thebrethrenpost · 1 year
First Time Traveling in Thailand
So this is actually my very first time to travel in a different country. And turns out, like everything you’ve experience for the first time, it is overwhelming as hell! From the preparation, to going to the airport, figuring out on what characters that says “Men” in the Restroom. (Thank heavens for the invention of the icons!)🧍‍♂️
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Despite that, It was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life. My wife and I had the most fulfilling adventure that improved our perspective on the world, personal capabilities and spiritual growth. So in this blog, I want to share how we planned our first trip to Thailand.
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Most of the successes¹ that we experienced on our trip were because of my wife’s organisational skills in seriously taking the time to research, plan and endlessly evaluate. We have designed our trip 8 months before the actual flight. My wife always wanted to go to another country to explore and for other reasons. (*cough* bragging rights *cough*) 
Anyway, yes. For 8 months of preparation, we kept our finances in check, set goals on our bank accounts², and planned the routes of the places were going. no agencies, no internal connections. Just plain YouTube videos and Facebook Groups in DIY Travel Communities. 
Because of this preparation phase, we have enjoyed our travel to the fullest, without looking like the wandering idiots that we already are. It was just pack, airport, immigration, plane, train and then boom! 🇹🇭You’re in the hotel as if you already know the country. No asking obvious questions that’ll embarrass you, no checking on the phone what to say nor what to do, and no first-time experience anxiety. Which was kind of weird, to be honest, it was that smooth.
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The Trip
The trip went flawlessly as long as you literally took the time and effort to plan things out in your itinerary. Although you don’t need to follow them chronologically (if you’re on DIY travel). Just think of it like a checklist for you to go to and find the most efficient way to get it done. Most of the time we managed to tick almost everything in the Day 1 itinerary, that we jumped into doing on Day 2. The only struggle for us was knowing what is the difference between the fair pricing in the tuktuk ride. We were aware that there are many scammers in Thailand as well as any other tourist place in the world. So we just take the Grab app and then bargain our way there. (For example: If riding a Grab Car will cost 100฿ Baht from point A to point B, Then we negotiate the tuktuk for 70฿ or 80฿ Baht.) It doesn’t work every time but at least you know what is the fair price. 
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I really enjoyed this trip and this actually inspired me to save more money for future travels. I’m grateful for the long preparation my wife did just to make this adventure of a lifetime happen. It wasn’t easy, and boy, was it tedious. But it allowed me to enjoy my time on the journey and not waste myself wandering and being frustrated and ending up being lost. In fact, we were so organized in our plan, that we took the time to learn the language, understand the culture, genuinely taste the food and not just "eat it" and spend time to become one of the people, not just a tourist. The best part was having extra money in our budget because we realized we didn’t have to spend as much as we thought. Things will come your way for not making it happen³. Unexpected health issues, having a hard financial crisis, not getting approved by the immigration or even just being unlucky. But if you’re immensely determined and plan things out, it will come as if it was meant for you. 
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Kap Khun Krap
You can check the itinerary here if you want to plan your own travel. It has all the details you need.
¹not getting offloaded, lost, scammed, buying the right food and not overspending from the budget are considered successes for us.
²(and by setting goals on our bank accounts I mean consistently putting money and not just putting a one-time big cash in the bank statement. -  when the immigration office gets a chance to see that, they might be skeptical of the sudden change and may lead you offloaded.)
³That's why I recommend building an emergency fund first. It'll be even better if you have life insurance and health insurance. And yes, that was also part of our planning.
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thebrethrenpost · 1 year
The Measure of Strength
What does it mean to be strong? Does it always have to be fierce, tough or revolutionary? Every time we see a person who resists, fights back or takes revenge often give us this slight satisfaction of justice is prevailing and strength exists in that person. I, too sometimes admire people who have a very low tolerance for mistreatment and unfairness. There were times when I just ask what if I fought back, what if I resisted or what if I just say “No”. These were just some thoughts on how I wished I could have been a strong person. But that led me to ask another question. What is the measure of strength?
Resistance is hard, it takes effective confrontation, bravery, and even emotional discipline of being thick-skinned and bold. We often celebrate resistance especially if it’s for a good cause, such as injustices and unfair systems of society. We have that sense of happiness when we see the person who causes these hardships “gets what they deserve” as if “karma”, has finally caught up to them. People who tend to resist are commonly those who have a short temper for mistreatment or are easily persuaded to settle things through violence or non-violent confrontations. We also see them as people with anger issues not easy to be dealt with and sometimes, people we avoid unless we needed their behaviour to fix things.
However, I also pondered the people of submitted and endure. People who took the patience to wait, hold and bear. People who just cried things out and hope for better days. Shouldn’t these be acknowledged as strengths as well? Apparently not, as for my observation these traits are known from people who are timid, soft-hearted and expected the world to be kind. Which is why they prefer to flee rather than fight. I somehow feel awe of how they endure adversaries and still, keep the kindness in their hearts to have faith that things will pass. And I admire that. For me, these are people who are just equally strong as people who want a revolution. The ability to endure, submit and even forgive is one of the few and strongest men can do.
Who is stronger?
Whether who is stronger is a question depending on who views it. But I am more concerned as people are accused to be weak because they are timid and soft is something I wish to change. Sometimes some of us, in fact, many of us, don’t like to suffer. And yet that suffering is the one that keeps us innocent from the tyrants. How I wish we can view strength as much as we view beauty like flowers. Some are fragrant but dull, while others are elegant yet thorny. To be strong is rested in everyone's ability to resist and endure and we should be harsh in judging them for being weak just because it is not the same as ours.
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thebrethrenpost · 1 year
A Quarter of a Century.
Special Thanks to My Wife.
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It’s been a quarter of a century and look how far we have been. To be honest, these past few days has been given me a lot of thought. On what to do on the second phase of my life. Yes, I call it second phase because I plan to live up-to a 100th. Hahaha. There has been a lot of stress that has been bugging me within the plans, goals and even the current events happening in my life. My worries, regrets or whatever unpleasant feelings that have been bugging my head preventing me to sleep. But then, when my birthday started everything was starting to cool down. I really appreciate my wife being there for me. For comforting me despite of the manhood shell. There are time where I couldn’t explain myself clearly and yet she still gives the empathy to understand. And even when I woke up. After going to the temple, everything that was bugging my head started to calm down. I also started to notice small influences of positivity in my mind. For all the gifts that I received in my birthday having a compassionate helpmeet is more that I could ever ask for. Shout out to the woman who has been giving me the best birthday surprises since Day 1. ❤️
Things that used to be and are.
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I was scrolling in the facebook memories and came across with this post way back 2017 (about 6 years ago).
I was indeed just a crappy person, clumsy and reckless yet a pure intention to love people. And it’s been a long way if I look back now. A tremendous amount of difference in the development of my character and identity. To be honest I miss that rascal. I miss those days when I was stupid and yet confident. A righteous idiot that had the audacity to do unordinary things and still managed to be lovable. Oh I miss that boy. But now, it’s time to be a man. Not only to do things I passionate love but even do things that are awfully required for the sake of my family and generation. And that’s the one the bugs me all night. Bring me worry in work and fear to the unknown future. But after this day, I know everything’s going to be okay. It won’t as the same as they used to be, (like in this picture) but it’s going to work out in the end. It has been and will always be. I know it. Happy Birthday Ballan.
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thebrethrenpost · 1 year
Stress Management that costs us 0 Pesos.
Most of the time when my wife and I experience certain stress in our lives whether it’s work, school or life, we usually go to BGC or Jollibee to buy food and eat the stress away. It is famously known as “Stress Eating”. There was a time when we experienced a financial problem that cause us to tighten our belts to keep our obligations. 
One day I was sharing mine with my friend, who was also financially struggling, about my situation and ranting about how on earth can I keep this up. In the middle of our conversation, he asked me a simple question that made me really think about my situation. He asked, “What’s your problem with finances?”. 
That question made me reflect and took a step back to look at my standing. Realizing that there are ways to manage stress without harming our wallets and well-being.
Commonly prayers are about asking for something that you want. But prayers are more than that, it also allows you to lose the things you don’t want like anger, sadness and even stress. It creates an environment for you to express things that only you can understand, even without having the struggle of explaining what it is.
Talk About It
Talking about things that trouble you (or anything at all) helps you maintain sanity. My wife and I always talk about things most of which are gibberish and repetitive. This was one of the topics I opened up to my wife when we were trying to cut costs. I asked when was the last time we manage the stress that cost us nothing. And this ended up with our conclusion.
Fasting is a bit different. Fasting is about controlling appetite. Limit yourself to maintain the balance of your spiritual and physical needs. This helps you create discipline and allows you to reflect on what needs are necessary (things that need worrying about) and what are distractions (things that don’t really matter in the long run). 
Although these are simple ways, they actually require practice. Because it’s not about the activities that will manage stress but your intentions in doing these activities. I once prayed about asking God to take away my problems but not all of them are successful. These activities won’t give you relief but rather give you the strength to endure those problems. So what are you waiting for? Get on your knees, and pray.
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thebrethrenpost · 1 year
Stuffs we first bought when we were just starting as a couple
Appliances. Perhaps one of the most exciting parts of our marriage life. As if a number of side quest needs to be completed to unlock achievements. Before our marriage, we already kind of discuss what we wanted to begin with. We didn’t have much but we did have a mindset to “just enough to start” which was actually a big factor in motivating us in getting what we wanted - that includes appliances. So here are some of the first appliances as a couple.
Electric Fan
It was that electric fan that kept us in the depth of hell (our apartment). The summer heat was just too much to bear and thank heavens for providing us this majestic machine. We were saved by grace through its breeze that kept us moving and not regretting on the apartment of our choice.
Bed Mattress
It’s not a home if you can sleep in it. So it’s obvious why we have a mattress as our essential in the house. We actually had two as these mattresses were from the previous apartments that we once bought for ourselves.
Rice Cooker
Of course, we need our rice cooker. But it’s not only for making rice, it’s also made for frying, boiling and cooking other dishes. ah yes, I remember how versatile our Eureka Rice Cooker was. It was the one that kept us alive and live within the budget (though it was still expensive.)
One thing I learned in the mission is how important food preservation is. Leaving leftover food to waste is incredibly costly. So we immediately saved to buy a refrigerator to preserve our meals. The best part is it was only about PHP 5,000. 5ft tall, 2nd Hand and still in good condition. Best purchase in Facebook Market Place!
Bucket and Dipper
For hygiene purposes...
Storage Rack
Now you might be asking; “why do you need a storage rack for?”. Well, if you are just a couple starting, living in a tight space, and have a lot of things that need to be organized or stored for future use. Then my friends do I have an idea for you? A storage rack is a place where you can put anything. And I mean anything (with a maximum weight of 100kg*). You can put the pots, pans, spices, make-up kit, 72-hour kit, exercising equipment, water jug and almost anything that just may be lying around on the floor, countertop or table. Yes. The Storage Keep is for keeping your “stuffs” organized. And boy did it improved our space and convenience in the house.
And that’s it!
And that's about it! We had no tables, chairs, or even a proper working station to assist us in our work. We resorted to eating and working either on the countertop or on the floor, resulting in struggles like back pain and poor postures. However, in retrospect, this experience instilled in us discipline and the ability to adapt to challenging circumstances. It taught us patience, resilience, and the drive to strive for more while remaining content with what we have.
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
3 things I’ve experience in my Mission
Life Experience
One of the highlights in my mission is that; Missionary work will teach you more about life than just missionary work. For example being obedient, not only be it taught me to follow the rules. It taught me to be responsible to my actions. I learn how consequences from our decisions can greatly affect the quality of our life and identity. I learned in the perspective of a missionary, that life is simple, but never easy. Therefore it allowed me to handle situations in the most Christlike way. It taught me to handle my finances, manage my time, develop good habits and avoid bad behaviour. You may say, the mission help me to become a better human being and not just a mere missionary.
Professional Experience
I’m very grateful of the blessing I received before, during and after my mission. Another highlights I learned is that, “The mission does not change you, it reveals you.” the smallest ounce of potential that is projected from 5, 10 and even 50 years beyond of what you are capable of. The professional experience I’ve recieved became my asset in the competitive corporate world, These experiences taught me competence, work-ethic, skillset and character development. In fact, the successes I had in my career are due to the fruit of my mission. Skills like confidence, public speaking, righteous image (branding), English, teach and leadership are all focused, practiced and mastered in my 2 years in the field. and till today, I use these skills in my work, church and family. 
Spiritual Experience
More than my testimony, the thing that improve and grown was my nature. The deep desire, the itchy feeling of making something and being someone has been ingrained in my spirit. As the physical growth is measure through the strength or the flesh, the spiritual growth is measure through the strength of the mind and emotions. I have grown so much in both and spirit that I became easy to be pleased and hard to be offended. I see adversary as an opportunity to prove myself and not as a hindrance to my growth. And it is because these fruit I know the my decision in serving the Lord for 2 years, was the best decision of my life. And no doubt that the things I have declared to the people that are witnessed by men on earth and the angels of heaven that His work is true.
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
Giving Voice to Your Ideas
To my Past Myself,
We had such a wonderful experience, you, and I, your clumsy failures and the satisfying successes are the evidence that we have lived a fruitful life. The moments both bitter and sweet have made me understand a deeper meaning in existence here on earth. I write this letter to you as a token of gratitude to my heart for the things you have made me of what I am and what I have today.
My happiness resonates like the sunrise every time we celebrate our achievements whether it is great or small. The satisfaction it brings as we look back on the process is a crown we do not want to be taken away at the moment. Of course, not everything falls into place. Crying and calming, craving, and clearing have consistently converted my character.  And that might not have happened because of you.
Thus, creating this letter has more to its appreciation This is a great time for me to look back for reconciliation For you that has been an example of the past That I know for certain will not last 
As I am a being who is continually changing, Continually existing, continually living, Like the waters in the river, it will ever be flowing to the earth that will need my elements for growing
But to you, I give credit for keeping me nice for keeping me pure not yielding to vice The water is still flowing and giving life without price I thank you for not making me salty, not making me ice 
Sincerest Appreciations, Josh
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
3 Habits of a Typical Ballan
Thought will turn into words, Words will manifest into actions, and These actions will turn into habits and apparently, The Habits determine the growth and downfall of your character in life.
I’m writing this article just in case a typical Ballan like me might forget these core habits when things might go down or let’s just say I develop bad habits along the way. Because as human beings, when life has no meaning to us, we spend our lives on pleasure, which likely came from bad habits like porn, vice, gambling, etc.. (not all of them though, just some of it)
So I want to give 3 Habits a Ballan must have in order to have a meaningful life.
Habit #1: Habit that allows you to pay taxes and donate.
I know, not the first habit you are expecting. But the result of your habits will come from keeping good values in life and that includes being a good contributor to society and to your fellow human beings. 
The habit here is to be a giver, and not just to give. Doesn’t matter where the resources will go. Because your primary responsibility is to be able to provide and help under your own terms and capacity. Not have the obligation to feed every hungry people in the world.
We lived in a world that is full of unfairness, and I believe a Ballan, just like every human in the world receives grace and therefore we should not be entitled as if we deserve all the good things in this world. If there’s anything good that came into this world, is you. And you should have the ability to share it, in the least possible way of being generous.
Habit #2: Habit that allows you to work, play and serve all together.
Work and life balance. Once you have the resources to provide for your needs and are able to help others. It’s time for you to find a way to maximize productivity and expand availability. There is no such thing as being busy. There only reason I could think of if a person is busy is that they have something that is not enough and therefore they need to take the time and energy to achieve it. 
But you need to know enough is enough, and if there are smarter ways you can make your work efficient, DO IT! As Ballan, again like every good human being, must have a good sense of work ethic. But work ethic doesn’t always mean productivity. You are also entitled to be creative. To seek innovation, to explore new things and have the right to enjoy that process including in ways of recreation and serving people. 
I believe once you will develop this habit it will make not only your work easier, but you will realize how life is too short to overwork something that doesn’t give you meaning. That time is the only commodity that you can’t bring back. So make those memories, work hard but always have the time to HAVE FUN!
Habit #3: Habit that allows you to live longer
If there’s anything that I would love you to prioritize out of the habits that I’ve mentioned, it is this one. You can’t have the 2 habits without developing this first. Health enables you to exercise the right of those habits with strength and with minimal cost to your life. 
So always take care of yourself. Whether in terms of mental, physical or emotional - even financial health. You know yourself and you should not improvise these because I promise you that the world needs you a little longer. It needs the most of the kindest people it can get. So always have that health standard in check.
Vague Habits???
This article might come to a question saying; “Why are the habits vague?” Like Joseph Smith said to one legislator; “I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves. I also believe the same thing. I am not in the position to tell what a person needs to do in his life. 
The reason is that I want to share only the habits principle. For example, if you want to develop Habit #3 doesn’t matter to me if you want to do 100 push-ups, schedule a psychiatrist, follow a religious commandment or get health insurance. The principle is there and it is up to your genius on what actions are best for you. 
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thebrethrenpost · 1 year
Essentials for Humans
The world is cruel. No doubt about that. The unfairness and injustices we continue to experience are likely inevitable and won’t disappear anytime soon. Why? Because it always has been. As George Bernard Shaw once said; “We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience.” Since humans have a limited lifespan, it lacks the experience of the needed learning in life to change their telestial nature. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Man is evil, we can say they’re poor, dumb or immature as they tend to choose their self-interest and safety rather than the common good. And yet that’s when I realized the despite that there are things that are still essential for humans. And these what I’ve come up with:
We start at the core of our character and that is our intention to do good to the world all around us. Kindness is the most attainable characteristic in your human hood. In fact, kindness is already there in your nature. Knowing you have a conscience that makes you feel happy when you did something right or troubled if you did something wrong is already a piece of evidence that you are a rational being capable of being a good person. However, I want you to learn beyond this type of kindness. Kindness is not just being proactive in doing something morally right. It is also how to effectively react within the given situation around us. It’s learning how to face adversaries, learning how to struggle well and also dealing with other people better. As Ted Koppel once said; “Aspire to decency. Practice civility toward one another. Admire and emulate ethical behavior wherever you find it. Apply a rigid standard of morality to your lives; and if, periodically, you fail ­ as you surely will ­ adjust your lives, not the standards”. I believe these are essentials to us for our survival and well-being. By learning these skills, you will improve your life with peace and joy whatever the circumstances.
Strength is one of the characteristics that made the human being survive in this earth. If people are strong, they are capable of doing and successfully achieving their goals. Although strength is often represented as the extreme physical aspects, such as lifting something heavy, enduring a painful experience or winning a fight. Strength can also resemble other simple things. It's also about maintaining small simple habits so you won't go weak for long periods of time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of them. Eating a proper diet, getting enough exercise and having enough sleep are common but important ways to maintain strength. You must do everything you can to improve your health and well-being both physically and mentally. Because what doesn't kill may make us stronger in the short run but actually deteriorates us in the long run. So eat your greens and live longer as you try to survive.
When I talk about wisdom I'm not talking about having a high IQ, good reasoning skills or math. I was more talking about having a growth mindset. Which means dealing with your unknowing and honestly learning something. I commended people who acknowledge that they're 'idiots' and yet has that strong enthusiasm for learning. Usually, these are the people that are likely willing to adapt and change for the better. This also builds innovation that will greatly contribute to society than those who are complacent. Another factor of wisdom is the ability to think independently. Thinking independently will allow you to build curiosity and challenge the existing knowledge that is already accepted as the conventional truth. This results in the Innovation that I just mentioned. Having a growth mindset and the ability to think independently will advance you to gain more wisdom than others. You will fail, improve and excel. And no matter how many times you're proven wrong if you only became right one time. It'll make you a genius and legend.
So far, these are the 3 things essential for humans. Although there a lot more that I can think of. This should give you a good start on what to reflect for yourself and what area you can improve on. I still struggle the 2nd one but hey, that’s what makes us human. :)
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
The Rising Era, History Anew
Throughout my time in this generation, perhaps this is one of the most life changing moments that will ever occur in the history of the Philippines.
A conflict between the rising generation and the existing era on whether what the country or nation must be in the next 6 years.
You could say that this is somewhat of a cry for a revolution. A change in the order. Whatever it may be, one this is for certain. one must either give in or resist for the peoples sake.
As the social media has increased its pace in spreading controversies triggering both the right and left, It is obvious at this moment that one is strong in their stand for that the believe in.
Never have I ever in my life experienced such conviction, patriotism and pride to ones belief that they are even willing to defend and fight for it.
We can see the each party provokes, confuses, weakens, converts and even go to a point to destroy the opposing side with a mentality, not whether if it's morally right or wrong, but to win.
Yes, it is sad, to see friends being ripped apart, relationships being broken and even families getting disconnected because of political views and values.
This part of society has always happened throughout history. And it will likely pass specially after the election.
No matter what happens it is important to keep our civility and character. Besides, it's not always effective to convince people by being uncivil or carelessness to a person's right to disagree.
On the other side however, I would like to celebrate this event in my life. How each and every one is now in the drive for the truth and perfect knowledge of their power as "the people".
Such patriotism, such energy and more importantly, such love for our country to make it ours. I've always loved the Philippines 🇵🇭. I love my country. And every time I hear people to check the facts, know their leaders and chant the name of change. It brings euphoria and excitement in my blood that one day we will become one of the great nations.
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
Learning with no morals
One of the favourite things I do is consistent learning. I can’t even end the day without accomplishing either two things; I win or I learn.
  In my experience, education is one of those things you can do when the world is in the heat of noise, chaos or even competition.
  It's the one that can give you leverage to yourself, be effective with others and have an opportunity to “fill up the gaps” of the things this world lacks.
Although learning is good, and will always be, it’s always a good idea to keep your morality closer to your sense of being.
  Knowing good things will also give you the opportunities to think of possible things, most of which are opposite, to your discovery.
Learning in creating ideas or dogma that could help improve and empower society, communities and civilization can also be used to control and manipulate them.
Learning the law, policies, and systems that could make you a better citizen of the state can also make you cunning, by learning the loopholes and taking advantage of them.
Learning like power takes responsibility. And the greater the amount of learning you receive, the greater the responsibility on how you will use that learning.
  That’s why it’s important to keep your morals in check. Because without your morals as you progress to be intelligent, Your intentions will be different.
  Different in ways that will limit your learning and focus only on a one-sided truth or knowledge.
Throughout history, we see that the most intelligent and greatest civilizations are the ones that caused the most destructive events in the world.
These events were made through informed decisions. decisions made by informed individuals who were exposed to the most modern and advanced discoveries that almost half of the world hasn’t even gotten a chance to discover it yet.
And even in the present day, we still see that those who have the secular capacity to understand are the one who often misunderstood people and come to a point to react immorally and violently.
  Without morals, we live like animals in the circle of life - Prey and Predator. By increasing our morality and intelligence we are building the vision, mission and desperate dream of every single person living in an unfair world being treated poorly - Humanity.
  In the end, I invite you to expand your mind but always keep your heart connected. It’s always better to create a dialogue with an intention to learn and discover. And how much more if you add that up with the intention to make the world a kinder place.
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
Today, was a good day.
My weekend wasn’t supposed to be as the best day that ever happened to me. It was one of those days where you woke up in the wrong side of the bed knowing that this dull mood will have a domino effect in your day. 
One thing that I really don’t like in my day is not being productive. I don’t mind being boring really, as long as I did something that was useful of my time and energy. I really don’t mind it. it’s just the part where you feel like you didn’t do ANYHING, and now you feel like you’re a wasted person with a wasted life. (This is my way of thinking by the way - and yes I’m self-critical sometimes) 
I often never settle for less. Which gives an explanation, why I don’t like doing NOTHING because with make ME nothing. Once I’ve realized I’ve wasted a number of hours doing non-urgent or non-important stuff. I feel guilty of myself. With a regret where I should have been better. and this cycle of resentment, procrastination and unproductiveness goes on and on.
So usually when to stop this. Instead of resisting the fact that I’m a piece of crap doing nothing good in his life. I rather acknowledge that fact. And from there, I slowly, really slowly, find ways to do something at least that would make my day “good”. Not great, not fantastic. Just good. And slowly the resentment goes away. And I feel a little better for myself. Not because I was productive but because I made the effort to change it. And once I’ve won that ground, the least complement I could give is. “Today, was a good day”.
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
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There are some problems to be solved and problems to be embraced or dealt with.
These past few years, I've learned that there are problems that can be solved because they are within our control or influence. e.g. finances, habits, responsibilities, bills, etc.
There are also problems that are not within our control. e.g. political issues, economic downfall, corrupt systems, changing society, etc. These are the ones that are unsolvable or cannot be solved in an instant.
In my experience, these are the types of problems where we just have to deal with them.
By dealing with it we can focus on what decisions are best at the moment. We can also easily identify what can be changed for the better - ourselves.
By embracing the circumstances, My decisions were focused on the improvement that is within my reach. This gives me power and responsibility for myself.
And the strange thing about it, despite that the problem was there, it didn't seem to bother me anymore. Not because I've ignored it but I've also learned to calmly overcome it.
I learned how to react and respond properly on how to deal with it. And the more I learned to deal it with, the faster I learned to embrace and love it - including the most tragic failure. I even became more capable in handling the most complicated conflicts or issue by facing them intentionally, not vulnerably.
And now looking back, I realized that my problems didn’t go easier, I just became stronger by knowing how to embrace and deal with it.
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thebrethrenpost · 2 years
I Existed. (24)
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24 years of existence I have learned, experience and lived the most blessed life that I could ever imagine. Of course, I have yet to experience more but nevertheless I give these statements to record that I have learned so much regardless of continuous naiveness and curiosities.
The Lord’s Hand throughout the years.
One thing that I cannot stress is the fact I am highly favored of the Lord. These have been proven throughout the years of my personal experience and testimony. How a common boy from a modest village will have the opportunity to meet honorable and noble men including God’s chosen servants. I have been placed through the hardest struggle and endure long and hard. I have been molded, sharpen and purified. I still experience these things and I know that there are a lot more to come since I’m still young. But for the past 24 years of screw ups, repentance process and uncomfortable confrontations of the harshest reality of life, the Lord’s hand was there and have been always there.
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24 Years of Blessings.
Perhaps one of the most beautiful blessings I have acquired from the heavens is the chosen vessel of my prosperity. My wife is one of the most unique beings I’ve met in my life. The differences that complemented us as we become a new identity when we got married: Her beauty, compassion, kindness and even the slightest negative trait or attribute makes her the right human being for my eternal progression. I always say this and will never get tired of it; “I am indeed the luckiest man alive and I thank God for it”. 
From the day I was born, I have had goodly parents. Blessed to serve a mission and became molded as a Man. Blessed of the privileges and opportunities that enabled me to learn from different parts of the world and get an experience to work internationally. I am blessed with having good people and great friends. I am blessed with things and events that were tragic yet turned out to be beautiful in the long run. I am blessed to be sealed in the eternities with my family and prosperity. I am blessed to have a life with great abundance. Blessed to live and say, “I Existed.”
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