#the black tulip
a-state-of-bliss · 2 months
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Alain Delon in 'The Black Tulip' (1964)
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la tulipe noire
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sigurism · 10 months
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Alain Delon (et Dawn Addams) La Tulipe Noire Dir: Christian-Jaque
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fischotterkunst · 1 year
an informal review of "La Tulipe Noire" (1964)
this film named after but NOT based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas, best known for "The Three Musketeers" (to which a character in "The Black Tulip" gives a nod). the theme of "fuck the monarchy AND ALSO fuck cops" is just as strong in this movie, however, and it likewise takes a couple of interesting twists while following the titular vigilante, The Black Tulip.
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The Black Tulip is the alter ego of local nobleman Guillaume de Saint Preux who robs from the rich in the name of the poor. and disrupts aristocrats in various vague ways but mostly robs them. he's famous in the province, beloved by the people and hated by the authorities.
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^^^ he plays tag with Voltaire ngl that's cute
during a robbery and subsequent encounter with Head Buffoon/Police Lieutenant Baron La Mouche, Guillaume receives a nasty wound to the face, marking him and thus preventing his appearance in society lest he be recognized. so he sends for his younger brother, Julien, who strongly resembles him and also happens to idolize him. Julien is a revolutionary and gladly agrees to double as Guillaume in public so he can continue his Black Tulip activities without suspicion.
Julien starts out the film as a pathetic little meow meow he's so cute and he's trying so hard ;3; five minutes into the gig, he falls off his horse and is nursed by Actual Goddess, Caro
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i literally spent half the movie physically holding my heart as it tried to beat out of my chest like a cartoon character im very in love with you, ma'am.
Caro and her father are also revolutionaries, and when Guillaume gets tired of the charade and tells Julien that he's always just been in it for the money and doesn't give a shit about the poor or the revolution, Julien snatches The Black Tulip role from him like a powdered wig and goes to get fencing lessons from Caro
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when she's a 10 AND she can kick your ass with style and grace 😍😍😍
obviously Julien falls in love with her (who wouldn't???) and lemme tell u i haven't cared about a straight couple getting together in a MINUTE but i love these two
the revolutionaries hatch a super sneaky plot to fuck with the monarchy that starts with Julien faking a love note to Prince William from the Marquise and then going to "defend her honor" (the Prince is ugly af she wasn't losing out) in order to assassinate the Prince. said assassination devolves into shenanigans (this is a comedy and they play the Actual Plot and humor together beautifully) i won't spoil the entire rest of the film but i wanted to share some of my personal highlights:
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^^^ Caro's dad impersonates the Prince
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^^^ Vintage Film Fight Slapstick hell yes
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^^^ both Caro and her dad get to do some genuinely badass swordplay (seriously, i love the role Caro has in this film. there's a brief bit in her intro scene where her father mentions he calls her by a masculine name because he wanted a boy, but afterward it is never made an issue of that she's a woman. she's overall equal to the rest of the heroes which really surprised me for a film made in the 60s. if anything they sexualize Guillaume so much more than any of the women in this film. he's running around with his tiddies out for 90% of the scenes he's in.
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^^^ ( @ Netease i fully understand the decision to have borrowed the main Black Tulip outfit but next time consider this alternative)
so yeah if you're into bare-chested men covered in their own blood this film ALSO is for u!!!
like i said in a previous post, if you enjoyed The Princess Bride this film is right up your alley in terms of mood and aesthetics. i can definitely tell where the filmmakers and possibly even the author drew inspiration from this movie. 10/10 would recommend and will certainly rewatch again.
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ladymisteria · 1 year
My father, the first time I talk to him of The Phantom of the Opera: I'd love to know why you always end up holding the sides of the masked character at war with the law...
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Me, who grew up with Milord from Sailor Moon, The Black Tulip, The purple mask, V for Vendetta and Zorro: I haven't the faintest idea...
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blacknarcissus · 2 years
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Alain Delon in La Tulipe Noire (1964)
Directed by Christian-Jaque
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maniac25wrote · 18 days
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The black tulip
If you loved something, Then fight for it
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~ Gray and White ~
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nora-yoko · 2 months
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miyaulait · 1 year
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flowers & cats pixel art - 2023
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fanta30 · 2 months
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So i read the black tulip recently
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sigurism · 1 year
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Alain Delon La Tulipe noire Dir: Christian-Jaque
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propalitetz · 1 year
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saintchaser · 1 year
regulus black had a lonely funeral; carnations scattered around a black coffin. orion and cygnus were carrying it, and in their eyes, there was a strange sorrow, a strange regret.
walburga and druella were trailing behind. walburga, solemn as always, mourned the spare son. druella mourned the lesser of the two brothers, the weak, the meek.
bellatrix was walking in front of them, her head high, her face dry. she was not going to mourn a traitor, she was not going to cry over a man that had ruined their master. she, however, allowed herself to grieve the young man that her cousin had been, aside anything else.
narcissa stood beside her, and her eyes glistened with tears. she clung to lucius' arm, as if it was the only thing that could keep her away from falling apart, from spilling away. she had loved regulus, she really had. she had seen deep within him. she had seen the boy he hadn't been allowed to be. she had seen deeper than the façade, deeper than the skull mask, deeper than the dark mark, etched into his skin, forever black ink, now, white.
maybe that was forgiveness. in death, there are no sinners. the dead are pure, the dead are forgiven. the dead would soon be forgotten. was the change of color something meaningful, or was it a mere coincidence?
was it death that united a family so distant?
regulus black had died in a cold, empty cave. the crisp air of december was biting at their cheeks, leaving them rosy and cold, the same way their hearts were. their hearts were red and alive, and regulus' was deep within the carcass that his body was; his soul, however, had ascended (had it? or had he been such a despicable person that no one would forgive him?)
it snowed on the night of regulus black's funeral. his headstone was simple, and it read the same thing that ot read for everyone else in the black family.
regulus arcturus black
he hadn't been special, of course. the noble and most ancient house of black knows no exceptions, even for those they were supposed to love.
regulus black died a lonely death. regulus black had a lonely funeral; however, in the dead of the night, a slender dog knelt beside the gravestone, white tulips in his mouth. a wolf howled in the distance, pained, a wail of grief and madness. the dog's body was pressed against the cold stone.
there was something holding him there, a pulse of the earth that kept him close to a boy he had once loved, to a man he had resented.
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kojiarakiartworks · 22 days
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© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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