#the sad one is my fave tbh <33
pekoeboo · 2 months
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ended up having a lot of fun with @pixlokita on another Magma canvas ;0; so much chaos..... and as you can see, Eggs Benedict ended up taking over most of the page (as he should) xD what a fun way to spend the evening, honestly. thanks for inviting me, Pix!! ♪(^∇^*) I def needed that tbh <33
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xjustakay · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers;;
thank youuu lovelies for tagging me @grimjobs and @pinkthekla <33
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
too many lmfao. 56 all together now, one of them is on the microfics pseud
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
391,215 words. and counting. god help me lmfao.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
presently, just jegulus/the marauders now. on my ao3 from writing i’ve done in the past; golden trio era hp, star wars sequels (my single reylo fic lmao), and dc’s titans (yes the crappy hbo max show, we don’t need to talk about it)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Far Too Young to Die — black brothers centric, canon-divergence two shot; reg ends up running away with sirius. ft. jegulus & wolfstar (first marauders fic i ever wrote surprise lol, my actual firstborn child)
Better to Burn Than to Fade Away — reg got picked on at quidditch practice and his bf and brother are mad about it (technically pt.3 to the ftytd series started from above fic)
Stardust In My Eyes — jeggy summer stargazing fluff, that’s it that’s the whole fic (pt.2 of the ftytd series lol)
Pumpkin Pasties and Broom Polish — little microfic thing where sirius found out reg smells james in amortentia lmao
put your love on me — the last time i’ll write a very specific triad bc a lot of their shippers ruined it for me :) plus i like other ships for them all more anyway in case that wasn’t obvious (it’s jegulily, spare yourself the click if needed lmao)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yesss, i like to thank people for being there at all lmao<3
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wrote an angsty little black brothers thing of sirius leaving/getting kicked out and the two of them fighting and saying some not exactly great things to each other that was inspired by a tiktok edit i saw of regulus to you’re on your own kid by taylor swift so that was a little rough lol also back when i was writing a lot in the fremione section of fandom i wrote a oneshot where fred was dead and hermione and george essentially ended up using each other to cope with his loss bc they both knew and loved him the most and were having a rough time without him so :) that was a time
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mm i’m kind of a sucker for happy endings and very very few of my fics have sad ones. the majority of my fics have happy endings (or will end up having them once they’re finished lol) so this is a tough answer lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thankfully! i’ve only ever gotten like one or two comments that came off a little snarky or judgy but i just snarked back lmao. and then there was one fic i caught someone being lame bc they rated it in their bookmark tag for it but it wasn’t hateful. still blocked the person though lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
shockingly to a past!kay somewhere in the multiverse, yes lol. i used to be like deeply intimidated by it but now we wild out a little bit from time to time on it. it varies.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no not really. i’ve half-jokingly had convos with a couple friends about random crossover ideas but not like in a legitimate “i’m gonna write that” way. love au’s but crossovers are not really for me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! or certainly not that i’m aware of anyway lmao
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, actually! an old drabble of mine is translated into spanish, and my jegulus specific oneshot in the far too young to die series was translated into russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but hopefully in a not yet sort of way, because i’m not opposed
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
all time feels like SUCH a hard question to answer agksjdjfndlslk like obviously jeggy is The Fave rn but all time?? suddenly blanking on everything i’ve ever shipped. maybe everlark? never ever getting over them tbh.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
honestly there’s like a wip graveyard at this point lol. like things that came to me super randomly and i thought were great for like a day and then either forgot about entirely or looked back on them and went mmm actually no. for multiple ships and fandoms too, like not even just jegulus lol. most wips that aren’t jegulus (or tangentially related in the case of the ongoing coast universe) are full stop at this point bc jegulus is the street i live on
16. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think i’m pretty good with dialogue and showcasing characterizations through the way they interact with people around them. also character internal monologues, i really like to dive into those little dudes’ brains and spit it all out for everyone who reads it to see even if other characters in the story don’t necessarily know. a couple people have told me that i also have a way of sneaking in individual stand alone lines that pack a punch in between otherwise unsuspecting and innocent things, so i guess maybe that too??
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i’m very wordy sometimes and i’m aware of it, like sometimes i just lose all ability to shut up and suddenly i have an exorbitant word count i didn’t initially plan for. in that same vein, run-on sentences and i are bff’s. i’ll have a friggin semicolon, four commas, AND an em dash all in one sentence. and for WHAT?? also sometimes i feel like i could be better with my descriptive writing because i focus a lot more on character depth or interactions and such, much more character stuff than setting stuff bc i’m just like -gestures vaguely- here they are.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have so much respect for writers that speak other languages and then include it in their works. i, personally, only speak english so i don’t tempt fate by google translating my way through something that’s potentially wrong in the end anyway
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i dabbled in some one direction back in the day, i won’t lie
20. Favourite fic you've written?
it’s like, one of the newest but honestly coast —baby, all i wanna do is coast (with you). if you haven’t seen me shorten it before lol— is it. it’s one of the works that i’m most proud of and consistently excited about. there’s so much TO it, so much more than it seems, and a lot of it isn’t even there yet because it’s not finished, and because i know there’s spin-offs/sequels to come to bring even more layers of the story all together, but honestly that fic is so fucking special to me and i have so much love for all the characters and their relationships in it that it being the favorite just fits<3
no pressure taaaags: @messerflower, @residentrookie, @regscupid, @pretentiouswreckingball mwah<3
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snellyfish · 1 year
Obligatory “what did you feel about the new episode” ask 👀💕
HI ive been out travelling and im an old man when it comes to mobile but ill try to gather my thoughts :)
Ace eating disorder represent,,, woo,,,,,, sad party blower sound,, love thst for us,,,, Holds his hand and makes out with him. Also eternally banger voice actor choice for him. Absolutely amazing performance every time he speaks.
Obligatory I love Arei. recently revamped an OC I made 5 years ago and basing a lot of her personality and stuff off of Arei. Just felt like sharing. I love Arei so much I will make her my oc methinks.
THE MOTIVES MADE ME SO FERAL I PAUSED THE VIDEOS SO MANY TIMES AND WAS LIKE AAIOGIGOGOUUGHHHH SO MANY HORRIBLE HORRIBLE FUCKED UP BLORBOS I CANT WAIT TO LEARN EVERYPONY'S SECRETS OM NOM NOM<33 Speaking of which JESUS CHRIST I really feel like the secret motives some ppl held onto, like, REALLY shouldn't have been kept to themselves omg. I'm sure there's been some behind the scenes stuff of characters gaining distaste/distrust/avoiding certain ppl after receiving certain motives;; I'm not entirely sure WHO specifically, but these are like CRAZY things to not warn the rest of the class about. Was David's the one that Arei got? Killed a man with no remorse? Huh? Shoves you pushes you shoves you into locker and swallows the key
The entire time during episode 9 I was trying and failing to open a jar of ice cream so I was a Little out of it, but from what I gather I'm really dumb and not good at mysteries so i have no clue who the hell did it. At one point I asked "alright who killed a man?" but my bestie heard "who killed min?" so I just kept saying that for the rest of the episode and crying of laughter. Guys, be honest, who killed Min- I'm not mad I just wanna know, guys-
Nico continues to piss me off a little. Teruko goes without saying she pisses me off to no end. When everyone started dragging her handwriting I was whooping and cheering and hollering it was so funny GET HER.
I liked how the two main people investigating the corpse were Arturo and Veronika. They really do get a lot of screentime together and it's starting to scare me a little. Is this like subtle ship fanservice or am I about to meet horrors beyond my comprehension as the story and cases develop. I hope one of them kills the other. They're so in love.
I also liked at one point Veronika dragging Ace's ass. They're ALSO in love btw. Yeah I'll ship my top 3 faves together, what else would you expect from me, man
DAVID!!!!!!<3333 I know his ass was lying about history of depression that shit was so funny be honest bro you have unfathomable sins keep it 100% with us. If you turn out to not be fucked up or morally grey ykno I'll be a little disappointed. Just keep it real with us.
The motive that's like "where do I even start, everything about your life is worth killing for" is so funny bc if that was mine I would be like. okay. not my problem. That's so incredibly vague that means NOTHING. I'm also assuming it's Teruko's tbh, it's the only one vague and weird enough for her to be like "imma keep ot real with you chief idfk which of these are mine 🐸"
What else. I'm a little hungover
every time they brought up the fish I was like haha. like snellyfish. I'm an accomplice in Arei's murder and I didn't even know!!
kinda hashtag don't blame Hu for not telling whose motive she got bc it was a little suicide coded and very personal
That's all I'm done I forget what else happened xoxo love you all I love drdt so much--
I lied I just remembered that Eden lesbian (sapphic whatever I don't care) and laughed really hard at the idea of like. Charles opening the motive without reading the name and just thinking like "I'M A LESBIAN?????" real
Eden/Nico could be real if I didn't have a leaning negative opinion of Nico rn. I am still patient and hearing them out for now tho.
Ok Now I'm done.
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depoteka · 1 year
my ranking and review of all eurovision 2023 songs
(don't expect any intellectual deep dives, i just tried articulating my feelings the best i could but it was hard bc i'm so lukewarm on so many songs. if the reviews don't make sense it's because i wrote them before i used the esc gerbear to sort the places hhh)
37. iceland: diljá - power
it definitely is a song that is competing in eurovision this year and i've listened to it. it doesn't make me feel anything so i don't know what to say. it's a fast pop song but i'm not even vibing to it :( i just don't like it
36. switzerland: remo forrer - watergun
oh switzerland, just because sad boy gjon worked in 2021 doesn't mean you need to keep sending sad boys now... a really boring attempt at an anti-war song
35. cyprus: andrew lambrou - break a broken heart
i don't think i'm really into men singing some heartbreak songs tbh i don't like those howls in the song and the rest sorta sounds imagine dragons-ish to me, the verses at least
34. greece: victor vernicos - what they say
it's cool that he's playing bass in the music video but the song isn't making me feel much. ain't gonna really talk shit about it bc the dude's just 16, i hope he has fun at eurovision
33. italy: marco mengoni - due vite
i like to think italy is my fave eurovision country and then they send a ballad….. i actually watched sanremo (tho i haven't seen any of the nights till the end bc i'm not that strong Yet) and marco wasn't my favourite at all, i was actually surprised how crazy the audience kept going whenever he was performing. of course i can see it getting some good result because it's a classic italian ballad. just not for me
32. ireland: wild youth - we are one
we've got u2 at home/the u2 at home:…. this song has the most generic love love peace peace lyrics ever and whatever unity they are singing about i don't want to be a part of it
31. poland: jann - gladiator blanka - solo
baybeh….it's kinda crazeh… allegedly it was a big radio hit before "winning" the preselections but imma be real with you, i'd never heard it before. it's a harmless pop song without any substance and if it was selected internally i'd be like meh but all the bullshit that went down at our national final makes me mad. i hope we flop hard
30. portugal: mimicat - ai coração
something about it to me feels like early 00s eurovision and i must admit, i don't really like it. though the performance in liverpool might be quite fun
29. romania: theodor andrei - d.g.t. (off and on)
the national final performance of this song is a state of mind. to be frank i feel like the esc fandom is overhating this song, it's not That bad. am i a fan of this song? no. would i like it to see it in the final with the same staging just for laughs? yes
28. israel: noa kirel - unicorn
israel i'm so sorry 0 points……. this song is a disjointed mess to my ears, i think it would've been better if they stuck to just one of the styles they used in this song. all the mentions of unicorns in this song make me cringe. not to mention the "you wanna see me dance?" bit which um, also makes me cringe. no problem with a dance break but why did she have to announce it like that out of nowhere. my favourite part of the song is probably the "u-ni-corn" chant at the very end but other than that eh. this song was written to make the staging crazy and exciting but as a song it doesn't work for me
27. azerbaijan: turalturanx - tell me more
brave of azerbaijan to send two dudes with their song that sound like it teleported itself from an early 00s shitty british movie. that rap part sounds like it's from a corporate song targeted at a young audience to idk make them stop smoking asdfadsf there's something endearing about this song tho
26. uk: mae muller - i wrote a song
i recognize that it's a step in the right direction for the uk and it's a rather fun song but tbh i just don't connect with it. i really liked sam last year and sadly in comparison mae's song seems quite weak to me. though i hope that the (de facto) host country curse doesn't work on the uk this year tho and they don't end up on the very end of the board
25. the netherlands: mia nicolai & dion cooper - burning daylight
ngl i forgot about this song after the first listen. i don't even know what to say about it really, it's just really underwhelming to me. i think i don't actively hate it but i also don't really like it
24. georgia: iru - echo
english grammar rules have left the chat. i'm baffled by the lyrics. but the song overall (along with the video) feels like something from outer space or the future. not in a crazy way tho. i think it has some potential
23. denmark: reiley - breaking my heart
bts are on hiatus so it's his time to shine. no but seriously, there's something so kpopy about this song? i defo like it more than the other "breaking heart" song this year but still. the dude gives me some uncanny valley feeling, especially considering he allegedly pretends to be 5 years younger than he actually is? i love eurovision drama
22. estonia: alika - bridges
we have very few true ballads this year but i think this one's ok!! not a ballad girl myself but i don't mind this one, i like her voice. gives me adele bond theme vibes. i've seen people say alika isn't really selling this song but i saw her national final performance and it seemed fine to me? not much you can really do when you're singing a ballad tbh
21. armenia: brunette - future lover
imma be real with you, i laughed out loud when i first listened to this song because of the lyrics. but i think the song is kinda nice anyway? not a fave but it's nice enough
20. malta: the busker - dance (our own party)
they got sax and in theory i should like it. but i'm not a fan. the whole "ooh i wanna stay at home in my sweater" shtick doesn't work for me. i can see why some people are vibing to this song but it's not doing it for me
19. sweden: loreen - tattoo
i'm a noted hater of sweden at eurovision so don't expect me to say anything nice hhhh the song is rather fine and loreen is fantastic but at the same time i feel like the entire song is just one idea repeated over and over without any sort of variation. her staging at melfest seems quite interesting but overall i don't think this has a potential to win? especially if the people watching in may remember euphoria. tattoo pales in comparison
18. san marino: piqued jacks - like an animal
hear me out………i don't hate this song. yes maybe it's cringe but somehow it keeps getting stuck in my head because it's catchy asdfasdfadsf i'm waiting for the studio version bc it's hard to properly judge it based on the shit sound mix at san marino nf
17. ukraine: tvorchi - heart of steel
was kinda surprised watching vidbir when this won! but then again ukraine keeps giving us different things constantly. i quite like this song but it's also too lowkey for me, nothing to go crazy about. still, it's a vibe
16. norway: alessandra - queen of the kings
ngl when i first heard the song i couldn't understand why people like it so much. now i enjoy it more but i wouldn't say it's a fave of mine? i can see it getting a good result though, there's something very eurovision about it
15. serbia: luke black - samo mi se spava
i feel like technically i should like this song but i….don't. i think the music itself is quite fun but…..the performance makes it seem like it was written for the netflix eurovision movie. something about this guy's voice bothers me. the nail to the coffin for me is the fact that the title of this song sounds close to "samo mi się spawa" in polish which means "it welds on its own for me" instead of "i just wanna sleep" which is what the title actually means 💀 i can't shake this association off and it doesn't help me like this song more
14. slovenia: joker out - carpe diem
at first i wasn't impressed but overall i think it's quite a fun indie/pop rock song!! and it's always nice to hear a native language instead of english
13. lithuania: monika lynkytė - stay
it's a pleasant song and the lithuanian bit is my fave part of the song. overall i don't mind it, but also i'm not crazy about it. sort of disappointed because i really loved sentimentai last year :(
12. belgium: gustaph - because of you
i haven't watched the belgian nf so i don't know what the other options were (that people are so mad about not winning) but i quite like this one!!! it's a bop, makes me wanna dance. i hope gustaph brings some voguing to liverpool
11. moldova: pasha parfeni - soarele şi luna
the only true folk influenced song we have this year, i like it!! it's a banger, it has some sort of flute going on, from what i've seen the lyrics refer to a folk legend? we love it
10. australia: voyager - promise
banger!! pleasantly surprised because i don't think i've ever really really liked any of australia's entries in the past. thought the random high note in the second verse is quite funny to me tbh asdasdfds
9. croatia: let 3 - mama ŠČ!
i think it's more of a whole package where the song doesn't really make full sense without the performance but in some strange way i enjoy the song anyway. the lyrics also are quite understandable in polish which probably also makes it easier for me (and i imagine other slavic people as well) to understand the message without feeling confused about what's going on
8. albania: albina & familja kelmendi - duje
the drama?? i love it. i saw somebody say it feels like a turkish telenovela and they've got a point. it makes me feel something (unlike some other entries) and i appreciate it. plus the instrumental absolutely fucks
7. spain: blanca paloma - eaea
when i first heard the song i didn't understand it at all. i feel like i still don't fully Get it but there's something so fascinating about it to me that i can't stop thinking about it. i'm so confused? but i think it means i enjoy it. definitely something i like more than slomo last year
6. germany: lord of the lost - blood & glitter
yell heah!! germany finally sending something worthwhile. i keep listening to this song on loop, i wanna twerk to it. love the combo of metal AND glitter <3
5. france: la zarra - évidemment
i already liked it at first listen and it keeps growing on me! not a big fan of chanson type of songs but this one is a banger + her look in the music video is gorgeous, i hope she keeps it for liverpool
4. czechia: vesna - my sister's crown
liked it before it was chosen at czechia's national final and was happy when they won but i kinda got bored of it after a month or so? i still think it's a good song (even tho i know people have some issues with it) and i love the mix of three different slavic languages. i think with the right staging they can win me back
3. latvia: sudden lights - aijā
OK OK… when i first heard it i was like ok. but then one evening i randomly found myself watching the moldovan nf and they were guests there and when they played their song in this shitty studio i was like omg it's actually really good?? obsessed with the lullaby bit at the end. i hope to god they qualify, they need to bring justice to latvia after citi zeni's nq last year
2. austria: teya & salena - who the hell is edgar?
what a surprise?? adored it at first listen. it both manages to be a bop while also trying to say something. i loved in corpore sano last year, i love who the hell is edgar this year
1. finland: käärijä - cha cha cha
what can i say......i usually don't really listen to any of the national final songs and just wait for the winner of each one but the thumbnail for cha cha cha music video on yt intrigued me so i watched it. and immediately i wanted käärijä to win eurovision weeks before he even won the finnish nf. the song is sooo addictive and his entire look/performance is hypnotizing. i know he's a favourite to win rn but if he somehow flops in may i'm gonna be really really sad. come on, it's crazy it's party. i think this finnish win would be a really fitting addition to lordi's win in 2006
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h-f-k · 11 months
*(but can be public too if you want!)
hi love ! you're from argentina right? i thought i'd seen posts about it. anyway, maybe a weird question but i'm going to argentina in a month. do you have any tips, must-sees, good restaurants you'd like to share? i always trust people who live(d) there a lot more than, like, tripadvisor. if you don't want to share or if this is weird that's fine too !! either way thank you <33
hi love!! sure, absolutely. I'll answer it publicly in case people also want to know about what to do in buenos aires. okay, i'll try to keep it short. idk how many days you'll be visiting but:
Long Post under the cut lmfao
Caminito (this is located in the neighbourhood of La Boca)
Teatro Colón
Avenida Corrientes and surroundings (Corrientes Av. and 9 de Julio would be like our times square lol)
Palermo Soho (this is a neighbourhood that has a lot of clothing stores, cool restaurants and caffes and from thursday to saturday night there's always a good plan waiting for you)
Jardín Botánico (this is in the neighbourhood of palermo which you'll see is divided in different names, Palermo Soho, Palermo Chico, etc etc so it might be confusing at first lol)
Recoleta is another neighbourhood that's nice to walk around, especially the area that's close to the cemetery and Plaza Francia. If you walk through Libertador Av. or Figeroa Alcorta Av. you'll see pretty buildings and museums. Here you can also see 'The Flower' as we call it lol, which is an artistic sculpture that opens its petals by day and it closes them by night.
San Telmo is a must for tourists but as someone who was born and raised in the city i fucking hate this neighbourhood lmfao, it's filled with people. bUT it's cute, you have like a street market where people sell their crafts and you have cute caffes and restaurants.
Puerto Madero is also a nice place to walk around as well
If you have time you can travel by bus to Villa Ocampo, a beautiful house owned by Victoria Ocampo who was a writer.
Tigre is a neighbourhood outside of Capital Federal (as well as Villa Ocampo) and it has a cute outdoor market filled with caffes, restaurants and shops. You can travel there by bus but it's fastest if you take the train.
For Food:
Petanque is a french restaurant, CARNE is good for eating hamburgers and Sagardi is a spanish/basque place. All of them are in San Telmo.
In Palermo Soho you have a shit ton of restaurants/bars so you can truly pick the one that stands out the most but my faves are: 1) Overo Bar 2) Club Eros (you might not give 2 cents for this one bc it might not look so aesthetically pleasing on the outside but my god they have the best milanesas ever) 3) Local Support (it's like THE place for all the indie and sad boys/girls wannabes of the city, the vibes aren't my cup of tea but the pizza is DELICIOUS) 4) Rey de Copas 5) Soria Bar "
Pizzería Güerrin, best pizza ever.
Il Quotidiano is my favorite sort of "mainstream" italian restaurant, the food is incredible and the prices are quite good honestly.
Presidente Bar if you feel fancy
Dadá Bistro for another fancy night but this one is smaller and usually there's also a shit ton of tourists lol. It's one of my favorite places even tho my friends say that it's for older people u.u (what does that say about me lmfao)
For something even more fancy you can enjoy a delicious merienda or dinner in Palacio Duhau
El Mirasol is one of my favorite places to eat asado, it's quite expensive tbh but the food is delicious
i Fresh Market is one of my favorites bar/restaurant in Puerto Madero
Sifón Sodería for a good vermut
Buenos Aires is FILLED with birrerías and my favorite ones are: 1) Patagonia (this one is quite mainstream but the beer is good) 2) Hormiga Negra... and i can't remember more LMFAO, if i remember i'll definitely let you know
Cuervo Café and The Shelter have delicious coffee. Cuervo is in Palermo and The Shelter is in Retiro.
Birkin is another caffe and it's also quite good, you can also have lunch/dinner here
and that's what's at the top of my head for eating, i know there's more in my brain but i can't remember lol. again, if i remember more places i'll definitely let u know!!
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cool-island-songs · 1 year
11 and 25 for the dangerous game >:3
thanks mal! <33 (from this ask game)
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
just 3 on this account cuz it's my personal, none on my fanart archiving blog, and 7 on twitter though funnily enough half of those are stranger things-related from a period where i really couldn't escape stranger things. nothing against it—i just only want to see sp stuff and i guess there was a significant enough overlap for a bit
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
generally a lot of things that annoy me stem from the trend of complaining about "fetishization" (yaoi or just shipping culture i guess?) or acting like people are doing anything wrong or in need of pathologizing for interacting with fandom in a way that was totally routine a decade ago. that they need to show they're sufficiently queer and not focused on sexuality in any ~weird way. honestly, i find that sort of thing easy enough to block out on its own (there's more of it on twitter but i just look at art over there). young people often have shame about sexuality and it's none of my business or anything i would ever argue with someone about. i just disengage
it's more the reactions people have to being told they're doing something problematic. there's this endless chain of moral rationalizations for why it's ok to like the thing that piques one's interest because actually it's woke and you don't get it, i'm gay enough to like standard yaoi tropes. some real gay people are like this! you know.. like, why engage this in the first place? why lend any credence to this viewpoint by debating it on its own terms? you don't need to justify yourself to anyone. just keep yaoifying those fake guys
people end up making really weird generalizations about gender, sexuality, mental health, drug use, etc. in an effort to enjoy the old 00s yaoi tropes. to all those who do this, I'm here to tell you you can just enjoy whatever and no one can stop you. personally, even as a smut writer, i like when characters feel whole and often enjoy a fic less if i feel someone is being reduced to gendered stereotypes or flattened in some other way that doesn't interest or challenge me. but those are my own personal feelings and highly subjective besides
i also don't think sharing some broad identity marker with the character you are writing actually shields you from poor characterization. people can "fetishize" themselves easily (and sometimes that's what people want to read/write, and who cares), and it can be hard to write well-developed characters! i just like to read and view things i enjoy on the merits of the work alone
general "you can't ship that" and "he would never top/bottom" sentiments are similarly grating. people can and do ship literally anything and it can't be stamped out so idk why people waste their time streisand effecting ships/dynamics they don't like. with both of these, there's a sense of deluded entitlement, like if people weren't making stuff for their ship/dynamic, they'd be making it for yours. i promise you that that type of hectoring actually just drives people away from what you like. in general, people are often quite fixed in who their faves are and how they like them in romantic/sexual situations. but for those like me, who really can potentially like anything if sold in a way i find compelling, this stuff really confounds and frustrates me. people are bad at getting what they want because of this need to emotionally react without thinking through the way it might impact others. sad stuff to see from adults in particular tbh
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dollfaceksj · 9 months
I haven’t done a review ina bit, I’m sorry :( my classes started so I’ve been a bit busy. Anyway tysm for updating so much, you’re one of the only authors I follow who uploads consistently & I appreciate it sm !! You truly do spoil us <3 let’s get into it … TWENTY FOUR?????!! Omg. Like. Omg. I loveeeeeee me some angst so this may be one of my fave chapters so far. Idk if you meant the note at the end to be angsty but I interpreted it like that a bit. Only because it sounded a tinsy bit sad in the beginning with the “since you don’t wanna hear me you’ll just have to read this” but then it was so cute with her little “p.s” remark!! I think I’m mostly thinking the note as a bit angsty bcs I just picture him waking up seeing she’s not next to him, waking up and looking for her & seeing the note & going ☹️ but then going 😒😒 because whatever she was an asshole anyway. But maybe I’m overthinking. I think it’s great that oc apologized + the extent that she apologized because I wouldn’t have imagined her being so insistent. I personally would’ve felt embarrassed after he ignored the first initial apology & would’ve just left when he walked away (ik she tried) but I like this for her, to me it shows compassion and maturity in her character. We still don’t know everyyyy thing about jk so I think it’s not fair to say he’s overdoing it because he honestly seemed genuinely bothered by her comment. Maybe it hurts so bad bc he hates how someone he holds on some sort of high regard (oc) can view him like that. The “fuck you” from last chapter hurt me too lowkey so again, shout out to oc for brushing it to the side and still apologizing. I think it’s so sweet how even though hes mad at her he still took care of her. He could’ve just ignored her and kept walking. Now that would’ve been an asshole thing to do, but he didn’t. I’m curious as to what he left to do for a few hours ngl 👀 like don’t tell me he went to go get some and then came home to oc💀💀 I’m laughing but I’m not (tbh I don’t really think he did that but this is me just thinking). The kiss was so hawt too & when he’s all demanding🥵🥵 “sit down” “go to sleep, I don’t want to hear you anymore”. I need to chill ik. Idk if he kissed her just to shut her up or if he was so touched by her apology he just felt the need to kiss her. I wonder if the angst will continue or will there be any reconciliation next part!! I can’t wait !!! (Sorry this was so long)
i love this 😭😭 thank you for sharing ur thoughts i love reading yalls thought process so much!
i leave a lot up to y’all interpretation because personally it’s still an improv series in my eyes and i just want you guys to go with the vibe, unlike when i have a story planned out and people read the characters wrong.
w this i like that yall analyze so deeply and pay attention to these details and are moved w some of their actions just as much as i am. i really love that yall love reading this story as much i love writing it
thanks for being amazing <33
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foreverburningstar · 11 months
YOU'RE CATS ARE SO FUCKING CUTE WTF!!! i'm not an animal person but those pictures might've changed my mind tbh. also I meant to ask earlier, but what are your fave lana and taylor songs? I want to know if we share the same faves or what aspect of their music you like the most <33
IKRRR THEY WERE THE CUTEST, omgg glad you asked <33,
Sorry it took so long for me to answer 😭 i got carried away and ended up listing all of my favorites instead of just a few 💀
ok so for taylor, i love all her music but these are my faves meaning i know all the lyrics to these and i love them so much 
from Taylor Swift debut album, Picture To Burn, Tim McGraw, and Our Song
from Fearless (Taylor’s Version), You Belong With Me, The Way I Loved You, Mr. Perfectly Fine, Love Story, and Fifteen
from Speak Now (Taylor’s Version), Speak Now, Mean, I Can See You, Castles Crumbling, The Story Of Us, Long Live, Back To December, Enchanted, Last Kiss, and Mine
from Red (Taylor’s Version), I Knew You Were Trouble, 22, All Too Well, All Too Well (10 minute version), We Are Never Getting Back Together, Everything Has Changed , Nothing New, The Lucky One, Babe, I Bet You Think About Me, and Safe & Sound
from the 1989 album, Style, Blank Space, Wildest Dreams (Taylor’s Version, Bad Blood, Out Of The Woods, This Love, and Shake It Off
from the reputation album, Getaway Car, …Ready For It?, End Game, I Did Something Bad, Delicate, Look What You Made Me Do, Gorgeous, Dancing With Our Hands Tied, Dress, Don’t Blame Me and This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things 
from the Lover album, ME!, Cruel Summer, The Man, I Think He Knows, Afterglow , Paper Rings, Death By A Thousand Cuts, Daylight, and The Archer, and You Need To Calm Down
from folklore, the 1, cardigan, august, illicit affairs , this is me trying , mirrorball, and exile
from evermore, willow, right where you left me, ivy, champagne problems, and no body no crime 
from Midnights, Karma, Lavender Haze, Maroon, Question…?, Sweet Nothing, Mastermind, The Great War, Bigger Than The Whole Sky, Paris, High Infidelity, Glitch, and Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve [basically the whole album]
other songs, I Don’t Wanna Live Forever, The Joker And The Queen, and Carolina 
okk now for lana, again all of her music is amazing but these ones are my faves that i sing my heart out to
from Born To Die, Born To Die, Blue Jeans , Off To The Races , Video Games, Diet Mountain Dew, Million Dollar Man, Summertime Sadness, and Without You
from Paradise, Ride, Cola , Body Electric , and Blue Velvet
from Ultraviolence, Shades Of Cool , Brooklyn Baby, West Coast, Pretty When You Cry, Money Power Glory, The Other Woman, and Black Beauty 
from Honeymoon, Freak, Art Deco, Salvatore  and Swan Song
from Lust For Life, Love, Lust For Life, In My Feelings, Tomorrow Never Came and Get Free
from Norman Fucking Rockwell, Fuck it i love you, Doin’ Time, Cinnamon Girl, How to disappear, and Happiness is a butterfly 
from Chemtrails Over The Country Club, White Dress, Let Me Love You Like A Woman, Wild At Heart, and Not All Who Wander Are Lost
from Blue Banisters, Arcadia, Violets for Roses, Dealer, Wildflower Wildfire, and Sweet Carolina 
from Did you know there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd?, The Grants, A&W, Sweet, Candy Necklaces, Kintsugi, Fingertips, Paris,Texas, Let The Light In, Fishtail, and Peppers
other songs, Young And Beautiful, Secret Life, Once Upon A Dream, Wait For Life, Riverside, Stargirl Interlude , Watercolor eyes, Say Yes To Heaven, Lost at Sea and Hollywood Bowl
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woozi · 1 year
MA YZAAAA <3 (hehehe)
first of all,, hello <33 how have you been? and what have you been up to? <3 i hope classes and uni in general are not getting to you that much.
also the drama i told you about "doom at your service", after finishing it my opinion has changed a little, it was a nice drama overall but after the first 8, the story seemed like it was being stretched for no reason </3 i have nothing to watch these days hdksekks this time last year i had 2521 and business proposal to keep myself entertained but this year there is nothing 😭 even gose isn't here </3, did you find something interesting to watch? or read? i haven't had time and will to read hsjsksjs </3
but today i did go out of my comfort zone and watched a movie called medianeras (sidewalls), it's pretty melancholic but i liked it, ( idk why google or some reviews are saying it's funny or rom com 😭, it was actually sad and reflective but had a good ending imo) it's about how urban and internet lifestyle have had the opposite effect on people and have made them feel lonely despite having everything in one click. it was,, different. probably something what i was expecting from chunking express jshdjsjsnns
but in midst of all this i love love how booseoksoon came through 🥺 they brought back the spark hdjddj i love all the songs ( tho just like you, i love fighting and 7pm a little bit more than lunch ), it was so wholesome to see them have fun performing 😭 also youngji's feature fits so well <3 i can't stop talking about it hskdks it felt so natural <3 i haven't been this satisfied with a feature song in a long while ( same with 7pm ). if there was anything else fighting! needed it was definitely her. it made me so happy to see bss performing with her and peder <33
they made my feb for real.
( also something about leader seok gets me fr, he's been extra glowing these days <33 love that )
also the carat day live 😭 they all looked so good 😭😭😭 i missed seeing our sebongs together <3 the teddy bear scenes are still running in my mind lmao
i actually got mild cold and cough last week so at the moment that's what i have been up to : recovering from it and trying to read a book dhdjsj, seasons changing got me this time. it'll be summer now here and i'm already tired of it tbh 😭 how is the weather treating you? i hope it's good
omg also, i've become obsessed with checkers on plato btw! ( i've understood the basics of it but the difference between the original and the international rules is still slightly confusing for me udkgsd )
hope you're doing great yza 🥺🤍 sending you lots of good energy and clear sky days
i've been so so busy the past two months so it's like life's on 3x speed for me dfjkfdjkfdjkfd but it's my last semester anyway so <33 JKFDJKFDJK HOW ABOUT U <333333 HOW HAVE U BEEN WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO!! 😋😋😋
ALSO NOOOOOOO THAT SUCKS </3 maybe the writers didnt think they'd get that far lmfao 😭 AND I KNOW </3 that was such a good era for dramas, i hope they come out w really good ones </3 i heard the glory's v good? but i personally haven't checked it out yet and i'm not really into revenge type dramas so dfjkffd but i've been watching movies more these days!! i've been trying to watch cult faves/classics that people always talk about and that i've never had time to watch heheh ALSO SO TRUE ABT NOT HAVING THE WILL TO READ 😭 idk why it's also so hard for me to get back to it, i used to read like, 2 books a week at a leisurely pace
EXACTLY <3333333 bss really came at the perfect time!! and u're so valid for that <33 i'm really glad they had the chance to collab more w/ other artists, esp peder!! not only was the song so fucking good, their interactions were also so sweet to witness 🥺 he seems like such a nice guy to hang out w LMFAOOO AND WAIT URE SO RIGHT??????????????????????????????????????? leader seok >>>>>>>>>>>>
i'm ngl i haven't even watched it yet i just skipped to the teddy bear part 😭😭😭 i only got to see clips of them, and REALLLL it feels like it's been forever since we last saw them tgt 😭
ALSO NAURRRRRRRRRRRRRR </3 that's such a pain in the ass :/ i hope you're feeling much better now and that you won't get sick any time soon!! there's only 2 types of weather where i'm from since i'm in the tropics, so u dont need to worry abt me <33
AND PLATO FJKFDJKFDJKF I COULD NEVER THANK U ENOUGH FOR IT i've avoided so many awkward moments in uni bc of it JKFDJKFDJKF also didn't know they had different rules 👁👄👁 what i do know though is that other ludos have different rules as well w the 1s and 6s which i only figured out when i played w someone else at another platform DJFDJFDJKFDJK let's play some time again if u're free!! <3 or we can also watch a movie 😋
hoping u're even better and that the days are endlessly kind to u as u have always been to me <33 love u thank u for always checking up on my disappearing ass 🥺🥺🥺 MWAH
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊 + moira pretty please 💖
aaaa thank you so much aj!!! moira my beloved <33
moira can perfectly speak in spanish!! she can't exactly remember her family and many pieces of her past are still a big question mark to her (due to memory loss) so she's left wondering why she speaks the language as if it's her mother tongue. thing is her family (of hispanic origins) spoke the language almost all the time, more than english itself, but she can't exactly remember about this
her full name is moira raquel velez but she doesn't like the name raquel on herself so no one besides her knows that she has a second name
a super fan of vera keyes, begin again is her absolute fave song. when any of the radio stations of the mojave plays it she turns up the volume as high as possible. it makes her quite emotional
on this note. she developed some kind of parasocial crush for vera, so when she discovers about her end at the sierra madre, moira is INCONSOLABLE. it's not that she expected vera to still be alive (a part of her did, tbh. maybe she was a ghoul now, like dean) but her end was incredibly sad for moira
despite her very cheerful and approachable nature and good heart, she's very quick to upset and even quicker to settle disagreements with bullets. the amount of times raul had to interject and stop her from ending a conversation with a gun are countless at this point
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
Idrk waht to tlak about so like tiem to tell you my favroite pjsk charaxters and why 😍😍 u dont have to resd rhis i just wnana send smth in 😭 ALSO 33 REQS?… ik so many people have said it slready BUT BE XAREFUL WITH THE REQS
TBH I LIKE SAKI… im biased i love the tenmas IDK SOMETHING ABOUT HER TRYING EVERYTHING SHE CAN BUT LIKE RHE TH E TRAUMA FROM HOSPITAL AND 😞😞😞😞😞😞i lvoeher also nsnf event ☹️ okah yeah thats mt reasoning
moremore jump!!!!!
I LIKE ALL OF THEM but i also drc either?? I LIKE MINORI and airi OH MY GOD MINORI IS SO CUTE AND SHES SO DETERMINED BUT IALSO FEEL BAD FOR HER BC OF HER BAD LUCK minori is just so skrunkly airi is so ljke sarcastic?? idrk how to explain airi is just airi and i lcoe her for that
KOHANE AND TOYA MY BELOVEDS idont rlly have a reasoning but i like how kohane is like gaining coursge and learning to find herself and whst she eanrs and smth about that is so admirable she just like me AND TOYA IS JUST 🫶🫶🫶 him sticking up to his dad in the nocturne interlude event probably did it for me IDK HOW TO EPXLAINHEKP
wonderlands x showtime
oh my god take a wild guess
that is ckrrect 😱😱 (ithink)
tsukasa I LCOEHIM AND HOW HES WRITTEN him and mafuyu are two sides of the same coin istg prepare for a rant. i love this man
THE WAY HES WRITTEN MAKES ME SO HAPPY IDK THE WAY HES ALL ENERGETIC loud? not rlly?? idk??? the way he represses what he doesnt want to remember and covering it up to the point he genuinelt forgets it AND HOW HIM REMEMBERING MADE HIM LIKE not rlly get emotional but get emotional 😞😞 UGH IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN on this stage of dazzling lights event IF YOU HAVENT READ IT PLEASE READ KT IM BEGGING YOU its so good ANYWYAS YEAH TEUKASA hes so 🫶🫶 somebody get him a therapist
niigo 25
kanade kandadekandnekande kande kanade I LOCE LOVE LOVEEEE kanade IDK WHY shes just amazing and her ahhhhHhhHhHhH
Idk how to epxlain okay thats all 😍
gice me ur opinion on pjsk characters groupsnbro idk 😭😭 okaythanks for lsiteninf to my rant ALSO BE CAREFUL W THE REQUESTS ive tried to run an xreader account and couldnt even finish more than 3 reqs how do you do it… ANYWAYS YEAH TAKE XARE OF YOURSLEF BYEEE
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WEHEH I'll definitely be careful dw !!! and IVE AKWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS so here's my rambles on my fave pjsk charas per group YIPPEE
Leo/Need : SAKI SAKI SAKI I LOVE SAKI SM 😍😍 SHES SO SILLY im always impartial to the Tenmas but god i relate to her....SHIHO TOO my silly transmasc just like me in middle school fr
More More Jump! : HARUKA MY LOVE shes literally so wonderful and just like me in overworking oops! but I also am that unnormal abt penguins plus I just love her blue its so good
Vivid BAD Squad : AN AND AKITO an was the reason I started playing and she remains one of my faves to this day !! she's so awesome....and ofc the ginger god I can't believe I'm a ginger liker 😒😒/J but still
Wonderlands x Showtime : RUIIIIII AND NENEEEEE i love emu and tsukasa sm but seriously. silly ourple guy always has my heart <3 AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON NENE I LOVE HER AND HER STORY SM
Niigo : MIZUKI OBVI they're just like me fr I love them so everything abt them is literally so wonderful like <33 AMD MAFUYU TOOO transmasc maf plus idk. also just like me fr i wanna be that jackpot sad girl
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hotfuss · 2 years
hii dany 18, 30, 40, 56, and 57 (blue) <33
hi castaigne 👋
18 - A song or album from the 90s:
the first spice girls album lol
30 - Songs you love to sing along to:
i sing along to everything tbh, currently i love to sing along to planetary go and sing (man, those bridges are chef kiss) and choke on one another (putting all of my acting in that "bright eyes, heard you wanna try some death i have a knife with your motherfucking name on it" line
40 - Which was the best concert you’ve ever been to?
why are you asking me to pick my favorite child???
my fave concert is tk in rome in 2009: my first concert ever with 2 uni friends and the full line up was white lies, franz ferdinand and tk!
my fave concert is tk in villa franca di verona in 2012: my first concert alone, plagued by a fussy gps (no phone with internet lol) and rain but i heard their cover of romeo and juliet and heard miss atomic bomb before the album was out
my fave concert is tk in rome in 2013 with my concert bestie: we met on this anime/manga website and bonded over our similar taste in manga and the fact we were in the same place twice before knowing each other, at a comic event in lucca a couple of years prior and that tk concert in 2009. when a dustland fairytale played at some point we just looked at each other and hugged tightly
my fave concert is tk in rome in 2018 with my concert bestie: brandon was so smiley the whole time it was contagious and he was on fire and i made history with my sign telling bb was good enough
my fave concert is tk in milan in 2018: i befriended a stranger who tweeted about me the day before just not to be alone lol and we had a great time and i was in second row for the first time of my life (and brandon's hip swivel in front of my face just changed me as a person), and we sang him happy birthday multiple times and when i popped out my sign to play river live he must have remembered me from the day before and actually took it into consideration for half a minute, chatting with the bassist about it
my fave concert is tk in helsinki in 2018: we were in the nosebleeds but damn it was still amazing and i managed to witness them play i can't stay were everyone sang a line at one point, epic!
my fave concert is tk in belfast in 2019: after one of the worst days of my life with the mess with my flight i was blessed to see brandon in a brand new blue jacket and he fucking played this river is wild (also the first time of the cowboy hat shenanigans but we don't talk about that lol)
my fave concert is tk in dublin in 2022 (double date): experiencing the stunning visuals for this tour for the first time and hearing running towards a place and cody live
my fave concert is tk in milan in 2022 with my concert bestie: brandon ignored my sign to play my god live but they played this river is wild, the song we both died to hear together, we screamed like crazy and held hands the whole time
my fave concert is tears for fears in newcastle in 2022: absolutely amazing concert, roland's voice only got better with time it was incredible and i felt my soul ascend listening to everybody wants to rule the world live
my fave concert is tk in vienna in 2022: with lots of sleep deprivation i managed to squeeze a 4th tk date bc i physically NEEDED to see them again live and while they didn't exactly play my fave songs i was stoked to see they included a couple of deep cuts that spiced up the setlist!! (also either tff or tk got me covid but it was worth it lol)
my fave concert is placebo in milan in 2022: absolutely blown away by how good brian sounds live and i almost cried at hearing beautiful james and happy birthday in the sky live and hearing my faves sad white raggae and try better next time back to back and all their hits (especially the bitter end <3) and i can brag i heard shout live twice both from them and tff in the same year eheheh
you get all of my children, sorry not sorry
56 - A song/album/artist you wish you could forget so you could have the experience of hearing it for the first time again:
i'd love to listen to day and age and fall in love at first sight again
57 - [Send me a color and I’ll tell you the first song it reminded me of.] with blue
read my mind is the color of the iconic blue tie brandon had during st era
tyson vs douglas is a very similar shade
out of my mind is a darker blue
english summer rain is another light blue song
the ultimate music asks
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ricksanchez-z420 · 2 years
for the music asks, can you answer either all of them or at least 5 of your choosing? I'm very curious 💜
queen bee wants em all she gets em all 💜🤙
(putting this all under the cut cuz its a lot 😅)
1. Song that always makes you happy
ocean man by ween for sure, its hard to be upset listening to that one
2. Song you listen to when you're sad
forget it by getter is def one of my go to feelsy songs
3. Top 5 songs of an artist of your choosing
island in the sun, say it ain't so, my name is jonas, beverly hills, sweater song
4. 3 most played songs on iTunes or Last.fm etc.
doin time by sublime, by the way by rhcp, i wanna get better by bleachers (on spotify cuz i dont have that other shit lol)
5. Favourite song right now
ive been weirdly obsessed with buried alive by terror reid lately
6. Favourite album of all time
probably sublimes self titled album if i have to pick
7. Favourite song of all time
8. Favourite artist of all time
9. A memory associated to an artist of your choosing
my dad really liked selena...he used to say she had an angelic voice. i was only 8 when she died but i remember my dad being devastated
10. Song that you feel you must always dance to
i literally dance to everything lmaooo must be a drummer thing but as long as it has a beat im groovin to it
11. First album you bought
my first album was dookie, unintentionally pissed my mom off but it was totally worth it
12. A song that reminds you of someone you love
13. A song from your childhood
gonna have to put this here for reasons
14. A song that reflects your personality
def gonna have to go with alien boy by oliver tree
15. Most hated song of all time
honestly anything by tool i cannot stand tool
16. Most overrated song
oblivion by grimes
17. Most underrated song
18. Most overrated artist
grimes 😏
19. Most underrated artist
everyone should go check out peach prc shes great her music is great
20. Favourite vocal performance
i just have to share a video for this one lol the whole thing is a ride from start to finish
21. Favourite guitar solo
i mean this 100% jack blacks solo in school of rock at the end where they perform in battle of the bands is fuckin choice dude
22. A song no one would expect you to love
i love terror jr ive been kind of following her for a while, this is a fave by her
23. A song you get stick for liking
i have a couple of lana del rey songs on my smoke playlist and i get mad shit from c137 AND morty 😒
24. A song you'd like at your funeral
i want im a believer by smash mouth blasting at my funeral (definitely joking)
pls play i miss you by blink 192 at my funeral (very much not joking)
25. Karaoke song
likely anything by sublime or weezer 😅 talking heads is fun to do too
26. Favourite summertime song
summertime by sublime 😏
27. Favourite Christmas song
oh my goood ive been waiting my whole life to share this because no one believes me but SIMPLE PLAN PUT OUT A CHRISTMAS SONG
28. An artist you used to love but don't really listen to now
im actually embarrassed to admit this but i had a very short lived obsession with limp bizkit when i was a kid 😅 lets just say i was an angry child lol
29. A cover that's better than the original
ive really been digging doja's cover of celebrity skin
30. A song that you have to crank the volume up for
i always crank my girl doja up
31. What song was top of the charts when you were born
ok so i had to look this up and the first thing i saw was everybody have fun tonight by wang chung lol
32. C.D. that's always in the car
i havent really done cds since like...2009 maybe 2010 lol
33. Which genre of music features most heavily in your collection
grunge and pop punk mostly but id say i have a pretty good mix of everything
34. Which genre(s) do you try to avoid
im not the biggest fan of most metal tbh (mort and i clash a lot when it comes to this 😅)
35. A song that is always stuck in your head
ngl this is on loop constantly in my head
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enevera · 2 years
🤡 🤩
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
oh. hmmmm i dont write all that many things that are like funny?? so i guess we're looking at the Weird things i laughed at alskdjbf
warning for gore
The womb splits apart, the cells binding it unraveling as Satoru’s cursed energy, taken from his touch, rushes through it. The slabs of flesh fall to the ground with harsh thuds and awful squelches as they land but Satoru almost can’t hear it past the rush of blood in his ears and his focus on what they are falling away from.
the entire time i was writing this section and like as it was coming together i kept thinking of the vocaloid song outer science and this one lyric that is generally translated as "welcome to my womb" so i kept giggling abt it and i put a reference that im sure no one got in the tags of the fic. so yeah if yall were confused by my vagues abt the womb joke, this is the explanation
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
uhhhhhh lol idk dabi was rlly fun to write while i was working on wyws consistently bc i got to kinda let my intrusive thoughts and shit go wild but its also been rlly fun to write curse getou (and sad gojou) as well so asdhbf i think i just like it when the brain is allowed to Go so tbh most of my writing is some sort of vent probably. idk i dont think i have a fave i just have vibes i like
ask game <33
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
:3 >> tell me about ur fave yogscast series NOW/nf -nep
nHEBHDFSBJEHHEHEHEHE OKAY SO LiKE. to be FAIR !!! we have LITERALLY only actually finished blood and chaos . we have started blackrock and weve seen like bits of flux buddies ands tuff but we havent gotten super far . so idk if its fair at this point to call a FAVOURITE.
HOWEVER i can say safely that so far we are enjoying blackrock and b&c was fucking AMAZING !! we're VERY glad thats the first one we've decided to watch because oh my gosh it was so much fun . even if the ending made us kinda sad /pos. we just have a LOT !!! of feelings about parvis and strife and stuff ok A Y. oKAY. we just care about them a lot. they are Blorbos. which is really funny for me to say because im Literally an introject of parvis !! but anyways
UHH !! we are also so very invested in blackrock we just have a bad case of "i HORRIBLY want to watch Everything All At Once but i CANT because i WILL burn myself out on it so we have to watch other things for a couple days to PROCESS !!! before we move on to other things"
we are probably going to go through blackrock next tho before we do any others. we are gladly accepting opinions for what we should watch after tbh.
(also we've got so many little blorbo hcs for blood and chaos specifically <33)
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hi hello 🐟 anon here!! i’m so happy you liked my brainrot about mer!sugu :D and i’m sorry for taking this long to reply………….. TTTTTT i’ve been kind of busy these days but i’m resting now before easter comes so woohoo!!
you wanted to know what i wrote about BSD and uhhhh kind of embarrassing but it was a skk based on the chapter where dazai got shot (and we all believed he was dead but then all of that chaos happened and yeah……………🗿🗿🗿), so it was really angst-y and sad, where chuuya and dazai’s bond was analyzed and all…. and then dazai came back later, ijbol. as you can read, unfortunately im trapped in this skk hell, but i like to write from chuuya’s pov more :,,,) it’s more fun and easier for me!
anyway, just dropping by to tell you that i loved your sugu!drabble and that brought me so much comfort too because i woke up with an headache from yesterday’s events (there was a big international festival in my city and i was out almost all day…. so tiresome but so beautiful and colorful aaaaa) so yeah TT thank you for writing it! it was so sweet and nice to read and omg………. the stsg implications……. crying……….
ALSO,,, YOU’RE EUROPEAN TOO???/$;/&:!:&/ 🫂 have a nice day!! <33333 sending many hugs to you!! 🐟🐟🫶🏼🫶🏼
first of all PLS dw about when you reply!!! 😭😭 there’s never any rush!!!!! i’ve been busy too lately so i’ve gotten slow at answering asks 😔😔 BUT I’M ALWAYS EXCITED TO HEAR FROM YOU i hope you’ve been resting up as much as you need!! aaa and you celebrate easter too…. one of my favorite holidays tbh it reminds me that spring is here :333 i used to be an egg hunting expert…. the best of them all….. sniffed them out like a bloodhound……
AND AAA THE SKK FIC …….. 🐟 anon you’re literally so real i also wrote a fix-it fic when one of my favs died 😔😔 i’ve never been super into skk as a ship but their dynamic is so good…. and i love them both!!! i think writing from chuuya’s pov is such a fun decision too :33 i love dazai but i would be way too overwhelmed to even attempt to get into his headspace LMAO….. i respect you sm for analyzing their relationship there’s just sooo much to dig into!!! i need to catch up on the bsd manga at some point soon … i miss kunikida :(( are skk your bsd faves 🐟 anon ?? or are there any others you like??? :>
TYSM FOR DROPPING BYYY and and and!!!! tysm for reading my geto drabble 🥺🥺 i’m so happy it could bring you some comfort!!!! that’s all i want!!!!! ohhhh to have suguru geto here to soothe my headaches… i hope yours ended up fading swiftly hehe. but ouffff not the festival 😞😞😞 i’m so sensitive to noise i could never survive…. luckily there aren’t really any festivals where i live at the moment but i suffer every single new years eve 💔💔 back to the drabble THE STSG IMPLICATIONS YES…… very happy you enjoyed them >:33 seriously though, tysm for reading and taking the time to let me know!! that makes me so happy!!!! <3333
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