#the little mermaid medley
acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Little Mermaid Medley
I already knew right from the start that this was going to be a long post, but how am I only just now realizing that the video itself is like nearly 8 minutes long? Like I knew the Wicked Medley was one of Voiceplay's longer-length videos, but somehow I never realised that this video is in fact longer by 10 seconds! (I guess it's just so good that I never noticed!) God I hope I don't hit the picture limit on this one, because I have a lot to talk about, so let's begin!
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Bit of a far cry from the Moana Medley 3 years prior, hey? (This was released in September 2020 btw). I may be wrong, but I believe this is called "we have a bigger budget now" 😂
Right, so Eli (already doing a subtle Eyebrow Raise, might I add), is dressed as Flounder, Rachel is of course Ariel, J is repping Sebastian, Layne is Chef Louis (I think that's his name), and Geoff went freaking all-out as Ursula (aka "Geoffsula"). The hair! The necklace! The airbrushing on the skin! (Seriously that ain't just a standard layer of face/body paint, there is shading going on there!)
(Also what's up with the green wristbands which I've never really acknowledged till now?)
J and Rachel echoing the "heave ho!" bit to each other (gonna try and limit my screencap-taking just a little bit, because I'll probably end up including a ton anyway)
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Rachel slipped on that bracelet really smoothly, is it just me? Like girl how did you do that so easily?
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Love the little detail of Rachel throwing up the fork (aka "dinglehopper") and it not coming down again. No clue how they did it
(Also that is a very pretty bracelet. And cute necklace!)
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I wasn't exactly searching for this screencap, but I felt like I had to include it when I paused on it!
Layne "blowing bubbles" out his mouth!
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I love J's little dance moves here 😄
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Geoff on air bass again! (representing the line "the plaice play the bass")
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Whose idea was this? 😂 (Layne was in charge of both the arrangement and the video, I'm guessing it was him?) And then Voiceplay stuck it on a shirt and made it into merch! (And also for J's farewell party, they got him a cake that had a picture of snail!J on it!)
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We're about to get into my favourite part! (Also cool painting!)
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Eli and J hamming it up as Flotsam and Jetsam 😝
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J's face makes me laugh every time 😆
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Purple flames in his eyes! (Voiceplay used a very similar effect last year, on Geoff again, during the Hellfire video)
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Hang on what was that little move that J just did there?
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"This one longing to be thinner, this one wants to get the girl, and do I help them?"
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"Yes indeed"
(Also fun fact: the woman shown here is Rachel Evans, one third of the singing group The American Sirens, who collaborated with Geoff a year later on his cover of Mele Kalikimaka, and the man is her husband!)
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"They come flocking to my cauldron crying SPELLS!" "Ursula please!"
(Also shoutout to Eli for the lighting design! He always does such a fantastic job!)
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The colouration/tint of the lighting does really interesting things to Geoff's blueish skin colour in this video. In some shots the skin is a really vibrant colour (e.g. see a couple of the shots above), whereas in others, like this one ^ here, it almost looks close to regular skin tone.
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This little moment greatly pleases my drama/theatre kid heart 😁
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Not talking about vocals not talking about vocals not talking about vocals not talking about-
Okay but the signature bit was very cool, and definitely feels like something Voiceplay would not have been able to do back in 2017
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Pfft 😂
Also the lighting here is making Geoff's hair (which got coloured grey for this video) look almost blonde!
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Cool smoke effects!
(Also the only reason I haven't done fanart of "Geoffsula" (other than the fact that I don't wanna keep drawing him in black outfits) is that I would not be able to do the skin colouration justice here. Shoutout to Rick Underwood for the makeup!)
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"Sing" (sir you're not allowed to look that pretty while looking like that!)
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Yeah nah yeah they really went off with the effects on this one
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I am getting dangerously close to the image limit and I don't wanna have to split this into two posts, but Layne's whole Les Poissons bit is comedy gold and screencaps don't do it justice anyway
To quote Elizabeth Zharoff: "it takes a confident man to Seagull!" 😂
Love Rachel's awkward-yet-cute little wave at the start of Kiss The Girl (and her dancing a bit further into the song!
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Confusion(tm) 🤣
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Firstly, Rachel's acting is 100% on-point, and second of all, I love Geoff's evil smirk here, doubly confirming that Rachel is being Vanessa, aka Ursula in disguise!
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And now that "Ariel" has got her voice back, everyone else is super happy/animated, while "Ursula" is very subdued. Visual storytelling!
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Just managed to avoid the image limit, thank goodness! Also J pops a bubble right at the end 😁
It's hard for me to say whether this is one of Voiceplay's best medleys or not, because how can you compare it to the Boy Band Medley or Trapped or A Chance To Fly? But I will say it is very deserving of the 5.5 million views it currently sits at on YouTube. A lot of effort went into both the arrangement and the video (well done Layne!), and honestly when it comes to Disney stuff, Voiceplay never fails!
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I adore how people talk on ur asks about the relationships
Kazumaji: yeah they never had enough build up for it.... the chemistry might be there to fuck and go on a date but it is not enough they just are in two different places and never formed a connection deep enough apart from the trust they have in each other
Ichizhao/Ichiban/Ichinan/The Ichi polycule: Ichiban is the newest attraction and they are all in line for a ride
it's literally my favorite thing whenever you guys come into my inbox to talk about ships it's always the funniest shit imaginable and i love yall for it
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essektheylyss · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a mild mannered white dude with a guitar introduced the most buckwild possible choice of traditionally female-led cover as a penultimate song at a concert in a small, downtown Seattle theater in the last week... I'd only have two nickels, but it's fucking WILD it's happened twice.
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The Little Mermaid - MEDLEY (feat. Rachel Potter)
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music-in-my-veins14 · 3 months
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veronicaphoenix · 3 months
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To drown your sadness in a sea song.
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x mermaid!reader Parts: one - two - three - four - five - epilogue Trigger warnings: sickness, mentions of mental health struggles, Dedicated to @ladyveronikawrites because it's her birthday today ☺️
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She lies asleep on his bed. She’s wearing one of his t-shirts and boxers. Nothing else. 
It’s dark but her skin still gleams. Her long hair is spread over his pillows. He hasn’t beheld such beauty in ages, and a part of him wishes he could cage her, keep her with him forever. It’s a primal instinct, he’s aware. A possessiveness that has characterized him for a long time. 
He doesn’t sleep much that night. His darkest hours are spent intermittently checking on her and pacing the house, from room to room, sipping coffee at 4am and using his MacBook to find answers on the Internet. 
He finds nothing. 
By 7am, he stands in the kitchen, another coffee mug in hand as he heats up a pan to prepare breakfast. He wonders if she’ll like pancakes. It’s very likely that she’s never tried them before. 
He got started when he heard movement upstairs, which indicated she was up. He also hears her coughing lightly. He hopes she hasn’t caught a cold. He left the heating on through the night and ensured she was snug beneath his thick duvet after her body and hair were dry. 
She’s slow as she makes her way down the stairs, holding onto the railing because she’s still unsure about her own feet. 
Any remnants of the cold from the night vanish at the sight of him. 
He’s dressed in grey sweatpants and a darker hoodie, brown strands of hair falling over his eyes.  He’s preparing breakfast and there’s a kitchen rag draped over his left shoulder. 
Whatever it is he’s cooking, it smells delicious. 
He looks delicious. 
His attention remains fixed on flipping the batter in the pan until he catches sight of her from the corner of his eye. 
“Hi there,” he greets, offering her a perfect morning smile. 
All she desires is to bridge the distance between them and tuck those unruly strands of hair behind his ear. She doesn’t. 
“Hi,” she replies, a little unsure about what to do.
The monosyllable is enough to brighten his morning. He hadn’t realized how much he needed to hear her voice until she spoke. Now he is not sure he could live without it again. Neither of them knows how it’s happened, why she’s been blessed with a voice when her home is now so far. Nevertheless, he finds himself hesitant to encourage her to speak much, fearful that her voice might vanish eventually if she uses it too much. 
She’s wearing his t-shirt, oversized on her. Any other time, he would send a devilish look and a smirk her way because he’s unable to suppress the sinful thoughts that flit through his mind. However, he restrains himself because he doesn’t want to scare her off. 
“Hungry?” He asks, flipping the pancake again. It’s not his finest attempt. He has to admit he’s a little bit nervous. He’s not used to cooking for others and he wants to make a good impression.
“I guess,” she replies. 
He gestures for her to take a seat at the table. Without asking, he pours her a glass of juice and another for himself. His body will likely thank him after so much coffee. 
It’s when he’s sat in front of her at the table, indulging in the blueberry pancakes and a medley of strawberries and raspberries that he’s retrieved from the fridge, that he notices the calm washing over him and enveloping the entirety of his home. 
It’s not the usual. Every other day, he would wake up with a sense of unease settled on his very bones, his head heavy, motivation lacking —a morning painted in shades of grey.  
But this morning is bathed in sunshine and blue skies. 
At least until she’s done eating, and a peculiar expression starts to make its way on her face. 
Her hand moves to her stomach, and before Noah can react, she rises and rushes off. 
A moment later, she’s kneeling in front of the toilet, retching out everything she’s eaten.
Noah rushes to her side, gently gathering her mop of her away from her face. 
An hour later, they’re seated on the sofa. Noah’s legs are stretched out on the sectional, and she’s tucked against him, her head resting on his chest, her knees drawn together, hands concealed within the long sleeves of Noah’s hoodie she’s wearing now.   
She’s scared. Noah wonders what the hell happened and what it means. He doesn’t want to lose her. He just got her. 
He cuddles her in silence for a while. 
She grasps the neckline of his hoodie and tugs it down, revealing a bit of his inked skin. He’s glorious. A work of art. Then, she plants a small kiss there, so fleeting he’s not even sure if it’s real.
Drawing a deep breath, he shifts his face a few inches away from hers, locking brown eyes with hers. 
“Why are you here?” He asks softly. 
She touches his face with utmost tenderness.  
“I felt your sadness,” she replies, her pain evident in her features. “I felt it underwater,” her fingertips trace his eyebrow. “I didn’t want you to be sad.”
Noah’s breath catches in his throat. 
She abandoned her home, her ocean, to be with him and alleviate his sorrow?
He hasn’t cried in a long time, but he could cry now.
He blinks the tears away and places a hand at the back of her head, drawing her closer again. 
Pressing his lips to her forehead, he wonders what he’s ever done to deserve to hold such a creature in his arms. 
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Hi I really like sharks!!!! MY name is Caspian Re (Re pronounced Rey) You can call me either of my first names or alternate! Calling me Caspian Sea is also fine. I also go by Cas for short or if your name is Xen, Luc, or Levi, Casserole is fine 😒
(I love silly nicknames even if they make no sense or calling me the name of a character you associate me with. I also sometimes go by Armie online)
I primarily post about Twisted Wonderland, Star Wars, Marvel, and 2000s kids shows like Octonauts
Age: 18
Birthday: 10/13 
Gender: Trans masculine/Demi Male but I may just shorten it to Trans (pls only masc terms) 
Pronouns: He/Him, Ey/Em/Eir/Eirs/Emself on most days I have no preference but if it’s a day I do I’ll let you know
Sexuality: Bisexual or maybe just straight up Gay (idk I had an existential crisis about men today)
Zodiac: Libra Star, Pieces Moon, Aquarius Rising 
Personality type: ENFJ
If you send me an ask or msg pls feel free to mention your pronouns 
Hotlines to call Incase of emergency
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Master List:
I have a dating sim rp blog that is kinda popular :P
Pls check out my OCs, as well as my AUs, and my fics located in my writing post :)
commissions: Closed
requests: open!
(I’ll do short writings, picrews, and possibly art if I’m in the mood. I’ll totally do my doodle style of you or a character.)
Fandoms, Writing, Moots and Tags, OCs, Comfort Characters, Just a list of Monsters I associate with myself, Moot Trail Mix Recipe, ART, Gender Envy >:(
Side blogs: @hux-and-gay (mostly Kylux)
rp accounts: @robinbanks-accidentally (TWST), @spring-chicken (OC), @brooklynscamp (Newsies), @hollowsdill-manor (Vampire/Werewolf dating sim)
@thenewhestia (my mc to rp with @kal0psiapanesthesia)
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Likes: Star Wars, Marvel, Twisted Wonderland, the Life Series SMP, RPs, Random Generators (its an addiction), 2000s Kids shows, Doll customization, folklore, cats, singing, art, musicals, being in musicals, and weird sea creatures especially sharks :)
Dislikes: Sweets, Rey (if you are a Star Wars fan and you like her respectfully pls do not talk to me about her you will get your feeling hurt), Religion (pls do not talk to me about Christianity or Catholicism it makes me uncomfortable), gruesome animal facts they are triggering please keep them to yourself, Mean people that disrespect me or my friends, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Ablests, Sexists, etc. 
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Fun Facts: 
I am Left Handed 
I am Hungarian and I love talking about my culture or my grandfather’s story if you want to ask
Romantically I am single but I do have a platonic partner, hi XEN 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I’m a Hufflepuff my Petronas is a field mouse and my wand is Willow wood with a Phoenix core
My favorite color is green 
My favorite food is Pineapple Teriyaki Burgers or Chinese food  
I am going to be a film major in the fall
I have two cats named Lilo and Stitch (both girls), and I also have multiple fish. My snail passed away :(
I was in my schools broadcasting class
I’ve performed in Willy Wonka, Newsies,  Little Mermaid, Bye Bye Birdie, Christmas Carol, and Shrek, and played the roles of James (James and the giant peach cameo), Arista (Ariel’s sister), Young Fiona, and the bird that sings in that one song in Shrek . I’ve also had solos in Try Everything, American Tears, Fields of Gold, an Mo Town Medley 
I Did competitive gymnastics for 13 years starting when I was 3, before I retired I was in XL level gold. 
I played Violin in elementary school and during Covid in freshman year I played chimes cause that was the choir alternative 
I watch lots of weird 1990s to early 2000s sci-fi shows typically from Australia, there’s suprisingly a lot of them 
I play Minecraft but I am bad at it lol
I play DND 
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Where else to find me?
YouTube: @antosaurusrex3752
My Change.Org petitions:
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its-to-the-death · 5 months
Songs that made it through preliminaries (minus the MLP songs)
Rogues Are We (Holy Musical B@man)
Kick It Up a Notch (Starship)
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Join Us (and Die) (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals)
No One Remembers Achmed (Twisted)
Feed Me (Little Shop of Horrors)
Dentist (Little Shop of Horrors)
Mean Green Mother From Outerspace (Little Shop of Horrors)
Old King Cole (Once Upon a Time in Space by The Mechanisms)
Favoured Son (Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanisms)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident by The Mechanisms)
There's a Platypus Controlling Me (Phineas and Ferb)
Evil for Extra Credit (Phineas and Ferb)
All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend To Be Divorced (Phineas and Ferb)
I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone) (Galavant)
No One But You (Galavant)
She'll Be Mine (Galavant)
Mother Knows Best (Tangled)
Ready As I'll Ever Be (Tangled the Series)
Nothing Left to Lose (Tangled the Series)
Pretty Women (Sweeney Todd)
Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI)
When the Chips are Down (Hadestown)
Master of Masters (Kingdom Hearts)
U.N. Owen Was Her? (Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
The Old Man of the Mountain/You Gotta Ho-De-Ho/The Scat Song Medley (Betty Boop)
Our Love is God (Heathers)
Biskit Family Business (Littlest Pet Shop)
We Both Reached For the Gun (Chicago)
Heaven on Their Minds (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Good to Be King (Journey to Bethlehem)
Jester (Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return)
Sympathy for the Devil (song by The Rolling Stones)
Dressed to Oppress (Play It By Ear - The Muck of Merkmere)
One Step Ahead (Spies Are Forever)
Let the Pun Fit the Crime (Wander Over Yonder)
Necrostar (The Vice Quadrant by Steam Powered Giraffe)
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem: Fates)
The Ring motif (Lord of the Rings)
I'm Alive (Next to Normal)
Where There's a Whip, There's a Way (Return of the King 1980)
There Ain't Nothin' But Bad Days Ahead (The Swan Princess: Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure)
Les Poissons (The Little Mermaid)
It's Our House Now (The House of Mouse - Halloween special)
Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Off Santa (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer)
Master of the House (Les Miserables)
Peaches (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
The Boys Are Back In Town (To Kill You) (The Boys)
Dark Riders (Star Stable Online)
Grand Ceremony (Pyre)
Coraline (Coraline)
Better Than You (Camp Camp)
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Peer Gynt)
Get in the Water (Epic: The Musical)
Descole's theme live version (Professor Layton)
Isabella's Lullaby (The Promised Neverland)
Get Jinxed (League of Legends)
Pieces of You/Hologram Professor Song (Puppet History)
Great at Crime (Epithet Erased)
Davy Jones' theme (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)
Herbert Style (Club Penguin)
No One's Gonna Make a Monkey Out of Me (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Diddy Drop Rap (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Attack at the Wall (Mulan)
No More Toymakers to the King (Santa Claus is Comin' to Town)
What's Up Duloc? (Shrek musical)
If I'm Gonna Eat Somebody (It Might As Well Be You) (Ferngully)
The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera)
Prowler's theme (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
How Can I Refuse? Reprise (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Friends in Low Places (Bigtop Burger)
That's Not How the Story Goes (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
The World Revolving (Deltarune)
Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie the Pooh)
Waikyou Shenshoujin (Senki Zesshou Symphogear G)
No Good Deed (Wicked)
Fabulous (High School Musical 2)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Between Two Worlds (Limbus Company)
Your Best Nightmare (Undertale)
We Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto)
Jaws theme (Jaws)
The Executioner (Umineko no naku koro ni)
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jules-has-notes · 27 days
Aca Top 10: Disney Heroes — VoicePlay music video
Disney animated movies are probably best known for their music, and almost all of them have a showstopping tune for their main characters. Singing or listening to those songs can feel empowering. So, sit back, relax, and spend a few minutes being inspired and entertained by these goofballs.
title: Aca Top 10 — Disney Heroes (feat. J.None)
original songs / performers: "Go the Distance" by Roger Bart as Hercules in Hercules (1997); [0:37] "When Will My Life Begin?" by Mandy Moore as Rapunzel in Tangled (2010); [0:55] "You'll Be In My Heart" by Glenn Close as Kala & Phil Collins as the narrator in Tarzan (1999); [1:24] "One Jump Ahead" by Brad Kane as Aladdin in Aladdin (1992); [1:44] "Colors of the Wind" by Judy Kuhn as Pocahontas in Pocahantas (1995); [2:06] "Reflection" by Lea Salonga as Fa Mulan in Mulan (1998); [2:33] "Part of Your World" by Jodi Benson as Ariel in The Little Mermaid (1989); [3:00] "How Far I'll Go" by Auliʻi Cravalho as Moana in Moana (2016); [3:23] "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" by Jason Weaver as Simba, Rowan Atkinson as Zazu, & Laura Williams as Nala in The Lion King (1994); [3:40] "Let It Go" by Idina Menzel as Elsa in Frozen (2013)
written by: "Go the Distance" by Alan Menken & David Zippel; "When Will My Life Begin?" by Alan Menken & Glenn Slater; "You'll Be In My Heart" by Phil Collins; "One Jump Ahead" by Alan Menken & Tim Rice; "Colors of the Wind" by Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz; "Reflection" by Matthew Wilder & David Zippel; "Part of Your World" by Alan Menken & Howard Ashman; "How Far I'll Go" by Lin-Manuel Miranda; "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" by Elton John & Tim Rice; "Let It Go" by Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
release date: 21 September 2017
My favorite bits:
J.None's clear, hopeful tone on "Go the Distance"
the rhythm section being confused as to where they're supposed to be looking before their parts begin
Eli shrugging off his own muscles compared to Earl and J 💪
Layne's little finger wiggle from the beginning of "You'll Be In My Heart" being redirected at Geoff
the crunchy harmonies on the ♫ "Whoa-o-o-oa, number seven" ♫ transition
Layne's scampering percussion riff in "One Jump Ahead"
Geoff looking over at Layne while singing ♫ "why he grins" ♫, and Layne shrugging
J's flirty little wave to the camera during "Reflection"
Eli and J following the lyrics for ♫ "jumping, dancing" ♫
that lovely bell chord on ♫ "street street stree-ee-ee-eet" ♫
the back row dramatically looking left and right as they sing the words
everyone's befuddlement at Geoff taking the lead on the beginning of "Let It Go" ("That's not your song, bass man.")
Earl's adorable power pose at the end
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○ VoicePlay had recorded and/or performed several of these songs previously:
"How Far I'll Go" was in their "Moana medley" video just one month before.
"I Just Can't Wait To Be King" was included in The King Returns medley on their 2012 album "Once Upon an Ever After". It was also part of the "aca-Disney" mashup they created for the Disney On Broadway 20th anniversary celebration.
"When Will My Life Begin" was in their condensed Tangled performance at the 2015 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration.
"Let It Go" was part of their "Wow! Vol. 1" medley during the 2015 Sing-Off tour. Layne also snuck it into one memorable rendition of "Road Trip".
○ A couple of these songs were revisited in later videos:
"Part of Your World" was, of course, included in their "Little Mermaid medley" with Rachel Potter in 2020.
They recorded a full version of "Go the Distance" with EJ Cardona in 2021.
○ Eli's incredible riff and declaration of "Xtina for life!" at the end of the "Reflection" excerpt are in reference to the pop version of the song that Christina Aguilera recorded for the movie's end credits.
○ The YouTube description includes a parody verse for "Reflection" — "Whooooooo is that Earl I see… / Staring straight at Eli? / When will my REFLECTION show / Jellied ham and RICE!!? / Yummmmmmmmm… "
○ The guys are all wearing graphic t-shirts featuring characters from the movies included in the countdown:
J.None — Hercules flexing his biceps, surrounded by a circle of text reading, "Don't act like you're not impressed"
Earl — Pua the pig from Moana with the inscription "I'm no bacon"
Eli — Ariel and Sebastian in a circular frame with "Little Mermaid" in jagged heavy metal style lettering across the top
Geoff — Genie from Aladdin with a microphone in hand and a blue neon sign reading "Applause" emerging from his shoulders
Layne — Mufasa's face from The Lion King with the word "king" in black letters across the top
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○ This is the first in a mini-series within their "Aca Top 10" series, that was followed by countdowns for "Disney Sidekicks" and "Disney Villains" over the next year and a half.
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fleetsummers · 3 months
What did you dream about last night?
I dreamed we were all taiyaki and we had a variety show because we were a variety of flavours. It was called Fish Tales. My filling was ube and I don't remember everyone else's but Ares was half custard half whipped cream, Beth was strawberry fluff, David was coffee, Mayra was condensed milk, Jimmy was guava. Mayra was trying to do a dance and she started leaking and David smushed up with her because condensed milk is good in coffee? Anyhow I was singing a Little Mermaid medley but I sang the wrong lyrics and then a hook came down from the catwalk and caught me in the mouth and then I woke up.
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Hoist The Colours
Oh boy, we're heading into the big ones now!
Hoist The Colours was uploaded on September 18, 2021, and features Jose Rosario Jr in his second collaboration with Voiceplay. This one stunned a lot of reactors (one of them, Dennis King of King Family Reacts, literally got up and left the room after the video was finished because he had been rendered speechless by it!), and the video currently sits at 4.6 million views (close to 4.7!) (EDIT/UPDATE: as of the night of the 8th of March, it's now at 4.7, close to 4.8!). So without further ado, let's get right into this one, and hope I don't have to start paying attention to my screenshot count!
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Can you believe this was only Cesar's second (full-length) video as a full-time Voiceplay member? Because wow
(Also interestingly enough, Rick Underwood is credited with makeup in the video description (shoutout to Rick!) but no one is credited with costuming, so did everyone just acquire their outfits themselves or what?)
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Geoff was in charge of the video creation for this one, as well as doing the arrangement, and he worked together with Eli for the lighting design, so big shoutout to Geoff! (And as always to Eli the lighting whiz)
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OKAY a few things to talk about here
First of all, love the set design, it's like the Little Mermaid Medley but on steroids and more pirate themed! Also love the horn-playing skeleton on the left-hand side of the screen (took me a while to notice it ngl 😅)
And of course the outfits/costuming! I can't really think of a lot of things to say individually right now, but there was 100% a lot of thought and effort that went into the clothes (even if the description won't specify who acquired the clothes. I'm going to assume Geoff, since the overall video credit goes to him.)
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Oh hey it's my blog banner/background, or close enough to it at least! (Hoist The Colours has a decent few very cool visual moments that are totally screencap-worthy, and of course that's what I'm here for - to point them out!)
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Geoff may play the villain (or otherwise just-generally-creepy/spooky/scary guy) a lot in videos, but as of the last few years at least, Eli's often been looking like the one that you really don't wanna pick a fight with. (Also cool ring, and is that fake scar tissue on his head?)
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This is a better shot of everyone's outfits actually. A few notes on everyone (except Eli, who I just talked about?)
Cesar: Very ghostly, especially with the cloudy contact lens in one eye. Love the white coat/jacket, and love the pop of colour with the red sash! Also what is he holding/shaking? I thought it was a set of old-fashioned keys, but it doesn't look like it.
Jose: The "captain" of this "motley crew", obviously. Cool coat, and love the sword.
Layne: Not too much going on with his outfit, relatively speaking, but I love the bit of eyeliner under his eyes, and the fake scar on his cheek! (Seriously Rick did a great job here, as he always does)
Geoff: Wearing at least two necklaces, and in true Geoff Castellucci fashion, he's got the top two buttons of his shirt undone (well, gotta show off those necklaces! 😉😁). ALSO, bonus thing that I literally only just realized after taking this screencap, is that Geoff has "VP" on his right arm, done in a way that makes it look like like scar tissue I believe.
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That is seriously a very cool and very smooth transition. Who edited this? Was that Geoff too? (Also Crazy Eyes Layne!)
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As I figured, one of the necklaces Geoff is wearing, the gold one, is for costume purposes, and the other one, the silver one with the diamond-shaped pendant, is the necklace from Kathy that Geoff basically never takes off (bless him <3 )
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I think Cesar's holding old-fashioned shackles/handcuffs or something?
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Hang on that skeleton on the left lost his little horn/trumpet and got stabbed?? 😅😂
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Yeah Layne had fun in this one I can tell 😁 (also his vest is more detailed than first appears! Very nice!)
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What a really freaking awesome shot/moment. In terms of "money shots", these two might in fact be two of the most awesome stills from any Voiceplay video ever (or so far, anyway).
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He's got charisma, I'll give him that (also cool necklace!)
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How are they just an independent acapella group that make YouTube videos that we can all watch for free? Like seriously, this is top tier stuff (both in terms of the video and the song cover itself), but this wasn't even Voiceplay at their peak! Voiceplay doesn't have a peak! They don't stick to a lane, they take "risks", they get creative, they will sing pretty much anything, and it works
Voiceplay says in the description "we may have gotten a little carried away with this one", but honestly would it really be Voiceplay if they didn't?
Anyway, I've got many more awesome videos ahead of me to write about, so stay tuned!
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regallibellbright · 3 months
Some general thoughts on Precure All Stars F:
1) I knew it going in, but it really is delightful that the literal plot of this movie is some kind of all-powerful alien capable of destroying planets deciding after a fight to become the most powerful being in the universe: a magical girl. (Complete with mascot made of the weak and useless parts of yourself like compassion and a desire for friendship and ugh you’re not destroying things with our incredible cosmic power, get away from me.)
2) Laura: I’m looking for someone (my girlfriend.)
Mashiro: What a coincidence! I’m looking for my girlfriend too!
3) Love how StarTwi staff have said Lala’s “On my home planet I am TOTALLY AN ADULT” is a lie, but she still got grouped in on Team Adult… as the token kid.
4) I will say, the evil alien bunny girl does have a really good sense of style.
5) Tsubasa just fanboys every time he meets a princess, huh. What a dork. <3
6) I missed Manatsu and Laura so much. But you know who I missed more? Nodoka. Also love the inherent in-joke of Nodoka talking about how she misses and is looking for Rabirin to Mashiro, who shares a VA.
7) So yeah the train part made me go wibbly. Also, Nodoka took up running to build her stamina but still can’t run as fast as the others, none of whom are particularly athletic but also aren’t chronically ill. YES. (Laura trying to use her tail to bridge the gap was a nice touch.)
8) A tiny puppy reminds Yukari of her girlfriend, who is a dog.
9) The reunions were so cute, all times. Team Soaring Sky getting a group hug. Manatsu and Laura getting a HUGE hug while Yui and Amane and Nodoka and Asumi’s are a bit more restrained. So cute. (And then meanwhile, the adorable bunny mascot with Serious Trauma is having a very reasonable freakout. Poor Puca.)
10) Team Wing sees explosions in the castle and just vanishes for like five minutes only to reappear having already defeated Supreme’s “final boss.” High achievers, all of them.
11) Also La Mer getting to do her little “Victory!” jump and kick after her attack, even though they’re still running. So cute.
12) Reiterating what I said when Toei posted the first Big All-Precure Fight Scene: People were not kidding, Milky Rose looks dead there, and I’m not sure we actively see her get up later in the scene when everyone rallies? I… assume so? Looking forward to people uploading screenshots of a lot of the quick shot sequences to get a closer look (that one and the Cure Allies shots during All For One Forever, in particular.)
13) So the last couple movies hadn’t used Miracle Lights. Sure. But would it really be an All Stars movie - for a milestone anniversary, no less - without them? Of course not.
14) I am always a sucker for a good memory montage featuring the power of love. And oh, that was a good one. Not sure my favorite: Manatsu and Laura and Yui and Amane reacting to their shared memories are both fantastic, but so’s Yukari just standing by the wall as her memory plays out, and of course they pick That Scene from Healin’ Good for Rabirin and Nodoka’s maximum emotional impact.
15) That said: Distinctly NOT a fan of Supreme’s design featuring a darker skin tone once she goes evil and only when she goes evil, even though she keeps the black costume change in the ending.
16) I was admittedly a LITTLE disappointed when I got the soundtrack to realize they weren’t repeating All Stars Memories with a like twelve-minute fight scene track that was a medley of the theme songs. I do love the eight-minute medley track. All For One Forever is more than acceptable as a substitute, though.
17) We finally get the Delicious Party/Kirakira a la mode teamup we all wanted and deserved. Plus, bonus food-themed Cures adding their own powers to the mix! The ULTIMATE battle cake.
18) Also great: Laura and Minami’s “did we just become best friends?” attack. (All the thematic combos were delightful but seriously La Mer and Mermaid just seeing each other and going “let’s do a combo” is PERFECT.)
19) Yukari and Akira trying to act cool once they’re reunited, like Yukari hasn’t been utterly miserable all movie because her girlfriend is gone. Lala wiping out some cannon fodder so Yukari can have a moment with her girlfriend. (Lala understands. Her girlfriend was past the cutoff for getting two major cast members this movie. Probably because Nodoka and Rabirin with Team Prism had thematic purpose and a sequence break would look seriously weird - Hikaru seems like a shoo-in for Team Sky’s Goofball Energy And Preme.)
20) Cure Puca, like Ellee, gets the benefits of being a Precure seemingly requiring you to be a humanoid teenager/whatever’s going on with Cure Earth Who Is At Least This Tall Unless You’re A Mascot: being able to give a heroic speech.
21) Things I’m remembering last-minute I enjoyed: Sora showing the others her Hero Diary and being sad when she sees the “We Are Pretty Cure” page of her and Prism holding hands. Sora incorporating Yui’s and Manatsu’s mottos into her own. The lead Cures during the Portals Sequence all being like “yeah we don’t really know what’s going on here but we’ve all been in an All Stars movie or several before, we can handle this, sure.” The emphasis on hand-holding in general, particularly that FLASH of the battle they lost and Precious that Sora gets the first time she takes Yui’s hand and the vaguer one for Manatsu’s. And in a “this amused me” way, the way everyone getting lined up for the battle before the Requisite Explosion Jump is just them floating in space like a bunch of dolls on invisible shelves because it’s the only way to manage this all, there’s like 80 of them, it is SO MANY PRECURE.
So yeah, solid movie, I enjoyed it greatly. Probably gonna give it a minute until I finally watch the Healin’ Good one.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
Someone* expressed a differing opinion in an obnoxious way on the Internet.
(So I spent over a week collecting evidence and composing this rebuttal -- *"Someone"= an abstraction of several people)
Someone: Home Free and VoicePlay are like Night and Day! You can't compare them! Me: They are both "Day," but just different hours in different seasons. Someone: Home Free sings Country. VoicePlay sings Disney and theater. Me: That's each of their tendencies. But they each have too many exceptions for that to be accurate. Someone: Home Free sings their songs "Straight," VoicePlay makes everything "Flashy," with costumes and acting. Me: That's each of their tendencies. But they each have too many exceptions for that to be accurate. Someone: But you agree they're different. Me: Sure! Someone: How? Me: Vibe... Okay, let me get back to you.
[Insert Buffer wheel here] ... [And here] ... [And here]
Okay. I think I've figured it out. If you want to understand the artistic and musical differences between Home Free and VoicePlay, pay attention to their vocal percussionists. That's where their two philosophical approaches to music is most clearly expressed.
Adam Rupp, the percussionist for Home Free, can imitate an entire drum kit (and more) with astonishing clarity and precision. Likewise, the singing voices are equally clear and precise, and they keep their a cappella arrangements relatively close to the original song they're covering, especially in their more recent work.
To illustrate, I present their cover of "Never Gonna Give You Up" (April Fools' Day, 2021, recorded separately, because quarantine):
(Even though this was an April Fools' video, they treat the song itself with utmost respect, and sing it well. And I respect that)
Layne Stein, the percussionist for VoicePlay, on the other hand, is more likely to use invented sounds. Likewise, VoicePlay is more likely to experiment and, well, play, with their arrangements, rearranging the chord structures, sometimes, and/or slipping in musical lines from entirely different songs.
To illustrate, I present their cover of "Mr. Blue Sky" -- Layne Stein's vocal percussion is more subtle, here, but pay attention to what he's doing "under" the bridge (sorry, not sorry), and how that has a different quality from the main verses and choruses (March 8, 2019 [also the first VoicePlay song I found]):
Layne Stein's vocal percussion has gotten even more experimental over time, but I wanted to find an example where they weren't also in full theater mode, lest that be a distraction from my point.
So here are some more recommendations, in absolutely no order whatsoever:
5 From Home Free: Do You Hear what I Hear? (4 December, 2015) American Pie, featuring Don McLean (3 February, 2021) Helplessly Hoping (27 April, 2018) Folsom Prison Blues (25 September, 2020) One Man Band (13 August, 2021)
5 From VoicePlay: The Little Mermaid Medley, featuring Rachel Potter (18 September, 2020) I Can't Make You Love Me, featuring E.J. Cardona (12 August, 2022) If I Were a Rich Man/Girl, featuring Ashley Diane (13 July, 2021) The Heart of Life (10 July, 2020) Nothing Else Matters - Metallica, featuring J. None (January 13, 2023)
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
Scheduled New Releases: May 2023 - Week 3
This list will continually be updated when MVs, iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, & YouTube Music links & additional new release information becomes available.
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(G)I-DLE - i Feel (6th Mini-Album) Title Track: Queencard [MV] Track: Allergy [MV] Release Date: May 15th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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The Wind - Beginning: The Wind Page (Debut Mini-Album) Title Track: Island [MV] Track: Sirius [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 15th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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MIDNATT - Masquerade (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: May 15th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Travis Japan - Moving Pieces (2nd Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: May 15th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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VERIVERY - Liminality EP.Dream (7th Mini-Album) Title Track: Crazy Like That [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 16th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE - Psychic File I (1st EP) Track: Baku Baku [MV] Track: To the Top (feat. DVI) [MV] Track: ForEVER [Recording Movie]   [highlight medley] Release Date: May 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ONE N’ ONLY - Departure (2nd Album) Title Track: Departure [MV] Track: We’ll Rise Again [MV] Track:  Step Up [MV] Track: Get That (PT-BR Version) [MV] Track:  Lucky [MV] Track: Good Day [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Snow Man - i DO ME (3rd Album) Track: slow... [MV] Track: AIKOTOBA [MV] Release Date: May 17th [yesasia] [cdjapan]
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MIJOO (from Lovelyz) - Movie Star (Solo Debut Single Album) Title Track: Movie Star [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date; May 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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YOUNITE - 빛 : BIT Part.1 (4th Mini-Album) Title Track: Waterfall [MV] Track: ICY [Track Video] Track: Look at the TV [Track Video] Track: Trip [Track Video] Track: Slogan [Track Video] Release Date: May 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Billlie - GingaMingaYo (the strange world) (Japanese Version) (Japanese Debut SIngle) [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Danielle (of NewJeans) - Part of Your World (Digital Single) [MV] “The Little Mermaid” Korean Version OST Release Date: May 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ATBO - The Beginning: 飛上 (3rd Mini-Album) Title Track: Next to Me [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 18th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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BLACKSWAN - That Karma (2nd Single Album) Title Track: Karma [MV] Release Date: May 19th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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HOON (of U-KISS) - Mea Rosa (Digital Single) [Live Clip] Release Date: May 19th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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N.Flying - Once in a BLUE MOON (8th Anniversary Digital Single) Title Track: Blue Moon [MV] Release Date: May 20th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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classicdaisycalico · 1 year
Hve you watched the mario movie yet? 👀 Thoughts?
For starters, this film is visually STUNNING. I also adore all the musical references scattered throughout the film score. I love how some parts are just thematic medleys, but other sections have a single motif worked into the film score. It's a cool way to breathe new life into some familiar themes like Bob-Omb Battlefield, for example. When we're not being flooded with musical references from the games, I like how the rest of the score is padded out with 80's music. Some people may not like that, but I do. I was raised on classic rock thanks to my parents, and putting 80's music in the film makes sense, since the series got its start in the 80's!
Now let's move on to the characters. OH MY GOD. The way their personalities were so fleshed out was incredible. Mario and Luigi's wholesome twin sibling bond was everything I envisioned it to be. I was also very pleasantly surprised by how Peach and Toad's characters were handled. Peach's personality, to me, could best be described as a fusion of Diana from the first "Wonder Woman" film (a girlboss who is still unfailingly kind and protective) and Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" (an ever-curious princess who is super curious about humans and wanting to learn more about their world and way of life). Toad was amazing because the writers could have exploited his character as this little guy who was hungry for adventure but ended up as the incompetent comic relief...but that didn't happen. They played up Toad's capability and loyalty to Peach and Mario super well, and it showcases great acting range on Keegan-Michael Key's part.
Speaking of actors, HOLY SHIT. I couldn't hear any of the actor's regular voices at ALL in the characters they played. I thought I'd have a massive problem with Chris Pratt as Mario, but that ended up not being the case. Jack Black also did an incredible job voicing Bowser. Probably the only time I heard Jack Black and not Bowser was during his "Peaches" song, but I don't mind that. Bowser has been known to have some goofy moments and dialogue before in the "Mario and Luigi" and "Paper Mario" games, so it's easy to let slide. If anything, Donkey Kong was the only character whose voice I had issues with. It was just Seth Rogen being Seth Rogen, typecast once again as a comic dudebro who gets knocked down a peg at some point to learn a little about humility.
Slight aside, by the way, I also like how Bowser is animated when he's angry. When he's angry in the film, you can literally see the insanity in his eyes. It's a fantastic little touch that the games don't normally have. (Yeah, he's full of rage, but his eyes don't show it anywhere near as well.)
Probably the only real issue I had was with the film's pacing. Just when we think we're going somewhere interesting in a scene, all of a sudden we're immediately transported elsewhere. The transitions are kind of jarring and I feel like a lot loose ends in the previous scenes aren't tied up properly. Hopefully the sequel will fix that. (And let's be real. There WILL be a sequel with how much money this film is making. This film is sooooo much more successful than that 1993 monstrosity lmao)
Overall, VERY solid film and a job very well done. 4 out of 5 (Super) Stars from me 🌟🌟🌟🌟
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