#the video made me tear up
trennoandgreggo · 1 year
I opened karims story and started crying 🥹
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f1-stuff · 8 days
Monaco GP '24 // Charles' full radio after the flag
Bryan: "I'm proud of you." CL: "Mamma mia! I think it's the first time that..." Bryan: "That you cry?" CL: "Maybe yes, I don't know... Mamma mia. We did it. Finally."
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pactii · 4 months
The Charlie and Vaggie duet!! 😭🎉
Omg my heart........ 💖🌈🦋
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desertduality · 6 months
Scar getting choked up makes me cry actual tears
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starrylevi · 6 months
🐻 Levi tries to help you be kinder to yourself 🐻
Levi thinking of ways to help you take care of yourself and frustrated because he’s tried everything under the sun (and nothing’s working) when Hange sends him this random TikTok. He rolls his eyes at first. “Let’s see what this is about.” He mutters to himself, skeptical, before he watches it. However, when he does make it through the slideshow he starts to consider it. It is easier for you to take care of other people than it is to take care of yourself, and you do like plushies. “Why the hell not.” He’ll say to himself with a sigh as he orders a custom made mini plush doll version of you to help you be kinder to yourself. “Here.” He would place it in front of you like you asked for it. “What is it and why does it look just like me?” You giggle as you examine it. “Be nice to her.” Is all that he says. “Why would I be mean to her?” You ask, curious. Over the next few days you start to understand the purpose of the plushie. Whenever you’re upset with yourself Levi redirects you to the plushie. “Would you say that to her?” You look at the plushie. She’s so cute and soft. “Of course not.” You huff. “She hasn’t done anything wrong.” “You haven’t done anything wrong either.” He’ll gently remind you. Or when you’re sad or just irritable, he’ll be like “Did she eat today?” Or “A drink from her favorite place might make her feel better, what do you think?” He’ll ask you these questions, a complete serious expression on his face as he sips his tea, which would honestly be hilarious to you if it wasn’t so sweet. You decide to thank him. “I know you might have thought this is stupid but it’s actually helping.” You would say to him with a soft smile. He takes a pause before he answers. “It’s not stupid. Not when it’s you.”
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carnevol · 2 months
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Phrack Interrupted:
5 times Phrack have been successfully interrupted + 1 failed attempt
Music and clip bits in this video:
1. Zoolander (2001)
2. Mickey Mouse: Locked In Love (S4E04)
3. King Oliver - West End Blues
4. Jelly Roll Morton & The Red Hot Peppers - Dead Man Blues
5. Newborn cooing sounds (YouTube)
6. Robin Hood: Men In Tights (1993)
7. Friends - The One With the Routine (S6E10)
by @dontcallmebymyusername-1
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lvstharmony · 8 months
“Before you go to bed tonight I want you to remember that it took a lot of courage to leave behind what's not for you anymore. If you're strong enough to let go, then you'll be strong enough to find what's next for you. you've got this, goodnight.”
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mrwilliewonka · 6 months
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This image gave me an infinite serotonin supply
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acidbathcat · 5 months
by the way this is what she was doing
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falmerbrook · 4 months
Re: your post about younger you being disappointed in your art now. I’m a bit older than you, and I used to let thoughts like that bring me to tears.
I didn’t start seriously working on my art until I was 19. Seeing people my age put out what I considered to be masterpieces was soul crushing. I felt like I started too late, with art and everything else in life.
But the thing is, I still did art. It’s been a decade or more now and I still make art. I have a degree in Art History. I can competently make gifts, drawings of my OCs. I can go to galleries and take inspiration from what I see. But I’m still not producing pieces on the level of the teenagers I compared myself to in the beginning. Maybe I never will.
Younger me might be disappointed in my art now, or my life in general. But I think about it very differently. When we’re young, we don’t understand how hard things are. Time is very abstract - the idea of hundreds of hours of practice, life throwing curveballs (illness, work, lack of motivation), the fact that there will always be someone younger and better than you. Kids and teenagers can’t really understand it. Because they haven’t lived enough yet.
Younger you might be disappointed, but younger you is naive and arrogant. They have the toxic and immature mindset of “You should be good at something right away, and if you’re not, you’re a failure!”
Instead of feeling upset, feel compassion towards your younger self - your inner child. They are putting so much pressure on themselves, and on you. They don’t understand how long it takes to learn skills, they can’t accept the unfairness that some people are prodigies whose parents have had them tutored since birth to draw like Da Vinci.
The older you get, the more you’ll be at peace with your practice and you won’t compare yourself to others so harshly. Younger you is stuck at a set point in development - they can’t come to peace with it. Don’t let it upset you, use it as a chance to reflect on how much you’ve matured since then.
When it comes to art, all you can do is embrace the practice. Your art is yours, it should feed your soul. Best of luck ♥️
It means a lot to me that you took the time to leave such a thoughtful ask about that little post I made. And you honestly hit the nail on the head. No matter how bad I feel about it, I'll probably never stop making art (in some form) just because it's like a stabilizing force in my life. I cycle between being happy with where I am at with it (even if it isn't to my expectations) and hating it, but I think that's just a normal part of improving, so it least it means I am, even if nonlinearly.
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sanayeon · 4 months
hello here to say i love twice and their bond is unbreakable
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lonely-t0wn · 6 months
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midnightcowboy1969 · 4 months
tw assault, don't worry, just thinking out loud
it's horrible that people feel that they have to question themselves like was I actually assaulted, I did the same thing, but it's nice to know that this uncertainty isn't a me thing
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rosenfey · 4 months
meeting gale really has skyrocketed my efforts at improving my mental health and my progression at therapy which is honestly more I can say abt any other character
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stinkrascal · 1 year
listen i love animals too but sometimes dog people are so fucking gross, i just saw this tiktok vid where this lady is cooking dinner and halfway through the video she took a piece of raw beef from the meal, let her dog lick it off her hands, and then kept cooking without washing her hands even though she had dog slobber all over her hands like GIRL WHAT?!?!?????? i love my pet too but holy shit i also love being you know hygienic??? barf vomit gag hurl etc
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