#the smiler is hot
glenglam324 · 2 months
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Here are the 4 character sheets I made so far
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syringa · 1 month
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claudio spotted with his weird polite blonde son (me)
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prairiewhisper · 8 months
overheating my poor valorous computer using the wayback machine to download the tracklists for 8tracks playlists bc ALAS that i was ever BORN i found out one of my fav playlist makers deleted and none of their old stuff is anywhere
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victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->And so things continued in that vein! Smiler wandered upstairs briefly to talk to Victor, as they were feeling a bit lonely, then flew back downstairs to continue their apothecary work (can't stop until all that basil is used up on Red Hot Tablets!). Alice kept working on the mural until thirst compelled her to get a drink of water -- she enjoyed that by the fountain, then went to scrub up her glass in the bathroom at the same time Victor was scrubbing up some more spoiled food out of the fridge. XD The couple that washes dishes together, stays together? Anyway, she had a jar of eggplant compote (an entire jar, as you can see -- bit of a glitchy session, this one! XD) to soothe her hungry tummy, then went right back to painting and spraying the side of the building. Victor, for his part, took a moment to Copypasto some more Tummy Therapy and Deodorizing Cream to fill out the Herbalism Shelf (I'd love to have put more NEW products there, but as previously noted, I just don't have the ingredients for Smiler to make them!), then hopped right back on flower arranging. By the time they were done, it was super late (hell, I think it was after midnight), and none of them had the greatest needs...
But oh, look at that store! Look at those lovely full shelves! :D The push was worth it -- finally, FINALLY, the store is ready to open! AND Smiler and Victor both got some new skills -- Victor, unsurprisingly, is now up to Flower Arranging level 5, while Smiler has gotten to Apothecary level 4, and now can make an even bigger selection of tablets and gummies! Including Rose Perfume tablets, which, another great way to use up all those flowers they have around...
-->But for now, it was time to send them home -- to find that it had snowed while they were away! Just in time for Winterfest! Alice, being very hungry and needing the bathroom, promptly transformed into her beast form and ran off for a pee and a hunt, while Victor offered up his wrist to the thirsty Smiler, who gladly took a sip of their favorite plasma. Alice returned from her hunt with a steak as Victor stumbled off to bed and Smiler went to check on SimsTube trends, and then (after an adorable moment with Shadow), headed off to bed herself. And so the episode ends with everyone settling in after a day well-spent -- including the fish! :D Yup, for once you can see the whole gang swimming around in there! Just glad Chewy, Punchy, Overthe, and Jangles all seem to be getting along. :)
So yeah -- store is FINALLY good for opening! However, I think we can agree that the trio has earned something of a break. So, next time, the focus is on relaxation, as the gang celebrates another Winterfest! How does it go? You'll have to wait and see...
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miraclelevel · 11 months
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creepsopasta · 11 days
Do you have any general dating headcannons about Jack?
If that's too vague then maybe Jack dating someone who knows a lot about the supernatural. Like they're oddly chill about him being a demon and sometimes even give him tips about his diet of something like that.
General EJ Dating Hcs
• He doesn’t sleep, or he doesn’t really need to. It creates problems, because he will just sit there and stare at you while you try to sleep. He won’t move or speak or get up. He will just stare. And then he gets hungry after a while so he leaves.
• Absolutely miserable to sleep with if it’s winter. He is so fucking cold. He’s so cold he doesn’t feel hot when summer rolls around. The hoodie and jeans are a year round wardrobe for him. People look at him like he’s more of a freak than usual when they see him wearing heavy jackets in 102 degree weather.
• He smiles so wide. I am of the opinion he has a bunch of fucking teeth so when you make him laugh or smile he grins so big!!!!! He’s a great smiler
• Insufferably sore loser. He hates losing in any facet of life. He goes through multiple stages of grief before he’s just pissed the fuck off and he goes to your room (not even his fucking own he likes yours better) and locks you out and sits there for an indefinite amount of time. He might steal something out of there and you can hear him bitching to himself
• Cooks things with a ridiculous amount of seasonings. He doesn’t fucking care. Let him cook you someone’s livers with lemon pepper and juice and garlic salt and meat tenderizer and spices and nutmeg and chili powder and lime and basil and popcorn salt. The kitchen is fucking insane when he’s in it. But he’s cooking with love and human organs please accept it
• He shows affection in a very odd way. Pulls you in close by your shirt sleeve or jacket strings or belt loops or scarf or whatever. Just wants to feel you close to him sometimes.
• Super flexible. Wants to freak you out. Let him spider walk to your room. He is going to climb on the ceiling in the middle of the night. You can hear his bones. His back bends in ways that are wrong. He’s fucked up
• I think he smells like weed and copper. He’s killed in all of his clothes so they all smell like metal or they’re very stained. And I am a firm believer he smokes weed with Clockwork and Hoodie and sometimes Jeff after a job well done. So he comes home really high and covered in blood sometimes but it’s okay don’t worry about it. It’s cool. He might not even come home until the day after so he can avoid worrying you or you seeing him in that state
• Fucked up tangled hair. Always covers it up with his hood and it’s frizzed up and the ends are split and it’s mangled with blood and there’s miscellaneous substances sticking to it. And he just never puts in the effort to fix it. So he will often just get you to brush it for him and then he’ll get angry that it hurts. And it’s like what the fuck did you expect Jack? But he always greatly appreciates your help
• It’s likely that he gives you his clothes if he doesn’t want them/can’t fit them anymore. I’m not sure how desirable a hoodie that smells of cannabis and blood is tho but if you like it he wants you to have it
• Freakishly Tall. How’s the fuckin weather up there cocksucker? He could lift you all the way up to the goddamn Eiffel Tower. That’s why he has to lean down so his head doesn’t hit most ceilings and shower heads are taller than him so he has to sit down to take baths
• If you weren’t scared of him upon first meeting him (aka he tried to kill you), he would probably think that’s a huge fucking mood killer. “Really? You’re not scared? Kinda killing my vibe here, man… you’re not even gonna scream?”
• He’s downcasted. Dejected. Is he not scary anymore? Is that the problem? Are you just a freak? Do demonic, cannibalistic creatures frequent your room often? What the fuck are you just standing there for?
• He needs to find out what the fuck is wrong you. Which is why he’s going to stay in your house and pace around your kitchen. Stop trying to offer him food and advice on how to wash the blood off his clothes. Stop being yourself!!!!! Get away from him!!!!!!
• So fast forward to now and uh. He would kill for you. Like and subscribe for that
• Evil fucked up creature boyfriend.
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sexymancatalogue · 6 months
Tumblr Sexything(?) Of The Day #0140
Shrike Sanchez (Monkey Wrench, 2022)
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List Of Archetypes
Animal Theming
Deadpan Snarker
Distinctive Voice
Hot Headed
Magnificent Bastard
Twisted Freaking Cycle Path
Perpetual Smiler
Secret Agent
Theme Song
Morally Grey
Watch the Series Here!
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bdsmrist · 1 year
i know the game goes in detail about joyce’s pearly white teeth, but what about the other character’s teeth?
harry’s teeth would be surprisingly straight, but yellowed from the years of substance abuse. probably has worn down gums, too. still, i think it adds to his character. its like he has a golden smile, in a way. and funnily enough, altho hes been aware of his teeth’s condition throughout the years, that’s never stopped him from smiling. not just because of “the expression” necessarily, but because he loves giving that to ppl. loves letting them know his happiness is directed at them
kim’s teeth would be crowded. especially the bottom row. its unlikely he could afford dental care in his youth with being in the foster care system and all. and he’s probably a little insecure about it. but the few times he flashes you a smile, you can see the how one if his canines pushes the incisor in, and its the most charming thing ever; how his sharp tooth pokes out to say hello. god, i bet he has the warmest smile ever, even warmer than harry’s. it comes sparingly, and he avoids doing it, but when he does, its like god’s gift to you
jean’s teeth seem pretty normal at first glance. u dont get to see em much; he doesnt rly smile that often. nothin to smile abt in this world. however, when he *does* smile, u notice one of his premolars are missing (harry probably noticed it pretty quickly) but if u were to ask him how and why that is, its probably the most anticlimactic thing ever. not “i got my teeth knocked out on a mission once” but rather “i ate shit once middle school and thats that”
im pretty sure it’s canon that ruby has a gap tooth, which is hot and does get her bitches. but i think she just has small teeth in general, with the exception of her two front teeth. like the kind that in retrospect kinda look like shark teeth. its so cool. and also shes a side-smiler, a smirker, if you will. too powerful for this world.
idk man, i feel like teeth are often times an indicator of peoples socio-economical background that isnt talked about enough (hence, joyce’s teeth being something harry notes first hand). but i dont think we’re meant to have “perfect” teeth. teeth have stories, and hold records of our lives. and with how nuanced every single character of the disco-verse is, i dont doubt everyones smile says something unique about them.
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glenglam324 · 2 months
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Grin Grin the Clown! From smiler take over
Cw: bright!!!
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ch3rr13zk1n · 5 months
Why Preston/Clone Riggy is the hottest shorts wars character
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Incase you probably don't know, Shorts wars is a arg made by a bunch of dudes that make shorts and was created because of the clone accounts ( get it?? ) that steal their content. Basically when it started there were different bunch of QR codes that popped up on their shorts and when our scanned them they took you to a video where a guy named The Boss in a unpleasant gradient says that if they don't quit making shorts and rotting people's brains then they will get replaced. While a few listened, The rest didn't. And the other stuff happened blah blah blah. Anyways i also gotta say one of the creators was a guy named Danno and uh he makes shorts (obviously i mean this is fucking shorts wars what do you expect??) and he has a mascot character named Riggy who is a blue rabbit with red shorts, green eyes and a very interesting kill count.
Also Preston/Clone Riggy didn't get the name Preston until he decided to get a new name on Phaleur's stream where he went through Phaleur's bag and eventually found his driver's license where Clone Riggy stole the name Preston and went with it calling himself " THE GREAT AND MIGHTY PRESTON!! "
Also sorry i have to highlight Preston/Clone Riggy's name in purple. There's no option to make the text dark blue ;-;
Anyways now with that explanation out of the way I'm here to explain why Preston/Clone Riggy is breedable and sexy.
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He can breed. In a Danno short about if you can be invisible, Riggy was about to pull his pants down to demonstrate that you might have to be naked to be invisible. Luckily (or unluckily) Danno told him to NOT do that, Which basically says that Riggy might have a... Yknow. And then after that Riggy says " What? There was already Riggy rule 34! " ( i would've called this fanservice but i changed my mind ) so since Preston/Clone Riggy is a clone of Riggy then there's chance he has one. Since Danno confirmed Preston/Clone Riggy is canonically not anything other than a male so uhh that's something. But hey atleast he can insert something in me-
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2. He's a fucking Tumblr sexyman.
"A male fictional character (often conventionally unattractive or non-human) with a particularly devoted fanbase on Tumblr." - Wikitonary.
He's unattractive and nonhuman. DUDE THATS HIM!!!
Idk about the fanbase part but yeah its him
Not to mention the other sexyman traits like being an antagonist, a perpetual smiler, glitches, dominating, a tsundere, has a theme song, powerful, HES A TUMBLR SEXYMAN. And that proves he's hot
Idk what else to say so ill just end this post with uhh
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Ok guys end of the post you an scroll now!! :3
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oliveisme533 · 4 months
My dad’s neighbor is a dilf
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Chapter 3
Joel Miller x You
Summery: You had decided to spend your summer in Austin with your dad. You used to spend almost every summer there, but hadn't spent a summer there since you were a teenager. Which means you hadn't seen a certain Joel Miller in years..
It had been a week since you had accidentally hugged Joel Miller and sobbed into his chest. You had updated your dad on the phone call with your EX boyfriend, but you left out the part where Joel came to check on you and everything that followed. You were just hoping to get through the summer without anymore awkward encounters with your uncommonly hot neighbor. So when the next Friday rolled around and your dad told you that Joel had invited the two of you over for dinner... you had to think quick for an excuse to tell your dad why you would be sitting this one out. It was about 3 in the afternoon when your dad told you about this invitation, and you felt your insides turn to liquid. "Oh sounds great." You responded. It was now 5 o'clock and you decided you would go on a run and then after getting back just tell your dad you were too tired to go to Joel's tonight. It was a fool proof plan. Unfortunately you were so pleased with yourself and distracted that you didn't realize what part of the neighborhood your running path was taking you. You were coming up on Joel's house ... "fuck that's his truck he's definitely home." You kept your head down and kept jogging.
To your horror you saw Joel out of the corner of your eye. He was shirtless and mowing the lawn. He looked up from the mower, and catching sight of you he cracked a smile. You couldn't help but smiler and wave back. Gosh his smile was heavenly. "Hey girl! You better bring careful running in this heat" you slowed to a stop just a few yards from where he was standing. "I know... I grew up this heat though so I'll be alright." You said with one hand up shading the sun from your face. "I was just about to go in for some water myself can I get you some?" The southern girl in you knew better than to say no thank you. "Sure" you said. Joel motioned for you to follow him inside. Your heart was pounding. It had been years since you had been inside this house and certainly never on your own. Joel grabbed a t-shirt that was hanging off the back of his sofa. It looked like there was a pile of clean clothes on couch, waiting to be folded. "Sorry place is a little messy, I'll get it cleaned up before you and your dad come over." You didn't think it was messy. It just looked like a home that showed signs of life being lived. "Are you going to clean yourself up too?" You teased, taking the glass of water from him. Joel chuckled "definitely" you took a sip of water, feeling awkward. "Um so I just wanted to apologize about the other day" Joel waved his hand to silence you. "Hush, you ain't gotta do all that sweetheart" the nickname made your stomach do a flip. It was a good thing your cheeks were already pink from your run because you were pretty sure you were blushing pretty hard right now. Joel was kind however and changed the subject. "Figured I would pick up a desert for this evening...you got any requests'?" He was now busying himself in the kitchen putting his cup in the dishwasher. You finished your own water and placed your cup in the dishwasher. "Hmmmm Ice cream?" Joel smiled at you again "what kind you want sweetheart?" That southern drawl and those pet names were doing things to you. "Butter pecan" ...now you definitely weren't getting out of this dinner.
You thanked Joel for the water and walked back home. You went up stairs to take a shower and found yourself pondering what to wear. A cute summer dress perhaps? You stood in your closet with a towel wrapped around your damp body and your head cocked to one side as you eyed a particularly small dress. It was one of your favorites to wear in the Texas heat. However it was several years old at this point and you were a bit taller and your curves had filled out a bit more. You tried it on nonetheless. It still hung loose in all the right places so you resolved to wear it, even tho it was a bit short and it did show a little cleavage. "That's a pretty dress baby" your dad said as you descended the stairs. The air was still very warm but the sun was starting to set. At Joel's house your dad didn't really knock. He shouted a hello and let himself in the front door. Joel was already in the back yard manning the grill. "Heyy" he called, giving your dad a pat on the back. You found yourself wandering around Joel's back garden looking at the flowers. You were impressed with how well the beds were kept. Joel and your dad were laughing and chatting, each of the gripping a cold beer. You were so absorbed in admiring the flowers that you didn't notice the laughter had stopped, and you didn't even notice the slam of the back door as your dad retreated to the kitchen likely for more beer. "You can pick some if you want. Many as ya like" Joel's voice startled you. You were on your knees watching a bumblebee as he landed on a bud of lavender. "You scared me" you laughed. Joel smiled down at you and held out a large, tan hand. You took it and he effortlessly pulled you up from the ground. His eyes lingered on your chest for only a second. In fact you couldn't be sure if it really happened or you just dreamed it."Meant what I said... pretty girl like you should have all the pretty flowers in the world" with this he winked and walked back towards the grill. Your mind could just be playing trick on you OR the dress you wore was having the desired effect.
After dinner you decided to test your luck. You were in the kitchen helping Joel load the dishwasher and your dad had just walked out of the room with the trash. You bent down so as your short dress showed just a bit too much. Behind you Joel choked on the beer he had been nursing. You smiled to yourself, knowing Joel had seen your blue, lace panties. Playing dumb you stood up quickly "are you okay?" You asked innocently. Joel rubbed his chest "yeah yeah. Just down the wrong pipe that's all" ..."gosh it seems like forever since you've been here for the summer. Last time was when you graduated high school? Ain't that right?" You smiled, knowing he was trying to figure your age. "That's right" "how many years has that been now?" He asked nonchalantly. "You can ask how old I am... I won't be offended" you laughed. Joel held up both hands in surrender. "Who says I was asking that?" You rolled your eyes. " I'm 25, but you wouldn't know anything about that old man. What's it been 20 years since you been that young?" Joel pretended to pull a knife from his heart. Your dad had made his way back from the trash bins. "Your little girl is callin' me old" Joel complained. Your dad only shrugged. "you are old." The winds had picked up outside and the sky was now a deep gray. "Reckon she's gonna blow?" Joel asked, now sounding a bit more serious. Your dad crossed his arms over his chest and peered out the kitchen window. "Yeah... think she might. We ought to get home" it was peak tornado season and your dad wasn't one to take risks. That night you lay in bed with the howling winds and rain drops hitting your window with impressive force. There was a thought that you couldn't seem to push away. How old was Joel? Before you got too carried away with this fantasy it might be worth figuring out how significant this age gap really was. Then you remembered something. "I have his number..." you whispered to yourself in the dark. In middle school and high school you would come over and watch Sarah, naturally you had Joel's number as the person baby sitting his daughter. That was quite some time ago, what if he didn't have the same number. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like you're sending a particularly flirty text right? So he can't shoot you down if your asking an innocent question. You thumbed through your contacts in your phone and smiled to yourself as you found his name saved under Mr. Miller
You never answered my question about how old you are. I told you my age, so seems only fair...
You were impressed with how quickly your phone buzzed.
Girl what are you doin' textin me? Do you know what time it is?
Your heart was racing now. Was this his way of shutting you down?
I'm 37...now go to sleep
You smiled at your phone screen. That's not a shut down right? You decided you would go to sleep after all
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marmalised · 23 days
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--------------------------------- THE SMILER PIZZA BAG --------------------------------- Original price: Free, given away as a promotion. Price I paid for mine: Won for £77 but total cost with postage was £81.20 via Ebay bidding. I however was originally not going to bid on this item as I knew it would go for something like £100+, however i chanced a bid and ended up winning the item in the end and while £80 is considered a lot of money to pay for a plastic empty pizza bag, this item is considered extremely rare and may only pop up now and again if you're lucky to come across one. As I collect merchandise for The Smiler I am lucky to have come into possession of one of these bags as there may only be 40 made out there in the world (This is according to Paul Jones who owns five of the bags in storage) - sources for this come from Paul Jones himself who used to be an avid collector of the older merchandise of The Smiler and a collector for Alton Towers merchandise. --------------------- Item information: Come the year 2014 a single vending machine appeared on the Alton Towers plaza in collaboration with GoodFella's to giveaway The Smiler branded pizza along with The Smiler branded pizza bags to carry the boxed pizza in for free. You were ordered by the information on the side of the vending machine to take a selfie (presumably outside the vending machine) to get your free GoodFella's pizza and then tweet your selfie to the twitter page @ GoodFellas_UK using the hashtag #goodfellasmiler to receive your free pizza around the corner (front of the vending machine). - A single person would stand inside the fake vending machine and then the person inside would dispense the pizza once a button was pressed by a member of the public who had just followed the steps above, allowing the said member of the public to collect the pizza in the branded bag once dispensed. Each person got a singular pizza each, however I do not know if you could have gone back and gotten multiple bags (personally I will assume that it was one bag per person but take that with a grain of salt as I am following information I have researched and inquired about to those who have experienced this promotion. - On the side of the vending machine there was also a QR code to scan where you could receive £1 off on The Smiler pizza in any of the stores selling the branded pizza. - The Smiler branded pizza was available in various supermarkets for a limited amount of time and offered a 2 for 1 promotion for entry into Alton Towers Resort. It was a deep pan pizza base topped with tomato sauce, cheese, spicy sausage, pan fried onions, and Jalapeños with a rating of three chili peppers to equal the pizza was quite hot. ------------------- The bag feels very durable and not like your average supermarket plastic bag that can easily tear. Inside the bag is white and features a slot to slide the pizza into or anything else you may want to place inside the bag. The bag also closes with a clasp and features a plastic black handle on the top. The Smiler logo is placed on the front bag along with the GoodFella's logo on the left hand side in the corner. The text under The Smiler logo say "THE SMILER PIZZA" "LIMITED EDITION" in capital letters featuring the font Orbitron commonly used for The Smiler marketing and ride as a whole.
------------------------------ Year promoted: 2014 only. ------------------------------ All information and photos given in this post have been through my own research, my own photos featuring the pizza bag, Paul Jones over on Facebook (TowersFanatic on other socials) for the item description (rewritten in my own words) and the last three photos featuring the pizza box, vending machine, and the group photo featuring himself and the Goodfella's promotion team. All credit goes to their respective owners and I have been given permission to repost the images above, I am simply documenting my merchandise collection and not using any of this for profit.
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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We've hit Fall Saturday in the Chill Save, and instead of more store times today, we instead have a party! Because Smiler needs to have more parties, and I wanted the specific rewards you got from this specific party. :D However, before we had party times, we had to get through a few things --
-->Firstly, Victor had to discharge again upon waking up -- wouldn't be good if he magically exploded during the party! He and Alice hung out with the cats for a little bit -- Victor getting a song from one of the kittens by the phonograph (as said kittens are very Talkative) and Alice giving Kelly some time with the laser pointer -- then I sent Victor to the mirror to make an important change. Not to his wardrobe --
But to his, and everyone else's, last names. I THOUGHT I might have to go into "Manage Worlds" to change this, but as it turns out, you can update a Sim's name right from the mirror. So everyone in the household is now surnamed "Van Liddelton," like their grocery store! :D I was very happy to be able to do that -- while I wasn't exactly UPSET with them all ending up with the last name "Always" from the web of weddings we've had in this save, I genuinely prefer being able to give them a name that reflects all of them. :)
-->With THAT sorted, it was time to get to chores! Smiler set up the party, then popped into the greenhouse to make some sadness alleviation lotion before heading back to their robotics bench to tune up Bugs and Elmer. Alice spent a little more time slathering Kelly with love (gotta make sure mama cat is content), then headed to the computer to start a new Playful book ("What's One And One And One And," a book on Wonderland mathematics -- think those Wayside School math puzzle books), and Victor bought a bunch of dyes and started making more candles to put in the store later -- before getting distracted by Shadow wanting some attention. Victor felt the love from the dog, then decided to continue "Play Dead" training. As you can see, Shadow's got it down pat! :) Good girl, Shadow!
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neuronary · 2 years
concept: steddie florist/tattoo artist au with a side of no upside down
obviously eddie is the tattoo artist and steve is the florist. he and robin started working at the local florist after family video finally shut down (admittedly it made literally no money the entire time they worked there) and third time lucky, because it finally stuck. when the old lady that owned the florist died with no family to speak of, she left the two of them the shop and the apartment above it.
 robin never ended up going to college, despite having the equivelent of a linguistics degree in knowledge anyway, which was always a contentious issue between steve and robin. (she doesn't give a flying fuck how much he believed in her; she was barely scraping 'B's throughout her high school career and college was never in the cards for her.) so they stuck around in hawkins. they watched the kids graduate (and endured a ridiculous amount of teasing from said kids over the whole florist thing), they grew up into proper grown ups who did taxes, and they grew an enormous garden in the mean time.
and then 1993 rolls around and a tattoo parlour opens up down the street. which. huh. sure. not something either of them would have expected, but hawkins has gained a pretty significant goth tourist population given the whole 'cursed' thing ("it's not exploitative if the 'creepy' pressed flower frames are profiting off of our own trauma, dingus") so maybe it'll work out for the guy, who knows. and then steve bumps into said guy while doing the daily sandwich run and robin did not warn him that he was hot. which is because robin is a little bit preoccupied with the fact that her second (and least embarrassing) high school crush, chrissy cunningham, is back in town following the death of her mother, and has somehow become even more of a fucking smokeshow and did steve see that violets pin on her jacket does that mean what robin thinks it means holy shit steve holy shit. and cue them both being gay disasters.
chrissy hightailed it out of hawkins the second she graduated, which everyone assumed was because of the whole creel debacle. whilst she still keeps in contact with the other victims (patrick sends her letters from his apartment in chicago, max calls from california every so often, fred, may he rest in peace, occupies her nightmares), she avoids any mention of hawkins like the plague. people will stare no matter where she is, wondering about what could have happened to leave her looking the way she does. but chrissy has always been a smiler, and that goes a long way to making friends in a big city. new york started out lonely and expensive but she slowly, painstakingly found her people in the greenwich village. in 1993, after seven years of screening her calls and refusing to speak to her mother, the call finally comes. she’s dead. it’s really over. now she just has to plan a funeral and figure out how to feel about that. she always thought she’d have more time but the cards didn’t fall that way.
eddie needed to get out and start his own shop, after finally feeling like he actually knew what he was doing and, well. his uncle wayne is getting on in years, and disgraced queers have to stick together right? so eddie packs up his kit and his guitar and he moves back to hawkins. (he does not think fondly of his three year stint in high school there, fucking off to indy to start a band when he flunked senior year.) he sinks all his savings into a storefront on main street and sleeps in the back office because who’s gonna kick him out, exactly? and then it starts going... better than he expected, actually. there’s this gang of college twerps home for the summer that all want matching fucking demogorgons of all things, and the fiery redhead girl wants the hand and eye of vecna for god knows what reason. there is also, as he predicted, a steady flow of vacationing goths, conspiracy theorists, and true crime enthusiasts that want souvenirs inked into their skin. so eddie makes good money. at least that’s a balm for the undying shame and indignation he has over crushing on steve fucking harrington, king of the douchebags from hawkins high, now a stupid twunk-y florist with an easy smile and a thin, almost unnoticeable scar running across his stupid kissable lips.
it’s fine, eddie and steve both complain to their respective agony aunts. wayne grunts and goes back to sleep. robin invites chrissy up for some homegrown weed to take the edge off of the funeral prep.
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phoenixthefurb · 6 months
Woo!!! New evrjoy spreadsheet+updated backstory!
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Name : Evrjoy
Pronouns : they/them
Age : early 20s
Height : 1,75cm
Eye color : brown
Hair : cinnamon brown
Backstory :
Evrjoy was about 17 when they checked in an open house, they were in their all time low and found a leaflet about this treatment that can help them be happy again, that being an moj open house. It took them about 3 weeks to get fully corrected and even so it took them 1 more week to manage to start acting somewhat normal again and manage to speak again. They forgot their whole life before correction, their name and their exact age. Their scars originate from a metal contraption placed on their mouth to force a smile that was (very much purposefully) pulled too hard by a nurse, causing their cheeks to get sliced up. They later added that to a bandaged paper mask. [machinery reference to be added]
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Fun facts!
They are non binary, aromantic and asexual
Their name stuck from a nickname given by one of the nurses because of their inability to speak for the first few weeks and only smile. (the nickname being Mr forever joy)
They like scaring people, they find it amusing
They hallucinate when they are tired, have an adrenaline rush or panic
They got corrected in an open house slightly before the smiler's opening
They make art for leaflets and craft accessories for themselves and others (like the hat and the joy serum arm brace)
Their hat is made from a lightweight empty laughing gas barrel they found. Because of residue in it that evaporates on hot weather it releases infectious laughing gas, hense the gas mask (other than being stylish)
They have an obsession with needles for no apparent reason and always have one with them.
Although not medically trained, they are trained to use injections.
They have chased and sedated multiple people.
They are scary fast.
They know a bit about robotics and engineering and incorporate them into their crafts.
They are in their early 20s now
They are a night owl and have a really hard time sleeping.
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hyunbunlix · 1 year
Killing Strangers [SKZ x John Wick AU]
Series Summary: Three up-and-coming hitmen—Yang Jeong In (“The Gumiho”), Hwang Hyun Jin (“Hwang”), and Felix Lee (“The Smiler”)—find themselves in contact with the shadowy info broker “Blackbox,” though whether they’re on her good side or not is in a constant state of flux. Despite the potentially devastating consequences, not all ties in life are easily severed. As the three men find themselves stuck in her orbit, they’ll have to decide whether they’ll give in to the pull, or do whatever it takes to break free from the gravity.
Main Characters: Jeongin, Hyunjin, Felix, older fem!OC (Blackbox)
Side Characters: rest of SKZ, OCs as needed, cameos and mentions from the John Wick franchise
General content warnings/tags: age-gap romance (older woman/younger men), reverse harem/polyamory, absurd amounts of unprotected sex, taboo sexual situations, violence & murder, Felix starts out as an antagonist, everyone is hot and at least bi-curious
What IS present in this series: polyamorous relationship dynamics, explicit sexual content, copious amounts of angst, morally grey people doing questionable-to-terrible things, many references to the world of John Wick
What ISN’T present in this series: cheating, SA, relationship jealousy, relationship infighting
Notes: This series is structured like most modern romance/erotica series, in that every part can be read and understood as a standalone. Greater context will be achieved by reading all the parts in order, but if you’re just here for sexytimes with your member of choice, feel free to jump around! Each part is labeled according to the focus of the sexual content, though Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Felix are all important to the story as a whole.
0. Warden [Hyunjin]
1. Paragon [Jeongin]
2. Affirmation [Hyunjin]
3. Renegade [Felix]
4. Solace [Jeongin]
5. Penance [HyunIn]
6. Reinstatement [Hyunjin]
7. Ceasefire [Felix]
8. Alignment [Jeongin]
8.5. Ingress [Felix]
9. TBA [Hyunjin]
10. TBA [HyunLix]
11. TBA [Jeongin]
12. TBA [HyunLix]
13. TBA [Felix]
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