#thats her whole character lmaooo
mazojo · 2 years
Carlos really carrying season 3 all by himself his back must hurt so badly
#You know what I think I like about him? He is consistent. Carlos takes no crap from Disney and has been a king from season 1 till 3#Not like othERS *looks pointedly at like literally the entire cast#HE REALLY SAID BITCHSLAPS ON DISNEY THATS MY KING HAJAJAJJAJA#THat and the comment last ep of ah yes. Me. The known womanizer. JAJAJAJJAJAJA I LOVE HIM#Also the ouch. My face. I’ve been slapped lmaooo#HE is the entire show give him a crown#gonna ramble here for a sec don’t mind me I’ll shut up after this#Damn disney since season 2 has made it it’s absolute goal to make Ashlyn the most UNLIKEABKE ever I can’t stand her#She was one of my favorites in season 1 and now she is just kinda mean and annoying dude#Also can disney stop doing the whole jealousy plot line I am so tired…. So tired…..#Absolutely ALL the ships on this series have gone through it like pleaaaaase come up with#something else jealousy was fun like for two secs and now it’s just annoying#I love rambling about the serie because it makes me become the biggest bitch ever JAJAJJAJA I hate it but I love it but I hate it#I also love how we forgot about Nini completely like lmao Nini who?? Never heard of that one chief#Once again fuck Corbin bleu and I said that shit for ruining EJ and Gina’s perfect summer 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 very cool#(Corbin the character btw irl Corbin slaps SKKSKSK)#Also I fucking love how bad this show is written were there’s no show they just tell.#Literally. The one girl went on a 2 min expose trip telling us all her backstory damn#hsmtmts#Carlos
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
What are your ultimate faves?
HRM if i had to pick ultimate faves i'd probably have to go with albedo thoma and eula :D which i probably dont talk a lot about but ahaha i feel like theyre the ones that probably haunt me a LOT which is particularly funny w thoma bc hes Just Some Guy BUT he is one of my comfort characters for a reason
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my coworkers called me a "crazy lightning-rod" because everyone whos into me is batshit insane, also "insane asylum poster boy". do i share genes with daigo and yayoi??? that would make me feel so much better about being an insane person magnet
i think if we look deep inside ourselves we're all a lil daigo and yayoi in our hearts
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mahi-does-some-art · 7 months
How good are Servamp characters at handling spice?
Mahiru: 10/10, to everyone's shock. He'll buy spicy snacks if he feels like treating himself and more often than not would lean into the spicier options of recipes if they give good flavor to the meal and not just heat. He could eat hellfire, probably. This is a distinct Shirota Family Trait.
Kuro: This is a European vampire born in fuck knows when. He stole one of Mahiru's spicy snacks once without looking at the label and nearly died. 0/10. Mahiru has adjusted his cooking accordingly.
Tetsu: 6/10. Can handle a normal, decent amount of spice! He prefers more cleaner tastes rather than spicy stuff but he has a few snacks he likes to indulge in. If you give him any raw hotter peppers though, he'll suffer.
Hugh: 2/10. Better than his older brother but not by much lmao. This is another old European man and while he was raised with riches and access to a wide variety of foods, he never had the pallet for it. Cannot bite into raw garlic. Hilarious~
Mikuni: 6/10. All of the Alicein's tend to prefer sweets but he can handle spice well! He loves to be a snob about anything he can be knowledgeable about and that includes many different cuisines, some of which happen to be spicy! So even if he didn't like spice too much at first, he'd grow into it. I feel that he'd make it a point to try and heighten his tolerance but had to stop bc his throat started closing up.
Jeje: 3/10. His face gets red very easily and he gets unsightly looking fast. Mikuni laughs at him for it. Also he does not like the scorch even if he doesn't think the flavor is bad. If he wanted any kind of burn, he'd drink alcohol, thank you.
Iduna: 8/10. I think she'd handle spice exceptionally well! She loves any of those fast food items thats whole purpose is to make your mouth feel like its on fire and has a couple times gotten these items for herself and her coworkers when she drew the short straw for who pays for lunches. Watched them all choke. One time she asks for a bite of Mahiru's indulgent spicy food and Mahiru gives her a portion. She was not prepared.
Freya: 5/10. Prefers heartiness to spiciness. She'll just politely push her plate aside if its too spicy for her.
Licht: 5/10. Actually not too bad handling spicy stuff but will curse at anything that makes his nose start running. In shock of Mahiru and Iduna's ability to down things that look like red hell. Prefers sweet.
Lawless: 6/10. Just barely a noticeably higher tolerance than his Eve but will start sweating fast and start to look unkempt if he eats too much spice for too long. Has deliberately raised his tolerance but won't go any farther than he is now.
Niccolo: 4/10. Decent but also Italian foods are not much known for their hotness. Will start crying and his ears will get extremely red-- Honestly its kinda a cute sight aside from his suffering.
Ildio: He couldn't taste anything for the vaaast majority of his life to flavor in general is new to him. His reaction to spice is him being thrown on his ass bc they made the mistake of giving him something not mild first lmaooo. He gradually keeps trying however and he builds up a very good tolerance! Unrelated but the first time Niccolo gave him a lemon, he bit into it like an orange and puckered his face so hard he got cramps. Niccolo has that on video. 7/10.
Misono: 1/10. DO NOT MAKE THIS BOY SUFFER LIKE THAT. He already has it hard enough trying to brave his way through drinking bitter black coffee to look Cool, he'll pass out. Also I wouldn't think it'd be very good with his allergies.
Lily: 2/10. Not a fan and cannot handle it very well. He'll start coughing and his skin will get all sweaty and red and blotchy and he absolutely refuses, thank you.
Tsubaki: 5/10. Normal! But is sensitive to the strong smells so he usually gets something safely below his capabilities if he wants to indulge. Like Tetsu, prefers cleaner tastes.
Tooru: 9/1o! Again, loving spice is a Shirota Family Trait and while his nephew shadows his capabilities, he still puts all of his coworkers and underclassmen to complete fucking shame. It has saved him from his lunches being stolen in the break room.
Touma: Look, he's fucked the Shirotas but does not have their genes. 0/10. He cannot handle spice for shit and was the one who was stealing Tooru's lunches. He learnt the hard way.
Sakuya: 3/10. Ok at spice but has also shared the fate of unknowingly eating the Shirota's food. In his case, he asked Mahiru to share his delicious (as usual) looking lunch during their time in school together. Mahiru warned him that it was a "bit spicy" and Sakuya make the terrible, horrible, no good mistake of brushing that aside while Ryuusei and Koyuki watch on without saying anything, already paying their respects to their poor friend. Needless to say Sakuya is put on the floor. The other two couldn't interrupt. It's a canon event to being one of Mahiru's close friends. He prefers sweet things, actually!
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llumimoon · 5 months
Pssst Cal in a dndads Voltron AU which teen do you think would control each lion? ,':) (yeah Hermie is included here lol there's 5 lions after all!)
Okay lets get the most obvious one to me out of the way, which is Link in the Yellow Lion. Like. First of all the fact that Yellow is A LEG and also Yellow representing kindness .... I think he really does support the team and grounds them in many aspects. Also Yellow is bulky like a dnd paladin LMAO it just makes the MOST sense to me? Yellow also being the color I associate with Link so maybe that gives me a slight bias lmaooo
The rest are. LESS clear to me. I HAVE already settled on an arrangement I'm more or less okay with but I could make a lot of arguments for alternative placements !! I will also admit maybe the places I settled on are a little color biased?
The Lions DO kind of have traits associated with each one except its. much less clear in some cases than others and I had to be a little flexible bc in my opinion NONE of the teens r like . smart enough for the Green Lion JWBECWUAGAHAA like they're all smart in their own ways and I do bend some rules a little to make their smarts work as an argument but I feel like Green is more book smart than anything which makes it difficult.
Uhmmm everyone else from here on out has at least two lions I could argue for and then I'll say which one I settled on? But like if you disagree thats totally fair LMAO like I said many assignments can be considered
Scary I mainly thought about the Black or Red Lion... There's the whole. Scary's the leader! Thing and also the idea of power corrupting... but also she can be pretty impulsive which is why I considered Red, also her tendency to have fire based magic mishaps LMAO I think Scary shows a lot of growth and inner reflection and also she has good insight on how the others seem to be feeling even if she doesn't always act on it or use it in the right way, so I could see that as the markings for the beginning of a Black Lion learning to be the leader type arc? Also to be honest shes the Main and practically Only contender for Black so she ends up getting it by default.
Hermie I think could be the Blue or Green Lion. I don't actually remember if they say IN THE SHOW what the Blue Lion stands for, but like. I've read so much Lance fanfic LMAO that to me it stands for Flexibility and what is Hermie if not flexible. Maybe too flexible? In the sense of. She will fill any role that is needed or given to her, like water will. I also thought Green bc to me Hermie is a character who is VERY in his head. Like they overthink to the point of looping back around to stupid again but also shes always playing mind games with other people. Hermie seems to always be one step ahead or at least is good at pretending they are. Also you can say the nature stuff is Hermie in his poison ivy era. Green is also pretty small and easy to damage which lines up with how fragile he is in a fight and maybe you could make an argument for the camouflage being like shapeshifting? idk. Anyways I decided on Green I think.
Normal I think I'm biased bc he's my fav and Lance was my old fav and I already made a post before about how I think they're similar and would get along and ANYWAYS LMAO I think its clear I gave him Blue. Something something, the legs being the support of the team something something water meaning flexibility but also ice can be stubbornness something something how I associate Normal (and lowkey the Doodler) with water (a whole nother thing to get into u can ask me to elaborate later) etc. I also played around with the idea of him in Red as Scary's right hand bc . shakes them . I think it could possibly fit but not as well? Fire isn't really Normals thing. I also briefly considered him for Black bc Normal is usually the one pushing the group towards a certain goal, but also his plans kind of never end up going through so I was like hmm not sure about that one. Blue I think is the best fit for him in the end which is why everyone else ended up where they did.
TAYLOR. Ok process of elimination you probably already figured out that I chose Red for him BUT I also considered Blue and Green. Green is fun bc you can play with his roughish abilities, like hiding and sneak attacks. His knowledge is more obscure facts and survival skills but I think it's enough to be a contender! I cannot explain the Blue stuff its all vibes in my head but trust me . I think also leaning into, Blue and Yellow are the legs that support and stabilize the team thing, Taylor is actually pretty good at keeping a cool head all things considered. Red, yes maybe slightly process of elimination but COME ON ITS BIG SWORD AND ALSO FIRE POWERS!!! Taylor would love that shit. Also going zoom zoom fast. Also the Red Lion is the second in command/right hand of the Black Lion and it just fits Taylor's protagonist vibes LMAO I think he usually is off doing is own thing which is also very Red Lion.
So to summarize: Scary Black, Taylor Red, Hermie Green, Link Yellow and Normal Blue.
Again I could totally see the justification for shuffling them around a bit but this is the assignments I settled on? The colors lining up is also nice I will not lie. I also could see an alternate universe where Normal is Red, Hermie Blue and Taylor Green, I think thats my second most favorable arrangement.
LMAO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE THIS SO LONG I'VE JUST THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT IT BEFORE. AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE. I take sorting my characters into categories VERY seriously 😤 enrichment for me.
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torsamors · 8 days
incoming post abt greys that no one cares abt.
Anyway. i have to say i think its silly that greys painted this whole picture of cristina losing herself to burke but NOT doing that with owen ??? i have many issues with burke’s actor n im glad he was removed from the show HOWEVER overall burke was much more patient with cristina and just understood her so much better…like when she miscarried he went out of his way to tell her he didnt care if she wanted to keep the baby or not and tbh he was pretty patient with moving the relationship forward with cristina…he loved all these things abt cristina that other ppl dont. n dont get me wrong their relationship wasnt perfect its greys LMAO but the show painting her getting married to him as like…..her losing herself….idk i found it silly! she loved him a lot! it wasnt like burke was asking her to give up her career or have kids or whatever he UNDERSTOOD her…so while i dont mind him ‘setting her free’ so to speak, i think it couldve been set up better lmaooo her getting married, having a bit of a bigger wedding n letting her mother in law wax her eyebrows for one day isnt her losing herself😭 i am obsessed with the idea of loving someone so much u both cant be together or else you’ll ruin urselves but that wasnt….really what they were
meanwhile owen and cristina’s relationship went at lightning speed tbh n owen doesnt even seem to love anything abt cristina let alone LIKE HER. burke loved her passion and her dedication to medicine n he also understood that. owen doesnt seem to??? n again weird that the show makes it seem that cristina never told owen she didnt want kids before they got married bc it did come up he just ignored it😭 n then married her ANYWAY HOPING SHED CHANGE??? like he thinks shes shallow, and uncaring and that there’s literally something broken/wrong with her for not wanting kids. n cristina literally shrinks as a character with him in that a lot of her stuff becomes owen centered (n teddy centered later). idk the show is like ‘oh cristina changed too much for burke and lost herself’ which is stupid bc burke understood her, was usually patient with her, and loved her for who she was meanwhile she’s literally shamed and pressured to change herself CONSTANTLY by owen !!!! they literally only have good sex n thats like IT😭
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nanagloom55 · 2 months
I post a lot rn but uh... Kallters, the Kallters, what the heck ?? Their whole lore is a pain to read, I'm sorry but, WHAT ???? So to be clear... Jon Jarl came to Jorvik, oppressed them, made them hide, and now, everyone forgot about them ?? I never played the actual quest, but what ?.. What is wrong is this ? The kallters are just a mere exemple of what SSO does to their character's minorities. They tried to control it back, but they just got worst, idk ??? The kallters got forgotten when they needed TO NOT BE !!! JON JARL IS PROB THE WORST CHARACTER OF THE GAME !!! As a north african girly(algerian 3rbi from mama with an italian dad hiii), I got so happy when they added Imane to the game, and even considered Sabine mixed Morroccan Jorvegian ?? But now by digging even deeper, everything feels... Off ?? I'm pretty sure it's not made on purpose, but, what ? researching on your character's ethnicity while designing them is SO important. I always compare Sabine as Miguel O'Hara for some reason, they got the "same" treatment; -> Is white passing/looking at first, but already got implied that they were not form the west. -> Gets redesigned and given a "beast appearance" (as i said, beast like chars are good, look at Abby from tlou,) but everytime they're given a tan skin for some reason... it feels... erm, yea, feels off... I kept drawing sabine quite muscular as i headcanon her as a Touareg (own interpretation btw, pretty sure im wrong here), I feel like her design is here to "intimidate", like, for what girllllll... As someone who white pass quite well and is quite muscular, I don't get why they couldn't keep her as she is ?? Even giving her a hair type, idek ?? I know it's VERY important to add representation in media, but if you use that said character to use it as an object of desire, no, thank you :c (i actually love sabine, i just dont get the treatment they gave her, maybe because she's the only girl i could relate to LMAOOO thats acc sad)
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sso you could've succeeded </3
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Abbott Elementary S03E09 thoughts
Janine come home the kids miss you (I’m the kids)
Work wives cold open okay I’m winning - I want to see the rehearsals of the hand game and know the lore of barlissa both knowing it - do they play it together? (Or are their handgames something different)
Courtney’s growing up 🥺😖
JA’BRIA oh my god get it baby
“Do i eat it like i did last time” 😭
“You’re colouring a carrot” ate him UP
“Am i being fiîíįred?” See this is why quinta has an Emmy
Still obsessed with keegan michael key being here
JANINE PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT was my initial thought, but I think (hope) it being introduced before the season finale means she’s gonna change her mind
“Mrs Howard cold as hell” IJBOL
The AI subplot is so funny and like relevant yk I like it
I also like the work wives of it all
Ew melissa calling barb ‘barbara’ always feels wrong
“7 absences thats not too bad” “Plus today” “8? Thats very bad” 😭😭
Barb why are u proud not heartbroken ur daughter is leaving (ok i get she’s prpud of Janine’s growth but)
Pretending not to care while crying is SO Melissa 😭😭
Melissa pulling barb into the group hug 😣🫶
Barb laughing at pussyfooted 🏳️‍🌈🌈
Barlissa trying to get jacob to talk is so cute - I love work moms
I feel like these phone calls are part of the reason s3 feels stilted
As a brit I was lost at the whole ‘we cant do anything to get alex to show’ situation when we have attendance officers in schools, the ‘peril’ greg and janine would face didnt land because it doesn’t work like that here
The jellybean belt 😭😭
After we’ve been reminded 567 times that going to alexs house is strictly against policy will it stop janine getting the job or will there be zero consequences
“What?” “What?!” “She said shes working full time at the district” 😭😭😭
Me 🤝 barlissa - defending mr johnson
“Most of the toilets in this joint running some of the time” LMAOOO
“And u wouldve known that if u read my news letter u IGNORANT FOOL” ijbol 😭
Teddie having a domestic and having to be broken up by alex’s little ‘hello?’ 😭😭 aww ☹️
One thing about the abbott characters they will not stay on topic
Janine’s reasoning with alex 🥹🥺 she’s such a good teacher 😭😭
Greg doesnt want janine to be someone who comes and goes 😖😖😖
Ok why did this feel like 3 minutes when I first watched it, I was like ok where’s the rest
Teddie is SO BACK come on yearning
When will melissa admit she misses janine
Janine is NOT taking that job, but when will she fully realise that herself?
Oh and the ava plot line eh i didnt really care, but lbr ava, u love janine deep down
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spicyraeman · 6 months
This week's batch of drawings will make you coo gentlepeople! Traumatised murder Bébé Lae'zel and happy Bébé Xan will make you melt like butter in a warm croissant! You never cared for kids? Now you do!
As a french speaker, the charisma check of a froggy frog Lae'zel would probably fail tbh. But it makes me laugh to imagine her accent being 100% harsher and the words mispronounced. They really missed a comical opportunity.
"What do you mean, wizard? Why can't I say 'I want to hit the beach' in front of the hatchlings? I had my hopes to see some phoques there. WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING SHADO-ART! We need to foc-us!"
Buuuuuut in french to say "my love / 🐸 my joy 🐸" you can say "mon cœur" which means "my heart". ( Coincidence? I think not!) I can almost imagine a scene where it's softly choked in a bloody pointy ear at camp after a scary fight. Almost. So just for that I can admit it can be cute. (Want more french lessons? Scream weewoo 🚑 at 3am and I'll appear on your bed, sleep-deprived with a complotist white board ! Special discount for fanfic writers and artists)
I saw briefly the translated version of the game, it's... an experience. They translated SH literally, it really brought out the cringe I probably should've felt in English but didn't. It's wayyy to close to "Shadowcunt" too, but we have Shart here so I can't really speak up. Poor girl is taking punches in every languages 😂
Also I love how everytime I send you something stuck in my brain, you come up with the most reasonable and obvious answers. Why do I forget these characters don't live in a bubble but in a society? Ofc there are gonna be pointy ears headphones 😂🤦‍♀️ All week I imagined some designs for those, then jewelries, then piercings, then I reaaally need to stop this brain. Qquipart is right too, Karlach is def a speaker user!
I live to give you cute drawing ideas. Doing the devil's work I'm sure, adding to the everlasting pile 😈
And take all the time you need to answer, obv. I'm sending a weekly rambling letter to a friend and finding an answer randomly in my mailbox ; waiting is part of the fun.
Yes! I had kids on the brain at the time! It's not something that happens often, but i couldn't resist baby Xan or Lil'zel
I find French accents incredibly endearing, not particularly attracted to them, but theres something about them i just love. An obscenely french Lae’zel would make me lose my shit, and honestly, it would fit her. I've always had the hc that lae'zels accent is waaayyy more prominent than in game and that she mispronounces words more frequently. I mean, shes probably never had to speak common to anyone before the nautiloid, how would she know how some words are pronounced?
Also bestie ya cant just drop an atomic bomb on me like that, thats too fuckin cute bro my heart 😭
As for reasonable and obvious answers, they're like that cuz ive got terminal worldbuilder disease, and as soon as you sent that ask, i took a whole day just researching headphones and IEMs. I really should draw up some designs for them 🤔 and yeaaa karlach is def bumping the speakers at full volume
It truly is an everlasting pile, i should probably actually start writing them down lmaooo
Trust me, im taking my time lol my brain works at a snails pace, but seeing an ask from you makes my week so ty <3
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morickkk · 9 months
defending myself to air
before yall shit on me for shipping coderra i have a list for yall ( most are about my au )
canon coderra in the show is shit and better off being platonic or not have any relationship at all
in most of my posts about sierra / coderra i put a tag #rewriting sierra
I believe sierra is a wasted potential character because of her obsession
I know this doesnt make any better but if i wanted to ship canon coderra, it would be the fact i love toxic relationships that gets better trope
so i have this au,,,
I like the dynamic more
Sierra's personality was okay, her actions wasnt and thats what i wanted to rewrite so Coderra could work
Im weird yeah
I can fix them trope
Canon Coderra but Sierra actually went to therapy
Sierra is just normal fan in my au
Coderra is an optional ship in my au, theres no endgame YET
I think canon coderra is not good guys i swear BUT the last 3 episodes was okay which is the reason why i thoguh of the whole i can fix them trope LMAOOO
Stalker x Victim is weird yes, but Person x their fan is okay, i will be cancelling the whole stalker thing in my au bc like i said it is weird frfr!!
i dont hate any of the other ships including both of them unless if its realted to pedophilia, incest or whatever
I also wanted to give cody a happy love life bc of his one sided crush on gwen LMAO and coderra would be really cute if it wasnt for sierra being creepy
The whole thing about sierra liking cody without cody knowing why or completely oblivious with her flirting is cute tho ( that one scene on that one episode where theyre playing 'I spy' )
Dont get me wrong, everytime i think about the ship i feel very guilty because i really like it, i am aware its horrible thats why im trying to make it better
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
What’s your opinion on Harushin (Haruka and Shintaro)? Can be either platonic or romantic
i love that u had to clarify who they are LMAOOO
hmm well i don't like them romantically. when it comes to the yuukei quartet ships I'd put them at the bottom 💔 mostly cuz i just dont ship haruka with anyone other than takane (but for some reason i pass takane around like a blunt) and also it means a lot to me that the reason haruka recognizes he loves takane is bc he defines shintaro as a friend but feels sad putting takane in the same category bc of the different feelings she entails.
and I HAVE THIS PET PEEVE that is a bit silly and nuanced. and it implies a lil bit of jin bashing so TOTAL AND COMPLETE DISCLAIMER i love jin's work and his characters and i immensely respect everything he's done for this franchise he shares with us and clearly loves. that said fuck his misogynistic fucking writing
i could go on and on and on abt that but to answer this ask specifically, i just HATE that shintaro is so nice to haruka and he's just a total ass to ayano and takane for no goddamn reason. takane was SO nice to him at first, could u imagine the good buddies they would've been if shintaro was fucking normal. and shintaro LITERALLY stands in a 2 hour line at the festival just to insult her😭😭😭 he didn't even KNOW her. he's like "u act like this big shot bc all these ppl fawn over you" as if takane hadn't been literally sobbing miserably the whole afternoon precisely bc people were fawning over her and she found it mortifying. bc ofc he didnt know that!! LIKE WHAT WAS THE DAMN REASON HE DID THIS HES CRAZY i will never know what was going thru jin's mind writing that bit but ig all i can do is imagine shintaro was like GIRLS CANT PLAY GAMES *SHAKING* i know im always talking abt shintaro and takane's friendship and how much i love them but god the writing in the hs days is just inexcusable like shintaro is so damn unlikable. i hate when they put him and takane in the same level of irrational arguers bc truly takane is just fucking defending herself. how would u treat a person who didnt even give u a damn chance and just says all that shit to u first meeting. and she's also speaking for ayano too cuz her ass wont defend herself. and also haruka wont say anything. like takanes fighting for her life in here i 10000% support her actions as ene cuz man fuck that guy i find it insane she still cared for him anyway
and it pisses me off that then we see him in novel 6 being totally capable of being a decent fucking person to haruka. like seriously what's his damage. also idk japanese but i THINK shintaro speaks in a polite manner to haruka and not to ayano and takane. obligatory joke im gay not bc i like men but bc i hate women etc etc etc
i could rly go on abt how much it annoys me haruka and shintaro's friendship is super developed opposed to ayano and takane's pathetic dynamic that doesnt pass the already stupid bechdel test (i actually ranted a lil bit abt it on my side twitter a few days ago if you wanna read it LMAO) (it starts as a thread abt harutaka but then i get sidetracked cuz...yeah) BUT THIS IS ABT HARUKA AND SHINTARO SO. yeah u could excuse it with shintaro being the protag and ofc getting a lot more focus on his relationships but still. i kinda resent this aspect of their dynamic so i don't like the ship teehee i just... i think haruka is way too good for him sorry shintaro my man. i say this while shipping shinaya i know but to be fair i make them go through hell in my mind before they can properly be happy together if at all. bc when i start going off abt all this stuff i also start resenting shinaya LMAOOO sometimes i say i like it out of nostalgia but then their whole story together and how theyre literally always destined to find each other (holds head) ok. thats aside the point. i have a complicated relationship to shinaya. it's all abt drawing the line between author and creation and how much u can say augh author is being annoying and augh character is just an ass on purpose. and compared to the pov of all the other kagepro characters, u can indeed see that sexism shit in all of it (i could whip out examples in a second)but on shintaro it is noticeably worse LOL
and again im not blaming fictional characters for author's misogyny, like someone is writing this duuuh which is why haruka never points it out but FROM MY insane perspective i interpret it as haruka recognizing the pattern but he's so damn spineless he can't bring himself to stand up for ayano and takane. he probably makes some comments that shintaro just dimisses and haruka is too nervous to bring them up again *me going off abt the internalized misogyny of fictional characters headcanoned based on the author being misogynistic*
ERM. ANOTHER REMINDER I LOVE KAGEPRO AND I RESPECT JIN FOREVER BC HE IS THE CREATOR OF ALL MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS. but also lol. doesn't mean i cant point out some of this stuff yknooooow
uhhh soooo platonic wise i love them. but its also not my favorite dynamic to explore, id repeat some of the stuff ive already written, it does bother me shintaro is Normal to haruka and not to ayano and takane and haruka acts like nothing. it's just a big thing that annoys me generally abt them lol and i find it tough to separate from author like i normally would with these weird things he includes because this bit is just a whole dynamic you know?? i could.... go on abt this but um. sorry ive been talking for a while. its definitely something im kinda bitter about in the writing.
but still they're definitely sweet, and i understand the appeal completely!!! these are just My thoughts i think its 2023 and i wont get death threats for not liking a ship anymore but also haruka is shintaro's bisexual awakening that is for damn sure. i like entertaining the onesided concept. shintaro being like hahahaha what if we kisssed like ayano and takane apparently did and haruka is like No thanks.
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susie-dreemurr · 2 months
(Was out so liveblogs of where I stopped in HXH election arc up till beginning of ep 144 were written in notes app. It’s long .)
Lmaooo even Hisoka is like “bitch you think Killua loved you? Tf is wrong with you”
Oh my God Pariston is a fucking influencer
Let’s fucking go
Gon is LITERALLY IN THE SAME TOWN as Gin but he can’t go see him because he’s in a coma. Fuck everything and FUCK GIN
Please Leorio win this election it would be so fucking funny. If not you then Morel because Bisky is too cool to be president as wel so
HELP “Gin Freecs o vagabundo dos Zodíacos. Foram votos de pena que o colocaram aqui?” Quem quer que for o comentarista (não posso ouvir a voz mas acho que é o feijão verde) te amo.
Also I never mentioned it before but. Everyone but Killua deadass misgendering Alluka. Zoldyck family (aside of Killua and Alluka herself) will be killed in the gender war.
Btw Ginger Hisoka is strange to see can your hair go back to being pink-ish. Also can’t believe he’s the tamer one out of tbh he two Illumi really is unhinged
… did hisoka intentionally rile him up to show people Illumi is here. Because as soon as he found out there were rules Killua knew, maybe he’d be hoping then that Gon would be able to be saved after all. He wants to fight him so bad— HEP THE SHOW LITERALLY STATED THIS RIGHT AFTER. Unfortunately I know Hisoka well enough to tell.
“Alluka, if I were the only person in the whole world who loved you, would you be alright?” Fuck he’s asking that because he knows. He knows they don’t love her. At the very least, they don’t show it not even a little bit.
And yet all Alluka can hear is that there is someone in the world who loves her. All she can hear is she’s loved, after all.
Btw given that “you could have fought the president or those ants had you not been playing tag with Chrollo” so I’m assuming that the reason Kurapika isn’t going to Gon is because he’s back to hunting the Phantom Trouoe
NAOOOOOO GOTOH PUTA QUE PARIU. Tem algum jeito dele sobreviver com esse pescoço não :((( uma das duas únicas pessoas boa pro Killua nessa casa….
You know I was thinking to myself more jokingly that I was so starved for girls in shonen interacting that Canary and Amane are yuri to me, but… “You’re cute when you let lose a little” 🤨🏳️‍🌈? Canary do you have something to share with the class. (And then Amane blushes.)
HELP. Illumi and Hisoka “need more people” but neither of them have any friends aside of MAYBE each other so Illumi has to resort to brainwashing. Ok the cringe & fail duo
Ok is it bad that I’m rooting for the Anti-Netero faction. Like they make a good point (the exam allows to many crazy ass murderers in) … although their speech isn’t good, but like. Politics.
Fucking. Hisoka trying to sabotage Illumi with a fake map but Illumi having a real one so Hisoka is just like “ah. Never mind.” Anyway fucking insane that we have to rely on Hisoka of all people
Btw I’m like 99% sure Amane is the “spy” Illumi is talking about so RIP my Yuri. Oh well, what fictional gay couple didn’t betray each other at least once, right?
Oh Tsubone was the spy. Nvm.
HES CRYING NOOO KILLUA :((( also fucking creepy too Illumi godamnit
Hisoka don’t you dare do what I think you will. Get this murder card OUT of the hospital
Oh thank God it wasn’t gonna target Gon or Morel
Lets go call Gin’s ass out Pokémon character looking girl
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jgracie · 2 months
also i js started checking out bladesteezy on tiktok/instagram aND OMG THIS PERSON. LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE TRAVIS I CANNOT ACFDSGFZSDZ
ALSO ALSO (help this is already so long im sorry i should probably start writing actual letters to you atp 😭💗 ty for putting up with my shenanigans) THE LEO CAST??????/ I LOVE HOW WE ALL AGREE COLLECTIVELY AS A FANDOM THAT LEO VALDEZ I S BENOFTHEWEEK BECAUSE HOW CAN A MAN LOOK AND ACT THAT MUCH LIKE A FICTIONAL CHARACTER
-🦋anon <33 ( im so sorry for this huge letter 😭)
and omg ur so right except for me its not even the twin thing i just Cant see it 😭 honestly tho i think its j cz theyre a little too mainstream for me to assign characters to yk .... IM SO GLAD U AGREE W MY FANCAST THO AAAA!!!!!
omg also i just wanna say my friend was texting me ab travis kelce (taylor swifts bf) except she just said travis and i immediately thought what does travis stoll have to do w this LOL 😭 it took me a second fr
AND HE SOOOOO WOULD !!! im listening to virginia beach ik he'd LOVE it ... that whole album tbh 🙏🏼 AND OMG THERE IS ???? rip travis stoll u wouldve loved this ... (AND UR SO RIGHT AB THE CONCERT THING LOLLLL HED DO A TRANSITION THING W THE "THE SPIDERMAN MEME IS ME LOOKING AT DRAKE" LINE FROM FIRST PERSON SHOOTER LMAOOO)
and omg ur so right percy would LOVE 1d (annabeth def introduced him to them too LOL)
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thedrotter · 10 months
Giggles and kicks my legs. Soooo .. how about YOU make a headcanon post
OKAY!!!! i actually have. like a. insanely long list for my mother headcanons and have an uncomplete Google docs document on them because im insane but i will make it as short as i can by only taking about mother 2 LMAOOO so imma just add a silly read more thingy here because i am about to info dump so hard
Imma go character by character because ITS JUST CLEANER...
first off silly baseball child ness
Because I'm silly like that I woke up one day and decided he was trans masc. if ness or just any male protagonist in media (looking at you link) could make money out of the amount of people that made headcanons of him not being cis I imagine there'd be alot of cash coming in
I like to think of him as half-latino and knowing spanish because WHY NOT!!! and since every single latinoamerican breathes and cherishes goku HE NEEDS TO BE A DRAGON BALL FAN he would not be accurate latinoamerican representation IF HE WASNT A DRAGON BALL FAN!!!
Out of the whole group I imagine he tries to use PSI as little as possible in his daily life once the whole journey is over, for he is more comfortable living as a normal kid. WILL NOT HESITATE TO USE HEALING POWERS IF NECCESARY but otherwise avoids it (except telepathy on animals because i have this funny thought where he has unintentionally used telepathy his entire life and thats how he knows what animals are saying BUT THOUGHT THIS WAS NORMAL??? once he figures out its not a normal thing he avoids doing it as much with people but he cannot live without knowing what the dawg be saying...
the airhead in the group. he is mostly gut oriented instead of going by brains his brain mgiht as well be a burger
ALSO THE LOUD ONE a very empathetic and easy going boy that gets easily excited about everything and just likes having fun. which means every time he gets a semblance of a negative emotion he will proceed to numb it down and ignore it causing him to just accumulate it😰 LIKE HOW HE HAS TO BEAT DIFFERENT CREATURES AND ENEMIES in his magicant they appear and look down at him for hurting them WHICH MIGHT BE HIM FEELING GUILTY BY THE FACT HE HAS TO DO THAT AND I IMAGINE HE CAN ONLY PULL HIMSELF TO DO SO BY NUMBING THE GUILT DOWN... he's just like look lets lets just get this done😞 what goes on with Pokey ending up on Giygas's side also applies to this but i will not go on detail. because I am writing fanfiction about it and rather not spoiil it😊😊😊😊
the baseball fan ever that practices daily without missing a single day and basically drags Pokey alongside him
and since. i am NORMAL... he's an ENTJ 7w8. i have spent endless hours doing personality tests for these kids i am so normal about them
he has a crush on Paula (which she returns) but is too flustered to admit this so he pretends he is not catching on to her VERY VISIBLE HINTS (she enjoys getting him flustered shes silly like that) because he's nervous about it💀💀💀
anyway PAULA TIME!!!! i am insane so i have provided some backstory for her
I imagine that she awakened her PSI pretty early on and is very gifted around it, and since it is so rare she became very popular in the media at a young age and is essentially a celebrity child. She thought it was very fun initially but she feels pressured to keep a perfect image of herself for she is considered to be a role model which painted an image of someone that wasn't her. She feels very upset about this nowadays and has tightly held onto what is important to her and her true self as to not lose it in attempting to be someone else. She basically has some anger issues out of this because she has gotten used to people not really respecting her boundaries and not being very interested in who she actually is
so yeah she isnt really amused when she's kidnapped SHE JUST GENERALLY HAS LIGHT REACTIONS TO THINGS GOING SOUTH BECAUSE SHE BASICALLY KINDA EXPECTS THAT? despite how much optimism she spreads around she's quite the pessimist (though never voices those thoughts) so she feels very drawn in when Ness is actually genuinely optimistic about everything
loves cute things so much she needs every single big plushie she finds IMMEDIATELY. kirby merch hoarder
generally a sweetheart but very bold and feisty not as much as Kumatora is but she is
if she was in the modern era she'd be a gamer and live breathe minecraft she would be the type of person that gently explains things to her friends on one side but yells when a random stranger in her team is playing horribly
really excited over her frying pan she would have gotten a bat if she didn't think itd be cool if she could use her frying pan as both a weapon and something to warm food up in. like SHE WILL USE IT IN ANY CHANCE POSSIBLE TO FEEL COOL like "Yeah ... give me that cold slice of pizza imma put in the pan . ..." pk fire some random oil she keeps around for thiw specific purpose and there it is it makes her so happy
AS I PREVIOUSLY MENTIONRD SHES VERY STRAIGHTFOWARD ABOUT HER FEELINGS FOR NESS EVERYONE KNOWS IT SHE IS NOT TRYING TO HIDE IT AT ALL but does not directly confess because she likes teasing Ness. she finds it amusing when he gets flustered about it and pretends he isn't catching on
ESFP 2w3 hehehehehehehe
now Jeff he's my favorite out of the four so his is probably going to be stupidly way longer because he's silly like that
not the usual type of shy who hides from people and stutters a lot I IMAGINE HE JUST GETS REALLY AWKWARD AND SPEAKS AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE AND ENDS UP SOUNDING REALLY FORMAL BY ACCIDENT. He will respond to you just in very few words if some stranger suddenly starts talking to him he basically freezes up and fights internally to even say a word because he does not know how to do conversations
He's very knowledgeable in many different things and if you ask him about anything he'll answer VERY NONCHALANTLY AND SHORTLY AS IF HE DOES NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THE SUBJECT WHEN HE IN FACT, DOES. HE SIMPLY IS NOT INTERESTED. but then you bring up inventions and guns and he will provide you a full rambling session with visual examples test runs different things to reference to for different concepts he's mentioning and every single minute detail. THERE HE ACTUALLY GETS EXCITED LIKE HE ISN'T SHY AT ALL THERE
cannot for his life comprehend social cues or idioms he takes things very literally and doesn't assume there's any hidden meaning HE'S BETTER AT THINGS THAT ARE LOGICALLY ANSWERED THAN ANYTHING SOCIAL. so yes Tony can accidentally drop a hint that he's crushing on him and DESPITE JEFF FEELING THE SAME WAY, he'll be like hm thanks tony cool I'm sure that is a very best friend thing to say i do not think there are any romantic implications here....
has an inferiority complex over the fact people credit his skills to be coming from his father (who he basically HARDLY KNOWS OR REMEMBERS SEEING PHYSICALLY BEFORE THE PROPHECY) and not to his own efforts!!! he's constantly compared to him and is expected to have the same amount of genius he does so Jeff tends to overwork himself at times to reach this standard.
has tested million types of coffee to see which one keeps him awake at night the best— but hates coffee! he prefers tea. friends assume he likes coffee because of how mcuh he drinks it he does not
oh yeah as i implied has a big fixation towards inventions and guns. he just thinks they're inteesting as hell he wasn't one to use them he just thought they were rad as hell and he WILL recognize specific ones if shown even a peak of one. he cannot live without being 100% up to date with every single type of gun in existence he needs to know all about them and understand how they work and does elaborate dissections into how they're built
even if shy once comfortable with the rest of the team he actually is one to occasionally tease them and joke around sometimes HE HAS THIS RELATIONSHIP WITH NESS WHERE THEY ARE CONSTANTLY TRYING TO ANNOY EACH OTHER without actually annoying in each other idk how you call it but they just playing around they silly like that
type of person who's face turns red at even the slightest embarassment it just happrns really easily
im not even gonna lie to you he's essentially me irl i needed a character to project myself into so i dont feel bad about not being good at social cues and at anything that is not my main interest
OH YEAH HE'S THE TALLEST HE'S VERY LANKY BUT HE'S THE TALLEST he's confused to be older than he actually is a lot of the time
i almost forgot— ISTP 5w4
NOW POO!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Initially took things very seriously and remained stone faced for a while but ironically became the one that made the most jokes out of everything and has a very contagious laugh— he still takes things more seriously than the rest and is the one that keeps everyone focused when it's important but is now able to relax a lot more
loves animals and animals love him once found a dog and was very sad when he couldn't take him along in the journey... HE GENUINELY JUST SITS DOWN AND SPEAKS TO ANIMALS VERY CASUALLY LIKE hello sweet little dog. how are you doing on this fine saturday. awesome😊.. AND DOES MAGIC TRICKS FOR THEM😭😭😭 He's the disney princess of the group animals will just come to him and be nice to him birds sing along to this boy existing AND HE'LL BE LIKE OH, THIS IS NORMAL, while the rest of the group is just dumbfounded by rhat
i think he'd be quite tech illiterate as he spends most of his time concentrating on his training he really didn't pay much mind to technology (he preferred putting time into working on himself instead of wasting it trying to properly understand technology). BUT HE'S DOING HIS BEST HE IS INTRODUCED TO ARCADE GAMES AND THANKS TO FRIENDS BECOMES HOOKED he was a little lost but hes okay
becomes good friends with jeff because both felt like the odd one in the team at some point and come from very different backgrounds than ness and paula did THEYRE GOOD BUDDIES
He speaks multiple languages very well, but since english is not his first language he feels a bit lost sometimes when with friends. So doing his best effort he brings A WHOLE DICTIONARY WITH HIM AT ALL TIMES like these four will find a word not a single one of them knows and Poo will be there like. dont worry guys i got this AND PULLS OUT HIS DICTIONARY😭😭😭😭 DUDE'S READING THE ENTIRE THING TO PROPERLY UNDERSTAND HIS FRIENDS😭😭 picks magazines for english so he doesn't have to ask them every single time he's lost and to keep at the same pace they do
might be noticeable already but POO'S A TOTAL SWEETHEART HE DOES NOT MIND SAYING THE MOST SWEETEST AND CARING WORDS EVER KNOWN TO MAN and is very confused when one of the 4 cries in emotion because his words are very nice. THAT'S JUST NORMAL FOR HIM HE'S JUST LIKE THAT JUST NATURALLY VERY VERY NICE AND KIND no one can beat him on being very nice
Sometimes the only sane one in the group he is silly, but he balances the silly properly he knows when to save the silly for later
talking about him being good with people if you need to distract someone NO PROBLEM and he just does it really well DOES MAGIC TRICKS!!!! he likes doing his silly little tricks it's something he learned on the side from his training he loves seeing how people react to them
oh yeah the shortest and is confused to be younger than he is sometimes when he's the oldest in the group. basically Jeff backwards but Jeff isnt the youngest
...infj 8w9
NOW YOUD BE LIKE DAMN MICHAEL THATS A LOT OF TEXT ALREADY YOU SPENT AN HOUR WRITING THIS (yes its been an hour i think i i dont know ive been writing this since you asked when was it HELP) BUT I AM NOT DONE. I AM NOT DONE!!!
JUST JUST A FEW MORE FOR OTHER PEOPLE ASIDE FROM THE CHOSEN 4 BECAUSE i need an excuse to talk abojt tony he's my favorite favorite I could make an essay on his character
I like to think Tracy is super smart and is so smart that she's a few school grades (whatever you call um idk um school years?) ahead of what she would be for her age for it. EVEN THOUGH SHES LIKE 9 she's smarter than ness thats for sure and she mentions this but he's silly so he still needs to be the cool older brother regardless so he ignores that she's smarter GIRLIE GOT A JOB AND HE WAS LIKE TRACY WHAY ARE YOU DOING ON THE ESCARGO EXPRESS LIKE YOU ARE 9😭😭😭
i dont actually have any particular Pokey headcanon besides him being interested in tech because of mother 3 BECAUSE HE FEELS VERY FLESHED OUT ALREADY AT LEAST TO ME SO I DONT FEEL THE NEED TO DO AN ENTIRE BLOCK OF HEADCANONS FOR HIM I REALLY LIKE HIS CHARACTER THOUGH best i got possibly just enters theory territory instead
AND ABOUT TONY!!! like in the game he's a very earnest and good kid. I imagine he's seen as someone very sociable and easy to get along with to his peers LIKE HE WILL DO ANYTHING TO HELP EVERYONE FEEL INCLUDED and does an extra effort to get Jeff friends and for people to understand and like him like he be taking him to some of his other friends like. THIS IS MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!! and theyre like Tony rhis is the sevenrh time you introduced him TONY IS THE MAIN REASON JEFF HAS ANY OTHER FRIENDS IN SNOW WOOD
tony sucks at science like really bad he's not good at anything scientific process like and would be bad at remembering them...IF HE DIDN'T TAKE THE EFFORT TO MANUALLY REMEMBER THEM BECAUSE JEFF IS THE ONE TELLING HIM. he be sitting there absorbing all that information and casually mentioning it here and there so Jeff gets really excited about it. ASIDE FROM THAT HE'S ACTUALLY GOOD AT MATH AND IT GAINED HIM A SCHOLARSHIP AT SNOW WOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE WHICH I IMAGINE IS VERY PRESTGIOUS
hes just a very hardworking kid in general THOUGH HE'S VERY CLUMSY AT TIMES. he's seen as the funny guy he cracks out jokes for everyone to laugh at people just generally like him a lot
sprta silly because lil dude is so honest and good natured he has to fight so hard to tell a lie. he's quite naive and easily forgives people WHICH OF COURSE HE'S LIKE 12 OF COURSE HE'S LIKE THAT BUT HE'S MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE
anyway im not makikg thisbany longer its already scary enough I AM SORRY. . .....I DID NOT WANT IT TO BE THIS LONG. . ..im very thankful you asked but ay the same time i feel obligated to ask for forgiveness at how long ive rambled for I just I just love this game I COULD DO MORE BUT NAW💔💔💔
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delusional-mishaps · 2 months
well guys. since i missed epic's birthday (devastating) have some headcanons :)
he is one of those weaboos who learned japanese so he can watch anime "the authentic way" (his words)
so he's fluent in japanese 💀 he literally only learned it for anime but dude was DEDACTED
he's so cringe guys 😭 i can say that. he's my boyfriend i love him
he would adore those cute anime girl v-tubers. like not in a weird way but he'd watch a lot of them
HE PLAYS GENSHIN 💀 he'd probably main beidou or raiden shogun/ei.. maybe run a full electro team with miko and fischl too 😭 (fischl is his fave character he loves her backstory and her bird thing idk i dont use fischl 💀) he loves the electro characters for some reason idk
HE HAS THE WORST LUCK ON THIS GAME THO. bro has c6 diluc (me too ☹️) and all his artifacts SUCK ASS even tho he'll grind every day
he has to spend money on every banner because he always loses his 50/50 and only gets high pity
ok enough genshin headcanons he's cringe we know this
im here ranting about a game i hate because my dumb boyfriend plays it so much
he hangs out with cross a lot ofc BUT
whenever he hears the word cross used in any context he turns to cross like "CROSS????? BRUH THATS YOU!!" (i always make these jokes. im projecting)
cant believe jesus died on his best friend fr... LMAOOO
he speedruns minecraft. he's NOT GOOD AT IT. but he can do it
he's had his speedruns ruined by creepers like 7 times
one time he somehow got into the deep dark and got killed by the warden??? idk what bro was doing down there in a speedrun dawg 😭
sorry he's a gamer in my head but hes really bad at every game he plays (just like me fr)
he sleeps under like 6 different weighted blankets in the hopes that he wont thrash around when he sleeps but he's too strong and ends up tossing them all off his bed 😭
bro needs to be CRUSHED to fall asleep!! he literally cant fall asleep without the weight
not that he likes to sleep anyway because of the nightmares but whatever. hes gotta do it. unfortunately.
he fights in his dreams ofc thats like canon but bro is throwing punches in his sleep fr
if he gets a partner (me fr!!) they gotta sleep in a different ROOM 😭 he is taking NO CHANCES and tbh thats so fair i wouldnt wanna wake up being beaten up by my bf
he is so ipad baby-core <3 he'll just watch youtube on his ipad all day if u let him but he's an old man and needs his spectacles otherwise he's holding it at arm's length 💀
don't forget bro is literally a doctor?? he's SO smart but he uses his goofy persona as a cover up
im convinced like most of the people that know him actually dont know this. they all think hes dumb as bricks 💀
them he'll casually say smth super smart and everyone is like ???????? HELLO??? SINCE WHEN DID UR BRAIN WORK??
i love drawing epic with glasses guys he looks so cute. but he has old man reading glasses
Tumblr media
this the typa shit he wears
AND HE FUCKING. anime glasses 😭
like yk how ppl in anime push glasses up
him fr
he actually needs his glasses all the time but he doesnt like to look like a NERDD so he doesnt wear them
he makes cross read everything for him
they go out to eat and gotta make him read the whole menu otherwise hes holding it 2cm from his face 💔
"whatd that sign say i cant read it"
"dude the letters are huge how cant you read it"
"oh lol i need my glasses my bad bruh"
actually he cant legally drive. because thats funnier than if he could
id still be his passenger princess <3 i refuse to get my license
anyway guys isnt my boyfriend so silly
im so tiredni needto seelp goodnight smooork mimimumumu
its 3am i neednto get up in 5 hours naioiiooooooo
goodbye guys enhjoy my boyfrien mdgrf
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jihyocentric · 1 year
ok so i thought i fixed my settings but it was probably the ios filter thing BUT YEAH I JUST READ THAT. WOW.
jihyo wanting to be a good obedient pup is so precious frrr waiting for nayeon to take her back to the bath and everything what a good girl
and her bonding with jeongyeon over video games AND THE CHEEK KISSSSSS LUMI U TOOK ME OUT WITH THAT ONE ITS TOO CUTE
big big fan of the character development here they are learning to LOVE each other and im so happy!! and im glad u liked the idea abt the non-sexual bathing too, it's one of my favorite types of intimacy to talk and write abt, i think it's cute but also intense
ok idea hold on: once 3mix are together together i can see 2yeon deciding to mess with jihyo one day by having jeongyeon goad her into being a brat while nayeon is trying to get her to obey and whoever she listens to wins and the loser...probably won't be able to walk for a few days LMAOOO or smth like that :)
and side note: i know i am THE pup!hyo anon and all that but can i say ive been loving the polar bear!sana and kitten!jihyo discussions that have been going on around here? imagine sana laying on the floor like one of those bear rugs (on her stomach, all spread out, maybe in front of a fireplace etc) bc she's too lazy to go to bed and she starts dozing off and then she feels someone (her nose tells her it's jihyo) lay on top of her...then a couple minutes later someone else plops down and it's momo...then dahyun...then nayeon...until all of the members are cuddling her and they fall asleep together. IDK I HAVE WARM FUZZY FEELINGS ABT BEAR!SANA
and l4zylurker!! ur art is so good!! ur so fricking talented WOW i am in awe
anyways thats my lil ramble for now, hope ur taking care for the holidays lumi!!
(late reply im sorry bestie)
now i have the perfect chance to make jeongyeon give our pup a warm bath and i might do that the next time i write a drabble for puppy hyo! they're definitely moving forward and getting closer,, and tbh i really really really need the 3mix like NOW but my desperate ass can't win we need to be patient 😿
and small displays of affection is puppy hyo's love language tbh. when nahyo are cuddling jihyo likes to kiss nayeon's tummy because it's soft and warm and well she's a puppy, you might already know what goes into her head... and now she found out jeongyeon's cheek is another soft surface for her to kiss and she loves it — not quite good as a tummy but still she loves it!
and PLEASE jihyo would fight so bad not to be a bad girl for nayeon but sometimes she slips.. cue to nayeon getting dicked down by both of them and she might be in disadvantage but she will make them pay for it the next day, mommy nayeon isn't mommy for nothing!
polarbear!sana laying on the ground with the girls on top of her is so cute 🥺 and she knows the first one is jihyo bc it's her mate, her kitty, and she would know it's jihyo from miles away!! but i don't think the position would last long because kitten jihyo would hiss at the others for putting so much weight on top of her (and sana would laugh, quietly, bc she isn't bothered at all... polar bear things) and i must say the way you placed momo on top of jihyo is so funny like... a whole ass WOLF on top of a tiny kitten.. makes me wonder how it'd be if momo and sana teamed up on her
(and yes thel4zylurker you're awesome! i can't tag you but i hope you see this still!!)
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