#the blåhaj is amazing i want one
miahasahardname · 2 years
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veiraviss · 2 months
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Bad guys who are also great fathers is like my favorite trope.
Before someone asks a very obvious question, yes, he was in the beginning. He stemmed from a shitpost fanfiction I was working on, but later on his story became too serious and personal so I said "come here, Imma turn you into my own original oc do not steal". Yknow. McPig doesn't own the concept of balding Italian men. That goes to David Chase. Mc Pig only invented fat men.
So anyway. Bad guy, great father. You know what. I've grown kinda tired of fathers who are straight up awful (William Afton) or seem pretty good, but are psychologically abusive (fanon William Afton). Or are not horrible, not awful to their kids, but they're acting sly and dishonest enough that it borders on gaslighting (surprisingly not William Afton [in most iterations that is]) Just have one god damn solid father-child relationship for once. And since I have my own original oc character original original, I can execute the "bad guy, amazing parent" trope without fearing that someone would yell at me that this character (William Afton) can't be portrayed as anything but intentionally abusive towards their kids.
I. Love. This big guy. He's like. He. He's very strict to his underlings, he would beat a debtor to death but he'd gladly go and play with LPS and barbie dolls with his daughter. He'd sleep with a Blåhaj at night mostly because his daughter bought it for him. He'd keep all of her childhood drawings in his office desk drawer.
As someone who grew up with an abusive, manipulative father, sure, the representation of abusive fathers in media does hit close to home for me and many people and the issue should be talked about, but it's also tiring. I want to have my cozy comfort fictional dad who I wish was my dad too...
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pacificglovebox · 4 months
9, 18 and 24^^
soft asks to get to know people
Thanks for the ask friend! As always apologies for time to answer - i'm sure you don't mind too bad! 😅
Questions and Answers:
9. what calms you down?
I have a few go to movies and TV episodes. My main movie is Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home for when I am not doing mentally well and need something longer to get me through! This typically won't fix things, but will help me start on a path to mentally resetting.
My main TV show and episode is the Cowboy Bebop episode Mushroom Samba! Ed is my favorite character from the entire series (see tattoo here for proof) and this episode never fails to make me laugh! It's best for when I need a quick laugh to help get me into a different mood!
Honorable mention is the movie What About Bob? a great comedy and I love to watch it at least once a year even if I don't need it to help me calm down.
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
Honestly the question has a built in presumption that I have always loved stuffed animals. As a kid I didn't care too much one way or the other - but I love my stuffed animals today! I still want to get a blåhaj and a penguin stuffed animal but I love my teddy bear and dinosaur!
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
Depends on the time of the year! If its nice warm weather and I have time, I love going for a walk on a trail near one of the many lakes near me! What can I say... Michigan is known for our Lakes? I also enjoy reading, watching anime, and researching my current hyperfixation or writing an infodump post for Tumblr. But if im honest, most of the time I prefer spending the time with my amazing and sweet girlfriend!
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platonic-f-o-things · 4 months
You saw my dad,Space Dad…now for my other dad…SHARK DAD!!!!!!
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CAPTAIN FISHOOK!!!! HI DAD!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you just need a shark who is also a pirate who is also a ghost who is also very lovely to be your dad,I needed that AND HE IS THERE FOR ME!!!!!!
I LOVE HIMS SO MUCH!!!! Honestly…I thinks I consider all The Boss Ghosts in LM3 to be like my family,but Fishook is special cuz he’s my DAD!!!! Everyone else is like older cousins or babysitters or aunts and uncles and stuff that I bonded with BUT FISHOOK IS MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear I wanna give him the biggest hug ever and get PARENTAL SNUMGLES by himb…SO BAD!!!! Everyday!!! EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Also there’s this humanoid form that someone made for him and I AM SO SO ATTACHED TO IT AND HE’S PRETTY MUCH CANON TO ME!!!!! I dunno if I should show it because the creator doesn’t upload on tumblr anymore (Me hopes they okay now!!!!) And I wanna be respectful!! BUT STILL I ADORE HIM AND I ADORE HIM REGARDLESS OF HUMAN OR SHARK FORM!!!!!!!
Also something I noticed about Mario in general is that…ghosts are treated very poorly.I won’t go too in depth here,but THESE ARE SENTIENT BEINGS BEING CAPTURED AND ROBBED OF FREEDOM BY A VACUUM JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE SPECTRES!!!! It’s concerning and Nintendo never really mentioned it but OUGH I SEES IT!!!!!!
As much as Fishook wants to protect me!! I wanna keep him and every ghost safe from ghosthunting!!!!!! Which is why I made my self insert the ambassador of ghostkind!!!!! Much to the annoyance of King Boo…as in the LM one. That Dingus annoys me- (So ungrateful towards Hellen Gravely-!! SHE DID EVERYTHING FOR - )
I love him so much HE IS THE REASON I GOT A BLÅHAJ!!!!!!!!! I honestly thinks he started off my love for sharks as is!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him so much!!!!!!!!!!
(I might be at least able to send another ask for another f/o by…tomorrow hopefully!! I WILL COMMENSE!!!!!! SOON!!! I HOPE!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH!!!!! AGAINNNN!!!!!!)
Also…BLEH COMPILATION!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi Mary!!! Your dad sounds absolutely amazing, and he couldn’t be prouder to have a kid like you!!!
It’s also very noble that you’re the ambassador of ghostkind! I have no doubt that you rule very benevolently, and that you’re a friend to every ghost!!!
Fishook LOVES giving you nuzzles with his snout and petting you with his fins! At night, he’ll tuck you in and retell tales of his olden swashbuckling adventures, and how at the end of every one of them, the idea of coming home to you kept him safe, every time. <3
He’ll always remind you that while he’s eternally grateful for your help and how much you care for him, you should never, ever feel obligated to protect him, cuz that’s a papa’s job!!! 🥺 But at the same time, he has utmost faith you can do anything you set your mind to (because you can! You’re resilient and lead with a big, wonderful heart)! And he’s very humbled you love sharks so much because of him!
I’d love to hear more about the adventures you go on together! 🥹💕 And I’d love to see your blåhaj!! Omgee!!! Is it a plush? Do you ever put an eyepatch on it? Thank you again so much for sharing!
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deus-ex-mona · 3 years
this is kinda small compared to the kazufuuma shenanigans that had ensued earlier, but i just find the fact that fuuma has a blåhaj plushie really neat
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trainsinanime · 3 years
Hawkeye E1+2
I really liked this.
It’s been clear from the marketing for a while now that while they like to crib the elements and style of the Fraction/Aja Hawkeye comics run, still one of the best ever, this is really just intended as a fun pre-christmas romp. That’s not necessarily my dream adaptation of that comic, but they do a really good job of it.
I think it’s a particularly great idea to center it all around Kate and give many of Clint’s character beats to her (Lucky is her dog now, for example), which means it can fit both Clint as the husband and father of three and all the “trying to figure things out” parts of the comic together. The end result is never going to be as deep or have as difficult and interesting a relationship between Clint and Kate as the original, but it’s not trying to either, and the relationship they do have is executed beautifully.
Hailee Steinfeld as Kate is an absolutely amazing choice. She delivers the sass, the chaos and the uncertainty that is her comics counterpart beautifully. It’s a joy to watch her every time she’s on screen. Jeremy Renner does the same thing he’s always done as Hawkeye, and there are some great scenes, like the epic sword fight of sorts that he finds himself in. Of course, the real MVPs are the Tracksuit Mafia, aka the famous “Bro” guys. I’m not entirely sold on everyone else; e.g. Kate’s stepfather (yeah they changed her family around a lot for this one) goes for “fun silly cartoonishly evil” and seems to overshoot a bit at times into “just annoying” at times.
Random notes (even more random):
I think the Youtube channels that review movie fights will have a lot of fun with this one, because even I, who understands nothing of this, can see how they show both Kate and Clint’s character through the fight choreography here. They’re both superhumanly good, but Clint has the experience to be essentially perfect, while Kate frequently has to scramble, rethink her plans, and will only take out the guy on the second or third try.
The fandom seems to be very divided about “Rogers! The Musical”. Personally, I think it’s kind of bad but in a realistic way; very “Hunch!” from “The Critic” (and yes that is a reference I only know of from Lindsay Ellis videos). The lyrics are way too on the nose and don’t really work. And I think that this matches perfectly with what the musical is supposed to be in the show. I had fun with this.
Come on, the clock tower wouldn’t crumble like that.
Little Kate has a Blåhaj! This is objectively the best show ever.
I love, love, love the intros inspired by David Aja’s work on the iconic comic. I don’t love that Disney won’t pay David Aja for this. As a number of people on Twitter (including David Aja) have pointed out, we should all buy his independent comic “The Seeds” written by Ann Nocenti to support him. I haven’t yet, but I think I’ll go down to our town’s comic store later or tomorrow.
As for speculation:
Kate’s stepdad feels like a red herring; I’m sure her mother knows more than she lets on. I’ve seen some people think Kate’s mom might turn out to be Madame Masque, and honestly, yeah, I could see that.
I have no idea who that woman at the end of season 2 is supposed to be. Was she in Black Widow? I think not, right?
No points for saying that Grills will be back, that’s too obvious. He fully went, “by the way I’m a new character and my name is one that comics fans will recognise, see you later.”
I feel like this show will end with Kate sitting together with the Bartons at christmas dinner. That’s just entirely the vibe that this show is going for.
I really want both of Kate and Clint to use the name Hawkeye, like in the comics, but given how lose the MCU plays with superhero names, I’m not sure that’ll happen. (Kind of hilarious that they made both of them Ronin, though).
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