#the quadrouple
the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
Nobody Does It Like My Daddy
Relationship: Ari Levinson x Jake Jensen (bear and cubby) Ransom Drysdale x female!reader (ninja and puppy) implications of the quadrouple (NLLYL AU)
Words: ~1.5k
Summary: Father’s Day with the Jensen-Levinsons.
Warnings: explicit language, brief explicit sexual content (salad tossing, mention of blowjobs, m/m sex), a ridiculous amount of fluff, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE QUADROUPLE!!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: Happiest of Father’s Day to you my lovely readers from perhaps my favorite DILFs.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Jake grumbled when he felt Ari kiss his neck, screwing his eyes closed against the morning sun that was filling their bedroom.
“Too early.” He huffed when his husband chuckled into his shoulder, rolling over and burying his face in the pillow to try to force himself back to sleep. “It’s Sunday, the triplets took forever to go down last night, let me sleep.”
“I just can’t, cub.” Ari purred and crawled so his body was stretched over Jake’s, kissing his shoulders and starting to move down his spine while he kept making pleasant noises. “Besides, it’s not just Sunday, it’s Father’s Day. And I’ve gotta show some appreciation for my favorite father.”
“Fine.” Jake let his eyes droop when Ari nuzzled into the small of his back, snorting when he kissed that damn tattoo like he always did before he nipped at his ass and slid under the covers. “But I’m gonna sleep while you eat me out.”
“Grumpy boy.” Ari started rubbing Jake’s ass cheeks before spreading them apart, kissing his little pink hole gently a few times until he heard Jake whine. “Just as long as Daddy gets a good blowjob from you once you’re awake. I’m sure we have plenty of time before the kids…”
“No!” As soon as Ari said something one of the babies stirred on the monitor and the sound of running feet filled the house, making Jake snarl at his husband even as he started licking his asshole. “You just had to say it.”
Ari didn’t have a chance to respond before their door was flung open by Isaac and Eli who were shouting “happy Father’s Day” at the top of their lungs. Jake tried to turn over but couldn’t with his bear holding down the lower half of his body, and said bear had to flatten himself out as much as possible so their children couldn’t see where he was and what he was doing.
“Where’s Pop?” Jake was bright red when Eli asked him that, fighting the urge to punch the lump in the sheets when he felt Ari chuckling against his hip. “We’re making you breakfast!”
Jake’s concern about his wild sons operating cooking appliances disappeared when Ransom walked into the room, though he did get even more red when the man smirked as he took in the extra lumpy blankets.
“You little dudes go wash your hands, c’mon. Give your dad a chance to wake up.” Ransom leaned against the door frame and grinned wickedly after the twins ran out of the room. “Morning Jake. Morning Ari.”
“Morning pretty boy.” Ari beamed at the man after flinging the blankets off his head, ignoring his husband’s scolding glare as he kept kissing his perky ass. “Where’s gorgeous?”
“Feeding the dumplings.” Ransom nodded to the monitor so they could see you sitting in the nursery and holding one of the babies close to your breast. “How long do you two need to finish up here?”
“Fifteen minutes?” Ari hushed Jake and smacked his ass when he tried to turn over again. “I guess I can wait to get my dick sucked until tonight.”
“Aww, the sacrifices you make for your kids.” Ransom sniffed the air and swore under his breath before turning and running down the hall. “Rach! That had better be toast I smell burning! I said no using the stove without me!”
“Oh god… Jesus!” Jake’s concern about what their children were getting up to disappeared when Ari buried his face between his cheeks again, arching his back and moaning while his tongue swirled around his tight pink hole. “Ugh, that feels so good.”
“I know, baby.” Ari purred as he gave one of Jake’s cheeks a gentle bite. “Now hush and let me enjoy my fifteen minute meal.”
Jake’s legs were a little wobbly by the time they made it downstairs twenty minutes later, a huge grin on his face when he saw the smorgasbord the kids had laid out for them.
“Wow, pancakes and waffles and French toast, you guys went all out.” Jake sighed when Ari kissed his temple when they walked into the dining room, his heart melting at the kids all covered in flour as they ran to hug their dads. “You guys are the best kids ever, I’ve gotta kiss all of you.”
“Oh no, dad!” The twins tried to wriggle away when Jake kissed the tops of their heads, escaping when he embraced Rachel only to be scooped up by Ari in a bear hug. “Pop!”
“It’s Father’s Day, you have to accept all of our affection, it’s the rule!” Ari laughed when they kept squirming until he let go of them, giving Rachel her own hug and smiling at Ransom when he came in holding Micah on his hip. “Hey bubba! Can you say ‘happy Father’s Day’?”
“Happy day!” Micah squealed when Ari scooped him out of Ransom’s arms and kissed his chubby cheeks, grabbing onto his beard and pulling playfully. “Happy day, papa!”
“Aw, what about me?” Jake beamed when Micah screamed for him to have a happy day as well, kissing his forehead while Ari strapped him into the high chair while he sat next to Rachel and helped her pile some pancakes onto her plate as Ransom tried to wrangle the twins. “Thank you for this, Ran. Did you guys thank your uncle?”
All of the kids said thank you as loud as they could before starting to stuff their faces, shouting again with their mouths full to say hello to you when you walked into the room somehow holding all three babies at once until Ari stood up to help you.
“Happy Father’s Day, boys!” You handed Caleb to Ari and Shiloh to Jake before sitting down with Naomi in your lap, shaking your head when your husband just let the twins climb all over him. “All three dumplings are fed and very happy. I think we have some presents for you to open.”
“Presents?” Jake laughed when the three older kids all ran to go get the gifts with a chorus of happy yells, the dogs running after them when they charged back into the room with their gifts. “Look at these, did you guys wrap them yourselves?”
Their affirmative answers were obvious from the haphazard folds in the wrapping paper and excessive tape, but they were the most beautiful presents either of them had ever seen. They got homemade cookies with paw prints in them from ‘the pets’ and gave exuberant thanks for them after you whispered that they were sanitary and safe for consumption in Ari’s ear. Ari cooed over the beard grooming kit and hiking guides, and Jake had to kiss the kids all over again when he got his book of dad jokes and a t-shirt that said ‘Dad Jokes, That’s How Eye-Roll’. And they both started crying when the giant photo board was revealed, much to the kids’ embarrassment.
“Okay, let’s all go clean up the dishes so we can go on a hike!” Ransom kissed the top of your head as he stood up, sighing when he got a look at the twins sprinting towards the kitchen with handfuls of silverware. “Little dudes, no running with the cutlery, c’mon!”
“Did you guys like your presents?” You bounced Naomi on your lap while she babbled happily, smiling at Jake and Ari when they nodded and reaching out to let Micah hold on to your finger when he pouted at you. “Well, you deserve them. You are the best dads.”
“We couldn’t do a lot of it without you and Ran, honey.” Ari cradled Caleb against his chest while he snored softly, leaning forward and kissing your cheek while watching Jake kiss Shiloh out of the corner of his eye. “Especially with these three. Do you need to pump at all?”
“No, I did last night and they emptied me out when I got here.” Naomi squealed and flailed her arms and you couldn’t help but smile. “Speaking of me and Ran, I have something to tell you that I need you to keep secret.”
“Oh yeah?” Jake grinned when Shiloh tried to snatch his glasses off before blowing a raspberry against her stomach while she kicked her chubby little legs. “Is this a good secret or a bad secret?”
“It’s a very good secret.” You lowered your voice when you heard Ransom bellow from the kitchen as one of the kids sprayed him with water. “We made the mutual decision that I wasn’t going to go back on my birth control but we didn’t really think about the fact that I’m not exclusively breastfeeding and well… I was late. And I took a test and…”
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hawkinsmafia · 29 days
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day 11 : morning light
featuring Dmitri Antonov x oc Lilibet Grey, with Murray Bauman & Yuri Ismaylov
rating: mature
cw: semi-public sex, voyeurism without consent, implied piv (unprotected), coffee abomination
wc: 645
an: written for the 200 Words Challenge. Kinda proud of this one considering I put this pairing together just a couple hours before writing this!
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Pink light filtered gently into the abandoned church-turned-smuggler’s den as night gave way to dawn, and it was about the only gentle thing she had encountered in this country.
Behind her, the Russian man stirred softly and Lilibet froze, waiting for him to drop back to sleep again, and was grateful when his breathing deepened once more. Carefully she rolled over to face him in their little cocoon of layered blankets and wraps. She was hoping that seeing him in the morning light would change things, that the spell would break with the dawn, and last night would go down on the list of mediocre encounters that were probably a mistake.
No such luck. Somehow, sleeping in a survivalist’s bundle on the floor of a frozen church only made Dmitri cuter, if that was even possible, the slack of his expression giving him a youthful innocence. One that had an interesting juxtaposition with Lilibet’s memory of his strong, sure hands sliding into her pants last night in pitch darkness, the chapel filled with the sounds of howling wind and the chainsaw snores of the pilot, at the opposite wall.
With their companions sleeping, or reasonably close enough to sleep, Dmitri had shifted closer to Lilibet, offering quite sincerely to combine their cocoons together and increase the warmth. Murray and Yuri had done it—though it was at least partially so that Yuri couldn’t attempt to escape in the night without waking Murray in the process—and Hopper and Joyce hadn’t quite merged their blankets into one, but had lain as close to each other as they could get otherwise. And watching the man she had loved and the woman she did love reconnect with each other, pulling away from her, made her heart ache in ways she couldn’t articulate. So she accepted Dmitri’s offer, and they wrapped themselves together, and when their bodies had slotted together gratefully in warmth, Lilibet asked if this was okay, and Dmitri responded with a soft, sultry, “This is perfect, little dove,” as if he could sense her loneliness, her heartbreak, and wanted to console her. She wanted to be consoled. When his palms slid beneath her layered clothes and found bare skin, she gave no signs of protest, and when her hands found his zipper and began opening it, he kissed her to silence his groan.
She wanted so badly for it to be a one-time thing, something she could easily let go of and walk away from. But Dmitri, damn him, was even more beautiful in the morning light, and the memory of his gentle lovemaking would replay in her fantasies for a long, long time, she knew.
With exceeding care, she pulled herself out of their cocoon without disturbing Dmitri, made sure her clothes had come to settle in the right places, and silently moved among the crates of smuggled goods. There was a shipment of jars of Nescafé instant coffee granules, and a dozen flats of bottled water, which she combined together to make a horrible bastardization of coffee. Pulling on her fur-lined hat and leather gloves, she tugged open the heavy church door and slipped outside with her bottle of cold, muddy coffee.
“Dobroye utro!”
Squinting against the sharp morning sun, she saw Yuri and Murray were working on the helicopter known as Katinka, and Yuri was waving a socket wrench at Lilibet with a horribly cheerful grin.
“Good morning!” he repeated loudly in English. “I hear somebody have good night last night, no? You make bad choice when choosing Russian lover, but Yuri will not hold against you.”
“Morning, Lil,” Murray said, speaking more quietly but with every bit as much mischief in his grin. “So… that was a fun little show. How was the disgraced former prison guard of a Russian gulag?”
Lilibet groaned, and pulled her hat down over her eyes in embarrassment.
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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biomic · 9 months
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liveman was sooooo real for this
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doctorhouse5343 · 2 months
Eternally Yours (Chapter 1)
"You need to get yourself another cat." The words uttered by his friend Johanna left Morpheus puzzled, putting down his mug of coffee as he stared at her in bewilderment "Pardon?" He asked, watching her take a swig of her beer as she looked at him as if he had just lost his mind "Are you daft or something? You wanted my help and this is my advice : get yourself another cat".
She then put her pint down, letting out a sigh before continuing "You mentioned that Hob is driving Ollie to exhaustion with how energetic he is, right? So the obvious solution to that problem is to add a new member to your household to make sure that your cat gets to play as much as he want while your dog finally gets some good rest". Her words made Morpheus frown a bit, not quite convinced yet "And you expect me to find this new cat where?" The skepticism in his voice made her roll her eyes in annoyance (her plan was fantastic, thank you very much.) "The shelter, of course, you ninnie! There's a ton of cats there, yearning to get taken into a safe home and yours will be more than perfect. On top of that, you won't have to be filled with worry at work because they won't be so alone anymore".  Since Johanna was clearly not going to give up on trying to convince him, the ravenette's mind wandered off to what happened in the morning, all to further ponder on his dilemma without having to listen to his friend's rambling.
When he woke up that morning, Morpheus was greeted by the sight of his adorable brown haired cat named Hob, who immediately jumped into his arms to kiss him all over the minute that he stepped in the living room "Hello Hob, have you slept well?" His question, followed by scritches that made the brown tabby cat-boy purr in delight, was answered with a sunny smile that made his heart melt "I have slept well but I was too excited to see you again so I woke up a lot earlier than usual". The cat boy then proceeded to lavish his owner with more kisses until he was lowered back down, smiling as he felt the ravenette press a loving kiss onto his forehead before making his way into the kitchen with Hob in tow, both eager to see their beloved dog Destruction.
The red haired dog-boy was sitting at the table, yawns leaving his lips as he tried his hardest to stay awake "Good-morning you two, there's food on the table if you want any, though I think half of it might be charred" He chuckled tiredly as he looked at the both of them with fondness. "Are you alright, Ollie? You look tired" Hob's expression of worry as he took a seat beside him made the tall-red head feel the need to reassure him "I'll be fine bud, I just need a bit of a rest and I'll be back to playing with you as always in no time" His deep voice seemed to calm down the cat though it was clear that the brunette wasn't convinced yet, he knew that his energy was hard to keep up with and he felt bad for it. 
"Do make sure to take the time to rest as much as you need to, Destruction. It would pain me to see you in further discomfort" Morpheus urged softly, kissing the fluffy dog hybrid's lips before joining them at the table to eat their breakfast, the three of them smiling at one another lovingly. Their moment of peace was sadly shattered when the raven haired male received a text message from his best friend Johanna Constantine, reminding him of the fact that he had agreed to get drinks with her, however there was a slight issue : he had a very important meeting to attend soon so that would mean that he wouldn't be able to go home until much later. A groan left his lips as he moved his pale hand through his unruly dark hair, muttering a few apologies to his two beloveds, which was brushed aside as the cat and dog both hugged him "We'll be alright, you go ahead and attend the meeting. Say hi to Johanna from us when you see her" Hob said with a smile before adding with a determined voice "Don't worry, I'll make sure that Ollie gets a plenty of rest in your absence".
A sigh of relief left Morpheus' lips as he sank in the loving embrace of his lovers, promising the pair that he would be come home safe and, after exchanging a long kiss, walked out of the front door to make his way to the car that he owned to get to his location. The memory of the meeting was a blur, he was more or less bored during it and found himself glancing at the wall-clock a few times before it was finally over. After making sure that it was actually wrapped up, he didn't want to leave without making sure that everything was said, the goth immediately ran out of the building to then sprint to the pub that he and his friend usually frequented (when he wasn't too busy, which was rare).
Upon entering the pub, Johanna welcomed him with a scowl, she wasn't too happy that it took him long to get there but calmed down after he explained the meeting that he had to attend "Well the important thing is that you are here and didn't get yourself in the hospital, now if you don't mind I'm going to get our usual and while we drink you are going to tell me all about your day", which he did after he got his cup of black coffee : he told her about Hob's sudden burst of energy, how they made it hard for Destruction to keep up and brought up the lack of sleep that the dog was having as a result of the tabby's playing.
And now here they were, Johanna throwing good points in her argument while Morpheus tried to simply enjoy his coffee "If I agree to go and visit the local shelter, will you cease? I am beginning to feel the start of a migraine" He relented, feeling exhausted after this incessant back-and-forth. His friend was quite proud herself as she finished her pint but made sure to add a requirement to make sure that he truly would go "The minute that you get back home with the cat, you better send me a picture to prove it. It has to be a picture of the cat, not of Hob or another random one. If you don't do it, I'll make sure that our next outing is at a karaoke bar and that you will sing". The threat made the man pale, he knew that she meant every word so he vowed that he would do what she asks. Quite pleased with herself, Johanna ordered another pint and did a toast in honor of the promise that that the elegant male would keep while planning the playlist that he'd sing if he failed to do what she had asked him to, giggling to herself as she schemed while he enjoyed his coffee.
The quiet atmosphere in the animal shelter should have be reassuring but for the handlers working there, it was only a source of worry due to it being the time were their little terror  would start his reign of terror. Out of all the animals that the shelter had seen come and go, none of them were as terrifying as Hobo Heart, the cat with the odd skeleton-on-blackish-gray coat and fluffy white hair, whose goal in life was to stare at everyone in judgement while eating random hearts (no one knew how he managed to find any, he always covered his tracks) and scare his caretakers by running around the place with his blue eyes wide and glowing. The shelter tried many times to get the feline into a good home but his habits made him unlikable to them, which the handlers tried to correct with treats but to no avail, the behavior simply continued on until not many visitors came to meet him : they were afraid of the possibility of him clawing their face off.
The handlers present looked at the clock nervously, all dreading the moment where one of them had to go see Hobo Heart for his meal time and it was just as they were about to use a game rock-paper-scissor to see who would do it that the bell at the front door rang, announcing the arrival of a visitor. One of the workers went to the front desk where a tall elegant man was waiting, his rosy lips lifted in a slight smile as he watched the shelter staff greet him and after they asked 'how could I be off assistance?', he began to explain the reason for his visit : he was looking for a calm cat that loved to play, had a lot of energy and had a friendly temperament "You are in luck my good sir, we have a cat that I am quite sure matches what you are looking for. Follow me please, he resides down the hall". 
When the pair headed down the hallway to reach the area were the local terror was most likely asleep at, Morpheus couldn't help but notice the frightened look that the handlers were throwing at their colleague, who ignored them with a smile as he talked about Hobo Heart in a kinder light "He's a bit shy at first but he is so sweet , his coat is really interesting an-" The words died in the poor worker's throat as the crystal blue eyes of the cat-boy menace were starring at him from across the room. The cat hybrid was still staring when his handler introduced him to the pretty goth, who didn't seem bothered by his gaze at all so the white haired fiend turned it up a notch by zooming around them with his glowing before resuming his staring. A grin soon appeared on his lips as he faced them, expecting the man to be gone but to his surprise Morpheus merely looked pleased at what he saw "I would like to take Hobo Heart home with me, if that would be of no trouble for you" The ravenette's words were met with a small nod in reply as the frightened young man handed him the papers to sign. In no time at all the dark haired male was driving back home with a skull-faced hybrid whose eyes were the size of saucers at the moment, trying to understand what was going on as he stared out of the car window while the two were silent during the entire duration of the ride. 
The car eventually arrived at his new owner's home and the two of them soon went inside where they were soon greeted by a very happy brown haired tabby-cat hybrid "Morpheus, you came back!" He exclaimed as he hugged his owner before turning his attention to the new cat, his brown eyes full of curiosity "What is your name, cute stranger?". Before the white haired cat could say anything, a tall red headed dog hybrid with a nice beard walked in and stood right next to Hob "Let's give the poor lad some room to breathe, he just arrived after all. He must be exhausted and nervous" The male's voice was deep in a way that soothed him and he couldn't help but stare as the pretty owner pressed a kiss onto the lips of the gentle giant. "You are right, Destruction, we must be patient with dear Hobo Heart. I believe all that running tired him in the end" Morpheus chuckled as went on to explain what he had witnessed the cat-boy do, Hob was impressed at the speed described while Ollie was amused by the mischief that he was capable of doing.
He was just about to say something until a soft voice spoke up, making the three of them turn around "You are a dog, aren't you?" The question was innocent enough but it reminded the dark-haired goth that he never asked the people who worked at the local shelter if Hobo Heart was comfortable with dogs, in fact it never crossed his mind to ask him about it but his beloved dog smiled as he replied, gently as to not scare the cat "Yes, I am but don't worry, I won't go around bothering you when you feel like being alone, I promi-" Destruction's eyes went wide as he was abruptly interrupted by what felt like something trying to climb him with their claws. When he looked down he was expecting to see the brown tabby but instead found himself staring into the fluffy white-haired nightmare's icy blues, who stared back with determination as he continued his ascension until he was resting his head on the male's wide chest. 
Without missing a beat, the new cat hybrid face-planted right in the middle of the comfortably hairy chest before him and, while letting out the loudest purr that rivaled with Hob's, smiled widely as he said "I love dogs". It was at that moment that if there was any doubts about making this bushy-tailed feline an official member of their family, they went all out of the window the minute that the cutie purred deep in the gentle giant's arms "Destruction, could you keep him in your arms for as long as you possibly can? I must take a picture of this moment for the family album, and for my sister and Johanna" When the red head nodded with a smile ; honestly there was no way that he was going to let go of the sweet boy anytime soon; the raven-haired beauty pulled out his camera to immortalize this moment to print it later before taking one last picture with his phone to send it to Death and his friend. After he was done Morpheus wasted no time and sent the picture of Hobo Heart latched onto Ollie's chest to Johanna with a message that said : 'My new cat 🥰', before sending the picture to his dearest sister Death. Letting out a sigh of relief, knowing that he wouldn't be singing anytime soon, he turned his attention to the happy cat in the red-headed dog's arms and it was at that moment that he knew that this was the best decision of his life so he sent a simple text to his best friend : 'You were right'.
oh to be a cute cat 🥲
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
when the line ‘but if you hold me without hurting me, you’ll be the first whoever did’ applies to both of them >>>
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nosks · 7 months
being in ur 20s and having been in the mental healthcare system since you were a child and watching other adults who never saw a psychiatrist til they were in their adulthood/very recent years talk like they assume everyone had the same experience. goes triple if they never even needed mental healthcare services til their adulthood.
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
checking every ask game related ask i send five times minimum to make sure i am not telling my mutuals "i hope you die i hope you die i hope you die i ho
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imthecleric · 2 years
ooc: we have seen jon’s scar from s1, and el’s scar from s3... when we gonna see will’s scar from s2... hi no do not tell me it does not exist, nancy stabbed him with a firepoker he has a scar
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yesterday a vid came onto my fyp that was like “ if i am on your fyp then there is something about you that makes your government angry...good that means you are important“ and like yeah 4 things actually and they and 90% of the population are actively hunting me down to murder me every second of the day and if they could torture rape and kill me 4 different times they would hahahaha then i was like what the actual fuck how the fuck do i even manage to find a single will to live  everyday in these conditions
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hawkinsmafia · 25 days
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day 15 : photographs
featuring Dmitri Antonov x oc Lilibet Grey & oc Georgette Grey
rating: general
cw: mentions of past manipulation and revenge porn of a minor, unfavorable depiction of Tommy H.
wc: 927
an: written for the 200 Words Challenge. I’m having fun exploring this man. :) I think I hc him as a pretty decent cook, and definitely has high dexterity. also I’m in love with the idea that he gets himself a motorcycle in Hawkins. more biker representation pls!
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Returning to Hawkins had had an effect on Georgette, Lilibet could see it the very same day they arrived. Her daughter was reverting back to the version of herself that hadn’t yet been to California, hadn’t made friends at Lenora High or had sleepovers at her house on Lonzo Way. The Georgette who didn’t fit in and didn’t have much to say. Even securing an early summer job at Main Street Vinyl hadn’t lifted her mood. Some of it, perhaps, could have been attributed to shyness around their new roommate, but Dmitri couldn’t be the source of all her malaise. Lilibet had seen with her own eyes that the two of them got along well enough; even Georgette’s aloof tuxedo cat, Count Ulfric Arpeggio, seemed to grudgingly accept Dmitri’s presence.
So while Dmitri was busy in the kitchen, prepping vegetables for dinner—he had insisted on taking care of meals for the family, wanting to pull his fair share of the weight even while he hadn’t yet found employment in Hawkins—Lilibet approached Georgette. Plopping down next to her on their new sofa, Lilibet cut right to the chase.
“Alright, so are you ready to tell me what’s going on yet?”
Georgette looked at her mother, brow furrowing. “I… don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Why you’re retreating into your shell again,” Lilibet supplied. “As soon as we crossed the Hawkins town line, you started wilting. What’s happening?”
“Oh.” Georgette looked away, swallowing awkwardly. “You remember what happened.” She paused before adding, quietly, “With Tommy?”
An idle fury clawed Lilibet’s insides at the mention of the boy’s name, but she kept her face impassive. “Yes.”
“Yeah. Bet you’re not the only one.”
“Oh, sweetheart…” Lilibet reached out and touched her daughter’s knee, rubbing it soothingly.
“It was just really nice being two thousand miles away from anyone who’d ever even heard of Tommy Hagan and had ever seen my boobs.”
The way her daughter’s head hung in shame made Lilibet’s heart hurt, and she wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. “It’s been two years, baby. I’m sure most people have forgotten it entirely, and the rest… well, fuck them. They don’t have photographic memories, and if all they have to do with their spare time is try to recall the details of those photos, that says a hell of a lot more about their pathetic selves than it does about you.”
“But we never got all the copies back,” Georgette said, her voice cracking as she spoke into her mother’s shoulder, “and they have to be out there somewhere. What if being back in Hawkins makes someone remember they have one in their desk drawer and it starts getting passed around again?”
That fury was still coiling in Lilibet’s chest, and she spoke in a tone that was carefully measured but still licked of flame. “If it resurfaces, then we’ll prosecute. You were sixteen years old, which makes it a felony to even have a copy in the first place. And this time we won’t have to trade that charge away as a bargaining chip to keep Jonathan out of jail.” She pulled away from Georgette, her hands holding Georgette’s shoulders, and met her daughter’s eyes head-on. “If anyone is still holding on to that photo, if they have one shred of intelligence in their skull, they’ll keep it to themselves.”
From behind them came the sound of a throat being cleared, and they looked over the back of the sofa to find Dmitri standing in the doorway, his chef knife in hand, bright orange flecks of carrot clinging to the blade.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said, speaking very politely, “but I seem to have forgotten the onions.” His gaze settled on Georgette with a gentle smile. “Would you maybe have a few minutes to run out and purchase a bag for me?”
“Can I take your motorcycle?” she asked hopefully, but her mother cut in before Dmitri could respond.
“Absolutely not, but you can take my car.”
Georgette groaned, but pulled herself up off the couch and headed for the front door.
“And please don’t change the radio station presets!”
“I won’t,” she sighed with all the apathy of a beleaguered teenager, and closed the door behind her.
Dmitri waited a few more seconds before he spoke again. “Am I permitted to ask what that discussion was about?”
“You were eavesdropping?” Lilibet teased.
“I dropped no eaves, I was merely close enough to hear you. I cannot turn off my ears at will.”
With a sigh, Lilibet shifted on the couch, rising onto her knees on the cushions and turning toward the back of the couch to face Dmitri. “There was a boy Georgette had feelings for in high school, his name was Tommy Hagan. And Tommy decided to pretend he had feelings for her as well, as a joke. And apparently he was very convincing, because it went on for weeks, with Georgette thinking they were in love, and eventually she gave him a… let’s say, a very private photo of herself. By the next morning, he’d had hundreds of copies made and taped up all over the school for everyone to see.”
As Lilibet spoke, Dmitri’s expression hardened, his mouth a tight line, his eyes icy. He looked toward the front door again, then back to Lilibet.
“May I ask two more questions, my dove?”
She nodded, and the chef knife twirled in Dmitri’s grasp.
“Where is this Tommy Hagan now, and how dead would you like him to be?”
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dividers by @saradika-graphics // photos suggested by @comfortably-obsessed-fangirl ♡
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doctorhouse5343 · 2 months
Hobo Heart was a fluffy white haired cat boy known in the local shelter for his oddly unique coat and for being a terror : he'd purposely stare at his handlers with judgement and sometimes, just to spite them, would eat hearts in front of them (no one knew how he got his paws on them) and would zoom around them with glowing eyes to scare the living hell out of them.
The shelter tried to get him adopted multiple time but those unsavory habits made him not well liked, the visitors found him quite terrifying. The staff were at their wits end until one day Morpheus Endless came in, asking if there was a cat that could meet his needs so they immediately lead him to the spot were the fluffy menace resided in. Hobo Heart did his usual staring, his glowing blue eyes making the white half skull marking on his blackish-gray coat look even more unnerving but the beautiful pale man was unbothered, turning to the staff to tell them that he was taking the cat home.
It was a wonderful day for them and Morpheus soon went home with a very confused skull-faced cat hybrid, immediately greeted by a very happy and fluffy brown tabby Hob who tried to hug him. The newcomer was confused but the minute that a red haired dog boy, burly and t a l l with a lot of hair in the best places came to see the commotion, Hobo Heart began to stare while letting out a loud purring sound : turns out the kitty had a thing for dogs and luckily for Morpheus, Ollie was more than happy to spoil the cute kitty
we live for mischievous cat boy!Hobo Heart
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
kj brandman and ava silva would be very good friends, in this essay i will-
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avsandflyboys · 7 months
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panicatthefandomboy · 10 months
You know the vacation is going the right and wrong direction simoultaniously when it's 17:50 and you're already drunk
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selfshippinglover · 11 months
Michael picks you up and scoots you into a broom closet to the back rooms because "we're staying out of this lonely eyes bullshit sweetie"
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2die4-mp3 · 1 year
hello girlies i am online again with a new passion to not shut the fuck up about!!!!!
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