#that I'm obsessed with actually
sinorim-pisani · 11 months
tl;dr GHOST CORES ARE COOL YO (danny phantom word blast)
ok but like the idea of ghost cores is so fascinating to me???? idk if it’s the lore obsessed eldritch creature in my brain or what but PLEASE fanfic writers, take the helm of the danny phantom ship and steer us towards more ghost core lore!!
There’s so much exploration to be found there, in the connection between ghost cores and the Infinite Realms, and cores and d*ath circumstances, and cores and how powers or abilities manifest! 
How many different kinds of cores are there? Is it just a simple divide based on temperature i.e. cold v hot? I feel like there’s too much variation between people of the “ghost zone” and people who can form in the zone to simply leave it at a temp divide! Would it then be based on the common elements of water, earth, air, fire, and their many derivatives? In that case, where do Ancients like Clockwork and Pandora come in? ‘Time’ and ‘Space’ (in the physical, spatial sense, not the galactic sense) don’t seem to be ability types that are just thrown around willy nilly, so does that mean these two (and other Ancients) aren’t truly ghosts? and that they don’t have a real “ghost” core?
I find it so very interesting that the writers chose to give Danny frost-based abilities, and therefore a cold core. Does that decision alone technically indicate there isn’t any kind of link between core formation circumstance and resulting core type? Since Danny formed his core during an electricity-based event, would it not have made more sense to give him a heat core?? 
And then there’s Vlad! His core was technically formed during the accident with the miniature ghost portal , which didn’t seem to involve anything other then drastic exposure to ectoplasmic radiation, and then we as the fandom have taken to saying he has a heat-based core (I can’t remember if this is actually mentioned in the show). Which heat and “radiation” are sorta connected so that one actually makes sense??
I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AHH my brain just wants to throw them all at the screen rn!
Shortened List:
What actually determines the type of core a ghost forms? 
How many types of cores are there, and what are those types? How are they categorized?
What is the connection between a ghost’s core and the ghost zone? Do cores come into existence spontaneously, and tie a ghost to the zone, or is there already a core created for every creature capable of becoming a ghost, based on a yet-to-be-experienced life? 
How can a ghost’s powers/abilities manifest based on their core type? 
Does a ghost form around a core, or does the core form inside the ghost? Is a core the source of a ghost’s capital O Obsession?
Is a ghost core really equivalent to a heart? Or is it something entirely new, different?
I could definitely go on. All this to say I greatly enjoy fic writers exploring what it really means for Danny to have a “cold-type” ghost core! He’s cold all the time but he doesn’t notice, or he needs to exist in cool environments to be comfortable, or when it comes to medical aid he needs a very specifically cold physical and material environment to be treated well. He finds Frostbite to be a comforting figure and the Far Frozen feels like a second home (the first being Clockwork’s Lair) because his very core is telling him that this is what he needs, that he will be embraced best by the arms of the ice.
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tee-dohrnii · 2 months
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Based off of this post
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paxopalotls · 4 months
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The fanfictions are infecting me with brainrot oh my god have some au doodles before I explode
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tigergender · 1 year
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Hey. Don’t cry. “I fell in love with a lovely kitten. That kitten was myself.” and “I am happy because everyone loves me.” by Louis Wain, okay?
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taxinealkaloids · 1 year
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girls will literally turn their parents’ corpses into meat puppets to prevent the House of their birthright from being annexed by other powers 
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myoonmii · 15 days
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He watches him like a ghost
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justsalpals · 17 days
The newest Very Important People makes me feel like I'm losing my mind but in a surreal emotional way that's probably positive
You put rocks in the bag. You carry it as long as you can. And then you find somewhere you love and you put the rocks down.
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bishy437 · 7 months
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congratulations to moshang for being the most popular pairing of my mxtx charms! 💙 🧡
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And congratulations to Coffin!Hualian for being the overall most popular item LOL ❤️🤍
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egophiliac · 7 months
I got a really tough question.
What’s your favorite Twst event of ALL TIME?
I like Harveston
this truly is the hardest question. :( but after much consideration, I think Endless Halloween Night wins out for me, because it's nonstop Characters Being Silly the whole way through. the whole thing is just lots of these little dorks having the most ridiculous interactions, which is always my favorite! and of course the big twist is SO delightfully stupid and doubles down SO hard that it becomes AMAZING and I 100% unironically adore it. AND it's Halloween! everyone is in their cute little costumes and having a spooky adventure! it's great!
however, I am ALSO a big fan of the Harveston event! how can I not be! everyone is wearing comfy winter outfits and getting along really weirdly well with Epel's grandma and he's getting a little worried about that! my terrible loud son sews a plush squirrel and then gives it a silly little nickname and refuses to leave it behind when it breaks! the ending shot with the sled! I LOVE IT.
obviously we need the best of both worlds now
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hilacopter · 5 months
normalize liking platonic dynamics just as much as romantic dynamics. normalize being insane over characters as friends and not as a ship. normalize wanting characters to be closer platonically just as you would want them to be closer romantically (I call it platonic shipping). normalize not having characters fall in love for no reason when they were already great and compelling platonically. normalize characters doing things that are usually seen as romantic but in a platonic context. normalize writing platonic fanfiction and drawing platonic fanart. "I am insane about their friendship" can and should be common actually. amatonormativity BEGONE!
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commsroom · 1 month
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the u.s.s. horrible unending nightmare 💥 (once again from the incredible @hehearse)
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outmaww · 1 year
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broken tablet cannot stop me, my sidlink brainrot must be shared
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maddneys · 2 months
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wildflowercryptid · 8 months
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i'm about to pass out at my desk, but have this stupid ass doodle i did before i go sleep.
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shaylai · 1 month
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I would've loved it if they fought side by side 😭
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