#there was 'before We Are Pilots'
shirozora-draws · 4 months
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I wanted to try some processes I watched on some artists' reels over at the Insta, and practice designing and coloring manmade/artifiical environments for future projects in particular.
Deep winter also always makes me moody and nostalgic, and I start looking back. I know this is just a consequence of time and technology, but I don't have any of my old Tron art files saved on my laptop. It's so strange considering how much of an impact Tron Legacy and the fandom has had on my life on and off-line. I listened to the ficmix I made for that old fic of mine the other day, and man, I felt so unwell and unhinged. That movie, that OST, that fandom, that fic, that ship, still has such a stranglehold on me years after the fact.
Anyway, if you haven't done so already, go give this beautifully made extended Daft Punk music video a watch.
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microvibing · 2 months
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you want a new kind of guy, fine, i raise you: the lady i was briefly roommates with in college who once smoked a blunt at a party and then spent an hour confessing earnestly to me that she genuinely preferred reading detailed episode recaps over actually watching the tv show in question
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cuppajj · 4 months
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thankstothe · 15 days
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hcmetown · 1 month
have y’all noticed it’s always the people who became “fans” at the height of tøp’s popularity (2015), then forgot about them after the Blurryface era that always has the most shit to say about them?
like we get it. it was CLEARLY a phase for you, you only liked them because they were popular at the time, but why make tøp fans feel like shit for STILL liking them? in 2024 at that?? we’re still shitting on people’s music taste in 2024?? music is music, and they still make GREAT music. i don’t understand. it’s like the moment they find out people unironically still listens to tøp current day, they become so hostile.
no one hates tøp more than “ex-Blurryface era” fans i SWEAR.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
I think it's funny if every Voyager au has its own 'delta quadrant' and 'Maquis v Starfleet' circumstance that they're treating with the same level of seriousness and angst. Flight attendant Au but they're experiencing several long layovers and are from two competing airlines. High School Au but they're from different schools on a tense joint overnight trip.
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theythemmer · 29 days
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missing ERS….
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Space AU eclipse is a normal and well adjusted robot-love interest best friend
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having-conniptions · 2 months
Guys help I'm so confused by the timeline of the EddieTommy and BuckTommy ideas
The reason why Buck was single in the first place was because Natalia's actress didn't want to return, right?
So they were like "Hey, Buck's single, let's bring Lucy back" but the actress declined
So they brought in Lou as Tommy and instead of even considering pairing him with Buck their first thought was to pair him with EDDIE??
But then they realized Eddie had a gf and they couldn't end Eddie's relationship with Marisol as well bc it would be weird to break off both of those relationships at the same time
So they looked at Buck (who was the reason they were gonna bring in a pilot as a love interest IN THE FIRST PLACE) and were like "oh yeah he's single and I guess it kinda makes sense"???
And they asked Oliver and he was like "FUCKING FINALLY" and called Lou to talk about how to go about this
(Also, them knowing Buck would be single has to have happened before filming 7x01 but the BuckTommy idea apparently started while they were filming 7x02 and 7x03?? So while they were filming 7x01 they were either still hoping to bring Lucy back or thinking about getting Eddie a bf (before realizing he still had a gf)???)
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compacflt · 7 months
hey! i was just going through your blog, and i saw a post about ice&carole and mav&goose. i looked a bit more but i couldn't find a post about your take on mav and goose's relationship, so i wanted to ask what it was. if you have answered this, i'm sorry about asking you again. imo i think what they had was wayy deeper than friendship but complex and probably not romantic, but again, i just wanted to know your thoughts on it.
thank you! and this blog has probably been one of the best finds i have ever come across on tumblr, i'll be sad to see you go.
yeah, i was really trying to be suave and subtle and mysterious about it with this parallel
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like, you should be able to figure it out for yourself.
but luckily for you i looooove beating dead horses. to a problematic degree.
the full story of my vision of mavgoose (moose?) is in the completed draft of the extras that are coming out on Saturday. about halfway through. But i want to bring it back to the internal craft-of-writing debate i brought up yesterday—my inability to summarize, or to cut superfluous sections that don’t really matter.
I’ll stick it under the cut for spoiler reasons, but i wanna show the simple first draft of this scene versus the complicated, heavier final draft. And I want to ask any of you, if you’re interested—as a reader, which is more impactful? which should i end up publishing?
the simple first draft:
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then i kept turning it in my head thinking of different ways to edit it to say something slightly different, to get a little more specific, coming up with things to add, and ended up adding like five extra paragraphs. which is this:
about 1/4 of the final draft (by which i mean, this is about 1/4 of the whole final discussion scene, but the goosemav-specific content only goes on for about another graf [omitted bc spoilers]):
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(so to answer your ask explicitly, i actually don’t think they were anything deeper than good friends. imo there’s no evidence that they were anything deeper than good friends, especially with maverick blowing goose/goose’s wishes off soooo many times [‘she’s lost that lovin feelin;’ volleyball; refusing to do the responsible thing at least twice even after goose tells him it puts his & his family’s livelihoods at risk…bro all he does is blow off goose]. see me bitching in the tags for more on this)
obviously in my head the complicated in-depth version ⬆️ is the True version, the version of events that really Happened. i think the writing is in some spots much more compelling. But it just doesn’t make for a particularly good reading experience when it’s surrounded by like 3/4 pages of other discussion of history! sometimes too much of (what i think is) a good thing turns that good thing bad! & this is a major keystone dynamic of my whole series so i just want to get it right, for my own peace of mind. I guess im asking you to be the harsh editor i wish i had sometimes, if ur interested in doing so—this is genuinely a major major problem i have with my writing, i can’t ever just leave well enough alone 😭 please let me know if simpler is better/less is more in this case! do i publish the short vague “the reader fills in the blanks” version or the long boring “here’s EXACTLY how i see it” version?
#crowd sourcing beta readers. let me know.#also.#how many times do i have to say maverick is neither a good person nor a good friend#and the writers of TGM hugely whitewashed and dulled down the original sharpness and thoughtlessness of his character#for the sake of post-50s tom cruise mary-sueifying him#before it sticks?#if it helps you can write out a list of his actions in the original movie.#for instance: > blows off goose to be late to dinner with Charlie anyway#> follows her into the women’s restroom > continues a pattern of dangerous behavior even after#Goose his supposed best friend tells him multiple times it is threatening their jobs#the truck master scene… the locker room scene… the ‘can’t afford to blow this scene’#and then he does it a FOURTH TIME AND KILLS GOOSE HELLO!!!!!#so much for being a good friend like c’mon!!!#if he REALLY respected goose he would have SHOWN HIS RESPECT FOR GOOSE!!!#i am leaving this blog so out come the hot takes!#movies are also woobifying tom cruise lately! how’s that for a hot take#i genuinely felt insulted by TGM’s sexless passionless soft bokeh-light KIND OF half-sex with Penny. that was insulting.#what happened to the savage bitter kid in 1986 top gun? why is he so soft and toothless?#the only time we see him is in the ‘it’s not the plane it’s the pilot’ ‘EXACTLY’ exchange. THATS maverick.#sorry you know me. TGM is not my favorite. i am extremely cynical about it.#i love the IP but the writing choices in the 2nd movie wrt mav especially make me…. 😵‍💫😵‍💫#pete maverick mitchell#nick goose bradshaw#mavgoose#you can ignore me bitching but pls don’t ignore my begging for secondary opinions here
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Oh west wing season two episode ten “Noel” we’re really in it now..
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You know I don’t think we make big enough of a deal about in the pilot episode when Patricia is talking about how Joy’s disappeared and hasn’t called her, and Jerome says to her, “Patricia, you’ve disappeared more than enough times.”
What does that mean????? Has she run away from school a bunch before??? Not shown up to dinners?? Dodged her friends’ calls?? Jerome just says this pretty casually without any additional explanation and it’s never addressed again. Bro literally what does he mean that Patricia’s disappeared a bunch of times?? That feels like something significant that there’s a story behind. What does this mean. What happened. I need answers!!!
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volivolition · 1 month
sleep time again, wishing all of you well. i hope your days are bright and nights are peaceful and i hope there's moments that make you happy <3
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socksandbuttons · 7 months
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oh i read this fanfiction!
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gophergal · 7 months
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Behold, the six "unique" roles of Stonevale, one of the colonies in Fading Hollow.
I've been thinking about this setting a lot lately, including all the characters. Honestly, I want to make every cat individual under the hood, but that is slowly driving me mad. For now, here are six of them:
Chief Ra'shira - the leader. Aggressive, irritable, but fiercely loyal to kith and kin.
Deputy Haystalk - her second in command and gentle younger brother. He has spent the majority of his adulthood smoothing over the trouble his sister's temper causes
Raven, the Seer - religious leader and second eldest cat in the colony. A grumpy bastard for the ages. The only company he enjoys is Mera and his sister, Blueshell
Mera Yari-tsa - a lifelong queen who has had a paw in raising every litter in the past 50 moons, earning her great respect. The most knowledgeable midwife in the hollow
Acorn - a senior messenger. He won't retire until his former apprentice, Puff, is ready to mentor another cat to take his place
Puff - a young messenger. He seems empty headed and the wrong body type for his position, but he has a fantastic memory and a knack for social situations
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