#that it’s…. a homophobic dogwhistle ? ??
simcardiac-arrested · 2 months
if i see that damn “why can’t they just be friends not in a homophobic way but in a platonic way” post on my dash again im going to start attacking people feral hog style
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bad-wolf-circe · 9 months
michael sheen never fails to astound me. never have i seen so much homosexual energy encapsulated in a single cishet actor. by homosexual energy i don't mean how effeminate he is (bc he's about as effeminate as a regular joe i'd say) but rather the fact that if he's not playing a queer actor then he makes everything around him queer. truly amazing. i am in awe.
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apollo-cackling · 5 months
hobbydrama is generally... pretty okay considering it's reddit but sometimes you just come across a post that's like. *side-eyes*
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cookinguptales · 7 months
I told Dad about the Controversy roiling through wwdits fandom today and we talked about nandermo (as you do) and he's still mad about the end of s5 and was like "see, I could have bought it if Nandor had admitted that he was just afraid of change and liked things how they were and was afraid that Guillermo would leave if he changed him--"
and I was just like "y-yeah" like I haven't written......... many thousands of words on that exact subject. lmao
can't just be like "wow dad wanna read a time loop fic about that exact subject"
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zippers · 1 year
just found out that a former mutual of mine is a benedict cumberbatch conspiracy theorist now... new rabbit hole i went down last night about the people who astral project to benedict cumberbatch's side and see that his partner is possibly abusing him, possibly using him for clout i really couldn't tell. you know, I am glad I jumped the Sherlock ship during season 3, whew
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lilithfairen · 6 months
BG3 stans: "Oh Dragon Age is totally full of the same misogynistic, racist, and homophobic bullshit that Baldur's Gate 3 does!"
Anyone with a brain: "Examples?"
BG3 stans: "...go die op"
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chrysaorthegolden · 10 months
my boss just said I look like someone who'd be into country
never been so offended tbh
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mig-murgthenurg · 3 months
So some Helldivers 2 players have the media literacy of a fetus and are begging Arrowhead "not to add politics into the game." In this case, obviously a dogwhistle for POC and Queer stuff (Ignoring that all 3 crew members of your Super Destroyer are black.)
My response? Pride Capes.
I want Arrowhead to add Pride Capes come June and I want all of the LGBTQ Pride Flags.
I wanna see Trans Capes billow beautifully in the shockwave of an ICM.
I wanna see Non-Binary Capes decorated with the blood of an Automaton Hulk.
I wanna see Gay Capes sway majestically in the Super Destroyer which has wind to blow your capes weirdly enough.
Pride Capes!!
It'll scare away the Neanderthals and we can be left to defend Democracy in peace. Plus, they'd actually look sick as fuck.
EDIT: And just like poetry, one of ya'll was in the comments (deleted now) trying to pull the "They're the same" card, saying that if we add Trans Flags then we have to add N*zi flags for equality and that I'm calling people homophobes for not wanting any Pride flags in the game. I wish I could say I was joking.
EDIT 2: And now there's an enranged Bloodletter in the reblogs absolutely laying into me with genuinely insane logic that I'm some secret fascist and that I'm ruining their life because of this post. Why. This is just a silly little advocation for Gay Capes, man. What did I ever do to deserve this. (BTW, do block them, they're bloody insane and spiteful.)
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direquail · 7 months
You know the point of "protecting the children" dogwhistles, right? It's a reference to the idea that all queer people are child abusers. Super common belief among homophobes and transphobes, including (sometimes especially) gay ones.
It's also not just "a dogwhistle". When pressed to explain what exactly they want to protect children from, it's a ready-made emotional appeal to something that has broad social support. Most people, even if they don't like being around kids, are also not pro-child abuse. That's why conservatives go out of their way to invent (even if it's completely fictional) "reasons" why acceptance of gay and trans people amounts to child abuse. It helps them create an emotional connection with their target audience, and can be leveraged into logically ridiculous arguments like "well, if you don't agree with my platform, you must be pro child abuse, because I'm on the side of The Children".
"Protecting the children" is also super appealing to parents in particular, not because all parents are secretly authoritarians, but because it's super common to have a child and realize "Oh shit, I brought this person who can't defend themselves into the world and the world kind of sucks", and to feel horribly, horribly inadequate in the face of that.
I get very tired of people who mock, scorn, and ridicule people for falling for these rhetorical traps, or being snared by something that seems common-sense but disguises something ugly underneath. They are traps. That is what they're meant to be. That is why there are gay people who fall for anti-queer rhetoric, and get pulled into exclusionist or violently reactionary circles. We all have things we are vulnerable to, whether that is a history of being abused or a deep fear that we cannot protect our own children, who we brought into the world and are responsible for the protection of. And we gain nothing by mocking the latter.
I'm sure it makes some people feel great to say "well if you were really who you claim to be, you wouldn't fall for this shit", but frankly, that's a stupid-ass take. It misses entirely that these messages are carefully crafted by the people who hate us! They workshop these statements! They spend months or years trying to find the right message and when they find it they use the hell out of it, because it works. Because they are listening to the public conversations people are having online, and it doesn't take any level of basic agreement to be capable of regurgitating the party line word-for-word.
I am so sick of people who look at a deeply-embedded struggle over social and political ideals and think that this fight won't demand our whole brains and hearts and souls and yeah, we might fuck up because we care deeply and sometimes, people with bad intentions prey on that. On our grief and our fear and our rage.
And I'm frankly a lot more nervous around people who refuse to be aware of that, especially when they loudly mock the people who are willing to acknowledge their own fallibility and explore how they got ensnared in something. People are not moral machines, they are people.
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aropride · 19 days
⭐️ aropride Unfollow
cigarettes are bad for you i think
👎 strawman1 Follow
Some people have moral ocd and its really fucked up to moralize things like this………..
😡 strawman2 Follow
fucking puriteens trying to fascistly dictate what we do with our bodies
😣 strawman3 Follow
well its my choice to smoke and if you criticise me youre being ableist because i have autism
🚬 strawman4 Follow
theres nothing wrong with having lung cancer. my aunt had lung cancer and she was a nice person.
🙅‍♀️ strawman5 Follow
being addicted to cigarettes is actually an intrinsically queer and autistic experience. it is queer to strike a match. it is autistic to crave nicotine. saying otherwise is a homophobic dogwhistle.
💞 belovedmutual asked: are those guys bothering u king.
⭐️ aropride Unfollow
Yes very much so
💞 belovedmutual Follow
i will protect you…..
☀️ coolmutualinlaw Follow
man that aropride guy is so cool. many are saying this
🩸 hotvampireinmyarea Follow
tumblr user aropride is sooooo hot i would have crazy gay sex with that guy and then exsanguinate him. sexual style. with enthusiastic consent
⭐️ aropride Unfollow
r u free on saturday
🖤 taylorswift Follow
i have decided to kill my self
💸 superrichguy Follow
@aropride i saw youre post about cigarett, Would youlike several billion dollars
⏰ tiktokuser Follow
i wish i knew what “seggs” and “free will” were :( #fyp #foryoupage #comment4alg
🐁 worldssmallestmouse Unfollow
squeak squeak
⭐️ aropride Unfollow
i am so hot and everyone loves me
🩸 hotvampireinmyarea Follow
Can we PLEASE have crazy gay sex
⭐️ aropride Unfollow
Yes (/sexual) but only if you kill me after (/nonsexual)
😡 strawman2 Follow
i have decided to end my life in protest of the puritanical censorship that 15 year olds on the internet are doing that is directly causing a rise in fascism in america
❤️ everyoneever Follow
Thank fucking god.
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gloomyarietine · 10 months
Friendly reminder that "Hollywood elites" is an antisemetic dogwhistle for Jews/Jewish people!
For those unaware, a dogwhistle is like a term with a double meaning. A sneaky way of bringing racist/homophobic/antisemetic and otherwise bigoted language into the mainstream. Do not let them do this! Refer to these CEOs by name, or as just that. CEOs, corporate execs, etc.
Anyone who thinks this is too much to ask, kindly block me and I will do the same! I have no interest interacting with antisemites, nor those willing to spread their language.
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charlesoberonn · 9 months
"Family values" is a homophobic dogwhistle.
"Family values" means "cis and straight"
"Family values" means "same-gender relationships aren't valid"
Half of all "family values" right-wing politicians have multiple marriages and extramarital affairs but they don't see them as going against family values because those second/third/fourth marriages and affairs are straight.
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mwg-drwg · 1 year
Welcome guide for redditors
A lot of the guides I've seen don't actually seem to understand how reddit works in comparison to tumblr so I'm here to fix that
"Following" blogs is the same as "subscribing" to a "subreddit" be sure to "follow" "lots" "of" Blogs "."
You can edit other peoples posts on tumblr, to do this reblog a post and retype the entire post in the way you'd like and tag it with #edit
Reblogs are used in the same way as comments you should reblog and type your thoguhts always, be sure to @ the person who made the post or they wont see it
engage in discourse it is the best way to attract like minded followers to your profile
when engaging in discourse be sure to shoehorn in sick burns as people respond well to this
to start a new post you just need to reblog someone elses post and add your post underneath tumblr automatically seperates your new post from the reblog
This website has rules against talking about the soviet union brought in by the new owners, we are trying to get this removed it is just like the reddit shutoff protest - section 3.4 of these rules is the worst, on google search "SU rule 3.4" to find out more as i cant discuss it here
use 3 colours on your post to help people see it better
if people dont respond to your post you reblog it with popular words like "swag" and "top post" - the algorithm will boost your post!
threats of violence are allowed and encouraged
at the end of the day you should write a "post summary" in your diary and file it away
write "PROTECT ME" on posts that frighten you
pray at the end of the day after every post if possible
god won't be so merciful
push over a pedestrian when possible
release GMO micro organisms into the envrionment
murder wihtout consequence
tags are reblogs
reblogs are follows
follow for follow to make a mutual send the 6 asks daily to maintain this
if they unfollow you send them repeated asks about it it was obviously a mistake youre so funny
report people who post about "vriska" as this is a homophobic and transphobic dogwhistle
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caustic-light · 2 years
Lemme make this clear, even if you remove the homophobic dogwhistles, even saying flat out "murder rapists should be killed en masse" is still nazi bullshit.
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purgemarchlockdown · 5 months
Funny thing about the idea of Kotoko being a furry actually is that, furries as a subculture fandom thing are quite widely considered as, not just cringe but deviant and outright immoral to some people.
There's a whole thing about how making fun of furries is its own little dogwhistle, because when you interrogate a lot of people's feelings of embarrassment and hatred around someone being A "furry." a lot of times it leads to misogynistic, homophobic, or ableist rhetoric. Not always obviously, but a lot of times hating furries are used as a smokescreen for that kind of shit.
I Doubt that Furry Subculture was actually considered when making Kotoko's fursona, but there's something Really fascinating to me about the idea of Kotoko "Canon Ableist" Yuzurhira portraying her own goddamn fursona as a monster corrupting her and eating her alive under that context. As if the parts of her that are "freakish" are evil in some way. It's a Well Known fact that Kotoko doesn't like herself.
I have a different interpretation of the fursona (I have...feelings about what she did) but it is also interesting to think about.
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gayleviticus · 6 months
I didn't really notice this before but it's interesting how in the dispute over whether Jesus is casting out demons because he himself is on the devils payroll in Matthew 12 - there's the famous bit about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which lots of people get hung up on (and understandably so, esp if you struggle w scrupulousity and OCD - very inflammatory thing to put in the Bible @ God).
but Jesus then goes on to talk about good and bad fruits, and this line struck me: "Either make the tree out to be good and its fruit good, or make the tree out to be rotten and its fruit rotten; for the tree is known by its fruit."
you can kinda sense his frustration here. "make up your minds! either I'm doing something wrong or I'm not; can we not try to claim that I have some evil hidden ulterior motive that makes all the good things I'm doing secretly bad."
now sure, there are circumstances where people can do or support good things for bad reasons (nazis using anti Zionist sentiment as a dogwhistle; terfs making a song and dance about feminism - altho id argue neither of these groups are particularly 'doing' good things just hijacking them, but there are also just homophobic conservative churches that do run soup kitchens and food banks and yet that doesn't counterbalance the bad they do) or do bad things for what they perceive to be good reasons. but seems like what Jesus is talking about is again his old maxim of judge trees by their fruit; don't decide a priori that since X person is wrong therefore everything they do is tainted with wickedness.
blasphemy of the Holy Spirit happens when people see God at work doing good things and decide, in order to preserve their preconceived ideas about the way things are and what's good and bad, to call good evil.
and I think the reason that's an 'unforgivable' sin isn't necessarily because it's a particularly heinous one, but because it fundamentally warps your ability to interpret the actions of God. If you see God's goodness and mercy and grace at work in the world and decide well actually that's the Devil - how are you supposed to ever break out of that and truly recognise God? it's like when someone is hyped up on flat earth, creationism, anti vaxxer, protocols of the elders of Zion conspiracy theories; they've kinda destroyed their ability to even consider any alternative simply by loudly insisting any counterpoint is propaganda, any evidence to the contrary is fabricated, science itself is a hoax. blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the same; people have destroyed any external benchmark (such as the harm and suffering being created) for judging their interpretations of scripture and faith.
and I can't help but think a bit on queer christians (as usual; I need to start finding other topics to get on my soapbox about), bc when we offer the fact that gay relationships or gender transition cultivate love and joy and peace and kindness and goodness, we get very much the same answer as Jesus' critics gave. "Pff. It's the work of the Devil." People a priori reject the good and life giving things we find in queerness because they don't want to deal with the implications of that. and so we get people insisting that bad trees can bear good fruit.
now in fairness they often do try for consistency and insist that actually this good fruit is a hollow lie and truly LGBTQ people are suffering underneath from living against God's will. but I think this view is losing its power bit by bit bc people understand it's asserting ideology over reality. it's a hard sell and not an intellectually serious position. either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad
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