#these kings who have so much as risk and so many burdens
intuitively-her · 1 year
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Why are people scared of you?
Pile 1-(The Hermit, 7 of swords, The Lovers rx, 8 of cups, The Devil, Temperance, 4 of cups rx, 4 of wands rx, 8 of pentacles rx, The Magician, 8 of wands) *angel number confirmation: 888
It's easy for you to detach from situations that don't serve you. You may prefer to be alone often. Sometimes you may even have more fun by yourself than when you're with others. People wish they could be like that. You're very much grounded and comfortable in your own skin. You are your own happiness! This really gets under people's skin. Mad ass bitches.🤣 You're very secretive and many wonder what you're hiding. People feel like they can't keep up with you. This could even be people that try to keep up with you to be all up in your business. But they're still blocked from knowing anyways. You're a powerful creator. You've built your creations from the ground up and made it to the top without the help of anyone else. You really had to get it out the mud BY YOURSELF. Lastly, many believe that you're a heart breaker. It's something about the way you look. You're a temptress.
*channeled song: way 2 sexy by drake
Pile 2-(5 of wands, 10 of swords, The Hanged Man, The Devil, The Star, The Magician, Queen of swords, Ace of swords, Justice)
You're not afraid of confrontation and being the bad guy when it's needed. I keep hearing "don't poke the bear". So you could actually be quiet and keep to yourself, but you'll flip the switch at any moment. That's really f*cking scary lmao. There's this strong aura of confidence around you. You walk with your head held high. Something about you makes people want to surrender. They feel super defeated against you. People would rather be with you than against you. You may have some sort of fame or following on a platform. For some of you, you run a business that contributes to this. People wish they could do it like you. Lastly, people are scared of you because you always get to the bottom of the truth. You always receive justice and come out on top in situations.
*channeled song: blow the whistle by too short
Pile 3-(6 of cups rx, The Hierophant rx, The World, Death, The Hermit, The Emperor, King of swords rx, 2 of pentacles rx, 10 wands rx, 6 of wands)
You're growing up and leaving behind dead weight. You've truly been evolving into a new person. Like a snake shedding it's skin. You're releasing a lot of your past burdens. Some people feel like you're gonna leave them behind. This could be family. These are people that were never supposed to join you on your journey anyway. You've been handling things on your own more and keeping your business to yourself. I'm getting a "f*ck it, ill just do it myself" type of energy from this pile. You're becoming your own savior. You've been taking a lot more risks as well. I keep getting something about "risk and reward". So maybe that has meaning to you.
*channeled song: rise up by andra day
Pile 4-(Queen of cups rx, 3 of swords, Queen of pentacles, Queen of wands rx, 4 of swords, Ace of cups, King of cups, Judgement, The High Priestess)
You can be very spiteful towards those that have done you wrong. People are often scared to go against you because they're afraid of what you might do in retaliation. You're very selfish with your time and you take your self-care seriously. You hold a lot of knowledge about many different subjects. I heard "old soul". You know exactly what you want and you demand it. That's actually very attractive to others. You seem to have a good judgement towards others, so you know who to associate yourself with and who not to. You can be a social butterfly at the same time tho. You know many people from many different crowds. You also have many people that come to your defense in situations, some unbeknownst to you.
*channeled song: no more (baby ima do right) by 3LW
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missycolorful · 5 months
q!Phil is in a remarkably precarious position in terms of his trauma and his children.
Because I'm sure part of him, at this point, constantly wants to hide all of his trauma away from his children again, to not tell Tallulah or Chayanne the things that eat him up. Because he can see his problems being reflected in them. The way Chayanne blames himself for things beyond his control, how Tallulah wants to learn how to fly so she can catch him if he falls. They are his children, and they are learning from him. And therefore, his trauma is being displayed in a full frontal mirror, in the form of his children, and because the trauma isn't just going to go away, there's only so much he can do about it. All he knows is that he doesn't want them to deal with what he's enduring. They're just children, for god's sake, they shouldn't have to carry so many burdens. He faults and chides himself for making his kids worry.
But at the same time, no more secrets, they all promised. They're a close knit family, who trusts each other with a lot. Trust is valuable, loyalty is valuable. Tallulah especially hates secrets and wants to be in the know, because to be otherwise is to feel like you're not truly as close as you thought you were. How can he go back on all of that? Because what happens if he keeps secrets, and his kids find out? The disappointment, the anger, he can see it all. Breaking promises and keeping secrets will just make them distant. And he doesn't want to risk that. Not when his family is everything to him.
q!Philza is a good parent who is simply doing his best in situations that are near impossible to win. Everything he and the rest of the islanders (as well as his own specific traumas i.e. Ender King) are going through has been taking a toll on him. And these problems, this trauma, cannot be solved with ease, not when the island they are on is a major reason for all of it. Without another islander there who will fully support him and highly prioritizes him, Philza is stuck in this miserable space between letting his misery and pain consume and destroy him from the inside, or bear these burdens onto his children and let them suffer in turn. He's trapped, and there's nowhere he can run right now.
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daturakillz · 1 year
Pick An Image • Psychic Reading • Mystery Messages for the month of May
1 right, 2 middle, 3 left.
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"Hello from the otherside." Is something I heard before even pulling your cards. Your ancestors, or another entity in your sphere could be trying to contact you or has been sending you signs. I'm seeing butterflies, specifically blue ones with black on them. Or a candle being blown out by the breeze, wind chimes along with it?
Anyway! With these cards I think this month is going to be a time of self discovery and possibly discipline. You're working towards mastering a great gift, powers you didn't know you had. This gift could have carried on throughout your many lifetimes, or is something you'd forgotten from your earlier years. I think part of your past self is coming forth to offer you something, a cup of creativity and passion.
You're smarter then you likely give yourself credit for, and this month you'll be encouraged to show off your intelligence. Be careful not to let any rage take over, as you risk humiliation and destroying things that are useful to you. Instead, temper yourself, walk away and take breaks when needed, and do not be lured into any tricksters traps.
You will overcome past heart breaks. Carrying with you from now on not burdens of this painful history, but knowledge and wisdom that which you gained. With this, you will enter new friendships and relationships knowing your worth and how and when to walk away when such relationships aren't aligning with who you are now. Some of you maybe afraid of this new you, but you can trust yourself and your choices. You're growing into a powerful person, a person you'll learn to feel proud of and rightfully so! Just don't abandon your heart and emotions, we need loving people just as much as we need powerful people.
There maybe a conflict going on in your life, possibly between a water sign and an earth sign (king of cups and knight of pentacles.) This conflict has caused heartache, disappointment, and confusion. As I pull the 9 of wands and the 3 of wands (dark wood tarot) I think both parties are manipulative and taunting. The king of cups could be emotionally tempting, using the emotions of others to his own advantage. While the knight of pentacles is capable of draining and controlling other people to get what they want/need.
If this is a situation outside of you, and you're witnessing two people you care for fighting like this, you may need to use your abilities as mediator to help the two see the errors of their ways (this isn't for everyone though.) If you're an individual within this conflict, then you may need to find an unbiased mediator who can correct you both.
There's a big need for self discipline, self control, and self mastery. You need to tame the ravenous side of yourself and exercise your own strength.
This conflict will be resolved and you two could recover from this if fate sees it fit. You both must learn to leave your anxieties behind you. If you both have a rough past, have had abusive exes, or something like that. You both need to overcome this and move forth to calmer waters within yourselves and then both together hand in hand. Great blessings will befall you.
Charge forth this month, assert yourself. You may be torn between head and heart, I'm seeing that when certain situations arise you'll know you need to use logic over emotion. Do not forsake your emotions however, as I'm seeing some situations will need more emotion then logic, while others need logic over emotion.
Lean into your femininity some, know when to take time to relax.
Life may have cut someone from your life, this was a blessing. You may have been forced to be the one to cut this cord a long time ago, but from this separation you became strong and gained a sense of internal control. This month, I think you'll receive a blessing, possibly your manifestations that you've fought/waited so long for.
Not to get morbid, but where dead things lie grass grows greener. Where the metaphorical deaths in your life have taken place, new lush vegetation will grow! Friendship breakups? Bad relationships? Fired / cut off from a job? Left a toxic situation behind? A new and improved version of such thing will take it's place! You've alchemized the dark and light within yourself, and possibly have been using esoteric alchemy in your occult practice to bring about desired outcomes.
The sun is about to shine again in your life, have faith and look to the stars when you feel lost for guidance and answers.
Alright all, I hope these messages were helpful! Have a beautiful Month of May 🌷
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elegantsplendour · 11 months
Of Blossom and Betrayal
AU: Green victory, the realm called for a new queen after Queen Helena's demise
Seraphina Tyrell did not belong to the worldly realm of Westeros; a lone child conceived of loyalty, love and devotion. A beacon like her attracts the darkest of souls, in the darkest of times.
💌 Aegon II Targaryen and Aemond Targaryen
Warnings: manipulation, abuse of power, mentions of rape, slight underage, dub con, violence. Specific warnings will be added at the beginnings of each chapter.
Chapter 1
Prologue: Highgarden
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Tag list: @purple-writer8 @vhagarswar @femmechaotic
Other friends: @boundlessfantasy @arcielee @qyburnsghost
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Lord Lyonel Tyrell was a man of honour, loyalty and vigilance. Succeeding in remaining neutral, assuring his family’s survival and maintaining the influence of his house in one of the bloodiest war since Aegon’s Conquest, if not of all of Westerosi history, was an accomplishment that many of his position had dreamt of.
Loyalty? He laughed bitterly at the memory of the bright and confident smile on his long gone brother Bryan’s departing figure to King’s Landing to serve under Prince Daemon Targaryen.
Be loyal to no one but his family, his loved ones.
It was the code he had lived by since Bryan’s unexpected tragic demise at the hands of Rogue Prince himself, a man his poor brother, the innocent messenger sent by King Viserys, admired and sworn loyalty to, fourteen years ago.
Lyonel remembered the day the news of his demise reached his father, the former lord of Highgarden.
People sing that there were six stages of grief.
Shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
But when it came to a devoted seventy two year old father, the grief ended in the very first.
Two days later, Lyonel, the second son, whose ambitions never surpassed the allure of marrying Lady Jayne Lannister and sampling the finest wines and sugary with his beloved, inherited the legacy he had never been prepared for.
The Targaryens will always do what’s best for the Targaryens.
Those were his late father’s last words.
To survive the Targaryen rule, Lyonel played by their rules. Schemes, betrayals, deceptions and bloodshed? He did not shy away from them. He bore the burden so his family, his people, didn’t have to.
With his hands on the cold balcony, Lord of Highgarden bathed the fresh air of flowers, the peaceful chirping of insects, the giggling of young maids and the distant melodies from the small folks returning to their homes after a long day of labour.
This was his empire he defended.
One of loyalty, honour and love.
His beloved Jayne, her arms wrapped around his waist.
Seraphina, his precious jewel, his sweet little rose, the one and only fruit of his and Jayne's love's many attempts at blooming.
His Lancel, Bryan's illegitimate offspring, whom he had taken under the Tyrell bloodline, a fierce and honorable knight, a fine protector, his heir.
“Lord Ormund has written again,” Jayne rested her head on his shoulder, her golden curls soothing his skin as much as his mind, “The letter touched me, the words he’s chosen, the sincerity of his voice. He truly desires a betrothal between his first born and Seraphina.”
Jayne traced her fingers on her husband’s cheeks, “He wishes to introduce them in King’s Landing.”
“King’s Landing?” Lyonel frowned deeply, “It should be fit for them to present themselves to Highgarden, especially when Phina was the one who treated their wounded bodies in the woods, risking the slaughter of the ruthless Northerners.”
Jayne swallowed hard as she recalled the turbulent times of the war.
Although negotiations, strategies and armies kept the castle away bloodshed and dragon fire, the walls were not impenetrable to whimpers of loss and screams agony from the highborn’s well acquainted soldiers calling the Rose without Thorns to their rescue, even at the interdiction of her parents.
Every time the Rose sneaked away from safety, the Lord and Lady of Highgarden sobbed while the peasants and soldiers rejoiced. Her empathetic smile, attentiveness to their wounds and of course, the herbs and food she had carried with her ignited the flicker of hope in the darkest times.
One fateful day, Seraphina stumbled upon two injured knights bedecked in green armor, hidden in the woods—Ormund and Daryn Hightower, gasping for air, on the brink of death from the Battle of Tumbleton.
As Seraphina returned with the blood stained figures of the castle, Lyonel and Jayne’s anger and fear exacerbated.
Highgarden had remained unharmed because of its neutrality that their naive daughter had just broken.
Yet, the gods seemed to show them mercy, perhaps in honor of the lives House Tyrell defended. The Blacks remained oblivious to this act, which could be seen as a declaration of allegiance. Instead, Seraphina’s uncalculated move of benevolence eaned House Tyrell a favourable position in the new Targaryen court: an intimate alliance with the most influential house beside the new king.
As Lyonel contemplated the offer in silence, Jayne squeezed his hand, “Daryn is a handsome, brave and honourable young man. I recognized the look on his face when Seraphina brought him back from the wild,” she pressed a kiss on cheek, “It’s the same way you looked at me years ago, lord husband.”
Lyonel’s gaze softened as he enveloped his wife into his arms with a light chuckle, “Your jest on formality never cease, my love. If the young Hightower truly feels the same about our daughter as I did to you twenty five years ago,” he cupped her cheeks, “Then, perhaps, that boy deserves her hand.”
Jayne held her husband tightly, relishing his scent and warmth. In a world cruel as this, she thanked to the gods everyday for granting her a man of his devotion, wisdom and strength.
“To King’s Landing then?”
“To King’s Landing,” Lyonel nodded before rolling his eyes, his never dying youthful side emerging, “Where the drunken king will be holding a foolish lavish pageant while his people starve. Seven bless the poor girl he will choose as the new queen.”
Jayne laughed wholeheartedly before tending to his arm, returning to the warmth of the interior, “You know, fate favoured us immensely,” she whispered with a mixture of gratitude and anxiety, “If we had agreed to the Kinslayer’s proposal in marriage-“
Lyonel suddenly gripped the touch of her hand, “Thank the wisdom my father and brother had bestowed me. Never trust a Targaryen. The rumours of…” disturbance and disgust written all over his face, “Lady, now a Princess, Cassandra Baratheon’s screams of pain echoed through the Red Keep on her wedding night. I cannot imagine-“
He buried his face in his hands as he sat down with his wife next to the fireplace.
Jayne brushed his hair with adoration, “Don’t overthink about the past, my love. Phina is about to marry a good man.”
The lord smiled as he lifted his head to face his beloved, “Everything I risked, I fought for, it was worth it. For you, for her, for Lancel, and for our people.”
Jayne kissed him passionately before whispering, “You are too good for this world, Lyonel Tyrell.”
As the stars gracefully pirouetted around the moon in the embrace of the night's darkness, and with the imminent date of embarking on the journey to King's Landing drawing near, the wheel of fate began its inevitable revolution once more.
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patchwork-crow-writes · 3 months
Deltarune is about many things - about growing up, about fantasy and reality, about games and how we as players interact with them... but it's also about legacy.
Yes, in the big meta sense, it's about how this game is following up from Undertale, one of the most beloved and successful indie RPGs of all time. But also you have Kris learning to live outside of Asriel's shadow, you have Noelle struggling to cope with her sister's disappearance and her father's illness, Susie flailing around for a foothold in a new town with peers who don't like her very much, Berdly doing his utmost to live up to his "smart genius" label so he can actually be known for something.
You have Ralsei who finds himself at a crossroads between fulfilling a predetermined prophecy to save the world, and forging his own identity separate from his willingness to serve any "higher" authority. You have King, a ruler who became a tyrant so that his people could be free.
You also have Alphys, struggling to fill the rather large boots of her predecessor, Gerson Boom, who had a career in smithing, wrote a series of hit fantasy novels, and was an excellent teacher according to his son Alvin. (I wanna talk more about this, but it's going in its own post because of reasons)
A character's legacy, the thing that they will be known for, the thing they struggle to actualise so that people will like and accept them, can be a powerful driving-force, giving them agency to fulfill their ambitions. But that same legacy can also be a millstone, forcing them onto a narrowly-defined path through life, burdening them with the crushing weight of others' expectations, and trapping them into a version of themselves they may not wish to be.
Legacy can be difficult to escape from, perhaps even impossible in some cases. It can feel like there's no other choice but to press onward, to be what others want or expect from you, to do what you are told, to try and live up to a golden predecessor who could do no wrong in the eyes of their admirers. It can feel like what you want, what you choose for yourself, doesn't actually matter, because in many ways that choice has already been made for you. And to rebel against that choice risks disappointing the people closest to you, risks losing your reputation, risks the comfort of a predictable path forward, and in extreme cases risks losing your own sense of identity.
I think this theme is going to continue to develop throughout Deltarune, and I very much look forward to seeing how it all plays out!
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flameeagleheart75 · 8 months
Ramble about Star Trek.
Star Trek, TOS, Season 1 Episode 14.
'The Conscience of the King'
Spock desperately tries to get Captain Kirk to acknowledge his trauma for 45 minutes; while Kirk loses yet another friend and tries to bring a former dictator to justice before anyone else gets hurt. Also, Shakespeare, yay!
Would not be the first or last time Spock tries to salvage or rationalise around Kirk's mental health and it's fascinating how often that's a reoccurring theme (when he erases a memory that is too sad for Kirk to bed in a later installment comes to mind).
There's this tendency in a lot of pop culture, I think to show Kirk as this freewheeling playboy who takes risks for the sure sport of galavanting across the universe in his beloved ship but whenever I sit down and rewatch the original series and films I'm always fascinated by how much he takes on a mental burden and is determined to carry the weight himself without discussion.
"Logic is not enough, I've got to feel my way, make absolutely sure." -Kirk
He's often referred to as the 'unflappable' or 'infallible' Captain Kirk in summaries but we see so many times that while he will always do what needs to be done, the toll is always steep. That's what makes his grounded friendship with McCoy so good and, of course, what lends so much to his dynamic with Spock.
In this very episode, Spock uses logic to try and help Kirk reach a conclusion but the whole time he is also aware that Kirk is both concealing information and is not coping as well as he's letting on. Spock himself seems more openly frustrated than he usually is because he knows the threat to life that Kodos's lingering presence can cause.
And yet, he had to learn that information on his own because Jim, his friend; could not share that part of his past and trauma with him. The scene with the overloaded phaser comes to mind. If Spock hadn't been aware of the situation by that point and wasn't down in the room discussing the logic of Kodos's identity, what's to say that the phaser wouldn't have gone off and taken half the deck with Kirk?
If Spock hadn't been empathetic and, furthermore, had a deep understanding of his friend, the entire crew might have been kept in the dark on the situation until both LT Reily and their Captain were dead.
And what's fascinating, it's only after his friend is killed, his crewman poisoned and his ship almost destroyed that Kirk moves and accuses the man he believes to be Kodos directly. He does not focus on his own safety but whenever others in his care are threatened, he jumps into action without delay.
James T Kirk carries the weight of a star system on his shoulders all his life and by his side, always is S'chn T'gai Spock, son of Sarek and Amanda. The half Vulcan, half human man who understands him better than perhaps anyone.
I just think that's interesting.
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(Also I headcanon Kirk as Bi)
-Flame watches Star Trek
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icarusignite · 2 years
An Eye for an Eye (part 3)
parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /  5 / 6 / 7 / Future parts: MASTERLIST
A/N: Sooo yea guess who has a lab report due this week and yet still spent like most of today on this lol. This fandom has really consumed me like no other.  Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2124
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My darling sweet girl,
I hope you are faring well. These are troubling times to be sure and we all miss your presence here. Lucerys and the boys especially, are always asking after you. They wish you would write to them more often. They all have things to tell you and sometimes the distance feels like too much.
I hope that those at the Red Keep are treating you well. It would pain me to find that they take their grievances with me out on you. Daemon worries that they may execute or imprison you as leverage to ensure our surrender. He insists that we summon you at once, but I shall only do so if you wish it. I do not think Aemond would allow you to be at risk; that boy does indeed care for you. I'd like to believe that Alicent too would ensure your safety, out of love for you, as well as out of respect for the bond we once shared. I know she remembers. She has sent a token of our past along with the terms of surrender. I wonder if perhaps I should consider it; the terms are generous and I do not wish for excessive bloodshed. It is at times like these that I miss your counsel my daughter. Dragonstone is full of men who hunger for war, Daemon included, but I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone. What good would I be if my throne was built on the flesh and blood of my people, the very people I am sworn to serve and protect. I also want my children to be safe. I worry for you all. A war would paint a target on all your backs and with you being right there in King's Landing, it is hard to reassure myself of your safety.
The boys are doing well. Jacaerys is shouldering his responsibilities as heir and the younger ones are growing up to be fine boys indeed. I worry for Lucerys though. He is a quiet boy, not as sure of himself as the rest. He is scared to inherit Driftmark, to bear the responsibility I have placed upon him. Perhaps it is indeed too much, the gods know that such positions are quite a burden. I had an interesting conversation with him recently. The sweet boy thinks he cannot be as great a ruler as Lord Corlys. What's more, he thinks that I am perfect. How comical, when these days I feel anything but. He has many fears my dear, and I feel as though maybe I am pushing him too much. I have sent him and Jace as envoys to gather allies. This will make him more courageous I think, to travel on his own more often. I made them swear an oath not to fight anyone. I sent them as messengers, not warriors. I hope that is enough to keep them safe.
Lucerys said he had something important to tell you, he will send you the letter when he returns from Storm's End I suppose. Perhaps you can ease his mind about his worries when you write back. Tell the brave boy that he is capable of the responsibilities I have placed upon him. Tell him that his mother will prepare him as best she can and that his family will always be there to support him. I have told him as much, but he has always listened to you better in most things. I think he took your departure the hardest, so write to him more often my love. I have seen how your letters light up his entire countenance.
I do not wish to force your hand but you are so dearly missed here, although I realize that you hold a great fondness for your husband and perhaps it would be cruel of me to separate you. However, if it is your wish to come home to Dragonstone, I could make the arrangements.
With all my love,
Your mother.
Aemond crumpled the letter in his hands, guilt clawing at him from the inside. He had always known that Lucerys had been the closest to Daenys out of all her siblings, but he hadn't realized how close that bond it truly was. Perhaps it was because the only sibling he liked was Helaena, and even then, they were not that close. Aegon on the other hand was intolerable even on the best of days. The letter in his hand gave him a glimpse of Daenys's relationship with her siblings, and with her mother. Aemond could not remember the last time Alicent had spoken to him or any of his siblings with such affection.
"I am just going to leave this letter here," he placed it on the small table beside the bed.
“I will never know what he had to say to me. I will never get to write to him again. I will never get to tell him that he would have made a brave Lord of the Tides. I will never get to tell him how much I adored him and it is all your fault,” she whispered fiercely.
“Oh Daenys, you must know how sorry I am, truly,” Aemond responded quietly.
“Your apologies mean nothing to me so cease them at once. You cannot bring him back, can you? No, you cannot, so I do not want any more empty words. He died scared and alone and I just know that his last thoughts would have been of mother. Of how he had failed her. And I will never get to tell him that he could never fail us, not ever.”
Aemond stood to leave, his heart could no longer take the derision she threw his way. Perhaps that made him a coward but he did not care. He could not bear to see the sharp hatred in her eyes anymore, not when she had only ever looked at him with warmth and love before.
Daenys's hand shot out and grabbed his arm before he could depart, her nails digging into his arm.
It took her a while to gather her words. She wiped away her tears and swallowed her hiccups as she took deep shuddering breaths to collect herself.
"I need to know. I need to know what you said to him last. What his last words were. Is there...is there even a body?" she choked on the last word.
Aemond hung his head in shame, refusing to meet her searching eyes. He could not bear to face the anguish and disappointment in them.
"Aegon told you most of the story in the throne room. There is not much more to it I'm afraid."
"Tell me anyway. I want to hear it from you. Every detail."
"It will only hurt you. I do not wish to cause you more pain."
Daenys smiled bitterly, her fingers digging harder into his arm, although Aemond relished in the pain because at least she was touching him. She was speaking to him.
"You have hurt me enough already. What's a little more? This time I am asking for it. You owe me this much."
Aemond met her gaze and sighed in defeat.
"I was sent there to persuade Lord Borros Baratheon to support Aegon's claim. From her letter, it seems as though your mother had the same idea. She sent Lucerys. It regrets me to say that I let my anger control me."
"What. Did. You. Say. To. Him," Daenys spoke as if each word pained her, her grip on his arm becoming almost deadly.
"I tossed him my knife. Told him that I would not blind him but that he would have to give up one of his eyes."
"And what did my brother say to that?"
"He said he would not fight me because he was here as a messenger only..." Aemond paused, remembering Rhaenyra's letter and how she made him swear an oath to keep peace.
"I told him I would take his eye out myself," Aemond took a deep breath, "and I called him a bastard."
Daenys's other hand clamped her mouth as she stifled a sob.
"When he left on his dragon, I took Vhagar out after him... and well, you know the rest."
She dropped his arm as if she'd been scalded.
"You called him a bastard?" she accused, "how hypocritical of you. If he is considered a bastard, then so am I, or have you forgotten lord husband? Have you forgotten that you married a bastard, something you consider to be less than human? Or have you perhaps always scorned me for my supposed inferior birth?"
Lord husband. She had called him lord husband and yet her words dripped with venom. He didn't know how she could make what once were his favourite words sound like poison.
"It was an accident I swear it. There was a storm and the visibility was low. Then Arrax breathed fire at Vhagar and she lost control. If Lucerys had just listened, if he had just...,"
"If he had what? Given you his eye. Do not pin this on him or Arrax you pathetic fool. They are dead and you are alive to sit here in front of me and present your pitiful excuses. You are the one who thought it was a good idea to chase them with a war beast. A war beast! They didn't stand a chance," Daenys's voice rose an octave.
"I tried to stop Vhagar. I told her not to but she wouldn't listen. I lost control and I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry I let my bitterness get the best of me and I'm sorry I hurt you!"
"Is there a body? For either of them? Is there anything left?" she squeezed her eyes shut before he even answered, almost as if she knew.
Aemond was quiet for a minute.
"No. I...I only saw parts of Arrax fall from Vhagar's jaws. I did not see Lucerys, I'm sorry."
At the confirmation of her worst thoughts, Daenys's jaw clenched. She too was silent for a moment before a muffled wail escaped her lips.
"Oh, why couldn't you have left him alone? Why couldn't you have let your stupid grudges go!" she wailed. "I would have given you both my eyes had you asked, I promise. I would have given them to you with a kiss and my blessing if you had just asked. How could you be so cruel!"
"He is the one who took my eye, not you! Left me with this hideous disfigurement for the rest of my life. Everyone in King's Landing looked at me with either pity or disgust. None of the ladies at court would marry me!" Aemond roared.
"I would have married you. I did marry you!" Daenys screamed back.
"He made me hate the way I looked, made me fear that even you would be repulsed by me. That one day you would see past whatever affection you held for me and be sickened and ashamed of your scarred husband."
Daenys's eyes turned soft as she looked him over. She reached out and traced his jaw with her fingertips and Aemond froze. He held his breath for fear of scaring her away. Her touch was gentle as she pulled off his eyepatch. A part of him recoiled at that, not wanting her to see it now. Not when she probably hated him and would find him unbearably unsightly. Still, he allowed her to do as she pleased and held still as she traced his scar.
"I have never thought you hideous or repulsive. Never once in my whole life," Daenys said softly, her voice unbearably tender.
Aemond unconsciously leaned into her touch. He didn't know what to say but his heart soared at the possibility that maybe she didn't hate him quite as much as he thought she did. Maybe they could come back from this. Maybe she would forgive him. The gods knew he would do anything to earn her forgiveness.
Eventually, Daenys scoffed and pulled her hand away, "I have never found you unsightly, except for now."
"You were right. I do see now, past whatever affection I held for you, and I am sickened and ashamed that you are my husband. But it is not because of your scar. It is because of your actions."
"Daenys..." his voice trembled. His world was shifting, tilting on its axis. He felt like he had been slapped. In fact, he wished she had slapped him, it would have hurt less.
"Leave. I have nothing more to say to you and I wish to be left alone."
Aemond stood hurriedly, scrambling to cover his scar once again. Daenys watched him leave with tears in her eyes. Her heart was in pieces and as much as she hated to admit it, he had taken some of them away with him.  
Taglist: @applepyesworld @bugheadskid
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
People seem to do anything to make Namor the villain. I think he’s misunderstood and pretty neat.
The sooner people let go of the "Hero or Villain" mentality when it comes to Namor, the better.
Namor isn't good or bad, he's simply Namor. With all the complexities it comes with being Namor. I've seen many people call him a villain, but they're wrong, he's an anti-hero, but he's also a king. Namor knows sometimes he’s a monster to others but all that matters is the protection of his people. Anti-heros have their own moral code.
Are you a Hero, Namor? Or are you a Monster? I’m a King. So I’m both.
Atlantis Attacks (2020) #1
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I am King of Atlantis. I must protect my citizens, whatever the risk! You can spend your days being a “Hero” living in a world of moral absolutes, but when you have a civilization to defend, sometimes there is nothing but gray!
Sub-Mariner (2007) #4
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Answering this here because it’s basically the same:
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Was Namor being too much in the film? Is going after someones parent worse than one of their subjects? Wdyt???
In Avengers Arena (2013) #15 Namor orders and carries out the execution of of two traitors of Atlantis. He speaks to their daughter whom he had just orphaned.
“I did not summon you here to punish you for your parents treachery. These crimes are theirs alone. Nor am I asking you to forgive me their deaths. You’ve earned your contempt. Keep it. But I do hope you will accept one last gift from your King. A lesson to be learned from this mess. Trust in yourself and no one else. You’ll be less often disappointed.”
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Namor doesn’t go after people because he’s a murderer, or some psychopath, or evil. He always has a reason for his actions. There were consequences for the actions others took as well.
To Namor, Ramonda threatened the lives of his subjects, one of her Wakandan Agents, Nakia, killed his people on Ramonda’s orders to do whatever it took to find Riri and Shuri and bring them home (Namor didn’t kidnap her, Shuri asked to go). Why is Ramonda’s life worth more than the lives of two of Namor’s people? Where is the scale to measure lives to see which is more just than the other in this case? I see a lot of people say Namor is wrong but it’s just like how people treat Namor in comic fandom. They view Namor’s actions from the perspective of humans, but Namor was never a human hero. Comic and now MCU fandom always disregards the lives of Atlanteans/Talokanil as canon fodder because they are just another subject, but to Namor each one of them is a person he swore to protect.
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I was actually very surprised by Coogler going that far because not only does it stay true to Namor’s core character but it also meant Coogler understood that Namor isn’t going to pull his punches, or soften his actions. Namor will do anything, will take on any burden, will bloody his hands, if it means his people are safe and thriving. For Namor to do anything less would be a great disservice to his character. Yes, it’s terrible what he did, but the way Namor views it, it’s justified. Honestly I see people upset that Namor got into Queen Ramonda’s face but isn’t some innocent bystander in this, she is a POWER, she is a Queen, she commands a Nation, and Namor’s every interaction and response to her was because he understands she is the most powerful person on the surface.
This movie forces people to think, and once again alot of people missed the point completely and didn’t see that Wakanda and Talokan both have a common enemy who pulled the strings/set into motion their clashes. I know the “American/French want Vibranium” wasn’t a flashy part of the movie but it’s their actions of seeking to destabilize and then steal resources from the nations that got this whole thing started.
If people want to come and be annoying in my inbox about me “not caring that Ramonda was murdered by Namor” and that I’m “excusing a murderer because he’s hot”, just don’t bother. I look at things very analytically when it comes to character meta and these are fictional characters. If you can’t understand by now that me understanding the viewpoint of fictional characters motivations doesn’t mean I condone murder, then you really shouldn’t be in fandom.
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loveinamystery · 3 months
Oh goody, the worms are alive and angsty today so I guess it is time to post another long blog post on my favourite series.
I really enjoy all of the Shaman King characters. The cast put together by Takei is one of my favourites. Recently, I have come to appreciate Ren more, I have become a Renthusiast if you will.
And as a result, my heart breaks for this little bean. I have some thoughts, and I just need to get them out of my system.
So, let's begin.
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This post will discuss spoilers for the sequels and spin-offs.
There is a tragedy around Ren as a character. Growing up, he was groomed to be a killer, and we know a small part of what his family made him do to train and get stronger. All for the goal of becoming Shaman King and for the Tao family.
The hate and anger which developed in this teenager was so much. Murder meant nothing if it got in the way of his goals. Luckily Ren met Yoh and was able to break the circle of hate. He was able to make the changes before he went too far down the wrong path.
I always thought Ren had a strong burden of guilt for what he did in those younger years, and how he seemed to dedicate his life to writing the wrongs of his past.
It wasn't just about keeping the promise to Hao, but more of something he had to do for his own peace of mind.
It would never be enough. Nothing is ever enough.
But Ren would continue working towards the greater good to correct the mistakes of the past.
But, like I said, it would never be enough.
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The reward for trying to make the world a better place? Nothing.
Instead, Ren is faced with losing his wife in a brutal attack in their family home, and sending his son away.
You would think that from all their work to make things right, Ren and Jeanne would be rewarded with a happy life with their family. But the world never works like that, and that's one of the things which is so soul crushing to me.
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I think this is also telling for Yoh and Anna too.
They gave up their dream of an easy life in Japan to try and make the world a better place. Their reward? Dying a violent attack and having to leave their son in Japan as they continue with the possible task set by the Shaman King.
They gave up everything and they continued to stumble and fail. The girl who's family abandoned her and the boy who never really knew his father, have to leave their child behind due to the risk of losing him for good.
Let's look at some other characters from the series, their actions and the consequences.
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Now, now, I am a firm member of the church of Hao and I pray many times a day. But I cannot help but feel conflicted about the out come to his story.
I'll mostly focus on his third life. Hao did a lot of questionable stuff in his third life. From buring innocent people alive, murdering families, and killing orphans.
For me, Hao never went through a redemption for his actions. Instead of being brought to order and held accountable for his actions, he is rewarded with the title of Shaman King. Now yes, it was a tournament at the end of the day, and Hao wasn't the only one acting in this way. As mentioned, both Jeanne and Ren killed people in the process of their journeys. But Jeanne and Ren seeked redemption for their actions.
Hao ever had that. You could argue that he hasn't really changed much since becoming Shaman King. He accosted Yoh and Anna for bringing a baby to a battlefield when he is the one who put them there.
What about the lives destroyed prior to the Shaman King fight? Hao brings everyone back but not those who he murdered along the way. Such as Lyserg's parent's. Maybe too much time had passed, but it does raise the question. He is a God at the end of the day, surely he has the power to do that?
Another character I would like to highlight is:
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In my opinion, Marco had a lot to make up for following his actions in the main series.
I hate what he did to Jeanne and Lyserg. I really do think he owes their both an apology and needs to work to fix his wrongs.
Maybe that was his goal with asking for these new powers from Hao. That by becoming a pawn in the battle ahead, he was gaining redemption for his past. But I don't think this is the way he would gain it. I think the only way is through Jeanne and Lyserg. But they don't seem to recognise what he did was wrong and the X Laws still love him so 🤷
It comes across as instead of being told to stay on earth and work to seek redemption for his past sins, he is rewarded by becoming Angel Boi Marco.
And sure, maybe there is a catch which comes with this. Maybe once the battle is over and his redemption complete, he will join the great spirit. But I see it being more likely he will go back to his old form and live his remainder of his life working with the X Charity and Jeanne.
But this is all interesting thoughts which occupy my thoughts and grip at my heart.
Those who continue to work hard to make the world a better place are targeted and forever pushed away from their goal of happiness.
Whereas those who have done wrongs in the past are instead rewarded.
I don't hate it. I enjoy this storytelling method by Takei and I look forward to where he takes the story next on his return to TSS in the Spring.
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If you made it this far, thank you for reading.
I love making these types of posts and talking about Shaman King. I am a little shy and anxious about making them at times. But I really love the series.
Please do not take this as an attack or hate towards the sequels or any of the characters. These are just some thoughts I had, and as mentioned, I am a member of the church of Hao. Even if he is a petty kitty God.
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arachidenitida · 1 year
[these days many people made the trend "soldier poet king" and I wondered who would be the poets for me, so I decided to write my opinion. I searched the meanings of the three figures and tried to associate them with poets.]
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a soldier is someone who will punish the sinner, sees everything as a fight, and walks into conflicts by his own choice
to me, this is charlie dalton
a soldier is a risk-taker and wants to reestablish justice. he pursues the glory
steven meeks (maybe not for the pursuit of glory but I think it makes sense to put him among the soldiers)
a poet is a solitary, a peaceful creature. he uses the power of words to change the world
todd anderson (he's DEFINITELY a poet)
a poet is individualistic and sees the beauty and poetry of the world
knox overstreet (I saw people associated him with different figures but, to me, he's a poet)
poets are artistic types. the quiet power of his character can change the world as much as an act of war
gerard pitts (someone wouldn't agree but I don't care lol)
the king is bound to serve and to do his duty, he has many responsibilities.
he feels the burden of being the one who has to manage and take accountability for the world.
duties are inevitable, he feels he must take them on his shoulders and follow what the world expects
neil perry (he's the king who wants to be the poet, argue with the wall)
the king has much honor and power. he will be welcomed as the rules of this world and will have the duty to take ownership.
richard cameron (the quote doesn't sound like him entirely, but he's a king 'cause I said it)
I am curious about your opinions, you can write them if you want <3
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
You mentioned the rest of the 13 have conduits, so who are they and how does Alpha Trion feel about it?
Seeing he can technically talk to his old friends again
- Onyx Prime anon
Good to hear from you again Onyx Anon!
It’s a bittersweet reunion for Trion, who has carried the guilt/burden of being the only one who lived all these years, and he sees it as a gift that he gets to fight alongside them, in a way, one last time… and that he can actually properly say goodbye after it.
Understandably he’s NOT HAPPY with Megatronus when he finds out what actually transpired, but he will help his former friend try to make things right.
SPOILERS ABOUND BELOW because a lot of these folks affect the end of the war and are bookends to some narratives. Don’t read if you wanna stay spoiler-fee!
Note that while they do share their gifts with their champions/conduits, it’s only for that battle and most of it vanishes after the shards of the Matrix are properly destroyed and they can finally rest in peace.
They are:
🗡️Prima => Optimus Prime🗡️
Leader of the Thirteen and Warrior of light and virtue who has a black-and-white outlook of the world, which is tempered when she chooses to link herself with Optimus Prime during the final days of the War. She augments his strength in his battle against Unicron. Makes her peace with Megatronus during this period (the two did not have a good relationship and her mistrust for him made it easier for Maximo to influence him)
🏥Alchemist => Ratchet🏥
Having mastered alchemy but refusing to have her abilities utilized as a weapon, she shares her knowledge about it with healer Ratchet instead, trusting him to use it to save lives. Is the reason many major characters live as she combines her alchemical knowledge with his medical knowledge and helps him heal otherwise mortal injuries (as in the case with Starscream and the Seekers) and transmute crucial supplies (medicine, etc.).
⏳Vector => Prowl⏳
MCU Eye of Agamotto effect. Can rewind time to see all past events in a given area with with great risk and effort, change small aspects of it. Instrumental in understanding what truly happened on Antilla and the creation of Unicron. Vector chooses Prowl, as Prowl has the discipline, a penchant for order and balance and a mind for strategy which is crucial to avoid abuse of these abilities. (Prowl also ends up being able to see the face of his Handler he had forgotten due to mnemosurgery using this ability, with Vector’s blessing)
👹Megatronus=> Megatron👹 (yes, they BOTH get redemption arcs)
The Judas of the group, Megatronus’ background is similar to that of the King Of The Dead from LOTR in that he is ‘cursed’ when he betrays his friends under the whispering of Liege Maximo, but in return is betrayed by Liege himself. With his soul trapped in the Matrix alongside the others and constantly reminded of his treachery, Megatronus believed he found a kindred spirit in Megatron and Megatron’s seeming lust for the Matrix’s power as a means to an end for his agenda, but when Megatron (via time travel) willingly gives up the Matrix to save Prime’s life, Megatronus sees that his treachery does not have to define his entire existence (and had not, up to that point), and he joins forces with Megatron to in an attempt to make things right.
⚒️Solus => Windblade⚒️
Master forger, she chooses Windblade, who was very much like her in her youth, as her champion and gives Windblade the ability understand the inner workings of any machinery to forge anything that comes with a blueprint faster than the best blacksmith on the planet. Instrumental in forging the Talisman.
🤝Micronus => Soundwave 🤝
The conscience and moral centre of the original Primes, he has the ability to ‘boost’ the strengths and gifts of his friends and chooses Soundwave as his champion, due to their love for their unit, of whom they are the heart and centre of, and their fierce dedication to a better world for their friends. Through Micronus, Soundwave and their team become mentally linked and have their strengths augmented to new heights.
🔬Quintus => Perceptor🔬
Master scientist meets Chief scientist Perceptor, who he naturally chooses as his champion. He reintroduces idealism and imagination to Perceptor, who has become pragmatic and cynical throughout the war. Instrumental to the conceptualization of the Talisman.
🧬Nexus => Skids/Trailbreaker🧬
Having studied forced evolution of mankind during the Quintesson wars and hypothesizing on their future mutability, Nexus becomes deeply fascinated by Outliers and chooses to split himself between Skids and Trailbreaker to partially experience these abilities for himself and augment them. Instrumental in greatly expanding Trailbreaker’s psioplasmic shield abilities (to cover hundreds of miles) and enhancing Skids’ ability to ‘learn’ new skills to outright acquiring (for a short while) new skills via touch, including Outlier powers. This in turn saves cities from destruction as well as millions of lives when Unicron attacks as both Institute brothers (with Skids adopting Trailbreaker’s shield ability) join forces as an integral part of Earth’s defense brigade.
🎭Amalgamous => Jazz🎭
A gentle, good-natured, easy-going prankster-shapeshifter, he finds a kindred spirit in Jazz who once wore the identity of someone else (to hide from authorities) and several more over his time as the Autobots’ saboteur and infiltration expert. Gives Jazz the ability to shapeshift to infiltrate Zeta Prime’s stronghold and aid in Prime/Megatron’s battle with Unicron.
🦉Onyx => Drift🦉
Deeply spiritual and connected to the Other realm, Onyx finds a kindred spirit in Drift, who he chooses as his champion, giving Drift, among others, the Psychopomp ability to connect with and ‘guide’ souls to the other side. Integral in the fight against Zeta when Drift amasses an otherworldly army by going back to the section of Belfast that HotRod blew up years ago (to destroy Sentinel’s forces and stop their assault on the city) and makes contact with the restless souls of thousands of Sentinel’s men there, promising to help them move on if they helped battle oppression instead of upholding it. (They agree, after it’s clear that not only is he immune to their haunting, but he can now directly affect/fight them in their realm).
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james-vi-stan-blog · 5 months
This is how Sky tv describes James and George‘s characters:
George begins the series as a naïve romantic, largely protected from the true horrors of the world by his formidable mother. Mary holds a tense but uneasy hold over George as she masterminds his pursuit of the King. But as George grows in power, his relationship with Mary will be pushed to the very limits. George must prove to himself that he can be defined by more than just his beauty. He must make his mark on history, no matter the consequences.
Capricious and unpredictable, James is never happier than when he's either drinking, hunting, feasting, or fucking. Being King is a burden for James. Though, when he cares to show it, he can be a shrewd political operator. But James’ desire to be loved makes him happy to put himself in the power of ambitious and beautiful young men, where he risks the danger of being exploited by tyrannical lovers.
So here’s my take on this. From what I gather from these vague descriptions is that George is more the victim of his mother than anyone else’s. He‘s described to be this naive romantic boy in the beginning who does basically everything his mother tells him to do. I think it’s going to be very interesting to see his reaction when his mother tells him of her plans to make him seduce the king. Will he agree to the plan immediately? Will he have doubts and concerns? I think that’s where we determine how much of a victim he really is.
As for James it seems like they’re going for the wanting to be loved scenario instead of just having uncontrollable lust, which I‘m really happy about. This explains why he let his favorites and especially George get away with so much. It also humanises his character and makes him much more sympathetic knowing his hard childhood. I hope we get a scene of him telling George about his past. But yeah I have a hard time believing he‘ll be abusive towards George. At least not physically.
I‘m sorry this turned out to be so long, but I love discussing these people so much.
This is Mary Villier‘s character description if you’re interested:
Julianne will be stepping into the shoes of the ambitious Mary Villers, Countess of Buckingham - the woman who would rise to great prominence through her son’s relationship with King James I. Having spent years of her life shackled to her cruel and abusive husband, Mary sees her long-awaited opportunity by pinning the family’s hopes on her second son, George, as she begins to mastermind their ascendency to becoming the most powerful family in England.
Always the smartest person in the room, Mary has never been able to realise her full potential. She is prepared to crush all opposition. She is not easily frightened or threatened by the English establishment who think they can get the better of her.
Thank you for this! (but also wow, so many questions and concerns I had could be addressed by just getting off my ass and readin' the darned website😂)
I think these depictions all sound reasonable. I think starting George as naive works for the story (I wouldn't necessarily assume he was, after finishing in France, but his engagement to Ann Aston could be read that way). It will be entertaining to watch "wide-eyed innocent corrupted by the decadent court" in a reverse of the typical gender assignments. However, I would find it more interesting if George's own ambitions come into play early, and he has more autonomy than simply being his mother's pawn. He is, after all, a man!
Also George "wanting to leave his mark on history" -- pre-emptive oof because when he was tested, he was proven horribly incompetent. (Some failures were not his fault, and he did have some successes. However, I would hate for the show to try to shift fault off George entirely. He was wildly arrogant, a megalomanical fool, and that doesn't need sugarcoating.)
Love-driven James is IMO more historically correct and more entertaining, more potential for tragedy and also showing the genius of George's approach to him. So I'm glad they'll go with that.
overly cautious tw for age difference/csa, etc.
One can guess from this text that Robert Carr is gonna get painted as a "tyrannical lover", which is certainly what James felt him to be at the end. But, I hope that Robert doesn't get too harsh a villain treatment in order to make George more sympathetic. Robert was somewhere 17-21 when he first gained James's attention, younger than George. He also was not nobly born (though he came from more influence than George). It is likely Robert and his friend Thomas Overbury had been trying to rise in position and favor when Robert had his lucky break (ha) in 1607, but still, this is another young man pushed and pulled by factional currents. Robert's downfall is partially his own fault (my impression of him is, uh, that he was not very bright) but also due to the manipulation of the Howard family.
So I mean, who's the victim, who's the abuser? It's all fucked up! There are degrees of gray, and some people are less awful than others. Like, Katherine, George's wife, is believed largely innocent of the scheming of Mary, etc. But anyone who held and exerted power in this period used it to push down and exploit others to get what they wanted. That's how these people got the significance that put them in the history books.
And Mary is doing all this shameless backdoor scheming because... she's a woman! She can't get a job! She can't hold a political position in her own right! What she has at her disposal is a handsome and charming son, and she uses that to benefit not just herself, but her other sons (who were terrible) and her daughter (reasonably not-terrible). She's doing fucked-up stuff, but that stuff is produced by the conditions of patriarchy and social stratification in the period.
Grading each individual character's victimness versus abuserness is just not that interesting to me, compared to exploring how their circumstances affect their psychology, their desires and suffering, and how they try to cope. As well as exploring our real-life queer history which, like all our history, is ugly and soaked in blood, and yet also is the story of real people trying to find fulfillment given their circumstances.
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sasquach-scratches · 1 month
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Alias: Hates-White-Rats
She/Her Argonian 16 (Planemeld Arc), 23 (Current)
Citizenship: Ebonheart Pact Titles: The Vestige, Saviour of Nirn, Daedric Lord Slayer, Enemy of Coldharbour, Havocrel Hunter, Witch, Scoundrel, Locksmith, Master Angler, Master Thief, Numinous Shadow, King's Arrow
Class: Nightblade Weapon Skills: Bow, Dual Wield Armor Skills: Medium World Skills: Legerdemain Guild Skills: Thieves Guild Crafting Skills: Alchemy, Woodworking
A Saxhleel of the Black-Tongue tribe of Murkmire. Short-tempered and spiteful, she was quite unlike others of her kind in the region, let alone the often dark and brooding members of her tribe.
Though she was raised in a loving home with kindhearted parents, they were Nisswo, and thus didn't stay in one place for long. It often meant they would leave Black Marsh's borders, and she would experience first-hand how unkind the outside world is to her kind.
Originally meant to be raised a Shadowscale, her premature hatching guaranteed she'd be passed over for healthier candidates. Even still, her parents saw to teaching her the ways of stealth and esoteric conflict-magic. Though her temperament would be at odds with such a skill set, they could tell that sooner or later she would need it.
When she came of age, she set out on her own as her parents finally settled down in Gideon. Though she traveled alongside her foster brother--a Nord boy left an orphan by the Alliance war--he quickly found an opportunity in a land she knew she wouldn't be welcomed in. The moment they parted ways, she began to use the skills her parents taught her in less than savory ways.
Even though she saw great success at first, one night she ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and before she knew it she was sacrificed and ended up a Soul Shriven prisoner in Coldharbour.
In what she believed to be a stroke of incredible luck, she found herself in a jailbreak almost immediately after arriving. Soon she was wrapped up in a situation she didn't much care for, with individuals that were strange at best and irritating at worst.
Still, she was saved from eternal damnation in one of the worst possible places to be in, and she was granted resurrective immortality to boot. She could stand to deal with an overbearing white-skin and a ditzy furbag, but what she wasn't pleased with was having to get involved with an alliance that she vehemently opposed.
With the only downside being horrible pain, she began to take more risks and brazenly dealt with perceived injustices in the cruelest way possible, all while ignoring the path she was set on to reclaim her soul and stop the Planemeld.
It didn't take long for the reality of her situation to finally hit her, as did the consequences of her hasty decisions.
One Tamriel
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Time passed, and with age came maturity. Though she made many mistakes which ultimately harmed the people she was fighting for, she didn't go through it alone. The bond she shared with her companions remained strong in times strife and peace. Her bitterness remained, but knowing she had support helped her focus her efforts on real change.
Sadly, she had to acknowledge that, as great a force of Needed Change that she was, there were many factors beyond her control that kept her from making the changes she wanted to see. When the time came that her world and the worlds of her two counterparts would finally become one, she accepted the role of the Hero not for the sake of nations and crowns, but for life on all of Nirn.
When those in positions of power regularly betrayed or disappointed her, she saw no reason to play a part in their petty squabbles on the off chance it may help those at the bottom who were suffering. As her trusted friends took on these burdens, she secretly contemplated the teachings of her homeland, finding truth in them after all.
Hooo boy so this one took a LONG time to get out there. So long that it at least gave me time to make some changes on the main art (though I still kind of think the sepals on the hydrangeas are too bright green but idk)
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Some outfit notes!
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Planemeld Arc Armor
So I didn't really go into the reasoning behind the decisions for some of my "main" Heroes in these games even though my Dragonborn has A Lot, but tbh I already struggle with picking what info to drop and what to keep vague/trim down/etc.
All I'll say is that Hates was originally going to be a Magical Girl inspired character (hence her name that got me several...interesting comments in-game lmao). Suffice to say that this character has a lot of my own baggage attached to her, even more so that every other character I've made, which helps that the theme for my 3 ESO characters is "identity"
Anyways, I've Talked on this too long so here take it
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broken-clover · 11 days
Hi!! I seriously love your Guilty Gear writings! All of the characters are written so perfectly, I absolutely love your takes on everyone. One fic from you that really got me thinking was specifically one of your Goretober stories - the one for day 10 centered around Ky! It got me to wonder what would happen after the fic, and how the world and the people close to Ky would react. The struggles Ky goes through and the constant need to always act like he's alright is portrayed excellently in the story. How would Dizzy and Sin react in the aftermath? How would Sol react? Ky being seen as this seemingly infallible hope, which ends up killing him thinking he has to live up to that reputation. THIS HAS BEEN CAUSING ME SERIOUS BRAINROT <-- person who is insane about Ky Kiske's struggles and sometimes how little the narrative gives him time to just. process stuff. ALSO THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO READ THIS!!!
HOO BOY. Whether intentional or not you've just unlocked something in me.
First of all, thank you! Thank you so much! I always love to hear when I made something people enjoyed or found interesting. I enjoy it even moreso when it's something old, because it means even after being up for so long there are still new people reading it and getting something out of it! It's such a touching sentiment and it gets to me every time.
So, funnily enough, at the time of writing it, I'd also conceptualized an extended ending/followup/some such or another because I thought it might be interesting to explore the concept more. It sorta died off because I have way too many concepts and plenty of them just don't make it past conceptualization, and in part because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to write and handle the matter tastefully, because I know something like this needs a good degree of tact as to not come off as gratuitous or accidentally idealizing that kind of behavior. 13 Reasons already did enough damage, I didn't want to contribute to that.
I'll put the rest of this under a readmore since it'll be covering a lot of suicide-related stuff and I don't want to accidentally make anyone uncomfortable.
I actually sorta retrofitted that concept into the Goretober prompt, because in the original draft, Ky was supposed to shoot himself. However, that wouldn't be made clear at first. Dizzy would be the one to find him dead, along with a note where he plainly discusses his 'weakness' in not being able to tolerate the weight of his burdens anymore. In her panic and grief, she hides it, convincing herself that something more sinister is at play. The majority of it was supposed to have been framed like a thriller mystery and largely consisting of investigations to try and make everything make sense (how did someone even get a black-tech firearm? How come nobody saw anyone leave Ky's office? Why was there no sign of a struggle?). The castle would be thrown into confused turmoil trying to figure out who the 'murderer' is and wondering if the other kings are at risk, with Sol taking the lead in the investigation as a way of venting his inability to process the fact that Ky is dead and not knowing what to do with himself with such a large fixture of his life suddenly gone, at one point even confronting the assassin's guild and losing his temper to physically fight Slayer. Sin would also have a sideplot in trying to process his loss and reconcile with his father, angry over the fact that any potential reconciliation after the events of Overture and his childhood can't happen anymore.
Eventually, after Sol does enough sleuthing, he reluctantly realizes that none of the events line up, and the only way that it makes sense is if Ky did it to himself, on purpose. It's not a truth anyone wants.
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alexiethymia · 2 years
ML s5e9 Elation
I loved it and I have a lot to say
Marichat given and taken in one ep. *sobs*
Marinette is having a hard time of it. She’s just a fourteen year old girl, and every time she has a crush, everything goes wrong.
Andre represents the hardcore shippers. He represents all of us.
This ep was insidious. Hawkmoth knowing Marinette is Chat Noir’s weakness is dangerous. But it is also hilarious in that I am absolutely sure he’s going to want Marinette around more often for the chance to manipulate her which gives more chances for Adrien to make her fall for him again which means Gabriel is both endangering and helping out his son’s love life. Good luck with your avoiding Adrien plan, Marinette!
Adrien is amazing. His heart and strength and kindness and ethics is amazing to me. Marinette needs that reassurance of Chat Noir loving Marinette, but also can’t help but feel hurt he no longer loves Ladybug. Meanwhile, Adrien despite having what he wants being literally there for the taking (and make no mistake he wants Marinette desperately, that doped out look proves it, he probably has since way back that first time she kissed him), has enough sense and conscience to get a hold of himself. I really appreciate this show taking the time to explain the power imbalance of loving a superhero with a secret identity (which I think applies in a lot of scenarios) and that despite how much Marinette wants it, Adrien won’t even take the tiniest risk of taking advantage of her
In connection to the above, it is his utterly selfless care for the people he loves that saved this love square from getting even more complicated. Despite how much hurt he must feel like probably having lost Marinette because it felt heavy to love him (and to find out she loves his alter-ego which must compound his self-confidence issues), Adrien of all people to hear that and to think that Marinette might have been burdened with loving him, what with all his hang ups about fame and loneliness, to still not take the easy way out as Chat Noir - I just, I just really have to applaud him. He’s come such a long way from that boy who let his jealousy akumatize someone. This may be a kid’s show but I lived (and guiltily loved) through some problematic shoujo leads so Adrien has always been refreshing to me in so many ways. I loved him as Adrien and Chat Noir in determination, so I’m really excited to see his progression throughout season five.
Marinette is amazingly brave, but Adrien too is unbelievably courageous with his heart. Multiple times he serves his heart on a platter, but rather than be cynical, he still chooses to be true to himself. It is this eternal optimism, in contrast to Marinette’s pessimism (which she has good reason to have, thinking you’ll end the world if you fall in love will do that to you), that allows him to face both Ladybug and Marinette, and rather than resent or even feel hurt by Marinette, psych himself up to win her over again. He can believe that Marinette would love anyone under the mask even though he hesitates to reveal himself now that he thinks Marinette must have been burdened when she loved him, because that’s how he felt/feels in regard to Ladybug. His hang-up is more on the secret identities thing. He wants to court her properly and honestly. He truly is a good boi.
Also, I cannot believe with how many speculations and theories we’ve had of how Marinette’s feelings for Adrien get revealed, she gets outed by ANDRE OF ALL PEOPLE?? I don’t know whether to call him king or clown. He’ll probably be overjoyed the moment they reveal their identities to each other, and he sees Adrien and Marinette holding hands and happy, as well as Ladybug and Chat Noir, like balance has been restored. (And then go berserk again and Glacer 4.0 the moment he sees Ladybug spiderman kissing Adrien Agreste in an alleyway or something.)
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Elured and Elurin as patron Maiar of lost children in the wild
(Stupid ooc headcanon time)
What if Elured and Elurin became Maiar after death in the forest
The thoughts and wanders and grieves about the lost princes of Doriath were so intense, that they accidentally got turned into Maiar
When people, especially children, went missing in the wild
Sometimes there were two ghostly elf children or two grey mourning doves coming for them
They led them to safety, to home
If the people could not make it, they guided the spirits to rivers, where water Maiar would guide them across the sea
Sometimes they trapped people a little while to play with them
They died as children; their form never changed much. They never got to grow up so they did not know what they’d look like as adults
What if they were the ones who led Maedhros & Maglor to Elrond & Elros
Right after the attack happened, Elwing sent many children of the city away in secret. If she learned anything from Idril it was to always have secret escape ways. She had been building them for years.
She built those escape ways for that eventual Morgoth invasion. It would be quite delusional to think they’d survive at this point. She wished her husband best luck, but she was going to be the pessimist one and prepare for the worst.
She just never expect when doom come for her it was Sons of Feanor.
She stayed behind and organized her people to fight, keeping the Noldor gem with her. It was too much a burden and she would not let her sons suffer it like she was forced to. And it was a good distraction; the Sons of Feanor would have their full attention on her instead of the children, and even they’ll take it from her dead body (like they took the ships over five hundred years ago) she was damned determined to give them a very difficult time.
When the battle was finally lost she jumped to her presumed death with manic smile, knowing they’d have to risk Osse to get their shiny rock, the greedy Noldor, so protective of their brothers yet were willing to abandon her brothers to the mercy of a frozen forest
But she did not know Sons of Feanor learned and they sent force to find the evacuated groups, in case the gem was being carried away like last time
There were only three of them left. If they failed they could not do this ever again. And they tasked their youngest to track down those fleeing groups; it would be nice to spare him from the mass murder they were about to commit
It was Amras, the remaining great hunter, that tracked down and found the twins. But he was killed in the fight with the guards, who were from Doriath and were very determined to protect the children. It was enough; these Noldor killed their former king and queen and their two princes and probably their current queen too and now they are going to finish their slaughter of the whole line of Thingol do the work for Morgoth
And the twins fled into the wild, chased by Amras’s followers, with every intention to revenge their leader’s death just like those who revenged Celegorm
Two doves guided the children to a cave, but they could not stay hidden forever, someone had to take them to safety
The Havens was totally defeated, and it was too far away anyway. Their power never extended beyond the wild.
It was horrible that they had to pick the least murderous enemy to save their kin
And they remembered the tall scary elf killing the evil elf who murdered them, and wandering in the forest for days calling their names
(They were never found because they had been dead and buried deep beneath the land)
If the tall scary elf came they would lead him to their nephews. They hoped he came.
(Maglor saw the twins of Dior occasionally in the latter ages.)
(He initially thought they were hallucinations. He sometimes saw his victims everywhere. The weird thing was these hallucinations were not yelling at him to jump into the sea. Took him a long while to realize they were actually real, and he reacted with absolute horror “you did not answer the Call?”)
(He tried to convince the twins to go to Valinor. The twins would prefer to stay on this side of the sea because there were always people lost in the wild. They had purpose here. And relatives)
(The twins tried to convince him to sail because he had a home and why wouldn’t he return? His mother was alive and his homeland was not beneath the sea. The conversation went as well as one could expect.)
(I think the twins had pretty good relationship with Daeron though)
(Melian and Elrond visited occasionally. Elrond had these nice cozy dark forests he grew himself. They also sometimes got to take a ride on their sister’s husband’s flying ship)
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