#they could have even used the deciple thing to help with that by having it be a prerequisite to higher levels
arolesbianism · 5 months
I am still not over the level cap thing what do you mean level fucking 10
#rat rambles#like do they not realize how fucking pathetically low that is?#like it is So easy to get a follower to level 10 especially late game#like in every playthrough of this game Ive done I always have at least one follower whos past level 40 usually several#Im glad they didnt retroactively lower existing followers levels but it still sucks#it just makes leveling them feel kind of pointless when theyre likely going to passively max out after a certain point anyways#like genuinely I dont even understand what the point of this change is#because its not like getting broke. high level followers is much of a concern early game#and mid game is usually only a potential issue balance wise if youve been putting in a stupid amount of effort since the start#and by the time you get to the late game I. genuinely dont think it matters.#like in early late game again youll only have genuinely broken high levels if youve been going hard at leveling followers#and by the end of the late game its like ok and. let ppl be powerful cmon man.#like theres So many things they could have done to adjust the balancing that wasnt this#like if theyre concerned abt faith generation then make a cap on that or make it not a one to one level thing#if theyre concerned about demons then they could again adjust the scaling slightly or simply make it harder to level followers#they could have even used the deciple thing to help with that by having it be a prerequisite to higher levels#like maybe you could have a couple rings of inner circles with each tier unlocking another ten levels#and they could even add a lower cap at like 50 or smth just dont make it fucking 10#that might genuinely be the worst part of this update and Im not even joking when I say this just killed my motivation to play more#its one of the few things that you were able to keep working on and expanding after unlocking everything else#I genuinely really hope they change this because if not then I think Ill have to drop the game thats how bad it is to me
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mdzscontent · 2 years
Crossposting from my twitter:
That one scene in supergirl where Kara confronts a hologram of her mom but make it Jin Ling using a talisman (created by Wei Wuxian for him to talk to his parents) to confront Jin GuangShan (or Jin GuangYao not sure which) about the reasons Wei Wuxian was out of the burial mounds.
Him and the other juniors along with WangXian are on a night hunt and Wei Wuxian is surveying they area they are staying in and Sizhui shares some of the things he remembers about the burial mounds with the other 3. He brings up how he thought he felt when he knew his family Wouldn’t return especially his Xian-gege and Jin Ling makes an off-handed remark about his fathers death and Wei Wuxian about that time even if he knows what happened it still sometimes bugs him.
Lan WangJi in spite responds “it was because of your 100 day celebration he was out Of the burial mounds and away from safety.” Jin Ling in a fit of denial and frustration stomps away with talisman paper and cinnabar to make the talisman to confront Jin GuangShen (or GuangYao Yao). As soon as he saw one of them he pounced before the hologram could great him.
“Did you Use me to get Wuxian framed.”
The hologram responds, “hello a-Ling”
“dont say my name right now, did you use me to draw Wuxian out of hiding?”
Jin Ling gasps as he is told, “how could you do that” Disbelief in his voice noticeable.
“you where the only person he wanted to meet. It was necessary”
“could he have saved them?” He asked staring at the hologram. He thinks of his friend Sizhui, young a child who lost his parents and then lost a care taking figure and his family because of his own clan and the corrupt cultivation society.
“He was a criminal” it responded blankly.
“But was he right?!”
He yelled in frustration the hologram responds with “I am not made to give you that information” because Wei Was still thinks it Of it as his fault so he didn’t include anything about it.
Jin Ling gets more frustrated and yells, “tell me!”
The hologram repeated itself, “I’m sorry, I am not programmed to give you that information. Tears are falling at this point and Jin Ling finally just breaks and yells at it Meanwhile Wei Wuxian heard the commotion and went to check on Jin Ling and decided this is something that he should figure out on his own (he also didn’t hear the first part).
“You let everyone that I love die, you left me...” his tears are falling faster than he can stop them.
“You left me alone, you sent me away” he says speaking of the times he felt alone without his parents and going to lotus pier surrounded by deciples who mine as well been the same as the ones in LanLing.
“How could you do that?!” He yells and Wei Wuxian decided maybe it’s time to To step in as the hologram repeats itself, “I’m not programmed to give you that information.” Suihua sensing its users anger and frustration unsheathes and rushes towards the source. The talisman is quickly destroyed and Wei Wuxian rushes over to comfort his nephew.
“Hey, hey It’s not really him.” He says pulling Jin Ling into a hug. Sure he hadn’t seen the whole thing but he can guess some of what happened. He would have to ask the rest of the juniors and his husband what fully happened for his nephew to be out by himself.
“They lied to me.” Is all His nephew says. Really it doesn’t help much but at least he’s figured out that it has to do with the many lies within the Jin clan. They stay like that for awhile until Jin Ling is sniffling and pretending like he hadn’t just cried until he couldn’t breath, Wei Wuxian used to it Seen as Jiang Cheng did the same when they where younger he lets the younger gather his thoughts and asks about it. Jin Ling can’t help the feelings of guilt he knows Wei Wuxian wouldn’t want him to feel he knows how much guilt the older holds but he is the only one who told him About the things he wants to know about his parents and he can see he holds back some of the biased things about his father. He tells them of the conversation with the others, the things Huanguang-jun said and how he wished he had known. He is crying again but he doesn’t mind now. They stay for a little longer, Wei Wuxian uses the extra paper and cinnabar to created holograms of the peacock and his Shijie. After awhile they go back to the others. He tells them what he found out, he also pulls his two Lan’s aside, scolds his husband but hugs both. In the end after finishing the hunt he and Jin Ling spend awhile and Lan WangJi (reluctantly) apologized for what he said even if he didn’t mean it (I totally 100% believe he would be spiteful towards Jin Ling as well even if he had no provable part in Wei Wuxian’s death man’s probably still made at Jin Ling for stabbing Wei Wuxian).
If you’ve seen my twitter thread of this it’s still up but if not I think this is something that’s been in my head for ages and I had just heard the audio when I made thread, obviously I changed bits to match the scene and characters in my head to this better.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
What if, when the Wens burn the CR, they manage to wipe out the entire sect except for LXC and LWJ? LXC hears the rumors while on the run and doesn't know if LWJ is dead or a hostage, and he risks going back to his home only to find a pile of ashes. LWJ has it even worse - he was forced to watch as his father and uncle were executed along with the other clan members, and their bodies were burned along with the last remaining buildings. WRH promises him LXC's head too, when (if) they find him.
Lan Wangji stands alone during the welcoming ceremony on the Wens Indoctrination. Wei Wuxian can't help but focus on it. Smaller sects sent about three or four deciples and the great sects sent about ten each. Nie Huaisang was surrounded by no less then fifteen burly Nie deciples! So why was Lan Wangji alone representing the GusuLan sect?
Later, he would find out in a scolding whisper from Jiang Cheng about the burning of the Cloud Recesses. Trapped inside a cave with a monster, he would find out that Lan Wangji had been in Qishan for weeks before the Indoctrination began and that he stood alone because there was no one left to stand by him. He would feel more helpless then ever as Lan Wangji silently wept for the countless deaths he had witnessed
This is honestly such a fun thought though. I keep imagining all the things that could change. Would Meng Yao see any value in helping Lan Xichen if he didn't have a big sect to support him? After they are rescued by the Jiang sect does Lan Wangji leave to search for his brother, return to the Cloud Recesses in order to salvage what he can and put spirits to rest (hello Trauma), or does he stay with them because its safer and he doesnt want to be alone again? If he stays then does Jiang Cheng blame him for the Wen attacking instead of Wei Wuxian? During the war does Wei Wuxian keep saying that Lan Wangji should understand why hes using demonic cultivation because they both saw their homes and people burn?
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{Venti Spice}
A calm cool spring night, the windblume festival was quite now. Venti sat on the feet of his statue looking up at the stars. He wondered how you were doing. He missed you.
As if yo answer his call, who should appear but his beautiful little soulmate. You. He couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of being tackled by you as you cover his face in kisses.
"Venti Venti Venti!!" You chanted excitedly making him laugh as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You were straddling him now and he couldn't help but feel a little excited as it rode up your beautiful thighs.
He was a man after all! Even he had a sex drive, despite what other people may think. He was surprised everyone assumed you both didn't have sex. He literally drank at the bar every other day! All the bartenders knew he was of age not just Diluc.
He digressed. Right now he just wanted to feel your body against his. He sighed as he let his head fall between your breasts.
"How is my sweet handsome husband?" You as as you pet his head. He doesn't even attempt to hide how happy you make him.
"My world is complete now that you're here. I am so satisfied!" He nuzzles his face between your breasts happily and you laugh.
"Satisfied? Are you sure?" You tease as you move your hips on him gently. "I get the feeling you could be more satisfied"
He smirks at you as he reaches a hand down to give that beautiful booty of yours a nice squeeze.
"Well if you insist~" He spits out his tongue at you before you both lock lips, his tongue now occupied with yours.
Venti LOVED making out. It was his favorite part! Your soft lips against his, the sweetness of your tongue. There really was nothing else like it. Even Dawn Winery could never make something that could compare to you.
You feel him adjust himself so you could pull his member out of his shorts. Beautifully erect and twitching in delight at you.
You giggle as he blushes a little lost in the arousal. "Ehehe. I missed you" He admits seamlessly.
"Oh don't worry " you coo "I missed you too, so much so I was hoping I'd get to offer up this little session to Lord Barbatos" you tease him as little hearts appear in his eyes and he bites his lip.
"I think he would be happy to see us sharing our love so freely as an offering don't you?"
Oh you were in trouble now.
"My little deciple you can't just say things like that" you feel him firmly pull you onto his member, slowly making you sit on him. Just the way you like it.
You feel his hot throbing member pushing inside you as he slowly begins to move.
"Go ahead baby, tell me about how good our love feels" He coaxed you mischievously. You moan gently as he thrusts up into you that much harder to make you sing for him.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he continues to make you bounce on him. You both were trying to keep it down so you wouldn't get caught.
In the end though his insatiable lust got the better of him and he made you bounce so hard your voice could be heard from the church. You two were able to finish before anyone caught you. But that had been FAR too close for Venti.
"Baby you gotta remember to keep your voice down-"
"That's like asking you to not fuck me so good. It's not possible when I can't get enough of you"
You both ended up going until the sun came up but this time at Windrise- less likely to get caught there ♡
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terracottaalchemist · 3 years
Merry Christmas @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers !!
I'm a little rusty with my writing but I hope you like it! Happy Squealing Santa
Special thanks to @ticklygiggles for organizing everything❤️
The Grand Highblood was a name that churned every sane troll's stomach. Ruthless, unpredictable, purple blood twisted inside him, cold, fueling a strength only rivaled by the Royal seadwellers. Signless could deal with the cruelty of the Empress, handle the attacks from his voilet oppressors, but not this. Nothing could have prepared him for this.
Signless tugged once again at the sharp, iron cuffs on his hands, thick and noisy in the silent cell. He had always known that one day his luck would run out, that he would finally be captured, but there was gratitude in his heart that the subjugglers left his friends and followers alone. So long as he kept quiet, he would be executed with the knowledge of where Dolarosa, Deciple, and Psiioniic were going safely tucked in his soul.
His feet were bound in frigid chains, sharp on the bones of his ankles. A small light shone overhead, enough to glint off the rusted bars, but not the concrete floor. He could see every exhale curl through the air in white smoke. So cold.
At the very least, Signless could hear every time the guard came within 20 meters of his cell from the sheer weight of his leather footsteps. His stomach gurgled for more of the grub paste he'd been given yesterday, but his tongue prickled preemptively with the phantom taste of bitter acid and bile. The guard stepped into view behind the row of bars, but there was no grub paste. Just keys as they jangled around the lock on the door, which opened with a piercing whine. The guard grunted, motioning with his hand to come closer, clutching a familiar black cloth.
Two guards, ahead and behind him, led Signless through the halls on two chain leashes. The blindfold was tied tightly to his face, forcing his focus to the tiles under his bare soles, the rough material of the unwashed trousers he was given, and the chains. As they climbed an oak staircase, the temperate rose to a more comfortable chill. Signless sighed, but chokes on a sudden, harsh tug backwards. They stopped. A hard knock rang against wood close to his head, but he couldn't move away if he tried. The door opened with a dull click and Signless was lead inside.
Living all his life as a renegade, Signless considered his senses to be rather sharp. But he was preoccupied with the chains on his wrists being pulled over his head so harshly that his heels barely brushed the floor. Far too preoccupied to hear the even more massive boots against the floor until they were far too close.
"That's enough, motherfucker."
That voice. Everyone knew that voice. Signless shifted his weight back, but the chain holding him up was taut and heavy. He hung there, swaying, like an oink beast carcass.
The blindfold was yanked down to his neck, colours and lights striking his mutated eyes. Signless blinked into focus, and took in the sheer sight that was The Grand Highblood. Doubling Signless' height, his wild hair framed his shoulders and wavy horns, adding even more height. Blood-curling, white paint stuck to his face, applied with careful detail to resemble the teeth of a deep-sea horror. With a sway in his step, The Grand Highblood began circling around his prized prisoner.
"You're real fuckin' short, aren't you?"
Signless turned to look at him, but kept his mouth shut. There is only one reason to keep a troll like himself alive, after all, even if it's only for the time being. He would not crack. He couldn't. A sharp slap cut across his cheek, the mark flushing an offensive red. Signless hadn't even see him move.
"Let's make one thing motherfucking clear," Grand Highblood spat. "When I ask you a question, you best give me an answer. Understand?"
Signless licked his lips, his jaw pulsing from the single, half-hazard strike. "Yes."
"Good." He pulled the blindfold back up with a single claw, this time allowing more light to seep through. There was a snap of fingers, a grunt of acknowledgment, and the rough scraping of wood on stone as some sort of furniture was dragged closer, just out of Signless' kicking range.
"Now then, let's not waste any more motherfucking god damn time." The three seconds of silence stretch between them, tensing like a rubber band until it snaps around the Grand Highblood's words. "Where are your apostles?"
Signless gripped back his displays of relief. His friends had not been found, nor will they be without his help. He was the only one on Alternia that knew where they were, and he swore to keep it that way, regardless of the cost.
"Maybe you didn't hear me." He circled again, but much slower, coming to a stop directly behind Signless. "Shit, I'm feeling downright merciful today, so I'll repeat myself one more motherfucking time. Where are your fucking apostles, mutant?"
Signless forced down a shiver, tugging gently at his wrists one more time. Not a chance.
"I was hoping you'd say that. Now I get to have me some motherfucking entertainment!"
Sharp, unkept nails skittered up his defenceless sides, forcing a surprised giggle from the preacher's lips. What on Alternia?
"Honk! Look how sensitive you are! Your skin is even weaker than that of a Rustie, already turning red. What a motherfucking miracle! It must be my hatching day all up in this bitch!"
Signless squirmed, feeling 1000 times more exposed than he did before. Every memory of being tickled absolutely senseless flashed through his eyes, each filled with more tears than the last. Psi had been his most common assaulter. On the bright side, no bodily harm would come to him this way. He just had to bear it until he finds a way to escape, and said escape won't be hindered by serious inquiries. A slight grin tugged at his lips as he clenched his jaw. A little tickling never killed anyone.
Without warning, two pairs of knuckles slotted themselves between his grub scars and dug furiously. Lightning shot through his nerves straight to his spine, his sense of touch heightened by the loss of vision. A guffaw tore out of Signless' throat before he could clamp his mouth shut, as he kicked off the floor to escape the sensations. It tickled so bad, so so bad. But he wouldn't dare laugh.
"Oho, a fighter! You can try that shit for now, but once you're all burnt out, you'll break easy. You're helpless."
Signless bit his lip harder, calves and shoulders quickly protesting all his movement. The knuckles dropped to his bottom ribs, continuing their ministrations. Finally, laughter broke free like water to a dam, harsh and powerful with the pressure. Shame burned his cheeks. Signless spun sideways to throw off the attacker's hands, but Grand Highblood quickly dragged him back into place. The millisecond of relief only allowed him to regret thinking this form of torture would be easy.
"Ha! You think you can escape, bitch? You're weak. I don't even know your worst spots yet."
"Hahahahahaha, oh fuhuhuck!" Nuckles turned to claws as they traveled up and down his sides, spidering quickly. Down to his hips, up, down, up, down, and up further to his lower ribs, still buzzing and flushed. Suddenly, each trip down was a promise to explore higher and higher, until both hands slid way too high to attack his armpits.
"AHAHA! No, nohoho fuck ohofff!" Signless squealed, thrashing as best he could but failing to lower his arms at all. He curled one knee up as high as he could, but it only threw him off balance as pain stabbed at his shoulders. He was truly, utterly, trapped.
The Grand Highblood chuckled darkly behind him. "Is it too much already? How motherfucking pathetic."
His fingers skittered across his torso and sides for what felt like hours and hours, until Signless' laughs became gasps and chokes, eyes falling in and out of focus. Whenever he got even slightly used to the sensation, Grand Highblood would just switch spots.
"HAHA....ahaAA.. p.. ehehaha .pleheheease!"
"You know how to make it stop, motherfucker. Where did they run off to?"
The temptation was there, as much as it pained him. The tickling was too much, he was going crazy. "I-ahaha! C-c-ahan't!"
A rough growl cut through the air, and the tickling stopped. The hands held his ribs roughly, but he finally caught his breathe in progressively deeper inhales. The relief was short lived, however, as two more footspets got closer. Probably more guards, but he still couldn't see for himself.
Seconds later, the tickling resumed threefold. Thirty fingers danced across his skin, in his armpits, ribs, and the rest were fluttering across his belly and squeezing his hips. He heard a girl chuckling at him, and a small "oh" from a young man.
Kids, 8 sweeps at most. With renewed energy, Signless' bucked hard, shaking his head side to side as he began kicking at whoever was in front of him. The first missed, but the second came into contact with a clothes torso. Instead of launching his assaulter back, his ankle was yanked forwards and caught between their body and arm. Stupid highblood strength!
Sharp nails teased his arch skillfully and he shrieked.
"Ooh, boss! Looks like I found a good one!" She said with more giggling.
"Good work, bitch. Keep it up," The Grandhighblood repied.
With one foot in the air, Signless' struggling turned into pathetic twitches and jolts. He scrunched his toes as hard as he could, but the girl simply pried them back and continued. When she reached under his toes, tears started forming in his eyes.
"Not where? Here? Are your toes reeeally bad? Is that a really /ticklish/ spot for you?" She teased.
Heat dripped down his neck in embarrassment, even his back began flushing.
"Oh, do you not like that word? Tickle? But you're so ticklish! Tickle tickle tickle, I bet it feels sooo baaaddd~"
"Aha, hahaha! Dohhohoon't!" He pleaded.
"Don't what?"
"Mock meehehe!"
He could feel the venom dripping from her voice. "Mock you? If you wish!"
"Enough, child." The Grand Highblood interrupted. "He needs to focus."
She didn't respond but she dropped his leg. His hypersensitive toes barely brushed the floor before she yanked his other from underneath him, raking her nails over his entire sole hard and fast.
At the same time, the quiet boy shifted his hands down to squeeze at Signless' defenceless thigh.
Grand highblood continued to switch from spiders to digs and jabs at his armpits, while the other two scratched and squeezed his shaking legs and feet. After only a few minutes, white flickers of light bloomed under Signless' eyelids, head spinning as it forced his every breath out in raw, desperate laughter. His lungs began to burn.
"no- hahahhaha, nnhaha..noho more..no mohohoore!"
"You can make this all go away, motherfucker. Just tell is where they are and we'll stop."
"We won't stop until you're fucking dead. But it's gonna be a looking time till this gets you. Weeks, maybe even months"
Signless shuddered, body limp from exhaustion as all three of them tickled both his sensitive sides without care for his pleading.
"Or, you could spare yourself all the trouble now...and we'll make sure your end is swift and painless. You're finished anyways, and we'll find your followers with or without your help. So why suffer?"
His eyes rolled around in his skull, head pointing with blood lacking oxygen. His laugher fell quiet ages ago, but as it became silent his senses began to fail.
"Where are those motherfuckers hiding?"
Body numb and buzzing all at once, Signless forced one last breath through his aching throat, before the sweep lull of unconsciousness took him.
"..if that's what it takes, I will be their sufferer."
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bellamyblake · 4 years
So you think that Bellamy's "death" was set up. Can u elaborate on that? You mean, he's already working with them or is undercover or smth like that? I've seen ppl pointing out that he's using his left hand, didn't seem that shocked to see O etc
Yes, I mean I can not be sure but for me the whole moment seemed sketchy and I know more than one person has made a theory on it even here on Tumblr but also on Twitter, I even read some of them today but I didn’t save them, so I am sorry that I can’t link you. 
The reason why I thought the moment was sketchy was because of two things: the first was the way it all started-Octavia wakes up, Levitt tells her this will be their last session (now I know people say he’s not in on it but I’m not 100% sure. I think he could be in on it if they figured out he helped Octavia escape back to Sanctum in the first place, but he also could be absolutely oblivious and just a puppet) and then Anders enters...and it is the way he enters. He’s way too calm, too collected-he states facts rather calmly (unlike what we’ve seen from him in the beginning of the episode when he was pushing Levitt to see O’s memories) and he says-Her brother is here. I need her to calm him down. which like?? Allllllrighty, I mean way too calmly. 
We saw what happened at the beginning of the episode when O ended up on the bridge and killed everyone, then tried to escape. We had these two very distinguishable parallels-Octavia’s entrance to Bardo at the beginning of the episode and then Bellamy’s...at the end. 
And with Octavia we had alarms blazing off, people trying to catch her, her PHYSICALLY kicking ass which we never saw with Bellamy, then running off into the “wilderness” only for it to end up being a some sort of dome.
With Bellamy we are entered into a scene where guards are already laying down and we find him there, using the white coat guy as a treat to get answers. How did he figure out he was important? He had time to look at their clothes and somehow assume in the span of minutes that the white coated dude must be important so wait..lemme not kill him? Nah, Idk, it doesn’t seem right because if he’s fighting them all, he would probably just kill them and look for an escape.
But ofc I could be wrong.
Then the second thing that tips me off is what he tells Octavia when she mentions Clarke. 
Again before at the beginning of the episode, and that WAS shown for a REASON, we hear Octavia enter Bardo and Diyoza screaming-Octavia, don’t tell them anything!!!
With Bellamy we have nothing of the sort. He hears Clarke’s name and he’s confused AF. And he doesn’t say-Octavia, no! Or Octavia-Don’t say anything! He says-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Like he actually has no idea.
And also notice the camera focusing on white coat dude who at THAT throws a look at Anders like-Oops, we didn’t see that thing coming! Like mentioning Clarke. Why? Maybe because they know this will trigger something in Bellamy, maybe because the assume it could.
So those were the two things that tipped me off that this isn’t real or at least is not partially real. The blast I think could very well be doctored and everything else before that could be true. But I think there’s something sketchy about it.
Also the ring-definitely not Bob’s doing imo.
Also the pics we had from the make up trailer video before the season started where we can see Bellamy dressed in white.
Now either he’s already brainwashed in that scene or he’s about to be. Maybe he’ll be void (which I am a little opposed to but that’s for another ask) or he could become an inside man. 
And let’s not forget that we see all this how? Through Octavia’s memories of this whole moment played by one of the deciples. Not retold, not shown in a flashback but through a video they play to Echo, Gabriel and Hope.
Also I think Yana Grebenyuk and Amanda on Twitter who write reviews for the show have elaborated on that a little more. How there are glitches places between those scenes, you see the picture moving, glitching. They’ve explained better why this doesn’t seem real.
Anyway! That’s all from me and my stupid brain!
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Slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers: Hance, Alyanette, anddddd uh Tododeku (I’m trying to give you different ones than you gave me lol)
Okay this was way harder than I expected lol. Sorry it’s a little late, I wanted to really take time with it (and boy did I. I wrote way more than I expected to haha)

Slow burn: Hance. Hance is THE brotp to otp ship for me. I do see them more as queer platonic partners but. I mean their friendship??? doesn’t need labels. Their friendship is Epic. It’s the kind of relationship that transcends the difference between romantic and platonic love. It just. is. They just grow closer and closer and when they first kiss it feels so natural and obvious and. gods I have so many feelings about this I can’t even put it into words they’re just. so. good. together. ahhhhhhhh.

Fake date: Tododeku. It starts with Iida completely misunderstanding and blowing everything way out of proportion and our children being very bad at saying no; After the Stain incident Iida decides that because they’re not allowed to talk to anyone about what happened, they should sit and talk about what the went through together. It comes up that Todoroki “ride or die” Shouto literally received nothing but coordinates from Izuku but decided to drop everything and just go with it (still my favourite thing he has ever done like can you believe). Iida very understandably misinterprets this information and promptly congratulates them on their relationship, and completely doesn’t hear their protests over his “that’s wonderful! the first class couple! we should celebrate this!! let’s throw a party!”. Izuku and Shouto wanna say no but they figure with everything Iida’s been through with his brother getting hurt and all, “I guess we can do this for him, he could probably use a party” and “we can just pretend for a while and when it blows over say we had an amicable break-up or whatever”, and so they go along with it. Cue very clumsy fake flirting because both these boys are very socially inept. Fake flirting that turns into real attempts at flirting before either of them realize. Holding hands because “it’s what couples do right”, with faces redder than the hair on Shouto’s left side.
By the time they think it’d be appropriate to fake amicably break up, they’re both super smitten and the fake dating just keeps going as they both keep coming with excuses to keep up the ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘charade’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘.  For Valentine’s day they both make each other chocolates. Homemade. They both get help from those in Class A who are good at baking, unbeknownst to the other. (Class A is delighted and spends a lot of time snickering at these two fools who are just so meant for each other) They exchange the chocolates in front of the class ‘to keep the charade going’ but then after school Shouto cracks and pulls Izuku aside to admit the chocolates were for real and Izuku Dies and then admits to the same thing and they both lived happily ever after and became one of the most famous hero couples. (”#1 Hero All Might’s deciple and #2 Hero Endeavor’s son! can you believe!” scream the delighted masses)
Turns out I have way more Tododeku feels then I realized before answering this ask oops

Enemies to lovers: this physically pains me but Alyanette. I have to do this to them because the other two ships just had to get the other two tropes Alya and Mari I am so sorry to do this to you. This one is the hardest ohmygods. I’ve been sitting with this for almost an hour and I can’t figure out a way to make them hate each other that isn’t either wildly OOC or involves Adrien and I hate making two girls’ relationship about a boy but I don’t know what else to do ashgjdkhfgks. So uh here goes. I’m sorry.Alya & Adrien grew up together so they’re super duper close. like. Jake and Rosa from B/99. Mer Cristina from G/reys. Steven and Connie. You get the picture. So anyways, they’re always together, Alya accompanies Adrien on a lot of modelling jobs, both to support him and because it’s an opportunity to learn from professional cameramen & camerawomen. Marinette, still having a hugeass freaking crush on Adiren, is extremely jealous because she (and the entire Paris presse) is convinced Alya and Adrien are an item. Meanwhile Alya, who’s very protective of her boy Adrien, is really annoyed at this girl who she suspects is stalking her bestie, on account of Marinette being... well, admittedly kind of a stalker (mostly harmless of course but still Not Great).So Alya catches Marinette in the middle of stalking Adrien a couple times a tells her off and their relationship just keeps getting worse UNTIL Marinette is a little too careless about where she detransforms after a long and difficult fight against an akuma and, unbeknownst to her, is seen by Alya. This changes everything Alya thought she knew about Marinette - and about Ladybug. This creepy girl who's stalking her best friend is Ladybug, her favourite hero and Icon? Her Icon is a stalker? What On Earth. Internal crisis ensues. She desperately wants to understand how they can be the same person and ends up trying to look at Marinette differently, and noticing how kind she is, how much she cares for her classmates, how she tries really hard to always do the right thing - though it does sometimes end up being at the expense of other people - and another crisis soon ensues as Alya starts to realize how her feelings are changing lol.On Marinette's side of things, she does notice that Alya's been less hostile towards her, and doesn't understand why, but doesn't think too much of it..... Until Alya, whos' desperate to get on Marinette's good side now that she has Feelings, offers to let Marinette tag along on one of Adrien's photoshoots (after asking him of course. The two of them talk about p much everything and Adrien is all too happy to let Alya use his modeling job to get close to a girl (even if he's not quite sure why that would work, oblivious as he is to the extent of Mari's adoration for him)). Marinette accepts, thinking it's some sort of trap but unwilling to pass up this chance, and when everything goes really well (to her utmost surprise and confusion), it's her turn to start seeing Alya in a different light.And I think that's enough from me about them lmfao. They just.... go from there after that IDK.
I've written so much more than I intended, I'm sorry this is so long, I'm kind of embarassed at how carried away I got haha ^^" but I hope you enjoyed it.
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Tribulations hevnswtangels.wordpress.com
Tribulations 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 New King James Version (NKJV) 14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Philippians 4:7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Exodus 31:3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, 1 Chronicles 22:12 Only may the Lord give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the Lord your God. Job 12:13 “With Him are wisdom and strength, He has counsel and understanding. Job 12:24 He takes away the understanding of the chiefs of the people of the earth, And makes them wander in a pathless wilderness. Christ didn’t have a normal journey in life, not any one of us do there is no normal. However Christ had the hardest. In his life he had to find a small group of people he truly could confide in these people were his friends who later became his deciples. On this journey we all get lost in our mistakes and falling short in sin. Though for Christ he had the knowledge that he was meant to die on the cross to save everyone in mankind and give the only thing he had to give, his very own life. As with any of us giving ourselves for some good can sometimes be hard and sometimes we don’t want to go through it alone and for Jesus that’s so many words underestimated of how hard his responsibilities were his biggest and toughest choice he had to make that he didn’t want to go through alone. Knowing he was going to die he wanted his closest friends, his decipels to go through it in support of what he had to endure. He wanted this time to be special for him as it would be his last time he had with them as his life would soon take all that of everyone and each of us for our salvation from sin which his decipels had yet to learn and understand. He wanted them to have understanding that would touch each of them in their own personal way by the relationships they shared with Jesus. That is what the father taught Jesus the best which is why he knew he was to die for the love of all of mankind to release them of their very own sins and wrongs they have traveled in the midst of their very own journey. Jesus and the fathers relationship were the closest relationship Jesus had. Though he wanted his special relationships to take part in a special way with him and not have to go through his hard East time alone. He asked each of them to come with him and be his support as any of us would with those closest in bond and trust with us. They agreed and went with him to be his support and be there for him however they fell asleep in the midst of Jesus time with his father and he still went through his toughest days alone as after they fell asleep they later denied knowing him and turned away from the close relationship they had once had. Sometimes amongst our very own lives we have these relationships as well where we’ve trusted someone a long time and they remove themselves from our lives turning away from us sometimes as if they had never known us and we fell betrayed and alone. Jesus had to feel this and knew it was only the beginning to the tribulations he would really have to endure. He had no true full understanding at first about the reasons of his father however he knew he couldn’t disrespect him and back out, that this was something that he must do for not only his father and himself but for all the human race. It was a very large responsibility and the father knew only he would be able to fully succeed in this quest and journey as any of us couldn’t. Though he had no true understanding he soon would learn. Right now in tribulations of our own lives we are all in this together going through something that none of us had any knowledge of and have to endure. Some of us feel as if we are going through this quarantine alone depending on the sick and non sick. There is question in struggle of not having any understanding. That’s how Jesus felt in his last days and last moments when he saw his closest to him betray all that they had gone through together. When our journey seems to be leading us nowhere we rely on the understanding of those closest to us and on our very own understanding and we find it a struggle to get through. In Jesus time he also did that as well with his relationship to his father and then with his own followers however they soon showed they weren’t there and his father was right that he had to go thru all alone to forgive all including his closest relationships. In 2 Corinthians it says as follows… 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 New King James Version (NKJV) 14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. He died to save all mankind from their own wrong doing and sin so that they may build a relationship with him and live for him sharing the news of his salvation with all they journey with in their very own life. Philippians 4:7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Believing in a journey and relationship with Christ he promises to guard your life and lead your hearts in him. Our father above, Jesus father spoke this in Exodus Exodus 31:3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, God the father has stated in his word that he filled Christ with his very own spirit, that of the Holy Spirit with the knowledge of the sacrifice he was aware of to his coming and knowledge of how tough that which he had to endure truly would be. However no one but him only had that knowledge. In our times right now if those who are believers have knowledge it is from following in Jesus footsteps like the deciples had with Jesus himself. We as believers have some knowledge of things happening now but anyone who is not a believer is clueless unless we help them to find the way as Jesus had in his very own journey. Not everyone will listen and hear some may even turn away and deny you as a believer and mock you along your journey just as what happened with Jesus. We sacrifice ourselves everyday in our own journeys trying to maintain the right and best choices even to confess the truth of Jesus very own story of salvation and accepting and showing in honesty. That journey in itself is not the easiest journey and we as believers realize that we are traveling the same kind of journey as Jesus had himself however he had the hardest of all our very own journeys. Yet not everyone has that knowledge and their understanding is limited. 1 Chronicles 22:12 Only may the Lord give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the Lord your God. Only the father and his word can give you a peace of mind with the wisdom and knowledge to follow in Jesus footsteps as he did with his very own son so that you may live a good life for him. Job 12:13 “With Him are wisdom and strength, He has counsel and understanding. Only with him will you truly find and know the knowledge of the truth. Job 12:24 He takes away the understanding of the chiefs of the people of the earth, And makes them wander in a pathless wilderness. Meaning that he takes away knowledge from the people of authority such as government and large mighty people leaving them in uncertain paths in the world itself and confusion of where they should follow. Right now is the most important walk we’ve had to endure however it was written in God’s word and handed to us as knowledge. Many feel scared and lost and alone however we are fully in this together and closest to the father at our toughest tribulations so far in our journey as Christ was in his last days and last hours. God the father has told us this time would come when plagued and government shut down in knowledge and he did this to prove that he is here so that we’d turn to him and have a relationship with him as he had with his son because we are his most precious arts and he only wants us to understand that and his love that he and Jesus have for us. This is our time of finding ourselves in true worship and revival.
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