#theta state method to enter the void state
tia-222 · 9 months
Enter the void using theta waves
Link to the original post ( credits owolivia )
" But, since the void state is NOTHINGNESS it is not the symptoms. Many times people obsess over the symptoms they feel, whether they feel floaty, dizzy, or whatever else. This just leads to you being overly aware of your physical body and more than likely not entering the void. So, I personally ignore any symptoms and just continue to affirm until I’m in the void. Sometimes, I don’t even affirm, I just intend to go to the void and my awareness goes there. Let me tell you, it’s literally nothingness. It’s pitch black. You don’t feel or see anything, you just are. Literally, you’re just awareness. The first few times I entered the void state, I actually thought I had fallen asleep, only to realize I’d actually been there. So, you’ll know once you’re there; and you won’t have symptoms in the void. Remember, symptoms are just an indicator letting you know you’re correctly entering the void and a reminder to continue doing what you’re doing till you’re in the void state. Basically, when you’re in the void state, you’ll feel completely relaxed and at ease. Nothing will be in your way, you’re surrounded by pure nothingness. Just relax and affirm, your desires will manifest instantly in this state. "
" How I Personally Enter the Void : "
" Before I knew about shifting and manifesting I used the void state for relaxation (of course, I didn’t know I was at that time). Now I use it for shifting and manifesting since it’s relaxing to me. I use theta waves personally to induce relaxation, I’ll link my favorite theta waves track, I use musi to listen to them and they are absolutely wonderful! Check out Catalyst University, as they make amazing brain wave meditation tracks, there are plenty for you to choose from if the one I like isn’t for you! :smile: Also, these are very safe and reputable! I’ve used the tracks I’ve linked for 2 years and only had positive results! "
" Before I enter the void state, I typically take my nightly meds and take a nice bath (or shower). I don’t do anything fancy during my bath, I just listen to music and get cleaned up, then I dry off and get into bed. Again, until I’m ready to enter the void state, I don’t really do anything meditation wise or really affirmation wise (other than my daily affirmations), I just relax. I really just take some me time, I’ll watch some tv, maybe read something or play some video games, maybe script for fun, and get myself to a point where I’m slightly sleepy. Once I’m ready to get into the void state, I turn my TV off and make sure my room is completely dark. "
" I use theta waves (linked below) and play them using earbuds to induce a relaxed state for myself. I’ll get into a comfortable position that I don’t need to move from and begin to affirm or visualize I’m in the void state. Personally, I don’t focus on my breath at all that’s always made me anxious. I find that causes me to hyper focus on my physical body, so I focus on my heartbeat and my affirmations. Personally, I do feel like I’m floating/weightless when I’m entering the void state, but I ignore any symptoms I feel as they cause me to hyper focus on my physical body, so I’ll continue to affirm. Eventually (usually very quickly) I’ll end up in the void, I won’t hear the theta waves I played, see anything else, or feel anything, I’m just awareness, so I’ll affirm it sometimes even visualize, then when im ready, I’ll affirm to come back to either my CR or my DR. I tend to make it pretty simple and easy, keeping the whole process relaxed fo myself! "
Theta waves :
Pure theta waves Meditation
Binaural beat - theta wave
Hemi - sync theta waves
6Hz theta wave frequency
8D theta waves
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marlenesplanet · 8 months
How I Enter The Void State/Easiest Way
Hey guys, this is how I enter the void state. This method I use was inspired by @voidprincessblog and others 💗
1. I put on theta waves (Any subliminal, binaural beats or music is fine) and I lay on my back and I stay still for 15-20 minutes. Because staying still without doing anything will shut the left side of your brain off, which is the logical side. And the right side will be active which is the creative side. You can manifest, shift, and get in the void instantly this way!
2. While I’m staying still, I do something to keep my brain awake. Me personally, I count to whatever number. (It doesn’t matter what number, just as long as you are relaxed)
3. When the 15-20 minutes are over, I start to feel symptoms such as floating and tingling and numbness. But it’s different for everyone. That’s when you know the left side of the brain is asleep, and your right side is active. ✨
4. Then I affirm for the void state or shift affirmations. I keep repeating this while relaxing and focusing on the blackness behind my eyes. I don’t focus on symptoms or how long it takes because this only makes you anxious! The whole point of the void state and shifting is to R E L A X.
5. Then you’ve shifted/gotten in the void state! It takes very quickly to get in and to shift because the left brain is off!
That’s what I do now to get in the void/shift and it works awesome!
(I’ve only gotten in the void state once btw but this method works wonders!)
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gorgeouslypink · 11 months
Command Your Mind to Wake Up Method
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Hi guys! In this post, I am going to outline a method that is compiled from my own experiences during my void state journey as well as other's experiences while I coached them. Anyone can do this and you can modify it to fit your needs.
1. Set an alarm to wake up in 5 hours, 30 minutes (I believe that this is the best time to wake up in order to get into the void state. It is normally recommended to set your alarm for 4-6 hours but I found from my experience that 6 hours was a complete enough sleep cycle for me so I would need lesser sleep for this method to work. I also realized that it takes me a while to fall asleep so 5 hours 30 minutes is perfect).
2. Upon hearing your alarm, get up and do something anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes (I've seen a lot of people say to try not moving in order to retain relaxation and be calmer to tap into the void easier but I feel like all that would do is help you go back to sleep. During this time, I would just go brush my teeth, pee, and then get back in bed but I've heard of people even reading Neville's book. You can do anything you want. Maybe don't start dancing to some heavy metal, but just anything relaxing. Personally, for me, if I stay awake for more than 10 minutes, I snap out of that trance like state you experience when you just wake up so figure out how it is for you and what you want to do).
3. Get back in bed and start affirming that you will wake up again as you fall asleep (Once you do this, you will start waking up again. I am pretty sure most of you have experienced sleep on a very important day when you really had to wake up or when you get up and off your alarm but then fall asleep and you know how your mind just wakes you up. That's what you're doing here basically).
4. When you consciously wake up again, try not to move your body and affirm for the void ( The reason that I recommend this method is because doing this it enables you tap into that mind awake, body asleep state. Your body is asleep because you were just sleeping but your mind is awake because we basically commanded it to wake up. I've noticed that this method is most beginner friendly because it's something most people have already done before and it makes it so easy to tap into that deep theta state without snapping out of it or just falling asleep. I've noticed affirming for the void at this point makes it incredibly easy to lucid dream, enter sleep paralysis, or in this case, enter the void state. If you accidentally end up in sleep paralysis, just affirm for the void).
if you are unable to wake up without an alarm, i recommend this instead: click here
good luck everyone 💗
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charmedreincarnation · 6 months
I shifted using the void state!
I'm getting straight to the point because I know people don't like long success stories, but I used these two posts to finally shift to my desired reality and manifest my dream life.
Rotten’s Practical Guide to Shifting Realities
Reddit Post: The Power of the Void State
Anyways, when I learned about the void state on Reddit, I was instantly captivated. I mean, who wouldn't be? The idea of not only using it for shifting but also manifesting my dream life for myself and my family felt like a dream come true. That's when I came across the second post I shared about the void state, and eventually, the first document I shared. They were incredibly informative and completely changed my perspective on shifting and the law of the universe.
I went on to stalk many of the recommended success stories on Reddit, exploring posts and comment sections that mentioned you. You seemed to be a common denominator in their journeys, helping them shift or guiding them with your posts. It made me happy to see your positive influence, even though your posts were from years ago and it seemed like you no longer have an account. Unfortunately, many other creators' posts were either inactive or banned due to Reddit's strict rules which is really annoying.
However, someone made a post about you, and one of your friends ended up commenting with your Tumblr account. So, I gathered a lot of valuable information from your account and a few others (like Fleur, Pink, Rem, Sexy Dream Girl, etc.) on Tumblr.
I must say, the Tumblr shifting and void community is miles ahead of Reddit and Amino. I was shocked that I hadn't come across this community before. Reddit is just starting to talk about the Law of assumption and the void, whereas you guys have been immersed in it for years. I even encountered some misconceptions on Reddit, where people still think the void can only be used for shifting and not for waking up in a whole new life. 🙄
Regardless, finding this app was the motivation I needed, and I discovered so much valuable information. I ended up using your theta wave method, combined with the first Reddit post I sent, to enter the void and shift to my dr. It's truly mind-blowing how easy it all was.
I can vouch for this process. All you need are the two Reddit posts I shared, as the guide is highly regarded within the shifting community, along with a few trustworthy Tumblr bloggers. I've been part of the shifting community since 2017, so I've seen it all, and I managed to shift within just two and a half weeks of finding these resources. Even though I was struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts, I realized it doesn't have to hinder your journey.
I wanted to share my experience here, and I might make a post on Reddit too. However, they have become stricter with success stories due to anti-troll measures, and it takes weeks to even months for anything to be processed. So, I wanted to share my journey here first.
I also recommend this: https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/s/daFCQdyHim because it helped me understand what shifting really is. Manifesting too!
Lastly I'm 26 years old, and I've noticed that Reddit tends to have a more adult audience compared to Tumblr. At first, it felt nice to be surrounded by fellow adults discussing shifting. On the other hand, seeing Tumblr mostly filled with teens and younger adults made me wonder if it's easier for them, especially without the weight of responsibilities that often come with age.
But let me tell you, age is not a factor that determines our success in shifting. Whether you're 13 or 55, it doesn't matter. This is something we can all engage in, no matter our age.
Sure, there might be some challenges that come with getting older. As we accumulate more life experiences, doubts tend to creep in, and we become more logical. But guess what? Those doubts and logical thinking don't define our ability to shift realities. They are simply hurdles for us to overcome.
Hi love! I've spent some time going through all the resources you shared, and they've been incredibly helpful! Actually i have seen that guide in so many places, and it's truly enlightening. Thank you for sharing these amazing tools with us!
And yes, I wholeheartedly agree with what you said. age and doubt really do have no place in our journey they really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
I used to engage with @theastralplaneandbeyond5487 on Amino and Reddit too. He also has an informative YouTube channel and is in his 50s, I believe. His experiences and insights are rlly helpful and further show that age is just a number in this journey.
His journey showed me that we can do whatever we we want , regardless of our age. It's a beautiful reminder that we're all capable of creating and experiencing whatever we want 🩵
Also omg my Reddit era in 2021 was so fun. I’m glad it’s still helping people though my views have definitely evolved :D!
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ghostfest · 1 year
Void State/Trance State Method [ADHD/No Focus Friendly.]
I've used quite a few methods to get into the void, and this is one of my favorites that I use. Usually people tell people "just affirm!" and "just relax!" but for me I've never really been able to lie still and go affirming for hours aimlessly because I can't focus my mind and I will get very angry/upset and think I "fail" if I can't focus while most other methods tell me to think absolutely no thoughts. It's just something entirely not possible for me and likely others, so I wrote this to hopefully help someone in a similar situation out. I believe this is something that @trynafindbarbiee2 / @trynafindbarbiee has talked about in the feeling of recently, so I hope this helps people who have recently read their trance state post and seen the video. :) If you have more questions, feel free to message me or inbox me.
1. You do not need white noise, theta waves or whatever you've been told you "need" or anything to enter. You don't even need pure silence. If you're like me you've probably used things that you don't even enjoy and aren't relaxed by just because other bloggers made you feel like you needed it to go into the void. What you're going to do is put on something you like. If you personally find a subliminal relaxing, then use it. Specifically I use music or subliminals. If you have a song that you enjoy a lot and makes you happy then use it. It doesn't need affirmations or binural beats or anything like that. Just put on something you like very much. It doesn't even have to be a calm relaxing song as long as it makes you happy.
2. Think. Yes, I know how this sounds stupid. Think. That's it. No. I'm not telling you to think about something specific. I'm telling you to DO NOT TRY TO NOT THINK. If you try to prevent yourself from thinking you're going to be unable to stop thinking and unable to calm your mind. You're just going to end up more upset that you can't stop thinking. Plus it's actually very important that you're thinking and not focused on the void or entering. Think thoughts about things you enjoy, something that'll distract yourself and spiral into other thoughts you'll also think about. Daydream. Visualize. Think. About anything, ANYTHING you want.
3. By now at some point after this your mind will begin to calm down and get more "spacey" and distracted. Sometimes I am already in the void at this point. However, if you're not yet then you can use your mind's fuzziness and the feeling of being zoned out to enter the void. Things should be much quieter in your head compared to when you first started and it should feel slower to think. 4. Since this happens so fast usually I already end up in the void state or near it at this point. If you aren't yet, then now you can start visualizing and daydreaming about either the void state and the feeling of being in the void state (I visualize the idea of feeling nothing or being in water or just being in space or the wind all of these work best for me). If you can't do this visualize your life AFTER the void. Visualize things such as your desired appearance or desired bedroom and visualize things you're going to do once you leave the void. IN SUMMARY: 1. Put on music or subliminals. It's important that it's something YOU like and relaxes YOU. Not what someone tells you to listen to. 2. Think about anything you want. Just think and daydream about anything. 3. Once your mind is calmer and you think slower, vaunt and rampage about the void and affirm or visualize your life AFTER the void or visualize the feeling of the void (Yes, daydreaming is the exact same as visualizing so if that helps then do that).
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**Using gateway tapes for void state*
Many people (especially Tumblr, I see y'all) are really interested in the void state. Me too honestly but here's the information that I got about the void state through the gateway tapes.
**By One-lawfulness**
“Glad to see others here who also use the gateway tapes. I'm starting to believe we'll 1 you can shift with them but more so F15 is essentially the void state. It seems they are described the same way.”
“ body asleep/ mind awake is indeed F10. However the void state from what I read is when your pure awareness. You don't feel the body, you can't see, hear, touch, etc. There is no body at all your simply awareness. There's a post I believe in one of the shifting groups where someone linked and reposted a Twitter post where someone went into detail on what is and isn't the void state. All I know is the void state while it shouldn't be hard to reach isn't as simple as some think. But it makes sense since it seems shifting, manifesting, etc is all instant from it.
This should link to the post
Well they say the focus levels are different for everyone but there are some general guidelines to it. Some where someone linked a page with a brief description of each focus level and when you read F15 I think or maybe 12 it's described as a void.
But if your looking for manifesting it seems some say you can do that in F10, 12, and 15 but I assume it's easier the higher you go.
(It's F15)
If I find the page with the focus level description I'll link it also
Found it
Personal experience
what's recommended is once you get there the first thing is to manifest being able to enter it easily. Then from there do as you wish. That could work. I assume using it along with LOA is a great combo to help get into the void state the first time. When I was first trying the void state before using the gateway tapes I was in F10 essentially and couldn't fully go into it.
I stayed with F10 for a while but realized I was holding myself back because F10 wasn't hard to enter and I was saying I needed to master it first.
**By Beautiful_V**
F10 is SATS. SATS is the mind awake body asleep, you repeat a scene to mnaifest but that isn’t SATS it’s the state you do that hence state akin to sleep. You can manifest all the time using it! Instead of affirmations (lullaby method) I visualize until I fall asleep in this state. The trick is you can’t be too tired or too awake. Or even better just do it during a nap never takes me more than 3 days.
**Beautiful_v manifesting method**
“My routine”
-Do Wim Hof breathing technique
-Have theta waves immediately playing afterwards
-Count to whatever gets me to floaty feeling at first it was 500, now it’s 200/300 when you lose count just go back to the nearest 100th so you don’t fall asleep
-when I get the floaty feeling it means I’m about to fall asleep so affirm or visualize desired results.
-fall asleep in the wish fulfilled there will be no time for you to doubt because you’ll be too tired
-do this for 3-5 days it works in less depends on your beliefs but I always say 3 days because that’s what I read from Neville so I adopted that mindset !
“Yes F10 is considered the void state”
Background: he has his own YouTube channel and is currently on wave 3 tape 6! He's personally like a mentor to me because I ask him about stuff. This is what he personally told me.
He's experience
**My opinion**
Everyone is right in this discussion. Gateway tapes are based on personal experience. **No matter what, you need enter F10 for anything. Shifting, astral projection, void state. F10 void state or not. To achieve anything you need to achieve F10!**
**What do you recommend?**
You want to go into a void state? Then finish gateway tapes for F10 (gateway 1). Then do F12, after MASTERING everything. Go to manifest tape and affirm that you can go to void state instantly or whatever affirmation you want. Simple as that
(All credit to them, I did remove some digits from the username. Please do not contact them! I don't want to have a bunch of people flooding their Dms. If you have questions about it. Ask me and I will message them personally if it's that's okay. THANK YOU!)
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Hi baby
I’m going to talk a little bit about myself
I don’t wanna reveal too much
My face and everything else will remain anonymous for safety and privacy💕
My name is Honey(yes this is my birth name lol)
You can call me by my name or honeybee
Or even honeycomb
Do NOT call me beehive 😡
Unless it’s related to Beyoncè💕
Age: 23
I discuss the void state, Law of assumption,Reality Shifting (I haven’t talked about this yet but will if you need more info)
And All kinds of Manifestation methods
How to talk to Honey!!!
Just dm me any questions I don’t take asks anymore so if you have any questions just feel free to dm me
My mom is Afro Peruvian, Indian,and Haitian
My dad is Jamaican
I’m black hehe🤟🏾
I don’t do these I’m super private it’s soooo weird omg
What do I like??
Music food animals
Did I say music because
My favorite artists
I love all kinds of music
Even death metal occasionally
I like Harry Styles,Kid Cudi,Lady Gaga The Beatles,Ice Spice and many moreeeee
I also love movies
Literally almost any kind
But anyways
Let’s talk about something more interesting!!
Now that you know me(kind of)
I want you to know about this technique I discovered
It’s not new at all
In fact ppl on here have already talked about it I’m just late
As usual 😔
There’s a technique I want you all to try
It’s called the
“Wim hof breathing”
No methods are needed But if you really want one
Then here you go pookie
(Found this on a website but it won’t let me copy the link😔)
Find a comfortable position.
Breathe in deeply through the nose or mouth and through the belly to the chest. Then let the breath go unforced.
Exhale through the mouth, then immediately breathe in again.
Take 30–40 such breaths in short bursts.
Take one final, deep inhalation then let the air out and stop inhaling. Hold the breath until you feel the urge to breathe again.
Inhale very deeply to full capacity and hold for 15 seconds, then let it go. This completes the first round.
Repeat the whole process, steps #2-6, 3-4 times.
After completion take time to meditate and enjoy the state of deep relaxation
After the very last step you should be a deep trance like state you should be really relaxed
I recommend that you let your next subliminal play
Which should be
Either a theta or epilson wave track or pink noise
Make sure your desired subliminal that plays after is Not a guided meditation you wanna still be in a trance
Start affirming in that point
And don’t stop
Just feel how relaxed you are feel that powerless body but powerful mind
Your body is at ease your soul and mind collide in such ways that allows you to breathe freely without any stress no harm
In the void state
Your main goal should be getting peace
Because if you’re entering just affirm
You’ll likely put it on a pedestal you’ll get frustrated and give up
It is not a wish granter bitch
It’s you
Baby you are powerful
Baby you are pretty
Baby you can tap in the void
And make the bring the 4D to your 3D and make it your home
Don’t use the void as a wish granter
Use it for peace
Don’t treat the 3D like the enemy
Treat it like a friend
After all it exists the way it does because of your assumptions
Whether you say this is hard or this is easy
Sugar, you’re right either way
Because if you assume something then that’s how it’ll be
If you think you’re pretty you’re pretty
But if you think you’re broke
Then you’re broke
If you think you’re rich
Then you’re rich baby
You could have wings
Be the biggest singer or rapper in the world
Star in the next Dune Movie
Be best friends with Ariana Grande
Be a Scientist
Be smarter than Albert Einstein(I mean was he actually super intelligent if he lacked common sense)
You could be get a bigger butt!!
I mean didn’t necessarily have a pancake ass
But I definitely didn’t have a Nicki Minaj
And bestie you can too!
Plastic surgery who???
Do we look like a Kardashian-Jenner?? I think the f not🙄
The void is our plastic surgeon
You wanna a smaller nose?
Got it
Tig ole biddies?
Got it
Nicki Minaj butt?
Got it
Floor length hair?
Got it?
Whatever you want to change about yourself
Got it!
And for the last time babies
Mentally just be
Physically sleep
In that moment baby
Forget the 3D and its fuck ass bob
Because the 3Ds not your enemy but its your puppet
You’re a ventriloquist CONTROL THAT MF
The 4D is you
The void is you
Quit saying what you can’t do babe
“HoNEy I StiLL didNT gET inTO tHe vOiD”
You did it
You just didn’t know
Bro the void is just recognizing you’re asleep
And getting in contact with your mind
Which is where you already go when you go to sleep
So ha
There’s your answer
When we fall asleep
That’s where we go
The mf Void State
The only thing your cute ass has to do baby
Is just be aware
When Neville Goddard says just “BE”
Bitch just BE
That’s it
Be aware
Like that SpongeBob episode
“Be the crane”
Be the Void
It’s just you love
So why you stressing
Why complicate something YOU created?!
Baby girl make it make sense
Own your power bitch
I love you My darlings
Month is almost over
Bring me my success stories
Or I’ll be your sleep paralysis demon 😈
(Just kidding)
Or am I;)
Imma keep pressuring you to listen to this(NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED SUBLIMINALS)
But I like this one🫠
Wrong emoji
I can’t find that cute one at the moment I’m rushing cuz I wanna eat my burger!
because it’s soooo peaceful
Slade is the best
I love you ⭐️💕
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voidarchivefiles · 11 months
Lucid dreaming for the void state
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So this post is inspired by this success story which mentioned using lucid dream binaural beats to induce a lucid dream and then enter the void through there. Shout out to @gorgeouslypink for introducing lucid dreaming as a method to enter the void and popularising it with her Lucid dreaming void post and FILD Challenge! I went through some success stories and tagged the ones that entered via lucid dreams and there's currently 9 with 2 more in the queue.
Anyway, that success story never linked what they used so I was curious and searched on youtube and found this, a 1.5hr lucid dreaming induction track, released 11 years ago and has 3.6m views. If you read the comments, there's many people who successfully had lucid dreams from it! Basically you wear headphones and listen to the track as you fall asleep and it will hopefully trigger a lucid dream while you're sleeping.
From the video description:
Listen to this audio AS YOU FALL ASLEEP, and after you have developed the habit of performing constant 'reality checks'. Remember, this is a tool, and not a magic formula. ;) Headphones required for binaural beats to work This lucid dreaming induction is a variation of the original i-dreamer. Improvements: a more gradual descending-step-sequence (alpha to delta) to induce sleep. Quieter and more frequent affirmations. Refined gamma peaks (40hz). The first 65 minutes will entrain you to a deep delta sleep using a descending binaural frequency + various water sfx. The remainder consists of a low-theta wave to help transit your mind into REM sleep. During this segment I have recorded various affirmations to help trigger a lucid state: "You are dreaming" "Do a reality check" "This is a dream" "You are taking control of your dream" Within the theta-wave are various 4-5 second long peaks peak at 40 Hz. ("...an EEG machine recorded frequencies in the 40 Hz range in lucid dreamers enjoying a bit of conscious REM...")
The channel has a playlist of lucid dream induction audios but the one I linked above is the most popular one. They seem to be different though so it's good to have options if you want to experiment a bit.
Of course there's numerous ways to induce lucid dreaming and this is just one possible way. I recommend checking out @charmedreincarnation and @themanifestingbrat's lucid dreaming guide if you want to learn more, there are a few successful anons who used her guide!
Just sharing this in case it helps someone!
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bratzydollz · 2 years
🕵️‍♀️✨ "Breaking the Reality Code: Legit Tips to Shift Into Your Desired Reality – Ivanka Spills the Tea! #ShiftingSecrets" ✨🌌
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March 23rd, 2023
•—✧✷ Greetings, astral explorers and vibe enthusiasts! Ivanka in the house, ready to spill the tea hotter than a summer in Ibiza. Shifting, baby, it's the ethereal rollercoaster of dreams. Picture this: smoother than savoring Michelin pancakes in the heart of NYC or trickier than decoding an anti-shifter's mind. But fear not, luvlies, because Ivanka's got the keys to the shifting kingdom, and I'm ready to share the deets.
Let's dive headfirst into the allure of Desired Reality – or as the cyber cool cats call it, "DR." It's not just your regular H&M flipflops; it's your personal blockbuster, your anime daydream, a reality painted with the hues of freedom and fun. It's where your heart's desires take center stage – from the perfect glow-up to a life tailor-made for you. It's basically your VIP pass to personal paradise.
Now, here's the catch – mastering the art of shifting is your golden ticket to your DR. Think of it like nailing a perfect soufflé. Specify your destination, set those intentions, visualize your desired reality, and boom! You've arrived at your desired hotspot. Sure, it sounds like a breeze, but mastering it takes a bit of finesse. Don't worry; I've got your back.
For those scratching their heads about shifting, just like what Mr. Worldwide once said, been there, done that. And I sense you might be feeling it too as you dive into this post. Fear not, my luvlies, because I'm about to drop some tips hotter than a Kardashian scandal. No more small talk, let's dive into my astral playbook, specially crafted for you. 🚀💫
✧ Believe That You Can Shift
—✧✷ In this star-studded activity, belief is the ultimate VIP pass. Oh, girl, believe in shifting, sure, but let me spill the intergalactic tea – the real universal currency is believing in the superstar that is YOU.
Picture this: your mind, a Hollywood blockbuster waiting to happen. Time for a script rewrite! Turn it into a haven, a paradise of unwavering belief. The kind of belief that screams, "I've got the magical keys to shift, and I'm ready to rock my desired reality!" It's not just a key; it's the golden ticket to a reality remix. So, honey, believe it like it's the plot twist of the century, proving the Grinch's sad toys we called "Anti-Shifters", that they are more wrong than the X-Factor judges, as you live your blockbuster life, and watch your journey transform into a star-studded spectacle. Lights, camera, shifting!
✧ Do Your Own Research About Shifting
—✧✷ Navigating the mesmerizing realm of shifting, my darlings, go beyond mere surface exploration—plunge into the depths of knowledge. Immerse yourself in the Law of Assumption, gracefully waltz through the enchanting corridors of the Multiverse Theory, finesse the dance of Quantum Jumping, and effortlessly enter the mystical realm of Theta/Void State. Grasping the intricacies of your current venture—shifting—acts as the key to a smoother journey. Knowledge is your ally, providing the roadmap to execute with finesse and summon the desired results. Ready to unravel the mysteries?
✧ Make Shifting Comfortable For You
—✧✷ Discover a pathway to shift that aligns seamlessly with your essence. Should you crave order on your shifting odyssey, craft a script outlining the specifics you yearn for in your desired reality. Embrace a shifting method, indulge in post-script meditation, and so forth—just go for it. If you're into the raw essence of shifting, envision your desires, set those intentions, and simply dive in. Whatever brings you comfort, my dear, make it your guiding star. Comfort is the secret sauce; it heightens your chances of gracefully slipping into your coveted reality.
✧ Meditation For Clear Intention
—✧✷ Embark on a journey of meditation, not only elevating your chances of shifting but also bestowing profound benefits upon your well-being. Let the tranquil practice clear the fog from your mind, paving the way for crystal-clear intentions and unwavering focus on your desires. It's a holistic win-win, luvlies—one step closer to your desired reality and a serene mind to accompany you on the way.
✧ Avoid Negative Thoughts
—✧✷ Should pesky thoughts plague your day, whispering doubts about your shifting prowess or the attainability of your desired reality, dismiss them swiftly. Toss those negative notions aside and affirm with conviction that shifting is within your grasp, effortlessly attainable. Remind yourself, my dear, that the truth of the matter is, you CAN shift, no strings attached. Embrace the power of that undeniable fact.
✧ Visualize If You Are Able To
—✧✷ In the vivid tapestry of shifting, luvlies, not everyone is a visual virtuoso, but for those who can, consider it a sparkling extra. Immerse yourself in the fantasy – picture your desired reality self, from the first morning light to stolen kisses with your significant other, even battling otherworldly beasts or conjuring spells. It's not just seeing; it's feeling every heartbeat of that alternate reality as if it's your reality right now. Paint the scenes with your emotions, and let the magic unfold.
•—✧✷ Well, shifters and spiritual baddies, that's a wrap on today's shifting tips extravaganza! If the shifting mysteries still boggle your brilliant mind, fear not—I'm your oracle, ready to spill the tea. Questions? Fire away, and I'll dazzle you with the answers. Now, luvlies, my fingertips are tapping out, freshly adorned in divine nails. Buh-bye for now, luvlies. Until next time! 💋✨
Xoxo, Ivanka.
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voidsuccessarchive · 1 year
To anyone doubting is this real, it is. No matter how bad your life is or how impossible it seems, like charm says we are god!!! This is something you told me that really helped me accept it. In the DMs you said “I don’t know how or why it’s real, I have done my own research and have come to my conclusion on why this phenomenon is possible but you shouldn’t care bc it’s yours and you have access to it. Be the first person to do it if you think it isn’t real, because you can” So I fucking decided I don’t care if everyone lied on this app!! I will be the first person to enter the void. Well, now I know it’s real so everyone was telling the truth but I will tell this to everyone. Be the first to get your results if you have to. Good luck everyone 🖤🖤
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Shifting be hard for me cuz my ADHD go wheeee
like pls, I finna be saying affirmations and all of a sudden I hear: “IM SLIM SHADY YES IM THE REAL SHADY”
like shut up PLEASE 😭😭
i have the hardest time focusing and to not get distracted too while trying to say and focus on affirmations
my brain will just be like “heeeey thereeee, let’s thinnkkk about thiiiissss insteaddd” or yeah, it’ll randomly play a random ass line from a song
(i’ve been trying the wim hof breathing method to enter the void state and shift from there, so that forces me to focus on my breathing, but i also listen to music/brown noise/theta waves/asmr/whatever i feel like at the same time, and also say affirmations in between counting my breaths, so then i have several things to focus on and not as much room for my brain to distract, maybe something like that will work for you??? i’m not too sure, our brains work differently 👹)
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tia-222 · 5 months
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So there's been a new technique that was developed from @rima shifting on tiktok and it's been getting really popular. If you wondering, " can we use shifting techniques to enter the void state? ", yes you can! Don't worry, you won't shift realities lol, but you can use them to affirm for the void state <3 . The original creator ( rima) has said after using this technique, she's shifted to multiple parallel realities on the first day using this.
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♡ How does this technique work?
It's involves the Wim hof breathing technique and pink noise. It's very easy to do and you will get into the void state on your first try using this ♡. Wait, ik some of y'all think that wim hof breathing is very fast pace, but there's an alternative which is the beginners one and people still shifted using that. Wim hof breathing is the best when you're trying to relax and release all stress/ doubts because it makes your thought process slow down by releasing dmt NATURALLY. This technique works by putting your body and mind into a deep trance state, whereby after you can start affirming for the void state. And don't worry, if you fall asleep because this method also helps you to lucid dream. If you do so happen to fall asleep while attempting this method, you're might find yourself in a lucid dream, you can affirm for a portal or dream character to take you straight into the void state.
♡ Technique in full detail :
1. You attempt this technique before bed, morning or during the day. Whatever time suits you the best <3.
2. Go to YouTube and search " wim hof breathing " or " wim hof breathing for beginner's ".
3. Play the meditation and follow all the steps, it's guided for you ♡. It's completely ok to take breaks any part of the video.
4. After the meditation finishes play the pink nosie. You can make a YouTube playlist and add these 2 videos. So the pink noise will automatically play after the meditation finishes. Also loves, you don't have 2 add the pink nosie, you can add your fav subliminal or theta waves, etc.
5. Start affirming for the void state, you will reach the void really fast because you already in a trance like state.
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Click on the images to see the results of this technique. You can see the full comment section on the video, just search " Wim hof pink breathing method "on tiktok.
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daisys-reality · 2 years
Hi daisy, does inducing a specific brainwave help in manifesting faster?
Yes! It's not necessary but some of those "brainwaves" help you to get in a state where your logical side of the brain shuts down and your subconscious takes over - which helps you be really in tune with what you're affirming and visualizing and it also helps you to detach from the 3D. I hope my explanation makes sense.
The posts I linked in this post make it pretty clear I think. Idk if they were hard to understand but I can try to summarize it for you.
As you can see here in the graphic below there are 6 types of brainwaves. Those are the waves your brain naturally sends out when you're in the respective state (described in the pic).
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If you listen to those types of waves (through binaural beats in yt) you kinda manipulate your brain into getting into a certain state.
For now, you can ignore the beta and gamma waves. For manifesting and shifting, usually only alpha waves, theta waves, delta waves and epsilon waves are talked about as they help with relaxation/detachment/reduced consciousness.
From what was said in the other two posts:
Theta and alpha waves seem the best for manifesting.
Delta waves the best for entering the void state.
Epsilon waves the best for shifting realities.
But of course everyone is different and they may work differently on you.
The anon in this post also described their method or rather how they use those waves for manifesting/entering the void and for shifting:
Sitting down comfortable.
Lighting up a candle in front of you.
Putting on the specific waves you want to listen to.
Breathing deeply in and out and calming down.
Focusing on the flame.
Starting affirming when you reached a trance like state.
I hope that helped you understand it more!
- daisy 🌼
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
Enter the Void State Overnight Challenge
credits: AngelAuraFairy on Twitter
1. Turn on Delta Waves as you're going to sleep
2. Affirm that you will enter the void/wake up in the void as you fall asleep
Not only is this challenge super easy, but honestly even if you fail, atleast you reprogrammed your mind and are even closer to entering the void. Before I recommended a subliminal that was basically theta waves and a lot of people succeeded with this exact method but theta waves, so maybe if you tried that and were close but didn't quite get in, then you could try this and it would be more compatible with you. Try it out and let me know how it goes <3
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Good evening charm! ( It's evening here lol ) <3 💌
So I have entered void like 2 times before with your theta method but I always forget affirm and now Ima trying again to enter with that method which gorgeous recently shared 😩💗
So that post of gorgeouslypink that u rebloged I didn't understand quite a bit :( may u please explain us in simple words what we have to do exactly?
So happy and proud for you love! and ofc yes I can.
1.go to bed normally
2.wake up 3.5 hours later
3. Get up and go to your recline chair or anywhere where you can sit in a degree of 120-130. And give yourself a neck pillow or regular pillow around your neck! Like those ones you use for planes.
4.set your intention to enter the void state.
When you have woken up congrats you should enter! You also might have a lucid dream, that’s what I used this method for. You can Enter the void state through the lucid dream if that happens as well! If you don’t know how to, you can use my lucid dreaming guide in my pinned that explains how.
Here’s the website I used that explains this method from a while ago ! Again, I used it to enter a lucid dream and shift but you can use it for the void and astral projection too.
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ryujinsvoid · 8 months
journey to the void state: october 10th
i laid in bed listening to theta waves and planned to count to the void. i became too relaxed to focus on anything, it was like my body was asleep, but my mind was floating around in my head. i couldn’t focus on any thoughts, but it was extremely comfortable. i gained some consciousness and realized i should be trying to enter the void state knowing my bestie was currently trying to get there as well. so i got up and checked my phone and realized i was in some sort of meditative state for almost 30 minutes.
i tried to use my usual method of counting to enter the void, but getting up had made me tense. i was too anxious to focus properly, counting seemed impossible in the beginning and my mind was full of negative pessimistic thoughts. even as it became slightly more fluid and counting wasn’t as hard, i didn’t feel as if i was rocking or spinning or anything (which usually starts by around #30) so i ended up giving up.
i won’t give up tonight though. i won’t let anything stop me. i have no other options, but to persist.
⭐️ i am the void. i am pure consciousness. everything i desire is mine. ⭐️
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