#they're really underrated
Holy shit guys. This isn’t my usual content but I gotta say it: Da Bad Guys movie by Dreamworks was actually really stinkin good. A bit tropey sure but genuinely well made and funny and worth a watch. It felt so good to enjoy a modern animated movie, I can’t wait til I have time for Dreamworks’ other movie from last year, that Puss in Boots sequel that even people who didn’t like the first Puss in Boots seem to think is amazing. Dreamworks is back baby. Suck it modern Disney, your aminated movies last year all got outdone by one of your oldest competitors while your shitty overbloated superhero universe got overshadowed by the announcement of Venom 3 and hopefully Spiderverse 2 continues to leave y’all in the dust. I am so ungodly excited for both of these movies y’all have no idea, I’m so glad Venom ended up not crossing into the overbloated MCU and stayed its own amazing thing. Gosh these are good times for movies and it has been YEARS since I’ve been able to say that.
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Cute little things to call your soulmate/destiny/other side of your coin
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voltfruits · 1 year
one really important thing about Aubrey and Sunny's swingset scene (and their other interactions on One Day Left) is how it establishes Aubrey as a realist in contrast to Kel and Hero's relentless optimism and Basil's despairing attitude. like don't get me wrong, Sunny really benefits from Kel and Hero's sunshiney cheer, and his bond with Basil will always be important too. but Aubrey is the person who straight up says "you've gotta let yourself feel your feelings, the good and the bad. you've gotta eat. you've gotta go outside. life sucks and it's never going to be easy, but you've just gotta take it day by day and be patient." and it's frustrating to see people say that Aubrey didn't do anything for Sunny or that she only caused trouble for him... because after Sunny spent years living in his own head, he really needs a friend like Aubrey who is just completely real and candid with him.
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serendippertyy · 1 year
Mayhaps we have some flutterpie? Or any mane 6 ships for that matter, they are my blorbos <3
finally got this done haha 🦋
don't think I've drawn flutterpie yet, I'm on my way to nearly drawing every mane six ship!!
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strejdaking · 6 months
Nolan's as far as he knew last words to Mark really were "Read my books!" Yeah, he's a writer alright.
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hydrasaura · 5 months
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Super robot monkey team hyperforce go! ~background/scenery appreciation post ~
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essektheylyss · 1 year
There's something so fascinating about Karna versus Raphaniel's relationships to power, to influence, and to being known.
Neither of them up until this episode act out of their own power—Raphaniel acts in the name of the Bulb, and Karna under the guise of Jacque Crudite. Only after they have committed and been party to unspeakable acts do they act in their own names.
In doing so they also swap sensibilities. Karna has been brazen with magic usage but now, finding herself on her own, she leans primarily into subterfuge and subtlety, evidenced mechanically in her rogue levels. Raphaniel has been quiet about his activities, cloaking his true magical nature, but now, when his will is broken, he confronts the Sanctis Putris directly and is not so careful as to disguise his use of magic, which leads to further alienation from the institution that he had shrouded himself in for so long, even as he plots a holy civil war.
But they are still both seeking power and influence, Karna from mundane nobility, using the chaos of war to bolster her reach, and Raphaniel by seeking out the power he has become privy to at the center of the world.
And both of them, from what it seems, are taking innate power already from the Hungry One. We know thanks to a chocolate rabbit that the Bulb and the Hungry One are both merely energy sources, and their power does not discriminate between the devout and the faithless. But Karna, who is young, gives of herself, quite literally, in exchange for power, and Raphaniel turns from it, running to the shield of the church in spite of an absence of faith.
That also is twisted on its head by this point—Raphaniel, as Brennan says, is for once in his life completely devout, while Karna remarks that she is for the first time afraid to die. This comes after Raphaniel feels he has utterly lost any control to influence history, and Karna has gained significant influence.
But both of them, given their self-imposed quests—Raphaniel to rid the church of the Sanctis Putris and devotees of the Prophidian Heresy, and Karna to unite the Meatlands—are on paths that will guide history for at least two decades. We know that both of these quests are borne out, regardless of whether these characters survive to see it done: the Bulbian Church will come out of this war with an iron grip upon the continent, in part because of a consolidation of theology, and in part because of the way local religions are stamped out in favor of unity under a single idea—a single light.
All that remains is to be seen is whether the two of them both stay this course, or turn against the tide before the end. What will likely be true one way or another is that they will get what they have wished for: to influence from the shadows. Their names will not be known, but their contributions to history will consume Calorum for decades to come.
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shreksstepfather · 3 months
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In honor of the Z-A announcement, here are some ideas for mega evolutions of a few of my favorite Pokemon!
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mspaint-flower · 4 months
I'm just answering because I can, thought I've never listened to zer0h...
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They look cool so they're my favorite for now on
fun fact: maro comes from this song which is actually a remake and the original got deleted sadly :( i remember the artwork and the song of the original still
mute and sight don't have any songs they appear in (as far as i know?) but they do appear a lot in zer0h's art on twitter!!
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freakin-nightmare · 6 days
i need this reunion
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dyesprout0ysphoria · 5 months
Oh uhhh recently I found some underrated Omori thing videos so uuhh
please watch them, they're really good :D
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foundationsofdecay · 3 months
thanks so much @a-s-levynn for tagging me in this! <3
last song/album:
song is Star Baby by The Callous Daoboys, album is Violent Astrology also by The Callous Daoboys (yeah i'm back on my CD kick)
favorite color:
A nice minty green, but the type that's barely avoiding being called aqua. Like a seafoam green!
sweet, spicy or savory:
Savory, though these days outside of breakfast I don't make anything that doesn't have at least some spice in it.
last tv show:
That I watched in general is Midnight Mass, that I actually finished is uhhhhhhh. Idk probably Over The Garden Wall since I watch that every fall
last film:
Dune twooooooo
last thing you googled:
neptunian maximalism set chaos to the heart of the moon video
relationship status:
Just vibes
current obsession:
Aside from Sleep Token? uhhhhhhhhhh it's not really an obsession but I'm back on my Dune grind bc of the new movie
I need more things to get into smh (has a massive backlog of things I have been meaning to check out, and yet!)
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thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"I really like the Charles x Ellie ship, I think they're awesome! Even that they didn't interact a lot as Henry and Charles or Henry and Ellie did, I think Charllie/Rosevin has potential!! I think they would be the power couple ever. A male who pilots a helicopter and a fenale who pilots a motorcycle and her weapon is road signs, THEY WOULD MAKE A LOT OF TOMFOOLERY IM PRETTY SURE. Rosevin supremacy <3" submitted by @cherrysmokesaconha
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aly015 · 2 months
FNaF Movie 2 hype 😍(it's 2 years away)
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markantonys · 1 year
so funny when people say "well, obviously min is the only one rand can have a long-term relationship with post-canon since she doesn't have any other obligations" as if they cannot even conceive of the idea of rand being the househusband to his breadwinner wife/wives rather than the reverse. like there is literally nothing stopping him from just moving into the caemlyn palace and being elayne and aviendha's sugar baby. and as far as i can remember there was never any indication within the books that elayne would be expected to make a political marriage, that's just an assumption some readers make based on their own preconceptions of royal characters. (morgase's marriage to taringail was to smooth the throne's transition from mantear to trakand, but elayne already has 2 thrones and 2 heirs secure - and, on the latter subject, the books never hinted that her having kids while unmarried would in any way make them not be considered legitimate heirs, so there's really no reason at all why she would NEED to get married.)
"but rand wants to get away from it all, he can't have a relationship with a high-profile public figure who's obligated to stay in caemlyn" okay then they can keep their relationship discreet! and rand can travel by himself in his free time! and bring back nice presents to his family! and lest this be thought a Min Hate Post, min can move into the palace and be their sugar baby too! they can all be together, it's fine! there's really no reason why all 4 lifestyles can't ultimately be compatible long term! i mean, assuming min is able to get out of the seanchan's clutches.........which, somehow, people never seem to think is as big of an obstacle to Being Rand's Endgame as the fact that elayne and aviendha have jobs.
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