#this also reflects their philosophies outside the game
c!tommy's animal crossing island would be super messy and ugly and have a hodgepodge of unpopular villagers but he’d play every day and put so much effort into it and adore all his villagers.
c!dream's animal crossing island would be one of those beautifully decorated ones with themed popular villagers and expensive items but he wouldn’t actually play the game much and doesn’t really care about his villagers outside of taking photos and bragging that he has raymond
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violainebriat · 3 months
It's a bit weird typing out a full post here on tumblr. I used to be one of these artists that mostly focused on posting only images, the least amount of opinions/thoughts I could share, the better. Today, the art world online feels weird, not only because of AI, but also the algorithms on every platform and the general way our craft is getting replaced for close to 0 dollars. This website was a huge instrument in kickstarting my career as a professional artist, it was an inspiring place were artists shared their art and where we could make friends with anyone in the world, in any industries. It was pretty much the place that paved the way as a social media website outside of Facebook, where you could search art through tags etc. Anyhow, Tumblr still has a place in my heart even if all artists moved away from it after the infamous nsfw ban (mostly to Instagram and twitter). And now we're all playing a game of whack-a-mole trying to figure out if the social media platform we're using is going to sell their user content to AI / deep learning (looking at you reddit, going into stocks). On the Tumblr side, Matt Mullenweg's interviews and thoughts on the platform shows he's down to use AI, and I guess it could help create posts faster but then again, you have to click through multiple menus to protect your art (and writing) from being scraped. It's really kind of sad to have to be on the defensive with posting art/writing online. It doesn't even reflect my personal philosophy on sharing content. I've always been a bit of a "punk" thinking if people want to bootleg my work, it's like free advertisement and a testament to people liking what I created, so I've never really watermarked anything and posted fairly high-res version of my work. I don't even think my art is big enough to warrant the defensiveness of glazing/nightshading it, but the thought of it going through a program to be grinded into a data mush to be only excreted out as the ghost of its former self is honestly sort of deadening.
Finally, the most defeating trend is the quantity of nonsense and low-quality content that's being fed to the internet, made a million times easier with the use of AI. I truly feel like we're living what Neil Postman saw happening over 40 years ago in "amusing ourselves to death"(the brightness of this man's mind is still unrivaled in my eyes).
I guess this is my big rant to tell y'all now I'm gonna be posting crunchy art because Nightshade and Glaze basically make your crispy art look like a low-res JPEG, and I feel like an idiot for doing it but I'm considering it an act of low effort resistance against data scraping. If I can help "poison" data scrapping by wasting 5 minutes of my life to spit out a crunchy jpeg before posting, listen, it's not such a bad price to pay. Anyhow check out my new sticker coming to my secret shop really soon, and how he looks before and after getting glazed haha....
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whitehotharlots · 1 year
Actually, most stuff *isn’t* political; you are just insane
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Over the last several years, what was once a niche academic observation has become something of a mantra in left-liberal spaces: everything is political. (Everything is ideological doesn’t quite mean the same thing, but in effect the two assertions are interchangable).
There’s a grain of truth here, as anyone who smoked pot in high school and just, like, had some really deep thoughts will confirm. In order to understand any statement or work of art--in order to communicate--there must exist some shared understandings and beliefs between senders and receivers. Okay, great. Whoopdee doo. That’s some real philosophy major-level shit. You should write a fucking book about. 
In spite of being unbearably tedious, this observation has become an all-consuming basal assumption underlying every left-liberal analysis of social issues and criticism of cultural artifacts. No longer are artists and commentators allowed to insist that some things simply fall outside the lens of our manichean partisan binary. No sir. Anyone whose work isn’t explicitly progressive is actually a secret reactionary, and so every work--from sitcoms to video games to journalistic descriptions of city hall meetings--must soak itself in the treacle of cultural liberalism.
If you’re writing a scene in which a black guy and a white guy are friends, you better fucking include a soliloquy in which privilege is reflected upon. If you’re making a breakfast cereal commercial that doesn’t feature at least one person of every conceivable racial marking, you might as well sign up for a job with the Daily Caller. Anyone who tries suggesting that, hey, I’m sorry I didn’t think it was a big deal that we didn’t make the Honey Nut Cheerio’s Bee gender non-conforming, I swear to god I didn’t think this was political is an idiot liar who deserves something far worse than prison. Why? Because everything is political, politics can only be understood within the contemporary Democrat-Republican split, and fascism happens the second our vigilance falters in the slightest.
You all see how retarded this is, right? How much it’s ruining people’s brains? At the very least, you can grasp how this hampers one’s ability to just enjoy stuff, let alone be able to understand its artistic and cultural importance outside the very narrow and stupid and 99% inapplicable lens of contemporary American politics?
I’m sorry, but I’m tried of lying about this shit. There’s nothing political about Kramer storming into Jerry’s apartment. There’s nothing political about Charlie Kelly blowing cigarette smoke into a hornet’s nest. There’s nothing political about the Pink Panther’s appearance in Owens Corning Insulation commercials.
Yes, you can get a byline or a humanities degree suggesting otherwise, so long as you’re craven enough to ignore context and authorial intent and also you think comprehensibility is bad. Again, good for you. But the rest of us, we are not professional lying shitheads, we have lost patience with the bullshit and are begging you to please shut the fuck up. 
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nuwanders · 10 months
so tell us about velothi philosophy :3c how does it differ, to say, its imperial counterparts? how has it changed across time?
Where to start!! Going to try my hardest to produce a semi-coherent answer here lol
quick note before i get into it— due to the nature of religion in the Elder Scrolls, i’m going to treat theology and philosophy as more or less the same discipline. there will obviously still be some discussions which fall more squarely into one field or the other, but in a world where ‘gods’ are demonstrably real and regularly involving themselves with the affairs of mortals, there’s going to be a great deal more overlap than there is irl. 
with that out of the way, i’ll limit my discussion to three main areas of philosophy in which Velothi attitudes differ the most from their Imperial counterparts; (1) the determinism/free will debate, (2) notions of faith vs veneration, and (3) the relationship between religion and morality. This isn’t too long dw but I’ve put it under a read more just in case
1. determinism vs free will
the imperial pantheon being headed by a god of time would, i think, have significantly shaped imperial philosophy. teslore is riddled with prophecies, as well as the Elder Scrolls themselves and ‘heroes’ as a category of beings who are uniquely capable of ruling their own destiny. ignoring the doylist explanation for a moment (that heroes are player characters in an otherwise scripted video game), it is clear that Imperial philosophy is dominated by a deterministic streak. 
Velothi philosophy however would fall (imo) more in the compatibilism camp. rather than our futures being predetermined by what is written in the Scrolls, I think the Velothi might say instead that what is written in the Scrolls is determined by what we, in the future, choose to do. ‘Outside of time’ =/= ‘before time’— by which I mean that if the Scrolls truly are from outside of time, it would be nonsensical to conclude that the contents of the scrolls is what causes certain events to then occur— because that would imply some kind of linear progression.
why do i think this? i won’t lie it is 80% headcanon, however the ability of Mephala to ‘pull but a single thread’ and unravel the weave of fate reflects, i think, the central position which the ability to determine one's own destiny holds in Velothi identity. An Imperial philosopher might say that Daedric Princes, like mortals, do not exist ‘outside time’ in the way that Akatosh does, so Mephala’s own actions would themselves be considered pre-determined. But I think the Velothi philosopher here would just cycle back to the compatibilist argument outlined above. Dunmer are a proud and independent people and I think they would strongly resist any attempt to imply that they do not have control over their own actions lol
2. faith vs veneration
Also central to Velothi philosophy and culture is the notion that respect and power must be earned, and i think this would apply to their gods as much as to themselves. Veloth turned away from the Aedra after Boethiah came to him in his dreams and visions. Why dedicate your life to the worship of invisible—and seemingly impotent—gods when the daedra are right there, showing themselves through positive action to be worthy of your fear and your love?
I think the notion of ‘faith’—being a belief in something which cannot be proven, both in spite of and because of that fact—would be dismissed by the Velothi as fanciful and ridiculous— a way for the elite to control the masses. This isn’t to say that they don’t believe in the aedra (there is a text somewhere in Morrowind which suggests that House Redoran, at least, adopted some kind of aedra worship during Imperial occupation), however they wouldn’t consider the aedra worthy of veneration. And Akatosh in the Velothi sense might be understood a little differently— perhaps even as a simple literary device designed to personify what is otherwise just the abstract notion of time.
3. ethics, and the relationship between religion and morality
It’s worth taking care here not to map Christian notions of morality and sin onto the Imperial cult, however there are some broad similarities. The Divines don’t necessarily represent moral virtues, however they all encapsulate some kind of virtue in the more holistic, Aristotelian sense; and the fact they are each virtuous in some way is taken both as reason to worship them and as reason to emulate those characteristics. (Not gonna get into the Euthyphro dilemma, but regardless of which view you think they'd take, it is clear there is some kind of relationship here). 
The same cannot be said of the Good Daedra, nor of the Tribunal. Any ‘virtue’ these figures happen to possess is incidental to their status as figures deserving of worship. This is not to suggest that Dunmer have no moral code or care not for virtues such as generosity or benevolence; it’s just that ethics is seen as divorced from divine law (ignoring the above mentioned lore text which says the exact opposite wrt House Redoran ;_;)
At the extreme end of this spectrum you find Telvanni ethics– “According to Telvanni principles, the powerful define the standards of virtue.” Which is very Nietzschean lmao. But I don’t think this would reflect Velothi ethics at large. If I were to summarise, I would say that the Velothi reject any notion of morality as intrinsically good, but that they generally recognise moral virtues as instrumentally valuable. Humility and selflessness in the Alessian, slave-morality sense are rejected, but social cooperation, justice and generosity are rightfully recognised as qualities which lead to the betterment of society overall.
given how long this is already i will save the question of how velothi philosophy changes over time for another post :') the Fourth Era transition from tribunal worship to the New Temple is something i'm exploring in my soon-to-be-published little novella hehe. thank you for the ask! <3
and tagging @ervona who expressed some interest in this topic >:)
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Hey i have a question, how do i develop my own identity as a headmate? i was the host when we figured out we're plural, so i never really did as much self discovery as other headmates did, and i'm now realizing i don't have much of an identity. like i don't have any hobbies or interests outside of out collective ones.
Hi! There’s lots of things you can do to develop your own identity as a headmate outside of your system’s collective interests and identities.
Ralsei (hiya!) put together a template for getting to know other system members a while back. Maybe you could use it to try and get to know yourself?
We’d also recommend doing stuff like:
Answering plural, headmate, and alter ask games! You can find a bunch by searching for the “#plural ask game” and “#system ask game” tags on Tumblr!
Doing self-reflection! Spend some time thinking about yourself and who you are. What do you want in life? What are your aspirations? Does anything stand out to you or sound interesting that may not be exciting for the rest of your system?
And most importantly…
Try! New! Things!
Experiment with everything! Try all sorts of new foods, listen to different kinds of music, try and learn a new skill or hobby that has even passively caught your interest! Play with your gender identity and expression! Question your sexuality and how you experience attraction! Learn about alterhumanity, kintypes, and what it means to be nonhuman! Read all kinds of books and watch lots of different movies and shows! Spend time learning about different religious, philosophies, values, and schools of thought! And through all of this, don’t be afraid if the things that draw your interest vary vastly from what the rest of your system is into. It’s okay to be different, and this process can help you develop into your own headmate with different tastes from the rest of your system!
As you go on this journey of self-discovery, not everything you try is going to click with you. And that’s okay! Just keep trying new things, and as you discover more about who you are, don’t be afraid to express this and be yourself! Of course, this is a process that will likely take some time, so please don’t be too discouraged if you’re having trouble figuring yourself out after a few weeks of experimentation! With time and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone, we really think you may find it gets easier for you to develop your own identity!
Good luck with this! We hope the process of developing your identity goes smoothly for you, and that you can have a lot of fun along the way!
🌷 Corrie and 💚 Ralsei
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h-worksrambles · 1 year
Full Future Redeemed and Xeno series spoilers.
Interesting that A and Alpha’s conflict kind of mirrors that of Pneuma and Logos (Pyra/Mythra and Malos). A embodies Alvis’ humanity built through their journeys first with Shulk and now with Matthew. Those experiences embue them with a compassion for humanity that makes them fight in defence of it. Kind of like how Pyra and Mythra found something new to live for and used that as a drive to confront Malos.
Malos and Alpha act on a cold nihilistic sense of pragmatism inherited from their human masters, that makes them dismissive of humankind and wish to erase them. It even works in a naming sense as ‘Pneuma’ translates to ‘breath’ and in philosophical terms means ‘the breath of life’ or the concept of a soul or a spark of humanity. While ‘Logos’ literally means word or thought. One acts out of the compassion of their soul. The other acts out of the cold logic of their mind.
That’s without even getting into how Logos and Pneuma embody the animus/anima dichotomy that exists in every single Xeno game and has roots in both Jung and Plato (disclaimer I only have a layman’s knowledge of this philosophy so please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) Every Xeno game has had characters who embody opposites, usually aligned as masculine and feminine respectively. Fei and Elly, the Contact and the Antitype both tied to the Zohar and to each other, and whose union finally freed it. KOS-MOS and chaos. embodying the order and unraveling of the universe respectively. Hell their powers are even explicitly called Animus and Anima, with chaos wielding the typically feminine Anima and KOS-MOS the more commonly masculine Animus, reflecting the concept of blurring the binary of these gendered concepts, that everyone has a little bit of both in them and that it’s proper and healthy to foster the two within you to become a more well rounded person. That’s why the harmony of Fei and Elly is important. The Animus and the Anima need each other, and if there is strife between them, all hell breaks loose.
It comes up in the Xenoblade games as well. The fraught conflict and lack of harmony between the god Zanza and the goddess Meyneth drives the Bionis and Mechonis to the brink of ruin, while the harmony between their vessels, Shulk and Fiora, is what paves the way for a new kinder world order. Come to think of it, Shulk and Fiora are themselves sort of a Logos and Pneuma respectively. Shulk is driven by thought and action. His defining trait is his intelligence and he showed the resolve and insight to take down god himself. Fiora is the soul, the breath of life, defined by her innocence and courageous spirit, who shared her soul with a god and learned to empathise with her, coming to understand the very nature of the universe as a result, and using that kindness to drive her forward. And as mentioned previously, Logos and Pneuma’s conflict in Xenoblade 2 also embodies this Animus/Anima divide. And that same sense of achieving unity and harmony with another person is embodied by the Ouroborous in Xenoblade 3. Humans need each other. We need people with different lives, different perspectives, different natures, in order to be whole. And the Ouroboros makes that literal.
Future Redeemed makes this divide explicit by pointing out that Logos is masculine, Pneuma is feminine, and Ontos exists between. Drawing attention to the gender motif just makes that more obvious. That being said, A and Alpha’s nonbinary swag kind of puts a neat new spin on a recurring motif of the series. Because they aren’t explicitly male or female even if they embody the same dichotomy. Even when these characters exist outside a gender binary, the philosophical concepts of discord or harmony between opposites still applies.
All this to say that Future Redeemed’s climax is deliberately evocative of the climaxes of Xenoblade 2 (by mirroring Pneuma and Logos this way), Xenoblade 1 (with Alpha styling themselves visually and musically after Zanza) and evokes motifs found throughout the wider Xeno series. I’ve said before that 3 does this to an extent with Z and Origin mirroring past antagonists, but Future Redeemed goes all in on it.
Why? Perhaps because it ties into Xenoblade 3’s theme of cycles, and making the same mistakes. The endless now is the embodiment of being arrested in a single a moment, a single mindset, the refusal to change, with N being the most hellish portrayal of what that can do to someone. Ultimately breaking those cycles is the only way to overcome Moebius and move forward. It’s literally a stagnant, ever looping circle (right down to its symbol). The same fight as in the previous games plays out in this prequel yet again in order to show that nothing has really changed. At least not yet. Aionios isn’t ready to make that step. They’re not ready to move beyond the same mistakes. Just look at Na’el and how close she came to repeating Klaus’ mistake: putting a faith in an unknowable entity, playing god and and discarding the old world in place of a new one. Like Malos once said, ‘they haven’t changed’. The people may not be ready right now. But by the time the main game starts, they will be.
So yeah, I guess Future Redeemed being the nostalgia fest it is makes it a perfect meta textual companion to Xenoblade 3. It wallows in the past in a way that is nostalgic, comforting but show us what needs to change while also warning us not to discard the past entirely. It’s a comforting reminder of your roots while still making it clear that eventually it will be time to move on. Xenoblade 3 then acts as a story about moving on, learning from the past, overcoming old traumas, and using that experience to move forward into new horizons. All while using the trappings of the old games not to be nostalgic, but as a springboard to tell a new story.
My word, I can’t express how much these games mean to me. Also yes, feel free to make a joke about how many of the games I’ve loved recently have been about people being trapped in cycles and metaphorically going round in circles.
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huntunderironskies · 13 days
So I have been working on that were-animal game I threatened to do a while back, and I'm...fairly pleased with where I'm at in at least the general concept phase. Lore feels good, I have some solid antagonist ideas, I have a gameplay loop working, all that fun stuff. Now I'm starting to get to the scary parts (having to nail down a system and figure out just how I'm going to put this thing out into the world.)
This got weirdly self-reflective about my history with gaming instead of mostly talking about the actual mechanics so I'm gonna put it under a cut. :U
The tl;dr if you just want to know what I'm (probably) doing:
High-ish power system
Medium crunch (I'm aiming about for the level of Exalted Essence)
(This means a pretty good amount of powers and shapeshifted forms provide bonuses to keep track of)
Trying to avoid specific point-related bookkeeping so there won't be a fuel stat in the way that Chronicles of Darkness or Exalted has it where there are pips that rise and fall
Milestone "leveling" most likely (no actual level traditional leveling system, just skill/attribute pools, powers, and a character rank system similarish to a power stat)
Dice pool
(Yes, I did really like ExEss, don't judge me)
I am...attempting to come up with something more than a binary pass-fail system but I would rather not steal PBTA's iteration on it
Social combat (sorry, I know a lot of people are bearish on it but I like it :c It's the one thing I don't want to toss)
x/y-splats real
I have never tried to work within a system that's 100% of my own making. I think I'm a little gun-shy of it because one of the GMs I used to play with (who I stopped playing with because she's a horrible person in addition to being a horrible GM, incredibly long story, send me booze money to get drunk if you want to hear it because I don't want to be sober when thinking too hard about her) was really insistent on trying to make her own system and her game design sense was...well, not great. Didn't have a good head for dice odds and went for the most simple solutions possible (d6 with small dice pool, 1s are fails, boxcars are crits) without thinking about actual gamefeel, expected players to handle most of creation of character abilities and powers (as in, doing most of the design lifting for her outside of the basic dice systems) but also was incredibly thin-skinned about feedback. She had the desire to be famous and make this big idea but was not willing to do the hard work to make it happen.
And like, I'm somewhat sensitive (I would not call myself the most confident person) so I'm used to feeling a bit hurt by negative feedback, but, you know, you have to listen to players to see how they're reacting to the game especially since you need to get out of your own head when designing mechanics. Critique is how you get better, as much as it hurts. Unfortunately she also hated learning other peoples' systems even if you wrote her cheat sheets so...I never really got to play anything for more than five sessions or so for quite some time.
(Upside: the drive that gave me to search for actual active RP groups led to me meeting some of my favorite people in the world.)
Anyways. I think that's led to me kind of psyching myself out. I've kind of gone from the mentality of "yeah I have a great head for mechanics" to "oh no I'm just a savant with one singular system." I...might have to start with brand-X-ing a system I'm familiar with (ft. minor changes) (guess which one) and then start tweaking from there until it doesn't feel like The Werewolf the Forsaken We Have at Home.
I think it both helps and hurts that a lot of my design philosophy is somewhat similar. I'm trying to do a higher power level, at least in the same way that Chronicles of Darkness has the "if your PCs throw enough resources at something, they will get what they want, it's just a matter of what it will cost them and if it was something they should have wanted in the first place." I also have an extremely strong preference for dice pool systems, I just think the dice odds feel so much better than single-roll systems.
I've also always liked being able to downgrade a failed roll to a dramatic failure since it's led to some really fun situations, but I think the inverse could be fun as well, i.e. if you REALLY feel like you need a roll to succeed you can upgrade it to a single success at a cost that could potentially bite you in the ass later. It's another way to potentially cause drama and give players more meta-options to control how the game can proceed.
On the subject of meta-options I'd really like to give social systems some mechanical weight since I honestly enjoy social combat. I know that's kind of a controversial opinion but I just feel like it gives more tension to negotiations and the like and it gives me a lot more design space to work with when designing what would traditionally fall under "utility powers" as an umbrella.
So that's sorta what I'm working with right now. The scary part is I will need to playtest this at some point and that means recruiting people and that also means starting up what will likely be a community server to keep in touch with people instead of just vomiting out whatever thoughts pop into my head on tumblr. One Fear.
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fights4users · 11 months
Just you? | The page, Alan and clu
Someone said this ages before me but the page was meant to get Alan at the arcade, Alan inside the grid. Clu wanted him but settled for Sam. I want to dive a bit deeper into that, especially after reading betrayal (really the novel does wonder for his character and providing additional context for legacy).
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Backup plan—
Contacting Alan was the last desperate attempt to find a normal way out. I can imagine Kevin would have talked about him quite frequently, about how good he was and maybe even admitting to clu he was the one to originally write tron. So, clu figures out a way to contact this “great user” and make him fix everything. Maybe he could finally give the grid a purpose from the outside or do some work on the inside to stabilize everything. I don’t even think clu knows what all needs to be done to fix everything- he’s been lost and a bit power hunger for a while now I’d imagine he’d be forceful with Alan but have good reason to be.
I think having Alan rewrite and fix the grid from the outside (or in if possible) would make the most sense. What the hell use would alan have otherwise? He wouldn’t have a disk! Sam only got one once he was put into the games, additionally alan wouldn’t have the knowledge of the grid to use his disk as a key after receiving one. So getting Alan in the first place had nothing to do with “out there” or “world domination”.
Last resort—
I saw a theory a while ago which I wholeheartedly believe that said, Clu only did all of this (the army, the world domination plans) to give the grid a purpose. It really makes his authoritarian decent into madness all the more tragic, as stated before he never had a chance to be good. He can’t create new programs he can only rewrite what’s there— he’s slipping and out of ideas because endlessly building in a overheating system is a absolute nightmare. A mindless army works great as it takes up as little energy as possible, you can conserve what remains and give your citizens something to actually do… now mind you it’s not a good something to be a mindless drone. After Alan falls through he goes on with the first plan. I also believe the world domination thing also comes about because he’s a reflection of Flynn’s  arrogance back when he made the grid— this is so his speech can almost identically match Flynn’s “in their is our destiny!” -> “out there is our destiny!”. More that for a character motivation that makes sense.
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Clu is a dangerous line. As the more you read into things the more sympathetic he becomes the more you understand his motivations and what lead him down this path. You almost forget how horrible his actions are from how badly a hand he has been dealt. He is fascinating and so unbelievably sad that he saw this (Dictatorship, mind control, genocide ,etc.) as the only way out. He is the antagonist but not the villain.
No one was expecting Sam to be the one to arrive at the arcade. Clu didn’t take Into account Alan’s care for him,  probably because clu had his own issues with Sam since he was a baby. It’s interesting as Sam is basically the crux that sets off the film. Plan B didn’t work so we’re going for the crazy world domination plan, let’s use you to lure your dad out of hiding. To me it sort of comes through as the backup plans of backup plans to him- if Alan had come would he have concerned himself with Flynn at all? This god is helpful, this god sticks to his words and thinks things through…oh god the absolute angst potential in that. (Again keep in mind that Clus hatred is for a Flynn who didn’t go through 20 years of  philosophy lessons).
This is all me just theorizing anyway, my own way at picking through legacy trying to understand it. 🤷‍♀️ Clu is such a fascinating character that you really have to feel bad for, and again it’s a little concerning? Because you forget how much bad stuff he really did just because they fumbled Flynn SO hard. The Kevin Flynn who made the grid does not feel like the same Kevin Flynn who broke into ENCOM with his buddies one night and I don’t know how to explain it.
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grislyintentions · 10 months
Commentary & Spoilers on the Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Jepella Rebellion
Observations + Headcanons: 1) Kafka excels in becoming the bait/lure/distraction for authorities looking to apprehend the Stellaron Hunters, hence she is the one that is 'captured' more often. This is likely due to her ability to subtly inflict spirit whisper on them and sow discord among them, turning some into her accomplices, some into her puppets and some into her 'hands'. She demolishes their system from within whilst the other hunters focus on different areas.
2) Sam was hinted to be an automaton-like figure in Blade's character story 3. This is now seemingly confirmed within the trailer. Additionally, his build appears to be a lot more sophisticated compared to Svarog's. It may be due to them being created for different purposes in mind: Svarog for security and safeguarding, Sam for offensive/defensive power and flexible utilities.
3) The total number of criminal cases the Stellaron Hunters are accused of seem rather low but considering the devastation they cause each time, they are befitting of their title as international fugitives. Based on their compatibility and ease of working together, regardless of the pairing, it can be implied that they are responsible for more disasters than what have already been discovered. We can also, inversely, theorise that the number of cases they were responsible fall reflect just how many stellarons they have acquired.
4) Kafka's voice actresses all excel in portraying the sinister nature of her personality. However, there are subtle differences in their choices as well. For reference: English VA's rendition focuses heavily on her calculating and sly femme fatale nature, creating an alluring draw. Chinese VA's rendition centers around her 'sweetness' and the juxtaposition of her casual cruelty so the version of Kafka there is gentler in tone, but just as viciously deceptive.
Commentary: -Given her personality, Kafka not being an Emanator of Destruction is something people definitely should be grateful for. There's no denying the potential that she has if she did become one. However, she is inherently incompatible.
With reference to Phantylia's comments, it seems that all the Lord Ravagers follow their own philosophy pertaining to Destruction. Kafka, on the other end, holds no such consistent beliefs. To her, destruction is but a means to an end. A byproduct and most times a necessary component in achieving the results she wants.
It is not what satisfies her. Neither is it something she is fixated with. Though she does appreciate the nature of it eg: Lamenting over how she did not get to see just how far her home planet fell under the influence of a stellaron etc. In fact, if destruction is always the same end result, she is likely to grow bored.
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-The Stellaron Hunters are each experienced enough to work on their own. However, what is also interesting is that no matter who their team member is for their current mission, they can adjust and work well with the other. At a glance, Kafka is usually paired with Blade and Sam if their missions require someone to buy her time and keep her guarded from interference/attack from outside forces. With Silver Wolf however, Kafka then becomes the distraction so that the hacker can infiltrate systems and hijack whatever is necessary. Hence, they function well in stealth missions together.
Sam and Silver Wolf would also make for ideal partners since technological advances and reality editing are two areas that could achieve groundbreaking results. With Sam around, Silver Wolf can easily tamper with things and boost his capabilities endlessly with her buffs.
Also, Not to be conceited but I'm glad I got the way she enjoys playing mind-games and her blasé attitude over causing widespread suffering right. It's the mf timing of the trailer dropping a day after the thinkpiece excerpt I wrote sOBS.
@celestial-narwhal , @everlastiingiimmortals , @shining-gem34 , @memovia [I humbly present some kafka crumbs for my pals. ;w; <3]
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I think it's very neat that Chase and Omi have such similar fighting styles, and I think lends to the idea that Chase may have also been dragon of Water in his time!
Water is all about ebb and flow. It reacts to all energy given to it and follows the paths of least resistance. When it's built up enough force the blow can be devastating, like a wave or a heavy rainfall. But water always seeks to return to a form at rest. It moves similarly to Wind, but they still have a fundamental difference. Wind is a force in itself, it pushes things out of its way and avoids stillness. Water is something whose natural state is rest. And while Omi is very strong for his size, his greatest strength is in getting opponents to underestimate him and use their strengths against them, especially after Chase takes him under his wing.
Likewise, Chase's whole philosophy is about manipulation and turning attacks back on people. In his first fight with the Monks, he doesn't even really fight back. He blocks or redirects attacks for the most part and lets them take themselves out in a rush.
Heck. You could even say Chase getting involved as late in the game as he does is an extension of that. Despite having a reputation of an evil overlord, Chase has clearly been content to be King Of The Mountain and not actively pursue the world of hellfire and conquer he achieves after gaining Omi's loyalty. As long as no one bothers him in his mountain lair or threatens his power, he's content to mostly let the world run as it pleases. At least until Wuya and other Heylin Big Bads show a real display of power, and Then Chase decides its time to remind people who's top dog
I think it’s interesting, too!
Like you said, wind and fire are both processes, but water is a fluid with a state of rest. But unlike solid, steady earth, water is easily disturbed and almost always has this ebb and flow. It’s not the heavy, unshakeable defense like earth, or an active explosive offense like fire. Air and water both follow fluid dynamics, but water has more pushback and more weight, it’s not so easily compressed or dispersed.
And similarly, Chase and Omi’s fighting styles don’t heavily skew towards either offense or defense. 
They have a balanced focused split between them, fluidly using defense to shift into counters and turn an opponent's force against them. 
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They don’t tank hits the best, but they’re good at weaving past attacks or redirecting anything that bears down on them. They’re good at baiting their opponents or leading the fight where they need it to be in order to take advantage, just like water is good at steadily eroding things to take new shape.
They are very strong in their own right, but they aren’t packing the physically strongest punches-- so they often let their opponents wear themselves out or take themselves out with their own strength.
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Sometimes they do it by outright reflecting their opponent’s attacks or forcing their opponents into their own line of fire. Sometimes they do it by waiting until their opponent is half-way through an attack, and then launching a counter-strike in-between dodging.
“It’s not the strongest opponent, but the strongest will,” is a philosophy that’s perfectly in line with the malleable but steady force that water is.
Their styles are flowing and practiced and fluid. They’re not grounded so much as they are centered.
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Just compare their movements here. “Ebb and flow”!
That also might be why fighting in his dragon form comes a lot less naturally to Chase, especially in the alternate timeline where he hasn’t gotten used to it. It’s big and bulky, and even though Chase is good with the tail, he’s a bit less graceful with everything else the form entails.
But yeah, another thing is how they both were at a stasis until outside forces spurred them into motion! 
Omi just stayed training at the temple, and Chase just stayed training in his domain, until the other monks and villains came into the picture and turned Omi and Chase into more active forces. 
Just like how the sea can change from serene to furiously storming in an instant, they both love fighting but are surprisingly passive by nature.
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syncreate-collective · 7 months
Mental phenomenology and string theory
brought about by this. According to Hegel, the self is aware of itself and develops through its actions and interactions.
For example: If you're learning how to ride a bike, it's more than just thinking. It's important to ride your bike, pedal, and maintain your balance. Through this action, you will come to know more about yourself, discover your abilities, fears, and the joy of accomplishment.
3.Social and historical background:
Hegel emphasizes the importance of social and historical context in forming the self. He believes that individuals are not isolated entities but are deeply connected to larger social and historical processes. Therefore, the self is not static but evolves in relation to its surroundings.
Example: Imagine a group of friends playing a game together. The rules of the game and interactions with others shape each individual's experience. The self in this context is dynamically influenced by the social environment.
Contradiction and synthesis:
Central to Hegel's philosophy is the concept of contradiction in synthesis and its resolution. The self encounters contradictions, challenges, and conflicts on its journey. Through the process of integration, these contradictions are resolved and the self reaches a higher level of understanding.
Example: Think of a time when you had conflicting emotions. Perhaps you wanted to both explore new adventures and stay in your comfort zone. Through experience and reflection, you may find ways to balance these conflicting desires and lead to personal growth.
Becoming a rational and free self:
For Hegel, the ultimate goal of this process of self-generation is the development of a rational and free self. In his view, rationality involves recognizing and reconciling contradictions, whereas freedom is achieved through self-knowledge and self-determination.
Example: Consider the decision-making process. When faced with a choice, we weigh various options, consider the consequences, and then make a decision. This act of rational deliberation contributes to your sense of freedom and self-determination.
In summary, Hegel believes that psychology is about understanding the self in motion, actively engaging with the world, resolving contradictions, and evolving through a dialectical process. For Hegel, the self is not a fixed entity, but a dynamic, unfolding reality formed by a continuous interplay of actions, thoughts, and interactions on the journey towards self-realization.
Let him explore the concepts of consciousness, self-consciousness, and rationality in the phenomenology of mind.
Recognition of experience:
Awareness is like shining a spotlight on your mind. It's about being aware of what's going on around you and in your head. When you see a rainbow, hear music, or feel happy, it's your conscious mind at work.
Sensation and perception:
It involves the senses of seeing, hearing, and touching. When you taste your favorite ice cream or smell the scent of fresh flowers, your conscious mind is busy processing those sensations.
Thoughts and feelings:
Consciousness is not just for the outside world. It also concerns your thoughts and feelings. When you daydream about a magical land or get excited about a birthday party, your consciousness is filled with your inner experiences.
Change and flux:
Consciousness is constantly changing. It's like a river of experiences flowing through your mind. One moment you might be concentrating on a book, and the next you might be dreaming about space.
Unification of experience:
Your consciousness experiences many things, but it all comes together as one unified experience. It's like a movie where different scenes create a complete story. Your consciousness weaves all your experiences into your story.
Reflections on self:
Self-consciousness gives a twist to consciousness. It's not just about experiencing things. It's about becoming aware of yourself experiencing those things. It's like looking in the mirror and saying, "Hey, this is me!"
Identity and recognition:
It involves knowing who you are. Recognizing your face in a photo or understanding that you like playing soccer is a function of self-consciousness. You know your identity and what makes you you.
Social aspects:
Self-awareness is not just personal. It's also social. It's about how we see ourselves in relation to others. Feeling proud after accomplishing something or shy in a large group is your sense of self responding to social situations.
Emotions and self-evaluation:
Your emotions play a big role in your sense of self. To feel confident, shy, or happy, you need to be aware of your own emotional state. It's like having a conversation with yourself about how you're feeling and what it means.
Development and growth:
Self-awareness grows with you. As we grow older, we learn more about ourselves, our strengths, weaknesses, and what drives us. It is a journey of self-discovery and understanding one's place in the world.
Thinking and Reasoning:
Rationality is like having a wise friend in your heart. It is the ability to think, reason, and understand things. When you solve a puzzle, plan your day, or make a decision, that's your rationality.
Logic and understanding:
Rationality follows rules, like a game with logic and order. It's important to understand cause and effect, understand how things are connected, and make decisions based on good reasons. It's like being the captain of your own ship and sailing through a sea of options.
problem solving:
Rationality loves a challenge. When faced with a problem, the rational mind dives in to find a solution. It's like being a detective, looking for clues and putting pieces together to solve a mystery.
Learning and adapting:
Rationality is a learner. It helps you understand new things and adapt to change. Whether it's learning a new game or adapting to a new environment, rationality guides the process.
Ethical decision making:
Rationality is more than just smart thinking. It's also about being wise and ethical. When you make choices based on what is right and fair, it is your rationality working in tandem with your values. It's like having a compass that guides you towards the right decisions.
In phenomenology of mind, these aspects such as consciousness, self-consciousness, and rationality form the rich and dynamic landscape of our minds, and how we experience the world, understand ourselves, and understand the complexities of life. affects how you overcome it.
absolute knowledge
The concept of absolute knowledge is the culmination of his philosophical system and represents the highest form of knowledge and self-knowledge. Absolute knowledge is reached at the end of Hegel's dialectical process, where contradictions are resolved and the individual achieves a comprehensive understanding of reality. I'll break it down into five important points.
Dialectical journey:
Hegel's philosophy involves a dialectical journey, a process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Absolute knowledge emerges after conflicts and contradictions are resolved through this journey. It's like climbing a mountain, facing challenges, and once you reach the top, everything becomes clear.
2.Unification of subject and object:
Absolute knowledge involves the recognition that the subject (the knower) and the object (the known) are not separate entities but are interconnected. It is like recognizing that the observer and the observed are part of a single unified reality. This unity represents the highest form of self-awareness and understanding of the external world.
3.Complete self-understanding:
Absolute knowledge is more than knowing facts about yourself. It is a deep self-understanding that involves recognizing one's place in the world, understanding one's personal history, and accepting one's own complexity. It's like looking in the mirror and understanding not just what you look like, but your entire journey leading up to that moment.
Integration of contradictions:
Contradiction is essential throughout Hegel's dialectical process. Absolute knowledge involves integrating these contradictions and understanding how opposites complement each other. It's like realizing that light and darkness, joy and sadness are not opposing forces, but interconnected aspects of a richer, unified experience.
Eternal and perfect knowledge:
Absolute knowledge is not static, but dynamic and eternal. It's not just about knowing the facts or solving a particular problem. It is about continuous and comprehensive knowledge. It's like having a comprehensive map of reality, not just in the present moment, but in all eras, an eternal knowledge that transcends individual perspective.
In summary, Hegel's Absolute Knowledge is the pinnacle of philosophical understanding, in which subject and object are fused, contradictions are resolved, and the individual reaches timeless and complete self-knowledge. It is the recognition that knowledge is not fragmented, but an eternally interconnected whole.
Truth is a concept that emerges from the subject
Syncreate Collective Academy 会員専用 QC1.618の法則を理解するための講義として精神現象学と素粒子物理の関係性を解説していきます。また内容はヘーゲルを理解していないと真理に関して誤解してしまう危険性があるので、会員以外の方は閲覧に注意してください。
さて、あなたが本当にクールなおもちゃのロボットを持っていると想像してください。このロボットは多くのことができますが、常に完璧に機能するとは限りません。場合によっては、少し混乱したり、期待どおりに動作しないことがあります。 ここで、ロボットを、世界をよりよく理解する方法を見つけようとしている賢い友人であると考えてください。この友人は、おもちゃ、木、さらには感情など、周囲のあらゆるものに目を向けることから始めます。友人は、すべてがどのように調和し、すべてがどのように意味をなすのかを知りたいと考えています。 友達は探検するにつれて、状況が変化し、世界を見るにはさまざまな方法があることに気づきます。たとえば、あなたが見ているものと他の人が見ているものは異なる可能性があります。あなたの友人は、人にはそれぞれ物事の見方があること、そしてそれは問題ないことを理解しています。 しかし、ここが難しい部分です。あなたの友人も、何が真実か正しいかについて人々の意見が異なることがあるのを認識しています。何が最高のおもちゃなのか、何が正しい遊び方なのかについて、彼らはさまざまな考えを持っています。そこで、あなたの友人は、「物事の見方が人それぞれ異なる場合、何が本当に真実なのか、何が正しいのかをどうやって見分けることができるのでしょうか?」と考えています。 そこでヘーゲルの精神現象学が登場します。それは、これらすべての異なる視点を理解しようとし、それらがどのように組み合わされるかを理解しようとする友人の旅のようなものです。ヘーゲルは、私たちが学び成長するにつれて、私たちの考えや信念が時間の経過とともにどのように変化するかについて話しています。それは、年齢が上がるにつれて、単純なおもちゃで遊ぶことから、より高度なおもちゃで遊ぶようになることのようなものです。 つまり、ヘーゲルの現象学は、世界を理解しようとし、さまざまな視点から学び、誰もがお互いをよりよく理解する方法を見つけようとする賢い友人の冒険のようなものです。友達がおもちゃやアイデアの世界を探索しているように、成長し、変化し、世界を理解する方法を見つけ出すことがすべてです。
好奇心旺盛な探検家: 好奇心旺盛な探検家のような友人がいると想像してください。この友人は、おもちゃ、自然、感情など、周囲のすべてのものを理解したいと考えています。
さまざまな視点: あなたの友人は、人によって物事の見方が異なることに気づきました。たとえば、あなたはチョコレート アイスクリームが好きですが、友人はバニラの方が好きかもしれません。誰もが独自の世界の見方を持っているようです。
意見の相違と混乱: 友人は、何が真実か正しいかについて人々が意見を異にしているのを目にすることがあります。アイスクリームのフレーバーはチョコレートが最高だと言う人もいるでしょうが、バニラがいいと主張する人もいます。あなたの友人は、どちらが正しいのか少し混乱しています。
成長と学習: あなたが新しいことを学び、ゲームが上手になるのと同じように、友達も学びます。それは成長し、世界がどのように機能するかを理解する旅です。
アイデアの変化: あなたの友人は、最初は真実だと思っていたことが、学ぶにつれて変化する可能性があることに気づきました。たとえば、チョコレートが最高のアイスクリームだと思っていたかもしれませんが、さまざまなフレーバーを試した後、考えが変わるかもしれません。
全体像を見る: ヘーゲルは全体像を見ることについて語ります。それは、友人が一歩下がってアイスクリーム屋全体を眺め、人には好みが違うことを理解するようなものですが、それは問題ありません。
一緒に真実を理解する: あなたの友人は、何が本当に真実なのか、何が正しいのかを理解したいと考えています。それは、たとえ好みが異なるとしても、誰もが同意できる最高のアイスクリームの味を見つけようとするようなものです。
お互いから学ぶ: 友人がさまざまな人々を探索したり話したりすることから学ぶのと同じように、ヘーゲルの考えは、私たちはお互いの視点から学ぶというものです。お気に入りのゲームやおもちゃを友達と共有して、新しいゲームやおもちゃを発見するようなものです。
信念の成長と変化: 友人が旅を続けるにつれて、信念も成長し、変化します。同様に、ヘーゲルは、人生で学び、経験を重ねるにつれて、私たちの考えや信念がどのように変化するかについて語っています。
一緒に意味を理解する: 結局のところ、ヘーゲルの現象学は世界を一緒に理解することです。それは、たとえ全員が同じ味を好んでいなく���も、みんながアイスクリームショップを楽しめる方法を友達が見つけてくれるようなものです。それは、人生という大きな冒険において、お互いの視点を理解し、尊重することです。
現象学の長所と短所を掘り下げてみましょう。 利点:
新しい理論の実体と主体に関する考え方を 5 つのセクションに分けて、理解しやすい方法で説明しましょう。
1.構成要素: 物質と主題
2.物質: すべてのレゴブロック
3.主題: 建設者と探検家
例:レゴ城を建てるときは、あなたが主役です。レゴ ブロック (物質) を使用して、クールでユニークなものを作成しています。
4.協力する: 活動中の対象と物質
例:あなたが種 (物質) を植えた場合、あなたはそれに水をやり、日光を与えることで、それが美しい花に成長するのを助ける主体になります。
5.共に成長し、変化する: 全体像
つまり、すべてが素晴らしいレゴ作品のようなもので、実体 (基本的な構成要素) と主題 (想像力豊かな構築者) で構成されています。彼らは力を合わせて、私たちが住む素晴らしい、常に変化する世界を創造します。
あなたの意識は多くのことを経験しますが、それはすべて 1 つの統一された経験として集まります。さまざまなシーンが完全なストーリーを生み出す映画のようなものです。あなたの意識は、あなたのすべての経験を「あなた」の物語に織り込みます。
絶対的な知識には、主体 (知る者) と対象 (既知) が別個の存在ではなく、相互に接続されているという認識が含まれます。それは、観察者と観察されるものが単一の統一された現実の一部であることを認識するようなものです。この統一性は、自己認識と外界の理解を最高の形で表します。
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earthling-wolf · 10 months
Directive: disagreeable Fe
Quite in opposition to the adaptive attitude, the directive attitude doesn't believe in grace; it believes in punishment and the fairness that comes with properly balancing emotional economies. It accomplishes this through the use of shame. Directiveness believes that individuals are only kept in order --and rightly aligned in their personal and societal perception-- by a regulation of pride. It will take it upon itself to "put people in their place" if they are exaggerating their own self worth or diminishing the value of others of a higher tier than they. We see a directive attitude echoed in phrases such as "you don't talk to your elder that way", "you use the right honorifics", "that was a foolish mistake, now your reputation is ruined." To this attitude, a reputation is in large part a proper reflection of what you really are, as it reflects how your comportment is objectively evaluated. Outside opinion is considered legitimate feedback given to you by the culture; negative feedback is necessary as the eternal modulator of pride where pride is only warranted when the tribe acknowledges your abilities and value. Directiveness is both the enforcer and receiver of this shame, and will concede or yield when they measure that they were the one in the wrong. However, unlike adaptiveness which makes itself susceptible to exploitation, the directive  attitude will always defend itself against unjust or unearned reprimand and will only take reprimand when they are in agreement with it.
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Indeed, when a directive person agrees with the shame, it would rather take punishment deliberately than be the one economically in the wrong. It may actively ask for retribution so that it may face others again without shame; having paid their dues. Balance is to be restored and they want to stand on the right side of judgment's blade. There is also a physicality and combativeness in this directive attitude, where it may believe it's fair game to balance the emotional scales using a physical-to-emotional pain translation. It will want to teach others a very somatic lesson, imposing an emotional experience on others through the vehicle of pain. It's important to note that directiveness is not sadistic by nature, as causing injury is not itself the aim but instead it's the translation of emotional energies through the act. A higher motif arises from this physical channel, where a directive attitude will wish to lock fists with others to truly "level" with them. They may develop a philosophy that "You don't really know someone until you fight them" or "You only really know someone's heart once you cross fists with them." The frustration that is expressed through battle is seen by directiveness as catharsis and as evidence of the reality of hearts. In this sense, the directive attitude wishes to see --as clear as possible-- what lies in the heart of others and may encourage or even invoke that reality out in order to understand the other person better.
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Leveling in the Truth
This leveling happens not only at the physical level, but also verbally. The directive attitude is diametrically opposed to adaptiveness in this regard; wishing always to cut through facades and speak frankly the harsh truth of its opinion. Directiveness does not collapse upon hearing the truth, or cave under its pressure, but actually feels relief and a rebuilding of trust. It feels that only after the air has been cleared can anything true and lasting be formed. A directive attitude will compel the person to ask those hard questions, dig at the problem, expose the fraud, heartbreak or corruption and look at it directly with no compromise in attention. It seeks to establish respect through transparency, in feeling another's pain and letting them feel yours. Getting angry at them and asking them to get angry at you. Directive people will be suspicious of any love or friendship that lacks conflict; viewing such things as symptomatic of concealment and compromise. It understands human hearts to be a messy business and is content existing in eternal but necessary friction so long as it does not escalate to unethical levels or into genuine malice. Notwithstanding it's harsh outward comportment, directiveness is ultimately driven by ethics just the same as adaptiveness. It will still hold steadfast to its ethical boundaries, even if it appears alarming in the words it selects for communication.
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-Under Stress
When under stress, the initially honest and cathartic qualities of a directive attitude become exaggerated outside of proper ethical constraints. The impulse to put people in their place regresses into a vengeful desire to defame or humiliate others. What was once a desire to create equilibrium devolves into a desire to cause genuine suffering. The name of the game becomes domination rather than the arrangement of society into balance. A societal order is indeed enforced, but one where others are oppressed under the emotional and physical rule of oneself. Here this attitude becomes predatory and territorial, using tactics of intimidation and engaging in a power dynamic. Under stress, morality is tossed aside and the person resorts to foul play in order to remain atop of the social hierarchy. They may become emotionally abusive and physically abusive. And while all people can experience anger or sudden violent outbursts, directiveness is more prone to a premeditated aggression for the purpose of establishing rule and control. We see directive attitudes often manifest in gang violence, where the same Ti-Fe handling that is used to gather people together is then used to pivot those people against others.
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Another effect that emerges from directiveness in an unhealthy individual is a proclivity towards emotional manipulation. Their ability to persuade and charm through oration is channeled into an art-form designed to deceive and attain an advantage over others. Sweet words will fall off their lips while far darker intentions rest beneath them. The person is often keenly aware of the sensitivities of others --how they tick and how they break-- and will exploit these vulnerabilities towards their own gains. They may assert emotional control over their relationships, weakening their lover or family member's opinion of themselves through psychological manipulation and gaslighting. Through months or years of verbal onslaughts they will diminish the confidence of others and present their own opinions as absolute. And through the sheer force of their personality, they will mentally overpower those beneath them --inhibiting their willpower, mobility and life options. Similar to how adaptive  people can create a suffocating dynamic of co-dependence, the unhealthy directive type will use their loved ones to secure their need for control, relevance and ego validation.
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But this tendency towards manipulation may not stop at the home. The directive personality may extend the scope of their ego across a far broader group or community, using their persuasion to press their perspective and invoke agreement from others. This leads not only to the formation of gangs and cliques but ultimately to the creation of cults. The Ti-Fe oscillation is tribal in nature, and this same tribalism can be used to facilitate communion or to create divisions and special sects with niche ideologies. We see this tendency expressed in celebrities such as FeSi Alex Jones whose followers share an opposition to a perceived network of government conspiracies. It can be seen also in FeSi Tom Cruise who is famously affiliated with the cult of Scientology. The directive person will surround him or herself with those of like mind, creating an in-group/out-group dynamic and reinforcing an aggrandized self-image. The person becomes manic, prone to narcissism and all manner of delusions. As can sometimes happen with the judgment functions, a closed system is formed where the individual is convinced that they understand all that needs to be known and proceeds to act out that truth in the world at the widest scale possible.
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merge-conflict · 1 year
🗣️, 🤡, 🤔 & 💝 for the lovely Val? (sorry if this is too many!)
Not too many at all tsym for asking! :3 I love answering these. 🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking? Really well! It's something Valentine had classes for growing up, which certainly helps, and she loves to talk. Her favorite type of speaking is a technical presentation, and she used to give a lot of them at work. In her eyes it's basically a free pass to get a bunch of people in a conference room so she can give a clear and concise infodump. She also is one of those people who likes to give weird dramatic monologues for fun– Abernathy's husband Mark is one of those bookish guys into theater, and they used to try and one-up each other as a game.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
This is such a good question, and as I was thinking about the answer I think it explains a lot about her. The short answer is: it depends on who's watching. If it's someone Important than she becomes self-conscious and embarrassed about every normal thing she does, but especially any sort of unconscious stimming behavior (humming, finger tapping, pacing). But on the other hand, Johnny shoulder surfing every waking moment of her life doesn't really bother her that much because he's a dipshit rockerboy and his opinion is at best funny and at worst not worth considering. Another more direct answer is that she hates showing any weakness unless it's part of her "ehhhh, I'm just a little guy, it's my birthday" routine she's doing to annoy someone or get attention. (Jackie taught her that one.)
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
People who refuse to consider new information, or show no curiosity outside of their own bubble. Valentine spends a probably unhealthily neurotic amount of time in self-analysis and regular analysis, and she loved working CounterIntel because she got a steady stream of news and info that kept her fed. Conceptually she understands that not everyone is as comfortable with cognitive dissonance as she is, which is why people will often avoid seeking out contradictory info, but she loves the messiness of it. And how could belief stand up to choice when it comes down to it? There's a certain freedom in rejecting purity (which she has never and could never achieve) and reveling in the fact that everyone acts against their own beliefs from time to time. That this might be her counterpoint coping mechanism and not a morally correct philosophy is one of those self-reflective observations that still eludes her.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
It's all about the little gestures! As someone prone to becoming somewhat obsessively loyal to people she gets attached to, she really appreciates all the intimacies (platonic or romantic) that are there and gone in a flash: lending her a tool before she asks for it, pre-emptively sharing food, saying something that proves they were thinking about her. It means they care enough to pay attention, and it makes her feel very taken care of. As for her "good side", that's slightly trickier. She generally tries to stand friendly with everyone, (friends are much more useful than enemies) but it would be easy for someone to overestimate her actual investment in a relationship, and I'm not sure it's fair to say someone is on her "good side" if she'd carefully manipulate them over a series of weeks to get some outcome she wanted, as long as she figured they'd never find out. She could be chuffed as all get out if you brought her lunch while she was absorbed in some problem, and she'd cheerfully carry a conversation with you and probably return the gesture, but that doesn't mean you Matter or that she really considers you her friend.
If you want to get on her actual, stupidly loyal, will get herself canned or kicked around or killed for you good side, then you need to be Interesting, Persistent, or just stick your neck out for her when you could just as easily let her hang.
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getting-messi · 1 year
Bestie you suffered through so much because of that announcement 😱 i can understand the intensity of these emotions given how much him crying made me go through hell (and I wasn't even that big a barca fan till then) because dammit that little magician's smile makes me happy!
Hugs and hugs for you and heartfelt wishes that he now only gets to do what he wants, have fun playing ball and no other serious thing happens 💕
Now, to leave you with something fun- which majors from college would you diagnose the scaloneta members with? (Sounds like a fanfic/hc kinda question sorry 😭)
absolutely, you get it! Like truly the worst day for him of being a football fan :( but thank you you're so kind - and yeah he can just chill out and score fun lil free kicks in Paris now without having to carry the weight of the world like he was in his last years with Barca🤧
and OHH! Okay, love a fun little game, here are my thoughts on what the scaloneta members would be studying -
Di Maria - Kinesiology, idk why but just because of how fragile he is and how frequently he gets injured, i just think he'd be interested in the body😭
Dibu - Business major, WITHOUT A DOUBT. His cockiness and attitude would make him a perfect fit for the aggressive world of business🤣 (i think about that interview post-Netherlands ALL THE TIME)
Alvarez - Conflict studies, i think he's level headed just because he was the least likely person on the team to start a fight🤭 so i think he's the type of person that would want to learn about how to keep the peace and stop wars
De Paul - Theatre major, he is just dramatic as HELL and i think he'd thrive on stage😵
Enzo - Literature major, that letter he wrote to Messi runs through my mind all the time. I think he has a way with words and conducts himself well considering his age. I can imagine him saying quotes all the time and writing cheesy poems
Dybala - Fashion major, bless his soul, he definitely tries his best to dress outside of the box a little bit with his pop singer gf and he attends a lot of fashion shows so i think maybe he'd want to be in that type of environment
Paredes - Dentistry.......I'm just teasing cause of his veneers.....
Messi - Philosophy, this was kinda a tough one and I'm still on the fence with this but as a man of few words, i think he'd not only want to study the thoughts of others but also have thoughts of his own. Philosophy is a lot of thinking and reflecting and Leo definitely does a lot of that and when he gives interviews, just based on his answers, its obvious there's A LOT that he notices that we just aren't aware of because he doesn't do interviews a lot
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oatbrew · 2 years
ok! anon requested my thoughts for episode seven. i just finished (before the event rewards timed out) so all of this is still marinating in my head. excuse the mess
overall i found it thought-provoking which isn’t a good or bad thing; just that it made me think a lot afterwards. full disclosure that i am heavily biased and i have a lot of feelings and opinions regarding domestic abuse esp sexual abuse (which was ambiguously implied in this ep). i am very much that kind of person who doesn’t think that the law necessarily correlates with morality though i simultaneously appreciate the effort and the intent of what the law can do and does represent. but in the same vein i think the law has as much power to exacerbate suffering as it does to heal when it elides more ambiguous cases, which results in people falling through the cracks or being penalized in a way that does more harm than good
this is my long winded way of saying that if i was in this story i would’ve been the one helping irene burke flee to another country (lmao can you tell i do not do well with authority?) i think she’s justified in her murder of her abuser and i don’t think it makes her as bad as him. however her murder of her adoptive mother deserves to be treated in a restorative justice light than damning criminalization but that is not a resolution this kind of game is equipped to handle. i thought it was more a case of tragedy than something i can grant clear judgment on. im not in the business of comparing victims even as i sympathize with both jade’s situation and irene’s feelings. at the end of the day, as a child, irene was not responsible for her father’s abuse against her mother and her mother’s subsequent inability to save her. certainly my ideal ending involves jade and irene in a safe place where they can both heal in their own volition (and far away from edwin who’s facing the full consequences of his abuse)
but should the narrative have followed this? not necessarily. if they wrote anything else but rosa and the nxx following the law to the letter i’d have thought it wildly out of character and would have required more character work than what is usually given
but here is my deep deep take w this game in a wider scope outside of this ep. tot deals a lot with cases involving social issues/ills like mental illness and predatory corporations. which is all well and good but tot also operates under this ideology that violence and evil can only manifest in individuals and the culpability of the system is often elided in this conversation (eg “the very concept of major corporations isn’t inherently corrupt and exploitative! it’s these specific individual antagonists heading it that are!”) and ive suspended enough of my own rational brain about this so i can enjoy a conglomerate ceo love interest in a game marketed as a wish fulfillment romance simulator. but regardless, this informs the narrative with a binaristic foundation that people who are on the “right” side of the system are right by default (ie our protagonists) or should be treated w more grace and humanity than those who aren’t
do i expect tot to interrogate that kind of heavy gray? or that the writers even should? of course not. we’re here to make out w hot guys ultimately. i recognize the writers come from all walks of life and have cultural expectations/beliefs that may not necessarily adhere w my largely western-informed foundation (though that’s its own can of worms) but my take is that if the game is gearing to handle heavy topics such as mental illness or abuse and the resolution that comes out of it ends up being simplistic or naive, it can do real disservice to the real life people who may find their own situations reflected in this piece of fiction
what the writers should have done given their framework and without fully upending the game’s philosophy (and what i think was a huge missed writing opportunity) is not changing irene’s fate (as much as i dislike defeatist narratives that surround a lot of abuse survivor stories) but have rosa and marius relate with irene on a personal level and even see themselves in her. what would’ve made this more nuanced and humanizing was if rosa and marius’s conception of their morality and their roles as legal and societal authorities were shaken by a gray matter of someone who is not a “perfect victim”. they did a similar execution akin to this in artem’s personal story but the moral stakes of that one was very cut and dry and this one should have taken rosa and marius a step farther. it should have impacted them internally as it did irene externally. and it would’ve served as solid development for their own relationship (rather than that odd little section where rosa comforts marius after jun calls him out? which seems just so divorced from the theme of the episode and feels like a contrived bonding moment.) but while rosa understood the grays involved she never seemed conflicted; her stance is generally unchanged and unshaken throughout the whole episode as she resolves to convict
the point here isn’t to have rosa arrive to some definite conclusion on whether irene deserves her sentencing but the fact that she would have had to struggle in the first place w her principles and her personal relation to a woman who is both victim and murderer in her journey to do so. the point here is interrogating what you have to risk and lose in the pursuit of the justice you believe in (rosa as legal justice and irene as vigilante justice! ugh could have been so good)
while metatextually the game is sympathetic to irene’s situation the fact that the abuse victims are mentioned once offhandedly, persecuted, or murdered in the end doesn’t paint a great picture for survivors as a whole. which is why i found this ending so fraught. because i understand how the writers arrived here and the context and the factors that led up to it but i also found it impossible for me to suspend my personal principles and immerse in the fiction
anyway i think i need to ruminate on this further. so i’ll stop here and end this off lightly w things about the ep that i did like/appreciate:
marius’s business/negotiation acumen. i really like it when otome show rather than tell how and why an li is skilled and talented. one of my favorite things about marius is this conflict of how actually cunning he is vs how people are naturally inclined to view him (ie a buffoon, gullible) and how he exploits that reputation to his own advantage (although idk how long he’ll be able to keep that up considering that business and upper class society are so insular. then again business and upper class society are full of actual buffoons so)
always fascinated by how the writers construct the mystery of the cases. this genre’s not my strongest as both writer and reader so it’s always fun seeing how it’s constructed and how the complex web is detangled in the end until it all (kind of) makes sense. i will say though that tot relies a lot on coincidence and contrived evidence to make the solution of the mystery work (which is unavoidable in the genre) but it does happen too many times that i have to remind myself to suspend disbelief when artem comes across someone who just happens to have bloodworth’s murder recorded. which is a shame bc mysteries are the most satisfying when it’s solved purely by the skill and observations of the detective rather than luck
but i liked how in the lack of conclusive evidence marius is the one who tells rosa to resort to psychological pressure/manipulation which imo is a very in-character marius thing to do and very much up in his wheelhouse of skills. and it’s also a nice reflection of his relationship w vyn bc acrimonious as they are they have a lot in common
new member of the nxx? yes im shrieking. for me it’s a toss up between vincent and darius but i know that in my hearts of hearts i already know who i want lmao but i think it’d be equally delightful if a dark horse like celestine was the one who came first in the running
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darkerdahlia · 2 years
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My thoughts on Education: A reflection
    The more we dig deeper into the lessons in our course, the more I understand the purpose of educators in our lives, and that is to uphold the mission and mission of education. It is essential for the sake of the community that those of us who are currently students and those who will soon be entering the teaching profession put into practice the objectives that education is required to meet. I have also discovered that we can become great educators if we learn how to listen to our students and if we do not shy away from change. It is critical that we develop the ability to withstand adversity in order to maximize the potential benefits that the future holds for us. Creating a teaching philosophy was difficult at first because I did not know how to organize my thoughts. However, I survived the task. I came to see that we, as educators, require a guiding pedagogical philosophy in order to function effectively in our profession. Permit this to put us in a favorable light so that in the future, both we and our pupils can experience success.
An Educator’s Teaching Philosophy
As educators, instilling in ourselves a personal teaching philosophy is vitally important but it’s not always easy to achieve. However, we try our best to create these philosophies because it is a powerful tool that can guide our teaching practices and how we perceive teaching.
The first step is to create specific and moderate goals as a teacher and for the students so that we can make a direction for learning that can increase student's level of engagement and achievement. As a teacher, I want to enhance quality lifelong learning, possess wisdom that inspires, uphold collaboration, initiative and respect and serve as a mentor with discipline and grit. If I can succeed with my objectives I will be able to employ self-directed learning, social connections, adaptability and communication. For the students, my goal is, first, to shape the learners to become a benefit of the community because that is their way to give back as citizens of the country. I will shape them to become responsible and wise citizens. Secondly, create learning opportunities for them so that they can survive even outside of the classroom. Provide them with as many choices as possible. Lastly, provide a friendly and inclusive classroom that can facilitate all learners and makes sure they are all valued equally.
In order to achieve these goals, I need to actively connect with my students by facilitating group projects that require them to collaborate with one another and introducing technology into the classroom as a tool through which they may be taught to be resilient and adaptable. Then, the strategy of modeling is introduced so that we can make a clear representation of our ideas and lessons.In conclusion, in order to foster learning from experience, it is essential that our students are able to connect what they are learning to their own personal experiences and are aware of how to reflect on those experiences.
Direct and indirect measurements such as homework, quizzes, oral performances, reports, analyses, and other activities are used in the process of evaluating students' learning.  In my case, I assess student understanding by facilitating performances and activities that allow students to express how they understood their learning and present their ideas to their peers. This way, it would be easier for the learner to retain that knowledge about the lesson. Even though they will be used less frequently, tests and quizzes will still be a part of the curriculum. I want my activities to be as interactive as they can get. Examples of immediate student response are through polls or online educational games like Kahoot. Everything about it is entertaining and informative.
In the field of psychology, I see teaching as a continuous process of understanding that also uses different methods to achieve better results. Aside from technical topics such as learning the relationship between brain functions and behavior, I see that it is also of great significance that students gain a sense of integrity and honesty in their work and everything they do in the process of studying the course. The concepts of integrity and honesty are difficult to grasp since different individuals give them various definitions, and some people are able to persuade themselves that the actions they take are consistent with integrity.  This can be a problem for most students too; they lack honesty and integrity.Therefore, as educators, it is our responsibility to integrate and strengthen values education into our curriculum. The only way to accomplish this is to make contact with the head of the department; alternatively, we can integrate the significance of values education into everything that we teach in our own unique ways.
It is important to know what your students think about you as a teacher, and conducting an anonymous survey about your way of teaching can help you realize what you lack and what they like about you. After hearing that information, it is very evident to me that as an educator, I may enhance my teaching by participating in conferences and seminars or by studying once more just for the purpose of expanding my knowledge in my area of expertise. In addition to this, I need to maintain an open mind regarding new pedagogical approaches and the willingness to gradually integrate these new ideas into the way I teach. One more technique is for me to pick up tips and tricks from my coworkers so that I can combine their approaches with my own.
Implementing my teaching philosophy to govern my method of instruction is a difficult task. Nevertheless, I have the will and motivation to work hard and accomplish my teaching objectives.
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