#the Scryers
roguescum · 7 months
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missed you at elf practice yesterday
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akasika · 6 months
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After long hours of grinding basilisk eyes I'm finally here...
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wowscenery · 9 months
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argonianfeather · 1 month
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Been seeing people make Daedra OC and wanted to join but I didn't want to do any of the typical humanoid ones, so, Here's Scryer!
(OC Lore-Dump Under Read-More!)
Originally an aspiring elven mage (though in the millenniums past, they have forgotten which type of mer they were, having partial amnesia on much of their mortal life) they were appointed as one of Miraak's personal Seekers back in the Merethic Era and
Fucking hated it.
While mildly above average in terms of combat prowess, they much prefer their study and research to fighting. Now thanks to the LDB soul sucking dragon man to death, they took the chance to bail from Apocrypha and now live deep in a secluded cave on Solstheim, were they can be a cranky old book-demon reading there esoteric tomes in peace.
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nithhaiahh · 1 year
From here  @duchess-scryer
Nith helped her as much as she could but she understood that sometimes one would rather not lean too much on others. She knew that, first hand. The banshee gave her space, noticed the characteristic of her left hand but it didn't bother or scare her at all, but what did make her body shudder a little was the mention of the word 'vision'. She couldn't help but hold her breath. She subtly squeezed the white dress with her hand, she had to calm down, it was something from the past.
The white-haired woman gave her space and continued walking in the direction of her house, the null sound of footsteps behind her forced Nith to turn around. It seemed that Iradia was having trouble standing up and walking, although the option of carrying her didn’t seem the most convenient... considering how she had reacted a moment before.
A small dark rabbit appeared at the woman's feet. It seemed to be made of mist, at the same time, the tiredness and fatigue of her body, along with the wounds on her hand, was easing.
"He's foul-mouthed but he helps a lot. His name is Steve." -said Nith continuing on her way.
The house was a small two-story cabin in the middle of the forest. Parts of it were covered in cobwebs and vines. Nith opened the door, seemed to speak to someone inside before gesturing for her to enter.
"You can sit on the couch. If you see any spiders around, please, do not step on them or kill them, they help keep the house clean. Would you prefer warm water, tea or coffee?"
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swivel-seat · 8 months
To the Struggling Artists
Listen- This is super important. If you've been struggling on an art project, don't give up. If it looks terrible, keep at it. If you've finished it, and it still looks terrible, take a break, clear your head, learn from it and tackle that again.
I just drew the crappiest thing possible, and it hurt my soul, but then I took a moment to study a reference, and with my failure in mind, I did it again. I took the parts that hurt the drawing the most, reworking them separately, and then with the new and improved pieces, it made the whole thing amazing.
If you let yourself move forward instead of dwelling on what you're unhappy with- you may end up improving like I did! (And for reference, here's the two drawings I did XD)
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infinite-xerath · 1 year
She finds him in her dreams. Even with hundreds of miles between them, she trembles at the sheer power that radiates from him in invisible waves. Even Atakhan recoils, shrinking back into the deepest pits of her mind. So much for the fearless Bringer of Ruin…  Iradia might have chuckled if she had the nerve to. Instead, she sinks into a deep curtsy. On the inside, her heart beats so fast that black dots cloud the vision of her good eye. Without raising her head, without doing so much as moving a finger, she utters a single question:
“Was it worth it?”
She hadn’t meant to brush his mind. With beings like him, the danger is always high. But the maelstrom of his thoughts and memories would have been enough to draw anyone in, no matter how strong their resolve. Iradia had only caught a glimpse of two boys and then, the same boys as men. Then blood, death, destruction.
“Was it worth it?”, she repeats, her head still bent. To trade whoever the boy was to you for what you have now?
Xerath poured over the reports sent in from his scouts, musing over the information they'd provided him. One of the upstart warlords to the north had been dealt with, though it seemed the relic he sought wasn't in that fool's possession... At the very least, this meant that he could further expand his territory, at least if he acted before that fool Azir-
Xerath's mind came to a halt. Something was amiss. There was a presence... Dark energy had entered the Magus's sacred chamber. He heard a voice, then saw an apparition manifesting before him. A memory from long ago played out in Xerath's mind: a time from when he was still human.
"Yes." He answered without a shred of hesitation. That was a lifetime ago, and neither he nor Azir were the same children who once studied together in the library. Their friendship, had it ever even been real, died the day three accursed words were spoken...
Xerath dismissed the memories and returned his attention back to the intruder. "Who are you?"
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veilkeeper · 7 months
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Narrator: *You stare into the eye. Your reflection stares back.* Narrator: Wisdom (Insight): *The longer you stare, the more uneasy you feel. There is a presence. You are seen.* Roz: Reach out to the presence. Narrator: *Your consciousness surges into the orb. First there is blackness - then a pair of unblinking, red eyes. Pain grips your skull as the eyes stare into you - then look away. The connection is broken.*
kicking my feet and giggling. who's looking at me? are we flirting? cmon let me talk. i know you recognize me from the goblin camp, we had a moment there too before i destroyed that eye.
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findmeinshattrath · 8 months
People from Outland were super involved in the war in Draenor and you will never convince me different.
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steel-and-fire · 9 months
Fire and Shadow- @duchess-scryer
The details had been discussed in....well, detail, and Igris'Ir had done his research long before he left. It seems that the...'Empress's' words were true, or at least, had serious hold.
Darkwill's sons were filthy shit, and while Noxus was already a shitshow under him, this was only bound to get worse once they rose to power...And while before he was already willing to do the job, earn the rewards, and hey....do some good cause why not..
Now, he was a lot more..determined to see this through. His journey had changed him, and his perspective on these situations.
They were dangerous, and innocent people's wellbeing and lives were on the line. He would no longer avert his eyes, be it emperors, demons, gods or whatever.
So...With a little bit of aid from Iradia's magic to hide his horns and tail, he was now walking alongside her as his inflirtration had begun. They were still in the safe area, but he soon would have to take his own path, to make sure noone sees him with her. He didnt wear his armor, and even his axe was in a safe place. He did not need it for this. His body was instead covered by a long, red, regal coat, mingling well with the other nobility.
"Any final details..?", he whispered to her as they kept walking, his eyes darting around for any possible danger, or unexpected encounter.
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jurysbane · 2 years
scryer is the most fucking funny character I have ever made. I love her. She’s so casual with things.
“Hey Scry—your leg is bleeding— are you ok?”
“What? Oh yeah, I’m chill. I’ve got plenty of time before I pass out!”
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wowscenery · 1 year
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argonianfeather · 23 days
Scryer is one of the seekers that blasts you with spells when you're first approached by miraak after reading the black book but make no mistake that the entire time she's like "by mora i hope they come back and kill this stupid little cunt"
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horrorpatch · 1 month
ASINHELL Share New Video For "Pyromantic Scryer"!
Danish death metal band ASINHELL has dropped a new video for the track, “Pyromantic Scryer”! The band has recently released their debut album, Impii Hora on Metal Blade Records. The band is the side project of Volbeat frontman Michael Poulsen. Check out the video along with more details on the band below. From The Press Release For more than 20 years, vocalist/guitarist Michael Poulsen has been…
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nithhaiahh · 1 year
She finds the woman from her visions after months of futile search. Weeks upon weeks spent looking for the tiniest of hints with no one but the creature inside her head keeping her company. Even now, Athakan rumbles at the edge of her consciousness, quieter than before, but still...
He would always remind her of what- of who Iradia lost to bind him to her.
Her knees are weak from sorrow and relief, but she manages to approach, one careful step after the other.
At last, she drops to her knees in front of the woman both blessed and cursed. Sharp little stones bite the skin of her palms, but she barely feels the pain. Not while the aching inside her chest threatens to tear her apart at any moment.
"Please", she croaks, head bowed in shame and defeat. How the mighty had fallen at last. "They say you can summon the dead. Please... my sister. I need to see her. I-"
Iradia's voice falters. I never got to say goodbye, she wants to say, but the words won't come out. Before she can stop herself, tears pour from her good eye over her ashen cheek.
"I'll give you anything. Anything you ask for."
The gods knew she had nothing left to give but her worthless life. Everything else was taken from her already.
It looked like it was going to rain, a light, natural mist. A weather that she loved even if others hated it for its sadness and gloominess. For Nith it was relaxing as it reminded her of the subtlety of nature on her skin and to be able to feel her breath contrast with the drizzle. Yes, she wished it would start raining soon.
The woman's words captured her immediate attention, the typical defense barrier that Nith usually possesses seemed to have been completely collapsed. Seeing someone so desperate, that cry… that voice… Oh Gods, if she recognized them. Death. A death so important that one would be able to make the world burn. She knew it very well… The banshee knelt down beside the woman and gently took her hands.
"Please… H-how…" -how was the lady sure that Nith was the one she was looking for? And how the hell did this news spread? It was a job she took somewhat sporadically. It wasn't something she hated but definitely didn't want to run the risk of being found by the wrong people.
Still, thank the Gods, this person found her.
"I understand. We can talk about the price later, I'm not unreasonable, don't worry…" -she said taking her hands to clean them from the annoying stones.
"My house is nearby… let's talk about your request there. Also, if it can be done, it will be safer to perform the ritual there."
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swivel-seat · 8 months
would anyone be interested in an ask-blog featuring some of my characters?
I want to get better at art, and I think it would be a lot of fun.
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