#that reveal AND THEN THE ENDING had me sobbing at 6am in the morning
onewingedangels · 2 years
it's almost 7am here but I finished syberia 4....
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simsjayla · 10 months
jake - surprise!
part 1 (sort of)
jake - 23
jake x pregnant! reader
genre: fluff, a little angst
warnings: vomiting, pee, pregnancy, small mention of a breeding kink
to say you and jake weren’t necessarily trying for a baby would be a lie after finding out about his breeding kink, it would be hard to say that this wasn’t bound to happen at some point and now here you are, in the en-suite bathroom of yours and jake’s bedroom, pregnancy test in hand.
it all started when you woke up at 6am last week with the need to vomit. jake also woke up when he felt you move his arm from around his waist. he followed you straight to the bathroom as heard the sound of you throwing up, one hand slowly rubbing your back softly whilst the other one held your hair back in a messy ponytail. your period was a day late but you blamed it on stress. well that was until this became a recurring thing every morning.
you awoke from your daydream as the alarm went off, signalling that it was time to look at the pregnancy test you had previously peed on, your hands shook as you slowly turned the test over in your hands, your eyes immediately filled with tears as you saw a bold positive sign on the plastic stick.
what would jake say? would he be happy? would be leave you? would he be upset? angry? you were pulled out of your negative thoughts when the front door opened meaning jake was home from work. jake was at the highest in his idol career he’s ever been, with you and him only being 23 with only a couple of conversations about having kids in the coming future. you were worried, scared to the say the least.
“baby, i’m home,” jake’s sweet voice rang in your eyes but you couldn’t bring yourself to reply as tears poured from your eyes. would this be the end for you and him? “baby, where are you?” jake called out. “in the en-suite,” you managed to reply quietly, your voice cracking between words. he quickly came to the door of the en-suite. “can i come in angel?” this is it. no holding back. “yeah…”
he slowly opened the door to see your face painted with tears, your makeup slightly smudged. he came to sit next to you on the tile floor before taking you to sit in his lap. “what’s wrong my love?” he asked softly into your shoulder as he delicately kissed the revealed skin there. “i- i have something to tell you…” you said between stutters and sniffles. “you know you can tell me anything sweetest?” you nod slowly before taking a deep breath and quickly saying. “i’m pregnant,”
jake’s jaw fell wide open as his eyes lit up. he placed you back on the tile floor ever so lightly and grabbed ahold of your shaky hands. “are you sure?” you nod and passed him the positive pregnancy test. tears rolled down his cheeks as he giggled at the test. he placed it back on the counter before connecting your lips in a passionate kiss before slowly pulling away to look at you.
“why are crying darling? this is a good thing,” jake asked you, looking into your glassy eyes. “i- i was worried you wouldn’t want this yet, i mean you’re at the peak of your career.” “angel girl, this is the best news i’ve ever heard.” his eyes teared up again as he giggled sweetly and placed one of his hands on your stomach as he rubbed small circles on it. “we’re gonna have a baby together, this is amazing,”
you embraced him in a hug, both of you a sobbing mess, but this time with happy tears as the realisation that you two were going to be parents kicked in. “i love you so much angel, and our little one.” he whispered into your ear as he stroked your hair lovingly.
let’s just say you didn’t need to worry, now you know that jake is going to be the best most loving dad. this was the best surprise he’s ever had.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 3 years
Love, Uncle Sy
Genre: Fan Fiction (Sand Castle) Pairing: N/A Warnings: It’s so fluffy!  Rating: G Length: Drabble Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: I had fun with Sy and Willow, making Christmas cookies, so I brought them back for some adorable birthday fluff.
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Henry Cavill Master List
Saturday morning, sun barely above the horizon and Sy was wide awake. As usual, his morning began in the kitchen, a pot of coffee perfuming the room while accompanied by the humid scent of dishwasher and frying bacon. He'd woke this morning, tossing and turning, a cold sweat cresting his brow. Nothing a shower and a soothing meditation tape wouldn't temporarily fix. Had he not been woke by the nightmares, Sy would have planned to sleep in – or his version of sleeping in, at least.
Waking from a nightmare on your birthday, should be criminal. Never the less, he had work to do once breakfast was over. In a few hours, he had to pack his truck with a few party favours and drive over to the local horse farm where his niece took lessons every Saturday morning. While Sy was turning older than he cared to remember, today was his niece's seventh birthday.
The grizzled Army vet loved all of his nieces and nephews, but Willow was certainly his favourite. She was his mini-me. His tiny partner in crime. His shadow, and the light of his life. From the moment Sy had held his birthday twin, he'd been in love. His heart was melting and there was nothing that he wouldn't do for that child.
Calling the dog back inside, he gave a scratch behind the ears. Plating his bacon and a piece of toast, saving a few pieces to cool as a treat for the faithful canine. Checking his watch, Sy frowned, 6AM was a little too early to call his birthday girl. He'd have to wait until he saw her later this morning, when he would also be presenting her with the most perfect present in the world.
Around 10AM Sy's truck was packed with a few birthday banners, balloons, cupcakes, and a giant pink sparkly bow. Willow's lesson ended at 11:30, if he wanted to get there and allow his sister time to set up then he had to hurry. Sy couldn't wait to see his niece's face, when he presented her with the present that he'd bought her. He could picture it now, her eyes shining and that adorable smile, ear to ear, squealing in pure delight.
Arriving while Willow was busy cleaning her tack, Sy managed to get somewhat set up. A kind parent helping to set up made it easier on Sy. One last thing to get from the truck and they were set. Sy shut the door, the case of cupcakes in his arm. Walking back to the surprise location, the last thing he'd expected when he stepped inside the barn was Willow running towards him, tears streaming down her face, sniffling and trying to contain the sobs of anguish. Stopping in his tracks, Sy removed his sunglasses, intercepting the little girl rushing towards him at the speed of light.
“Uncle Sy,” Willow rushed her uncle, tears in her eyes. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she sniffled.
“Hey Wispy, what's wrong Bub?” Sy stroked the back of her head, the braided pig tails messed from their time under her helmet.
“Oh Uncle Sy.” She wailed, bottom lip trembling. A child crying on their birthday was never a good sign. Squatting down to be the same height as his niece, Sy wiped her eyes. “Checkers.”
“What about him?”
“He's,” hiccup, “he...” she sobbed. “He's sold.”
Biting his bottom lip, Sy felt for the little girl. He wished they could have told her before now, but that would have ruined the entire birthday surprise. Of course her favourite pony had sold, the second Sy had heard that the striking spotted pony had a price tag, he called and negotiated the sale. Checkers had sold nearly two weeks ago, his new owner none the wiser that the pony even belonged to her – at her Uncle's request.
Aimee and Mike had been discussing buying their daughter her own pony, though funds and the right pony were never aligned. When Sy heard that the favourite lesson pony was going to be sold, he discussed it with his sister and knew what he had to do.
Seeing Willow sobbing uncontrollably was going to make the reveal that much sweeter. Even so, knowing something his niece did not, seeing her in such a state broke Sy's heart.
“Oh Wispy,” Sy soothed her, bringing her in for a tight hug. “I know it hurts now, but just think, Checkers is going to have a little girl of his very own. Don't ponies deserve a good home and all the love?”
“Yeah, but I'm going to miss him. I wish I could have him. I would love him forever, Uncle Sy.”
“I know bub, I know.” Gently giving her a squeeze, Sy let her go rubbing the tears away from her cheeks. “How 'bout you go finish putting your things away, then come find me and we can give Checkers some treats and tell him what a good pony he is?”
“Okay.” Willow nodded, hiccupping through a new batch of silent tears.
Close one. Sy stood, blowing out a heavy breath.
He had to hurry, if he wanted to be set up by the time Willow came back. He picked up the case of cupcakes. Delicately arranged in the shape of a pony, of course. Sy had worked hard baking, decorating, and creating the perfect birthday treat. Walking through the aisle of the small riding facility, Sy smiled seeing his sister and nephew waiting at the party site.
They had arranged to meet up after Willow's lesson, catching a few of her horsey friends before they left. Parents happy to wait for an extra hour to help the little girl celebrate her birthday. Sending Willow to the car to put her things away had been the only way Sy could get her far enough away to make their plan work.
“Sy, Happy birthday.” Aimee hugged her brother tightly. Careful not to squish the container of cupcakes that he held.
“Thank ya.” He kissed her cheek, smiling wide. Nodding to Ben, who would rather be anywhere else right now. “Wispy was pretty upset,” he commented glancing over at the pony who was standing in a holding paddock near by. “I nearly broke, Aim.”
“Oh god,” Aimee rolled her eyes, “who knew all it took to break the soldier was a crying child.”
“She's gutted,” He frowned, setting the cupcakes down on a small table decorated with a pink birthday sign, matching plates, and cups.
“Won't be for long,” Ben shrugged.
“Sure you and Mike are okay with this?” Eyeing his sister, Sy smirked adjusting his cap.
“Well, we kind of need to be. It's not like we've a choice.”
“Course you do, if you don't want  the pony, I am sure Checkers and I would get on fine.” laughing, Sy took a good look at the pony who was content to eat the hay he'd been given. The big sparkly pink bow around his neck didn't seem to hinder him any. “He's a good looking boy.”
“I'd like to see you on that pony.” Her laughing intensified, Aimee snorted slapping Sy in the arm.
Her giant of a brother would look insane on the pony, even if Checkers was on the bigger end of being a pony. Hell, the last time she'd seen Sy ride he was maybe twelve, before girls and other interests had taken over his attention. Back then he would have loved to have his own pony. Their parents had allowed Aimee to begin taking lessons, when Sy had tagged along, insisting that he be allowed to ride too. Fearless, the six year old climbed onto the horse assigned to him and didn't bother to look back. For a few years everyone had began to assume that he'd eventually end up in high school rodeo, after that he'd find a woman and settle down on a farm somewhere.
Heh. What a life that would have been. A wife and kids were evidently not in the cards for this Syverson. He loved his nieces and nephews, but the scars his life bore, it would be unfair to condemn a child to a father who was broken and haunted by war. Clouds settling in his mind, Sy cleared his throat bringing himself back to the present matter at hand. Tormenting his sister.
“I happen to be a fine rider.” Winking at Ben; Sy nudged his sister. “I remember being a much better rider than some others that I know.”
“Shut up, I was a good rider.” Defending herself, Aimee stuck her tongue out at him.
“I know you were, but I was better that's all.” grinning from ear to ear, Sy ruffled his sister's hair, checking his watch. Willow was still missing, unlike her. “Should I go find Wispy? Bring her over?”
“Uh, yeah. If you don't mind.” Aimee nodded, checking her watch. The car had been unlocked, there was no obvious reason for her daughter to be held up.
Walking to the parking area, Sy laid his sights on the suv belonging to his sister. The doors were all shut and no sign of Willow. His truck, parked beside it was also vacant. In the back of the suv, Willow's stuff was tossed in. It looked like she had thrown it and ran.
“Wispy?” his heart began to thump when the car was clear. Logically, Sy knew that she couldn't have gone far. The soldier in him told Sy that there was no need to panic. The uncle side tried to take over his wildest imagination. No, sir he was not allowing those thoughts in. Listening for a moment, he took a deep breath steadying his heart and calming the pounding in his veins. “Willow?”
Behind him, he could hear a rustling in the grass. All the dogs were around the back and this was too big to be a barn cat. Following the noise around the corner of the shed, Sy's heartbeat returned to normal finding Willow sitting in the grass. Knees to her chin, her face stained with tears, her jeans dirty, boots covered in dust.
“You coming, birthday girl?”
“Uncle Sy?” Willow sighed, rubbing her hands against her eyes.
“My heart hurts. Is this what it's like when you have a broken heart?”
“Wispy, bub.” Sinking down to sit beside her on the grass, Sy felt his chest tighten. Wishing that Aimee had never mentioned the sale.
“I miss him already.”
“I know, but for now he's still here and he wants those carrots that I brought.” Trying his best to encourage his tiny shadow, Sy smiled. “If we go see him now, it means we get to spend more time enjoying Checkers than worrying. We can't predict tomorrow.”
Leaning into her uncle, Willow sighed. “But why did he have to sell? I love him, I don't want him going to a new home and on my birthday.”
“Oh Wispy,” Sy kissed the top of her head. He wanted to tell her, reassure her that Checkers wasn't going anywhere, but he didn't want to ruin the surprise just yet. “Honestly, bub, I don't know what to tell you. What I can tell you is that it won't always hurt.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. Now, your ma is waiting for us. Some of your friends have stayed, too. There are cupcakes.”
“Really? But I thought we were going to feed Checkers.”
“We are, after. I wasn't supposed to tell you about the cupcakes, but I even made them myself for you. Come on, let's go enjoy the day. It's our birthday! No tears on our birthday.” Standing, Sy held his hand out to Willow.
Grasping her Uncle's hand, she squeaked when he grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. Laughing hysterically, Willow flopped around on his back, bracing herself with her elbows as he walked through the yard.
Seeing Sy with Willow over his shoulder, Aimee instructed Ben to grab Checkers and have him ready for his sister. Whatever. Ben crawled through the wooden fence, clipping a pink lead line onto the pony and coaxing him away from he hay. His sister was about to lose her mind. Straightening the bow, Ben smiled fondly at the thought of how happy his little sister would be.
“Happy Birthday, Wispy!” Sy announced setting her down, back to Checkers.
“Is this all mine?” Willow's eyes were wide as she stared up at her uncle.
“Sure is.” Nodding, Sy smiled with pride.
A few of the kids who had stayed were giddy with anticipation. Wishing their friend a happy birthday, waiting for the big moment. Turning to look at her mom, Willow spotted her brother with the pony. More tears in her eyes, she began to loudly sob. Her body shaking, words escaping her. Kneeling down beside his niece, Sy sniffed back his own tears.
“Happy birthday, Willow. He's all yours.”
“Yeah sweetheart, Checkers is all yours. If you want him.”
“I do. I really do, I love him so much.” Willow rushed the gate, fumbling to undo the latch. Frustrated she darted under the fence, throwing her arms around the pony's neck, hugging him tightly. “My own pony,” She whispered, causing Ben to smile. Handing his sister the lead line, Ben took a step back allowing his mom to take  photo of the moment.
“Send me a copy, will ya Aims.” Sy wiped his hand across his eyes, putting his sunglasses on to hide the tears.
“You big softie.” Aimee nudged him. “Go on, get in the photo with them.” She urged her brother.
Stepping into the small paddock, unlatching the gate – unlike his niece and nephew there was no way in hell Sy was darting through the fence boards. He stood next to Willow for a moment, stroking the spotted neck of the content pony. Whispering softly to Checkers about what a good sport he'd been.
“I can't believe it.” whispering, Willow looked up at her uncle. “He's all mine.”
“He sure is, bub.” Holding out his arms Sy smiled when Willow rushed into them. Hugging her uncle tightly. Scooping her up, Sy took the lead line from her, holding Checkers beside them while Aimee took some photos. “Happy birthday, Wispy.” Sy smiled kissing her cheek.
“Happy birthday, Uncle Sy. Sorry that I didn't get you a pony.” Willow kissed his cheek, hugging her arms around his neck.
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
I was told by your wonderful wife, birds-have-teeth that you were in need for some asks/requests. How about Izuku and S/O on their wedding day?
She truly is a wonderful wife 🥺💜
Ahh! I dont usually take requests, but this was just too cute to pass up!
I hope you don’t mind that these are headcanons!
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Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Wedding Day.
Category: fluff
First of all! I think their wedding would be set sometime in spring. The time of year where it’s not too hot and not too cool, just after all the leaves and flowers bloom. I mean think about it, Sakura petals flowing in the wind on your wedding day? What a dream.
It sounds crazy, but I always imagined Izuku as the type of person to want to have their wedding outside.. Kind of like- in a garden? Or a forest? You know that the wedding Bella and Edward had in the forest? Kind of like that! Except surrounded by flowers!
Flowers like.. Magnolia, forget-me-nots, tulips, and of course - sakura! Or, well, Cherry blossoms~ Just! Flowers that really brighten up the secluded space. You’d need seclusion, after all, especially since you are marrying the number one hero.
Wouldnt it be so cute to be married under a willow tree, a brilliant white arch covered in white roses and vines standing above you both? Ackk vines.. So beautiful. Oh! Maybe there’s even a little rock pathway down the aisle?
The air is fresh.. Because you’re in the countryside! Maybe even in the mountains. Somewhere where a little babbling brook is not too far behind the trees, its soft bubbling noises relaxing the party-goers. 
Speaking of! Wouldnt a little plant themed engagement ring be the cutest? Something like this! 
Wedding ring.. Well you both have to pick that out dont you?
The wedding day is obviously going to be the most important day for both of you! But also, nerve-wracking as hell. Im positive Izuku has probably freaked out five times since he woke up at 6AM. Maybe a mental breakdown. Yknow. 
He’s a sensitive guy! And he’s terrified! Nono, he doesnt have cold feet. He wants to marry you! He cannot imagine his life without you in it, but God is he absolutely terrified that you might be the one leaving him at the altar.
Not that he doesnt have faith in you! It’s just.. His insecurities and anxieties taking over him. Even after all these years of unconditional love, he still cant help but feel you deserve someone way better than him. And he fears one day you’ll wake up and realize that as well.
But you’d have to be absolutely crazy to even think about doing that, huh?
So yeah. Wedding day morning is filled with Izuku’s best man - Shoto - trying to calm the sporadic man down, bringing Toshi and his mom in to aid as well. He may have thrown up. Who’s to say.
You, on the otherhand, are having a great morning. You’re bouncing with excitement! Ready and oh-so impatiently waiting to marry the man of your dreams in the most scenic area you could find. It truly was a catch! A relatively cheap place - the majority of your funds were spent on food and flowers. You can get pretty good deals on wedding dresses if you’re marrying the number one hero, apparently. So long as they get to display one of your wedding photos.
Hell, it’d help a local business boom, and who wouldnt want that? You got a discount on your bridesmaids dresses as well~
A dream.
But the start time was quickly approaching. Tick-tock!
Soon enough, the both of you are ready to start a new chapter of your lives together.
The scene is set! Your husband-to-be stand beneath arch drenched in morning dew, light breaking through the trees reflecting on each little droplet and showering the little patch where your wedding was being held in brilliant lights 
It honestly looked magical, straight out of a fairy tale. Hell, you were about to marry your prince, after all
God this wedding is like every outdoorsy kid’s dream
The piano starts up once the player gets the queue that everyone is ready.
Your friends walk down the aisle first in pairs, bridesmaids with bridesmen, silky gowns flowing in the gentle spring breeze
Soon enough the flower girl trots happily down the aisle, throwing Sakura petals every which way with a happy little smile on her face, dress as white as snow and a little pink belt. 
It was truly a miracle no one tripped on the rocks yet.
Once everyone was in their place, a traditional wedding song began to play. 
Izuku swore he saw an angel the moment those vines swayed to reveal you.
A sunbeam hit you from behind, its golden glow cascading down your body.
Tears formed in his eyes as he watched, paralyzed, as you walked down, heels clicking against the floor
The biggest, goofiest smile cracked onto his face, eyes connecting with yours. All was going to be alright. He had nothing to fear.
He’d probably openly sob while stating his vows, hands trembling as they hold onto yours.. It’d probably be something along the lines of.. “Ever since the day I met you, i’ve become a better man. You helped me grow into who I am today. You guided me towards the path that would lead me to happiness with your loving embrace, with every word of endearment you’d whisper to me, and with love as a whole. I always wondered what it’d feel like to be loved like this, and now that I have it, and that I have you, I don’t ever want to let go of it. Because you’re it, princess. You’re the love of my life, my one and only, my soulmate, and so much more. Every day we’re apart I always think of you. You keep me going. Without you, I wouldn’t be me.”
Something cheesy, yknow! Somethin sweeter than candy corn. <3 what a sap. 
He may have had to wipe his tears a few times… cough.
Surprisingly though, his hands are super steady when he slides that ring on.
A shaky yet firm “I do,” green eyes now a shimmering viridescent as he stares at you with the purest form of love swirling in his gaze.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
His hand reaches up, delicately placing itself on your cheek. He cant help but take this moment in, condemning your smiling, angelic face to memory, the flashes of photos being taken completely ignored as he slowly leans in. 
His lips are softer than they had ever been in that moment, the kiss itself so sugary sweet - the embodiment of innocence and passion. Love.
Eyes fluttering closed, he cant help but kiss you over and over again, each one making both your smiles grow larger until giggles erupt between the two of you.
Oh boy. He had lipstick smudged all over his lips. He couldnt care less, though. Pulling you close to his body, he smiled cheekily over at the photographer for a photo.
HE’S YOUR HUSBAND NOW! IZUKU IS YOUR HUSBAND! Praise the lords. (Y/N) Midoriya has a nice ring to it, doesnt it?
Inko welcomes you to the Mrs. Midoriya family with a hug.
The rest of the day was filled with you and Izuku being stuck together like glue, surrounded by friends and family.
The wedding photos would be filled with you two standing in a meadow, sun raining brilliantly down on the two newlyweds.
ackk just.. sakura petals flying in the wind~ how pretty. Maybe one even lands in your hair and he gets to pluck it out. <3
He’s the happiest he’s ever been.
Hell, he’s sure this is what being high felt like. 
He cant stop smiling! He’s just so so cute.
Of course, a few goofy photos have to take place! Maybe Uravity uses her quirk to make it look like the number one hero is floating away whilst you ‘run’ to try and get him.
There was even one where he and his bridesmen wear parts of their hero costumes to show off a bit. Like Deku wears his hood, Shoto wears his.. Bracelets and backback..? Stuff like that! Truly it’s a weird fuckin photo. But so so dorky and so them.
His favorite photo is definitely the one where he has you sitting on his arm as he flexes. Yep. He turned into a bit of a show off. Could you blame him? Haha.
At night is when the real fun begins. Mainly because of the party! Lanterns are set up everywhere, and due to being so far from the city- the stars are shining in the sky! Much more than youre used to.
Izuku took a dance course, unbeknownst to you (Shoto and Bakugou were forced to join him- talk about chaotic!), so that first dance together is honestly breathtaking. He’s so gentle with you, leading the way and twirling you around.
May or may not have bawled when you danced with Toshinori. 
It’d probably be forest themed. Green and white blending beautifully together, maybe even a little frosting stream cascading down the side. Hand made models of you and Izuku stood proudly at the top. I guess the flavor would be something you both chose together?
He loves touching your soft hands so holding that knife together is awesome for him.
Oh yea. After the perfect photo is taken, he definitely smears frosting on your cheek - just so he has an excuse to lick it off.
You both leave in a black limo, a “Just Married!” sign placed on the back.
Ahh. honeymoon time.
It’s going to be a long night,
Mainly because..
Well. Traveling- and.. Y’know (;
All in all! It starts off as stressful, and ends in the sweetest way possible.
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leah-jeffries · 5 years
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I can’t believe it’s been over a week since BookCon rolled out of here! Now another 300-something odd days until the next one and I’m already anticipating BookCon 2020. Insane, right? Before this year is over, I’ve gotta tell you about what went down during one of the biggest bookish weekends in the world. 
I’d been at BookExpo 2019 so by the time BookCon rolled around, the pair of us were tuckered out, our feet were in pain and I was anticipating the large number of convention-goers that would make their way into the enormous glass building. Now if you’ve never been to BookCon, it’s pretty much like BookExpo, but on steroids and with a much bigger fan experience. If you had to measure it against something like New York Comic Con, it’s really like a fourth of what that is. Though, I have to admit that this year was probably the highest attended BookCon the two of us have ever seen! I’ve been going since 2014, so it’s been a good part of a decade that I’ve had the pleasure to watch it grow. 
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Now if you didn’t know, the folks that run BookExpo/BookCon have an enormous social outreach. Besides all the standard platforms they have accounts on, they always make it a point to update their app through the respectable stores (in our case, on the Apple App Store) where they seem to have EVERYTHING. It lets you plan your schedule, check out who will be attending, what sort of events are happening, and even lets you connect with other people who will be attending in the community. 
Okay, so I knew that BookCon would be a place where I go to really check out how exhibitors shift their focuses between the industry-targeted BookExpo and the standard community-targeted BookCon. And I knew that people were more excited since there were some heavy hitters that would be in attendance (I feel like it was really about all the celebrity authors this year).
So Saturday morning, I knew I was going to come early just because I love seeing the show floor right when it opens and what exhibitors are offering in their programming and materials to hand-out in the first wave of attendees. When I woke up and on my way to the city, I couldn’t help but peek in on the official Facebook group to see if people were really out and about for the conference already (I was up by 6am) and of course, there WERE people who had been talking about how attendees had been there since practically 4am! There were some really big book lovers out there, which I am totally on board for, but definitely not as big myself. 
Saturday seemed like a wild day and honestly, the busiest that I had seen the 4.5 days between Book Expo and Book Con. And according to a few articles (particularly on PW), it was the busiest and most-crowded. I’m not surprised since Saturdays seem to always be the biggest when it comes to conferences and conventions. There were people EVERYWHERE and not enough freebies to spread amongst the increased con-goers (which I know a lot of people were disgruntled about) according to most attendees chief complaints that I read about. 
To be honest, writing this a week later, the events are all a blur. So I’ll stick to the highlights. 
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Back to Saturday! To be honest, the biggest thing that happened that I was really hoping to score was THE TOLL from Neal Shusterman. When the cover was revealed a few weeks ago, I hadn’t thought in my wildest dreams that they would be creating advanced galleys (no matter how limited) for the ARC OF THE SCYTHE trilogy, let alone dropping them during BookCon. From conversations that I had with publishers over the duration of Book Expo, it seemed like they were holding back a lot of their promotional materials until Book Con, which I found pretty surprising. So when RivetedLit announced that there were scythes walking around the floor with envelopes that told you if you were “the chosen one” or not, you bet your tush that I bolted in search of them. I have no idea how many times I asked if they had something for me and how many enamel pins I ended up with and honestly, that was the biggest hardship I faced the entire weekend. With their tote bags full of envelopes, I was convinced that that these galleys didn’t exist. Apparently, there were 25 of them but I sadly, did not get my grubby hands on them. 
September isn’t too long from now, right? (-sobs-) 
(Also, I can’t deny that I waited until the end of Book Con on Saturday in hopes that S&S would do a drop of it since that was what happened with AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS during Book Con 2017. It was my biggest regret leaving early.)
I feel like I tried to steer clear of the bigger booths that had the more ‘coveted’ giveaways happening (like HarperCollins and Penguin Random House) because there always seemed to be an endless stream of people, but I definitely didn’t stray from Simon & Schuster and Hachette. While they were buzzing with people, they had more opportunities for attendees to interface. RivetedLit had a fun lollipop (though people seemed to line up HOURS in advance with no promise of a free book) wall where you picked one at random and the color on the bottom fo the stick indicated which of their most-talked about titles you would receive. And if you got a blank one, you still got a lollipop out of it (which I certainly approve of). 
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Between the two of us, we got WINTERWOOD by Shea Ernshaw, SLAY by Brittney Morris, and PERMANENT RECORD by Mary H.K. Choi (I only got a lollipop on Sunday!). I gotta say, those were great choices. I had hoped to get THE LADY ROGUE by Jenna Bennett since it sounded so EPIC and I loved the premise, but again...September isn’t too far away...right? (-anguished sob-). 
My two other highlights of Saturday was meeting Claire Legrand, author of so many delightful young adult novels, but she was there at SourceBooks to promote her latest release, KINGSBANE, the second in the Empirium Trilogy (aka one of my favorites in recent years). The first fifty in line received a complimentary finished copy of KINGSBANE while anyone thereafter got a copy at a discounted price. And let me say that there were A LOT of copies. 
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I only got a few seconds with Claire Legrand when it was my turn to meet her and I always feel like I’m taking too long by chatting with them (and I always love getting a photo of them signing their book), so I just tend to be awkward and always keep in mind to tell them to have a great time while they’re there since I know how insanely exhausting it can get. She is always a delight to meet and always decked out in a lovely outfit. 
She was also giving away her preorder enamel pins which I’d missed out on since I procrastinated, so I was so glad I was able to snatch one for my pin board! 
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My other signing that day was with Joan He - again, a fleeting moment because I knew there were many people in line who wanted a chance to talk to her and I really would rather have that time devoted for those who want a real moment with her. I was so excited to meet the author of DESCENDANTS OF THE CRANE since it is a jaw-dropping, edge-of-table-gripping story. And honestly, how am I supposed to resist a diverse spellbinding story??? 
I spent the better part of the weekend on the show floor and saw a lot. It’s really no surprise that there were lines everywhere you turned. I can’t exactly figure out the best way for exhibitors to eliminate their lines other than dropping tickets in the morning or reserving them through an online system (like autographing area tickets), but I can say that if there weren’t lines, I think it would be such a great opportunity to network and get to know publishers more. I feel like a lot of the times, bloggers and people from the media (at least small-press media) get a terrible reputation at Book Con and other bookish conferences is because there’s very little room to develop that relationship between publisher and media. 99% of the time, people in both roles are behind the screen and working for corporations that do not allow for much face time. 
Sunday was pretty much the same, but I still enjoyed walking around all day despite having been through the show floor MULTIPLE times in the week I’d been there. It’s just always fun to see what new things exhibitors are doing and to see the demographics of the attendees. According to PW, it was majority white women in their 30s-40s. While that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest and I did see a number of POCs on the floor, I was disappointed that there was not more catered to bringing in those bigger numbers. It was definitely startling to see the sea of “whiteness” when there were plenty of authors/illustrators with culturally diverse backgrounds in attendance and being promoted. 
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Truth time, I really wanted to devote my mornings on the weekend to finding totes. If you’ve ever been to one of these conferences before, you know there always seems to be totes flying everywhere from every booth, but it didn’t seem like the case this year. I’d sadly missed out on this AMAZING tote giveaway supporting Karin Slaughter at Blackstone Publishing during Book Expo, but I made up for it by claiming one of their really cute ‘Crazy Book Lady’ totes which is now in my collection of totes to use as my casket lining when I die :).
The only things we had to attend were our autograph signings. We had Sandhya Menon, Cora Carmack, and Tasmyn Muir/Kel Kade. 
Cora Carmack went pretty smoothly. We’d met her earlier that week during her signing for RAGE and we’d wanted to get some of her backlist titles signed, so it was pretty delightful to see her. We’d decided to skip Sandhya because we were disappointed in the rule of having to purchase a book at full price, especially when her books were being sold at the Simon & Schuster for half price. 
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Tasmyn Mui and Kel Kade were signing on Sunday and it was our lightest day when it came to a schedule. We were pretty excited for GIDEON THE NINTH which boasts a cast of lesbian necromancers, so what is not to love? Especially when V.E. Schwab blurbs it, amirite? Also, Tasmyn and Kel were TERRIBLY delightful.
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 While we were waiting in line for the signing to start, there was a kerfuffle behind us and it seemed as though they’d run out of books for one of the authors which was pretty shocking to me. These autographing sessions are booked WEEKS in advance and while I know there is some negligence on part of the Book Con staff (people who just let other people without tickets in), I just couldn’t believe how short the number of books had been and it didn’t seem like it was a one-time mishap. There were multiple complaints across the Book Con official group in the days following Book Con and I dunno if I would have been okay with it had I been waiting a while for books that I thought I was going to get and ended up not geting (and believe me, there is a lot of waiting).
Two things that jumped out at me on the floor were the very family-oriented activities happening on the other side of the show floor hall. While the right side was condensed with all of the publishers, the left side was left quite empty and most of it dedicated to the queue hall for attendees to line up in the morning. But when you looked around that section, you might have noticed that there were many more merch booths and an area dedicated to a Family Headquarters where families had their own activities and programming. While I don’t have my own family, I thought it was really nice for Reedpop and Book Con to parter with the Children’s Book Council to cater to families that would be attending. 
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Not only was the event committee catering to them but also a few of the exhibitors They had tables and little (what I assume were workshops or activitiy time) tables where kids and parents could sit and do a variety of things like color and decorate activity sheets. This has got my 100% approval stamp all over it and of the kids that I saw there, they seemed like they were definitely having a lot of fun! 
The other thing that jumped out at me that I briefly mentioned above and was probably my favorite part of the whole Book Con experience was the section that had exhibitors selling bookish merch. You don’t know this, but I am an avid collector of bookish merch like prints and enamel pins. Anything that is artfully done and for a fandom of mine, I will throw my money and bank account at without a second thought. I was actually really excited to explore it and while I’d browsed through it at Book Expo, it seemed to definitely bump up with a few more vendors during Book Con. 
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Sadly, I don’t have photos documenting that part, but I will definitely link anything I bought below that has a buy page or product look for you in case you want to check it out! 
ChickLit Designs had a booth where you could spin a wheel and win a prize! Between the two of us, we won a lovely Rifle Paper Co.-esque Oscar Wilde quote print and a $10 off one of their products! Since they did have inventory there, we naturally had to buy something to avoid shipping costs. 
"The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett - Phone Case
I was delighted to see Wick & Fable there since I am an enormous fan of their products! They had a really cute booth setup and there was no shortage of people looking to buy their stuff! I’m not too familiar with their store, but I understand that their website is pretty much their candles and subscription boxes. While they were selling their candles, they were also selling (what I assume to be) exclusive products from their monthly boxes which typically cannot be found online outside those boxes (which means $$$). While I desperately wanted to purchase their gorgeous Grisha/Six of Crows shadowbox frames, I just didn’t have $35 to shell out for them as much as I wanted to. I didn’t walk away empty handed though. I’m a sucker for THE CRUEL PRINCE and again, if I see anything that catches my eye, I will buy it. So I had to score the below pin! 
The Cruel Prince Enamel Pin 
Speaking of Cassandra Clare (no, I know that Holly Black wrote THE CRUEL PRINCE, but I always feel like I see Cassie and Holly together), I also couldn’t help but pick up the gorgeous tarot deck from the Topatco booth. Once again, gotta love any chance to save on shipping costs (though I had hoped for a discount, no matter how small). 
Shadowhunters Tarot Cards
The only other thing I bought was from a booth I’d been eyeing all week and debating on buying from. If you aren’t familiar with Pinch Me Therapy Dough, it’s basically like a stress ball or kinetic sand - something meant to help you if you’re feeling anxiety, stress, anger, etc. I hadn’t known about this brand until I saw it in an Instastory of Tahereh Mafi’s. What is special about these ‘doughs’ is that they have a really soft, cool texture and are infused with the NICEST SMELLING essential oils. It’s really hard to find a product where the aromatherapy doesn’t go overboard and I couldn’t help myself. The woman there was selling them in large and small sizes as well as sample size packs. After some good smelling time, I settled on the very first one that I’d smelled and really loved. 
Pinch Me Therapy Dough - Holistic Aromatherapy Stress Relieving Putty - 10 Ounce Relief Scent
They are a little pricey and I only got a small size (it was $15), but I really think it was worth it and it has me wanting to get more of them (Chill and Sun were two other scents I loved) but I think I’ll wait until I see the company at another conference and save the shipping fee! 
I was surprised to see a lot of subscription box companies there, but were really only there to promote their boxes as a whole. Had they been like Wick & Fable and sold more of their separate pieces from their boxes, I think that would have made a HUGE difference. I understand that maybe there wasn’t inventory or they didn’t want to break away from their “subscribe to our box” branding and slashing prices, but I just don’t get how you wouldn’t want to make a bit more profit with such a good opportunity! 
What my wishlist for Book Con 2020 is to have more of these vendors AND an Artist Alley. I know it’s odd to think of one outside of comic con conventions, but I’ve seen so many amazing pieces of artwork for books that I think it’s such a missed opportunity for there not to be at this sort of event where people are so willing to put down a few dollars to be able to visualize their favorite stories. And it would give conference attendees an opportunity to get away from the crowded lines of the main show floor and people who are just waiting on loved ones or need time to kill! 
Until next year, Book Con. :) 
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andavs · 7 years
Any chance for a outside POV of Sterek? Maybe from the POV of Stiles new uni friends? I just really love your writing and outside POV stories
She wasn’t going to ask.
They had a silent understanding, she and Stiles, and years of her dad quoting old westerns had taught her that you do not break a silent understanding, nor do you address it before your deathbed. Or if her mom was anything to go by, after your death, in a handwritten letter, shoved in a drawer behind three earmarked romance novels and a sandwich bag of weed. Either way, death was the deciding factor.
She and Stiles were both still alive, so she wasn’t going to get involved.
It was kind of their thing, not getting involved. They both valued their privacy, which was why they worked so well as roommates, why they decided to move in together for sophomore year and junior year after that. It wasn’t that they’d become particularly close in their Intro to Psych class freshman year, it was that they had both been assigned horrendously nosy and obtrusive roommates and they both happened to end up in the library at odd hours to get away from them.
A month of not acknowledging each other avoiding their respective roommates in the same place had eventually become studying together for psychology, and then silent company while doing work for their other classes. They worked well together, studying their individual subjects across from each other in the library. Stiles would mutter to himself as he worked, tapping his pen or the keys of his laptop absently while he thought and fidgeted, and Emma couldn’t hear any of it over her headphones.
So, working from a friendship built on a shared appreciation for Battlestar Galactica and leaving each other alone, it was odd and also frustrating that Emma now found herself wanting to ask, because while Stiles had always been a little shifty, harmlessly so, he was taking it to a whole new level.
He researched for hours on end from ancient library books that looked mostly stolen on subjects that certainly weren’t for his criminal psychology classes, and then bolted from the apartment at three in the morning, unheard from until he fell back through the door three days later. He had vague and slightly threatening phone calls at all hours, he was sleeping even less than he usually did, and Emma had found a dagger of all things jammed under the couch cushion where he’d taken a “nap” (passed out from exhaustion).
Not that she really paid attention to all that, or anything.
The point was that Stiles had become seriously sketchy recently, and Emma wanted to know why. She wasn’t proud of it; she didn’t actually want to admit it to herself because silent understanding, but Kyle of all people had even noticed the difference and Kyle used TV Tropes to classify real people in real life. When Kyle picked up on odd human behavior, something was up, and it was getting impossible to ignore.
But again, silent understanding. She was conflicted, and the list of things she wasn’t asking about was getting longer and longer as the semester dragged on.
Like the bloodstained shirt she found wadded up in the bathroom.
Or the jars of herbs that didn’t do anything if they were hypothetically rolled up and smoked.
Or Tall, Dark, and Leather who sometimes appeared from Stiles’ room when he definitely hadn’t come in through the front door to begin with, but that was a whole different set of questions.
Whatever Stiles was doing, it was escalating, that much she knew. He slept less, ate less, came out of his room less, and if Emma remembered the symptoms correctly, he was abusing his Adderall like there was no tomorrow.
She was curious, okay, and that silent understanding was getting harder and harder to honor.
At least until she got something of an answer one very early Monday morning while writing a paper. Stiles had been gone over the weekend, leaving Thursday immediately after his last lecture without so much as a bye Emma, see in you three days if I’m not dead or in jail.
She’d been writing a paper due the next day (or just later that same day if she was being honest with herself) and not getting very far between listening to music and the internet in general. So, the usual writing process.
The song came to an end and in the moment of silence before the next, she heard the front door open. Her eyes flicked to the clock on her laptop instinctively; after 4am. Just as the next song was fading in, a set of metallic keys hit the wooden floor and hushed whispering floated in through her open bedroom door.
“Dude, be careful, Emma’s studying.”
“Would you rather I dropped you?”
Emma’s finger dragged along the touchpad of her computer, turning the volume in her headphones down to nothing, curiosity getting the better of her. She thought she’d met most of Stiles’ friends by now, but she didn’t recognize the other voice. There was shuffling and some swearing, and she just managed to keep herself from getting up to see what the hell was going on.
“Ow, fuck, fuck, not there—oh my god not there.”
“Stiles, there isn’t anywhere else to hold you, so deal with it or do this on your own.”
In the reflection on her laptop screen, Emma could just make out a mass of two silhouettes slowly moving through the dark room past her open door, illuminated from behind by the streetlamps outside. They hobbled together awkwardly out of view, pausing to swear again when something else fell. This time they left it on the floor.
“Could you maybe try to be little nicer? I did just save your ungrateful hide—literally.”
They finally made it to Stiles’ room and the whump of body falling onto bed, followed by Stiles’ drawn out groan of fuuuuuuuuck, made Emma wince.
“Don’t look at me like that, I told you to stay at the loft tonight,” the other person growled to what must have been one of Stiles’ loaded glares.
“I have class at 8:30.”
“You’re not going to class.”
“Uh, yeah actually, I am going to class. I have to, because thanks to you and Scott, I’ve missed the last two discussions and my GSI is getting pissy.”
This was news; it seemed like Stiles was always back in time for his classes and was, miraculously, staying on top of his schoolwork through a combination of Adderall and sheer determination. In fact, one of his favorite pastimes was kicking people out of the apartment while threatening that if he lost his scholarship because they wouldn’t let him study, his tuition would be coming out of their allowances.
“We told you to stay out of it.”
“And if I had you would be doing a fantastic impression of Lady Cassandra right now, you’re welcome.”
She got the reference, or she thought she did, but then Stiles always seemed to be speaking in double entendres. He had developed an entire foreign language in plain English solely to avoid telling anyone anything. Most of the time she just let it and let him have his secrets, but she was starting to regret that now that it seemed like his secrets had gotten him hurt.
“Stiles…” the other man started through a sigh, only to be interrupted by Stiles in that tone he used in class when he knew he’d just won an argument.
“Just go to sleep.”
“Kind of hard to with your eyebrows looming over me, dude.”
Derek’s reply was instant, habit. “Don’t call me dude.”
“Seriously,” Stiles continued after a pause, “sit down or something, you’re freaking me out.”
There was a labored sigh and the door clicked shut, the continuing conversation muffled to murmurs. Emma sagged in disappointment and frustration and turned back to the glowing laptop screen staring back at her. There was no way she was going to be able to focus on her paper now.
It was creeping into 6am when Emma gave in and admitted to herself that she wasn’t going to get any more of her paper written in her current state. Stiles’ distracting entrance had completely derailed her train of thought and it wasn’t getting back on track any time soon; the last hour and a half of writing rambling sentences and then deleting them over and over had proven that far too many times. She looked at the clock, realized she had to leave for class in two hours, and let out a quiet dry sob as she accepted that she wasn’t going to be sleeping even a little bit tonight.
She gathered up her collection of dirty coffee mugs and bowls and made her way out to the kitchen, bowls stacked and mugs hanging precariously from her fingers. She paused at the dining table to flip the light switch with her knee, a skill she had been honing and was actually really proud of, and sucked in a terrified gasp (along with half a scream and probably her tongue) when the light revealed the most intimidating man she had ever seen sitting a foot away from her at the table, staring up at her from the book in his hands.
She didn’t realize she’d dropped a coffee mug until he was holding it up for her to take, the cold remaining coffee splashed up his forearm.
Emma staggered past Stiles’ now-open door into the kitchen, adrenaline rushing and her pounding heart leaping up into her lungs to meet her tongue that she must’ve swallowed because what just happened?
Still clutching three bowls to her chest, now-empty mug swinging from her pinky, she turned to see who she really hoped was Derek holding out the other mug and being far too calm about all this. A serial killer would probably be calm about this, some detached part of her brain threw out casually, and her chest clenched again.
“Please don’t freak out,” he stated quietly, and Emma let out a strangled whimper instead of the scream that it had started as.
Hopefully-Derek paused, eyes flicking to the side and head turning towards the wall the kitchen shared with Stiles’ room as if listening. Emma didn’t know what he was expecting to hear; she was pretty sure her heart was beating loud enough to drown out any noise Stiles might be making. The guy slept like the dead anyway, when he actually slept. The one time she’d forgotten her keys, he’d slept through her calling his phone, banging on the door, and throwing rocks at his window trying to get his attention.
She put the bowls and mugs on the counter while she organized the rush of thoughts she wanted to voice; everything from who are you to please don’t kill me. She settled on what she categorized as the most important as she turned back to face slightly worried eyebrows staring back at her. Her sock was soaking up cold coffee from the linoleum.
“What the—” she started to demand, cut off at Maybe-Derek’s pointed look, then started again in a violent whisper, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I’m a friend of Stiles.” The way he said it made it sound like it should be all the explanation necessary, and he was so sure of himself that it actually took Emma a moment to realize that no, that was not a sufficient answer at all.
“Okaaay, why are you sitting at our table, in the dark, at six in the morning?” He glanced away, then back again, like she was the one acting strange and he was looking for someone to back him up. “That’s not something that a friend of Stiles generally does,” she elaborated.
“I was reading.”
“In the dark?”
“It’s more than bright enough with the streetlights.”
“Why didn’t you just turn on a light?”
“Why are you asking so many questions?”
“Why are you here?”
Something metal hit the floor from Stiles’ room and they stilled; Derek instinctively took a step towards the kitchen door and paused while Emma just stared, wondering what the fuck was going on. Sheets rustled and Stiles groaned something like nngh, fuck before going quiet again.
Derek stepped out and closed the bedroom door softly, then returned to his seat at the dining table like their conversation had ended and everyone was satisfied with the outcome.
The whole thing was just ridiculous enough for Emma to push it aside and realize that even for a friend loitering in their apartment for two solid hours in the dark, Derek was acting weird; like he was standing guard outside of Stiles’ closed door.
“Seriously, why are you still here?” Emma pulled out the chair opposite and parked herself in it, wanting answers. “Is something wrong with Stiles?”
“He’s fine,” Derek answered shortly after an incredibly suspicious pause.
“What’s wrong with him.”
“He’s fine.”
“He didn’t sound fine when you guys came in.”
Derek huffed out a frustrated breath through his nose. “It’s nothing serious. You can go to bed, I’m taking care of him.”
Coming from a guy with his glare, that sounded more like a threat than a reassurance. Time to get serious.
“What happened to him?” she asked, and Derek immediately countered with,
“We got jumped.”
“That intersection doesn’t exist.”
“Not in this city.”
Emma glared and sat back in her chair. She hoped her glare conveyed touché well enough that she wouldn’t have to actually say it.
“He’ll be okay?”
“He’ll be fine.”
“You’re qualified to decide that?”
“And I’ll take care of him if he’s not.”
Again, ominous coming from this guy.
“That sounds like you're going to kill him.” Derek frowned, looking genuinely hurt by that. “No offense, but you just have that vibe.”
“Thanks,” he deadpanned, and Emma could only think to awkwardly repeat,
“No offense.”
Instead of the expected, none taken, Derek just turned back towards Stiles’ bedroom door. Like a very stubbly and glare-y guard dog. Who was worried about making too much noise and waking Stiles up. And appeared to have driven the almost three hours to Berkeley from Beacon Hills because Stiles wanted to get to class in the morning.
Right. So looking at all the facts, probably more likely a boyfriend than a murderer.
“Okay, so,” she started sidestepping towards the bathroom, “I should shower. Because I’ve been up all night writing a paper. Listening.”
Derek nodded.
“If you hear me drowning myself, just let it happen.”
He nodded again.
“Keep an eye on Stiles.”
No nod that time, just a raised eyebrow, like she was an idiot for thinking he could possibly do otherwise.
“Alright, goodnight.” She was fully in the bathroom now, but weirdly reluctant to close the door completely yet.
Derek just went back to his book, because it really didn’t matter to him what she did, and then she felt weird for being so aggressive about it.
She shut the door and pressed her ear against the wood, listening. It was dead silent out there, not even the sound of the old wood floor creaking with someone walking. It seemed that Derek really was just going to sit there and read in silence.
Emma started the shower, waited another few minutes, and then wrenched the door open as fast as she could.
Derek slowly looked up with raised eyebrows, still in the exact same position he’d been in before, right down to his finger tucked between pages to mark a spot.
“Just checking,” Emma informed him, and closed the door again.
When she finished and came back out in her robe, Derek was gone, the room silent, the book was laying on the table. But his leather jacket was hanging on the back of the chair, and his shoes were kicked off neatly against the baseboards next to Stiles’ closed bedroom door.
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husberttee · 7 years
A Long Ass Guide To VAV
VAV – Very Awesome Voice
Soooo since there were some people who did like my idea of making a guide like this I thought ‘cool let’s do it!‘ I hope this can help people finde out about them and maybe motivate some of you do give them a listen and some love!
Ok so first some general facts;
They had their debut in 2015 with 6 members under AQ Entertainment, which is now A-Team Entertainment. I’d like to point out here, that this company provides ENGLISH SUBTITLES for us (!!!!) which is pretty damn awesome.The group underwent (is that a word) a couple of lineup changes which I will explain further when I come to the members individually. A Fun facts: they have a pretty big spanish following and were guests on a shit ton of youtube channels
Fanclub: Vampz (debut concept was vampires and werewolves and priests and. Yeeeh.Their debut was actually on Halloween. Supposedly there even was a whole ass webcomic but I never saw any of that, sadly.)
We’ll get to the number one most important part now
THE MEMBERS (in order of age)
1.       St. Van – The Leader
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Real Name: Lee Geumhyuk
91 liner
Main vocal (POWER vocal) / Leader
A father
Probably speaks better Mandarin than Jacob / lived more than 10 years in China
Loves Jacob; votes Jacob by default
tries hard and gets dragged for it by the younger members
it was revealed that he likes to watch girl group dances (he said it’s because he needs to learn them to be able to show something at fanmeetings and such. Yeah sure bro me too.)
hear someone laughing in the back? That’s him.
roommates with Baron
embarrassed. Generally.
Completely demolished ACE birthday cake with the help of ZeHan once
Likes cars
can drink a lot of water??
Has sleeve-like tattoo on his shoulder/upper arm
2.       Baron
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Real Name: Choi Chunghyeob
92 liner
Fake Maknae 0.1 // he’s very cute
somewhat speaks english
Known for serenading a male fan with ‘I need a boy’
Super pretty // sweet voice // very good and underrated dancer // funny --> Real idol material right here
Apparently has ‘apple hips’ which are ‘popular’ among the members. Whatever that may mean…
Likes photography and making films
Plays games first thing in the morning
A sunshine // scammed the company into giving him an extra allowance of 1000won in a game and spend it to buy fruit for the members
there’s a 26 second long video of him brushing his teeth on A-Teams official youtube channel (these hoes deleted it)
3.       ACE
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Real Name: Jang Wooyoung
92 liner
A Mom // currently raising Ayno and Jacob
Probably dating Ziu atm
asks members for reactions when he does things
Practices phonation /articulation in his sleep (super noisy, even people in nearby rooms can hear him)
Talks a lot
Wears sunglasses in the pool aka. will fight you in the pool while wearing sunglasses (swag is better than actually seeing your surroundings)
‘I look thinner with my clothes on’ kinda person // he’s ripped
Really likes sport and working out
The groups elected MC
He always seems to know what he’s doing
Covered Winners ‘Fool’ and it’s amazing his vocals are super beautiful
4.       Ayno
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Real Name: Noh Yoonho
 96 liner
Participated in the survival show No.Mercy in which Monsta X was formed, but got eliminated in the final rounds
Joined the group as a new member early 2017
Voted to be the cutest by VAV
Fake Maknae 0.2
Part time grill master (Roasts his members)
*Looks at the camera like he is on the office*
Skilled dancer
Writes his own rap
First reaction after seeing Jacob cry was to lie himself horizontal on his lap as a form of comfort or idk that’s the kinda friend he is
in charge of meme
his ideal type is ACE, apparentely
released a mixtape
5.       Jacob
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Real Name: Zhang Peng
96 liner
Sub-Rapper / sub-vocal
Quite introverted // worries his members cause they want to share his hard times but they feel like they can’t. What a family T-T
Manly manTM
Had a complete mental breakdown once with ugly sobbing and all after receiving a video letter from VAV
Voted himself visual of the group
Nickname ‘Cob’
Sassy af since he’s started to talk more
Idk but I think he’s rich he always wears expensive looking clothes
In charge of abs and keeping a straight face at all times // has super cute smile actually
‘I stream ‘Venus’ as soon as I get up in the morning’
Accidentally made out with ZeHan at pops in seoul
Got featured in the song ‘Trouble’ by former member XIAO
6.       Lou
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Real Name: Kim Hosung
96 liner
member since 2017
Very confident
Super deep voice
Can speak english
Not having any of anyone’s shit (pls let ur members live)
Maybe a bit mean
Pretends to be manly
Majors in acting
Finds  lot of Joy in making fun of Ziu
Gets lots of affection in return that he absolutely really DOESN’T WANT
His most precious possession is the refrigerator
According to him his closest celebrity friend is James Bond
‘which place would you like to visit where you have never been?’ ‘my house’
7.       Ziu
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Real Name: Park Heejun
97 liner
Vocal // I love his vocals byE
joined together with Ayno and Lou in 2017
No homo? Yes homo. (no video goes by without him trying to kiss at least ONE of his members)
King of being fake touched and overreaction
Always gets exposed
Raids the dorm refrigerator at around 5/6AM
Eats while being asleep
Suffers a lot from the maknae position
Ended up being my bias somehow
Cucumber anti
a cheerful fella
Former / Members on hiatus under the cut further down ~ ____________________________________
That was it so far, but...!
They also have a kind of reality show which is called What’S Up? VAV and it’s very fun so I defintely recomment watching it!! Here is a season 2 playlist
Sadly A-Team deleted / put most videos pre-Venus era on private. Their newer Malaysia Videos are really funny though!!!
At first I’d like to point out that their earlier songs had quite low production and it’s noticable sometimes. People found that parts of the songs sounded ‘off’. However, they improved every comeback a lot and as they changed producers for Venus they seriously stepped up their game. They have improved SO MUCH, are still getting better and really work hard!!
Debut - Under The Moonlight
Brotherhood (this mv was so fanfiction worthy actually)
No Doubt
Recollection (the FeelsTM)
Here I Am (winter song jacob no lines still good)
Venus / Dance With Me
Flower (this one is my favourite look at that aesthetic and the song was so good wow)
Middle Of The Night / ABC (a bob)
She’s Mine (a super bob)
Spotlight & Gorgeous (two MVs but kind of a package deal cause they’re basically one comeback)
Give it to me
So In Love
Thrilla Killa (this one? slaps.)
I’m Sorry
Give me more' (Feat. De La Ghetto & Play-N-Skillz) (I sometimes watch this ONLY for St.Vans sleeve tattoo)
Thanks for making it until here and Please stan VAV
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Former Members / Hiatus
I will keep these short since the post is already long AS FUCK and while these members DO appear in many of their past videos (Ateam deleted most of the videos :/), ‘advertising’ them here wouldn’t do much good since you’re not going to see them with the group from now on
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Chen Xiao
89 liner
Went on hiatus in 2016 (it was said he has to take care of his sick father)
He once appeared in a VAV video after he left and spend a day with them; the reunion was very heart warming
he made his solo debut with
Share Ya
his song
feat. Jacob
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Lee Seungmin
94 liner
Left to pursue a career as an actor
Was my bias why must u do dis to me
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Jung Un
95 liner
Left to pursue a career as producer
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angeloxhmu985-blog · 5 years
Article Marketing - How to Promote a Pet Training Business Using Article Writing
"At 8 weeks old Harriet entered our lives. She was a little black ball of fluff, weighing 14 lbs, with the little white zip on her chest and forepaw the only indicator of her mixed parentage. We had lost an older black Laboratory to cardiac arrest a number of months previously and her brother was moping around your home. Following the reasoning that the older canine would reveal the puppy the ropes, when we fulfilled a soft and loving female pet at the vets who had simply had puppies we chose to look for adoption.
Prayer increased sometimes for God to offer us the strength to deal with early am crying, toilet training and having to ""puppy evidence"" the lower shelves in our house, nevertheless she was extremely charming. Her third day with us, after getting me out of bed at the miserable hour of 6am on Sunday, I took both her and G.O.D. (her name for Stefan, as she clearly idolizes him) to the hill behind our home. Fantastic how much distance a young animal can cover. Low to the ground, the smallest clumps of lawn ended up being encyclopedias of smells. Here is Harriet scampering along the course (the high grass being too much for her) and encountering a single high blade of lawn. All of a sudden her little hips squat, her tail wiggles and she jumps at this huge adversary - toppling it with one swift blow to its tassel. Proud as ""all go out"" she continues her way.
By day three sleep deprivation has set in. The young puppy wakes us between 4 and 5 am with many progressive series of whines. She wakes a few times in the night too, however generally returns to sleep, but by five am she has had adequate puppy sleep and is frantic to leave her enclosure. Obviously already Stefan has actually had enough too and has actually eliminated himself to the far reaches of the basement. This leaves us to get up, get dressed and all the time trying to relax her worries until we can take her out.
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She is a sweetheart, as we were ensured by a young couple with a 10 month laboratory who was clearly a much bigger handful, today we find our entire family routinely dosing on Rescue Solution and wincing whenever she starts to her unique intensifying sobs whines and screams. ""Can the neighbors hear her? Do they believe we are frequently abusing our puppy?"" Margie notifications that her tone has actually changed from ""oh cute woman"" to ""Harriet stop THAT."" We outline methods to have the small TV on in her ""playroom"" downstairs and wish for the day when she is more self-contained.
By day four life is getting simpler (ah isn't this always the lesson) since we begin to set borders. She has to find out that she does not get 24/7 attention and in actuality she is a quick learner. She just yells for about 5 minutes prior to she settles down. We also are explore where we keep the cage, and so on. Margie got up with her in the middle of the night to let her out and she settled back down - letting us sleep to seven. I concur with all the brand-new mom's I have actually ever understood that sleep deprivation is the hardest of the challenges.
Stefan is getting some time out on his own - we understood he needed it after he removed the door last night after we brought them both back in. This morning he chose the direction of our walk and I enjoyed seeing the sun increase in pink and ivory puffy clouds on the pasture and the water's edge, listening to the gentle waves lap and seeing the dance of silver and pink on the waves. What a fabulous awaken call.
By day 5 Harriet is great in her cage, and we need to keep her there as she leaves everywhere else we try to restrain her. She is a little monkey when it pertains to climbing - sitting gladly by the front door awaiting me when I returned from the marketplace.
Thank heavens for Stefan playing the role of ""G.O.D."". I see now why the lady I overheard stated it was much easier to have an older pet help raise a young puppy up into doghood. Harriet is now comfy enough with our house and life as a member of our family that she is asserting her own individual needs and wants more day by day. This is balanced by ease in sleeping in her cage when we are too busy to supervise her and far less shrieking when not the center of attention.
Stefan does not like the ""G. O. D."" role as it puts her under his feet much of the time. Given that he has limited eyesight we can understand why this is perplexing. I am happy nevertheless due to the fact that otherwise, without Stefan when we take them out to the ""bathroom"" Harriet would have NO CONCEPT what we were out there for and the entire process may take hours as she ends up being sidetracked with every brand-new leaf and twig. Rather photo this huge black pet dog heading out to pee, with a little black bouncing ball of fur beside him hopping along the course. He stops, she says, ""Oh what is up now?"" (he is peeing, ideally not on her head). She understands and within minutes believes that perhaps this is a great activity for her as well. Objective achieved we all take a trip home. Yesterday the two young lads who live next to us (Daniel, nine and Conor, five) went with us to the paddock and purely by mishap (a minimum of on my part if not for the young boys and the pet dogs) to the beach. The sun was shining, the water glittering, the dogs and boys rolling in the sand. We all got back with huge smiles on our faces.
Yes indeed, thank God for pet dogs and puppies."
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edgarzvja036-blog · 5 years
Obedience Training for Puppies - How to Make It Effective
"At 8 weeks old Harriet entered our lives. She was a little black ball of fluff, weighing 14 lbs, with the little white zip on her chest and forepaw the only indication of her blended parentage. We had lost an older black Lab to cardiac arrest a couple of months previously and her bro was moping around the home. Following the logic that the older pet would reveal the young puppy the ropes, when we fulfilled a soft and loving female canine at the vets who had actually simply had puppies we decided to look for adoption.
Prayer went up sometimes for God to offer us the strength to deal with early am weeping, toilet training and having to ""puppy evidence"" the lower racks in our home, however she was extremely cute. Her 3rd day with us, after getting me out of bed at the unpleasant hour of 6am on Sunday, I took both her and G.O.D. (her name for Stefan, as she clearly admires him) to the hill behind our home. Remarkable just how much distance a young animal can cover. Low to the ground, the tiniest clumps of grass became encyclopedias of smells. Here is Harriet scuttling along the path (the high grass being too much for her) and encountering a single tall blade of lawn. Unexpectedly her little hips squat, her tail wiggles and she jumps at this giant foe - falling it with one swift blow to its tassel. Happy as ""all go out"" she continues her way.
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By day three sleep deprivation has actually set in. The young puppy wakes us in between 4 and five am with lots of progressive series of whines. She wakes a couple of times in the night too, but normally goes back to sleep, but by 5 am she has actually had sufficient young puppy sleep and is frantic to get out of her enclosure. Naturally already Stefan has actually had enough too and has actually removed himself to the far reaches of the basement. This leaves us to get up, get dressed and all the time trying to relax her worries till we can take her out.
She is a sweetie, as we were assured by a young couple with a 10 month laboratory who was plainly a much bigger handful, and now we find our whole household routinely dosing on Rescue Remedy and flinching whenever she begins to her special escalating sobs whines and screams. ""Can the neighbors hear her? Do they believe we are routinely abusing our puppy?"" Margie notices that her tone has changed from ""oh cute woman"" to ""Harriet stop THAT."" We plot ways to have the little TV on in her ""playroom"" downstairs and yearn for the day when she is more self-contained.
By day 4 life is getting easier (ah isn't this constantly the lesson) due to the fact that we start to set borders. She has to find out that she doesn't get 24/7 attention and in actuality she is a fast learner. She only yells for about 5 minutes before she settles. We also are try out where we keep the cage, etc. Margie got up with her in the middle of the night to let her out and she settled back down - letting us sleep to seven. I agree with all the new mommy's I have actually ever understood that sleep deprivation is the hardest of the difficulties.
Stefan is getting some time out on his own - we understood he needed it after he tore out the door last night after we brought them both back in. This morning he chose the direction of our walk and I enjoyed seeing the sun rise in pink and ivory puffy clouds on the pasture and the water's edge, listening to the gentle waves lap and watching the dance of silver and pink on the waves. What a fabulous wake up call.
By day 5 Harriet is great in her cage, and we need to keep her there as she leaves everywhere else we attempt to restrain her. She is a little monkey when it concerns climbing - sitting happily by the front door waiting on me when I returned from the marketplace.
Thank paradises for Stefan playing the function of ""G.O.D."". I see now why the lady I overheard said it was simpler to have an older canine assistance raise a puppy up into doghood. Harriet is now comfortable enough with our home and life as a member of our household that she is asserting her own specific needs and wants more day by day. This is stabilized by ease in oversleeping her cage when we are too hectic to see over her and far less shouting when not the center of attention.
Stefan does not like the ""G. O. D."" function as it puts her under his feet much of the time. Because he has actually limited vision we can understand why this is perplexing. I am appreciative nevertheless due to the fact that otherwise, without Stefan when we take them out to the ""bathroom"" Harriet would have NO IDEA what we were out there for and the entire procedure might take hours as she ends up being sidetracked with every brand-new leaf and branch. Rather photo this big black pet dog heading out to pee, with a little black bouncing ball of fur next to him hopping along the path. He stops, she says, ""Oh what is up now?"" (he is peeing, ideally not on her head). She gets the idea and within minutes thinks that maybe this is a good activity for her too. Objective achieved all of us take a trip house. The other day the 2 young lads who live beside us (Daniel, 9 and Conor, 5) opted for us to the paddock and simply by mishap (at least on my part if not for the young boys and the dogs) to the beach. The sun was shining, the water glittering, the pet dogs and young boys rolling in the sand. We all came house with huge grins on our faces.
Yes indeed, thank God for canines and pups."
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