goddammit-sam · 2 years
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
Barbie dolls: Mattheo riddle x gn! Muggleborn!reader
Word count: 6.8k-ish
Summary: ooooo so much pain so basically Mattheo’s dad sucks and he finds out that Mattheo has been hanging around losers so he kidnaps them all and hilarity ensues
Warnings: Mattheo has an ed kinda, character death x2, child abuse, rats, blood, possible blood kink, you kill Voldemort, its um its um, brief mentions of possible suicide but like not really, torture, google translate Italian, not fully proofread, vomiting and getting sick mentioned multiple times, dead bodies?, mostly just hurt not much comfort, its okay guys you’re going to love this one don’t worry about it
Mattheo's father had always been rough. If Mattheo misbehaved in any way Voldemort was punishing him before Mattheo could catch up. His father decided what was misbehavior, it was never fair.
When Mattheo was six, his father hadn't given him a meal in two days. Mattheo was hungry. All he could think about was the hunger. Food. Hungry. Food. Hungry. Mattheo couldn't even play, though he was barely allowed to do much of that anyways. So he wandered around the cold mansion. Mattheo reached the kitchen and he realized something; if someone doesn't give you something, what's stopping him from just taking it? Mattheo stared at the pantry door for what felt like hours. He knew there was food behind that door, just a few feet from him. What if his father did this on purpose? What if he found out? What would he do if he caught Mattheo? He felt hungrier knowing food was so close to him. So he snuck into the pantry. Mattheo felt like he was in heaven. Three of the four walls covered in as many foods his little six year old brain could think of. So he feasted. He ate and he ate. He ate until he was full. Mattheo felt so much better even though he knew he was misbehaving. He cleaned up his mess and hid it in the trash, under the trash that was there before. Mattheo ran away and hid in his room, he was so full he fell asleep in his bed. He woke up to his father grabbing him by his arm and dragging him away. He called Mattheo everything he could think of, walking faster on purpose. Mattheo couldn't catch up, stumbling over his feet and sobbing all the while. Voldemort was a million miles past upset. He was dragging Mattheo down the steps to the dungeons. He roughly pulled open the barred door. Mattheo begged his father. He couldn't care less, roughly throwing Mattheo into the cold and wet dungeon. Voldemort told him he would be rotting in the dungeon until he could learn to properly respect his father. Mattheo spent three nights in the dungeon, his pajamas with little fire trucks on the pants getting stained with mud. It was the first time he slept on the floor of the dungeon but it was not the last.
When Mattheo entered Hogwarts, he couldn't eat for the first four days. He felt he didn't have permission. He didn't touch the silverware until another boy his age was giving him the stink eye. Mattheo stared back at the boy. He spoke up, his voice flowing with an Italian accent.
"Are you a cyborg?" Mattheo stared at him. He didn't respond. Mattheo barely understood what the boy meant. Was he trying to make a comment about his looks? Did Mattheo look like a cyborg?
"You don't eat?" The boy continued. Mattheo looked down at the boys plate. He had everything within his reach stacked on his plate. Mattheo compared that to his plate that was entirely bare.
"Are we allowed to?" The boy stared at Mattheo. His face was blank. He seemed to be calculating the meaning behind his words. The boy reached over the table, piling a chicken leg and large serving of mashed potatoes on Mattheo's plate. He grabbed Mattheo spoon, stabbing it into the mashed potatoes.
"Eat. accidenti, alcune persone sono stupide." The boy quickly became Mattheo's friend. Mattheo learned his named was Theodore, though he preferred Theo. Theo supported Mattheo. Which Mattheo never really experienced before. When his father sent Mattheo a letter Theo snatched it out of Mattheo's hands the second he began to cry. Theo first thought Mattheo had been sent hate mail by another student and Theo would have to curse someone but he realized it was written by Mattheo’s father. The more Theo read, the more he began to understand some of Mattheo's behaviors. Mattheo flinched, covering the back of his head, anytime someone moved their hand too fast. He always sat near the back corner of the room. Mattheo was always looking over his shoulder. Especially the first week of first year, are we allowed? It made sense now. Theo understood Mattheo on a new level. Theo' s father wasn't as bad but he knew he wasn't very good either. His mother however, oh his mother. Theo's mother was so caring and gentle. He only ever truly felt loved when he was with her, or with Mattheo but his hugs weren't as warm. Theo assumed all parents were supposed to be like his mother. So he told Mattheo how bad his father really was. Theo told Mattheo all about his mother, how her treatment made him feel. He explained to Mattheo how his father was treating him horrifically.
It was the first time Mattheo realized not all parents lock their children in the dungeon or sling the crucio curse at them. Ever since that day his hatred towards his father grew. At first he was just confused and uncomfortable. It grew into anger. Mattheo started to act out more at Hogwarts. He started fights, he took from the professors, he cheated, he stole from the store in Hogsmede, he made friends with a sixth year who made him try alcohol. After his anger subsided, becoming less of a constant state of being and more of a rash that flared up after every letter from his father, it blossomed into acceptance. Mattheo accepted that his father was abusive. He accepted that he'd probably have a panic attack after every shattered bowl. He accepted that he was a spawn of hatred. He was fine with it. Even if he was a spawn of hatred he knew he was still loved by others. Theo had been there since day one but as they both continued to grow so did their friend group. Mattheo became closer to his cousin, Draco. He met Blaise who was either made the funniest joke that Mattheo would laugh at months later or he would make a joke that sparked everyone to sit in silence and stare at him. He met Lorenzo, if you brought up someone's name he already knew the filthiest rumors and gossip about them. If you needed dirt on someone you should go to him. They all met Pansy. She was an amazing addition. She was hilarious, had great music taste, and she cared for all of them more than all their parents combined. Which was a low bar but she was probably the most caring out of all oof them. Pansy's love spread over all the houses, she seemed to find a friend in every room. Pansy came with something else too.
Pansy had always had other friends, she seemed to be a bit of an extrovert. Anytime the boys saw her in the halls she had a flock of beautiful friends following after her. Pansy and her friends always reminded Mattheo of sirens. Traveling in packs: Pansy never seemed alone with always at least one other person next to her. Sitting on the seaside: Pansy and her friends always sitting together under a tree in the courtyard, in a group around a bench, together at dinner, next to each other in class. Luring sailors to their death: students were always asking someone from Pansy's group out on a date. Pulling a bouquet out and walking away defeated. Deathly beautiful: it seemed anyone who was close with Pansy had to be attractive. Every single person in her group was pretty, every single one hung out with Pansy, but you stood out the most. Not only did you spend the most time with Pansy, Mattheo knew you were the only one of her friends who was way past gorgeous. You were stunning, he couldn't find the words to describe it. Mattheo never spoke to you, matter of fact he never spoke to any of Pansy's friends. It took Mattheo a second to accept that he was totally head over heels for a muggleborn but he quickly realized he was just listening to his father's prejudice.
It wasn't until Blaise and Theo got feed up of Mattheo wistfully sighing when you passed by with Pansy that he finally spoke to you. Both of them dragging him to you and Pansy sitting under a tree. Your eyes were closed, resting your head on Pansy's shoulder. Even asleep you had him blushing. Pansy looked up the three of them when they reached you guys. Blaise and Theo rambling to her while they kept nudging Mattheo. His gaze was glued to your sleeping form as he asked Pansy if you were awake. Your eyes shot open. Mattheo stumbled backwards. He grabbed onto Theo's shoulder as you sat up muttering something about 'just resting your eyes'. You stared up at Mattheo with your pretty eyes and his words died in his throat. It was all downhill from there. His love for you growing the more Pansy dragged you with her. In no time you joined their group too. Pansy saw the eyes you both made at each other, so she sent you two on date thinking it was a hangout with her. Once you both realized you were played, you took a moment. You shrugged, walking off to towards the destination. Mattheo stood there like a buffoon. You turned around and motioned for him to follow you. Next thing you both knew you were the established couple of your friend group.
Loving you was easy, Mattheo didn't have to try. You just breathed near him and he was looking at you with lovesick eyes. Mattheo seemed rough around the edges when you first met him. His plenty of scars and resting bitch face intimidating you. Though you learned plenty of times looks weren't everything so you gave him a shot. He was gentle toward you, he spoke softly and never tugged too hard. You learned everything about him and vice versa. You realized his scars were beautiful even if he didn't agree. Mattheo had amazing friends that loved and cared for him. He spent his time laughing with them wrapped in their warmth. Mattheo had an amazing relationship with a spectacular person. He was happy.
His father couldn't let that happen. In Voldemort’s eyes Mattheo was misbehaving to the maximum. He was a blood traitor, not only was he spending his time with a muggleborn he was dating one. Not to mention these people he was spending his time with. They were just as bad as him, telling him lies, feeding his mind with nonsense, spending time with muggleborn. They were all filth, every one of them.
Mattheo woke up and threw his arm out. He was searching for your warmth, knowing he snuck you into his dorm for snuggles last night. He lifted his head when he didn't feel you. It's not like you could've rolled away, it's a cramped twin sized bed. Mattheo noticed how quiet it was. None of Theo's loud ass music playing at 5 am. Mattheo pullled himself up looking around the dorm with his crusty eyes. The dorm was empty. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he started to inspect his surroundings more. The deep green curtains to Blaise's bed had been ripped down, pooling on the floor with the silver rings bent in odd directions. The bathroom light was still on, the sink running. Mattheo saw Lorenzo's bag and shoes left at the foot of his bed so he wasn't getting a head start in the library. Draco's bed made was unmade. Your pajama pants were still sitting next to Mattheo’s bed. You often kicked them off in the night, getting too hot. Mattheo's breath caught in his lungs. He was lunging for the door in no time, speeding to Pansy's dorm. He threw the door open, earning yells from her roomates. He asked them if they knew where Pansy was. They all gave him a no one said they thought she was with him and his friends. He ran out of the room, his breathing becoming erratic. Mattheo hadn't grown to trust any teacher. All of them seemed to make him uneasy. He sunk to the floor of the commonroom against the wall. It was the first time he had a panic attack in school alone. At home? Sure it was basicaly a routine before bed at home. But at school there was always someone next to him, talking him through it. Whether it was one of his friends or you, someone was always there. He had a feeling he knew who took his friends. Mattheo knew he'd have to opt out of his classes and return home.
The usual pit of despair settled in his stomach as Mattheo stood in front of his iron gate. It slowly deepened as he walked up the gravel driveway. Mattheo had his wand at the ready, gripping it tightly at his side. His face was set in stone. Mattheo knew the treatment his father used on him, his own blood, was bad. Even just thinking of how he would treat Mattheo's friends made him feel sick. On the way to his home if you could even call it that he made his decision. Mattheo would kill his father. Mattheo wasn't even sure if that was possible but he would at least try. He thought of you. He imagined you locked in the dungeon with the others. Your pants were still on the floor of his dorm, most of his friends slept in some stage of naked so they were probably all shivering. You would be pressed into Pansy's side. Blaise would be looking for some way out. There was none, Mattheo could draw the dungeons from memory every brick and corner burned into his brain. Draco would be pacing back and forth muttering about the terrifying possibilities. Lorenzo, while being more optimistic than the others, had a tendency to quit when things got hard. Lorenzo was probably sat next to you staring at the ceiling in defeat. Theo would be rubbing Pansy's back. He knows even though she loved comforting others, she'd forget to take care of herself. Mattheo thought of how when he was little in the dungeons he was all alone. Well all alone except for the rats.
Oh god, the rats.
The topic of rats had once been brought up with the group. Pansy, Blaise, and Lorenzo didn't mind them. Mattheo liked them, they were often the only company he had as a child so he sympathized with them. Draco and Theo didn't like them, but you hated them. They made your skin crawl and just the thought of them had you sick to your stomach and pacing around the room. Once you saw a mouse in the green house so you skipped your Herbolgoy classes for a week. Even then Mattheo had to drag you in with him. He felt terrible for you, trapped in a cold, damp, and terrifying dungeon half naked and pressed to your friend's side with no way out. The second you found out there were rats down there he was certain you'd get sick and sob for hours.
Mattheo grabbed his wand tighter. He flicked it, the large ornate double doors to his home swinging open. Mattheo swung his wand, the furniture near him toppling over. His father rounded the corner.
"There you are son." Mattheo clenched his jaw at the name. His anger boiling up. He felt like he was in third year again, stealing everything Mattheo laid his fingers on.
"Where are they." It was a question but with Mattheo's tone it became a demand of showing him to his friends. His father sighed. He drew his wand, pointing it at Mattheo.
"You always were ungrateful." Voldemort threw the crucio curse towards Mattheo, who blocked it with his own spells. They continued to fight. Voldemort picking up his pace to make Mattheo trip up. Mattheo blocked them all. Until he started just narrowly missing them. Unfortunately, Mattheo often skipped his DADA classes and his father's curse hit him square in the chest. Mattheo dropped his wand, falling to is knees. he squirmed under the pain of the curse. His father stepped closer to him, intensifying the pain. Mattheo fell onto his back, pressing his head into the floor. He screamed. Mattheo hoped you were deep enough under the mansion floor you couldn't hear him. Mattheo hated crying in front of his father, Voldemort often considered it a show of weakness. The crucio curse was nothing new to him. He felt it a million times before. It was different this time. He knew you were here under his father's control. He knew his friends were here. He cried. A tear sliding down his cheek, it hit the floor. Mattheo was under the crucio curse for what felt like hours but he knew from his experience it had probably only been a few minutes. His eyes rolled back as he passed out.
When Mattheo came to he could hear muffled sobs in the background. He opened his eyes to see his wrists and ankles strapped to the chair he was sitting in. Mattheo pulled on the restraints even though he knew they wouldn't budge. He heard Pansy whisper your name. Mattheo looked up from his lap. All his friends were lined up against the wall with their hands tied behind their backs. Lorenzo and Blaise still slumped against each other, asleep. Draco and Theo were sat next to each other, staring blankly ahead of them. Between the two pairs was you and Pansy. You were passed out, your chin against your chest. Pansy kept trying to wake you up, nudging you with her head. She was begging you to wake up, her voice was breaking.
You all looked like hell. Everyone was stained with dirt. Everyone's face stained with tears. Draco always had his hair perfect. Now it looked disgusting, dirtied and tangled. Theo usually did keep quiet but the difference between quiet and silent was massive. Quiet he would throw in a scoff or one liner when he felt it. Mattheo only ever saw Theo truly silent once before, when Theo's mother passed. Now Theo was dead silent, Mattheo couldn't even hear his breath. The only thing telling Mattheo that his best friend was still alive was the rocking of his foot back and forth. Pansy was a wreck. Her mascara, which she never did remove before bed she always said it gave her a smokey look, trailing down her cheeks. Her shirt's shoulders were wet with others tears, just as he thought comforting others even when she was in crisis. Blaise and Lorenzo, while both asleep, Mattheo could tell they were just as bad as the others. The bottoms of Lorenzos socks were covered in mud, the knees of his pajama pants stained as well. Blaise's knees were scraped he always slept in shorts like a weirdo. You seemed the worst of it. Lorenzo and Blaise seemed peaceful in their sleep but Pansy's panic made Mattheo think something happened that cause you to pass out. You had pants on now, they were green. Mattheo assumed they were Draco's. He ran cold so he'd double up on clothing items most nights. Mattheo's heart warmed at the thought of Draco sacrificing a pair to you. Draco sucked in a harsh breath.
"Pansy. Stop." He whispered. Pansy snapped her head towards him, she looked like she was going to rip his jugular out with her teeth right here right now. He met her eyes and the words died in her throat. She turned back to you, trying to nudge your head up with hers.
"Are they okay?" Mattheo asked. Pansy whipped her head around to look at Mattheo, shocked he was awake. She shook her head. He looked to Draco and Theo for explaination. Mattheo noted that Theo defiantly had gone into the same zombie like state the day he got the letter from his father. Theo didn't speak or look at anyone for what felt like years. It was really only about two weeks after his mother died. The first few days he never left bed. Mattheo brought him meals. He helped feed him on the days Theo just stared the ceiling, begging Mattheo to kill him. Mattheo ran him baths and walked him to his classes. Mattheo helped him heal. Some nights Theo would curl up in Mattheo's arms just crying and missing his mother's warmth. Mattheo would rock him and tell him everything Theo told him when Mattheo had panic attacks. What Mattheo wouldn't give to just hold all of his friends and rock them right now. Draco spoke up, knowing Theo wouldn't.
"He, um, he dragged them in front of us and he crucioed them until they threw up and passed out. There was so much screaming. It was-" Draco's voice broke and he looked down at his lap. His shoulders shook as he sobbed. Pansy started to cry harder as she dropped her head into your still lap. Mattheo remembered how frequently Pansy would lay her head in your lap. You stroked her hair, and gently combed through it with your fingers. Pansy once told him it made her feel at home, she always felt bad for falling asleep. You always whispered in her ear when she was asleep how much you loved her. Pansy continued to cry as you seemed to pull out of your sleep. You lifted your head and glanced around. You raised an eyebrow at Pansy in your lap. You whispered her name. She shot up. The back of her head colliding with your lip. You groaned. Pansy quickly apologized. You let out a wet laugh making Pansy chuckle with you. Draco looked up at the two of you, snorting at your contagious laughter. Mattheo felt a small smile grow. Even in the absolute worst situation you made people laugh. You looked around at the others. The laughter died down as people's smiles fell. You saw Mattheo and he watched the corners of your mouth twitch up. You both shared a small smile before you started nudging Blaise's leg with your foot. Blaise woke up he muttered a 'hey' at Mattheo like Mattheo just joined them at breakfast. As Blaise started shaking his body to wake up Lorenzo, you checked on the others. You asked each of them if they were okay. All of which answered some form of 'not really'. You asked Mattheo and he just stared at you with watery eyes. You sat up on your knees, shuffling over to him. You gently kissed his knuckles before looking up to him. Your body pressing into the side of his leg. Mattheo leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours.
"I'm so sorry." His voice was barely loud enough for you to hear. You felt his tears fall onto your face. You shook your head, pulling back. Your nose nudged his. Mattheo revaled in the feeling of your skin against his. Even when Mattheo wasn't tied down, he wasn't able to get enough.
"It's not your fault." You whispered. Though your tone was hushed you were stern. You pressed a kiss to his cheek before shuffling away on your knees again. You made your way to Theo's side. You sat on the other side of him. Theo slumped over into you. You rested your chin on top of his head as he began to sob into your shirt. Mattheo knew if Theo’s hands weren't tied he'd be gripping onto your shirt, silently begging you not to leave. He knew if yours weren't tied you'd be holding on just as tight. You whispered to Theo something about 'being alright.' Draco leaned onto Theo, trying to comfort him as well. Theo sobbed into the skin of your collarbone. He babbled about how worried he was for you. You kissed the crown of his head. Mattheo was so glad even though he couldn't rock Theo at least you could support him. Blaise moved to Pansy. She rested her head on his shoulder as Lorenzo scooted close to Blaise, dropping his head on Blaise’s other shoulder. Blaise pressed his head against the wall. Mattheo stared at his friends, all reduced to the troubled children they were. They were raised to be weapons, soldiers, or monsters. Truly they were just kids. Theo matched his underwear to his socks. Draco avoided broccoli like the plaque. Pansy would spit water out of her mouth like a fountain. Lorenzo would stick breadsticks in mouth and pretend to be a walrus. Blaise still unironically called people 'stinking jerks'. Mattheo would try to throw paper in the trash can like a basketball player. You still loved coloring books. It was forgotten often. Now looking at all of you all Mattheo could see was scared children.
You were humming a lullaby to sooth Theo as you stared up the ceiling with tears in your eyes. Theo was curled up in a ball, pressed to your chest. Mattheo knew he was thinking of when his mother would rock him to sleep and sing some song in Italian. Draco was crying against Theo's arm, his big fuzzy socks with trucks on them sliding down his ankles and stained with whatever was coating the dungeon floors. Pansy was hiding her face in Blaise's shoulder. Blaise was looking up the ceiling, his breathing uneven. Lorenzo was rocking his feet back and forth, seemingly ran out of tears to cry. You all jumped when a door slammed somewhere behind Mattheo. He turned his head in an uncomfortable position. Mattheo saw his father and three deatheaters in full uniform walking behind him. The deatheaters walked closer to his group of friends against the wall. His father stopped in front of Mattheo. He muttered something about teaching Mattheo a lesson but Mattheo ignored him. His eyes glued to the deatheaters as they moved closer to your group. Theo turned his head, facing the wall. Draco sat up, scooting closer to Theo to get away. You kissed Theo on the head again as the deatheaters stood behind Lorenzo. One of them grabbed Lorenzo by the root of his hair, dragging him towards the center of the room. He cried and yelped in pain as he tried to search for purchase on the floor with his heels. As one of the deatheaters held him by his hair another pulled out a knife. Mattheo yanked on his restraints again. The deatheater released Lorenzo's hands from the rope throwing it across the room. The two without a knife grabbed his wrists holding his arms out. Lorenzo stared at the ground. Voldemort pressed his wand under Lorenzo’s chin.
"Look at him." Lorenzo met Mattheo's eyes. Voldemort whispered a curse. Lorenzo's body jerked. Tears streamed down his face as he began to shake more. He let out a pained cry. You pressed your face further into Theo's hair as he started to cry harder. They all avoided looking at him, not wanting to watch this again. A scream slipped out of Lorenzo's lips. The sound echoed off the walls. Mattheo cried to himself as he tried to yank himself out of his restraints. Mattheo whispered his begs for his father to stop. Voldemort glanced back at Mattheo, releasing the curse. Lorenzo slumped, his body being held up from the floor by his outstretched arms. Voldemort pressed his wand into Mattheo’s cheek. Voldemort mocked his begs, before tilting Lorenzo’s head up with his wand. Lorenzo’s eyes were heavy, closing from exhaustion. Mattheo shook his head at Lorenzo. Voldemort leaned down into Lorenzo’s ear.
“Beg.” Lorenzo was too far. Mattheo doubted he could even hear what was being said to him. After the crucio your body was still shaking hours after. Hearing after the curse was like covering your ear withs earmuffs. Mattheo always compared it to submerging your head under the water in a pool. Lorenzo dropped his head back, his neck unable to hold it up.
“Shame.” Voldemort whispered before shouting the killing curse. Mattheo screamed as Lorenzo’s body was hit. His own wails muffled with his friends’. Mattheo ripped his eyes from Lorennzo’s body, looking to his group of friends. Pansy was folding in half, pressing her face against the cold floor. Blaise was staring at Lorenzo, unable to look anywhere else. Draco was hiding his shaking sobs in Theo’s back. Theo was biting down on your shoulder, holding back his screams. Your mouth was open, shallow gasps escaping your lungs as you stared at the ceiling. Mattheo felt his father grip his chin, forcing him to look at Lorenzo’s body. Lorenzo was crumpled in an unnatural position. His eyes were wide open now. His leg was twisted back behind himself. The deatheaters had released his arms, letting Lorenzo drop like a forgotten puppet. Mattheo stared into Lorenzo’s unfocused eyes, he saw all the times Lorenzo told Mattheo eyes were the window to the soul. Lorenzo’s eyes were foggy now. Mattheo blinked hard, tears slipping down his face. Voldemort turned to the deatheaters. He was talking but Mattheo couldn’t hear anything. Mattheo stared at Lorenzo. He couldn’t tell if this was actually happening. Mattheo remembered the night before. Lorenzo was talking about how it seemed Mattheo couldn’t go one night without his partner next to him. Mattheo had thrown a pillow at him and laughing along with Lorenzo. Mattheo couldn’t remember the last time he told Lorenzo he loved him, his last words to Lorenzo being joking insults. Calling him a rat bastard wasn’t exactly a caring declaration. One of the deatheaters grabbed Lorenzo by his ankle, dragging his limp body over towards the group. Blaise quickly scooted away from his friend’s dead body, seeking comfort in Pansy’s presence. Mattheo looked to the other two deatheaters. One of them gripped you by your shoulder, tossing you down against the floor. The last one pulled Theo up by his arm. Theo quickly sucked in his sobs. He wobbled on his feet. You were squirming against the deatheater, snapping your teeth at them. Shouting out at them to leave Theo alone. The deatheater fighting against you seemed to get annoyed, swinging their hand back. They knocked you in the mouth sending you to fall onto your back. The deatheater shook their hand out helping the other two release Theo’s hand restraints.
Theo was held up in the same way as Lorenzo. Theo was on his knees his arms held outstretched by the deatheaters. Mattheo pulled at his wrists again. He couldn’t let this happen, not again. Mattheo babbled out apologies to Theo. Theo’s eyes were red and puffy, cheeks stained with his tears. Theo shook his head at Mattheo. He whispered over and over again that it was okay but Mattheo couldn’t bear it. Voldemort held Mattheo’s head steady, forcing him to watch Theo shake with pain. Theo yelled out. Voldemort intensified the spell before ripping it away. Theo’s chest heaved. Voldemort clicked his tongue before casting the crucio again. Mattheo thrashed his head against his father’s hand, trying to look away from Theo’s screams. Voldemort grabbed Mattheo’s face, knocking Mattheo’s head back into the chair. Mattheo received the message, staring at Theo. Theo slumped as Voldemort released the spell. Theo picked up his head before staring up at the ceiling. His jaw was slack, tears slipping down his face.
“mamma, per favore prendimi.” Theo whispered. His voice was hoarse from his screams. Mattheo’s stomach sank as Voldemort yelled at Theo to shut up. Voldemort slapped Theo. Theo’s cheek reddened, looking to the floor. Theo ignored the stinging, looking back to the ceiling.
“Per favore, mamma.” Theo muttered again this time more desperate. As Voldemort pulled back his hand, Theo collapsed. His chin hitting the marble floor, his arms still held back behind him. Mattheo stared at Theo, holding his breath.
Please get up
Please get up
Please, Theo
Voldemort squashed Mattheo’s hopes as he threw the killing curse at Theo. It hit Theo on his back, his body jerking. Mattheo dropped his head, staring at his lap. Mattheo heard screams coming from his friends, he couldn’t look at them. If he saw them he knew he would vomit. He had to. Mattheo had to see his friends, see them alive. They probably wouldn’t last much longer judging by the track record of today. He looked at Blaise. Blaise was supporting Pansy up with his body. His eyes were frozen in front of him. Pansy was screaming into Blaise’s shoulder. Mattheo looked to you. You were folded over, heaving over the floor. Draco was pressing his face against your back, crying and comforting you all at once. Mattheo looked back as the deatheaters dragged Theo’s body over to Lorenzo’s, throwing it on top. Mattheo felt sick. As the three deatheaters moved to pull up Blaise, something seemed to click. Blaise swung, his hands untied. Mattheo could barely catch up as Pansy and Draco stood, hands free. Pansy grabbed one deatheater by the back of their head, smashing their face into the stone wall. She took their wand before smashing their face again. Draco and Blaise fought off the other two, stealing their wands within no time. Pansy’s deatheater crumpled to the ground within seconds of being in her presence. You were still hunched over on the ground. The other two deatheater were killed with their own wands. Blaise pointed the deatheater’s wand at Voldemort. They argued as Pansy ran to Mattheo. She flicked a knife out from behind her, cutting Mattheo’s restraints off. The second Mattheo was free, he rushed to you. He pointed Draco off to help Pansy and Blaise with Voldemort, focusing on you. You reached out, gripping onto Mattheo. Your nails dug into his arms as you sobbed. Mattheo nodded, rubbing your back.
“I know.”
“I know.”
“I know, baby.” You looked up at Mattheo, with puffy eyes. Your eyes couldn’t focus, looking to the pile of your dead friends, to the three behind Mattheo fighting off curses. You cried more when you saw Theo and Lorenzo’s crooked limps thrown together. You sniffed loudly as Mattheo clusimly moved his hands from your back to your face. He cupped your cheeks, forcing your focus on him. Mattheo pressed his forehead to yours muttering about how you had to go.
“We need to leave, baby. I know, I know. We have to.” You gasped loudly, sucking in all the air into your lungs. You pulled away from Mattheo, looking at Voldemort. You muttered Mattheo’s name. Mattheo hummed.
“Permission to kill your father?” Mattheo stared at the side of your face. Your jaw was clenched, your brow was set. You were beyond determined. Mattheo felt the hatred for his father that had been boiling up all these years wash over him. It settled in his stomach. You turned your head, meeting Mattheo’s eyes.
“He’s immune to all curses, you can’t kill him unless you destroy like eight other objects. Or something like that, I wasn’t listening to him.” Mattheo whispered. You shrugged your shoulders.
“Who said anything about curses?” Mattheo stared at you. A small vicious grin spread over your lips. Mattheo noddded.
“Whatever you’re planning, permission granted.” You kissed Mattheo on the cheek before shooting up on your feet. Mattheo ignored wherever you sprinted off to, joining the other three. Blaise handed Mattheo his wand. Mattheo wondered how Blaise got it off his father but judging by them being able to take down three deatheaters he didn’t want to test them by asking too many questions. Mattheo joined in throwing curses and protection spells left and right. Pansy had disappeared from his side at some point. Mattheo kept his eye on Draco and Blaise as they fought against his father. His father hit Blaise. Blaise dropped to the floor, the Cruciatus curse flowing through his veins. Draco stopped to check on Blaise, despite Mattheo yelling at him not to. Next thing Mattheo knew Draco was also hit, spasming next to Blaise. Mattheo was left alone to fight off his father. Mattheo felt he knew this was how he would die. At some point his subconscious accepted that he would die by his father’s hand. Voldemort disarmed Mattheo, his wand flying across the room. Mattheo sucked in a breath, dropping his arms to his sides. He closed his eyes waiting for the final curse. Mattheo peeked one eye open when no pain came.
Voldemort was laying face down on the ground a large bloody gash on the back of his head. You and Pansy standing above him. Pansy dropped to Voldemort’s hand, stomping on his wrist. She plucked his wand out of his hand, moving to help Draco and Blaise up on their feet. You had one foot pressing into Voldemort’s back. You were holding up a very expensive, very heavy, metal candle stick. The base was large and square. Mattheo once dropped one on his foot and broke his toe. It was still a little crooked. You looked up to Mattheo. You had a simmering question in your eyes.
Are you sure?
Mattheo nodded. You pulled the candle stick back up, swinging it down onto the back of Voldemort’s head. You repeated your motions. Mattheo looked at the others. Draco and Blaise had turned around. Pansy was staring at you with a smile, proud. When Mattheo looked back to you, you were coated in blood, the candlestick didn’t even look gold anymore. You took a step back from the body. You dropped the candlestick on his back. You walked back to Mattheo. Mattheo stared at you as he started to realize he liked the look of you covered in blood more than he should. He gripped your stained shirt, pulling you into him. Mattheo gave you a bittersweet kiss. You pulled back and moved to Pansy and the others. You all stood awkwardly, staring at each other. You and Pansy had blood on your faces, some on your shirts. Draco and Blaise were clean, as clean as they could be. Mattheo had the blood from your face smeared on his. You all turned to look at your friends on the floor.
You situated yourselves, pulling Theo and Lorenzo into your arms. You all apparated back tp Hogwarts. Although you couldn’t get onto the grounds, you made it outside the perimeter walls. You all gently laid Theo and Lorenzo down on their backs. Laying in the dirty path in front of the large gate wouldn’t be comfortable but neither was sitting with your dead friends in your lap. Mattheo gently closed their eyes. Pansy and Blaise resting their hands on their stomachs. They made it look like Theo and Lorenzo just decided to sleep peacefully on top of gravel. You leaned over them both, knees digging into the gravel. You pushed back Theo’s hair, kissing his forehead. You did the same to Lorenzo. You wished you had told them both how much you loved and cared for them the day before or even a few hours before. If while all of you were sat huddled together on the dungeon floor you went around and said I love you a million times to each person, maybe you wouldn’t feel as sick as you did. Lorenzo killed a rat for you. You thanked him in tears, extremely tight hugs, and sniffles. You comforted Theo to his very end but it still didn’t feel like enough to you. You stood up, staring down at them. Theo was with his mother. Lorenzo was probably with Theo or some dead celebrity he looked up to. They were at peace. They were laying on the gravel driveway to their private school so maybe they weren’t at peace right now, but they would be. Pansy decided she would walk to Hogsmede, to get help. She couldn’t get inside the school walls but she thought if the town’s people saw a high school student covered in blood in nothing but her pjs they might want to help more. You collapsed against the stone perimeter wall. Mattheo sat next to you on one side. Draco and Blaise joined you. Draco next to you and Blaise next to him. Not one of you dared to look at the boys on the driveway. You were dead silent, catching up mentally to what happened to all of you.
“Thanks for that Clue move back there, with the candlestick.” Draco whispered. You let out a muffled laugh. It would’ve been brighter if you didn’t feel filthy in more way than one. You heard Blaise and Mattheo let out a snort.
“Yeah thanks for that, Draco. You always know what to say.” He nodded. Blaise dropped his head on Draco’s shoulder. Draco rested his chin on top of Blaise’s head. You reached out for Mattheo’s hand, intertwining your fingers. You all sat in silence as you waited for Pansy to come back with help.
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Honestly if a twink came up to me going on about how he's The Fearsome Dark Lord Voldemort I'd probably laugh. I always get a chuckle over him changing Tom Marvolo Riddle into I am Lord Voldemort land smiling like it's something so cool and amazing and not really lame.
The best part about Tom/Voldy is that they aren't very cool. I just know Tom was a dorkass loser who happened to have a pretty face and knew how to use it. Being good at magic was probably a good way to distract people from the fact that he was an uncool nerd.
We all know damn well if he wasn't pretty, he wouldn't have been as well-liked among the students of Hogwarts. Slytherins already have bad reputations as it is, pretty privilege just made him seem nicer than others cuz he was a 'muggleborn' and was super smart. If you're not conventionally attractive, being a super smart muggleborn isn't typically looked upon favorably, even in Gryffindor in the modern day.
Hermione was referred to as a swot and a know-it-all after all. If Tom wasn't pretty and good at magic, he would have been viewed the same way.
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jimmybuffett69 · 4 months
"𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞" || 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Reader challenges Draco to a game of Wizard Chess, and whoever loses has to do anything the other wants. Only it goes wrong on several levels. 
A/N: Reader is a muggleborn, and Draco gets embarrassed easily. Also, my first one-shot on here! You should totally request something and follow me! Also, I suck at chess, and I'm not proofreading this, so be warned.
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"God, you're annoying."
  "I know!"
  "No, like seriously. I think you're some sort of hell spawn here to personally torture me. I don't know what I did to do deserve this kind of treatment. My life would be better if you were gone from it, honestly." 
  "It would!"
  There was a brief silence between the two of you. Draco stared at you, his eye twitching slightly at your simple responses to his insults. 
  "Are you only speaking in two words to piss me off?"
  "I am!"
  "Why do I even entertain you?" The blonde asked himself with a long sigh. 
  "Because you looooove me?" You suggested with a playful smirk. 
  "Over my dead body," he shot back in an instant, causing you to pretend to be wounded. 
  "You're so melodramatic, Draco," you say with a sigh before you smile again, an evil plot forming in your mind, "I'd say you're entertaining me because you want a rematch? Maybe I did get lucky that time at wizard chess!" 
  A look of intrigue crossed Draco's face as he contemplated his choices. If he'd said yes, he'd have to deal with your annoying voice taunting him for another 15 minutes. But if he said no, he'd probably look like a loser. Plus, he really did want to win against you. With a huff, he sat back down at the table as you pulled out the board and set up the pieces. 
  "Fine, we'll play again. Only if I'm black this time. You took my lucky color last time," he said as he shot a glare at you.
  "Fine by me!" You replied as you leaned your head against your hand and watched the pieces come to life. 
  Chess had always been something you were gifted at as a child. You used to beat old people at it in the park all the time when you were little. So when you discovered wizard chess was a thing, you knew you'd had to try it out right away! And to your surprise, it was exactly the same as muggle chess, even easier! You just say the position you want the chess pieces to go to, and they do it themselves! You actually found it a bit excessive at first, but it was fun to watch the pieces destroy each other. 
  The only one who didn't believe that you could be good at Wizard Chess was Draco. 
  Whatever variant of chess that you played must've been much more simple than the wizard version of it. That was his thought process until you challenged him to a game. And when he lost, you had found out just how much of a sore loser he could really be. 
  "I'll let you go first," you said with a smile as you watched him intently. 
  He stared back at you and then eyed the board suspiciously, checking to make sure you hadn't done anything to cheat. You hadn't. You really didn't know how you were supposed to cheat at chess anyway. 
  "...Pawn to E5," he said eventually, and you watched as the chess piece moved to its respective places. 
  "Pawn to E4. Say, Draco. Why don't we make this game more interesting?" You say with a smirk. 
  Draco doesn't answer you immediately and considers his next move. 
  "Knight to F6. What do you mean by interesting?" He asked, finally looking up at you. 
  "Bishop to C4. The loser has to do whatever the winner wants!" 
  "How original," he says as he rolls his eyes, "Bishop to B4. And what would I have to do if you managed to win? Not that you are or anything."
  "Hmmmm. How about if you win, I get a kiss from you!" You say cheerfully as you watch Draco's face turn red before you continue, "Pawn to F4!"
  "What?! As if. I wouldn't be caught dead kissing a mud-" He paused when he saw the expression on your face, "ahem muggleborn." 
  Draco had to be careful with the derogatory words he used around you. Although the two of you didn't necessarily respect each other, Draco learned better than to use the word "mudblood" around you. Not after you pushed him to the ground and kicked him repeatedly after he screamed it at you during your second year. After that brutish action, you had earned the bare minimum of respect from him. Even if you were desperately trying to earn more from him. 
  "And if I win, you have to read aloud that diary entry I found last year. In front of everyone at lunch tomorrow," he said with a smug smirk on his face as you quickly averted your gaze. 
  "Ugh- I was really hoping you'd forget that one," she said with a sigh. 
  "How could I? I'd never imagine someone would think of a professor in that way-"
  "OKAY, OKAY! You don't have to mention it anymore. Just make your move already!"
  "If you insist. Bishop to C3," he said smugly as he watched the Bishop piece destroy your knight piece in a dramatic motion, "Looks like I can look forward to hearing that entry." 
  "You are the worst, Malfoy."
  "As to you, L/N."
  A few moves pass, and soon, you're both analyzing the game. Draco wasn't a bad player in any way. You were just naturally better. But this time, he did pose a bit of a challenge. He had become better at predicting your moves. How cute, you thought. He must've been practicing just for you. You smirk to yourself as you watch him, frustrated at what move to play next. 
  "Pawn to E4," he said, destroying the Pawn you had originally placed there. 
  "Hm.. I don't like having to think too hard when I play. Guess I'll have to end this game quickly," you say. 
  "You mean by losing?" He asked with a smirk on his face. 
  "Maybe! Knight to E5!" You said as you both watched the knight destroy the pawn he had just placed. 
  Draco went silent in thought, contemplating his next move. If he didn't move a piece to protect his king, you'd be sure to win. But how were you to make him oversee that obvious possibility? You tensed up a bit, realizing that your time is limited by a few seconds. It felt like life and death, knowing that diary entry was on the line. So you acted quickly. 
  "Hey Draco," you said abruptly. 
  "What is it?" He asked, slightly annoyed that his concentration was interrupted. 
  "You have very pretty eyes," you replied. 
  Draco looked up at you, confused as to why you said something like that randomly. Before he could respond, you reached your arm over the table and gently brushed your thumb against his eyelash, causing him to instinctively close that eye. 
  "And you have long lashes too. I'm jealous," you say with a smirk. 
  You could feel the heat rush to his face as he began to turn red again.
  "What're you playing at-"
  "Oh, Draco!" You say, pretending to be surprised as you pull back your hand, "It's your move." 
  Draco stared at you in confusion for a second before he cleared his throat and adjusted his collar to compose himself again. 
  "Right uhh- Pawn to H6-" He said dismissively.
  A grin spread on your face. It had worked. 
  "Queen to C6. That's a checkmate," you say triumphantly as Draco does a double take and looks at you in disbelief. 
  "What- How?! You- You tricked me!" He exclaimed as he was both embarrassed and also had his pride wounded. 
  "Perhaps I did! But it was your own fault that you didn't see it was a trick. Maybe you're so smitten with me that you were thinking about me while you made that move?" You teased with a smug smile. 
  "I did not!! I should've won then, it's not fair if you cheated!" He said indignantly as he glared at you. 
  "It's not cheating if you let yourself get distracted, though, is it? So you have no one but yourself to blame!"
  "You're the absolute worst, Y/N," he grumbled. 
  "I won't deny that. But it sounds like you're ready for your punishment. Last chance to eat a mint," you say with a smile as you stand up and walk towards him. 
  He looks up at you with wide eyes as he suddenly remembers the penalty of him losing. The blush on his face appears again as he averts his eyes from you and nervously tugs at his collar. 
  "You really- Fine, let's just get this over with. And don't say anything to anyone about this," he says as he glares up at you. 
  "Don't worry, both our lips will be sealed," you say with a smirk as your hand reaches down to hold the side of his face. 
  You swear you could feel his fast heartbeat through his skin as you lean down towards him. Draco gulps and closes his eyes, accepting his fate and leaning closer to your face. Your lips are only an inch apart before you smirk and blow into his face. He jumps and opens his eyes, looking at you shocked. 
  "What was that for?!" He asked, confused, as you pulled away. 
  "I don't know, I felt a bit bad taking away your first kiss like that," you say as you giggle at his reaction.
  "What?! No, you're not my- Ugh, never mind! So you did all of that just to act like you're going to kiss me and not do it?"
  "I suppose so!"
  "But I lost! That was my punishment-"
  "And I didn't punish you! Shouldn't you be grateful? 
  "No- That's not fair-"
  "It almost sounds as if you wanted me to kiss you, Draco-"
  Before you could say anything else, Draco had stood up and was already walking towards you. Suddenly your face was in his hands as he closed his eyes once more and kissed you. 
  He was gentle with it, and he was nervous, too. It was almost like it actually was his first kiss. Although you didn't know for sure, you were still pleasantly surprised. You wrap your arms around his neck and gently kiss him back. It was soft and sweet, and it was probably one of the best kiss you had ever had. It lasted for another minute until you finally pulled away. 
  When you did, it seemed as if Draco finally understood what he did exactly. His face was completely red as he processed everything. He took a step back as he looked at you and then at the ground. 
"I'm never playing wizard chess again," he said blankly as he began to walk away at a fast pace. 
  "This never happened, Y/N. Don't you tell anyone or I'll- I'll-"
  "Kiss me again?" You asked with a smile. 
  Draco looked back at you with both frustration and embarrassment, struggling to come up with a last-minute insult. 
  "Y'know what? Maybe!" He shouted before he stormed off. 
  You let out a laugh as you looked back at the chessboard. You smiled as you picked up the queen and held it up. Maybe next time you'd let him win. After all, you knew he'd be back for another round sooner or later. 
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Sorry that this is late. It's been a busy weekend. I needed time to think about a good answer.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
Bobby and Tommy looked like they were about to fight.  Johnny coughed.  “We all have our teams, so let’s agree that anyone is better than the Chudley Cannons.” Bobby, Tommy, and Dutch laughed. “Ain’t that the truth,” Dutch sniggered. At Jimmy’s blank look, Dutch explained.  “Those losers haven’t done shit since the 1800s.” Jimmy slammed the book closed with a sigh.  “Are you guys going to let me read this book or just tell me everything that’s in it?”
This is from the next chapter of my Hogwarts AU fic. The OG Cobras are first years headed to Hogwarts. Jimmy is a Muggleborn and the rest of the guys are explaining Quidditch to him. I am proud of my Dutch dialogue.
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squadxx4392 · 1 year
(Friend and I were chatting and we got bored asf, so we did this)
Draco : *Just pulled Pansy off of Harry* NO! Back off you devil!
Pansy : Fine! I'm gonna go hook up with that Muggleborn you hate! She's hot and she'll let me hug her! *angrily stomping away*
Harry: *actually overwhelmed and hates the attention*
Hermione : What the fuck is going on- oh hey Pansy- but seriously what? wait why are you hugging me-?
Pansy: Draco wouldn't let me hug Harry 😞
Ron : *stuffing his face and turning to Blaise* The fuck happened-?
Blaise : Don't ask
Harry: *panicking*
Luna : *Simultaneously appearing* Hello Harry. Are you alright?
Draco: SPACE GIVE HIM SPACE SHOO SHOO *also backing away*
Harry : Hey don't shoo away my emotional support Luna! *grabbing her and hugging her*
Draco: *scoffs* I never ever get hugs from you but you hug my cousin all the time 🙄 *currently jealous*
Harry : She's my emotional support human, fuck off!
Luna : *trying to stifle her laughter*
Draco: *cries 😢 and walks off sad*
Draco: *plops down on the floor and cries more*
Theo : I- what?
Harry : I don't regret it
Draco: I'm going on a walk 😞
Neville : You're all going to Hell. Goodbye! *somehow sinks into the floor*
Draco: ... I hope I go to hell ngl
Ginny : NoO-
Draco: *goes out for a walk and doesn't come back for a long ass time*
Pansy : Has anyone seen Dray-?
Harry : no
Ron: He said he was going on a walk
Ginny : Luna, send out the beast
Luna : *pulling out a can that's rattling* alright, girl, sniff *releases a big ass tarantula*
Draco: *in a tree resting his eyes*
Luna : *appearing behind him* hello Draco!
Draco : *falls out of the tree*
Ginny : HA! LOSER!
Draco: I'm not in the mood leave me be 🙄
Hermione : You're not getting that out of us. Come on you arsehole
Draco: Uh no
Harry : Dude put on your walkman and come on! We're hijacking a car and going on a fucking road trip in America!
Draco: I'm good, take Luna instead 🙄
Luna : All of us are going, dickhead! Pull your head out of your arse and come on!
Draco: I'm seriously not in the fucking mood.
Blaise : We were gonna let you burn down the first house we saw but if you don't wanna come, whatever. Let's go
Draco: Thank you. Finally being left alone
Severus: No. You're going with them. *throws him over his shoulder*
Ginny : Listen to your uncle, Dray!
Draco:... I hope to off myself very soon
Pansy : Draco nO-
Draco: Yes.
Theo : Funny how you think death would get you out of this friendship. Because it isn't 🥰
Draco: Oh but it will
Pansy : Nah it's not. We'll haunt you in the afterlife
Draco: Istg. I'm going to move out of this country.
Ginny : You do realize all of us would.move WITH you, right? You're never getting rid of us. Now then, drive bitch!
Harry : *starts going 150 mph down the freeway they are suddenly on*
Draco: *gets out of the car*
Draco: *jumps out* Cya
Draco: I hate you all.
Draco: *mumbles* Except Harry
Luna : Awww we love you too <3
Draco: Yeah whatever. *rests his eyes*
Ron : Mate, we can go faster than this. Speed up the car, I want McDonald's!
Harry: No.
Blaise : *pushes Harry out of the driver's seat and starts going 250 mph* Next stop : McDonalds
Harry : Oh you FuCkIng himbo-
Draco: *puts earbuds in*
Hermione : Please share-
Draco: *hands her an extra pair*
Hermione : Thank you
Blaise : What d'you all want? We're here
Draco: *listening to music*
Ron: Hamburger 🤤
*Narrator's voice* Will they all get McDonald's? How will they get home? Where even are they?? Tune in next time on HARRY POTTER RANDOMNESS!
Friend : 😺 This was great I need another episode
Me : ikr? We must tune in for the next episode! look it's coming on!
(Fr tune in for the next bit)
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akechi-gf · 2 years
im trying to write a saikechi hogwarts au but i’m confused on how i’m going to try and make the whole “saiki powers’ thing work out. like so far all ive got is 
- saiki being muggleborn, his parents are completely thrilled because they have both a genius AND a wizard in the family.
- because they’re muggleborn they assume saiki being, well saiki, is just his magical ability. most wizards dont show signs of magic til they’re like 5 or older, but the moment saiki’s born it’s just very evident that he’s magic. (being able to speak and walk early, all the world-adjustments he’s done as of manga/anime canon, that kind of stuff.) they see saiki excelling in his powers and just go “well he is a wizard, so.” 
- upon him turning 11 he learns that “oh, reading minds isnt just a magic thing. oh so i could be more powerful than wizards and witches who are my seniors by centuries”. its a point of concern at first because power. historically having a lot of power just Isn’t Good. (any worries are quelled after realizing saiki’s a fuckin loser and just does not want to partake in any war of any sort.) 
- so he would be a natural legilimens? and just have a very advanced magical ability that he was just born with. if it weren’t for his muggle surname people would assume he was a pureblood with years of training.  
- he goes through the motions at hogwarts meeting his friends. he doesn’t utter a single word (people knew his name from the sorting ceremony) and even during class he opts for non-verbal and even wandless magic. 
BONUS: aiura��s a seer. teruhashi is part veela. kaidou only calls himself “the jet-black wings” because he’s obsessed with thestrals and quidditch and “wants to be a seeker because his flying skills are as deft as a thestral’s!” (he has never seen anyone die. he cannot see the thestrals. no one knows why he’s so obsessed with them.) 
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goddammit-sam · 2 years
yo I made a uquiz that everyone who's taken have either said it called them out completely or is in no way accurate
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potionboy3 · 2 years
HPMA/Next Gen Connection post!
If you’re interested on being friends with these losers then comment, dm or reblog :)  I’m copying @gaygryffindorgal but it’s just much easier for me to create relationships like this! Slytherin:
Declan Rovere, born December 5th, 1996 (my main HPMA) 
- charismatic, friendly, outgoing, liked by many - a bit self-absorbed, posh and smug, doesn’t open up easily - ENTP - doesn’t hate anyone and is good at making friends. He’s popular but hangs out mostly with the canon characters Cassandra, Fischer and Colby. He has friends outside them and he doesn’t define people based on their social status.  - before Declan’s last year in Hogwarts, his father exposes some harsh facts about the Rovere family and their involvement with Voldemort, while he’s pushing his own political cause ahead with great support from the public. He claims that Declan also has a dark side. This gives Declan bad prep and he gets extremely unpopular during year 7 and loses most of his friends as everyone  thinks that he’s somehow evil. - love interests are: Cassandra Vole, Roe Malinda @gaygryffindorgal and Daniel Page - casual friends with Pandora Lovelace @gcldensnitch - dorm full!
 Open for friends and casual acquaintances and enemies or rivals!
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Rosa Yaxley, born  1997
- confident, loyal, feminist and a natural leader  - she might push her own opinions a bit hard and takes a while to warm up to people who have different ones - ENTJ -  has a pet bunny - she has her own group of girls (not gonna list all of them) and the other girls have claimed her to be their leader jokingly (but where is the lie). She’s very protective of her friends and gets along with people in general.  Jupiter Durand is her best friend @cursedherbalist - love interest: Rocky Weasley @magicallymalted  - dorm 3/5, Nymeria Lee @gcldensnitch and Jupiter Durand (again)
Open for friends and  casual acquaintances  but her girls come first, also open for rivals and two dormmates!
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Maxim Raeburn, born 19th march, 1997
- shy and quiet but friendly and curious by nature - Is bad at defending himself or others as likes to avoid conflicts  - INFJ - His biological mother is complicated. He is raised by his uncle Farrow, but has always called him and his boyfriend Charlie Weasley his dads. - has a special interest in the sea and merpeople - he has his close friends Dawn Harvelle, Jimmy Crouch and his cousin Rocky Weasley @magicallymalted , also friends with his other cousin Roe Malinda @gaygryffindorgal but they don’t share a friend group  - love interest: Nymeria Lee @gcldensnitch  - Dormmates 0/5
Open casual acquaintances mostly, but might use few friends outside his inner circle! Also open for dormmates!
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Richard Beck (goes by Beck), Born in 2002 (next gen)
- smart, competitive, tall (by gryff) - can be bit of a dick.   - ESTJ - Beck is a popular guy who has a huge ego. He’s still liked by his friends and actually cares for the people he spends time with.   - he’s a good student and spends a lot of time focusing on school  - is the keeper for the Slytherin quidditch team  - is friends with Baby Quinn @gaygryffindorgal and they share a friend group - rival and a love interest: River St. James @gaygryffindorgal - dorm 1/5 (Baby)
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates! 
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Dawn Harvelle, born 4th of June 1997 (one might argue my other main ooops) 
- honest, creative, superstitious and bit of a trouble maker.  - Dawn is naturally good at most things he tries  and he has a tendency to make an impact on people. He can be bit judgy too, but mostly he gets along with people. He usually says out loud what he’s thinking though and doesn’t hold back when something bothers him. - ENFP - he likes art and music and occultism  - he’s a muggleborn, his mother had him young and he lives with his dad - a big football fan - he’s not great at charms or dada - he’s anti-monarchist and doesn’t usually like people who have a lot of money - he is the seeker of the Gryffindor quidditch team after his year 4 - friends with Maxim Raeburn, Jimmy Crouch and Rocky Weasley @magicallymalted , One might say that his best friend is Pandora Lovelace @gcldensnitch as she is the one he mostly opens up to, also friends with John Arthur, Jupiter Durand @cursed-herbalist, Rosa Yaxley, Barbara Katz @gaygryffindorgal​  - rivals: Quincey Alderly (sort of, he just doesn’t realize it’s a crush) - love interest: Pandora Lovelace and also Quincey @gaygryffindorgal - dorm 1/5, (Rocky)
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates!
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John Arthur, born May 27th, 1994
- bold, bit reckless, funny, good at making friends, a dumb jock (lovingly) - gets lazy when bored and is bored easily,  undiagnosed ADHD, gets in trouble easily  - ESFP - loves being the center of attention and people tend to love him. He’s very popular - quidditch captain and a seeker for the gryffindor team - thinks of his team as his babies and wants to protect them all - friends with Dawn Harvelle who he trained to be his successor in quidditch - love interest: Theo Goldcrest - rivals: Elian Goldcrest doesn’t like him (no surprise here) - 0/5
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates!
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Rome St. James Born in 2002 (my next gen main)
- loner, sarcastic and a bit grumpy  - he is American but he and his twin brother River @gaygryffindorgal chose to attend Hogwarts to get away from their parents who are both alcoholics.  - Rome has an illness caused by blood malediction that gets diagnosed before his fifth year. He gets really sick towards the end of his school years and the sickness seems fatal.  - Rome is reserved because of his condition and doesn’t make friends easily. He’s extremely private.  - depression warning, his life is just not great??  - INFP - he was best friends with Baby Quinn @gaygryffindorgal until the fifth year when he got diagnosed. He started to pull away from Baby and spend more time alone while Baby got very popular, and it caused a drift between the two.  - he wants to hide his sickness at first but after his sixth year, he starts to wear  muggle nasal canulas, that he has enchanted to help him breathe better. At that point he can’t hide his condition anymore.  - he has a difficult relationship with his brother, the two are not close - he is casual friends with Joan Wytte @nelabelievesindragons and Stephanie Quinn-Vixen @endlessly-cursed - hates Richard Beck  - Love interest: Baby Quinn  - dorm 0/5
Open for friends (if the story line fits to his), casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates!
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Brandy Crouch, born 11th June 2006
- a bit odd, likes to spend time alone but is also friendly and easily likable, super smart - never has a bad word to say about anyone - cinnamon roll - INFJ - doesn’t get angry easily but when does, is really mad and a lot like his older brother, who he usually is the opposite off - history puff  - bookworm - his parents love him a lot but they’re the worst. They cause him way too much pressure, and don’t really care about what he himself would like to do in life - friends with  Knox Wytte @nelabelievesindragons - Love interest: none as of yet but he’s bi and  the best boy <3  - Dormmates 0/5
Open for friends, casual acquaintances, rivals, enemies and dormmates and a love interest!
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If I forgot someone then hit me up on that as well!  (Jimmy Crouch and Elian Goldcrest are not looking for friends right now)
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what if tom was born in the marauders era? or in harrys era? any thoughts on that
The Marauders Era.
As for Harry's, well that changes a lot of things.
Obviously, if Tom Riddle is now just born then October 31st 1981 never happened. Presumably, the wizarding war with Voldemort never happened. If there was things I could see civil unrest with young, angry, purebloods (looking at you, Bellatrix).
The blood purism is still a huge deal, there's still issues with creatures rights, and it's pretty much exactly as we left it but there's no Death Eaters.
Harry Potter, importantly, is not an orphan, grows up in the wizarding world, and is not famous.
We get none of the ridiculousness Harry goes through in Hogwarts. Dumbledore might hire Lupin in their third year, but there's no philosopher's stone so no Quirrell, there's no diary horcrux, there's no Barty Crouch Jr posing as Moody, there's no Umbridge intervention over Voldemort, Snape probably isn't hired as a professor as Slughorn's probably still working, etc.
So much changes without even getting to Tom.
Harry and Ron, I imagine, don't end up friends with Hermione because there's never a troll incident. She's just that obnoxious bookworm in Gryffindor who thinks she's better than everybody.
Add in Tom?
He's just another student.
There's probably not as much anti-Slytherin animosity with the lack of organized terrorism, so he's not given too much shit for that. He is a bit of the odd man out for being muggleborn in Slytherin and, oh god, Hermione crushes on him hard.
So hard.
And he knows he's the lowest of the low on the social totem pole because Granger thinks they should have a book club and talk about how muggle they both are.
Tom hates this so much.
I imagine Harry sees Tom as an uppity know it all, he's the male Slytherin version of Granger (Tom hates that this is his reputation). Tom's too much of a loser to play quidditch, he's not muggle in a cool way and refuses to talk about nifty muggle things like toasters, etc.
Mostly, everyone just goes to school.
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blue-writes-things · 3 years
Sirius Black x Reader | Fluff / Angst
“For once you didn’t want to set the place on fire, you wanted to set yourself on fire”
| Masterlists | Words: 2225 Warnings: Shitty parents, Walburga and Orion’s A+ parenting, swearing, feminine pronouns   A/N: I still don’t know what pov this is, and also world ‘law’ inconsistencies. Edited Blue Moon Archives
Feedback is always appreciated! - Blue
You’re standing in a crowd of people talking shit about each other or blood purity, blah, blah, blah. Although you’d rather be listening to the other people at this ‘Pureblood only’ party that your mother dragged you to, then listen to her talk at you, ripping at everything about you because the ribbon you tied around the waist of your dress was red and gold.
You wanted to have something with you that didn’t make you want to set everything on fire, or maybe you could borrow some of those fireworks James and Remus made, or - you got snapped out of your thoughts of ‘justified arson’ by someone yelling “Sirius Orion Black!”
Oh shit- that was one of the biggest reasons you hated going to these things since Sirius had ‘family’ in this little clique, he was dragged to them. You always made a big effort to not let anyone at Hogwarts know you were related to these monsters.
Everyone but a few Slytherins knew you as a muggleborn, Including your friends, you knew you should tell them the truth, but something always stopped you.
So you spent these parties hiding from Sirius, seeing him in a room meant you went to another, or even just went to the bathroom for the whole event so there was no way he would see you. You wanted to tell him, so these things wouldn’t be as bad, so you’d have someone to talk to, but you thought that if he, or any of your friends found out, you’d be dropped as their friend and that was the worst thing that could happen to you.
As Sirius and his mother walked into the room, you went to the other room, but unlucky, Sirius saw the little bit of red in the sea of green, going after you, knowing that no one who went to these things would ever wear red. But he missed you by a second. A seconded that, to you, saved your friendship. You and Sirius ended up playing a game of hide and seek for the rest of the night before you finally got to leave.
The next morning when you walked into the common room to see James, Remus and Lily sitting on the floor watching Sirius pace in front of the fireplace talking faster than a snitch flies.
“Who broke Sirius?” you raise your eyebrows sitting next to Remus on the floor.
“He had to go to one of those pureblood parties and a girl was there” he sighs, you stiffen, knowing it was you
“It’s not about her being a girl! It was that she had a red ribbon!” he yelled, before dramatically falling to lay on the floor.
“What’s it matter that she was wearing a red ribbon?” Lily asked leaning on James, making him turn as red as the couch “No don’t make him talk again!” Remus half laughs, but was also being a bit serious (no pun intended)
“Because! If you were listening, no one at these parties wears red, it’s like poison to them, meaning this girl must have known that and chose to wear it, meaning she doesn’t think like them!”
“Sounds like your jumping to conclusions Pads,” James says, still red “No! Cause she also was basically running from me all night
“She sounds smart” You smirk “Either way, why does it matter?” “It means that there’s someone there who is also a Gryffindor, you guys wouldn’t understand…” He trails off, you wanted so badly to hug him and say, I know exactly what you’re saying
“Guys, I’m hungry, can we go to breakfast now?” Remus whines standing up, we all nod and agree getting up
“Last person there has to do Sirius’s homework!” you half yell making everyone run out of the room down to the great hall, once everyone gets there, Lily ends up coming last, meaning James will end up doing Sirius’s homework.
“How do you always get here first?” Remus says panting (pun 100% intended)
“Cause I remember all the shortcuts here” he grins
“I think that’s cheating and Sirius is disqualified meaning he has to do his own homework, all in favour?” Lily glaring but smiling at Sirius as everyone, but him raises their hand “You’re all sore losers!” everyone laughed sitting down and starting to eat.
About halfway through breakfast a bunch of owls come in, dropping everyone letters. You don’t pay too much attention to it, you rarely get letters, and when you do, it’s just your parents shouting insults at you. So when a letter drops in front of you it made you flinch. Noting it’s in a green envelope you shove it in your pocket. Sirius frowns but doesn’t say anything.
The group go about the day, having classes, watching James try to flirt with Lily, Sirius trying to flirt with you, the norm.
But after charms with Slytherin, you and the boys had planned a prank for Lucius Malfoy, he was bullying a first-year Hufflepuff, no one messes with Hufflepuffs and gets away with it.
Right as it was about to go into action, he got out of the way of the red dye about to fall on his plantation blonde hair. The group all groan, seeing Severus smirk as he leaves the classroom, you guess he told Malfoy about it but the looks of things.
“Watch it ‘mudblood’.” he smirks, putting ‘mudblood’ in quotations, he was one of the people who knew about you not being muggleborn, he said he wouldn’t tell anyone, but now he uses it as blackmail on you.
“Don’t call her that!” Sirius yells, going to pull out his wand, to hex him into next year.
“Y/N, I suggest you control your friend there, he does anything to me, I’ll tell your little group about your dearest mother and father. To be honest, I’m surprised you’ve kept your mouth shut about it for so long” he chuckles as he turns to leave, Sirius fuming about to go after him again
“Sirius. Just, leave it” you mumble
“Why! He can’t say that to you!”
“Cause we’d get detention and I have a…thing…I need to go to this weekend, and if I miss it, I’ll get bea- in big trouble….I’m going to the library I have homework to do, I’ll see you guys later” you rush off
“She’s not going to the library” Remus utters, both James and Sirius look at him funny “You can’t get to library from that way”
“I’ll catch up with you guys,” Sirius says going off after you
“Wanna go get lunch Moony?” James says after Sirius runs off
“Sounds good”
You reach the black lake, taking out the letter your parents sent you this morning, ripping it open and reading it. It was the normal ‘disgrace, worthless, traitor’ it hurts more than you expected, plus a reminder at the bottom that you’re going to another gathering this weekend.
You drop the letter next to you, hugging your knees to your chest, tears start falling. You sat like that for almost an hour before someone sat next to you
“Been lookin’ for you everywhere love” you look up and It’s Sirius “What’s wrong?”
He frowns looking down seeing the letter, and a green envelope, just like the ones his family sends him, he goes to grab it, but you snatch it away before he can
“What’s the letter say? It’s clearly upset you” he shuffles closer to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. Not thinking clearly, you say the first excuse that comes to your mind
“Mum just told me that, my aunt died,” you say not looking at him
“Y//n, I know that’s not true”
“What do you mean it’s not true! I just read the bloody letter”
“Cause this is the fourth letter in a row telling you that an aunt has died, you’re not very good at lying”
“You’d be surprised” you mumble so Sirius doesn’t hear you
“Come on, you can tell me anything, you can tell me the truth”
“You don’t want to know the truth, Sirius!” You snap at him running up to the castle.
You spent the rest of the week avoiding your friends, well Sirius, but he’s always with them, so it meant avoiding them too.
It was Saturday night, and you were at the pureblood party, and completely miserable. You go over and stand next to your father
“Couldn’t help but bring that ‘Gryffindor’ pride with you?” your father says looking down at you. You’ve never felt so small “Take that stupid thing off”  
“S-sorry father” you look down you taking off the red ribbon
“Disgrace” he mutters walking away
Not wanting to look as alone as you felt, you go outside though some fancy glass doors, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, for once you didn’t want to set the place on fire, you wanted to set yourself on fire, you felt cold, but not from the weather, from spending a week away from your friends, and re-reading all the letters your ‘family’ sent to you.
You didn’t notice, but Sirius had just walked in. He’s looking around for the red ribbon, hoping that ‘whoever’ she is, was here tonight, he sees the ribbon by the doors, smirking “fuckin’ finally” he thinks, once he’s outside he sees that it’s you.
Your eyes go wide ‘well tonight can’t get worse’ you think, turning to him but not daring to look in his eyes
“How’d you get here? What are you doing here?”
“Same as you” You show Sirius the ‘invite’ to the party
“I-I don’t understand, you’re not muggleborn you’re pureblood? Why didn’t you tell me?” he frowns
“I didn’t want you to think of me as one of them” You look inside, you can practically hear them saying mudblood
You could see cogs turning his brain though his eyes as he was piecing it all together “All the letters were from them?”
You nod, pulling out a bunch of paper from your bag “Only letters I ever get” you choke handing them to Sirius He looks through them, anger boiling inside him
“They say I’m a traitor, pathetic, disappointment, disgrace, worthless, unloved, unneeded…I guess I am really” Sirius pulls you into a hug.
“You’re nothing like them, and you’re none of those things, I’m so glad I met you, I don’t know where I’d be without you… actually I do, I’d be in there bored outta my mind,” You hold him tighter burying your head in his neck
You hear Sirius’s mother calling him from inside, you pull away smirking at him, and spark in your eye, as if you weren’t about to burst out crying.
Sirius looks at you confused but smiling “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours”
“Well since we’re stuck here for a bit, why don’t we have some fun” you grin tying ribbon back around your waist
“I like the sound of that”
You grab Sirius’s hand and pull in inside to where a song is playing and people are dancing respectfully in pairs.
“Hey, Pads? May I have this dance?”
“Hey, isn’t that my line?”
You roll your eyes as you both go to where the dancing is. Sirius holds you by your waist pulling you close
You raise your eyebrow and Sirius winks at you “Do you know what personal space is?” smirking you wrap your arms around his neck, only making you both closer “Doesn’t seem like you mind” his voice drops an octave
“Who would mind being this close to Sirius Orion Black” Sirius looks down at your lips.
“The way my name sounds coming off your lips is making me want to kiss you,” he says sensually, smirking and pulling you closer (if that’s even possible) you bite your lip, flicking your eyes from his lips
He crashes his lips to yours, sending sparks through each other, it felt like it was always meant to be, but ruining the moment both your mothers are pulling you apart, saying things like blood traitors, despicable, etc, making you both laugh
“See you at school!” Sirius calls as his mother drags him out
“If we make it back!”
You both laugh, your mothers going off.
~ A few months later ~
You were taking a walk around the grounds finding Sirius sitting by the black lake holding a letter “Parents?” you say sitting by him, wrapping him in a hug as he nods
“Th-they disowned me…It’s like I don’t give a fuck, I hate them…but it still hurts”
You laugh a bit “You’re kidding right?” “Hm?” he tilts his head to the side as you pull a letter from your robes
“Got it yesterday” you hand letter to him He lets out a laugh “They disowned you too?!” “They couldn’t wait one day? So we can get disowned together?” you both laugh
“I love you, Sirius Orion”
“Now that sounds so much better coming from your lips” he has his cheeky grin on his face “Does it make you want to kiss me?” you smirk “It makes me want to kiss you forever” as he pulls you into a passionate kiss.
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Regs mom (idfk how to spell her name) would be “accepting” of Regulas being trans because she knew that sirius wasnt gonna do shit as an heir. and because theyre wizards they can probably just be like “poof i got a functional cock now hahaha losers” so she let him transition
regs mom: i can support trans people but i draw the line at dating halfbloods and muggleborns
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
embrasse moi
request: from nonnie! “please can you do a super competitive fred and reader story and idk do with that what u will I trust your judgement”
pairing: fred x french!slytherin!reader
word count: 1.7k
A/N: i am ~feelin~ this request rn. i know quidditch wasn’t a thing during the triwizard tournament when faux moody was teaching just humor me. didn’t realize how much i need a french speaking fred until i wrote this 😩 also i definitely do not speak french and i've used google translate so i apologize in advance if any phrases are wrong LOL. i'll put the what the translations are supposed to be underneath the paragraphs they appear in and @ the bottom with an asterisk *
warning(s): a curse word (oops sry); ~steam~
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @how-do-life-does @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @semmelsemi @laneygthememequeen @snakesonaplane-7 @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @dreamer821 @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @purplefragile @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hollands-weasley @andromedaa-tonks @bbystrawberry0421 @princessof-theuniverse @cappsikle @mytreec @imseeinggred @idont-knowrn @flyingserpxnt @auroraboringalis57 @godricsswords @jejegu @annasofiaearlobe @starlightweasley @alwaysasadaesthetic @thisismysketchbook | message me to be added, loves!
“Slytherin wins!”
Fred watched as you threw your beater’s bat into the air while you did backflips on your broomstick in front of all of your teammates. He huffed dramatically; he normally didn’t fancy losing a match to Slytherin, but you showing off was just rubbing salt into the wound.
“Don’t think on it, mate,” George told his twin. He looked absolutely bloody exhausted. Ever since Slytherin had replaced their beaters who had graduated the year before, their team was unstoppable. You sort of stunned the entire school when you arrived at tryouts and crushed it, making the students question why in the bloody hell you hadn’t ever tried out for Quidditch in the first place.
As the Gryffindor team walked sluggishly back toward the changing rooms, the vile Slytherin team captain did not hold back from overly-complimenting his team, therefore firing shots in the Gryffindors’ direction.
“Never seen a more brilliant beater before,”
Fred rolled his eyes noticeably. As your teammates patted you on the back, Fred just scoffed loudly, hoping to grab your attention. When he saw that he had, he turned to George and Harry and said, “She wasn’t that brilliant.” George just shut his eyes and shook his head, sick of Fred’s constant complaining.
“Aw -- vous vous sentez mal, Fred? Ne sois pas si mauvais perdant.”
          ↳ “Are you feeling bad, Fred? Don’t be such a sore loser.”
You earned yourself another eye roll for that one.
“Speak bloody English, would you woman?” he said angrily.
You pursed your lips dramatically in his direction. If he hadn’t been so pissed off, he would’ve noticed how his heart rate had seemed to increase at the fluttering of your eyelashes as you winked at him. Except he’d always been too focused trying to one-up you to notice such things. “Better luck next time, Weasley.”
It wasn’t just Quidditch. It was everything. Charms, incantations, exploding snap games, hexes -- even things Fred absolutely loathed doing, like stupid readings in Divination. It had all started back in your first year, when you were able to kick off the ground first in your flying lesson; you were a Muggleborn and had no idea how to fly. This annoyed Fred to no end, because he’d been flying since he could walk! And ever since, you two fell into this intense competitive streak, not giving into one another. George sure was over it though. Had been for a long time.
He gently tugged on Fred’s robes to lead him back toward the Gryffindor changing rooms, but it was a lost cause. Fred was already ripping off his uniforms due to pure anguish. George sucked in a deep breath before leaving his brother on the pitch. “Bloody hell, here we go again.”
-- -
The next day, Fred was struggling to get through classes due to his lack of sleep from the night prior, and it didn’t help when he was partnered up with you in Defense Against the Dark Arts in Moody’s attempt to separate him and George. Begrudgingly, his feet carried him over toward your desk where you stood, arms crossed and smirk bright. George on the other hand looked particularly jovial to be very far away from the two of you.
Moody growled. “Not now, Weasley. Time to practice nonverbal hexes with your partner. No complaints.”
Fred huffed a bit and turned toward you. You cocked your head to the side, “What’s the matter? Scared you won’t be able to out hex me?” You narrowed your eyes at him and deepened your grin.
Fred scoffed. “I can out hex you in my sleep.”
You rolled your eyes and muttered under your breath, “Pauvre, gentil garçon. Tellement naïf.”
          ↳ “Poor, sweet boy. So naive.”
He didn’t even bloody care what you’d said, he was just so ready for this lesson to be over. He positioned himself a few feet away from you and stood in a rather dramatic, annoyed stance, waiting for you to just do your worst, already.
Your eyes seemed to darken with concentration. Fred was hoping that the slight smirk he painted on his face would be enough to distract you, but he was unfortunately proven wrong. Suddenly his knees were reversed and he began to falter on his own two feet. You and a few others surrounding you both, including his own twin, fell into laughter.
“Walk much, Weasley?”
His eyes turned to slits as he reversed the hex back, ignoring the crimson colour flooding his cheeks and the laughs still bouncing around the room. You still wiggled your eyebrows at him as he took his own position, pointing his wand toward you. He really needed to bloody concentrate, but the sing-song sound of your voice as you rattled off phrases in your native tongue sent him spiraling. He focused his thoughts solely on the one word: Titillando. He might’ve been distracted, but still managed to hex you.
Your laughter grew due to the tickling that took you over. You fell to your knees and giggled like a little school girl, grabbing at your arms and legs and back as the tickling sensation only heightened. Fred waltzed over to you, confidence exuding him, and lifted his eyebrows at you. He grinned evilly. “Got you.”
Somehow he found himself centimeters from you. He slowly lifted his wand and reversed the hex, and you were now completely out of breath, staring up at him with beady eyes. He took your hand in a tight grip and pulled you to your feet. He could feel your breath on his neck. “Sanglant brillant,” you managed to say in a breathless whisper.
          ↳ “Bloody brilliant.”
He certainly didn’t need you to translate that one. He wiggled his eyebrows at you and breathed, “Glad you think so.”
Shit. You didn’t realize you’d said it aloud, and you hadn’t managed to realize how close he was to you. You pushed on his chest and walked out of his way, fixing your tie and cardigan before sighing deeply to rid yourself of your flustered feelings. You cleared your throat and said, “Again.”
Cheekiness overtook his expression. “Looking for me to out jinx you again, are we?”
“Just do it, Fred.”
“Why can’t you just finally admit that I’m better than you? Put this whole thing to rest --?”
You cut him off. “Tu n'es pas! You stupid boy --” you wandered toward the entrance of the classroom; you needed some air, he was driving you up a wall. You stepped into the empty corridor. “Don’t let this foolishness go to your head. I’ve always been better, I always will be better.”
          ↳ “You are not!”
Fred laughed. “You’re out of your mind, what on earth --”
“It’s obvious!” you cried, throwing your arms up into the air. You inched forward toward him, and you were able to see the veins in his neck protruding just a bit; you were clearly getting to him. The tips of his ears were bright underneath that red hair of his. “Just admit it to me, Weasley. You can’t handle a girl being better at you -- better at hexes, better at lessons, better at Quidditch. Better at everything.” You stood on the tips of your toes in an attempt copy his stance. “And it’s driving you bloody mad, isn’t it?”
Fred sucked in a very deep breath and clenched his jaw tightly to suppress his anger.
Still, you prodded. “Isn’t it?”
Fred just wanted you to shut up already. So in a moment of fury, he growled and immediately pushed you against the wall and pressed his lips to yours in an attempt to silence you. He felt your shock against him as he parted your lips with his tongue, willing himself to not be distracted by the faint taste of your cherry lip balm. When he was sure you’d be silent, he slowly pulled away from you and let the shock roam through him too.
There was fire in your eyes. You blinked slowly a few times and eyed him up and down, as if trying to make sense of your own thoughts. Fred was sure you were about to deck him for being a right git until you lifted your hand and yanked on his tie and whispered, “Encore. Embrasse moi encore.”
          ↳ “Again. Kiss me again.”
He didn’t need a translator for that, either. He watched you lick your lips before he pressed himself into you again. You both met one another’s hunger with an intensity you couldn’t quite understand, but Fred reckoned this was probably the underlying reason for all of the competition between you two. How could he have possibly missed it all these years?
The idea of heading back inside the classroom for the lesson completely slipped from his mind when you grabbed two fistfuls of his hair in your hands and pressed your chest hard into his. By the muffled sigh you emitted against his mouth, he was sure he was driving you mad, and he was hellbent on getting you to be the first one to break with a moan.
But a low, unamused grunt ripped you apart from one another -- Fred was shocked that something had managed to break the ferocity between you both. You bit down on your bottom lip as you both turned to be face to face with a very disturbed and annoyed looking Mad-Eye, and George cracking up right behind him. You quickly swatted Fred’s hand away from your exposed hipbones, but he was pretty sure Moody had noticed anyway.
“Back inside,” your professor growled simply to both of you. In a lower voice, Mad-Eye continued, “I’ve got to be barking mad -- I did not sign up for this..” George winked at his brother and mouthed something that slightly resembled a Knew it, I bloody knew it, before making his way back into the classroom.
Fred turned back toward you and glanced down at your red and swollen lips. “Ready for me to out hex you again?” he asked with a glint of cheekiness in his voice.
“In your dreams, Fred,” you replied, narrowing your eyes and swatting him across the chest in your usual irritated tone. He was about to drag you back into the classroom but you yanked on his tie once more. The sultriness in your voice that dripped from your mouth made him not want to focus on the lesson at all; he’d rather think about many, many other things instead. “First -- embrasse moi, you prat.”
          ↳ “Kiss me,”
“Mmm,” he replied hungrily, licking his own lips in anticipation of getting you alone later. But he could get you riled once more, right? In more ways than one? He absolutely adored the completely startled and impressed look in your eye when he replied to you in French, “Bien sûr mon amour.”
          ↳ “Of course, my love.”
* vous vous sentez mal, Fred? Ne sois pas si mauvais perdant. - Are you feeling bad, Fred? Don’t be such a sore loser.
* Pauvre, gentil garçon. Tellement naïf - Poor, sweet boy. So naive.
* Sanglant brillant. - Bloody brilliant.
* Tu n'es pas! - You are not!
* Encore. Embrasse moi encore. - Again. Kiss me again.
* Bien sûr mon amour. - Of course, my love.
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phoenixresistance · 3 years
The Phoenix Resistance - Chapter 5
Hogwarts Express, British Countryside - September 1st, 1997
Students braced against the seats as the brakes squealed and the train came to an abrupt halt. Whispers circulated around the quiet cabin, inquiring voices wondering why they had stopped.
“What the fuck? I just spilled my pumpkin juice all over myself!” “Have we broken down?” “Ow I smashed my face into the wall” “Hey look! Is that someone coming aboard?” “Of course not, idiot. Who would just be out here in the middle of nowhere in the countryside??”
The voices were hushed as three large shadowy cloaked figures entered the cabin, eyes scanning the students one by one.
“My father WILL hear about this!” Protested McLaggen as they advanced up the ally.
“Hey losers. He isn’t here.” Neville Longbottom called out, standing up out of his seat in defiance.
“Well you wouldn’t mind if we didn’t take a child’s word for it and checked ourselves, would you?” He sneered as he approached Neville, pushing him back in his seat with the end of his wand and then ushering to the other two to continue searching the train.
“What’s your deal? You can see he isn’t here. Why would he be? That would be fucking stupid.” Aimee Alice stood up from her seat across from Neville.
“Oooh look I’m a big scary Death Eater! I threaten children to feel powerful because my Ma never gave me attention!” She mocked with a laugh before her vision was suddenly rocked by a punch to the face.
“Clearly nobody taught you to hold your tongue in the presence of your superiors. What’s your name again?” He inquired, taking a look at a list of names he produced from his robes.
“Aimee Alice isn’t it? You have a Muggle father if I’m not mistaken. I would be very careful if I were you.” The Death Eater sneered down at her.
Wiping her busted lip with her sleeve, Aimee straightened up and matched his glare, inches from his face. Her eyes burned with hatred and never wavered or blinked. However, she doesn’t speak. Instead, after a few seconds and an incessant tug on her sweater by Ginny, she slowly sunk back down into her seat.
Turning back to address the rest of the cabin as his companions returned, he raised his voice. “Harry Potter is wanted by the Ministry. He is dangerous and must be taken care of for everyone’s safety. If anyone knows the location of Mr. Potter or his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, you will be generously rewarded.”
“Furthermore, we would greatly appreciate anyone who will turn in any Muggleborns. Their thievery and deception of magic will not be tolerated and I’m sure you wouldn’t want them attending your school, falsely masquerading as fine young wizards, such as yourselves.” He finished with a judgemental downward glance at Aimee.
With one last scan of the cabin the three men reluctantly turned and left the train, disappearing into the afternoon sky in jets of sickly black smoke.
Once they were sure they had left, Neville harshly whispered across the table towards Aimee. “Are you TRYING to get snatched? This isn’t some schoolyard fight anymore. You could die if you aren't careful.”
“Tell that to yourself. Was “losers” the best insult you could come up with? It was pathetic.” She scoffed jokingly. “Anyways, never mind that. What have we come up with so far?”
“At the feast tonight we will spread word to the DA. Luna, Seamus, Mariko, Aaron and anyone else who will listen. We will use the room of requirement as our base. First thing, I’ll get Nigel to set up the radio equipment and tune in to Potterwatch. We’ll need the news to keep updated.” Neville replied quietly.
“I’ve got a cousin who works in the hospital wing. Azazil Bane. If Snape is headmaster now, I bet the school will be crawling with those Death Eater bastards. Clearly they don’t mind hurting us kids. I’ll see if he will help smuggle us some supplies. Bandages and potions.” She interjected. “It’ll be risky though.. he has… a sort of condition that lets people know when he’s lying.”
“It’s worth the risk. Ginny, do you have anything else to add?”
“Over the summer Fred and George told me where most of the secret passages are and where they lead, if I can remember them all. We can use them to get around.”
“Fantastic. Oh, have you guys heard about that mysterious newspaper that has appeared in the last few weeks?” He added.
“Yea. From what I’ve heard, it’s just a blank parchment unless you are given access. It has no name or author. The only identifying mark is a symbol of a Phoenix. Everyone I’ve heard talking about it just calls it The Phoenix Paper.” Aimee responded excitedly.
“I’ve heard talk that the author is going to also send the news through Potterwatch. Just as well, I doubt we could ever get our hands on the paper all the way out here at Hogwarts.” He grumbled.
“It also apparently bursts into flame every midnight and a new issue is printed every single day.”
“Ingenious. Though I’d hate to be the poor sod who is holding it when it goes.” Neville joked.
“Maybe we should get our hands on it. We could put it under nasty Snapes pillow. I bet his hair would go up like a Guy Fawkes effigy.” Laughed Ginny.
The tense situation eased up for a while as they laughed and continued to come up with pranks they could unleash on the new Headmaster of Hogwarts. However, with every clunk of the train, it was hard to push away the thought that with every passing second they got closer and closer to their last year at Hogwarts. They should be worrying about exams and planning their future. Instead, here they sit, planning a dangerous rebellion they never asked for and wondering if they will live to even see their future.
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slytherweasley · 3 years
Introverted (Harry Potter x Reader)
Warnings: swearing
Summary- Y/n mostly keeps to herself apart from her best friends Neville and Hermione. Everyone else thinks she’s odd. Harry has a crush on her but doesn’t know how to talk to her, he has to figure that out himself.
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Y/n is a very quiet person, she doesn’t talk to many people. Neville Longbottom is her best friend, they became best friends through their shared interest of Herbology. Y/n loves to study plants and understand magical creatures, she’s muggleborn so all the different creatures and plants fascinate her.
Hermione Granger is one of her good friends, Hermione has always been kind to Y/n since they’re the only muggleborns in their year. They share a common interest in taking care of all magical creatures, specifically house elves. Y/n always thanks the kitchen elves at the end of the day for making the food.
Ginny Weasley was also her good friend, Ginny is the opposite of Y/n. Ginny is strong and confident, that’s why it works, although she’s younger than Y/n she’s still a good friend.
Which brings me to her last friend Luna Lovegood, although Luna has some ineteretsing and questionable ideas but she’s got some similar ideas to Y/n. Luna and Y/n go out to see the Thestrals and feed them. Y/n witnessed her older brother die when she was younger which was a factor to her being so quiet.
“Oi Harry, look out” Fred Weasley yells out getting your attention too, you see Harry put his elbow in his food, he smiles at you as you walk down the hall to find Neville at the Gryffindor table, you chuckle. “Good one mate” Ron says “That was so awkward” George says “More like painful to watch. What’s your obsession with her anyway?” Fred asks “Shes beautiful and she is so smart and kind, she’s always looking out for someone else.” “You should talk to her” Hermione suggests “No way, I can’t talk to girls” “You talk to plenty of girls” “I’m not interested in them at all, I could never talk to Y/n.” “Shes the least intimidating person at Hogwarts” “It would be like talking to a wall” Fred says and everyone laughs “Actually, Y/n is very interesting, she’s got a lot to say if you make an effort to talk to her” Hermione says.
Y/n takes a seat next to Neville and Luna, it’s sometimes quite awkward for Y/n around Luna and Neville. Neville confessed his feelings for Luna to me and I’m pretty sure Luna fancies him too. “Hi guys” “Hi Y/n, do you want to come to the greenhouse with me after school?” “Yeah okay, that will be fun, what about you Luna?” “I’ve got some studying to do, thank you Y/n” she smiles.
Later that day, Neville goes back to his dorm to grab some of his Herbology books. “Neville, where are you going?” Harry asks “To the greenhouse with Y/n then we are going to the lake” “Oh, Y/n?” “Yeah” “Right, see you later then” “Bye Harry.” Neville was confused as to why Harry was suddenly interested in what he was doing but he let it go and met Y/n at the greenhouse.
“Hermione! You have to take me to The Great Lake” Harry jumps onto the couch in the common room “What? Why do I have to take you and why do you want to go there?” “Because if I go Y/n won’t talk to me, she talks to you and you can introduce us.” She sighs “You’re lucky I want to talk to Y/n.”
Harry and Hermione follow Neville and Y/n from afar and once they’re settled at the lake, Hermione and Harry go to them. “Hey Y/n” Hermione sits next to her under a tree, while Neville is in the water. “Oh hi Hermione, hi Harry” you give Harry a smile “You know my name?” He asks and she chuckles “Yes, you’re Harry Potter, everyone knows you” Harry blushes “Oh yeah, right.” Hermione and Y/n talk when there’s a splash, Neville falls underwater. Y/n can’t stop laughing, she laughs uncontrollably while trying to help Neville “That wasn’t funny Y/n” Neville says soaked in water “I’m so sorry Neville I can’t stop laughing.” Harry smiles, her laugh is contagious, hearing her laugh is music to his ears.
“Well we better leave you guys to whatever you were doing before” Hermione says “Bye Hermione, bye Harry. It was nice talking to you both” Y/n smiles at Harry, he smiles back and waves goodbye. “What was that?” Neville asks “What?” “That smile, I know you better than anyone else, do you fancy Harry?” “N-no!” “Yes you do.” “Fine yes I do” “You do know he is the chosen one and everything”’ “If you’re insinuating I have no chance with him, trust me I know. He’s cute though” “I didn’t mean it like that” “You did but that’s okay.”
The next morning Y/n goes to the great hall for breakfast. “Good morning, Harry, Good morning Hermione!” Y/n smiles and waves. Harry has a mouthful of pumpkin juice and spits it all over Ron “Mate! You can’t be serious” Ron snaps at Harry giving him a push but he’s focused on Y/n as she gives Neville a hug good morning. He doesn’t understand how Neville got so lucky.
Y/n had noticed how clumsy Harry was, he’d be tripping over his own feet all the time and he has ran into many poles. One time he brought Ron down with him, Ron wasn’t very happy, you chuckled each time Hermione got annoyed at Harry and helped him up.
“Oi Harry, Y/n is downstairs in the common room talking to Hermione, maybe you should go talk to her and make your move.” Ron says “I can’t talk to her, you know I can’t, I always fall over or I run into walls, people and poles not to mention I stutter and stumble over my words.” “You fancy Y/n?” Neville asks “Neville! I forgot you were in here, please don’t tell Y/n” Harry begs. “How long have you fancied Y/n?” “Since the end of last year” Ron says “Ron!” “What? He’s going to know anyway.” “You should talk to her Harry” Neville says “Does she even like me?” “Yes, she thinks your funny, every time you fall down she can’t stop laughing” “She does?” Harry’s eyes light up. “On your first challenge she couldn’t watch, she was so nervous for you” “Neville why haven’t you mentioned any of this before?” “I didn’t know you fancied her.”
Harry gets the courage to talk to Y/n. He goes downstairs and sits in the middle of her and Hermione. After getting assurance from Neville, Harry made an effort to get to know Y/n and they started hanging out more than her and Neville did. He always got her into the Gryffindor common room and she always got him into the Hufflepuff common room. The two of them would always flirt with each other, neither of them could tell though.
Y/n takes him down to the lake to watch the water “Y/n, I want to ask you something” “What is it?” “Well actually I have two things to ask.” “Tell me already, Harry!” “Well I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the Yule ball with me” “Yes, I would love to, I thought I’d be going with Neville but he already asked Ginny. What’s the other one?” “Umm so I have fancied you for a while and just recently I got to know you. So I wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend?” “Is this a joke?” “No” “I fancy you too Harry, I will be your girlfriend.” Harry kisses your lips, his soft lips on yours, you put your hand on his cheek, you pull away breathless. “Sorry, I have been waiting to do that for a while” “That was my first kiss” you admit “It was? I should’ve made it more special, I’m sorry” “No, I wouldn’t want it any other way, I like spontaneous.”
Word spread quickly, how could it not? Harry is dating a muggleborn hufflepuff, Y/n is quite mysterious which made it all the more interesting. Y/n found it confronting when people would come up to ask her about her relationship. “Hey, mudblood” Draco calls out from behind Y/n, she turns around out of curiosity “Yeah you, Potter’s girl” Y/n felt a jab in the heart. Draco has never talked to her before, he’s never even insulted her and now he is calling her a mudblood. Y/n was hoping Harry would be there soon, they agreed on meeting outside the library to study.
Y/n took a deep breath in as Malfoy and his friends confronted her “Who are you, mudblood?” “M-my name is Y-Y/n” “Are you new?” “N-no! I was always a-at this sc-school” “You got a stutter too? Potter is dating some loser mudblood Hufflepuff with a stutter” “I-I don’t usually have it.” His friends started laughing Thats when Harry appeared by her side. “Leave her alone” Harry stands in front of Y/n, the Slytherin’s go away and Harry hugs Y/n while she cries. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get here earlier” he kisses the top of her head “They’re assholes who know they can get a reaction out of you.” “I don’t want to study anymore” you mumble “That okay, where do you want to go?” “Your dorm.”
Harry takes her to his dorm, he gives her a hoodie of his to wear and she cries on his bed, Harry hated hearing her cry. “You don’t deserve this, you’re the most amazing person at this school” “I’ve never been called a mudblood before” “Because you’re not, your blood isn’t dirty, you’re lucky, you have both worlds, magical and muggle” “I guess so” she smiles. “That’s so much better, I love your smile.”
Hermione, Ginny and Y/n go dress shopping for the Yule ball. “Harry is going to instantly fall in love with you when he sees you in this” Ginny says. Y/n spins around in the dress. It’s a blue flowy off the shoulder dress. We walk back to Hogwarts, Hermione gets Y/n into the Gryffindor common room. Harry gets up as soon as he sees her. “Did you get a dress?” He asks giving her a hug “Yes, I did” “You’re going to love it” Hermione says “She looks so beautiful in it” Ginny agrees.
Harry takes Y/n down to their spot, the Great Lake under the tree they first officially met at. “I’m excited for this ball” Y/n says “Me too, I’m excited to see how beautiful you look. Harry gets up off the ground and puts his hand up for Y/n to take “May I have this dance, Y/n?” “You may.” Harry and Y/n had been practising since Harry asked Y/n, they were both very clumsy and not very good at dancing but they tried.
Harry spins Y/n around and almost let’s go of her hand but he catches her and kisses her. “I caught you” he mumbles close to her lips “You did” she leans up and kisses him again.
The day of The Yule Ball was stressful. Hermione let Y/n get ready in her dorm with her dorm mates. She did Y/n’s hair and makeup. Y/n did Hermione’s. Y/n walked with Hermione. Y/n caught eyes with Harry as soon as she walked down the first step. Harry looked so handsome, Y/n found herself wondering how the hell she is dating Harry Potter. “I can’t even speak properly right now, you look so incredibly beautiful” “Harry you look the most handsome in this room” he pecks her lips and McGonagal rushes over to the both of them. “Get ready for the first dance” neither Harry or Y/n knew they would be dancing in front of everyone. Y/n wasn’t good with attention and lately she’d been getting a lot. “Hey, look at me the whole time we are dancing, it will be just like we practised in your dorm.”
Harry and Y/n walk out together, Y/n felt like she was transported back in time to all the times they practised together. Harry stepped on her feet many times but she laughed it off. They danced the whole night, sticking to slow dancing where possible. “I want you to know that I’ve had the best night in a very long time” he whispers into her ear leaving a kiss on her cheek.
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goddammit-sam · 2 years
holy shit I'm actually crying. The worst part is I KNEW they were gonna do it. I was doing okay but that SONG. The song is what got me. I was FINE with the scene just like "oh no that's sad" until I heard him fucking singing and I just. Broke down. Send help I am not pogging through the pain.
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