#the demon finn balor
sattbby · 1 month
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r-truth · 5 months
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gremlintheslut · 9 months
Forever theirs
Chapter 8 sleepy time trouble
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Warning can't be fucked you know whats going on
Not much happened after I woke up. I woke up at around 5:30 which was much later than they wanted me up. We sat down and watched tv for the rest of the day because they didn't want me to get hyper so close to bedtime.
Now here I am lying in our big bed tears of frustration run down my face as I try to think of ways to fall asleep. I can't think of anything. My daddies would know. My mommy would know. But they're asleep and I'm not waking them up. I don't feel tired at all and I begin to think about what will happen in the morning.
They said they'd poured water on dom before what if I finally fall asleep and I wake soaking and cold because I didn't get up? I cover my mouth as sobs wrack through my body. What if they spank me? There was an empty high chair maybe they had someone else before and they killed them.
They're gonna be so mad. "sweetie what's wrong?" I hear rhea ask in a tone I've never heard before. She pulls me towards her and I rest my head on her shoulder and let her hold me. She shushes me and I lay there crying for minutes on end. I finally stop sobbing but tears are flowing and I know my voice will be unsteady.
"tell me what's wrong please?" she says generally worried for me. She wanted to wake up the others but she thought it might have been a nightmare so she decided against it. "I've tried everything I can't sleep please don't be mad," I say expecting her to yell at me or hit me.
But instead, she squeezes me tighter. Not like trying to crush you tight but a soft reassuring tight. "keep trying for me, sweetie. It's okay if you can't and please wake me up if you can't soon" she asks sweetly. I look up at her shocked. She kisses me good night before closing her eyes. The tears finally stop and I rest my head on her chest and close my eyes.
It's easy to relax knowing she won't let me be punished in the morning but there's not a tired bone in my body. I lay there trying for roughly an hour before the tears start again. I tug on rhea's shirt a bit before I hear her speak. "you okay sweetie?" her hand lifting to my face and wiping my tears with her thumb. "can't sleep, mommy" I mumble trying to stop her from hearing the wavering in my voice.
"Why don't we go downstairs and get you a little snack or something?" she says not wanting me to fall asleep sad if I fall asleep at all thinking it might give me nightmares. I nod my head and she picks me up. I wrap my arms and legs around her and hang off the front of her. Of course, she's actually holding my body weight up by holding my thighs but still.
The feeling of being carried is kind of making my eyelids heavy. We make our way down to the kitchen and rhea opens the fridge. She looks down at me as if waiting for an answer. I turn my head and look at the contents of the fridge. I can see the blood pouches Rhea and Dom were drinking before. But, It's also filled with my favorites but I make grabie hands at my favorite of all time as it is out of reach.
Mommy gets it for me and we sit down. I sit happily in her lap eating my food. "are you still sore, baby?" she asks. I blush and look at the corner of the room. After a few seconds of her waiting and me staring out the corner of the room motionless. She reaches down and cups her hand over my pussy before squeezing. I squirm in pain as I was still incredibly sore. "yes" she answers for me and I begin eating again.
Once I'm finished I put my dish/rubbish on the table. Rhea grabs it and puts it away. She starts walking upstairs and I rest my head on her chest and close my eyes. She looks down at me lovingly as we make our way to the bed. She lays down with me. I feel my tiredness slip away but I don't say anything and she falls asleep.
After a few hours of laying there motionless, my tears feel never-ending. At around 4 am and I tug on rhea's shirt again. "still can't sleep, baby?" she asks softly and I shake my head. "I was kinda tired when you were walking around with me" I mumble not wanting to bother her. "I can walk around with you till you fall asleep. Is that what you want mommy to do?" she asks and I nod my head. "yes, please mommy"
She gets out of bed and walks around with me. My eyelids are heavy but I still can't sleep. We hear mumbling and shuffling coming from the bedroom. Rhea stops walking and instead rocks me back and forth. "what are you two doing," Finn asks groggily as he stumbles out of the room.
"she can't sleep so I took her down to have a snack thinking maybe it would tire her just a little so she could sleep but she said me carrying her around was making her tired" rhea responds. "I think she likes being rocked more," he says.
Rhea gives him a questioning look and he points at me. I'm half asleep my eyes are barely open and I'm clearly trying to stay awake so I don't miss anything. Rhea chuckles at my cute face. "close your eyes, Finn's going to bed and I'll go to bed when you have" she says and I listen. I feel someone kiss my head followed by Finn saying good night rhea does the same. "good night mommy, good night daddy" I say putting my head on rhea's chest.
"wait" my head shoots up as I call out to Finn. "tell daddies good night for me," I ask and he smiles at me. "I will," he says turning back around towards the bedroom. I put my head back down and close my eyes. I am completely at peace as my mommy rocks me to sleep.
Thanks for reading love ya-gremlin💗💋💞
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madhatterbri · 2 months
Beauty and the Demon | F.B. (Demon King)
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Summary: The Demon King is left alone with his thoughts.
Author's Note: I am mixing my two favorite things: Disney and wrestling. Let's see how it goes.
@theworldofotps @plentyoffandoms
The Demon King solemnly walked to the table that held the black rose in the glass dome. His hand placed gingerly as if the table would break with his touch. Memories of his lonely life before you trickled into his mind as he stared at the fallen dark petals. Now he knew he needed someone, you, more than ever.
He closed his eyes and walked away from the table. He opened his blue eyes to a portrait of his former self. The way he looked before the sorceress cursed him and his kingdom to their current demon forms. Slashes caused by his claws marked up the painting and the wooden board that held it.
No longer afraid to hide himself, he looked in the mirror. His demon appearance reflected back to him. His skin is black and red with white to resemble big, sharp, pointy teeth. He looked down and ran his fingers through his hair. A feeling of someone pushing his chin up caused him to do so. He could have swore he saw you standing next to him, but when he looked towards you, you were gone.
He knew the exact moments when you stole his heart. The way you had a caring and kindness to you even when you were a prisoner in his own home. When he was really hurt, you nurtured him back to health. Besides being beautiful, you had a love for books and knowledge. You were the light in his dark world.
Finn stammered over to the window and saw as you rode on horse to help your father. Your hair swayed in the wind as the horse galloped you further away from his broken heart. His heart ached and pained him like an open wound that would never heal. He knew as his inner demon claimed more of him that he would never forget you. You would always be a peace of this castle with him.
Broken-hearted, the king walked up the cobblestone stairs to your room. He continued to watch you leave. Each stomp of the horse's hoof felt like it stomped his heart. The foolish thought of leaving his castle doors open for you crossed his mind. As if you would want to live with him for evermore.
Despite the fact that he could no longer see you, your presence lingered. As he looked around the room, he saw the ghost of you. One moment, you were sitting in front of the mirror laughing at his jokes and brushing your hair. The next, you were sitting at the desk. He sat across from you and never took his eyes off of you. Lastly, the two of you were lying in your bed. Fingers barely touched as dreams were spilled for the other to enjoy. Oh, how he missed you.
Now you would be with him in everything he did. Whether it would be walking down the hallways, reading in the library, or any of the other mundane things that he would do to occupy his time.
He knew his nights would be spent alone in his tower. His bedroom door left open so he could fool himself that you would walk right in. His dreams of the future now consist of what might have been.
"Sir," one of the lesser demons asked. Finn stopped staring out the window long enough to acknowledge the other's presence. "Why did you let her go?"
"I had to let her go," Finn paused and looked out the floor. He shuddered at his last words. "Because I love her,"
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theworldofotps · 4 days
His Queen (Monthly Flow)
Pairing: Bálor x Reader Word Count: 386 Description: The King finds out about periods.
Been ages since I've written one of these and just felt like doing a little one. @madhatterbri picked the King so here you all go! _______ Tag list:
@omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @hotgirlgraps @madhatterbri @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaana @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456 @mcreignsera @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _______
The Demon King was used to all kinds of blood, be it human or other so the sight never bothered him. But when he learned of his queen’s time of the month he was outraged. “What do you mean you bleed for a week or more every single month?!” “It’s true my king and even then, it’s different with every person’s cycle.” “The pain is something you all push through as well, yes?” “Depending on how bad it is that’s correct I usually just use a heating pad while I work; if possible otherwise I’d wait till I return home to relax.” “So this is why you get sassy and rude with me?” “Fraid so my king but I always do my best to watch my words and apologize if I’ve said anything mean.” “I’m the Demon King you’ve no such need to apologize for being mean I thrive off it. And you don’t get the products at a cheaper price or even free despite it being a necessity?” “No, I’m not sure how it is for every country but most places I believe you do have to pay a good bit for them. Not everyone can afford it which is why so many are trying to change it.” “Well you just let me know if you need anything no love of mine is going to pay for necessary products.”
And true to his word Balor always made sure you had a good stock of whatever product you needed. Your favorite sweets and snacks were placed in a special area so nobody would bother them. After his kingly duties were finished the two of you would soak together in a hot bath. His clawed hands slowly rubbing your stomach and doing the best to ease any pain or discomfort you felt.  Taking his time to dry you off the king would leave you to dress in your most comfortable clothes. When you were finally ready a bottle of water would be in one hand while some medicine would be in the other. Your favorite show pulled up on your laptop, the two of you would curl up together in the large bed. One of the things you adored most about your husband was despite being cold and ‘heartless’ he cared and loved you like no other.
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hookedonhook730 · 5 months
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The Judgement Day 💜🖤⚖️ (12/26/23)
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mafiosaseries · 7 months
⚖️ 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕵𝖚𝖉𝖌𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝕯𝖆𝖞 ⚖️
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
deal with a demon pt. 2
synopsis: y/n is confronted - by her family, her memories, and a demon - after sealing her fate at wrestlemania. 
a/n: i know we’re rewriting wrestlemania a bit here but let’s just go with it...also i’m obsessed with this so i hope you enjoy - and credit to @auburnwrites for helping me brainstorm and work out details bc she’s literally so talented and smart 
mentions: overall SFW, flashbacks to extreme rules and royal rumble, mentions of attacks/chairshots/minor injuries, cursing, fem!reader, daughter!reader, betrayal
taglist: @auburnwrites​ @babybatlover​ @ripleyswhore​ @ares-athena​ 
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royal rumble, 2023. you fully believed it was going to be your night. every year you entered the rumble, you got that much closer to being the last one standing and you had every reason to believe this would be your year. that was, until it all came down crashing and burning. it hadn’t even been ten minutes in the stadium before you felt someone grabbing you from behind to throw you into a nearby crate. the assault continued, that person who eventually revealed themselves to be rhea throwing punch after punch until you were left writhing on the floor in pain. the laughter echoed behind her from the boys as you writhed and groaned in anguish. “where’s your daddy when you need him, huh princess?” she mocked before walking away with the judgement day in tow. 
the numbness in your back didn’t even register until an official came up to you to get medical help, and you barely felt yourself rolling over to hopefully get up on two feet. everything you worked for was slowly burning into ashes, and it was all thanks to four people who had nothing better to do than torture your family. 
you weren’t able to compete that night. quite frankly, it was devastating and you would spend the next few weeks nursing yourself back to health after a minor muscle injury. but there was only one person you wanted to see that night; one person, who just so happened to be making his own return to the ring and was more focused on him than he was on his daughter. one person, who didn’t stop by medical to see you. he didn’t even bother texting or calling until the rumble was over. but at that point, you were too focused on yourself and your own career to even register the significant shift in your relationship with edge. 
--- ---
you took your time walking away from the steel cage; never in your life, let alone your career, had you heard so many people both cheering and booing you. at the end of the day, they had no clue what kind of deal or conversation you had with finn backstage. the fans didn’t know the true y/n - they only knew you for being edge’s daughter. the kid who only got this far in her career because your dad was a hall of famer. they didn’t know what you truly had to bring to this industry, but by god were you about to show them. 
everyone backstage looked at you in utter shock in disbelief once you walked through gorilla. you didn’t bother looking at any of them either - you didn’t owe a single one of them an explanation for what you did. you spent your entire life, your entire career answering to people who only saw you as the kid of one of the industry’s finest. none of them deserved to know what was running through your mind, and you made your escape from them before they could even start that conversation. 
walking through backstage felt like a blur. your coworkers and other superstars looked at you in utter shock and disbelief, just as you did when the judgement day turned on your dad and tortured him for the last how many months. 
“y/n! honey, y/n!” you heard behind you, recognizing that voice as none other than beth’s. the woman who helped raise you as her own, someone who’d advocated for you all throughout your life and gave you the strength to reach your dreams when no one else could...fuck, your heart broke hearing your voice. 
beth caught up to you and held your arm, turning you to face her. you saw the pain in her face, which barely mirrored the crazed look in yours. “i don’t want to hear it.” you said through gritted teeth before she could even say anything. 
“i don’t care, y/n.” she said, both of her hands holding your biceps now. you looked away from her, knowing that it was going to make you regret everything. “honey, why? you know what they’ve done to your father! our family!” beth was right; you did know. not only did you know what the judgement day had done to your family, you were at the receiving end of it.
--- ---
extreme rules, philly. your dad was going into an ‘i quit’ match with finn to end all of this once and for all. he didn’t care anymore about whether the judgement day stuck around, he just wanted them to leave your family alone. not only did he make that clear during the match, but you and beth did as well. both of you interfered to give your dad a leg up against finn just as the judgement day did for their member, but your efforts would be futile. 
rhea not only hit beth in the face with brass knuckles, but she delivered a riptide to you on top of the chairs that would soon become your downfall. you laid next to beth, slightly more conscious than she was, and reached a hand out to try and wake her up. “mom...mom, get up!” you begged, groaning through the pain. you could hear your dad begging for the match to end behind you, muttering those two words that would hopefully put this whole thing to rest. 
you knew your dad; he didn’t do this because he didn’t have pride. your dad had too much pride if anything - but when it came to his family, he wasn’t going to risk that for a match and some cameras. but you didn’t even realize rhea was behind you, a damned metal chair in her hands that would eventually meet yours and beth’s bodies. 
as you floated in and out of consciousness, hearing the laughter of the judgement day behind you and the screams of officials calling for medical, your dad joined your side and had a hand on both you and beth. “dad...” you began, but edge shushed you and ran a hand through your hair. 
“i know, honey. i’m so sorry.” he begged softly, rey coming back into the ring as well and checking on your family. he’d known you just as long as anyone else backstage as you practically grew up with dominik, which made this hurt just as much for all of you. none of this was over, by any means. but that night in philadelphia changed your relationship with your dad for the foreseeable future. 
--- ---
the memories of that night alone sent shivers down your spine. but you had to put it behind you in order to achieve what you wanted in your career. things that your dad never had planned for you. “dad doesn’t care about me. this was never about us, mom!” she may not have given birth to you, but beth was the closest thing to a mom you’ve ever had. and while you were pissed at your dad, you still loved your parents. you needed to cut the chord though, and show them and the world that you deserved to be here. 
as if on cue, the man you betrayed was making his way backstage and saw beth pleading with you. he didn’t waste any time either in coming over to both of you, his own large hands trying to cup your face. “baby-”
you swat his hands away. “don’t touch me, and don’t call me that.” venom laced your voice as you sat those words to your father. they both looked at you in shock and horror, not even sure where this was coming from. “you’re really going to act like this wasn’t coming your way, dad? you played me like i was some toy. you built me up just to drop me and forget i even existed!” you choked on your own voice as the pent up emotion finally began to release itself. 
“if they’re trying to convince you that being apart of their group is any better, they’re wrong y/n.” edge begged, his own emotion lacing his voice and his eyes full of desperation. “they’re going to chew you up and spit you right back out. they have done nothing but hurt you and the people you care about, and you really believe being on their side is the better option?”
revisiting those memories from the rumble and extreme rules only caused you to tear up. the anger, the frustration, and the pain was all coming up at once; you were ready to put it all to bed, though. and you made that clear with your dad as you answered his question. “you’ve hurt me just as much, dad. and i’m not letting you hurt me anymore.”
--- ---
the confrontation with your parents ended after you walked away; the looks on their faces continued to haunt you, made your stomach churn at the thought of what you’d done. but you were ready to leave that behind so you could finally begin building up your own reputation. 
the thoughts raced through your mind like roadrunners as you packed your bags in the dressing room, and you were so focused on your thoughts that you didn’t even hear the presence behind you in the doorway. 
“you made the right choice.” 
his voice made you jump; holding your chest, you turned to look at a freshly cleaned finn with a bandage on top of his head, and this demeanor from him was already vastly different than what had originally visited you or what you saw in the ring. he was...softer. he looked like a real person, and not some crazed maniac that had been chasing your dad and family for the last year. 
finn stepped closer to you, and for once you didn’t back away from fear or a desire to be as far away as possible from him. “you did something brave out there, y/n. something a lot of people wouldn’t have the balls to do.”
you but your lip and looked down at the merch you were folding - a rated r superstar t-shirt that you’d always wear out to the ring to support your dad - and debated even putting it back in your bag. sadly your heart won this one, and you put it in your suitcase as you answered finn. “and i feel like garbage for it.” you admitted softly. 
the demon - no, finn - gave a small nod. “and it’ll feel that way at first.” he acknowledged. “but you and i have a lot of work ahead of us, so you better kick it into gear.”
confusion filled your face as he spoke, but finn was quick to respond in order to clear it up. “i said i was going to get you a championship; you thought i wouldn’t help you along the way?” he smirked, sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. “the others aren’t too thrilled about this and they don’t fully trust you, but i’m planning on investing a lot of time in this little endeavor y/n.” he crossed his arms. “you have a lot to prove, yeah? and this doesn’t make you one of us...just yet. and only if you wanted.” he winked. 
you couldn’t avoid the slightly nauseous feeling in your stomach as you sat on the couch. you were excited, thrilled to be doing this and finally getting an opportunity to prove that you were more than a hall of famer’s daughter. but at the same time, you needed to confront your fear of the judgement day when they weren’t even fully convinced you were worthy of this. but you nodded silently in response to finn, both of you exchanging small smiles to show you were on the same page. 
goodbye, ‘daughter of the rated-r superstar’; hello, y/n. 
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south-of-heaven · 10 months
finn balor x reader where reader is edge’s little sister and joins the judgement day and he falls for her?
Off limits || Finn Balor x Reader
Summary: Finn knows you're off limits, but he can't hold back anymore.
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The bond of camaraderie and shared goals within the Judgement Day has always felt like a second family. Yet, from the moment you joined, you could feel Finn's gaze on you, his ocean-blue eyes tracing your every move. You understood his internal struggle, the unspoken barriers that stood between the two of you, and the undeniable pull that still brought you closer together.
Age has always been just a number, but with Finn, it felt like a canyon. You're Edge's younger sister, a reality that no one ever lets you forget. An accident born from the gap of eighteen years, you was the unexpected presence in a tightly-knit family. While you've aged into your thirties, Finn remains ten years your senior, a reality that seems to echo in every glance you share.
Finn's aura is magnetic, his presence commanding and captivating. He's seen and lived through more than you could imagine, while you've carved your own path in a world that seemed both familiar and alien. Despite the attraction simmering between you, he's kept his distance, aware of the lines you shouldn't cross.
But the more time you spend together, the harder those lines become to uphold. Your conversations are filled with stolen glances and fleeting touches, each a silent confession of your desires. Finn's apprehension is evident, his internal struggle mirroring your own. He's not just your brother's friend; he's a respected peer, a mentor, and someone who's always been out of reach.
Yet, the nights when the Judgement Day gathers, and the laughter and camaraderie fill the air, it's impossible to deny the connection that sizzles between you two. Finn's eyes hold a mix of longing and frustration, a battle of his own against the inevitable pull of attraction.
One night, as the world fades into a blur of music and laughter, Finn's hand brushes against yours. The touch sends a jolt of electricity through your veins, and it's as if the dam holding back your desires begins to crack. Your gazes meet, a silent understanding passing between you. You both know you're teetering on the edge of something that could change everything.
The weight of your unspoken feelings hangs in the air, a tension that becomes impossible to ignore. As the night winds down and the others start to disperse, you and Finn find yourselves alone, the distance between you closing with each heartbeat.
"I can't fight this anymore," he admits, his voice a mixture of vulnerability and desire. "I know I shouldn't, but I want you."
His confession echoes your own sentiments, and you find yourself taking a step closer, your bodies almost touching. "I want you too, Finn."
And then, in that moment, the years, the barriers, and the age difference fade away. The connection between you burns like wildfire, a passion that's been building for far too long. Finn's lips meet yours, and the world melts away, leaving only the intensity of your shared desire.
You may be crossing lines, shattering boundaries, but in that instant, it doesn't matter. The forbidden nature of your connection only fuels the flames, and as you succumb to the magnetic pull between us, it's as if time itself bends to your will.
No longer just Edge's baby sister, no longer hindered by the weight of years and expectations, you're simply you, and Finn is simply Finn. And together, in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, you find solace in the one thing that truly matters – each other.
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magicmalcolm · 11 months
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The Glory Days of Many Sami & Finn Hugs
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peppermintquartz · 10 days
I'm usually not into muscled hunks but there's a glint to Lou Ferrigno Jr's eyes when he smiles that I really like. Plus he paints! I like that very much.
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sattbby · 10 days
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r-truth · 6 months
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gremlintheslut · 10 months
Forever theirs (redone)
Chapter 6 help me mommy
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Warning- bondage, cnc, nicknames, mommy kink , daddy kink, overstim
Dead dove do not eat
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The door opens and rhea walks in. "how's she settling in puppy?" she asks not even looking at us as she heads to the corner where a set of draws sit. "we've talked about that nick name" he growls and i can feel the vibrations in his chest. "yeah, yeah puppy" she says finally turning to look at us after putting something away in said draws. "aww, you not settling in well doll face?" she mocks me flashing me her fangs as she smiles widely.
"why don't I get Finn and you two can put her in her place?" she asks Damian. "sounds like a plan" he says holding me tight. I feel weirdly comforted by the idea of someone I know being here. But they're going to put me in my place?
I hear rhea leave. I continue to cry as I am kept still by the hairy man behind me. I hear another person enter the room. I know for a fact it's Finn. I don't want to look at him. "you remember the plan?" he asks clearly not talking to me.
I assume Damian nodded his head because they both got into action. Damian carried me to a bed in the corner of the room. Finn helped tie my legs down and then they both left for a few seconds. I immediately untied myself. I ran to the door and opened it.
Only to find rhea standing right in front of it. She tsked at me shaking her head. "they were gonna go easy on you too," she said stepping forward. I step back letting her into the room. She shut the door with her foot and locked it with her back to it. "too easy in my opinion"
"but, they can't go easy on you now. I'm sure Damian told you what would happen if you were a problem. Sure you have some balls but we can't deal with this constantly. So, I hope they can convince you to straighten up because I really like you and I'd hate to see you go so fast" she says continuing to step forward until my back hits something. Then I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.
Rhea and Finn carry me to the bed. They rip off my clothes and tie me down again. The knots are much tighter. They dig into my skin and I can't move without them burning. Damian comes back with a black duffle bag. He opens it and I can't see inside from where I am. He pulls out a small bullet vibrator and a collar. Rhea takes the collar from him and places it around my neck.
"is it too tight?" she asks as if she really cares. I shake my head feeling embarrassed and self-conscious as I am naked in front of strangers. "I said is it too tight?" she raises her voice tightening it around my throat. "yes mommy" I mumble out. She losens it to how tight she had it before. "and now?" she asks. "that's perfect mommy" I mutter afraid of being hit or choked. "good" she kisses my head and wishes me good luck before leaving me alone with the men.
I whimper as the vibrator is placed on my clit at the medium setting. I see Finn get a bottle of lube out of the corner of my eye. "she's not stretched be careful" Damian reminds Finn and he nods. Damian climbs onto the bed in front of me. He unzips his pant and pulls them down to his mid-thigh along with his underwear. His cock is massive just like the rest of him. I have no idea how I'm going to take it but I guess I have to.
He lines himself up before slowly pushing into me. I try my best to hide my sounds but I fail and moan very loudly as he bottoms out in me. Soon I feel Finn press against my asshole. If he's the same size as Damian he's going to make me bleed. He slowly pushes inside of me. Thank god he's not as girthy but I am still in a lot of pain.
Tears roll down my face. Damian wipes them away with his thumbs almost scratching my face but he seems to be careful not to now. "you're doing so good" he whispers in my ear. The butterflies in my tummy flutter as I didn't expect to be praised.
It's quite comforting. Finn continues to push in until he balls deep in me. They begin to thrust in and out of me at the same pace. I moan as they speed up. I begin to cry more.
The vibration from the bullet and the pleasure I am getting from both of them is too much. I feel my orgasm approaching. My moans become loud and desperate and I almost ask them to turn the vibrator up before I remember where I am. I'd probably be hating myself right now if I wasn't feeling so fucking good.
I am teetering on the edge of my orgasm. "cum for us lass" I hear Finn whisper in my ear. I come undone on their cocks. But they don't stop or slow down. I am so sensitive it hurts. Within a matter of seconds, I'm close again. Just as I am about to cum Finn reaches around and turns the vibe up to the highest setting. I squirm the rope burning me but I don't care. I come undone again. Just like before they don't stop or slow down.
Again I'm on the brink of my third orgasm. Every wave of vibration brings a sharp pain. At this point both Finn and Damian are close. I pray to god neither of them wants another round after this. My moans and whimpers are so loud and desperate that I might as well be screaming.
I can feel the coil building in my stomach again. Damian hits my G-spot and I yelp in pain and pleasure as I cum again.
Both of the men are grunting chasing their own releases. Damian more growling than grunting. My whines only encourage them. Their thrusts get sloppy and finally, they paint my walls with hot sperm.
But they don't stop they keep going and going. I'm at my 6th orgasm and I'm sobbing. "please! I'll-I'll be good. I'll do everything you ask just, please stop." I cry out. I am met with shush's mixed with grunts and growls. I am approaching my 7th orgasm. I hear the door open I look and see rhea watching us. "mommy please make them stop!" I beg wanting nothing more than for this to end. She just laughs at me.
"Please, mommy" I cry on the brink of my orgasm. My sobs once moans of pleasure get louder as I tip over the edge. I am out of energy. My screams have been getting quiet. Rhea watches us for a bit before leaving again.
My orgasm is building up again. I can't take it anymore. I am in so much pain. "please Stop, please" I sob harder and harder as I get closer. "good girl" Finn mumbles on the edge of his release.
I cum undone again and at this point, I would be screaming if i had the energy.
Roughly 30 mins later I'm on my 12th orgasm and Then the door opens again. I know it's rhea. I have lost almost all of my energy and Begin to slip into little space.
my screams have turned into whines and hums over the last 30 mins. I'm in so much pain. "do you want your pacifier baby?" rhea asks softly. I nod my head. "yes mommy" I mumble out breathlessly. Rhea reaches into the duffle bag on the floor and pulls out my pacifier from home. She puts it to my lips and I open my mouth for her. I suck on the pacifier gently.
I rest my head on Damian's shoulder and cry. They continue using me. Rhea watches my face with a loving expression on her face. "adorable" she says kissing my head and wiping my many tears. She looks as if she is debating something in her head. Then she grabs me by the chin and lifts my head up.
She kisses the side of my neck before biting down. I feel her teeth pierce my skin. I let out a whiper at the feeling. She removes her teeth from my neck and begins to suck on the wound. I get more and more lightheaded as she sucks my blood. Once she decides shes done she pulls away and kisses my cheek.
My head spins and i battle unconsciousness. "should we wrap it up?" Finn asks the others sounding distant to my ears. "it'll be easier to keep her like this if you keep going for a bit" Rhea says and they do as they're asked.
"and once your nice and fucked out you can come upstairs for bath, that sound nice?" she says obviously talking to me. I nod my head and babble three quite syllables of nonsense meant to be 'yes mommy,' she smiles before walking away. The rest is a foggy nightmare.
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I'm back bitches!!!! ❤💕💓
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dirtywrestling · 1 month
Crossroads Deal - Finn Balor (18+)
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Pairing: Demon!King!Finn Balor x Melanie
Summary: Making a deal with the Demon!Balor but instead of wanting Melanie’s soul he wants to make her his sex slave.
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Public!Sex, Sex in a library, Studying for finals, Blowjob, Minors DNI
Word Count: 3,258 
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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Pushing the gravel back into the hole where I had placed my picture in a tin can, standing up, I looked around to see if anyone was in sight. Nothing. Legend has it if someone put a picture of themself in a small canister along with graveyard dirt and a black cat skull and bury it in the center of the crossroads, they could summon a demon and strike a deal, but of course there was a price, in ten years some sort of creature comes and collects what’s theirs. 
Luckily when I dug up the tin box and opened it up there already had the ingredients inside and a couple of old photos of other people making deals in the past. I heard about the crossroads deals from my Mythology college class last term, of course I didn’t think anything of it, just an old tale but doing my research and finding out people actually have sold their souls for fame, money, looks, whatever they name it and they got it.
College was becoming irritating, ten hour shifts at work on my shoulders didn’t help and I was constantly worrying if I’ll have enough money for rent. I needed something to change.
“You rang.” A Irish accent filled my ears, jumping slightly, I turned around to see a tall, handsome man in a black suit. His dark hair short and slightly styled where his greenish blue eyes burned into me, his stare lasting longer than a few seconds. I couldn’t help but to blush as I noticed his eyes slightly wander over my body.
“Are you really…” Words couldn’t form in my brain let alone finish the sentence I started. Was this actually happening, demons were real? 
“The Demon King? Yeah, I’m also a crossroad dealer.” The male smirked, his memorizing greenish blue eyes turning ruby red. Blinking, they went back to his normal color. “The names Finn.” 
“I already know your name, sweetheart.” He cuts me off before I get the chance to introduce myself.
“You do?” My eyebrows arched in curiosity, wondering how he already knew my name.
“Of course. I know the name of every person who wants to make a deal, Melanie.” The Demon King named Finn licked his lips and stepped closer, the gravel underneath his shiny black business shoes crunched with each step. “So, what can I do for you, dear?” Finn was now only a few feet away, his form nearly towering over me. 
Swallowing thickly, I didn’t think I’d make it this far. I actually didn’t think this would work, just following some myth and the help of some reddit reviews from some possible emo kid sulking in the dark. All of this was a cry for help to get me out of what I was in. “I want to be wealthy with money.” I finally spoke out the truth of why I summoned him.
“Blah.” Finn spat. “You humans and money,” Finn started to circle around me, my eyes never leaving him. I quickly turned my head to the other side as it was starting to crank my neck. “Why, can a boy you like fall in love with you?” Finn laughed at my needs.
“Psh, no.” I scoffed at him for trying to assume and twist my words. 
“Pay off that mortgage?” Finn spat back another reason why I could have possibly summoned him.
“I wish.” I sighed, looking down at the gravel. What was his deal and trying to guess why I needed this money? Why couldn’t he just give me what I wanted and leave?
“Get that dream car you’ve always wanted?” Finn guessed once more, his Irish accent filling my ears.
“Not even close.” I crossed my arms and looked at him. 
Finn stopped guessing and stared back at me, eyes squinting. “Then why is it everytime I make a deal with most of you humans it’s always about money?” Finn hissed, it sounded like he was mostly annoyed than anything. He must get deals with people about money a lot.
“I’m in college, I’m on my own, I nearly work myself to death just to keep up with my rent and college is tiring along with it. I just want to live my life without having to worry about money.” I frowned, finally confessing onto why I summoned him tonight. 
“So, you’re willing to give up your soul in the next ten years just for money?” Finn was baffled, he blinked as he waited for my answer.
“Well, when you put it like that.” I reassured myself, my hand going to my arm and rubbing it in comfort, trying not to back out of this silly deal. Should I ask for more or something for else? I felt so small compared to him as he pointed out the flaw of this deal I wanted to make.
“Listen, I’ll make a deal with you.” Finn shoved his hands into the suit jacket pockets and stood there casually. “I’ll give you what you want, I’ll stuff your bank account with so many zeros and with no questions asked from the bank tellers.” 
“And you want my soul in return?” I followed up after his deal he proposed. 
“No, something better.” Finn pulled his left hand out of his pocket, placing it upon his scruffy chin. Watching his moves made me want to reach out and stroke his facial hair. I watched his large hand stroke his beard, my eyes never leaving his slender fingers. I swallowed, not even realizing I was salivating in my mouth at how much of a good looking man he was, even if he was a demon. Knowing his large hand he could take me with one tight grip around my throat. 
I couldn’t help but to clear my throat and squeeze my thighs together. I needed to stay focused and not have my mind in the gutter right now. “Like what?” My voice cracked slightly, I knew better, I should have just headed to my car and left, forget about this night and never come back to the crossroads again, but the other part of me wanted to stay, see what he had to offer. 
Before Finn spoke, he shoved his left hand back into his blazer pocket. “I get to have my way with you, whenever and wherever I want.” Finn said nonchalantly, his gaze lazily looking over me. As if he wasn’t interested in me but knew it would be fun to offer the deal.
I blinked, trying to think what he meant by that. “You… You mean have sex with me?” I choked. 
“Yeah, basically a sex slave.” Finn shrugged, as if he wasn’t bothered by anything. “If you don’t like the deal I could just make it to where I come and collect your soul in ten years.” Finn suggested. “Well, not me but my Hellhounds.”
“Hellhounds?” I questioned him. “Is that like a dog or something?” I didn’t understand what he meant by that. 
“More or less, basically they come and rip you apart and collect your soul to bring it down to Hell for my collection.” Finn pulled his hand once more and checked out his nails in a bored manner.
Biting my lower lip, I fiddled with my fingers. Now it was my turn to check out his body fitted in the tight suit. Finn huffed out a breath, folding his arms together, his biceps flexing. “I can let you think-”
“I’ve thought about it.” I blurted out, interpreting him.
“Oh yeah,” He purred, the words rolling off of his tongue like silk. “And what’s your choice, sweetheart?” 
“I’ll do it, I’ll take your deal.” I said without a second thought. I now didn’t know if I was doing this for the money still or to be in the sheets with this demon.
“Great!” Finn smirked, coming closer to me. 
“So, how do we seal the deal? Handshake, I sign my name on a contract with?” I started to extend my hand out towards him.
“Something like that.” He murmured, pulling me closer to him by the waist, his free hand caressed my cheek, leaning down he pressed his lips against mine, planting a surprisingly soft kiss.
My eyes widened, placing my hand on top of his chest. I tried to push the Demon King away. My eyes slowly fluttered shut, I stopped trying to push him away and melted into his touch. Finn pulled away from me, gasping softly for air. I looked up at the demon. “You made a great deal, Melanie.” Finn chuckled. “See you soon.”
That was three months ago. At first I thought Finn would come back in a couple of days but soon days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. He was faithful on his end of the deal, I had money in my bank where I could retire today if I wanted to. My fridge was stocked with groceries, my cabinet stuffed with canned goods, my car even had a full tank of gas every week.
Finals were around the corner and I was spending my saturday at the local library, other students from the college were there too, noses in books, staring at computer screens, some students were so tired from studying they fell asleep their elbows propped up on the table while they rested their head in the palm of their hands, drooling. 
Standing up from my table I forgot one more book for my anatomy class. Walking down the aisle of the large bookshelves I stopped in the health section, my fingers dancing along the spines of the books, looking for the one I needed. 
“Looking for this?” A rich Irish accent asked. Jumping slightly, I looked to my right to see the Demon King, holding up some kind of book about romance. 
I couldn’t help but to giggle. “No.” I grinned at him for picking out such a book.
Finn frowned, looking at the book and placing it randomly on the shelf where it didn’t belong, obviously romance didn’t belong in the health aisle. “I thought you females adore romance novels?” 
“I’d love to be reading about that, but sadly I’m studying for my anatomy final. It’s coming up in a few days.” I started to look for the book I needed again, my attention back to the shelf skimming through the books.
“Listen, that’s hot and all,  I’d love to see you study for a final,” Finn teased me about studying in the library. “but I have something else better in mind.” Finn licked his lips and gave a mischievous smile.
“And what could that possibly be?” I asked, looking towards him, my eyes casted downwards, only to grow wide and quickly look back up at him. “You’re joking?” I gasped, Finn was standing there with a pinched tent pressing against his black pants.
“Oh no darling, you see I’ve had quite the chub since I’ve met you.” Finn’s Irish accent thickens with lust. 
“Why now? Why here?” I squeaked, quickly looking around. Luckily nobody was near us until someone needed something from the human resources section.��
“Well, you know how Hell is, soul meetings, soul counts, more meetings, keeping Hell from going, well, you know, Hell.” He chuckled at his word play.
“Okay, I get it. You do a lot of things in Hell to make Hell less Hellish. I have to study for this final so I won’t fail this course, I need to get an ‘A’ on this.” I sighed, trying to find the book I was looking for before Finn appeared.
“May I remind you, Melanie. A deal is a deal.” A growl rumbled from Finn’s chest, his eyes appeared glowing red, they flashed back to his normal colors. “Or you know, I could take away that money and let you struggle again.”
“No!” I said a bit too loudly only to look behind me to see if anyone was there to shush me. Swallowing my pride I turned to face the Demon King. “No, a deal is a deal, I’ll obey.” 
“Now that’s what I like to hear.” He purred lowly, stalking towards me. He towered over me, being a foot and a couple of inches taller than me. “I’ll try not to have you screaming my name, this is a place of silence after all.” Finn snapped his fingers, my clothes disappearing leaving me nude for anyone to see. The cool stale air hitting my bare skin, my nipples becoming slightly hard.
Quickly, I crossed my legs and my hands flew up to my breasts to cover them. Finn tisked, “Don’t play coy now love, you’ve enjoyed this, trust me.” Finn unbuckled his black belt around his black pants. “Just trust me on this, you do trust me, right?” His eyes flashed back to those beautiful bloody red colors. 
“Yes.” I breathed out, it was as if I was under his spell.
The red faded back to his greenish blue eye color. “Great.” Pushing his pants down, Finn rubbed himself through his black boxers. “Now, be a good girl and get on your knees.” 
Obeying his command, I lowered myself onto my knees, the carpet feeling uncomfortable as the rough fabric rubbed up against my skin. “Open.” Finn pushed his boxers down his thick thighs, his cock sprung up, hitting his toned stomach. Gulping, I tore my eyes away from his throbbing erection and looked up at him. “I said, ‘open’.” He demanded again, his words like venom this time, his patients thinning. Slowly opening my mouth, Finn grabbed my jaw, forcing my mouth to open up wider. He shoved his salty mushroom tip into my mouth, down my throat. “Hmm fuck.” Finn let out a deep moan. 
Water built up in the corner of my eyes, I tried to catch a breath before he shoved his cock further down my throat again. Digging my nails into his hips, I tried to get him to slow down. His erection thrusting in and out my throat I quickly tapped on his waist to stop. Finn pushed his cock as far down my throat as he could and slowly pulled out. Siliva connected from the tip of his dick to my lips which broke, making it snap back onto my face. Gasping, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “What- What the fuck?” I hissed up at him while wiping my tears away. 
“Sorry, I got out of control.” Finn grumbled, helping me up to my feet. I didn’t want to do this anymore if he was capable of getting out of hand. “I promise it won’t happen again, Melanie. We’ll have a safe word.”
“I think the word ‘stop’ is understandable.” I snapped, giving him a glare.
“Again, my apologies.” He combed his fingers through his dark short hair. “Okay, okay. Stop is our safe word.” 
“It isn’t a safe word, stop means stop.” I nearly barked at him. Finn’s eyes darkened this time, grabbing me by the waist and pinned me against the tall bookshelf. The books slightly rattling behind me.
“I said I’m sorry, now let me claim what’s mine.” Finn grunted, his hard cock nudging against my wet lips. “Oh my.” He smirked in a teasing manner, letting go of my waist with one hand and dipped it in between my thighs, feeling the wet coating. “I think someone got wet from me being too rough.” 
Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I looked away from the demon. Finn dipped his fingers into his mouth, sucking off the juices. His eyes shut for a moment before fluttering them open as he pulled his fingers out from his mouth. “Hmm, so sweet.”  He moaned. Finn grabbed my waist again, making me jump up. He hooked his arms underneath my legs, my back pinned against the rough shelves. “Finally.” Finn whispered, he pushed the tip of his cock past my wet folds. “Holy Hell, I knew you’d be tight.” Finn sighed out, his head tossing back slightly. 
A sharp gasp escaped my lips as Finn pushed his full length inside of me, not giving me time to adjust around his cock. “Fuck, you’re- you’re deep.” Digging my nails deep into his shoulder, I left small nail marks on his skin. I was a bit worried that he was going to split me into two. 
“Such a good girl, taking my whole cock.” Finn whimpered, his thrusts becoming deeper, slamming his cock faster. The bookshelf behind me shook and creaked, a few books from the top fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Quickly looking down each side of the aisle for anyone to come by. 
“Don’t worry about love, we’re fine.” Finn grunted. “Just relax and enjoy my cock.” Finn pressed his lips against mine, shoving his tongue into my mouth, our tongues dancing against each other. 
A coil tightened in my lower stomach as Finn kept pumping his cock in and out of my drenched pussy. “I’m close.” I whined against his lips. Finn pulled away, opening his eyes that were now ruby red.
“I am too, sweetheart.” Finn grunted in my ear. My walls tightened around his pulsing member, my body was shaking with arousal, beads of sweat formed on Finn’s forehead, his muscles flexed underneath his suit. “Fuck, come with me Melanie, come with me.” He nearly roared out.
Crying out Finn’s name we both came at the same time, our juices colliding together. Finn thrust a few more times, pushing his come further inside of me. 
He slowly pulled out, our juices oozed out of my fucked pussy and dripped onto the salmon color carpet. Finn chuckled deeply. “Someone likes to be filled with cream.” Finn teased, helping me onto my own two feet. Finn snapped his fingers, clothes appeared on my body while he adjusted his pants. 
“I should uh, get back to studying.” I murmured, fixing my hair before anyone sees me.
“Here, I think you need this while you study.” Finn grabbed a random book from the shelf and gave it to me. It was the book I was looking for in my anatomy class.
“How did you-”
“I watch you all the time, love, I know.” He chuckled lowly and left on that note.
That was three years ago. College was finally over, I quit my job and moved in with Finn down in Hell. Sure he used me for a sex slave for a couple of months but we both soon caught feelings for each other and moved to the next stage.
“Mommy! Mommy!” My son came running up to me. “Daddy won’t play with me!” I couldn’t help but to laugh, picking up my son and carrying him down the hallway. 
“You know how daddy is, he works a lot, being King isn’t easy.” 
“My queen, would you like me to make lunch for the little one?” One of the demons that helped around asked me.  
“Yes please, thank you.” I nodded, making my way to the throne room. I saw Finn sitting on the throne, murmuring to himself as he rubbed his beard, it looked like he was in train of thought. I let my son down who ran towards my husband. 
“Well, well, well. Isn’t it my queen and little prince.” Finn smirked, putting the paper work away. Finn picked up the Prince of Hell and placed him on his lap. “Let’s raise a little bit of trouble, shall we?” Finn winked towards my direction.
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Finn Balor's Masterlist
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wwechampionsblog · 1 year
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