#this is SOOOOO a worse situation
it was mine and my boyfs 4 year anniversary yesterday and not only did i barely notice, im half thinking this relationship isn’t going to last much longer
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atypi-cals · 2 years
You say I've forgotten how to fight back but you're wrong. I have every bit of rage I had as a child, every bit of spite and defiance. I just choose not to let it out, because, for the moment, that rage brings me closer to unsafety.
But you seemed to have lulled yourself into a false sense of security. You seem to think I'm beaten down now, a whimpering animal at the back of its cage.
I can still fight. I just have things I'd rather not drag into your meaningless battles. But if I'm pushed... If you take away what I have to lose... Oh, you'll regret it. You'll regret it.
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
and also. furthermore. sorry, back in the belly of the beast. i cannot stand it when people characterize kit’s dad as abusive. what did johnny rook ever do to you people. yeah he sucks a little bit. ok. and? he’s not abusive…. why must fanfiction and fandom in general always characterize the sad boy in their gay ship as being abused by their father. like do we need to blame blue neighborhood for this or are fandom people just that out of touch that this happened naturally. sorry to troye sivan for bringing his hit album/iconic music video trilogy into this. but seriously do we need to blame him. why does every fandom do this. but especially why does the tsc fandom do it to KIT. kit is a pov character man we KNOW kit. and you’re still just making things up about him…
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githvyrik · 2 years
my death cleric is supposed to be a side character but listen. I am having Thoughts about them okay
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i think at this point i have to add lee as a familial fave but 😭 seeing any media of him ever just makes me so sad
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chaos-and-cookies · 3 months
Jesus christ i rly woke/forced myself up out of a dream just now thru the pure rage i feel towards my brothers gf. Amazing tbh
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no-one-hears-me · 10 months
I don't understand how people get excited to start college
#even as a freshman I didn't wanna go#i knew it was gonna be rough#and I enjoyed hs ngl. I just knew college was gonna be bad#and it was! hate that place#it literally ruined my personality and I actually am upset about that#I used to be soooo funny and cool. but being absolutely exhausted and miserable constantly drained the life outta me#then I also got very deep into ed behavior which also drains all the energy and personality away#it's weird to talk about ed things bc like. I think of that as a relapse but I never recovered#I have had this for years now and have never stopped. it's still very present#it just doesn't consume me as much at certain times ig. so when it becomes a very big focus I think of it as a relapse#when in reality. my behavior hasnt really changed. I just spend way more time thinking about things#honestly my current situation is worse than it was before. now I'm running more than before while eating less most days#I'm gonna be honest. idk how my body does this#the amount of energy I expend vs the amount I consume. very disproportionate#I also have been sleeping less recently and I normally don't sleep much sooooo that's not great#where is my energy and ability to function coming from? I don't have much to burn up realistically#ALSO idk what I did but I've started feeling genuine hunger for the first time in years#usually what I consider hunger is actually just some sort of sickness/weakness/nausea and pain that lets me know to eat#but a few days ago I actually got hungry. which I did not enjoy but it went away after a little while#idk why that happened#Sera
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butchvamp · 11 months
why does it genuinely feel like every time i try to do anything the whole world just immediately punishes me for it :/
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vyinter · 11 months
saw a meme that's funny at first but then all the white people had to make it racist 🙄
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screachogreilige · 9 months
in ur scar design right. he has like a blasted ear. so hear me out
Grian will sometimes sneak up on scar on that side, because Scar hears worse on that side
and I think scars reactions can vary from screaming to falling over to punching Grian in the nose (on accident or on purpose. who knows) and then apologizing immediately. and then punching him again
THIS IS SOOOOO real to me.. yeah...
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also grian swapping which sides he stands next to scar depending on the situation and level of danger they are in... haha
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Thank-you Ko-fi sentences for @beatrice-otter; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good!
“Um, can we maybe sit for a bit?” Billy suggests, gesturing towards the bean bag chairs. They look comfier than the couch to him. Which is saying something, because the couch looks really comfy. “I wanna tell you something before you decide if you wanna stay here. Well, there’s a few things we should talk about before you decide that, probably? But this one’s kinda the weirdest one.” 
“. . . fine,” Superboy says warily, and they both sit on the bean bags. Superboy looks a little bewildered by them; Billy represses another wince. Maybe Cadmus didn’t teach him about bean bag chairs? 
That sucks, if they didn’t. 
Well, at least Superboy didn't say “no” this time. Although Billy hopes Superboy saying “fine” doesn't actually mean “no”, now that he's thinking of it, because that'd be–
Yeah, okay, Billy needs to not second-guess literally everything Superboy says, so they're definitely gonna have to have the “no” talk ASAP. 
“Okay, cool,” Billy says as he settles in carefully on his own bean bag, which is a little awkward because he’s about twice the size he was the last time he sat on one, but he figures it out eventually. This is a weird conversation to have, definitely, but it’s not really . . . like, it’d be bad to lie to Superboy about this, even if he’s gonna keep lying to the Justice League, so . . . well, lying to his co-workers isn’t like lying to his kid, he thinks. Like–it’s definitely not. “Okay, so the thing is, uh, to be totally honest here I'm actually only like twelve years older than you, so I know this whole situation is a liiiiittle weird, but I think it'll be great! And I've really only been doing the superhero thing for a couple of years myself but I can definitely still help you with your powers and with learning how to get along with normal humans and that kind of stuff!” 
Superboy stares at him in bemusement. Billy has to repress a wince again. Bemused staring is . . . not great. Though it could be worse, really. 
“. . . wait, are you human?” Superboy asks with a slow frown. “You don't look human. You don't have pores or any variation in skin pigmentation and your face is perfectly symmetrical. And your irises don't have spokes.” 
“Uh, well, technically I'm human but, uh, please don't tell anybody cuz I reaaaaally don't wanna explain that to the Justice League,” Billy says, wincing after all, and then adds in a mutter, “At least not any time in the next six years, anyway.” 
“Okay,” Superboy says, sounding skeptical. But he doesn’t sound mad or weirded out, so . . . that’s a good sign, right? Billy thinks that’s a good sign. So–good! That’s good, that Superboy isn’t immediately freaked out by him only being twelve or walking straight out the door. Like, that’s a relief. So this is going great so far! 
“. . . you’re really only twelve years older than me?” Superboy asks, his frown deepening a little as he looks Billy over. Billy grins sheepishly. He’d show him, obviously, but he’s pretty sure Batman’s surveilling the apartment at least a little bit while they settle in and he doesn’t want him seeing the lightning hit, sooooo . . . yeah, not right now. 
Anyway, if he’s being a dad he should be dad-shaped, right? Being dad-shaped is better! And like this he’s big enough to hug Superboy really good and maybe carry him around and stuff like that, and he knows most little kids like being carried, and . . . well, his dad always did that kind of stuff for him, so . . .
He just wants to be a good dad. His was . . . his was really great, and Superboy should get to have a great dad too. 
“Um, yeah, but please don't tell anyone that either, the League would be so freaking weird about it,” Billy says, still sheepish.
“. . . sure,” Superboy says, still frowning a little. Billy beams at him. This is going really good, yeah! Well, Superboy’s gotta be used to weird age-related stuff, considering he’s technically a baby himself but also “old” enough to understand a lot more than a regular baby would be able to. So yeah, that’s pretty helpful. 
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wiggly-giggly · 4 months
TK Headcanons — Vox
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-> he is definitely a switch, most definitely ler-leaning. about 60% a ler, and 40% a lee.
-> this man has claws on his hands. literal sharp, perfectly teasy claws at the ready at any hour of the day. they are perfect tools, and he knows how to use them. what can he say? he’s been ,, practising,
-> probably would only tickle velvette and valentino, and definitely a partner if he had one that isn’t either of the two prior mentioned.
-> he’s such a tease, dear god. he wouldn’t really compliment his lee’s laughter unless he was close with them, but he will make remarks and comments on how they react to his methods.
-> “wow! this is a bad spot, huh? look at you! you’re practically red! you can’t be this fucking ticklish, can you? now, i wonder what happens if i move over here?”
-> he is one for the chase. and he’s not going to play fair. here’s your friendly reminder that he can materialize himself into a simple bolt of lightning. vox will let you run for a short while, until you’re out of his sight , or until you think that you’re safe. and then he will materialize himself, sending himself over in front of you, and bask in your shocked reaction.
-> we’ve mentioned this in a different post, but say vox is alternatively not up to chase you around, let alone sneak up on you or launch an overt attack. he will find a way to trace and skitter his claws of fingers on your skin with one hand, the other being more preoccupied with what he is doing . maybe he’s easing a book, maybe he’s looking over files. but nothing is stopping that smirk from growing on his screen. and he’ll act like he’s not doing anything either.
-> “hm? i don’t get what’s so funny over there, you should be doing your work. it’s too early to be making so much noise.”
-> okay okay heading on to more lee headcanons, his antenna will make him MELT. wiggle your fingers on it, and he will stumble/fall. he’s lucky he’s so tall ; no one will be able to access it in day to day situations. unless he’s getting wrecked.
-> he has a laugh akin to that of a boisterous one, maybe even a cackle. if he is tickled long enough, it becomes more staticky.
-> hips, hips, HIPS, kings queens and in betweens. his hips are sooooo, so bad. they make the guy howl , or his voice crack more. focus on this area long enough, and he is sure to bluescreen in minutes.
-> okay, his shoulders and upper back? these will sent him into a giggle fit if touched/tickled lightly. you need to squeeze his shoulders if you want to get him to actually laugh. that is, if you get him to agree to a shoulder massage. he’s usually got his guard up about this kind of stuff, unless he is tired .
-> honestly, if you try to tickle him when he is more on guard, he’s definitely going to pretend that he can’t feel it and ask what you’re doing — maybe even sporting a grin before he plots to turn the tables over onto you.
-> his ribs makes him squeallll, just a fun fact! so do the backs of his knees <3. but, vox (again) usually has his guard up , and will most likely catch you if you try to take him by surprise. the spaces between his ribs are worse, and his body will jerk as if he has been shocked.
-> if he’s being tickled, he will (moreso emptily) threaten his ler(s) through his laughter, unless he is talking about revenge here. oh no sir, he will seek that out once he has the chance to. but , as long as he is close with the people that are making him fluster and scream with laughter , he will not truly mean those threats that pour from his lips.
-> vox genuinely does like aftercare after his ler has had their fix. it’s not like he’d go actively asking for it afterward, nor will he say that he likes it, but he will be grateful if he is given even a douse of aftercare after a round or two of tickling.
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Oh, So Buck's inner voice was himself shown off as Daniel and for Chim is Doug and I sooooo love it
Buck was born to be Daniel's donor all his life was in his shadow and Chim tries really hard to not be "the husband she has to stab" because when he and Maddie started he tried hard time make it not pressured situation to her
I think sometimes they both scared to be worse than the one who they "replaced"
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kvthgok · 11 months
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Don't Forget It | Miguel O'Hara x Young Teen Reader (Platonic)
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Warnings- mention of semi toxic parents
Summary- You rant to Miguel about all your family problems since things are tough right now in your household due to your parents getting a divorce.
Side note- surprise surprise its not proofread 🌝 hehe....
I was having a tough time these past months. My parents were getting a divorce. All night I would hear them arguing. I had told Miguel whats been happening . Well more like rambling all my family problems to him. He was a great listener even if it seemed like he wasn’t listening. He was, he cared.
“You know if your parents keep giving you a hard time you can crash at the HQ.” He said glancing at me
I nodded while eating a some food I got from the cafeteria. Crumbs falling out my mouth while talking,” Mhm I know, don’t worry— but I just don’t know why they would wanna get a divorce Miguel? My parents were sooooo IN LOVE with each other ” I rambled
He continued to work looking at the cameras making sure there was no anomaly’s.
Miguel spoke still looking at the cameras, “Sometimes people change, it happens a lot. You really shouldn’t be worried.”
“Your parents will figure it out. For now, what you should be thinking about is school finals. Don’t want you failing those.”
“Yeah yeah but-“
“Y/n, focus on your finals instead. You have some of the toughest finals that the school has to offer. Just worry about those. Okay?” He stopped and looked at her.
“How could I do that when my parents are arguing all the fucking time?” I mumbled rolling my eyes.
Miguel looked at her. “Y/n,” the words were sharp and clear like a warning.He never liked when I cussed.
“Your parents have their reasons, but you, I believe, should use that anger to push harder. And pass those damn finals.”
“Yeah yeah I will it’s whatever.”
“Whatever, Y/n.” He let out a silent sigh and returned to what he was doing before It was silent for a little bit.
Suddenly I spoke out, “They’ve gotten worse you know..” I said in a sad tone. Referring “They’ve” to my parents.
Miguel stopped typing, he knew what she meant. He didn’t want to ask though. But he knew he should say at least something in response.
He cleared his throat then spoke, “Have they?” Miguel knew the situation was bad just not how bad it was.
I nodded looking at the floor.
“Tell me, how bad is it?” Miguel asked with a soft voice. He looked like he really wanted to know.
“They’re starting to throw shit at each other” I raised my eyebrows
Miguel stayed silent for some time before saying, “Jesus, Y/n.” His words came with disbelief and disappointment. Miguel couldn’t believe this was what her parents were doing now. He's actually met my parents before but they seemed like they were in a good relationship.
“At this point I might as well live in the HQ” I chuckled attempting to joke around the situation.
Miguel had noticed that whenever Y/n was uncomfortable, she would try jokes and sarcasm. It was like she didn’t want to come off as weak. Miguel sighed, “Can you do me a favor and not use jokes and sarcasm when you talk to me about something personal? I get that it helps sometimes. But I really want you to open up to me whenever .” Miguel spoke in a calm and soft voice.
"But hey if you do need to stay here we always have some extra beds, and a large couch.” He added
I stayed quiet.
“Not every problem should be joked around.” Miguel paused for a moment and continued to speak.He didn’t want to make it a lesson, but he wanted Y/n to understand what he was trying to say. “Y/n, I know you have it tough at home.” He spoke in a way that sounded more like he was comforting me.
“It’s just—“ I stumbled over my own words not finishing what I was going to say. Instead I put my hand over my face dragging them down.
Miguel watched her silently as you dragged your hands down your face. Miguel had a feeling that I was going to cry, but he didn’t want to be the one to mention it. He continued to just watch me.
He stayed silent, waiting for me to continue or start crying. He really hoped it wasn’t the second option.
I took a deep sigh,” I just hate it there…I wish they’d go back to how they were before-“
“Y/n. Listen to me.” Miguel’s voice stayed calm and firm. “You can’t control your parent’s relationship.” He kept looking at me. He still wanted me to listen to what else he had to say.
Miguel stayed silent for a moment then spoke again. “However, you can control your emotions."
"Your parents can’t control your emotions. You can.” Miguel looked at Y/n, now wanting her to see what he was saying.
"You can try to control how this is affecting you.” Miguel said, still keeping his voice calm but stern.He waited until Y/n was paying full attention, he wanted her to understand his message here. Miguel sighed, Y/n seemed to not understand what he was trying to say.
“Look, sometimes things, things that are out of your control, happen in your life.” Miguel kept his voice soft. “That doesn’t mean you always need to be sad.”
Miguel watched her slowly turn to look at him. He still had a calming tone.
“I want you to do one thing, okay?” Miguel continued to speak. “I want you to find something that makes you happy.” Miguel paused for moment before speaking again. “The next time your parents fight, try to do this thing that makes you happy, and focus on it. Don’t pay any attention to what your parents say.”
“Alright” I said in a soft tone almost sounding like a whisper
“I know it’s hard to ignore your parents and their fighting. But if you try to ignore it, by doing something you enjoy. Time will fly and you won’t even remember why they started to fight in the first place.”
I small smile curved up,“mhm”
Miguel smiled back at her, happy that she was finally taking his advice. “And Y/n , if things get much worse at your house, just remember you can crash here for a while.” He paused once again. I nodded
“And if you ever want to talk some more, just look for me. I’m always willing to listen.” Miguel paused for a moment. “Okay? I need you to say it though…” Miguel looked at her, it was important to Miguel that you got the message.
“Mhm I understand Miggy”
Miguel smiled. The nickname “Miggy” really caught him off guard, you hadn’t called him that in a while “Good.” Miguel spoke again. His tone shifted into a more serious and concerned one. “Just Don’t forget it, alright?” Miguel looked at Y/n.
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hanniedream · 24 days
Hiiiii I just realized your request are open, so I like to request Hoshi + “can you stay here? please?” I just imagine him being pretty clingy but u want to go after a little fight, just whit a super cute ending because clingy hoshi is sooooo cute
( also is okey if you don’t feel it, don’t fell forced to write it, I hope you have a great day/night 💕✨)
sorry this took forever and i know this isn't exactly accurate to the request but hopefully you'll still enjoy it!
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in hindsight, soonyoung probably shouldn't have ranted to you about the disagreement he had with his group mates. or at least, he should've known better than to expect you to take his side. you've never been a yes-man, you always told him when he's at fault and he'd usually be receptive to it except for when he's feeling extra sensitive and on edge. just like today. the last thing he wanted was to hear your lectures, telling him he's in the wrong. he just wanted to be comforted and for you to tell him that everything would be okay.
he was sulking from the moment he walked through the front door, dragging his tired body across the living room to plop himself onto the couch. you can clearly tell he was in a bad mood.
"bad day at work?" you hand him a glass of water then sit down next to him.
he gulps down the water then he's immediately venting about the argument he had with a few of his group mates. it started with a disagreement over something petty like their positions in a choreography that quickly escalated into a heated argument which resulted in soonyoung blurting out "maybe we should just disband instead, since we clearly can't work together."
seungcheol ended up telling everyone practice has been cut short and that everyone should go home to get some rest before the situation gets even worse and they can talk things out again when everyone is feeling better. after everyone had left, seungcheol told soonyoung that he was wrong for saying what he said and that he should apologise once he calmed down and cleared his head. but soonyoung has always been stubborn in arguments and just left without saying anything.
you sigh and rest a hand on soonyoung's thigh. "you are in the wrong for saying that though," you tell him softly. "i can't even imagine how hurt the guys felt when they heard that."
soonyoung brushes your hand away harshly then stands up and he's practically shouting when he tells you, "why can't you just take my side for once? try to see things from my perspective."
you shake your head with a frown and he can hear from your tone that you're frustrated, "i can't take your side when you're clearly at fault in this situation. what you said was hurtful. whatever the fight was about, it shouldn't have gone this far."
soonyoung rolls his eyes at you.
"do you want me to lie to you and say that you were right and all the other guys are assholes?"
he lets out a mumble of "i don't need to hear this from someone who doesn't know how stressful my job is" under his breath and he catches the hint of hurt that flashes across your face but he turns around to storm into the room and you hear the door slam loudly behind him.
he's not a bad person, you're fully aware of that. but soonyoung tends to get overly emotional when it comes to things like this and he just needs to be left alone for a while to settle down before he starts thinking straight again. it doesn't change the fact that the things he say and do during this time can be purposefully hurtful though and you can't bear to be in the same space as him whenever he's in one of those moods.
picking up your phone and keys, you think it's better for you to leave the house for a few hours than to stay here and possibly get into another argument with him and you're about to open the door when you hear the sound of the bedroom door creaking open behind you. you turn around to see soonyoung standing there, wrapped in a blanket, face red and sniffling.
"where are you going?" he asks between hiccups.
"i'm just going out to the store and maybe the park or something."
"can you stay here?" he takes a few hesitant steps towards you. "please? i don't think i can handle being alone right now."
"i don't know if that's the best idea, soonyoung. i don't want us to get into another argument."
he closes the distance between you a little more and you had to hold back your laugh from seeing him waddle towards you like a penguin because of the huge blanket around him. "i'm sorry for how i acted earlier. i had some time to think and i'm feeling better now. i can see that i was definitely in the wrong."
you stay quiet, not really knowing what else to say to that and soonyoung pokes one hand out from the blanket to hold yours and he lets out a small sigh of relief when you don't pull away.
"i'm really sorry for what i said to you. i know you were just trying to talk some sense into me." he continues.
"i know how important those guys are to you, i don't want you to lose them over a fight and something stupid you said in the heat of the moment."
he pulls you closer to him. "i know, i don't want to lose them too. i'll apologise to them later tonight, i'm sure most of them are still upset with me right now."
you nod and he pulls you into a hug.
"i don't want to lose you either because of the dumb things i say whenever i get emotional. i know you understand how hard my job is, i don't even know why i said that when you've been nothing but supportive of me."
he hears you sniffling and leans back to wipe a tear from your face.
"just promise me you'll work on being less rash whenever you get into disagreements, whether it's with them or with me."
he tugs you closer to wrap the blanket around you then squeezes you in a tight embrace. "i promise."
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