#the batfam heals my family trauma and need for support through a found family
wait-whos-batman · 7 months
if I knew that all I had to do to be happy was become utterly obsessed with the dcu then i would've done this twenty two fucking years ago
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OKAY thoughts on justice league vs. teen titans
actually really enjoyed it a lot!
- so the big thing for damian here is his continued lack of respect for other people (lmao) and apparently his inability to work in a team? like, okay so the last few movies showed that he's cool working with bruce and dick + other members of the batfam pretty efficiently, and at the start of this he, like, specifically disobeys bruce (which is, like, Standard for robin lmao), which apparently means he doesn't work well in a team. Whatever. i don't think it was a super clean setup
- good move to cut the justice league down and keep the titans small
- this is an issue going back to justice league war but i REALLY dont like clarks characterization and the diana/clark romance is meh
- clark/diana/bruce have this one scene together (clark is mind controlled but still) that i really enjoyed it made me laugh because diana is like we have to stop him before he destroys the moon or something!! and bruce pauses and is like ... did he actually say he was going to do that LIKE SO CONCERNED LMAO
- so the Crux of damian in this movie is let's see him with Peers, as opposed to just the batfam (who are freaks let's be real). so whereas bruce/dick/adults will scold him or whatever, kids his age are gonna straight up be like Dude you are an asshole and we are Rejecting you
- OKAY it's funny because damian is an asshole initially to the other teens but!! he actually goes and apologizes to people pretty quickly so yay character development! but also jaime's scarab straight up BURNED half his face off which is pretty fucked up. we established in the last movie (kind of) that Dami is done with killing so even tho he was being an asshole that is still kind of the scarab's fault
- i love kori being a pta mom but i really wish they didn't sexualize kori so much. i know it's a general dc problem, but this only contributes to it. like you can give her a costume that pays homage to the original without being gross
- nightwing isn't in this which might have been because of scheduling or whatever but i'm like. fine with it because the story already works pretty well. we still have more movies to go and we've already had SOME dick and dami bonding content but i STILL WANT MORE!!!
- also nightwing just leaving his gf to babysit his brother like poor kori but also im glad that the bats apparently trust dami enough to leave him unattended (or just need a break lmao)
- beast boy/blue beetle are kind of here to be support so they're not really developed all that much.
- the main character here is split pretty evenly between raven and damian, and i know they do damirae later in the dcamu and i have to say i support it 100%. they initially bond bcus raven heals him, and their connection is really cool i must say
- OH also kori being raven's mom is cute lol
- ALSO giving cyborg a connection to the teen titans is cute
- damian's expressions are very cute in this his mask/lenses pop a lot more than usual
- when beast boy is like your mom DID IT with the devil??!! i was thinking the exact same thing
- raven and damian are both very blunt and forward with people and went through a LOT of trauma but now they've found new families like brooo
- usually im whatever about raven's story because i'm not a Huge fan of magic stories, but i do like how the way raven defeated trigon was because of the love she had for her new home and family made her stronger like :')
- ALSO they did the thing at the end of the movie that i wanted in bad blood!! where ra's offers damian a chance to join him and damian rejects him and is like nah i'm a titan now like!!! my boy!!!!!!
- damian telling raven that home is where family has to take you :'))) my boy you've grown so much. DAMIAN KNOWS WHAT A HOME AND FAMILY IS NOW!!
overall, lots of development for damian, cool story, nice setup for the damirae relationship and nice intro for kori, and they did a better job at balancing the story than the last movie
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