#the best part of this is that depending on the day
mischiefbuckley · 1 day
for eddie it’s having to have a conversation with christopher and all the nerves and feelings and emotions and acceptance he will now have to face with finally coming to terms with his sexuality (if it does end up happening in season 8 depending on what happens in the season 7 finale or whenever the start of eddie’s sexuality arc begins) with raising a teenage son and having that freedom that was taken away from him from a young age of becoming a father too soon, being forced into a marriage due to the religious views inflicted upon him from a young age and then going off and enlisting in the army to endure more pain and trauma and come back feeling abnormal and never realizing that he’s been playing a part and hasn’t had the chance to be normal with his true self and finally when he does decide to break away from his family in texas and experience some freedom away from home in a new city and surrounding himself with new people who give him that sense of family that he has never truly felt with his family because they expect something from him as the man of the house
eddie meets buck, which at first he had reservations and didn’t understand why he didn’t like eddie at all. all eddie has wanted is to do right by his son and trying to provide and be there for him. by doing right by his son, he wants him in the best school that is adapting and considerate to his disability of cerebral palsy, eddie wants to be able to please his every want and desire, including reconnecting with his estranged wife to be able to figure out where this relationship goes and what that means for christopher. eddie is still needing to play the part and he enjoys himself in the idea that they would go back to normal, but that’s not the case. unfortunately due to some circumstances out of everyone’s control, shannon passes away after she had just brought up getting a divorce after eddie was going to propose to her and she announced that she wasn’t pregnant at all after her pregnancy scare. eddie after shannon passes away feels this need to continue to chase this image of a perfect family with the dotting wife and working husband with their son. he tries to find shannon in other woman, even going after and seeking a doppelgänger lookalike named kim, because to him that is what is perceived as normal and he never did get closure on shannon. shannon’s ghost continues to haunt eddie in many ways because he ultimately feels like he failed at the one thing he should have been good at. you need to be married to a woman and raise children together and be the provider of the household. those were images and reality that eddie grew up surrounded around because of the culture and religious background from his family.
when all along who has been your day one with christopher. who got you connected with carla, who always made time for you when you wanted to take christopher out, when you needed someone to watch christopher, even when just hanging out during the week and enjoying each other’s company. who made it possibly for your son with cerebral palsy to ride a skateboard and enjoy the memory because buck was able to figure something out. buck has always been in eddie’s corner and cares so much about him as he does his son. eddie trusts buck so much he’s in his will (WHICH IF DOESN’T GET BROUGHT UP IN THE FINALE MISSED OPPORTUNITY) as Christopher’s legal guardian (and I’m guessing buck is also listed as the power of attorney as well with knowing how unhinged he is) eddie reached out for him when he was shot and bleeding out and even eddie while bleeding out in the engine, was still asking buck if he was okay despite him being the one that was shot. eddie and buck have shared multiple heart to heart conversations about each other and how they feel and eddie constantly reminds buck that he does matter, he matters to him so much, he matters to christopher. when eddie was going through leaving the 118 and attending therapy and trying to grasp control over his emotions and how eddie’s afraid that he will “never feel normal.” it’s the fact that buck would go and stay with christopher while eddie would go to therapy and would go and check in on him. with buck getting struck by lightning you see eddie experience pain again in a new light. it’s always buck that has endured these moments of panic whenever something happens to eddie while on call, but we see eddie run after buck and continuously yelling “buck” as he is dangling off the ladder and when they finally do get him down, bobby makes eddie drive the ambulance because it is the only control that eddie has at the moment that he can control because he can’t control what is happening to buck and then the idea of seeing yet again another person you love die in an ambulance isn’t the best way to see your best friend, so driving the ambulance seems like the right call. even while at the hospital, eddie can’t seem to control his emotions even around christopher and we see this when eddie sneaks christopher in the room and he starts asking eddie all these questions and he can’t answer them and it’s hen answering because Eddie is trying to keep it together in front of his son, but can’t help but stare at his best friend while he’s in a coma and not knowing what would happen. everything seems to be well with buck, but eddie memorized the 3 minutes and 17 seconds because that will never leave him. his best friend was dead for 3 minutes and 17 seconds and none of them could do anything about it. he doesn’t try to get buck to adjust to his new reality. he lets him come to eddie and initiate the conversation because he knows that buck will always come to him when he needs to talk.
and coming around back with season 7 and especially after last nights episode and with how eddie and how his storyline is currently going we are introduced to the problem of christopher feeling disconnected and not remembering his mom’s voice, so we get the ghost of shannon as he reads her letter and eddie is trying to figure out how to handle a situation now with his teenage son that he wasn’t prepared for. so he asked buck for help and it’s funny how it goes full circle and ends up going back to eddie and kim, but then we get eddie being social and hanging out with tommy, which good for him he needs to go out and about and enjoy his life like he took on so many different responsibilities and didn’t get to enjoy himself in his early 20s. and yk buck’s jealously (but I’ll circle back to that in a later analysis) but it’s the fact that eddie just found it so easy to hangout and invite tommy to the basketball games and be able to just feel relaxed and excited because he yk writes it on the calendar. then we get the scene between eddie and buck where he comes out to him and like that scene really is something because eddie just stays there and listens to buck. he was more shocked by anything that tommy is gay, but he told buck that nothing would change between them. it’s always buck and eddie at the end of the day. and they hugged and it felt very sweet because it shows that despite anything and everything that can come their way, they will always be there for each other. but with eddie you have him still trying to find closer with the relationship he has with shannon and that’s what the basis of his storyline has been in season 7 with the whole kim plotline. eddie with his relationship with marisol like his previous relationship with ana, it is more if Christopher feels comfortable around them he feels happy. But when have we genuinely heard him go out of his way to talk about them in a way that makes sense for someone to talk about someone that they are in a relationship with.
Especially with yk the season 7 change to ABC, like Marisol is giving nothing to the plotline at all except just being his girlfriend while eddie is doing the whole going after the doppelgänger of his late dead wife and giving more of a dramatic arc to the whole thing. eddie pursuing kim was him trying to grasp some closer on the whole situation between him and Shannon. he is able to control the narrative in his mind and prior to kim showing up at the station with the tray of brownies, eddie had done a decent job at managing to keep all his worlds apart and keep the distance between everything in his life and I think that is his biggest challenge that he has never had to confront reality and that will be a big challenge for him to overcome whenever his sexuality arc comes into play. because currently we left off with season 7 episode 9 on the ending being that eddie was getting off of his chest everything he would have wanted to say to shannon but never got the chance too because she died and in a way kim was trying to help the guy out, but it ended up backfiring in both of their faces because marisol and christopher walk in and christopher immediately calls out and says “mom” and it all just ties back to how neither one of the diaz boys have really accepted and moved on from shannon. eddie in the sense that was his first everything and how could you move on from the death of a spouse, especially after she had asked for a divorce prior to passing away and christopher I mean that was his mom. we have seen that since christopher lost her at a young age, he did attend therapy, but gradually over the years it gets brought up again and again because how will a child ever truly get over the death of their parent. they both have tried to accept and try to move on, but both of their coping throughout the years has been at the best of their ability. eddie is stuck and has been stuck in a place of not being able to move on and still we have the next episode to see what happens, but with this distance and isolation that Ryan talked about Eddie experiencing at the end of season 7, it does make me wonder how this could tie into a potential coming out/acceptance arc for Eddie
anyways some of my random thoughts I’ve had especially after last nights episode so if you read all the way through, thanks homies I ramble a lot I know lmao
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frannyzooey · 1 day
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On The Green: 3
Ezra x f!reader
Rating: Mature-ish? More space violence, gratuitous descriptions of Ezra’s body 🤡
A/N: thank you to both @the-scandalorian who always sets me in the right direction and gives me the best reassurance and @bageldaddy who, I’m pretty sure, is giving me more of an education than any English teacher I’ve ever had and thank god ❤️
Series Masterlist
For the next couple days, it rains. 
Sheets of it pour down, a steady drum against the roof, trails of it sliding down the windows. It creates rivers in the rich soil, deep trenches that lead to even deeper puddles, and the world outside looks like a muted blur from your seat inside. A smear of dark green, a blot of rich brown, the watery shape of roots that distort with every drop. 
Tucking your knees tighter under your chin, you give your legs a squeeze, hoping to squash the restlessness that thrums through them. 
“Anything new out there?”
You sigh, knowing he’s teasing. “No.”
“Fitting, the way you can sit still for so long, Birdie. Perched there in your little nest.”
The only blanket you have pooled at your hip, your headphones on the floor, and your notebook open and face down next to them, you suppose it does look a bit like a nest. You shrug. “Not much else to do.”
Ezra fiddles with a ship part in his hand, his head bent in focus. “Always something to do.”
After days stuck inside, it doesn’t feel like it. 
You’ve combed over every inch of the pod, putting it back to rights. Cleaning every surface, organizing every cupboard. The med supplies were pulled out and meticulously sorted, the food stores combined with Ezra’s meager offerings, the dash scrubbed free of every particle of dirt that’s collected on it over the years. Your fingers finding a few rusty drips of blood that were missed, you spent more time than necessary scouring every inch of the pilot’s seat until your fingers ached. 
One untouched compartment remained: your father’s private belongings. 
“Hand me that wrench, would you?”
Ezra extends his hand, and you crawl over to the open tool kit, rifling through it until you find the one he’s looking for. Handing it to him, you abandon your seat by the window and sit next to him. His fingers are thick and long, marred with the nicks of small scars, his fingernails short and black with permanent dirt—but his handling of the part is graceful, his touch deft when he uses the tool. 
“Tell me everything he said again, from the top.”
Resting your cheek on your knee, you recite every detail you can recall, your voice monotone with boredom. 
“He didn’t say much. A group of mercs hired him to help with the dig, but I don’t know where he met them. Called “The Queen’s Lair,” it’s supposed to be an untouched dig site that holds more gems than any other on this planet. A deposit the size of this pod. Depending on his source, the whole thing could be real or it could be nothing, but either way, he thought it would make us rich. He said it would be enough to retire on, that this would be our last run.”
Ezra huffs. “If the rumor is true, then he’d be right.” He passes the wrench back, looking at you. “If it’s true.” He waits a beat. “Do you think it is?”
You still had to get used to that – someone asking your opinion about something. You shrug. “It’s possible, right?”
“Sure, it’s possible,” he agrees. “Probable, though?” 
You pause to think, and his expression softens into a smile. “A dreamer like myself, I see.” 
“I don’t know about that,” you reply. “But as long as we’re stuck here, might as well look, right?”
He nods, thinking for a moment. 
“The Queen’s Lair,” he muses, dragging the words out in a slow drawl. He looks up, wiggling his eyebrows, and a small smile pulls at your lips. 
Mirroring it, he goes back to work. 
It had taken you all of a couple days to tell him about the reason your father came here. Tossing in your lot with Ezra the second you agreed to his deal, the idea of a hidden cache of gems that had the potential to make you both rich was too valuable to keep to yourself. You had the location; he had the digging skills. You had, as minimal as they were, details about who was waiting, and he had the skills to navigate the situation. 
You needed each other. 
Cautious around him for the first couple of days, you were surprised by his geniality. For someone who appeared so ruthless when you first met him, he was…kinder than you thought he would be with you. You had remained hesitant, convinced that it was a ruse to get you to lower your defenses, but after a while, you came to see that he was just desperate for someone to talk to. 
So were you, it seemed, for how easily the words slipped out once you let them. 
After a lifetime of being left to wilt alone in empty apartments, or being dragged around the universe only to be ignored until your father needed something from you, it felt good to have someone’s attention. His curiosity about you was endless, his questions never ending, and when you answered, he really listened. Not like he was searching for anything to give him a leg up on you, but rather just openly interested. His face was expressive, his eyes fixed on yours whenever you were talking, and even when you tried to shy away from the direct attention you weren’t used to, he never faltered. 
He was patient, a gift you’d never been given from anyone. 
Unfortunately, along with that came a blossoming attraction to the man, but you pushed that down. The pod was a tight space with two people, and he was broad. You couldn’t help but notice his presence. Especially at night, when it was just the two of you. 
When a blanket of tension seemed to build across the small space between your cots. 
When it was just you and him and the darkness; the steady sound of his breathing over the thrum of your restless limbs. 
Squashing down the nagging shame that surfaced every time you remembered that he was a stranger and also a murderer, you ignored that logic and leaned into the warmth of his companionship instead. 
Besides, even if he was planning on taking advantage, what could you really do about it anyway? 
“You mentioned a map?” he says, his brow furrowing in concentration. 
You tilt your head towards his cupboard. “I haven’t checked, but it should be in there. I remember him looking at it.”
Knowing you’ve been avoiding that particular cupboard, he nods. 
“How many mercs are waiting for him at the dig?”
“He didn’t tell me.”
“What terms did he negotiate?”
“He didn’t say.”
Ezra shakes his head to himself, looking up. “The more you tell me about this old man of yours, the less I’m impressed with how he treated his partner.”
“I was never his partner,” you correct. “Just his daughter.”
He gives you a level glance, and you look away. Fiddling with the leg of your thermals, you change the subject. “Do you think it’s safe to leave the pod unattended?” 
“I’m not assured that she’s fit to fly in the state she’s in, but just to be sure, we’ll take this with us wherever we go.”
He holds up the part in his hand with a smirk, and you give it a closer look, huffing a laugh when you recognize it. 
The starter. 
He stands with a soft grunt, stretching. The muscles in his shoulders shift underneath his threadbare thermals, and you keep your eyes on them when he tucks the part away in his case. 
“I’ll need a digging partner out there, if this opportunity is what you say it is,” he says. “I think we should practice some, to get you ready. Is that amenable to you?”
You bite the pillow of your lip. “He never taught me that. How to dig,” you clarify. 
“Course he didn’t,” Ezra frowns, his voice sliding low with unamused disappointment. He shakes his head clear of whatever dark thought seems to pass through his mind, his expression softening. “All the more reason.” He bends, peering out the window. “Looks like it’s tapering off. The sooner we get some practice under your belt, the better.”
A swoop of relief flowing through you at the thought of leaving the pod, it mixes with excitement at the prospect of learning something new. Your father never trusted you with the actual digging – you had been brought along to carry things, made to follow for “assistance”, but he never let you touch the blade. You’d once thought it was a father’s way to protect his child from the dangerous job but quickly realized it was born out of impatience. 
Unfurling your tight limbs when he holds his hand out to help you off the floor, you grab your suits from the closet. Slipping them on in silence, you click your helmet into place while he secures the connection of your filters, and hunching to get through the door, you follow him outside. 
The ground is saturated with water, your boots leaving clear impressions in the soil as he leads you into the forest. He’s broad, even more so with his suit on, but the trees that surround you are still big enough to conceal his entire body, not to mention yours. The canopy of lush growth glistens with droplets, shafts of misty light piercing through it to highlight the floor of moss and growth underneath you. Vines and tree roots spread and crawl underneath your feet, no visible path that you can see.  
You follow the beacon of his worn yellow suit, his voice carrying through the comm into your helmet. 
“So, Birdie,” his voice sounds deeper through the link, scratchy with static. “If your father never taught you how to dig, what did he teach you?”
You huff under your breath. “A lot of things.”
Missing the low tone of your sarcasm through the radio, he continues in his conversational tone. “Anything useful?”
“I know how to navigate.” You think of using your father’s last coordinates to find him in the seedier part of town. “I’m resourceful.” Rationing your vouchers, making sure they bought you enough food to last. “I’m actually not a bad mechanic.”
“Oh yea?” He turns to look to peek back at you for a moment. 
You immediately backtrack when you see a glimmer of hope on his face. “I mean, nothing like we need. I can try to help though, if you show me how. My father used to bring me with him everywhere but always left me behind, so I got pretty good at fixing things around the ship. He always wanted me to do the wiring because my hands were smaller than his. He said my fingers were more precise.”  
You remember the rest of it silently: the way his hands trembled and shook between doses. 
Ezra hums in acknowledgement. “And yet he never taught you how to dig?”
The moss softens your footsteps, flakes of dust floating through the thick air. 
“No,” you reply. “He tried, but…I don’t know. He was too impatient, I think.”
Memories of his harsh words come back: the biting clip of his reprimands, the disappointed yet dismissive tone he always had when it came to you. 
Ezra’s voice pulls you back. “Seems like a waste to me. If I had access to those fingers of yours, I would have made use of them.”
Your steps falter as his unearned praise catches you off guard, at his automatic assumption that skills he doesn’t even know if you have were wasted. Warmth unfurls in your chest, the edge of your mouth unconsciously lifting. Feeling slightly foolish and young at your reaction, you look down at your feet. 
You’re still thinking about it when he pushes through dense bush, halting you with his arm.  
Peering over his shoulder, you see a dark, gaping pit of disturbed earth obstructing your path. He creeps closer, toeing around the edge of it, and you follow, taking in the size and depth. Shallow but with steep sides, roots bulge out from below the soil, extending into the sky with gnarled fingers. Looking closer, you note pockets of earth gaping open just underneath each one. The whole site is eerie, appearing abandoned – though Ezra seems to know what he’s looking for. 
Standing on the edge of the pit with a narrowed gaze, he crouches, studying the crater. 
You watch with curiosity as he eases down the slope, into the dig site. Sitting on your butt, you carefully slide down the embankment to join him. 
You’re not experienced enough to know for sure, but everything about this looks barren to you. 
“Is there anything left in here?”
He flashes a smile your way. “If you know where to look.”
He paces the length of the pit, studying it. “Many sites were depleted during the Rush, but carelessness left some treasures behind.” 
He squats next to a thick, gnarled root, his helmet tilting in study. 
“Come here, Birdie.” His voice slipping into something softer and quieter, he motions you closer. “Here. You see it?”
His gloved fingers splay over the earth, dusting along tiny pin-prick holes that pierce the rich dirt, and he brushes away the crumbling top layer to reveal a deeper set. As if whatever is buried underneath needs access to the toxic air. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” he coos. 
Blinking, it takes you a second to understand he’s talking to the hole he’s gently unearthing. He hums to himself, one of satisfaction when the earth tumbles away and an involuntary shiver of pleasure at the sound surprises you by rolling down your spine. Shifting your crouch, you push it down. 
“Hand me my kit?”
You reach for it, watching as he preps his tools. 
“I’ll go first, and then teach you how to do it. Watch my fingers.” 
Bracing his hand on the side of the site, he uses the strength in his other one to scoop into the pocket of soil until it completely opens. His arm disappears as he reaches into the dark pit, and trepidation spreads through you. He searches for something, his eyes lighting up when he finds it. 
"I knew somebody oughta give her a go,” he says with a smile. 
His hand wrapped around the root like a rope, he tugs with a soft grunt of exertion, and a thick, milky white root pearl spills from the hole. He keeps pulling, coaxing everything out and a bulbous pod covered in mucus emerges, sliding out onto the ground by his feet. Shifting onto his knees, he picks up his knife. 
“You want to be careful when you cut,” he starts to explain, motioning you to scoot closer. “Easy does it, with delicate things like these. One wrong move and the whole thing will go to shit.”
You hold your breath as he makes a careful incision, his knife slowly drawing across the top of the pod. Your eyes widen in half revulsion and half curiosity as it splits open, strands of thick mucus connecting each side. 
“I saw my dad do it once,” you say lowly, mesmerized by his deft movements. “Mess it up.”
The dark crown of his shorn curls shakes under the dome of his visor. “It’s a shame to waste it. All the effort it takes to get her to give it up, only to be ruined with a misplaced touch.”
A hissing sound slips through the thick air, and his fingers form a vee to hold the slick seam open. 
“That's the price for a dry breach,” he explains. “My chem will calm the brine.”
You have the bottle of pre-mixed chemicals ready in your hand, and he gives you a nod in thanks, taking it from you. Pouring it slowly into the crack, the pod disintegrates into a steamy cloud, a slimy puddle forming underneath. A core remains, and setting the bottle down, he holds up the unpolished gem. 
“Small, but still worth it.”
“You made that look so easy.” Clear experience in every movement he made, you’re still looking at the gem when he speaks. 
“Your turn.”
You look up at the words, unsure, and his gaze is steady and encouraging. “I’ll be right here. If you slip, it’s just a trial run.”
You frown in hesitation, and he chuckles. “Don’t look so serious, Birdie. The stakes are about as low as they can get. Come on.”
He jerks his chin towards something behind you, and crawling over to it, you follow. 
“Just there,” he says. “You can see her. Look.”
You follow his finger, and reaching your glove out, start to brush the crumbling soil away from the side of the pit. He guides you through every step with a patience you’ve not encountered before, every instruction murmured in a cadence so soothing that would be distracting if not for the intensity of your concentration on the task. 
Watch it, girl. Straight finger. 
You got it?
Hold it nice and tight. 
Oh. That’s perfect. 
The sense of accomplishment you feel when you hold up the gem is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. All of your other skills discovered through the lens of isolation, forged by way of necessity without the luxury of help, this one feels different. A safety net beneath you every step of the way, you know if you were to mess up, he would have saved you – but you didn’t. 
The faith he placed in you when he handed you the knife suddenly feels so much more earned, and you beam up at him with pride.  
“Not nearly as daunting as you thought now, was it?” He smiles back at you, holding his hand out for the gem. “Your father was right, by the way. Your fingers are nimble. The most precise and steady I’ve ever seen.”
You know he must be humoring you but the flush of validation flourishes in your chest as he tucks the stone carefully into the soft foam padding of his case. 
“I would have us stay out longer, but we didn’t charge the filters as much as we should have. Let’s head back and admire our loot in a more hospitable environment.”
Clicking it shut, he climbs the slope of the pit before turning to help you out. 
“Your first gem,” he muses, leading you back into the forest. “How does it feel?”
“Good,” you breathe, a small smile still on your face and you follow him, his constant stream of words fading into the background. 
Entirely dependent on the whims of your father, you’d been existing inside of an isolated bubble until now. You hadn’t been lying when you told Ezra you had no idea what you wanted to do, because the freedom to choose your own path was something that had never occurred to you. You’d been self-reliant, but always within the shadow of a burden. Your dad forced you into a caretaker role, and for the first time in years, as Ezra’s voice flows into your helmet from his, you feel the possibility of something else breaking through the fog. 
A glimmering edge of potential, the hue of an amber colored gem. 
The shift inside you sparks to life, a realization dawning on you: a life you never thought possible. For the first time since you landed on this planet, you see opportunity stretching out in front of you instead of a dead end.  Pride kindles in your chest as you walk back to the pod, and you think about sharing it with Ezra, but stating your excitement over something as routine for the competent man in front of you seems foolish. Like something you should keep to yourself, in order to protect it against the power you know other’s words hold. 
You make it to the edge of the clearing before it spills forth from your lips. 
“I can’t wait –” you start, your words interrupted by Ezra’s arm whipping out for the second time that day to stop you in your tracks. 
“Hello, stranger.”
Your head snaps up, both at the greeting itself and the tone his voice has slipped into: something colder than the easy geniality he’s been using with you all morning, an edge to it that you can sense without seeing his face.
“Can I help you?” Ezra’s hand rests on the thrower attached to his hip, and from your place behind him, you slowly reach for your own weapon strapped across your back. Peering over Ezra’s shoulder, you spot the edge of a man. 
Sneering through the visor of his dirty helmet, he looks starved, almost feral underneath the dome, his eyes dead with hunger. Dangerous is the first word that comes to mind, and when the man’s gaze settles on you, you shrink back behind Ezra.
“Pretty ship,” his voice crackles through the comm link. “Pretty girl.”
Your stomach bottoms out, but Ezra remains still.
“Both of whom belong to me,” he replies, steady and sure. 
Your fingers bury themselves into Ezra’s suit at his side, and you feel him straighten, standing taller in front of you.
“Seems like a lot for one man.” The man’s chin tilts up in a challenge, stepping closer. “Maybe I can take one of em’ off your hands.”
“As generous as that offer is, I will have to decline.” You can hear the casual smile on Ezra’s face, meant to disarm. “I’m partial to both, you see. I wouldn’t be able to choose.”
The stranger takes a step closer, testing. When Ezra doesn’t move, he takes another. 
“Actually,” the stranger confesses, “I’ve got a ship. It could use some parts, and I intended to take them from you…but I’d be willing to walk away.” He pauses a beat, tilting his head to look directly at you. “For her.” 
He smiles, and the sight of his rotted teeth causes bile to rise in your throat. 
“That is a bold offer,” Ezra drawls. “Unfortunately,” his voice dropping into a firmer tone, “She stays with me.”
The man’s greasy smile disappears, replaced with a menacing frown. 
“I’m not gonna ask again,” he growls. 
Ezra stands firm, shifting to cover you with the whole of his body and a tight tension fills the air, crackling amongst the slow floating dust. 
“Then I guess I’ll have to take her by force,” the man says, taking another step forward. 
Without any warning, Ezra whips the pistol from the holster attached to his hip and fires. You shrink at the first shot, scrambling to hide by the pod at the sound of a second one, and by the third, your ass hits the ground with a thud. A cold sweat soaks through your thermals, your pulse pounding as you watch Ezra saunter closer to the dead man with a relaxed gait and aiming his gun right between the man’s vacant eyes, you flinch when he pulls the trigger again. 
A crash echoes through the field, followed by silence. 
“It’s really a thing of beauty, isn’t it?”
Still reeling from the confrontation outside, you blink numbly at the refresher. 
“Um,” you swallow, taking a seat. “Sure.”
He seems so unbothered it’s disorienting, and you tug your boot off, placing it on the floor next to the other one. Needing him to go somewhere else so you can process what just happened alone, you attempt casualness. “You just gonna stare at it, or are you gonna shower?”
“You just gonna watch me, or are you gonna turn around?” he mimics. 
You pause, and he grins. 
“Either way suits me just fine, little bird. Just fine.”
He crouches to dig through a bin of his belongings, and you turn your back to him, your body slipping into the rote memory as you take off your suit. The difference between who he’s been the last several days with you versus who he just turned into is jarring, a slap in the face, a stark reminder of what he’s capable of. 
“You want to bathe first, or do you mind if I have the honor?” he asks from behind you. 
“Go for it,” you reply. 
You hear him pause behind you and turn to face him. A frown pulls between his dark brows as he studies you. “Are you sure? I don’t mind waiting for you to get your own relief. In fact, I’d prefer it.”
You shake your head, just wanting him to give you space. “I’m good. I’ll wait.” 
He nods and before you can turn back around, reaches over his head to strip his shirt off with a tug. Marks of rough won survival litter the skin of his back. A gouge here, the thin stripe of a scar there; some cleanly healed, some not. He leans forward into the fresher, turning the water on to let it run for a moment and you eye the dark curls that edge the nape of his neck. The wings of muscle that make up his broad shoulders seem so much wider with his suit off, so much wider against the small opening he stands in front of, and your eyes follow the strong plane of his back down all the way down to the dimples on either side of his spine, just above the waistband of the pants he’s already working open – 
Turning, his face registers surprise when he sees you’re still looking – yet he makes no effort to cover himself. Instead, he stands taller, confident in his bareness. His chest is covered in the same marks as his back, visible strength held in his arms, and dark hair collects in a swirl around his belly button and leads down, his hand obstructing where his pants hang open. 
“I’m – sorry,” you hastily apologize, heat rushing to your face. Averting your eyes, you get a glimpse of his amused smile before you turn your back on him again. 
You expect him to tease you, but he doesn’t. Instead, the door to the fresher clicks shut and you let a breath out you didn’t know you were holding. 
Finally alone, you close your eyes. 
He killed…again. Right in front of you, shamelessly, so confident in his own skills that you never sensed even a fraction of fear. Going back to the moment you both saw the man, you focus on the memory of his calmness, on the image of confidence he presented delivering that final shot. Almost lazy with it, like he was so desensitized by killing it didn’t even register with him. 
Searching deeper, where you should find fear, you find reassurance instead. 
He’s the one that took out the initial threat of his original partner, he’s the one who buried your father like it was nothing, he’s the one who has taught you about this place. Treating you like an equal except for when he needs to take out a threat, the way he slides into territorial protection should make you worry…but instead, it makes you feel safe. 
You don’t belong to him, but you don’t find yourself rebelling against the idea as much as you probably should. The stranger meant to take you, and when Ezra told that man you belonged to him, you should have shrunk away, probably should have mentally protested. Instead, you silently clutched him tighter. 
You hear him behind the door, water splashing against the tiles as he moves around and that swirl of hair above his waistband flashes behind your eyelids, along with an image of his thick fingers. The width of his chest, the rounds of his shoulders. The muscles along his ribs. 
You jam the heels of your hands into your eyes, willing it to stop. 
He’s a murderer. He’s a thief. He’s a dangerous man who has taken advantage of a situation in order to save himself. 
And yet, you breathe out, listening to the shower – he’s saved you every time too. 
You stay quiet the rest of the night, sitting with your thoughts. 
He notices, those dark eyes resting on you every now and then over the map. He’d waited until you were in the shower to go through your father’s belongings, a courtesy you silently thanked him for. 
Picking at your dinner, you finally ask him one of the questions weighing on your mind. “Am I really that much of a commodity around here?” you ask. “Is a girl that…rare?”
He stops eating, his expression turning solemn. He holds your gaze for a moment, answering honestly. “You have no idea, Birdie.”
There is a weight to the answer that gives you pause, and a clear implication that confirms the worry that you’re really not safe here – not just for the reasons you thought.
You go back to eating – or rather, picking at your food – and you feel him watching you. 
“It is not my intention to scare you,” he starts, “but it is important that you stay close to me. If anyone asks, you’re mine. You understand?”
You nod, the words sparking to life an empty ache inside you, and you swallow hard. 
“Not because I own you,” he continues, “but because they need to think I do.”
“Wouldn’t being your partner be enough?”
He shakes his head slowly. “I wish it was, but they…” He pauses, being careful with his words. “It’s been a long time since these men have seen a girl. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one. Your father was foolish to bring you here.” His hand splays on his chest, his thumb catching the worn collar of his thermal. “I would never hurt you, Birdie. But them? They’d do it in a heartbeat.”
You go quiet again, and he puts his fork down, leaning in. 
“Again – I don’t say this to scare you, but –”
“That man today,” you interrupt. “How can you kill like that?”
He misunderstands your question, his body language shifting into defensiveness. 
“It was all in the name of self-preservation, Birdie. It was nothing personal. Out here –”
“Can you teach me how?”
Your question takes him aback, his eyebrows popping up with surprise. 
You let the question hang in the air between you, fully expecting him to say no. He shouldn’t help you learn to protect yourself, you know it would be in his best interest not to. Despite that, you hold eye contact with him, pleading inwardly for him to say yes. 
You know he’d protect you, but you want more freedom than that. You want more, just like he taught you earlier.
Taking in your measure for a moment, the corner of his mouth lifts just a fraction, his dark eyes glinting with warmth – and pride. 
“Of course.”
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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
✵ Part 2 of what is now a sweet, soft Tim moments miniseries!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!rookie!reader
Summary: Tim Bradford cares more about you, his boot, than he should. He has a dream about you and realizes that he's in a bad spot.
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, Tim and r making things hard on themselves
Word Count. 1.0k+ words
A/N: Many thanks to the kind words of @elephants-bubbles-brachosauruses @writings-of-a-demigod and @newobsessionweekly on the first part! Thanks for the inspiration and love! Here's more soft Tim realizing how he feels.🤍
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“Well, what do you think?”
Tim watches you spin in the new outfit before you place your hands on your hips and look at him. He’s been waiting outside the dressing room for too long, but he can’t find it in himself to ask you to leave. 
“It’s beautiful. So were the last five,” Tim tells you. 
“That’s not helpful,” you lament. “I have to pick the best one!”
“It’s a charity dinner, not your wedding. Just pick what you like, what you feel good in, and let’s go. We do have a shift to finish.”
“We have fifteen more minutes of our lunch break,” you point out. “Let me try on one more.”
Tim stands and counters, “Only if I get to pick it.”
“Okay,” you agree softly. “I’m in room 2.”
Tim nods and turns like he’s on a life-dependent mission. He navigates through the racks of clothing as if a suspect is hiding in them. When he finds something he thinks you’ll like and knows you’ll look great wearing, he picks it up and returns to the dressing room. 
“You’re making this harder than it needs to be,” he says as he passes the hanger over the door. 
“And you always make things so easy,” you argue playfully. “Oh, this is nice.”
Tim returns to the plush chair in the waiting area and leans back. His belt digs into his side, but he doesn’t bother to move. He’d prefer to leave than to find a new position. When you emerge in Tim's suggested outfit, you smile at him, and Tim stands quickly. 
“That’s the one,” he murmurs. 
“I think so too. You have better taste than I anticipated, Bradford.”
You return to the dressing room to change into your uniform again, and Tim feels like he has been kicked in the chest. Everything about this has been domestic, slow, just you and Tim, but then you called him Bradford. And, when he stands beside you in the checkout lane, both dressed in patrol blues, Tim is cruelly reminded that you are his rookie, partners at most, and this was just a convenient trip for you. 
“Thank you,” you whisper. “For coming with me, for putting up with me, being so nice. Everything.”
“Of course,” Tim answers. 
“I, uh, I was wondering if you had an outfit for the dinner?”
“I’ve got a suit somewhere in my closet.”
You nod and look down at the outfit draped over your arm. 
“I think you need one more thing,” Tim adds. 
“What? I’ve got the outfit, shoes, a-“
“A date,” Tim interrupts. “Do you… would you want to go with me? As more than two cops from the same station?”
You look at him wordlessly and shift on your feet. Tim immediately begins to regret asking and tries to find a way to make a joke or a reason to call you boot and put everything back in perspective. 
“I’m sorry,” he decides on. 
“No, I want to say yes, I just assumed you were kidding.”
“Why?” Tim questions, reaching toward you. 
“You were nice to me the day that I got my hand sliced open, but you told me then that-“
Tim wakes when his arm jerks. He expects to feel you beside him, but as he sits in his bed, in his house, in his lonely existence, he realizes it was all a dream. He was nice to you that day, but he wonders if there’s something he could do now to show you it wasn't a one-off kindness. You’re his rookie, but Tim needs more. 
“Oh,” he murmurs as everything sinks in. He dreamt about you because you affect him and his emotions more than you’ll ever know. That date, the touch he misses without ever feeling, everything about the dream was the unconscious pursuit of Tim’s true desires. 
“This is bad, Kojo,” Tim mumbles. “Very bad.”
The following morning, Tim can’t make eye contact with you. He hasn’t been nervous around a woman since he and Isabel were dating. As he sidesteps you to avoid touching you, he wonders if there is any chance you want it, too. There’s too much risk, he decides; your safety and his judgement are more important than his feelings or some high school-level crush on the one girl he can’t get. 
“So,” you begin as you get in the shop. “Sergeant Grey said days with lots of events are hectic. Does that make this the bad?” you ask. 
“When are you going to stop asking me that?” Tim asks. “You’ll know when the bad is.”
“Well I thought a dozen stitches was bad, but if that was the good, I’d like a heads up from you before the bad really happens.”
“That part wasn’t the good,” Tim huffs. “The bad is… it’s the rest of it. Everything until you pass your exam and start seeing the ugly that scars the good.”
You purse your lips and nod to yourself. “You’re in a good mood today. Chipper, almost.”
“It’s not supposed to make you happy, but it’s police work.”
“I think it’s the bad for another reason,” you admit. “Because I can’t talk about anything. Questions, ideas, opinions, even just how I feel, nothing I say or do gets taken seriously now, but the second I mess up, no one will forget it. My bad days can ruin me.”
“It gets better,” Tim assures. He notices your eyes on him when you say ‘how I feel’ but doesn’t push. “But keeping a low profile as a rookie has its pros and cons.”
You nod and look out the passenger window. This is the bad, and you are already in the worst of it; you and Tim are hiding your feelings from each other and trying to keep them from affecting yourselves. The lies that you and Tim think in a vain effort to stay professional and protect your hearts only make it harder to see that the person sitting beside you sees past your uniform. Your only concern is that the ugly will scar you before you escape from the bad and invite Tim into the good beside you. No matter where you are, in the good, the bad, or the ugly of police work, Tim will be beside you. But maybe you need his hand in yours and a promise that there’s more. Because this is bad, but it could get a whole lot worse. 
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rabbit-or-rib · 2 days
full nsfw alphabet for toby??
posting this from the glue trap i'm stuck in
🪓 Toby Rogers NSFW alphabet!
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A = Aftercare, what they’re like after sex
checks in with you a WHOLE BUNCH- he wants to make sure you know he loves you and cares about you no matter how hard y'all were going not even 5 minutes ago
B = Body part, their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s
on him, i think it's a tie between his arms and his hair if that counts lolz. he likes how strong his arms are and likes to try n show off in front of you- he likes both how his hair looks, and he thinks his happy trail suits him
in you, i'd say your chest- in both a romantic and sexual sense :) he loves laying on you, listening and feeling your heartbeat, the closeness, all of it. he also loves leaving hickies all across it, little mindless bites and kisses decorating you from him getting lost on the feeling of you.
C = Cum, anything to do with cum, basically
he's a sucker for cumming inside, he just can't get over how you squeeze him and how fucked out you look
D = Dirty secret, pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
he jerked off to the thought of you WAAYYYY before y'all were dating- he was too embarrassed to tell you when you first started dating and he's too scared now. probably.
E = Experience, how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
love him to the ends of the earth, he has nothing. nada. zilch. you're his first everything, be patient with him cus he's gonna be nervous !! that does NOT mean he has shame though. he is not at all embarrassed to tell you when he wants you.
F = Favorite position, this goes without saying
anything with you on top- as i said he's a boobs/chest kinda guy, he wants to watch
G = Goofy, are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.
he's more serious, but it's mostly because he's concentrated. he wants to do his best to make you feel good and he wants to focus!!
H = Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
i think he trims, but he doesn't wanna shave unless you ask him to (mostly because he has a tendency to accidentally nick himself with the razor)
he gets some facial hair on his chin, but it's nothing super serious. he'll jokingly ask you to help him with it sometimes, if you say yes you'll be rewarded with a very flustered boyfriend that keeps letting out shaky breaths every time you put your hand on his chest to keep him still
I = Intimacy, how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect
it really depends on his mood, but most of the time he's romantic about everything; telling you how much he loves you, all the noises you make, how fucking good you feel. if he's in a mood though, expect most of the words flowing out of his mouth to be about how bad he needs you, and reminding you that you're all for him.
J = Jack off, masturbation headcanon
it's. a lot. and it's mostly because he thought too hard about you- whether it was a small thing you did earlier that day that he thought was hot or his mind drifted to certain memories of you
K = Kink, one or more of their kinks
Toby praise kink truthers in this house !!!!!!!! lean over into his ear while you're riding him and tell him how pretty he looks when he's close, tell him you feel so full when he fucks you; he's putty in your hands
L = Location, favorite places to do they do
anywhere private- not big on getting caught by other people (catching you on the other hand is something else)
M = Motivation, what turns them on, gets them going
dead serious anything. you stretching in front of him, bending over to grab something, you smiling into a kiss- you get him hot and bothered by doing nothing and everything. (he does also really like it when you take any kinda control over him- even if it's just telling him in any kinda stern tone to go do something)
N = No, something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs
nothing that would seriously hurt you, and nothing to do with a daddy kink, sorry shawtys
O = Oral, preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
he definitely prefers giving. loves how your thighs squeeze around his head, the feeling of you tugging at his hair, getting fistfuls of your ass as he pulls himself further into you.
he's such a mess receiving though, he's so sensitive and you look so pretty when you look up at him while he's halfway down your throat. he likes it when you take control when you're giving him head
P = Pace, are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
tends to get lost in the feeling of you and ends up fucking you at a rough and fast pace, no matter how slow he started off. of course you can tell him to slow down if you really need him to, but his rough grip on your thighs and the whimpers and pants in your ear tell you just how bad he needs you.
Q = Quickie, their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
they're not his favorite, but there have definitely been a few times where he just could not keep his hands off of you when the two of you were out and he pulled you aside. prefers to be able to take him time with you and draw things out a bit, but he'd never say no to you
R = Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.
he'll experiment with you !! it just has to be thoroughly talked about first
S = Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
UNTIL HIS BODY GIVES OUT BABES- he does not care how tired his body gets, if you're down to keep going, he is too.
T = Toys, do they own toys or use them on a partner or themselves?
doesn't own any himself, and might be a lil shy using them on you, but he's a crying mess when you use them on him. he gets so overwhelmed so fast- make sure you tell him how good he's being <3
U = Unfair, how much they like to tease
he had no idea how to tease you for the first little bit- but as soon as he figured out how he could draw out little whines and begs for him to keep going, he could not get enough. can't do it for too long, though, he gets impatient
V = Volume, how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
he is LOUD, panting, whimpering, whining- the whole nine yards. you feel fucking heavenly to him and he just can't help it :(( poor boy's sensitive
W = Wild card, a random headcanon for the character
he likes to have music in the back when y'all are going at it- he doesn't need it and it wouldn't be super loud, but it is nice to have background noise. some she wants revenge or somethin
X = X-ray, let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
~6.5, skinnier with such a sensitive tip
Y = Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
VERY this boy is down for anything 24/7 if you mention it. will wrap his arms around you from behind and whine into your neck if he's feeling needy.
Z = Zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?
if he was more rough or dominant with you, he doesn't wanna fall asleep until you do. if you were the one to take more charge, he'll certainly try to stay up !! but he's usually pretty spent and ends up asleep on your chest, gently holding your hand
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gravity-falls-daily · 18 hours
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We're organizing a community-wide Gravity Falls rewatch, in "chronological order" for the next two months!
Beginning on June 1st, we'll rewatch the series, one episode per day! An announcement post will be put up each day, saying what the episode of the day is, and providing links for viewing/locations you can watch at! Our ask box and submissions will be open for people to put their thoughts on the episode :3 we'll also have a few catch-up days scheduled in there so you can get caught up if you fall behind a day or two!
Send us an ask or submission, or just tag the blog/post in the #gfdaily tag! We'll post/reblog it from there :]
Any kind of content is allowed! Fanart, fanfic, meta, reactions, favorite parts from the episode, etc. As long as it's relevant to the episode of the day!
Keep things SFW! We won't reblog/post any NSFW content. Horror is okay, but try to keep things in the spirit of the show!
Anon is turned off for this blog! We want to encourage community building and fandom interaction in the notes & among posts in the tag!
Here's a link to our schedule spreadsheet! It includes each day, the episode of that day, and links to where you can view the episode!
Some more information about how things run on the blog, in regards to tagging & new viewers of the show!
If you want to avoid spoilers, we'll be tagging each episode with the "S#E##" format (so season 1, episode 1 will be tagged S1E01), so just search for the episode you're on at the moment if you want content relevant to that episode, if we've already passed it!
We will not be posting about future episodes, just the ones we're on/have already passed!
Try to avoid fandom discourse/character hate! This is meant to be a fun, fandom-wide experience. Don't be rude to anyone! Curate your online experience accordingly :]
We'll do our best to reblog as much as we can, but we might not be able to, depending on how much traction this gets. We encourage you to check out the #gfdaily tag for other peoples' posts, just in case!
Most importantly, have fun!!!
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vhsgoghs · 3 hours
mask (Simon Riley one shot)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x female reader
Summary: you see him without a mask for first time note: English isn't my first language but i have done my best, sorry for any mistakes. ★ masterlist here
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She remembered that it was a Friday due to fatigue. She had worked late and had helped Price with some things that didn't specifically concern her, but she wasn't planning leaving him alone.
When returned to her room, she was exhausted; her eyes narrowed as she tried to walk without bumping into anything. For some unknown reason, her body was hurting more than usual lately, she had been trying to sleep at her usual time and not disturb her sleeping schedule, but nothing seemed to work.
The hallways were dark, but she could always see in the dark the small stickers she had put on her door to differentiate it from the others. It sounded stupid for an adult and a soldier, but she liked it and, after high school, she hadn't let any comments get to her too much. Plus, it had worked to avoid getting the wrong room in her first days there.
However, that night her mind didn't seem to work and the stickers on her door were not completely visible, so she ended up entering the wrong room.
She frowned when noticed that everything was dark; she always left a small light on, otherwise she would end up bumping into something.
She then realized it: when her arm reached out to search for the switch and the lights finally came on: she saw that it wasn't her room.
Her gaze drifted towards the bed, her eyes narrowed in confusion as she didn't recognize the person who owned the room, until her mind began to work and she realized… it was Simon. It was Simon without his mask.
"I'm sorry!" She gasped in surprise and her body pushed itself out, slamming the door shut.
There was a strange feeling in her chest. It was the first time she had seen Simon without a mask, he had never acted as if wearing it depended on his life, but it was… weird.
She had once asked Soap the reason for using it, he had only responded that it was to protect his identity and emphasized the words "from the enemies, not from us", however, (Y/N) had never seen his real face, it caused her curiosity, but it wasn't something that stole her sleep.
Her mind had begun to wander and she hadn't noticed that she had stood there, in the middle of the hallway, without saying a word, until she realized the door open again. Simon's face appeared in front of her; he was frowning slightly in confusion, he looked sleepy, but strangely he didn't look… upset.
(Y/N) sighed, trying not to look into his eyes too much, he didn't have his mask, it didn't look like he wanted to go back to his room to cover his face either, he looked totally normal, maybe it was just her who gave it too much importance.
"I'm sorry," she murmured once more.
"You had the wrong room." She nodded and remained silent, waiting for something that would indicate he was upset, but he seemed calm.
She always thought that Soap had told her that because he was used to living with him, she had not arrived at the base for a long time, but she worked well with everyone, since there were not many people and thought that she had not gained his trust yet to see his real face.
"Yes, I'm leaving now." She nodded and began to walk the few steps that separate her from her room, but she had barely taken a few steps when his voice stopped her.
"Wait." She turned again to look at him. The light coming from his room managed to illuminate part of the hallway. "Did it bother you to see me?"
(Y/N) giggled and shook her head, trying to relax. Maybe it was just her exaggerating, it was strange talking to Simon without his mask, she hadn't even started calling him Simon until a couple of weeks ago. To her, he was always Lieutenant or just Ghost.
"No, it's just… It's the first time I've seen you… like this." She wanted to punch her face because of how stupid it sounded, she felt even worse when Simon raised one of his eyebrows, he felt offended? She hoped not.
"Without mask." She rolled her eyes, as if it weren't obvious and Simon laughed, which made her feel more relaxed.
Silence reigned between them for a few seconds. (Y/N) looked at her hands a little nervous, as if she were waiting for some order from him to be able to leave, even if she wasn't on duty and didn't need his permission to leave.
"I was not hiding." Simon understood it, more than one person thought that he was simply afraid to show his face. It had never been like that, it was stupid.
"I know… You're not ugly," she murmured the last words just to herself, but it was night, everything was silent and he could hear her perfectly.
"I know." Simon smiled. It's not that he was self-centered, but himself knew that he wasn't ugly.
The girl laughed again and felt her shoulders relax. She felt calmer, although there was still something strange in her chest, which she couldn't put her name to.
"I have to go to sleep." she pointed behind her, as a sign that she was going to her room, which was a few steps away.
Simon just nodded. There was something that made him want to stop her, but he didn't, he just sighed and watched as the girl turned around to take the few steps that separated her from the door of her room.
He didn't move until the sound of the door closing echoed through the empty hallway.
(Y/N) confirmed what Soap had said a few days later: Simon wasn't hiding his identity from them. It had been the first step towards seeing his face more often, she liked to see him that way; she felt that her mind saw him as a completely real person and not just a soldier that she had to obey.
And since that night, something felt different in her chest every time she saw him without his mask.
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666writingcafe · 10 hours
An Interview With Lucifer
Part Three of A New Series
Question One: How do your friends describe you in a word?
Question Two: Who would you want to be stuck with on an island?
If I was limited to just one person, then MC. If there were multiple people, I'd add Mammon and Barbatos.
Question Three: What are you hiding now?
Treats from Cerberus. Not because he isn't a good dog, but because he's found their original hiding place and has been digging into them constantly, and the treats I give Cerberus are rather expensive, so I can't exactly afford to buy them every day and ensure that other stuff gets paid for.
Question Four: Do you prefer mountains or beaches?
It depends on my mood. If I don't want anyone to find me, then definitely mountains, but if I'm feeling a bit romantic, then I'd hit the beach.
Question Five: What is your hidden talent?
I can juggle. And I don't mean that in the metaphorical sense--although I can do that too--but in the literal sense, like a circus clown. It's one of the ways I relieve stress, because I can just shut my brain off and focus on keeping the objects I'm juggling up in the air.
Question Six: What makes you laugh?
You'll get a satisfied chuckle out of me whenever someone I dislike gets what they deserve, but if you want to hear a true, unrestrained laugh, either get me drunk on Demonus or put me in a room with MC when they're in a good mood.
Question Seven: If you were a thing, what would you be?
A metronome.
Question Eight: If you have no GPS, how would you find your destination?
I'd print out directions. (But what if you were unable to do that?) Then I'd ask the locals where I need to go. I may be the Avatar of Pride, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to admit when I'm lost. (someone yells out, "that's a lie, and you know it!") And if all else fails, then I'll get to my destination through sheer determination.
Question Nine: Describe your three best qualities.
Apparently I'm patient, kind, and loving. (Why do you phrase it like that?) Because I wouldn't necessarily call myself any of those things, but I trust that the person who did wouldn't lie to me about such things. (And who might that person be?) MC.
Question Ten: Would you consider yourself a cool person?
I'm going to lean towards no. I'm far from being a trendy person. Just ask any of my brothers. (What about MC?) You'll have to ask them. I know they like spending time with me, but I honestly don't know why. Usually I'm busy with paperwork, and it's not like that's terribly interesting.
Question Eleven: What is a skill you want to master?
Question Twelve: What would you do first if you won a human world jackpot?
Pay off any debts MC may have.
Question Thirteen: What one aspect of the human world would you change if you could?
I'd make it legal to punish animal and child abusers by inflicting the same types of torture onto them as they did on their victims. (That's rather serious, Lucifer.) So is abusing those that are unable to understand why their supposed family is hurting them.
Question Fourteen: What is your preferred card or board game?
Let's just say that I'm not allowed to play any tabletop fantasy games unless I can ensure that all of my work is complete. (Why's that?) You've met Levi, yes? (I have.) Now, imagine me behaving like him, and you'll have your answer.
Question Fifteen: What is your current favorite app on your phone?
Don't make fun of me, but there's this app where you can send messages to people and it shows up on their phone in a cartoony heart. (Are you talking about the viral Candy Heart app?) ...yes. (That's actually quite sweet.) It was MC's idea, and I initially did downloaded it just to amuse them, but I've come to enjoy using it as time has gone on.
Question Sixteen: Would you go to space if you could?
I'm content with merely looking at pictures of space.
Question Seventeen: What kind of museum or exhibit do you prefer?
I like learning about the history of different objects. Looking at their evolution fascinates me.
Question Eighteen: What kind of humor do you prefer?
I'll throw you a curve ball: I enjoy a nice pun from time to time, even if it would be classified as a "dad joke".
Question Nineteen: Do you prefer driving a car, a motorcycle, or a bicycle?
Oh, a motorcycle, by far.
Question Twenty: When was the last time you climbed a tree?
This is going to really show my age, but the last time I climbed a tree was when I was a young angel. *pauses* Thinking about it is making me want to do it now. Being up in the branches is quite peaceful.
Question Twenty-One: What is your strangest habit?
There are times where the only way I'm able to fall asleep is to hang upside-down like a bat.
Question Twenty-Two: What is your weirdest fantasy?
I'll give you an oddly specific one: if I'm ever able to retire, I'd like to buy a farm somewhere in the human world countryside and raise livestock and plant fruits and vegetables with MC. (You've brought them up several times in this interview.) You could say that I have a soft spot for them. (Or that you love them.) Well, obviously. They're a wonderful person to be around. I'd like to spend the rest of my life with them if I could. (You mean, their life.) Listen, I don't choose my words lightly. What I say is what I mean, one hundred percent.
Question Twenty-Three: Here's something a bit more light-hearted: would you rather fight a shark or wrestle a lion?
The lion. I can't swim nearly as well as Levi can.
Question Twenty-Four: How do you want the world to end?
By my hand.
Question Twenty-Five: Would you like to be shorter or taller?
I like my height just the way it is. (What if you had to choose one or the other?) Then I suppose taller. I don't feel I'd be able to intimidate people as well if I was shorter.
Question Twenty-Six: Who is the annoying person you want to get rid of in your life?
I don't necessarily want to get rid of anyone, but I'd like to seriously alter the behaviors of Solomon and Mephistopheles.
Question Twenty-Seven: Which artist and/or song dominates your human world music playlist?
I'll give you both: Metallica and "Adore You" by Harry Styles.
Question Twenty-Eight: If you had to go to prison, what would be the reason?
Question Twenty-Nine: What is the most critical trait you seek in a friend?
They have to be able to keep secrets.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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ernmark · 2 days
Hey so question re: your post about epithets.
I was writing a scene earlier today where a queen asks the name of every person who interacts with her when she holds open court. I felt like I shouldn’t be naming these random citizens, they’re probably never going to show up again but the goal was to show that this ruler sees her people as people. The reader doesn’t have to remember them, but I feel like readers will think they have to remember them because they have names. Should I not name them? Or is naming them good in terms of humanizing the characters by not using epithets from her perspective?
This is a really neat conundrum, actually. Because you're right, naming them in-text is a good way of indicating that she cares about her subjects, while epithets like "the teenage farmer", etc, could easily do the opposite.
So there's a lot of different ways of doing this, but here's a few that come to mind:
You can summarize the scene in such a way that you don't need to actually give the names-- "one after another, the day's entreaters gave their names and stated their problems," that sort of thing.
You could also make it a rapid-fire kind of thing, where a whole bunch of details are grouped together in such a way that the list itself is more important than any of its component parts "She listened to Mary Margaret, who was requesting emancipation from her stepmother Regina Mills, followed by a property dispute between the Winchester brothers, and a truly ungodly number of people named Jean Valjean (really, what was with naming conventions in that town?)"
You can also play with the amount of attention the narrative gives them. One way to do this is to contrast the internal narrative with what's actually happening-- maybe she's keeping up with the dialogue of what her subjects are saying, but her mind keeps going back to a Big Distracting Thing.
You can also give hints with the amount of detail you give. Typically, the more words you spend on each person, the more the reader gets the idea that they're supposed to remember this person later. So if they're just extras, consider describing them with just one or two words-- "'my name is Becky Miller,' said the short islander at the front of the line...". In that case, you don't have to list a whole bunch-- just showing the interaction with the one and making it clear with the narration that this is typical will do the trick. (Also, if you're so inclined, you can bring back Becky as an extra for some other part of the story-- one of those things where a sharp-eyed reader might go "hey, I know that character", and a less careful reader hasn't lost anything by not picking it up.)
Really, though, it depends on the story you're telling, and what best serves the character and plot.
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yannfredericks · 1 month
it’s been brought to my attention that maybe it’s not common knowledge that in many of the hpcc casts yolly (yann fredericks + polly chapman) are considered canon so I’m here to fix that
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they’re everything to me and if I ever stop posting about them I’ve died
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angiestown · 1 year
see also the companion best part of drawing poll, and then find someone who gave opposite answers as you and go be art friends with them
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday!! deanna ask<33. do you think anything about s6 happens differently in the het version? or maybe s9/10?
yayyyy happy wincest wednesday, a day Deanna gets to shine <3
I mean the first thing that I think is true is that Deanna is staying with uhh Mark, the hot dude she hooked up with way back when Sam was at Stanford, and Mark's got a kid from a failed relationship with a past woman and Deanna learns to make pretty good meatballs and stir fry and tomato rice soup from scratch when little Ben is sick, and it's actually a lot harder for her to leave than it was for Dean.
But Sam's back and she has to go -- has to, even if she tells Mark that it's just a quick hunt to help and she'll be back for Ben's soccer game on Saturday -- and the break-up with Mark happens a lot faster and is a LOT more painful than the one with Lisa because Sam talks his way into her panties on that very first solo hunt together, when they're alone after the Campbells go their own way, and in her life Deanna has never ever thought of herself as a cheater but it's -- Sam, and his mouth tastes the same and his hands are finally the right size on her jaw when he drags her in close and he's the right weight between her thighs, lying heavy on her hips, at last, after the last year (and more) of missing him. He rolls off the bed quick after but she hardly notices at first that something's off because the sheer relief is too much for her to notice anything else at all, and it's not until she's showering, after, that the random thought pops into her head that she was going to pick up a 24-pack of Gatorade for the kids before the game, and then she realizes that she's got to tell Mark. She's got to. It's not fair, otherwise.
When Cas finally reveals that Sam's soulless she doesn't beat him up -- physically can't, for one thing, especially not now that he's gone all greek god -- but she walks out of the room and gets into the car and knows that from Calumet City to Battle Creek where Mark and Ben are living now is two and a half hours, and two hours if she ignores traffic laws, and she thinks about it -- she thinks about walking in and hugging Ben and taking Mark into the bedroom that she'd barely started to unpack before the breakup and going to her knees and saying how sorry she was, and how she'd never meant to be this way, and could she come back, please, could she crawl back into their bed and have the good boring sex they had and could she try again to make his mom's recipe for cinnamon rolls and could she teach Ben how to repair a carburetor, and get it right this time, and raise a kid who wouldn't crack her heart in half, wouldn't make her want to lay down and never get up again for the sheer enormity of what loving him did to her. How impossible it was to exist under the weight of it.
Then she gets back out of the car and goes back up to where Cas is finishing up his examination of Sam and she tells Cas to leave the room and she tells Sam that they're done, until he gets fixed. "I feel fine," Sam says. "Nothing about this is fine," Deanna says, and his eyes skip from her eyes to her mouth to her tits and then he shrugs, turns away and puts his belt back on, like so what. Like, fine, he'd get it somewhere else and it didn't matter. Deanna goes outside to where Cas is awkwardly waiting and thinks that whoever did this, whoever bifurcated her brother and removed all the best parts of him, she will find that person and destroy them to the last atom, if it's the last thing she does. (Cas looks from her face to the door beyond which Sam's waiting, and disappears.)
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arionawrites · 2 months
1. it’s my 24th birthday today, so my goal of being published by the time i’m 25 is now a one year looming monster, but i never specified what kind of published and am currently looking in various literary magazines that are recommended for writers who have yet to be published, so i’m surprisingly confident that i can make it work? and tbh even if whatever i write isn’t officially published before my 25th birthday, if i have someone in the process of being published then i’ll be happy!! no matter what though, i’m gonna try to be proud of myself for at least giving it my best shot!!
2. i honestly love that my birthday is on the ides of march because the ides of march meme shitposting is only a thing on tumblr but it also being my birthday makes it easier to like. be excited about the ides of march outside of tumblr. like even in person i can be like “it’s my birthday! i’m an ides of march babe (:” and if someone is like oh what’s that? or if they say something along the lines of oh like julius caesar? i can be like yep!! and even if it’s a small thing outside of tumblr it brings me immense enjoyment and amusement being able to bring it up off of tumblr
3. transportation situation has been very rough since june 2023 when i totalled my car, my gap insurance are being assholes and i ended up putting my foot down on the phone with them yesterday which i’m pretty proud of because i am NOT a confrontational person (something i’ve been working on this past year, so seeing some improvement with my ability to hold my ground and not be a pushover yesterday was very cool!!) i was told i’d get a response from them by friday next week no matter what, and if i don’t then friday of next week i will continue to wreak havoc upon them. but my moms car which i’ve been using since my accident broke down yesterday, hopefully it’s fixable but my parents were saying it might be done for, so trying to think of how i’m gonna get to work next week is kind of stressing me out lmao, but for now i’m just gonna focus on enjoying my birthday the best i can because i don’t want to start off being 24 with an overwhelming anxiety for something that won’t be a potential issue until monday. plus i already messaged my boss today to let her know that i’m going to do everything i can to make it work out but just so she’s in the loop and knows of the potential of me not being able to make my morning shifts (one of my coworkers said she’s more than happy to give me a ride for our afternoon shifts which does help relieve some of the stress!) and i told her i’d let her know for sure sunday so that if necessary she can have time to figure out someone to fill in for me in the mornings!
overall: life is weird and i ended being 23 yesterday with a shitty situation but a positive outlook and i am going to enjoy my first day of being 24 no matter what because honestly i fucking earned it. happy friday everyone, i hope it’s a good day for you and me both!
#aritalks#i did cry a little bit when i first woke up because i dont really know what to do about work and also i hate not having a car i can use#not only because of the work aspect but also getting my license when i was 18 gave me a freedom i didn’t have before#and i don’t like having to rely on other people just to like go to the fucking store or something yk#but then my best friend/roommate messaged me happy birthday and i was like fuck it! today is going to be a good day!#the stressful uncertainties can wait until tomorrow#also one of my best friends who hasn’t said happy birthday to me the past two years#(not intentionally im p sure they were just busy on my birthdays the past two years#and then had that moment of ‘oh shit i didnt send a message fuck i think its too late now’ which i totally get bc anxiety things yk)#was one of the first people to message me happy birthday!!#i’m also hoping to still be able to go see my mom and then stay the night at my dads tonight#so i can see both my parents and also my baby siblings for my birthday#my dads working today but after he texted happy birthday i sent him a text asking if he thinks we could still make it work#my mom is asleep still i think (she called me at midnight and left a voicemail singing happy birthday!! but her sleep schedule has been all#over the place recently so i’m waiting until 11:30 to call her which is in like 30 mins)#but she said something yesterday about driving out to me to give me a hug and also bring me my diabetes stuff that got delivered#(her house is my mailing address because i know it’s not going to change bc it’s my great grandparents house that she’s partially inhereting#when my great grandpa dies but since i have moved out of my dads my address has changed twice and i didnt have a mailbox at my last place so#just for the sake of consistency and not having to worry about important shit getting sent to the wrong address i’ve had her house as my#mailing address since i moved out of my dads at 19)#so i think i’m gonna ask her if she can just pick me up instead so i can go to her house w her and hang out with her#and hopefully my dad will be able to at least stop by with my siblings so i can see them too#i’d like to stay the night with them but if we can’t make it happen then i can also stay the night w my mom and hopefully tomorrow figure#out the car situation. might have to rent a car for a week if i can afford it? best case scenario is my moms car can be fixed but i still#dont know whats wrong with it ik there are two potential problems and one is fixable the other is not#the fixable one would cost like $150-$400 to fix depending on if we get a used part or a new one#if its $150-$200 ish i can probably afford to pay for the whole thing or at least most of it#but if its more than that hopefully my dad or one of my family members can help#and i can just pay them back in like $50 increments with my next few paychecks#just realized i said i wouldnt worry abt the car thing today and also i think im at tag limit to i’ll stop now lmao xoxo gossip girl ❤️
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(Not) A Devil by DECO*27 and PinocchioP feat. Hatsune Miku
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paintedpawz · 1 year
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Finally found the art program for me it seems, even though Krita gave me some troubles at first, I got comfortable pretty quickly once I worked out the tools. :D I’ve been wanting to practice with reference images, as well as it helps cement my fursona’s design!  Still might tweak the colors to be a little more pleasing to the eyes.  Even than, Pig looks amazing in digital art now that I got a better grasp on their design! 
Anyway, Pigment is happy because they woke up and remembered it’s pride the 1st!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Reference was this meme~
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oldlovecassette · 11 months
insane opinion alert but i do think smoking cigarettes and getting addicted to them is the perfect gateway to realizing cigarettes aren’t worth the hype and never wanting to smoke them again
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