :”) be kind to yourself <3
ahhh yea thats 🚩 the whole getting mad cuz you cancelled…and no i totally get that, i hate that sort of “love bombing” after a fight, it just comes off as in-genuine. thats so valid n i relate
OH MY GOSH THE COMMENT ABOUT HIS EX ☹️☹️ WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT…some things you should just keep to your fuckin self. thats awful im sorry love 🥲🥲 you deserve SO much better than that
it’s okkk bb, you knew him a long time n even apart from relationship/situationship, there was still a friendship there too. you can really love someone but also realize theyre bad for you, those two can coexist. i’m so proud of you for realizing you deserve better than someone who makes you feel like you’re being used! no one should ever feel that way. take it easy bb but truuuly truly truly time will heal <3 chin up!! so many wonderful experiences out there for you still my dear
- much loveee, ellie ☁️
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arsythegreat · 2 months
Random thingz I don't like:
♡ Certain zmellz - Like cherry zmellz are okay BUT ZHIT LIKE LAVENDER?? NO FUCKING THANK U
♡ Pepper - why iz it zpicy wtf????
♡ Lip zmacking - probably one of the mozt annoying zoundz right next to mouth breathing imo
♡ Gnarpy. - i hate that ztupid fucking cat zo much iztg
♡ Ppl that go up to me and my friend when we're playing az hyperlaser and katana and go 'hypertana' - thiz one is zpecific but its rlly annoying tbh. i dont mind hypertana itzelf but like don't go up to random ppl in a game and make commentz abt it cuz thatz juzt fucking weird
♡ Ppl that go 'oh i think [non problematic thing] is cringe !!!!' - like ok?? then itz not 4 you bro you dont have 2 call it cringe just ignore it and move on
♡ Yarn blankets - i luv blanketz but like SOME YARNZ R SO ITCHY UGHHH
♡ Banhammer - i hate that dude zo much and i don't even have a valid reazon 4 it
♡ ppl that go 'i zhip it' or zmth like that when me n my friend say 'ily' - ily izn't ztricly romantic it can b uzed in a platonic manner aswell zo idk y ppl think me and my friend r together when we zay it
♡ yanderez - idk i think the yandere trope is rlly rlly weird and creepy
♡ 'oh thatz not..' under face reveal videos or zmth like that - NOT WHAT? NOT WHAT?? DONT BE ZHY FINIZH YOUR ZENTENCE DUMBAZZ
♡ I'll add more 2 thiz l8r but yeh thiz iz a lizt of random zhit i dont like
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recklesssturniolo · 6 months
i kinda want you to treat me like a slut n toss me around but then i want you to take care of me, tell me you’re proud, and love me
you cure my mommy issues
ily and i need you. i look up to you and i crave your attention/validation…
I mean I will gladly do both 😚 up to u tho
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mother-athena · 7 months
hewo mama .. im sowwy for yhe sad ask but i just need to talk abt it n u dont have to answer it if u r worried it will make others sad or if it's triggering its okie im sorry
so my older sister is moving back into my house n im vewy scawed mama . shes a very big big big meanie n its been two whole years since i havent talked to her properly im just ngh ..,, bc she used tk get my mom mad n then my mom lashed out on me and she also used to lash out on me so babys justsososoosos scared things will go back to how they were :((
im sowwy, u dont have to post or answer that ill understand completely !! i just really needed to talk about it n im not brave enough to talk to someone i know well about it
ily mama have a very ogod day ! sowsy again
Hi sweetheart... it's taken me a little longer to reply to your msg because I really wanted to have the right words to say that might help you feel better but I'm really not sure what to say here. I'm devastated that this situation is upsetting you so much and that there's tension between you and your sister... I wonder, since its been a few years, if your sister may have changed and matured since you last saw her. I know your basing most of your feelings on past experiences and that's completely valid but there's always a chance that she'll be nicer to you this time.
If that doesn't happen however, you might have to have a serious talk with her. You don't ever deserve to be treated unfairly, especially not by your family... so if she's being mean to you, you gotta be firm and tell her to stop. Try talking to your mom about it too and tell her what's been going on with your sister, maybe she can do something about it to make it stop.
I understand how upsetting this is for you though, angel, and I'm so sorry that you're even dealing with this, but I'm always here to listen if you ever need to vent about it again. 💕
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minniepetals · 8 months
I cried.. no actually, to say I just cried is an understatement. I SOBBED.. snot included. no because how do you do that,,, it actually felt like being stabbed with a knife through the chest im…. ur so talented u had my snot coming out at the first sentence. Though I really love oc being the baddest bitch out there, i also really love the vulnerable oc kinda.. idk if i can say that she was showing wmptionally unavailable actually uhm ! but loved the new chapter still ! i widh i had more to say but my mind is currently fuzzy from the essay i had just written for school and the fact that it is 2am in my country..
Will be rereading after school and getting my head striaght so i can express in more words hm ily and ur work. HM I LOVE CMAR !
and welcome back 🤧 missed u sm u have no idea i wanted to share sm things with you since ive been travelling recently but i was too scared to send a msg in! but anyways .. ill get my rest gn💤
i would literally love any updates on you and your life lmao so don't be shy!
also glad you love the new chapter! initially when i was writing the scene, there was plans for y/n to punch karl but when i got to ACTUALLY writing it, my fingers was like ☝️ nope, actually, we're making her suffer
and i was like, you know what? valid. because that's a more accurate trauma response and it makes it more sad oop 🫠
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sttoru · 10 months
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just wanted to say i’m going through the same thing you are and it’s completely natural to feel like that !! your feelings are totally valid 'n you have every right to feel that way. i just hope your anxiety passes for you at some point because as someone who struggles with the exact same thing it can be so trash at times, especially making you doubt your hard work :(
it just takes time, i’m sure it’ll pass eventually even though as of now it may seem like it won’t but it will !! you just gotta pace yourself. from what i’ve seen, so many people appreciate you and adore your work so i hope that helps you, even if it’s just a little!
but that’s all i wanted to say <3 you got this mama ⭐️💕 i’m sure you’ll be feeling good and refreshed to write in no time :)
HAIIIII KARMAAAA !!! ily bb i appreciate u coming in my inbox to write this :(((( we r fr in this together baby ☹️🙏🏽
ik it passes with time so im just gonna do my best to distract myself w other stuff and take breaks between writing drafts etcetc like writing is rlly one of my biggest hobbies but then again—the stress it comes with is NAWTTTT for the weak smhsmh but at least its worth it when i have mutuals / friends / fllwrs on here that gain something positive out if it !!! like all i wanna do is make silly fics & make ppl happy but then my brain goes ‘nu-uh’
love u bby thank u for stopping by && if u have wanna vent ever, remember im (and many others) are there 4 u!! giving u one big smooch 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 !
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
Kai I just want you to know how happy it makes me that you write gn, as a trans guy fics are pretty limited, so its awesome that not only are you an amazing author but you also write gn! ❤️
OMG UR SO WELCOME 😭🙏 gender is hard and strictly fem fics always made me uncomfortable so i’m glad u find solace in the gn 🤞 i think all fics shud just be gn unless it’s like obvious smut
also pet peeve when ppl write fem fics then the pfp of y/n is some random girl 😭 LIKE JUST USE AN ICON OF LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE
anyway mwah ily and ur valid
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abimess · 2 years
YOU are one of those writers. I've said this a lot of times and I'll say it again. You're talented, beautiful, smart, kind, has a big heart, and u make a lot of people happy. I just hope we, your regular rebloggers and commenters, at the very least make u happy in return by reblogging and commenting on your works, or chatting anonymously. You're one of those writers who crafts the characters the way they should be that doesn't seem forced or cringey or out of character. Ur fics are timeless in a way that u can go back n read them and never get fed up no matter how much u read them over and over again. Im not saying this because im secretly fishing for updates nor i am trying to make u feel better because u probably don't need other people's validation to be happy... but im saying this because it's a fact. You saved me in my darkest hours.
U dont know me, and no u dont follow me either. But you're like a friend im eternal grateful to have. Thank youuu 🤍 ily.
watch me get embarrassed and feel like im annoying or clingy for sending this after a couple of minutes.
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This made me feel so so happy thank you so much for sending this!!!! It means the world to me that my stories make you feel that way. I'm completely in love with writing and sharing it with you guys is equally special to me. I don't even know what to say, god, this made me so silly I can't! Thank you again, anon, I don't know who you are, but I love you too 💕💕💕
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acaiasahi · 2 years
crossed rn but guys... thank u so much for all the love and being so ??? open minded???? u guys have changed my life for the better and it's so crazy how much my account is growing... idk y'all are just too loving, i'm fr cryin rn lol for future me, don't feel embarrassed its what u were feeling n it's valid!!!!! ily future me!!!!! 😋😋😋
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