#the devil's after both of us 😔
goddammit-sam · 1 year
feeling cute, might mass follow some Crane Wives accounts
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ask-lady-datura · 1 year
[ I gave into the urge ]
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viky-somebody · 2 years
RIP team rancher :(
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portgasdwrld · 8 months
Remember those og youtube challenges where beauty gurus had their s/os doing their makeup? Ok so maybe the crew were invited to some luxurious island or something and reader injured their arm prior to this event, so entrusted their beauty routine to the strawhats? I know nami & robin won’t let us down, but I’m so ready for the guys to mess us up. 💄 - 🩵
Hii love, how are you!!? Love the idea once again🫶🏻🫶🏻
📂Strawhats doing your make-up for an event
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He was so excited to learn about what make up was and how to help you with it!
He was listening to your explanation with big eyes and attentive ears
When it came to actually do it, he tried his best to focus, but it ended up looking goofy asf 💀
The eyebrows were overdrawn, the eyeshadow was not blended at all, the eyeliner wing was wonky
You looked like a fun experience of make up that’s for sure, a kid drawing at best
You didn’t want to hurt his feeling telling him it looked bad, so you said it was fine
He left satisfied proud of himself
It looked better done by you even with your handicap 😭
He tried tho 😭🫶🏻
He was hella confident, saying he knew some skills from Kaya, so he totallyyyy got it.
The moment he got his hand on your make-up your brushes, he totally freaked out and didn’t know where to start. He forgot everything she taught him.
He admitted he was lost with embarrassment, but instantly relaxed when you chuckled reassuring him and helped him through it.
He actually really did a great job. Well expected from the artist and snipper of the crew, his abilities for details didn’t disappoint.
You ask him to help you from now on, when you’re having a bad make-up day🚶🏻‍♀️
Man was lost lost. He glared at you like “why the fuck are you asking me?”
He said no and walked away, but you whined telling him the others were busy getting ready and he was already done so it was the least he could do.
He stayed firm on his position, but only agreed when you brought up, you could bribe Nami into reducing his debts towards her.
Kinda worked?
He did a horrible job :/
We love you Zoro but make up isn’t quite for you😔
He was sooooo down for it. He was smiling so hard and was lowkey dreaming about being able to help you with your make-up routine.
When you asked, he accepted immediately, even cutting you off mid-sentence
He was already on his way to prepare some snacks for you while he helps you out.
He was listening to you very carefully, not wanting to miss out on any of your indications and ruin it.
He was so good and gentle with it?? He was blushing like crazy, being so close to your face, but he got the job done.
He would softly ask you if this was alright and if you liked it. Always asking for feedback so it’s at your liking. Never felt annoyed when you asked to redo something. He was so nice and cool about it which made the experience so enjoyable.
You loved it sm & gave him a big hug that got him on a good mood for the rest of the day☹️💕
When you asked her, she totally understood on the spot and sat you on a chair close to her.
Before she started, she asked you what was your vision and what you wanted basically.
She gave you advice on what would look best on your facial features, and what would go along with your outfit.
It felt like a professional session, she super focused
Y'all spoke about fashion the whole time and she was so enthusiastic and hyped about the whole thing
She gossiped about who could possibly be there at the event and if there was gonna be anything worth doing, stealing
the end result was so good, it was even better than you imagined it
10/10 would recommend again
She nodded and asked you to sit somewhere
After she got a general idea of what you wanted she started to work on your make-up at first silently, trying to build the base
As she saw time was running out, she used her devil fruit power to make it quicker and do both side at the same time.
You made a joke about her power being useful and she chuckled before agreeing
she started to speak about her DF and how as she grew up, she kept finding uses to it
It was really a nice and almost healing time
Robin felt like an older sister doing your make up as Nami had more of that best friend vibe
She even fixed your hair to make sure your look was completed and proposed you look through her accessories if you wanted
love her !!!
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leofrith · 3 months
hii so i‘m way to invested in everyone‘s baldurs gate plays. can we see your tavs? I would love to see them haha😭
YESSSSSS i will happily take any excuse to talk about my tavs. 🥰 i'm sorry this took so long. i wanted to have their Lore™ a little more set in stone before answering this, but then i proceeded to make uhhhh 2 more tavs and a durge. 🤡
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i am listing my characters in the order i created them. they're all good/neutral aligned because being mean in video games makes me break out in hives. aaaaand this is going under a read more because it got really fucking long. 🥴
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marqwyn stoneheart
race: human
class: eldritch knight fighter
background: soldier
romance: gale
my first tav who i adore. ❤️ i stole her name from the very first character i created for a now abandoned dnd campaign (though she's nothing like og marqwyn). she's a former flaming fist who left their service due to the corruption she witnessed there. after leaving the city she became an independent soldier for hire—but she's a terrible mercenary because she's a bleeding heart who will help people because they need it, regardless of whether they can pay her or not.
she has dragged the party into many an unnecessary brawl because her charisma is literally in the negatives. we love a girl incapable of talking herself out of Situations. she also used to have two brown eyes before deciding to get herself volo'd during a brief moment of desperation-fuelled insanity.
her backstory has changed a lot since i first made her, mostly because i didn't really have anything in mind when i started playing. 😬 i also had no fucking clue what i was doing when i first started and it certainly shows (tons of missed content, didn't take enough long rests, completely missed lae'zel for the first ~30 hours of gameplay, have done quests in an extremely questionable order, etc.).
i romanced gale with her because the wizard had me by the jugular the second he opened his mouth, and buff wife who hits things with her big sword and her squishy wizard husband who casts counterspell is something that can be so personal. that being said, i do want to rework her character and do another playthrough with her, probably romancing wyll, because her playthrough is a mess.
i will now dip into the alternate canon that lives in my brain in which my next three tavs are allowed to coexist, so just stay with me here and trust in the vision ajgjsdgf
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meadow moonwillow
race: mephistopheles tiefling
class: storm sorcerer, bard of the college of lore
background: entertainer
romance: karlach (or enya in the canon that exists in my head)
i made her specifically for my karlach romance run, because best girl deserves a little sunshine to match her own. meadow was born to play gigs in dive bars, but was cursed with a natural talent for magic. 😔 she'll use it because it's useful in a fight, i guess, but she'd much rather insult people to death. if there is shit to be disturbed, she will disturb it.
her and gale are best friends, because i think having some friendly spell caster competition with his bestie who (begrudgingly) lets him teach her wizard spells would be good for his mental health. her and wyll butt heads a bit at first, mostly because meadow's way of trying to comfort people is through humor, and her attempts to make him feel better about his new devil form come off as insensitive (inspired by the way i accidentally insulted wyll at the tiefling party in my meadow playthrough by joking that i was jealous of his horns. king i swear it was meant as a compliment!! 😭). eventually they become really close, which is certainly a necessity when you're both going on a vacation to hell with no set end date.
also my choice of name for her definitely has nothing to do with the fact that i am in the middle of watching the sopranos. definitely not.
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landric sparrowsong, "the wrath-bringer"
race: human
class: oath of vengeance paladin, tempest domain cleric of ilmater
background: sage
romance: gale
his backstory is probably the one i've thought about in the most detail, mostly because he's a walking tragedy and i live for that shit. 🧍🏻‍♀️
he was once a school teacher and wasn't much of a fighter at all before his little village near baldur's gate was razed to the ground and his wife and (or so he thinks 👀) daughter were killed, at which point he took up his oath of vengeance. his favourite pastimes now include self-sacrifice and violently murdering evildoers, hence the "wrath-bringer" epithet.
he has been alone—mostly by choice, because he can't lose any more loved ones if there is no one left alive that he loves—for over a decade by the time he's infected, but the forced proximity means the companions very quickly get under his skin. he's very protective of meadow especially (when they're both in the party at the same time in the universe that exists in my head) because she reminds him of his daughter.
he is god's favourite sacrificial lamb, and is consistently the first to go down in a fight (inspired by me, constantly getting him killed by taking far too long to figure out how to play a support class). naturally i paired him with gale because i think the idea of a guy finally opening his heart to the love of another after over a decade of self-imposed solitude out of fear of being hurt again, only for gale to decide to take on a suicide mission just as they're finally realizing their feelings for one another, is soooooo good and tragic. ☺️
he has a soft spot for children, but being around them makes him sad and withdrawn (for obvious reasons), something that the companions notice pretty quickly once they get to the grove and see his cold exterior totally melt around the kids there. he carries a journal which he adds to often, either little blurbs or sketches of people he meets in his travels, ever observing from afar as an outsider.
he was actually a war cleric of mystra when i first multiclassed him because the idea of this man finding solace in his goddes during the worst years of his life only for that same goddess to tell the first person he's truly loved in years that he needs to kill himself is sooooo. anyway. but i decided to change it because war domain just wasn't doing it for me and also have you seen ilmater's whole deal?
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also if he bears a close resemblance to my favourite unromanceable assassin's creed npc, that's just a coincidence (lying).
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enya sparrowsong
race: human
class: beast master ranger/circle of the land druid
background: urchin
romance: lae'zel (or meadow in the canon that exists in my head)
enya is landric's very alive daughter. i made her in the character creator with no intention of actually doing a playthrough as her, which is a lie i tell myself every time i open the character creator. 😔
ideally she would not even be filling the role of tav at all, but that's obviously not an option for an actual playthrough. she spent her childhood hunting and gathering in the wilds and later pickpocketing her way through the darkened alleys of baldur's gate to survive. in the version of her backstory that lives in my head, she eventually caught the attention of jaheira (by trying to rob her), who then took enya under her wing. the harpers became a family to her, and she is with them in the shadow lands when we meet them at last light in act two. also depending on my mood on any given day, enya and meadow are either bitter exes or couple of the year.
she is generally very abrasive with most people she doesn't know well (her and lae'zel are very perfect for each other), but has a soft spot for animals and orphans. she likes her solitude and it takes a lot of effort to earn her trust (there's a reason she's survived alone as long as she has) but once you do, she's ride-or-die.
she has a raven companion and her preferred wild shape is a wolf, but i've also had a lot of fun using her wolf wild shape and a wolf companion for twice the mauling in combat (and twice the torment for shadowheart—thank you sam for pointing out that she would fucking hate this 😭). i also like to think that she's been helping shadowheart get over her fear of wolves.
her relationship with her dad is deliciously complicated!!! but that's for another post.
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race: high elf
class: necromancy wizard/gloom stalker ranger
background: haunted one
romance: astarion
i haven't played as her much yet, and she's my first durge so i don't really know a ton about that whole background. but her brain is currently scrambled egg and she doesn't remember her past so i figure it's fine if i don't know anything about it either.🧍🏻‍♀️
she's trying so very hard not to kill people, and making up for the lack of murder by being incredibly rude to everyone she meets [astarion approves]. i named her idunn because i like the name but also in large part because i think associating the dark urge with the norse goddess of rejuvenation and vitality is really funny.
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aelius lucilius
race: drow half-elf
class: light domain cleric of selune
background: acolyte
romance: shadowheart
he's my newest tav and the one i've played the least, so i'm still working out his backstory. i honestly just really wanted to romance shadowheart as a selunite, which is working out great so far because the shar is already out of the bag and now she loudly and openly hates his fucking guts. 🤪
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giggly-toybox · 5 months
now that you're writing for One Piece, if you don't mind, u could share some general tickling thoughts/headcanons on the series? (hcs of characters, scenarios between them etc) if this is too broad u can feel free to ignore, thanks!
HI OKAY SO!!!! I was literally so excited to make this bc this show has absolutely taken over my brain AAAAA
But here we go! For now, we’ll only be doing MY personal favorite characters! If you want a character that isn’t on here, let me know when requests open up again!
Also note: I am in the middle of the Marineford arc (and might have cried a little bit) meaning I am nowhere near up to date with some of the newer stuff!
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Basil Hawkins:
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EASILY my favorite character. Me and my mutual have been rambling about him for days. So far he’s only had like eight minutes of screen time so don’t know why I like him so much, I just do. My silly babygirl. My borblo Right off the bat, he’s feather ticklish
Like, really. Feathers affect him more than actual fingers
I think he has a very gentle and soft laugh most of the time, but it can get loud if you hit a bad spot
I think his worst spots are his belly, neck, and chin
If you use a feather on any of those spots he will die
EXTREMELY squirmy. He will buck, kick, shove, squirm, whatever he has to do to get away
He’s a really gentle ler most of the time
He’ll just hold you close with an arm while he mindlessly traces his finger on your belly, reading his cards like nothings happening
If you want to get away he’ll let you
But if you tickle him first, that gentleness is thrown out the window and he immediately targets your death spots, scribbling his gloved fingers all over your squirming figure
He doesn’t do it for long tho, and he’s nice enough to get you some water afterwards :)
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MY GIRLLLL! I love her so so much she’s easily my favorite female character! I just love her style sm, I need her outfit! I love her little ghosts and her aesthetic as a whole, she’s just so pretty!
Persona just oozes sister vibes, both big and little. So I would say she’s an even 50/50 switch
She’s probably ticklish all over, but I would say her worst spot is her belly, specifically her belly button
She doesn’t shut up when being tickled. She’ll scream, beg, plead, complain, or try to distract you
Either that or she’ll send her ghosts to make you depressed
She would be such a brat after being tickled tbh 😭
She would pout and scold you before eventually moving on and floating away
She only tickles things she deems cute, so if you’re not cute in her book, you’re safe
But once she has you in her sights, she’ll playfully tackle you and absolutely wreck you
She likes your cute laugher :3
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My boy Crocodile! Gosh he’s just so cool. I didn’t like him too much in the Alabasta arc, but he got a lot better in Impel Down and Marineford! I just really love the way he looks, and his sand powers :3
Yeah…In all honesty I don’t think this guys really ticklish at all
As much as it pains me to admit
The only spot that could really make him laugh is his neck
Even then all you would get are a few chuckles
He’s not sensitive enough to wreck sorry 😔
He doesn’t really participate in tickling either
He thinks it’s childish
Nico Robin:
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The best Strawhat. I do not take criticism. She is my girl and I love her so much. Her “I want to live” made my heart ache! And she easily has my favorite devil fruit
We love a canon ler
Gosh her ability is so well for tickling as we’ve seen in the show twice!
Like she can summon two arms to hold yours and then two to tickle you silly
She’s a nice ler most of the time tho, she won’t torture you for too long
As a lee I think she’s one of those people that are ticklish on most of their body, but not too ticklish
Like no matter where you tickle her, tummy, neck, feet, she’ll giggle but that’s about it
As I’ve said before I think her worst spot are her sides so that’s where you’ll get the most reaction
She’s a bit louder but other than that there’s not really a lot of difference
She had a lovely laugh though <3
Jewelry Bonney:
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Another supernova! I really like Bonney, I find her devil fruit really interesting! I can’t wait to see more of her Ticklish thighs. I don’t take criticism she’s definitely weak there
She also has pretty sensitive armpits, but her thighs are a bit worse
Her laugher is kinda rough, and she definitely snorts
If you’re really close to her, she doesn’t mind being ticked by you
But if not you’re getting kicked in the face
Since she’s a big foodie, I see her favorite tickling methods to be things like nibbling or raspberries
I would say licking too but I’m super uncomfortable with licking tickles
X Drake:
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X Drake! I love him so much, my dinosaur boy. He easily has the best animal devil fruit so far (I forget what the type is called)
While I do think he’s ticklish, I think he has a lot of tolerance for those kind of things
I mean he used to be a rear admiral he definitely has some endurance
He doesn’t actually squirm around that much. He’ll flinch and shove a bit, maybe kick his legs a few times, but for the most part he just takes it
But he does have one weakness: raspberries
If you blow one right on his belly, like on the middle of the bottom of the huge X on his torso, he’ll laugh louder then the sea
He’s definitely more of a ler. I see him tickling people in his dinosaur form
Like he’s carrying them like a doll and tickling them all over
Or holding them by the ankles and wrecking their soles
Human or dinosaur form, if he’s tickling you you’re not escaping until he lets you go
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evermourning · 8 months
𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 - lee minho (from the vault)
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pairing: lee minho x reader (bewitched series part nine, from the vault)
genre: angst but not really, hurt/no comfort, non!idol au, university!au, unrequited love
wc: 1k
warnings: mentions of sex (mdni), mentioms of alcohol, lowkey fwb!minho, language, slightly religious terminology, yn is very self-deprecating, min is lowkey a dick??, kinda depressing if you ask me
a/n: this was the original idea for minho, but my best friend ults him and really wanted smth fluffy...therefore anything for my bae 😔 but i really loved it and after i scrapped the idea it was like on my mind for quite a bit so we're tayloring this and releasing as a vault fic!! enjoy <3
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cracks of moonlight shone through the curtained windows of the small apartment. the idea of it was serene, soft music coming from somewhere you couldn't fathom.
you'd have to sneak back downstairs to the party, full of drunk people dancing and doing things they'd regret in the foreseeable future. god, your friends would kill you for fucking a guy the night before an exam.
all of it was worth it though, if you were in bed with lee minho.
and yet, your feelings were hardly discernible.
lips painted a deep magenta from red wine pressed against each other with nothing but lustful intentions, the sound of skin against skin as two souls merged.
it was unbearable.
when the night ended, he lay in the bed's soft sheets beside you, fingertips barely grazing each other. you wanted to curl up next to him, make yourself comfortable, stay intertwined for as many times as the earth would orbit its golden companion.
"min," you mumbled. "are you awake?"
he nodded, rolling over to face you. "make it quick, yn. i'm really tired."
"do you think we'll ever be more than fuck-buddies?" you didn't want the question to slip off your tongue, but you knew he was most vulnerable at night.
"want me to be honest? not really. you know we're both in it for the sex, anyways. plus, i've got a bad temper and you're so sweet. we'd be a horrid couple." he replied bluntly. "now actually sleep, please. if you don't want to, the door's on your side." and then he rolled back over, his breathing becoming steady as he dozed off. not even realizing the toll his words had on you.
you let your head sink into the pillow, mirroring your sinking heart as your eyelids fluttered shut. a single tear crept from the corner of your eye, sliding down your cheek. as if it was some unthinkable crystalline fragment, you delicately wiped it off your face, keeping it in your hand.
this is better than nothing, your brain murmured softly. why are your eyes misty? be grateful he's asleep beside you.
you'd do what you always did. push out the insensitive words, let his sweet nothings replay in your head until you were numb. allowing yourself to let him have you for the night, morosely wiping away every drop of ink that fell from your quill as you signed a deal with the devil.
you fucking sinner.
when you awoke the next morning, you were alone. as always, minho left before the sun's early awakening, stuffing your hopes and dreams into his bag and leaving with them.
this time, you swore. swore that you'd never be entangled in his web again. swore that you should never waste your time and energy for someone who didn't love you like you loved them. swore that this would end.
but...it didn't.
lee minho continued to haunt your life, mind, soul, and dreams, withering away at you until you were a husk.
"i can't believe you got an a after that hangover, holy shit." hyunjin said as you sat on the sofa beside him. "i guess you really did prove me wrong when it came to you winging shit like that."
you giggled, swatting his shoulder slightly. you were honestly focusing more on what your peripheral vision was seeing than your best friend. minho lived in this house. what if he was here right now?
"i'm going to go use the bathroom, see you in a bit." you said quickly, hyunjin nodding as he pulled out his phone. as you slipped into the bathroom, you left the door cracked, and looked into the mirror. what was it about you, you thought, scrutinizing every miniscule detail of your anatomy, that turned minho away? what compelled him to leave you, to run away from your touch?
it was like he only craved it temporarily, for his own pleasure.
as you stared at yourself, the door slowly swung open to reveal the man of your darkest nightmares and loveliest dreams standing, looking at you in a way you knew all too well.
"is that rose-scented perfume?" minho asked, slowly coming closer. you nodded hesitantly, turning to face him. his gaze was intoxicating. dark, brooding men had always been the death of you.
but you made a promise. you swore.
"it is. do you have a problem with it?" when he remained silent, his lips pressed together to form a tight line, you briskly walked past him. "if you have nothing to say, i'm going back down to hyunjin."
before you could move, he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to his chest. your heart started rapidly pounding as he kissed you passionately.
"shut the fuck up and let me kiss you." he hissed, before going right back into it. and goddamn it, you had no complaints.
you let his lips slip down to your neck and collarbone. they moved swiftly, knowing exactly where your sensitive spot was.
you let him pull you into his bedroom, dimming the lights as he pushed you down. you let him cover your mouth with one hand, so that hyunjin would be completely oblivious to what you had been doing.
but you broke a promise.
you swore as his hands roamed across your bare skin, enjoying every scrap of his affection you could receive, like a pitiful, malnourished dog. every sound that left his swollen lips was a mournful hymn that your starving cochlea relished.
you loved lee minho like you loved the blue sky and soft wind of august. but in the most tragic of ironies, he wasn't yours to love in the first place.
he wasn't yours to lose, either.
so you allowed yourself to relinquish your spirit to him. one day, your ghost would melancholically travel this world searching for his soul in the afterlife, and he would spurn you there too.
being haunted by a man like him was simply sickening.
and yet, you craved it.
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@evermourning ©2023, all rights reserved.
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pinkfey · 1 year
i was tagged by the lovely @noonfaerie to categorize some ocs + use this picrew; tysm ambie!! 💕💕
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ursula — baldur’s gate 3
my three favorite ocs always alternate between ursula, thea, and audra, but as of right now i’ve really been on an ursa kick!! probably my most universally beloved oc as well?? u guys already know everything abt her—a sailor, a tyrant, a lesson in pride, and the rest!!!!! her backstory makes my soul ache and i just love her sm celebrate pride this year by driving ur gf to her death just like ursula !! 🌈 🌈
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lacie lane — infamous (if)
my gorgeous gorgeous girl!! my cocky ex gf!!!! my problematic lead singer!!!!!! u guys know the gist. what can be said abt lacie other than she’s toxic and beautiful and not as in control as she thinks. i’m really eager to see infamous develop so i can think of some juicy lacie/seven content bc as of right now i’ve been in a creative drought 😔
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rowena cousland — dragon age: origins
so rowena is technically my second oldest oc (the honor of first belongs to silla 💕) but i’m listing her instead of silla because her story and personality has been consistent for the past ten years whereas silla has evolved!! rowena is proud, stubborn, and clever as the devil—and each of these traits have been both flaw and merit. her relationship with alistair is complex and tragic but mended with a bit of time.
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kinasi irress — star wars
honestly ursula and jael were both strong competitors for most cruel oc, but kina takes the cake because, unlike the other two who cultivated strong affinities/bonds in their youth, kinasi has never known kindness. for over thirty years she lived in an environment of fear, hatred, and isolation. all she knew was the vie for power and all she knew was punishment if she failed the social climb. in a world of every-man-for-himself and please-your-master-or-fall-from-grace, community-centric skills such as teamwork, generosity, and emotional support were nonexistent, and so she never developed them. to be “mean,” which is putting it lightly, was just their nature. dog eat dog. need against need.
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ellery lux — pillars of eternity
the sweetest weirdo who ever lived!! ellery is a druid who, after being separated from her parents, raised herself in the forest with no one but the creatures and sun-dappled greenery for company. everything she learned, she learned from the woods—tenderness a kind of virtue no human could have taught her. she’s decisive and gentle and accepting and doesn’t care for social conventions in the slightest AND!!! i love her so much 🌿🦌🤍
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salylia dreneri — the elder scrolls: morrowind
she doesn’t mean to be this way, but she’s a stranger in a strange land and her former partner just framed her and there’s some freak talking to her in her head and she can’t help but put herself at a distance from everyone !! though she was always the cool, quiet one—tennebrae did most of the talking.
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bright — dungeons & dragons
her true name eaki, bright was given to a halfling village deep in the bramblewood when she was just an infant. an odd combination, tiefling and halflings, but they understood social scorn and ostracization and accepted her completely. when her adoptive sibling fell mysteriously ill, bright, at the behest of the village herbalist, sought out an ancient forest entity, and struck a deal—the life of her sibling (and many boons) in exchange for a favor when the time comes. all this being said, she is not the wisest warlock around. bright is bright for her charm and silliness, not her brains.
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jael khatri — pathfinder: wrath of the righteous
this was another tough one between jael and cath, but jael won because she’s, in the most reductive of terms, a sexy evil experimentalist!! everyone already knows everything abt jael and how her cruelty is clinical and her wit is sharp as a knife from when i first played pwotr last year but i’ll never stop being obsessed with her!!!
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corintha trevelyan — dragon age: inquisition
this isn’t because i think i’d get along with her best (i think that would be emika or honey??) but because i love a DELUSIONAL girlie. i’d kill to pick her brain fhdjfnfnfbd
tagging!! @malefiicarum @rosebarsoap @lvllns @devilbrakers @bunfey @saintjudegf @ladysanjo @statichvm @aartyom @celticwoman @shadowglens @druidgroves @mrs-theirin @necroticpetals @minaharkers @dantesparda @umbertors @nuclearstorms @liurnia @jillvalcntines @risingsh0t @brujah @solasan and you!!!!!!
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akkivee · 10 months
has everyone listened to the songs??????? how we feeling????? i’m just going to ramble about them lol
i went back and revisited otome’s backstory after listening to the tracks because i recalled otome and mikado’s reasons for dice’s name and rivals encompasses what they wanted for dice ;w; he really did grow up well ;w; also lmao at crazy doppo
osaka big up and white and black take inspiration from the same era of music and it makes me cry actually since rei stayed alone for the entirety of this track. like…… at least they’re connected by music in some way ;w;
get busy needs to calm the fck down i have to act like i have some decorum when listening to it and it’s genuinely impossible at this point lmao it’s my top song out of both albums lol but you know what about it that’s really funny?? kuukou and jiro like spoke only two sentences to each other in the track so they pumped out that banger thru vibes only lmao
that part in yume no kanata where gentaro says ‘there is nothing more worthless than giving meaning to life’ and it distorts at the end of that statement completely distorted my brain chemistry it’s so good
unironically rio’s boot camp is a delight LMAO it’s great he put them thru a workout and gave them a meal plan as well of his own delicacies lol
hiphoppia is like The poster boy song for ichiro lol it’s inspirational it’s hopeful and he said the thing guys!!!!! rap is!!!!!!!! tano-C!!!!!! lmao
i could cry about how delightfully creepy omamagoto is i’m glad it’s a rap song to contrast hiphoppia and honobono seems to be having the time of her life giving it to us good for her fr 🥺
by the end of the drama tracks, the game plan for the music fes was so thoroughly ruined that improvisation was necessary for it to run which is why tho originally they intended to perform by divisions, we got argo orchestra, old school dh, etc. that means white or black, the absolute banger of hoods, doesn’t actually exist since rei never showed up to the festival 😔
devil’s flower is such a classically made vkei song it was an absolute delight to listen to and i love it when rock songs drop the title of the song as part of an alternative chorus like the way devil’s flower did lol!!!!!!!!
viva la liberty is so adorable omg 😭😭😭
closer is a love song fr like holy cow lmao 😭😭😭 tho i was surprised upon listening to it in full, once we got to the part of the first drama track where hitoya and jakurai were three steps away from going ‘you hang up ~’ ‘no you hang up~’ i realised that’s just how it is between them now and good for them ;w;
samatoki’s song is very lovely to hum along to as you pretend you aren’t crying to it lmao
i don’t think i have ever laughed to a song as long and as hard as i did listening to bounce back, like i was brought to tears and that has to count for something. idk what!!!!! but like the song itself it is something LMAO
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ravensvirginity · 3 months
I'm playing devil's advocate here, but...
Trigon is a BID BAD in DC. He's raped Arella/Angela to create Raven. He's always trying to influence his daughter to embrace her true nature even when she constantly reminds him – it's not what she wants.
However. Considering Raven's perspective and childhood...
The neglect of emotions, the unwillingness to let Raven thrive...
Azarath was more abusive/neglectful than Trigon will ever be.
In a oddly fascinating, twisted way...
I very heavily disagree, unfortunately 😔 I do 100% agree that the way Azarath raised Raven was definitely bad and abusive towards her, but I think that's still better than the way Trigon treats her.
I do think Trigon loves Raven (that's like the entire thesis statement of my blog), but that doesn't translate into an even remotely healthy relationship. Some of his greatest parenting hits include:
- Torturing Raven the first time they ever met, after provoking her into attacking him by torturing Arella. Whatever he's doing with his powers is clearly causing her agony, and he doesn't stop until she admits that she's his daughter. (Tales of the NTT #2)
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- Lying to her and forcing her to come with him to his dimension, only to reveal that he's going to destroy Earth despite what he'd told her only about half an hour before. He then renders her unconscious when she tries to leave. (NTT vol 1 #6)
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- Later that same issue, he begins indiscriminately murdering innocent people to draw Raven out after she escapes the cell he put her in. After she returns to him to get him to stop slaughtering people, he attempts to attack her and is only stopped by Arella's magic.
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- His biggest thing with her is using their connection to psychologically torture her for years, and physically torture her by making her powers malfunction. He does this until she's so worn down that she feels she has to give into him to make it stop. (This happens a lot over an ongoing arc spanning years worth of comics, but here's an example from NTT vol 1 #25)
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We never really fully get a sense of what Trigon is like to demon Raven, as they're both defeated pretty quickly in the Terror of Trigon. My personal opinion is he'd probably treat her better than he normally does when he's trying to wear her down so she'll join him, but I think he'd hurt her if she ever displeased him in any way. He's a very cruel demon, it isn't really a stretch to imagine.
I am open to hearing other takes about this, though! I would love to hear what other people think. I love talking about them so much.
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nevarroes · 4 months
Cas is a durge right? How does he interact with the regular companions of BG3?
well I don‘t really call him a durge cause I approach that part of his identity a bit differently than anything you can do with how the game tells it but…. he hasn‘t actually even met most of the companions and the ones that did deal with him ended as u would think people do that deal with cas😵‍💫
so he talked to Minthara because he knew her before/she knew him and that‘s how we went straight back to Moonrise but she never joined him or anything. He travelled a little bit with Karlach because he helped her get rid of the people hunting her solely because he was scared of Mephistopheles finding him over that too but he can‘t stand her ass. Kept her around because she talked about Gortash sometimes and at the time Cas had minor memory loss but he started to remember things more and more when she‘d talk about him (didn’t tell her that was the reason obviously, or that hes a devil for that matter). And Gale joined until Moonrise too but in a way where I think Elminster saved him from that portal and then he approached Cas later because he wanted to use the orb and Cas at the time thought he‘d be a good weapon to keep around. The rest aren’t relevant or weren‘t met nd went their own way or just died at some point to me tbh😖 (Not because of personal preference it just doesnt make sense for Cas to know them or travel with any type of party) Also keep in mind that Cas betrays Gale and Karlach at Moonrise towers immediately too because that’s where he regains every memory (upon seeing Gortash) and technically he wouldve just taken his place in the chosen three back if it wasn’t for Ketheric also turning against them there
generally though tldr he doesnt… really interact in a meaningful way with any of them. Cas killed Gale right after Ketheric just to make sure he doesnt use the orb against him later. I like to think Karlach got away at first but came back later in baldurs gate wanting revenge on both of them but Cas would’ve just taken her head off for Gortash while also hitting her w the “how was traveling with a devil all this time?” sorry karlach people….😔
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thus-spoke-lo · 10 months
I love medical stuff so much, I'm so glad to hear you enjoy it too. 😭 Are there any specific scenarios that you like? I love cold and clinical Law so much- so scary and hot. He's the character I see most into medical scenes. I think Doflamingo and Crocodile would be into aspects of it- I can imagine them both taking you to a doctor to get "adjustments" done. Maybe a fitting for a chastity device, or a small procedure to have your pussy temporarily shut until you enjoy anal. 🤔
Ace would be into it in a kind of goofy way, referring to himself Dr. Feelgood or something equally as dumb. He'd be all "Let me put my thermometer in you" and he'd mean his dick. It would be half sexy, half cringe. But still fun!
Kid and Killer? 🤔 Maybe. Killer holding your legs apart from behind, his front pressed your back- his arms wrapped around your knees while kid is between your thighs. I definitely think they'd be into nurse roleplay. Especially the "shy nurse gets molested by big beefy guys" trope HAHA. Maybe they're recovering from a fight and you try to cheer them up by dressing up and pretending to be a nurse but they just immediately pull you between them. You can't act out any of the script you had planned, you're getting fucked. 😔
I love clinical Law so much (even though I also love soft, needy Law…he is a complicated man in my head lmao), and I love the idea of him using his devil fruit to dissect you, take you apart and see how you tick just for fun. Maybe he’d put you under anesthesia and spare you the horror of seeing yourself being split into pieces, maybe he wouldn’t—it doesn’t hurt, after all, so what’s a little harm in you seeing an organ or a limb floating around? He’ll put it right back when he’s done, he swears! ☺️ Although there’s a part of you that he might take and keep for later…he’ll reattach it when he’s done (you can still feel everything those detached parts feel, though, so it makes your day working on the submarine just a little more challenging until your dear doctor decides you can have it back).
DR. FEELGOOD 😭 I’m just picturing Ace sheepishly asking Marco if he can borrow his lab coat, and Marco grilling him about it, asking him what he needs it for even though he already has an idea based on how flustered Ace is getting about it. He walks into your shared quarters with a lab coat that’s a little too big (and no shirt on underneath because…well because it’s Ace), a stolen clipboard, maybe even a stethoscope he swiped on his way out. He’s all cheesy grins and bad one-liners but it doesn’t matter, he’s trying to so hard to make it sexy that you’re already melting for him.
Oh god, Kid and Killer would turn that sweet little roleplay into a full-on porno so damned fast. Surrounding you on all sides, each telling you they each have an ache that needs attending to… 🥴
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demonichikikomori · 1 year
thank you for replying to my question!! I totally see Ruggie acting that way about babies too ! He is probably used to big families and would want one himself to raise his babies with the love he couldn't have growing up without parents 😔💗
But how to deny Ruggie calls? 😭 THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE 💔
Also, what if Ruggie started dating his darling recently and he enters in rut BUT- she's a virgin 👁️👁️
I think if they had sex before it would be easy for Ruggie to go wild, but what if it's the first time? Would he be able to control himself? 👀
I hope you're eating well and drinking enough water Devil, please take care ! 💞
Oh of course! I love seeing my inbox and all the kind people who come to talk to me! I’m glad to see you again my dear Sunflower! You brighten my day! Well, nights. Usually when I check my inbox I’m at my second job and it’s super dark out! The world sleeps while the Devil works! Not that I mind too much hehe.
With the Halloween vignettes of Ruggie talking about how he and all the kids in the slums got together for Trick or Treating, it made me think he was always in big groups growing up similarly to a family. Same with him now, in Book 4, he goes home for winter break with food for the kids in his neighborhood. He’s a reliable older figure… A brother… Or maybe even a hot dad! DILF!Ruggie… I’m feeling a little flustered haha.
And you must stay strong! Even if he’s moaning into your ear through the tiny receiver, think about yourself! Protecting your body from claws and teeth! Stamina that is never ending! Leona might try to save you before you head to his room. But he won’t actually try. It’s not his job to bodyguard you or stop you.
“You shouldn’t go in there while he’s like this.”
A thin blanket of defense separating you from getting stuffed with knot from dusk to dawn. And maybe even longer if the hyena is pent up and you’re still conscious.
When I saw the ‘virgin’ part, my brain spun in a circle. I feel like such a vicious person whenever I think of virgins getting terrorized. Oh? You think you’re up for such a challenge? Let’s see how long you last ‘Shaky Legs’. <3 <3 <3
Some people don’t realize, virgins actually have low stamina even if they don’t think they do. Being touched by another person is a whole different playing field compared to your dominant hand or a naughty piece of plastic. The erotic feeling of having sharp nails scratching over your stomach, being told quietly how you’ll be used, bred, and throughly turned into a toy… It’s very intense.
Ruggie is actually shockingly thoughtful, especially when he knows he’s getting something in return haha. With a partner, even without gaining something he puts that person first. In the beginning, he might try to usher them away. It’s too dangerous for them to spend time together! But thank you for offering to soothe him in such a state! If MC continued to push and press and offer, at some point, he’ll take them up on it. He might ask Leona to come in and rescue MC if things get too bad, but that’s up to MC to call out for help. Ruggie might not be able to stop even if he tries.
“Hey, let’s do it raw since it’s your first time. It feels super good.”
He bought condoms, but in a rut it’s hard to consider using them. And usually he’ll run out after the first few hours. He’s careful at first, lots and loooots of foreplay since it riles him up too. But after the first push inside…
He blanked out.
Like a rope snapping he’s forgetting all about the ‘please go slow’ or ‘virgin’ stuff. All he knows is that he needs to make babies. He needs to breed something. Mount something. Or in this case, someone. He’s still there somewhere, mumbling apologies as poor MC is both deflowered and overstimulated.
Never bite off more than you can chew. But honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if MC became a sex addict for a little while. Being pleased to the point of insanity for their first time…
Their heart will become warped from something so intense. They can’t stop having sex until they finally give out. A new fetish was unlocked. But can Ruggie keep up out of a rut? Of course, Hyena’s are naturally promiscuous.
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payphoneangel · 7 months
Here are a few 'make you choose' prompts for the ask game :)
lazarus rising versus lucifer rising
the bunker versus motel rooms
Which was sadder: Castiel's final death or Dean's final death
crowstiel versus drowley
the scene where dean talks to his john's grave in the djinn dream versus the scene where dean talks to mary in her mind
Laz Rising w/o hesitation. Sorry Sam but Laz Rising is just such a stellar ep all around. The pacing the colors the celestial horror THEE CASTIEL. Can't be beat.
Motel rooms for sure. The bunker had some interesting elements to it and it was fun to see them have a 'home base' in some ways, but mostly I just thought it was really boring 😔 also like. that's just so sad?? This is just my personal bias but if I don't look out a window at least 12 times a day I whither and die like a plant. Living in a whole ass bunker.... NO WONDER LATE SEASONS DEAN WAS SO ANGY HE HAD A VITAMIN DEFICIENCY. Plus I like the thought put into the set for each motel room. There were a lot of details put into them and I really love liminality as a concept and motels are def part of that.
oooooh. Now this is a toughie. I think Dean's death. Castiel got to die in a very,,, like a Very Supernatural Way. He died confessing his love, saving Dean, defeating the Big Bad. It was high drama and high emotions and very Him. Like his whole speech was, while heartbreaking, made a lot of sense for his character. Him not getting resurrected (or resurrected off screen i should say) makes it more sad in retrospect, because for us (the audience) his death was The End of his character, but Dean... You introduce this character with a Devil May Care attitude, who pretends to be rough and all edges, and then you show that actually, he cares a whole whole lot. And then you show him caring a whole whole lot by how much he's willing to sacrifice for those around him. And you find out he does that because he believes it's an inevitability. He's going to die young and bloody-- he thinks he deserves to die young and bloody. And you throw him hardship after hardship and drag him through the ringer again and again and again, and after all that, He's proven right. He died young and bloody. But it wasn't even in a big blaze of glory, it wasn't some grandiose sacrifice for the greater good that fed into his martyr complex, no. Just bad luck on a run-of-the-mill hunt. Castiel's death was sad, sure. But Dean's was cruel. That's why it upsets me more.
OUGH another toughie. Crowstiel or Drowly.... They're both messy and ugly and full of drama so I love both of them, but I think if I had to pick, I'd say Crowstiel. Part of it is just like, the height of Crowstiel was s6, which I like Crowley more in that season. I felt like he and Cas have a more fun dynamic, are a little more equal in power, and idk, there's just something about it. Like they hate each other but they also fuck nasty. Drowly is still v v fun don't get me wrong, but like a pet peeve of mine is how the show treats Crowley. We didn't get to see much of "Dean and Crowley's Summer of Love" so we really didn't get to see the height of it, mostly just the fallout. And like I love demon!dean and most of s10 (an unpopular opinion, i know). But by later seasons i just feel like Crowley,,, like the narrative kind of looses all respect for him. Nothing he does feels like it has a lot of impact, when we see him and demon!dean, he's kind of playing the 'straight' man, which isn't as fun for me. So I feel like in later seasons when Drowley is most present, the dynamic is just not one I fuck with as much.
ahhhhhh mmmmmmmmm. I think Dean talking to John's grave. Idk there's just something about Dean only being able to be honest with his parents when they're absent that just tickles my brain. Not that I think he was being dishonest when he was talking to Mary! And like Mary coming back was a Bold Choice that I wish they had fucked with more, but being haunted by your father, whether living or dead, ahh I simply must stan.
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I am going to write about till the end of the moon as there are none 😔 sadly so I am going to write and it is my first you can also request me feel free and don't stop if you are going to request I will make it.....
And this my first one shot sooo please be easy on me and important English is not my first language
Devil god (tantai Jin) x reader " I swear I will kill you "
Part 1
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People yelling as someone attack the world with arrows..... " Li susu they are coming here " you said to her she was concerned about there sect.
Gongye jiwu was concerned for Ii susu you loved gongye jiwu with your whole heart you were his Best friend and when he tell you about his feelings towards li susu. Your heart was broken and then it was the end of your best friendship.
You were suffering from depression and then you both break you best friendship in all sects your friendship was so famous and many people ship you both.
But it doesn't go as it was planned he liked someone else 😔. " Don't you think we can kill him " I said to her
" he is a devil god y/n " you rolled your eyes. Li susu and gongye jiwu go after him to stop him but he was so powerful that even my father 'I am adopted daughter' ( li susu father best friend . I think his name zahayo). He was stronger then us but devil win against them. He asked my father
"where is she?" He said to him " even if you threatens to kill me I will not tell you " devil become pissed but zahayou was not an idiot but he will never tell him where y/n was or time turner ( just call that thing this )
Then cheif Qu arrived there and they fight and free Zahayou from him. And take him to his sect palace. You were there and help heal him. " My lovely daughter " he gave her something a necklace
" take this and reflect to your past and if you can forgive me please " and then li susu came with the time turner and show us devil how he was getting bullied.
'so he was made a villain he wasn't actually a villian' I thought and cheif Qu and my father use that turner to take us 500 year in past. I didn't give that much attention to his face.
But until then devil has arrived " so you are here " when I see his face I remember the face from my dream he was replica of that person. " Y/n " he looked shock to see me and some kind of hurt in his eyes.
But he had killed everyone even my father 😢 we ( li susu and me ) said at the same time " I swear I will kill you " he didn't care for li susu answer but from my mouth when these words were said he looked like he will break down.
I couldn't see his face we finally got in past.
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queenofbaws · 5 months
hi I may have accidentally been spamming you and I am so sorry <3 in my defense I just played devil in me after a bit of a break when I 100%d the quarry and now I'm vibrating about the whole thing. I own a ps4 and until dawn and I'm like ough. i have to ask tho what's ur onion on tDiM? I think it was... good but a little boring? like obviously it's fun, but at the same time I was in the edge of my seat the whole time like, trying to guess the twist and I just ... the twist is that he gets up? I guess. I know it's seemingly a part 1 but. Hm. Hmmm. I was hoping for Terminator style, slowly replacing all of his human parts with machines, like when the dog bites his hand in the end we were gonna see metal fingers. Anyway I am RAMBLING anyway bye
heheh, well hi yourself!!! ;)c i prooomise you weren't spamming - i always love seeing new names and faces popping up in my activity!!! and aw man, i know exactly what you mean about tdim. when i went back to it recently, i was pleasantly surprised to find i liked the lonnit entertainment crew more than i did my first time around, butttttttttttttt yeah, that ending though.
see, my main problem is that i'm a forensic/criminal psychologist, so i just spent the game on high alert like "I CAN SOLVE THIS ONE, BOSS!" and that. wasn't the right way to go, ha!!! seriously though, my first playthrough i spent most of the game thinking there were two possibilities with du'met that could be really cool, and that was (1) there was more than one of him, hence the silence, the mask, and the being everywhere at once; or (2) since we're shown he has an obsession with making animatronics out of bodies, well, maybe the du'met chasing after us is some kind of fancy - like you're saying, terminator - animatronic!!! both i think would've been creepy for different reasons.
alas. he just gets up. 😔 for sure i thought the game was a blast, i have yet to meet a supermassive game i don't like, and i loooooooved a lot of the visuals they used, just...idk i guess i hoped for some sort of crazy du'met CLUB where serial killers from near and far could get their kicks at the murder castle aslkdjfalksdjf HAHAH
okay now i'm rambling. thanks for the ask!!! :D
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