#they’re so fucking hot. they just got their medusa done and it’s so attractive
diffenbachiae · 9 months
when is the right time to say ‘hey i know you just got out of a relationship and you’re moving within the year but if you have any interest in making out occasionally PLEASE let me know’
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elenamegan14 · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland: Headcanons for Dorm Haunted Houses Pt.7 - Pomefiore
Part 6 
Warning! A slight spoiler from Twisted Wonderland Ch. 5.
This dorm, out of all others, is the most AESTHETIC haunted house anyone had ever seen. 
And of course, they go for the vampire theme, because... DUH. 
It’s a masquerade vampire museum theme.
They all wore elegant haute couture costumes based on Parisian evening wear and masks made out of gold-encrusted embroidery and diamond crystals. EXPENSIVE AF. 
They were also the only dorm to have pre-show photo sessions with the staff and Vil before their haunted house event starts. Days before they opened their haunted house attraction, Vil marketed his team with an exclusive fan autograph and photo signing event to boost the popularity of their dorm’s haunted house. They have tickets for each type of signings, and the Deluxe Golden Ticket allows guests to take a signed picture with Vil and Rook. 
Beside the standard merchandise, Pomefiore created a special photobook centered on the main “vampires” of the dorm. Vil had to interfere when Pomefiore students got into a huge fight over who gets the most highlight in the photobook - the dorm leader already got dibs on the centrefold.  
Yes, it does sell like hotcakes. 
Vil made ten girls faint when he does a little fanservice for them. Like, licking his bloodied lips - exposing his fangs, or blowing a kiss at them during the pre-event signing.
This is the reason why Epel refused to participate as an actor. He’d rather risk his life than to, as he put it: 
“I’m not whoring myself out and I refused to be dolled up like a prostitute.” Epel, PLEASE. 
He had to fight Vil for it, but after one compromise from Rook, Vil relents. He already got a vampire costume for Epel. 
Finding Pomefiore’s haunted house is not that hard (aside from the screaming and giggling fangirls). They just have to follow the search lights from the distance, when they came across a Greco-Roman museum having their premiere night out. 
Plastered on the front of the haunted house is Vil posing elegantly with his fangs out, drinking a drink that resembled blood. For fanservice reasons, Rook had rested his head onto Vil’s lap, the chisel that he showed is stained with clay and blood. The group immediately guessed correctly what their theme is. 
“Vampires, huh?” MC slowly raised a wooden stake and a hammer that they had prepared earlier just for this haunted house. 
Ace won’t lose. He brought out garlic. Jack immediately leaped ten feet away from him - dogs can’t eat garlic too, Ace. 
“GUYS, They’re not real.” Deuce slapped his forehead. 
“Who said that one of them MIGHT not be real?!” Grim fashioned a cross made of sticks, something that his brain cell had thought for the first time in forever. 
Epel just… grabbed a handful of herbs: parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, “Meemaw said these little things can protect us from evil spirits!”
“Epel, this is a haunted house, not a cooking show. Get your act together.”
In the first act, guests went inside an elegant greco-roman museum where several handsome vampires greeted the guests - it’s the opening night for Rook’s sculpture exhibition. They came across a main gallery of elegant gold, red, purple, black and marbled interior aesthetic. On the side, guests could see that while some food is lavishly decorated, the wines are pungent with dripping red blood…
Sometimes they could see scare actors acting like vampires - either they bite guests sensually fun fact: this dorm had received numerous mail of willing female volunteers as scare actors willing to be bitten by or given a chance to bite these pretty boys or they can also witnessed screaming victims being mauled by a group of vampires behind the curtains. It’s not pretty. 
When guests entered the art section, the paintings changed from something beautiful to grotesque. Just like the changing paintings in Disney’s Haunted Mansion. Grimm is seriously creeped out when a painting of a beautiful woman turned into a monstrous medusa. 
Sometimes ‘vampire’ and ‘painting monster’ actors would jump out from the painting itself, so be careful with paintings that stayed still!
That goes the same with statues too. Scared the living daylights out of MC’s group. 
The last stage of the haunted dorm are the halls of mirrors that lead them to a giant ballroom where Vil sat on the throne made of gold. Preserved corpses of his “pretty” victims were left hanging up on the ceilings. A large decayed painting of Vil is looming behind the throne, constantly changing from young Vil to a decayed corpse. 
Don’t be fooled by the mirrors. If you approach one of the mirrors, a “monster” will come out bursting from it. 
Vil’s vampire costume is “OH NO, HE’S HOT!” personified. Elegant cape, flawless make and those luscious lips with fangs that seemed to invite everybody…
As Azul said, screams of awe (translation: squealing) is also counted. 
Vil beckoned his visitors to come closer. One girl immediately ripped off a piece of her clothing, exposing her shoulders and shouting “Take me! I’m YOURS!” at Vil. 
Oh, Vil does not just stop there. He will pick a “victim” out of these guests or participants, then “bite” them, earning more screams. One of his “victims” fainted from too much excitement and had to be carried out on a stretcher. 
According to the lore, this art gallery was once a mausoleum for all of the deceased nobilities. Strangely, the poor gravekeepers that survived their nights there mentioned that their corpses seem to stay ‘fresh’, as if they are alive. 
One day, a very beautiful man who is known as the Museum Director (“That would be our dear, Roi de Poison,” Rook explained proudly before someone dragged him away from spoiling further) had decided to renovate the mausoleum into an art gallery. Many artists and high-class society considered this place as the number one spot for gaining infamy, parties and connections. However, strange things kept happening - people kept disappearing, statues and paintings that seemed to resemble the missing people and some occasionally, young women and pretty men found with their blood drained in the same area as where the art gallery is. 
Their mission is to escape from the mansion and if possible, defeat the heck out of Vil and his minions, ESPECIALLY ROOK. 
For the first phase of the mission, they have to enter a special room in a gallery made for the participants to steal the charm inside a small chest box - the workshop of the sculptor himself. The key is left hanging on Rook’s neck. 
Someone had to distract Rook while others have to steal the key from Rook’s neck without him noticing - OR ELSE HE’LL CHASE YOU. 
This is a mission that requires a lot of teamwork and courage. Why? BECAUSE ROOK IS SCARY AF AND WILL HUNT ANYONE DOWN ONE BY ONE. 
Also, these guys will be hit by paralyzing magic for around fifteen minutes, becoming the statue victims to be placed on the gallery. 
One last survivor of a group of participants is left alone, crying like a baby as Rook prowls amongst the statues. Even Ace notes that’s very cruel, even for Rook. 
“We need someone fast enough to escape and pretty enough for Rook to take notice-” Everybody stared at Epel. That day, Epel swore vengeance on Grimm. 
It’s a good thing that Epel is carrying all those “vampire extermination” kits from the group. As Rook madly laughs and sings, ALL COVERED IN FAKE BLOOD, Epel’s heart rate just increased 100x.
Meanwhile, MC’s group had a lot of hard time getting the key from Rook’s neck- he’s just too fast, damn it!
Deuce finally decided on the oldest trick in the book: he tripped Rook. Then they dogpiled on him. MC managed to grab the key, ran all the way to the chest to unlock it, just as soon as Rook managed to escape from their grasp and ran after MC. 
“Okay! Now might be the good time for you to take that charm and get out of here… quickly, QUICKLY!” Grimm, your panic attack does not help MC one bit. 
MC finally got the charm, hallelujah. They ran out of the room immediately, Rook almost got Ace’s hair. His laugh still rings all across the wall. Epel finally got his vengeance by putting Grimm in a headlock for turning him into bait before MC finally broke them off. 
Once they escaped from the gallery, they entered a lab. This is where the REAL mission began. 
Now the guide told us that Vil had been sucking up youth from beautiful men and women in his castle. So they were told to prepare a ‘poison’. A ‘poison’ for Vil. A ‘poison’ specifically made to weaken Vil. Vil’s ‘poison’. 
Rumor has it that he has a personal painting where the painting of himself ages, and the only way to defeat him is to throw that said potion to that painting. 
To get the charm, they have to “recreate” the Queen’s famous “Peddler’s Disguise” potion by adding each ingredient into the cups that are already prepared. Then they have to present it to Vil. Each student must come in one by one just so the others won’t be spoiled. 
Getting the ingredients is easier than it’s done. In order to “prepare” it, they must unscrew the taps of each ingredient inside a liquid container. 
“I wonder what this one does-” MC unscrews tap - a loud, high-pitched scream blasted right on their face, leaving behind only a shocked MC with their hair standing up. “...well, now, that took ten years of my life.”
Ah, the host also forgot to mention that unscrewing the taps would trigger different scare effects like sudden gas air blown at you, squirted by black ink, high-pitched screams, and crone’s cackles in a sudden manner, so yeah, fuck you, Pomefiore. 
Also, the thunderbolts are real, so you get the tingling sensation on your hands aside from the loud thunderous noise and flash of light. MC felt that at least six students had a heart attack on this part. Deuce mentioned that his life flashes before his eyes. 
Plenty of students had scrambled out of this task. At least they got the potion ready. Now they just need to splash it at Vil’s painting. 
Well, good luck with that. Most girls (or guys) failed this task. Or at least deliberately failed just to get a “bite” from Vil. I mean, have you seen how alluring he is? 
It seems that Vil had also sprayed himself with a perfume that would knock all five senses off anyone. Along with a few aphrodisiac essences. 
It’s not just Vil they have to worry about. All of the participants have been shrieking to near death when the monsters came out bursting from the glass and took them inside. Jack apologized to one scare actor after he instinctively punched one. Well- so does Ace and Epel, but what do they care? 
When they finally reached the throne, they underestimated how incredibly beautiful Vil is. Like, he’s already pretty in everyday life, but now he’s ten thousand times more sexier than they all ever knew - alright, where do all these words come from? Why are they praising this crusty peacock more than they ever did?
Before they knew it, they were already starting to approach Vil unconsciously. He’s charming them with his sweet, sweet words.
Vil seems to be out for MC. First he gave a kiss on the back of their hand before sweeping off their feet in a mock dance. HIS FANS ARE JEALOUS AF. 
But then Deuce noticed that when guests and participants came to Vil like moths to a lightbulb, OH MY GREAT SEVEN, JACK IS CARRYING THE POTION VIAL. VIL IS COAXING HIM. HE’S ABOUT TO DROP THE ENTIRE POTION THAT THEY PAIN-STAKINGLY HAD CREATED-
“Do something!” Epel tried to slap some sense to Jack, shouting at both MC and Grimm.
Ok, think. MC needs an idea. Finally, they got one. You know, MC hates to do it, but it’s the only way to distract Vil. 
“NEIGE LEBLANCHE IS THE FAIREST OF ALL!” MC cupped their hands and shouted through it. 
Well, that did the trick, because Vil seemed to stop in his tracks (if the gasps from onlookers did not count), and did a 180 degree head turn directly at MC. 
“What… DID YOU SAY?” Gone is the suave, flirty vampire king Vil - in his stead is a raging, monstrous man with the fury of a thousand rabid peacocks. Welp, MC’s in trouble now. 
But it did buy Epel at least a few seconds to splash the “painting” with the “poison”, therefore clearing the last stage. 
Once Vil saw they finally did it, he gave out a rave performance of him being vanquished. He disappeared in the smoke. 
They don’t know if they should feel glad or not. His fans however… became murderous.
MC’s group had to run away from a horde of angry Vil fans. It took Rook (and Vil) himself a good five minutes to calm them down. By then, MC’s group had already run away.
Vil’s bites are nothing compared to his vicious piranha-like fans, Deuce noted. 
In the aftermath of Pomefiore’s haunted house, Epel swore vengeance upon Vil himself. If poison won’t kill him, then throwing him off the cliff during a thunderstorm sounded good as well. 
But their feet turned cold and felt all on their faces drained - they just finished Pomefiore. All of the other dorm houses there are just the preparation for an even bigger threat- there is one dorm whose haunted house reportedly to be so horrifying, that during preparation, there are rumors that the prefect had actually summoned REAL monsters to help the dorm to win. 
The dreaded haunted house of IGNIHYDE. 
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Otome Wednesday
Hades Route 4-6
-I didn’t want JD to be stuck with a possible bad book from PB
-Why is the Fury attractive?
-Also, who is pissed at Estelle?
-Furies have some business with Orpheus.
-May is so irritating
-Dinnner with the god
-Telling Hades 
-ugh he’s so supportive. 
-I live for this.
-It also just might be me going through withdrawals
-But whatever
-Going to work with Hades today
-UGH May! Go away!!
-She ruined everything!!!
-Alex makes everything better. When are they getting their route in this?
-Fuck does Estelle look like not letting a GOD take care of her?
-I love seeing Hades blush. I feel powerful
-His route is going to get so many hearts out of me
-Medusa is too. I just need to finish her season season before I jump to her Lost Kisses route
-I knew I remembered the name Eurydice from somewhere. In normal mythology, she’s dead. Orpheus tried to retrieve her from the underworld but he fucked up by looking back at her.  
-So if Orpheus has a beef with anyone, it’s going to be Hades. 
-But at the same time I want/need to know who has Orpheus as their Hero
-It seems like she’s alive, so that’s good. 
-Their relationship is fucking cute
-Cheers to Aphrodite. 
-That was fucking hot. 
-Cute CG
-Like, okay, I already knew that they moved in together, but the way it was done was so fucking cute. 
JD Route
-9:32 AM. Updated early today.
-Ugh, Ziva’s cold and alone. 
-Waiting for her demon
-Yay! JD! 
-UGH JD owes Hikari 2 favors now
-Oh my god!! JD’s gonna talk to Lucy directly?!
-CG just as emotional as I thought it was going to be
-I want JD in a dress!!!
-Ugh but they’re so sweet!!
-Final scene of the 7th episode was so cute and sweet and ugh!!!
-Oh no. A knock at the door. Spike’s flattening his ears...that means one of two things. Hikari or Lucy
-Ew. Hikari
-Listen Hikari. Ziva doesn’t like you. Maybe if you understand the situation, you’ll back off for a little bit. 
-Yas Ziva tell her.
-I’m good love, enjoy. 
-Spike is too pure for this!!
-Spike can fucking teleport!!
-Now we can direct message JD. It’s the early 2000s again
-So why is it in everyone’s best interest? 
-JD was on the surface for...hundreds of years. Possibly a thousand of them. (See their line in Razi’s season 3 “I’ve been third wheeling for a thousand years”) What’s the big deal now?
-Nassar family owes Satan a debt. WHAT THE FUCK????????
-Spending time with the whole gang this time. 
-Diego and Razi banter is hilarious
-Spike has a favorite skull!! That’s adorable
-Of course Spike get’s play time
-It was everything
-Spike using Hell as a shortcut to catch things
-I’m still fucking laughing. 
-Date Night take two
-Still no JD in a dress. 
-JD does however charm their way off of the guest blacklist at the resturant
-I feel like JD stole their dad’s credit card...especially seeing as how it has all 6s on it.
-Or it’s theirs...but still
-I called it! It’s their dad’s
-OMG. We’re going into an adult toy store
-I was not prepared
-So we got handcuffs
-Well shit. We’re at the diner with Lucy shows up!
-Spike’s so happy to see him
-At least Lucy gives Spike pets
-Oh shit. Ziva’s getting in deep
-Ziva can resist cause she’s not mortal dipshit!
-OH MY GOD!!!!!! Lucy’s coming up himself?! Holy shit!!!
America’s Most Eligible 
-Let the record show that I think this is gonna be a shit show. 
-I’m still gonna try it though. 
-Also, why is it labeled Season 10? When PB announced it, it confused the fuck out of me. 
-I wish PB would stop putting female love interests behind Paywalls.
-Here we go
-Oh we can choose who we play as!
- Face 3 for me.
-Though I didn’t pick them I do love the non-diamond options
-Meet Astraea
-She’s here to romance that producer
-Look like the “Bad Girls” house from Oxygen
-Ah! Sudden Edgar is Sudden
-I love that security guard totally ignoring the one attention seeker
-So which male LI is going to be the one PB pushes on us. 
-Uh, why do we have to be so thirsty to be on TV
-And why is it season 10?
-That seems like a stupid premise. 
-You’re the most eligible to date...but the chances of you walking out of that Mansion with a boo is very high
-Challenges, dates, and vote
-Watch me get voted off the first night
-Grand Prize of 500,000 and a romantic trip for 2. 
-Hey producer lady. How you doin?
-*Cracks knuckles* here we go. Into the drama
-Anything for you Jen!
-Oh shit! Other producer lady is not having it!
-Bye Whitney
-See there’s a reason I don’t watch reality TV. They do some very...out there things
-So much of this is going to be cringy
-And I just got this dress, so we are not ripping it
-And just like that after kissing Jen we’re on the show!
-This mansion makes the Sterling mansion look like a cardboard box. 
-Oh. Handsome stranger, we get to choose his look so that means he’s gonna be forced on us. I found him!
-Oh! AND we get to choose his name?! That’s a lot
-His name is Alex
-Wow. A diamond scene already
-Sorry Alex. I’m waiting for my love
-I don’t like signing a giant contract without reading it first
-Teagan, you’re....out there, Even for a Dreamer
-I wanna romance Jen! Don’t put her behind a paywall!
-Zeke you’re creepy!
-Yup. Creepy.
-I love you Jen!
-Bianca, Zeke, Derek and Astraea are all under Jen. 
-Oh, good. Cause I only love you Jen. 
-Sweetheart option, I hope
-Poor Carson
-Whelp. Alex is a contestant. Color me not surprised. 
-Watch Astraea go home 
-Come back Jen!
-Ryder wtf. negative 1 for our intro and then +2 for our dress? 
-Zeke you’re annoying!
-First fruity drinks, then classic cocktails, omg
-I don’t care!
-I don’t care if Ivy doesn’t like me! There was literally no way to keep her liking me! If you got involved (which you had to) she would have said the same thing
-Ugh Ivy, you’re annoying too!
-Mackenzie is a black queen though...
-Now I’m stuck
-That’s an ugly swimsuit...just sayin
-Teagan’s swimsuit is so cute!!!
-I hit the wrong button but we kissed Mackenzie
-Piper wants to throw hands. 
-Like seriously? I am not here to get voted off early. 
-Lina. You did the same fucking thing! Don’t be a jealous hoe
-Oh! ANd then your drink was straight whiskey?! Sorry hon. Go home
-I CAN’T FUCKING WIN WITH YOU IVY! First you don’t want me to get involved. Then you want me to get involved. MAKE UP YOUR GODDAMN MIND!!!!!
-Mackenzie I can’t read you. But I love you
-I have two beautiful complex women to choose between. 
-Sorry Teagan. I can’t risk the wrath of Bianca’s fans
-Hey, fuck you Piper. 
-Dude. Seriously?
-I hope Jen sabotages us.
-She needs this job. We don’t.
I honestly don’t know what to make of this series. It’s a lot. There’s a lot of characters to keep track of and at least in Endless Summer we could guess how the characters would react to certain responses. Here? We have no clue. We don’t know them. And frankly, I don’t want to know them. 
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1-100 >:)
The meaning behind my url: Addict with a Pen is a Twenty One Pilots song. I’m also a very addictive personality and i’m using writing to take my mind of shit 
How many tattoos i have and what they are: 2. An elephant and “I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone.” on my arm. 
Last time i cried and why: I was drunk and I cried over a really cute picture of a turtle. 
Piercings i have: lips!
Favorite band: *Tarzan voice* GO-RI-LLAZ. But thats obvious so i should probably pick another. Probably Frank Iero and the Patience at the moment. 
Biggest turn offs: Yeesh if the person is conservative or very religious that’s probably the biggest turn off for me. 
Top 5 (insert subject): IDK WHAT TO DO FOR THIS ONE 
Tattoos i want: I want a medusa on my upper arm and a koi fish sleeve. 
Biggest turn ons: Wokeness for sure. Um. Beards. Being able to do nothing but sit in bed all day. 
Age: 21
Ideas of a perfect date: probably a movie or something. Staying home, ordering pizza and watching a bootleg movie is good enough for me but if they wanna take me to a restaurant I have no complaints lol. 
Life goal: To be happy. 
Piercings i want: Septum! 
Relationship status: Single
Favorite movie: Silence of the Lambs
A fact about my life:
Phobia: Bugs. Clowns. Mascots.
Middle name: none! 
Height: 5′4
Are you a virgin? Yep!
What’s your shoe size? 9 1/2
What’s your sexual orientation? Bi
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? Pills, weed, booze. I’ve had a problem with prescription pain meds at one point so now they’re out of the question
Someone you miss: My dad.
What’s one thing you regret? Being mean to my dad. 
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Gerard Way.
Favorite ice cream? Ben and Jerry’s mint cookie! 
One insecurity: I’m hella awkward in person. After social interactions im literally like “Why are you like this?” 
What my last text message says: “That’s okay! I’ll figure out what to cook the kids for dinner :)”
Have you ever taken a picture naked? Yeh.
Have you ever painted your room? Yeh. 
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Yeh. 
Have you ever slept naked? Yeh. 
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? Nuh. 
Have you ever had a crush? Yeh. 
Have you ever been dumped? Nuh.
Have you ever stole money from a friend? Nuh. 
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? Yeh. 
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Yeh. 
Have you ever snuck out of your house? Yeh. 
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yeh. :(
Have you ever been arrested? I’ve been cuffed but they didn’t take be to the precinct! 
Have you ever made out with a stranger? Nuh. 
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Yeh. 
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? Yeh.
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? yEH.
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? Fuck Yeh.
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yeh. 
Have you ever seen someone die? My Grandma.
Have you ever been on a plane? Yeh. 
Have you ever kissed a picture? Nuh
Have you ever slept in until 3? Bruh I slept in until 6 at one point lol
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? Been in love? No. Miss? Yeh I miss my dad. 
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yeh.
Have you ever made a snow angel? Yeh.
Have you ever played dress up? Nuh.
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? ... I used to help my dad cheat at poker xD
Have you ever been lonely? Yup
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? Yeh.
Have you ever been to a club? Yeh.
Have you ever felt an earthquake? Yeh.
Have you ever touched a snake? I love snakes and when able to I will always ask to hold it.
Have you ever ran a red light? I don’t drive. 
Have you ever been suspended from school? Yeh. 
Have you ever had detention? yehhhhh
Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeh.
Have you ever hated the way you look? Yeah.
Have you ever witnessed a crime? An armed robbery! Right next to me. Like. My family and I were watching it happen from outside. It was WILD. 
Have you ever pole danced? Nuh. 
Have you ever been lost? I’m always lost LOL 
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? Nuh
Have you ever felt like dying? I’ve had a problem with depression and suicidal thoughts. 
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeh.
Have you ever sang karaoke? Yeh. It wasn’t pretty xD 
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yehhhhh
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? I’m notorious for it. 
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? Like sex? Nuh. 
Have you ever kissed in the rain? Nuh.
Have you ever sang in the shower? Bishhh the shower is my ARENA.
Have you ever made out in a park? Nuh
Have you ever dream that you married someone? Nuh
Have you ever glued your hand to something? Nuh
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? Nuh
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? Does... Braless count? 
Have you ever been a cheerleader? Nuh.
Have you ever sat on a roof top? Yeh.
Have you ever brush your teeth? 2 times a day! 
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Nah I live off those. 
Have you ever played chicken? Yeh. I’m also a chicken shit. I suck at it lol. 
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yeh.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? Yeh. fuck catcalling >_>
Have you ever broken a bone? My toe, a couple of knuckles, and I fractured 2 vertebra. 
Have you ever been easily amused? I’m the easiest person to amuse xD
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? All the time
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? Yep! 
Have you ever cheated on a test? So like... I won’t  deny it. 
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? I’m the worst with names. 
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? FRANK IERO. HE’S SO AMAZING
Have you ever give us one thing about you that no one knows. I know how to play a little bit of the accordion! 
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neptunekiid · 6 years
hey, i really love your blog!! and i'm really curious about you so could you answer all of the questions.. i understand if you can't, thank you if you do!!!
awww thank you so much :) since i'm really bored sure but sorry to everyone that doesn't care because this will probs be long af0. height: 4 ft 10in, i know i'm really short but i kinda love being short 1. age: 17 2. show size: 5 in womens and i can't fit into men's shoes3. do you smoke?: no4. do you drink?: no 5. do you take drugs?: no6. age you get mistaken for: like 13 7. have tattoos?: yes, i have three! i have a message from my papa on my right arm in his handwriting, a yellow rose on my thigh and underneath i have "in bloom" in kurt cobain's handwriting8. want any tattoos?: yesssss i have so many more tattoos planned and i'm so excited for them 9. got any piercings?: i only have my ears and their stretched to a 4g and my septum. i actually have clear plugs in my ears rn and i think they're really cool 10. want any piercings?: i'm getting my medusa before my prom, i really love the look of constellation ears so i think i wanna start something like that and i want my nips done when i'm 1811. best friend?: dekotah (follow her, her blog is sea-ofsound and we have really similar blogs so if you like mine you'll like hers!) 12. relationhip status: it's really fuckin complicated 13. biggest turn ons: in general- humour, beards (man you have no fucking idea how much i love beards dude), women in suits (if i women is wearing a suit i will nut), tattoos and getting tattoos, kindness especially to children (if i see you being nice to a kid or like playing with a kid i will prolly fall in love), tall peoplesexually- HAIR PULLING, literally anything else that involves getting dominated *oops*14. biggest turn offs: if you're mean i fucking hate you15. favourite movie: ouuu let's right a list because i have soo many (probs missing a lot) rocky horror picture show, donnie darko, it, scream, the shining, get out, monsters inc, pulp fiction, corpse bride, my neighbour totoro, saw, mean girls, lilo and stitch, now and them, hot chick, edward sissorhands, probably a bunch more but these were the first that came to mind 16. i'll love you if...: you're funny, nice to kids, call me cute pet names 17. someone i miss: my papa 18. most traumatic experience: losing papa 19. a fact about your personality: i'm very easy to make laugh 20. what i hate most about myself: physically- acne personality- i make myself vulnerable a lot even if i know it's prolly a bad idea and i'm way too anxious and shy 21. what i love most about myself: physically- my tattoos, eyes and tits personality- i think i'm very kind and look out for those i care for 22. what i want to be when i get older: i don't really know yet (even though i'm in grade 12) i think i wanna be an elementary school teacher and go to university for a bachelor of arts in english 23. my relationship with my siblings: i have one sibling and were so close! he's like one of my best friends and i love him so much 24. my relationship with my parents: we have a good relationship now but a couple years ago we still had a pretty good relationship but there was a lot more problems 25. my idea of a perfect date: literally doing anything chill with a person i care about 26. my biggest pet peeves: rude people 27. a description of the girl/boy i like: funny and tall 28. a description of the person i dislike the most: idk if i have someone that i dislike the most i mean there are people i don't like... i mean actually trump nvm29. a reason you lied to a friend: i only lie to friends if it's not to hurt there feelings 30. what i hate most about work/school: my store closed so i don't have work rn and school just annoying people and math 31. what my last text message says: thank you 32. what words upset me the most: just slurs \33. what words make me feel best about myself: baby girl, babe, princess, names like that 34. what i find most attractive about women: literally everything!!!!!!! girls! are! beautiful!35. what i find attractive in men: literally everything!!!! boys! are! beautiful!36. where would i like to live: probs like vancover 37. one of my insecurities: that no one actually likes me 38. my childhood carer choice: kindergarten teacher 39. my favourite ice cream flavour: chocolate 40. who i wish i could be: i honestly don't know 41. where i want to be right now: my house (and i am) 42. the last thing i ate: a croissant43. sexiest person that comes to my mind: posty 44. a random fact about anything: the oldest guinea pig was 15
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