#that one ‘meet the Robinson’s’ bit
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Everyone “hates” Mike in the FNAF movie..
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mlgneverdies · 11 months
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POV: You see me connecting dots to Hailey's On It and Meet the Robinsons purely through various theses
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arachnidiots · 3 months
⎯⎯⎯⎯  @horiznwlker / imogen liked for a starter ; MODERN GIRL by bleachers
“i’m talkin’ little jeans, tiny hat,” peter gestures, holding out two hands to show imogen exactly how little he means this creature to have been, “i’ve never seen anything like it. maybe it’s an alien… i really hope it’s not an alien.”
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a-tiny-sloth · 10 months
learning english largely through the internet was very fun ngl. i didn't know binder had another meaning than chest binder for like. years
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ellielatinagf · 2 months
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“Your hairs getting long”
Summary: Let’s pretend Dina, Ellie, and JJ are living happily ever after in Jackson:) Ellie and Dina exchanging conversations and a nice haircut for Ellie
An: believe me I’m working on Lacrosse ellie part 5 and I think part five will be the last chapter I just wanna figure out how I wanna end it LOL. This is a little bit of both Dina and Ellie’s pov. Enjoy:)
Warnings: angst????
*knock knock knock*
Dina slowly opened the door and peeped her head in the small room. Ellie whipped her head around to meet Dina’s gaze. Her expression softened when she saw those brown eyes. The same ones that light up her world, the ones that shine light in the darkness. Dina walked over to her now wife. Yup, wife. After Ellie got back from California of course Dina had to smack some sense into Ellie.
“Are you hurt?” Dina squeeked softly. She held JJ in her arms. JJ was was already getting bigger. His hair was longer too. Thankfully Mr. Robinson, the Jackson Barber, had been patient in giving the little boy a haircut. Bless the poor man his eyesight has gotten a bit worse.
Ellie shook her head. She was too ashamed to look up at Dina. Much less look at JJ. She couldn’t bear the sight of seeing him more grown up. It would remind her of how much she had missed. The pain she would feel knowing he probably doesn’t remember her is unbearable.
Dina placed JJ don’t in front of her feet. She didn’t know why. She was so over flooded with emotions. Anger, sadness, relief. They all took stabs at her heart at the same time. JJ looked up at Dina confused but the looked at the sunburnt, green eyed, auburn woman.
Now Ellie was forced to look at the child. Her eyes weld up. His hair was longer. And choppily cut too. It wasn’t Dina who’d cut his hair, Dina does a better job. He resembled Jesse. Her heart ache. Her mind flooded with pictures of her last moment with the child’s father. She took a deep breath. Ellie opened her hand to reveal a small toy elephant. Ollie. She’d won it at the Jackson festival so long ago and had kept it. She remembered how JJ used to sleep with it at night.
JJ looked at what was in this mysterious woman’s hand. He smiled and waddled towards her. The blue dusty color caught his attention and likeness. He touched Ellie’s hand and look at Dina for approval of the toy. Dina hesitated but nodded slightly. JJ let out a happy chuckle and took the blue elephant. Ellie couldn’t help but smile.
Dina slowly walked forward. Maybe this was a dream. The same dream she’d had for the last year. Ellie in front of her. Ellie’s dead. This isn’t real. Her mind is playing tricks on her again. It often does this. When she is putting JJ to sleep she’ll think she caught a glimpse of Ellie’s figure in the shadow. This is the same thing.
Not exactly how she planned to prove the realness of the situation. Ellie winced. She knew she’d deserved it. To be honest she deserved worse. She would have preferred Dina slap her 100 times than to remind her of how much she had screwed up.
Dina looked at the hand print mark on Ellie’s cheek. The damage was worse due to her horrible sunburn. Dina looked around for JJ. Now she wonders if she had made a mistake to smack Ellie in front of Jj. She catches the boys rowdy hair and looks in his area. He was playing with a random street dog. Clutching Ollie in his little chubby fingers. Dina sighed and looked back at Ellie.
Ellie looked at Dina with teary eyes. Dina noticed something different in them thought. They weren’t the same dead eyes she used to have. They weren’t dull. They were bright and glossy. And not just because Ellie was crying a tsunami.
“I know” Ellie whispers “I know nothing will ever make you love me again”. She sniffs her nose so she can make out more words. “I know than no amount of apologies will ever be forgiven from me”.
Dina felt sadness hit her.
“But I love you”
That was it for her. Dina cried. Hard. She threw her arms around Ellie. She finally felt it again. She felt that same bubbly feeling in her heart. She doesn’t want to admit it’s love at the moment. But she feels it. Ellie took the girl in her arms and held her. She held Dina and wouldn’t let go. She secretly promised to never let her go.
After that day Ellie agreed to stay in Joel’s house. She wanted to give Dina and JJ time to create that bond with her. She didn’t want to force herself in their lives. She slowly started seeing Dina more and more. And JJ loved playing with Ellie. Ellie always said ‘I love you’ to Dina. Even if Dina never said it she knew that with time, she would.
JJ loved Ellie of course. And if wasn’t because of the fact that she always brought him something after patrols. One day ellie found something that caught her eye. A shiny diamond. It had already been 2 years since she saw Dina again. Dina always invites ellie over and Dina had been saying ‘I love you’. It’s time.
That night after JJ got his presents Ellie bent down on one knee in front of Dina. Part of her was thinking it’s too soon and was about to fake tie her shoes. But she asked Dina and showed the ring. Dina was over joyed and cried if happiness. She couldn’t have said yes any faster.
Flashback end
“JJ sleep okay?” Ellie asked.
“For a six year old, he was okay” Dina replied. She bent her head down to kiss Ellie’s forehead.
“Are you gonna head to bed?” Ellie asked. She looked at the canvas in front of her. She wanted to do a still life drawing of bowl of fruit. Was it cliché? Maybe, but she wanted to improve her art.
“Once you do” Dina said. She looked at the auburn hair. It was long. Probably an inch or two below Ellie’s mid neck. “Your hairs getting long” Dina thought out loud.
“Wanted to ask if you’d cut it for me” Ellie hummed softly and looked at Dina.
“Not Mr. Robinson?” Dina asked resting her head on Ellie’s shoulder. Ellie groaned quietly and Dina chuckled. Dina got up and grabbed a pair of scissors and a comb. Ellie put down her art supplies. She could finish tomorrow. Dina started to part Ellie’s hair and began cutting.
“Can I take JJ hunting?” Ellie asked.
“Don’t you think he’s a little too young?” Dina answered nervously.
“I only wanted to take him to the chicken field” Ellie asked. She didn’t want to throw the boy in the forest with clickers and wild boars. She probably would be hesitant for him to go out there even if he was 30 years old.
“The one in Jackson right? By Tommy’s house?”
“Mhm” ellie confirmed.
“….okay” Dina approved “but if either of you get so much as a paper cut, we’re getting food from the market for a year”. Ellie chuckled.
“You have my word babe” Ellie smiled.
“Are You scheduled for patrol this weekend?” Dina asked.
“Yeah, you need something?” Ellie asked.
“Do you think you can find some more shoes? His old ones will grow out soon” Dina said.
“That’s what happened when you feed him so much” Ellie chuckled.
“He’s a growing boy” Dina rolled her eyes. “It’s not my fault he liked my cooking”.
“Can’t blame him for that. Unless it’s pasta.” Ellie chuckled. She smiled after she took a jab Dina by mentioning at the time Dina had burnt pasta sauce and let the water boil so much it overflowed. It wasn’t entirely her fault. In a way. Dina just took a nap.
“Don’t piss off the one with the scissors” Dina replied playfully tugging Ellie’s hair. Not enough to hurt her, but enough to prove her point.
“Still ate it” Ellie laughed.
“That’s what she said” Dina replied. Hanging around Ellie so much was severely effecting Dina’s humor.
After Dina finished with Ellie’s haircut they both had taken a shower together. Ellie laid in bed next to Dina and faced her. The two shared a kiss and locked eyes.
“I love you” Ellie said. Dina felt happy. Ellie had never been one to say I love you first. Not in a serious way that is. After she came back however, it’s like her motivation had changed. And Dina was glad that Ellie’s family is her priory.
“I love you too” Dina replied. Ellie sighed. The feelings of immense love was reciprocated. Everything was okay. Finally, she was at peace. She could breath again. Ellie could sit and stay in her mind and not feel herself be destroyed. She could stay like this forever.
Ahhhh thank you so much reading!!! Let me know if you enjoyed it! I loveeeee writing one shots and as much as I love writing Ellie x reader! I just Love writing Ellie x Dina! Uhhh not proofread.Have a great day and remember your all amazing! Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Taglists: @bready101 @vqxen @gato-chino @vampyangel @a-little-bit-of-everybody @abbysbraids @Lillylynne11 @Lively-blues @Yurixxiii
FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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amazon160 · 11 months
When I say I want some Jonathon Ohnn/Spot x Reader fics, I’m not talking about the smut headcanons. No…
I’m talking about-
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-You walked out of Alchemax after a long shift, and to your dread, it was pouring outside.
You shuffled in your jeans and fitted polo shirt, lab coat stuffed safely into your bag. You felt a tap on your shoulder. “Do you need a ride home?” Dr. Ohnn approached you from behind. You gave him a modest “no”, but after he insisted even further, you couldn’t decline any further. You sat in the passengers seat of a rather empty van, the only items being paperwork and other research stuffed onto the back seat with a briefcase looking thing keeping them all down. Jonathon laid his arm back behind your seats, resting behind your head, and you tried to hide the incoming blush on your cheeks.
-You and Spot walked down the busy streets of New York on a bright, sunny day. You wore a t-shirt with some sort of pun on it (your choice lol) and jean shorts. Spot was next to you with, well, clothes. For a change, not because he needed a disguise, but because he was feeling more accustomed to himself. It was your greatest achievement by far, making him feel more at home with himself. He had a pair of cargo shorts and a goofy Science pun t-shirt and a zip up sweater. He stuck one hand into the pocket while the other swished back and forth to dramatize his rant about Quantum Physics. You took the closest hand to you, which was in his pocket, and intertwined his fingers with yours.
-You sat in the passenger seat of Jonathon’s van watching a movie on the big projector’s screen. You both thought it’d be cute to go to one of those drive in movies they had down the street. They showed “Meet The Robinson’s”. Every time Lewis showed up on screen with his inventions in the beginning, you giggled. One time, you dared to look over at Jonathon, who was starting to grin from hearing your laugh over and over again. “What?” He asked. “He reminds me of you.” You pointed at the screen when Lewis was back on screen. “The small blonde kid? How?” Jonathon was taken back by your comment and started to laugh along with you, even. “You’re both nerds.” You giggled again at the disappointed face Jon made. You leaned over to the side until your head rested on Jon’s shoulder. He let his head slide over to rest on top of yours, guiding his hand to yours to rest as well. “I wouldn’t get too salty over it,” you reassured him. You rotated your head a bit to face Jon. He was giving you an amused look. “Your nerdy-ness is what makes you so CUTE.” You gave a quick kiss on the lips and settled back into your position resting on Jon’s shoulder, where you’d eventually end up falling asleep half way through the movie.
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millylotus · 10 months
Super Villain Summer Internships [Everlasting Trio, DpxDc]
Everlasting Trio don’t know what they’re going to do for college, so they decide to just bite the bullet and do a few internships. Although they all forget to tell each other that they’re each interning with villains.
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Danny is with Mister Freeze, going under the name Blizzard
Danny is basically the one doing a bunch of intern work while also not, at first he was just kinda there cause he liked being cold
But then he and Freeze begin to bond over feeling responsible for things that aren’t really their fault, Danny promises to help Freeze revive Nora
They have a father-son relationship, in how they’re actually pretty similar in personality & powers
Sam is with Poison Ivy, under the name Blood Blossom
Sam is the only one to have a legal internship because Ivy actually wrote her down as her legal lab assistant
She and Pam are very Big Sis-Little Sis energy, Sam is the annoying younger sibling who wants to do everything their big sister does
Pam finds this devotion to their ideals adorable, and supports Sam in their joint endeavors
Tucker is with Bane, going as Ruin
Tucker acting as Bane’s tech guy, he’s been working on a new type of venom for Bane he doesn’t get into many fights but if he needs to he doesn’t back down
They have an Uncle-nephew relationship going on but also Tucker gets a bit obsessive about making the best venom that they have Frankenstein & Frankenstein’s Monster going on too
It’s mainly just Tucker getting to cackle evilly while Bane just say “Alright chiquito, have you eaten breakfast yet? You get angry when hungry.”
The batfam is not prepared to deal with two mini rouges and a secret mini rouge who they haven’t met yet but are still worried about
A couple weeks into their internship the Gotham Rogues have their bi-monthly meeting where The Everlasting Trio is introduced to everyone
Ivy, Freeze, & Bane were also surprised to see that their interns actually knew each other/are dating
The Everlasting Trio are the entire reason why the Gotham Rogues are even talking to each other at the moment
Now the bats are even more confused & concerned because the rogues are usually at each other’s throats
It’s the only thing keeping them from taking over tbh
When the batfam find out that the three interns they’ve had to deal with for like most of June, all know each other and are actively in a polycule, they feel like everything makes so much more sense
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The trio do have an ulterior motive to this whole thing, at first it’s just indulging in their less than stellar morals
Until it’s not
They become more enthralled in their ambitions, Sam begins to care less and less about the world outside of plants, she cares less about the civilian casualties, she begins to use ecto-science on plants
Pam & Harley are very concerned because they’re both on their path to redemption and Sam is going in the other direction
Danny becomes just as obsessive as Mister Freeze with trying to bring back Nora, he’s bringing in ecto-science in an attempt to bring her back through re-bonding her soul back to her body
Freeze isn’t against this exactly, but he’s unsure if it’ll bring the real Nora back, he’s still gonna go with it
Tucker has fully fallen into the mad scientist idea, he wants to make Bane the best version of himself the best human possible, his new version of venom is directed by ecto-science and such
Bane of course wants to be stronger but he knows at some point Tucker is gonna go to far, so he’s willing to hold the kid back if need be, but he isn’t going to actually do it he wants Tucker to go bad
By the time the Trio reaches the point of no return their bosses realizes this is not going to go their way anymore
Everlasting Trio: You’re just afraid to take it, One. Step. Further.
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The fight to take back Gotham from the Everlasting Trio is a long one
Sam has complete control over Robinson Park [biggest park in Gotham] along with its botanical gardens and such
The surrounding neighborhoods are overrun with plants, she has people asleep and under her control for the most part
Tucker has most of the upper districts running wild on the venom he’s made, people are now more powerful than Superman himself and have lost their minds in their blind rage, they’re all mainly under his control
Danny has the east bays and the graveyards near by, everything is frozen over, the bodies in the harbor and in the ground have been reanimated into ice soldiers and are under his control most of the time
Ivy, Harley, Freeze, & Bane have to call in the bats for help with the Trio and their plans
They split up to go for their kid, with a few bats behind them to back them up
Ivy & Harley pull on Sam’s care for the rest of the world
Bane brings Tucker down from the high, making him think this through
Freeze gets Danny to realize that nobody he brought back is who they first were
By the end of it the trio is subdued after a big fight and some impassioned speeches
They’re admitted into Arkham Asylum, they promise their mentors that they’ll do better, that they’ll get better & make them proud of them
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Admittedly I completely forgot to mention the trio’s family back in Amity
Let’s just say they don’t all know the nature of their internship
Jack & Maddie are aware that Danny is interning under an important doctor but they weren’t sure who he is
Angela & Maurice don’t know what’s going on with Tucker he hasn’t given them any stable information, he wanted to keep it that way with them thinking he’s still a good kid
Jeremy & Pamela know exactly what Sam was doing, she made sure of it, she wanted them to know they’re baby girl was running with villains now
Jazz is actually living in Gotham while this is going on, she going to college at GU for psychology, she’s interning at Arkham
She’s actually close with the bats, having met Jason, she’s one of the few psychs they trust at all
She knows that Sam is working with Ivy, she’s tried reaching out to her but Sam refuses to talk to her
She’s only ever seen Blizzard from afar, and was unable to connect him with Danny
She didn’t even know Ruin existed until the bats told her, and even then she didn’t know he was Tucker
When they’re taken down Jazz finds out who they are and she’s crushed, she feels she not only failed Sam, but also Danny & Tucker as well
Since the trio are all 18+ by the time they’re arrested nobody from Amity is sent anything to tell them they’ve been arrested
For about a week Jazz is actually their therapist at Arkham before she’s re-assigned when it’s realized she knows them personally
Jazz ends up telling the Foleys and the Fentons what happened
Then Amity gets the broadcast of their very own Samantha Manson being arrested in Gotham, New Jersey for eco-terrorism
Everything else just blows up in their faces after that, The three families don’t even dare show face around for awhile
They go to Gotham to actually visit their kids in Arkham
The Foleys are so disappointed in their son for what he’s done, Tucker can’t even look them in the eyes as the yell at him about everything
For the Mansons it sprouts into a huge shouting match with Sam almost jumping to table to try and physically fight her parents
All the Fentons do is stare at each other, they try to ask Danny why but he’s not cooperating with his biting remarks and not wanting to even see them for almost a week
Regarding their sentence and institutionalization the trio only has about five years or until they show sufficient mental stability for two years straight
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This is another one that's been sitting around for awhile. And I also remembered the the banner i made for Batfam & Everlasting trio content
Main Story Index [It's kinda messy but it's got links to most everything]
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justmystyles · 10 months
Was thinking how fun it would be to meet harry at an art museum. Like what if y/n had an assignment for grad school that she put off until the last minute, and so she finally gets to the museum and it's closed for a private tour (Harry's). She sweet talks a guard into asking harry if she could enter the museum, just to look at one painting for a bit. Harry is initially annoyed but agrees and is pleasantly surprised that she doesn't try to interact with him. Before he leaves, he goes to where she is and apologizes for closing the museum, and idk asks her to join him for lunch? It goes from there with flirting and a quick no strings fling
A Work of Art
read my other work here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
*i say it's a plus size reader, but it is not something that i focus on explicitly in my fics, because your size should not define you. it will only come up if it comes into the story organically.*
word count: 1.3k
summary: after procrastinating for a few weeks, you finally make moves to finish your assignment, but run into an unexpected road block.
a/n: thank you so much for this ask, my friend! i'm so sorry it took me so long to get it out. i hope it was worth the wait!
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @likeapplejuicenpeach @lilfreakjez @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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“Sorry miss, we’re closed.” The guard said, stone faced. 
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath. It was your own fault for waiting until the last minute, but you thought you had all day. “But you’re supposed to be open until five.” 
“We’re closed for a private tour.” He responded, showing no sign of emotion. 
You let out a frustrated groan, your paper is due at midnight and there was no way you were going to finish without getting in there and looking at that painting. You pace back and forth on the sidewalk, trying to figure out your next move. All that comes to mind is begging and pleading. 
You take a deep breath and step back up to the guard. “Please, there has to be something you can do. I only need to look at one painting. Maybe if they are done in the room I need to be in, I could just go straight there. I won’t be a bother, I promise.” 
The guard rolled his eyes, groaning in frustration. “You’re not going to leave until I ask, are you?” 
“Nope!” You said with an obnoxious smirk.
“Wait here.” The guard said sternly before turning and walking into the museum. 
He returned with a second guard, and the nerves started to set in. Were they going to physically remove you and ban you from the museum for life?
“Alright, here’s the deal, " the original guard began. “You’re going to go see your painting, but you go straight there and you stay there until it’s time to leave. My friend Hank here will be with you to make sure you don’t go rogue.”
You nodded in acknowledgement. “Thank you thank you thank you!” 
“Phone please,” Hank holds out his hand, palm up. 
“My phone?” Your brow furrows in confusion. 
“The party that rented out the space will only let you in if you give us your phone, for his privacy. You’ll get it back when you’re done.” 
You don’t understand who this mystery museum goer could possibly be, but they were obviously a big deal. You hesitantly relinquished your phone, and Hank led you into the museum, walking you directly to the room where your painting was housed. 
As you studied the piece, taking notes as you evaluated each color choice and brush stroke, your mind couldn’t help but wander to the other person currently wandering the museum. You secretly hoped your paths would cross, just out of sheer curiosity of who it could possibly be. 
“Are you finished yet?” Hank asked with a hint of annoyance. 
“It would be quicker if I had my phone, so I could take pictures.” You matched his tone. 
He rolled his eyes, pulling your phone out of his breast pocket and handing it to you. “Pictures of the painting only. No flash.” 
You gave him a mock solute, immediately opening your camera and taking a few shots, zooming in on particular areas. You were so focused on the painting that you didn’t hear the footsteps coming up behind you. 
“Phone, now.” Hank snapped. 
“What? But I’m not done!” You protest. 
“It’s alright, she’s fine.” Another voice pulls your attention and you turn around, seeing Harry Styles standing behind you.
“Thanks,” you mumble, returning your attention to the painting and taking a few more pictures. 
Harry watches you curiously, he had expected a bit more of a reaction when you saw him. You had gone through all this trouble to sneak into the museum he had gone to the trouble of booking out, specifically so he wouldn't be bothered. He allowed you in, against his better judgment, but you weren’t a problem at all. He felt oddly disappointed by that. 
Once you had taken your final pictures, and one more glance at the painting, you turned to Hank and let you know you were ready to go. He nodded and started to lead you toward the exit. 
“Wait!” Harry called, stopping you in your tracks. “I just wanted to apologize for closing the museum.” 
“It’s fine, I ended up getting what I needed.” You shrugged. He obviously didn’t want to be bothered, that's why he had the museum shut down in the first place.
“Well, would you like to walk around the rest of the museum with me?” He asked, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Thanks, but I should get home and finish my assignment.” 
“Aww, c’mon,” his tone became more playful. “How often are you going to have a whole museum all to yourself?” 
You study his expression, trying to figure out why he’s gone from no phones, don’t bother me to wanting to walk through the entire place with you. “Why?” 
“As a peace offering, for making things difficult on you.” 
You stood in silence for a moment as you weighed out your options. He was right, this was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity. Complete, unobstructed access to the entire museum. “Sure,” you finally agreed. 
As you moved to the next room, Harry looked at you curiously. “So what was it about that one painting that you absolutely had to get in here today?”
“I’m an art history major, and I have an assignment due tomorrow analyzing that piece.” 
He stopped, turning to you with an arched brow. “And you’re just getting around to looking at it today?” You shrugged in response. “How long did you have to work on this assignment?” 
You rolled your eyes at his comment. “Okay mom, thanks.” You both chuckled.
“So,” Harry continued on. “Art history, that’s pretty cool, how’d you end up choosing that?” 
You talked to Harry a bit about your love of art, and the things that led you to selecting your major, as well as the panic your parents had when you chose such a niche field of study. The conversation flowed easily between the two of you. You got to know each other, and discussed the art around you, sharing what you saw in the pieces, and how they made you feel. 
When the two of you returned to the entrance, you looked down at your watch with wide eyes. The two of you had spent three hours going through every square inch of the museum, and you actually had a really great time. When you first saw Harry, you were annoyed, he was just an entitled celebrity making the world harder for everyone else just to get his way. But after spending time with him and getting to know him, he actually turned out to be really down to earth, and pretty cool. You felt a pang of disappointment knowing that you were about to part ways. 
“Thank you,” you said to him, looking into his kind green eyes. “For letting me in to look at my painting, and also for walking around the museum with me.”
“It was my pleasure,” He smiled kindly at you. “It was actually way more fun to walk around with someone who knows what they’re talking about.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself, Harry. You had some pretty insightful things to say back there.”
He grinned wide, his dimples on full display. “Oh stop,” he waved his hands playfully. “Hey, you want to go grab a bite to eat?”
“I would love to but I’ve got–”
“Your assignment to finish.” He completed your thought. “I know, but you’re not going to get anything done on an empty stomach. Come on, my treat.” 
He gives you a hopeful smile, as if he doesn’t want to leave you yet. You definitely don't want to leave him. “Yeah, sure.” You agree, trying to play it cool.     
“Great! C’mon, I’ve got a car waiting out front!” He held the door for you and the two of you made your way to his car, and then on to dinner.
You submitted your assignment just before the deadline, and you walked away from dinner with a kiss on the cheek and Harry’s number. All in all, it was a good day. 
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hopefulstarfire · 3 months
Do yall wanna know my actual favorite butterfly effect?
Two people fucking on a mountain indirectly lead to my favorite comic of all time, Under the Red Hood.
Let me explain.
Joseph Hugo married a woman named Sophie Trébuchet in 1797. He was a general in Napoleon's army so they moved around quite a bit. In a letter he would later write to his son, he and his wife had been on a trip on June 24th 1801 to get from one post to the next and he believed this, on the highest peaks of the Vosges Mountains, is where he believed they conceived their son, who would later become the Ocean Man and famed author Victor Hugo.
(Fun fact: Jean Valjeans prisoner number, 24601, is absolutely in reference to his believed conception date)
Victor Hugo grows up and obviously is responsible for many works, such as Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and was never one to shy away from political commentary. Thus, he was exiled from France and sent to living on the Channel Islands. It was here that he wrote a novel titled The Man Who Laughs.
Like many of his works, this one does have different adaptations. One in particular came out in 1928 starring Conrad Veidt as the character Gwynplaine, or the Man Who Laughs.
Fast forward about a little over a decade later in 1940. A comic book writer comes into work to be greeted by two artists he worked with, one who did significantly less work than the others. These three men were Bill Finger, Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson.
Now the details of this meeting are...well, up in the air. Each man had their own account to it, and Bob Kane especially is the most unreliable given that he took credit for literally everything and we went over 70 years without Bill Finger getting any sort of credit to actually creating Batman. But what we do know is that there was a drawing of a playing card and a face for the joker card; and Bill Finger said, "Hey, that looks like Conrad Veidt in the Man Who Laughs."
They pushed further with that angle in making the character, a new villain for their hero; the obvious, Joker.
Some years later we get a little bit of an origin story in 1951, in the comic The Man Behind the Red Hood! (ALSO written by Bill Finger) Some college students are trying to solve this decades old case of a burglar in a red pill helmet that was called the Red Hood and trying to figure out who it was. Teaming up with Batman and Robin, they find out that the Red Hood was in fact Joker's old alias. He used to be a lab worker that was stealing from a playing card company with that alias. He was caught by Batman and threw himself into some chemical waste to escape, thus becoming the Joker.
This origin has stuck around in some form ever since. The moniker was unused for quite a long time after this, but would eventually find a new home in a different character.
See, in the 80s, Batman's second sidekick, Jason Todd, was killed off in a very brutal fashion after a fucking poll that people could call two different numbers to decide if they were going to save him or not. I will get into why I have so many frustrations with everything surrounding this story another day, but the important thing to know here is that the Joker killed Jason while Jason was trying to save his mother.
And for a good period of time there, Jason became a character that you did not bring back to life. Until they did.
A storyline running from 2005 to 2006 came into life, called Under the Hood. In it, Batman has to fight a new foe taking on the mantle of Red Hood, only to discover its Jason Todd, brought back to life from the Lazarus Pit, and taking on the mantle of the man that murdered him to go fucking murder the Joker and take control of crime in Gotham and do what he believes Bruce couldn't, all while dealing with trauma and feeling replaced.
So yeah. We wouldn't have my favorite character or story if it wasn't for Victor Hugo's parents fucking on a mountain and conceiving him there where "The elevated origin seems to have had effects on [Victor Hugo] so that [his] muse is continually sublime". That is a quote from that letter. Victor Hugo's mountain conception where he got a great muse is the reason for the Joker and Red Hood. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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gayelderstourney · 11 months
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Gertrude Robinson/Agnes Montague:
They are canonically soulmates thanks to a ritual Gertrude preformed to stop Agnes from causing the apocalypse. They both love arson (chaos granny’s for the win) . There’s this scene where someone points out Gertrude’s arsonistic tendencies and she unprompted just goes “remind me to tell you about Agnes sometime” in the most fondest tone EVER. And Agnes calls Gertrude her anchor. They’re very important to me
According to canon, they only physically met once. The canon is dumb and wrong They're bound together by a literal string of fate. One that prevents Agnes from fullfilling her destiny as the literal antichrist. She's probably grateful for it, she never asked to be born as the chosen one of the Cult of Lightless Flame. She can never have a normal life or touch another person without hurting her. Gertrude is a mortal human being and stubbornly remains so, even though she's so deeply tangled in the affairs of all the different eldritch fear entities. Yet she was able to save Agnes from her destiny by binding their fates together. I think they're both deeply lonely people, and there's so many narrative parallels between them. They orbit each other like twin stars. You can't tell me there's not something poetically homoerotic about them. This is yuri
Buddy Aurinko/Vespa Ilkay:
They are WIVES! They are part of a criminal family and they mean so much to eachother
They're like the Thelma and Louise of space crime. There's amnesia, there's prison, there's slavery, there's scifi decay of their bodies. But they find each other again. And they love each other.
i support women's right but most importantly i support women's wrongs. they met when they were young and did grand heists together as lovers, as a master thief and a master assassin. then something went wrong during a job and they both thought the other was dead. oops. but during the podcast's storyline they meet again, have a bit of a moment, save each other's lives, fix their relationship and fall in love again <3 no technically canon age but they are presumed to be in their 50s at least. also they're married and retired now
They have the most tragic story.. They’ve been thief partners for five years before a confrontation with the authorities, during which Vespa falls off a skyscraper and is presumed dead (by everyone except Buddy). Buddy was arrested and spent eight years in prison, and after being released she went to their agreed meeting place and waited for Vespa for years, almost dying from radiation poisoning (!). Vespa actually survived and was captured into slavery, during which she also suffered from radiation sickness. Eventually they are reunited, having not seen each other for fifteen years, and renew their relationship. Now they are married and retired together :)
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 5 months
── Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
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after mapping out most of the story, this is going to be a bit longer than i thought. although the games aren’t the sole focus of the story, i do want to show you the other tributes! i always appreciate when face claims are given to other characters because i like being able to put faces to names. note ~ not all will be extensively featured
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TAGLIST — if you’ve asked to be tagged and don’t see your user, it’s because I wasn’t able to tag you!
@czarinera | @qoopeeya | @user123454336780536 | @madamemaximoff06 | @ms-longbeach | @mizuki80 | @captainbabybear | @kuroosbby001 | @justacaliforniandreamer | @siriusly-rem | @missunicorn | @alllriseabove | @niki-is-a-thing | @iiuvchi | @firesunflames | @ashcosmo | @nilletellsstories | @hawkinsavclub1983 | @nyxsoleil-blog | @peachyafshawn | @coryoskywalker | @just-a-littlebit-of-everything | @ardentsnowfall | @tiaamberxx | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @foxevxid | @poppyflower-22 | @springholland | @prettyppetty | @katherineeekai | @regulusblackcore | @justaproudslytherpuff | @jklsh | @bogbutteronmycroissant | @tanyaherondale | @sunoosfavsposts | @moonlightfoxs-cantina | @vesperslumbers | @writersblockiskillingme | @becauseseaotters | @ennycutie | @edb954 | @hiraishua | @wearemadeofstardust0 | @phoward89 | @merlieve
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monsoon-of-art · 26 days
Donut Hole - Chapter 21
Everything Goes On
When you meet me in the daylight, like we did before Then I felt you on my shoulder, and you weren't suffering anymore You said: "I'm sorry that you worry, but don't apologize" I told you to forget me, but you stayed by my side, when I said- - Everything Goes On, Porter Robinson
[it's...over?] [ao3 link]
Dawn tugged at the edges of her scarf. The commander sat at his desk, Cyllene by his side, and the Clan Leaders stood besides her. The air was tense, terribly so. It did not help that neither Irida nor Adaman could seem to look her in the eyes.
There was no talking. There was no sound, period.
Finally, Kamado cleared his throat, and addressed Cyllene without looking away from Dawn and the leaders. “Cyllene. If you’d please.”
“This list has been compiled from eye-witnesses.” she began. “From both clan members, Wardens, and Leaders.”
To her left, Irida shifted nervously. Adaman crossed his arms over his chest.
Cyllene continued. “Assault. Theft. Destruction of property. Assault.”
Dawn’s blood turned to ice, and the weight of this meeting finally settled on her like a rock.
Barry, evidently, had been very, very busy.
He had said something earlier, about being ‘stupid’, but Dawn couldn’t ask about it before Cyllene came to visit.
It was probably a good thing, in hindsight, that Barry fainted almost immediately after. If he really thought this was a universe where Cyrus won, that interaction could’ve gone much worse.
“-Causing a landslide and destroying half of the Diamond Clan Settlement. Burning down half of the Pearl Clan Settlement. More Assault. Deliberately attacking the Noble Pokemon.”
Dawn was starting to feel lightheaded.
This had to be a mistake. Barry couldn’t do all that, Barry wouldn’t do that! He was so thin and tired and weak in the medical wing, he was a danger to himself more than anyone!
“Another assault, this time using a pokemon. Attacking a Noble Pokemon. Assault. Assault. Attacking a Noble Pokemon. Attacking a Noble Pokemon.”
How was there so much?
Kamado raised his hand. “I believe that’s enough.” He leaned a bit closer over his desk. “Dawn. If I recall correctly, this is your friend? ”
She tried swallowing the lump in her throat.
“Care to give us an explanation?”
Dawn briefly thought about lying. Thought about lying her little heart out. She had been barely accepted by Jubilife as an outsider, but Barry would have to fight uphill with a list a mile long like that.
He'd get kicked out. Thrown to the luxrays to be devoured and torn to shreds. He could even reflect badly on her , and she'd be tossed out after him-
No. No more lying. She had done enough of that, lying about her memory.
Dawn took a deep breath. “I've been doing a lot of…thinking, since Barry arrived. About him, about me - about my life before here. It's still so fuzzy, but he's helped me fill in some of the gaps.”
“There was a group of… Bad People. They were Bad People who did Bad Things. They stole things, attacked others, they planted explosives in the local lake...They wanted to destroy my home, they wanted to destroy everything. They wanted the world to be reduced to ash and darkness and nothingness. ”
She tried not to look at anyone directly, but she almost swore she saw Kamado’s face soften.
“Barry and I tried to fight back, tried to drive them away. We barely made it out with our lives. I think…” she hesitated. “Barry thought that the clans were the Bad People. He thought you took me away, he thought I was in danger. His memory is faulty, just like mine, and he’s terribly sick. I’m sure he didn’t mean it! He was just worried about me!”
Irida put a hand to her face, and Adaman uncomfortably shifted from one foot to the other. Kamado leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful hum. “...hm. I see.”
He addressed the leaders now. “And you two. What do you wish to do with the boy?”
Dawn tried to subtly glance at the leaders to see their faces. They looked just as anxious as she felt.
“Well, we…we still think-” Irida stuttered and stammered.
“The boy needs to be punished.” Adaman finished for her, speaking in a rush, as if he just wanted the words out of his mouth as fast as he could.
Dawn felt her heart stop and tears well in her eyes. They were going to exile him, or maybe they were going to do something worse. Was this the time period where they stoned people to death? They were going to kill him, either directly or indirectly.
How could they say that? How could they think that after telling them why?
Kamado nodded and looked at Cyllene. “And what do you think of all this?”
Cyllene looked at the leaders. Cyllene looked at Dawn.
“...you want my honest opinion, Commander?”
“Your honesty is all I ever ask for.”
There was a long period of silence as Cyllene thought of an answer.
“I believe the boy should contribute to the Survey Corps.”
The leaders and Dawn were on the same confused page, it seems.
“I believe we need a bit more from you, Cyllene.” Kamado said, sounding a tad confused as well.
Cyllene straightened at Kamado’s comment. “The boy was brought in with a bag containing five Pokeballs. Each ball contained a pokemon he had caught, raised, and trained with no guidance or assistance from us. A single person training any pokemon is a feat. A young boy training five pokemon is astounding.”
She turned to Kamado. “The fact that he could use Pokeballs with no training, and the fact that he was able to survive Hisui alone, shows his resourcefulness, strength, and his adaptability.”
Cyllene turned back to the Clan Leaders, who were still clearly surprised by her thoughts on the matter. “Here, not only will he work for his room and board, but he will work to repay his crimes…perhaps by assisting you?”
Adaman and Irida were stunned into complete silence, looking at one another to try and force words to appear.
“I find this solution to be agreeable.” Kamado interrupted. “That way, we can keep a close eye on him, to make sure he doesn't cause any more trouble. You two can't seem to come up with a reason as to why we should not …so I am going to assume this is the best option going forward. Dismissed.”
Having lost their opportunity to object, Irida and Adaman slowly left the commander's chamber. Dawn waited for them to leave, not wanting to talk to them at the moment.
Before she could leave, Kamado cleared his throat to get her attention. “I'm serious, Dawn. We'll be watching your friend very carefully. Just as I have told you, if he wishes to be accepted and trusted, he will need to work hard. And he hasn't started on the best foot forward.”
Dawn nodded, almost bowing, before quickly darting out of the room.
While she did not want to see Adaman and Irida, she did linger a moment to try and catch Cyllene. 
It took Dawn a great deal of effort not to tackle the captain in a big hug. She hoped a warm smile would have the same effect. “Thank you, Captain Cyllene.”
Cyllene kept her stoic composure. “I have no idea what you're implying. You and I both know that Laventon requires all the help we can afford to give him. Speaking of, I believe you have duties to attend to. You need at least a Four Star Ranking before you can take on the Highlands.”
It appears as though Irida and Adaman shared Dawn’s plan, for they too had lingered down the stairs, waiting for her. She bristled at the two upon seeing them.
Some part of Dawn knew, deep down, that being the leader of a Clan of people must be hard. And some part of her knew that Barry - supposedly - did a lot of stupid things out in Hisui.
But the larger, louder part of her was mad at them. They wanted to punish her friend! How dare they! He didn’t know any better! He probably didn’t mean it! She knew he didn’t!
Both of them started talking - quietly, sheepishly - but Dawn didn’t stick around. She brushed past them without a word, making a point to not look at them with a huff. A little childish, maybe, but she wanted to get the point across.
Adaman and Irida didn’t go after her. 
Instead, Irida turned to Cyllene. “Be honest, why did you suggest taking Barry in? It seems…extremely charitable, even for the Galaxy team…”
“Yeah, that kid may be Dawn’s friend, but you read what he’s done. He could still be a threat. Are you certain that’s a good idea?”
“I went to visit him. It was a surprise visit, and in hindsight, I should’ve given him warning.” Cyllene said slowly, making her way back to her office. “In the brief moments of consciousness the boy had, I studied him. And do you know what I saw?”
She stopped in front of the doors to her office. “I looked into his eyes, and all I saw was complete and utter terror.”
“Dawnie, give me the other mochi.”
“No, Barry, Miss Pesselle says you’re eating too fast. You need to eat slower, she says your tummy is all shriveled up like a dried leppa berry.”
He tried not to pout so much. But he had been eating berries for…who knows how long, and this potato mochi tasted like Heaven in comparison. “Tell me more about the Survey Corps.” said Barry, trying to change the subject.
“The Pokedex doesn’t exist yet.” she began explaining again. “People and Pokemon relationships are still a little rocky.”
“So…we’re just filling out the Pokedex. Didn’t Rowan ask you that too? Give me a mochi. Please?”
Dawn relented, placing a mochi onto his plate. As soon as it touched the plate, he scarfed it down as fast as he could.
She rolled her eyes. “It’s different than that. We’re not just catching pokemon, we’re studying them. Catching different specimens to get an accurate weight distribution, observing them in the wild, seeing that foods they like-”
“That sounds really boring.” he said through a mouthful.
“Well, it can be, sometimes. Some of the tasks Laventon wants us to do are…boring. But it can be dangerous! It can be really dangerous! Pokemon-”
“Will attack you?” Barry finished the sentence for her. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve experienced that first-hand. And there’s these really really big ones-”
“Those are Alpha Pokemon. Also very dangerous.” She set down her plate and raised up her sleeve to show a long, pink scar running up her arm.
“Whoa! How’d that happen?! Who did that?! I’ll fine them in to the next century!”
“Alpha Parasect got me as I was trying to run. But then-but then you see momma and poppa pokemon caring for their babies- or or a tiny baby spheal rolling up to you-”
“And why am I doing this?”
“Because.” She set another mochi on his plate, which was quickly and ravenously devoured. “In order to live in Jubilife village, you work. You need to earn your keep. Secondly, you have a rap sheet a mile long-”
“I plead the fifth.”
“That only works in Unova.”
“It was self defense!”
“I know! But they’re still mad. So you’re kind of working off your crimes, too.”
“I demand a lawyer.”
“Barry, please. Take this a little seriously.” she sniffled, wiping at her eyes to try and preemptively stop the tears. “I thought they were gonna kick you out. I thought they were gonna kill you. S-Stone you to death.”
His eyes went wide. “They stone people to death here??”
“Maybe…I dunno…I was really scared.”
Barry slid over on his bed to make room. “Come here, come here.” he said, patting the space beside him. Dawn put the plate of mochi on the bedside table and sat down next to him, pulling him into a squeezing hug.
“I’ll join the Survey Corps. I’ll do what they ask me to do, I’ll do it! No more worrying. Me and you, it’ll be like when we started our journey!” said Barry, squeezing back.
“Nothing bad’s gonna happen. I won’t let it.”
[And...Close Scene! That's it guys, that's a wrap for Donut Hole!...but I'm not done with Barry yet >:)]
[And now, a shameless plug for my besties fic: "When you reach the end of the line, you must be brave." By Pinkrhin0. "In which Emmet arrives somewhere new, makes a new friend, travels cross country, and, most importantly of all: Stays alive- No matter what." A fun take on a reunion fic where Emmet has a very bad time!! Yippee!!!]
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feelbokkie · 1 year
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list ☀️
Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit
genre: angst, little bit of fluff towards the end, hurt/comfort
pov: 1st person
description: Life with Felix is perfect, right?
pairing: felix x reader
warnings: swearing, allusion to an eating disorder
word count: 2,061
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
🖍️Crayon Box M.list🖍️
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I quietly tiptoe out of my bed and make my way to the bathroom, turning back to the sleeping figure to make sure he’s still asleep. Felix had slept over again last night. At this point, it’s also his apartment. He’s slept over every day since he’s gotten back from tour. I love it and the thought of him eventually going back to his dorm makes my heartache.
Luckily, I put together my outfit for today before bed last night and left it in the bathroom. After taking a hot shower and washing my hair, I quickly get dressed. Wet hair in a towel, I remember that I did leave some hair products in bedroom.
“Shit!” I whisper when I open the bathroom door to find Felix standing in front of me, rubbing his eye. His dyed blond hair is pushed in 5 different directions, reminding me of Lewis from Meet the Robinsons. Both of his eyes remain closed. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that he’s sleep walking.
Felix had been up all night playing games on his phone. I woke up a few time in the middle of the night to him sitting in the dark with the screen illuminating his face. I was trying to be quiet so he could finally get some sleep as I got ready to go to breakfast with my friends but it looks like I woke him up anyway.
“Sorry, I rolled over and the bed was empty. I thought you left without saying goodbye.” He mumbles, morning voice thick.
“No, you’re fine. Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up just yet. I was going to wake you up right before I left.” I was planning on getting breakfast with two of my friends, Hae-Won and Minjun, that I haven’t seen in a while. We were supposed to meet a few weeks ago but we had to reschedule. I invited Felix after we changed the date to one when he would be in town but he politely declined. He insisted that I should go hang out with my friends without him as planned and that we could always plan something with the four of us another day.
“You look nice. You’re not going to be too cold?”
“It’s supposed to be warmer today, but I’m bringing a sweater just in case.” I kiss Felix’s cheek before walking past him to grab some hair supplies from my side of the dresser.
Felix follows me around the room, eyes only slightly more open than they were when I first saw him this morning but still not fully open yet, clutching onto my shirt. We make our way back into the bathroom and I grab the stool that I normally sit on when I’m doing my hair in front of the mirror and position it next to me. Felix takes the cue and sits down next to me, finally releasing my shirt. Instead he snakes his arms around my waist, resting his head on my side. I quietly dry with my blow drying, trying not to move too much so Felix doesn’t fall.
“What time are you coming back?” Felix mumbles again.
“I should be back around lunchtime. Minjun has work later and Hae-Won is meeting with her boyfriend. I’ll pick us up something to eat on the way home. If you think of something specific you want to eat, let me know.” Felix hums in response. I can’t tell if he’s falling asleep again or is just so tired that he can’t think of actual words to respond with. Tonight, I’m confiscating his phone so he can get a decent night’s sleep. He’s been playing games on his phone every night since he’s gotten back. I don’t know what game has got him in a chokehold, but he needs to rest.
After I finally finish my hair, I lead Felix out of the bathroom and drag him back to bed. He spreads himself across the mattress without any argument and slowly falls back to sleep. I make my way to the kitchen and make a quick breakfast for Felix. He’s probably going to sleep until I get back, but this is just in case he wakes up hungry in a few hours. I put it in the fridge with a note before walking back to the bedroom. I gently shake Felix awake. I don’t want to wake him, but I know he’ll be sad if I left while he was still asleep.
“Bye, Lix. I made you some breakfast to eat if you wake up hungry. It’s in the fridge. I love you.” I softly kiss his cheek.
“I love you too. Send Minjun and Hae-Won my love.” Felix leaves an even softer kiss on my cheek before he melted back into the bed.
“How’s Yongbokkie, Y/N?” Hae-Won asks, taking a sip of her lemonade. She tucks a loose strand of her long pink hair behind her ear.
We had been hanging out for about half an hour already, barely getting our breakfast in front of us a few minutes ago. Not realizing how much talking and laughing took out of us, we spent the first few minutes just eating before we resumed conversation.
“He’s doing great! He’s been over at my apartment a lot more since he started his break.” I shovel another bite of food into my mouth.
“I don’t know how he does it, man. I would be falling apart if I were him.” Minjun sighs, leaning back into his chair.
“Hey, I’m not that annoying!” I playfully slap Minjun’s arm and give him a warning sign.
“I’m not talking about you, dumbass. I’m talking about all the hate he’s getting.” My smile drops.
“What?” I whisper. I knew that Felix has received hate in the past, it’s a flaw that comes with his job. But I thought it died down over time. I haven’t seen anything being directed at either of us. Honestly, how could anyone hate Felix, he’s a literal ball of sunshine. How could I not have known that things were starting up again and that they were bad? Has he been reading comments late into the night instead of playing games?
“If I were him, I would have offed myself by now.” I know Minjun doesn’t mean it seriously. It’s how the three of us joke, but it’s anything but funny.
“Minjun!” Hae-Won elbows Minjun in his ribcage and points at me.
“I… I have to go.” I scrambled to gather my things and pull some money out for my food, placing it next to my plate.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean anything by that—” Minjun grabs my arm and shoots me an apologetic smile.
“It’s fine. I know you mean no harm. I just… I need to go home. Can we reschedule?”
“Yeah! No, go take care of what you need to take care of.” Hae-Won pulls Minjun’s hand off of me and gently pushes me away.
When I get home, the living room and kitchen look just as I left it a few hours ago. Felix must still be in the bedroom. I set all my stuff down on the couch and walk to the kitchen to get myself something to drink before going to confront Felix. When I open the fridge, the breakfast I made Felix sits untouched. 
He’s probably still asleep. That’s why he didn’t eat.
On the way back home, I replayed every interaction I’ve have with Felix ever since he came back from tour. There were so many little signs that I didn’t pick up on. So blissfully unaware that he’s been suffering this entire time. I don’t think Felix’s eating a full meal the entire time he’s been here. And if he did, it’s because he put small portions on his plate. We would be so busy talking that I never realized that he shuffled the food around his plate to simulate like he’s eaten more than he had. He’s also been clinging on me more than usual. Lix is big on skinship so I never thought anything about it. He’s usually extra clingy when we’ve been apart for a long time, but looking back at it, it feels different this time.
Am I such a bad partner that I didn’t realize my own boyfriend was suffering this entire time? The second I even think about feeling sad, Felix is right there to cheer me up. Even when we’re apart he always calls or sends a text at the perfect moment. It’s like he’s inside my brain with me. I’m not even allowed to read comments about myself online. After the first few times I read something negative directed towards me, Felix went through all my social media and blocked any and every keyword he could think of to prevent anything from showing up on my feed. He even made sure to block all of that from showing up on my trending pages. 
I open the bedroom door quietly, hoping to find Felix still fast asleep. Instead, Felix is sitting hunched over staring at his phone with his back towards me. My eyes start to sting at the sight. No, do not cry. This is not about you. 
“Lix,” I climb the bed and crawl to him. Snaking my arms around his waist, I slide his phone out of his hand and press my face on his spine. He jumps at my sudden appearance.
“Fuck,” his hands find mine and he tries to twist around to see me, “what time is it?”
“Around 9:30,” I mumble into his back.
“What are you doing home so early? What happened?” He tries to pull my arms off of his waist so he can turn to me. I tighten my grip. I know he’s been crying. If I look at his face right now, I’ll start crying too and then he’ll try to comfort me. I want to comfort him.
“Can you please not worry about me for once?” I turn my head to the side so I know he can hear me loud and clear.
“What? What’s going on?” 
“Why didn’t you come to me and tell me about all the hate you’ve been getting?” He finally manages to wiggle out of my grip and faces me.
“You know?”
“I only just realized. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to notice.” I give him a soft smile. His face is red and splotchy. I don’t know how long he’s been up, but he’s been crying for a while.
“You didn’t notice because I didn’t want you to.” He strokes my hair, leaving his hand to rest on my cheek.
“You may have not wanted me to notice, but maybe I didn’t want to believe that my boyfriend would hide his pain instead of coming to me.” I bring my hand to his and slowly rub my thumb back and forth.
“It’s not that I didn’t want to come to you. It’s just…” Tears start falling down his face. I take my free hand and start wiping them away.
“What is it?” I bite my tongue to keep myself from crying but I feel my eyes and my nose burning at the sight of Felix being in pain.
“I’m trying, all the time, but it’s just too hard. It’s draining me. I can’t be the personification of the sunshine that you and everyone expects me to be. I want to, but I can’t.” He sobs.
“Oh my sweet angel,” I pull Felix into a hug, resting his head in my chest, “you don’t have to be. The sunshine gets blocked by cloudy days sometimes and that’s okay, the world isn’t going to end. You’re allowed to be sad and not okay. You don’t have to be perfect.”
“But you deserve someone who's perfect.” He mumbles against my chest.
“What I deserve is you, as you are. I’ll take the good with the bad. You don’t love me any less when I’m not at my best, right?” I pull his head away from me and cup his face, forcing him to look at me.
“Of course not,” I press a kiss to his tear stained, freckled cheek.
“And I don’t love you any less when you’re not at yours. Rest now, my Bokkie, I’ll take care of you.” 
Buy me a coffee?
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thewonandonly · 1 year
Can i request a stray kids reaction to their partner absolutely bawling at the brachiosaurous scene please 😭 my friends had to console me for like 10 minutes cause it made me cry so hard
stray kids (ot8) reaction to their partner bawling their eyes out to brachiosaurus' scene &lt;3
synopsis: it's time to watch the jurassic park franchise, and when an absolute devastating scene from the movie released nearly 8 years ago shows up, the boys aren't sure how to react when they find their s/o crying their eyes out.
warnings: gender neutral reader, spoilers?
author's note: guys this is literally me with meet the robinson's. everytime little wonders by rob thomas plays in the movie, BOOM. instantly moved to tears.
thank you so much for the request! please consider reblogging my post and leave a cute little comment to boost my work!!
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chan was excited to see jurassic world! jurassic park and the entire franchise was an important part in the film industry, so for him to watch the movie for the first time with the love of his life was an absolute prime decision. the movie started off steady, and then it got interesting. and then, it got sad :( the same brachiosaurus from the first movie was caught in the fire, no where to go as the water expanded across the horizon. it was trapped. it was heartbreaking. gut-wrenching to watch. and he would've cried, he wanted to cry. small sniffles echoed across the living room wall, and he turned to see you laying your head on his shoulder, tears streaming down your cheeks. chan. immediately turned to comfort you, his hand brushing your cheek.
"oh, baby, it's so sad." his hands are gentle, as if he wasn't comforting you over an artificial created brachiosaurus. "it's sad, it's okay to cry." he used his thumb to wipe your tears and paused the movie until you felt consoled enough to continue.
minho had already seen a few of the jurassic park franchise movies. how couldn't he have? it's one of the biggest movie franchises of the world. he hasn't watched recent instillments due to a busy schedule, but when you mention finally watching the recent ones on his day off, he immediately took you up on the offer; popcorn, blankets, a nice comfortable pillow, cuddle sessions and a surround system turned up damn near full blast sounded like the perfect night, especially with his favorite person in the whole world. the movie was not too painful to get through, he did cringe at some dialogue throughout the movie, but all movies have those moments. he would've cried at the scene where the brachiosaurus was stranded on the island, but he personally felt like the scene was a bit rushed. he knew you. the second the scene came to an end, he turned to you and pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head.
"you're such a crybaby." he whispered, his hand rubbing your shoulder, "it was a bit sad though." he admitted, chuckling to himself. minho knew how quick to tears you could be at movies, and he'd be lying if he didn't find it cute; it just means you can find sentiment in everything. and he admired that.
changbin is totally a movie buff! he has seen the jurassic park movies at least 6 times in his lifetime, and he was probably one of the firsts leading the crusade for the newest movies. changbin loves the movies, and he was the first person at the movie theaters doors on release day, at the earliest showing, with his large tub of popcorn. so, when you told him you never saw the newest ones, he nearly dropped his jaw. how could you not?! he took this as an opportunity to introduce you to some of the greatest movies he's ever experienced. he set everything up, not accepting help from you, before he pulled out a dvd player, and gently placed the disc into the tray (these were the only dvds he owned tbh). he watched excitedly, peeking at you from the corner of his eye to gauge your reaction: happiness, excitement, tension, and of course, sadness. he cried in the theater when the scene came on, and he isn't afraid to admit that it still makes his heart squeeze watching the scene again.
both you and changbin sat on his bed, crying at the scene, the movie paused on the last glimpse of the brachiosaurus, which only made you both cry your eyes out more. changbin and you didn't share any words, but you both shared tears.
hyunjin can admit he has never seen the jurassic park movies. he wasn't a dinosaur kid, he was an ancient egyptian kid fs. he personally thought the premise of the movies were a bit silly. why would they open these parks if it always ended in disaster? but, here he was, sitting beside you, as you wore your acid-washed jurassic park pajama set, excitedly starting the movie. hyunjin was aware of how often you watched these movies, and how much you loved them, so he had no problem watching them with you if it meant he could see how happy you got (dinosaur kid and ancient egyptian kid solidarity). but one thing he could not understand was how you've watched these movies so many times, and you still cry your eyes out to the brachiosaurus scene.
hyunjin wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you cried, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. okay, he gets it; the scene is sad, but he truly didn't understand why exactly this was so sad. that is until you cried out how the brachiosaurus in the sad scene was the same one from the very first one. then, he understood, and continued to rub your shoulder sweetly, not bothering to mention how you might have just made him a jurassic park fan.
felix has the entire movies memorized. you know that post on this website that says "i'm gonna watch shrek," and it's just the op replaying the movie through their head because they've watched it so many times? yeah, that's felix with jurassic park. he knows the lines, the jokes, the LORE. he had a 16 year hyperfixation on jurassic park, and he wasn't going to let it die! he's watched it so many times, that when you say you wanted to watch the recent ones, he can't help but say yes, like an excited puppy. i think felix has a good grip on his emotions during movies (or he's like me, where i dont understand something until AFTER i finish the movie) so he doesn't cry when he watches it but once he finishes the credits, the waterworks start.
and when he saw you crying about (in his opinion!!!) the most gut-wrenching scene in cinema, he felt his own tears bubble up, pulling you close to him. he's cried over this scene multiple times by himself, but now, he had someone who would understand where exactly he would be coming from. it was a nice comfort.
jisung... oh, boy. jisung definitely got the film spoiled for himself on twitter or youtube or something. he's not a die-hard fan, but he was planning on watching it soon! (it's been almost 8 years, bud, and it's still on his to be watched list). jisung was upset, and wouldn't open the app again until you sat down and watched it with him. jisung is a crier, he cries to movies, even when they aren't sad. but when they are sad, oh my god! he changes his entire personality to match that movie. he will never shut up about it.
jisung cried before your own tears spilled; the music, the shadow that reflected against the smoke. omg, he was breaking down. seeing him cry so hard, made you cry! well, him and the poor brachiosaurus made you cry. you were both hugging each other as you cried, jisung hiccuping about how it wasn't fair and that he would've went back to save them. he cried for the rest of the night,
seungmin is a lot like minho in a sense. he finds the scene rushed, so he couldn't find it in his heart to cry. seungmin watched the movie already, and he knows what happens. he knows it's sad, but he honestly can't find his tears for the scene, even when he first watched it. the scene to him felt sooooo rushed that he kinda just sat there, staring at the television screen, waiting for it to end.
but, he knew you were crying, so he threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling the blanket back over your legs and let you cry. he didn't have any comforting words to say since he couldn't even cry at the scene, but you were happy he even hugged you for the scene!
jeongin isn't a die-hard fan, or a casual enjoyer. he saw the movie once and called it a night. he didn't have any words to say or not about it. when you asked him if he wanted to watch it with you, he agreed, only because he wanted to spend time with you, and he had an excuse to hold you. i think jeongin doesn't honestly remember the movie, so he has to watch it multiple times to even remember, which is why he isn't much of a die-hard fan.
jeongin was crying by the time the scene came up on the screen, and he turned to look at you as your bottom lip quivered at the scene, your eyes pouring the liquid from your eyes. jeongin hugged you tightly. no words exchanged, only warmth, to give comfort to one another. after his second and third watch, it seems like every time he watches it, he cried like a baby each time. (me with meet the robinsons)
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copyright © 2023 thewonandonly. all rights reserved.
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wormwoodandhoney · 10 months
heey laura!! may i ask/request you books that "warm the heart" bc the world is so chaotic that i need a getaway, like asap hehehe or a cozy vibes, kindness, you know?? *sighs* i need that hehe
absolutely!! i ADORE cozy, so this will actually be hard to narrow down. i'm not sure what genre of cozy you want, because cozy transcends genre, so here's a little bit of everything! if there's a specific genre you want, let me know!
fantasy & sci fi
the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna is one of my all time favorite books. about a lonely witch who is hired by a found family to teach their three young witches.
legends & lattes by travis baldree is the definitive cozy fantasy, about an orc who opens a coffee shop. very little plot, mostly vibes.
a proper dragon by eb wheeler is a regency fantasy romance with dragons.
a psalm for the wild-built and it's sequel by becky chambers is about a tea monk who meets a robot looking for the answer to the question "what does humanity need?"
the banned bookshop of maggie banks by shauna robinson in which maggie agrees to help a friend run her bookshop in a small town dedicated to a historical author, in which the town's rules only allows books by this historical author or his contemporaries to be sold. maggie starts a secret, underground book club. maggie herself learns to love reading when she makes a deal with the handsome town grumpy man, who agrees to step out of his comfort zone if she reads his recommendations.
the neighbor favor by kristina forest is about a shy bookworm who asks her handsome neighbor for dating advice, not realizing he is the author she's been anonymously emailing.
you should see me in a crown by leah johnson is about a teen girl who reluctantly joins the race for prom queen in order to get a scholarship, and begins to fall for another girl in the competition.
the miniscule mansion of myra malone by audrey burges is about an agoraphobic woman who blogs about the creation of her beautiful dollhouse, only to get a confused email from a young man who lives in an exact, real-life replica of the dollhouse.
general fiction
someone else's shoes by jojo moyes is about two very different women who accidentally switch bags (and some very important shoes).
a man called ove by frederick backman is about a very grumpy old man who reluctantly befriends his new, chatty neighbors.
remarkably bright creatures by shelby van pelt is about a grumpy old octopus who reluctantly befriends his new, chatty human janitor.
i'm gonna stop there, but if you want more cozy genres (mystery, the controversial concept of "cozy horror", or i could even see if i could get cozy nonfiction), hit me up!
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sluttywoozi · 2 years
Fresh Eyes | Sleepover fic #4
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For: @ficrecsiguess thank you for requesting this and for supporting me!! 
Pairing: Seokmin x reader (reader has boobs)
Prompt: I didn't know you wore glasses and I'm thinking normal and platonic thoughts about you right now I swear
Rating: M 
Word Count: ~1300
Content Notes: food mention, wine and beer, swearing, Seokmin’s shy horny thoughts, suggestive ending, newly established relationship, first sleepover
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Seokmin’s been staring at you for… awhile. He knows he should look away, remembers how Jeonghan had told him to play it cool at first, but he just can’t help it. He hasn’t been with you long, certainly not long enough to get over the fact that you want to date him, that you even said yes when he’d finally gathered up the courage to ask (well, shout). He still can’t believe you’re here, at his apartment, sitting on his couch in your pjs, close enough he can feel your body heat and smell the night cream you’d put on. 
You’re still staring at the TV, halfway through Meet The Robinsons and swiftly approaching Seokmin’s favorite part, but he can’t tear his eyes away from you. He’s just never seen you like this before, so comfy and cozy and domestic, and it makes his heart race. 
He’d near died when you first walked out of the bathroom. 
Seokmin got ready for bed faster than you, just changing, scrubbing his face, and slapping on some moisturizer, so he’d waited for you on the couch with the movie queued up. His stomach was full, still warm from the ramen you’d shared at his favorite stall, brain still buzzing a bit from the beer, heart feeling fit to burst just from time spent alone with you. He was a bit nervous; you’d never slept over before, and he was going over the list of everything that could make you never want to again. What if he snores, or thrashes in bed, or has a nightmare, or steals all the blankets, or wakes up ha-
The door opened then, and Seokmin was so lost in thought, he’d just about jumped out of his skin before turning to greet you. The smile froze on his face, his eyes growing wide and his breath getting faster, when he caught sight of you. His eyes had traveled from toes to head; socked feet hidden in cushy slippers, cute pajamas draped over your body, the shape of your breasts identifiable through your shirt. Fuck, you weren’t wearing a bra, but Seokmin didn’t let his eyes linger, couldn’t if he wanted to be able to sit next to you for the next two hours without a pillow in his lap. It only got worse the further up his gaze traveled though, catching on the curve of your collarbones and line of your neck, the sheen of your freshly moisturized face, finally landing on the glasses sitting primly on your nose. 
God, Seokmin had felt like he couldn’t breathe; he had no clue you wore glasses, had never seen you in them before, and he’s not sure why but you looked the hottest you ever have to him. Obviously, he’s always thought you were adorable, hot, cute, sexy, beautiful, wonderful, miraculous, but something about seeing you like this got him going. Your pajamas weren’t revealing, looked more comfortable than anything he owned, and your breasts normally didn’t get to him this much, get him this hard, but the combination of it all, plus the glasses perched on your face? Seokmin didn’t stand a chance. 
After what felt like a lifetime to him (but was likely only a few seconds), you’d smiled back sweetly and headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of wine. He had just enough time to compose himself and drape the blanket over his lap before you’d returned, holding out a beer for him in one hand and a glass of white in the other. He’d already brought over all the snacks, arranged them carefully on the coffee table in order of saltiness to sweetness, and you sunk down on the couch with a sigh. You’d sat close to him, nestled in the crook of the arm he’d left up, the fabric of your pajamas brushing against his, and it had taken Seokmin the first quarter of the movie to relax enough to drape his arm around your shoulder. 
That’s where it sits now, his fingers absentmindedly tracing up and down your bicep, your head resting in the crook of his neck. Seokmin loves this, wants to pull you even closer, but he’s not sure if he should yet. He’s still a bit shy about touching you like he wants to, scared of overwhelming or annoying you, so he’s been following your lead, but he can’t wait to get to the stage where you and him both know you’re allowed free reign. Seokmin thinks he’s been pretty obvious that you can touch him however and whenever and wherever you want, but he’s considering telling you just to be sure. 
He’s just opened his mouth to say it when you sit up a bit and look at him, eyelashes fluttering behind your glasses, your lips parted to speak as well. He snaps his mouth closed, teeth clacking together audibly, and stares at you, waiting. 
“Can we rearrange a little bit? I wanna lay down,” you say softly. Seokmin nods swiftly, shuffling forward off the couch a bit and gesturing over his body to indicate you can move him, and you take the offer for what it is. 
Your hands push him to lean back until he’s horizontal, propped up slightly by a pillow and the arm of the couch, and you pull at his legs until he’s lifted them onto the cushions. You climb in between his knees, spreading them slightly and sitting down, and rotate to press your back to his chest. Seokmin leaves his legs bent, cradling your hips between his thighs, as you take hold of one arm to wrap it around your waist and the other to lay over your chest. His elbow bends, resting between your soft breasts, and his fingers wrap around your shoulder, thumb caressing the curve of your neck. He can feel every inch of you, holding you like this, and prays to whoever’s listening that he won’t get hard, knowing you’d be able to feel it. 
The movie plays in the background, but Seokmin can’t hear it, isn’t watching. He’s too focused on you, on watching your expression change from above, his heart fluttering at how your glasses move when your nose scrunches in a laugh. He doesn’t even notice the movie ending, because his eyes have caught on the rise and fall of your chest, fabric shifting over your breasts with the movements, your nipples pebbling just a bit with the friction. He knows he’s getting hard, can feel the blood rushing down and filling up his dick, and the pressure of your body against his is only making everything worse. Seokmin panics a bit, knows there’s no way you can’t feel it, and tries to shift his hips away from you. 
He hasn’t made much progress, only gaining a few inches, when you turn in his arms, tilting your head back to smirk at him. Now his eyes are stuck on the curve of your lips, and when you open them to talk, his gaze flies up to meet yours. Your eyes shine behind the glasses, playful and teasing, and he barely processes it when you say, “ready for bed?”
His cheeks grow hot, embarrassment and want burning a hole in his stomach, and he’s halfway through an apology when you tug the hand wrapped around your waist down to rest on your pelvis. You open your thighs a bit more, and Seokmin thinks he knows where this is going but is terrified to hope. He inches his fingers down, eyes still locked with yours, and waits for you to breathe, “you can touch me.”
His hand slides lower, underneath the elastic of your pajama bottoms, and he can’t stop the buck of his hips beneath you when his palm finds the heat between your legs. 
“Yeah,” Seokmin pants against your forehead, “I think I’m ready for bed.”
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