#theyre the loves of my life look at them
transboykirito · 1 year
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we've come so far, my dear look how we've grown ♡♡
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huskingthatdust · 3 months
Do y'all ever think about huskerdust pillow talk?
Angel Dust spends all his time saying the right, or the funny, thing to everyone all the time for his job, to keep up appearances whereas husk is just straight up. Husk is always quiet. He really only speaks when spoken to or if particularly annoyed. Sometimes, you gotta wonder, if Angel laying next to Husk finally finds himself speechless and Husk finally finds he has so much he wants to say. Does he say corny shit like "I ain't ever met anyone as pretty as you?" Or does he get more real with it?
"We belong to other people," husk could whisper in the dark.
"Unfortunate, ain't it?" Angel would respond in a bitter laugh.
"Maybe for tonight," husk would start.
And Angel would give him that look. The look filled with anticipation, fear, and curiosity. The look husk found himself not minding all that much these days.
"we can pretend we belong to each other," Husk would finish.
Angel Dust would snort and push at his chest. What a dorky thing to say. Perhaps Husk would grab his hands, and Angel would look at that dopey grin on his face, reserved only for him. Maybe Angel's teasing grin would fall into a small shy smile. As husk would bury his face into Angel's chest, and Angel would bury his face into the top of husk's head, the two would find out how good they are at pretending.
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noxious-fennec · 6 months
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A redraw of an old thing because exam season is the only time i get creative energy ig
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hayaku14 · 2 months
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languri · 4 months
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Yea umm ok so it took me 15 years to finally take a look at Akihiko's social link and 1 night to make me believe in Akiham
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softavasilva · 1 year
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now how do i normally go about my day after having read this
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I may have been hit with several genetic curses but at least I also have some grey hairs at age 24. This is not sarcasm
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simplydnp · 4 months
Sometimes I think Dan and Phil are totally platonic besties and then other times I’m convinced they fuck on the daily. I think they do it on purpose and it’s honestly iconic.
kind of the best thing is that they are that and everything in between. you can tell they just like being around each other. they've made content together for 15 years and the large majority of it was done in the strictly platonic sense for their audience. and they were still having so much fun with it. we're in the 'we know you know' era now so we get to see flashes of different dynamics they have, but they absolutely have more we Don't get to see bc they're not for us.
they like each other. stupidly fond of each other. spending time together doesn't feel exhausting. they're best friends and each others' harshest critics while being the biggest hypeman and also safe space.
dnp's relationship with us, their audience, always has been and always will be different than any other content creators. part of it is how they accumulated it, but another part is just the massive history we have with them. they Get us. they Know us. they're silly goofy sarcastic guys who love us and hate us sometimes. theyre grateful but careful too. they like to rile us up, just like they do each other. it's a love language, teasing, and we've shown positive responses to it over the years. i like to say that my relationship with dnp is antagonistic sometimes--cause i know they're pushing my buttons on purpose. and ykw? it's fun! it's fun for us and it's fun for them because they have the control. i know anything they let out is cause they chose to let it out because they Know how we are. so yes they absolutely adore messing with us. we're a funny bunch.
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bericas · 1 year
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I won't say a word, but I think he knows that I've hardly slept since the night he left; his body always kept mine inside of it.
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p1x1x · 13 days
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#momonina#kindof. embarrassed to post this one bc its just pure fluff lmao… theyre so LAME in this pic (/j)#i can hear mmk going ったく…#nn’s outfits are always soooo cute though#waaaaaah i love the fashion….#miiiight color it though..#edit incoming#future pix here#mmnn#<- decided the drawings of the two of em can have momonina in them but if it leans more romo than plato it has mmnn#bc i rotate them in my head so fast#but as the days pass i get really crazy over them being Not Romantic but still More than That#im losing my Mind tbh#the only thing im certain of is that mmk is definitely a lesbian all things considered like look at her LMAO#everytime i rewatch i do consider how gay her actions are...???#(i've been rotating mmnn around in my mind since ep 1 tbh... the codependency was tempting...!)#but i keep thinking abt mmk herself saying “i saw my past self in you” in like. ep 2 already... and it would linger in my mind#i had written in my notes a While back#like when ep 4 was airing#that it just felt like mmk was trying to be kind to her past self ykno#because she believed that the her now... had failed in her dream#so yknow... by giving the guitar she was trying to have nn continue that dream for her (leading into mmk “guiding nn”)#ofc nn gives back her guitar though and i thank that person on twitter everyday for putting it so well#LIKE AGHHH THEIR MEETING WAS FATE BUT THE ACTIONS THEY TOOK TO PULL EACH OTHER UP... KILL ME!!!!#the choices they make regarding themselves... of staying true to themselves... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgjhg#idk how many people will see this edit so im just treating it like the void (haha Void) here#(i've made that joke multiple times to myself now#i still think about. how mmnn were drawn to the honesty of each other#and yet. didnt exactly recognize each other as an actual person yet?#nn loved void and so loved mmk for creating it and saving her life. so mmk was a savior to her
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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I don't think I can ever emotionally recover from these
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flareboi · 3 months
what if purple never calls him dad
#what if the word ‘dad’ is something purple doesn’t like.#what if it carries a bad connotation for them and a bitter reminder for mango.#family doesnt always have to look like one thing yknow? i dont think those two would have a traditional dynamic in that way#maybe purple does consider him their parent. they just dont call him ‘dad’ unless its in third person#and theyre fine with that and so is he#king is his father figure yes but he’s also a mom. a big brother. a sister. their dynamic just isnt captured in purple calling him ‘dad’#maybe his name is the best way they can say it. the best way they can appreciate him#because for purple a father is someone who hurts you. someone who leaves you#i think ‘purple calls him dad on accident’ is a cute idea#but honestly it would make more sense if they called him mom on accident instead. or if it happened when they were afraid. not comfortable#(this is presuming orchid is his mother and navy his father based on the pronouns used in the react vids iirc)#because why would purple refer to someone he sees as a parent with the title of the one that presumably did not raise them?#and on mangos end#i think u can kinda tell who in this fandom has never lost a loved one in how they characterize him#guys. grief doesnt leave. it never leaves.#you just learn to live with it!!!#mango is not okay just because he has a new kid to take care of. i would know this my bio mom passed and i have a stepmother!!!#she does not fill that void and i do not expect her to because it cannot be filled. but she brings a lot new to ease the pain and is a#wonderful part of my life#the same thing here#mango will never ever just .. go back to how he was#he will never be the same since gold died. and thats okay#purple will not change that. they will merely add something new#their dynamic can be beautiful and nontraditional and a showing of how grief can change you#it doesnt have to be ‘replacement dad and replacement son’#its so much more#oke. tag rant over#fett rambles#ava#uhh should i tag the chars
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i love dead characters. i love characters who were always dead, who die halfway through, who die in the end - characters who die and come back but in a way they're still dead bc their first life died with them & nothing will ever be the same & their coming back is a bandaid over a gaping wound & their own death haunts them-
#characters whose deaths haunts the narrative and the other characters#almost to the point where it feels like theyre still there#characters who continue to haunt everyone even After they come back#CHARACTER DEATH <3#when done Correctly its sooooooo good its literally the best i love it when characters die Well#when you rewatch/reread and Notice that they were doomed from the start. they were always going to die#AGH AGH AGH AGH#im going to be honest my Favorite trope is characters who die and come back#bc - again - when done well its SO!!! FUCKING!! GOOD!!!#maybe they come back the same but no one else is and That changes them too#or they come back Different and it just makes them haunt the narrative / other characters More Intensely#anyway their resurrection just makes it hurt worse bc theyre Back but now everyone knows what its like to live without them#and they will forever be haunted by that Knowing. and understanding that they could lose them again so so easily#the terror! the dread! the persevering grief!! looking at someone wholly alive and seeing a ghost! seeing everything thats Not There!#ohhhh also shoutout to characters who die without Actually dying#they never lose their life but who they are Changes So Suddenly that its like they died. the person they were died#and someone else kept breathing#slamming my face into a waaaaallllllllll#death in fiction death in fiction DEATH IN FICTION!!!!#oh also shoutout to characters who die without dying and then Actually die and both haunt everything#prime example: anakin motherfucking skywalker. KING of haunting the narrative#absolutely unprompted#what has me thinking about this? well im always thinking about it BUT#ahsoka episode 5. my own characters. potentially welcome home (we'll see we'll see...)#character death my beloved <3#there are so many ways to do it and do it Well <3#and it kills me inside that 'killing for shock value' and 'character dies and everyone moves on' are so common#its so lame! and annoying!!! like cmon!!! get a grip!#we need CONSEQUENCES we deserve FORESHADOWING#we need their death to haunt the narrative so hard that rereading/rewatching is one big reminder that They Will Die!!!
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abirddogmoment · 5 hours
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First of the season - a mountain bluebird 💙
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yabakuboi · 4 months
rating: G tags: established relationship, fluff, smooching prompt: Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time. @steddielovemonth
Eddie wakes up to a heavy weight flopping gently down on top of him. He comes to with a hum and a stretch that pops down his spine even as Steve wraps himself around Eddie, his face pressed into Eddie's neck.
Steve is already dressed for the day, green vest and jeans, his hair a little crunchy with spray, his deodorant fresh and bright compared to the warm smell of sleep. Eddie has to wiggle a bit to get his arms from under the blanket to wrap around Steve's shoulders in return.
"Mmm, you're a jerk, waking me up so early," he whispers, even as he shifts them until he can hook a leg around Steve's hip, blanket and all.
"It's eleven, lazy bones," Steve whispers back. He lets Eddie move them more, until they're all tangled up again. Steve will have to fix his hair, but Eddie doesn't care. He should have thought of that before waking Eddie up.
Not that Eddie minds—would probably call Family Video as soon as the door closed behind Steve to make sure he wasn't mad at Eddie.
Eddie starts kissing a path from the top of Steve's forehead down to his lips, tasting toothpaste and mouthwash, and wondering if Steve's ever grossed out by Eddie's morning breath.
He must not be, because he returns Eddie's lazy kisses with a happy sigh, holding Eddie a little tighter. It drags on like that, and to Eddie it's timeless, too short and an eternity, bliss in just being able to kiss Steve like this, the smell of Steve in his sheets and his toothbrush in the bathroom, and his millions of hair supplies in a basket under the sink. Wayne's no doubt asleep in the front of the trailer, and Steve would have been as quiet as a mouse getting ready before he snuck back into Eddie's arms to say bye before leaving for work.
Eddie loves this. Says as much into Steve's mouth, swallowing it up when Steve says it back, whispers lost between them and the morning sun.
"Gonna be late for work," Eddie sighs, even though he doesn't move except to run a hand down Steve's back.
"Robin shift," Steve murmurs, moving in to kiss Eddie again, like he can't get enough of him, the same way Eddie can't get enough of Steve.
Laughing, Eddie kisses him more, addicted to the warmth, the wet slide of their lips, the heat of Steve's breath. "Gonna get fired one of these days," he says when Steve has to come up for air. Laughs again, when Steve just dips back in to start it all up again. "Steeeve."
"Don't wanna go," he whines.
"I know," Eddie says. This time, he shoves Steve onto his back to he can press him into the mattress, peppering his cheeks and nose with kisses. It's gotta be going on 11:30 by now, and Steve will be a whole hour late at this rate. "Just for now, baby, and I'll come visit you later."
"Promise?" Steve does this thing that he must have picked up from a girlfriend, where he looks up at Eddie with big eyes and pouts his lips and bats his lashes at him, and it shouldn't work. But it does. Every time.
"Promise," Eddie breathes, smiling, and leans down for another kiss. And another. And another, another. And Steve doesn't get to work until well past noon. When Eddie comes to visit around five, Robin chews him out too.
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rosemaryfuckingwalten · 3 months
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