#this found family that they seen them as siblings or like a father-daughter is killing me inside
gabnills · 1 year
Hii, can you do a neteyam x female! metkayina! reader where she’s tsireya (and the other siblings’) sister and instead of Ronal, it’s her spirit sister and her spirit sister’s calf that was killed, and everyone is just around her watching as she’s crying loudly and mourning and neteyam comforts her omg, then she’s all set on revenge and saying she wants to kill the sky people for murdering her spirit sister when she finds out about it ughh :(( I’m feeling in an angsty mood rn
darling why do you make us suffer like this :")
Tragedy and Revenge Neteyam x F!Metkayina Reader
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Context: The Sully family arrived at the Metkayina village where their eldest son found a safe place to be himself with the eldest daughter of the village Olo'eyktan, teaching them the ways of their people both feel instantly connected in their respective duties like older children. The sons of Pandora, the Tulkun returned from their long cycle of migration.
-THEY RETURNED, OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS RETURNED-someone ran outside the store, you heard that someone blew the alarm horn and a great noise began to be noticed outside. When you came out you met your brother Aonung quite happy, something unusual.
-T'ayla, the tulkun returned, dad wants you to look for the boys of the forest
-He really said that I should do it?
-That doesn't matter, go to look for them-most likely that task wasn't yours, but you couldn't say that you didn't feel like doing it
You were excited, you shared several tattoos on your body with the marks that your spiritual sister had on the skin, it had been a long time since you had seen Seren. You had a lot to tell him. Maybe about a special person you wanted me to meet.
It didn't take you long to find the pair of older brothers from the visiting family. Neteyam and Lo'ak did not go unnoticed among your people, they were quite confused by the repentant actions of the locals, standing on the edge of the beach where the small waves reached the soles of their feet before retreating.
-T'ayla, it's good that you're here, an explanation would help us- the younger brother spoke, but your eyes had lost themselves in Neteyam's smile when he saw you
-The tulkun returned with us after their immigration cycle, come with me
You took Neteyam's hand to start walking into the sea making sure his brother went after you. Once completely submerged, you let go of the older hand and invited them to swim and follow you. It didn't take long for you to hear the sounds of large animals underwater, also, the tide began to feel more agitated in front.
From one moment to the next, only Neteyam was behind you, it was when you could see your sister in the distance, Seren, what surprised you was to see a small calf taking refuge under her fin, you hurried your step.
-It's been a long time- you told him with some hand signals
-I am happy to see you, you have grown, I bring good news with me- Neteyam did not understand the sounds that came from the great animal, but he had an idea of what you were saying to the tulkun with your hands.
-Your baby is beautiful, I'm happy for you, I also have good news too, I met a good boy
Neteyam wasn't sure he understood what you said correctly, but when you invited him to come closer he already had red cheeks.
The conversation you shared with Neteyam was interrupted when you saw the return of your parents and his parents, behind them, some ilu were tied with some ropes while dragging something in the water.
As they got closer to the seashore, closer and closer to you, you understood the cold that enveloped your heart a few hours ago, and the shadow that you felt had fallen heavy on your shoulders, a gloomy feeling that crushed the good moments from barely an hour ago.
-I'm so sorry my daughter, we found them like this when we arrived - you hadn't looked up when your father and mother came to the arena to give you a big hug
The ilu were still dragging the corpses of your sister Seren and her young. Jake Sully and his wife also came to you and explained the situation to you, the sky people had kill them.
It wasn't until you entered the water and swam next to Seren, while you ran your hands over her rough skin and saw her gloomy and lifeless eyes, you began to cry inconsolably, your eyes seemed like the same marine currents of the ocean, you couldn't stop crying and screaming whint nothing else to do, you felt for a moment that you could no longer breathe and that you were going to drown in the water. Your vision had become cloudy and you felt that you could not continue swimming, you were sinking and running out of air and strength to reach the surface. At that moment you thought you were ready to follow your sister wherever her to go, your vision began to get smaller until you saw nothing.
You woke up with the feeling of the sand on her back and behind your head, you could hear a voice calling you from far, far away.
Then you opened your eyes and felt like vomiting, an unavoidable and painful cough invaded your throat and your eyes began to hurt once more, a great jet of water came out of your throat allowing you to breathe again.
-Oh, thanks to Eywa, I thought I lost you - suddenly you noticed an agitated and very wet Neteyam on you, literally, he noticed your scared look and he rushed down from your lap with the reddest cheeks you've ever seen.
-I'm so sorry, I really didn't know what to do and if I didn't get you out of there quickly I was afraid it would be worse…- he started talking very fast trying to justify himself but you were completely invaded by other feelings to bother you for his actions
-It's okay Neteyam, I'm fine- you tried to stand up but a painful dizziness clouded your vision, the boy next to you rushed to hold you by the waist preventing you from falling again
-Maybe you better get some rest, you almost drowned five minutes ago- the concern in his words was evident
-You don't understand, they killed her, they murdered both of them, she was so happy, you saw her, she was happy to meet you…- your eyes will develop tears once more and your vision clouded, Neteyam had comforted his brothers many other times, so he slowly approached you and wrapped you in his arms, warm and protective.
-I know, we're going to be fine, we're going to solve it- your crying didn't stop and instead you clung as much as you could to Neteyam's body, his closeness managed to comfort you a little and the sensation of his skin so close to your yours calmed your agitated breathing, Neteyam was afraid to you faint again in his arms
When your yanto was calmer, you separated enough from Neteyam to look into his eyes, your swollen eyes looked at him strongly and determinedly
-There is only one way to solve it, they murdered my family, I will kill each one of them
A chill ran through Neteyam's spine, from the top of his neck to the tip of his tail and the soles of his feet. It took less than a second for him to decide that he would help you with your purpose and that he would give his life to protect your angry eyes and determined in search of revenge.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Yandere Wolverine and Laura and baby reader who's a squirrel mutant
That is so fr*cking adorable! Little chittering squirrel baby and their two wolverine guardians. They so give them all the best nuts: pecans, cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds, etc. . They can't help it! The baby needs to eat, and they like nuts! Let's do this:
They had a new mutant at the Institute. One who was a feral, like them.
Not entirely.
They had a big, bushy tail, two small, perky ears, and little buck teeth. They were a squirrel mutant...
And also the cutest one they'd seen.
Laura enjoyed their company. They'd tell her anything and everything, sharing small rocks and pebbles and coins they found while eating a bag of almonds, their little nose twitching every time she made them laugh. She liked them even more because they weren't scared of her, or her history. They gladly accepted what she told them, with them promising they wouldn't trade her for all the nuts in the world (even the yogurt and chocolate covered ones). She saw them as her own buddy, her own little sibling, if nothing else.
She just sometimes wished her father would let her be with them in peace.
He was taking a tray of cooked, buttered pecans out of the oven, earning a thrilled squeal from the small child, who darted into the kitchen, watching with wide eyes as her father set the tray down to cool.
Logan liked the little fuzzy feral. Liked them even more when they got along with his daughter. It certainly helped that they had manners and had wide, warm eyes. (He wasn't soft, no siree). (Yes, he was). He had taken to making or purchasing novelty nuts, giving them to their resident rodent. He smiled every time they thanked him, then tore into the bag like a wolf on a fresh kill.
The two realized a few things when they almost once fought over their little squirrel-ling.
One, they both cared as much as the other.
Two, they woukd do anything to make them smile.
And three...
They could share with the other, thus upping their protection by double.
They WERE family... and they'd happily be family with their little nutty squirrel child as well. Heaven help the poor idiot who tries to upset them...
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qweq-6802 · 1 year
Electric Love
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To write this I was inspired by some scenes from Neytiri and Jake. I offer an apology if some sentences are not understood. English is not my first language.
Summary: Neteyam falls in love with Y/N, the eldest daughter of Tonowari and Ronal.
Neteyam wanted to hug someone like his father to his mother.
He wanted to share smiles like Lo'ak and Tsireya did.
He even wanted his gaze to soften like Tonowari with Ronal.
The good news? He had already found that woman.
Bad news? None. To him, you were perfect.
Problem? He had never felt so shy and insecure about starting a conversation with someone.
"Bro, do you like her?" Lo'ak teased, but stopped when he saw his brother's frustrated face.
“Yes, I like her a lot. Why?"
"I don't know. I think she's a little rough for you."
"Oh, come on! You're not the nicest person."
Lo'ak was right. Friendly wasn't a word that came to everyone's mind when they described you. Several times he had seen you curse others. In your defense, you only did it when people disobey or misunderstood Olo'eyktan orders.
“They are all skxáwngs!”
"Language!" shouted Tonowari
"Yeah! Yeah! Got it! Why aren't you in your position?!”
"Put the spear down!"
Being the future of the Metkayina Clan made you had too many responsibilities, including taking care of your siblings.
There was no problem with Tsireya, but with Ao'nung…
"You have two options: you tell mother and father what you did or I swear that I will use you as bait with a family of akulas!
“Tsireya help me! She's going to kill me!"
Neteyam found no help in his younger brother, so he spoke to Tsireya.
"Sure! What is your question?"
The young Metkayina saw how the boy's hands began to shake.
"Are you o-
"What? Sorry, I don’t understand you"
 “Oh let an ikran bite me! Neteyam is in love with your sister." Lo'ak said
"Oh Eywa! Neteyam! Neteyam! That is so cool!” Tsireya was jumping with happiness.
"Yes, but, I don't know how to get close to her!" Neteyam put his hands on his face
“You don't have to worry. My sister can be a nice and funny. You will be…” Tsireya fell silent immediately when she saw the confused face of the brothers.
"You are hiding something"
"I'm coming, mother"
"She's not talking to you"
“The Tsahìk can't wait”
"My father wants to talk to your eldest son," Ao'nung said.
Neteyam and Jake followed the boy until they reached the home of the clan leaders. Tonowari got up as soon as he saw them.
“You have nothing to worry about, your son did nothing wrong. Sit down"
You snorted
"Is this necessary? Father, we have enough warriors in training-
"Jakesully's son has a right to learn our ways and he needs to join that group" Tonowari interrupted
Neteyam tried to keep his hands from shaking because he was sitting next to you.
“Your eldest son has shown good progress. So I think it is a good that he learns the ways of our warriors. I have chosen my eldest daughter to be your mentor in this and it is decided!”
“Don't fall in love” Ao'nung murmured, who was behind his father. You tried to hit him, but Tonowari stopped you.
"I'm going to gouge out your eyes!"
“Kehe! Y/N!”
“I thank you for this opportunity, sir. I swear you will not regret allowing me to follow the ways of warriors” Neteyam interrupted the siblings' fight.
You looked at him. You had seen the Sullys from afar, but now you had more detail on the older one. For some strange reason, you found it very attractive that Neteyam's hair was long and that he moved through it too nimbly.
“Tomorrow. On the beach”, those were the last words you shared with him that day.
 “You will spend time with her. You can make her fall in love with you!" Kiri said when Neteyam told Lo'ak and her this at dinner time. 
You noticed that Neteyam was nervous, deep down you felt sorry for him and remembered when you entered the group of warriors.
"I can't promise you they won't bite and they can be a little hard at first, but they are good"
Neteyam was shocked by your words.
"Thanks. Really, thanks"
"Look, I'm not the patient mentor you'd expect. It's learn fast or die and the second option is not available” You continued walking. Neteyam smiled a little. Yes, that was the Y/N he was waiting for.
  "Mawey, Mawey!" You said to the young Metkayina as they tensed when they saw Neteyam. He recognized Roxto in the crowd and he gave him a small smile.
The first conversations were about how to control a fishing gun. They were all sitting around Y/N and two other warriors.
“They are Tenzú and Zila. They concluded their ceremony at the same time as Y/N” Roxto explained in a low voice.
Neteyam tried to pay attention to Tenzu's instructions, but he was too distracted. You wore two thick braids that held the rest of your hair up, your tattoo covered your arm up to your neck, from your right ear dangled what appeared to be the fang of an animal, and your arms had purple and blue beaded bracelets.
Oh Eywa he was so in love!
It was hard keeping up with you and even more so getting your attention, but Neteyam never gave up.
The first time he got your full attention was when you were teaching him how to throw spears. You settled very close to him. Neteyam could feel your breathing. He stopped looking ahead to focus on the sight of the beautiful woman beside him. You made eye contact with him. Your frown softened when you came across those green gems.
"You don't have ugly eyes," you whispered.
Neteyam smiled “Thank you. Yours are interesting too."
You moved away from him and turned his head to the front. You two continued with their task with a smile on their faces.
Day by day, the interactions with Neteyam became longer and the laughter appeared.
“I turned like this and felt such a breeze!”
“Yes and I dived faster”
“Too fast” Neteyam said as he smiled to hear your laugh.
The conversation at dinner continued without noticing the looks of their families.
“They seem to get along well,” Tonowari commented. Ronal nodded without leaving her serious face
“Being with him is good for her,” Tsireya said.
"Yes, she didn't yell at me today" Ao'nung replied.
“Our son is in love,” Neytiri told Jake with a smile on her face.
 “I think she likes him too. It's obvious" Kiri said.
"That's my bro!" whispered Lo'ak
Neteyam managed to complete the path of a Metkayina warrior. His tattoo covered his shoulder and half of his arm.
"Don't be too scared" you told him when you saw that they were halfway through the tattoo. Neteyam smiled at you.
"I'll try"
You smiled at him. Neteyam thought you looked so beautiful. Your hair was loose and you dangled an ornament with sparkling seashells.
“So quiet ” Neteyam said as you entered an underwater cave. They had escaped from the party.
Their legs were submerged and the water glistened from the tree of voices in the background.
“You are a Metkayina now. You can make your spear with the wood of your home…” you placed your hand on Neteyam's chest and paused for a moment as you focused on the ground and your smile fell “and you can choose a woman. We have very beautiful women. Zila is a good hunter."
"Yes, she is a good hunter" you looked up from him and Neteyam's reaction was to laugh at your reaction
"Oh come on!" he took your arm when you tried to move away from him and settled you in his lap.
"Y/N, I already chose" Neteyam kissed your forehead before speaking "but she must also choose me"
You smiled and laughed softly.
“She already did it"
Neteyam kissed you.
 “Oel Ngati Kameie, Ma Neteyam”
“Oel Ngati Kameie, Ma Y/N”
Both spent the time talking until dawn.
Thank you for reading!
Kehe: No!
Wiya: Dammit!
Mawey: Calm!
Oel Ngati Kameie: I see you
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deerabigailhobbs · 2 months
Ever since I found your blog my mind has been plagued with thoughts of adamgail-siblings (in the best way). Sooooooo, what if Garret Jacob Hobbs was so freaked that he started killing at the thought of his daughter moving away was because he's already had a child leave. He's a perfectionist so maybe his family becoming imperfect was what brought him to such extremes?
We know that Abigail is 17 at the start of the show and that the killings started 8 months ago, meaning that she was probably 16 or just 17. So say that older brother Adam left around the same age; Hobbs would see his daughter reach the age that he had one child leave never to return, and panic starting the spree. In the original script Adam gets a call from his mother stating that his father isn't angry anymore. Something happened to make Adam leave, maybe this was his father's anger at some supposed imperfection in his son, or it was a build up of things that caused Adam to leave - and that was what caused his father's anger.
But whatever it was he left, knowing that he would leave his sister in a mess, or maybe he thought it would be better for her with him gone. Either way he gets put in the trap, at the time his parents are still alive, but there's a good chance that 7 out of 8 girls have gone missing already. He tells Lawrence that he wants to spend more time with his family, maybe just spend time with a family that he might not have seen in years, does he consider them all his family anymore? His relationship with his father certainly isn't good.
Abigail is left without her brother from a young age, and when she reaches the age he was when he left and her father snaps- does she resent him for leaving, or for not taking her with him? Is she glad that he left and won't get dragged into this? What would happen if he showed up again, would his father pull him aside as soon as possible and make it so he could never leave them again? Otherwise it could end in another fight and trigger Hobbs killing his whole family without a phone call from Hannibal. Of course things could just go the same way as canon with just the addition of another corpse, Abigail regaining her brother just to lose him just as fast.
If Adam gets out of that bathroom does he head home and meet a horrible fate at the hands of his father, or is he barely finished with recovery when he gets a call from the FBI? Telling him that his father killed his mother, and tried to kill his sister, and was then shot dead by an agent. Could he bring himself to become his sister's guardian after the ordeal he just went through, and would she accept it? When he shows up, do they know who he is? Do they think of him as Adam 'Hobbs' who had changed his name to Stanheight in order to distant himself from his family? Or have they heard about the Jigsaw Killer and know of Adam Stanheight who turned out to also be Abigail's older brother? How do things go down from there? At least Abigail will have someone to rely on and stay by her side, preventing her from killing [INSERT NAME OF GUY WHO'S SISTER GOT KILLED], and preventing Hannibal from getting his claws into her. Or will Hannibal try and pull something to get him out of the way...
First of all, it truly warms my heart when someone says they like my Adamgail siblings AU. I truly didn't expect much of a reaction to it but to know others have fallen in love with their dynamic makes me so so happy :D
Secondly, connecting the dots between Adam's mother saying his father isn't angry anymore and Garret Jacobs... Genius. Jaw dropped. I never even thought of that and I love it.
Adam going through his trap around the same time that Abigail was almost killed is great too. Just imagine going through the most traumatic experience of your life and finding out the sibling, the one person you could trust the most, was hurt and here to see you. Their interactions would be so interesting. Familiar strangers to one another.
And boy, would Adam change the way Abigail's life went post throat slashed. He'd literally be stuck to her side like glue. I can definitely imagine him not being fond of Hannibal and especially Will. I would think Hannibal would try and plan a way to kill him, though I'm not entirely sure how.
I think an interesting way to view it would be that Adam shows up after Abigail kills Nick Boyle. Perhaps he hears about it through the news at a later date and rushes to Minnesota before he can even wave Lawrence goodbye. In that way she's indebted to Hannibal, but she now has someone in her corner, who truly has her best interests at heart. And once Abigail starts to lean into the company of her brother more, that's when Hannibal decides Adam has gotta go.
Or, even if he doesn't show up at all. If, in Mizumono, Abigail doesn't walk towards Hannibal because she knows she has a brother out there, perhaps still has his number stored away in a coat pocket. Abigail followed Hannibal's orders because she had no other option, but with Adam she does. She walks up to Hannibal, appearing docile, then grabs the knife and stabs him sloppily in the neck, just enough time for her to bolt from the house and to a payphone far from the house. That's when she calls Adam, praying that he hadn't changed his phone number all those years, and when he does answer, she's so relieved to hear his voice and asks if he can come get her. And without a second thought he's already asking her where she while rummaging for his car keys.
So many scenarios, I love them <3
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Father figure!Trevor Philips x De Santa!Reader
Y/F/N = Your fake name.
Ever since you could remember, you had been living out in Sandy Shores with Trevor Phillips. You didn't much know of your actual parents, but you knew they fought. A lot. Your mother was involved in the stripper business, and your father was a notorious robber. Whatever they were like, one day, while you were out alone in the snow, Trevor found and ran away with you.
And you never saw your family again.
Today, you walked into the trailer you and Trevor shared covered in blood, finding Wade there. After a few seconds silence, you explained, "Oh, uh, don't worry, none of this is mine." Wade replied, "OK...You seen Trevor?" You shook your head, and went to shower. After a quick 10 minutes, you left the trailer with Wade, only to find Trevor walking up to the porch, causing Wade to hide.
"Heya, dad," you said, before looking to Wade, as Trevor said to him, "Get back here...You're not even hidden. Have you got it?" Wade then defeatedly said, "I've been trying, Trevor." Trevor then gestured to him to climb up, only to punch him as he did, causing you to laugh. "Ah, so, uh, I thought you were locating Michael Townley," you asked.
"There's two Michael Townley's living in Los Santos. One is 83 and the other one is in Kindergarten. I asked her to put him on the phone just to be safe...She threatened to call the cops. I ain't no molester, Y/N!" Trevor angrily respon to Wade with, "Shut up before I molest you, alright! Now, is there anything else?" Wade slowly got to his feet and responded, "I-I looked through the photo directory. I did find a Michael De Santa. About the right age, married with two kids."
"What's his wife's name?", asked Trevor.
You and Trevor knew it was Michael.
"It's him. I'll wait in the truck," you said, getting into Trevor's truck. After another few minutes of talking between Trevor, Wade and Ron, all of you except for Ron set off for the trailer park of the Lost MC, set to tie up a loose end. "So, how we doing this?", you asked, causing Trevor to reply, "We're gonna be giving them quite the explosive suprise, my dear son/daughter/child." You were quick to catch the hint.
"Um...that might be nice, but, y'know, I'm starting to get a little wet over here," said Wade, as rain started to pour as Trevor drove. "Hey, so am I, and I ain't complaining," you responded, causing Trevor to laugh. After a few more minutes of driving, you pulled up just outside the Lost MC base. Trevor said, "Wait here, kiddies. Daddy's going to work."
You and Wade were talking when multiple trailers were blown up, catching you both off guard. As you looked to the scene, you spotted Trevor walking back, a smile on his face. As he got into the truck, you noted, "Well, the Lost are gonna be living up to their name." Trevor nodded, and said, "That they are, kid. Now, let's waste no more time. Let's go find my old buddy." And with that, you three set off on the drive to Los Santos.
"This Michael Townley must've pissed you off real bad, if you wanna find him so much," said Wade. "He didn't piss me off. The guys that killed him, the government bureau. They pissed me off," replied Trevor, before he noticed a bit of blood on your knuckles. "The fuck happened?", he asked, causing you to reply, "Oh, uh, some homophobe was preaching. I preached into his face." Trevor smiled.
As the drive continued, you could sense Wade getting bored. Your sense of compassion took over, and you asked, "Hey, Wade, I got a story if you wanna hear it." Wade immediately, joyfully said, "I like stories!" You smiled and said, "Of course you do. This one's about a troll named...Y/F/N."
"Y/F/N was born to two other, shittier trolls named Amy and Michelle. Amy worked at a strip joint before and Michelle robbed people from under his bridge. Now, Y/F/N wasn't happy. Amy and Michelle argued a lot, and Y/F/N's siblings, James and Trishie, weren't any better. One day, when little Y/F/N was five years old, and left alone in the cold, Y/P ran into a boy named...Trisha. He ran way with Y/F/N, away from the snow, away from the police, away from everything."
"And they lived happily ever after?", asked Wade, to which you answered, "In a way. But the details are for another day." As you replied, you spotted it. The big sprawl of fake and greed.
Los Santos.
You drove to a nearby hill. As you pulled up, you and Trevor got out and walked to the edge, and Trevor said, "So, Michael...this is where dead men come back to life, hmm?" You followed up with, "...Nearly 10 years. Oh, but you didn't even bother looking, did ya, father?...You fucking fuck!" Trevor finished with, "I grieved for you! You weren't even fucking dead...you were my best friend. Well, guess who's coming to shit on your doorstep, you fuck!" With that, you both walked back to the truck, and drove off.
"My cousin lives in a condo in Vespucci Beach," said Wade. You nodded, and you were headed there. "So, Y/N, what you gonna have to say to your old pops when you see him again?", asked Trevor. You thought for a second, before saying, "Well, he certainly won't like my words, that's for fucking sure."
And after another drive, you arrived at the condo. Wade got out and quickly made his way to the front door, you and Trevor not too far behind. "Floyd, it's me, Wade!" "Who?" "Me, Wade, your cousin!" "Who?"
Trevor then kicked the door open, knocking over Floyd in the process.
"Your cousin! Fuck! He's come to visit you, you rude fuck." You three made your way inside. You looked around, and told Floyd, "Nice place. Now you got any Sprunk, E-Cola, shit like that?" Floyd gestured to the fridge, in which you found a can of Sprunk, and swigged it down.
You were gonna need the energy for what you and Trevor had planned.
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toweringclam · 4 months
Concept for Like A Dragon 9:
Given how both of the big bads have been his brothers, Ichiban decides to head off any potential future trouble by tracking down every woman that Masumi Arakawa had a relationship with. His most recent mistress died a few years back of Covid, but he finds out she did have a son, Kenji. Ichiban tracks Kenji down to a small fishing village, but when he gets there, the trail goes completely cold. No one has even heard of the guy.
While he's in the fishing village, he meets a tall, beautiful, and powerful woman named Kyoko. She takes part in some underground fights and is having trouble with a small-time local gang leader. He helps her fight the gang, and she reveals that she knew Kenji, but she hasn't seen him in years. But he always resented Arakawa for abandoning him like that. Ichiban realizes that abandoning people was a real pattern for his father and the two part amicably.
A year or so later, the Seiryu Clan is suffering from a power vacuum. It's still the largest remaining Yakuza family in Japan, but no one has been able to maintain control for very long. Suddenly, Kenji Arakawa returns, and he's the small-time gang leader! Also, he and Kyoko must have settled their differences because she's his girlfriend now.
He takes over the Seiryu Clan and engages in a brutal but insanely reckless purge of all of their enemies. Among the targets are Ichiban himself and all of his friends. Ichiban doesn't believe it and goes to Kyoko to find out what's going on. She tells Ichiban that "Kenji" is a total fraud (duh), with him having overheard their conversation and tracked down the real Kenji. That's how he faked the DNA test, and the only reason she's working with him is to get Kenji back.
I should note at this point that there are several fights with Kyoko. She's the first female enemy in the series, and she often has other women fighting with her, too. She's an extremely capable fighter and easily Ichiban's equal if not superior.
Kyoko proves herself a capable leader, but Kenji is erratic and unstable, a small timer playing in the big leagues. Some of they younger Yakuza start to respect Kyoko far more, but the older, more conservative Yakuza make all sorts of derogatory comments about Kyoko, which he almost seems to encourage.
Meanwhile, Ichiban tracks down where Kenji is supposedly being kept, but when he gets there, it's an ambush, and it looks like he's killed in an explosion. The Seiryu Clan celebrates this at a hostess bar, but the vibe seems off. Something isn't right. The younger Yakuza peel off one by one with flimsy excuses or not even a word. Once they're all gone, the hostesses pull out knives and slit the old Yakuza's throats or hold them down and stab them repeatedly, with the men too drunk to really fight back. Kyoko comes out and finds "Kenji" still alive, being held down. He rants about how they had a deal and she tells him that he shouldn't trust a yakuza. They'll always abandon you in the end.
Ichiban survived, of course. In the house–Kyoko's house–he found evidence that proved Kyoko was born as Kenji. She's a trans woman and his missing sibling. This should feel very different from the typical trans reveal because of how much it's been reinforced that society is unfair to women, and being a woman has only made Kyoko's life difficult. She should have absolutely no chemistry with Ichiban because she knew they were siblings from the start. This is an opportunity for the series to confront its less than stellar gender politics, especially the earlier handling of trans issues.
When she transitioned, Arakawa accepted her gender identity, for good and ill. But first he gave her a cruel choice: Woman or Yakuza. Either way, she would lose some vital aspect of herself. She chose woman, so he embraced her, called her his daughter, and then cut her out of his life. When Ichiban showed up, it brought back all of that old pain, and she decided she couldn't live without that part of herself anymore. She would reclaim what was rightfully hers.
When she has her shirtless fight (with a tasteful sports bra on), her tattoo is of Amanozako. A female demon born of Susanoo's repressed desires, whose name means "she who opposes everything in heaven."
There would be more to this story. Some stuff about Bleach Japan, probably. But it would once again be about the sins of the past and how the Yakuza need to change in the modern world.
(PS: because this is the piss on the poor site, I should note that I am transgender and this is coming from a place of wanting more representation)
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
The Effect (Part 3)
She woke the next morning feeling like a fly, struggling to fight its way out from underneath a sticky wave of encasing amber. 
The effects of taking the tonic two nights in a row made her slower than she usually was on most mornings. 
She slipped from her too cold bed, hands grasping for her sister only to come up clutching empty air. Her heart thundered in her chest for a few beats before she spied a second, smaller blond head peeking out from under the covers of their mother’s bed. 
Prim had obviously snuck in sometime in the night to sleep with their mother. 
Katniss breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the two of them sleeping blissfully. She dressed silently and hustled out of their small shack. Quickening her step to try and make up for lost time. 
As she passed by the empty house at the end of the road, the one that had stood empty as a warning to everyone in the district. 
The old Hawthorne home, that had once been full of three growing boys, their mother and one baby sister. 
Now it housed only ghosts. 
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The Capitol refused to reassign it to another family, and instead left it to rot. 
A permanent reminder that being caught lying about your designation, and plotting to run away from District 12, was punishable by death. Yours and that of all your immediate family members. 
Katniss still gets shivers every time she passes it, remembering the tall, angry boy who hadn’t been able to hide his aggression well enough after his father died in the same accident that killed many of the miners. 
She had seen him a few times in the woods, setting traps and skinning his kills. 
She had even proposed a partnership between them once, him teaching her snares and her teaching him how to use a bow, but it was around the time the boy was turning fourteen. He had presented early, his alpha instincts most likely triggered by the need to provide for his mother and siblings after his father died. He was a maelstrom of emotions, the least of which was his annoyance. 
He quite literally did not have any time to waste on a twelve year old ‘pain in the ass’ as he dubbed her, when he was trying to keep his entire family alive and fed, and keep his nature hidden. 
He disappeared for a few days in the spring, and so did the Mayor’s only daughter. It was the only thing people talked about, how them disappeared at the same time could only mean one thing. 
She didn’t even hear the hovercrafts before they flew right past her head. The only warning she had was the sudden silence from every bird and animal in the wood. She hid herself in a rocky crevice and watched in mute horror as a net and spear attached to a cable were launched from the ship with lightning fast precision. 
When they reeled them back up, a golden haired girl, that she recognized from school, albeit a few grades ahead of her, was writhing desperately in the net and screaming the boy’s name. 
The boy didn’t respond, he couldn’t. The spear device had pierced clean through his body and he dangled limply at the end of the cable clearly dead or dying. 
 Then the ship was gone as quickly as it had come. 
She was left shaken and reeling when it was all over. The boy had been like her father, an alpha. He had found his true mate and they had stolen away together to the woods to try and eek out an existence away from 12 and the Capitol’s control. 
They had failed. 
And she vowed to herself, even if one day she did present just like her father before her, and became an alpha, she would never give into the instinct to take a mate. 
It was too risky. Mates made alphas vulnerable, made them so stupid things. Because the need to protect, the need to provide your mate and your children with a happy and healthy home was a strong one. One her father had struggled under while he was alive, silently sighing into her mother’s hair at night, whispering his desire to take her away from the district, and their too small shack, and the mines that that made her fear for his life. 
Her mother had been the sensible one, quieting his words with a kiss and telling him she would be happy even if they lived under a rock, as long as they were together. 
But then she fell apart after his death, for many months and they had almost starved. 
Would have too, if it hadn’t been for...
She shook her head to clear it from the distracting thoughts. 
She had work to do, and food to provide for her family for when they got home tonight. 
She finished walking past the abandoned shack in a hurry, not looking back except to reassure herself of it growing smaller and further away in the distance. 
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sea-owl · 1 year
Spring’s Rebirth Chapter 2
Merry Christmas! Here's a gift with chapter 2 for my polin hades and persephone au.
Penelope was only on Mount Aubrey for five minutes and she already had a headache.  
By the time Penelope and Phillip had arrived Mount Aubrey was filled with lively guests from each court. Some Penelope knew, others she had only met in passing, and then there were some that Penelope has only seen during a solstice.
But despite the sheer number of guests Lady Portia somehow spotted her daughter the moment she stepped through the door.  “Where have you been? Your sisters and I arrived an hour ago.”
Phillip gave a polite bow. “Lady Portia.”
Penelope shrunk in on herself. “I’m sorry Mama there was an accident-”
Once the word accident left Penelope’s lips Lady Portia immediately began searching her daughter over for any injuries. “Were you hurt?”
“No Mama I am-”
“How is your head? Have you developed a headache yet?”
“Did you take your feverfew today?”
“Yes Mama.”
“And you still have a headache?”
Penelope nodded.
Lady Portia hums, looking as if she was going through every possible medical plant she knew. “Take some ginger then. That will help. Now are there any injuries from your accident?” Lady Portia began scanning over every surface she could see on her daughter. None of which housed any injuries.
Satisfied by what she saw and heard, Lady Portia began to shoo both Penelope and Phillip towards the thrones. “Very well then, make your greetings to our hosts, but do not leave right after. It would be terribly rude. Now go, go, go!”
Poor Phillip looked like he had whiplash. “I don’t know why but it always amazes me how fast Lady Portia’s mood can change.”
Penelope laughed. “Pray you never see her around my father then.”
Lady Portia only had two lovers in her existence, the first fathered Prudence and Philippa, the second fathered Penelope and Felicity, and Portia held grudges against both of them. Penelope never knew what either did to earn her mother’s wrath, but she did know neither of them ever saw their daughters outside of the solstice gatherings, so she found that she did not care.
“You ready Penny?” Phillip whispered to Penelope, gesturing towards the thrones.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Penelope said, and rubbing her temples.
In the back of the room are eight thrones shaped like an upside-down U. Upon those thrones sit one of the eight Bridgertons siblings, the ruling family of the gods. They were also. . . never mind, it’s not important.
They are the most picture perfect, prolific family one would ever see. They all looked ludicrously alike, even with their ability to change their forms. From their multiple shades of chestnut hair to the range of eye colors from grey to blue to green to hazel to brown. The strongest and most beautiful among the gods. Others would give anything to be among their inner circles, if it were possible.
The Bridgertons were as untouchable as they appeared to be. The friendliest among them being Lord Gregory, god of the sun, and Lady Hyacinth, goddess of the moon, but that was more suspected to be because they were so young when the war happened, and both has yet to choose which court they wish to follow.
Penelope does not blame them though. Before there were three courts, before the war, the eight siblings were all just a happy family, still guessing at what their future domains would be. That was until the impossible happened, their father King Edmund was killed by the giants, their mother, Queen Violet was taken, and the gods plunged into war.
The six oldest took to battle while their mother, Queen Violet, had hidden the younger two with her closest friends before she was captured. Lord Gregory with Lady Mary, and Lady Hyacinth with Lady Portia. It was during the war that the older six had gained their domains, and King Edmund’s court was divided among his sons, and his daughters advising their brothers.
High King Anthony, god of the sky and thunder, became the lord of the Court of Heaven. The second son, King Benedict, god of the seas and earthquakes, became the lord of the Court of the Earth. The third son, King Colin, god of the dead and shadows, became the lord of the Court of the Underworld.
Their sisters followed a similar pattern, Lady Daphne became the goddess of love and pleasure, choosing the Court of Heaven. Lady Eloise became the goddess of the hunt and knowledge, choosing the Court of the Earth. Then there was Lady Francesca who became the goddess of magic and crossroads choosing the Court of the Underworld.
Many speculate who Lord Gregory and Lady Hyacinth will eventually choose, but it is a popular opinion that they will choose to stay in the Court of Heaven. Personally, Penelope believes Queen Violet should have them at least make an attempt at the other courts before deciding.
But that does not matter, because now Phillip and Penelope have made it to the eight thrones. “Your majesties,” both said as they fell into a bow. Penelope held on to Phillip’s arms so as not to make a fool of herself and fall over. She had hoped this time her headache didn’t worsen the closer she got to the thrones, but per usual her hope was in vain.
The older six made no sign that they knew they were there except from High King Anthony’s head nod, and even that was brief before diving back into the whispers with his siblings.
Lord Gregory looked to be distracted, his eyes searching the room for something. Though Penelope was willing to bet rather than something it was someone.
“Penelope!” Lady Hyacinth excitedly exclaimed. Ignoring High King Anthony’s glare, the young goddess bounced out of her chair and ran over to Penelope. The poor girl must’ve been so bored if she was actually talking with the powerless goddess.
“Lady Hyacinth,” Penelope said.  
Lady Hyacinth pouted. “One day I’ll get you to drop the lady, just like Felicity does.”
Penelope tries to hide her wince. Her mother was not going to be happy to learn Felicity was doing that.
Thankfully Lady Hyacinth didn’t notice and continued on. “I have barely seen either of you since discovering my domain, and frankly I do not like it. Anthony and Daphne have been rather pains in the-”
“Hyacinth!” High King Anthony called, irritation leaking into his voice.
Lady Hyacinth pouted again, this time adding an eyeroll. “His highness awaits.” The young goddess takes one step before turning back around and throwing her arms around Penelope.
Penelope went stiff, keeping her arms as close to her sides as she could. Not good, not good, not good. This was not proper, the Bridgertons barley acknowledge the other immortals outside of being rulers, much less touch them.
Lady Hyacinth’s arms go slack before retightening to give Penelope one last squeeze and then pulled away, a smile on her face. Lady Hyacinth was good, maybe she’ll also get a domain in theater, but Penelope could see the disappointment in her eyes. “Make sure to give Felicity a hug for me.” With that said Lady Hyacinth skipped back to her throne, and Phillip pulled Penelope into the crowd.
“What do you need?” Phillip asked.
“Outside?” It sounded more like a question than an answer, but Phillip did as she wished and pulled her into the gardens.
They found a semi secluded spot underneath an apple tree and sat there while Penelope tried to calm her racing heart. Phillip began to create some ginger, which was way more than Penelope would need.
“Pip that is enough ginger for three people. Are you expecting me to faint?” Penelope joked as she began to nibble on some of the ginger.  
“Well,” Phillip said with a shrug, “I figure Kate and Sophie will find us eventually, and they will need it too. For some odd unknown reason, you three always get headaches when visiting Mount Aubrey.”
“Hey, I know the reason why I get headaches. He is a vexing rake of a god pretending to be a high king,” a lily nymph said as she plopped down on the ground. Her grace so good she even managed to somehow make that look graceful. Her skin was a rich brown, and her black curly hair was tied back into a bun with a few pieces falling out to frame her dark eyes.
A demigodess also sat down next to them. Her blonde hair loosely braided, and her green eyes rolling at the nymph. “Ignore her. Kate is in the bad mood because Lord Gregory had yet to arrive when we made our greetings.”
Kate lightly bumped the demigoddess. “Sophie, you’re supposed to be on my side!”
“Not when you antagonize the High King of the gods,” Sophie said, taking some of the offered ginger. "Thank you, Phillip."
Kate took her piece and thanked Phillip as well. The nymph turned towards Penelope. “Are you alright? You seem pale.”
Before Penelope could answer Phillip beat her to it. “Lady Hyacinth hugged her in front of everyone.”
Penelope glared. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
Phillip chuckled. “I do actually need to see somebody while we’re here. Will you be alright?”
Penelope tossed the last of her ginger at Phillip. “I’ll be fine you mother hen. I have two other mother hens right here, and if that doesn’t suffice, I’m sure my own mother will find me soon enough.”
Phillip chuckled again but left to find whoever he was looking for.
“So I see Lady Hyacinth has missed you,” Kate teased.
“And Lord Gregory misses you,” Penelope said. “He was looking for you when Phillip and I made our greetings.”
Kate went quiet, picking at her ginger. Looks like she was willing to drop it, good Penelope was too.
Sadly, Sophie wasn’t. “It makes sense they both would miss you two. You were the ones helping take care of them during the war.”
It was true, Lady Mary and Lady Portia may have hidden away the youngest Bridgertons but they still had their duties to attend to during the war. The actual care taking fell to Kate for Lord Gregory and Penelope for Lady Hyacinth. If Penelope were being honest with herself there were days she missed that time. Not that she would ever want to go back into war, but things were much more simple. She did not have worry about having no domain, and . . .no we will not open that door. It is in the past.
“So what did Kate say to the high king this time?” Penelope asked, desperately wanting to change the subject.
“Are you sure?”  Anthony asked, staring down into his third brother’s green eyes.
Colin wasn’t surprised by the pushback. If one of his siblings took him to his private study in the Underworld and informed him they wished to get married he would have questions too. First being when did they actually start talking to others enough to know they wanted to marry them. Colin’s queen to be was friends with the whole family before the war, so they can’t object him on that.  
“More than anything,” Colin said. “There is no other who can be Queen of the Underworld.”
“She has no domain,” Anthony warned.
“Because she is in the wrong environment,” Colin argued. “I’ve seen her, her potential, she will bloom in the Underworld.”
Anthony sighed. “Very well. I have already summoned for her father; he should be here soon.”
Colin smiled. “Thank you, Anthony.”
Not long after there was a knock on the door signaling the arrival of Lord Featherington, a minor wind god.
“My Kings.” Lord Featherington bowed. “How may I help you?”
Colin stepped forward. “Lord Featherington I come to you asking for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
“My daughter....” Lord Featherington trailed off. He blinked and his eyes wandered like he was trying to figure out what Colin was talking about.
Maybe Colin should have made that a little bit clearer, he does have two daughters after all. “Your older daughter with Lady Portia.”
Lord Featherington’s face scrunched up at the mention of his past lover, but the confusion did not lessen. “My older daughter? Do you mean Felicity?”
He-he couldn’t be serious right? How does this god not know his own daughters? Colin looked back at Anthony who looked as dumbfounded as Colin felt.
“No,” Colin said, voice tightening. “I mean Penelope. I want to marry Penelope!”
“Penelope?” Lord Featherington blinked, recognition finally lighting in his eyes. “Are you sure your highness? Penelope may be a goddess but she’s not any more powerful than her nymph sisters.”
Colin's eye twitched.
"I mean of course you can marry her if you want. Though truly are you sure you wouldn't prefer to marry my younger daughter . . . uh . . . Felicity?"
Colin was going to throw him off Mount Aubrey.
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bookdragonlibrary · 1 year
ND & queer in TOH
I don't know where I'm going with this essay but let's try!
Camila is a nerd like Manny and is probably neurodivergent too and was bullied for it. The summer camp and its slogan "Think inside the box" could be seen as the neurodivergent equivalence of a conversion therapy for queer kids. And Camilla was manipulated into sending her daughter there with the principal saying it's for her own good so she won't be bullied like her mother was, when in reality it was for making Luz less "annoying" for neurotypical teachers who didn't understand her or even tried to.
I think a lot of neurodivergent and queer kids love fantasy and science-fiction stories because they can be weird there since there are also no human characters because it difficult for them (us!) to fit in the current world for cishet/neurotypical people.
When Camilla asked Luz if it was because of her, it teared my heart! :( Of course it wasn't Camilla's fault, it was the society's which didn't try to understand Luz or accept her as she is, making her want to escape. It wasn't her mother she wanted to escape, but her world.
It's the theme of Luz' and her siblings' journey (King, Vee, Hunter): all of them don't know who they are and don't feel they fit in their place and try to find one with people that will accept them as they are, a place that will let them explore who they are and give them time to find themselves. We have this for Vee and Hunter in the first episode of S3 with both of them finding an appereance they are comfortable with (haircut for Hunter, the whole appearance for Vee). As Luz felt the need to escape to Boiling Isles to find a safe place to grow, Vee found this place in the human realm when we saw her better adjusted than Luz who lived here her whole life. Luz and Vee parallel each other: they both fled a world to one where they were more at ease.
For King, it was also finding his identity, but more what he is than who he is. He also has the journey of an orphan and an adopted kid: who were my parents and why did they leave me? A journey that made him learn he's a titan, the last one after his siblings were killed by titan hunters and that the corpse the Boiling Isles are built on is his father's.
Maybe, meta speaking, that's why King's character didn't need a trip to the human realm because he already found who he is and has a support system with Eda. Nor that Luz didn't have one with Camilla, but again, it was more a society problem than a familial one.
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ima-ghost-art · 11 months
Some ocs biggest low points👀
(The ocs) 1, Pennyfathing - 2, Lyre - 3, Merlinite (not in canonical order sorry lol)
Pennyfathing stalked his way down the streat. Macavity had yet to give him any new orders for the day, so while in wait he chose to wonder the shadows until he was called for, just like he had for the last year he had been apart of the hidden paw.
He growled, fat lot of luck joining that rat bastard had gotten him. The Hidden Paw wasnt worth half the crap he payed for when he joined. He lost too much and gained too little for this and now Penny was paying the price.
Slowly but surly, the area he was walking started to look familiar, the Junkyard, Jellicles territory. Pennyfathing hadnt been around here since attempting to kitnap old Deuteronomy with the rest of the gang. What a utter disappointment that had been.
Still he couldn't help but be drawn to the noise coming from a clearing near the Junkyards centre. He peaked over some rubbish, to see what was happening, who ever said curiosity killed the cat?
Quickly he found the source of the sound, a bunch of giggling happy kittens as well as a few seniors chearing as a beautiful young tom danced, throwing magic sparkles over heads as he spun an insane amount or turns.
Mistoffelees... or well, Quaxo as he used to call him.
Pennyfathing hadn't seen Quaxo in years... not since he ran away from the Hidden Paw. He had once believed the magical cat felt the same as he did when they were kittens, it was Quaxo who had first suggested even the idea of being mates! Penny thought bringing Quaxo to the hidden paw with him would have just made their connection stronger!!
But then Quaxo called him a traitor, lashing out and tried to leave so Macavity caged him, separated from the rest of the tribe. Then the tom ran away with that fucking Mungojerrie dubble agent? Penny was so hurt it mad him angry.
And seeing him now? Embracing his first name as he danced and laughed with the Jellicles?? Pennyfathing watched and Mistoffelees picked up a small white and grey kitten that had strikingly similar hetrocromatic eyes, and nuzzled their head.
Rage filled his core like a flame igniting. So long he had yearned for Quaxo, to possibly even start a family with him. Everything they could have been if he didn't run away, and now here he was? Living a life as if he was completely forgotten??
Pennyfathing's eyes narrowed as he stalked forward into the clearing, he will not let himself he forgotten so easily.
Lyre had watched, face blank as her daughter Alibi picked up her little brother and stormed out of the den. Macavity sitting beside her, face sour as he yelled curses to their children as they left but made no move to stop them.
They had just learned the reason their grandmother Grizabella disappeared was that she was the previous years Jellicle choice, and that their other grandmothers sisters mate Gus was this years. Griddlebone truly loved to gossip, and Lyre found it infuriating.
So, as they way things went, the kits had learned of there... other family on their fathers side. Of course when Ali begged to meet them that was out of the question, even if Lyre herself didnt hold half the grudge her mate did, it was a laughable thing to want to leave the Hidden Paw.
Why would anyone want to leave the lap of luxury after all? Macavity gave them all the freedom of living without humans, but with all the glamour and amenities any self loving cat would need! The Jellicles had done nothing for them, and were no where as well off, meeting some siblings and an uncle or two surely couldnt be that important that you would give up a life of riches and jewels for!
But that had been months ago now, and Alibi and Admetus hadnt returned once and Lyre was on edge.
Her mother Griddlebone had called it empty nest syndrome, that she had grown too accustom to them always in the den. She will grow out of it mother says, that or she will just pop another out if it's really that much of an issue. Lyre wasn't sure if that was true, but she chose not to question it.
She found analysing her feelings on the matter only made her feel an intense amount of guilt and irritation on the matter.
When ever she tried to talk to Macavity about it, he would just go on a rant about how they were just as no good as his Demeter and that they didnt know what they were missing.
Those rants always left her feeling pissed, but she never said anything. Allowing the feeling of guilt to grow and nibble away at her.
Time goes on after all.
It didnt feel as if it bad been that long till she gots the news, but it had been just over two years since she had last saw here children when she finally got word.
Alibi had been that years choice, and had ascended to the heaviside layer not even a few days ago.
Lyre felt cold.
That brat of a queen who had taken over as Jellicle leader, Macavitys second daughter no less, had been the one who had picked her baby.
It had been so long since she had felt any kind of maternal instinct, she had pushed what little she ever had of those away the moment she was sure her only kits were never coming back. But now they raged through her angry and screaming as the guilt she had succeeded at ignoring hit her again at full force.
She would never see here little girl again because she was too proud to understand that some things ment more than Glamour and Ritz.
Lyre sighed, this was her bed and she would lay in it proudly, even if the guilt ate and ate at her relentlessly. She knew full well her actions were bad and unfair but those had been her choices and she excepted her consequences with her head held high.
And hell, if she was going to die a coward and shallow, at least she will do it from her soft pink velvet bed, dripping in diamonds without needing to care. She didnt want to care anymore.
Merlinite would never forget the heartbroken look in Deuteronomy's eyes when he told him he wouldnt be able to help his son. Macavitys magic was just becoming to violent to control, and he had to put his priorities first.
Bellona was expecting their first kitten and Merlinite couldn't risk her being in the young magical cats firing line. Macavity had lashed out on him so many times before, that the possibility of his family also being attacked was inevitably not if but when!
Deuteronomy had understood, thanking him for his service to not only the tribe but his own family, but Merlin refused to believe he deserved the gratitude. He failed at helping the young tom, and now they were facing the threat of a possible magical cat running rampant in the streets of london!!
Never once had he felt so defeated.
Merlinite used to be so much more confident, the prized show cat in a travelling circus that would preform death defying stunts every day! And after the Circus closed, Deut had been so kind to offer him a place in his tribe, it was the lease he could have done to help teach his friends son in return.
But now everything was backfiring, and he and his mate were going into hiding because he couldnt even do his job.
All Merlinite could do was too try and enjoy his life with his small growing family, and wait as the feeling of dread crept up the back of his neck like and impending storm.
Something was coming and didnt know it would end.
Thankyou sm for that ask this was so fun!!! ^^
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
Scream 6 re-watch thoughts (SPOILER alert!)
-there are so many details & references in this movie! I feel like I’ll catch more every time I re-watch
-quinn’s fake death is hilarious on re-watch. I love the kirsch siblings they’re so fucking funny. she didn’t have to fake be on the phone worried about the killings while ethan loomed behind her ominously for danny to see. iconic. theatre kid vibes. I bet richie sometimes let them be in his movies & they loved it & got all cutely excited
-on that note we were robbed of more quinn & ethan interactions 😭 I’m not sure what I would do to change this because obviously the mystery has to be kept alive but I love them & I wish I could see more of them being siblings
-the script is actually SO smart. every bit of dialogue between the heroes & villains before Ghostface is revealed is so well done with the consistent theme of “you fuck with my family, you die” except you don’t KNOW til the end how important some of those dialogue moments were. Idk just brilliant
-the parallels with this being a story about siblings killing for their sibling & the way the lines between Sam & Ghostface are blurring! ooh it’s so well done
-I love the carpenter sisters & the meeks martin twins i don’t care how corny the whole “core four” “we’re a family” thing is. inject it into my blood I love found family I love siblings who have a fun or complicated dynamic & would do anything for each other. the core four’s dynamic is my life actually
-I’ve seen a few people who didn’t like the final battle but this was possibly the best final battle of the entire franchise to me so far & I’m extremely confused by this bizarre take. like. I’ve seen it said a few times now but I don’t get it. Ethan & Wayne’s deaths were iconic. the whole “you have to let me go” thing. the reveals. the way I fucking CALLED it the first time I watched oh I KNEW it as soon as Quinn mentioned a dead brother! the synchronized knife swipe!!!
-have I mentioned the synchronized knife swipe???
-Ethan’s death was so sexy sorry to his fan girls but I could watch Tara twist that knife into his skull all day
-Sam & Billy are the father daughter duo of all time I love you badly cgi’d skeet ulrich & I’m being totally sincere
-Chad almost dying should be a thing in every movie. I want him to have Vam Palmer Yellowjackets same ability to defy death it’s so funny to me
-“more main cast members should’ve died!!” I get this. I do. it’s a tough one. but. Ummm consider this. it’s secretly a feel good found family movie??? and also I don’t want my characters who I love to die 🥺 thanks for considering! the movie was perfect argument over forever
-my biggest critique is that my girl quinn had such a fucking lame death they could’ve had Sam & Tara team up on her, they could’ve done anything! sorry to Wayne & Ethan girlies but she was the most fun & charismatic Ghostface of the movie & her death was wasted. that’s literally my only issue with the entire movie.
-and I guess they could’ve done more with nyc & also I’m sad there was no beheadings except a mannequin but like… oh well. those things I can move past pretty easily. the did do a lot with nyc. the alley scene, the subway scene, the convenience store scene, & the ladder scene between apartments were all amazing. gale’s battle with Ghostface was a bit lame but I’m not sure what I would change since I don’t like. want Gale to die lol (maybe a little tiny bit I did but it’s complicated)
-Kirby’s role was perfect I love her & Hayden’s facial expressions are almost as good as David arquette’s
-anywho Sam wearing her daddy’s mask & using her daddy’s weapon & being a boss ass bitch was great. the gray tank top is my actual favorite character ❤️❤️❤️
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pandainpyke · 1 year
What if Aemond died that night in Driftmark, and no apologize nor punishment to anyone?
Alicent lost her son, and no consequences to his murderer. This was unjustifiable and unacceptable for her.
No more sick games with the throne or the King, She would give up rather than see any of her children died (again). She retreated to her homeland, and bring her son and daughter with. Of course, their dragons accompanied them to Oldtown, not only the living's dragons, but also the dragon of died rider, the great ancient Vhagar. When they departed from the capital, her enormous shadow was like the guardian from above of Queen's family.
(no, Viserys did not agree to divorce with the queen.)
Aegon lost his brother that night and he wake up from the illusion.
From the moment he understood, his mother and grandsire didn't exaggerate at all. They're always in danger. His position as the first prince of seven kingdoms meant nothing. For now he known, in his father eyes, he and his siblings were not valued more than any costly decorations in court, valuable yes, but also can be expendable at need.
Even though Aegon determined, but he can't be a dutiful or reliable son, like his late brother. Though he was successful in his own unorthodox way.
His new home after King's landing wasn't Oldtown or Hightower, Aegon found his new footing in Arbor island and its winery yard. Who to know and love wine better that the former drunken champion of King's landing?
Started from the scratch, he invested and invented many of popular wines ever. Not only the Westorosi but many of Essos demanded his products. The golden dragon of Arbor, they called him.
His position now is quite unique and ridiculous, provided pleasure of drinking. Now he had more trump cards, not only the prince or Sunfyre's rider, but he has a knowledge, money and connection. Redwyne offered a betrothal. Martell was his business partner and Greyjoy were his friend.
This unexpected development brought great headache to Alicent, but she eventually accepted and supported. He had a prosperous business now, he came far away from who is was, she should be proud and praise him.
Let them reign and those fool will destroy themselves sooner than you will believe. This was what Otto Hightower said to his daughter.
At first he can't deny that Alicent's decision is highly disappointed, but he came to understanding later.
There is no place for him or her after that. Not after they trashed his dear grandson to dead. Even he treated Aemond harshly and strictly, but he had soft spot for following second son. He had seen how hard this boy try himself, always dutiful and hardworking to prove his own worth.
That all was for nothing, poor lad.
But his war is not over
We light the way.
Yes, we light the way.
The way of how people think and believe.
Those egotistic family always looked down on small folk. They thought they are god, and the rest is ants.
Let them see
Let them feel
Let them learn
That we are all but merely human.
This was how people will call King and his current family. He would make sure of it.
And if they don't care about how he killed his own blood, he will create the new set of moral.
Some little justice needed to be done.
When she flighted with Sunfyre and Dreamfyre that day, they thought that Vhagar behave in very strange. But to realize that she had unprecedented behavior, that when she accompanied when Alicent visiting High garden or Lannisport, or how she love to join her sons' fly.
It's not random.
Some alleged that she claimed Vhagar, but she known she was not a Targaryen. It's not possible.
But she-dragon just protected her and her family for some reason, they could have guessed but not speak out loud.
Vhagar is her family. Only living token from her Aemond. So they will protect her too.
There was a time that Prince Daemon furiously tried to claim the dragon's life after she killed his daughter.
Well, it's just another unfortunate event.
Princess Rheana finally decided to move and try to claim her mother's dragon, but it didn't end well. Vhagar burnt her to crisp. She was not destined to ride this one.
After that tragedy, Alicent was assured, everything Vhagar had done was not haphazard.
Maybe something dwelled inside that dragon's huge skull and soul.
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beebrainedstudios · 1 year
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(Spoiler warning for both Deadlock and Bloodline!) Alright, here’s a little something I finished a while back- a (somewhat sketchy) comparison set of headshots of all members of the Malpense line, from the original #1 all the way to the newest problem child. I’ve got some notes for the family’s designs individually and as a whole below. Enjoy!
All - Hair shape is distinctive and specific to each. - "Diamond-shaped" eyes. - Pale as heck + eyebags. - White lashes. - Two hair tufts at base of skull, extremely low hairline on neck (nearly reaches shoulders). - Highly expressive eyes with wide range of iris + pupil sizes. #1 (Pre-Overlord) - Fang ™️ - Pointy face, high cheekbones, emphasized cupid's bow, and no bangs. Hair has some squared-off tufts. - Seen here in his "villain mode," but can look softer or more mischievous. - All black clothes and signature black turtleneck. - Originally a government agent (perhaps MI6?) but converted to villainy when he got too bored with the system. He's not as technologically gifted as his offspring, but is the most cunning Malpense by a long shot with a knack for strategy. - Not the palest, but not the tannest Malpense either; the space-base thing happened well before Overlord, and he doesn't get out very much. - A fair amount of scars, including a nasty one from his MI6 days where he got stabbed in the neck. - He's either very fun to be around or the biggest /sshole you've ever met, there is no in between. Like Otto in Book 1 crossed with James Bond. Otto - Surprisingly the most tanned Malpense; he's spent enough time in the sun to even have a few freckles. - Crooked smile. - Shown here around DL-era, so he has a scar on his brow and one on the base of his neck from Zero Hour. - The softest, fluffiest, and generally healthiest Malpense, assuming nobody's actively trying to kill him. - Rounder face (excluding Rogue-arc; he lost some weight then and generally looked much sicker.) - Everyone’s favorite living Macguffin, complete with trauma and a found family. Also he’s the hardest to draw for some reason.
Zero - Structurally identical to Otto, including hair shape; however, his hair is a lot more frayed/jagged and his jawline + cheekbones are sharper from an inconsistent diet. - Somebody get this boy some sun; Zero has never been outside and is ergo the palest Malpense (which is saying something). No noticeable scars beyond one on his right hand from getting bit by a lab rat during early power tests. Also no freckles. - Tends to grimace when smiling and push his lower jaw forward; extremely expressive to a near-painful point. - Pale gums, and greyed-out hair. - The only Malpense without blue eyes. Is also prone subconjunctival hemorrhaging when using his powers, which turns his sclerae red. - Canonically operating with half a personality. - Essentially a chronically-under-stimulated child who uses other people’s memories to both daydream and/or learn how to function. Since some of those memories come from Anastasia, he’s perfectly content to include killing in that. (I plan to comment more on this later at some point.) Anna - Looks the most like her father out of her siblings. Has the same gremlin Fang ™️ and cupid's bow. - Eyes are usually extremely dilated and combine #1's darker irises with Zero's red pupil highlight. - Hair originally goes down past her ankles and drags on the ground; she has a minion cut it before she enters HIVE for the first time. - Looks roughly 2-4 yrs younger than her brothers, as she didn't reach full maturity before emerging. She's also the shortest sibling for this reason. - Less pale than #1, still paler than Otto. - Eyes sometimes hidden behind her hair. - Looks and acts like a child, speaks and kills like an adult. Extremely petulant and entitled, but also quite patient. She's very much her father's daughter in those regards. So that’s the family tree! Feel free to share any thoughts, comments, or headcanons of your own, I’d love to hear them! Also, Happy Holidays!
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senatushq · 9 months
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Dardania sat at the foot of Mount Ida, the famed place where Ulthar had once laid in wait to slay his own father. It was here that he was concealed by the Meliai, nymphs of ash trees that called the mountain home. They had dwelled within the secret places since the fall of the dawn court and the rise of the Great Old Ones. All of this was well before Ganymede’s time, but Dardania was rich with this history and pious devotees of Zeus, the father of the Gods who’d gone by Ulthar to so many before. Son of Tros, Ganymede was an infant when his brother founded the city of Troy and named it after their father. Where one was a great warrior, Ganymede was a great and unrivalled beauty. Delicate in the way that porcelain could shatter, resistant to little but resolved to spending his days amidst the ash nymphs of legend. Ida and her sisters were close friends, their brothers had fought beside Ulthar himself but while they tried to train the young prince, Ganymede’s interests were always elsewhere. A boy with his head in the clouds, a son that would inherit Dardania someday but even that felt like a trifle when compared to what his brother was accomplishing. One morning while he was relaxing across the summit, an eagle descended upon him. Its feathers were more beautiful than any he’d ever seen and the bird’s eyes were possessed with a great wisdom. Naturally, Ganymede started talking to it, through the early hours and into the afternoon he prattled on and on to the creature about the boredom he felt. The tired life of a prince with a destiny to sit upon a throne that his family had held for generations. Zeus appeared where the eagle had stood, a visage so brilliant that Ganymede struggled to look upon him, with his father’s permission the prince was taken to the divine realm. Carried away to leave mortal concerns behind, fed grace and ambrosia and the comforts of a Godly King’s bed. New father of the seraphim and the eventual interim King, Ganymede came to take his role seriously. This family was torn apart, ruined by centuries of war and conflict, sent to the mortal realm time and time again to wreak havoc or to hunt down their own siblings. At last Ganymede couldn’t stand to watch anymore, so after thousands of years of observing humanity he descended towards the mortal realm to set things right.
Artemis: Daughter. Ganymede’s favourite child, he loves Artemis with his whole heart.
Apollo: Son. Ganymede’s favourite child, he loves Apollo with his whole heart.
Tisiphone: Daughter. Ganymede’s favourite child, she’s kind of scary but he loves her with his whole heart and can’t wait to meet her.
Pythia: Child. Ganymede’s favourite child, he has been torn to pieces about the fact that they left, despite this they are still his favourite child and he can’t wait to meet them.
Creation: Can create or combine matter to form things that his imagination can conjure.
Virtue Manipulation: Those in his presence are more virtuous, he has an ambient ability to manipulate the seven heavenly virtues: kindness, charity, patience, chastity, humility, gratitude, and diligence.
Divine: Drawn towards people in need, Ganymede can’t help but try and make the world a better place.
Immortal: Given grace and fed Ulthar’s ambrosia, Ganymede will never age or get sick and he cannot be killed by mortal means.
Human: However durable, Ganymede’s body still requires that he eat, sleep, and carry out typical bodily functions.
Deception: Incapable of telling when he is being lied to.
Inexperience: Ganymede has never done anything but daydream, make love, and smother the people around him. He has no concept of war and lacks both intelligence and creativity.
Seraph: An angelic blade through the heart will destroy him.
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crimsonxveil · 1 year
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✖ — Have you seen the new resident that has been pulled into Ocyn? Apparently, they came from the realm of 「WALKING DEAD, SEASON 11」. They look a lot like 「EMILY KINNEY」 but it’s not them it’s ���BETH GREENE」. We got to know a bit about them and they are 「TWENTY SIX, FEMALE, SHE-HER」 , we heard that they are 「BISEXUAL」 and they work hard at 「KINDERGARTEN TEACHER AT OCYN PUBLIC SCHOOL, WAITRESS AT WILLOW DINER」. People don't realize that they are 「HUMAN」 and when we close our eyes and think of them we imagine 「BRAIDED BLONDE HAIR, YELLOW SUN DRESSES AND SCARRED COMPLEXION」.
full name: beth anne greene
nickname: bethy
fandom: the walking dead, season eleven
portrayel: very canon divergent
gender: female
pronouns: she-her
birthday: march 20th
age: 26
sexual orientation: bisexual
relationship status: widowed
species: human
Weight: 128 pounds
Height: 5 ft 5 in
Body Build: slim
Chest: 35 inches
Hips: 35 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: blue
Skin Color: white
Distinctive Features: Beth has bright blue eyes and she is also pretty petite and short. Scars & tattoos: Beth has a scar on her wrist from when she tried to end her life and she has a few others like the scars that she acquired when being held captive at the hospital where she almost lost her life and now those scars forever lay on her soft face. Beth got a little music note inside of a heart tattoo when she found Hope Sanctuary, one of the residents there knew how to tattoo and gave it to her.
title: the southern belle
zodiac sign: pisces
+kind, +passionate, +independent, +strong, +carefree
-stubborn, -quiet, -broken, -naive, -impatient
Parents: Hershel Greene ( father ), Annette Greene ( mother )
Siblings: Maggie Greene ( half sister ), Shawn Greene ( half brother )
Blood family: Arnold Greene ( cousin ), Patricia ( aunt ), Ottis ( uncle )
Children: Annette Maggie Greene ( adopted daughter ), Xavier Hershel Greene ( birth son )
Boyfriends: Jimmy ( deceased ), Zach ( deceased ), Magnus Xavier Lucas ( father of her son Xavier & deceased )
Close friends: Daryl Dixon ( crush ), Glenn Rhee ( brother in law ), Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Judith Grimes, Carol
Beth was pulled into Ocyn with her two children because at the time she was pulled away she was feeding her son and in close proximity to her daughter. She wasn't sure if that matter or not but she was glad that she had her children with her because she didn't know what she would do if they got left behind. After coming to the realization that Ocyn was her new home she settled in, got a job that she thought she could do and honestly she was almost happy to have gotten pulled away. Their were no walkers here, no cruel people trying to hurt her or her children. This world was better, a better place to raise her family.
Beth Greene is dead ….. or that’s what everyone believed. Dawn had shot Beth, a bullet through the head and that caused Daryl to kill Dawn because of their time together Beth had grown very close to Daryl maybe even closer than friends and Daryl seeing Beth be killed had broken him. He carried her dead body out and he was visibly broken as was her sister Maggie. The group had to keep moving and they buried Beth thinking she was dead, after all, she had been shot in the head but they couldn’t be more wrong. The bullet had missed almost all her important brain tissue but it had grazed her limbic system, the part of her brain where she had her memories causing her to forget everything. Beth woke up in a grave and she had a panic attack and tried to claw her way out of it, thankful for her, a man had been walking by when he saw this petite hand breaking through the dirt. His name was Morgan. Morgan could have just kept walking, though it was just a walker trying to escape something told him to dig and that’s where he found a very terrified, very confused Beth. She asked what happened before everything went blank and when she awoke she was in a bed in a cabin with a man she didn’t know. He told her that he had found a name tag necklace on her that had told him that her name was Beth but that’s all he knew. Beth didn’t remember anything but she had the overwhelming need to have to find someone but she didn’t know who that was. Beth put a lot of trust in Morgan seeing him as almost a father figure and a friend. He taught her about the new world, told her about everything that had happened and she began to survive with him. It wasn’t until one day when she was hunting that she heard something, footsteps, at first, she thought it was walkers but it wasn’t they were people and she was afraid. She started to run and find Morgan. Instead of finding Morgan she walked into a herd of walkers and she had to fight her way out of it, she managed to get free unharmed and found herself on an empty street without knowing where Morgan was or where she was. She tried for days to find Morgan but when she couldn’t, she decided to survive on her own. After a few months of surviving on her own, she came across this hidden town that was surrounded by a gate that was overgrown with grass and trees and flowers, inside of this hidden town was a big mansion that looked like it might have housed students, it had a few separate homes, a small hospital, and grocery store but that wasn’t all she found, she also found a survivor, a woman that had been hiding there for some time and her and this woman decided to clean the place up. They kept the gate hidden under the grass and trees and flowers, it was good camouflage and then they started finding survivors and building up their Sanctuary that Beth named Hope. One of the survivors Beth found while on a run was a little girl and Beth didn’t think twice, she adopted the little girl and named her Annette Maggie Greene. Beth became the leader of Hope Sanctuary, she made sure everyone was taken care of and safe, she even taught her people how to farm and things that she had learned. Even if her memories weren’t coming back, she was making new memories and one memory was of the man she met and fell in love with. His name was Magnus and the two hit it off, so much so that Beth fell pregnant a few months after meeting Magnus but six months into her pregnancy her boyfriend was murdered while on a run and she had to raise her daughter and stay strong for her son. Her little boy was born a few months later. Beth just continued to recruit people to the Sanctuary to make them stronger and just because she knew there were good people out there and she raised both her children. Her little girl is now two and her little boy that she came to name Xavier Hershel Greene is now seven months old. Beth also has found herself having dreams of people she thinks she’s never met but what she doesn’t know is that those dreams are actually memories.
Beth came across this hidden town that was surrounded by a gate that was overgrown with grass and trees and flowers, inside of this hidden town was a big mansion that looked like it might have housed student’s, it had a few separate homes, a small hospital, and grocery store but that wasn’t all she found, she also found a survivor, a woman that had been hiding there for some time and her and this woman decided to clean the place up. They kept the gate hidden under the grass and trees and flowers, it was good camouflage and then they started finding survivors and building up their Sanctuary that Beth named Hope. One of the survivors Beth found while on a run was a little girl and Beth didn’t think twice, she adopted the little girl and named her Annette Maggie Greene. She made sure everyone was taken care off and safe, she even taught her people how to farm and things that she had learned. Even if her memories weren’t coming back, she was making new memories and one memory was of the man she met and fell in love with. His name was Magnus and the two hit it off, so much so that Beth fell pregnant a few months after meeting Magnus but six months’s into her pregnancy her boyfriend was murdered while on a run and she had to raise her daughter and stay strong for her son. Her little boy was born a few months later. To make them stronger and just because she knew there were good people out there and she raised both her children. Her little girl is now two and her little boy that she came to name Xavier Hershel Greene is now seven months old. Beth also has found herself having dreams of people she thinks she’s never met but what she doesn’t know is that those dreams are actually memories.
ANNETTE MAGGIE GREENE was only a year old when Beth found her, her birth mother had locked her daughter in the closet because she knew she was going to turn. Beth couldn’t just leave the little girl behind and Beth ended up adopting the little girl and naming her Annette Maggie after her mom and her sister. Annette turned two years old, five months after Beth found and created Hope Sanctuary.
XAVIER HERSHEL LUCAS was Beth’s first birth child. Beth met a nice man named MAGNUS XAVIER LUCAS at Hope Sanctuary and they hit it off and Beth never thought she’d have a child of her own in this world but a few months after they were together. Beth fell pregnant, six month’s into her pregnancy, she lost her boyfriend when he was attacked out on a run but she had to stay strong for Annette and for the baby growing inside her. Her little boy is now seven months old.
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
105 - Alina Mikaelson - Keener
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Part 106
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
My boots kept screeching across the wooden floor while I kept pacing back and forth in a nervous manner. Even though I knew this day would come sooner rather than later. It still scares me that it is here already. One of my kids is getting married at only the age of sixteen years old. I didn’t even notice when someone entered the room until they shut the door and I whipped my head around seeing it was my twin. “Rae, can you stop pacing like a mad woman? Everyone who is a vampire can hear how nervous you are up here.”
“Well I’m sorry but are you giving one of your babies away today. No, I didn't think so!” I snapped back at him sniffing through some tears that had started falling.
He held his hands up in surrender, walking over to me taking a hold of my hands in his own. “Easy sis. I know you’re just worried. But from what I see Jackson is a good kid and he should treat her well.”
“I know he is. And if he ever does hurt her I doubt Nik will let him get anywhere outside of New Orleans.” I chuckled dryly knowing my husband would kill anyone who hurt our kids in any way shape or form.
Jacob chuckled after me squeezing my hands. “Yeah I know Klaus. But let’s focus on the fact that Alina is getting married. That’s a good day.”
"Yeah I'm trying to be positive, it's just…she has to turn tonight for the first time after what happened to Missy during your capture. I want to help her but I'm not a wolf. The only people who can understand are her father and Jackson but I want to be there for her." I slumped my shoulders, dropping my gaze to my shoes.
My twin grinned back. "I think the best thing you can do for her, Rae. Is helping her realize this is a happy day not a bad one. That’s all we can do now."
"I'm glad you're okay, J. I was a wreck when you guys were gone." I hugged him without warning since I hadn't got the chance to since we saved them Greta and Roman.
He wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me back smiling. "I have missed you Rae Rae. But thank you for rescuing us."
Someone knocked on the door where we turned our heads in the direction seeing Kol and Rebekah peaking their heads inside grinning. "Hey Gemini twins!" They said in unison, chuckling.
"I'll let you get ready, sis." Jacob squeezing my shoulder vamped out of the room leaving me with the pair.
Flinging my arms around each of the original siblings I laughed breaking the hugs seeing a bracelet on each of their wrists. "So these bracelets should hold back the Hollow magic for a little while but only until the ceremony is over. Once the full moon comes you two have to be gone. One original in Orleans is okay but we've seen what happens when just two are together."
"We know, Rae Rae. But we're not gonna skip the day one of our nieces is getting married." Kol smirked, sending me a wink. "Please Davina and I are pretty good on the dance floor."
Rebekah took me by my arm and led me to my daughter’s room seeing that she was looking through her closet of dresses. I entered the room first leaving Rebekah to remain leaning against the door hiding something from her view. “Auntie Bex, I can’t believe you got her here!” Alina ran forward tackling her aunt in a tight hug.
“I got uncle Kol here too. Just for a little while. Although your auntie Bex has something for you. Since you need something new I asked her to go into the family collection case and she found this.” Stepping out of the way Rebekah revealed a long white wedding dress that had short sleeves that were see through. It had a slit and was covered in lace below the waistband.
The blonde original grinned brightly, handing her niece the dress. “It's white, which won't fool anyone. But you can't get married with anything you have in your closet. I am sad to say, little one.”
Rebekah smiles at her and watches as Alina stands in front of her full-length mirror and holds the dress against her body to see how it looks. “It's beautiful. Thank you so much auntie Bex.”
Rebekah embraced her in another hug once she laid it down on the edge of the bed. “Well, I happen to be the only woman alive who's commissioned wedding dresses in five different centuries. Never made it down the aisle, of course.”
“It’s perfect, Auntie Bex.” Alina laughed through the first sight of happy tears I have seen in the last two days during planning a wedding.
Moving something out from behind my back I sent my daughter a wink. “I am taking care of something borrowed and blue. While I left your father in charge of something old.” Revealing Jaocb’s necklace out from behind my back.
She ran forward, turning around so I could put it around her neck. “Oh mom….wow. I can’t believe you’ll let me wear it. Even just for tonight. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now let’s get you ready before the wolves downstairs start to pick fights.” I chuckled hugging her seeing Freya come in to help with her heels and getting the dress on. Rebekah was to do her hair. She let Alina’s hair be loose for the most part and then put some of it into a crown on top of her head.
Extending my arm out to my daughter I smiled when she looped her arm through mine. My daughter smiled while I led her out the door until we paused seeing her dad standing at the top of the stairwell that would go down into the main entrance. “Dad, mom said you have my something old.”
“I do, princess Alina.” He did a childish bow reaching into his suit jacket drawing out a princess crown sitting it on her gently. I smiled brightly at him scanning over seeing him wearing a black suit jacket, a light gray dress shirt and a black tie.
I was wearing a short light orange dress that fell down to my ankles. Leaving my hair loose and I had my brown cowgirl boots on. “Oh dad. Don’t make me cry. I’ll cry if you do.” Alina chuckled seeing him sniffing through some tears.
“I can’t help it, little werewitch. You will always be a Mikaelson and be my daughter. Shall we?” He offered her his arm standing on her right side while I remained on her left.
“Uh mom. I don’t think Mary will like you both walking me.” Alina warned me though she didn’t pull her arm out of mine.
I tilted my head raising a brow towards my husband who just grinned at me not wanting to let her go yet either. “I nearly died giving birth to you and your sisters so that bayou mother will have to accept both your parents walking you down the aisle.”
“Looks like you’re stuck with both of us, sweetheart.” Nik smiled, kissing her forehead before we started walking into the main room. The music began playing where Alina kept her eyes focused on where she was walking until we reached the end then she stared at only Jackson.
The young wolf boy wasn’t in a flannel which pleased both Klaus and I like he normally would be. He was wearing some blue jeans though and a brown belt. He had it paired with a black dress shirt and a white tie. “If you ever hurt her I will hunt down everyone you love.” I threatened the werewolf by putting my daughter's left hand in his.
“And I will deposit your head on the end of a spike….we love you, Lina.” Klaus flashed his hybrid eyes at him giving her another kiss on the forehead before we stepped to the side. Jacob, Henrik and Hayley were standing outside on the side with Jackson. While it was us, Hope. Missy and Andrea on the other side.
All eyes focused on the young couple and the elder werewolf we knew as Mary Keener who was performing the ceremony. “We gather together as a community seeking peace, inspired by this couple standing before you. There was a time when werewolves saw themselves not as cursed, but blessed with connection to our most pure selves. And tonight, we honor that blessing with the long-awaited unification of these two bloodlines. The Mikaelson’s and the Keener’s.”
Mary performs a hand-fasting by binding Alina and Jackson's wrists together with a ribbon decorated with flowers. “In doing so, we choose to embrace Alina’s witch nature. With this union, Alina will share her unique gifts with her husband. And now, your vows.”
Jackson takes a deep breath squeezing Alina’s hands , meaning he must have been as nervous as she was. “I pledge to honor you and defend you and yours above all others. To be your comfort, your sanctuary, and for as long as we both shall live. To be your family.”
“To share in blessings and burdens. To be your advocate, your champion. To be your family….always and forever.” Alina added her own twist on the end of the vows they had to resight together.
Mary glanced in mine and Nik’s direction but there wasn’t anything more she could say. They were getting married like she wanted so she finished the ceremony. “You two have endured all the traditional werewolf rituals and trials. There is only one remaining. Jackson, you may kiss your bride.”
“Always and forever, Alina.” Jackson mumbles through a smile sliding a golden ring with a red jewel in the center onto her left ring finger.
She slides a black band on his left hand leaning in forward slowly. “Always and forever, Jack.” He closes the rest of the gap and they share their first ever kiss together. Now that the good part was over we had to prepare for the hardest part of the evening.
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