#this hurts so much to have recently lost my uncle and bow to be loosing my childhood pet.
beanswithbones · 6 months
To my little old lady,
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Pookie, you got me through so much in highschool and I'm sorry after I moved I didn't come home to visit you more often. I will cherish these last 4 days with you. I will sit by you as I play videogames on my crappy little Chromebook.
I wish I could spend more time with you. I wish you weren't slipping from me so quickly. You've gotten so skinny, your strong loud meow has mellowed, your purr is weak and we have to carry you to your food and litter. Yet you cuddle so lovingly, you butt your head against our hands the best you can muster. You may be weak but you're happy. And I hope you'll be happy still when I hold you in my arms for the last time.
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fiction-in-my-blood · 3 years
Switching Sides: Part 7 (HLITF)
if anyone possibly wants to get on a tag list I’d be happy to make one 👉 @theshove 👈 If you wanna catch up, Part 6 is right here! Happy reading :) Premise: Growing up in a life of crime in a Japanese mafia, Atsuko Motomori has seen enough injustice to last her a lifetime. To try and give back to the universe her family has taken so much from, she dreams of being a detective from a young age. Her twin, sharing her disgust for her father and many uncles, just wants an ordinary life away from the crime, paing and suffering. Instead, she wants to be in the spotlight with the soft notes she makes with her cello. In their escape of 2015, on their coming of age birthday, they must split ways, never to be together ever again. If one was found, they didn’t want the other dragged down with them. Atsuko, having changed her name and appearance as best she can without a scalpel, sets off to start her life of car chases and arrests. Four years in a seemingly dead-end police station in the middle of nowhere, being passed over time after time for promotion, Atsuko finally gets a shot at her dream, having been sent to an academy for the best candidates in the country by her boss who had always kept an eye out for her. After discovering her boss may have made her bite off more than she could chew, Atsuko must become the slave of a dominating instructor!? Who so just happens to be the captain of the most famous police unit in Japan? Not to mention a total knockout! Will Atsuko finally achieve her dream? Or will her new instructor put her through the wringer? Warnings: Language, Reference to sexual activity, Forceful nature, Description of bloody scenes
When I woke up next, there was a face right in front of mine. I yelled out in surprise to see Kaga peering down at me. 
"Hush with the shouting." He frowned as he straightened and I jumped up. I looked around to find I fell asleep in his living room. "Why are you out here?" He asked and I remember the nightmare I had last night. 
"I-I couldn't get to sleep in there," I muttered, shy that I didn't have a very good excuse. Instead of questioning me further, he threw a towel in my face, telling me to go shower.
As I walked into Kaga's bedroom, I noticed something glinting in the sunlight. I kneeled down and reached under his bed to pick up whatever it was. It was a picture frame, cracked before I had anything to do with it. There were men dressed in suits, one I recognised as Kaga. I started to worry that, in my frantic awakening last night, I knocked it off. Pretending like I hadn't seen anything, I place it on the sideboard, hoping he won't realise as I ran into the bathroom. 
When I got to school, at a different time to Kaga as he left while I was in the shower, I was listening to Naruko gossip about my night at his apartment. As usual, she was less worried about me messing up than she is with the risque situations she can think up. 
"You two alone... seeking out each other's skin to heal your tired bodies." She goes off into her own little world as she pictured it. "Then your shadows overlap..." I quickly tried to silence her as her retelling of the night got too vulgar for me. A memory of him recently out of the bath flashed through my mind and my cheeks burn brightly. ‘Not to mention how much nicer he was...’
After school, I was walking to the Instructor's Staff Room for a briefing on Takeda's mission. My leg still hurt and I had to rebandage it in the infirmary during my break because it started bleeding again. ‘I’m lucky it wasn't that deep, but it needs to heal quickly or I'll fall behind.’ I began to worry about my training as I walked along. Taking a quick sigh, I knocked on the door. 
Many people were already there, so I walked fast enough so that no one can see my limp and bowed my head to Instructor Kaga. "I'm truly sorry for inconveniencing you yesterday." He didn't even look in my direction as he looked at the papers in front of him. "I understand that I failed miserably and I'm very sorry." Thinking he wasn't listening, I tried apologising again.
"This mission is back to square one thanks to you." He spat. "I have no need for useless morons." He scowled but still couldn't look at me. 
"Yes sir. I will be more careful next time." I straightened my back, trying not to seem scared as he rightly reprimanded me. 
"You can leave already. Disappear." His final words made my heart stop, but I quickly regained my composure. 
"I have no use for useless morons. Get lost. Now." He announced again and I tried to find the words to respond. He seemed angry. Usually, he would just be annoyed and get me to do more meaningless filing. But, right now, there's hatred in his words. 
"Didn't you hear me? I'm done with you. Get out." He didn't even raise his voice to brush me off, but he may as well have. Everyone around us acted like nothing was happening, just like at the station. I clenched my fists to calm myself down. What had changed since last night? 
"Yes sir," I muttered, turning to leave when the door opened. There, Ishigami came to stand in front of Kaga.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Ishigami directed his question to Kaga, but I was the one who tensed up. 
"It's no big deal. Just getting rid of this moron." 
At my instructor's words, Goto stared at me. I try to seem unaffected by them, but I felt so tired from the little sleep I got last night, I couldn't meet his gaze. The triggering words don't help, my fists clenching harder, but I couldn't feel the pain I'm sure I'm inflicting on myself. I couldn't feel anything. No pain. No warmth or sensation. It wasn't only the mental scars I left that house with. 
"Kaga, explain." Ishigami looked at Kaga with a stern expression. 
"As you know, the investigation was a failure thanks to her mistake yesterday. There's no value in using her, so I'm disposing of her. That's all." The triggering words he was saying set alarm bells to go off in my mind. I was left frozen in this room of professional detectives. 
"Same as ever, aren't you? You can't simply-." Soma tried to butt in with a smile, maybe even to help me out, but he was cut off. 
"This is my decision," Kaga argued. Even though it was my first job, there seemed to be no excuses in the Captain's eyes. Why was I surprised?
For a moment, I felt numb. My heart was hammering hard in my chest, my temper through the roof, and stress pumping through my veins, mixed with the maddening adrenaline. Squeezing my eyes shut in an effort to calm myself down, I took a deep breath, not really caring how strange or pathetic I might have looked trying to console myself. When I opened my eyes again, luckily, no one was looking at me.
"Excuse me," I muttered before he could insult me further and left the room without a reply. 
I escaped to the rooftop, seething with anger and trying to breathe through it. ‘Why am I so stupid?’ I scream at myself, kicking a trash can with my injured leg. 
‘Okay, that hurt more than I thought.’ I held my foot, hopping over to a bench by the railing. 
"What is wrong with me?" I asked myself, letting my head fall into my hands. ‘I'll never be able to help Juna at this rate.’ I let out a heavy sigh, falling back in the seat to look up at the orange-hued sky. 
Soon, the door to the roof opened again and I heard someone call my name. It was a girl's voice and, getting ahead of myself, I thought it was my sister coming to comfort me. Unfortunately, it was just Naruko and some of our male friends. Naruko saw me physically deflate as she approached. She sat down next to me, placing a hand on mine. 
"Did you really get cut from doing undercover work?" She gasped and I almost laugh. 
"Yeah, but that's not what's bothering me." I forced a sad smile as our male friends stood around us.
Naruko smiled to encourage me to continue. "I think my sister's in trouble." I sighed, bringing my knees up to my chin. She seemed shocked and told me she thought Juna was dead. The guys were more shocked, they had no idea about any of my relatives. 
"What would give you that idea?" I raised my voice in shock. She explained how sad I seemed when she brought up the pictures and anything about my family. 
"Well, I can assure you she's still alive." I laughed, maybe trying to make myself aware of that fact. I sighed just thinking about it and fell back on the back of the bench. 
"We didn't grow up in a great family. My dad was a pretty bad influence and my mom left us when we were kids. It was hard to leave home, but when we did, we kinda lost contact." I tried to be as vague as possible, but I wanted to get some of this stuff off my chest. I had been bottling it up for years. "I guess I've just had her on my mind lately." I looked at my printless fingertips and wiped my thumb over them again as if reminding myself of the damage my father could do.
"Well, Instructor Kaga has been pushing you really hard." Naruko smiled and I nodded. She probably thought the stress of school was rehashing old memories. "You made it here! So don't get down on yourself when an instructor forces you to do more than you could do." She tried to cheer me up. Even though she made sense, it was nice to think Kaga trusted me enough to do more than I thought I could do. Besides, if I wanted to stay here, I needed to be able to do this stuff.
"Besides, it's probably best he cuts you loose now." Our friend spoke up and I threw him an inquisitive expression. 
"How's that?"
"There's a rumour about him. That he killed his part-." Before another classmate could continue, I brushed it off. 
"I don't believe it." My adamant statement seemed to shock my group of friends. "I accept he's mean and scary, but leave a man to die..?" My brows furrowed as I contemplated everything the instructor had done for me. 
"Isn't there a saying for that? There's no smoke without fire?" The men started to shrug off the rumour as something they would never really know as true or not and they all left me on the roof to cool off. 
Left with my own thoughts, I started to realise what being fired as Kaga's aide meant. I would have no access to the case. No way to make sure my father was involved. No way to tell Juna if she would be safe or not. And I sure as hell couldn’t keep tabs on who the team was dealing with. 
I groan out upon the realisation that I had messed things up so much more than I originally thought I had. 
"You depressed over Hyogo tossing you out?" A voice I wasn't expecting to hear called from the direction of the fire escape and my gaze darted over. 
"Shinonome?" My face screwed up in confusion as he walked over. 
"Or are you depressed over being yelled at?" Ayumu finished his question as he came to a halt in front of me. 
"I've been yelled at far worse than that before." I laughed self-deprecatingly, thinking back to when my father was ever in a 'good' mood; whenever he didn't feel like he needed to punch the closest thing to him
"Wow, you're tough." The young detective smiled and I stared up at him. 
"Besides, it's not like he's yelling for no reason..." I sighed, pouting at my own shortcomings. 
"Then why are you making that face?" He looked down at me suspiciously and I felt like glaring back. Whenever he asked me questions I felt like I was being interrogated. I didn't trust him or his stupid smile, and I especially didn't trust his words of consolation- if that's what these words were meant to be.
"What're you doing here anyway? Coming to accuse me of being a missing person again?" I frowned, dropping my chin into my knees. I just wanted to mope around now, not have him question me. Ayumu just sat beside me. Maybe he was here to hear me out. Maybe he was here to tell me I was out. But I couldn't tell when the only expression he had was somewhat positive. 
"I came here to save people, and all I've done is mess up over and over again." I sigh, staring at the floor in front of me. "It's like I don't know anything, no matter how long I've been here. Every time I try to fix something, I end up doing something worse." Thinking back to when I tried to stop Takeda from being suspicious of us by pulling Kaga close, I also remember how I eventually broke the investigation. 
"Well, if you're comparing your detective skills to Hyogo's, you would be close to nothing." Ayumu laughed and I secretly glared at him. 
‘How was that meant to make me feel better?’ 
"It's because that guy has put everything he has into becoming a detective." The statement made me think back to everything I had been holding back. All my past experiences with the law and seeing it fail miserably, just like I felt like I was doing, had been locked away so no one can figure out who I was or where I came from. I didn't want anyone to get close or to draw any unneeded attention to myself, it had only ever gotten me in trouble. But, when you're in a competition to get to the top, or pass the bare minimum bar, you really need to show everything you've got. 
"By the way, they may seem like complete opposites, but Ishigami is the same way." Ayumu leant over to pull me out of my thoughts. 
"Don't tell them that." I laugh at the idea of both of them having a similar trait. 
"We're here because those two recognised something in us." The instructor closest to my age added and it filled me with a little hope. Until I remembered my application here was totally falsified. 
"But..." Ayumu got my attention again before I could spiral. "I've seen very few people last this long with Hyogo. Let alone a woman or a student." I started to think that maybe my childhood experiences could have attributed to my ability to withstand the man's abuse with a smile most of the time. 
"I can follow him like a puppy all I want. That doesn't mean I'm at all helpful," I complained, thinking back to my late night filing sessions and carrying Kaga's papers from classroom to classroom. 
"Really? I'm sure Hyogo would've cut you off much sooner if that's all you do. Just think about the guy in the alleyway." Ayumu seemed a little surprised with my depressed attitude. 
"What?" I recalled defending Kaga from that blade-wielding maniac as we tailed Takeda. It was an instinct, mainly meant for when I was protecting Juna from any of the men in our house. 
‘Kaga wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place if not for me though...’
"Since he hadn't then... surely some part of him approves of you?" The word echoed in my brain and my heart fluttered at the idea. "Well, it could just be his fickle temper too..." Ayumu immediately shut me down. "The only time I thought you were helpful was when you made me tea." The innocent smile he portrayed was completely different compared to his demeaning words. 
"And I was just starting to think we could get along." I sighed, standing up once I realised my private time wasn't mine anymore. Although, I did feel a grin growing on my face as I thought about the possibility of Kaga approving of me. If only a little. 
"I'm going to put everything I have into this exam." A grin finally appeared on my face. 
"Where did this come from?" Ayumu, on the other hand, was evidently confused. I had only ever done one exam in my life, and that was the officer's exam in the police academy. I did pretty well in it, so I was confident I could prove to Kaga I wasn't completely useless. 
"That's all I can do, for now, to prove I'm worthy." I looked triumphantly into the distance. 
"Do your best. But Hyogo will be giving the exam." The information slightly deflated my resolve. 
"That means I'll just have to try harder than my all." I nodded to him before turning and leaving the rooftop.
It was the weekend after my abysmal show of a mission and I was on my way out of the school to meet Juna at the cafe I suggested to update her on my situation. It was hot. Unbearably so. So I'm wearing shorts, which I hadn't worn since enrolling in the basic training academy. And, to hide my face from anyone looking for someone with my features, I had a baseball cap and sunglasses.
"Atsuko, where are you going?" I heard Naruko call out to me in the cafeteria. Usually, on our days off, I'm doing work for Kaga. Maybe there was one blessing to come with being let go. 
"I'm just leaving campus for a bit. Need to clear my head." I kneeled down to grab the coffee can I bought from the vending machine. Naruko was in her casuals as well as everyone else in the room at this point in the morning. 
"Oh? I thought you were going on a date." She cheered and I just laughed her off, used to her vivid imagination by now. 
"I'll see you before curfew!" I waved behind me as I ran out of the cafeteria.
Just as I was about to pass the school gates, I heard my name again. I turned to see Instructor Soma wearing his usual suit. 
"Are you teaching today, Instructor?" I asked as he walked up to me. I was in a rush, but I disn't want to seem rude or suspicious in front of the only friendly special instructor. 
"Something like that. Are you on your way out?" He asked with his kind smile. 
"Is that a bad thing?" I laughed awkwardly, not wanting to seem like I was slacking off after Kaga dropped me. 
"Not at all, we all need some r'n'r" Soma grinned at my reaction to his question. 
"Then you should too, sir! I'll see you around." Finding that I'd have to leave now to catch my train in time, I ran out the school gates.
At the cafe I used to work at, I took a seat at one of the tables outside. It hadn't changed much, except for some of the staff that ran around taking orders. The last I heard, my father didn't control this area of the city. Control in the sense of demanding protection money or laundering money through its businesses.
After I asked for a coffee and what I remembered my sister's favourite drink to be, I saw a woman walking up the street with long, flowing green hair. She sat at the table behind me.
"Were you followed?" I asked low enough so only she could hear, hiding the movements of my lips with the edge of my phone I knocked against them casually. 
"No, I went on three different lines to lose them. And left my phone in his house." She replied in a whisper as well, looking down at the paper menu left out on the tables, lifting her shades only slightly with one hand. "What about you?" Her question surprised me, seeing as she was the one being held hostage. 
"Who's going to follow me?" My face screwed up in confusion before I realised I had to be covert, sitting up and looking around just in case her own concerns were valid. I shuffled in the metal seat, my own sunglasses sticking to the place on the bridge of my nose with the glisten of sweat that collected there due to the weather and my nerves. Luckily, I didn't see any familiar faces or vehicles. 
"You literally go to a school for cops." She laughed in response and I heard the screech of her chair being pushed back as she stood up again. I jumped up as well, turning to my sister dressed in large sunglasses to hide her face from recognition. 
"I'm so glad you're safe." I breathed a sigh of relief as we enveloped each other in a tight hug. I sniffed to hold back my tears, of relief or fear I didn't know, and the fresh scent of the shampoo my father had us use filled my nose. The sense of fear that I drew from that made me hold her just a bit tighter, my arms wrapped around her neck.
"I had to get to you, didn't I?" She pulled back with a bright smile, noticing my tenseness, and we sat back down on my table. I took off my sunglasses but left on the cap and she left her glasses on. 
"Not like you to wear shorts, though." Juna looked down at my bare legs once we got our drinks. When we lived with my father, I hated showing any skin in front of our creepy uncles, or anyone for that matter. My sister grew a little concerned at the bandage around my shin.
"I came to the realisation that heatstroke is more important than keeping my modesty." I laughed nervously in response and she giggled, pushing her questions to the side for now because I seemed positive. As we made easy conversation, I felt my nerves bubble up again.
"Juna... I... I got kicked off the case." I told her, anxiety written all over my face. Her hand freezes from stirring her iced tea and my palms became clammy around my freezing coffee. "I messed up when we were following Takeda and we got attacked. He got away and my instructor got really mad." I explained slowly, trying to speak in a low voice so no one would overhear who or what we're talking about. 
"Actually, I have something to say as well." She responded in a low, frail tone and I gulped to push away my guilt. I put her in danger by asking her here, just to tell her that I was losing my chances to save her. 
"There's a meeting happening at a hotel in a week. Dad's going to be there, along with a lot of the uncles... Katsumi, I'm scared they're going to do something really bad." Her glasses were off now and I could see the true fear in her eyes. 
"And... I overheard someone talking about a detective that broke into one of the offices. They mentioned a woman that they found familiar..." She didn't have to explain why they found me familiar. I already knew who she was talking about. I sighed, frustrated I had been so reckless. "They know you're in the city, but I don't think they know your name or where you live..." She explained and my heart stopped. I was lucky Kaga doesn't refer to me by name and I didn't have my badge on show. 
"I think we need to leave while we can. The next meeting is going to be big. If you can manage to be there, I'll be waiting for you. But I'm leaving the first chance I get." Her words echoed in my skull. 
‘I'll have to leave my life behind? The one I worked so hard to get? I'll have to leave my job, Naruko..? I'll have to leave Kaga...’ The words vibrated in my skull like a resounding alarm as I thught about what being discovered meant. 
"I have money and a ride. Somewhere to stay. It won't be difficult once I get away. Katsumi, I want you to come with me. My life has been so empty without you. So much more than I expected..." Juna reached forward to grab my hand. I was biting the tip of my thumb, trying to plan with the information she gave me. 
"We'll be safer together..." Juna added on, leading off when she realised I was stunned to silence, clutching my hand to bring me back to earth but knowing I couldn't feel her support that way. Her fingers worked up my wrist and I finched when she touched the skin on the inside of my wrist, a place I could feel, and my gaze fell on her. She looked just as scared, just as earnest as she was the day I talked her into running away. I never thought I'd be the one that would hesitate. 
"What about our plan, Juna? I'm so close. If I can just get the pictures to one of my instructors, he'll be locked up. Maybe even executed. They're already doing an investigation." I explained. I really wanted to stay. I was enjoying the life I had made for myself. Even with how hard it was right now. Even if the people I had grown close to c ould never know the real me, the reason I became a cop, I felt like they knew the me I had become. Hopefully they trusted me enough to not ask why I had those pictures.
"What happens when they ask you where you got them? When they find out who you really are? Who we are? The moment dad realises where you are... He'll kill both of us." She argued back, trying to bring me to my senses. 
"You're not safe there, Katsu. Just look what happened to you when you got involved with his case." Juna gestured to my bandaged leg and I cursed how right she was. If they were already suspicious, it wouldn't take them long to realise what I was working on. The threat of being discovered would push them to be more reckless. More unpredictable. Who knew what they'd be willing to do. 
"I've been out for too long. Look at this. It might help you decide." Picking up the black backpack she had carried here with her, Juna sighed. 
"What is it?" I asked, pulling on the zip. I peered in to see a few files of paper, a piece of cloth and a flash drive. 
"I found your old camera hidden in our room," Juna explained as I pulled the paper out to find photos of gruesome acts and forced them back in desperately but carefully enough not to crease them. 
"Juna..." I led off, knowing how dangerous it could be to get these images. 
"I saved some accounting documents to the flash drive. It proves they're embezzling from uncle's company and they’re paying off cops and hitmen. I think I saw Takeda's name in there as well." She continued and I looked at her in shock. 
"You're a better detective than I am." I laughed defeatedly, ashamed she had to do this when it was my job to protect her. I should never have left her or made us try and forget each other.
"It's kind of exciting. I can see why you do this." She returned a tired smile. She was probably kept awake at night, worrying that someone would discover what she was doing. I know I was.
"What's this?" I pulled out a silken rag decorated with red splatters. 
"It was under dad's bed. I'm not entirely sure, but it might be from mom..." She led off, knowing what this meant. 
‘So he really did kill her.’ I clenched the bloodied scarf in my hand, having a vague memory of our mother possibly wearing it. 
"I have to get going. Will I see you at the hotel?" She stood up without the bag. I looked up and smiled sadly, giving her a heavy nod. 
As she turned to leave, I noticed a black SUV approaching the shop with the back window pulled down. Seconds later, a hand pulls a gun through the window. 
"Gun!" I screamed, running to Juna and pushing her to the floor with the full force of my launched body. As bullets sprayed into the glass storefront, I held my body over my sister's to protect her. 
When the blaring bangs halted, I hesitantly raised my head to look around. Car alarms were going off and I could hear a woman crying loudly as I searched for the car. 
"It's gone," I muttered, standing up to get a better view of the street. 
As I looked at the destruction in front of me, my sister hobbled to her feet. "A-Are you okay?" She looked at me with trembling legs, arms reaching out to hold mine, maybe in an effort to stable herself or make sure I'm actually alive. I saw some customers rising from the hiding spots and heard a man calling for help.
"You need to go. Before the police get here." I rushed to my sister's side, guiding her in the direction she was already going. 
"But Katsu-." 
"They'll question you if they see you here. Go home, tell dad it was a rival or something. Just go." I spoke in a low voice as I pushed her along. "I have things here," Were my last words to my sister as she started running down the street.
When I turned back around, I saw some bodies laying on the floor and glass was sprayed everywhere. 
"Ma'am, can you call emergency service?" I kneeled in front of a woman who was likely in shock but seemed otherwise unaffected. She gave me a rushed nod as I got up to look at the injured.
There was a man lying in the doorway with the cafe's uniform on. A woman in a similar uniform was holding him up, tears spilling out of her eyes as blood poured out of his abdomen. I hurriedly grabbed a fabric tablecloth from where I had been sitting and rushed over to them, not caring for the glass mugs that shattered on the ground. 
"Sir, are you awake?" I asked, remembering to apply pressure to the gunshot wound from my training in the police academy and what I could gather as a child. 
"H-He passed out. Or he's dead. I... I can't tell." The woman stuttered out as his head laid in her lap, voice hoarsening as she spoke. 
"Miss, can you press on here. I need to see if anyone else is injured." I didn't try to make my voice softer as I grabbed her arm, pulling her to my side. I had felt him breathing through his mouth. There's nothing more I could do for him personally. I had no first aid kits and no professional medical training apart from this.
"Bu-But what if he dies?" The shock she was in prevented her from wanting to touch him except for cradling his skull in her lap. 
"He won't if you apply pressure. An ambulance will be here soon, but he won't live if you don't do this." I forced the tablecloth into her hand and then on the man's side where he was hit.
Once I ensured she was aware enough to continue, I moved onto the next person. There was an older man, resting, or having fallen that way, with his back against the half-wall of the cafe. He was clutching his shoulder, red seeping through the partings of his fingers.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" I slid to his side, asking to see his wound so I could assess the damage. 
"A... A little woozy." He stammered out, trying to act strong but I could tell he was scared. 
"That'll be the shock. The bullet went straight through, so it should be an easy fix when you get to the hospital." I explained as I took the tie from around his neck, obviously asking first. 
"Well, I've lived this long. I guess I've gotta keep going." The man was in the makings of a suit, but I assumed he had left his blazer at his office. Tying the tie over his wound, I took a few of the paper napkins from the host's counter just outside the front door and stuffed them under the tie. I knew he'd be too weak to put appropriate pressure himself. 
"Too right. Stick tight, help will be here soon." I put a comforting hand on his other shoulder and gave him a calm smile before heading inside.
Climbing through the now empty window frame, as I wasn't sure if I should move the man from the doorway and sure as hell didn't want to try and step over him, probably scratching up my legs on the shards that settled there, I looked around for anyone crying. Calling out, I heard a little kid yelling from the back of the small room. My eyes widened at the familiar cry of an innocent child and charged to where I heard them. In the corner, behind the service counter, a little boy was sitting next to a woman with blood already puddling at her sides.
"H-Hey, kiddo, how are you doing?" Knowing how traumatic it could be to witness something so horrific, I kneeled by the opposite side of the woman the boy is sitting. The spots of red on her blouse, holes ripped through it, was obvious she had been hit twice, maybe three times, I couldn't count right now. Not when it was possible this kid may watch a human being die right before his eyes.
"M-Mom got hurt." I could see he was trying to hold back tears as he held his mom's hand. I looked down at her body and saw a splatter of red pumping out of her thigh far more intensely than the others on her torso. The mother's expression was pained and she looked a little out of it, probably delirious with agony and blood loss. 
"Toto. Are you alright?" She mumbled over and over as I found something to plug the hole in her leg.
"Is that your name? Toto?" I tried to distract the kid from his mother's slurred words, trying my best to plug the two other holes in her body. Hopefully, god please, I could help her enough until paramedics arrived. The kid nodded curtly, scared if he talked he would cry. 
"I'm Atsuko. Can you be brave for me?" I asked, pressing on the wound that likely came from a major artery. He looked up at me. "I asked a woman outside to call the hospital, but she seemed a little shaken up. Can you call them for me?" I tried not to let my gaze leave his, wanting to draw his attention away from the wettening body below us. Taking the phone from my back pocket, I hand over what must look like a relic to him.
The boy called the emergency services and put it on speaker so I could talk. "This is Officer Atsuko Motomori. There's been a shooting at Cafe Zero down Empire Street. Please send paramedics for at least three victims." As I announced my badge number so they knew I wasn’t lying, I spoke fast and clear, noticing the mother's consciousness fade. 
‘You can't do this. Not to him. You can't die in front of him.’ I moved from her leg to her torso, feeling for a pulse on her neck. ‘It's weak, but there.’ I started pushing on her chest to keep her heart beating and blood pumping to her brain. Luckily, there was a waiter watching over us that had a belt so I could secure a makeshift tunicate to her thigh so she doesn't bleed out as fast.
"Ambulances and police are on their way." The operator responded bluntly. 
"Can you take him somewhere else?" I peered up at the waiter standing in the opening of the counter. 
"No! I don't wanna leave my mom!" Toto cried out but I shot him a concerned and slightly annoyed look, probably scarely similar to Kaga's. 
"Your mom doesn't want you to see her like this, okay, Toto? I'm going to make her better so that you guys can go to the hospital together, but it's going to be scary." As I'm telling him, sweat is growing on my brow far thicker than the ottest day on earth could make as I pressed all my body weight on the woman's chest to a rhythmic beat. 
"I-I'm brave enough." The boy stuttered and it was clear he was terrified. 
"You're not a wimp to go, Toto. You're not cowardly to hide, you're brave to leave your mom's life in someone else's hands. Trust me, you don't want to see this." I lowered my voice so only he could hear, hoping to seem more personal. He looked from me to his mom's sleeping face and I could see the tear dams break behind his eyes. He got up and took the hand of the waiter, walking to a table on the other side of the counter.
"You can't die on him, you hear me? Do you know what that will do to him?" I panted as I whispered, enraged my father would open fire on a building of civilians. It was likely that the people following Juna hadn't lost her and decided to do this as a warning. Hopefully, for both of our sakes, my sister could convince him that this was some sort of action performed by a rivalling gang trying to intimidate him or a gang members betrayal.
When I next checked the mother's pulse, it was slightly better than before. 
"The paramedics are here!" A voice called out and I looked up in relief. Toto came running around the corner, probably having escaped the waiter, and looked down at his mom, covered in blood but slowly awakening. He cried out her title and ran to her side and I couldn't help but smile. I stood up, calling the paramedics as they made their way through the door, having extracted the male waiter.
"She lost consciousness for a bit, but I performed compressions and she's coming around again," I explained as they came running around the counter. I grabbed Toto and pulled him off her so the trained professionals could get a look at her before sending her to an ambulance. 
"I-Is she going to be okay?" He asked as I picked him up, carrying him around the counter so that we wouldn't intrude. I didn't want to give him false hope if I was too late to save her, but I didn't want to break his heart unnecessarily.
"She should do good. It was all because of your bravery that she woke up again." I laughed, tapping underneath his chin to get him to raise his head. I only noticed now that my hands were covered in blood. I looked down and so were my legs, having kneeled in the mom's blood that had come out before I got to her. 
"Thank you!" He cried out, wrapping his arms around my neck as he sat on the counter.
Then, the paramedics announce that they were ready to go. I told Toto to go with them and he ran after her gurney.
Finally having a moment to myself, I dropped to the floor in exhaustion. I had been running on so much adrenaline that my head now felt light as I sunk to my knees. Soon, the waiter who had helped me with Toto ran to my side, helping me up so I could sit in a glass-free chair.
After he got me a glass of water and the other paramedics on the scene looked over me for any serious injuries, I heard police sirens driving closer. Several uniforms came out of the cars that pulled up outside and started questioning us all about the incident. I explained how I had seen the car approaching and, after I heard the gunshots ending, went to help the people who were injured. I left out the part where my sister had been here, not wanting to get her involved, and hoped no one else noticed her through the mania.
"Well done, Officer Motomori. You were good to act so quickly. Although, you do look a little pale. Do you want a ride to the hospital?" The officer questioning me slapped his booklet shut and I jumped a little at the sudden noise. 
"I-I should be fine." I stuttered, even though I noticed my hands shaking. I had already refused an ambulance ride, I definitely didn't want to go in a squad car.
"...Okay. We'll give you a ride back to your home. You can't go wandering the streets like that." The older man chuckled and I looked down at my reddened body. The bandage I had around my leg had unravelled and my own wound had started bleeding again, probably because of any glass that I most likely kneeled in. I had a lot of little cuts as well.
"Can I make a call first?" I look back up with a tired expression and he nodded, handing me his phone. I had washed my hands by now, so I wasn't too worried about getting blood all over his possession.
Shakily, I typed in the number for the Instructor's Staff Room. "Captain Ishigami." The stone-cold voice spoke up over the phone and I was somewhat disheartened, somehow expecting to hear my mentor's. It wasn’t like he would answer a phone anyway. I shook my head. 
"U-Um, sir, it's Motomori. I'm sorry f-for disturbing you. But... There was this... This..." Not knowing how to explain the situation, I took in the scene around me. There was glass swept all over the floor and tables and chairs are overturned. I could see bullet holes in some of the furniture and the actual bullets were either in the wall or on the floor next to it. A cold shiver ran through me to finally understand how close to death I really was and the sweat on my body only made the breeze blowing through the hollowed window frames icy.
"Motomori, what is it?" Ishigami sounded annoyed that I was lost for words. Then, the officer who had been watching me took the phone back. He introduced himself before explaining the situation, but I wasn’t  really listening. 
‘I was actually able to save someone.’ Joy filled my heart. My father had done something despicable to so many innocent people, and I was actually able to help. I didn't just have to sit there and take pictures for when I could use them in an investigation, I was able to stop a murder from taking place in the first place. However, that delight was short lived.
"Alright, Officer Motomori, you're captain will be by soon to pick you up." Hanging up from the conversation with my instructor, the officer looked at me with a smile. 
"Did that really just happen?" I looked up at him with shame and fear wrapped in my expression. Even though I was able to help, it was still my fault they all got hurt in the first place. If I hadn't come here or told Juna to meet me, there would never have been a shooting. Toto would never have had to see his mom almost die. 
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" The officer put a hand on my arm as my gaze wandered again. At the end of the counter, I could see the puddle of blood left by Toto's mom slowly crawling out, almost taunting me with the knowledge of my naivety. 
‘How could I think we could meet safely?’  
I nodded with a small, encouraging smile.
By the time Ishigami arrived, I was still sitting with the cop, just trying to compute what happened. He looked at the destroyed cafe, and then at my bloodied body. Soma was with him, but no Kaga. I found myself looking around them in hopes he would be here. 
"Captain Ishigami. You have a very capable, young cadet here!" The officer sitting with me jumped up, trying to lighten my spirits by praising me. "She was able to act quickly and three people are on their way to the hospital instead of our morgue." However morbid, the statement was true. It was lucky I had the training I needed to save them.
"Atsuko." Soma kneeled down in front of me to catch my gaze as it drifted to my legs. The blood had dried by now, staining my legs and my clothes. I looked at Instructor Soma as he smiled kindly. 
"Instructor. I...I'm sorry." I apologised, but I'm sure they didn't know why. He laughed at this and I realised what I said. I bit my lip to stop myself from talking further. It was an instinct from a child. The last time I had seen this much blood in one room.
"I'm not Kaga. I'm not going to yell at you. Come on, you need to rest. Remember that r'n'r we talked about?" He s stood up and I followed his rising stature with my eyes. 
"O-Okay." Embarrassed by the apology I made, I got up. As I was walking out the door, I remembered the bag Juna had left for me and rushed to pick it up, making sure the zip was closed so that no one could see the contents.
"Is it really okay? Won't your car get messy?" I asked as Ishigami tells me to sit in the back seat. My legs were covered in blood, thankfully not all mine. I only had little cuts and scrapes. And when I say covered, it looked like I was wearing red shin pads. My clothes were likely ruined and I felt like I might smell a little, having exerted so much energy trying to keep Toto's mom alive. 
"It's fine, just get in." He got in the driver's side and I was forced to jump in before I got left behind.
When we got back to the academy, everyone that was sitting out in the rays of the setting sun were staring at me. I probably looked crazed. Maybe they thought I had flipped out after Kaga dropped me from the case, because it looked like I had killed someone. Suddenly, Naruko ran up to me as I walked behind the instructors. 
"Atsuko! Oh my god, what happened to you?" She held my arms as she shrieked. 
"There was a shooting at the cafe I went to. Don't worry, I'm not hurt." I laughed, trying to help her not worry. To be honest, I probably wasn’t as affected by that scene as I should have been. I had watched people die before, many times before, so I was somewhat used to it. 
"You're covered in blood!" She yelped again and I could tell Ishigami was getting annoyed. I reassured her that it wasn’t mine and she just sighed. "How are you so calm?" She sounds exasperated as she held my arm, encouraging me to keep walking to the dorms. 
"My dad was a butcher, so I'm used to blood." It took me a moment to respond with a nervous shrug, hoping to make up a viable lie. Hopefully the instructors wouldn't feel the need to double check that information on my made up file.
"I swear you're not even human." She laughed, thinking back to all the training I was able to do without complaint.
Once she escorted me back to my dorm, I threw my bag far underneath my bed and took a shower, scrubbing at my skin to get all the blood off. I hadn't realised, but I had smudges all over my face from where I was wiping the sweat off my brow. 
‘This... This can’t happen again. I can’t let it happen again’. I clutched the water basin to hold my weak body up during my contemplation. I felt so guilty and helpless in that moment. If I couldn’t go back in time and stop that shooting from happening, stop Toto’s mom and all those people from getting hurt, I would have to make sure it never happened ever again.
When I was done cleaning myself up, I went down to the cafeteria to get a well-deserved meal.
"Hey, Motomori! Heard about that cafe. Well done out there!" A male classmate called out from his table as I passed. 
"Oh, thanks, but I was just doing what I could at the time." I showed an anxious smile, not wanting to give it more attention than it already had.
"Motomori, did you really bring someone back from the dead?" Another called out from a different table and my gaze whipped around. 
"W-Well, it was a close call, but she didn't die. And how did you hear about that?" I replied, stumbling over my words as everyone started to surround me, asking questions of what it was like to be in such a disastrous scenario. 
After a bit, having escaped the line without buying any food, I got overwhelmed and stormed out the hall.
On the roof, I made sure whether or not anyone was there before I started to pace. If Kaga wast here, I would ave hated for him to see me so freaked out, he would think I was more moronic than he already did. Unfortunately, I saw him in his usual corner, breathing out smoke. Just as I was about to turn, his gaze caught mine. He looked down at my body, scanning for any signs of fear or delayed shock. When he saw that I'm neither shaking nor swaying, holding my breath just in case my racing heart betrayed me, he turned back to the view of the city before him. I released the breath I was holding and ran back to the door, wanting to be here as much as I wanted to be badgered by my overexcited classmates.
Once I returned to the dorms, it was a little after dark. "Oh, Atsuko, there you are!" Naruko cheered when she saw me pass by a common room she was lounging in. 
"Sorry I had to leave! I just needed to get some air." I smiled, although nervous that she would ask me where I had been. 
"It's not a problem. Those guys were too pushy." She shook her head and frowned at some of the men that had surrounded me earlier. 
"So, what did you do today?" I asked, wanting to get my mind off those memories. She looked a little surprised at first, but soon understood why I asked. 
"I got to do some serious studying for next week's exam!" She smiled brightly as we started walking to our rooms. 
"Oh yeah..." I quickly remembered a big part of my plan for next week might be greatly impeded if I were to attend.
"It's at this hotel. Apparently it's a big meeting of some major crime syndicates!" Naruko was so excited, she didn't even notice me stop. 
‘Could that be the meeting Juna was talking about?’ I started to think about how, if the mission went well, I wouldn't have to run away again. I could continue my life here, like my past wasn't a thing. As Naruko pulled me back to earth, I showed her a smile full of hope.
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inforapound · 5 years
Ease The Dawn Chapter 17
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A/N - Thank you for reading! Your support is incredible. The final chapter will be up in the next couple of days. 
Pairing - Ivar and Aethelswith
Chapter - 17 of 18
"Please tell me what is going on?" she called to him as he stocked ahead of her and through the door of the tent.
Eyes darting around the inside of the canvas, he searched for something to direct his fury at. This was it, she was leaving, he thought. Closing his eyes, he attempted to steady his rapid breathing, not recognizing the emotion surging through him. What was it? It was not anger. Grief? The coldness in his stomach reminded him of the loss he felt mourning his beautiful mother. Had he not orchestrated the princess's return? He could change his mind. He did not have to give her up, he reminded himself. Why should he?
"My Lord."
Her soft voice coming from behind needled into his brain. Turning, he looked at her sweet, questioning face and sighed. That is why he was doing it, that exquisite face. Breathing deeply, he exhaled again, forcing his shoulders to soften.
"I do not understand. Did Alfred grant you the territory?"
"How do you know of that?" he asked.
"Slaves talk." She shrugged. "As do warriors when in bed with slaves."
Looking at her light blue eyes, the bow of her delicate lips, he could not help but reach forward and sweep back a loose curl resting on the side of her perfect face. She leaned into his hand, her eyelids closing, as the pads of his fingers gently ran down the side of her jaw to her chin. Clenching into a fist, he pulled his hand back, dropping it to his side and cleared his throat. Her eyes fluttered open and she furrowed her brow, watching his composure harden.
"The terms were changed." Turning away, he shuffled over to his stool, his legs screaming at him to sit.
"Who am I being traded for?"
"Your husband," he could not look at her.
Her eyes widened in both shock and confusion.
"Why? Why Burgred?"
"Because I can." Looking back to her, his head cocked to one side, studying her reaction.
"Will Burgred..."
"He will never return to you," Ivar answered before she could finish. "Will you hate me for it?"
"What will you feel for me?" his eyes narrowed, waiting on her response.
"Not hate." She stared back.
His gaze faltered and he again looked away. "After tomorrow you must go elsewhere. You may return home to say farewell, but it is best that you then leave for your aunt's in Frankia. I have an uncle there..."
"I beg your pardon," she rushed.
His eyes snapped back to her. "Wessex is not safe for you. No where in England is. Vikings will return to conquer these lands and I am not going to have you..." Stopping, he glanced up to the ceiling and shook his head. "You must go to Frankia."
"My brothers are all that I have."
"You are a grown twenty-year-old woman," he spat. "Your brothers are both getting married. Why would they need you?"
"Will you continue to negotiate with Alfred?"
"It is over." His voice dropped to a quiet tone.
"Are you going home? To take back your mothers' throne?"
She nodded acknowledging his answer.
"I will not go to Frankia. I cannot. They are horrendous people. I would consider life in a monastery ahead of going there."
"Woman, you are not becoming a nun." He paused, wondering if perhaps her living a celibate life was a better notion.
Her eyes flashed wide. "I said consider."
They were silent, lost in their own thoughts. She glanced down to the ax resting on the table before him, the same ax she had watched him sharpen likely a thousand times. Across the wooden surface sat her drawing supplies, carefully organized, next to his tafl board and stack of maps. Sweeping her eyes around the tent, she looked at their beds just steps apart, both neatly made layered with lavish wool and rich furs. Closing her eyes, she wondered if she would soon be wandering the cavernous hallways of home, yearning for this small canvas world. Opening her eyes, she stared at the thin parchment hanging on the canvas above the log table beside his bed; two ravens perched on a birch branch. It had been his most recent favourite and he had asked to keep it. He often sat on the side of his bed and looked at those two black birds. Would he take it with him, she wondered? Or would it be discarded and thrown away along with her and everything else they had shared?
Looking back to Ivar, she watched him staring down at his hand now resting on the handle of the ax. A heaviness washed over her and she felt as if she was being pushed down into the cold earth.
"So....this is it?" her voice cracked, causing her to clear her throat.
"Come to Kattegat?" he blurted, his eyes lifting to hers.
"Come to Kattegat? And what...?" her voice trailed off.
"Live as a free woman. Do anything you want."
"Leave Wessex? Live with Northmen?"
"No Princess, we do not call ourselves Northmen." The tenor of his voice became sharp. "You Saxons call us Northmen. We are Viking."
"How improved," she scoffed. "Live with Vikings, a Christian Princess, sister to your enemy, and what of my brothers? Hope they understand that I have run away with Ivar the Boneless....who killed our grandfather!"
"He killed himself when he handed my father over to Aelle!" Ivar shouted, his expression quickly darkening. "Good," he gibed, pushing his jaw forward and rolling his tongue inside his cheek. "Stay in Wessex, I could care less. I do not need you clinging to me... pathetically." Looking away, he pretended to analyze the tent wall. "Plus, I will be getting married when I return."
Her eyebrows arched in surprise.
"You are getting married?" she asked in a whispered. "Who are you marrying?" She could hear her heartbeat thunder in her ears.
"A shieldmaiden," he quipped. Still seemingly fascinated with the tent wall.
"From the feast tonight?"
"Uh, yes."
"Oh." Her eyes dropped to the grass floor. "Which one?"
"Perhaps, I will marry both." Turning back to her, he gave an unconvincing look of arrogance.
Exhaling quickly, she rolled her eyes realizing it was all bravado and feeling her own anger prick the skin below her lace neckline.
"Well, let me be the first to congratulate you," she announced dramatically. "This is splendid news. I should provide your brides with my recommendations on how to survive living with you."
Narrowing his eyes, he cocked his head, sliding his tongue back and forth over his lower lip. "Who do you think you are talking to? Survive?" His anger was gaining strength. "Survive!" he bellowed. "You were treated well! I was gentle with you. I..." he stopped, looking down. "I was gentle with you," he repeated, his face now red.
"How fortunate for me!" she spat.
"I could have tortured you. I could have kept you changed to a post like a dog." He looked up to her again, his eyes wild. "Starved you, made you lude entertainment for my men." His voice dropped to a smooth, maniacal tone, "You should not have wasted your prayers to your god each night, Princess. No, no, no, no," he shook his head, pointing his index finger. "You should have gotten on your knees before me. Bowed down and given thanks to ME each night."
Stepping closer to where he sat, she bent forward, placing her hands on the edge of the table.
"Oh, you would have loved that, my Prince," she whispered with a smirk, her voice accentuating his title.
Aghast, his eyes widened, and he clenched his teeth, squeezing the handle of his ax. If he had not been so close to killing her, he may have been proud.
"Oh yes," she continued patronizingly, tipping her head to one side. I will be eternally grateful for the near year I spent forced into companionship to Ivar the Boneless... because no free woman would!"
The muscles in the side of his neck bulged and his nostrils flared. Rage.
She knew his insecurities and had just made a mockery of their closeness. Nearly gasping, Aethelswith watched his anger morph into hurt. Knowing she had gone too far and that she had never once been mistreated.
Sadness flashed in his face, weakening his chin. Clasping her hand over her mouth, she stared at his broken expression, instantly awake to the fact that, for nearly a year, he had shared his most intimate thoughts and she had just used them as a weapon.
He shook his head and sneered. "You filthy, worthless, inept Christian. Your own brother not even believing you are worth a patch of unused land. Oh!" he let out a high pitch laugh, "And, I know how much your dear husband values you." Ivar picked up his ax, pointing the pick in her direction. Clucking his tongue, he shook his head again. "I am beginning to understand why he was forced to take such a heavy hand to you."
Stunned, her mouth fell open but she could not take a breath. Lowering her eyes, she reached up, fumbling with her hair, tucking the loose curls behind her ear. Wanting to escape his brutal words, she closed her eyes.
Ivar knew he had hurt her. Regret dashed under the surface of his fury, however, it was fleeting; too angry to pay it or her any mind. Grabbing his crutch, he pulled himself up to stand and stocked passed her.
"Goodbye Princess," he sang in a nasty tone, slapping through the flaps of the tent.
He was gone.
Outside, beyond the tent walls, the sound of his rage filled scream jarred her from her frozen stance.
Her mind was blank, overwhelmed; her body pulsing with emotion surging through. She was going home. Burgred was taking her place. Numb, her mind fought to rake together the pieces of mystifying information. Burgred would have never volunteered for such an act of valour unless it related to battle. Certainly never for her. She was baffled. Was the agreement ingenuous, she wondered? Had the deal been orchestrated by Ivar. Had he truly just said goodbye?
Her stomach felt empty despite the ample meal they had shared. Taking her first steps since he had stormed out, she walked around to Ivar's side of the table. Slowly sitting down on his stool, she placed her hands wide on the surface and lowered to rest her cheek down. This was it, she let out a shaky breath. Squeezing her eyes closed, she pictured his beautiful cherubic face. Her mind spun attempting to sear every detail of it into her memory. His soft, full lips, his strong jaw and smooth skin; those hypnotic blue eyes. She knew what he was and that he would never stop, but when he looked at her, the world would evaporate, taking away the reality of his violence. Leaving behind only them, for a time, until the sun would rise again.
Her chin trembled as the tears dripped from the bridge of her nose off to the table below. Letting out a sob, she was slapped by the notion that surrounded by her family, even a packed court, there would never be a night she would lie in bed and not ache for him. She would move through the years of her life always feeling his absence.
Did he know? Could he feel it? Opening her eyes, she lifted her head and sat up. Wiping the tears from her face, she reached across the table and grabbed her wooden box, pulling over a loose sheet of parchment.
"What has happened?" Hvitserk held his arm out to Ivar, not foolish enough to actually touch him.
Sitting forward, elbows resting on the arms of his chair, Ivar squeezed his eyes shut. Forcing breath in and out of his nose.
"How long do you plan on holding Burgred?" Hvitserk asked, dropping his arm down and grabbing his cup of ale.
"I am not holding Burgred," Ivar replied keeping his eyes closed.
"We have been sitting in this camp with our dicks in our hands for two seasons. What is the plan? What are you going to do with him?"
"I am going to carve his back with my ax. I am going to remove his skin so slowly that it does not take his life." Opening his eyes, he looked at Hvitserk and glared. "I am going to drink ale with a skinless, living, breathing man."
Hvitserk lowered his cup from his mouth, his face scrunched with confusion.
"Ivar, you are talking like a crazed man. You look like a crazed man. Will you still release the princess to the king?
"Yes, unless I practice on her tonight."
"Yeah, okay Ivar. How will we negotiate for land only holding Burgred?"
"We will not. I have grown sick of this country. We are leaving."
Hvitserk's jaw dropped and he looked to the empty chair next to him as if to share his exasperation with the person beside.
"It is time I reclaimed our home. I want war. Blood and revenge. I want to burn them all.
"Who do you want to burn?
"You want her for yourself Ivar." It was a statement.
Sitting in silence, Ivar's eyes were glassy from the consecutive horns of mead which did nothing to loosen the grip around his chest...his throat.
"Take her, Ivar!" Hvitserk exclaimed, leaning forward. "Claim her."
"And what brother, be like them? Drag her home and make her marry me. A woman like that, hmm? A girl who has never had a say. Keep her as a prisoner? A slave Queen? You understand nothing." Ivar spat, emptying his cup and throwing it into the darkness beyond the fire.
"I understand more than you think. I watched the two of you tonight, holding hands, whispering. Your heads close like you share secrets. You look like lovers. She must return your feelings."
Tears pooled, threatening to spill from Ivar's eyes and he exhaled loudly.
"Apparently not. She goes tomorrow, but!" He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "Only if I can kill her husband." He raised a finger and looked at Hvitserk. "Myself."
"That is not truly what you want. Tell me?"
Saying nothing, Ivar stared into the glow of the fire; the night sky continued to change as the stars faded and the outline of the trees began to appear.
"You and Gussr have your instructions. The birds will be out in a few hours." Ivar stood, stopping to steady his balance, the effects of the drink deep in his veins.
"Ivar, what do you want brother?"
"To ease the dawn."
With that, he dropped to the ground and dragged himself in the direction of the tent, pulling his crutch awkwardly along.
Outside the tent, Gussr sat on a stool, standing when he saw Ivar moving toward him on the ground. The moon catching the leather on his back, made them appear like the scales of a slithering snake.
Stopping beside Gussr, he kept his head down.
Gussr hesitated.
"She leaves tomorrow, my Prince?" There was an apology somewhere in his question.
"She does." Ivar pushed through into the tent.
The fire was nearly out. Crawling toward it, he added two pieces of wood despite the weather not truly needing it. Letting out a deep sigh, he peered over at her sleeping form, not able to stomach the thought of sleeping elsewhere. Despite their strong words, he could not pull himself into some other tent to avoid her on the last night they would ever be near. There would be little sleep for him anyway with the thoughts of morning grinding away in his brain. Leaning back against the leg of the table, he unstrapped his braces, continuing to glance at her side of the tent.
Withdrawing her grandfather's dagger from the holster on his belt, he studied the handle and intricately spun gold vines. The flickering light caused the rubies to look like stones made of blood. Rolling onto his arms, he lumbered over to her bed, crawling up to rest beside her. Hesitating, he reached forward, carefully picking up a lock of her hair, and sheered it with the knife. She did not stir.
Squeezing her wavy hair in his hand, he lay his face down on the bed beside her, placing her dagger on the sheet between them. After dawn, this lock of strawberry flaxen hair is all he would have left of his princess.
@ill-skillsgard @youbloodymadgenius @allvikingsfanfic @lol-haha-joke @ceridwenofwales @medievalfangirl @naaladareia @flowers-in-your-hayr @equalstrashflavoredtrash @geekandbooknerd @readsalot73 @tephi101 @jaydelesley4 @fangirl-nonsense @yanii-the-hippie
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 3
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Malcolm didn’t get a second of sleep that night.  After more than an hour tossing and turning in bed, mind racing, he reluctantly reached for his tablet and glasses, turning on the bedside lamp.
A simple Google search turned up hundreds of thousands of articles on inheritance, but none seemed to offer any solutions to receiving the inheritance without meeting the stipulations of the will.  He was an old man, perhaps he was going senile?  Why would he do this?
He shot off an email to the will executor and solicitor, asking Is it possible he was not in sound mind?  Is there a previous version of the will that doesn’t include this marriage requirement?
It was likely a vain hope, but he had to try.  Resolving to forget about the marriage idea for the moment, he turned his attention to finding a job posting board.  After a few false starts he tried charity administrator openings London, and with a sigh, began reading through the first posting.
No matter what happens, this is going to suck.  Thanks a lot, Uncle Wally.
By the time his alarm went off he was dressed and ready to go, texting Graham to cancel his morning pickup and deciding to take the Underground instead.  Pausing just outside the gate and staring up at the townhouse, he realized with a jolt, Everything I have is tied up in the Estate.  If I lose this inheritance, I lose everything.
At twenty-seven he’d fled Glasgow before the ink on his divorce papers was dry, bringing Clara to London for a fresh start.  His uncle had been kind enough to give him a job working for The Thistle Foundation in the mailroom, and he spent most of the next decade working his way up and earning his keep until Wallace decided to retire, leaving Malcolm in charge.  The townhouse went with the Estate, having been owned by the family since shortly after it was built, and he didn’t so much draw a salary from the Foundation as receive a stipend from his uncle.
I’m fifty years old and have almost nothing to my name.
It had always been a given that he would inherit; Wallace had never had children, his only sibling Malcolm’s father, and Malcolm was in effect an only child, his brother having died decades ago.  He’d never had to worry about assets, had few personal expenses.  To lose the Estate would cost him everything.
Fuck.  Fuck fuck fuck.
He was so lost in his thoughts he almost missed his stop, barely making it through the doors onto the platform before they closed.  Coming up to street-level he looked around, catching sight of the little shop Rose usually got their morning coffees from, only recognizing it by the familiar logo.
Stepping inside, it wasn’t until he was facing the cashier he realized he had no idea what Rose usually ordered.  “Erm, hi.  I don’t do this, my assistant is usually in here – pretty, blonde, big smile, name of Rose?  D’you-”
“Oh, you must be Malcolm!” the girl, Amy, gushed, eyes lighting up.  “Of course we know Rose, she’s in here everyday!  Oi, Mel, Rose’s regular order, stat!”  She turned back to him, finding him blinking at her in surprise.  “Always nice to meet a fellow Scot.  Rose is great, isn’t she?”
“The absolute best,” he agreed proudly, unsurprised but touched by the impression she obviously left everywhere she went.  That’s my gi- that’s Rose.  “I’d be hopelessly lost without her.”
“Too right.  Anyway, here we are, that’s ten quid,” she passed over two large takeaway cups of coffee and a pastry bag.
Right.  Feeling like a moron, entirely out of sorts after first the previous day’s bombshell and then no sleep, he dug out a twenty-pound note and thrust it across the space.  “Keep the change.  Thanks.”
Picking up the order he made his way to the door, more focused on the drinks than where he was walking, elbowing open the door and slamming right into someone entering.  “Shit!”  He barely managed to keep hold of everything, coffee sloshing dangerously but only spilling a little, and he looked up to give the person a piece of his mind only to stop dead in surprise.  “Oh, fuck me.”
Rose arched one eyebrow in response, a smile flickering over her lips.  “I’d rather not get banned from here, if it’s all the same to you, ta.” She plucked one of the cups from his hand, lifting it to her nose before taking a large gulp.  “What’re you doing here?”
Stepping out onto the sidewalk they started down the street towards their building, falling naturally into sync.
“I couldn’t sleep, thought I’d come in early.  I saw the place, and…” he trailed off, shrugging one shoulder.  “You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” she echoed, rolling her eyes.  “Clara stopped by, talked my ear off until half two.  Decided to just get a move on.”
The silence was awkward, which only served to annoy him; they had always had a good rapport, after the first six or so months once she had settled into her role.  Now, eight years later he considered their partnership to be a well-oiled machine, two halves of a whole despite the on-paper power imbalance.
He held the door for her as they entered their building, nodding to the security guards as they buzzed through.  Rose hit the button on the lift for their floor, and they rode up alone.
Malcolm followed her to her desk, watching as she flicked on the lights and shrugged off her coat, vaguely curious to her routine; she typically arrived only a few minutes before him- long enough to be settled and ready to face the day, but recent enough that his coffee was always hot and fresh.
“Oh!” she yelped, turning around to see him leaning on the corner of her desk, watching her.  “D’you need something?  My computer’s still booting up.”
The words hovered on the tip of his tongue, before he sighed, shoulders slumping.  “No, I’m good.  Just- oh, you know what you’re doing.  I’ll be in my office.”  Extracting his muffin from the pastry bag he slunk into his office, falling into his desk chair and turning to gaze listlessly out the window.
What am I supposed to do?
It was, quite frankly, the worst day of Rose’s professional career.  Things got done, most of her duties able to be completed on autopilot after so long, but she could muster no spark to put into any of it.  No banter. None of her signature Rose Tyler charm.
Her computer dinged and she glanced up from where she was poking at her salad halfheartedly to groan.  “Oh, you’ve got to be motherfucking shitting me.”
“Rose Tyler!”  Malcolm’s delighted voice made her jump and yelp, “I’m so proud of you.  That was almost a proper swear.”
“Missy’s on her way up,” she didn’t even look at him, clicking on the IM box from Mickey, the building’s security guard and one of her oldest friends.  It was just an emoji, two wide eyes, but it was their code.  “What do you want me to do?”
He sighed heavily.  “Fine, I’ll see her.  I swear, she must have my office bugged or something.”
The lift dinged, and she raised her eyes to glance at him.  He looks like he’s having as rough a day as I am.  He’d said he hadn’t slept; had it been for the same reason she hadn’t?  No, he was probably thinking about the gala.  Of course it was about that, dingbat.  “I’ll send her in.”
He disappeared back into his office as Missy walked in, and Rose had to bite her lip hard to keep from laughing or rolling her eyes.  What did he ever see in her?  Missy Tucker was without comparison the most extravagant, eccentric person she’d ever met, and that included all of her mother’s rich society ‘friends’.
“Good afternoon, welcome to The Thistle Foundation, do you have an appointment?” Rose asked sweetly, as the older woman approached her desk.
“I’d like to see my husband, please.”  Missy’s smile was just as fake-sweet as Rose’s, as they went through the whole song-and-dance.  One of the very first things Rose had been taught on her first day, by both Malcolm and her predecessor Jo, was to stall Missy as long as possible, making enough trouble that she didn’t find it worth it to visit the office.
This is your best friend’s mother, this is your best friend’s mother, this is your best friend’s mother, Rose lectured herself, pretending to stare intently at her screen for a moment.  “I can give you a few minutes, but he has a call at one that he can’t miss.”
“Thank you.”  And she swept past Rose into Malcolm’s office.
Once the door shut behind her, Rose let loose an undignified snort.  Taking a subtle picture with her mobile, she texted it to Clara with the caption Your mum’s here.
Missy Tucker was the subject of ongoing amusement amongst the three; every time she appeared after months of no contact she had an entirely different style, often with a slight tweak to her features suggesting she was a fan of cosmetic surgery.  Today her chosen look was that of evil Mary Poppins, complete with a plum-colored ankle-length skirt and matching dress coat, a white dress shirt buttoned to the neck with an elaborate bow, black heeled boots, a delicate hat, and an umbrella Rose would swear was an actual prop from the movie.
She looked ridiculous, and like she would be right at home as the evil orphanage matron in a Victorian version of Annie!
Are you fucking kidding me? Clara pinged back almost immediately.  I love my Dad, but God I wish I was adopted.  Please tell me I didn’t inherit her fashion sense!
Snickering, Rose shook her head and returned to her work polishing up her resume.  At precisely one o’clock she buzzed in on the intercom, using what Clara called her flight attendant voice.  “Malcolm, I have that potential donor on line two.”
“Thank you, Miss Tyler.”
A moment later the door opened and Missy stalked out, a murderous expression on her face.  “I’ll talk to you soon,” she threatened her ex over her shoulder, ignoring Rose as she stormed towards the lift.
Rose waited until the lift doors closed before rising and entering Malcolm’s office.  “So?”
He was lying on his couch with his head back against the cushions, a crystal cut glass of scotch hanging loosely from his hand.  “She wants to reconcile, says she’s changed, wants to go back to what we once were.”
“What did you say?”  She settled gingerly on the end of the glass coffee table by his head, watching as he opened tired eyes to stare at her.
“That who we were went up in a flaming pile of shit twenty-three years ago when I caught her high in bed with the babysitter on our fifth wedding anniversary.  That who we were was a childhood friendship that went too far.  That who we were died many, many years ago.”
He looked so sad, Rose’s heart went out to him.
“It’s far, far too late now.  A part of me will always miss that, always wonder, but…  It’s ancient history.  Never mind that this is all because of Wallace’s death and the inheritance.  She didn’t say it, but I know her.  Anything that even sniffs of money or power and she’s first in line, plotting how to get it.”
“I’m sorry,” Rose offered, giving him a kind smile.  “You deserve better than her.”
Sighing, he struggled upright, turning to plant his feet on the ground and set the untouched glass of scotch on the coffee table next to her.  “Thanks.”
Their eyes met, and for once, she didn’t blush and look away.  Clara’s question from the previous night circled back through her mind, and she let herself actually see him.  Ice blue eyes capable of such a coldness shined back, warm and open, something only a privileged few were allowed to see.  His strong features could be severe, Clara had once called them attack eyebrows, but when he smiled… his entire face would light up, almost like he was a different person.
She'd always found him attractive, may have had the occasional fantasy involving them, a bottle of wine, and a hot tub, but love?
Her gaze dropped to his lips, and she automatically licked her own.  She would be lying if she said she’d never wondered – didn’t everyone, at some point?  He drew closer, and she realized that she was leaning in; they were both leaning in.  Is this really happening?
Rose’s eyes fluttered closed, her heart pounding, and she could feel his breath against her lips when-
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scramblingminds · 6 years
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My friend from work asked for this one, I get prompt requests over FB Messenger now apparently lol. Well, here is my attempt at this lil gem. For my real life friend, let’s call her B! I hope she and all y’all can enjoy this one.
Also, I know I haven’t been around much. Sorry work and life bullshit but I will fill every prompt I have had and have recently gotten. I’m just really busy, I’m sorry! I’ll do better, promise! @cynthianicolexoxo @redm81 @vbabe14
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Honestly, they couldn’t have picked a worse time to do this. Finding love right before the start of a war that neither of them might see the other side of, not the greatest timing. In Daryl and Paul’s defense it all started after the first raid on the satellite station, after they all really thought Negan was dead. It just happened, like a natural flow then it was like the world came to a screeching halt.  
Negan was alive but Glenn was dead and Abe, they took Daryl and nothing felt real. Sasha dying and Eugene turning on them, Paul getting Daryl back but he was different. Paul still cared for him, he could see past the new scars and cracks and symptoms of PTSD. Daryl was still the same man, just he was hurting again and even when he screamed for Paul to leave him be, he didn't.
Daryl appreciated that, even if he would never voice it. Now, after everything that they all had been through, the war was really going to begin. The communities would be meeting up the next morning, plans going into effect and the march to the Sanctuary would start. There would be long days ahead but for one last night, they didn't want to think about that.
Daryl was a heavy weight on Paul's chest, a welcome one that he could take easily. The sheets were warm around them, Paul's fingers slipping loose the few knots in Daryl's hair as the older man nuzzled into his chest. Their skin fresh from a shower and sticking just right without a single barrier. It was quiet for the first time in days, like the calm before the storm and they were basking in it.  
Daryl tilted his head up, not saying a word but his eyes roamed over Paul's face. Tracing every inch and line and beard hair. Paul swept his bangs behind his ear, letting a fingertip graze down his cheekbone to ghost over the moles lining his lip. Daryl chased it, leaving the lightest of kisses to the knuckle making Paul cup his jaw.  
They didn't speak, they didn't need to after this seemingly too short time together. Daryl lifted without a word, Paul's hand guiding him up and their mouths together. Paul's other hand gripped the wide rough expansion of Daryl's back as the larger man settled comfortably between his bare thighs. The kisses flowing over and over to make them stop feeling like a goodbye on that long sleepless night.  
Paul wanted to be doing something, anything to make the time stop dragging so heavily. He couldn't go scavenging, even though they needed food and supplies desperately. Saviors were everywhere around Hilltop, no one would get far if they left and he was still waiting. Alexandria and its people should be coming, The Kingdom had already been there almost a day.  
Paul glanced at the slowly creeping sun, the prisoners ambling around their cage and Paul had taken over for Carol. He knew that somber set to her face was mirrored on his own. They all just didn't know. They had no idea how Rick or Alexandria were. Paul didn't know if Daryl was even still alive and that thought got his stomach churning in the worst way.  
Paul didn't jump or even really react when Eduardo called out, "Opening the gate! It's them!"
He just felt tension seep from his bones, closing his eyes in thanks he didn't even know to who before turning for the gate. Carol beat him there, running up to Daryl and the very much depleted Alexandrians. Paul didn’t see Rick or Michonne or Carl, Judith clinging to Daryl's neck for dear life.  
"What, what happened?" Carol's voice shook as she took in the state of everyone, Paul reaching Daryl at that moment. Carol moving to the side be staying close to them, her lip quivering even before any news was broken.  
Daryl shook his head, Paul stepping close and the older man pressed his forehead to his. Paul's hand came up to Judith's back, rubbing soothingly as Daryl leaned back with an unsteady voice, "Carl...he's gone. Bit. Rick and Michonne stayed, to...to take care of it all."  
The almost unearthly wail from behind him made Paul swallow, Enid sobbing as she collapsed into herself. It didn't feel real, nothing did these days it seemed. Daryl's arm came around Paul's shoulders, moving them toward Barrington House with the rest of the surviving Safe-Zone folks. Maggie swooped down to take Enid into her arms, holding her close even as her own tears streaked her face.  
Paul held his hands out to Judith, him and the little girl having formed a bond over their love of coloring, singing and her uncle. Daryl kissed her temple before handing her over, she buried her face into Paul's neck and hands wound into his hair. She had been through so much but she was so brave that it pulled at Paul's heart to see her so upset. She had just lost her brother, and didn't know where her parents were, she had earned the tears that he felt on his throat.  
The picnic table by the trailer was where they ended up, Daryl nearly collapsing into the bench as Paul stood next to him swaying Judith to sooth her. Daryl let his bow drop to the ground as he sagged forward, his elbows on his knees as he hung his head. He was exhausted and worn down, it had been a long few days since that night cocooned in the sheets with Paul.  
"Daryl, are you okay?" Paul whispered, like the question was dangerous, not just redundant.  
Daryl didn't speak, his head just shaking slowly as he took a shuddering breath. Paul watched as his shoulders twitched before they started jerking and his hand pressed over his eyes. Daryl had this way of crying that was like a wounded animal. All heaving breathes and whimpers that broke Paul's heart every time, it would shock most that in the darkest of nights how often a man like Daryl cried.  
Paul moved without hesitation, crouching between Daryl's knees, pressing Judith even tighter to his chest. The pained scrunch of the older man's face only half obscured so Paul pulled his hand away. The last days weighed heavy and weathered Daryl's tear streaked face. Daryl's eyes cracked open, red and raw from lack of rest and too much emotion.  
Paul leaned in when Daryl's arms went around his shoulders, pulling him close to bury his face in the other side of Paul's neck. Judith was content to be sandwiched between them, sniffling almost in sync with her uncle. Paul nuzzled both their hair, more than happy to be their rock for however long they needed.  
"Ready to go home, man?" Daryl slapped Rick's shoulder, making the man wobble on his new cane.
The last fight with Negan had taken a lot out of everyone, especially the Alexandrian Leader. His leg would still be in a cast for a few more weeks, and never be the same, but after a month at Hilltop Carson ruled him well enough to leave. Alexandria hadn't been rebuilt in a day, it felt like ages as all the communities pitched in to return the Safe-Zone to a leviable level. It was far from done, that would take much longer but its residents had been back for almost a week now.  
Michonne had come to pick Rick up, taking the lead for him back home so he could heal. She was over at the car with Paul, Judith being squeezed to her chest. Judith hadn't gone back with the others, Rick and Michonne thinking she should stay at Hilltop until they were sure Alexandria was completely safe. She had been sleeping in Daryl and Paul's bed every night since Michonne left, Rick's injuries not making it possible to stay with him.  
They didn't mind, not at all. The little girl had taken over the trailer, her coloring covering the walls and toys had been accumulating for somewhere to the couch. It had been nice having her there, her presence a balm to Daryl that he didn't even know he needed.  
"Yeah," Rick nodded, glancing at Daryl, "You aren't coming, are you?"
The question had been lingering for ages now. Daryl had found something at Hilltop, with Paul, that he never had back at Alexandria. He was really happy there, really comfortable not just acting like it. After all this time at Hilltop, in that trailer, he doubted what he would be going back to would qualify as home.  
Daryl cleared his throat, teeth pulling at the corner of his lip to delay the only answer he had, "No, I'm sorry."
Rick chuckled, leaning heavily on his cane so he could swat at Daryl's shoulder, "Don't be, you finally seem content, settled. You deserve that, Daryl."  
Daryl sighed, he had feared that Rick would be resentful, angry that his brother was parting with him for the first time since the prison. Daryl knew he would still go to Alexandria often, just like how he would be going to the Kingdom to visit Carol. He just knew this is where he belonged now, he belonged with Paul.  
Rick gripped his shoulder, face shifting to a more serious expression, "I do have one favor to ask though."
"Name it." Daryl agreed.  
Rick took a deep breath, like he was having to brace himself for his next words, "I need you to take care of Judith for me."
Daryl blinked as he processed that, "For how long? Until ya get settled back home?"
Rick shook his head, "I mean more permanently."
Daryl took a step back, Rick's hand slipping off his shoulder, "I ain't taking yer kid from ya, Rick. From Michonne."  
"She loves being with you, Daryl. With you and Jesus." Rick reasoned.
"She loves her father, Rick." Daryl shook his head hard. Judith was Rick's daughter, she belonged with him and Michonne. Daryl didn't think he could rip her away from them, she had lost enough.  
"Her father can't keep her safe!" Rick shouted and Daryl froze but the man didn't stop, "I couldn't protect Sophia or Lori. I couldn't save my own son."
"Rick, don't, man," Daryl could hear how the leaders voice wavered, eyes going glassy.
"No! Carl," Just saying his name made Rick almost collapse into himself, Daryl's hands grabbing his shoulders, "I did everything for Carl, I just wanted him to make it but I couldn't...I can't keep Judith safe but you always do, Daryl. I know Jesus will too, I mean, just look at them."
Daryl looked over to see what Rick meant. Their commotion had not reached their significant others thankfully. Michonne had passed Judith over to Paul, who was swaying her as his mouth moved in what had to be a song they couldn't hear. Paul spun around, dipping Judith so her curls bounced as she squealed with joy. Paul brought her back to his chest, her hands twisting lovingly into his hair as their foreheads pressed together and he kept singing.  
Daryl almost felt guilty at how his stomach fluttered at the sight, in awe of the damn beauty of it. He did feel guilty when he saw the smile that spread over Rick's lips before he spoke, "Michonne agrees, begrudgingly but she does see how this would be better. So?"
Daryl knew he wouldn't mind having Judith stay with them. They would have to get her a bed of her own, of course, or maybe move into Barrington House for more space. He still didn't feel right just taking her from the life she had before the war but that life was gone. Her brother was gone and maybe she needed some space too, some time to heal just like her parents did.
After a few moments of thinking Daryl sighed, "I can't take her-"
"Daryl, please-" Rick rushed and Daryl held his hand up to shush him.
"I can't take her from y'all, she's yer daughter but," Daryl conceded, "She can stay with us, until you feel like you and Michonne and Alexandria are ready to keep her safe. She's still yer girl, Rick, but we'll watch over her here until yer ready. Deal?"  
Rick stared at him wide eyed for a moment before he nodded, a melancholy smile ghosting onto his face, "Deal. Thank you, Daryl."  
Daryl nodded, helping Rick stand up straight and strong before they crossed over to the car. Daryl would have to explain this thoroughly to Paul later but the younger man said nothing as Rick and Michonne spoke to Judith. Telling her she needed to stay with Uncle Daryl and Jesus for a while, promising to visit. She didn't even sniffle, face sad but an understanding far beyond her years in her eyes.  
Daryl knew it wasn't a goodbye but his heart was still heavy as he watched the car drive out the gate. Judith on his hip waving even after they were out of sight. Daryl cupped her face, kissing her curls to comfort himself just as much as her. Like always it was Paul who came to the rescue.
"How about we go see Maggie? Maybe the baby is kicking today." Paul clapped like it was a grand idea and it perked Judith right up. She nodded happily, holding her arms out to Paul who took her with a grin.  
Daryl in that split second came to a realization, as Paul leaned in so the girl could transfer to his hip. Daryl turned his face just right, so his mouth was next to Paul's ear and like a fool voiced what came to his mind, "Love ya."  
Paul to his credit only hesitated a second before whispering as he dragged his bearded cheek against Daryl's as he leaned back with Judith, "Love you too."  
Daryl did freeze as Paul turned heading to the House with Judith. He didn't know why he just blurted that out, it just popped in his head that he loved the other man. The man who without argument took in his niece and who tried to make her happy when she was sad. The man who saved his ass all the time and who shared his place and his bed with Daryl. Paul, who loved him back and who clearly loved Judith just as much.  
"Uncle Daryl, c'mon!" Judith hollered as Paul paused at the steps to the House. Judith waving for him to hurry up making Daryl snapped back to it. He jogged to catch up, knowing for sure that letting Judith stay with them was the right call.
"This is the last of it." Paul handed the box over to Daryl who heaved it into the back of the truck, the bed packed to the brim around his strapped down bike.  
"Ya got way too many damn books." Daryl huffed as he slammed the tailgate, Paul chuckled leaning into to kiss Daryl's scruffy chin.
"Sorry to break it to you but those weren't my books." Paul grinned as Daryl rolled his eyes.
"Judy, ya bringing the whole library?" Daryl called as a swirl of blonde hair came out the door.
"I can't help I like to read, Uncle Daryl." Judith reasoned as she came down the steps of Barrington House hand in hand with a toddling Little Hershel.  
"Jealous she takes more after her Uncle Paul?" Maggie asked following the kids with a smirk.  
Daryl huffed leaning down to the almost five-year-old, "Yer still my Lil Ass Kicker, right?"  
She shifted into fighting stance with a nod. Daryl chuckled ruffling her hair. They were heading for Alexandria, it had taken over two years but it was time. Rick on his last visit had told them he was ready, he and Michonne were ready for their girl back. Daryl had said back then he was only doing this temporarily but it had hit him like a ton of bricks.
Daryl had been increasingly uneasy as the date for her to go drew closer and Paul saw through him like always. He had suggested it, like it was a flippant thing to say. For them to move to Alexandria with her, there was a house next to Rick's they knew was unoccupied. It would be hard for Judith to be suddenly be torn away from them, she had spent the start of her formative years with them. She was excited to go live with her daddy and Michonne again but she needed her uncles just as much now.
So, they were all loaded up, Maggie and Hershel hugging them and making them promise to visit soon. Daryl got behind the wheel, Judith bouncing in the middle of the bench seat as Paul got in beside her. Daryl started the engine and slowly rolled out of the gate, Daryl draped his arm over the back of the seat so his fingers laced into Paul's hair as they got on the way.
"So, Judith," Paul nudged her with a smile, "Where are we going again?"
She gave an exasperated sigh that made Daryl smirk, "Home, duh."  
Paul laughed pulling her to his side with a nod. Daryl glancing over as she snuggled into him for the ride. Daryl squeezed the back of Paul's neck making the man smile at him before he turned his attention back to Judith who started babbling about the book she was reading now. Daryl sighed relaxing back into his seat, Judith was right, a trait she got from Paul no doubt. They were going home but now Daryl knew that wasn't a place. Home for him was where ever the two in the cab with him where at.  
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ninavale · 7 years
Bodyguard crush with Qrowin for the aesthetics ask/prompt~ bonus points if its Winter protecting Qrow?
Well, I actually do have a better idea for it now. 
This is sort of inspired by Dishonored, mostly first game. It’s an AU where Fall of Beacon did happen but aftermath happened quicker, and it sort of ties in with my old idea of Ruby being descendant of the King of Vale. I know most people peg Jaune as one but I like the idea of Ruby as an Empress/Queen type. 
It was few monthsafter the end of the turmoil, and almost a year since the Fall ofBeacon and the world has certainly changed. During the events leadingup to and following the Fall it has come out that Ruby Rose is adescendent of the King of Vale and with the defeat of Cinder, andcompromise of many political figures the young girl ended up takingthe throne. She of course was still young so she was guided by GlyndaGoodwitch, Bartholomew Oobleck and few other professors andtrustworthy allies. And it was this gathering that Winter was nowabout to meet.She didn’t know what they wanted of her, just thatthey had a mission and it slightly unnerved her. Usually she hadnerves of steel and calm of the forest on snowy night, and she knewRuby Rose, but the girl was royalty now and a renowned war hero. Andit was all so recent! They were in completely new era! There washardly a moment to really get used to things! Winter shook her head.There was no point in getting so worked up, these people were herfriends. Ruby was still best friends with Weiss and treated Winterwith same cheerful enthusiasm as before. Taking one last deep breaththe Specialist came up to the huge, wooden door and knocked. Soonenough Glynda Goodwitch came forth, carrying her trusty pad in onehand and her crop in the other. 
“Ms. Goodwitch,I came to see her royal highness” 
Glynda gave her acurt nod 
“WelcomeSpecialist Schnee, please follow me” she said, turning around andmarching down the corridor. Winter did as she was told, lookingaround. The royal castle, having been rebuild looked a lot like herhome back in Atlas, although it had much warmer feeling to it. Thecarpet was read and the walls painted in a warm, sunny colour withmany paintings hung along them. Some presented landscapes of all fourKingdoms while others historical and legendary figures. Winter’sgaze lingered a little bit on the picture representing Four Maidens,standing in front of the Old Wizard’s hut. She still found it hardto believe that they really existed. She shook her head and quickenedher step, in order to catch up with Glynda who by now was way aheadof her. It wasn’t long before they reached huge oak doors at thevery end. Glynda stopped and put in the right code, allowing them toopen. Winter followed her inside, finding herself in a spacious,bright room with huge windows, by which stood the throne. Ruby Rose,was sitting on it, her feet dangling in the air. She hasn’t changedmuch in appearance-Winter noted- she still wore her white shirt,black-and-red corset and combat skirt. and of course her trademarkcloak. When she saw Winter her big, silver eyes lit up.
“Winter!” shecalled out, jumping of the throne and running up to the specialist,and throwing herself at the woman. Winter stumbled backwards,surprised by the sudden ‘attack’. 
“G-good dayyour highness” she said not really knowing what to do. Ruby was aqueen, her superior, what could one say in response to a hug by aqueen? The little girl let go and rolled her eyes
“You can callme Ruby, you know?” she said “really” she added, seeingunsure expression on Winter’s face “I’m the same girl youmet during Vytal…and anyway we are in private no one will know andGlynda and the robots won’t mind either”
Winter gave her adoubtful gaze, but eventually nodded. Her Schnee upbringing andmilitary persona rebelled against such a thing, it was soinappropriate! But if Ruby allowed her…then she could treat it likean order, right? And the girl had a point…if they were in privatenobody was there to judge or glare. 
“Alright…Ruby”she said slowly “may I inquire why have you called me here? Iassume it is not because you wanted me to call you by your name?”
The girl’ssmile faded and her face became serious at the words. She steppedback a bit too.
“No” shesaid “but please follow me to more private place where we cansit down” 
Winter noddedagain and followed Ruby to a small but cosy side-chamber. It hadchocolate walls, a fire place, a couple of chairs and a sofa. Rubylet her to the latter. There was a moment of silence 
“So….”started the girl awkwardly “Winter, I asked you here to ask afavour. It’s about Uncle Qrow” she said, her voice getting asubdue and a little bit sad “you know he got hurt during thebattle, right?” 
“Yes”confirmed Winter, now curious as to where the young queen was goingwith this “how is he?” 
“He…isgetting better” answered Ruby, a delicate smile appearing on herface for a moment “he got released from hospital a month agobut…you see there is this one thing…that poison really messed himup. The doctors said he’s gonna be fine but his aura got knockeddown a lot. He won’t be able to generate more than ten percent”
Winter’s eyeswidened in shock. This…this was unexpected but she did not let herfeelings show too much
“I’m sorry”she said. Ruby offered her a small smile
“Thank you”she said “anyway….the thing is he can’t really fightanymore. not for long anyway. With such low aura it will be easy tohurt him and one day someone who has beef with me or Yang or RWBY ingeneral might want to get to him…and he has his own enemies…andthere is his tribe too. He left them but other bandits or people theyhurt won’t care” she bowed her head “and this war took somany ! Even on the first day I’ve lost Pyrrha and Penny andProfessor Ozpin and my sister lost her arm and she is not the sameperson, and so many others are gone too and Uncle Qrow…I…I cannotloose him too. He has always been there for me, protecting me andlooking out for me like a guardian angel. He was there more than myfather ever was” she sighed, looking up at Winter. The woman wastaken aback by the sheer despair in the young girl’s eyes
“that’s why Icalled you…I would like to ask you to keep an eye on him. Be hisbodyguard” she revealed
Winterwas speechless, her mouth opening and closing. For a moment she eventhought she must have misheard Ruby. For all things she had expected‘Qrow’s bodyguard’ wasn’t even on the list.
“Issomething wrong?” asked Ruby, noticing her expression “do you notwant to do it? I thought you and uncle Qrow don’t dislike eachother as much…but if you don’t wanna I can ask..”
“No,no, no, no” said Winter, waving her hands before her face in rapidmotions “I just….I was just a little shocked I mean…why me?”
“BecauseI trust you” answered Ruby simply “and your semblance is cooltoo, you can summon Grimm and pretty much everything you ever killedand make glyphs; and you are super-fast and agile and you can confusethe enemy and fight long and short distance, and you know everythingabout dust” she smiled “so you are the best person for the job”
Winterwas once again stunned by Ruby’s words, and reasoning.
“Thankyou” she said at long last when she found her voice again “it isan honour to have your trust. I promise you won’t regret yourdecision”
“So,is that a yes?” questioned Ruby, hope in her eyes, and when shereceived a nod a bright smile graced her face and a moment later herhands were wrapped around Winter’s torso “thank you! Thank you!Thank you!”
Thistime the specialist returned the hug, patting the red-cloaked girl onthe head. After a while they parted.
“Thankyou, once again, Winter” said Ruby, still smiling “it means a lotto me”
“Youare welcomed” replied Winter “but if this is to be my job Ibetter get going. I’m sure you have your own duties to attend to”
Rubygrimaced and groaned
“So,where will I find your uncle?” continued the white-haired woman
“He’sin his chambers. North part of the castle, your chamber is directly by his. There is a door” replied Ruby, as theygot up “oh, and do call him by his name. Uncle Qrow is same as me,he doesn’t like being called lord…most of the time. It’s nothis style”
“Whyam I not surprised” laughed Winter. And she really wasn’t.Calling Qrow a Lord indeed sounded ridiculous when you knew the man.Ruby joined in her chuckle, before both of them headed for the door,and returned to the throne chamber where they parted ways. Ruby wentback to Glynda and her studies, while Winter headed for the northwing.
Winter was once more walking down the northern hallway, passingall the rooms and windows on her way. Her mind was of course still onher conversation with Ruby and the reason she had been summoned bythe girl. She was to become Qrow Branwen’s personal bodyguard. Shestill couldn’t shake the surreal feeling that surrounded thissituation. The Qrow Branwen that she had come to know was a stronghuntsman, he seemed almost invincible at times. To learn that he hasbeen hurt so badly, that his aura was reduced so much and he needed abodyguard was shocking, unbelievable…disturbing even. Even back inthe day when they had been fighting, days before the war taught themto know better, she still saw him as almost untouchable. She shookthese thoughts off however, as she has reached Qrow’s chambers. Shetook a deep breath and knocked on the door.
“Comein” came a familiar, hoarse voice “it’s not locked”
Shehesitated for a moment, before reaching for the knob and cominginside. She carefully closed the door behind her and took a lookaround. The room was very nice, at least in her standards. It wasdived in to two parts, one was the small hallway she stood in, andthe other the actual room. The main part had high, arched ceiling anda large window with crimson drapes, on the other side. The walls werea light, honey colour, making it look homely and warm. There was alarge bed further in the room, with chest at it’s feet; an armchairin the corner by the window; a large screen on the wall opposite tobed, with shelves underneath, possibly for movies or games orwhatever Qrow found entertaining. However Qrow himself was nowhere tobe seen. Winter didn’t know what to do at first, but after a whileshe decided to go further in. She stepped over to the main part, andfroze in place, as in exactly the same moment Qrow walked out of thein-suite bathroom, which she hadn’t noticed before as it was in thepart of the room hidden behind the wall. He was clearly after takinga shower or bath because his hair was wet, and he was wasn’twearing anything accept his pants, holding his gray shirt in hisother hand. Now, Winter always knew, or rather suspected he waswell-build and muscular. He had to be to wield that contraption ofhis, so effortlessly; but she still swallowed as her eyes scanned hisupper body. But she was a Schnee and a specialist at that, and shehas perfected all kinds of masks, so she quickly donned one of themand coughed. Qrow turned around, his crimson eyes widening insurprise as he saw her.
“IceQueen, what are you doing here?” he said. It was his usual way ofgreeting her, but the old nickname didn’t have the bite ormalicious intent behind it anymore. It was more likely just a forceof habit, a first thing that came to his mind rather than a way todemean her. They have buried the hatched months ago. Nonetheless shestill rolled her eyes.
“I’mhere at the request of your younger niece” she said “I’m to beyour new bodyguard”
Thiswas totally unexpected turn of events, if Qrow’s expression wasanything to go by, before hardening.
“Idon’t need a bodyguard” he replied. Something in the tone of hisvoiced touched her the wrong way, and she felt her pride rise in herheart.
“Yourniece requested my services” she replied, her own voice colder
“ButI did not” he said “so I’ll repeat. I don’t need a bodyguard.I’m perfectly fine on my own”
Winterfelt her pride stir once again, and she was about to answer but thememory of Ruby stopped her. The poor girl looked so desperate andsad…Winter couldn’t in clear conscience just…walk out. Andwell…Qrow has always been difficult, even if they burried thehatched she should not have expected things to go too easy.
“I’dbe in my room” she said
Withthat she turned on her heel and dissappeared in the adjoined chambershe was to occupy.
Assoon as the door closed behind Winter, Qrow slumped to the ground. Hedidn’t mean to be this nasty to her. After all they had agreed toput their differences behind them and become true allies, to notfight amongst themselves, not give into petty squabbles after whathappened after The Fall of Beacon. And it wasn’t that he didn’tlike her or trust her either. During the war he came to know her notas a daughter of Jacques Schnee and a specialist but as a passionate,strong young woman who much like him cared about people of Remnantand her family…or at least those worthy of care. He found out sheand Weiss despise their father and his ways. This made him change hismind about her. It wasn’t that SHE was his bodyguard, but ratherthe sole fact he needed a bodyguard. It reminded him of how weak hehas become, how useless. How lame was that, when a master-hunter, aprofessional protector needed a bodyguard like some regular celebrityor a politician? His reaction was one of frustration at his ownplight.
‘ButWinter doesn’t know of it’ spoke a small voice of reason in hishead ‘it’s not her fault you’re this way. She is just doing thejob Ruby assigned her for’
Hesighed. That was right. Winter was just doing her job…
‘ButI don’t want a bodyguard’ he argued
‘Butyou need one’ said reason ‘you are low on aura, you cannot fightfor long. This is the reality you are in, whenever you like it ornot. There is no chaining it’
Wellthat was true as well. He sighed again, once more glancing at thedoor. He owed Winter an apology for his behaviour, especially as shewas here on Ruby’s request. His niece meant well, and wanted tolook after him. He should apologise…but he doubted Winter wanted totalk to him right now, so he opted to wait a few hours. He still hadto dress up anyway, and she no doubt needed to freshen up in her ownroom and get to know the place she was going to live in. He pickedhimself up and reached for his clothes.
Fewhours have passed and it became dark outside. Winter, has mostlycalmed down from her little angry fit. While passionate her anger didnot last as long as her sister’s tended to. She has learned to growout of letting it hold her for too long a time. Still, she wonderedwhat she should do. Should she go to Ruby and declare she couldn’tdo the job because Qrow objected to it? She didn’t really want tostart another conflict with him, nor be in a place she clearly wasn’twanted…but on the other hand she still remembered the girl’sexpression. Poor thing was so distressed, and it wasn’t hard tosympathise with that. Ruby has lost two good friends, and in case ofPenny Polendina, a best friend. Winter didn’t have time to talk alot with the little android but from what she heard from Ciel Soleiand her own sister, the girl’s had been close and Penny’s deathhit Ruby really hard. Especially as the cloaked girl had alwayswanted to save the world and was so idealistic. Winter stillremembered the first mission where she and her team failed to save some people. She wasn’t as naive as Ruby, but it still got herhard. The poor girl must have gotten it ten times worse. No, Winter justcouldn’t pack up and leave the girl to be eaten by her fear oflosing someone she cared so much for. She couldn’t allow such risk.She shook her head. She will deal with it tomorrow. She pushed awaythe covers and was about to get into the bed and switch of the lightwhen she heard knocking on the door.
“Hey,Ice-Queen, you decent?” she heard Qrow’s voice on the other side“can I come in?”
Sheconsidered his request for a while, before answering in confirmation.The door creaked lightly and Qrow came in. he was still in his dayclothes.
“Hey”he greeted her, unnaturally awkwardly “I…ugh….well…yousee…well…this isn’t gonna be easy for me to saybut…well…I…I wanted to apologise and maybe offer you some sortof explanation” he sighed “I shouldn’t have reacted so harshlytowards you before” he said “and I know it’s a lame excuse butI…I just was frustrated you know. Whole my life I had to do thingsby myself. Well, you know about my family, right?” he asked
Shenodded. Indeed, she knew about the tribe. She had learned about itduring the war, and it was one of the reasons she considered changingher mind about him. He has been brought up by a bunch of murders, andyet he chose to throw that life and all he knew away in order tobecome someone who protected the innocent of such people. He changedsides’ completely! That was something to be admired.
“Well…oneof the things they teach you is that you should not look for othersto help you, and while I abandoned that path long ago some habitsstill stayed with me. I was used to going solo and not having to relyon others…and I always was the one to protect and save others.People of Remnant, Ruby…that life was all I had ever known but thewar changed that, and reduced me to nothing more but a usellessweakling. I mean…look at me. I have just about ten percent of aura.I can’t fight, I can’t do much, my wounds still hurt because theyheal so slow nowadays and now I need a bodyguard” he laughedbitterly “a bit lame, huh? “
Winterbit her lip. She never assumed that he felt such an amount ofself-hatred, but now his reaction made sense. She even could relateto it. Had she been hurt so badly and someone send her a bodyguardshe’d probably feel equal amount of helplessness.
“Andthen there is my semblance, whenever it works on me or is just smallinconvenience to others…It’s still there, I still bring bad luck.Even if it’s little. Before I could at least use it in battle andmake up for shit, but now? I can’t do anything so I’m just acrippled sad inconvenience of a man. I mean look, my niece feels theneed to have someone babysit me. She had to summon someone and givethem a job..” he shook his head, falling silent. Winter felt astrange pang in her heart. She walked up to him.
“Qrow” she said “Ruby doesn’t think you’re an inconvenience. Nor thatyou’re weak. She admires you as much as she had before. You knowshe lost a lot in this war and even though it all ended she gotthrown into all this” she made a wide gesture “it’s hard onher”
“Iknow” he said
“Andshe almost lost you too” she continued “and she is scared someonewill get to you because of her. For her to lose you again would begreatest misfortune. She doesn’t want to lose you. That’s why sheemployed me. She’s scared, Qrow”
Theman sighed “I know: he repeated “and I guess you’re right,Winter” he paused for a moment “I’m sorry for what I said”
“So,we’re alright now?” she asked “do you accept the situation?”
Asmall smile appeared on his face and he chuckled “I guess I do”he said “and I guess that I could have gone had it worse withperson doing this”
“I’lltake that as compliment” she said. He smiled
“Well,I’ll be going then” he said “I’m getting too mushy around youand it’ll ruin my style”
Sherolled her eyes, shaking her head
“Sure”she said “see you in the morning, then”
“Yeah”he said, heading for the door. He opened it, but stopped in thethreshold “goodnight, Winter. Sleep well” he said, in a soft toneshe would not expect of him…at least as far as she was concerned.She decided to accept it however, and smiled as well.
“Goodnight, Qrow” she said. Withthat he turned around and closed the door, and she quickly got to herbed and switched the light off.
Thisis the first chapter. I…dk how long it’ll be. Idk if it’s OOCor not, but I think that Qrow after the war would have softened up abit towards people…especially if he and Winter fought on the sameside and she helped defeat people. War and fighting together issomething that changes people’s perception. And Qrow just decided that it’s better to tell her everything. He has tendencies to go out in the open like when he told RNJR about his semblance or Ruby about her powers ect. 
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