#the mortis gods
hotstreak2k3 · 8 months
OMFG The Mortis Gods?!😱🤯
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fulcrum-art-fox · 7 months
There’s something about Baylan and the Mortis Gods. The thing he hears calling. Does the wind bring the songs of the gods to him, faint on the breeze? Do they speak to him? Where is your daughter, Baylan? the voice as ancient as the mountains whispers in his ears. Why did you let her go? the Daughter’s dark bright eyes pierce his soul. Did you fear for her? the Son grins wolfishly. Or did you fear for yourself? They gather close, storms in his minds eye. How special was your son? the Father murmurs. He has wings, great wings of ash and starlight, but all Baylan can see is a boy lost to blasterfire and smoke. How precious was your daughter? The hurt eyes of a girl riding away, suddenly bereft. As he stands on the outstretched hand of the Father, how close does he feel to him? Can he feel the pain of a father who loves his children, or the cold reserve of a man who imprisons forces too wild for the universe to hold? Will he one day hold his daughters hands and whisper Forgive me, daughter. Will the Father’s words echo in his bones? I was a fool. Is he distant as the stars, or as close as the ground beneath his feet? Who believed he could control the future
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fellthemarvelous · 6 months
The Jedi got their own Doctor as well.
I haven't written fanfic in years but I might actually write this.
The unhinged, slightly incoherent Doctor Who/Star Wars crossover meta-ish long post no one asked for
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Ahsoka season 2 needs to give me the backstory between Ahsoka and Huyang. How did they find each other? Was it after Ezra rescued her on Malachor? Was it before that? We have no idea what she was doing leading up to those events because she only showed up on Rebels for a handful of episodes.
And the last time we saw Huyang, he and Ahsoka and the younglings were having to deal with space pirates (HONDOOOOOO) and then General Grievous. Ahsoka was much younger in that time and we never saw Huyang again after that.
At what point in canon did they run into each other again? I think he's the only one who knows that Anakin = Vader based on a cryptic reply he gave to Hera when she asked him what Ahsoka's master was like. All he said was intense.
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He's so used to Ahsoka's chaotic nature that every time she's like "I'm gonna do the thing" he's just like yeah okay because he's been dealing with the Jedi for 25,000 years and they are going to yeet themselves into the unknown whether he thinks it's a good idea or not. He remembers what Anakin Skywalker was like, after all.
This is one of my favorite things about Huyang's "history" though.
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The idea that even the Jedi have their own version of the 10th Doctor is hilarious to me, and that rumor started somewhere.
But I also love what another droid says about Huyang in this passage.
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Huyang is 25,000 years old so he's had plenty of time to become the one the Jedi go to when it comes to lightsaber construction. He helps the Jedi build weapons that are meant to be used as tools of self-defense because lightsabers are, in fact, extremely dangerous. This sounds like something the Doctor would do because the Jedi were peacekeepers and not soldiers, and it makes you sad when you realize that Huyang had to watch as the order he had devoted himself to for 25,000 years to were killed in a genocide that turned the Jedi's closest allies against them by removing their free will and forcing them to kill their Jedi generals, and it was all planned over centuries by the Sith who intentionally kept their numbers small.
When he ran into Ahsoka again, what was it like for him? She was one of the few survivors of the Jedi Purge. He remembers her as a child and now she's in her 40s. She was one of the few who was able to grow up because she survived.
What was going on in his head when he handed Ezra the emitter he was looking for because he somehow knew Ezra was looking for one like Kanan's? Huyang somehow knew it would be important to keep a second identical part around when he watched Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus) construct his very first lightsaber.
How much does Kanan's death weigh on him? Kanan was another child who survived the Purge. He met Kanan as Caleb not many years before the war ended and the Jedi were wiped out. Caleb had to change his name because he watched the clones gun down his master and he ran away exactly like she told him to before she died. Running away is what lead him to sacrificing his life so the rebellion would survive. Kanan fell in love with Hera, fathered a child he never got to meet, and now Huyang is getting to know Kanan's son (and will absolutely not be teaching Jacen how to construct a lightsaber "thank you very much your mom already said no" and the Tenth Doctor is used to angry moms slapping him in the face.)
Huyang spent 25,000 years living in one galaxy and teaching generation after generation of Jedi how to construct lightsabers. He was given the title of Professor because of the wealth of knowledge he carries around inside of him, and he only uses it for good, and he shares insightful wisdom and knowledge with the Jedi Order century after century after century.
And because he followed Ahsoka into the mouth of a space whale so they could travel to a completely different galaxy altogether, he is now stuck in another galaxy far, far away with Ahsoka (present), Sabine (future), Baylon Skoll (past), Shin Hati (new), a bunch of pacifist turtles, the force ghost of Anakin Skywalker, and the images of the Father, Daughter and Son that are carved into the mountains somewhere (and for some reason the Daughter's head is missing).
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Now he can pass the tale of the Jedi across the universe. On the same planet where the Mortis gods are worshipped. It's going to link directly to the fact that Ahsoka is connected to the Daughter, both of whom were killed by the Son on Mortis, but Daughter allowed Anakin to use her remaining life force to bring Ahsoka back to life.
Is this going to turn into the story of how Huyang has to say goodbye to Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi and survivor who became a dear friend and travel buddy?
Is Seatos calling her back home? She possesses a gift that comes from an actual god. It's the only reason she's alive. And why Ezra had to reach into the past and save her from dying on Malachor at the hands of Vader. It would have tied the light side of the Force to a Sith temple.
There is only one other person Ahsoka shares such a strong bond with, and that's Captain Rex (is he alive, is he dead, if he died offscreen I am going to fucking sue Disney). Yeah I know he's old now, but he deserves a proper send-off. The Clone Wars was, as Dave Filoni has said, a story about Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. Captain Rex is her best friend and the one who was standing by her side when the Clone Wars ended. Neither of them would have survived without the other.
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Ahsoka knew there was no way she would be able to save the other clones, but she refused to be the one who killed them. She couldn't do it. They might have all shared a face but all of them were unique and important to her, and she could never ask Rex to save her life by killing them. It made getting out a lot more difficult because the clones were able to just get back up again and start fighting a few minutes later since Rex was only stunning them. (Interesting how that happened on Seatos too but this time because the troopers were zombies.)
Ezra was able to escape Seatos in Thrawn's ship but Ahsoka, Sabine and Huyang got left behind.
Did Rex even find out Ahsoka was alive after she came back from Malachor? If so, this means he's losing her yet again. For the fourth time in their lives. If not, then he's still on his third time (which was Malachor).
Also interesting how he was found on a planet in the Seelos system, and it was just a barren wasteland like Tatooine. Seatos and Seelos sound alike. Satine and Sabine sound alike and were both Mandalorian. How Sabine built a deadly weapon called The Duchess when she was being trained by the Empire that was able to disintegrate soldiers wearing Mandalorian armor, and it was named after Satine, the pacifist who turned Mandalore into a peaceful planet. And ironically now it's at peace because the Mandalorians were wiped out after the fall of the Empire. And think about how the clones all came from the DNA of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter with blue and silver armor (and described as genetically perfect specimen by the Kaminoans).
Huyang is watching all of this unfold, but he's so old that it's just one of countless adventures he's been on, only this time he bonded with a former Jedi after a war that devastated their order completely. He might be a droid, but he's also more than that. He's ancient and wise and found a friend in Ahsoka Tano, the one who is imbued with the life force of a god and comes from a lineage that stands out above the others because it's the lineage of the Sith as well.
And as Huyang has now famously said...
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How is it all going to end? If he is the Doctor, how did he become a droid too?
One day I might write a long ass fic about this if I ever have the energy to do so.
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vergencescatter · 8 months
The Father, the Son, and the Daughter
In what we're to believe is his great quest, Baylan's only appearance in episode 8 shows him standing on the arm of a giant statue of the Father. (I don't think there is any debate that this statue and the others depict the Mortis gods (or beings, because I don't necessarily see them as gods in the traditional sense), especially with the earlier appearance of Morai).
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Observe, on the right, a statue depicting the Son, who, from the Clone Wars [s3, e15-16], we know is aligned with the dark side. On the left, we see a statue of the Daughter, who is aligned with the light side. Her statue has been completely disfigured. This symbolism alone is very curious. One interpretation is quite literal: that Baylan is connected to the dark side of the force, or that his path - his quest - belongs to the dark side in some manner. Another interpretation pertains to the nature of the planet Peridea. As I wrote before, Peridea appears to be marked by some sort of dark magick. As Baylan remarked in episode 6, "Something stirs here". And so, perhaps the crumbling nature of the statue depicting the Daughter is symbolic of this darkness.
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One thing I noticed speaks to the first interpretation. As Baylan stands at the hand of the Father, staring into the distance, one sees on the horizon a mountain with what appears to be a pulsing beam of light (edit: since first publishing this post, I realised this could very well be the Mortis monastery). The light is shooting out from the mountain peak upwards into the sky. From the perspective we're given, it appears this is the direction the hand of the Father statue is pointing. Surely, that is not a coincidence; coupled to the fact that we know something is calling to Baylan.
At present, I can't see any of this having to do with Abeloth. I just don't see any sort of Abeloth arc being consistent with the trinity of the Mortis beings. I would not be surprised if it was the Son, who, for whatever reason, had become aware of Baylan and has since been calling to him. We know this has happened in the past. After Ezra discovered the mural of the Mortis gods on the Jedi Temple of Lothal, which led to the entrance of the World Between Worlds, upon exiting the Son spoke to him [Rebels, s4 e13]. Thinking about it now, it could be interpreted as though he was calling to Ezra: "the future can still be changed" .
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valkorianknight12 · 8 months
Ahsoka Episode 8 Spoilers
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hold on, let me cry for a second.
First off, the lightsaber building scene and Ezra being able to add a part of Kanan's lightsaber to his just furthered the theme of master nd apprentice they go going on. And when Sabine and Ezra did the throwing move that Kanan and Ezra did in rebels, sealed the fucking deal for me. ✨masterpiece ✨
Sabine's force sensitivity was something I was uncomfortable with at the beginning of the show, but it feels so right for her. And it makes sense as well with her trauma and underlying struggle from the rebels show that prevented her from reaching her full potential. I mean in runs in her lineage( *cough* Tarre Viszla).
And when chopper went up to ezra i was like goddamn chopper already knows. And then the emotion behind ezra and hera's eyes once ezra took his helmet off just made me bawl.
Thrawn's interaction with Ahsoka definitely fit the rebels and part of Zahn's characterization of him as a calculating and manipulating villain. Thrawn's disregard for the unnecessary killing was what kind of got me as a trilogy fan. I really liked when Thrawn says he knows about Anakin and how Ahsoka was kind of like him. He also calls her a ronin, which I honestly don't know how to feel about.
Then, the Dathomiri stuff was top tier. It was horrifying but i mean space witches = very cool. It reflected a lot of clone wars lore too which was so nice to see in live action.
Speaking of clone wars lore, UM BAYLAN! THE STATUES OF THE FATHER, SON, AND THE DAUGHTER (half collapsed, may have some significance). MORAI in the end though. I was just praising Filoni at that point.
And then Anakin, in the end, to seal everything off was just perfect. It kind of reminded me of when Hayden Christensen was talking about filming the end scene of Return of the Jedi where he appears as a force ghost and how he didn't know he was being filmed for that and didn't know how to act for the scene. He even remarked that he would have changed the way he acted if he knew. I feel like this end scene where Anakin just gives that small smile of acceptance was Christensen's way of reliving that experience.
anyways, good stuff, ezrillion/10 would recommend
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swan-orpheus · 8 months
I'm really curious to know what that is in the distance that Baylan is looking at. It looks like a tower/fortress made of pale stone. And The Father seems to be pointing to it? Hmmm! Filoni and co season 2 or else lmfao
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raventrigonsdaughter · 11 months
Ahsoka's conection with ezra and sabine will be... interesting... if that theory holds up
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What is Baylan seeking?
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
What do Luke, Leia, and more importantly PADMÉ (and the whole gang really) react to Anakin having siblings - and those siblings being literal Dathomiri Force Gods that Anakin also was instrumental in killing
can u imagine if they DIDN'T die tho
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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literallyjustanerd · 10 months
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the second i saw the temple mural in rebels i knew i had to do this
[Image ID: A mural-style drawing of Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka styled after the mural of the Mortis gods seen in Rebels. Ahsoka is on the right in her white robe and carrying her scepter, a morai perched on her shoulder. Obi wan is in the middle in his Jedi robes, one hand raised. The Jedi Order symbol is behind his head. Anakin stands on the right, with one half of his face obscured by his Darth Vader mask. His hand is clenched into a fist.]
Version without noise (along with me ranting about couple details I'm way too proud of) under the cut:
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The beams of light are emanating from the Jedi Order symbol for Obi-Wan, but for Anakin and Ahsoka they are centred on Obi-Wan's heart
The beams emanating from Obi-Wan all reach the edge of the canvas, but for Anakin and Ahsoka some are incomplete
The colours circling their hands are indicative of their lightsaber colours
The light circling Anakin's hand is tinged blue in Obi-Wan's direction
The light circling Ahsoka's hand is primarily white, but tinged in green, and tinged blue in Anakin's direction
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fulcrum-art-fox · 8 months
I am thinking far too much about how the Daughter’s statue is not only very badly damaged, but actually separated from the Father and Son. There’s a definite divide, a ravine in the rock, separating her from the others
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gold-as-hera · 8 months
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Maybe the answer was right in front of us the whole time.
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sh1ngaru · 6 months
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20 years on this planet and i never did a 'figures in front of an aquarium' drawing
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datchidatchi · 7 months
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"Where do you think you're going?"
Part 1
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deoxysacid · 7 months
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various characters in my hgss sequel, returning and otherwise
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