goddammit-sam · 2 years
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audible301 · 7 days
Sam Reich knows what he’s doing because every time I rewatch the finale teaser to try to look for clues I get immediately distracted by how hot everyone looks in it.
Sam you smart son of a bitch I know you did that on purpose.
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shadystranger · 10 days
something about the way sam flinches when dean breaks stuff
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xysidhequeen · 8 months
So I turned on notifications for you blog early on in the Red Knight series so Id know when you posted the next chapter. After not seeing notifications from your blog for months, it literally makes me smile every time I see a simple "xysidhequeen reblogged x" now. Im sorry that you have to deal with everything but Im glad to see every notification that we havent lost you.
Ajajsjaheha THIS IS SO SWEET? Thank you! Also hope you don't mind being bombarded with notifs.
Also how many of you thought I really died? 😭 I'm so sorry to scare you all like that.
Here's an apology snippet
There was a voice that sounded suspiciously like Jazz, even complete with annoyed exasperation, groaning at him to just ask Danny out already, that he very firmly beat back to the bowels of his mind with a stick.
He could, maybe, to himself, in the middle of the night when he was going on forty hours with no sleep, just perhaps admit he most definitely had a crush on his best friend. But those late night, sleep deprived admissions were no where near strong enough to overcome the choking, cloying fear that strangled his lungs and shredded his heart at the very thought of admitting it aloud. Let alone to Danny.
Danny was his friend, his best friend, his king. Danny saved him, back when he was nothing more than an angry slip of a teen with a chip on his shoulder and fresh from his own grave.
Danny had given him a home, a family, a purpose. He had given him everything, he had made Jason who he was today. Someone he could be proud of.
How could he ever risk losing that? Losing Danny?
We get so close then Jason just takes three huge steps back. Baby is so scared. We'll get there, eventually. I promise. But when I say slow burn I mean SLOW burn.
Also me while writing this chapter so far:
Me: TimTimTimTimTIM!!!!
Jason: What about four thousand words of straight introspection
Can you feel Jazz's influence on him? Because I can, and I hate it(affectionately). I want to get to Tim!!! But Jason just wanted to think! He has so many thoughts in that head of his. It's the overthinking thing all the Bats and Birds learned from Bruce.
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leet911 · 2 months
FCG had to go and show Bell's Hells that just because the darkness is still in you, doesn't mean that you can't do something meaningful with it
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
trying so hard to focus on the absolutely stellar roleplay going on between fearne and dusk and an angry orym but my eyes keep sliding to the top corner like a moth to a fluorescent, bright pink, point shouldered lightbulb
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nanowatzophina · 1 year
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Well… fuck.
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jmkho · 1 year
Let ME interview GVF
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yelow-heart · 2 months
SAM RIEGEL!!! *shakes fists at the sky*
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Now that I’m thinking about it. I really wanted Monty’s first meeting with Solar to be Monty mistaking Solar for Eclipse.
Like Monty doesn’t realize that Solar is a good person and goes into a rage and Monty just immediately tries to kill him. He gets stopped, of course, from killing Solar but it leaves Solar retraumatized and having a PTSD flashback about his Moon and the abuse he suffered in his home dimension that the others have to try to help him talk about and work through with therapy and support.
Just let us have a cohesive and proper arc about Solar’s (undoubtedly tragic) backstory and whatever happened in his dimension that finally made him so desperate he left it. I want answers dammit!
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pocketgalaxies · 1 year
"the wall starts falling"
"onto ryn?"
"oh! *rolls* yes. onto ryn."
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goddammit-sam · 2 years
yo I made a uquiz that everyone who's taken have either said it called them out completely or is in no way accurate
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foxydivaxx · 7 days
When you remember that the IWTV book painted Lestat as a villain because that was what Anne initially wanted but thanks to Lestat's popularity, she flipped the script and placed Lestat front and center because let us be honest, if the main character does not hold that much weight, then the story falls flat. I can see why she did that and Sam's performance reminded me of that
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I know some people are upset at bloodmoon for killing KC, but as much as I mourn for KC I do gotta admit like…
He had it coming
He used his last moments to just throw his sons mental state in the dumpster and then let them kill him.
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mmaeeve · 16 days
daily dean quote #118/366:
“sam never wanted part of this family. he hated this life growing up. ran away to stanford first chance he got. now it’s like déjà vu all over again. well, i am sick and tired of chasing him.”
- season 4, episode 22, lucifer rising
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coffeesforcatchers · 4 months
I can hear the asmr ad from my kitchen.
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