#this is entirely me ranting /pos
jellyjays · 8 months
initial thoughts after my first MK1 playthrough:
(disclaimer that i didn't actually play the game, i watched a full no commentary playthrough on youtube!!)
i fucking love this game so much holllly SHIT- expect sosososo much MK1 posting from now on. i will be on brainrot for a WHILE.
i have so many thoughts and observations and feelings, from the story to the characters to the gameplay.
all of my silly words will be below this cut
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my fav characters are these, in no particular order:
johnny cage
kenshi takahashi
shang tsung
liu kang
kuai liang
my least favs are these:
quan chi
thoughts on specific characters, if i have them:
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he's literally so audhd. so silly <33
his spinterest is definitely film and acting
he's so very much transgender to me.
reiterating, reading his character as neurodivergent/aspec gives him so much depth that i love
(hes my fav btw. just so everyone knows.)
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sososo pretty <3
so very badass. slays so hard
she's the kind of character i just love on instinct. i have no words about her. just so much love
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i hated him at first but his flamboyant and unintentionally silly ways entranced me
my only note is that he would look so much better covered in blood and dirt and slightly beat up. i would pay to see that.
he is so silly and flamboyant that i cannot take him seriously. he's the kind of guy i hold like a disobedient kitten and show you and say "look at my dog"
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no notes. phenomenal
the type of character i would show you and say "this is my favorite. he is very sweet and well-behaved."
just a good guy. i want him to be my uncle. he has very good uncle vibes for some reason.
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ugly as shit. next question
how did sindel fall for this guy he's like. a carbon copy of those evil timeline destroying monks in dr strange. the two are no different.
not even silly to make up for being criminally ugly. can't believe this.
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i knew he was fake from the beginning. just saying.
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beautiful sweet country boy. perfect in every way. no notes. next.
my thoughts on the story and worldbuilding:
this game absolutely blew me away with the level of detail and intricacies- i've never been so immersed in a game before. it really felt like i was brought into the story right next to the characters, and everything felt real and tangible in so many ways. outworld felt like a real, tangible place i could visit if i wanted to, thanks to the careful additions and placement of every last piece of detail, down to the costumes and cultures and worlds.
i loved the political world-building we got throughout the whole thing, down to the cultures, the peoples, their biases, their afflictions. the virus, the conflicts behind the scenes, everything- it was so fucking cool.
so many of the twists i did NOT see coming, i think because of the incredibly careful world-building- we never got clear, obvious exposition. it all came through the story itself, the beats and events, and that was sosososo fucking cool. i., ksdjgfkajshgef
the gameplay:
the story and the gameplay just blend/lead right into each other seamlessly, and it's so. LK:JEFG HLQW$UG ITS SO FUCKING COOL.
the fact that all the characters connected to sindel had similar movesets and animations, showing how they clearly learned from each other, there's a clear connection there.
there was also some connection i didn't quite understand between a bunch of characters who had this one move where they. barf blood on your face?? which was baffling but also, despite me not fulling understanding WHAT connection there is, i know there is one, which is what's important.
there are a LOT of instances of this in the game, where characters with connections to each other will show it in how they fight. it's so fucking cool to me and such. KLJG FLQ FKLJGQW ITS SO COOOOOL KJGF ARGGGHHGHG
im so fucking insane. i will be doing more MK posting soon. thank yuou for your time.
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sillycathorrors · 6 months
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bakedbananners · 2 years
i think what i love most about alex fierro is how she explicitly loves shape shifting and considers it a part of her identity, but also pretty explicitly doesn’t use it to change her physical appearance to aid her gender presentation. like, she has the perfect power for making her body magically cis-normative, but she doesn’t use it that way, she doesn’t use it to “pass” more. rick could’ve easily written the “genderfluid shapeshifter changes their secondary sex characteristics as they change their gender” trope but he didn’t. alex has a transgender body and is proud of that. i think that’s so so cool
Anon it’s like you read my mind because I had something about this in my drafts brewing anyways AGSGDJDBSJ
My Big Ol’ Rant about Alex’s Genderfluidity and Shapeshifting lol
I agree! Firstly, one of the first points she makes to Magnus is that yeah, she could look any way she wanted, but her gender identity is the one thing she can’t change at will. She’s come to terms with it, and doesn’t ever try to fight it. She embraces it, and if anything divorcing her gender from her shapeshifting is so important.
A HUGE BIG MASSIVE part of her character is that SHE IS NOT WHITE. SHE IS MEXICAN WITH INDIGENOUS HERITAGE. She takes a lot of pride specifically about her genderfluidity from an ancient Mesoamerican (Tlatilco) belief system that is inherently Latino/Mexican! NOT from her Norse parentage! To make her conform to not only cisheternornativity, but Eurocentric gender concepts, is such a blatant disregard and frankly colonialist way of thinking and perceiving her character. Alex Fierro is a person who is makes a conscious effort to decolonize her entire self. You could even tie in the way Loki attempts to exert power of her and Samirah as a form of Viking colonization/appropriation. Alas, essay for another day I guess LOL.
And lastly, canon evidence points to the contrary. When Magnus first meets Alex, he uses an inkblot metaphor, a simple inversion of perception. Reality-warping and changing one’s perspective is a big theme throughout the trilogy. Minds either bend and adjust, or they break entirely. The way it is written, it is Magnus’ perception that changes as he learns what gender she is, not Alex herself. She’s the same as always, just contains more facets. To write her like Alex is the one who adjusts and changes to fit into others’ world views is such a misunderstanding of the whole point of her character and many major themes in the series entirely. (Also to have transgenderism explained in such a simple and magic way… Rick what were you ON LMAO /pos)
Continuing: In HoT, when Alex is masc, Magnus notices that his hair seems to have gotten a bit longer. It indicates to me that even if he were to shapeshift minutely in appearance, it wouldn’t be in a Eurocentric cishet manner. Also, in the study, Magnus notes that while she is fem she reminds him of his mom- who is blatantly gender non-conforming (as Magnus also is). In Nine from the Nine Worlds, during Alex’s POV when he experiences a gender shift, he explains that it just simply happens. There is absolutely no change in appearance from him. That should blatantly indicate that there literally is no physical shapeshifting or dysphoria involved, at least a majority of the time for Alex.
Ok end of rant. I love Alex Fierro. 😭
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e-hibiscus · 2 months
I was cleaning up my contacts this morning and an idea spawned in my brain after i saw some of my notes i have for people
More Cinnabar content for the masses‼️‼️✊🗣️ Cinnabar nation RISE UP
Sfw utc
Thinking about how Cinnabar would have a note page, on her phone, about all the things you like. Maybe it can be little journal dedicated to you? 🤭 i can see her having either of them. Like, she records what foods you enjoy, how you like your coffee/tea, your regular orders, etc.
She jots them all down saving it in your contacts or something 😭 Whenever you even say something in passing, she’s gonna take note and remind herself to write that down cause its for you 🥺 she remembers without it but she has them just incase.
She’ll even has a little section dedicated to possible date plans. You said you wanted to watch a movie coming out in a couple months? Cinnabar has the date when they drop in theaters. She’ll get tickets for the two of you to go together. There’s a restaurant you want to try? Well, Cinnabar has made reservations and will take you there when the two of you are free!
She remembers every important date🗣️!!! Cinnabar is the type of lady who would get flowers on your first month anniversary, and continue getting them every month on that same day 🥺 she absolutely smitten with you
Continue sitting with me on this. The next time you have a bad day, you see your favorite snacks and flowers on the table with Cinnabar already on the couch with your favorite comfort movie/show at the ready. You didn’t mention anything, but Cinnabar caught on from how irritated you were during a videocall so she does all this for you 😣
Snuggling with Cinnabar, you get to relax and wind down with the softest gf known to man. Cinnabar listens attentively about your day, letting you rant a bit but not dwell too much on those negative emotions. Cinna gets to have her arm around your shoulder, and she can turn to give you a kiss on the top of the head 😵‍💫
Imagine catching her writing things down? Your talking and when things wrap up, and you get up to go use the washroom you get a peak at Cinnabar’s phone. You see the wall of notes with your nickname at the top. Cinnabar even put a goddamn emoji that reminds her of you 😭
It may just be me projecting, but Cinnabar would explode/pos if you mention her little notepad of things. Babygirl would be so embarrassed being caught with pages worth of things she written down about/for you. Cinnabar is a little scared you’ll think she’s weird for writing everything down, but you assure her it’s nothing weird. If anything, that’s one of the most endearing thing ever!
She would hide her face in a pillow, but also let you see her entire list of things she has for you. It’s such a sweet and intimate thing, but a good memory the two of you share with eachother. Give Cinnabar lots of kisses and show how much you love her, because this woman can and will go above and beyond for you 🥺
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brnest · 26 days
So I decided to post my thoughts from AO3 about JJK and how to correct the issues i saw in the next arc. Let me know what you all think.
I didnt like how gege built up the zenin clan only to throw them away as a plot device for maki's development. I thought the story would take a different turn when megumi was named heir but it felt rushed and extremely contrived, beginning immediately with the round table decision to KILL megumi. I cannot understand why anyone backed this decision. Why would a family that values power, tradition, prestige and inherited techniques so much not just have a duel to decide the leader?
1) It retcons everything we know about the Zenin including Toji's logic for giving megumi away. He knew if megumi had a good technique the family would invest in his development… turned out megumi didn't just have a "good" technique he had THE BEST technique! Toji' concern was never that theyd kill his som but that they'd turn megumi into a POS. Gojo explictly stated that hundreds of years ago a TS and 6E user killed each other in a mock-duel and the 2 families NEVER got over it. So the idea that the zenin would kill a TS user is completely out of the question. Even IF killing Megumi served Naoya, it didnt serve anyone else and goes against the zenins principles.
2)The TS literally puts the zenin on par (or higher) to satoru gojo in terms of strength. With gojo sealed The zenin clan would jet-propel to no1 in jujutsu society, which is what the family WANTS, power and prestige.
3) Megumi canonically had a lot of supporters, so this goes back to my first point that the blowback of killing him wouldve caused mass, internal strife.
4) Maki's massacre. (Ugh...)
So my headcannon is this:
Naoya gets told he isn't gonna be heir and calls the elders to the round table. Since a large portion of the family want megumi as head, naoya issues a challenge/duel on the condition that if naoya wins, megumi becomes an official zenin member but forfeits all rights to ever become clan head (doesnt matter if its on paper or binding vow, point is megumi won't be head). This would enable naoya to stay at the helm, while also boosting the zenins prestige because they'd have the TS under their control. Having a duel would also showcase naoya's talents so he doesnt come off a glass cannon like he did when maki flattens him later to show HER overwhelming strength. This plan makes infinitely more sense to me than what the manga did because it benefits EVERYBODY. Maki wants this. Naoya wants this. And so does the entire clan, because megumi will be a zenin regardless of who wins. It also put megumi in an active role, instead of passive one.
With this simple change, we can explore the characters introduced in the hei unit, tojis backstory/life, mai and makis sisterly bond, megumis leadership acumen, And ofc this would be the perfect time for naoya to reveal the truth about toji: That Satoru gojo is the one who killed him and thats why megumj and tsumiki were alone (in an attempt to turn megumi against satoru).
This change also benefits Maki's character too because after megumi loses, she tells him not to worry because he has enough supporters to drive a split in the clan, so while he can't be head of the zenin he can be head of his OWN faction. (remember this was makis ultimate goal, to have a safe space for mai, thats why she wanted megumi as head in the first place) now I'm skipping details, but ogi catches wind of maki's coup to start a civil war within the clan and throws her in the pits for it (a MUCH better reason to kill her than taking curse tools. I mean maki has been taking curse tools for years and nobody cared!) She becomes toji 2.0 and the story continues along the lines of the canon. Maki still gets her power boost and her revenge on NAOYA's supporters instead of the entire clan so she doesnt come off as a psychopath, and megumi learns the truth. There is even room for potential redemption for naoya should megumi prevent Maki from killing him which eliminates the need for curse naoya (a colossal waste of time)
What do you all think?
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freddy-owo · 18 days
Pjsk mlp headcanons
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Separate info and reasoning why I picked that for each character under the cut!! ^^
(Be wary: I associate the different pony ‘subspecies’ as having different class levels automatically, so that will be affecting my opinions and reasonings)
Ichika: earth pony
- I picked this for her because she’s like, the ‘generic main character’ vibes, and I think that in a mlp themed visual novel, the mc would be an earth pony. So I made ichika an earth pony.
Saki: pegasus
- her last name means pegasus. Also I wanted to keep all the siblings to the same subspecies (pony-type???) and I can’t just not make tsukasa a pegasus.
Honami: earth pony
- I was seriously debating between unicorn and earth pony with her, but eventually went with earth pony because idk it just felt right
Shiho: unicorn
- shizuku has to be a unicorn in my mind, so shiho does too (also I think it’s funny because unicorns are usually seen as more proper or sophisticated and shiho is. Not that.) (/pos)
Minori: earth pony
- in this universe, usually only unicorns or pegasi get hired by idol industries, so minori really doesn’t have any chance but she keeps trying and trying because she doesn’t care and knows that she can do it. (Another reason why airi is so standoffish towards minori in the main story because she’s trying to tell minori the truth, and that airi was really just a flook with being an earth pony in the idol industry and she doesn’t want minori’s hopes and dreams to be crushed by the idol industry) (which is also why she eventually takes her under her metaphorical wing and ‘shows her the ropes’ because once she realizes that minori won’t give up, she’s like ‘I see myself in you’ and wants her to be happy)
Haruka: unicorn
- once again, idol industry only hiring unicorns and pegasi. Also she just gives off the vibes
Airi: earth pony
- like I said before, she was really just a flook (since earth ponies are VERY rarely hired to be idols). But I really just can’t see her as anything other than an earth pony so that’s why she is one
Shizuku: unicorn
- also vibes, she’s very unicorn to me
Kohane: earth pony
- I just feel like kohane would be like ‘oh man I don’t fit in anywhere all the areas I want to pursue (ie: photography) are full of unicorns and pegasi what should I do’ and then main story stuff happens and she finds out the the majority of vivid street’s population is made up of earth ponies and she’s like ‘oh!’ (/pos)
An: pegasus
- also very tempted to earth pony-ify her due to it fitting her having to climb to get to kohane’s level (this would be if kohane as a unicorn) but ALSO she’s a pegasus because she *hasnt* had to work so much for what she has in the beginning. As Ken says, an’s never really had anything bad happen to her so she doesn’t know how to deal with it. I think that’s partially because she’s one of the only pegasi who occupies vivid street, as well as just being a pegasus in general gives her more ‘power’ in the pony society
Akito: earth pony
- he has had to work so hard to get to where he is. He’s had to climb every single imaginable ladder there is to have to climb, and that just feels very earth pony to me. Also I feel like him being a unicorn or a pegasus could kind ruin his character and it’s entire point of being the way it is (I am not going into a rant abt Akito’s character here that would be way to long and not many coherent words would be used) but just believe me he’s an earth pony
Toya: pegasus/unicorn
- he could be either a pegasus or a unicorn to me. I’m fine with either. Once again, delving into the pony class system, Toya is from a rich family. His entire family is famous and very prestigious. His dad also just feels like all the stuck up obnoxious ponies from manehattan and because of how pony genetics work in my brain, Toya is also either a pegasus or a unicorn. I’m sliiiiiiightly leaning more towards pegasus, because I love Toya wing imagery (having the freedom to fly away and go anywhere by being trapped within his home, held down by his father. Not even knowing how to use his wings until he meets vbs and they help him and show him that yes, he can be free.)
Tsukasa: pegasus
- no explanation needed
Emu: earth pony
- ignore everything I’ve said about class types equating to pony types in my brain emu is so earth pony (also could explain why she’s so different from her family, and why they think she’s too “incompetent” (going from an outside perspective and not actually how her family feels I understand emu’s family im just saying this for the dramatics) to help run the family business and all that)
Nene: unicorn
- she would benefit from this so much. Also we could make robonene into a wooden puppet that she moves with her magic or something like that, since I don’t believe super advanced technology exists in the mlp universe
Rui: unicorn
- also would benefit so much from this. He also deserves to be an eccentric unicorn I think that’s very him. Also he would probably make puppets in the universe and would kinda need magic to move them and stuff (he’s almost twilight level magic ability due to him being a prodigy)
Kanade: pegasus
- I just thought it'd be funny since pegasi are usually athletic and stuff. Also kanade would be like 'why did I have to be a pegasus this doesn't benefit me I don't leave the house'
Mafuyu: unicorn
- I feel like it fits her nice girl image, as well as giving her mom another reason why she expects to much from her (because unicorns are the highest respected pony-type and usually have to most detail-oriented jobs)
Ena: earth pony
- gives her dad another reason to be like 'you can't be an artist you have no talent and no one in the industry will respect your because your an earth pony' also Ena is just such an earth pony it feels right
Mizuki: unicorn
- unicorns irl are usually seen as more girly and feminine than any other pony-type commonly, so mizuki gets the 'girl pony'. Also, when they were a kid (in this pony universe) they'd always get mistaken for a girl because 1) child, 2) unicorn, 3) wearing pink frilly stuff
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blazestar0525 · 6 months
Small Pokemon Rant
Okay so I was finishing up the DLC and I wanted to say my honest option and reactions to the DLC.
Okay first off, Kieran says that the player was stronger than him and want to surpass them? Im sorry but dearie you nearly swept me with your team if I didnt have to use max potions and my one max revive in the bag! Legit my team consisted of Meowscarada, Skeledirge, The shiny Lucario from a gift code, Ogerpon (I didn't send her out, because I forgot to switch her out for the battle and I didnt want her to fight especially against Kieran!), Chein-Po, and Miraidon and let me tell you this! My team was all near level 95 and the only level 100's I have is Meowscarada & Skeledirge. And Kieran casually knocked out every single pokemon on my team that was sent on the field and at the end of the battle Meowscarada, Skeledirge, Lucario, and Chein-Po were all knocked out while Miradion was in the red! Ogrepon was the only one at full health since she didnt fight and I had to max revive my Skeledirge in order to beat him!
Kieran is selling himself short because he managed to take down my frankly overpowered team that I trained to max out both attack and defense stats and consisted of mostly legendary/mythical pokemon! If that isn't strong then I dont know what is!
Kieran is strong but he sells himself short since during the DLC he would only see himself as a strong trainer if he beaten the player. I think he was too caught up in that to realize he was strong since the beginning! He was too caught up into 'being like the player' that he failed to realize that he's his own person and his own trainer which leads to him underestimating his strength.
Heck even when I played part one when I was doing the last battle with him during the DLC and I nearly lost since I only had 5 pokemon on the team and I was not using my usual team since my team was really overpowered so I wanted to use lower level ones.... that was the biggest mistake! If I didnt have my Meowscarada in the team I would have lost.
This in my head, shows that Kieran is a strong trainer ever since we met him. I think that we only beat him was because we had more experience. It wasn't the terms of strength but instead it was more about experience in a way. If you beat the entire main game before playing the DLC, its clear that there's almost like a experience gap since the player had: beat the league, beat 5 Titian pokemon, went to Area Zero, went through life and death experience, but mostly because they fought hard opponents that no regular trainer would fight against.
Now im not saying Kieran is a weak trainer because he isn't! I just see it as since Paldea is a place where it provided a challenge so when they went to Kitakami, it felt like everything was easier for them due to Area Zero.
In my head the player was just stronger because of the trauma of Area Zero and the Titian pokemon which in my head has their brains programed to think outside the box and be required to be stronger in order to beat pokemon that the world isn't aware about besides Arven, Penny, Nemona, Turo/Sada, The elite 4, and Geeta.
Kieran is a strong trainer, in my opinion more stronger then a regular trainer but I feel like he shields that talent since he is the younger sibling and because of Carmine's constant verbal abuse towards him although it isn't fully intentional on her part (in Carmine's head) it still affects him and makes him believe he's the weaker sibling where he isn't! His team can frankly overpower Carmine's team in my opinion.
Remember most of these trainers: Penny, Nemona, Arven, the Player, Carmine, and Kieran are just kids/teens! But a few of them after some experiences in their lives it's clear that there's always an outside factor that affects them which physiologically affects them which then in my head affects how they look on battling and how they view their strength.
But I'll tell you one thing, one: that this game left me and mostly my pokemon Violet oc: Ava even more traumatized after the event of Area Zero and two: Im rewriting the entire DLC to have some form of a 'good ending' and more fluff moments between Kieran and the player since it's clear that they have some type of chemistry! If the Applin doesn't say anything...
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jackoshadows · 1 year
Game of Thrones did remind me a lot of British culture and history in terms of Sansa’s xenophobic rants against the Dothraki and Unsullied - who came to help the North from an existential apocalyptic threat and ended up dying in large numbers - being very similar to Brexit Britain.
The othering language used by the Starks - ‘She’s not one of us’. The backstabbing and betrayal of an ally come to help. Brexit was and is as nonsensical as Sansa’s entire ‘Northern independence’ shtick. The way Sansa had no issues feeding the Vale army but complained about feeding the Dothraki and the Unsullied reminds me of the likes of Rees Mogg, Nigel Farage and the UKIP party talking about immigrants and refugees.
And it really is discomforting to realize that a lot of people are fictionally for a UKIP party’s xenophobic hated of others given their rhetoric and support for show Sansa’s actions in GOT. It’s fascinating just in general how easily people fall in anglo-centric/imperialistic/colonial/racist/po-monarchial mindsets when you put a pretty face on the brochure!
ASoIaF on the other hand is fundamentally different to GOT in it’s narrative themes and the story it’s telling with the fight against the allegory for climate change - the Others - being more important than which noble family gets to rule over the Smallfolk. That has consistently been the message of the books.
I’m not an “American First” (and maybe because I read science fiction) I’m a “Terran First”. I’m a human being first. And I have this sympathy for other human beings no matter what side of the giant ice wall they happen to be born on. - GRRM
When dead men come hunting in the night, do you think it matters who sits the Iron Throne?” - Jeor Mormont
Why can't it be both?" Meera reached up to pinch his nose.
"Because they're different," he insisted. "Like night and day, or ice and fire."
"If ice can burn," said Jojen in his solemn voice, "then love and hate can mate. Mountain or marsh, it makes no matter. The land is one." - Jojen Reed
“Are you certain that I have not forgotten some? The ones about the king and his laws, and how we must defend every foot of his land and cling to each ruined castle? How does that part go?” Jon waited for an answer. None came. “I am the shield that guards the realms of men. Those are the words. So tell me, my lord— what are these wildlings, if not men?” - Jon Snow
The shield that guards the realms of men. Ghost nuzzled up against his shoulder, and Jon draped an arm around him. He could smell Horse’s unwashed breeches, the sweet scent Satin combed into his beard, the rank sharp smell of fear, the giant’s overpowering musk. He could hear the beating of his own heart. When he looked across the grove at the woman with her child, the two greybeards, the Hornfoot man with his maimed feet, all he saw was men. - Jon Snow
I also think we need to be consistent and if we are talking about Northern independence or Dornish independence or just the dissolution of the 7 kingdoms from the Iron Throne etc, then these discussions should also include the Iron Islands and Ned Stark/Stannis Baratheon crushing the Greyjoy rebellion and taking Theon Stark as a child hostage so that they would not fight back again. There is no one family or one house in the morally right here. They are ALL feudal lords fighting for power and for their house.
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eosofspades · 4 months
I am asking you about the magic in KFP
thank you for asking!! this is gonna be an INSANE take from me, number one fantasy enjoyer of all time, but i... i really don't like the magic in kung fu panda.
every sequel in this series just ups the magic factor and i don't like it. kfp1 had just enough that i felt like it worked, and it was more of a mildly fantastical take on the actual technical science of acupuncture and nerves, which was super cool. in kfp2 the "inner peace" thing i ALSO feel worked, mainly because it tied in hugely with the entire rest of the story, the themes, and the text. it wasn't even about learning magic, it was ABOUT inner peace, and the "magic" that po was able to do at the end was about balance and harmony. it also sort of narratively functioned as a foil to the more "technological advancements" of lord shen's army.
i... i actually am not crazy about kfp3. i DID not like the full-blown spiritual power of chi that everyone could do, i didn't like kai as a villain on the whole (this is more about themes and narrative, which is a separate rant i have, but him being a "spirit warrior" was so ridiculous to me i laughed when he said it, rather than actually being intimidated.)
part of this is because it just plainly deflates the ending of kfp1 - po using the wuxi finger hold was like this HUGE thing that the whole movie had been building up to, and in kfp3 now EVERYONE can do it?? with ease?? i feel like it cheapens the intensity of the first movie's ending.
i have a harder time describing the second reason i dislike it, so please bear with me, but i feel like the magic elements in the third movie in particular (kai turning everyone into jade creatures, po's giant golden dragon), are... dissonant, to me. jarring? i feel like they are TOO over-the-top and these Big Important Things to the point it feels like this doesn't line up with the previously established rules of this universe. there was VERY little magic in the first movie at all - the nerve attack is more scientific; the only truly *magical* moments are oogway going to the spirit realm, and tai lung being sent there, and both of those times, it feels much less like characters are using magic, and much more like magic is happening to or through them.
but the BIGGEST reason it bothers me is because it is thematically wrong. despite the brief magical moments in the first movie, the story was NEVER about learning or using magic. in fact, it was the oppsoite; the story was literally about the fact that there WAS no magic! the whole point of the first movie, literally the entire message, was that there WAS no magic power! there was nothing magical about the dragon scroll!! there is no magic there is no secret ingredient it is just YOU and what you are going to do with the body and mind that you already have!!!!
for what it's worth, i know animated film trailers almost always suck, and kfp4 MIGHT surprise me, but i doubt it. the chameleon might be a cool character, but i truly believe if they included a chameleon character in kfp 1 or 2, their power wouldn't have been actual shapeshifting, just good kung fu and maybe camouflage abilities; definitely not a full-blown shapeshifting power. because the first two movies used supernatural abilities / events with just enough moderation that it struck a PERFECT balance between the themes of the story and the previously established rules and bounds of the universe.
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orbees · 1 month
bitching about fat fetishism
so many posts defending fat fetishism are so fucking annoying bc theyll go for the "everyone on this site is so repressed. drawing sexual / fetish content isn't inherently bad :/" angle which. yeah if we're just talking Generally yeah. duh. but as it turns out not all kinks/fetishes/whatever are equal and some have the potential to do real harm.
i personally believe fat fetishism to be in that category bc it fetishizes an entire group of ppl based on attributes they've been dehumanized for. And it gets me bc fat ppl get lured into this shit bc they find a place where for Once people are saying they're sexy BECAUSE they're fat and not DESPITE it but at the end of the day its the same fucking thing. you're still not being seen as a person.
like. i obviously have way more understanding for fat ppl who are into this than skinnies. it just sucks seeing it so ubiquitous in fat pos spaces when i feel it hurts the movement more than it helps. its funny bc a lot of these ppl will also then parrot anti fat-fetishism sentiments of "you can be attracted to fatness without it being a fetish" but then completely take over fat pos tags w/ their fetish content basically implicating as such anyways. like it is basically Inescapable.
ALSO. it is absolutely true that ppl tend to be more heavily scrutinized if they mention they're attracted to fat ppl. and yes thats wrong. attraction to fat people should not automatically be assumed to be fat fetishism. but hte thing that these posts dont often mention is that a lot of the ppl calling this behavior out are ALSO fat people whove been around the block awhile and know the signs.
anyways. rant over. im done now =_= not about mutuals ofc just bitching about posts ive seen going around for a while
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zi-o3 · 11 months
Mha Rant #1
hey um, well I guess I need to get this off my chest, after watching the show several times I came to a realization, hori has a boner for asshole characters. I know big shocker, but I bet you are wondering "why are you telling us something we already know?"well it's because I have analyzed every scene in the entire series, and I have kept an eye on the behaviors of these three in particular, so let's start with the explosive cancer that is bakago shitsuki.
he has been nothing but a huge POS throughout the whole show, and no the 5 seconds of 'character development' do not count. He literally gets away with doing bad stuff to other people. Not only that, but it is treated as a 'joke'. And midoriya is the one who suffers from this because if any piece of midoriya's backstory is revealed, it would make explodoboy look bad, and we can't have that, now can we? Now let's move on to the actual worst teacher in mha, eraserhead.
This man has caused the deaths or rise of to villain from all the students that he has expelled. And the recton, and let's face it the only reason that this bullshit retcon exists is to give kurobo any impact. now for the fire dumpster himself.
I hate his redemption arc because it made shoto a tool for his redemption, and ruined dabi for me. Aside from all the stuff that endeavor has done, I want to talk about the reveal that rei side of the family, and by extension the Todoroki kids are a product of incest. do you want to know My honest reaction to it was. "What was the actual point of that?" It was so unnecessary, like we get it, the Todo fam is a tragic fam, but don't throw random bullshit to make it worse.
Look what I'm trying to say here is that.... It feels like hori is trying to make us forget all the bad stuff that they did. As if it didn't happen at all. And coming from the guy who had to rewatch the show for traitor theories, I can't forget it, not at all.
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problematic-president · 8 months
Watching I Made America after having recently seen Hamilton live in west end.....i have incoherent Thoughts (incoming rambling)
In so many ways Hamilton could be considered the perfect musical but a TERRIBLY flawed historical adaptation. Meanwhile IMA has the opposite problem, it's not as flashy or polished as Hamilton but i think it works better as a historical adaptation. Right now for me this discrepancy is....quite hard to explain. I have a Hamilton analysis in the works (no idea when, or whether i'll get it finished). Maybe Hamilton was too ambitious, maybe the sillier concept of IMA made it inherently easier for the writers to adapt the historical aspects, maybe it's that Hamilton had a set of ideals it was trying to push which directly contradicted its purpose of existing in the first place (not elaborating on that but if you know YOU KNOW). Idk man.
But something about IMA felt different. Something about Alexander Hamilton's rant in the episode People Hate Bastards really struck a chord with me and made me understand the man better than Hamilton the musical ever could, even though the latter literally covers his entire life story. It's truly fascinating.
Funnily enough i've observed historical adaptations that "try less" to be faithful end up being better at adapting the source material. Classic example of this is Blood Bloody Andrew Jackson. Historical accuracy is NON EXISTENT in that musical but look at that!!! It provides a hard hitting depiction of Andrew Jackson which both perfectly shows how much of a POS he was while also getting the audience to care about him!!!!! It's crazy to me!!!!!
Honestly this is such a fascinating recent social phenomenon and i think it should be studied more
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propertyofsamcollins · 9 months
I'm going on another Sam and Darlin' rant/pos
Well, more like a rant about how much I love Sam, but thats practically the same thing-
Also, spoilers for the Quinn Arc
Something I love about him, is the way he never tries to compare him and Darlin's situations (with quinn)
He's said it himself, "I get it, I feel it too, I never claimed to feel it the same exact way you do..." LIKE MARRY ME ALREADY
I love the way he recognizes the fact that the two are incomparable because of the fact that Quinn and Darlin's issues are personal
Like, it would be a completely different story if Quinn just so happened to attack a friend of Darlin's and almost killed them. And then they went on a manhunt for him.
But Quinn only attacked their friend because they reported him, which makes the entire situation personal.
Quinn didn't try to kill Fred and Bright Eyes with the intention of hurting Sam.
Sam just so happened to be Fred's maker after all was said and done.
While with Darlin', Quinn went after thier friend with the intention of hurting them to indirectly hurt Tank.
Which, like I said, makes the entire situation personal.
That doesn't mean that Sam's situation is less valid, not at all. But, it does give Darlin' more motivation than it gives Sam, which is why Sam is able to think more logically than Darlin' does
But, they end point is, is that Sam recognizes all of this, and never once does he try and compare their issues to one another's and I love that about him.
He's perfect your honor
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bohemian-nights · 9 months
What’s your opinion on show and book!Viserys (Rhaenyra’s father not her son btw)?
Where do I even begin🤦🏽‍♀️ I apologize in advance because this is going to be a rant and probably won’t be that coherent.
I straight up hate his guts. Sorry not mincing any words because he’s a f*cking idiotic selfish POS(actually that’s an insult to sh*t) Jacka** whose actions(or rather lack of actions cause this MF does nothing) almost single-handedly destroyed an entire dynasty. Seriously f*ck both the show and the book versions of him are literally the worst.
If anyone is looking for one character to blame the Dance on, well look no further than this turd because he’s the reason for all the unnecessary chaos.
Book!Viserys gets 1/2 a point over show!Viserys based on the fact that he never orders Aemma to be cut open, but he’s just as stupid and selfish as show!Viserys.
I think out of all the characters on the show Viserys is the one who’s changed the least fundamentally from his book counterpart. The only major difference is the Aemma situation, he’s not a creepy pedo(cause he and Alicent only have a ten-year age gap), and he “cares” for Helaena and her children in the book(I say “care” loosely because if he cared he would’ve realized that those babies would become targets the moment he died).
Fundamentally, Viserys is a character who is willfully oblivious to what's happening around him. He’s created a powder keg situation yet he fails to notice it because he thinks his word is law and everyone should just blindly follow what he says because he’s the king. He can break tradition because he is king. He can make the rules up as he goes and spit in the face of others because he is the king.
Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with breaking the precedent of succession for favoring males over their female relatives. However, this dude is a. A hypocrite(the whole reason why he is king is because he was a man whereas Rhaenys who had the greater claim was a woman) and b. A dumb dumb.
The moment Alicent popped out Aegon II he created a succession crisis. You can not tell me that he didn't realize that Otto and Alicent would put Rhaenyra first over their own flesh and blood cause he would never do that himself. He should’ve never married her if he wanted to keep Rhaenyra as heir.
(And as much as I rag on her, you know what, the reason why she’s so horrible is because of him. He was a sh*tty father to her just as much as his other kids).
He was the king. It’s not like he loved Alicent. He could’ve had any number of mistresses and fathered any number of bastards no one would care and they wouldn’t be a threat to his daughters claim like his true born sons were, but what does he do? He marries her anyway.
You could make the argument that oh Rhaenyra was his eldest child so the Hightowers should’ve respected that, but Viserys also helped to facilitate another succession crisis by turning a blind eye to Rhaenyra having obvious bastards(he got lucky that Corlys for the longest time cared more about appearances than his blood).
While everything might have been okay for Rhaenhra had the Targtowers not been in the picture(or if they bent the knee), No one, and I mean no one was going to take those boys being made king and the Lord of the Tides seriously once he, Rhaenyra, and I guess Corlys, had died.
If Viserys actually loved any of his children he would’ve named Aegon his heir, married Rhaenyra off to a man who she could have a fulfilling marriage with, and called it a day, but nope. This dummy really let his guilty conscience(and his nether regions) ruin his family(I believe that even book!Viserys felt some guilt over Aemma dying which is why he kept Rhaenyra as heir and allowed her to do whatever).
If this is your favorite character(I doubt he has any actual fans except god bless him, Paddy) please tell me why because there is absolutely nothing likable about him:
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I apologize for posting this yucky picture, but I’m so glad they decided to make him look like a rotting corpse instead of making him fat like in the book. His outsides started matching his insides and it’s what he deserved🤡
Bottom line show!Alicent is a saint for putting up with him and I don’t blame book!Alicent one bit for letting his putrid corpse rot for days on end. He's the reason why House Targ almost went extinct(and why they lost their dragons for basically 200 years).
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Starting with this one cus it was a DM and I wanted to count it regardless :)
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Okay soooo I'm gonna start with a gush for one of my closest f/os Damien LaVey from Monster Prom AKA my husband AHHHHHHHH /pos
Y'all...... The fact that I saw him way too long ago and ever since then I've realized that I am in love with him. Like my friends and I know about Monster Prom and something between me and my closer friends is that I'm known for gushing about him. He's SO AUGHHH IN THE BEST WAY. I LOVE HIS LAUGH AND HIS VOICE AND HIS CHARACTER IS SO DEEP ROOTED BECAUSE ON ONE HAND HIS ENTIRE PERSONALITY IS MEANT TO BE A REFERENCE TO THE IDEA OF TOXIC MASCULINITY BUT THE AMAZING THING IS THAT WHEN YOU LEARN ABOUT HIM YOU FIGURE OUT THAT HE'S MUCH MORE THAN THAT!!!!!!!! He loves love and drag and makeup and good golly gee oh me oh my I love him so dearly. He makes me so happy and I KNOW WE ARE AMAZING FOR EACH OTHER LIKE ITS THE KIND OF F/O YOU COULD WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT YOUR BOND WITH. He is the love of my life and he makes my heart soar and my silly face blush. Oh goodness. Anyyyyways thank u sm for the ask and for giving me the chance to rant about Damien (icon and admittedly cursed) LaVey!!!!
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canonically47 · 3 months
I'm curious as to your absolute favorite part of each Total Drama season and each Disventure Camp season.
aw thanks for this ask!! i find it really sweet :3 let's see if my memory can hold up to the task!
total drama
season 1: it may be just because i haven't watched this season in a while, and because it's definitely not my favorite if i had to pick, but i think what stuck with me the most were the duncney first kiss scene (which was sooo adorable i miss them sm <//3), gwen accepting to go on a date with trent (i miss them.. sob....), harold's little >:3 after courtney got eliminated, and gwen and geoff's entire arc in geoff's elimination episode. if i had to choose between all of those, i'd pick the latter. it was such a fun dynamic that unfortunately was soon forgotten.
season 2: a lot of justin scenes are iconic but in the end i have to go with a harold scene, which would be the one in which he punches duncan in the face. yeah that's my favorite part always. what a great guy i love him sm. i also really like the entire dynamic of duncan-harold-heather-leshawna as a group they were AMAZING and even without leshawna in that one episode they SLAYED i love that silly trio
season 3: so since you didn't ask for a specific scene but just for a part, i'll just have to say the entire aleheather arc was amazing. they are such a well-constructed ship and i adore them. i cannot picture them with anyone else but themselves. my favorite scene to come out of the entire season also comes from them: when they're dancing on the train, singing "you are the worst, why must you torment me?" oh god they have it so bad for each other
season 4: roti is so forgettable which is sad because it has so many great characters.. i'll have to go with something related to jo since she's my fav and made the season better, i really liked her bickering with brick and anne maria. she's truly a bisexual enemies-to-lovers icon. i love the scene in which she and brick meet up and start ranting about who ran the most
season 5: that season didn't exist wdym?? but in all honesty aleheather dating was awesome and i miss them sm.. when chris said 'are you two DATING??' something in me shifted he was so funny for that idek why
season 6: ugh i hate you so tdpi.. shawn and jasmine dodging the lasers was pretty dope tho
season 7: hard to say because ridonculous race has a lot of GREAT moments but i just loved the dynamic of the cadets in general. i love how macarthur softened up after breaking sanders' arm and how much she cared for her. i also think the step-brothers were awesome and one of my favorite total drama scenes ever is when they realize how much they have in common. i miss those two goobers! the goths were also iconic and i love every moment they are on the screen, but when they came back to the show dressed in even more hardcore goth i LOST IT /pos
season 8: the rajbow kiss. come on. did you think i'd say anything else? the rajbow kiss was ICONIC
season 9: the fact that it ended... that was the best part. but in all seriousness, i really liked ripaxel. i think this is a hot take at this point. even though they were very rushed, they were such a healthy, happy couple. i was scared for them when axel said that awkward goodbye to ripper but i was so relieved for them in the finale. ripaxel definitely made the season better for me
season 10: i love the scene where damien- oh what's that? season 10 is entirely in my head? oh i would've spoiled TD:TBBG? my bad chief
disventure camp
season 1: i will never forget when i actually teared up when miriam and jake opened up to each other... besides that when alec and fiore started plotting together i became a different, better person. i miss them :( please come back to me lovelies :( i also really loved the tomjake kiss but. yeah we all know what i feel about them now. i miss them so fucking much it's not even funny
season 2: kai standing up to yul was so funny to me because why did his hair go like that /pos i remember i had a doodle in one of my notebooks that was kai going haywire the way he did in that scene and i scribbled the following words by him, with an arrow pointing towards him: 'same guy who goes namaste n shit'. also jaiden... save me jaiden... they were definitely my favorite part of the season :3
season 3: i'll definitely update this after the entire season comes out (october btw. yes i calculated. i put it in my agenda and everything /srs) but the villains alliance is by far the most promising and amazing part of the season. i can't wait to see where it goes next!
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