#i was laughing so hard with all of those eggs honestly
pekoeboo · 2 months
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ended up having a lot of fun with @pixlokita on another Magma canvas ;0; so much chaos..... and as you can see, Eggs Benedict ended up taking over most of the page (as he should) xD what a fun way to spend the evening, honestly. thanks for inviting me, Pix!! ♪(^∇^*) I def needed that tbh <33
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rhiaarrow · 3 months
Honestly I think Bad and the Late Night Trio is my favorite dynamic that's come out of the QSMP.
And I'm not just talking about qBad, Dapper, Pomme and Richas I'm also talking about ccBad, Dappmin, Pommin and Ricardão.
It's just the little things they do, because they're just so used to each other by now and the adms have become such good friends because of the amount of time they spend together on and off the server.
There's just so many examples that stick in my head because they're just so sweet when you realize that none of this people knew each other this time last year.
Like the time when Richas just showed up in front of Bad randomly one day after the reset (the day that Dapper set up the magnet mining machine) and just went;
"Dapper told me through the magic of discord to come see the cool stuff you've been doing, what am I here to see tio?"
Or when Bad and Dapper were out investigating and Dapper puts down a sign saying;
"Richas won't stop telepathically asking if he can come visit."
To which Bad just offhandedly replies
"If he can Dragon Magic his way here then sure, but I am not walking all the way home already."
And sure enough, a few minutes later we hear Richas' horn sound out as he appears out of the blue, having finally been given permission by Dappmin to join their exploration
Not to mention the amount of times we've arrived and been told by Bad; "So heres what [Richas or Pomme or Dapper or any combination of those 3] and I did off stream. "
Or "No Richas I'm not leaving I'm just sending the Ghosties off."
Or when Bad was attempting to figure out how to bribe Richas into keeping his armour on in Lucky Ducks by figuring out what he loved the most before going
"If you don't put your armour on I'll take away fofoca time."
And then explained to the chat that 'fofoca time' is what Richas calls it when he and Bad hang out after stream and that got Richas to put his armour on immediately.
Or even today when Bad threatened to end stream in order to make Richas use a heart container.
Not to mention the night Pommin and Ricardão spent with ccBad training him in battleship before that day in Purgatory 2 or the night they spent modifying the egg signs together.
My favorite example of how close they are even outside of their characters will still forever be the night when Bad, Richas and Pomme were collecting ice together to cover the favela ocean and Ricardão and Pommin were very obviously sat in a vc together while the mined.
They spent a while teaching Bad and the other how to pronounce certain sounds in their native languages.
Then Richarlyson asked Bad about a sound he struggled with in English so Bad taught Ricardão how to make the 'th' sound in the English language correctly while Pommin judged the noise they were making because Bad obviously couldn't hear.
Then later Bad asks Pomme where Richas went since he wasn't visible on the map and she just stands there before telling him that she knows the location and taking him to the exact coordinates.
And they do that a couple times until Bad finally decides to sneak up on Richas and scares Ricardão so bad that he stops moving completely in game for a solid minute and Pommin is just keyboard smashing on signs because she's laughing too hard at how loudly they screamed.
And then Ricardão had to go afk for a couple minutes later on because someone had come to check on them since they'd screamed so loud so early in the morning and they had to tell them that they were, in fact, fine.
Sure right now the way they interact with each other definitely slightly breaks Bad's rp of not knowing each other, especially with Richas.
But at the end of the day when they hang out together it's not just qBad and Richarlyson, it's also Ricardão & ccBad who have spent a frankly ridiculous amount of hours playing together in the less than a year they've known each other (not counting the time Ricardão admitted to being a fan of BBH for).
In fact Ricardão confirmed to Foolish today that since the reset they're the player with the second highest playtime, after Bad, but only by a little bit, and I just think that's very fitting.
Long story short, I LOVE the late night trio and Bad's dynamic because they're just such a chaotic mess who are all willing to do anything and everything that one of them wants to do, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
It's soooooooo hard to believe they've not even known each other for a year yet because they just all click so fucking well that it's insane.
People from 4 different nationalities, 3 of them playing speechless eggs, and they've become so close thanks to this server. I just think it's beautiful :')
(It is also 3am so I may just be rambling nonsense, so if this makes no sense forgive me xD)
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auteurdelabre · 2 months
SO MUCH TO LOSE - CHAPTER 8 - Dark!Joel x f!Reader
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rating is 18+ folks! words: 6.8k pairing: dark!Joel x f!Reader tags: Mentions of past trauma (Sarah death), Dan Brown, sexual tension, mentions of alcohol, Joel has PTSD. NO use of y/n. A/N: I got some amazing comments here and on A03 where one user breaks down each chapter and highlights what they liked with hilarious commentary and I'll be honest its what has me tip tapping away so quick! Please be sure to spread the love and leave a comment! masterlist here --------------------
Chapter 8: Shoulder to Shoulder
You're halfway through your latest acquisition, The DaVinci Code, a book Jennifer lent you last week. You're so engrossed in a world so unlike your own that you're startled when Ellie slaps herself across from you at the table, barking out your name. 
"When are we baking?"
"I gave Joel the list the last time I saw him," you tell her honestly. "As soon as he has the ingredients we can do it."
Ellie sighs, slumping in irritation. 
"Who knows when that'll be," she groans. "He takes forever to do stuff."
You watch as her posture suddenly stiffens, her eyes peering over your shoulder. 
"What's wrong?"
"Dina." Ellie sneers. "She's so annoying."
Your glance over your shoulder to see Dina laughing with a group of teens. Your eyes dart back to Ellie's face to see her cheeks are flushed and she's still staring over your shoulder. 
"Ellie, have you ever heard the saying that there's a fine line between love and hate?"
"When I was your age it was the people that I pretended not to like that I actually did," you tell her sagely. Ellie wrinkles her nose.
"What does that mean?"
"It means I wonder if you might have feelings for Dina," you say softly. "Romantic feelings." 
You don't want to scare her, but you also can sense that there's something there. 
"She's a girl," Ellie laughs, but her smile is flat. 
"So I'm a girl," Ellie tells you as if you're dim. 
"Girls can like girls."
Judging by the way Ellie stares at you, this concept is either foreign to her or she doesn't want to share this part of herself with you just yet. 
You see the way Ellie squirms in her seat, her cheeks pinking and you decide to drop the subject. You go back to your book, chewing your oatmeal slowly. You feel Ellie's eyes on you. 
"Could you come over this week anyway?" She asks, eyes wide. "We could make those paper flowers like you made for Maria?"
The thought of being in Joel's home so close to your last interaction with him makes you work hard to hold back your grimace. 
"Why don't you come to mine?" You ask, trying to sound neutral. "I have all the supplies there."
"Okay, I'll tell Joel," Ellie is smiling brightly. "And maybe-"
Before she can finish you hear your name being called. Ellie's scowl is back as she watches Jennifer round on the table, her tray filled with eggs, oatmeal and tea. Behind her is Luke is giving you both a shy smile. 
"Morning guys," Jennifer says brightly. "Mind if we join you?" 
"I'll let you know when Joel gets the stuff," Ellie mutters to you, preparing to stand. "See you later."
"You don't have to leave," Jennifer insists in a saccharine tone you just know Ellie despises. 
Ellie mutters about needing to get to school, sliding off the bench seat and moving past Jennifer who tries to throw a smile her way. 
"Bye Ellie." 
Jennifer slides her tray across from you, slumping into her seat, obviously disappointed. Luke takes the empty bench seat next to her, his eyes on his food. 
"She hates me," Jennifer says with a frown. 
"Nah she's just shy," you lie, not wanting Jennifer's feelings to be hurt. She gives you a knowing smile before looking at the novel in your hands. 
"You enjoying the book?"
"Yeah, thanks for lending it to me," you say with a smile. 
"I liked his first one Angels and Demons,” Luke offers gently when he sees what you’re reading, his voice a husky murmur. You like how he doesn't quite meet anyone's eyes when he talks. It's endearing. 
"I’ve never read his stuff before,” you offer. “Not particularly good writing, but it’s nice to read about somewhere that isn’t all raiders and clickers.”
Jennifer watches the two of you as she sips her tea, her light eyes volleying between the two of you as you talk about the book. 
"I thought Luke could shoot with us today," Jennifer says with a queer little smile. "He was saying he wanted to get better for when he and I are on patrols. Is that okay?"
Luke gives you a nervous little smile. "I understand if you just want it to be you two."
You find the thought of more time spent with Luke to be a very appealing idea.
"Of course you can join."
You watch Jennifer and Luke who chat quietly to one another, feeling strangely left out. You preferred it when it was just Jennifer with her soft way of talking to you. 
Luke excuses himself to get some more eggs and the second he's out of earshot Jennifer is leaning forward conspiratorially. 
"He's cute, huh?"
"I guess, yeah."
"Pretty sure he likes you," Jennifer giggles. "I mentioned we were doing shooting lessons and he was suddenly all keen." 
You feel your cheeks heat up at the suggestion. Romance has never really been something you thought about. Survival had always been your focus, even here in Jackson where you have a warm bed and a roof over your head the back of your mind is always fixed on what could come next. 
"He's nice," is all you offer.
It's a honest reply because, you really do think he's nice. He's gentle and he doesn't make you feel anxious like some of the leering men of Jackson. He’s soft and quiet and maybe that’s what makes your pulse jump a bit when he rejoins you seconds later.
"You close one eye completely, you lose peripheral vision and depth perception, and you need these to acquire the target and determine lead."
Jennifer speaks like she's reading from a book that everyone has already read and memorized. But none of it makes sense to you and you feel your frustration building.
You and Luke have been practicing with her all afternoon, your forehead dotted with sweat. And while yes, your shot is much better now that you’re aiming with the right eye, you feel like you’re still not good enough.
“You’re doing so well,” she encourages nonetheless, smiling at you.
“You really are,” Luke insists from behind you. Luke is a fast learner, already a decent shot. He’s been doing it a lot longer than you have, and using the correct eye.
“Not good enough,” you mutter sourly to yourself. “Missed that last can.”
Jennifer looks over to the can placed at a fair distance in one of the trees. You’ve hit most of the other ones, but that one keeps evading you.
“Honey that’s a far shot,” Jennifer says covering her eyes with her hand to block the winter sun. “Even I don’t get it most of the time.”
“I didn’t get it once.”
For some reason you can’t stop hearing Joel’s voice in the back of your head: useless. It feels like with every miss you’re just proving his point further.
“Okay sourpuss,” Jennifer says with a roll of her eyes. “We’re taking a break and getting a drink down at the Bison.”
The two of you agree, falling in line behind her. You watch her light hair dance in the breeze as she chats animatedly to the two of you. You wonder why she isn’t inviting her other friends to join you when it belatedly hits you.
She’s trying to get you and Luke together. You think of her winks and nudges and suddenly you know exactly what she’s doing. You want to be embarrassed or even irritated, but instead you find your heartbeat jumping.
The three of you leave your weapons at Jennifer’s before heading down into town. Your mood is lightened a bit by their company and the bright day. Snow has come to Jackson, just a small sprinkling but a definite harbinger of greater snowfall ahead.
The three of you push into the rowdy pub, filled with familiar faces. Some play cards, others are telling stories over pints. A woman named (Reba or Rebecca you think?) stands behind the pub, waving you in and telling you to shut the door because of the draft.
A few folks wave and call out hello’s to Jennifer who returns them with a beaming smile.
The three of you find an empty booth and pull off your jackets and scarves. You take a seat in the booth against the wall, a habit from before; you like to know what’s going on. From here you can see most everything and everyone who enters the space.  Jennifer sits opposite you, Luke following close behind. From here you can see his face, taking in the friendly way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, and the slight gap in his front teeth.
The Tipsy Bison is self serve and you offer to grab the first round, thanking Reba at the bar and bringing the three gold-colored pints over to the table. Luke and Jennifer are deep in conversation about home repair.  They look up and thank you when you slide their drinks to them across the lacquered table.
“I still can’t believe they have a jukebox,” Luke breathes, his eyes lighting up when he gazes at the glowing machine. It plays a pulsing beat that you aren’t familiar with, something to keep the space feeling inviting.
“Go put on a tune,” Jennifer insists, nudging him with her elbow. “Something good.”
Luke gives a toothy grin before nodding. The two of you watch his lanky frame make his way over to the jukebox, heard only faintly over the din of the patrons. You watch him go, your eyes sliding over to Jennifer when she giggles.
“You like him.”
“No I don’t,” you answer reflexively. Your cheeks burn and Jennifer knows not to push it further right now. It’s like she can tell you’re a turtle who will retreat inside her shell if threatened. You think of how to distract her, to turn her to another topic, her favorite one.
“Seen Joel lately?”
You hate how his name sounds in your ears. You hate the syllables, hate how it feels in your mouth like a bitter candy. But you don’t tell her that.
You don’t tell Jennifer that since he came on your tits and announced your carnal times had come to an end that you’d actively avoided him. That you hadn’t come out of your house until this afternoon to practice shooting. That you were going so far as to eat tinned soup just so you wouldn’t run into Ellie at meals.
"I swear I give up," Jennifer sighs, dropping her voice to a whisper only the two of you can hear. "Joel Miller is a lost cause. I've given him every hint."
"Maybe he's just shy," you offer with a shrug. For all you know he might be.
"Or maybe he doesn't like me," Jennifer sighs. "Maybe I'll just be single forever."
You smirk at Jennifer's amusing propensity for the dramatic. As if someone that looked and acted like her could be single forever. Beautiful? Check. Good with weapons? Check. Confident? Check. You muse that if you were attracted to women you’d want her for yourself.
"Or maybe he likes someone else," Jennifer offers with a shrug but your attention is back on Luke who is approaching the table. The gentle strains of some old song play in the background. You think you recognize it from car rides with your family. Luke takes his seat next to Jennifer, his eyes scanning between the two of you.
“What did I miss?”
“Just Joel Miller talk,” Jennifer sighs, plopping her chin in her hands. “The man is an enigma.”
"That's the nicest way of saying asshole that I've ever heard,” you mutter.
Jennifer sputters a laugh at your mumbled remark, almost dribbling out some of her beer.
"Shit, you're funny." 
You smile into your mug, trying not to feel too pleased with yourself and failing miserably. You can't remember the last time someone told you that you were funny. Your sister most likely. It feels good.
Before long the three of you have been talking for almost an hour. Your pints are drained and its Luke who stands, cracking his back until you hear the pops.
"I'm going to get another drink. You ladies want anything?"
"I’m okay but she’ll have another," Jennifer says cheerfully pointing at you. When Luke is out of earshot up at the bar she leans across the table in your direction again. 
"I don’t care what you say, you like him and he likes you. I'm sure of it. Just look how attentive he’s being." 
You feel your face flush, pleased. You don't know how she came to this conclusion but you like the sound of it. The door to the Bison props open and you hear Reba sigh as she pours another whiskey for a sleepy looking woman at the bar.
“Tommy close that dang door unless you wanna rustle us up a space heater!”
You feel your eyes drawn over to the door with a small smile starting. It immediately falls from your face when you see that Tommy isn’t alone. His older, taller, sulk of an asshole brother is with him too.
"It’s him," Jennifer whispers, glancing over her shoulder
Joel Miller walks into every space like he owns it and is disappointed by it. His heavy lidded eyes sail around the room, taking in the patrons, offering polite nods and tight-lipped smiles at the ones he recognizes.
Luke is retrieving the two pints of beer when the Miller brothers take a seat on the empty stools at the bar while Reba busies herself with another customer. You watch over Jennifer’s shoulder as Luke says something you can't hear to Joel. Joel is wearing a glower so menacing it almost makes you gulp. Tommy gives his brother a strange look before answering Luke. 
You turn back to Jennifer, trying to hide the smirk at her dreamy look. You almost laugh when she unbuttons her cardigan until the swell of her cleavage is showing.
“Just go over to him.”
“I can’t,” she says breathless as she looks back to you. “I don’t wanna be too obvious.”
“Never stopped you before,” you joke before freezing when Jennifer’s eyes go wide.
Was that joke too far? Have you fucked this all up? You feel your throat go dry before Jennifer gives a tinkling laugh, slapping your hand affectionately.
“Oh shuddap.”
Relief floods you, distracting you from Luke’s approach until you feel his hand trail over your shoulder lightly.
"Here you go." 
You feel your stomach clench as you take the drink from Luke, eyes skittering shyly from his face to his hand where it lingers on your shoulder a moment longer. 
"Do you think he's waiting for us to invite him over?" Jennifer mutters more to herself than anything. 
"I don't think so," Luke says with a forced laugh as he takes his seat beside her. You feel his knee brush against yours under the table and you swallow. 
"I'm gonna do it," Jennifer promises, taking a moment to build her nerve. She takes a sip of your pint, breathing out.  
As she does this you chance a glance in the direction of the stool Joel was occupying, expecting to find it vacated. Instead he sits there, eyes trained in the direction of your table, no doubt gazing at the back of Jennifer’s head.
"Joel! Tommy!" Jennifer suddenly calls over with a cheerful lilt. "Come join us!" 
No. Please no. No no no.
You try to hide your grimace. You don't mind Tommy, but thoughts of avoiding Joel's eyes make you cringe. Especially since you haven’t spoken since he kicked you out of his house last week. You turn your full attention to your pint, hoping that they’ll deny the request.
You hear shuffling and your shoulders rise to your ears. You try to think of a reason that you can leave, but anything you say would be too obvious. Plus, you really like Tommy and Maria, why should you be chased off by Joel every time you have the opportunity to hang out with one of them?
Your pint shows only your haunted reflection before another face swims into view. Joel Miller looking down at you. Even in the swimming reflection his dark eyes pierce you. You jerk your head up, trying to avoid him. You shoot a wobbly smile in his brother’s direction instead.
“Hey Tommy. How’s Maria?”
“Good,” Tommy replies and you can see the relief there in the warm brown of his eyes. He doesn’t look as tired. “She’s with Douglas and some friends right now.”
You nod, not wanting to say anything more that would draw unnecessary attention. But Jennifer seems to have observed her absence.
“I haven’t seen much of Maria lately,” she says, her face curling into a cute pout.  “Not since the baby was born.”
“She doesn’t really like the cold,” Tommy says with a falter.
“Since when?” Jennifer laughs. “Last winter she-“
“I heard in some cultures it’s normal for the mother to stay in bed for at least twenty one days,” you offer quietly. “And they do a celebration a hundred days after the baby is born with, like a big dinner.
All eyes at the table are now on you and you feel a smidgen of relief at having drawn the attention away from the Maria topic. Joel is staring at you with an unreadable look and Jennifer is looking at you with a queer little smile.
“How do you know that?”
“I had a friend who was Japanese.”
“Anyway,” Tommy breaks in, relief clear in his features, “the reason I came in was because I’m lookin’ for some volunteers for Patrol C’s slot on Friday.”
At this you hasten a glance to your Friday patrol partner who is looking to his brother patiently. Joel holds a half-full pint glass in his hand, the other shoved awkwardly into his coat pocket. He seems to be ignoring you as much as you’re ignoring him.
“There’s that repair in the old library outpost that we gotta fix quick before more snow gets here. We got that lumber in, plus some nails the other day and we need some extra hands to cart it there and build. So I’m tryin’ to scout a few folks who wouldn’t mind helping. Obviously Joel’ll be doin’ most of it.”
"I'm really good with repair," Jennifer chirps eagerly, smiling up at both the Miller brothers. "Especially windows. And Luke used to work in construction."
Luke gives a small, shy wave. You see Joel frown at that before his attention is back on his brother.
"You two sure?" Tommy looks surprised. "Was gonna offer the volunteers extra portions this week as a thanks. You okay with that?"
"Would have done it for free," Jennifer assures him. You hold in a knowing smirk. Yeah, she sure would. She'd do anything to secure more time with Joel. 
“How about you, Luke?”
“I’m game.”
"Great," Tommy says with a grateful smile. "Saves me having to find a few volunteers. You two show up on Friday and we'll put you to work. Lemme know if ya’ll change your mind." 
You figure you’d best speak up because you don’t want to disappoint Tommy but you also know that your skills with home repair are limited. You’d rather be switched that week so someone else can go in your place. You also don’t want to chance that Joel will verbally lambaste you in front of Luke and Jennifer during patrols.
“I’m not much good with repairs,” you offer quietly.
“Oh, I know,” Tommy says with a playful wink shot your way. “I remember the stables last summer.”
You feel Jennifer and Luke’s eyes on you and you even think you can feel Joel’s brows rising in surprise and intrigue.
During your first month in Jackson City you’d attempted to be a part of things by volunteering for the stable rebuild that now houses Chestnut, Glimmer and a host of other horses and livestock. You’d worked so hard in that blazing sun, but no matter what your nails always seemed to bent the wrong way or the wood was crooked. By the middle of the day Tommy was urging you to leave and get some water and that you’d worked enough for one day and should go home to relax.
But you hadn’t missed the way he started taking apart your work before you were even down the street. Hadn’t missed the soft chuckles from some of the others who were working on the project. Half the town had been there that day, maybe even Jennifer, but all you remember the humiliation of seeing your own inadequacy highlighted.
You’d assumed Tommy wouldn’t bring it up. But perhaps he’s a bit more like Joel than you give him credit for.
“Does that mean you want me to do Patrol A or something that week?” you offer, trying to swallow your shame.
"No no, it's your regular patrol day and you've got good eyes," Tommy tells you, all guile gone from his features. "Repairing the window might draw attention. Wanna make sure someone is watching out while the group works." 
You can't deny a feeling of pride that goes through you at the thought that you're important enough to be brought along for the journey. You’d assumed you’d be left behind. You wait for Joel to scoff or roll his eyes but to your delight he does neither.
Tommy nods and looks like he’s going to set off for home when Jennifer shoots he and Joel a charismatic smile.
“Join us,” Jennifer all but purrs. “We’re just having another round.”
You don’t remind her that her glass is empty. Your eyes go back to your drink, trying to think of a way to extricate yourself from this awkward interaction.  
“I gotta get back to Maria,” Tommy says with a tired smile. “I just needed to get some volunteers and thanks to y’all I have.”
You hear Jennifer’s breathing hitch a moment. “Joel? How about you?”
No. Say no. No.
There’s a pause, a shuffling of boots and then you feel a warm and sturdy body slide into the booth next to you. The booth is tight and the nigh is busy so there’s not much room to spread out. You feel his thigh press into yours and hold in a groan of displeasure.
Why couldn’t Luke have sat next to you at the start? Now you’re stuck being shoulder to shoulder with a man you can barely stand. The four of you sit across from one another like two couples on an increasingly awkward double date.
You all wave Tommy off before the moment grows quiet with only the other patrons as a soundtrack to the evening. You glance out the corner of your eyes to see Joel’s large hand around the pint glass, raising it to his pouty mouth before drinking deeply.
“So you have construction experience, Joel?” Jennifer offers and you don’t miss how she presses her arms together, highlighting her cleavage. You hide an amused smirk behind your glass, thankful that at least you’ll have Jennifer’s antics to amuse you.
“Me too,” Luke offers and you can see him swallow nervously before looking at the elder Miller in the face. “Specifically cabinetry.”
Joel grunts a reply before taking another sip of his beer. As the men sit across from one another you can't help but observe that Luke has long, tapered fingers, like an artist. Joel's fingers are also long but more blunt, more masculine looking. You don't know why you draw the comparison but you do. 
“I used to do framing with-“ Jennifer starts, but Joel has turned his attention to you.
“What was Tommy talkin’ about with you and the stables?”
Why is he talking to you? It’s not like you’re friends. Is he trying to intimidate you? Humiliate you? You don’t meet his gaze.
“Nothing,” you mutter, taking another sip of your pint. “Was nothing.”
“Didn’t sound like nothin’.”
You hold in a grimace. Your eyes shoot across the table and you can see Jennifer eyeing you and Joel a moment before smirking. “I’m kinda curious too.”
Luke gives you an encouraging grin as well and you swallow, licking your lips anxiously because they suddenly feel bone dry. You wish that you were anywhere else but sitting here in a crowded room feeling trapped.
You don’t want to share that humiliation with anyone else, especially Joel who already thinks you’re useless. You want the attention turning to anyone, to anything else. But all eyes at the table are on you and you feel a flush creeping up your neck.
“I have to go.”
Before anyone can interject you’ve stood up, dragging your coat over your shoulders. You’re about to leave when you feel Joel’s hand on your wrist holding you in place. You turn to face him, scowling as you rip your wrist from his embrace.
“Forgot this,” Joel rumbles.
You glance down to see him holding your red scarf in his fingers. He’s holding it in much the same way he always did before winding it around your eyes and at the sight of it in his grip you feel your throat run dry.
Your eyes flick to his, not immune to the way they darken when you swallow. You snatch it from him, offering a quiet thanks and disappearing out the door.
It’s Thursday before you come out of your house again.
You’ve been sequestered in your house all week eating tinned tuna and re-reading old books in your collection. You even toyed with the idea of doing something with your boring walls before deciding it was too much work.
Your humiliation at the Bison hasn’t left you. Neither has the way Jennifer threw you under the bus in front of Joel. Why did she go along with him questioning you? She must have seen how embarrassed you were!
She’s been by several times, knocking and calling your name but you never answer. You’re too embarrassed. You think you’re a little angry with her as well. But you don’t know if it’s justified or if you’re just too sensitive.
She tried leaving cookies a few days ago but they were inedible. Seems Jennifer isn’t good at everything. But you decide the next time you see her that you’ll let all of this go.
So when the door knocks that Thursday morning you slowly open the door, expecting to see Jennifer’s face. To your shock it’s Ellie who stands there in a thick blue parka giving you an incredulous look.
“I thought you were dead.”
“I haven’t seen you at the dining hall,” she says, sniffling.
“Oh just been feeling a little under the weather,” you lie, fingernail absently scraping the wood frame beside your door. You notice that the end of Ellie’s nose is red from the cold. “You wanna come in for a warm drink?”
“Nah, you said we could make flowers.”
“Oh right,” you answer awkwardly glancing from your feet to hers. “Sorry Ellie. We can do it today if you want.”
“You’re not busy?”
“Nope,” you say, moving to give her space to pass. “Come in and-“
“Nah let’s do it at mine,” Ellie insists, taking you by the hand and tugging. “I got a bunch of that colored paper and wire stuff from Maria plus I wanna show you my room. Joel let me convert the whole garage.”
Everything in you screams no, but Ellie’s earnest face has you immediately caving. Plus you promised her. You sigh, pulling on your jacket and allowing her to lead you to Rancher Street.
“Then you wrap the wire around the base like that,” you instruct, reminding her about the extra loop. “Yeah, perfect.”
The two of you have been seated at her kitchen table for over an hour. Colorful swatches of ripped paper and wires decorate the wood. Turns out Ellie is a very quick learner when it comes to the arts. It’s not long before she’s folding tulips and peonies even better than you ever could.
Joel is mercifully nowhere to be found. Ellie mentioned he was out with Tommy doing some errand that would take him several hours. Once she’d made that announcement you’d been able to relax some.
It still feels weird to be in Joel’s house. In your head it was a dark dungeon with dishes piled high and guns on every wall.  So far you’ve seem just a bit of the house which is decorated in whites and blues and the deep brown of carved wood. A normal, boring, ordinary house. A few too many framed photos of horses on the wall but he is a man from Texas after all.
The fireplace is cozy today with the chill of the approaching winter, the kind of cold that settles into the bones. But with the fireplace and mugs of hot chocolate that Ellie insisted on making you both, you find you don’t notice it much. As with meals she likes to pepper you with questions.
"What was the last book you were reading back before everything happened?" 
"Mmm that's a good question," you tell her, squinting as you try to recall. "I think it was the latest Harry Potter." 
"Who's Harry Porter?" Ellie asks, her tongue sticking to the side as she focuses on smoothing a particularly stubborn piece of paper.
"Potter," you gently correct her. "It's about a boy wizard."
"Like Gandalf? I already read about him. Joel has those books."
This takes you aback for a moment. In your mind Joel doesn't read. You kind of just assumed that when he's not on patrol or with the horses he's sleeping or cleaning his guns. The thought of him enjoying something the same as you makes him feel more human. 
"No, a young boy goes to wizarding school," you supply. It's a bit of an undersell of the book but Ellie is already rolling her eyes.
"A wizard going to school? That's fucking stupid."
"Couldn't agree more," you say scanning the books she's brought with her. "But they were all the rage."
When the first paper bouquet is finished Ellie announces that she wants to show you her room. She doesn’t give you much option but you smile at the earnestness anyway. You follow her to the door that opens up to the garage. You expect it to be chilly but obviously it’s been insulated well because it’s warmer than the house.
It’s also massive. A large, unmade bed rests by a window on the far side. The walls are lined with mismatched desks and a rolling chair. A couch with a yellow gingham blanket is on the other side, a coffee table made out of crates holds several magazines.
An easel rests nearby, an apron hung upon it. Ellie is quite the artist you’ve come to learn. On the wall you spot a poster of an astronaut and you smile faintly to yourself. You remember your own childhood ambitions of space travel.
Aside from the unmade bed the space is rather meticulous for a teenage girl. You wonder if it’s her upbringing back in her youth or because Joel is a strict caregiver. You still don’t know how long he’s been in her life.  Ellie watches you survey her space with a grin. You think she must feel how you did when you first moved into your space; safe and proud.
You see the sketchbooks piled on one of the desks as you wander over to it.
“You draw?”
“Sometimes,” she says, opening the book and placing it on the table. She flips through a few pages before stopping on a graphite drawing of what appears to be a strange-looking horse.
“I tried drawing Glimmer but I keep fucking up her eyes,” she explains with a pout.
“I think it looks good,” you answer honestly. Ellie glances up at you, shy from the praise before giving a crooked grin. She calls you over to her bookshelf and asks you to look through the titles.
“You read any of these before?”
You crouch down to see all of the titles near the bottom; many are familiar pulpy novels you’d find in an airport. One catches your attention and you tug it from its confines, standing and holding it.
“I remember reading this to my sister,” you murmur, eyes misty. Ellie brushes the hair from her face as she invites you to takes a seat next to her on the couch. The two of you look at the book together, both cross legged, knees touching.  
 “The Giver,” Ellie reads.
“It’s a good one,” you tell her. “It’s about a boy with a job he doesn’t want but was born for. He kinda discovers what good and evil is and if you can have one without the other. I’m doing a shitty job of summarizing it, but it’s a really good book from what I remember.”
“Sounds good,” Ellie murmurs. She tilts her head to read the first page and at this distance you notice the kinks and knots at the back of her ponytail. 
"When's the last time you brushed your hair?" You chide gently. Ellie ducks her head and shrugs. 
You swivel in spot on the couch, facing the other end and pat the blanket in front of you in invitation.
"Grab a brush. You read, I'll de-tangle," you offer. She pauses, thinking about your offer before she rushes to the bathroom, returning moments later with a harried looking comb. You raise a brow at this and she laughs.
“S’all I’ve got.”
She clamors up, facing away from you with the book in her lap. She begins reading, tripping over the odd word. 
"Instantly, obediently, Jonas had dropped his bike on its side on the path behind his family’s dwelling. He had run indoors and stayed there, alone."
Her voice is steady and she plays with the edge of the pages as she reads. 
"Lily looked up, her eyes wide. “The Ceremony of Twelve,” she whispered in an awed voice. Even the smallest children Lily’s age and younger -knew that it lay in the future for each of them."
You find the sensation of being read to and brushing the girls knotted hair to be strangely soothing. 
"Your hair is such a beautiful color" you say before she begins on the next chapter, seeing the way the colors shine in the sunlight. 
Ellie doesn't answer and you wonder if she's embarrassed by the compliment. Teenagers are never known for loving extra unwanted attention. 
Brushing the dark strands of Ellie's you’re struck by how tense the girl is, like a trapped animal. Her shoulders are practically up to her ears. As if she isn't familiar with the sensation of a kindly touch. 
"Did your mom never do this for you?"
Even though she's facing away you can see the way Ellie's head tips forward, her eyes downcast. 
"Never had a mom." 
Your eyes shut momentarily as you chastise your own thoughtless stupidity. You don’t attempt to further this topic. For now you're content just to brush the girl's hair, smiling as Ellie relaxes with every stroke. 
“I wonder if Sarah ever read this,” she mutters to herself as she begins the next chapter. You smooth a section of her hair, taking in the name.  
"Who's Sarah?"
"Joel’s daughter," Ellie confides, her eyes on the paper in front of her. "She died on outbreak day."
You surmise that Ellie's so invested in the book that she doesn't even realize what she's saying or to whom.
You remember Maria telling you something of that during your visit with her. It makes your heart clench, thinking of the loss. Before you can stop yourself you’re probing for more information.
“How old was she?”
“Not old. Younger than me I think.”
A child.
You can’t imagine the pain that would create in someone. In all your experiences with Joel it was easy to forget that he had a past. Something that twisted him into the person that he is today.  Even after Maria told you he’d lost a daughter you’d overlooked it, content on hating him for his changeable moods as if he had no motivation.
But you’ve lost as well, a voice reminds you. And you haven’t resorted to cruelty.
“Maria mentioned a soldier,” you pause, trying to work the comb through a particularly tricky knot.  Ellie is quiet for a few moments as she reads the page she’s on, speaking only when she flips it over.
"Yeah, Joel was carrying Sarah. I think she broke her ankle or something. He was escaping a clicker. Soldier shot it, so Joel thought they were safe but they thought Sarah and him were infected because there were covered in blood." 
Your stomach drops as you imagine a younger Joel carrying his daughter tightly in his arms, both terrified with her clinging to him. You’re quiet, not wanting to ask anymore. Already it feels like you’ve overstepped, learned too much about him.
"Joel told the soldier they were okay, not infected. But the soldier shot anyway. Clipped Joel, got Sarah bad."
You feel a wave of nausea hitting you. The thought of losing a child that way makes you physically ill. Your loss hurts so acutely even now, you can't imagine that kind of pain compounded by losing a piece you brought into existence. 
“Joel told you all of this?”
“Nah, Maria did,” Ellie replies. “Joel talks with me a little bit about Sarah. Stuff she liked, TV shows and books and stuff. But not about how she died.”
It’s wrong of you to have pushed for more information. Especially since you and Joel are the furthest thing from friends.
"He blames himself for it," Ellie continues, fingers sliding between the pages of the book to turn to the next chapter. "Even though it was a soldier who shot at them. How can Joel blame himself for that?"
She approaches this topic almost naive. You've stopped brushing altogether; you can only stare down at the back of Ellie’s head blinking slowly.  
"He seems like the kind of guy who's built to protect people," you offer gently. 
"But he was unarmed. How's any of what happened his fault?"
"I don't know," you offer quietly. "Maybe he-"
"What the fuck are you two talkin' about?"
Neither of you heard Joel come in the garage, but he obviously heard enough of your conversation because he looks completely furious. He's a tall man with broad shoulders and the sight of him wild-eyed and fists curled makes you physically startle. 
"Joel-" Ellie starts her face blanching. 
"I said what are you two talkin' about?" His voice is icy, and takes you both by surprise
"Uh…We..." The open ire on his face makes you stumble over your words. You feel embarrassed at having been caught talking about him, you feel terrified at the vitriol in his eyes. 
Your stunned reaction is all the confirmation he needs. 
"Get out," Joel mumbles, his dark eyes sailing from you to Ellie. "And you? We need to talk." 
Ellie is never afraid of Joel, not that you've seen. But when you look to her now you see her wince at the knowledge that she's overstepped.  
Something in you forgets your own fear and you raise a hand in his direction, as if he's a wild animal you're attempting to tame. 
"Joel, it's-" you try to interject, to hold back the fury that's crackling through the room. But instead he turns his cold gaze to you, his sharp jaw ticking. 
"Get the fuck out now."
And you know that you have to leave. This isn't your place. Ellie isn't your daughter, Joel isn't your husband. This is basically a stranger's home. 
"I'm sorry."
You shoot Ellie a sympathetic look but she's just staring at with rounded eyes. You can't help but stop at her side, your voice a soft murmur. "He won't hurt you will he?"
Ellie's eyes snap to yours with a mixture of shock and horror. 
"Joel would never hurt me," Ellie explains before Joel has time to react to your question. "He's about the only one who never has."
The emphatic nature of her reply surprises you into taking a step backwards. A quick look over your shoulder at Joel tells you that his anger is dwindling at her words. You nod once more in Ellie's direction and then you slip by Joel to exit. 
You’re just turning off Rancher Street when the tears begin to slip down your cheeks. They drip onto the collar of your jacket and they don’t stop until you close the door to your home behind you.
taglist (if you want to be added, please comment below)
@deninoe @ashleyfilm
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mothdruid · 2 months
Happy birthday!! Can I please get "you’re freezing, come here.” With Hangman?
Fast like Rain
pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x gn!reader
word count: 1k
summary: Your childhood best friend, Jake, is home from deployment. The two of you spend the day together and it ends with a cold but sweet treat.
a/n: sorry this took so long to write! my blurbs keep end up being longer than just blurbs lmao. i hope you enjoy!!
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The day had started out great. Jake was home on leave for a little bit, meaning that you finally got to see your best friend after months of his deployment. He had promised you one full day of hanging out when he had left. So, it was time for him to honor that promise.
The day had started with brunch from his favorite local diner, to which he ordered his classic sunny side up eggs with crispy bacon and toast. You ordered your own favorite meal, earning teasing when you ordered your classic cup of orange juice. Jake never let you live that down, always joking that you were never going to fully grow up.
The two of you spent the next few hours doing whatever. It was so refreshing to finally have Jake home. He was your best friend no matter what, even if you happened to have a little bit more than just platonic feelings for him. It was hard not to like him. He had that Texan charm you had grown up dreaming about.
Charm with a bit of asshole to him, and it honestly made your heart sing. Maybe that's because he didn't intimidated you, instead it pushed you to be an asshole right back at him. Which Jake himself loved about you. Every time you ever swore at him and yelled at him, he would later that night think about it in bed, wondering if you would speak that way if you were underneath him.
The two of you were currently in some random field outside of town. Jake had decided to drive the old beater truck he had during high school while he was in town. So the tailgate was currently down, the both of you sitting on it with your legs dangling. The soft yet dry tall grass was brushing against your ankles.
"Are you serious?" You laughed after asking.
"Come on, of course, how could you not believe me?" Jake retorted.
"You weren't a track star in school, that's why!"
"I played football," Jake reminded you.
"As a QB, not a running back!" You could help the laughter that came from you.
"Fine," Jake hoped off the tailgate, "let's race."
The laughter immediately stopped when you heard him. You both had been too caught up in each other to have noticed the darker clouds starting to consume the sky. You gave Jake a serious look, tiling your head as if to question his seriousness.
"Hey, I'm being serious here," Jake threw his hands up in defense.
"One hundred percent?" You questioned.
He took his right index finger and drew a cross over his heart. You hoped down off the tailgate and stood face to face with him. You crossed your arms, signaling that you meant business.
"What's in it for me?"
"I'll buy you ice cream," Jake said.
"Fence line?"
Jake shook his head yes, that stupid smirk on his face. Without a second thought you took off running. You heard Jake yell from behind you about how he never said start. All you did was throw a middle finger back at him. Jake chased you all the way to the fence line, huffing once he finally caught up to you. You had been waiting for only a few seconds since reaching it. Your own breath was heavy, lungs struggling to keep up.
"Guess you aren't that fast," you chuckled while trying to steady your breathing. You looked over at Jake and then leaned again the fence post next to you.
"I don't know if that counts," Jake joked. He moved near you, putting a hands on the same post you were leaning on.
The two of you were close, only a few inches separating your bodies. Smiles adorned both of your faces while you stared at each other. You could never get tried of staring at him. Yeah, he looked like a generic jock, but he was your generic jock. Those green eyes never left yours, and a part of was starting to wonder if the two of you were moving closer towards one another.
Suddenly there was a loud rumble through the sky. It was only then that both of you noticed the dark sky. You examined the sky, a small drop of water hit your skin. Jake felt one too, looking at you quickly. It was seconds before a complete down pour started. You howled in laughter and shock as Jake just started laughing. After a few more seconds of taking the rain in, you ran back towards the truck. Jake was right behind you, stopping to lift the tailgate back up while you climbed into the cab.
"Holy shit," the words were breathy from your laughter.
"That was a surprise," Jake said.
The both of you were practically soaked. His t-shirt was practically a different color now. Yours was about the same though. Little goosebumps were starting to prick up along your skin. Jake noticed this when you wrapped your arms around yourself. He reached out hesitantly, brushing his knuckles against your skin.
"You're freezing," he whispered, "come here."
Jake opened his arms and gestured for you to move closer to him. You hesitated for a minute, eventually moving into his arms. Jake's arm were so warm, they were like one of his old sweatshirts that you had stolen forever ago. The sound of rain filled the silence between the two of you.
"I missed you."
The words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. You sat up a little and looked at Jake. There was worry weaved through your expression as if you had done something wrong. Jake moved a hand to your jaw, cupping it then leaning in.
Neither of you fought it, leaning into the kiss and your emotions. For so long the both of you had fought them, telling yourselves that this couldn't be real. But it was.
Jake pulled back and just stared at you, a small smile on his lips. He rubbed his thumb against your cheek, marveling internally at how soft your skin was.
"I missed you too."
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Productive Ways to Make Up | Dean Winchester
✦ pairing — Dean Winchester x afab!female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 2.1k
✦ request — Maybe taking charge of the plus size reader. Like hot angry rough sex. Spanking maybe? Idk that just seems like it would be a good one. Maybe just they get in a fight during the holidays. Like at the readers family’s Christmas party. Then dean takes charge of her and they have angry rough sex
✦ warnings — nsfw, teasing, hints of a fight, smut, spanking (reader receiving), angry sex, rough sex, fellatio, face fucking (reader receiving), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (please don’t do this), creampie, aftercare.
✦ author's note — changed this to a New Year’s party just to fit the date better.
The fight got out of hand easily, as things often did with Dean. It was one of those fights that you didn’t know how escalated to this, on this day specifically when you needed him on his best behavior.
Your parents had been excited to finally see you for more than a couple of hours, happy that your hectic schedule had given you a break for New Year’s. You had to skip Thanksgiving and Christmas because you were out of town, your mom didn’t take it well. This party was supposed to be perfect for everybody.
Dean rarely made things hard for you, but he had to do it today, apparently.
You left early, making up an emergency with Dean’s brother. Poor Sam, you had to drag him into this just so your dad wouldn’t start hating your partner out of nowhere.
For the first time in a very long time, getting home was worse for your mood. Dean didn’t help, glaring at you as you peeled off your jacket as if you had done anything wrong, as if you started the stupid fight.
He grabbed you by the hips before you could leave the living room, grip tight and strong. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“To the bedroom. Or am I not allowed?”
“Watch it,” he warned.
“I need to call my mom and assure her Sam isn’t dying.”
Dean pushed you against the wall to stop you, trapping you with his warm body to the cold wallpaper.
“Dean…” You struggled against his hold.
“Oh, honey, you know what you’re doing, don’t you?”
In most circumstances, you would wiggle against his hands just to egg him on. But this time, you honestly simply wanted to annoy him into letting you cross the living room and hopefully find the warmth of your cozy bed where you could call your mom and take a nap.
Dean had other plans. You hated that you weren’t as against them as you wanted to be. After all, it was a more productive way to take out your anger than yelling at each other in the middle of the half-empty living room on New Year’s Eve.
Your breaths mingled as both of you opened your mouths to say something. Dean took charge, as he often did with these things, and leaned in to kiss you.
A hand of his came up to grip your chin, forcing your mouth open to slip his tongue past your red lips. You squirmed, feeling your skirt ride up at the movement between the wall and Dean’s bulk.
“Don’t be a brat,” he gritted out. Yet he traced the outside of your thighs with both hands, forcing your skirt to bunch up at your hips. Humming against your skin, he manhandled you toward the couch.
His hands fell on your ass. He made it jiggle with a light spank, laughing when you gasped in surprise. “That okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you consented.
He immediately spanked you again. “Count for me.”
“One,” you mumbled as the first slap landed. Dean hummed, you could picture the smile on his face, and did it again. “Two.”
“See how easy everything is when you listen to me?” He sounded almost condescending. Slapping you again, harder, he waited for you to count once more before rubbing his hand over the spot he had just hit.
He made you count to ten, careful not to make you cry. No matter how pretty you looked with tears streaming down your face, this was clearly about control, not a punishment.
Rubbing your ass, Dean ripped your pantyhose and spread your legs open. “Of course you’re fucking dripping already.”
He sat on the couch and brought you onto his lap. You would probably ruin his new pants, but by the way he grabbed you and pulled you into a sloppy kiss, that was his intention.
You moaned as he pushed his tongue against yours. Before you could start enjoying yourself with the kiss, Dean pulled away. He even laughed when you whined.
“Be patient,” he told you. “You aren’t supposed to enjoy this too much.”
You pouted, naively thinking it would convince him. Dean wasn’t in a playful mood, he just wanted to remind you who was in charge and why. His grip on you tightened, bringing you flush against him.
The tent in his pants brushed against your sensitive skin. He purposefully drove you to move your hips backward, then forward. You rested your hands on his chest, grinding against him of your own volition.
"You're enjoying this, huh."
Dumbly, you hummed. His laugh almost snapped you out of it, but it was too late. You cried out as he stopped you from keeping grinding. It bordered on torture, feeling the texture of his pants on your bare skin, rough and so readily available for you to get off.
Dean pushed you to your knees and undid his pants in haste, pulling his cock out of his underwear swiftly. He petted your head for a moment, then tapped his cock against your cheek. “Open up.”
You did so, resting your hands on your thighs in expectancy.
He caressed your cheek before shoving his cock into your mouth, only careful not to get to your throat for a moment. As he hit your throat, you gagged from the force, then relaxed as your brain registered what was happening.
He groaned as you began to hollow your cheeks, thrusting his hips up and choking you with his cock. You gagged once again, balling up your fists. Not touching him was worse than the sensation in your throat, that one you weirdly enjoyed, something about him causing you to gag and slobber all over his cock simply did something to you.
He knew.
“Should have known this would shut you up.” He rutted his hips, groaning deeply as his cock slipped down your throat.
He grunted as your tongue slid along his cock, gripping your face tightly so he could fuck your mouth at a quicker pace. The only indication you got that he wanted to come was him pressing your face to his pelvis.
Before you could taste the familiar salty cum, he pushed you off his cock and caressed your neck with his thumbs as he regained his breath.
"On your back."
You understood he meant on the couch simply because you were sure he would never fuck you into the floor when your backs were so ruined from all the hunting. So you laid on the couch you had fucked on more times than you could count and waited for him to get inside you.
Dean showed you two fingers. "Keep these warm for me, yeah?"
You nodded and opened your mouth, eager to suck on his fingers. Dean cackled, shaking his head.
"Can't leave this pussy unattended, honey." He teased at your entrance, gathering the slick dripping down your labia. "So good for me," he mumbled to himself.
Sliding his middle and ring finger inside you, Dean hummed to himself. "Knew you'd be warm and ready for me."
Teasingly, he curled his fingers. You whimpered.
"More." You couldn't help yourself.
He started shoving his fingers in and out, thrusting like he had done this a million times before. He almost had. The lewd sounds bouncing against the walls made your skin grow hot, feeling yourself getting more aroused at the wet echoes.
You squeezed around his fingers and rolled into his hand. Dean tsked, shaking his head. He tried to hide his proud smile from you as best as he could, but the cockiness always won over. His thumb grazed your clit as he wiggled his digits inside you, crisscrossing them.
"You know what? Go ahead, fuck yourself on my fingers. Can't do all the work for you."
Rutting against Dean's hand, you allowed yourself to enjoy the tendrils of pleasure every time his thumb made contact with your clit and his digits became buried inside you. He would stroke against your movements when you would get too complacent, reminding you he was still in charge. As if you would have it any other way.
You gasped out his name, hands floundering in search of something to hold onto. Dean removed his fingers before you could even grasp your orgasm.
Taunting you, he licked his fingers clean. "You would have made your mess already if you hadn't been so difficult earlier. You know that, right?"
You mumbled a reminder, "You were difficult too."
"Take that back," he demanded, wrapping a hand around his hard cock.
You shook your head, frustrated to no end as Dean started to pump the cock you should have been riding already.
As if reading your mind, and somehow agreeing, he roughly grabbed your thighs and forced your legs open enough to slot himself between them. He slapped his cock against your clit, smirking when you jolted. He did it a couple more times, only stopping when he dragged his tip along your slit to wet it.
Dean coated his cock all over with your wetness, using his fingers to gather some more for good measure. The emptiness inside you grew. All of this was not only unnecessary but only dragged your so much-needed pleasure.
"Gonna fuck some manners into you, honey," he announced in glee as he pushed inside you.
He hovered over you to kiss you, sticking his tongue into your mouth while holding your legs open. You panted as he thrust into you with little care of pace or rhythm, only worried about fucking you stupid.
"I can feel how badly you want to come already," he boasted, relentlessly pumping his cock into you like he would die if he didn't reach as deep as humanly possible. "Hold on," he insisted, almost desperate. "You gotta wait until I tell you to."
Just as you were going to hum in acknowledgment, he pulled out and forced a desperate cry out of you. Dean grabbed your hips, guiding you onto your knees and hands.
Pressing his chest to your back, he pushed back in. His hands moved to your belly, searching for the hem of your top; as he found it, he rode it upward. Some of his fingers were ice cold, leaving goosebumps all over your skin as his hands reached your breasts.
He pulled on your breasts as he pistoned into you, quickly and harshly, pushing your face into the couch. You gasped for air, whining as you ground back against him, chasing permission to come.
Dean wouldn't relent that easily. He dropped your breasts, wrapping an arm tightly around you whilst resting his other hand on your thigh. Slapping your clit, he started to pant in your ear. "You're so fucking close," he told you, as if you didn't feel like you were on fire.
His fingers drew circles on your clit, applying as much pressure as your desperate humps and his hurried thrusts allowed him to. "Come on," he encouraged you, "let go. Make a mess all over my cock."
His thrusts only slowed down long enough for you to ride your high, coming so close to using him to get off that you hoped you would remember to plant the idea of trying that out into his head. He picked up the pace again, taking advantage of your pulsing walls and your half-relaxed state.
"Inside?" he asked breathlessly.
"Yeah." You moaned at the overstimulation, hoping he would just come already so you wouldn't have to go through more of it right now. Maybe later.
Not only did he fill you with cum but he pushed it deeper with a couple of pumps, moaning through a string of curses. His embrace loosened around you, but Dean didn't let go.
With his chest against your back and ragged breath in your ear, Dean coaxed you into laying flat on your stomach. "You okay, baby?"
You hummed. "Yeah, all good."
He kissed your shoulder and slowly withdrew from you, slipping out. "Gonna clean you up," he told you before you could ask if something was wrong.
Cleaning you up with a damp rag, Dean caressed your skin soothingly. "Can you sit up and drink some water?"
You gave it a try, groaning as you turned around on the couch. Sitting up was especially daunting as your sore ass made contact with the cushioned seat.
You looked up at him, glass in both hands.
"I'll run you a bath, then we'll call your parents and invite them over for dinner this weekend."
By the end of the night, you called your mom from your warm bed, head on Dean’s chest while his fingers traced your back.
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junkissed · 7 months
what svt would dress their kids as for halloween
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member | dad!ot13 genre | headcanons, humor, fluff word count | 400 warnings | children below the cut (?), most of the babies are white i'm sorry it was super hard to find ones that weren't but don't pay attention to the kids they're just there to show the costumes! notes | all photos are from pinterest! this is based on a conversation i had with @duhnova earlier hehe :) comment which costume is your fav!
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seungcheol - pumpkin
he would spend so long looking online for the cutest one. he'd probably want to do a pumpkin patch themed photoshoot to go along with it
jeonghan - lion
honestly i think he just went to spirit halloween at the last minute and picked out the silliest one he could find. fortunately for you they were out of the avocado costumes
joshua - grandma/grandpa
i think he would just get such a kick out of it. he would bring them to your parent's house and he would make those stupid jokes that waiters do when babies eat at restaurants like "oh no margaritas for her, she's driving" or handing the check to the baby "dinner's on him tonight"
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junhui - elephant
i have no reasoning for this one just a gut feeling tbh. he would probably like the big floppy ears. and also the fact that you told him if he dressed up your kid as a cat for the 3rd year in a row, you would throw the costume away (you wouldn't but you had to get him to change somehow)
hoshi - tiger
do you even have to ask. your baby has been wearing tiger onesies since they left the hospital
wonwoo - ladybug
i think he would think the little red and black spots are so cute :( he would be a very soft dad
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woozi - shark
he probably has a demo version of a remix of the baby shark song on his computer. he would be dressed as an octopus or a fish or something and he would pretend he hates it but he would secretly think it's funny
mingyu - giraffe
he's manifesting for your baby to grow up to be tall like him a giraffe
minghao - skunk
again i don't know why i think this i just do. the black and white seems very minghao to me
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seokmin - chicken
he would insist you have the cutest baby in the neighborhood and he would just be grinning and giggling the whole time. look at those little orange feet aren't they so precious. he would dress up as a farmer and carry around a basket of plastic eggs
seungkwan - monkey
he would dress up as a banana. also probably makes jokes "there better not be any monkey business tonight"
vernon - pineapple
i'm just laughing thinking about vernon holding a baby dressed like a pineapple
chan - bat
he would want to do a halloween-y costume and he thinks the little wings are cute. might dress up as a vampire to match
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leviathanspain · 6 months
If you want to could you write a roman roy x reader? I think fluff would be nice but honestly anything you choose to write would be great. Thank you!
saving all my love
roman roy x reader
synopsis: a snippet of your life with roman roy, the love of your life
“i simply don’t understand why-“ your argument with an overseas investor was coming to a close. you had fought valiantly to keep the deal, but the investor was stubborn. you turned from the gigantic window where you had been directing your comments at, to see your husband approaching your office.
“you know what?” your words bounced off out into the hall just as roman opened the door. you threw your hands up, “fuck you!” you screamed, grabbing your earpiece and throwing it onto the ground.
“hey ro-“ you glanced up slightly before slamming a heel over your earpiece. you stomped on it a few times, for good measure. “piece of shit-“ you spat, a sense of calm washing over you.
roman had a smile on his face as he draped himself onto your office couch. “that was so fucking hot.” his fingers trailed a path on the couch, “i wish you’d stomp on me like you did that earpiece..” he dramatized a moan and you laughed, smacking his arm.
“down, boy.” you gave him a look before pursing your lips, “i’m not that upset-“
“clearly.” he remarked, eyes shifting to the shattered piece of tech on your carpet. rolling your eyes, you continued, “we’ll get more investors. we always do.” you faked a smile and roman scoffed, “that’s the spirit!”
you chuckled weakly, “it’s not funny, roman..” you let out a small sigh, “it’s just hard.” no one ever said this job was easy. when you had first started at waystar, before you even laid eyes on roman, you had been warned of the roy family and their ‘vicious tempers’. you easily navigated the family, but corporate america wasn’t as easy.
you sat beside him on the couch. a feeling of vulnerability washed over you and you put your head on his shoulder. roman grabbed you, pulling you into him tightly, “you know you don’t have to work, right? you can useless at home, waiting for me to come home from work and pump you full of babies.” he teased, a finger poking your cheek.
you laughed, “as if you wouldn’t like that.” you looked at him coyly, and roman shrugged, “i just don’t like to see you stressed, that’s all.” there was something sweet about his words that made you tear up a bit. you kissed his cheek, before going back to resting your head on his shoulder.
“greg?” the lanky, towering man seemed to shrink just as you spoke. you cut him off in the middle of his unsolicited pitch to roman. he had been rambling for an hour, roman clearly uninterested but per your request, didn’t scare him off. although greg amused you, he was insufferable.
“yeah?” he looked down at you, and anxiously waited for you to speak.
you shifted your head in roman’s lap slightly, a hand reaching up to pull your sunglasses down a bit, “please find another dick to suck, i’ve already called dibs on this one.” you gripped roman’s thigh, earning a crude little comment from roman as greg stared in disbelief.
roman raised his eyebrows, “go on, egg boy.” he waved a hand to greg, who mumbled slightly before walking off.
roman looked down at you just as greg walked away, “talking about sucking dicks-“
you sighed, “i’m in my bikini sunbathing ro, maybe tonight-“ you never got little vacations like these. even if these getaways with only family and those close meant that waystar was in more shit, you still enjoyed them.
roman smirked, “i wasn’t talking about sucking mine. but since you’re offering-“ you laughed, nudging him back on track.
just as roman was about to speak, the only daughter of the roy family approached. she had a glass of champagne in her hand, and a pair of sunglasses sat on her head. shiv was modest, even on vacation she wore some kind of suit or romper.
“i never see her like this.” she looked at roman, a small smile as she looked down at you, “unless you’re with my brother. remind me again why you married him?”
you smirked, looking up at roman before giving an answer, “i just love a man who’s good with his hands.” shrugging slightly as you gave your answer, you adjusted yourself before going back to your sunbathing.
roman lifted his hands at shiv, nodding, “oh yeah! mhm!” he kissed his hands and tipped his head back for a little laugh.
shiv rolled her eyes, stepping back slightly, “i’m just saying, you could do so much better.” she paused to look at you, and you didn’t say anything but smile, as if you were following her joke. but it was nothing short of a jab to roman.
you loved roman, and it was horrible that everyone always tried to make you think otherwise. it was always the same argument with your own family at christmas, who thought you weren’t good enough for someone with deep, deep pockets like roman. but none of that had mattered enough to make you rethink your marriage.
roman waited until his sister had been far away enough to speak, “i got a little surprise for you.” his voice got a little sing songy and you laughed, “what is it?” you sat up, raised an eyebrow as you whirled around to face him.
roman leaned back into the seat, thrusting his pelvis out, “show me how bad you wanna know.”
you rolled your eyes and smacked his leg, “i’ll cut it off if you don’t tell me.”
“ouch, baby.” he joked, before pulling you into his arms, bringing his mouth close to your ear, “i got you a new investor. even richer than the last.”
you couldn’t help a little gasp, “are you serious?!” you looked at his face, eyes searching in his eyes until roman nodded, “mhmmmm!”
you squealed, “oh my god, roman! you’re literally the fucking best-“ you kissed him roughly, pulling away to whisper in his ear, “whatever you want tonight, i’ll fucking do it baby. anything.” you trailed your tongue down the shape of his ear and he shuddered, letting out a low whistle, “you’ve already married without a prenup, y/n.”
you pulled back and smiled widely, “i love you so much, roman roy.”
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Liho to the Rescue
Natasha Romanoff x “Dr. DooLittle” Fem!R
Warnings: R was a Hydra captive.
A cute lil blurb I wrote in a moment of TikTok filter inspiration during my break.
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The Avengers were honestly perplexed by you, they’d yet to get much of anything out of you on as to why you were in a Hydra cell, but the longer they observed you in one of their own they were slowly realizing you weren’t a threat.
Everyday without fail you’d wake up smiling, you’d write thoughtfully in the journal Wanda gave to you after you politely asked for it during what was meant to be an interrogation, then you’d partake in a detailed yoga routine before indulging in the served up breakfast.
One of them would bring you the food, usually Wanda as she wanted to see if you enjoyed it. But on the occasion you’d be met with the ever so stoic Black Widow, you’d heard about her in the time you spent held captive by Hydra, but upon meeting her you found yourself relaxed.
Nothing about her really scared you, every time she tried to intimidate you in the interrogation process all you’d ever do is softly smile at her. It left her infuriated, but in the same turn rather curious, usually the soft ones like you were the easiest to break, so she believed you might’ve had something dark to hide. Just to change her tune every time she was in charge of observing you through the monitors, you were just so docile, and incredibly kind when anyone would stop by your cell for any reason.
There was just something innately soft about Natasha that left you feeling safe in her presence, like no matter how hard she tried to scare you, you knew she wasn’t going to harm you. Behind all of the steel walls she put up you could tell she loved curling up beside the fireplace with a book the same way you once did before your life was stolen from you.
Today was a bit different than normal though, you woke with a start at 6am when alarms began to sound all throughout the compound. Your normal smile was wiped away as fear held you in its grasp, the idea that Hydra had shown up to take you back left you petrified. Now, if you knew the truth you’d probably laugh, but in the moment all you can do is sob into your knees and hope your fears were unfounded.
Natasha had been left in charge of you today, Wanda grimaced at the thought of leaving her in the kitchen, but the mission today required her powers, and someone had to stay with you. Most of the team voted for the widow because they could tell she had a soft spot for you, the same way you showed a liking to her, and that’s how she found herself in the kitchen burning the eggs and toast she wanted to serve you.
The third party in the mix is where things get interesting though, Natasha had been in such distress over having to be alone with your life in her hands that she left her bedroom door ajar. A mischievous pair of green eyes sparked at the opportunity, and within seconds of her departure her dark as night feline made a break for it, and stealthily hid in the shadows.
“This place is freezing.”
The hair on the back of your neck stood up at the voice intruding in your mind, it was oddly deep, and you were about ready to jump into a fighting stance until you locked eyes with a cat.
“Ooh a girl, this must be who Natasha talks about every single night, she is indeed pretty.”
“Thank you.,” you replied to the cat, and you giggled when his back arched protectively., “I’m more than my looks kitty.,” you winked, then lowered yourself besides the glass near the cat., “I am also blessed with the ability to hear your unfiltered thoughts, and to reply.”
“That’s odd.,” he mused, and you only nodded., “Well, I’m Liho Romanoff, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.,” you smiled., “Y/N”
“Did you set off those alarms?,” Liho tilted his head in offense., “Absolutely not, she doesn’t even know I’m out.,” you bit back a laugh, of course the spy has a equally as stealthy cat as a pet., “That’s the fire alarm, she was left to cook for you, promise me you won’t touch it please.”
“Noted.,” you snorted, then in a moment of dangerous curiosity you pressed the door of your cell and it opened, but all you did was usher the cat in before resealing the big door.
“So, Natasha talks about me, hm?,” you wore a hopeful smile, and Liho glared, and trotted over to you. He meowed so loudly you could feel his frustration reverberating against the glass., “Talks? God, she never shuts up about the mystery that is you.,” he settles onto your chest and stares down at you for pure clarity.
“One second it’s ‘you’re the prettiest girl she’s ever seen’, then next it’s ‘What’s she hiding?,’ oh and her favorite is, ‘She’s so beautiful, think I can run away with her?’,” the feline plopped down dramatically., “It’s truly exhausting.”
“Oh, I bet.,” you chuckled, then before he could get annoyed like you perceived he would you began to pet him, eliciting the purring of appreciation to commence., “Tell me more.”
Natasha resorted to ordering from a local cafe after she saw the charred remains of your food. No way would she attempt to cook again, not when you would’ve been expecting breakfast any minute now. She knew how much you enjoyed them, so she got you an apple danish, and a hazelnut coffee with almond milk to placate your sensitive tummy. For herself she got a cherry danish, and a simple black coffee, then she got hash brown rounds for the both of you to share, then she happily made her way down to the holding cells with the food.
The bag nearly hit the floor though when she heard you cackling unabashedly, she settled the items down in the hallway, then she lifted her gun up and charged the rest of the way into the room to find you conversing with her cat.
“No way!,” you cackled even harder, completely unaware of the gorgeous green eyes staring at you in bewilderment., “You’re joking right?”
“Oh no.,” you grumbled to the feline who tried to calm you down by nuzzling into your chest., “Just tell her the truth, she’ll believe you.”
“Who are you talking to Y/L/N?,” she lowered her gun, but she still felt rather uneasy as she entered your cell to see her cat in your arms.
Natasha’s face scrunched in confusion, there was no reason you’d know his name if not for being a super powered spy. More to her point she’s not sure why you’ve got her cat to begin with, was this some sort of twisted ruse?
“What’s your game here, huh?,” noticing her hostile demeanor you settled Liho down onto your bed, instantly to regret it as she slammed your body into the glass of your cell right after., “How did he get in here? How do you know his name? What the hell is your devious secret?!”
“Your inability to cook led to the safety features of the cell kicking in, so I opened it to let him in.,” you struggled to get out with a grimace as she held you so tightly it was hard to speak., “He told me his name; that’s my damn secret.”
“What?,” she let you go, the truth was evident in your eyes, but she was beyond shocked. Why the hell would Hydra want powers like that, and more importantly, why wouldn’t you clear your name and tell the simple, harmless truth.
“Why were you with Hydra then?,” she began to pace the tiny cell, and you sat down with her cat, and while scratching behind his ears you decided it was about time to just be honest.
“They kidnapped me when I was eighteen, I was headed to another state for university, but instead I ended up in another country as their captive.,” you pulled Liho in for comfort., “I was born this way, my small town knew me as the animal whisperer, and Hydra caught wind of it and thought they could make it devious.”
“But you wouldn’t give in?,” she reasoned, and you nodded., “There wasn’t much I could do anyways, I talk to animals, not control them.”
“Why didn’t you just come clean?,” she was kneeling before you now, hopeful to catch your gaze, and her heart stuttered when she found she’d made you cry., “It was safer to pretend I was a threat. I can’t defend myself against them if they come back for me Natasha, and they will because they wanted to control the apex predators of today, and in turn me.”
Natasha giggled inappropriately., “Sweetheart, nobody saw you as a threat.,” her hand settled over yours., “But I understand you now, and I promise that you’re safe with us, no one will ever touch you harmfully again, I promise.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’ll protect you.,” her eyes sparkled with truth, and her uncharacteristically soft smile directed at you made you swoon internally, but you still felt an urge to tease her., “By kidnapping me?,” her eyes narrowed as her gaze dropped to the cat in your lap., “You traitorous little shit!”
“You now owe me a can of tuna.,” Liho glared up at you, then before Natasha could enact her revenge he was darting across the cell, and she didn’t even attempt to chase him out of there.
“What else did he say?!”
You giggled, then much to her disappointment you mimicked a zipper on your lips, and she was aghast that your loyalty was to her feline.
“Come on.,” her hand was extended out for yours, your brows quirked, and she giggled., “You’re truly so adorable Y/N, now let’s go.”
“Where?,” you accepted her hand regardless of an answer and she spun you into her body., “Our room.,” you smiled widely., “I’m pretty sure this constitutes kidnapping Natasha.”
She shrugged with a smirk., “Fine by me.”
Meet The Fockers Bishop-Belova’s (Part 2)
1,698 Words
Lil bonus blurb during my hiatus
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥰
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
hii do you have a list of miraculous fics you think everyone should read at least once?
Anon, I have been excited to answer this request ever since I got it. What better way to celebrate my 50th Rec List (!!!!) than with my favourite fandom fics? 🎉🎉🎉
I've tried to choose fics with a variety of tones, from different fandom eras, and different authors. These fics are all special to me in some way, and whittling this list down was HARD. Others may have fics they think should be on this list, and to those people I say: make your own rec list. This one's mine. 😘
Experimental Kisses by @komorebirei
Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?”
Chat Noir looked up.
“I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.”
Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in.
One-shot. Ladybug offers to kiss Chat since he doesn’t remember their kiss and the way she reacts to the kiss…it lives in my mind rent-free. I have fallen asleep many a night fantasizing about what the repercussions of the kiss might look like. One of my absolute favourite Ladynoir fics.
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle
Alya didn’t want to come between Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she didn’t want to stop being Rena Rouge either. And if Chat Noir didn’t want to talk to her, then she’d need to find a different way to prove all three of them could be a team.
Her plan unintentionally brings a few secrets to light, which leads to even more secrets coming to light, which leads to… well, Alya is sure it’ll all work out eventually.
Multi-chapter. Warning, this fic is a WIP! (But there’s only one chapter to go.) Honestly, I didn’t want to have any WIPs on this list and I was lowkey hoping that it would be finished before I posted this list but I’m obsessed with this one and couldn’t leave it off. It’s literally one of the BEST fics in the entire fandom and, I think, the absolute best delving into the characterization and relationship dynamics of the core four. This fic feels so dynamic and complex, with all of the characters feelings so like themselves and each having their own distinct voices. The conflict is so well done and so realistic. It’s such a fantastic tackling of the issues that came up in the last couple seasons and I cannot rave about it enough!!
œuf ouch owie by @ominousunflower
Chat Noir enlists Rena Rouge's help to create an Aspik illusion. Absolutely nothing goes wrong.
Ladybug smiles. “I wanted to drop by and welcome Aspik. I know it must be a little intimidating, being surrounded by so many veteran heroes…so, welcome! We’re glad to have you on board.”
“I look like an egg!” Aspik announces, T-posing.
Chat turns to Rena, feeling like he has been punched in the solar plexus. What the hell? he mouths.
Rena grimaces, her eyes wide with panic. Stomach sinking, Chat remembers one of the first things he learned about the Fox Miraculous: that if Rena Rouge isn’t focused, her illusions go haywire.
Oh, no.
One-shot. This is hands down the FUNNIEST fic in the entire fandom asdfghjkl like I have read this fic at least 50 times and I still laugh out loud every single time. If you have somehow failed to read this fic before, read it now. You won’t regret it!
lucky (we're in love in every way) by @carpisuns​
Chat Noir is Adrien, and Marinette is freaking out. If she manages to quiet her internal screaming, maybe she can also find the guts to tell him her identity too. And maybe they'll actually live happily ever after—well, as soon as Tikki and Plagg are done humiliating them.
One-shot. This fic just makes me so incredibly happy. Like it puts a smile on my face every single time I read it (and I have read it many, many times!) I love Marinette’s reactions and Adrien’s sweetness and the kwamis just absolutely ROASTING both of them. Marissa has written a ton of amazing fics for this fandom (seriously we are so lucky to have her) and I was tempted by others (like tell me something i don't know) but in the end, I had to follow my heart with this one.
Your Kitty by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights​
“Such a dramatic kitty.” Marinette scratched under his chin, bringing a smile to his face and a purr to his throat.
Your kitty, he didn’t say.
Wait. What?
(The one where Chat Noir thinks he needs pats like a cat, only to find out he may have jumped to the wrong conclusion.)
One-shot. When I think of Marichat, this is THE fic I think of. Adrien being touch starved is 100% my headcanon now. This is just so sweet! Marinette’s affection and Adrien’s determination to do the right thing no matter the personal cost and the way they fell for each other without meaning to... Also I love that they both encouraged the other to go back to their original crushes because that makes so much sense!!
rattle my cage by @lnc2​
In which history, despite Alya's best efforts, does not repeat itself.
One-shot. I am always here for Adrien being rash and Marinette being smart and capable and just switching to treating him as Chat absolutely seamlessly after a reveal. I absolutely love the vibes of this one.
Chasing the C/h/atwalk. by @runningoutofink
Paris. The city of lights, love and fashion. Follow the progress of Marinette Dupain Cheng as she enters the extremely competitive world of Reality television for a chance to be the winner of Project Runway: France.
Multi-chapter. It should come as no surprise by now that I’m a sucker for reality tv and this is my absolute favourite reality cross in the fandom! I love that it’s canon compliant, and frankly the idea of Marinette and Adrien as designer and model on Project Runway is friggin’ BRILLIANT. The slow burn and pining are delicious, and the identity reveal is incredibly well done! (And it has a steamy sequel, Meet me in the Middle, which is 🔥🔥🔥 and intensely satisfying after all of that build up.)
daydream by @clairelutra
you're my daydream
you know that i've been thinking about you lately
In which Adrien finds out Ladybug is Marinette, and beats the 'this is fine' dog at his own game.
One-shot. Shout-out to the author for realizing way before canon let on that Adrien is way more likely to figure out Marinette than the reverse! And then absolutely murdering us with this intense slow burn that absolutely drips with mutual pining and UST.
What Will You Do When Everyone Knows? by @sariahsue
They stepped in closer, shoulder to shoulder to catch the akuma as she landed, but she twisted in midair, landing squarely in front of Cat Noir, swiping at him. He stepped back, trying to keep his balance. Her fingertips almost touched his face, and Ladybug felt her stomach lurch.
“Duck!” she yelled to him as she whipped her yoyo around. He did, but unfortunately, the akuma woman did, too. Ladybug suddenly had no target to latch onto and lost her balance. Her stomach twisted again as she pitched forward. Black hands darted forward to catch her, but too late she realized it wasn’t her partner. Cold gloves caught her shoulder and neck, then slid up her face, brushing past her earrings. Cold. The woman’s touch froze Ladybug’s breath in her throat.
Then there was something warm around her middle. Cat Noir’s shout sounded distant as he pulled her away. As the woman’s black gloves left her face, Ladybug felt even more heat being pulled from her, along with… something else.
Multi-chapter. There really isn’t another fic in the fandom like this one. The akuma is original and provides an absolutely amazing premise for this fic. We have mystery, intrigue, and a huge upset to the status quo with the public revealing of Ladybug’s identity. I also loved the dramatic irony of Marinette being unable to understand Chat’s reactions to things that make perfect sense to us readers. It’s got amazing characterizations and suspense, and I love it!
But All I’m Seeing Is You by @chelseaapproved
After Ladybug finds out Adrien is her Chat Noir, they start dating. She didn’t think it’d be so hard to keep her identity a secret from him. She also didn’t realize how much it would affect her friendship with him as Marinette.
One-shot. This might be my favourite ladrien of all time. It’s only about 5k, but man does it ever pack in a lot of emotion and relationship development and I really, really, really love it.  I really felt how much they love each other in this one and Marinette is just so, so wonderful to Adrien and he’s so wonderful to her and if you haven’t already please read this.
A Miraculous Reveal by @kasienda​
Series of one-shots and drabbles all centered around The Reveal Moment. Identities will be revealed, feelings will be confessed, and secrets will be discovered through contrived situations, accidents, meddling friends, desperate moments, and moments of emotional vulnerability. Each chapter is a self contained piece. Love-square focused, but will not remain exclusive to them. Each chapter will have its own trigger warnings.
Collection of one-shots. I feel a little like I’m cheating in including a collection here, but like most of us in this fandom, I’m an absolute sucker for identity reveals, and @kasienda is especially talented at writing them! Every single one of these is beautiful, amazing and worth reading at least once.
the wonderful part of the mess that we made by heresie_irisee
They knew.
They knew, and there would be no magical reset button for the memories they'd made today. She'd have to  see him at school every day, and she'd see the Chat in him, as surely as  he'd see the Ladybug in her.
One-shot. Oblivio is probably my favourite episode and this is such a great alternate take on it. The mutual pining is so, so, so good! Especially love Marinette struggling to assimilate Adrien’s identities and Adrien’s obliviousness.
The following fics are amazing and absolutely worth reading, but do feature sexual content, so minors beware.
The Ladybugs and The Bees by @bullysquadess
AKA the early-fandom Ladynoir puberty fic that spiraled waaaaay out of proportion.
Multi-chapter. I’ve avoided reccing this fic for so long as it was literally the most kudosed fic in the entire fandom when I joined. However, the kudos are well-earned and I can’t make a list of must reads without including it. I love the ladynoir, the way it builds slowly, the focus on the developing relationship, both physical and otherwise, the yearning and the devotion and the vulnerability. And, of course, the steamy scenes are fantastic!! The whole thing is just so well developed and feels so grounded and real. I absolutely love it.
one night of moonlight by @mirthaculous
i’ll always think of you
inside of my private thoughts
i can imagine you
touching my private parts
2:13 ok im texting you now like i promised instead of drunktexting adrien and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. arent you proud of me?
2:19 this is Adrien, hi.
Marinette’s brain-to-mouth filter isn’t great on the best of days. Add some beer and some misplaced texts, and things get a little more… interesting.
One-shot. Rated M. This is one of my favourite fics of all time. This is so steamy, seriously the UST is off the charts!! It is absolutely unreal how much these two want each other and the mutual pining and they’re so stupid and this fic literally killed me and I thanked it.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Hey Mac, we thought you were dead;
Sequel to this post on Macaque being back in the "Century Stone Egg Au".
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After the pregnant Monkey King breaks his shock, he'd run to embrace Macaque, even if he'd just been super close to clawing his eye out (again) and that they're last meeting was a huge fight. He only holds back because he's honestly a little scared/worried how and why Macaque is there. Wukong is immediately trying to apolgise for his violent reaction, but Macaque just laughes out; "Nah, it's my fault. Should've asked first." It's only with the shadow monkeys' breathy, almost *fond* laughter that Wukong realises that Mac is truly there for peace. Mac's interaction with PIF further confirms this.
The reincarnation gang + the dragon couple are super sketched out though. Pigsy is the one to loudly ask "How do you know it's him and not some weird copycat?", mostly cus he's legit worried for Wukong in this moment. Somebody's dead partner don't just show up one day!
Wukong responds with his Gold Vision + its hard to fake the way Mac smells. The gang still refuse to leave the two alone together until they recieve a decent explaination.
The fact that Macaque literally looks like he crawled out of the grave quickly gives everybody a bad feeling, and they def force Mac to sit down and explain how tf he came back to life before he's even allowed smell Wukong.
Macaque: "I may have agreed to do something... kinda stupid in hindsight." Wukong, : "Mac... look at me. What did you do?" Macaque: "...ok don't be mad." Wukong: "I'm preemptively seething." Macaque: "I accepted a deal from the White Bone Spirit." Wukong: "I'M FURIOUS!!!" *starts throwing whatever's closest at Mac* Macaque, dodges a pillow: "Pfff! Calm down, it's not like I'm actually gonna do it! She brought me back to life to release her from a tomb or something and I chucked the key away the second I got back." The whole Room: "..." Wukong: "Mihou... thats the stupidiest thing you could have done!" *summons hair clones to throw stuff at Mac* Macaque, now failing to dodge fruit: "OW! Why are you upset!? We both know nothing good will come of letting that demon free!" PIF: "Mihou, if this Bone Demon was able to bring you back from the dead, then she has the power to track you down and recind her offer." Macaque: "...so you're saying that I have to fufill her deal, or I might get dragged back to Diyu?" Wukong and PIF, at the same time: "YES!!!" Macaque: "Shit." The Whole Room: *covering Red and Mei's ears* "LANGUAGE!!" Tang: "You should work on that before the baby gets here.
Oh you better believe Mac's in the doghouse until they can figure out how to resolve the LBD business deal. PIF calls up her lawyer to go over the exact terms and conditions.
Fire Star: "Ok, I've got good news and bad news." Macaque: "Bad news first." Fire Star: "The Lady Bone Demon's geas is airtight. You will have to open her tomb *slash* free her spirit in order to keep your place in this mortal realm - less you be recalled at a later date for a task of similar value or until she makes you redundant." Pigsy: "Translate for the non-lawyers please." Fire Star: "Either he does it, or she makes him do it, or she just takes his soul." Macaque: "Shit." Wukong & PIF: *glaring daggers at Mac* Macaque: "So what's the good news?" Fire Star, slyly: "Those are the only conditions to the geas. There's a reason you need lawyers for these kind of things nowadays. She didn't stipulate say... where to release her. Or whom would be present to greet her when her tomb opens." Everyone: *shares similar delighted/scheming looks* (*a few hours + a few calls to a worried Nezha later*) Macaque: *unlocks LBD's tomb* LBD: "Freedom! Freedom! Fr-" All of Wukong's allies in the Heavenly Army + Diyu officials:
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LBD: "Oh bother."
As the Bone Demon gets carted away for conspiracy to destroy the world, she gets yelled at by all of the Underworld/Diyu officials that now have to deal with the fallout of her actions.
King Yama: "Do you understand how much paperwork I have to do to mark this monkey as alive!? He doesn't have a death date! It's been blotted out! I'll be correcting his files for months!!" Macaque: *high fives Fire Star for the solid lawyer-ing*
As far as Hell/Diyu is concerned, Macaque performed a service and was paid upfront. They don't want the headache of trying to take him back if his mate (someone who's trashed Hell before) wants to keep him.
Wukong is still super-mad at Mac for a variety of reasons, don't get hom wrong. But he's atleast glad in the moment to have his mate back. And glad that LBD is gone for the forseeable future.
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get chris into a room with jiggling butts and its GAME OVER💀
Request: Sorry but I was just wondering if you could do a C Evans or S Stan fan fic about a famous black reader because I haven’t seen you do one in a while . I don’t mind if you don’t I’m just asking. 😁
Need to Know
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Summary: as soon as you laid eyes on chris you knew you needed to have him
Pairings: Chris Evans x famous!black!reader
Warnings: smut, minors dni, daddy kink, dirty talk, unprotected sex
(A/N: idk wanted to put something out for Halloween. Obviously title credited to Doja Cat. Unedited (sorry). Please like, follow, and reblog with a comment 💜 ✌🏾)
Chris felt almost overwhelmed as he walked into the room. Not even knowing where to start.
This isn’t how he planned to spend his Halloween, but if anything it felt pretty appropriate. He wasn’t exactly sure what the theme for the video was, but he couldn’t wait to see after you got out of hair and makeup.
He was used to living life as a player but this was something else. When you invited him to be apart of your video shoot he’d looked up what to expect but damn. This was something else.
What had started out as a little joke on the timeline with you asking what his number, sign, and how he liked his eggs had turned into this.
While the two of you joked around on Twitter at first, things had quickly escalated to him actually giving you his number. Fans geeking out because how fucking unexpected. But apparently you’d watched Infinity War for the first time and had to know.
Leading you to post.
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Daaaaamn what’s your name, what’s your sign, how do you like your eggs in the morning? Can I get that number booo daaaamn he fine
Obviously the internet practically exploded.
Especially when he responded.
Chris. Gemini. Scrambled.
Normally he didn’t do shit like that but fuuuuuuck he saw that ass. And those tits. How he wanted to put his lips on your brown skin and feel how soft you were.
And honestly the more he talked to you, the more he liked you. But meeting hadn’t been possible with your schedules. That’s why he was trying so hard to keep his eyes to himself.
Not that it was really that hard. You looked… you were the star for a reason. But shit he was still a man.
Maybe this was a test.
You had to know he was into you and clearly you were into him. Maybe you were making sure he could keep his hands to himself and… shiiiiit he didn’t even know they made asses like that.
“Cah-ris,” you said in a sing song voice as you came up to him. “What do you think?”
He cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from a girl walking by him. You giggled as you looked at him. Giving him a little twirl.
Chris couldn’t help it as he let out a laugh at your costume. Not that you didn’t look good, but he just surprised.
Your skin had been painted green, antennae’s coming out of either side of your temple. Still half naked but honestly he was kind of appreciating the whole alien aesthetic. You were even wearing a shirt that had the nasa logo with your name in it. Obviously that was some merch he’d need to cop.
“You look-,” he laughed more. “Beautiful. You look beautiful. I like your antennas.”
Not like he was lying. By now he’d done a pretty fair amount of ‘research’ on you. Had practically studied your Wikipedia as curiosity had killed the cat and he needed to know more. From there it went to watching a few videos and fuck you really liked to be half naked. And you looked cute as hell right now.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t done the same. Had gone on a googling spree when you saw him fine as hell in that movie.
Then you had the nerve to get along over text which lead to a phone call which lead to face time. Talking at all hours of the night. Staying up late despite the time differences.
Sure he knew he swore off dating celebrities, but he had a soft spot for you. It was the same for you too. Had promised yourself no more men like Chris. They never deserved what you had, but there was something telling you that he would be the exception.
“Thank you,” you said with a grin. “You need to get ready, though. You’ll be on soon.”
Your voice had come out like a purr. A natural sex appeal that just seemed almost unfair. He had a hard time finding someone to match his energy and shit you definitely gave him a run for his money.
If anything it scared him a little. That you could switch over so quickly. Going from hot as hell to his sweet girl mumbling into the phone because you wanted to wait up for him and say goodnight. It was quite the mix. Probably why he was so fucking obsessed.
The way you hugged him when you first saw him, letting him pretty much mold into you. Wanting to feel his whole body swell against yours. Had been dying for one of his hugs even though you’d never tell him that as you tried to keep up this persona for the day.
You’d caught him staring at that girl’s ass. He’d been so cute trying to be all sneaky. It was okay you didn’t mind. Besides you hired girls like her for a reason.
At least it had been fun for him to watch you do your thing as you filmed. Next time you’d have to come see him on set. Of course there wouldn’t be any half naked men around you that aren’t him, but he kind of appreciated that you didn’t seem to care in the reverse.
As he was almost done getting his own makeup on, you popped your head in. Still in your NASA shirt, but with your makeup a little more dramatic. Fuck you were hot.
“I don’t know if I told you, but thanks a lot for coming through. Definitely an upgrade from some male model,” you said, leaning against the vanity as the makeup artist finished with him.
“You know I’m always a phone call away, Babe.”
He was just so sexy when he said shit like that. Fuck he looked so hot. Was making you consider changing your thong because he looked so yummy he was making your pussy all drippy.
“Ya know I’ll hold you to that.”
He smirked. “I was hoping you would.” You were still in your heels and Chris noticed the way you were shuffling to get comfortable. “You wanna sit?” He asked.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to get up for me.”
That’s when he rolled his eyes because that’s not what he was asking as he reached up to tug on your hand. Obviously pulling you into his lap.
“Chris!” You squealed.
All he did was chuckle as he helped you get situated. Besides the two of you were alone for the first time ever. Of course he was gonna get your ass on his lap. “Comfortable?” Was all he asked.
“Mhm,” you replied. Fuck he smelled so good. And these tiny little shorts you were wearing. It really was not a good idea that he’d done this.
But you looked fucking hot perched on his lap. Even as an alien.
“How much time do we have?” He asked.
“A few minutes,” you replied.
“Yeah?” He asked. He didn’t mean for his eyes to drift down to your tits but that’s exactly where they went. Fuck they looked so good. Shit he needed to stop before he-
“Wait, are you?” You giggled. “Oh my god! Chris!” Then you gasped as you felt it through his pants. Oh shit. Damn. That was a thick ass-
“Shit. Sorry.” He blushed. Really didn’t mean to get like this. What were you a telekinetic.
“It’s okay,” you purred again as you trailed your fingers on his arm.
“Yeah?” He asked, licking his lips. “You don’t mind?”
You shook your head, looking up at him through your lashes. “No.” You let out another little gasp as he pushed it against you.
Fuck he liked that noise. “What about now?” He asked moving you over it. Fuuuuck he was thick you could tell. No wonder you were obsessed with him when you first saw him. Could tell he had good dick.
Once again you shook your head, biting your lip. If anything leaning into him a little more. “No. It feels good.”
Not like you hadn’t been fantasizing about him for weeks. The real thing just might beat the him you’d created in your head.
“You’re trying to get me into trouble, huh?” He asked into your ear.
You giggled again. “Maybe.”
“Fuck you’re cute,” he said ready to lean in and then end it. Didn’t seem fair that they’d be sharing their first kiss on screen when he had you like this already.
“Mr. Evans, you’re on in five,” someone said through the door before he the the chance.
He groaned. “Okay,” he replied.
You pouted before standing up. Dammit. “I should go get changed.”
Chris nodded before standing up with you. “I’ll go with you.”
“You’re just trying to see me naked.”
Fuck yeah he was.
When it was his time to go on and you made eyes at him from across the bar, he could feel himself getting hard again. Which was not what he wanted with the camera on him like this.
At least as you felt yourself getting wet in your thong, no one would be able to tell. He couldn’t stand there with his dick hard as hell. Only made worse when it was time for you to start shaking your ass against him.
“You know what the fuck you’re doing,” he whispered in your ear when it was time for him to hit on you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whispered back into his. As if what happened in his dressing room didn’t just happen.
Fuck it felt so good to have him this close to you. Tits pressed to his chest. You hadn’t even gotten to the best part yet as you grabbed his hand to lead him to the dance floor.
Grabbing his tie as he put his hands around your waist. Fuck you could feel him against your ass. He was thick.
Of course you’d went asking around about him. Hollywood was a small town and you didn’t want to waste your time. But it was kind of why you were so down bad because one of your friend’s friends had said that his dick was a ten out of ten and now that it was right there you really wanted to check for yourself.
Only made worse when the two of you had to finally kiss on the couch. He was used to having to do shit like this for roles but this was the first time he wished he’d gotten it out of the way first. Wish he could keep you straddling him without prying eyes.
Damn he couldn’t get you alone fast enough. You had to know what he was going to do to you when you were alone. Know you weren’t doing it on purpose but he could feel his breathing getting all labored and he could really do without having a panic attack with you on top of him.
“What are you doing after this?” He asked in your ear as the music played on.
“We were supposed to go to a party. Why?”
“Wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. Maybe watch some scary movies?”
“Um, not unless you plan on spending the whole night holding me,” you giggled.
That could definitely be arranged.
“Ready to go?” Chris asked. Poking his head into where you were getting changed. Back in his grey sweats and t-shirt. His NASA cap covering his hair.
“Yeah,” you replied, yawning as you stood up in your shirts to gather your bag. Kind of happy you weren’t going to that party anymore. Would much, much rather hang out with Chris.
He put his hand on the small of your back as he lead you to his rental car. Couldn’t wait to get you back to his hotel room.
His hand was on your knee the whole time as the two of you chatted. Glad that how easy it was to talk to you over text and the phone had translated well in real life. As bad as he wanted to rip your clothes off he was also pretty sure he could talk to you for hours.
“You hungry?” He asked.
“I’m starving. I haven’t eaten all day.”
“What are you in the mood for?”
You giggled. “I don’t think you really want me to answer that.”
Chris raised an eyebrow. “I dunno know. Maybe I do.”
“Oh please. You know what I want.”
“I don’t know unless you tell me, Babe,” he replied, hand going up to finally make its way to your inner thigh.
Your mind just couldn’t help but wander to all of the things you’d been thinking about. Where the hell would you even start. You were definitely in the mood for a few things he could give you.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” you said, opening your legs a little bit more.
Fuck you were trying to kill him. Chris was sure of that. He also didn’t wanna push his luck, but fuck you were right here giving him every sign that you wanted him to.
Surprisingly the two of you hadn’t explicitly crossed these lines over the phone. Had waited until you were face to face and yet it was like you’d been like this since forever.
He took the hint. Fingers getting really close to the edge of your shorts. Happy that you’d decided on something he’d be able to easily get passed.
“I dunno, Baby. If you really want something, you’ll have to tell me what it is. I don’t play games.”
Your pussy felt like it throbbed at that. Fuck he was so… ugh. You knew you wanted him worse than you can say.
“I want you to touch me,” you whimpered.
“Yeah?” He asked smoothing his thumb right over the center. Hips jutting out as you gasped. “Is that where you want me to touch you?” He asked.
“Yes,” you whimpered.
“That’s okay,” he said. Pulling up outside of the hotel so valet could park the car. You’d be fine. Could wait until you got inside.
You were all pouty and he took note to teach you some manners. Didn’t say please. Had the nerve to have an attitude as if you weren’t about to get what you want.
Chris grabbed your hand, had went through the back so nosy ass paparazzi wouldn’t have shit.
As he got you closer to his room, he leaned down to squeeze your ass. Making you squeak but you made no move like you wanted him to stop. Took it as a sign to grope you even harder.
Could barely hold on as he went to scan his keycard. Feeling yourself dripping all in your shorts. Not like he was any better off. Fuck you had him harder than he’d ever been.
As soon as the door closed, he picked you up. You wrapping your legs around his waist. Hands all in his hair as his settled on your ass.
Not wanting to waste anytime in pushing your lips together. Fisting his t-shirt in your hands as he finally kissed you. Fuck it was as good as you thought it would be. Knew he’d be a good kisser.
Didn’t even wanna make it to the bedroom as he sat down with you in his lap on the couch. Rocking your hips as soon as you could. Wanting to feel that fat dick.
“That’s so good,” you whined. 
“What feels good?” He asked in your ear. “Gotta talk to me, Baby.”
“Your dick. It’s so good.” You whined.
“You haven’t even had it,” he said.
That’s when you climbed off of him because fuck it you were gonna get a taste at least. Getting on your knees to see his length pushed against the fabric of his sweats. Looking all nice and thick. Fuck your mouth was watering just thinking about it.
“Can I taste it?” You asked him.
Chris groaned as he looked down at that pretty face. Eyes begging for him. “Yeah, Baby,” he replied, licking his lips as you finally went to pull his pants down.
You gasped as his dick popped out. Jaw dropping as it finally came into view. Shit. Fuck. It was- ugh. She was so right this- fuck he had a pretty dick.
Biting your lip, you gulped getting closer to it so you could put your fingertips against it. “You’re so big,” you whimpered.
“Think so?” He asked, hissing because fuck your touch felt good already. You nodded before leaning up so you could place a kiss on the underside. Why the hell were you teasing him so bad.
Just prepping him with kisses like you were assessing the situation. Honestly unsure if you could handle this. Sure you felt him through his pants but now that you were face to face with it, your mind wasn’t letting you make up your mind.
Fuck can’t believe you wasted your makeup artists time in having her touch you up after you took all the green off. What a waste. Eyes were watering as soon as you tried to take him down your throat.
“Ah fuck,” he groaned, tossing his head back as you finally did it. “There it- fuck you’re such a good girl. Good fucking girl.”
Fuck it really was everything you’d built up in your head. Just too much and yummy.
Had you so wet as you slurped him up. Putting his hand on the back of your throat as you tried to deep throat him. “Right there, Baby,” he groaned. “Doing so good.”
You pulled off if him so you could kiss his balls. Wanting to show them attention too. Getting them all nice and covered with slobber.
Chris couldn’t believe how pretty you looked. Even with your makeup running down your face. Grabbing either side of your cheeks so you’d have to lean up. Wanting to kiss you again.
Not stopping himself so he ended up pulling you up. Making you get back in his lap.
This time he didn’t waste any time in touching you. First grabbing at one of your tits. Pinching your nipple between his fingers making you moan into his mouth. Putting his hands under your shirt so he could take it off of you.
“So fucking pretty,” he whispered. Chris laid you down so he could kiss up your stomach. Getting to your tits so he could suck on your nipples.
“Ah!” You cried. Fuck his mouth felt so good. “Ugh right there,” you moaned.
He needed you so bad especially as he went to pull your panties off. Needing to finally touch you.
“No panties?” He asked when he finally pulled your shorts from you. Met with the sight of the prettiest pussy he’d ever seen.
“I had to take it off. You got me too wet,” you whined.
“That’s okay, Baby. I’m gonna take care of you. Gonna take care of you so good. Gonna make you cum so much.”
“Please?” You preened.
And who was he to deny you.
You tasted so damn good when he finally got the chance. Everything he’d been thinking about for the last few weeks didn’t even fucking top it.
“Fuck you’re such a- ugh- you’re such a daddy,” you managed to finally get out as he bent your legs back further.
“That’s it, Baby. I’m Daddy. Don’t fucking forget that.” He pulled away to say. “C’mere,” he said, snatching you up so he could finally take you to bed. While he planned spending his entire visit fucking you across every inch of this room, he wanted the first time to be on the bed where he could really fuck you right.
Well he did go back to his feast first. Not ready to stop eating you out. Better than any candy he could have eaten tonight. Couldn’t get enough.
“D-daddy,” you whimpered. “Oh! Ugh! You’re gonna make me cum. Please.”
That only made him eager to keep going until you let out a yelp, sitting up a little to grab the back of his head.
You cried out. “I’m- ugh- I’m cumming. Fuck me, Chris. Fuck me!” You sobbed.
He didn’t need to be told twice.
Everything had told him to grab a condom but he just couldn’t wait anymore. He was so glad he didn’t because even as he pushed the tip in he couldn’t believe how wet you were.
Chris leaned down to kiss you as his thick dick seared into you. Pulling away when he bottomed out as you threw your head back. Eyes rolling to the back of your head. Already scratching this itch inside of you.
You knew the dick was gonna be bomb. Just knew it when he grabbed that fucking scepter looking handsome as hell. All broad shouldered and sexy.
Fuck you were so tight. So wet. Took a minute when he was fully inside of you to just take in the feeling of you wrapped around him so snug. Pushing your legs back with his biceps wrapped around them so he could hit the perfect angle inside of you. The both of you letting out grunts as he went as deep as he could. Nudging against your cervix.
“You’re- ah!” You cried out.
“I know, Baby. I know,” he said getting in your ear again.
Chris got on his knees, yanking you closer so he could start thrusting in and out of you. Rolling his hips in such a way that would have been mesmerizing if you could keep your eyes open.
“Nuh uh,” he said. “You better look at me when I fuck you.” You let out another grunt digging your nails into his arm. “Or I’ll stop,” he threatened when you didn’t do as told.
“No,” you whined opening your eyes, but fuck it wasn’t easy he was just going so deep what did he want from you. “Fuck. Please. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Baby. I just gotta teach you good manners, huh?” He asked. “That’s okay. Daddy’s got you.”
“I know,” you whimpered. “Fuck I’m gonna cum again.”
“Oh yeah? Gonna keep cumming on my dick, huh?”
You nodded brow furrowed as you could barely hang on. Sobbing when it hit you. That clench in your lower stomach snapping as your pussy tightened enough to push him out.
Chris chuckled, climbing on top of you so he could kiss you. Giving you a minute. What can he say, he felt a little cocky that he was getting you so good. “C’mere, Baby,” he cooed pulling you into his arms. Laying down with you. Kissing you. “Maybe we should take a break. Get something to eat. Watch a movie.”
You nodded, not able to respond and just letting out a hiccup. Chris chuckled kissing your nose this time.
“Look cute as hell when you’re cumming on my dick. It’s okay. We got time. I’m not done with you yet.”
Obviously this break didn’t last long. Chris hadn’t gotten off yet and there was something in his eyes that definitely told you he wanted you to ride him.
Especially as you climbed into his arms when any scary parts came on. Hiding in his arm when anything happened. Of course the two of you were going to end up making out. You climbing on top of him so you could finally ride that dick.
Chris held onto your hips, forcing you down onto him and holding you there so you had to feel him as deep as he could go. “Ah fuck, Babe,” Chris groaned, eyes squeezing shut.
“Nuh uh, look at me when I fuck you,” you mocked him.
Chris smacked your ass at that. “Little fucking smart ass.” Keeping his grip on it after.
“Uh huh,” you breathed out, making you yell as he sat up. Grabbing your hair so he could smash his lips into yours. Making you move just right.
You started kissing on his neck. Not able to help yourself. Wanting to get him off like he’d done for you.
“If you keep doing that I’m gonna cum,” he groaned.
As if that’s not your goal.
“Fuck, Babe, I’m gonna fuckin’ cum in you if you- shit, Baby.” You kind of loved how desperate he sounded. Only made you wanna work harder.
“Do it,” you breathed into his ear. “Cum in me, Daddy. I want you to.”
That’s when Chris slammed down down so he could fill you up. The feeling of him loading inside of you only made you do the same letting out little whines before smashing his lips into yours again.
After a few minutes, Chris laid down on his back, taking you with him. Dick softening inside of you. Neither of you making any moves to pull him out.
Oh yeah you couldn’t wait to spend all night finding out how nasty he could be. Honestly couldn’t think of a better way to spend Halloween.
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redjademilktea · 6 months
I've had this draft sitting around for a few months, but Marisha saying Laudna wants a "simple cottage core lesbian life" with Imogen in the lasted 4 Sided Dive made me want to go back and polish this up a bit!! For context, my partner asked me to write something small and imodna related with the word "baking" as a prompt. Just a quick writing exercise as a break from dissertation work. So I came up with this!!
"Okay one egg or two?"
"Two. And remember to add them in with the rest of the wet ingredients, not with the dry."
"You're supposed to separate- shit."
Imogen looked at the mess of ingredients, cooking utensils, and mixing bowls sprawled out on the counter in front of her. She didn't think learning this particular recipe would be walk in the park, per se. But she certainly didn't expect... well this - standing here with Laudna in their little cottage kitchen with the remnants of three (soon to be four) attempts at making a passable cookie batter splattered across various surfaces. "Start me off with somethin' easy," she had said when agreeing to baking lessons earlier in the day, "you really liked those cookies that Lord Eshertoss would bake for us, right? We can start with those." She let out a sigh at the memory.
Laudna now stood behind Imogen, peering over her shoulder at her... creation.
"Oh, you might be able to- hmmm." Laudna said as she tested the batter's flavor with her pinky. Suddenly, her eyes went wide as *something* seemed to hit her. Imogen cringed slightly as she awaited the verdict.
"Imogen, darling, you did add two *teaspoons* of vanilla, not tablespoons, correct?"
"Is there a difference?"
"A bit of one, yes," Laudna said with a low chuckle.
"Sorry Laudna," Imogen sighed. She moved to rub her eyes before quickly realizing her damn hands - just like everything else in the kitchen, really - were coated in that sad excuse for a cookie batter. She frustratedly began Prestidigitationing them clean before pinching the bridge of her nose in an attempt to quell an oncoming headache. Before she could get too anxious about the prospect of starting over *one more fucking time*, she felt thin arms wrap around her from behind.
"Imogen, darling, it's alright," Laudna hummed, "I always felt Eshteross was too, well, *extravagant* with his recipe writing. It can make it hard to follow at times." Laudna gestured with one of her hands wildly to emphasize the point in a way that Imogen couldn't help but smile at. "Honestly, do we really need to know what he was eating for breakfast or what life lessons his mother taught him as a child right before telling us to brown the butter?"
"You criticizin' his recipe writing, Laudna?" Imogen asked, already feeling the tension behind her eyes melting away.
"Well, yes, but I don't think he's open to any feedback at the moment."
Imogen let out a small gasp before turning her head to meet Laudna's eyes. "Laudna!" Imogen gave her a stern look in an attempt at mock consternation, but quickly relented into a fond gaze as soon as she caught sight of the way Laudna was leaning her head onto Imogen's shoulder.
"Well all I'm saying is, I love a good set of flowery prose, but there's a time and place. And a recipe certainly isn't the place! Besides, I've always said you were *very* capable. If it's giving you trouble, the recipe is obviously worded poorly!"
Imogen laughed more fully this time. Gods, Laudna could make her feel better about anything, even if it meant defending her honor and recipe following abilities to a dead man. She took a deep breath, taking in the subtle, earthy smell of fallen leaves to help ground her. She opened her eyes to Laudna's warm grin before planting a soft kiss on her lips.
"Thanks baby. Alright, one more time from the top okay with you?"
"Of course darling, just remind me to pick up more eggs from the market tomorrow. We may need to... restock soon."
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ladykissingfish · 8 months
*Tsunade and Jiraiya, having lunch together at Ichiraku Ramen* Jiraiya: So ... I think I might be in love with Orochimaru. Tsunade: Shit, I could have told you that. You stare at him with those stupid heart-eyes all the time. Jiraiya: Not funny, Tsuna! What do I do?! Tsunade: What do you mean, what do you do? Grow some balls and confess to him already! Jiraiya: Are you crazy? I can't just do that. He'd start laughing before I even got the words out! Tsunade: Oh, come on. Laugh? That guy is as serious as a heart attack; he never laughs at anything. But there IS a problem though. Jiraiya: What? Tsunade: You've made it no secret that you're a big lover of breasts. But Oro has none. Can you accept that? Jiraiya: Honestly, he doesn't need any. He has such soft skin, and beautiful long hair, and such gorgeous eyes ... but come on, he only sees me as some annoying pervert. Tsunade: You ARE some annoying pervert. Still, talk to him. Jiraiya: But -- Tsunade: Look, just go to him and tell him how you feel, then ask him out. The worst thing he can do is say No, and either way, at least you can stop wondering about it. Look, bring him a present, that'll soften him up a little. Jiraiya: A present? Okay, what kind of flowers do you think he'd like? Tsunade: No flowers, but, how about some nice hard-boiled eggs? Jiraiya: Seriously? Tsunade: Yes. That, and maybe stop off at a pet store and get a couple of mice. Jiraiya: M-mice? Why would I get -- Tsunade: *pushes him towards the exit* Go on, now, and remember what I said. Trust me, he'll love your gifts and you'll win him over for sure! *Jiraiya leaves, and after a few minutes Orochimaru comes in from the opposite side* Orochimaru: So? How did it go? Tsunade: I think I've arranged it so that not only will he be your boyfriend, but he should be providing you with some tasty snacks for the week. Orochimaru: Thank you, Tsunade. *pulls a piece of paper from his pocket* As per our deal, here's my observations from sitting in on Master Hiruzen's card game with the village elders. It lists their betting strategies, weaknesses and their tells. Tsunade: *takes the paper* Thanks! Now I can really clean house the next time I go to the gambling den! Old man Ichiraku, watching: I can't tell if I think you're very clever, or really, really sneaky people.
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ladylooch · 10 months
Can you do a blurb with woody where the reader is a bookworm and they go to a bookstore together and he buys her coffee and whatever book she wants? Or something along those lines lol
okay this is so cute. My lil heart fluttering in my chest right now. Hope you love it!
Miles is a simple man, really. 
Just give him hockey, beer, and his family. That’s all he needs in life.
You are similarly simple, but exchange hockey and beer with books and coffee, and you’re happy as a clam. 
The Devils have been on a long road trip. Too long in his mind. You have been so patient and understanding, even after he missed your birthday a few weeks ago. He wants to make it up to you. So, he let you sleep in late this morning. You woke up to a spread of pancakes, eggs, and bacon along with some fresh squeezed orange juice, then he told you to get ready for a surprise. 
“Baby!!!!” You screamed when he pulled up to your favorite local bookstore. You skip next to him, hands swinging between you as you head towards the store. When you walk in, you inhale deeply. It smells like comfort. The scent of books always puts you at ease and you needed it now. You’ve been anxious with Miles being gone so much the last month.
“Anything you want is yours.” He encourages you to let go of him so you can explore. “I’ll grab some coffee and find you.” He kisses you deeply then walks towards the small cafe.
You rush off into the direction of the fiction section, taking off your jacket to browse comfortably. Miles returns with your coffee, holding it and giving you little sips as you work your way through the aisles. You end up with five books total. You could have grabbed at least 10, but decided to be realistic about how quickly you’re going to get through these.
“That’s it?” He questions in disbelief. “I bring you to your favorite place and you’re only getting five?” You purse your lips then grab the one you just put back. He laughs. “Okay, more believable.” 
Miles grabs the stack from you and heads to the check out counter.
“Thank you, babe.” You murmur into his bicep as he grabs the bag and you begin to walk towards the door.
“You’re welcome. Thank you for being so great about the last month. I know it’s hard for me to be gone that much.” 
“Yeah… But it makes it so great when you come home to me.” You admit, standing on your tip toes to kiss him. “Ready?” 
“Actually, I was thinking we could stay here for awhile. You can read amongst your people.” You chuckle. 
“My people?”
“They’re not mine…” He admits honestly with a hearty laugh. 
“Well, I’m here.”
“Besides you.” He gestures for you to walk forward.
The center of the store has a reading set up with big comfy couches and chairs. No one is utilizing it. You find a velvet green chair, dropping into it and putting your coffee on the table next to you. Miles sits in the other chair next to you, kicking his big feet up onto the coffee table. You glance around, realizing this might be a little boring for him to sit here while you read.
“So what are you going to do?”
“Sit here and watch you do your favorite thing.” 
“You can leave.” You assure him, patting his thigh. “Come back and get me later…”
“Nah.” He laces your fingers together, sliding down further in his big chair that actually makes him look small. His head rests on the back of it and he closes his eyes. “There’s no where I would rather be.” 
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devildom-moss · 1 year
hiii! i just saw your requests are open and imagine my excitement!! bcs aaa i rlly really love your writings💕💕theyre such a treat to read, the shenanigans and character interactions are so captivatingly written that i am: Smitten
could i req: a short platonic fic where luke teaches you (gn!mc), a chronic instant noodles eater++kitchen-illiterate person, how to cook?
i think it wud be a funny sight for the rest of purgatory hall getting to see this lil angel easily navigate a stove/handles a knife while the actual adult is struggling not to mix sugar nd salt (also ik he mostly bakes but im of the mind that canon was meant to be ignored HAHA and besides theres not enough fics of luke gettin to be mc's guardian angel)
please tag me @diodellet too, thank you (not to rush u or anyth, by all means take your time to work your magic, writing words gets hard smtimes) 💕💕💕i hope you have a wonderful day and remember to hydrate!!
Thank you so much! That’s so sweet! I hope you’ll like it. I'm sorry that it got a little (or a lot) longer than I intended, but it was a really cute idea. @diodellet
Luke teaching a kitchen-illiterate gn!MC to cook
“You know, MC,” Simeon mused, handing you a sandwich, “I’d like to try your home cooking someday.”
The members of Purgatory Hall had invited you to a picnic – Simeon and Luke prepared all the food. Solomon offered to help them, but Simeon insisted that since it was Luke’s idea to have a picnic that day, Luke should be responsible for the cooking. However, as Luke’s guardian, Simeon had to be there to help. Usually, Luke would have protested being treated like a child, but if it got Solomon out of the kitchen, he’d tolerate it.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Solomon laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Raphael asked.
“MC doesn’t cook,” Solomon informed everyone on your behalf.
“What?” Luke was shocked. “Why not? What do you do when it’s your day to cook? I thought you and those demons split the chores up.”
“I usually just order out or get some of those pre-made meals. Honestly, we eat a lot of instant food when I’m on cooking duty. I can’t really do much without ruining the food.”
“You’re joking, right?” Simeon chuckled, but when you failed to laugh along, his face stiffened up. “Right?”
“Nope, they’re completely lost in the kitchen. Asmo told me that he tried to teach them how to make an omelet and everything inside was undercooked and cut into huge, uneven chunks. They even burned the eggs,” Solomon told on you.
“Oh, you’re one to insult someone’s cooking.” You narrowed your eyes at him before turning back to the bewildered angels. “But he’s right. I’m pretty incompetent in the kitchen. No one ever really taught me, and they’re not usually patient enough for me to learn.”
“That’s unacceptable, MC!” Luke shouted. “You need to be able to cook. What if you get sick from poor nutrition? Besides, cooking is fun. I’ll teach you.”
“Luke, you don’t have to do that. That sounds like it will be a lot of trouble for you.” You declined his offer, worried that he was simply pitying you.
“Nonsense! I insist! If you don’t learn, I’ll always be worried about you eating right or getting hurt in the kitchen. Just come for one lesson. If you hate it, we’ll figure something else out. Please?”
“Okay,” you admitted defeat. “Thank you, Luke.”
“Good.” Luke grinned. “Come to Purgatory Hall tomorrow afternoon.”
Simeon greeted you at the door that afternoon, a bright smile on his face. “I’m so glad you’re here. Luke has been up since early morning getting ready for your arrival.”
“Simeon!” Luke shouted at him, flushed with embarrassment. “It wasn’t that early. Come in, MC. Raphael made you an apron last night, so he’s still asleep.”
You put on the well-made and rather adorable apron and followed Luke to the kitchen. Jars of spices and nearly a dozen fruits and vegetables were set out on the counter. Luke went through the trouble of picking out produce that he had seen you eat before and ones that weren’t especially difficult to prepare or handle.
“Uhm, so,” you drew out the “o” sound while you scrambled to figure out what he had planned, but you were at a loss. “What are we making today?”
“Take a guess.”
“Salad?” you responded, uncertain of your guess.
“No – but that would have been a good beginner meal, too. We’re making soup – well, actually, curry.” Luke beamed at you, quite proud of his choice. “Curry is highly customizable. We can make it mild or spicy to suit your tastes, we can make it vegan or vegetarian, and you can change up the ingredients with the seasons. And there’s nothing more comforting and loving than making soup for yourself and those you care about.”
“Is curry a soup?” you questioned him.
“Well, let’s not get into that.” Simeon laughed awkwardly. He turned to Luke and pat him on the head gently. “I’m leaving MC in your hands, Luke. Be a good little teacher and call me over if you need help with anything.”
“Simeon! I’ve got this,” Luke whined and began pushing Simeon out of the kitchen from behind. Simeon waved goodbye to you during his forceful expulsion.
You put your hand to your mouth to prevent yourself from laughing or cracking a smile at how cute they were. When Luke returned guardian-less he symbolically dusted his hands off and instructed, “okay, we both need to wash our hands before we start cooking. Then we’ll wash all the produce you want to use.”
“Yessir,” you saluted him in jest before following orders. With clean hands, you perused the options.
Among other ingredients, there were two varieties of Devildom mushrooms, peppers, potatoes, revelation tomatoes, ghost pumpkin, and putrid pineapple. Your eyes landed on a deep red stalk. You picked it up. “What’s this one, Luke, some kind of Devildom celery?”
Luke blinked at you in amazement. “That’s rhubarb. It’s a human world vegetable. Solomon decided to grow some.”
“O-oh,” you set it down, embarrassed and half-expecting Luke to laugh.
“That’s okay. It does fit in with Devildom fruit and vegetables, doesn’t it?” Luke smiled at you innocently.
“I guess so. How many fruits and vegetables should I pick?”
“A couple. Add what you think will taste good. I’ll let you know if you make any awful choices, but I trust you.”
Something about his confidence in the face of your absolute lack of skill was comforting – like it was unlikely that you would fail, and if you might, he’d guide you away from a Solomon-level disaster. You grabbed the ghost pumpkin, chickpeas, red peppers, and a Devildom variety of chili pepper. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, that will be great.”
“Is there anything you want to add, Luke?”
“Let’s add some revelation tomatoes! Barbatos brought these over just yesterday and they look amazing. We should add garlic and shallots or onions, too. Those are usually a given in curry, though.”
“I’m learning already,” you smiled through your words.
Luke watched over you diligently. After showing you the proper technique, he kept an eye out as you minced the garlic and shallots. He even corrected your hand position before he let you cut anything, ensuring that your fingers were curled or at least out of the way. It was adorable to hear him call the curled hand position the “cat paw.” In its own way, it was also pretty cute to watch a little angel holding a big knife. When you finished cutting up your half of the roasted pumpkin a good minute after Luke had finished his, it looked disappointing. Although, to be fair, Simeon and Solomon popping their head out from the hall to get a peak into the kitchen was a bit distracting.
“It’s kind of a mess compared to yours,” you noted, sheepishly.
“That’s okay.” Luke grinned and scooped your pumpkin pieces into the bowl with his. “They’re all about the same size, and there’s no seeds on them. They’ll cook up fine, and once they’re in the curry, no one will notice if they weren’t cut up that nicely as long as the food tastes good.”
You were taken aback by his optimism and sweetness – and so was whoever took a sharp inhale from the living room.
You and Luke were halfway through cutting the peppers and the aromatics were already in the pot along with a roux – adjusted to your spice level – when Solomon entered the kitchen. “Mind if I help you out in here?”
“Oh, no thank you.” You shook your head and added the coconut milk into the pot as Luke had instructed. “Luke’s doing a great job teaching me.”
“I’m a great cook,” he lied, mostly to himself, “I’m sure I could teach you a thing or two.”
“They said ‘no,’ Solomon. We can do this ourselves.”
“Come on,” Solomon tried to persuade you both.
“I’m bonding with Luke, so no.”
That was enough to shut Solomon up. He couldn’t bring himself to come between yours and Luke’s bonding time. “Can we at least come in and watch?”
“’We?’” you questioned him.
“It’s so boring trying to watch from the living room. Simeon couldn’t see well when you accidentally turned on the back burner and wondered why the pot hadn’t heated up after 5 minutes. It was really funny.”
“Your stove is different than the one at the House of Lamentation, you rude old wizard.”
“Come on, it was also really cute, MC.”
“As cute as one of your wizard staffs giving you a prostate exam?” You narrowed your eyes at him. Luke decided to tune out your fighting as he dumped the vegetables and chickpeas into the water.
“Maybe, but that’s a bit kinky to mention in front of Luke.” Solomon laughed and turned away. “Anyway, I’m going to get the others.”
“It was an insult you dirty old–” you started, but it was too late; he was already down the hall – and you didn’t actually have an insult on hand. Luke sighed and shook his head at you two. It wasn’t like he was above bickering, but no one should argue in a kitchen.
“While we have a minute, the last thing we need to cut up is the revelation tomato. We need to give it a secret, something good. I think we should both tell it a secret, what do you think, MC?”
“Okay. I’ll go first.” You looked at Luke’s adorable face as you took the tomato and made your choice. “Dear tomato, Luke is a really good teacher, and I’m glad he offered to teach me because I’m pretty useless in the kitchen. It’s usually embarrassing and pretty scary, but not when Luke is here to help. I’m really proud of him. And I know we’re not done with the dish yet, but I’m proud of myself, too – at least a bit.”
You handed the tomato to Luke. Sure, it wasn’t the juiciest of secrets, but you were happy with it. It felt right – like how the vegetables you picked out felt right or how the spices you added felt right. Luke stepped into the corner to whisper his secret to the tomato.
Luke had just finished telling the tomato his secret when Simeon, Raphael, and Solomon piled into the kitchen.
“So, how’s it going?” Simeon asked sweetly.
“MC’s doing a great job,” Luke bragged on your behalf while you focused on dicing the tomato. Whatever secret Luke had shared, the combination of both of your secrets had combined to make a perfectly juicy tomato that was fragrant and slightly sweet.
“Smells good,” Raphael commented.
“Thank you, Raph. And thank you for the apron. It’s cute.”
“No problem. I’m glad you didn’t cut any fingers off or get any blood on it.” Everyone ignored his grim comment. “You should take it home with you for when you cook for the brothers. I can always make you an apron specifically for here.”
“We could have matching aprons, MC!” Luke almost jumped with joy before restraining himself. He added, timidly, “Of course, that’s only if you want to have more cooking lessons.”
“I’d love to, Luke.”
You added the tomatoes into the pot, gave it a stir, turned the heat down, and added the lid on to allow the curry to simmer. Luke clapped his hands together and said, “Excellent. Lunch will be ready soon. I prepared some rice to go along with it.”
“When did you have time to do that?” you asked, stunned by what seemed to be the sudden appearance of a rice cooker on one of the counters. How had you not heard that going?
“While you were chopping vegetables.”
“Well, I’ll go set the table.” Simeon was reluctant to leave the precious sight of you and Luke in the kitchen. He never imagined you’d be so lost, nor did he imagine that Luke would make such an excellent teacher. Still, at least he would have the opportunity to see his favorite angel sorry Raphael and favorite human not sorry Solomon cooking together again.
“I’ll get some Demonus and some juice for Luke.” Raphael took his leave.
With every bowl filled, you stared around the table nervously. Who should take the first bite? What if it was awful? Confident, Luke dug in. You watched him carefully.
“This is good – if I do say so myself. You did a great job, MC.”
“It’s delicious,” Simeon added with a grin.
“Asmo would never believe that you made this,” Solomon offered his backhanded compliment. “I’m going to take a picture and share it on Devilgram. I should caption it ‘Thank you Luke and MC for making lunch.’”
“Good job, you two.” Raphael nodded.
“I couldn’t have done this without Luke.” All the praise was starting to get embarrassing, so you turned to Luke. “Thank you so much for teaching me.”
Luke was grinning from ear to ear. He could ace all his exams and he still wouldn’t feel prouder than he was now.
Luke’s secret:
“I’m so happy that I can finally help MC with something. They’re always helping me out, and I don’t get to repay the favor very often. I’m worried about them being alone, but if they can cook, that’s one less thing I have to worry about. I hope I can keep teaching them, and they’ll think of me as someone they can rely on.”
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to finally get to another request. I've been kind of out of it, and instead of committing to one request and finishing it, I started like 4 at once. I'll try to get on with the others soon, though.
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fairy-tale-writer · 2 years
How Heartslaybul Would React to Child!Reader Headcanons
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Prompt: Heartslaybul Headcanons for child! reader (inc. when they met for the first time when they called them ni-san [big brother] for the first time )
Note: Reader is gender neutral! Probably going to do this with every dorm since I next to never see child reader interactions with the dorms
I couldn’t find a Heartslaybul gif so Anya will have to do lol
So I started doing it on my own!
EDIT: I fixed the pronoun error that slipped by and double checked it was the only one! I apologize for any discomfort that it may have caused to anyone! I will thoroughly check from now on to make sure the gender is correct!
-The first time you met was when he found Ace and Deuce playing with a child. He warmed up to you in only minutes as he joined in the playtime
-Riddle will give you lee-way if you break any rules, you're just too cute to scold
-When you pull pranks with Ace Riddle goes easy on you but will harshly scold the heart suit for making you think it was alright to cause mischief
-Despite your mischievous streak, he won't go hard on you. He will make sure you are happy and having fun since he doesn't want you to experience what he did in his childhood
-When you called him a brother Riddle felt honored and hugged you tight, tearing up
-Unbirthday parties are your favorite time with him cuz Riddle lets you sit on his lap at the head of the table
-Playing with the hedgehogs is your favorite part of Riddle babysitting you. They will kiss your nose and allow you to cuddle them. Riddle named your favorite colored one after you
-When it's your birthday you are treated like royalty. You get to sit on Riddle's throne at the table and order the Heartslaybul students around for a day--much to the displeasure of most of the students. Riddle even gives you his little crown to wear
-Ace met you when you were hanging out with MC. He never really had much interaction with children being the baby brother of the family, but he was a natural at it
-Ace and Deuce are like the annoying older brothers. Ace being the more annoying brother
-When you told someone he was your brother he totally cried and hugged you tight. Denies ever crying and tries to play it off. Don't ever tell anyone
-He loves to poke jabs at you and will childishly banter with you
-"Did not!" "Did too! until someone (usually Riddle or MC breaks it up)
-Will stick his tongue out back at you and makes silly faces to make you laugh
-Tickle fights are a common occurrence
-Sometimes he will jab at you too much to the point where you cry and he has to apologize. If it's in front of Riddle he will get smacked on the head and scolded harshly
-He is the most fun to play with because he likes the rough house but he'll be careful
-Secretly enjoys watching children's shows with you. Especially those princess movies, they're so frickin good like...why?!
-He teaches you how to be a troublemaker and will pull pranks on you
-If you're caught he will blame you. If you're caught by Riddle he will smack him on the back of  the head with his scepter
-He met you the same time he did with Ace. Deuce was a little nervous around you at first but eventually, he got a hang of taking care of a child
-Just like Ace he feels like an older brother to you, but the shyer, chill older brother that isn't so energetic
-The first time you called him onii-san he bawled his eyes out. It was just an uncomfortable crying fit full of sobbing
-He's much more careful than Ace when he plays with you. He doesn't rough house very much due to his delinquent past, instead, he is more into playing with dolls and dressing up with you. His favorite is having a tea party with your teddy bears
-Can't say no to you when you give him those puppy eyes. Anything you want it's yours no matter the cost of his pride or his money
-You like to ask questions that honestly Deuce can't even answer himself
-"If you put the eggs in the fridge under a chicken's butt will it hatch?"
"Do all trees produce maple syrup?"
"How are babies born?"
Deuce: "Please no..."
-Deuce will honestly be focused on when you watch your cartoons or movies. He loves to have you tucked up under his arm well you watch Princess Adventures or Goldfish Cracks the Case
-If another student dares hurt you,  makes fun of you, or makes you cry he won't hesitate to throw hands
-If another student makes fun of him for hanging out with you he will throw hands. Either way, hands will be thrown
-When both Ace and Deuce are together it's chaos in the best way possible
-They are the best at playing with you together, well Ace is rougher and wild Deuce evens him out by being more laid back
-They tend to bicker a lot but they won't let it get too rough or loud since they'll scare you
-They love to nap with you, keeping you between them so you can stay warm and cozy
-Both will let you ride on their shoulders or give you a piggyback ride. Sometimes they can walk too fast and you can't keep up, so it's easier this way
-If anyone dares hurt you in any way well they are around, it will end badly for them. They are your Onii-sans and they love their little sibling
-Trey met you when Riddle brought you to the Unbirthday Party. Seeing Riddle and Ace and Deuce hanging out with you, he had to wonder. Having a few siblings you quickly grew on him, especially when he asked you if you liked the cookies he made himself
-Trey loves to have you bake with him--except when the flour ends up getting everywhere
-He lets you taste test everything
-You'll sneakily eat raw dough when Trey has his back turned
-Your favorite thing to bake is cookies. Sometimes you just don't have the patience for making a layered cake
-When you called him one of your older brothers he smiled and pet your head calling you his favorite little sibling
-Somehow you always get something on your nose
-Will use his Doodle Suit magic to surprise you and it's honestly adorable
-You're very afraid of the oven or stove. Whenever you feel the heat coming out of it you get flashbacks. You tend to stay away or hide behind his leg gripping onto his trousers tightly
-The first time he met you was at the first Unbirthday you attended. He found you just so adorable and perfect for his Magiccam and started to dote on you
-He loves to take photos of you since you're just SOOOO cute!
-His Magicam followers love to see you always commenting about how cute you are
-Secretly, Cater struggles with depression he usually hides under this too-cheery too-perfect smile. You could somehow see right through him. If you notice he's sad you'll give him a long, warm hug. He will cry when you tell him everything will get better
-With his magic being clones you take it as having more playmates. You usually play tag with them or have a total tea party using them instead of your teddy bears
-He'll have a clone pushing you on a swing well he sits on a bench texting away and taking photos. Only if he's feeling lazy though, most of the time he'll be the one pushing you
-Expect a lot of cheek kisses, both from you and him. He loves when you kiss his cheek and let him know you love him. You can't cure his depression, but you definitely make things better
-Cater is the best at giving hugs. If you ever want a hug he is willing with open arms. Every time you greet him he'll kneel down with open arms and allow you to run into them
-When you called him ni-san for the first time he totally cried and didn't even post it on social media to keep it sacred
-He loves to cuddle up with you as you watch movies and shows together. Personally, most of the cartoons are annoying to him, but he doesn't mind as long as it's you
-He totally has matching pajamas with you. Multiple sets including onesies and pants and shirts. He likes to take photos with you in them
-Totally has sleepovers where he does your hair and skin care. He'll invite everyone from Heartslaybul over and put on a PG-13 movie. Just don't tell Lilia or Malleus
-Loves to take you on shopping sprees and will buy as many toys and outfits as you want. Right next to Vil, he is the best at creating outfits for you
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