1goattalk · 11 months
The Social Dilemma
After I watched "The Social Dilemma" it was really a eye opener because it bluntly showed that social medias are taking over are world. This new age of social media is very detrimental to the fundamentals of society. These social media companies use big data and algorithms to reel people into using their apps and micro drill into a spot in your mind that wants to always check these apps. These are many dangers to the use and abuse of social media. Those dangers are cyberbullying, privacy problems, identity theft, but the man concern is the explicit and inappropriate for children. These problems can be dealt with when these companies become transparent with their numbers and actually try to censor these apps based upon age group. For example something that is deemed appropriate for adult aged people should be censored for school aged kids. Personal has to be censored based upon age groups, professional should be censored if its not actually teaching kids about financial literacy,and societal should be censored based upon if it's ethically or morally right or wrong for said age group.
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sela-is-new-here · 7 months
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CC " If you're not paying for the product, you are the product"
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outragedtortilla · 28 days
Let me know how you organize what you consume on the internet! Would love suggestions on how to adapt mine!
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grouchydairy · 1 year
Algorithms also build towards creator burnout, particularly for independent creators (writers, artists alike) trying to consistently top the charts in order to earn enough. You’ve likely seen pieces about how the only key to success to creating on any platform is to remain consistent - to write daily, to vlog daily.
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eggwhiteswithspinach · 11 months
Inspired by the suggestions from this documentary, I’ve since installed an extension that disables the Youtube recommendation page and redirects to the subscription page. That way, I can support watching content from my favourite creators at a regular interval, which is the key to survival for some creators who aren’t being boosted by the algorithm.
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ramyeongif · 11 months
Algorithms also build towards creator burnout, particularly for independent creators (writers, artists alike) trying to consistently top the charts in order to earn enough. You’ve likely seen pieces about how the only key to success to creating on any platform is to remain consistent - to write daily, to vlog daily.
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laocommunity · 1 year
The first episode of ‘Black Mirror’ S6 will make you question your online presence - and it's terrifying.
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The first episode of ‘Black Mirror’ S6 will make you question your online presence - and it's terrifying. The first episode of ‘Black Mirror’ S6 will make you question your online presence - and it's terrifying. Black Mirror, the dystopian science fiction anthology series that explores the dark side of technology, has returned with its sixth season. The first episode of the new season, titled "The Social Dilemma," is making waves online for its chilling portrayal of the dangers of online presence. In this article, we will take a closer look at the latest season of Black Mirror and explore why the first episode is so terrifying. What is Black Mirror? Black Mirror is a British anthology series created by Charlie Brooker that premiered on Channel 4 in 2011. The show explores the darker aspects of technology and its impact on society, often set in a dystopian future or an alternate present where technology has spun out of control. Each episode tells a self-contained story, with a different cast and setting, but they all share a common theme of exploring the impact of technology on our lives. What is the plot of "The Social Dilemma"? "The Social Dilemma" is the first episode of the six seasons of Black Mirror. The episode is set in a future where people use a social media app called "Smithereens" to connect with each other. The app tracks users' behavior, preferences, and interests and uses this information to serve them targeted ads. One person, however, is determined to take down the app and its founder, using any means necessary. Why is the episode so terrifying? The episode is terrifying because it hits close to home. The dangers of social media, data theft, and online addiction are real and prevalent today. The episode shows how Smithereens tracks users' behavior and preferences and uses this information to manipulate them. The story raises questions about the impact of technology on our lives and whether we are in control of it or not. The episode makes us question our online presence and the potential dangers that come with it. How does the episode explore the impact of technology on our lives? The episode explores the impact of technology on our lives by highlighting the negative aspects of social media, data tracking, and addiction. It shows how technology can be used to manipulate users and how it can be addictive. The episode also raises questions about the ethics of data collection and whether companies should be allowed to use users' personal information to serve them targeted ads. What are the implications of the episode? The episode has significant implications for our society today. It raises questions about the ethics of data collection, the impact of social media on mental health, and the need for regulation. The episode shows that we should be aware of the dangers of technology and be responsible for the data we share online. What can we learn from the episode? The episode teaches us that we should be mindful of the information we share online and how it can be used against us. It also shows that we should be cautious about the websites we visit and the apps we use. The episode reminds us that technology can be addictive and that we should be careful not to fall into its traps. Conclusion The first episode of ‘Black Mirror’ S6 will make you question your online presence - and it's terrifying. The latest season of Black Mirror continues to explore the darker aspects of technology, and "The Social Dilemma" is a chilling reminder of the dangers of online presence. The episode raises questions about the impact of technology on our lives and reminds us to be responsible for our online behavior. Watch the episode on Netflix and let us know your thoughts in the comments below. #BlackMirror #TheSocialDilemma #Technology #OnlinePresence #DataTracking #Addiction #Ethics #Regulation #MentalHealth. #ENTERTAINMENT Read the full article
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tyleroakley · 4 years
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(via “WARNING: Social Media is Stalking YOU”)
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metalheadtilimdead · 3 years
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darwinforthewin · 3 years
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          If you’re reading this, it’s too late. Your device has already taken you. It’s going to be up to you now how easy or hard it will be for you to fight the urge to stay on it. One thing is for sure, technology is inevitable. From the very moment you tried reading this, you were already enjoying the benefits of technology. You used technology to do something that you wanted. Besides, you wouldn’t even be reading this without technology. Everywhere you go, whatever you do, there is technology. Technology has already become an essential part of our everyday lives and whether you like it or not, social media is a huge part of it.
           Now, social media is vitally useful in various ways. In fact, this is what helps us survive nowadays. Looking for jobs, finding solutions, deciding on what to eat, searching for a place to live, and most especially, getting connected with the people we know. Social media satisfies the needs of humans of having the desire of being part of something big. As a result of this, social media specifically produces identity that is akin to mob mentality allowing humans to be hyper-connected and unable to spend their time with real family and friends. (Koo, 2015).
           For students like me, social media is a must. There is no way you can efficiently accomplish a group task without using social media. Students of today were raised in an increasingly media-rich environment. (Perse & Lambe, 2017). It is inevitable for them to use any form of media for communication, connection, research, and many more. However, this could lead students to the overuse of media for it will inevitably be part of their everyday needs. Social media users specifically Facebook users tend to admit their excessive normal, usual, or planned amounts of time online. (Koo, 2015) Certainly, social media users like me are unable to take control of their online activity; hence, leading them to have negative academic, professional, and social consequences.
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          Since technology plays an important role to me as a student, and to me as an individual, it is without a doubt that I need it every single day. With this, I can pretty much relate myself to the portrayals of young people using social media in the documentary The Social Dilemma. Even if it is not for the purpose of education, I still spend most of my time on my phone, if not, have my phone by my side, at all times of the day. This is because certain gadgets nowadays are most effectively and conveniently used for entertainment, communication, security, and most especially, for an emergency. Despite this, I grew up and was raised with the discipline to put limitations in everything. It has been part of the house rules that when we eat or when we spend time with family, we do not use our phones unless it is of great urgency and importance.
           The documentary The Social Dilemma reveals an essential portion of what you need to know inside the digital space. You may not have known yet but technology is getting way bigger and more advanced than you could have ever imagined. Everything you see on social media, what you’re seeing now, what you’re reading, what you’re looking at – all these are just tiny fragments of what the internet actually is. The Social Dilemma presents you with the adverse effects of technology and how it can actually be used as a system of manipulation that leads people into believing something that is not true. Because of the freedom that we can access in social media, businesses and politicians tend to overexploit the platform which, in effect, they use to create false publicities and deceptive propaganda that results in an overall sense of illusion for the vulnerable users of social media. After all, social media itself is a form of business.
           With the power of technology, I believe businessmen and politicians will continue to use it in the same way they are using it now. This is because technology has no limitations. As businesses, social media platforms earn through the running of advertisements. The only way they can grow their business further is to improve their method of revenue which is what they are doing now: use of cookies and personalization of advertisements. Anyhow, businesses need people and people need businesses. What makes the market mutually efficient for both parties is through the use of social media. As was mentioned in the documentary, people are the products of social media and that is how it really works. The time you spend on social media. which is the time you spend for your personal benefit, equates to earnings for the platform. Businesses will continue to advertise, whether it is for manipulation or promotion, because from the very nature of it that is how it works; this is explained by a common economic principle that nothing really is for free.
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          As for politicians, the spread of fake news and cyber propaganda is prevalent. However, I believe that it will not be as prevalent as what it is now in the future. This is because social media nowadays, especially Facebook, have developed a capability to detect news or articles that portray false news, misinformation, and any suspicious posts and activities. Facebook created Temporal Interaction EmbeddingS research (TIES) as an effort to improve its detection of fake accounts and misinformation and the enforcement regulations. This has enabled the company to eliminate more than 135 million fake accounts in April 2020. This may not have completely removed all existing fake news due to diverse engagement, but this serves as a stepping stone for Facebook and other social media platforms to build a system of rectification on the issue of information fallacies across the internet (Hutchinson, 2020). Therefore, yes, the politicians will still try to take advantage of technology in the future because they have the freedom to do so, but the movement has already begun for it to battle upon in this respect.
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          In the end, it may be beneficial for us to use technologies in our everyday lives but it is still part of our responsibilities to put certain limitations to it. Additionally, it is part of our due diligence to verify the information we encounter in the digital space. When you buy a certain product in the mall, you check whether it is fake or original before purchasing. This goes the same when you encounter articles, news, or any information on social media. You always have to verify the information before buying into it. This action must always be kept in mind when you browse the internet. Failure to do so can lead to detrimental repercussions that influence you and your decisions on life matters. Businesses and politicians will always try to play tricks on us but the only way we can push back against unethical practices of using social media is through our actions ourselves. Engaging our critical thinking skills and educating people about social media literacy are our best tools to defend ourselves from modern harm.
           There are certain lines from the film that give a powerful impact. One of these lines is “If you’re not paying for the product, then you’re the product.” This statement is indeed agreeable. Like I said in the previous paragraphs, nothing is for free. Everything has an opportunity cost and trade-off which is an economic principle. Even when you say you have free lunch available at the canteen, falling in line to get it is the cost of it. This is why if you are not paying for a product, then you should already expect that something from you is taken in exchange. Another line from the film states that “There are only two industries that call their customers 'users': illegal drugs and software." To me, this can be associated with the same effect that comes with both industries: addiction. Both drugs and software impart chemicals that trigger the release of dopamine or our happy hormones from our brain. When we use drugs, our neurotransmitters from our brains detect a sense of pleasurable experience in which it changes the behavior of our brain in a way it increases the odds of us repeating the activity again and again; thus, it goes the same with our usage of the software.
           There is another line from the film that I find to be agreeing with. It was the line that says “Social media is a marketplace that trades exclusively in human futures." This is evident from the many circumstances the film presented. The one reason why social media knows exactly how to keep you engaged on the platform is that they analyze your behavior pattern. And when they know the kind of behavior you have; they move on to advance their trading scheme. They sell your personal data and give them to large companies which is why there exist personalized advertisements as you scroll through your media feed. The last line from the film that hooked me is the statement: "The very meaning of culture is manipulation." Since our culture is filled with social media and the internet, it can be deduced that everything can now be tracked and monitored. People can now easily manipulate you into liking something or into having different sets of views, may this be in business or politics. As long as social media exist, so does manipulation. Our culture has become associated with the use of technology. It now depends on how we perceive information online that guides our beliefs and that what makes us who we are.
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  Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet
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          Illustrated above is my personal SWOT Analysis. I would say that the political, economic, and social factors are crucial to my growth. Because of these factors, I can determine steps that I can take to maintain my sanity and to improve on what I am lacking. The technological factors play a significant influence on the political, economic, and social factors found in both of my opportunities and strengths. This is because technology boosts everything around you, most especially in a time of a pandemic. Although I cannot go out because of COVID-19, technology allows me to stay connected with my friends and keep myself updated with the nation’s news. Because of technology, distance learning has been integrated into educational institutions to continue the delivery of education to all students like me. However, technology also contributes to factors under threats. Technological factors reduce personal interaction and increase the odds of people getting influenced by fake news considering that people, nowadays, turn to social media to obtain news. 
           With all the aforementioned circumstances, I would say that there are similarities and differences between my personal assessment and what the documentary, The Social Dilemma, says about the influence of technology on our lives. In a similar aspect, both my assessment and the documentary have presented significant improvements in daily lives with technology such as communication, research, broadcasting, data exploration, labor, and many more especially in a time of difficulty. On the contrary, both my assessment and the documentary presented adverse effects of technology specifically on our mental health and decision-making. This just goes to prove that technology is not always what it seems.   
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Hutchinson, A. (2020, August 26). Facebook Outlines New System for Detecting Fake Accounts and Misinformation Based on Interactions. https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-outlines-new-system-for-detecting-fake-accounts-and-misinformation/584228/.
Perse, E. M., & Lambe, J. (2017). Media effects and society. London: Routledge.
Koo, G. S. (2015). Lights and Shadows of Digital Technologies. Makati City: Church Strengthening Ministry, Inc.
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roongx · 4 years
“Each person has their own reality with their own facts.”
- The Social Dilemma
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tavius-org · 4 years
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If you do not already know what is in the documentary https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/ I believe you should. It is the real reason behind so much of what we are experiencing right now and why we are experiencing it. #thesocialdilemma https://www.instagram.com/p/CFQkC77M9Ki/?igshid=zq0mzmfhfr1t
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outragedtortilla · 1 year
I simply add the videos I want to watch to the "Watch Later" queue and when I want some quality Youtube time, I pop up on queue and start watching.
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grouchydairy · 1 year
one last way I try to counteract the algorithm is to build an archive of my favourite pieces from my favourite writers and boost them along with every article I write. Sure, this list can be just as biased, but we can name these biases as a result of knowing who I am as a writer, reader, and human being. The scary thing about algorithms is that while it’s supposed to be neutral, it’s biased in a black box kind of way that doesn’t indicate what those biases can be.
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avengerofyourheart · 4 years
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Well, let’s just say I’ve turned off the majority of my notifications so I might take a little longer than usual to reply. Intentional use of social media is the ideal and it’s an important, powerful tool. What fuels our constant scrolling is another story. This documentary is important in our modern day. Technology is a gift and a curse. Give it a watch on Netflix, let me know what you think, and I’ll get back to you. Eventually. If you need something urgently, there’s this crazy thing called a phone call... #isound90iknow #orlikeishouldliveuptomyfullHermitpotential #allingoodtime #thesocialdilemma #netflix https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJDV8uDbaC/?igshid=lyimooe6zyrw
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ramyeongif · 1 year
Algorithms also build towards creator burnout, particularly for independent creators (writers, artists alike) trying to consistently top the charts in order to earn enough. You’ve likely seen pieces about how the only key to success to creating on any platform is to remain consistent - to write daily, to vlog daily.
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