#there's so much shit
bthebeachboi · 1 year
"your attention span and memory can't be that bad"
I have over 10 one shots all thousands of words that I still didn't end because I start and forget them.
I have planned out a whole ff for the serial killer ny/stupid slut cal that I can't write bc I forget about it when I take my eyes away.
I have one ongoing fic that I also have planned out n I forget about it if something takes my attention away from it.
I have another short fic, planned out about OK and waiting because I am a forgetful cunt.
I have so much Gov/PA/Mass content on my phone it's sad, because I forget about it just to add smth new n forget about it too.
Bro please, someone tie me up n make me write this shit
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manasseh · 2 years
(월) 080822 | D-24
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I've got a really solid scope of this neighbourhood now, - mostly like who has too many chickens and who too many plum trees to handle alone :) Also what farmers sell straight from the farm fe.! This one cow farmer has a 'milk tap' in a little shed by their farm, basically a vending machine for fresh raw milk, so I got 2L for why not
Also tried to make sense of the garden ; found potatoes plant in the back and this BIG ASS cucumber... treasure fr
learned how to pasteurise raw milk
tried that fruit washing and storing tip from a tumblr post ( for my plums )
made milk icecream in little titty shaped molds I found ( with the pasteurised milk )
solid plan for the hebrew langblr
got horribly stuck w my C# project
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aradiamegido · 2 years
learning new and fucked up things about my ex like goddamn
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randomalistic · 6 months
Selfshippers who ship with weird/unappealing characters. I love you. Like hell yeah you go get with Mr Crocker. Go get with lord faarquad
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excavatinglizard · 7 months
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Shoutout to my dad for being the funniest person I know
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skellydun · 3 months
i am going to wake up from this nap on time feeling refreshed and not any worse than I do at this current time
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cabinette · 2 months
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i consider myself a connoisseur of What Makes Chilchuck's Brain Fry
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littlelightfish · 2 months
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Does... does this implies that... Chilchuck is the tallest of them all...? If they were all haflings, it's oficial that yes. Now, look at me play my game.
Chilchuck is said to be tall for a hafling, and he is. The avarage would be 100 cms, and he's 110 Laios is a tallman, but he's also tall for his race (the average height is 180cm for men, he's 185).
Marcille is 160 (elves are 150 and tall men 170, so we good here, I'd say she's average too). Sehshi is 140, he's actually taller than the average for male dwarves (135). And Itzusumi is shorter than the avatage of female tallmen (170), being only 150.
So far, if they all changed to the same race at the same time, Itzusumi would always be the shortest, followed my marcille. Senshi and Laios should be around the same height since theyre both 5 cms taller than the avarage (I know that as haflings Laios is taller, maybe he keeps being taller than Senshi just because). And Chilchuck would be the tallest. He's 10 cms taller than the avarage of his race after all.
Might this useless information hunt you until the end of your days.
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artkaninchenbau · 3 months
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A h-heartfelt reunion..?
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excali8ur · 8 months
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When you meet your past lives but they're all ignoring you and freaking out over this one guy?
I've seen a few versions of this floating around with the different Leos and I wanted to have a go at doing one for Mikey. They're all collectively realising what a bus sized bullet they dodged by not ending up as messed up as Ronin
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blessyouhawkeye · 1 month
watched neil gaiman's new gay pandering show today and it's kind of indescribable. created by destiel king steve yockey and starring the actress who played rowena on spn. episode directed by legendary lesbian filmmaker cheryl dunye. canon fujoshi character who talks about her explicit yaoi. an amnesiac medium named crystal palace. gaiman's typical vaguely autistic hugely gay dandy who's never been kissed but also literally every man he meets wants to fuck him so bad it makes them clinically insane. also he's a ghost and died in an accidental demonic sacrifice in 1916. and he tries to confess his love to his best friend and is interrupted by being sent to hell. he then confesses successfully while his best friend is bringing him out of hell in a named orpheus and eurydice allusion. this show needs 12 seasons.
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tariah23 · 2 months
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mokeonn · 10 months
"But if college was free, then people would abuse that and get useless degrees" hell yeah I would! If I could go to college without debt I would make it my job to get a degree in every little thing that interested me. I'd get a doctorate in film studies. I'd have a bachelor's degree for every science I like. I'd try to learn at least 5 languages with varying results. I would learn something "useful" like coding and then follow it up with a ""useless"" degree like art history. I'd be the world record speed run holder for getting every degree possible.
But I can't afford college without going into massive debt, so instead I spent the last 5 years trying to figure out what I am passionate enough about to consider going into debt over, because unfortunately being passionate about everything is extremely expensive to pursue.
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dogin8 · 1 year
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[ID: Two screenshots from Queering the Map, taken in Kottayam, Kerala. In the first screenshot there is a map pin that says “Surely, I can’t be the only one!”. In the second screenshot, a second map pin, very close to the first one, says, “No you are not.” The screenshots are from the Tiktok account @/ahecksis. End ID]
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egophiliac · 26 days
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we were fucking ROBBED
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ghouljams · 5 months
The Ghost distribution system... He really is like a stray cat, or a bear that learns minivans have food in them, he just keeps coming back no matter how many times you try to send him on his way. It doesn't matter how it happens but any scrap of kindness and he just determines he's going to attach himself to you.
Maybe he offers you a hand moving your couch when he passes your place and hears you swearing. You offer him dinner and Ghost has never been the sort to turn down a free meal, so he sticks around. It's weird that he doesn't even pretend to refuse, just takes you up on it immediately and even offers to help cook. You send him home and he's... there again the next day, waiting on your doorstep with a box of pasta asking if you could do anything with it. He's going to come back, he's going to keep coming back.
Maybe it's from meeting you at a bar. He's the biggest guy you can grab when your ex walks in, and somehow he seems approachable despite... well, everything about him. Fake boyfriend for a few hours at the bar is one thing, having him show up the next day to fix your sink because you mentioned offhandedly that it was leaking the night before is another. Having him sit in your kitchen and peal an orange for you because you said you were hungry is really driving home that this guy isn't leaving.
Hell maybe it's just a one night stand that never seems to end. You wake up and Ghost has already made breakfast. The two of you sit at your little table and eat quietly, Ghost scrolling his phone while you eye him warily, trying to figure out his game. He asks what you want to do today and somehow you can't find the right way to ask when he's planning on going home. He just sort of moves in, you realize he's printed a key for himself while you're grabbing groceries. It's nice he offers to pay, but you don't know when having him around became your normal.
Ghost sees you, he wants you, you're his. He's not leaving, he'll come back. He knows that this house has food and warmth, he knows that families forget to tie their trash up off the ground. He's a man of instinct, and you are going to be his perfect match.
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