#the show's storytelling when good is REALLY really good and rn i'm just hoping it will stick the landing and be satisfying
aq2003 · 9 months
i forgor ic ive sent u an ask abt this already but every goddamn thing i see abt those 2 bitches form jjk is fuckinf crazy . i barely even know wahr the show is abt
jjk is. hmm. i'd say its main draw to me is that it's a dark tragic story with lots of really cool action (the anime in particular has some of the most beautiful animation i've seen in my life). Those Two Guys From Jjk (satoru gojo and suguru geto) are like. well u are correct they are crazy . in the flashback arc focusing on them gojo's deal is that he was born "the strongest" and starts off selfish but learns compassion and a will to protect those weaker than him. while geto starts off with that "protect others" mindset and after The Horrors he starts spiraling and gets on the "if we simply kill all non-sorcerers none of us will have to suffer under this broken system that sends kids to die fighting the monsters spawned from them" grind. they're rly good characters they have crunchy character arcs and they r also gay coded a little bit . love loses
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fantasticalleigh · 17 days
season 3 part one thoughts:
ok ok i did finish B S3 pt. I and it's GOOD and i was really happy with it but now that my pulse has gone back to normal i'm realizing i have a lot of nitpicks/concerns with the storytelling but ngl the carriage scene was fucking BONKERS and my mind will be in the gutter for the rest of the weekend
MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW!!! bc i have a ton of thoughts on season 3 so far and have to get them out:
-i could not stop smiling. my face hurts still.
-i don't get people whining about colin and the threesome. when the brothel threesome scene was leaked people were losing their goddamn minds about colin not being a virgin on reddit. y'all. he spent a LONG time traveling solo around europe--did you really expect him not to experiment the entire time? the fixation on this was kinda weird i gotta say. also i really liked that in the second brothel instance it served as growth to show colin was realizing it wasn't those women he wanted to have sex with, but penelope.
it seems every bridgerton lad needs a whoring about subplot in their respective season and colin was obviously going to get one if his elder brothers did, so i wasn't surprised at all. i thought the scenes were hot, personally. overconfident and super flirty col galavanting everywhere suddenly being reduced to a pining, thirsty af insecure boy was so gratifying to watch and those scenes had a hand in showing us that.
-i hate portia's costumes this season. hate. hate. hate. she looks like she was ripped right out of DIsney's Descendants set from the costume rejects pile. woof. she was stunning in s1 but s2 were her best looks and now she looks awful. why???
-i think the mondriches are ok and i like them but their story did not need expanding here. i'm happy for them but that storyline was boring and time taken away from more important characters. i know this sounds harsh but this season was already packed with storylines. across these four episodes there was a severe lack of Lady Danbury. one of my favorite aspects of Romancing Mr. Bridgerton was her friendship/mentorship with Penelope. that instantly made her one of my favorite characters. why not keep that in the show??? i'm so disappointed but with part 2 yet unreleased maybe it will still come?
-speaking of lady danbury, something about the way her brother is presented and how she treats him makes me worry for Violet, that he might disappoint her later. idk it's just a vibe i get.
-Luke's acting is fucking incredible. all the microexpressions and the lingering stares and subtle movements. nicola is a great actor in her own right but fucking hell, every time Luke teared up on screen I was mirroring him.
the carriage scene, when he's on his knees in front of Pen and she cups the side of his head and his eyes do THAT thing and the look he gives her? i rewatched that two second bit on repeat for a minute. amazing. (that's exactly the kind of devotion i picture when I wrote dark Dramione in TEOAL towards the end)
-we get it, benedict is a slut. he fucks. i'm over it. i'm not interested in who he's fucking. i know the consensus is Lady Tilley will somehow tie in to Sophie but i just do not care about Benedict rn. he is pulling focus.
-hyacinth's actress is so stunning! all the actors are obvs but every time i look at her i see Brooke Shields. anyone else?
-i had higher hopes for Lord Debling. genuinely kind of disappointed. he's boring and feels fickle. also the abruptness of him going 'i need a wife to tend to my estate so i can go travel for 3 years so be warned that i can't love you' to 'you have feelings for another man? i'm done-zo.' like what. you just said you can't love her and will never be at home with her but it's a fucking problem that she likes someone else? even though she's is clearly willing to get over it by marrying you??? bro. bro.
-hate what they did with Colin's hair for most of his scenes. why flatten it all out and take out the adorable curls he had in the first episode????????????????? episode one hairstyle was god-tier. everything after that makes him look like he's wearing a bad and stiff wig. still hot tho. also on the hair note: please stop giving eloise bangs. please.
-people on reddit were near to rioting when they learned Kanthony was only in the first ep due to leaks. i was bummed but ultimately don't mind it. did we deserve to see more of them thanks to how badly s2 was handled?? absolutely. but if it's only sex scenes bc they're now trying for babies then i'm good for now. also glad that edwina and mary don't come back bc ngl they pissed me tf off in s2 thanks to how badly they were written. plus like i said, this season has FAR too many subplots to keep them in. the writers really should have trimmed things down. violet meeting Lady D's brother was also not necessary imo.
-i went from loathing cressida to actively sympathizing and rooting for her to snatch up debling in the latter half. well done, writers.
-all the featherington scenes were gold. pru and phillipa are incredible when in scenes together and i'm so glad we got more of that. albion finch is a treasure, too. i really think they should have spent more time on penelope and her mother's relationship bc it's a big part of the book with how portia assigned pen to be her caretaker for when she got old and that being pen's burden/reason to want to bug out and marry rather than stay with her abusive mother, not her sisters' heirs taking charge of the house. they leaned too much into the comedy with the featheringtons and forgot to remind us why penelope is so miserable at home too--the problem stems from her mother, too, not only her sisters. we got two tiny clips of that and that was it. not enough to really establish that. the featheringtons are funny yes but they are not good people (sans Pen). Portia is neglectful and rude and dismissive toward Pen and there is not enough of that so far.
-i haven't read fran's book yet so had no idea what to expect and thought i'd be bored. she is adorable and i'm rooting for her. i like john better than the other guy. but i'm not that invested in her plot. i have no true emotional attachment to her. she needed her own season or to be pushed back to s4.
-still don't like eloise but i'm warming to her. a third season straight of her being condescending to almost everyone outside of her family/friends does nothing to endear her to me. she still blames Whistledown for "ruining" her when she ruined herself by ignoring everyone's warnings and running around town doing socially unacceptable things. she still has a right to be upset with Whistledown/Pen but she needs to take accountability for her own shit. but her understanding and patience with cressida was really surprising and i liked that a lot so far. i can see why people are shipping them now!
-HOW HAVE PENELOPE AND COLIN NOT EVEN DANCED ONCE YET WHAT THE FUCK jk i'm sure we'll obvs get that in part 2 but i'm so accustomed to them having a dance in one of the first few episodes that this truly threw me.
-colin's wet dream. loved it. ngl i was fully expecting a masturbation scene in his bed and not only bc i wrote one into my fic lmao
-i fucking called it from the start that the first kiss would be in the featherington garden based off that screengrab. everything about it screamed romeo+juliet. that was my favorite scene so far it was so beautifully shot and the way he goes for the lightest kiss at first and then hesitates and then GOES BACK FOR MORE???? when he realizes he's super into it???? i collapsed. i fucking squee'd like it was 2003.
-i've been complaining on reddit that the makeup in the promos was fucking awful and way too heavy. it comes across much lighter in the final product/show and i'm so relieved because i was truly worried about that. nicola is a stunning stunning woman and i can't help but admire her every time she is on screen and the awful makeup they put on her for those promos were overtaking her face.
-two major changes i truly appreciate (bc i'm normally very critical about shondaland's writing)
1: the journal scene. i loved that colin had pen hide in his study. i really wanted them to get caught there. i love that the journal fight wasn't as huge as it was in the book because the book made it go on for too long and colin was unreasonably mad about it. i'm so glad it was a minor thing here and that they still showed that colin was really pleased when pen praised his writing and he said he'd consider letting her read more and left it at that.
2: the carriage proposal. my biggest issue with the book bc colin was borderline abusive when he pulled her out of the carriage and made her fall. hated that so i'm glad here he was pleased and still mischievous and held out his hand for her and proposed and wasn't rude and impatient like he was in the book. also the carriage scene was hot as hell and i did not fucking expect colin to fucking finger her right then and there with the goddamned WINDOWS OPEN. tbh i was expecting boob action like in the book but that was a surprising change.
-pacing. too many storylines makes for a too-quickly paced episode. i feel like we were catapulted into everything and my head was spinning. this is a show that, because it insists on such a large fucking cast, would immensely benefit from a 12 or even 20 episode run rather than eight. but we know netflix is a cheap bitch so that will never happen and shows this dense suffer for it.
-music. i do not care about covers. i just don't. it makes no difference to me who is added to the soundtrack or the easter egg hunt of finding which song was used in which scene. the original scores made for the show are beautiful on their own and don't distract like the covers do and that's all i'll say.
-already seeing reviews online from people complaining polin have no chemistry??? idk what show they're watching but it ain't this one. this has been a slow slow buildup and if you can't feel their chemistry then idk what to tell you bc it is there. (and this is gonna be a hot take and unpopular opinion but personally out of all the main couples so far i found daphne and simon's chemistry to feel really forced and kind of cringey so take my opinion as you will but pen and colin have LEAGUES more chemistry as friends to lovers here)
BUT: one could also blame this on the awful pacing of these first four episodes so far. it really would have been nice to have more filler time of col and pen doing the flirting lessons since that was cut too short too soon.
i will most definitely have more to say later on but these are my immediate thoughts and i had to get them all down . if you got this far down then bless you and thanks for listening and lmk your thoughts! i'm dying to talk about this.
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im-a-marion3tt3 · 9 months
...at this point i might as well just make a home for myself in your inbox, haha !! (please please please tell me if i'm in here too often !!) i notice that you're still wanting fic requests so i can't stop myself from popping in again :0
i have two suggestions, but goodness, please don't feel pressured to write both. and if neither of them interest you, that's completely fine too !! <3 (as a cw, both requests are related to your sh/ed fics)
the first is a request for (yet another O_O) continuation of the swiss/phantom storyline. you've left me wanting more again, haha !! so perhaps swiss' screaming match conversation with dew and rain about their negative influence on phantom ?
if that doesn't take your fancy, the line in sickeningly sweet "sure he told mountain a lot but never that much" has also got me wanting more of your writing and storytelling ! i'd be really interested to know what you think phantom has and hasn't told mountain in regards to his issues with eating (and maybe even dew as well, because mountain mentioning that dew told him a few extra details that phantom hadn't has got my brain running wild with possibilities !!)
this got very long, i'm so sorry :0 and i have so, so much more to say about all of your writing too !!? but i'll leave this ask as it is for the moment, since it's already quite long <3
Omg sorry I took so long writing this. I like drowning in work rn but I finally have the time to write again! I like your idea of Mountain and Dew so here you go! Thank you for the suggestion so much and I hope you like it! Sorry it's a little short.
Dew was laid on Mountain's chest, the two of them inside of the green house on a reclining patio chair. Gently, Mountain dragged his hair through Dewdrops long hair as he gently hummed. He had been working with both Phantom and Dewdrop on their eating, being the only ghoul to have enough patience and not tell the two to "just eat". So he found himself here, enjoying the warmth of the greenhouse.
"How's Tom?" Dewdrop asked softly after a few minutes of silence. After Mountain had taken him through the list of genuinely concerning side effects, Dewdrop had felt terrible for what he had done and turned to worrying for Phantom far more than himself.
"He's getting there but it's not great. He cried over having to eat breakfast. It took him half an hour to even try it but it's better than last week when he simply fell asleep rather than ate," Mountain said in a sad tone. It had broken his heart to see the poor kit distraught over essentially nothing; but he knew it was basically everything to Phantom.
"I'm so sorry," Dewdrop whispered, his heart shattering some. Mountain just rubbed his back and sighed, feeling sorry for both of them.
"It's all my fault, Mountain, I was the one who started this," he murmured biting back tears before continuing on in a meek voice, "I d-didnt realize he was going to do this so sometimes I'd point out the calories in things I wouldn't eat. I didn't even think he knew what a calorie was. And I said so much hurtful shit after that too. I thought he wanted me to be mean to him, I really did. I thought I was making him better by being worse." Tears streaked down his face by this point as Mountain held him close, just letting him get it all out.
"And, and, I made him hate his favorite food. Do you remember when Copia would get him cakes or cookies or just something sweet after every concert? And how happy he was to get them? He was so proud of himself... And I said he looked so much better not having eaten that shit. That it showed on his hips and that it was the reason he was starting to look like a little piglet. Why did I ever say that? This is all my fault!" At this point Dewdrop was sobbing, his body shaking as he cried. Mountain just held him tightly and let him cry. To think that both of them thought like that though, it made him want to cry too. They were both getting better though, and that was what mattered. What had been said couldn't be undone, so all that was left was to hopefully undue the damages.
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yj-98 · 7 months
Summer of last year ago I wrote an oc very similar to city boy inspired by both my religious experiences w genus loci & dark knight/dark city, & now dc is writing both city boy & old school barbathos and sometimes I wonder if someone from editorial was reading my headcanons blog and stole them bc it's toooo similar... fucks w my head a lot actually. Are the city boy comics good? I'm low-key afraid to read them incase it freaks me out more <3 dc stop stealing my ideas challenge...
oh help its always so weird when you recognize a character from your own head in a character thats in published media. your oc sounds so cool tho! they should be paying u dividends rn
the city boy comics are, and i mean it, SO good. greg pak and minkyu jung did phenomenally honestly! i Really want cameron to have a solo :) hes got a really intriguing backstory and i enjoy that hes sort of morally neutral. very much "not nice, but kind" personality, where hes pragmatic but wants to be nicer despite internalizing that hes inherently bad. hes also just had. really fun dynamics with other established characters so far! nightwing, clark, and swamp thing :)
he first shows up in a short story in the wildstorm 30th anniversary special, then gets an introductory teaser one shot in lazarus planet: legends reborn. his mini has 5 (of 6) issues out rn!! i would recommend his stuff bc ultimately its very short and i think that its important to show support for the creators :]
to cite a friends experience who recently read the mini: if youve sort of lost faith in dc's storytelling in modern comics, give city boy 2023 a try :)
sorry this turned into an advert but i dont want to spoil things and i also just. love cameron kim. i think everyone should take the time to read the 7 issues that are out rn!!!!!
anyway. i hope u like it!! im sorry it freaks you out tho because i understand 😭 but i really do think youll like it!!!!!!!
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01zfan · 26 days
That part of human like me where the reader is isolating themselves BAD from everyone hits so hard rn bc I’ve literally been doing the same thing (except for the like. grieving over dead Sohee part 😭) it felt so weird literally reading my current experience on a screen, written by someone whom I’ve never met, but somehow it feels comforting knowing that I’m not crazy for pretending that the world isn’t still spinning outside my room. For thinking that if maybe I withdraw into myself enough, people will forget about me and just leave me the hell alone.
Your writing is something so unique and beautiful fr. You really know how to describe the many facets of what it’s like to just be alive. The good and the bad. Idk how u do it but you really have a special gift for that and I think it’s so cool. No detail ever feels unnecessary when I read ur stuff. And I love to reread ur fics just to find new details that I may have missed during previous reads. I usually don’t like angst fr but this one just like (not to be dramatic) touched my soul so bad like. I hope I get to see u explore more difficult emotions like this in ur writing bc the way that u write it…it’s just sooooo good idk. Idk how I felt validated and seen by a fic where Sohee dies in it but here are!!
first before i say anything i really want to extend all of my well wishes towards you i can only imagine what you're going through on the other side of my screen but i want you to know i am truly wishing you the best and i hope you can get through whatever is weighing you down. of course there can be comfort found in taking time away from society and life to process things but it is also soooo important to not spend too much time in that state. that's what i really wanted to show was that towards the end the reader was kind of on a path of self destruction and i do NOTTTT want that for you not in the slightest. i hope soon you can get to the point where you can embrace the world that still spins and embrace the people that want to embrace you and that you want to be remembered by those who want to remember you.
i also want to really thank you for your kind words seriously! as someone who wants to pursue writing and storytelling i'm very grateful that words i wrote could connect to you in a deeper way. like seriously that's all i want in life is to make people be seen and talk about the human experience because it can be so tragic but so lovely at the same time and it's such a unique experience for every individual but we all feel the same AGHHH it's just so cool that i was able to reach you despite us never meeting. i want you to know i understand you and i am wishing you the best <3 thank you for supporting me and taking the time out of your day to send this to me i will literally never forget this🥲❤️🫂
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stevelieber · 2 years
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PORTLAND: The first Friday of every month I do office hours at @bookswpictures on SE Division, where I look at comics work by emerging artists and give them the kind of feedback they'd get from me at a comic con portfolio review or an art college classroom.
Here's how it works:
Sign up at the desk when you arrive. Wear a good mask. I'll be wearing one too. Bring 6-8 pages of comic book storytelling to show me. (Not character designs, or covers, or stand-alone drawings. That's not my specialty, and I'm not the best guy to offer advice on that.) Show me comics: pages of storytelling with panels. I'll give you detailed feedback and advice based on my 30 years making comics in a variety of modes and genres.
Originals or copies? Copies are better. I can make notes on them directly, and besides, Portland is RAINY rn. And yes, I *can* look at your work on an ipad, but if possible please print it out. Much easier to critique, fewer tech snafus!
What does this cost? IT'S FREE.
Also if you're on some other site with emerging comics people, spread the word there? I met with a class of Portland comics artists last week & not one of them is on twitter or tumblr. I'm proud to be offering this, and I'd really like for more new local artists to hear about it.
One more thing: I only do this in person, not by zoom or email. I get requests in my DMs to do crits remotely, but that’s just not something my schedule permits. The face to face work is all I can handle.
Hope to see you Friday!
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dropthedemiurge · 11 months
i started watching because of you and i did not expect to cry so hard over the main character's dad. don't get me wrong, the angst and romance drama is very sad and secondhand embarrassment too but what apparently hits me the hardest rn is the dad stuff. i don't know much about thai society but i can guess they value family a lot and being a sudden orphan must have nerfed the main character's confidence even more
oh also pear is really cute we love to see a girl winning. you go get that education and the life you deserve! im hoping for her sake the writers will be compassionate to her in the ending however that works out. she's so kind to everyone, please be kind to her. it's not her fault she has a somewhat crush on her childhood best friend. that's quite a long time to get to know someone
i also feel bad for the angsty guy like when he showed up drunk the day of the wedding i wanted to close the blinds and give him water. call his heart a fiddle the way he's being played/strung along rn. ten years ago i probably would have read sad angst fics of him and cried for him because he's so obvious about his feelings but clueless guy is so oblivious. but i don't think those secondhand emotions will hit until clueless guy is enlightened so im happy to postpone all of that for later. clueless guy really is quite the train wreck.who knew time wizards could fix light-up snow globes? i want a snow globe that lights up AND plays music. in the show they think it's cheap but that is combining several snowglobe selling points into one. in addition to having fake snow in the sculpture ball!!!!!!
i don't really know what else to say so far im not caught up yet but thanks for exposing me to this. oh also! it's funny they included a cat food commercial in the show. they really know their demographic lol
First of all, I really appreciate you anon sharing your impressions of Be My Favorite with me - but I couldn't be more perplexed when the first message came in without warning and NOTHING indicated me that you were talking about BMF and not some random time wizard shops xDD Anyway, now that I'm on the same page -- YOU GET IT! Anon, you get it. I'm not watching BMF as much for the romance and everything, as I'm watching it to see all character's development (which is done so great) and damn, all the scenes and flashbacks of Kawi, the clueless guy, with his dad are just so. Hitting right in your heart :'))) Not just Thai society, basically in Asian culture they value family and traditions very strongly! (as opposed to western's individualism etc). You can see a lot of Thai, Korean, Japanese series incorporate it so well with showing hierarchy between people, dependence from parents -- but also caring about each other, sticking close with your family and wanting to put all effort into managing that bond. It even extends to other people outside of the family, people being affectionate and bonding with one another and calling their friends family or caring for strangers and helping them because they remind them of their relatives etc.
Sorry for the sidetracking xD Pear is absolutely loveable person but all the characters so far in this series are grey, there is no fully bad or fully good person.👀 I'm really curious to see whether they'll go with Pear.
Clueless guy is maturing with full speed. Pisaeng also found the courage in Kawi and now he'll stand up hopefully to own his life and be confident about it. They all grow and hopefully they'll take care of each other, as it seem to be the message of the show. But... There are still few episodes left and damn, let's get ready for even more angst xD I'm happy that you were motivated to watch Be My Favorite because of my posts! I feel bad sometimes for spamming but the quality, the production, the storytelling is done SO WELL in this series that I cannot help but share and share. Because it's a rare thing nowadays and I'm excited. I literally have no complains about this show at all, I'm fascinated to dig and interpret every single detail.
New episode is coming today! Have fun watching!
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the art teacher is so cool
the art teacher just turned on a video of Taylor Swift performing How You Get the Girl which has got to be one of my favorite Taylor songs.
now that most of my classes are over, i have a ton of free time now. what have i been doing with this free time? making a powerpoint explaining the entirety of the fnaf lore. my mom and i have been trying to heal our relationship. since she doesn't understand me (cliche ik, but true), i didn't share myself. she hates horror, i love it. but she said she was sad that she didn't even know what my interests are so that's why i'm making the powerpoint explaining the fnaf lore, so she can know me better even though i know she's going to hate all every part of fnaf. i was sick yesterday and my sister forgot to pick up one of our friends on the way to school because i wasn't there to remind her and now he has detention for being late to class lmao. Taylor Swift released her version of This Love last night and I'm in love with it it's SO GOOD.
today a friend texted me and asked me about people who have made impacts on me, real or fictional,. friends or strangers. some people have simply impacted me by making me feel less alone, making me feel seen. I didn't really include those people and my friend said i wasn't allowed to say Michael Afton smh. but i can't seem to stfu about him ever so i understand why she said that lmao. I'm totally not working on my third--wait maybe fourth--fanfic about him rn.... anyways here's a copy of what i told her about people who have impacted me:
tyler joseph and his band (twenty one pilots) convinced me not to 💀myself and gave me hope and showed me the importance of art, two of my teachers are like father figures to me so that's a huge impact on my personal growth, my middle school english teacher was the sweetest woman with the best roasts ever who i credit as making me into the writer i am today, lily sigh (iisuperwomanii) is a youtuber i grew up watching who made me laugh, feel safe, taught me important life lessons-through the years i watched her she basically raised me, when i was a little kid i loved ariel the little mermaid and she's the reason i'm a competitive swimmer today, gerard way is the lead singer of a band i used to be obsessed with and he encouraged me to be myself and showed me that i can survive hard times just like him, my favorite asmr creator, Gibi, comforted me and gave me rest when i was anxious and showed me it's okay to be into nerdy geek stuff no matter how old you are (she's like late 20s rn i think and her bedroom looks like a teen girl gamer room) my favorite twitch streamer nick smithyman never fails to make me laugh and interacts with his fans and makes a ton of your mom jokes. taylor swift taught me how to recover from breakups when i thought i never could and helped me express my feelings in a healthy way that no one else could and taught me that i can find happiness in myself, without needing anyone else.
i don't know if you can tell but i am most impacted through art more than anything else. i believe art is what makes us human. i could talk about the beauty of art and stories and storytelling forever. maybe i've already talked about here but idc. all of those things are what make us human. and when i say art i don't just mean visual art. music, poetry, filmmaking, video games, writing, architecture, speaking, dancing, anything that humans create is art and it tells a story. maybe it literally tells a story but even a story tells a story of the artist. whether the artist intended there to be a story or not, art tells a little story about who we are. art tells the story of an individual and tells a piece of a story of humanity. storytelling through art connects us all and that is why art of all kinds impacts people so strongly. this is why i want to work in a library, surrounded by my favorite kind of art that i can indulge in and best of all, share it with others.
maybe i just repeat myself over and over again but i'm okay with that.
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blinkaftermidnight · 3 years
Heyy, I was wondering since you used to write for FTWD. Did you catch up with the new episodes or not yet ? If so, what do you think of season 6 so far ? I personally think that (besides the lack of Alicia and Al in the episodes rn...) they really stepped up their game after that chaotic season 5 ! (i'm asking bc i've no one to talk to about the show but feel free to ignore if you stopped watching lmaoo)
I’m still watching! I didn’t get a chance to watch last night’s episode yet, but otherwise I’m caught up. And I think season 6 is pretty damn amazing (ESPECIALLY compared to season 5 omg). The lack of Alicia and Al always irks me, but I’ve enjoyed the last few episodes regardless. Idk how they did it but the writers stepped up. I’ve found it easier to tolerate (even enjoy) the entire show rather than just a handful of the characters’ storylines.
(Also I’m about to spoil some shit so this is your warning.) I had John and Ginny’s deaths both spoiled for me in advance (love that, thanks amc+), so I was a little peeved that I didn’t get to experience that without prior knowledge of it. I personally think losing those two characters is a blow, but the storytelling has been fantastic. This is probably the first time I’ve enjoyed watching the show live maybe ever lmao, but I will say I am mildly concerned about the potential for the show to continue killing off (the wrong) characters. Obviously I mean Alicia and Al, but Luciana and Strand, too. I was one of those people who was pissed off by Madison’s death - especially when it didn’t result in Alicia taking over as the lead - so if they kill Alicia (and they’re already underutilizing her again) I’m out. Alicia’s storyline has bothered me since the back half of season 4, but now I’m just...hoping they give her more than two minutes of screen time lmao. I feel like they really wasted Strand and Luciana throughout season 5. There’s a lot of things season 5 did that irritated me, but that was a major one alongside the prolonged focus on Morgan and Alicia’s no killing thing (and the kids). Apart from Alicia getting the attention she deserves, I’m hoping to see more of Al and Dwight’s friendship. I’m super intrigued by wherever June’s storyline might go. Same goes for Strand, and I hope the writers give Luciana a good storyline. They killed Nick and then had no clue what to do with Luciana’s character, which annoys the fuck out of me, but I am cautiously optimistic based on the quality of season 6 so far. But I think the show as a whole has gotten better, at least since Andrew and Ian took over as showrunners. It’s just a shame it took them so long to figure it out lol.
Tldr: I’m enjoying season 6, but I am cautious about how it’s gonna go based on what we’ve seen so far. If they keep killing characters or wasting their potential, I’m gonna be pissed lol.
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
hello, your secret fan here!! although I've just realized that I probably already outed myself by liking stuff, haha,, sending another anonymous ask once again just in case though (maybe I should just... dm you... next time... haha, just kidding..,,..,,, unless?? 😳😳) I must say, I wasn't actually expecting you to reply!! Your long response literally made me vibrate while reading it, I'm not exaggerating (idk why or how you prompt such a strong reaction out of me???? what's this sorcery)
anyway, I can't wait for your next meta!! I've never really thought that much about Kugie, so I don't have a very strong opinion about her, it's a very out of sight, out of mind situation for me rn. I'm very excited as to what you have to say about her. I have something I want to discuss (know your thoughts about) regarding that emotions vs logic post, which I still love a lot. I've seen that you've already talked about Nao before, but what about Keiji??
I remember staring at the Sou vs Kanna choice for a long while when I first got to it, unsure of what to do. After a while, I realized that the game never really specified what happened if two normal commoners tied I think?? It says what happens when a sacrifice or a keymaster tie, but it never mentions two commoners tieing.
After I realized that, I kept trying to vote for Keiji lol while thinking "you can't possibly kill them both if they tie, right?????? you can't just add a new rule out of nowhere, right??? this means they can both live, right?????? p l e a s e,,". Maybe my refusal to vote for Logic or Emotion was Denial lmao, but I still wonder what would have happened if they had let us choose Keiji.
He didn't have enough votes to be in danger, I wouldn't have voted for him otherwise. But it still makes me think what if. That small "aha!!" moment filled me with so much hope. In hindsight, it would have been awful if they had killed the two in that scenario lmao, but I was so blinded by the possibility of saving them both that I didn't really give it much thought. Anyway, long ramble over!! thanks for reading haha. I might be overlooking something, I really need to replay everything.
Oh wow, I loved reading your story of how you tried so hard to save both Sou and Kanna omg! I feel your pain haha. It hits you on such a gut level how unjust this moment is. You start clawing desperately for any way out.
I think it speaks well of Sara that she lifted that responsibility from Gin’s shoulders, although she can still betray his trust by choosing poorly. But hypothetically that’s one of the kindest things Sara can do, being a good big sister to Gin by lifting that burden from him. Still, it’s rotten work for Sara and us the Player to make that choice.
As much as I love your story, I believe you’ve answered your own question! It’s most likely that both Kanna and Sou would be killed if they were tied for first place. That’s why Sara couldn’t vote for Keiji. The Floormasters always lean on the side of cruelty rather than mercy when enforcing the rules. They’re adamant that “at least” two people will die in a Main Game. 
Hell, another possibility is that the Floormasters would kill everyone in the group if they couldn’t decide on a single victim by majority vote. That’s not a spoken rule, but we can’t completely discount the possibility, can we? Since the Floormasters like throwing around the rule “Play our games properly or die as a penalty” so much. At the very least, refusal to participate in the Main Game would result in death, as we saw in the First Main Game when everyone was afraid that Kanna would be late and be punished. 
What I’m getting at, is that while it makes perfect sense for the Player to try to “test” the rules of the Death Game, to see how much they can get away with, the stakes are much too high for Sara! So I completely sympathize with you trying to vote for Keiji in order to “trick” the Floormasters, but there is no way Sara could personally take that risk. This is another case showing how the Player and Sara are in fundamentally different worlds. 
Another thought:
Something significant about YTTD as a game is that it mostly has a linear narrative so far. Nankidai has a specific direction in mind for where he wants to take the story, regardless of the player’s choices. This is especially true in Chapter 1, where Sara’s votes don’t matter. Who did you vote for in the Practice Round? It doesn’t matter; Mishima always dies. Who did you vote for in the First Main Game? It doesn’t matter; Joe and Kai always die. 
The story doesn’t branch significantly until we get to Chapter 2, when our actions finally determine which characters live and die. But even so, as of Chapter 3-1A, the different story branches still parallel each other closely. Whether Alice or Reko survived, they both act as “tough, competent” team members, and they perform the same actions in fights. Whether Kanna or Sou survived, they’re both the “spunky waifs” in the group and they also act similarly in fights.
I’ll compare this kind of storytelling to Undertale, since that’s a popular game most people know about. In Undertale, the Player gets to choose from the get-go which characters live and which characters die. So the story has the potential to branch in different ways pretty quickly! This shows how Undertale’s protagonist is more of a blank slate for the Player to project onto, while YTTD’s protagonist has her own personality separate from the Player. We can influence Sara, but there are always going to be some choices she’ll refuse to make.
And that’s all I can think of to say on that! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, Anon. You don’t need to feel so awkward; I love talking about this stuff. :)
(I am a sorcerer though! You got me!!)
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fille-lioncelle · 5 years
The only remakes i'm into rn are skamnl and druck (tho i didnt watch s1 and s2 of druck, basically same reasons as you) bc they feel very authentic to me. France and italy i tried, but the casting turned me OFF (i hate when they cast obviously older people for hs students, and sadly that happens in tv most of the time. Thats one of the reasons OG was so good and refreshing to me.) I started both isak seasons bc im a hoe for isak, but i couldnt finish either of them bc of that! In the (1/?)
Italian one, i liked the characters i guess, but idek how to explain it, i couldnt get into it bc i didnt FEEL anything?? Maybe the chemistry wasnt working for me.. like when i was watching og s3, i was soooo into it and so emotional, i cried more than once and my stomach was in knots, but i really couldnt get into it with skamit :( at least i tried. For france, i also tried but i also couldnt get into it. It made me feel a lil bit like an american teen show, and i reallllly dont like (2/?)those. They dont feel authentic and theyre very dramatic. Also french is my first language and the way they were talking was making me cringe hella hard lmao, doesnt help. So yea, thats my opinion on those. Hope i dont offend anyone, ik a lot of people love them, just wanted to chit chat :) thats why i prefer nl and druck.. and spain seems like a promising one too but im a bit oversaturated rn lol maybe ill try it later ;) (3/3)
I do really like the more age-appropriate casting as well. It really did feel very refreshing! And I wish all the remakes had stuck to that, but I must confess it doesn’t bother me too much. I just kind of ignore it when I watch it and a friend of mine once said they just pretend it’s set in university instead haha. But I get being turned off by that!
I didn’t feel as affected by the remakes as I did by the OG either, but I think part of that is because I already know the vague story beats. And I did still tear up lol. I’m easy like that. ;) But I did really like the chemistry both between Federico and Rocco and Axel and Maxence. They’re very different, and both different from the OG as well (which is an interesting thing to think and blabber about - how different the interpretation of ostensibly “the same” love story is just by adjusting details and having people look at each other differently - the OG would have been different with any other actors too!), but I did like both of them.
The drama in the French remake bothered me too at first but then I just accepted it because the scenes that were good were so good. And now at least some of that drama has actually paid off/had an impact on the characters and storytelling, so I don’t mind it so much anymore. I disagree with some choices they made, of course, but overall… they did well.
French isn’t my first language, so I can’t judge how cringey the language is, but GERMAN is my first language (though not Germany-German) and let me tell you - the first few clips of Druck were TOUGH to get through. It was just really jarring to hear it in my first language?? A strange thing to get used to. And I feel you on the oversaturation! There comes a point where one has to say “enough” hahaha.
I think it’s perfectly fine to prefer one version to another, anon, so long as you don’t actively rain on other people’s parades! Live and let live and all that. You don’t have to love everything just because it’s associated with Skam!
Thanks for stopping by, anon! I always love a chit chat. ;)
- H
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timelessbian · 4 years
hi it me again. IVE SAW AOTW. Physically I'm like. Fine. Emotionally? I've been laying face down on the floor ever since. Also whY ARE YOU APOLOGISING FOR A RANT?? IT'S WHAT I WANTED >:3 God there's just. So much to say about this ep!! I don't even have the WORDS, words reduced to AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. So. Thoughts?
ADHFSJDFH hi again!! sorry that it’s taken me a while to respond; i’ve been really busy with moving and everything the past few days, but i really wanted to answer this before the finale bc i have Many Fears asngjsjdjbvhdsbfvhbsa
under a cut again bc this is rambling and probably incoherent, but let’s go!!
my first thought is that i LOVED the episode. from the animation to the storytelling to the voice acting that made me cry...this was an absolute highlight of an episode. they packed SO MUCH into like 20 minutes and i have so much love for everyone who works on this show i just can’t, it’s so good!! 
also i feel like i conveyed this in my last rant, but i think lilith is such a well-written character, and not to be That Bitch, but the fact that the majority of the fandom really just full on lost their minds on her is literally kind of hilarious. like...i am a female villain stan first and a human second. i am simply vibing ashvhbdfhvbhdb.
i feel like a lot of people have said this better than i could at this point, but i think there’s be a redemption arc coming. most of eda and lilith’s interactions prior to 1x18 really played up the love that still exists beneath the tension. the sisters still clearly love each other, but obviously so much has happened between them that they could never have had any kind of true resolution without the secret of the curse coming out. lilith’s been carrying her guilt for years and at least with it out in the open, they can maybe start to reconcile. (obviously this would need to be a very long process, and even if lilith is working hard for it, eda (and luz!) aren’t under any obligation to forgive her for anything) (also full disclosure: i’m a lil bit biased on the sister thing bc my current original project has a sister set in a similar situation with similar vibes to lilith and eda (coincidentally, i swear!), and i know i’m writing them a fitting reconciliation, so i’m hoping the show will give me the same lol)
also, i know this is something i covered in my last rant, but there is clearly SO MUCH MORE to lilith’s story. she clearly feels guilty and genuinely seems to want to try to help eda, but i think she’s been so completely under the emperor’s thumb for so long that it’s going to take a major betrayal by him to get her to realize just how far she’s gone. again, this isn’t excusing anything she’s done, but i think that s2 could really delve into the relationship between the sisters more (which could play well with an arc in which amity has to reconcile with the reality of the emperor’s coven given that lilith is her mentor). what was the final straw that split the sisters? what was their relationship really like before the curse?? can we get lilith eventually coming around to be the cool goth aunt of the owl fam??? @ dana terrace i want answers!!!
as for my thoughts moving into the finale, i’m predicting that lilith is going to realize that the emperor has been lying to her the whole time, and that she’ll make some kind of big sacrifice so that eda and luz can escape, whether it’s her position or her magic (or her life, but i really don’t think they’re going to go that way) and she’s going to have to figure out who she is without the emperor controlling her. (okay, random thought that i literally JUST had typing this out: what if she loses her magic and has to start learning with glyphs like luz or something like that?? i have 0 evidence to support that, but it’s just a thought i guess) 
also, i don’t really have thoughts about this stuff, but i’m a fan of the ‘lilith is also cursed’ theory, even if it’s just a side effect of casting such a powerful curse or something like that. i’m not into the idea of belos being their dad (i’m still lukewarm on him being related to luz though. if the whole ‘camilia is azura’ theory pans out, maybe he’s camilia’s father and luz’s grandfather or something? idk, but i’m interested in how it’ll play out! i don’t think belos will be dying in this ep, so i think there’ll be a lot to unpack there next season. also just everything related to the palismen, and in particular owlbert vs lilith’s raven. give me more palisman lore immediately!!
really the tl;dr of it all is that i know hating lilith is the popular opinion rn but ummm....evil raven lady go brrr you know? i am TERRIFIED for the finale, but i’m also so beyond excited for it because i know even if it makes me cry (again) it’ll be well worth it, and i hope that the hiatus before s2 isn’t too long because i don’t know what i’ll do with myself lmao. (i mean, i do have a half-finished angst fic that i’m holding to finish until after the ep just in case, but i’m just gonna be vibing until the new season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so yeah, those are my thoughts as they stand right now. thank you so much for indulging me!! my roommate whomst does not watch the show is probably sick of hearing about it by now, so i love having an outlet to scream lmao. i don’t know when you’re reading this, but as of writing this, it’s only about 2 hours until the finale drops online, so i am Afraid and i’ll probably be face down on the floor immediately after i finish it. feel free to come back and scream after the finale bc i’m already sure i’ll be screaming!! anyway, luv you anon, and i suppose i’ll see you on the other side sbhbvdbavjs <33
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