#this one's a little more straightforward in that it gives fans a side to back in a theoretical conflict
prophecystation · 2 years
i feel like discourse about hockey (and sport in general) would really improve a lot if more people realized that spectator sport is a form of narrativized media and applied their literacy skills accordingly
#sorry these tags are so long#this is not about anybody on this website i just need to stop looking at the bird app#but actually though media coverage of spectator sports exists to construct narratives around athletes/teams/etc.#so if we look at this whole mitch marner/sheldon keefe bullshit#(which is what has me kicking off about this currently)#positioning the two of them as being opposed to one another within the wider narrative of this leafs team#lends itself to a couple different constructed storylines#the first is the continuation of the Mitch Marner Villain Arc (derogatory)#which is playing itself out as sort of a rise-and-fall story structure wherein marner comes into the locker room as a revered hometown hero#and then through time and tricks is made out to be a Whiny Baby Man Who Wants All The Attention And Plays The Hero Too Much#by the way you should be reading that as:#Mitch Marner Wanted To Be Paid The Value Of His Physical Labour Which Is Considered Morally Reprehensible Under Capitalism#And Therefore Everything He Does Now Is Bad#but i digress#the logical conclusion of this narrative is either he wins a cup with this team or is traded and forever villified in the toronto market#either he has a so called redemption arc or becomes a tale of caution basically#the second narrative is that there is a rift in the toronto locker room#this one's a little more straightforward in that it gives fans a side to back in a theoretical conflict#everybody likes to have a good guy to root for and a bad guy to root against it's really just a matter of who you perceive as being the hero#it also lends itself nicely to an overarching narrative surrounding the team and its playoff struggles#hey everybody look at this team that can't make it out of the first round. what the fuck is up with that.#the fun part about this narrative is that you can project whatever the hell you want onto it#are they overcoming adversity? are they distracted? is this kyle dubas' fault? is the team better or worse for it? you decide!#and at the end of the day all of this drives visibility and clicks#which drives (you guessed it) profit#anyways i'm not saying all this to be like 'hurr durr media bad' or whatever#there's a ton of sport media that is highly informative and responsible and incredibly important and i respect the hell out of (most of) it#what i am saying is that when an article comes up that is not based in verifiable fact#(and even when it is! but especially when it isn't)#please please ask yourselves why the person and/or publication writing it is doing so in the way that they are
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tadpolesonalgae · 6 days
Who Do You Belong To?
Cassian x reader
a/n: thank you for this lovely little request, anon <3! I think it’s becoming a tradition in my mind to give Cassian fics the most straightforward title I can think of 🫡
warnings: smut, slight possessive! Cassian but he’s more on the soft side in this 🧡💛
word count: 2,691
“Mother above Cassian he’s down! He’s down!” 
You grip onto his sleeve, wrapping your hands around his wrist as you leverage your weight against him slightly in attempts to keep him from descending into a rage upon the male. Cassian halts the swift motion of his arm, brutal movement halting the second he feels how you’re pulling against him, preventing his bloodied knuckles from further splitting skin. 
“That’s enough,” you say firmly, meeting his half-wild eyes and you can tell he’s struggling with his instincts, to obliterate any sort of threat to his mate, no matter how insignificant in the long run. His jaw is set, a hot temper further heating his blood as hazel eyes hold your own, thick brows narrowed over top in a furrowed fury. A muscle ticks in his jaw, nostrils flaring slightly as the male groans beneath him but Cassian makes no move to deliver another blow to the bleeding mess below him. 
You hold his gaze, keeping a firm grip on his sleeve despite knowing he could very easily knock you away and continue to satisfy his roaring instincts. But his throat rolls, refusing to so much as glance at the male who’s gasping wetly on the floor as he stands, towering over you as the wrath fades, his temper soothed by your whole-hearted attention. A tentative smile softens the edges of your irises as you gaze up at him, squeezing his hand lightly, ignoring the slippery wetness of blood that’s managed to splatter itself over the knuckles of his fist. 
Cassian’s brows narrow, then he’s wordlessly dipping down and you yelp as he puts you over his shoulder, turning for the exit of the inn. “Cassian!” You splutter, struggling to get a steady placement but managing to press your palms down onto the muscle of his shoulder. “Cassian put me down this instant! You can’t just throw a possessive fit every time we come to Illyria. This happens every time!” 
“Maybe this time you’ll remember who you belong to,” he mutters roughly, refusing to so much as lighten his grip on you as he carries you swiftly out the door, already heading straight for the cabin. 
“Who I belong to?” You repeat indignantly. “It’s not my fault that male was so persistent. How was I to know he’d try and grab at me?” Cassian growls lowly at the memory alone, and you grimace—it isn’t a good idea to provoke him when he’s in one of these moods. 
“Put me down,” you demand firmly, holding yourself up as he continues through the barren streets, the icy breeze of windhaven shivering down your skin as it bites at exposed flesh. “I can walk on my own damned legs, Cassian.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” he mutters back, squeezing the back of your upper thigh harshly. 
You decide to fall into silence—let him blow off steam on the way back. Maybe the icy wind will cool that temper of his. 
It’s only once you’re all the way inside the cabin, bedroom door shut firmly that he sets you down on the floor again, at last allowing your feet to touch the wooden boards. He gazes down at you, calloused palms remaining set firmly on your body, spanning your hip and shoulder as he looks down at you with conflict in his sharp hazel eyes. 
You incline your chin to meet his gaze, keeping within his hold. 
His nostrils flare delicately again, inhaling your scent as he dips down, grazing the intimate skin of your throat with his hot lips and a shudder trails down your spine, fingers tangling in his hair, hesitantly at first, then with certainty. His breath fans across the erogenous expanse, and your own breath hitches as you tilt your head to the side, allowing more access. 
“You know, Cass,” you mumble lowly as he opens his mouth over your throat, hot tongue licking up the side of your throat as his teeth follow behind. “You can’t keep flying into a rage like that. I don’t think it’s good for you to so frequently be subject to that kind of emotion.” 
“They should know not to touch you by now,” he growls back, grip tightening on your body. “I feel like I’ve broken every male’s jaw in this godsdamn village. Twice. I’ll beat it into their thick skulls if I have to. You’re mine.”  
You hum faintly, and he bites at your neck, eager to leave more obvious marks on your body than last time. Maybe if his teeth marks are visible they’ll understand just how off limits you are. They’re just foot-soldiers for Mother’s sake. They should know not to touch what’s his. 
“You remember you have a meeting this afternoon,” you remind lightly, fingers stroking through the dark silk of his hair. He snarls against your throat, then roughly guides you back to the bed. “I remember,�� he mutters, calloused palms sliding up the backs of your thighs, taking your dress with them. “Though they’ll be short a member for a week or so.” 
You sigh heavily, though it’s endearing to a degree—that he’s so vigilant about protecting you. “You should change. And wash. You’ll smell like blood.” 
“I’ll smell like you, by the time we’re done.” 
“Maybe briefly, but you need to at least wash your hands clean before you go. I think you got some of his blood under your nails.” 
“Stop bringing him up,” Cassian mutters hotly against your throat, canines grazing your skin menacingly. He pushes you roughly back again and you topple back onto the bed, dress pulled from your body so you’re only left on your underthings. 
“I’m not,” you reply breathlessly, but in truth you can’t remember what the two of you were battling about. Just that you disagreed over something…you think. The thoughts are swept away as Cassian tugs his shirt off over his head, gripping the back of the material and dragging it over his shoulders and off from his body before tossing it carelessly to the floor. Hazel eyes rove over you with that familiar intensity, and your skin heats beneath that look. Possessive and hungry. 
Cassian’s sharp eyes gleam as he prowls up over your body, caging you in as his powerful arms press either side of your shoulders, weighing into the mattress. “Maybe this time you’ll get it,” he murmurs lowly making you glance at him warily. “Get what?” You snap though it’s without venom. His hand grazes the soft skin of your stomach, thumbing over your breast as he pulls the lacy strap down over your shoulder. “That you belong to me,” he says quietly, staring down at you intently, “that nobody can put their hands on you like that.” 
“I’m used to it,” you reply breathlessly, aching acutely for his touch to warm more parts of you. 
The General snarls lowly, the noise reverberating heavily through his chest at your response, broad palm cupping your cheek as he gazes down at you, splayed across his bed. “I don’t want you to be used to it,” he mutters, “I want them to keep their damn hands to themselves or I’ll cut them clean off.” 
“You know that isn’t a viable solution,” you mumble, fingers skating up over the muscle of his upper arms. “You can’t go cutting the hands off your soldiers.” 
“They’re my soldiers. I can do as I please.”
“You have a serious possessive streak, you know that?” You question lightly, liking the feel of his bare skin beneath your fingertips. 
His hot mouth envelops your own, and your eyes flutter shut. Canines graze your lower lip, rough palms sliding up your sides before lowering again, fingers tugging your underwear away to make room for him. Time swirls uselessly in the background as he hungrily applies himself, deep noises rumbling through his chest as he presses closer to you. 
When Cassian pulls away to attend to himself words are a distant memory, mouth feeling cold without his own covering yours. You groan lowly to draw his attention again, but he pushes your thighs further, encouraging their stance to widen and you follow the orders succinctly. You know he likes it when you do that. The edges of his mouth curve but it’s all the approval he’ll allow you to receive as he aligns himself with the soft dip between your thighs. 
Breath is pushed from your lungs, spine arching as he gently guides himself in, making sure to take care as he enters you, knowing how you sometimes ache the next day if he doesn’t insist on this slow part. Already though your hips are inclining to encourage him deeper, but he holds himself back, taking his time to enter a few inches, pull back, then slide in a little further. Slowly but steadily plying you apart for him. 
Once his hips are flush with your own, he cups your jaw, guiding your eyes to his once more. Hunger and affection swirl together as he lightly presses his brow to your own, lips a breath’s width from your mouth and it would take minimal effort to join you. But he makes no move to kiss you, and you’re still struggling to become accustomed to the way he’s filling you up, stretching you out. 
“Maybe this would be better,” her murmurs over your mouth, hazel eyes sliding open to look at you from beneath heavy lids. He shifts on top of you, pulling out halfway then sliding slowly but firmly back in causing your back to arch into him, breasts pressing fully to his powerfully built chest. “If I keep you close enough you’ll always have my scent on you,” he breathes, eyes flicking over your features. His upper lip curls slightly, that fury flashing behind his eyes and your breath catches. “Maybe then they’ll know to keep their fucking hands to themselves.”
You manage to nod your head along because that sounds perfect to you right now. Having him inside you as much as possible, joining together, having his calloused palms rasping against the softness of your skin as he touches you… 
Cassian snarls abruptly, eyes flashing with renewed fury as his hand covers the top of your shoulder, wings flaring wide at his back as he pulls back slightly, glaring down at the patch of skin. “I can smell him on you,” he growls roughly, syllables dragging like gravel from his throat as rage blazes behind his hazel eyes, overcome by possessive instinct. 
“Then get rid of it,” you breathe, heat flushing your skin as you gaze up at your mate, hands seeking to intertwine with his own. A groan breaks from his chest, a sigh of relief at the solution, and then he’s gripping your hips with his hands, raising them from the mattress so you’ll be able to feel every inch deeper as he pulls out then pushes all the way back in. You gasp at the sensation, hands grappling for him, desperate to pull him close to your body, to have his mouth over your own, his teeth grazing and nipping at your skin, rough palms thumbing across your breasts, brushing over your sides before digging his fingers in to hold you still. 
“Cassian…” you murmur pleadingly, head tilted back into the pillow allowing his mouth to seal over your throat as his rhythm picks up, firm and thorough. “Cassian…Cassian…Cass—” His name repeats on your tongue, cutting off abruptly as he pulls away to allow space for his hand to slip between your bodies, thumb settling just above your clit. Your breath catches, and you look at him imploringly, begging him to start there too, to stimulate that sensitive part that’ll have you fluttering around him. 
He watches you with an arousing intensity as he allows the pad of his thumb to settle fully over your clit, hips pressed tight to your own, close enough you know you’ll be able to feel him in your stomach should you lay your hand over your abdomen. Breath pants from your parted lips, feeling hot all over, slick dripping down into the sheets and you gasp as he begins gently oscillating his thumb, swiping across that part slowly, building up the pleasure in a way he knows will benefit you. 
Your fingers dig into the sheets as your breathing becomes heavier, head tipping to the side, content to let him work his pleasure into your body—and he does. With the way you’ve relaxed into his bed, Cassian feels his own tension begin to drain away, able to focus more on the pressure he’s applying to you, gently dragging his hips back to slowly roll back in, targeting a spot that has your eyes squeezing shut, lips parting on a silent moan. Gods, he needs more of this. Needs more time to spend with you, to lay his tongue across every part of you so he can recall your taste, to have you seated on his mouth while he pulls you apart repeatedly for hours at a time, have you riding him, or bent over some piece of furniture, or with your legs pushed back so they fold over his shoulders while he’s on top of you. 
Cassian growls lowly, and his thumb presses ever so slightly harder over your clit, circles growing tighter, meaner, as his pace increases, finding one you like. You can feel the heat building in your body and both of you know neither of you will last much longer. 
“Cassian,” you cry out softly, “Cass, please…” 
He can’t find it in himself to hold back when you ask like that, and he submits to your request. The angle changes, putting his weight behind each thrust as his cock rubs against those intimate parts of you deliberately and your head tips back, baring your throat. His mouth seals roughly over the intimate expanse, teeth biting down as you feel as the peak hits you. 
You gasp breathlessly, gripping onto him tight as the orgasm breaks across your skin, hips bucking to meet his own, thighs falling apart to allow him more access, sensitivity heightened as release washes through you. Cassian’s mind fractures a little as he feels the familiar flutter of your cunt as you squeeze him, and he spills inside of you, pounding you into his bed as he submerges himself in the heady scent of your arousal, thick and full from the height of your pleasure. Muscles spasm in your thighs from the overwhelming intensity and you’re completely at his mercy as he fucks you through the orgasm, able to do nothing but accept the pleasure as it’s wrought on your body. 
It takes a while for the high to fade, but once it’s subsided the two of you remain practically glued together on the bed, skin flushed hotly as you bask in the aftermath. 
“Happy, now?” You ask mildly, running your fingers through his hair. A faint smile curves his mouth, affection prominent in his eyes as he gazes at you. “Overwhelmingly,” he murmurs in reply, “you?” You smile, nodding gently, nestling into the heat of his body, enjoying the simple intimacy of having bare skin on bare skin. 
He chuckles faintly, arms wrapping around your body, banding over your waist and sliding beneath your ribs to press you into his chest carefully, nosing at the crown of your head, inhaling your scent that eases tension in his body. 
“Maybe coming to Illyria isn’t such a bad idea,” you murmur over his hot skin, fingertips pressing softly to his chest. Cassian snorts lightly, peering down at you affectionately, “you just enjoy seeing me riled up,” he accuses fondly. 
“When it ends like this, I can’t help myself,” you respond with a smile, palm flattening against his chest. His gaze softens, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. “Greedy,” he murmurs, though you can feel the way his heart beat quickens with contentment beneath your fingertips, and a smile plays on your mouth as your lids flutter shut, fatigue taking over as you settle into his heat. 
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria @nighttimemoonlover
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hard-core-super-star · 9 months
May I please request that Hailee and reader are in a secret relationship, and hailee is on instagram live, fans can hear movement and voices in the background and keep asking hailee whose with her.
meet me there, i'll give you your roses [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: just because you two are supposed to be keeping your relationship a secret doesn't mean you can't have some fun with it.
warnings: none, just fluff; secret relationship shenanigans; weird descriptions of an instagram live chat; still can't write endings :)
wordcount: 1k
a/n: full disclosure, the title has nothing to do with the fic at all, i'm just spreading the måneskin agenda. i sort of messed around with the point of view in this fic, it might not be noticeable but just wanted to point it out in case it's confusing. it's more hailee-centric than my other fics instead of it just being about R's thoughts. you'll see what i mean, hope you enjoy! <3
* * * * * * *
Hailee’s eyes are trained on the screen of her phone while she tells the most ridiculously random story she could think of. It’s been far too long since the last time she did an Instagram Live and her excitement at getting to interact with her fans again is more than a little obvious.
Free time has been harder and harder to find between all the photoshoots and interviews, especially considering there's only one person she wants to talk to when her schedule allows it.
“And then y/n had to come in and-”
You look up at the sound of your name. You hadn’t been paying much attention to her story, too busy looking through food delivery apps and trying to decide what to have for dinner.
The original plan was to cook something for dinner but a certain someone decided to do an impulsive Live instead and so the plan was scrapped. Not that you mind. Hailee’s skill in the kitchen is…a work in progress, at least when it comes to potato peels.
Her eyes meet yours almost as if she knows exactly what you’re thinking about. You half expect her to stick her tongue out at you but doing that would only lead to more questions she can’t answer.
You offer her a smile instead before the two of you go back to looking at your respective phones.
Hailee resumes her story, pretending she got distracted by one of her dogs and not her lovely girlfriend. It’s practically impossible to act like she can’t see all the questions pouring in about who she was actually looking at but she manages. (It’s not like acting is her job or anything)
The questions and comments flying by her screen should be annoying or at the very least overwhelming but she ends up finding them quite entertaining. She’s not about to pretend like questions about her sexuality or who she’s dating are anything new but at least now they’re less straightforward (no pun intended) than when she was on Dickinson.
At least she's not actually trying to keep things a secret this time. She's just waiting for the right time. Although the waiting gets harder every time you look at her like she's the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. She'd be upset if she wasn't aware that's exactly how she looks at you.
She tries to keep your name out of her mouth for at least a few minutes to not look super obvious but she fails miserably. “Where’s y/n?” She reads the question out loud before she can stop herself. “I don't know, probably burning down the apartment.”
An offended gasp comes from the side of the room where you're standing and you know you're kidding yourself if you think her phone didn't pick up the sound.
The look she sends your way says as much and you mentally curse yourself. Although, to be completely honest, if there's one thing you both love more than each other it's feeding the theories about your relationship.
The both of you should definitely be more careful if you don't want to get found out but creating chaos within her fandom is just too much fun. Plus, the only reason you two are sneaking around is because Hailee wants to come out ‘the right way’. Whatever that means.
(You're pretty sure it means a song and a music video featuring you but your girlfriend has been very tight-lipped about her music since SunKissing came out. A song that very well serves as a coming out announcement in your opinion.)
You decide to fix your mistake by turning people's attention elsewhere so you open up Instagram and click on Hailee’s profile. You can hear the chuckle she tries to hold back once she reads your comment.
yourusername: are you insulting my cooking skills again, Steinfeld?
The chat explodes into a flurry of comments that a certain pair of brown eyes can't keep up with.
“I'm just telling people the truth,” she replies. “There's a reason you always order food instead of cooking.”
yourusername: yeah. you never wash the dishes
“Oh, that's low.”
She forgets the game you're playing for a second, looking up to glare at you. Her eyes don't end up meeting yours since you're too busy staring down at your phone.
A small smile spreads along her face as she admires you. Even in the middle of teasing her in front of her fans, you're the most amazing thing she's ever laid eyes on. Eyes that give away the fact that she's not home alone like she originally said she was.
She looks back at her phone just in time to catch sight of the many questions she has to avoid. Such as,”Who are you looking at? Is y/n at your place? Are you having dinner together?”
She ignores them all except the one that comes from the person who owns her heart.
yourusername: so, what are YOU cooking for dinner, chef steinfeld???
The response she comes up with is definitely a bad idea but it slips out anyway. “I don't know. What do you want for dinner?”
She tries to cover up the sound of your laugh by ‘accidentally’ kicking some of Martini’s squeaky dog toys. It's a bad coverup but it's the only choice she has. It would be a lot more believable if her dogs weren't asleep in the bedroom.
yourusername: too late, i already ordered cheeseburgers
“Marry me right now,” she replies, her smile turning into a slight smirk.
You know she's messing around but your heart still skips a couple of beats as you type out your response.
yourusername: i'll think about it ;)
The doorbell rings just in time.
You let her wrap up the Live as you pick up your food. By the time you come back, her phone is gone and she's already curled up on the couch scrolling through Netflix for something to watch.
“That was fast,” you say.
She shrugs. “Thought I should help you reconsider my proposal.”
“Food first, proposal later.” You hand the bag holding your dinner over to her.
“Seriously, y/n, could you be any more perfect?”
The laugh that escapes you is enough of an answer for her. You're everything she's ever wanted.
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gifti3 · 1 month
okay im back with more for this arranged marriage AU! Heres the last thing i wrote
this time i made something longer--Asmo and MC doing their little meeting/date before agreeing to marriage its fun check it out :]
the only warning is "an upset asmo getting in ur personal space'" other than that i think thats it!
Tomorrow you were supposed to meet your possible future fiancé. This type of affair was not a first time thing for you so you already had an idea of how things would go. Which was the two of you being forced to interact for several hours.
Though you knew what was coming, was it not possible to be a little nervous considering who it was you were meeting?
Asmodeus Morningstar--one of the most influential families in Nefarelin. Their was no shortage of exceptional members in that tree. And to be crass, every other potential spouse you met before were like dried leaves in comparison.
And this didn't even factor Asmodeus's own appeal and popularity. You'd only seen him in passing a few times but you could tell he was quite beautiful even from a distance. On top of that, the general public were strangely obsessed with him. You weren't completely sure why, but he must be very likeable if that's the case.
God, how many people have probably asked for his hand in marriage by now? You could only wonder.
All around it would be pretty foolish to turn this down. And that's why you were nervous…. Your parents were giving you a choice. But it was one of those choices where the answers were 'yes' or 'hmm, okay I suppose'. You did not want to know what would happen if you dare declined.
You'd already considered the logistics of this situation, dwelled on it for days. And it would definitely be a loveless marriage from your side. And that was something normal…but you were fine with how your life was currently! You didn't want to deal with any expectations romantic or otherwise from a spouse.
And what about Asmodeus.
He was well loved by many, had a reputation for enjoying the nightlife and being the center of attention. It seemed highly unlikely that a man like him was looking to "settle down" all of a sudden!
Your hands stop fiddling with your hair.
Maybe this arrangement could work.
God this is so uncomfortable.
Maybe you underestimated Asmodeus. For some reason the first time your eyes met his saccharine ones, you struggled with maintaining contact. Each time, it felt like he was staring straight into your mind.
Perhaps it was just your nerves but either way you were overwhelmed. You didn't feel like yourself so had trouble talking.
Luckily for you, Asmodeus didn't notice or didn't care as he had been talking nonstop this entire time.
"Oh--sorry what did you say?"
Asmodeus repeats his question while fanning himself. "I asked if you wanted to rest for a minute. I need a break from the sun."
It was sunny today but not too hot to take a walk. Though you had been outside for a good while with Asmodeus. You both make your way to a gazebo that provided good shade around this time of day.
You rest your elbows on on of the railings and prop your head in your hands. A small sigh escapes you.
"Can you make it any more obvious that you don't want to be here?"
Asmodeus rests a small distance away, smiling but you're not so sure if he's being lighthearted about it.
It was a fair observation. These meetings always felt like a waste of time to you. They were forced interactions. The worst type. And you already knew you'd agree with the arranged marriage at the end anyways.
"Sorry, I'm just a little tired."
You look back at him and try to give a friendly(?) smile. Actually why not just be straightforward now?
"It's kind of hard to believe you want to get married. It doesn't seem like something that would interest someone like you."
"Eh…I guess there comes a time in everyone's life where they think about these things."
Very vague.
Asmodeus leans back in his chair, looking up as if he's scraping through his brain. "But I don't recall running into you beforehand. I definitely would have remembered…so how would you know that?"
"I've heard a lot about you. Kind of impossible not to."
You had a bit of an idea about him before this whole situation. But once it got out that he was "interested" in proposing, well the maids had no problem telling you everything they knew. It was definitely not all true, but it pretty much confirmed what you already felt.
"That makes sense. Isn't it great that now you get to experience me in person instead of by word-of-mouth~"
"…Uh huh. Well I feel like I should tell you now. That I plan to say yes."
"Say yes?"
"Say yes to marrying you."
You watch for any negative reactions but nothing. Though you were still sure he wasn't really interested in marriage.
"Listen I understand if you were forced into this position. In fact, I'm sure that you were. And to be honest I've never been partial to marriage myself. I always thought it wasn't in the cards for me…"
You take a step away from the railing closer to Asmodeus. "But wouldn't it be foolish to say no? Outside of the benefits it would have for my family. You're definitely one of the most sought after bachelors…and well just look at you. I'm almost a little envious…"
Asmodeus's curious face changes to something else. Something you can't really place your finger on. You just knew he didn't look very pleased.
"Well at least I know you're not blind." His fingers play with his fringe. "And that's all fine and dandy but…"
When Asmodeus stands and looks back at you your heart skips a beat. You take a step back as he takes one forward. "I hope you're ready to handle me because I don't think you can."
Oh my god what was happening?
You were frozen in place as Asmodeus trapped you against the railing between his arms. You didn't even think to push him away and just stood there stupidly.
Rustling sounds from a nearby hedge, but when you both look in the direction of the noise there's giggling and the sound of retreating people.
You sigh. At least someone was enjoying the show.
You gently push at Asmodeus's chest so you can make space.
"Sorry sometimes the staff gets bored haha…er should we h-head back?"
"If that's what you want."
Asmodeus turns away from you. "I just want you to know that since this marriage is just a title I'll be sticking to my usual. Hope you don't mind~" He walks away humming to himself.
Your brows furrow…that man. Why'd he have to do all that? You weren't expecting anything different in the first place?
You let out a huge sigh. Was this going to be the norm from now on?
Well at least you both were on the same page about the marriage…. but you couldn't help but think a serious misunderstanding just occurred.
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hebuiltfive · 8 months
Thundertober Day Three: Armour
I always seem to be putting Scott in most of the emotional spirals. Sorry, Scott fans. On the plus side, the next two after this are also Scott centric, so win-win?
AO3 here Days: One ~ Two
Warnings for: no real warnings this time, just Scott being a little depressed. Everyone has a mask that they put on like armour to hide themselves from the world. Tagging: @thunder-tober @skymaiden32 (just going to put it out there that if you want to be tagged in any future Thundertober pieces, or future pieces in general, let me know and I'll tag you too!)
Tropical breeze blew through unkempt locks. He had quite taken to hiking recently. He wondered if the others had noticed… No, of course they had noticed. Virgil’s worried glances, Gordon’s offers of company, John’s calls that came the moment Scott had made it to the top. They could all sense something was wrong, but they all had the respect of leaving Scott alone to decide if and when to inform them.
They all trusted that he would.
The thing with falling was that it was a lot like flying. Scott figured that was probably why he allowed himself to plummet so far before picking himself back up. The perception was deceptive; whenever he fell, it often felt like there was a warm embrace awaiting him at the end. After so many descents, he knew there was nothing but a soul-crushing oblivion at rock bottom, but Scott accepted the fall every goddamn time because, in these specific moments, when the fall was already underway, he genuinely believed he deserved it.
These moments of self-destruction were never random. They always had a trigger. This time, it was from (what Scott would have called) a failed rescue.
John had been trying to convince him otherwise on the entire journey home, but Scott hadn’t listened.
Yes, his space brother had a point in claiming that no-one had perished in the disaster, but that didn’t equate a success. Not in his eyes.
They had managed to save everyone, but Scott had been stubborn and there had been subsequent costs.
“We’ve got to get these people out now, Virg.”
“Scott, if we move too fast, the whole thing is at risk of collapsing. This is the safer—”
“If we don’t act now, safer won’t matter because there won’t be anyone in there left to save!”
He squeezed his eyes tightly shut as the memory of that moment came back to him in vivid colours and sounds. He’d never be free of that mistake, just like he’d never be free of any of the other mistakes he’d made.
No-one died, but Scott had still managed to fuck it up.
He pretended to be okay for the journey home, listening and nodding away as John tried valiantly to reassure him that all was not lost. Scott didn’t believe a word of it, but John didn’t need to know that. He had placed the mask on, hoping his brothers wouldn’t be able to see through it.
The reason he had hiked up to the summit was so he didn’t have to keep pretending.
Here, he could let that shield down for a while.
Here, with only the sky and sea to view for miles and miles, Scott could allow himself to be himself.
If Scott were ever asked where this defence had come from, or when it had developed, he wouldn’t have been able to give a straightforward answer. Perhaps he’d always had this guard up, or perhaps he’d built it up in the months following Dad’s disappearance.
He didn’t know.
He didn’t care.
Scott was glad for the mask. It meant no-one else worried. It meant that he could stay safe and, so long as the armour remained up, he could not only protect himself from the world but also those around him from himself too.
He didn’t want to see Virgil’s worried eyes scanning over him every five seconds. He didn’t want Gordon to constantly feel like he needed to be around him just in case. He didn’t want John constantly checking up on him.
His brothers weren’t his babysitters, and as much as he personally hated it, he hated the idea of being a burden to them more.
The armour was beautiful at keeping his true feelings and thoughts hidden, so everyone could go on as normal, but that only worked when everyone believed the wall of lies that Scott had built up. Whilst he had hoped his brothers hadn’t seen through his armour, from their concern showed earlier it was clear that they had. Again, Scott blamed himself for that. Maybe the mask wasn’t good enough this time.
Maybe, because he didn’t believe it, no-one else would.
He berated himself.
There were whispered curses under his breath as seagulls cried overhead.
Had to do better.
Had to be better.
Scott slumped against one of the rocks, unconcerned over the uncomfortableness of the jagged ground beneath him. He pulled his knees up to his chest, ignoring the tears that ran down his cheeks.
At least for now, alone on that peak, he could let the armour fall.
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hungrywriter · 11 months
Beyond The Pitch (Finale)
Jobe Bellingham x female!reader
A/n: Last part of this small series! Don't worry, there are more that are yet to come.
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Jobe couldn't shake off the sinking feeling that enveloped him as he read Y/n’s text. He had messed up, and he knew it. The straightforwardness of her text was a painful reminder of the consequences of his actions. But Jobe wasn't one to give up easily, especially when it came to someone as special as Y/n. Determined to win her back, he set out on a mission to make things right.
Minutes turn into hours and into days, Jobe found himself constantly thinking about Y/n. Every morning, he woke up with a gnawing ache in his chest, longing to hear her voice, see her smile, and feel her presence by his side. He knew he had to do something, something grand, to show her how deeply he regretted his mistakes and how much he wanted her back in his life.
With a plan forming in his mind, Jobe reached out to his only trusted companion brother, hoping to gain some insight into how he could make amends. He met with Jude, seeking his guidance and assistance. For the past 7 months, Jude was supportive of their relationship and had already started treating her like his little sister, and he hoped he would be willing to help him in his endeavour to win her back.
"Jude, I need your help," Jobe pleaded, his voice laced with sincerity as he looked into his brother's eyes.
Jude hesitated, his gaze filled with a mix of caution and concern. He loved his little brother deeply, but he couldn't ignore the pain he had witnessed Jobe inflict on Y/n. There was a part of Jude that felt responsible for Jobe's actions, knowing that he had been a role model in some ways. Taking a deep breath, he nodded reluctantly, his voice tinged with a hint of hope. "Okay, Jobe. Show me that you've truly changed, that you're capable of being the person she deserves."
Jobe nodded fervently, his heart pounding with a mix of hope and anxiety. He knew he had to demonstrate his growth and commitment to Y/n if he had any chance of winning her back. Together, they hatched a plan.
The next few days were a whirlwind of activity for Jobe. He poured his heart and soul into preparing a grand gesture that would sweep Y/n off her feet. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him and how determined he was to make things right. Every moment of his free time was spent meticulously planning and organising, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation.
The day of the long-awaited match had finally arrived, and Y/n's nerves were running high. Today, she would face off against Marie on the football field, a confrontation she hadn't fully prepared herself for. Thoughts swirled in her mind, pondering how she would react when they came face to face. Would tears well up in her eyes? Would anger consume her and lead her to retaliate? Perhaps she would channel her frustration by forcefully kicking the ball towards Marie's direction.
As her name was called by the commentator, Y/n snapped back to the present moment and joined her team in walking out of the locker room. Stepping onto the field, she was greeted by a sea of vibrant lights and a roaring crowd. The sight of enthusiastic fans, both supporting her team and the opposing side, filled her with a deep sense of gratitude. It was heartwarming to witness such genuine support for women's football, and for a moment, she allowed herself to be swept away by the overwhelming positivity.
Lost in the embrace of the crowd's energy, Y/n momentarily forgot about the past turmoil and the looming encounter with Marie. However, the illusion shattered when the time came to meet the opposing team. As the players emerged, Y/n's gaze locked with Marie's. What she saw startled her to her core. The once cheerful, innocent face she had known had been replaced with a mask of hatred, marred by deep frown lines. It was a stark contrast, an unsettling transformation that caught Y/n off guard. She bit her lip, fighting back tears that threatened to spill right then and there.
In that moment, Y/n realised that their friendship, once filled with laughter and shared dreams, had been irreparably damaged. The pain of that realisation weighed heavy on her heart, but she refused to let it break her spirit. She took a deep breath, summoning her inner strength, and vowed to rise above the bitterness that had consumed Marie. Though hurt, she would focus on the game ahead, channelling her emotions into her performance, and letting her skills speak for themselves. The battle on the field would be fought not only with physical prowess but with resilience and determination.
Throughout the entire game, Y/n's performance was weak. She struggled to find her focus due to Marie's relentless tackles and taunts, her mind consumed by the burning desire to confront her former friend and put her in her place. The distractions took a toll on Y/n's gameplay, preventing her from fully committing to the ball and executing her usual skills.
As the referee blew the final whistle, signalling the end of the game, Y/n glanced at the scoreboard. The numbers read 0-3, a painful reminder of her team's inability to score even a single goal. She grabbed a bottle of water and made her way towards her teammates, feeling disheartened and dejected. Their post-game conversation became a distant murmur in her ears as her attention fixated on Marie and her team. They revealed their victory, making mocking gestures and playful kissy faces, imitating the ill-fated night between Marie and Jobe. Y/n rolled her eyes, recognizing the immaturity that still clung to Marie, despite turning 18 just a month ago.
Amidst the giggles and whispers from her own teammates, one voice broke through, urging Y/n to look. She obliged, her eyes widening at the sight before her. Right at the front, closest to the field, sat Jobe and Jude. Y/n couldn't help but be amused by Jobe's attire, fully decked out in her team's colours from head to toe, sporting a fake tattoo flag on his cheeks and waving their country's flag with unabashed enthusiasm.  On the other hand, Jude only wore the team’s shirt, and even though it wasn’t as bold as his little brother, it was still clear that he was there for support for both Jobe and Y/n. And then, Jobe held up a sign.
"I love you. Be mine?" the words were etched in bold letters on the sign. Time seemed to slow down for Y/n as she processed the magnitude of the moment. Was this real? Her eyes shifted to Marie, whose anger was palpable. Y/n and her team were starting to walk back to the locker rooms and she looked back at Jobe. Their eyes never left each other, and Jobe took it as a sign that she may want to meet him. Quickly, he ran down.
Jobe's nerves were on edge. He had rehearsed his speech countless times, wanting to convey his deepest emotions with authenticity and vulnerability. As he waited anxiously for Y/n to arrive at the locker rooms, his heart pounded in his chest, threatening to burst with anticipation.
And then, there she was, stepping into the room, her eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and caution. Jobe's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of her. She was even more beautiful than he remembered, her presence radiating strength and resilience.
Taking a deep breath, Jobe approached her, his voice laced with sincerity as he began his heartfelt confession. "Y/n, I can't begin to express how sorry I am for my actions. I never meant to hurt you, and I've spent every day since regretting what I've done. You mean everything to me, and I don't want to spend another day without you by my side."
Y/n's expression softened, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her features. "Jobe, it's not that simple. Trust isn't easily rebuilt, and I've been through so much pain because of what happened."
Jobe nodded, his eyes filled with genuine remorse. "I know, Y/n, and I understand that it will take time to earn back your trust. But I promise you, with every fibre of my being, that I will spend every day proving to you how much you mean to me and how much I've changed. I want to be the person you deserve, the person who supports and cherishes you unconditionally."
Y/n's gaze wavered, torn between the pain of the past and the glimmer of hope in Jobe's eyes. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Jobe, I want to believe you. But I need time, time to heal and rebuild the trust that was shattered. Can you give me that?"
Jobe nodded earnestly, his voice filled with determination. "Y/n, I will give you all the time you need. I'll be patient, understanding, and unwavering in my commitment to making things right. Just know that my love for you is unwavering, and I will do everything in my power to show you how much you mean to me."
A glimmer of a smile danced on Y/n's lips as she looked into Jobe's eyes, seeing the sincerity and growth within him. She reached out, her hand intertwining with his. "Okay, Jobe. Let's take it one step at a time. Let's rebuild what was broken and find our way back to each other, stronger than ever."
Relief washed over Jobe as he held Y/n's hand, knowing that this was just the beginning of their journey. It would be a road filled with challenges and obstacles, but he was willing to fight for their love, for the chance to be the person she deserved.
And as they walked hand in hand, their hearts entwined, Jobe couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope, knowing that with each passing day, their love would grow stronger, and their bond would heal the wounds of the past. Together, they would write a new chapter, one filled with forgiveness, growth, and an unbreakable love that would stand the test of time.
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Some fresh nonsense about joshneku losing over at @homoeroticbetrayal
"Fancy seeing you here," Joshua chimes from his perch on the cafe seat as Neku approaches the table. It's not Wildkat, but this side-street shop feels unnaturally empty, and all the more unreal for the presence of the smiling Composer, casually seated by the window.
He could be the most powerful entity in the city, but Neku's urge to roll his eyes and tell him to go fuck himself has the budding inescapability of an oncoming sneeze. Only four words in, Neku's already reminded that no matter how much he misses the asshole when he's gone, he's a pain in the ass to have a straightforward conversation with.
"You invited me," Neku gripes, unable to resist giving the eye roll. He slides onto the seat across from Joshua, feeling another one coming on already.
"Hmm, did I? I suppose I must have. Hee hee." Joshua slides one of the two cups in front of him towards Neku. "The coffee here is decent, you should give it a try."
He continues being suspicious for a moment, but ultimately trusts Joshua, and the knowledge that poisoning wasn't really his style. If he wants Neku back in the UG, there's nothing stopping Joshua from rattling another bullet through his poor, pre-punctured brain matter. The old one must still be in there, making him think humoring this conversation was a rational idea that won't just end in a headache.
Joshua smiles, two hands on his own paper coffee cup, fingers striking it in sequence, a steady expectant rhythm. As he watches Neku, the motions change. Taking a sip, the scales shift to an energetic tempo, striking keys he cannot see in time with music he cannot hear. Weirdo.
"What did you want, anyway?" Neku asks, setting the coffee down. There's little point in wasting time on pleasantries when Joshua deemed something catastrophic enough to take the risk of actually talking to him.
"Nothing to say about the coffee?"
"Not really." It's pretty average, as far as coffee goes, and it's not a surprise Joshua knows his order.
Joshua hums, digging his phone out of his pocket and adding to what seems to be, from Neku's view of the phone upside down across the table, a personal review log of local restaurants. "That's hardly a riveting opinion, but I'll include it. We wouldn't want to find Players erased of sheer boredom, would we?"
Whatever UG bullshit Joshua was pursuing, Neku wasn't making it his problem to know. He could guess, but he won't. He won't even think about it. Nope, no dead people business here.
Joshua frowns at him through the silence, bordering on a pout, and sets his phone down. 
Neku tilts his head, gesturing with his free hand.
"Well? Did something happen? Why are we here, Josh? Is reality about to collapse in on itself? Did someone important die? Double die?"
"No, no no no, nothing like that," Joshua says waving off his tone. "Well, people die of course, every day. But that's not my concern." He cuts Neku off before he can reply that yeah, it kind of is, by snatching his phone back off the table and waving it in Neku's face. "I'm here about this."
The homoerotic betrayal thing. He'd heard about it after the fact when three of his friends texted him their condolences on losing to Brutus and Caesar. He needed to ask for context, and to be frank, didn't know what to make of the whole thing. He could have gone without knowing that "iconic homoerotic betrayal" was a tournament he'd been nominated in, and privately thinks Joshua has got to find more normal ways of hitting on him. Ways that don't involve firearms.
"Isn't that over?" he asks, with little else to say. If it was over, they shouldn't have to worry about it. Problem solved. Neku out. The arcane and meta machinations of the multiverse can remain not his problem.
"Yes," Joshua says, all business, "but we lost."
"So, we lost! After all our fans put in such heartwarming work about us too."
Neku mulls over the word "fans" for a long moment, and decides he doesn't want to consider the implications of that either. He shrugs. "Okay."
"Neku," Joshua says, placing the phone between them and folding his hands loosely over his drink, "I don't think you're taking this very seriously."
"No shit, Sherlock," Neku snaps, indulging that eye roll. "You're not telling me why I should."
"Because we lost," Joshua says, forced patience, as sincere as he ever gets, "and because I have reason to suspect there was UG involvement." He picks up his phone again, opening an app before handing it over. "Take a look. Do any words stand out to you?"
Neku takes the phone, and scrolls slowly, taking his time to make sure there was nothing obvious for Joshua to scold him about missing, and to make him squirm, until he sees a familiar word. "Memes?"
"An astute observation Neku! I knew I'd chosen you for a reason."
He's insufferable. Neku hands the phone back and sinks down in his seat. Unbelievable.
"Memes, yes." Joshua twirls a lock of hair around his index finger, and Neku takes a sip of coffee to disguise how closely he followed the movement.
"You think that we lost because everyone was Imprinted to vote against us?"
"In short, yes again," Joshua says, smiling once more. "Someone put on their thinking cap today."
Asshole. Bastard. Little snot.
Neku takes a deep breath and swallows the growl climbing his throat.
Joshua hums, then shrugs, palms up and put upon. "I believe there was a site-wide Imprinting campaign leading up to the bracket. Disguised as a celebration of the death of Julius Caesar. You of all people know how easily folks can be swayed by a trend." He slumps down onto his elbows, resting his chin in his hands. "Then we lost," he continues, annoyed. "And I don't like losing."
"Obviously. Isn't it kind of far-fetched to Imprint memes on a whole website?"
"You'd be surprised what some of the Higher Plane get up to in their spare time.
"…Right, don't tell me." He doesn't want to hear about angel hobbies. He doesn't want to think about angel hobbies. "I still don't get why you submitted us to that thing in the first place."
"I didn't."
Eye rolls must come in threes. Joshua has the audacity to look affronted.
"Okay. Sure. I'll believe that. Then why is this so important?"
"I can't tell you," Joshua says, gazing meaningfully into the middle distance fingers tangled in a stray lock of hair.
He is so full of shit. There is not one iota of Joshua that isn't composed of compacted, steaming, fresh shit. This is what happens when you cross the guy's competitive streak with a crush. He should confiscate Joshua's phone. Joshua should talk to him more often.
"But! We could get a second chance," Joshua says, affected wistfulness gone. "I know how big a fan you are of second chances. We'll win the revival match." Joshua leans in, devious and conniving across from him, and Neku knows what's coming even before Joshua does a fingergun in his direction. "You will win us the revival match. By any means necessary."
"And how am I going to do that?" Neku crosses his arms.
Another shrug. "Start Imprinting memes on people yourself. Find the culprit rigging things from before. I'm not fussed about the strategy, as long as we win."
Neku closes his eyes. "I don't get a choice here, do I?"
"It's a homoerotic betrayal tournament, Neku. That's against the spirit of it, wouldn't you say?"
"Fair enough." It isn't. Not really. But Neku's learned to pick his battles. He's learned to pick them very well. "But I set the terms."
"Oh?" Joshua's pitch rises in surprise. "Intriguing. Go on."
Neku lifts up a finger. "One. No penalties for losing." Joshua grumbles against his palm. "Two, if we win, you're showing up for group outings. No excuses or leaving early. Spend time with us."
There's unmatched satisfaction in the way Joshua looks like he's swallowed something far too sour. "These aren't very nice terms, Neku."
"Take them or leave them. And no funny business."
"…Fiiiiiiine. I guess you'll just owe me."
Joshua pulls himself from the table and stands, all drawn-out, fluid movements and exaggerated resignation. His coffee sits abandoned on the table, half finished.
"Owe you!?"
"Hee hee. For being so generous, of course. I'll pick you up when the polls open." Joshua touches his sole fingergun to Neku's temple before leaving the cafe and an exasperated, incredulous Neku. "Toodles."
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yuurivoice · 6 months
Hi yv! I just wanted to send a message saying how much I love your content and I have for years. It's been amazing to see your channel grow and I'm one of your biggest fans!! I used to sub to the patreon but life goes hard and I haven't been able to for a while. The latest auron video has been practically on repeat for me and I really just wanted to say I hope you have a wonderful day and happy holidays!!! Give all the kitties a kiss on the forehead for me pls!
Thank you for the kind words! No worries about whether or not you're a Patreon sub, I certainly appreciate the support but always want people to put themselves first so don't sweat that and I hope you kick life's ass! Also, sending me a kind message is a pretty great way to support in its own right, so I'm genuinely appreciative!
The cats will most definitely be smooched, and I'll pass along a note that it's from a kind Anon!
It's been a wild few years, huh? Making the leap from the Tumblr days to the YouTube era was a big one, but the past 4 years were where I really started to find my footing and I think there's been a lot of growth creatively and personally.
Things have been moving in the right direction despite some personal road bumps and detours. Looking back, there's a lot of things I wish I could have accomplished and kept afloat while working through everything. Still dealing with the guilt of BitterSweet and Shattered not being a thing this year, particularly for all the ride or die Alphonse and Seth fans who have been starving for content while I've been hesitant to push out content for them because the big series wasn't coming.
Thankfully, most people have been supportive, kind, and understanding. That being said, I'm not ignorant to the nature of my content (growing roster of characters = someone's fave isn't getting posted for a while) and I'm doubly thankful to those who have been chill as other characters get established and have their time in the sun.
I'm really hopeful that in the coming year, balance and scheduling and planning are all finely tuned and help me avoid content traffic jams like we've run into such as the recent Charlie Era (lol) which wasn't exactly the plan, but with October AU series + Plushie + Lost & Found all aligning it sorta just worked out that way. Also, it bears mentioning that it's not every day that a side character who was not guaranteed to catch on as A Thing (TM) actually finds an audience and has significant demand. Sometimes you gotta roll with how things play out, and that's just the nature of creating content on social media.
I'm optimistic that things will be at least a LITTLE bit more balanced thanks to ADHD treatment and seeing huge improvements with my mental health. Which can't be understated, because holy shit, the amount of things I'm just able to do without feeling like I'm holding myself at gunpoint or making a million deals with myself to convince myself to do a single task is amazing.
Not only is it easier to get to work, it's easier to do more of the work. That Auron audio you referenced is a great example. I was worried with the script I had and the premise, I wouldn't be able to get much more than 9/10 minutes out of it. The length of my general audios is something I've been conscious of forever, so I was shocked and thrilled when I finished up with the recording and it was 24 minutes of some of my favorite Auron content ever. I'm getting more comfortable improvising, or creating more as I go vs. write, record, post. I'm able to do a little more, add things that I would normally omit or not bother with, and just try harder without feeling like I'm trying harder and purely because I'm enjoying it and I want to.
I am SO sorry that this turned into a rant in response to what was a fairly straightforward question, you caught me while I was feeling introspective.
tldr: Thanks for fuckin' with me. Folks like you make me want to work hard and deliver the goods. The kindness goes a long way, and I don't take that for granted!
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vernblr · 1 year
Summer Nights
Summary: Summer was the perfect time to fulfill all the plans you didn't have time for, but everything's come to a halt after a nasty fight with Vernon. The dust has settled now, any lingering emotions put to rest, and now it's time to figure out how to move on together.
WC: 1.5k
Established relationship, mentions of a fight but nothing specific, light hurt and comfort
A/N: This is a short exercise in writing to get back into the groove of writing more! I'm still working on my other projects, but I thought it would be nice to post a little idea I was suddenly inspired to write. This is inspired by Summer Nights by Siames and I want to thank @himbocoups for both beta reading and giving me so many kind comments!!
It was hot, boring, and you were lonely. All you could do was stare blankly at the ceiling, feeling the barest brush of cool air against you from a nearby fan. The warm summer air pressed down on you, stifling you and your already dismal mood. You had so many things planned for the summer, and yet all the wind had been knocked out of you the moment you had a fight with Vernon. It wasn’t in the nature of either of you to raise your voices or to be so set in your ways, yet it happened anyways. The anger you felt was so unlike you, almost as if you were possessed by some outside force and you hated it. The aftermath scared you and shook you to your very core, and it was this fear that kept you from trying to reach out to him. In the silence that ensued, time seemed to lose all meaning. The days stretched by without a word exchanged between you, and two weeks had passed in the blink of an eye. You curled up on your bed, huddling in front of the fan as you thought about it. You definitely said things you didn’t mean to, things you regretted and you wondered if he felt the same way. Any leftover anger you felt towards him fizzled out as soon as you left his house, and in the days after the fight you realized how much you missed him when he wasn’t around. He wasn’t just a significant other to you, he was your friend. And the prospect of losing both at the same time daunted you.
Your phone buzzed beside you with a new text, one you would’ve ignored if it weren’t for the name attached to it. You shot upright in bed, hunching over your phone as you stared at the message. It was characteristically plain and straightforward, and you missed its familiarity so much it made you regret every time you’ve ever made fun of Vernon for his blunt texting style. A simple ‘Do you want to go for a drive?’ stared up at you from the glass screen, and you smiled to yourself despite your previous foul mood. Ever since both of you got your licenses, even before you became a couple, you’d both spend your summers wandering around to your hearts’ content. You’d discovered new places, rediscovered old ones, and bonded in a way you don’t think you ever could with your other friends. You didn't need to look up from your phone to know that Vernon was outside already, the expectation of a 'yes' baked into the very core of your shared tradition. No matter if it was you or him that sent the text, you'd always be outside each other's houses waiting to go. Looking out the window, you saw him lean against the side of his car, making his simple t-shirt and jeans combo look unfairly attractive. He had been looking at your window the whole time, but he shot you a wink at the sight of you. You snorted and walked away to get ready, it was the dorkiest move he could ever pull, but you didn't love him for being cool. No, you loved him for his weird clothes, endless love of movies, and the chaotic way he would fall over laughing and hit everything on his way down. And you missed it, and him. You couldn't even lie to yourself about it if you tried.
Walking out of your house, you hesitantly approached him. He looked the same as always, but you knew he couldn’t have been after what happened. The cautious way he held out his arms for a hug and the slight wariness in his eye told you everything you needed to know. You sunk into his arms with a sigh as he leaned back against his car. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and you felt him release his own too.
“I missed you.” You mumbled, your words muffled by the cloth of his shirt. 
His grip on you tightened ever so slightly. “I missed you too.” 
Neither of you moved, even as the afternoon bled into evening and the sun’s warmth seemed to sear you. But when you finally untangled yourself from him and looked Vernon in the eyes, a deep fondness had replaced the wariness you saw earlier, and you knew it would be okay. You just had to get there together. Getting into the passenger seat of his car, you could only watch him with fondness of your own as you dived into the deep golden sunlight. Even as you both rolled down the windows and sang songs at the top of your lungs, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you both needed to talk about what happened. 
Just as the afternoon has bled into the evening, so did the evening into the night. The roads began to blur together as less and less people passed you by, and you wondered where exactly you were going. It wasn’t until you pulled up to a specific roadside with an equally specific hill in the distance that you realized where you were. Only the light from the car’s headlights lit up your surroundings once you got out of the car, the moon far above serving as the only other source of light. Now you realize why you had to drive so far, the stars blinked down at you in a way that they never could in the city. An awestruck smile spread across your face, and Vernon only smiled at you as he pulled out a familiar blanket out of the trunk of his car. On the occasions where your meandering drives had taken you out and away from the city, you’ve taken the chance to stargaze on a comfy blanket and make up stories with Vernon about the shapes and patterns you’d seen in the sky. Those memories were as woven into it as the threads themselves, and as he passes it to you you hope that its comfort would be enough to get you through this. 
It didn’t stop you from fidgeting with the edge of the blanket as you set it down though, but as you sat on the hilltop across from Vernon you knew it would be now or never.
“Can we talk-”
“Can I ask about-”
You both blinked at each other in surprise, almost identical statements coming out of your mouths at the same time. You start laughing at the coincidence and soon he joins you, and you’re both flopped down on the blanket with tears in your eyes trying to catch your breaths. You felt so cliche for even trying to bring it up this way, but apparently Vernon had the same idea too so maybe it wasn’t as bad as you thought it was. 
You let out a long sigh as you regain your breath, sitting up again as you hug your knees to your chest. Vernon sits up too, and you lean against each other as you watch the sky. 
“Laughs aside, I really do think we need to talk about this.” You murmur, unable to meet his eye just yet. “I’m… sorry. I shouldn’t have taken my frustrations out on you, and I said some really hurtful things in the heat of the moment that I don’t mean at all. No amount of stress or anxiety should have made me say what I did, and I can’t take it back because I’ve gone and done it anyways. I don’t exactly expect you to forgive me just yet, if at all, but I just want you to know how much I care about you. You mean so much to me, and I don’t want to think of a life without you in it in some way.”
Vernon lifts his head from your shoulder and turns to you, placing his hand on yours. “Neither of us are the kind of people to say what we did, but I’m at fault as much as you are. You said some awful things and they really did hurt, but I did the same to you too. And I’m sorry for it too. I already forgave you the moment you left, I hope you know that. I wanted to see if you would just get up and go immediately, but you didn’t. I watched you sit in your car in my driveway and stare blankly at the sky while trying not to cry, and in that moment I knew you regretted it as much as I did. I hate this, you know? The silence, the separation, the fear of losing someone we care so deeply about. Disagreement is inevitable, but I just want this to work for us. I never want to fight like that again.”
You take the hand that was beneath his, lacing your fingers together and squeeze his hand tightly before standing up and pulling him up with you. You hug him again, more tightly than you did when you first saw him again, and Vernon hugs you back just as tightly.
“Thank you, for everything.” You warble through barely contained tears. “For being so understanding, for seeing me when I thought no one else did, for being by my side. I hope we get to stay by each other’s sides for as long as we can.”
“I hope so too, and I want to hold onto what we have until I can’t anymore. Thank you for being with me too.”
Vernon gently pulls you back down to the blanket, lying on your backs as you face up towards the stars again. Tangled together as one, you immerse yourselves in the summer night. 
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
i love u and ur blog but sometimes ur way too naive or maybe not naive but u see black and white when sometimes things arent that clear or straightforward (diff anon btw). obv not all BTS are fake, thats not what people r saying. basically between the filming in 2022 and now she seems to be keeping her distance a bit more than before. obv we could all be wrong and the next interview we'll be proven wrong. i am sure its nothing. its just slight diff in her behavior towards timmy from what we've seen so far has changed.
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I'm sorry Anon, but I'm not "naïve".
I just don't read into every single little thing, or question what ppl themselves say out of their OWN MOUTHS....especially when we've only seen ONE official cast interview (one!!) so far on this Dune Part 2 press tour. 🥴
Case in point: Back when the cast met up in Brazil for the con, ppl were trying to say that "smthg is weird/off", or were trying to claim that Z and Florence somehow had "beef" with each other (what??? 🥴).
But now, now that they were just on Kimmel sitting side by side, laughing, and joking/interacting with each other, you all think they're fine, but now ASSUME that Z and Timmy are "off" with each other. Seriously??? 🥴
She was sitting directly in front of him! Excuse her if she's not going to twist and contort her body to give him full eye contact during an interview! 🙄
The problem is, SOME of you all read way too MUCH in the silliest of little details, and it ends up being absolutely NOTHING in the end. 🙄😒
It's also probably another reason why those Tomdaya breakup rumors got so viral that they had paps asking Tom out in the streets of LA whether he and Zendaya had "broken up". 🙄
Look....I'm one of the biggest body language fans and observers out here, and I'm ALWAYS honest with my thoughts, opinions, and "gut feelings" (good OR bad) on my blog. I would have long since said smthg if I felt like smthg was "off" with Z or Timmy... or with anyone in the cast last night.
I think some fans need to stop being so uptight. At the VERY LEAST, compare apples to apples. If we get an interview with Timmy and Z together solo on this press tour and she's "acting weird", THEN I'll say smthg.
But until then, there's nothing I've seen at all that leads me to believe that they aren't friends anymore, or that she's "cooled off" of him.
Also, keep in mind please that Timmy has a girlfriend now (he did NOT during Dune 1 press), so if you notice any change, she might just be respecting the fact that he's in a rlshp rn and def doesn't want ppl spreading false rumors cuz Timdayas are already delusional out here. 🙄😒
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tonariofjananda · 6 months
For the ask game: Tonari - 5, 7, and 12!
Heya Ray! Ok here goes
5) What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Honestly I’ve got a handful, most for maybe a line or two of association, but the first one that came to mind when reading this question that’s completely hers in my head was “The Moon Will Sing” by the Crane Wives. I love imagining the song as her reflecting on her dad, friends, Hayase, and Fushi, and how they’ve all contributed to the way she feels about herself and her legacy. Fun fact, the association came about from my mishearing of a line as “I shine only with the life you gave me,” the original word being “light” instead of “life.” But the more I reflected on the song, the more I felt her presence in it (I described this to my best friend as Tonari clawing her way to the surface lol), especially in the third verse. That one in particular draws a really vivid image to me of what Tonari’s headspace must have been right after Fushi pulled her away from the flames. I imagine she’s remorseful that she couldn’t give her friends a better life and is rallying to find her courage to kill them before Fushi steps in. “Instead you hoarded all that’s left of me” is a complicated little line too, filled with the bitterness and confusion at Fushi of keeping her from death. There’s not much left of her with the death of her friends, what Fushi did was selfish, but also implies Tonari didn’t realize Fushi cared if she lived or died. Then he takes the sword from her hands, “swallowing your doubt,” and she’s… grateful, angry, upset… but most of all, she acknowledges the mutual hesitance between herself and Fushi, even though they both know this is the only course of action. Even though it makes her feel like he’s taking the sword through her own body. He might as well be. The line “I want to feel the fire that you kept from me” is the most straightforward in my opinion, and what really solidified this song as being hers for me. It’s a little funny what I’ve done here tbh. The song probably meant the line as “i want to become the person you stopped me from being, I want to regain the life that was supposed to be mine,” but for this Tonari interpretation, I’ve given it the opposite implication… cough
Anyway, the chorus also kind of ties in with another song I somewhat associate with her, “Your Best American Girl” by Mitski, for the lines “Well I’m not the moon/I’m not even a star,” but I’ll spare you the analysis for that and “Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart” (also by Mitski) til… later 👀❗️
For now, I’ll leave you with the three following, lighter songs: Laufey called “Best Friend,” which I listen to as something directed towards the immortal army as a whole; “Wings,” by So!YoON! and Phum Viphruit as a song between her and Ligard and Fushi woah who said that; and “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri bc immortalism and the heartbreak of waiting to reunite with someone. Also please imagine the second verse as being from Fushi’s perspective on getting not just her but all of their friends back at the end of the past era arc with potentially rough implications for their thought process in the modern arc WHO SAID THAT
7) What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
(Lyn asked me this too so I’ll cover it here for the two of ya!)
Tbh… I just like it when anyone talks about her ówò Tonari tends to get overlooked- even tho I’d argue she’s something of a deuteragonist- so I really just love whenever people acknowledge her importance to the story and show some enthusiasm for her plotlines. In terms of stories and fan art, it’s always awesome to see all the different sides of her shine through! Tonari’s badass, bitchy, and a little judgmental, but she’s also fashionable, studious, and warm, especially toward March and Eko. It’s also nice to see the occasional silliness she used to show on Jananda shine through every now and then. She’s changed a lot by the next arc, for obvious reasons, but she was pretty silly to Hisame when she was inviting herself to dinner, I don’t think all that playfulness should just disappear! So it’s nice to see fans playing with Tonari without vilifying her ;w; Also without reducing her to her feelings for Fushi, because yeah she has some but that’s not the only thing she’s about (even tho…. I fixate a lot… on that particular subject……… cough). While I’m on the subject, I really love that most ToFu art is limited to things like gentle physical affection. A head on a shoulder (I spent hours running around my house when you sent me that pic Ray, HOURS), a meaningful hug, and touching hands- an absolute must if you like em. I’m definitely getting carried away now though…
12) What's a headcanon you have for this character?
(Limit yourself, limit yourself, limit yourself…!!!)
(Also Coop if you’re reading this, the green one is the only safe one lol)
Bisexual Tonari is an obvious one, I’m convinced she was attracted to Parona’s form (who isn’t in this show tho lmao), and I find those ship posts between Tonari and Mizuha to be so fun tbh. Enemies to lovers maybe, invited to hold hands with her and Hanna! That theory you had about Nagisa having a crush on Tonari lives in my head rent free too, absolutely canon to me. Actually the MizuNariHanna stuff would be extra funny in a world where Nagisa has a crush on Tonari bc now Mizuha’s a girl stealer too! Nagisa just can’t win!!!
Tonari loves writing! And she’s a woman in STEM! Not a headcanon just fact but it lays down the groundwork for my following headcanon: she probably went away to grad school or something. Bon asked if Tonari knew how to do surgery, implying to my insane head that she’s probably gone away for school or something, maybe even received a doctorate, but Bon doesn’t know what for. Her stitches look a bit spaced out and wonky tbh, so she probably doesn’t have the patience for things like needlepoint. I’d wager her calling probably isn’t physical art either haha.
She absolutely goes drinking with the immortal trio + Bon and maybe Gugu once she’s old enough to do so (… would Hairo drink? Designated driver Hairo Rich, but also it’d be so funny if he’s completely normal in the stupidest way while drunk. “Stands like perfectly normal but topples over the second he goes to take a step” typa drunk- BUT THIS ISNT ABOUT HIM SORRY). I think they’d love having Tonari around to pal around with! I imagine that old Jananda arc silliness comes out full force then, if her excitement at Mizuha’s birthday was anything to go off ✌️
(This one’s safe Coop!) Her hair’s been short and choppy since before she got to Jananda so I like to think she did that little kid thing where she tried cutting her own hair and it came out looking uneven. Instead of letting her parents fix it though, she just insisted it wasn’t a mistake and wore it out like that for years. Then when she got to Jananda all the scissors sucked so she just had to keep cutting her hair in the same shabby way. Mia and Oopa having long hair is so funny to me too cuz I imagine they wouldn’t let Tonari get anywhere near them with scissors in her hand (OK stop reading here Coop!)
While I’m here, i think Tonari probably sees a little bit of her old friends in the immortal army tbh. Like, @/alphaofdarkness made the connection that March probably reminded Tonari of Oopa ;; So I feel like Gugu could remind Tonari of Uroy in some ways too, like in the buff, blond, older brother figure kind of way. Eko could remind her of young Sandel in the same way both were kind of upbeat and cute, but quiet in a way that they faded a little in the group (my brother INSISTED Sandel had NOT been there the entire time we were watching the Jananda arc). Meanwhile Messar might remind her of the older Sandel, the kind who probably was more like a brotherly shithead to her after all their years of growing up together. And Mia… imma be honest Mia’s weird as hell, chair fighting, curly hair collecting? Ain’t nobody doing it like Mia 🫡 ACTUALLY ITS BON, BON TOTALLY REMINDS HER OF MIA LMAO
OK IM ENDING IT THERE (Believe it or not this is me limiting myself, I’d typed out an entire section on Tonari’s relationship with each of the members of the immortal army). Hope these were decent enough responses to your questions Ray!
If you- or anyone- has anymore questions on Tonari or literally anyone else please feel free to send them! I have thoughts on like literally everyone, no character too obscure ✌️
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blueparadis · 2 years
▏happier than ever ▏k.ryuguji ▏
+. CWs —» f! reader, fluff, suggestive themes, poly relationships, light angst, mention of alcohol and cigarettes, childhood friends, friends to lovers, slow romance, slow burn, alternate universe - modern, university/college. word count — 4.6k.
+. SYNOPSIS —» Emma knew you meant the world to her but she didn't know that sometimes she could be a little greedy too.
+. NOTES —» this piece was commissioned by @massivementalitynut . I do take commission for part two :) I'm so happy that i finally got to post this >.&lt;
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“This is not a good idea. This is going to be a big problem later on”, you muttered staring at the king-size bed while Emma unpacked her luggage. One week, seven days, seven fucking days. You are about to stay seven fucking days in the same room with Emma and Draken. “This is not gonna end well”, hearing that Emma stopped folding the dresses and pull you to her side saying, “either help me out or go for a shower. We have a long day ahead”
It was primarily Draken’s idea. He complained about how much little time he got to have you before you decided to disappear into thin air. Hence, he proposed the idea of going on a road trip and staying for seven days before going back home. He just wanted to spend some time with you more, and surely he would not mind Emma’s presence. Moreover, Emma refused to let go of you out of her sight. She has become more demanding than the last time you saw her. 
Draken can be territorial sometimes. He is not a big fan of arguments and fights. Certainly, in front of Emma’s straightforward behavior, he had no choice but to agree with her, that is, to have a single large room rather than three different ones. He could sleep on the couch or they could reserve another bed but they’re staying together in one room and that is final; if not, then they’re not going. The other option was too debatable to follow. Draken eventually gave in. It took several rounds of ice cream to get rid of her pout. 
And, now here you three are: in a single room where you and Emma are busy unpacking while Draken is in the shower after such a tiring road trip. It was the summer heat that drained out your energy and Emma insisted on staying indoors for the rest of the day. Draken was out of the shower in his bathrobe. Emma adjusted her hair, took her things, and went inside the bathroom. They did not even exchange looks. You smiled noticing how much they have become intimate with each other now. “I’ve told the manager to give us another bed.”, he said roughly rubbing the towel over his hair. You sat on the bed starting to feel a little dizzy from the exhaustion. “I’m hungry, Ryuu”
The bed mattress sank admirably as Draken sat beside you. His black strands of hair fell on his face. You tore your gaze away sensing the lukewarm sensation underneath your eyes. The room was now devoid of Emma’s chirping and Draken slayed at maintaining the silence. This was the first time you were alone with him after they decided to have a relationship with you.  The bed sank further as he stretched his hands behind you for support as he spoke, “I’ll order the dinner. Would you prefer it in the room?”
You turned your face noticing he was sprawled out on the bed, his left hand stretched out almost as an invitation to you. “Yes. Emma would like . . .”, Draken did not let you finish, “I know she will; even if she did not we three could go for a walk and have ice-creams.” He jerked his head as a gesture for you to lie down, on his toned muscular arm. You swallowed and laid down on his arm, snuggling against his chest.
“Ya’know, when you were not here. We both talked about you a lot, especially how you knew both of our feelings and never used it against us.”, Draken pulled you closer to his body to place a chaste dry kiss on your cheek. He noticed your lip bite and congested eyebrows and murmured, “Hey… yn, it is okay. Don’t worry about it. We’ve talked about it. You don’t need to worry”
“Fine by me, then. Haha! Don’t get a boner Ryu while I’m this close to you.”, you drawled in with words tumbling over one another. He was about to protest, or say something in his defense but noticed that you were already asleep. The click of the bathroom door made Draken immediately turn his head keeping his forefinger on his lips. He knew Emma would start talking about the plans for the next day. But Emma was always a rebel and it amplified whenever she was around Draken. She whispered 
“Why Are You Like This Draken?
“Like whaaat?”, Draken whispered back without moving much. 
“She needs to eatttt. She will wake up in the morning with a stomach ache. I know her habits.”, Emma was not the kind of backing down however when both of them heard low soft snoring, they realized they can do this louder and outside, maybe on the balcony so that you can sleep peacefully on the soft bed and not on someone’s sturdy muscular arms. Draken swiftly pulled a pillow to put it under your head. As he was down with tucking you in bed, they both headed outside to have dinner and plan about tomorrow's outing. 
It was partly your suggestion rather than theirs, to visit some places so that you could get accustomed to this relationship and tell his friends, tell everyone without being appalled by them. You had no idea that they would plan so much in such a short amount of time. Seven days felt elongating inside the four walls of the hotel but it felt sparse to accommodate the rush of all kinds of emotions. It was not just happiness, it was also the thrill of starting a new life, the restlessness of trying out new things together.
As for Satoru, he deserved a massive treat from you. You knew he did but if you were to initiate the conversation first that would not only boost his pride but also he will tease you forever about that. So, unless he starts to keep nagging you for a treat you should just let him stay at your house. But knowing Gojo, he seems like the type to call and bug you every other minute. Maybe, he sobered his habits. Well, that is not what you should be concerned about now, especially while being on a secret date cum short trip with Ryu and Emma.
Draken and Emma mostly planned indoor visiting during daylight. They said it was because of you since you could not handle the heat of the summer. Of course, you were thankful for thinking of you but at the same time, you fumed like a kettle for treating you like a baby. In their defense, they mentioned how cute your expressions were whenever they took care of you, whenever they bought something for you or praised you for how good you looked in that sundress. Secretly, you liked it, liked how they are so easy and comforting. You wondered if they would be this comfortable around the rest of the Toman members, like Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Pah, and most importantly Mikey, whom you kissed just because you felt suffocated by loneliness, by the thought of being left all alone rather than being jealous of Draken and Emma that they were finally together, happier than ever.
You slapped your cheeks to snap yourself back into reality as Emma’s voice dissipated your trance. “Yeah, coming in a minute.”, you yelled from the trial room. You adjusted the frills of your dress for one last time before opening the door. “Geez! What took you so lon. . . Oh my gosh! you look gorgeous.”, you immediately cupped her mouth otherwise the whole floor of the shopping mall would have heard her. “Where is Ryuu?”, you asked playing with your fingers but Emma immediately smiled taking out her phone and saying that he is busy and you do not have to worry since she is gonna take a lot of pictures and send him right away. She sounded so proud that it made you chuckle. 
“That’s not why I asked you. I just don’t wanna make him wait.”, you protested but Emma was quick to pick on your restlessness. She mentioned that Draken is busy with checking out some restaurants so they can have lunch and go home. After she was done taking the pictures she asked you to get changed so that she can buy some dresses from another section. Hesitation overtook you and you asked her to turn around rather than leave the trial room. You had a feeling that she might get hurt and you were not entirely wrong. If she pouted while turning around to give you some privacy she would have been bothered if you were to ask her to leave. You felt the pensive mood filling the small chamber as you heard the tapping of heels. 
You murmured, “Emma…” the sound of clicking heels came to a cease, “Yeah…?”, she responded.
“I am trying okay? I’m happy with this trip, with this relationship. It’s just I wanted to take it slow. . .”, the moment you paused to take a breather a familiar warm and soft hands curled around your shoulders. You missed this, you missed her touch.
“Sorry if I was too much for you. But we have been so apart for a long time and I . . . I just wanna make up for the lost time.”, her fingers intertwined with yours as you met Emma’s gaze in the mirror.  She placed a chaste kiss on your collarbone and yelled, “Well, let’s hurry. I have a lot of places to check out.” You shrieked, no not because of her voice but because of the kiss she stole. A smile plastered your face thinking how Emma is still mischievous as ever. 
When you two were finally done with shopping Draken was already waiting outside busy smoking a cigarette. He passed you on the cigarette earning a glare that suggested, how many you had? Draken immediately went defensive saying, “I was not waiting that long ya’ know”
“Sometimes I think, you two became close solely because of tobacco.”, Emma chimed with an exaggerated grin on her face declaring how she was not fond of Draken ruining your habits. You chuckled as Draken ran his hands over his nape. He has a habit of doing that whenever he gets caught or scolded, especially by Emma. You have not had the chance yet to gain such bashful responses from him.“Yeah, Yeah whatever !!”, was all he said. 
The lunch was tasty, and Draken ensured you had your favorite picks. When you noticed them exchanging glances you palmed your face in embarrassment knowing that Draken sure was thorough in knowing your likes and dislikes. He never got a chance to talk to you about your likes and dislikes but here he was sitting by your side excited to taste your favorite dishes. At the same time, Emma would not stop making snarky comments and immediately started laughing seeing both of your surprised faces.
The evening weather was chilly due to sudden downpours. But fortunately, it did not hamper the plans. Emma stayed at the hotel since she is quick to catch so it was only Draken and you. It has been almost a year since you last visited the sea. Hence it was a nice change of air. Draken went to buy coffee as you headed towards the shore. It was not congested with crowds, and the breeze was just perfect. You sat keeping your sandals aside enjoying the breeze, waiting for Draken.
Chifuyu who was standing in front of the bookshelf spotted Draken exiting from the adjacent snacks counter. He hid his face against the latest release of a shoujo manga lest Draken could have spotted him easily. By the time Draken was walking towards you, Baji had already received a message. Draken had indeed lied about his short outing and they all knew it but when Baji spotted him sitting beside you sharing a laugh and coffee, something did not just fit in. They all knew that Emma and Draken had planned a short trip together and how could they not especially when the dates matched miraculously? 
But they did not seem to understand how you exactly fit in all of these. Mitsuya, Baji, Chifuyu, and Kazutora would have jumped at the chance of having such a short trip but they did not since it was the first time they planned something for themselves and none of them wanted to be a third wheel for them but who knew t hey would bring a third wheel along with them? 
Mitsuya would not have left her sisters alone at home, even if it was just for an evening if it was not for the new fashion exhibition but thanks to that, he not only signed up for the competition but also accidentally spotted Emma running towards Draken in an exquisite gown like a peacock spreading its vibrant feathers. Later, he spotted Emma coming out of the changing room along with you. The most surprising part was that his dearest friend Draken was standing outside the changing room. Given his line of work, Mitsuya knew that your smile was not the ordinary one that seem to have embedded as a robotic response whenever a lady gets showers of praises on their beauty and dress. It was a smile born out of happiness and love. And he is sure that he has never seen Draken smiling like that.
Kazutora spotted Draken and Emma at a local fair. He would not have come if Baji did not whine for a helping hand to carry the exotic breeds to his pet shop. He could not ask Chifuyu since he was too much excited to buy the latest release of some shoujo mangas and that too with a discount. Kazutora saw Emma carrying two plushies tucked in the stretch of her arms and he was aware that Draken had no chance in a million years to buy a plushie for himself unless they won them in a sort of game. That was still a bleak chance of Draken signing up for such a childish game unless Emma had someone to support her demands.
A unified sigh escaped from their chest. The four were sitting under a lonely headlight over a bench in a park. They circulated the cigarette and discussed how they spotted you, Emma, and Draken. Kazutora proposed that maybe they met you at the hotel and decided to let you join or maybe it is the opposite. All of them were submerged in such a dilemma that they had to eventually give up the idea of getting a conclusive settlement of this situation. But in all cases, there was no way they would let Mikey know about this. 
Of course, they knew that Mikey was aware of his sister’s lies and his best friend’s smooth schemes of planning but they were not sure how Mikey would take the discovery they all made, not even Baji. Baji has known Mikey since his childhood, even before Draken. Naturally, when Baji seemed confused about him they all decided to keep this a secret. 
Six days flew within a blink. Draken never got a chance to sneak into bed during the night. Emma would have kicked him into the balcony or maybe outside the room if he did.  One thing Emma did not like to share was her habit of sleeping with you. She missed that direly since you two have a lot of memories attached to countless sleepovers. Sometimes, you felt bad for Draken, for having him sleep on that small single bed. With his size, it would be better if he slept with Emma or you but that was strictly off the options since there is no way in hell Emma would give up the privilege of talking with you all night.
Draken often complained about how Emma always ended up sleeping before him whenever they used to talk late at night on a call but she never seemed to have a blink of sleep when she was with you, not until she was done with telling all the stories of her day. And when the whole town is sleeping, everything around is engulfed in absolute silence you and your girlfriend was busy sharing stories and giggles. How could anyone have some moments of peaceful sleep with whispers and soft squeals disrupting the perfect silence? And Draken was a light sleeper so he often ended up joining the gossip.
Last day, both of them, Draken and Emma were exhausted and went to bed early. You preferred to stay at home since tomorrow you will have to travel in this unbearable heat. Moreover, they just wanted to visit the local fair. Emma even brought a plushie for you. Draken teased you for still being weak to plushies like kids while you mentioned how he is missing the heavenly feeling of falling asleep with a plushie by his side. But alas! Draken always had the upper hand whenever you tried to bite back some responses.
“I don’t need a plushie.”, he cooed wrapping his arms around you, “I have you.” There was a few moments of silence and then Emma burst into laughter. “Oh, dear. This is amazing.”, she was rolling from one edge of the bed to the other having her hands wrapped around her tummy as she spoke irregularly, “I win the bet Draken.” Draken still refused to let go of you. When it came to you and your reactions Emma always won, but Draken did not particularly lose, did he now? Even if he placed bets with wrong options he still enjoyed both of your reactions, not to mention all the quickies whenever Emma wanted . Only a fool would let such a bet slip away.
When you woke up it was almost dawn. You noticed that the window was open, making the room colder since the wind was strong today. As you closed it with a click your eyes fell on Draken. He was sleeping peacefully with his hand resting under his cheek. When you went to bed he had the same posture. He would get muscle pain if he sleeps like that till morning, you pondered.
You nudged him a little on his opposite shoulder and he shifted having himself layed with his back on the bed. But his arm was outside the bed while the quilt was nowhere over his body. With a sigh, you covered him you heard his soft snores that almost sounded like a purr. You licked your lips and smiled but before going back to the bed, you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. He hummed and turned around. He was smiling, maybe he was dreaming about something.
The ride back home was not as silent as it was when you all rode to this seaside. This time Emma was driving and Draken was sitting with you at the back since he did not want you to be alone in the back seat. The music was on and you were busy on your phone while Draken and Emma were rehearsing the facts they are supposed to tell to all of them. They both had to lie to have this trip as smooth as possible but they both did admit that they soon have to make it official. 
“Does it include me?”, you asked shifting your eyes from the phone to Draken and then onto Emma. She met your gaze through the mirror while Draken supplied, “Yes of course. Do you want to wait longer? I mean we will be announcing it at her birthday party, just the close affair”, Draken palmed your hands and rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb, “we can wait if you want. There is no rush.” You smiled at his concern and nodded. You wanted to let others know yet at the same time you did not. Maybe it would be better if you let them decide.
Emma dropped Draken at first and since your house was just a few houses away from hers she did not bother to drop you off but rather took you home with her. After getting refreshed and having dinner, Emma suggested you stay over but you declined. You needed some alone time, some time to think about what Draken asked today this morning.
You landed with a thud on your bed and settled in your home once again. Without your mom and dad, the house felt empty and the childhood memories flooded your mind. It was mostly full of Emma and his brothers. You remembered how you volunteered to be her prince but now she got both a prince and a princess, humph!   Everything was still, even your breathing seem to slow. You curled up to a side closing your eyes trying to give in to the exhaustion otherwise sometimes, it might not let you sleep. 
You jumped out of the bed at the sound of your phone ringing loudly. Before answering the phone call a trail of curse words fell from your lips for both, yourself and the one who is calling.
“Yes. . . hello?”
“Were you sleeping?”, Draken almost whispered from the other end.
“Oh my god! no no not at all. I’m very awake and not sleeping.”, you were now seated at the edge of the bed holding the phone on the loudspeaker as you press your knees to your chest calming the rhythm of your rocket-speed heartbeats. Draken laughed at your silly attempt of cooking up lies. He always knew you were bad at that.
“Listen, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. We have a meeting and well since Emma insisted on coming I might as well take you too. You’ve never been there, have you? Our meeting spot?”
There was pin drop silence for almost five seconds but it felt like an eternity since all you could think about was how they were keen to make this relationship official yet your heart did not seem to align with them. Would it be selfish to decline this visit? Would it be okay to let them decide what is best for now?
“Yes. Ryuu. I’ll be ready by six. And no this is my first time visiting your gang”
“Hideout.”, Draken quipped 
“Yes. that.”, you cackled while he spoke,  “Alright. I’ll come and pick you up. Sleep well baby.”, you heard a kiss from the other end before it disconnected. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer as you kept the phone on the bedside table.
Fuck ! how on earth I’m supposed to sleep now.
The next day you were busy cleaning the house since you have to stay for a month. Emma came over to help but rather ended up whining about they should wear matching outfits for today’s meet-up. It was nice having her at home and go through the albums and all the childhood memories you both shared as friends, before becoming lovers. Emma left before Draken could turn up. She exclaimed that she knew the place and it would be very suspicious if she were to go with Draken rather than Mikey.
Draken was early. As you waved him from the window, he was waiting on his bike across the road.
 “You look lovely.”, he remarked with a smirk
“Oh, this was Emma's choice.”, you quipped making him narrow his gaze on you. It did not take long to reach the place. You have passed by this spot many times but never stopped by even if you spotted Mikey and Draken. Those are the only faces you knew and the rest of them only occupied your memory by their name and pinnacle appearances. 
“Mitsuya, Kazutora, Baji, and Chifuyu.”, you pointed at the boys one after the other and looked at Draken asking if you got them right but one of them spoke.
“You got me wrong. I’m Baji and he is Kazutora.”, you nodded. All you wanted to do was to hind behind Draken. Emma was still not there and judging from their talks they are used to the captain being late, like usual. 
“Y/n”, Emma’s angelic voice reached your ears. You spotted her running towards you. It was a good decision that you did not match outfits with her since everyone was already suspicious why would Draken bring Emma’s best friend in here? The confusion was not about why you were there, it was about why you came with Draken. Emma quickly took you to a side so that you don’t attract much attention. It was just the close members of toman yet she gave them a death glare.
Mikey and his friends were chatting as they stood in a circle. Baji spoke subtly, “Your girlfriend is here.” Draken who was watching both of you hummed in response. He would not have realized the blunder he made if Baji did not start yelling Draken got the girl, Draken got the girl at the top of his voice. Certainly, the ruckus caught your attention as well as Emma’s.  Even though Draken pressed his mouth, Kazutora and Chifuyu started to nag Draken while Mikey watched his best friend to down in the mess of his lies. 
Everyone more or less knew about Draken and Emma but Chifuyu who was the first to spot the three of you at the library was not satisfied with how Emma managed to take the fall and settle this quicker than he assumed. Everyone started to tease them rather than congratulate them since they all have known each other since childhood. And Draken had a lot of debt to pay since most of them were furious that Draken kept this from everyone. While they were busy with Emma and Draken you watched them from the lonely corner swelling with joy as you had to do if Emma and Draken did not let you walk into their life.
“Yea, but which one?”, Chifuyu blurted out gaining all the eyes on him. 
“What do you mean by which one ?”, Mikey asked tilting his head towards Draken. Baji and Kautora exchanged glances while Mitsuya looked at you, then his eyes shifted onto Draken. 
“Both. Mikey both.”, Emma added grabbing Draken’s sleeves. There was a deafening silence for a few seconds. Everyone at first gazed at you then on to Emma and finally on their dearest pal, Draken. It was Hinata who first stepped to disrupt this uncanny silence.
“OH MY GOSH!”, she grabbed your hands continuing, “I’m so happy for the three of you, and Congrats Emma.”, Emma responded with a nod. Takemitchy could not even speak. “Huh!”, was written all over his face. Mitsuya had an idea but was too shy to speak about it to Draken.
 Baji and Kazutora looked at each other and then glared at Draken. Jealousy seemed plausible for them but they yelled, “Partyyyyyyyy”, in unison giving Draken a jumpscare. 
Chifuyu smirked, “I knew something was fishy. But well good for you, y/n, congratulations”, he chimed with a big grin plastered on his face proud that he could solve the puzzle correctly. Pah-chin was flabbergasted at the situation; 
“Woah! That’s amazing.”, was all he could manage to say while Peh-yah just exclaimed, “Draken is a lucky fucker.”
“Oye Oye ! watch your tongue”, Naoya slipped and shifted his eyes towards them, you, Emma, and Draken. “As long as they are happy I don’t care about anything else.”
Mikey who was silently watching all of these walked up towards you. At first, he looked at Emma and Draken. Mikey had an idea about why Emma went on a solo trip suddenly. She might not know, but Draken initially confided to Mikey about having feelings for his sister. He smirked before yelling with joy, “Let's all celebrate this by visiting the festival. Woohooo!” 
Some joined the cheering while the rest greeted you but Mikey whispered into your ears as he passed by, “I’m very happy for you y/n. Hope you all are happier than ever.”
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milkstoner · 1 year
Since like, this summer, I’ve had this vague concept of a mallesil modern au, and it never really inspired me. I realized last night, while my mind was plagued by insomnia, that it didn’t give anything because i didn’t really flesh out silver as much as malleus. So here’s the concept.
Malleus —> like, 24 yrs old, just starting a masters in architecture. He’s the guitar in pop music club’s band. Also plays just about any instrument. Tattoo artist on the side. Rich boy, dead parents, grandma lives in a huge mansion, idk what his family does and why theyre so wealthy honestly like. Granny is strict and she disapproves of mal being in a band and living on his own, but he dgaf. He knows hes going to have to inherit whatever role granny occupies and tbh he’s comfortable knowing hes going to have like, some sort of authority. But for now he enjoys being sort of rebellious.
Silver —> like 18 (we need to do our best to parallel the human slash fae age gap, sorry). In the process of making a career out of being a ballet dancer!!! (Also does fencing and rides horses). Also a rich boy! Im paralleling the theory that silver is a stolen prince by giving him rich parents. Overprotected, strict parents. Idk what his parents do, but they work in the same domain as mals grandmother. (Perhaps theyre politicians…? That could add a layer of mystery around mals parents oh ooh… assassination? Im not fully decided yet but imagine.)
Pop music club (a band in this au);
Cater —> lead vocals. Not wealthy, really. Middle class. The band is his main income and he works as a ride operator in the summers. 22 years old. Dreams of fame and wealth. Art history student, met mal in a class they had in common.
Kalim —> drums. Rich boy. Mal’s childhood friend. Might be the son of politicians similarly to my idea for mal’s and silver’s families, and that’s how they know each other. The band is his hobby. He calls the shots. Spends his share of the money he earns spoiling his friends. Sweet angel. 21 years old.
Lilia —> bass (whore). Mal’s uni friend. He has spent so many years in university. He’s 28, like dude please graduate soon. Very mysterious. We dont know anything about his upbringing. Just a little freaky dude. Nomad. Malleus has no idea where that man lives. He crashes his apartment sometimes. Goes on road trips unprovoked. When he doesn’t show up to practice, the other three wonder if he really was just a collective hallucination. Then he shows up the next week like, oh hey guys i was (insert crazy adventure). The boys are used to it by now.
And of course, sebek —> 17. Silver’s childhood friend. Son of a dentist so hes relatively rich, not as much as silver/malleus/kalim, but still upper class. They’ve been rivals (according to sebek) since they were very small. They met during their first ballet class. He’s a fan of pmc+malleus’ band, and is especially a huge mal fanboy.
Mallesil have met a few times before. Think like, formal parties and such. They’re the 1%. It’s rare granny draconia and her grandson are invited, but when they do attend a party, everything gets real quiet. So mallesil have… noticed each other as children, think like, silver was 6 when he first acknowledged malleus’ (12) existence. Obviously the age gap is kind of significant at that stage so its not a problem that their guardians forbid them from interacting. (Though there was one time, when silver was 8 and malleus was 14, where silver got lost somehow, and malle was the only one he recognized in this huge mass of adults. He’s actually very straightforward, like « im lost », and mal guides him back to his parents without a word lol)
It gets a bit more problematic as silver grows up. Stolen glances, damn hes hot… silver is 17. He’d always been sort of fascinated by malle’s stature, his long, black hair, and his pale skin. Its like hes wrapped in mystery. Obviously, since silver is older now, he can finally recognize hes feeling attraction. Malleus… he cant help still seeing a child in silver since. Yk. Their very rare and brief interactions took place when silver was a literal child. But hey he can admit silver is cute… he sees him drinking like, non alcoholic cider in a corner and he comes up to him kinda nervous like… hey… u come here often. Its another brief interaction, but they find a secluded spot and malleus offers him a sip of his wine (im obsessed with the concept of mal making silver drink SORRY), silver is a bit shy and flustered… (hes a sensitive little gay boy). They have one thing in common, and its that they think these 1% parties are boring. There’s something scandalous about them interacting when their families strictly forbids them to like, even look at each other. (If were going the route that theyre politicians, granny has probably put into mal’s head that his parents were assassinated by silver’s family. He… believes her, but he cant blame silver for it, can he?)
They dont see each other again until like. A year later, when sebek drags silver to pmc+malleus’ show. Its late and silver shouldn’t even be there—he snuck out. He had no idea what he was going to see until he saw fucking MALLEUS on the stage. He’s in awe… the dexterity of his fingers, his large arms, the bright lights making him fucking shine, like wowww if he didn’t have a crush before, this is definitely what sells malleus. Now, imagine mal’s shock seeing silver in the fucking crowd—they make EYE CONTACT honey. His fingers fumble; his bandmates look back at him like ? For a single second before acting like absolutely nothing happened.
After the show, malleus calls to silver and they talk a bit in the alley leading to backstage of the venue (idk how any of this works)… like… what are you doing here i didn’t know u were into rock?… oh yeah I’ve seen sebek a few times hes kind of annoying. Need a ride home?
Next thing u know, romantic little motorcycle scene oooohhhhhh. Finally they exchange numbers… malleus has no social media presence lol the only way to contact him is to call or text him. As they are both children of important people, they cant exactly meet in public, but mal knows a bunch of secluded spots and he takes silver to quiet places on his motorcycle yasssss. They talk about anything, its secret, its scandalous, its exciting. Silver’s rebellious era.
One day silver takes mal to like, the dancing studio, & he practices in front of him, aww… mal plays the piano, idk some melody he had in his mind, & silver goes off track and lets his song guide his body, its all very sweet and cute… Harold theyre gay
Their relationship evolves real quick… it’s silvers first crush. It’s cute and exciting . His desires give him butterflies in his stomach. Malleus is filled with dread however lol, he’s super dramatic and he WILL write countless songs for silver AND SING THEM to him, while playing the guitar or the piano… he can’t breathe w/o silver ok
The sex… ofc mal is older and he’s the top so he takes care of silver. He’s gentle at first but after a while he can’t help roughing him up bc he just loves him that much. Cute aggression. Silver is a total slut for malleus… he’s a secret pervert, so he’s in touch w his desires. He knows what parts of mal’s body he wants, what parts of himself he wants pleasured… malleus got his perversions from old, female-written erotica 😭 (stolen from granny draconia). Silver had the talk but he unfortunately slept through his sex ed class in high school. He doesn’t dare watch porn in case his parents find out. So his desires are very… basic, i would say, no dirty kinks, but still, it’s this very strong, pure feeling of wanting flesh and skin to meet, intertwined w love, so it’s very sweet and intimate and erotic. Mal’s desires are similar but he plays around with like, mild dirty talk (it’s just praise and dramatic love confessions while he’s balls deep inside silver😭), mild teasing (going slow when silver is justtttt on the edge), etc… they worship each others bodies oh my goodness
Their dates are mostly @ mal’s apartment. Takeout, Netflix, they talk for hours, one thing leads to another and WHEWW they spend the night together even tho silver was supposed to be home at 10. Obviously this raises a lot of questions. On the draconia side, granny is very happy to meet silver. She thinks he’s such a respectable, cute, sweet boy. She welcomes him💜
Silvers parents on the other hand… he knows they’ve said terrible TERRIBLE things about the draconias so obviously he doesn’t want to put mal through that. There’s also the fear of being disowned… silvers parents ask him if, yk, he’s in love, bc he’s changed and he doesn’t come home on time… eventually they find out of his relationship and it doesn’t go well :( they threaten to disown him if he doesn’t block mal… obv he’s very afraid, so he does… mal is heartbroken :,( he actually drives all the way to silver’s family’s mansion and he… throws rocks at his window CTFUUUU silver starts crying on the spot when he sees mal from his window… he sneaks out in his pajamas and mal puts his jacket on silvers shoulders and they go to one of mals spots.
So silver explains he could be disowned… malleus had a feeling :( silver is young… he’s torn between his family and the security that comes with it, or his exciting lover… they have sex outside in that secret spot teehee💜 most intense session ever, the thrill of being outside, risking being seen… it’s hot
Silver still sees mal in secret at night. Yea ok they can’t contact each other, but mal still meets him every night. Until they’re found out one night lol and that’s the last straw, silver gets kicked out. Honestly, he’s lucky mal has money, so he moves into mals apartment, and yes it’s rly traumatic, it takes time to get used to, but their passion is stronger than anything (amor vincit omnia)… silver does get a bit depressed but he still attends ballet classes. He gets a little part time job as a barista and malleus visits him sometimes… he steals a kiss over the counter hehehe. Silver goes to mal’s shows & helps the band however he can… very sweet, sweet boy
I think it takes a whole year for silver and his parents to talk again. Like, ok you can’t just throw away your only son like that, be for real. They’ve been super overprotective for years, so of course they’ll worry about silver a year later, only to find out he’s doing okay, all things considered, and he’s been paying for his ballet/fencing classes on his own, and malleus helps out bc he cares about silver. It’s not enough for them to accept him, that takes a lot more time, because they truly feel like silver betrayed them.
Silver is very sad, but malleus comforts him and gives him so much love. His love language is… all of them. Words, physical touch, gifts, everything. He spoils silver lol. There’s this urge inside him that makes him want to protect silver since he’s younger. And silver doesn’t mind bc he is a Disney princess and disney princesses are spoiled + they’re the main characters even tho they don’t realize.
Am i insane.
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dazzle-writes · 6 months
Hello! Can I please request for a Demon Slayer matchup? Any sort of HC's are fine. <3
I'm straight, ISTJ, and a Pisces. My hobbies include chess, reading, and math for some reason? I don't really like animals and find them quite annoying but I do like axolotls! I have always been obsessed with sealife. My love language is physical touch and quality time.
I'm not shy, just quiet. I can be pretty judgemental to other people— including myself. I like to talk and I seem pretty sociable but others say I'm intimidating or too straightforward. I'm pretty impatient and I don't like others who beat around the bush. I'm a perfectionist and I place incredibly high expectations both on others and me. I keep people at a distance, but show just enough to make others think it's easy for me to be vulnerable. I'm ambitious and have a high drive to succeed. I'm good at socialising but I'm not particularly fond of it. I'm a control freak at times.
I'm 157 CM, I have wavy-ish black hair with hazel eyes. I have an RBF and freckles. My clothing style is leaning more to dark academia or a more feminine way of dressing. It fluctuates honestly, I could be wearing an incredibly dark outfit or an outfit with tons of florals and a makeup look that makes me seem very feminine.
I hope this is enough information! To be honest, I have no idea who I truly am as a person so if this is too vague I deeply apologise 😭
hello hello!!!! I see you said straight, however you also didn't state your gender LMFAO but since you said you dress with feminine tones i am going to assume that you are female!!!
For a Demon Slayer i match you up wiiiiith
I think what draws him to you is the fact that you are so different from Koyuki! He can't wrap his teeny little boyfailure brain around how you are both so feminine and not at the same time!!
(This takes place in my redemption AU where the uppermoons break free of Muzan btw tee hee hee)
-Lowkey at first he did not like you bc of the fact that you were very upfront and did not take his sexist bullshit. Kinda just stood to the side with his arms crossed and all pouty.
-Then you give Douma a what for
-Heart Eyes TM
-Once you both start connecting more he is really impressed by how smart you are!!! As someone who grew up in relative poverty, he didn't learn reading and writing much, let alone more complex math. If you would perhaps like to teach him? What? Its not like he LIKES you or anything!!1 He so totally does
-Spending time with you helps to connect him to his human side more and more! He finds that the more memories he unlocks, the stronger he becomes as he frees himself from Muzan's grip.
-As a demon, animals don't like him much either. So you telling him you aren't a huge fan of animals makes him feel much better about his natural Fauna Repellent!
-likes to keep an arm around your shoulder to try an annoy you and because he wants to pick you up and hold you like a koala but if you two are alone he tends to keep his distance! His reasoning is that he doesn't want to scare you one on one, but does it in public where other people can see and you could potentially feel safer.
-As you two gets closer he really likes to hold hands with you when you're alone
-Reminds you to be easy on yourself! He is also a bit of a perfectionist especially when it comes to his strength, so he works hard to not ruin his immortal life anymore with it and doesn't want you to do the same.
-He likes you because you are so different from Koyuki, it reminds him that he can never go back to being Hakuji in this life, but that he can make something of himself as Akaza.
-When you two finally get together the other uppermoons are like "thank FUCK he would NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU"
-Daki wants to plan your wedding
-tries to keep everything light and easygoing for you and lets you guide things to your standards
-Overall a very cute snuggler who would rip people to shreds for you ;)
-Goes feral if Muzan ever even thinks about you.
-Yall think Nezuko when she beefs up to fight Daki was scary? This mf would literally somehow develop a new Blood Demon Art to protect you.
-When y'all beat Muzan (obvs) he's very torn. There are parts of him that want to return to Koyuki, and parts of him that want to stay with you. He feels like he has a duty to Koyuki along with the love he feels for her, but you have helped him see a whole other side to himself.
-Ultimately he decides to stay as a demon for a while and think things over, while using his strength to help those around him and keeping you safe. I'll leave it up to you to decide how it ends <3.
AWAWAWAW I hope you enjoyed!!!!!
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owmylasagna-blog · 1 year
Hi!!! About eddeddy n.n: 1,2,6,10,11,17,22,25
Thank you for reaching out!! It was fun to think about some of these!
1.) When did they realize that they were interested in their partner?
I think pretty soon after BPS, if not the literal scene where they make very mushy goo-goo eyes at each other while holding hands. They don’t exactly know that it is a romantic love at the time, but that it is a sort of soft, unconditional love that they didn’t know they had for one another before. Edd can forgive Eddy at his worst and lift him at his lowest point and that just makes Eddy melt. Unfortunately I think while Eddy sort of has the realization first, he would also have the hardest time working through years of familial homophobia (my guess is from his dad and then brother, less so his mom) and internalized homophobia.
I think it will take a bit more time for them to really realize that the friendship is starting to shift into something more than that, likely in high school as they figure out their sexualities. Like “hmm I sure do like my best friend and I also might dig boys and they are sorta cute”. I think they know something is amiss because suddenly they get really awkward with one another in a way they never were before. That boyish touchy feely playfulness they had as kids starts to feel a little different.
2.) Who confessed? How?
My running headcanon is that Edd confesses first. Edd is highly driven by guilt and shame (poverino) and he tries to bottle it up until he just can't take it anymore. And it’s not his feelings for Eddy that he feels guilty about, or that he is bi, but that he is being disingenuous by not revealing his feelings. He just hates having to lie to his best friend! I think what exactly those feelings are is a bit viscous so Edd also holds back because he isn’t exactly a fan of how messy it all is. He’s a weepy and snotty mess when he finally just lets it all out. He is terrified Eddy won’t take it well.
I think Eddy would have a harder time articulating his budding feelings even if he is probably the first to have them. Eddy has the courage to stick up for his friends but generally is pretty wimpy and cowardly when it comes to sticking up for or expressing himself. When Edd does confess it gives Eddy permission to just give into it because he can’t deny that he also might want to like hold hands and kiss.
7.) Who cooks? Describe their cooking.
They split the cooking, though Eddy cooks more. Edd can put together pretty basic and nutritious meals. He is fairly reliant on following recipes and tends to gravitate towards similar, predictable dish. Edd becomes a vegetarian starting in highschool so he doesn't know how to cook meat. He isn’t squeamish of it, just doesn’t have a good sense for preparing it. Eddy on the other hand works various jobs in the food industry as a teen/adult and also grew up cooking at home, learning mostly from his Italian American mom. Unlike Edd he rarely follows a recipe and has good intuition for cook times, techniques, and seasoning. I imagine that as adults, the more they date and perhaps live together, Eddy influences Edd to start eating meat again mostly because he cooks a mean steak and whips up an irresistible carbonara. I think I need a whole other paragraph to go into how that all goes down, their differing ethics and such 🙄
10.) What is their sexual dynamic like?
I think because they are friends the dynamic is rather playful. They both switch positions pretty regularly. Of the two, I imagine Eddy having pretty straightforward and vanilla tastes while Edd has a somewhat repressed kinkier side that they gradually explore over the span of the relationship. Witty banter as foreplay and during sex is a real turn on for both of them. I imagine they have bouts of laughter right in the middle of the act, Eddy cracking jokes, Edd getting carried away, whatever it might be.
11.) How do they express their love?
I wrote once that Eddy’s love language is being mean and I stand by that. Only slightly facetious. And not mean as mean spirited but in that sort of hard-to-get, teasing way. I could also see him being hot and cold when it comes to physical affection because of the whole being physically abused as a child. I think he expresses his love through acts of service and gifts. He very much is receptive to words of affirmation and gifts (Eddy is sentimental like that). Edd on the other hand would show love through words of affirmation and acts of service and really crave physical touch and quality time. So they don’t necessarily have much in the way of overlap, but they make it work. I imagine a big thing for Edd is Eddy taking some responsibility for things, being a team player, learning to trust sometime to help and not be so hyper independent. And Eddy is happy to drop everything so long as Edd knows to ask for it.
17.) What is each person’s type? Does their partner meet this, or are they an atypical match for them?
I see Eddy as being gay and exclusively attracted to men/mascs. I imagine l outside of a relationship with Edd he seeks partners who are fun and charismatic but not necessarily very healthy for him. Deep down there is a part of him that seeks approval from others and I think that lends itself to being with folks that say all the right things but are actually kind of shitty.
Edd is bi and as the series bible suggests has a tendency to crush pretty easily, especially with close acquaintances and friends. I can imagine he is attracted to people who are slightly more outgoing than himself, intelligent, and driven. I think outside of Eddy he would take into consideration more the logistical aspects of being with a partner: compatibility of life goals, career, home life.
It’s sort of a toss up of whether they are a good match based on their types! I think the things that go against their expectations in a partner also challenge them in ways that expand their lives but are also frustrating. But also they are so familiar and have known each other so long that I think they have grown to be each other’s type. Corny.
22.) Describe their wedding.
I don’t see them marrying, perhaps becoming domestic partners depending on where they are living for some of the visitation rights/ health care related benefits. If they got married, they would probably elope.
"Will you marry us?"
"I'm not registered for that."
"Then we'll elope!"
25.) Assuming they have children, what is their parenting like?
I also don’t imagine them having kids (except for forcing a cat onto them) so I think we can agree on them being the eccentric gay uncles to Ed’s kids (I do think Ed would have kids). I honestly think they would both be good with kids without the added pressure of having to raise them and make them turn out just right, and also I think they would feel like they are just part of Ed’s extended family. Sally @specktoons now @bonkerbuster69 had some really cute interpretations of this, where Edd would entertain and explore the innate curiosity of the kids while Eddy would be the fun uncle that tells them outlandish stories that he probably shouldn't.
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gerogerigaogaigar · 9 months
Ok so I did my selection of albums and that post blew up as much as any of my posts do so now everyone I live with wants me to review their favorite albums. Since I'm a benevolent overlord I have acquiesced and so here are ten albums that my husband Felix wants you all to listen to as reviewed by me.
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Fire On Fire - The Orchard
I was polite with my choices, but my dear husband decided to open his list with a one off side project by members of Cerberus Shoal. If you don't know the sorta post rock-y sorta folk band Cerberus Shoal then understand that this album is obscure even by the standards of that band's fans. Gone are the post rock tendencies of the parent band and instead the focus is solely on new weird Americana. New weird america is a musical movement that takes American primitivist and psychedelic folk music and mashes it up into something that is inevitably either pretentious garbage or revelatory beauty. This album is the latter. The music plods along with the grace of a broken machine. The music sounds like it is rusting as it moves and the nasally vocals grind along with the hulking monstrosities that are the songs of The Orchard. The music I'm describing may not sound pleasant, but the cacophony comes together in a harmonic cohesion that does for folk music what Charles Ives did for the symphony. There are many more artists that have a similar sound to Fire On Fire, but this album has a uniquely lumbering quality that is not recreated nearly as well by most other artists in the scene.
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Sweet Trip - You Will Never Know Why
You Will Never Know Why is a major departure from Sweet Trips usual sound. The glitch elements have been dialed back, although electronic sounds still populate the album, and it is basically a straightforward shoegaze album. It pulls ahead of competitors partly for the incorporation of electronic music but also for excellent vocals that capture a sterile whispiness. Plus the bass which is so bubbly and tends to rise to the top of mixes to add counterpoint melody on top of the dual vocals. As usual for the genre layering is the key to the beautiful sound. The songs will lily along as bright shimmering sounds plink into the mix and fade out only to be replaced by some other noise.
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Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog
While I'm still a fan of the first two Iron & Wine albums Shepherds Dog is clearly where he comes into his own as a performer. The instrumentation is punched up a bit with the occasional touch of horn or honky tonk piano to give the album a more dynamic feel. And the style has incorporated a little bit more rock edge as well. Songs like White Tooth Man help balance the album so that slower number like Resurrection Fern can really shine. Lyrically I can't tell you exactly what is going on in any given song. Sam Beam writes in little snapshots of ideas and paint an impression of a feeling rather than tell a story. I get the idea that he is rather scared of Americana though. And there is something about dog metaphors that really makes this man's brain go brrrrr. Overall I think The Shepherd's Dog is the most balanced of all the Iron & Wine albums I've heard. Successfully towing the line between folk rock and art rock.
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Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
A legend among pretentious sadboys but always skirting the mainstream is Sufjan Stevens. Although he started out making indie folk his style quickly evolved and on Illinois (or Sufjan Stevens Invites You To: Come On Feel The Illinoise as the album cover says) he hit the first major stride of his career. Illinois features insanely elaborate arrangements that show a wide range of influences from minimalist composers to 70s singer songriters to show tunes. The songs all seem to be exercises in elaborate time signature and rhyme scheme or clever wordplay and in depth metaphor.
Now to address the obvious. This album is ostensibly about the state of Illinois. This is true in the same way that I said Beat The Champ was about wrestling. Some songs reflect heavily on things about the state. John Wayne Gacy Jr. Is a biography of the Illinois born serial killer, They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhhh! is about the abundance of ghost town in the state. Other songs make reference to the state but are a little more vague. Decatur, or, Round of Applause for Your Stepmother!, Casimir Pulaski Day, and The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us! are really just personal stories that Sufjan Stevens has decided to set in Illinois. And the stories vary from very grand high concept things to very intimate and personal. Sometimes so personal that I am dubious of how much he stretches the truth to make these songs. But whether I buy it or not the arrangements are equally grand and intimate so the mood is always well designed.
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Röyksopp - Melody A.M.
Some downtempo music is meant to get you up and dancing, some downtempo is trying to evoke complex feeling in the listener. Melody A.M. is aiming for something in between. It lays down tight grooves with bubbly bass lines and drops a variety of melodic sounds overtop with elements of downtempo, trip-hop, house, disco, and ambient music all present. It hits all the points for being a driving at night all contemplative style album, but it pulls back on the moodyness and leaves you with a gentle friendly sound instead. Lullabye melodies floating over house beats. The result is just an immensely pleasant listen. Melody A.M. is effective because it does more than just play on the current trends from when it was released, it pulls bit of electronic music from decades past from Tangerine Dream to Giorgio Moroder to Vangelis there is a lot of the past buried in this record. And the resulting love of slightly corny music makes the album feel so sincere without having to be deeply intellectual.
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The Mountain Goats - All Hail West Texas
During the recording of The Coroner's Gambit John Darnielle's trusty Panasonic RX-FT500 boombox shit the bed and he started working with newer technology. All Hail West Texas is the album he recorded after that busted Panasonic miraculously came back to life one day.
To listeners who got into The Mountain Goats through Tallahassee and later the lo fi production might be a little hard to take, but you will learn to love the tape hiss that is a staple of early Mountain Goats recordings. Truly it becomes it's own instrument being the only sound on the album outside of Darnielle's voice and guitar.
But this is Mountain Goats you are here for lyricism. John Darnielle has said that he writes songs of love and redemption for people that would never listen to his music. All Hail West Texas starts right off with one of the best examples of this. The Best Ever Death Metal Band Out Of Denton is so simple and so beautiful, and maybe the most emotionally affecting songs to feature the refrain of "hail Satan!" The album is about outcasts, toxic couples, traumatized kids. According to the cover it is "fourteen songs about seven people, two houses, a motorcycle, and a locked treatment facility for adolescent boys." The cryptic interconnectedness will drive you insane if you try to hard to figure it out so I'm sorry Felix I will not be analyzing the characters and storylines that are supposedly here. That's your job.
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DJ Yoda - How To Cut And Paste Country Western Edition
You press play this album. The first thing you hear is backing beat from Fix Up, Look Sharp and then Thank God I'm A Country Boy by John Denver starts playing and then Dolly Parton's Nine To Five and then it transitions into a country version of Rapper's Delight. You are in the unhinged world of DJ Yoda who is trying to prove a point here. The point is that you can make a DJ mix out of anything if you are creative enough.
DJ Yoda is known for his use of humor and this mix is one of the more obvious instances considering that the whole concept is a bit of a joke. He puts a beat over I'll Fly Away and that is funny. He uses a sample of Johnny Cash on sesame Street. He uses a country cover of Gin And Juice. It's weird, but because Yoda is a master DJ he manages to never lose the flow, often transitioning songs by losing the beat and just playing the country music straight before dropping a beat in. He also frequently transitions between different versions of a song like Johnny Cash's Ring Of Fire seamlessly turning into a reggae cover by This Kid Named Miles.
The beauty of DJ mixes is already the way they can recontextualize songs in a way that is interesting. I think it goes without saying that you will have a lot of songs recontextualized for you if you listen to this mix.
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Mariya Takeuchi - Variety
There was a time when the internet became really obsessed with the song Plastic Love. This was based partially in the fact that the song is a banger but also that people were sharing the picture sleeve for her Sweetest Music single as a lesbian thirst trap. So the Tumblr City Pop era was short lived but I never forgot.
The first thing you might notice about Variety is that it's very retro. The production is a mix of Phil Spector and Motown Styles. And musically it often follows suit. But the old school rock ballad style is also met with bits of 70s adult contemporary and disco. The result is songs that sound like Ronettes tracks with a Donna Summer bass line as the backbone. Songs that sound like James Taylor started using synths. Takeuchi has a voice that perfectly melds these styles into something cohesive so that the dance music style of Plastic Love can flow into the 60s girl group sound of Honki De Only You (Let's Get Married) without missing a beat.
City Pop may have been a niche phase for westerners with an internet addiction but it was one of the most dominant musical styles of the 70s and 80 in Japan. I had strongly considered this album as a 'should have been on the list' pick. If you listen to this album because of my review and like it do seek out more city pop, the genre is a goldmine that the West has barely scraped the surface of. Hell if you like this album DM me and I will rec you more Japanese pop from the 70s and 80s.
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Murder By Death - Who Will Survive, And What Will Be Left Of Them?
With a name like Who Will Survive And What Will Be Left Of Them? by Murder By Death you would probably expect this to be death metal, but nope it's a gothic country rock album. Who Will Survive tells the story of a small Mexican border town that is cursed by the devil. The meat of the album is made up of songs that describe the ways that the townsfolk respond to the curse and their inevitable demise. The theme that runs through the album is mainly how people respond to mortality. Some people try to escape the town like in Pillar Of Salt which tells a sorta Orpheus and Eurydice adjacent tale. Some people think their tough like the narrator of The Desert Is One Fire who scoffs at the people sleeping in the shelters. Others give in to despair like the suicidal narrator of Three Men Hanging.
Along with the individual stories the narrative trickles out details about the nature of the curse. We quickly learn that the dead are rising from their graves as zombies, crops start to fail, the earth becomes unworkable, at least one person either physically or mentally decays as they approach the town border. The horror themed lyricism is backed by country rock music that creates the ominous atmosphere needed with the help of an ever present cello that takes a lot of melodic duty. It's a solidly spooky album that demands multiple listens just to parse out more of the story.
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Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi - Rome
Danger Mouse is an interesting figure. Producer and musician interchangeably he can be found both as a featured performer, solo artist or as a producer credit nearly anywhere you look and he runs the gamut from extremely mainstream projects to the highly personal and artsy. Rome is most certainly the latter. On it Danger Mouse works with Italian composer Daniele Luppi to create a pop album inspired by the soundtracks to spaghetti westerns. In addition to Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi additional vocals and songwriting are added by Jack White and Norah Jones. White and Jones are natural fits for the slightly polished slightly lo fi sound of the album which is accomplished by recording on vintage equipment and working with musicians who had actually recorded on spaghetti westerns, notably The Good, The Bad And The Ugly.
While it has a lot of musicians and equipment used to record these classic soundtrack the music itself is a little more in the vein of traditional pop veering in the direction of spaghetti western on the instrumental tracks. This keeps the album from feeling strictly like an imitation and let's it be it's own thing.
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