#the fremergency fronfract
koichi-nomura · 1 month
Unpopular WOY take:
I hate “The Fremergency Fronfract.” I can’t stand to watch it. Wander trying to hang out with an incapacitated Hater instead of getting him back to the Skullship when he knows Hater wouldn’t want that just feels weird?? And sorta out of character like he’s taking advantage of something?? It feels at odds with what he said about Screwball Jones too. I also have always been bothered for some reason by anything remotely close to infantilization, so I don’t watching Hater act like a little kid, and then I also don’t like watching people laugh at him for it, I’ve just never enjoyed stuff like that :\
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Wander once said:
It's a dead meme for sure, but I decided to make it anyway
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sylpeeps-time-drtc · 2 years
Ok in "The Fremergency Fronfract" episode Sylvia and Peepers don't share many similar expressions (rather the opposite 🙃) but I remembered that in this episode Sylvia and Peepers are using their cell phones ✌️📱📱
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Sylvia has fun using her cell phone to make funny videos of an anesthetized Hater with Wander and posts them on the Internet (by an intergalactic network for sure 😁)🤣🤣🤣
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And then we see an angry Peepers use his cell phone to show those videos to Hater 😅😅😅😅
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Ok it shows that the model of their cell phones are somewhat different, but the model of their cases (covers) are almost similar 😚😚😚
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Hater as a human would probably either have the most fucked up teeth known to man or braces because of how fucked up his teeth are because what is this:
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questor-thews · 2 years
all I ever do is make these but here's another one
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sillywoyscreenshots · 2 months
you should do that removed scene from fremergency fronfract where wander and hater are meowing together
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Had no idea you liked Wander. Was a huge surprise to see it mentioned in passing! Who’s your favorite character, episode, etc— would love to know your thoughts on the show!
I love Wander! Fuck the network, it should have had more seasons.
Favorite character's Wander himself, favorite episode is The Wanders and the first half of The Fremergency Fronfract because I'm skeleton dance shipping filth.
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emryste · 11 days
i know it was between u and a friend but if ur want to i would love to hear wackass character analysis…i love woy and i love hearing peoples thoughts on it on a deeper level!!
ghhhhghfghfhg thank you for asking, it was mostly just me overanalyzing behaviours in some episodes as we did our rewatch. if you're interested, i can gather what little bits i talked about under the cut! as a warning though, theres a lot of words, not all coherent, and most of it is me reading too much into things as well as a lot of personal opinion and bias.
the fremergency fronfract and the boy wander
to start, jay (my friend) mentioned something about seeing a theory relating to the boy wander episode, and how there's something about screwball that makes wander completely shut off to the point of putting on a whole different personality (if anyone thinks they know the post they were talking about, please link it to me! i'd love to read it). all the info we have is screwball is a villain 'from wanders past', and that for whatever reason, he clearly feels like stopping him is more important than befriending him. it's a complete departure from usual wander, and it's part of the reason why i find it so interesting having it follow the fremergency fronfract. in that episode, he is the shining example of what he dislikes screwball for — forcing someone to be happy. he says 'i only present the positive path, i dont force you to follow it' meanwhile in the previous episode took advantage of hater's state and quite literally suggested the dentist should zap hater so hard he would stay good forever.
i dont think this is out of character. at this point in the show, wander is personally attached to hater, cares about him, and is very invested in his happiness. s1 wander, back when they had more of an antagonistic relationship, most likely wouldnt have been selfish in this way. not because he didnt care, because obviously he cares about everyone, but he didnt have that incentive of his own personal feelings. thats why he acted in a way that under normal circumstances, he would think is super dangerous. not to mention, another reason he could be so averse to screwball's ideology is because he sees sometimes sees the same qualities in himself, but they're parts he actively doesnt like and tries not to encourage.
to me, i like the idea that after the fremergency fronfract, wander was feeling guilty about how he acted and his frenzy to keep lord hater as he was. that contributed to why he was so desperate about stopping screwball in that episode, being confronted by someone who is a living specimen of something you feel guilty about would definitely rattle you. as my friend said, it's like karma came back to bite him.
the toddler
a fun little thing i think about during the toddler episode is how wander and sylvia's parenting styles could be indicative of their own childhoods. sylvia makes sense considering what we see of her mum in her family episode and what her environment was like growing up, however with wander it's a bit trickier. my first instinct was either wander had no parents/family of his own so he doesnt fully understand the dynamic, or they were terrible/negligent. perhaps both. this idea mostly comes from wander not really grasping what looking after a child is like apart from his surface level view of what he thinks would work. sylvia's approach isn't as effective but is more indicative of how a lot of parents raise their kids and says a lot about how she was raised, in comparison to wander's which is idealistic and purely thinking about what the toddler wants to a detrimental degree. that, to me, sounds like someone who either has no idea how kids are actually raised, or who is trying desperately to give a toddler what they didnt have. but in the end, potentially all of that could just be considered moot since wander is an normally idealistic guy, and maybe it doesnt say anything about his childhood at all. fun to think about though!
the wanders
for the episode 'the wanders', i talked about how i feel like the wander who always does what you tell him not to (pathological demand avoidance wander as my friend called him lol) could also be the one responsible for his need for freedom and not staying in one place for too long. my reasoning here was the link between not wanting to be told what to do (valuing your free will and autonomy) and how that relates to wander's inclination for being nomadic. i could definitely go deeper into this but you get the picture.
also during 'the wanders', me and jay obviously spoke a little about the 'most important part' wander. they mentioned how whilst he did look tiny he still had the hat, so it's still technically current wander. but rather, it's a part of him that sees himself as helpless, and is a physical manifestion of that by being small and vulnerable. what i always found interesting was how wanders physical form came back before that part was added, whilst the other parts of him all needed to be there for his form to be actualized.
i dont know if the reasoning for this has been answered by one of the crew before, but my reading into it was just that it could be because of a variety of reasons. like maybe that part of him isn't part of his personality but rather something else, like a memory. or maybe, since when sylvia was putting him together and one of the other wanders said something like "if you dont accept all of us, you accept none of us" (relating to make wander whole again), it was something that those aspects of wander didnt want to be part of him even though actual wander saw it as an important part. whatever the reason is, it's always been something that itched at my brain after that episode.
lord hater's and cpeeps' motives
also, i very lightly touched on the topic of lord hater's whole character motivation boiling down to him wanting admiration, to be taken seriously and for people to love/care about him. meanwhile, whilst peepers also wants to be taken seriously, it feels less from a need for love but instead a compulsion to prove himself. to prove he can do things and be powerful despite his shortcomings (literally), which also leans into why we can see peepers' being more evil/ruthless than hater at times. he wants to be admired, but in a different way, to seen as competent.
and thats all the theorizing i did during that rewatch. i could talk about little intricacies and headcanons on how i view the characters for a billion years, but that would definitely make this too long LOL for the rest of the rewatch we just enjoyed the show and had a silly little time. for your enjoyment and as a thanks for reading, heres some highlights of (mainly) my friend whilst we watched:
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probablyaseamonster · 6 months
your text post analyzing haters behavior is so good. I also had that jarring conclusion of oh my god . He’s tsundere. It’s so silly. and I often think about the fremergency fronfract where haters subconscious thoughts are fronted and it’s literally … he loves being good! he literally admits doing good deeds makes him feel warm and fuzzy ! and they go off and do a bunch of fun good deeds helping people?!
AUGHHH it’s so much to dissect…!
(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆
you get me! Hater is honestly just primed for a confesses-while-drunk fanfic and didn't that kinda already happe in one episode? WOY characters are so fun to dissect and like Hater and Wander don't have explicit backstories so you end up wondering why they are the way they are and it's so funny!
My vision for season 3 is that Hater finally has that long-awaited redemption arc but Peepers refuses to join him on the side of good, choosing villainy over his Lord (mostly because i always got the impression that Peepers has this vision of what he wants Hater to be and it frustrates him anytime Hater falls short of that grand plan). Peepers is like "fine! Ill show you! Ill be my own villain!" But due to his overall stature he has a Monsters University moral episode where he just fails at making it on his own. It's really sad but then Peepers gets recruited by this new villain who is actually as evil as Peepers desired in a partner. This villain would be the lawful evil to Dominator's chaotic evil, probably some kinda lord-dictator whose both quite than Hater AND smarter than Peepers (another idea i had was that since Hater eventually gave in to Wander's friendship while Dominator refused to be good even at her own expense, this new villain would put a sick twist on the ideas of love and friendship by being this creepy yandere type. Wander would be confronted with a type of love that is impure and hurtful, and if Dom ever comes back she'll be aromantically dishusted with them). This new villain gives the Commander all this praise and affection, but Peepers soon thinks "if im not the brains of the operation, what good am i?" So then either Peepers leaves or finds out some dark secret about why he was hired in the first place and needs to be rescued by Wander, Sylvia and Hater, and then FINALLY at the end of the season starts his own redemption arc.
Oh my God I'm so sorry, I completely went off there. I was supposed to be talking about Hater! So uh, um... The Warm Fuzzies is my fake episode idea. The premise is that a a cutesy puffball-like literal manifestation of Hater's subconscious feelings manifests in his chest and Peepers takes Hater to a bunch of different medical centres to try and get it out. Hater acts like he's a kid home from school the whole time.
Wander is so right that Hater has a soft side and Wander tries so hard to pull it out its honestly so tropey but I still love it and I know I'm not the only one!
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wanderfan2000 · 4 months
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It’s 4 PM and I bring Wander screenshots from The Fremergency Fronfract. 
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catfacedcat · 3 months
can we get an episode thats like fremergency fronfract but haters with peepers instead Okay ill go
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faecaptainofdreams · 11 months
The Fremergency Fronfract (lmao) actually makes me cry every single time i watch it. It’s also hard to watch because it and The Flower were two i watched around the time my dog LittleBit was put down in June. Watching Wander have to face hardships, and watching him try so hard not to cry and to just be brave, and to have to do something that was killing him but was for the best…it was too relatable.
I miss LittleBit. I like making gifs of scenes of stuff i like, and i have gifs from the aforementioned episodes. I made them so close around the day he passed. I remember watching these episodes and making those gifs while trying to brace myself, and then to recover. It’s not even been 3 months yet, but it remains tough sometimes to watch those episodes — or even the gifs. But as much as it hurts, there’s healing in it. It’s beautiful, what Spirit sends to comfort us…
Miss you, Bit. 🖤
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out-of-context-woy · 4 years
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wherefancytakesme · 6 years
Trending 27th- Late AF Edition: My favorite WOY places in no particular order- Part 25
Gelatinous Bob’s!
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People, pizza, ball pit, friendship! twisty slide, music, arcade, cheese dip! Ice cream, soda pop, corn on the cob! We got it all at Gelatinous Bob's!
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You know what hurts me the most about this part in special.
Apart of the tears, because that is heartbreaking
Is that he really didn't wanted to be this mean
He did this right before he told him to go on and before the hug.
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I have seen this face in my life and it means "What have I done I'm so sorry I don't want to be this mean!!"
This episode breaks me every single day I see it a little more.
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rustyblust · 7 years
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