#the force loves obi-wan and so do i
tennessoui · 1 month
what about some sort of buddy cop, same age, enemies to lovers au where obi-wan is a jedi and anakin is a coruscanti detective and they literally hate each other and have no respect for the other (obi-wan thinks anakin is a waste of the coruscant budget and a jedi wannabe; anakin thinks obi-wan is a pretentious space monk asshole)
(anakin has personally arrested obi-wan for speeding three times, drinking in public spaces 4 times -- the public space was a bar btw -- and indecent public exposure once. that last one was, tbh, fair cause obi-wan had his dick out in an alley way lol)
(obi-wan has literally stalked this asshole coruscanti cop off planet before and arrested him in his capacity as Jedi Knight for not using his turn signal when changing hyperspace lanes (once), for podracing betting (3 times), and for possession of a galacticly banned substance (twice))
it's not that they're obsessed with each other, it's just that something keeps forcing them together in the wildest, most unpredictable situations, and it's annoying as hell because they're completely fed up with each other
then the senate moves to have a new task force stood up to solve a series of Force-related crimes in the Coruscanti underworld. the task force would include a representative from the Jedi Temple and one from the Coruscanti guards, obviously. and really, obi-wan and anakin are the perfect choices! they're both highly intelligent, dedicated, trustworthy, and incorruptible.
if only they'd stop trying to push each other off the 51st story of coruscant and actually put their heads together to solve the crime
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tenderjock · 2 years
funniest take on the “are cody and obi-wan having sex in clone wars” is the concept that a bit into the war all the commanders are giving cody shit for being such a simp for general kenobi and he’s like, does - does everyone here think i’m not sleeping with the general? and theyre like wh
and cody goes, i thought that thats what everyones been harassing me about for the past year. what are you guys talking about
[bly voice] the past YEAR we’ve only been fighting this war for THIRTEEN MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! CODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tragedy-for-sale · 2 months
Left Me with You
Anakin hated when he took away Obi-Wan's happiness, even if it was just pretend.
Sad Obi-Wan is just my favorite thing to write. Apparently. This fic is kinda long and is already up on my Ao3.
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It wasn't often that Obi-Wan and Anakin got to go on meditative retreat together. But even then, as Obi-Wan sat in the field, eyes closed and legs crossed, he could feel it within him, Anakin would be happier if he wasn't here. Obi-Wan opened his eyes, brows furrowed and a concerned frown. He wished he could talk to Anakin about it, but talking wasn't something they did. Obi-Wan wondered of all Anakin would say, if he could speak openly of his love, Obi-Wan smiled at the thought of Anakin, the sparkle of love in his eyes. The sparkle of life. But that smile didn't last long, Anakin would never tell him all about his love, and Obi-Wan would never ask. He wouldn't ruin Anakin's happiness, it was such a rare thing, and Obi-Wan never wanted Anakin to go without it, not if he didn't have to.
Obi-Wan stood up, wrapping his robe around him as he started back to the small vacation home Padme had so graciously allowed them to stay in. He walked among the wildflowers, but he didn't stop to pick a few. They were beautiful, but the moment he touched them, the moment he plucked them from their home, they would die, the moment Obi-Wan touched those beautiful flowers, they would die. So he kept walking, he let them live, he would not touch them, and he would live because Obi-Wan didn't go anywhere near them.
Reaching the house, he took off his sandals and walked into the kitchen. He looked on the counter and saw a vase. Obi-Wan felt as if he'd been struck, those flowers, those beautiful flowers that Obi-Wan had been so tempted to kneel down beside, to take in the smell of spring, to pluck them from their home for his own selfish desires. Those beautiful flowers were impossible not to notice, and now they were on full display as they died- "Hey Obi-Wan," it was Anakin's voice, but Obi-Wan could not stop the ringing in his head long enough to focus, "-picked the flowers-" The sound of flickering embers. "-They're really nice, they smell really good-" he would've led such a meaningful life. "Obi-Wan?"
Obi-Wan looked up, he found Anakin, "Oh, Anakin," a familiar smile found its way to Obi-Wan's face as he walked over and smelled the flowers, 'I'm so sorry, Master-' he closed his eyes, the smell of spring, early morning rainfall and late night firefly catching. He opened his eyes, "How was the lake?"
Anakin's own smile flickered on his face, but if Obi-Wan didn't want to talk, they wouldn't. Talking wasn't something they did. "It was nice, Master." Anakin remembered fondly, "The water was cool but in the sun," Anakin chuckled, "Man, I almost fell asleep, that's why I came back," Anakin opened the fridge with the intention of finding a snack but he couldn't help his thoughts wandering and lingering on Obi-Wan. Even though they hadn't even been remotely close, Anakin could sense his Master's sorrow. He'd worried about this. He hadn't wanted Obi-Wan to come to Naboo, Anakin had asked Obi-Wan if he'd want to go somewhere else, anywhere else but here. Anakin could sense it since the moment they arrived, Obi-Wan would be happier if he wasn't here.
"Master," Anakin's voice seemed on edge, it certainly caught Obi-Wan's attention, for Anakin could sense Obi-Wan straightening up and crossing his arms. Prepared to ricochet any shots.
"Yes, Anakin?" But his voice was soft, giving nothing away, not his fear, not his anger, not his sorrow. Obi-Wan was always so good at pretending, but Anakin knew that for all of Obi-Wan's confidence, he didn't really mean it.
"We're still gonna be here in four days," Anakin could dance around the point, that was how it worked. Neither one of them dared to look the other in the eye, for both were far too afraid to address all the damage they'd done to the other.
"Yes, we are," Obi-Wan nodded, walking over to the cabinet and looking at the tea. He was so good at that. "Do you want a cup of tea?" He wasn't going to give in, he couldn't.
Anakin nodded, maybe he should drop it, but how could he ignore Obi-Wan's trembling hands? "Master," Anakin said again, Obi-Wan turned, that knowing smile on his face. "It'll be twelve years..."
Obi-Wan felt as if he'd been punched in the gut, the mug became impossibly heavy he could only put it down. His stomach twisted in knots as he struggled to turn to meet Anakin's gaze, "Yes," He mustered out, but his voice trembled. Every year, from the first year to today, Obi-Wan was never any better, he never missed Qui-Gon any less. Obi-Wan resigned, bowing his head, looking down at the counter, "Why do you bring it up?"
Anakin might as well of gut punched Obi-Wan then and there, that would hurt less. He looked at his master, hunched over, fists clenched Anakin could see the white of his knuckles, stray hairs hiding his face and his shoulders tense. He shouldn't have said anything. They didn't talk about things like this, this was why, Anakin. "-When I lost my mother," Anakin's throat went dry, he found it so hard to speak. "When she died-" he looked away, "I can't remember what she sounds like," Anakin wanted to laugh, if only to show Obi-Wan he was okay. "I don't remember her laugh or that song she'd sing while doing laundry, even though she sang it every time she did the-" Anakin hung his head, oh- Oh. What had he done?
Obi-Wan looked up through his hair, he looked terribly alone. "Anakin..." Obi-Wan walked over to Anakin, reaching out his hand, but Anakin remembered the point of all this pain.
"-I still think about my mother, so I know you still think of Qui-Gon." Anakin's voice was quiet, but Obi-Wan heard, like blaster fire, it was all he could hear, it was deafening.
It might've taken Anakin losing his own mother to realize the root of all those tears Obi-Wan cried. He remembered those first few weeks, Obi-Wan was sad all the time, he'd cry after he'd put Anakin to bed, he'd cry after meetings with the council, he'd cry, hand covering his mouth as he realized he was really pathetic. To still not be alright, to still be crying months after. To always be sad. Anakin knew now, Obi-Wan felt like a scared little kid, so he'd cry, he'd cry and cry hoping Qui-Gon would come to tell him not to be afraid, to sing a lullaby and silly songs while doing laundry. But he never came and one day Obi-Wan stopped crying, he didn't cry after a hard mission, not a tear after remembrance ceremonies, not even watery eyes after being told 'you're so much like your master.' Obi-Wan didn't cry, but he cut his hair, meditated on sleepless nights, held his lightsaber to stop his shaking hands. But he did not cry, he did not cry. He would not cry, not in front of Anakin, not in front of anyone. Not anymore.
The tears stopped but the pain never did. It was only a few short years ago Obi-Wan decided he would never cry in front of Anakin and up until now Obi-Wan stood by his vow. But here, right now, Anakin knew him completely, all his pathetic pain and sorrow. His infinite sadness and self-effacing jokes. He'd never let anyone know how sad he would always be, certainly not. But he couldn't hide his water-colored eyes from Anakin, even though they didn't talk, of course he knew. Obi-Wan's voice trembled and all the strength and poise he'd so carefully crafted fell apart. Obi-Wan felt his eyes water, "Oh, Anakin," his voice cracked, "I'm so sorry-" Obi-Wan shook his head, he couldn't look at Anakin, not after the face he made. Oh, Anakin's face. All of Obi-Wan's pain fell into embarrassment, he couldn't pull himself together, and he was so sorry that he couldn't. "I'm sorry, Anakin, for all of this-" for all of me-
Anakin felt everything within him stop, he couldn't think, he couldn't move, he couldn't breathe, Obi-Wan hadn't cried in so long- and all it took was Anakin to open his damned mouth to change that. "Please don't cry, Master, please Obi-Wan-" Anakin looked down, voice trembling, all he could do was beg, "I hate it when you cry-" He really did, he hated not being listened to, being talked over and feeling powerless, but what he hated most, more than his own pain and frustration, what seeing that frustration in those he loved. He hated when Padme worked really hard on a speech to not be heard at all, when Ahsoka cried because she missed her friends, when Rex lost a brother. Anakin hated that he couldn't take their pain away, and most of all, he hated that Obi-Wan was sad, he hated that nothing would ever make him truly happy, Anakin hated he couldn't do anything to ease his pain, he hated when Obi-Wan cried because he became powerless, Anakin was a little kid all over again, unable to think because, like his mother, there was nothing he could do to make her tears stop, there was nothing he could do to make Obi-Wan's tears stop.
Obi-Wan wiped his eyes, his forced smile was so similar to his real one, if Anakin didn't know Obi-Wan, he wouldn't know the difference. How many people didn't know the difference? "Anakin, I do apologize," Obi-Wan took a deep breath, pulling himself back in, shoving all this pain down. He came over to Anakin and pulled his former padawan into a hug, "I'm alright, we'll be alright." His voice was so assuring, so knowing, so void of all his suffering. There it was, that holy resignation. Obi-Wan forgetting himself for the sake of others around him, there it was, his unrequiting selflessness.
Anakin held him tightly, just for a moment as he was safe in his master's arms, he felt a wave of grief sweep him out to sea, his feet swept out beneath him; Anakin was so afraid to let go of Obi-Wan, for he'd surely drown, "I miss my mom-" he'd never admit this, not now anyway, but he'd let himself remember his mother's smile, that soft glow in her eyes, the lines of age framing her eternal beauty, he could almost hear her now, "I still feel like a little kid without her-"
Obi-Wan would not let go until Anakin was ready, and when he was, Anakin wiped his eyes, stepping back into the man he'd grown into, a man without a mother. He looked down at Obi-Wan and he didn't see his Master, he saw a man without a father. It was just the two of them as they were, true Jedi: without a mother, without a father. Their family was the Jedi, but to consider the Jedi their family would be forming an attachment, would it not? Obi-Wan had long pondered that, late into sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling. If he was supposed to be ever compassionate, ever loving; if he was raised to love through love, it was rather hard to not become lost in feelings of attachment. "... That never really goes away." Obi-Wan whispered, he still felt like a padawan, he always wished Qui-Gon was still here, that Obi-Wan was still a son. But he wasn't, and Obi-Wan wasn't.
Anakin held his master tight, but not out of his own sorrow, what about Obi-Wan? Anakin remembered council meetings, the two watched by all of their ever-caring stares, all debating Anakin's future with the Jedi, but what about Obi-Wan? If they ever asked about his well-being, Anakin would never know if, in those early days, they made Obi-Wan feel worse by questioning his ability to do this on his own. "Master," Anakin pulled out of their hug, Obi-Wan was all put back together again, with tape and glue, "You don't have to pretend you're alright, not with me."
Obi-Wan's smile flickered, that sadness flooding back into his eyes, "Anakin," Obi-Wan looked down, he almost wanted to laugh, "Oh, you've grown up, haven't you?" He saw Anakin's smile, too bad it was born from sorrow, "You've become the Jedi I always dreamed you would be."
"-And you've become the Jedi Qui-Gon always dreamed you would be-" Anakin put his hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder, he didn't need to be told, but perhaps it was a nice reminder, "Qui-Gon would be proud of the man you've grown into, Master, you are an honorable Jedi, and a good master, even if at times I didn't think so." This time Anakin laughed, and Obi-Wan almost did too. There was a moment, Obi-Wan had fallen into his thoughts but Anakin's voice brought him back, "What I'm saying, is that it's okay to tell me that you miss him," It's okay if you tell me that you cut your hair after I told you that you looked like him; It's alright if you tell me you hold onto your lightsaber because it makes you feel safe; It's okay if you tell me you meditate instead of sleeping because you only have nightmares of that day; It's okay if you tell me you cry when there's no one around because you want everyone to think you're okay now. "It's okay for you to miss him, Obi-Wan, I know how much you loved him-"
Anakin watched Obi-Wan's eyes flicker, perhaps with surprise, perhaps embarrassment, as if loving the man who raised you as his own was something to be ashamed of. As if mourning Qui-Gon like Anakin mourned his mother was wrong. Anakin put a reassuring hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder, sensing the cracks in his master's facade, "It's alright.... If you tell me that you loved him-" Anakin whispered.
Obi-Wan looked up, taking a deep breath, he looked up at his padawan, oh, when did he grow up? He was far beyond that little boy on Tatooine, Anakin had grown up into a Jedi Knight, and now they served together not as master and apprentice, but side by side as Jedi Knights. Obi-Wan blinked and Anakin wasn't scared to let go of Obi-Wan's hand, he wasn't heading to the padawan dining hall, he wasn't practicing his form. No, Obi-Wan blinked and Anakin was putting himself in the line of fire to protect others, bringing meals to Obi-Wan's chambers so they can eat together, making form videos for Ahsoka, Obi-Wan had trained him as best as he was able, and somewhere in the last twelve years, Anakin grew up. Obi-Wan had a sorrowful realization from such a miraculous thing, Anakin had grown up. They worked alongside each other as Jedi Knights, and now Obi-Wan had what he dreamed of, he had what he always wanted, what Qui-Gon always wanted.
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The problem is that you're not the Jedi you should be, you're not the Jedi your master wanted and trained you to be, you're a Jedi Master, member of the Jedi Council, but really, you're still just a padawan whose master died, and you never got over it.
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lightasthesun · 3 months
Nothing ever cost me as much in life as loving you did and yet, still, I do.
- excerpt from Ben Kenobi's diary.
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zyphnn · 2 years
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Day 7: Morning @codywanweek 
something something up in our bedroom after the war
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navree · 2 years
i love that it wasn’t obi wan who swooped in and saved luke and defeated reva, but that it was reva’s own decision, that even if obi wan had never realized anything was going on, she still would have brought luke back to owen and beru, she still would have spared him, she still would have realized that killing luke wouldn’t have done anything, that she needed to be more than what vader was. 
reva’s turn away from the dark side, away from grief and hopelessness and hate and rage wasn’t foisted upon her because she was bested in battle, or because someone else got her to see the light. she made that choice, on her own, and for herself. luke is alive because of reva, and only reva, because of the decision that she made in that moment, and no one else had any bearing on it. it wasn’t obi wan’s ingenuity or prowess or abilities that saved luke, it was just reva. just reva and her mercy, and her deliberate choice. it’s absolutely wonderful.
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sukugo · 3 months
it's been kinda funny for me going from 2 very fucked up ships to sukugo.
#like just. the difference in how i treat them is so#me with obikin and kv: ahahaheehehe anakin raping obi-wan forcing himself on him obi-wan riddled with guilt vash gets BRUTALLY assaulted#me with sukugo: sukuna 🥺🥺 kiss gojo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 sukuna love 🥺🥺 gojo 🥺🥺🥺 and give him. so many Kiss 🥺#fdhfjgfhdjsjhfshu#i mean it's not like i DON'T have my crazier morally dubious moments with them. (there's nothing i love more than blurred consent)#plus there are aspects of their relationship that do lend themselves for a clash and greater emotional conflict#but they're ultimately a very cute ship. they're just kinky. but they're soft#in contrast to obikin and kv where smth like the lack of consent is inherent to the relationship (at least. in my interpretation of obikin)#as well as like twisted love and crushing psychosexual obsession and codependency and the whole incest thing they both got going on#(i mean obikin isn't incest. but it is. to me)#whereas sukugo is two guys met and found and equal in the other. it's very give and take. it's constructive as ive said before#while the other two are very one person gives and gives and gives and gives#the other takes and takes and takes and takes#until they go up in flames and fuck up everything around them#f.txt#and even in the jjk ships sukugo is quite cute#like lets' say we compare it to smth like fushigo.....THAT'S a crazier ship#it's really about the emotional part#how long the characters have been together and how regard each other. and in these cases. it's bc they're almost (or actual) familial bonds#fdjfhdjfdsffjdsfsjfsdfsdfds it's the incest.#it all comes down to the incest huh FJDSGFHDSG#anyways
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obiwanobi · 2 years
AU (inspired by this amazing prompt) where the Force needs vessels to exist and each generation of Jedi has their Chosen One that they consider as a sort of deity with godlike powers to match their title. Order 66 is even more brutal than in canon and almost no Jedi survives, leaving Anakin as the last Chosen One, who knows he will disappear the second the very last Jedi forgets about him or dies.
Enter Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, last ember of a dying age.
And if Anakin knows one thing, it's that he will do whatever he can to survive, even if it means making his last follower live eternally, or at least until a new Order is created with new followers.
He just never imagined that if Obi-Wan is devoted to the Force and to him, having such a personal and close relationship with only one worshipper also means that Anakin is devoted to him.
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ereborne · 7 months
please please please, did the space-monk keep his armies up his sleevies??
Of course he did! 
This is an exceptionally silly title, but in my defense, it’s a nonsense file full of contradictory timeline schenanigans and snippets of a fic I am not writing.  The same fic I’m very very absolutely not writing that I mentioned in the seven-sentence post last Sunday, actually!  It has been plaguing me. 
The thing is, is that I am so sure there ought to be a way to make it work.  I haven’t found it so far, so far I have only found many ways not to make the metaphorical lightbulb, but I feel so strongly that it should work.  I will make it work eventually, and then I will be free. 
The ‘it’ (army up our sleevey) in question:  the Mandalorian Empire!  I am so sure that there should be a way to rewrite these wholeass war stars so that the Mandalorian Excision is a turning point in the history of the Jedi Order, but in the opposite direction from canon.  Have it be the first time the Jedi were commanded to go commit large-scale violence against a sovereign system just because the Republic said to, and so the first time the Jedi found themselves truly pushed to a point where they cannot do as ordered without wholly breaking the tenets of their Order but cannot disobey and keep themselves safe and in a position to fulfil the objectives of their Order—and have them turn to the Force for a third option. 
It's a pretty radical third option, because I want to play with the timeline and also because the one scene makes me so so so happy, but—instead of killing off the Mandalorians, they meet with them, make a deal with them, pack them up on ships, and slide them into a pocket in the Unifying Force to be retrieved (much) later, when it’s safe.  Fast forward all the way to AotC, once the Jedi have discovered the clone army prepped for them on Kamino and received that implicit authorization to hire what amounts to a mercenary army, they can do a fine magician’s flourish and pull the better part of the Mandalorian Empire out of their sleeves!  What a scene that would be, I want it so badly. 
And all the fun of the set-up, too!  Imagine it, right, the Jedi have elevated ‘from a certain point of view’ to a zen art and have a now long-running history of taking creative options to do the most good possible regardless of Republic guidelines, but keeping it all on the down-low has given the Jedi chronically poor PR (essentially the same as they have in canon) and the truth of many things has passed out of memory and into the keeping of the Force.  Then the tragedy at Galidraan happens, Dooku’s faith wavers, and the Force returns one secret to them—Dooku’s good friend Sifo-Dyas gets him together with Master Archivist Jocasta Nu and the three of them learn about the pocket Mandos waiting to be pulled, the absolute proof of how far the Jedi will go (and how much the Force will support them) in order to preserve life.  And then immediately after that revelation is when Sidious comes to whisper in Dooku’s ear, all his manipulations, how the Republic is corrupt and the Jedi are useless and if Dooku wants power enough to make a difference he’ll need to do something radical—and Dooku is playing him the entire time. 
And thematically, it could be so good!  Revisiting the original Star Wars question of are the Jedi knights following lords or monks serving a higher purpose!  The distinction between lying to gain the freedom to do good (Jedi mind-trick) and manipulations to gain power to do evil (Sith compulsion)!  Once-and-future Mandos who are both the kings waiting to return to their people and the sword waiting to be drawn!  The Clone Wars are still fought, kind of!  An Empire still rises, kind of!  The clones who were chattel, produced and sold by a failed Mand’alor, denied any culture or history, destined to fight and die unacknowledged in someone else’s war; now being adopted wholesale by the returned Mandalorian people, hailed as a gift from the Force itself, sharing their knowledge of modern times and being taught all the cultural traditions of Mandalore’s heyday, being treated as beloved children and kept as safe as any Mando’ad could be!  Anakin, fatherless child of the Force, as the prophesied Chosen One, found by the will of the Living Force, trained by a sleight-of-hand master with a powerful connection to the Unifying Force, strong enough to bring balance to the Force not through massacre but instead by bringing back an entire people!  Renewal, healing, proof that good will always ultimately triumph over evil but that you have to get it there through a balanced combination of faith and hard work! So fun!!!!
Exactly how and when all this happens and what the hell all the fallout is, though, all that stuff still escapes me.  This file is an absolute nightmare bog of snippets and bullet-point ranting. 
#asks#anternika#hi hi hi hi <3 <3 <3 <3#thank you for validating my incredibly silly joke#I just I so very much want to see Obi-Wan and Anakin open up the void of space above Kamino into essentially a Force-constructed hyperlane#pull an armada out like space rabbits from a galactic hat and then laugh directly in Sidious' face#and then a three-strand plot to handle the Separatists the Sith and the rehoming of pretty much everybody (Jedi and clones and Mandos etc)#I know there has to be a way to do it but it's like I'm doing a puzzle blind. just slamming pieces together and feeling them fail to click#how to have the clones around long enough to be established characters and give them agency enough to opt in to the fighting?#have Dooku sneak Obi-Wan in as a trainer on Kamino before the Jedi are able to officially discover the clone army? where's Anakin?#other questions then: what's the place of the Shadows in this adjusted Jedi Order? what's the state of slavery in this galaxy?#what's the state of the Mandalorian remnants? the New Mandalorians? what's Obi-Wan's history with them now?#and later where are we putting the returned Mandalorians? to what extent do we let the Separatists secede? are we dissolving the Republic?#who knows! certainly not me. I have a million options sketched out and they're all mutually-exclusive#and anyway almost all my scenes turn into various characters talking to the clones about their past experiences and future opportunities#I just love them so much
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mutalune · 27 days
one of the funniest things about star wars fic is that you can very clearly tell when an author has no clue what meditation actually is
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americankimchi · 2 years
trying to find more padawan obi wan fics out there that don’t do the following:
turn qui gon into a villainous caricature by reducing him from a complicated, traumatized character to Horrible Person Who Abused Our Poor Obi-Wan Unjustly For His Entire Padawanship Without Pause
turn yoda into a crusty evil gremlin who is cold, calculating, and supremely manipulative. usually framed in a way to make him stuck in his old ways. basically the jedi equivalent of a republican conservative.
and for some reason ki adi mundi also gets this treatment??? what’s going on here
forget that the jedi are a religious community and not a government/military organization
ignore the jedi’s philosophies and ignore or misinterpret the tenets of the jedi code in bad faith
CONSTANTLY say that the jedi are incapable/not allowed to love because ~love is attachment and attachment is forbidden~ when this is so far off what canon AND george lucas tells us it’s hysterical
have obi wan defect/be abandoned by/get kicked out/otherwise leave the jedi order for whatever reason to join the mandalorians
if above happens, uses obi wan and the mandalorians as a mouthpiece to criticize the jedi order for being an inherently flawed organization for which there is no redemption
and instead does the following:
literally just treats the jedi with respect. please. i’m begging you. if i see another “the jedi order lets their children be abused within their organization because for some reason an entire temple full of level 100 psychic empaths would either not notice or care that one of their own is suffering” ice cold take i’m going to explode
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tennessoui · 2 years
au where everything is sorta the same in the phantom menace, but it's role reversal, so it's stewjon and not tatooine that they crash on, and it's baby obi-wan that padawan skywalker and his master qui-gon jinn find.
baby obi-wan isn't the chosen one or anything, but he's this pure beacon of Light in the Force, old and untrained as he is, and that's attracted a ton of different Force sensitives to the area---both Light and Dark. qui-gon tells baby obi-wan that he'll take him to the Temple for training if he wants, and obi-wan agrees only for qui-gon to be killed by a sith there who has also been drawn to obi-wan's Light.
that's not important though because anakin absolutely hacks the sith to pieces for killing his master (and baby obi-wan, who is kneeling by qui-gon's body and holding his big hand in his baby ones, is terrified that he'll be next when anakin turns around, covered in blood) and qui-gon tells obi-wan to make sure anakin trains him and anakin, sorta mad with grief and loss, is like 'fuck that,' but he does take him back to the temple, gives him to the council and then fucks off on a deep cover mission for like ten years so he doesn't have to even think about the brat who caused the death of his father-master.
meanwhile though, obi-wan's new master thinks he's much too strongly stewjoni to be trained, but he does try for a few years before giving up, trading him to another master etc etc until obi-wan leaves the order all together when he's sixteen to get into stewjoni politics.
so when anakin comes back from his mission, he's shocked to find that obi-wan is not where he left him and is now a senator's aide, resulting in him storming to the senate building and pulling obi-wan (roughly) aside, accusing him of ignoring qui-gon's dying wish for him to be a jedi
and obi-wan, who has grown up nursing a hurt and hatred for this jedi in particular, rips his arm away and is like 'actually master jinn's dying wish was for you to train me so you ignored it first.'
#kit's silly lil aus#obikin#the senator menace au#i just love all the reverse master/padawan content ive been seeing lately#so heres another au where theyre reverse master/padawan#but not actually master padawan unfortunately#even though i can see this anakin being very close to falling#because hes bad at letting his attachment go#and also qui-gon wanted him to train him because he thought obi-wan's light would be good for anakin#and that night when obi-wan goes to bed#still seething about the nerve of jedi knight skywalker#hes visted by qui-gon jiinn in his dreams#who begs him to let anakin teach him#anything about the force at all. he needs him.#and obi-wan who has never felt needed once in his life is like......he needs me?#well....alright then#so they start doing secret lil trainings while obi-wan is still a senator's aide#and anakin just. latches onto him like qui-gon jinn sorta thought he would#but it's even a tighter latching on than he thought because this anakin has spent ten years in the worst parts of the galaxy#so he's quickly becoming unstably addicted to obi-wan's light#and then later his voice and his smile and his kisses etc etc#don't know if this would be a universe where anakin falls and convinces obi-wan to join him#(suitless vaderkin's crazed eyes in rots telling baby obi-wan this is what qui-gon would have wante#a chance for him to train obi-wan as his apprentice#but only in the dark side)#or if anakin almost falls but obi-wan successfully reels him back in#so this is nothing lke the phantom menace huh lol
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seth-shitposts · 5 months
We finished the Obi-Wan Kenobi Series
There were a lot of things I was/am endlessly frustrated over
But there are also many bits and choices that were made that I have an appreciation for too.
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
The Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries is scattered moments of emotionally-devastating pure brilliance linked together by some of the most childishly dumb plot devices you can imagine.
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brcha · 2 years
also? au where Bail (or Bail and Padmé? Bail and Obi-Wan? Bail and Yoda?) manages to smuggle surviving Younglings and Padawans out of the Temple and bring them to Alderaan. 
Bail comming Breha on the way just like ‘well, my dove...’
Breha becoming the human embodiment of the gif of K Bell talking about meeting the sloth
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and bursting into tears then running around the palace to get rooms ready. 
Breha just hugging each and every Youngling and asking if they’re okay and checking the older ones to make sure they aren’t hurt and didn’t get shot, snuggling the younger ones and asking if they were scared, and telling them it’ll be alright now, that everything will be alright and she won’t let anyone hurt them. making sure everyone has food and cozy blankets and comforting toys for the young ones.
I mean listen, this woman has wanted to be a mother so badly for so long and tried so hard and failed so devastatingly and now hey look at all these frightened children who need love and affection and care. 
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dalidalia359 · 2 years
Obi-wan…. held out… a karking ocean with his mind???? He redirected said ocean to fck with incoming enemies???? With his mind??????
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