#this story is so funny is2g
sambambucky · 6 months
not going to ask about every single one bc i definitely have self control... okay so would you mind terribly if i asked about holiday fic(s), too many white lies (and white lines), and loyalties drafting? or you fav of these or tbh anything you're working on you wanna talk about lol
omg egg yea i mind soo much how dare you!! (tyyyy<3<3) hehehe soo these are the most timely ones you could have chosen.. i could talk about them all until i was blue in the fingers but i promise not to do that (under the cut)
holiday fic(s) is only on this list because earlier this week i got so randomly excited for upcoming holiday season.. and its mostly stuff for prompt lists in 2022 and 2019 yikes yikes yikes. the only thing in there thats passable at this point is based on "What do you mean ‘cook for the guests’?" where sam gets a much-deserved, super soft day off to enjoy the place he and bucky just moved into.
“What’s up, Buchanan,” Sam greets as soon as he picks up, grinning into the crisp air like an idiot. “Hey,” Bucky snorts, “you read for today?” “Hell yeah I am, it’s gonna be great.” “Good,” Bucky answers back before taking an audible breath. “Good, I’m glad to hear it.” It sounds like he’s a little unsure about Sam’s ability to enjoy some time for himself. Which, fair. But this first hour or so has been great, and Sam will prove he can do a bit of self-care., if only just to win the argument for good. “I got you one of those scones you like,” he says, knowing it’ll get a reaction. “God, I love you,” Bucky replies.
too many white lies (and white lines) HA HAHAHA this is uh- literally just me playing with dolls again.. this time to the tune of bodies bodies bodies (2022). originally, the title of the doc was 'is2g im not writing this', then it made it to 8k somehow.
steve tony rhodey clint natasha are having a party and sam shows up out of the blue with his new boo quiet-and-clad-in-all-black bucky. fragile friendships are put to the ultimate test when the power goes out and a body is found. 😱
loyalties drafting is what happens after establishing shot. (the series is called loyalty lasting. im so funny.)
awsdfghjkl; ive def talked about this before, but this time!! the plan is to flush it out for nanowrimo.
the general idea is tws and cacw but with sam as cap, riley as the winter soldier, natasha the fuckboy playing 4 thousand roles, and bucky as just, like, the guy sam's dating when all the shit goes down, i guess.
They’re chained and shackled, but Bucky has enough room to extend his leg and press the sides of their boots together. Sam looks over at him, and his expression softens. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I never meant to get you wrapped up in and of this.” “It’s fine,” Bucky says, finding it closer to the truth that he expected. “No,” Sam grinds out. “It’s seriously not. I – ” He’s interrupted by a commotion in the front seat. The divider comes down to reveal a blonde woman with a square jaw and a wicked smile. “Sorry,” she says. “Am I interrupting your first fight?” “Sharon,” Natasha says, her expression a different kind of unreadable than Bucky's become used to. “Why are you here?” “It’s kind of a long story,” Sharon answers, her smile gone sharp. “What, are you not happy to see me? I can hand you over back to Shield if you prefer.”
✨talkin about the wips✨
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year
is2g every time i continue the titan story all i can think is how close a lot of it hits to home for me when my dogs got older ;; makes it a lil hard to get the upgrades, but i'll manage! (sidenote gf really gave us Three whole new dog lines, in addition to a bunch of other returning ones? just, a Significant amount of dogs tbh, it's great) say what you want about sv, but the characters/story have been on point so far for me
oh same at first i didnt think much of arven then i got suspicious of him then It Hits and im like. oh.
the characters are pretty funny tbh! theyre lively. everytime i interact w the characters n stories i briefly forget about the bugs n glitch. then i got out of the plot for a while n the glitchy reminders came back lmao
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goldenada · 3 years
ruthven the first time he met chloé: babygirl!
ruthven when she avoided his curse: girlboss?!?!
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viperbranium · 7 years
@lovely anon who sent me the asks about “Steve baking cookies and watching old documentaries in his underwear and using those cookies as edible spoons for eating ice cream right out the tub” (I laughed so hard at the mental image, omg, bless you for this, hahaha!), I’m not gonna post them cause I don’t want to keep fueling this discourse, there’s only so much wank I can take at once, but I agree with you wholeheartedly <3333
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poemsforpersephone · 7 years
i finished university like 2 years ago and yet still to this day i sometimes get randomly hit with this surge of panic that i have an exam i haven't studied for or an essay that i haven’t finished in time for the deadline.
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
WandaVision Ep 8 Spoilers
Previously on WandaVision: It was Agatha all along.
This show has really come along well. I was worried after the first couple episodes, which were extremely slow, but it's tightened up and been entertaining as heck, in addition to being kind of a surprising meditation on grief and dealing or not dealing. You go along with wacky sitcom hijinks and then get whacked with the reminder so many things that have happened here are driven by terrible loss.
Anyway …. Acting Director Dick is Up To Something regarding Vision, and I fear we're all going to have to endure lots of his jackassery this episode. He's the not very fun part of this show, tbh. But we're getting down to it, so hopefully he gets his comeuppance sooner rather than later. And then on to deal with Agatha. Who is fabulously rotten. I love her, I have to say.
I guess this all leads into Doctor Strange 2, which I didn't know until Feige said it at the TCAs this week. So, that's something to look out for, too. Maybe everybody already knew that, but that was new to me, I think.
In happy news, nobody is power washing the sidewalks this morning. Hooray.
Creepy woods, a figure holding a flaming torch, Salem, Mass. 1693. Ah, Agatha's origin story. Burning at the stake. Or, maybe not. So far it's just being tied to one in the middle of a dark, creepy night.
"Agatha Harkness, are you a witch?" "Yes. I am a witch." "Yet, you have betrayed your coven." *gasp* Agatha!
She's been captured by her coven, because she stole knowledge, practiced dark magic, and other sundry evilities. But she says she's innocent, innocent, do you hear her! Oh, I guess not, "I did not break your rules, they simply bent to my power."
The lead witch is her mother, apparently. Since Agatha seems unrepentant, all the witches zap her with witchy magic or something. She screams a lot. But then her dark powers start drawing from the witches, sucking them dry. This is all very dramatic. Mom casts the final bolt, but Agatha is too powerful and she breaks free. All the other witches, except mom, have been grotesquely mummified.
Agatha swears she can be good, mom doubts. Mom zaps her again. Oh, whoops, Agatha drains mom next. She takes the broach from mom's desiccated corpse then zooms off into the sky in a burst of swirly purple magicy mist. The coven really didn't think that plan through all the way.
Present day, we're right where we left off, in Agatha's basement cavern of dark witches and nosy neighbors. Agatha is talking to her rabbit, Mr. Scratchy, and smirking at Wanda. "I know. She does look shocked to meet the real us, doesn't she?"
Wanda's eyes go glowy and Agatha laughs. "Oh, that's adorable. My thoughts are not available to you, toots."
Wanda wants to know where her children are, and Agatha mocks her about her reappearing/disappearing accent. Wanda tries to whammy her. "Huh, your magic's no good here." But Agatha's is. Agatha's no dummy, and now she's got Wanda magically trussed up in the center of the room.
"Didn't you notice? Basic protection spell? One on each wall? No? Nothing?" Hmm. Agatha, tbh, Wanda has like no idea what she's doing. So … "How do you not know the fundamentals?"
Wanda asks "Who are you?" and Agatha asks the same "Who are *you*? All those costumes and hairstyles. I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self. I got close with fake Pietro — Fietro, if you will". Lol. I love her. She goes on about the magicy stuff she did to make Fietro "But you're so crippled by your own self doubt that you believed it. Oh Wanda."
"When I sensed this place, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once, I couldn't make heads or tails of it." She shows off a mind control spell with some sort of big gross bug. Great. And has it fly at Wanda's face. Super awesome, Agatha. Oh, I see, she's going through the spells she thinks Wanda has cast, all the details, all the control of a whole town and all its storylines. Agatha's impressed and envious, "What's your secret, sister?"
Wanda says she didn't do anything and Agatha doesn't like that answer and tosses Wanda around. Now, see, Agatha, much as your coven underestimated you, I think your runic protection is only going to go so far before Wanda decides it doesn't.
"I tried to be gentle, to nudge you awake from this ridiculous fantasy. But, you'd rather fall apart than face your truth." Well, I mean. She's really been through a lot the last few weeks, Agatha. Like A LOT. Oh, and we're going to relive it. She's casting some sort of memory spell on Wanda, taking them back to the vast emptiness, endless nothing Wanda described to Fietro a couple weeks ago. You're not being very nice, Agatha.
"It's time to look at some real reruns." Wanda doesn't want to play along, but Agatha reminds her that she's got her children.
So, through the magic memory door they step, and into a tiny Sokovian apartment, with Wanda's parents. Her father apparently smuggled DVDs of "I Love Lucy" and "Bewitched". Didn't the people of Sokovia suffer enough? Well, he's got "The Addams Family", too. That's okay, I guess.
Little Pietro runs in reminding Mama and Papa that the only rule of TV night is you have to speak English. They call for Wanda and Agatha nudges her to step into the role of little Wanda. Papa says Wanda can pick what they're going to watch, but outside, there's gunfire. Except, I guess it's no big deal, Mama turns away from the window and the street battle below their apartment, while little Wanda says she wants to watch "The Dick Van Dyke Show", season 2, episode 21. Poor kid. Pietro agrees and moans, "Always sitcom, sitcom, sitcom!"
I'm waiting for the Stark Bomb to fall.
Little Wanda is far too enamored of "The Dick Van Dyke Show". Oh! There's the bomb. Pietro grabs her and they hide under the bed and they stare at the Stark Bomb. She and Pietro discuss what to do, while in the background, behind the bomb, the tv continues to play.
Little Wanda reaches out with her magic hand and then big Wanda is yanked out of the memory by Agatha, who demands to know if she stopped the bomb going off. "You used a probability hex?" Wanda says she didn't do anything, the bomb just never went off.
"So, what I see here is a baby witch, obsessed with sitcoms, and years of therapy ahead of her." lol, but harsh. "Where'd you get the big guns, Wanda?" A good question, Agatha. We never did get that answer before, really, did we? Just a sort of vague suggestion of "hydra did stuff to her and pietro maybe?".
"I don't want to go back there." "I know you don't. But it's good medicine, angel. The only way forward, is back."
Through another magic door we go.
Ha, I just paused and saw the title of the ep is "Previously On".
And into the Hydra lab. "Don't be scared, you already lived it once."
Oh, it's Loki's scepter. And the … whichever stone that is. I can't remember, totally lost track of them. Mind stone?
Wanda is in the containment unit with the scepter. The Hydra scientist wants her to do something with the scepter, and jr scientist says that no subject has survived this and lead scientist is like shut up and 'go ahead Wanda, it'll be totally fine'. 
Wanda approaches the scepter and it starts to shake and the stone breaks free and flies at her, but then pauses and they stare at each other. She reaches out for it. Then the blue outer bit of the stone explodes off and underneath is the the yellow stone. Ok, yeah it is the Mind stone.
Lots of dramatic power stuff with Wanda and the stone. She sees a flying silhouetted figure in the light of the stone and then passes out. She survives! I mean, obviously. The Hydra scientists have her sent to isolation where they torture her by making her watch "The Brady Bunch". Well, no, I guess she likes it. Keep this under your hat, but if you ever want to break me, making me watch "The Brady Bunch" could probably do it.
The Hydra scientists meanwhile are trying to figure out what happened, watching the recordings over and over — they don't see the whole stone flying towards Wanda and the subsequent mind meld. She's just standing there, and then falls down.
Agatha sums this up for us "So, little Orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an Infinity Stone that amplified what otherwise would have died on vine. The broken pieces of you are adding up, buttercup. I have a theory, but I need more."
Door number three reveals her digs at the Avengers compound. She is, of course, watching TV. "Malcolm in the Middle." Well, it's better than "The Brady Bunch." The only thing I hate more than "The Brady Bunch" is "The Partridge Family."
"Where are we now?" "The Avengers compound. It was the first home Vision and I ever shared. Pietro was dead, and I was in a new country. I was all alone."
Vision enters through the wall, back when he didn't remember doors existed, and Wanda invites him to sit next to her and watch TV. "It's funny because of the grievous injury the man just suffered?" Vision doesn't get sitcoms either.
Vision sweetly tells her that if she wants to talk about what she's feeling, he'd like to know. "Should you wish to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you." "What makes you think talking about it would bring me comfort?" "Well, I read a thing—" that's the Tony Stark part of Vision. "The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again." Poor Wanda.
Vision has a little "I don't know how to respond to that" face journey that is subtle but made me laugh.
She apologizes to him. "It's just like this wave washing over me again and again." She says the wave will drown her, but Vision says it won't. 
"It can't all be sorrow, can it?" IS2G if you two make me tear up this morning, I will … not do anything but be kind of annoyed. I have had the worst allergies the last couple of days, don't make me more snotty!
"I've always been alone, so I don't feel the lack. It's all I've ever known. I've never experienced loss, because I've never had a loved one to lose. What is grief, if not love persevering?" Damn you, Vision. At least I have a new box of tissues.
He sees something funny on the telly and laughs then apologizes. She laughs with him, though. "No, it was funny." They smile at each other, cutely awkward.
Even Agatha wipes at the corner of one eye. Though it could be annoyance. Hard to tell.
"So to recap: parents dead, brother dead, Vision dead." You're still a very mean person, Agatha. "What happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness, Wanda?"
Wanda doesn't want to play this game anymore. Agatha insists. "Tell me how you did it? Vision was gone, but you wanted him back."
Wanda sort of wakes up, "I wanted him back." Door number four takes us to SWORD's ridiculous and massive lobby. Really, what is with the stupidly enormous monitors hovering over the whole absurd place? So stupid. Nobody wants to watch the news that badly or bigly.
Wanda is walking through the lobby — SWORD's security sucks — but contrary to Acting Director Dick's version of the story, Wanda is politely asking the security guy where Vision is. And not throwing red woo-woos or anything. "Please, please. When I came back, he was gone. His body. And I know he's here. He deserves a funeral, at least. I deserve it."
Speaking of AD Dick. He seems to be watching this on the security feed, he calls the security desk and talks to the guard. Wanda spots the camera. But, security guy waves her through, gives her directions to wherever.
Security guy gets up to buzz Wanda in, but she says she's got it, and she opens the door herself. The footage AD Dick used to make her look like a terrorist. I mean, we knew he was a dick, so this is no surprise, but still. Jimmy! Arrest that asshole for aggravated assholery and general shadiness!
Anyway, Wanda's striding down hallways and as she comes even to the Director's door, the security light goes green and beeps so she goes into his office.
There’s polite introductions and whatever. 
"I understand you're here to see the Vision. To recover his body." "Well, I'm his next of kin." "I understand." You're a lying sleazy snake who's been doing shady things with Vision's body. "I'd like to show you something?" "And then you'll give him to me?" No, because he's a scumbag.
He shows her a lab, she's confused, he says it's what she asked to see. And down in the lab are technicians taking Vision's body apart. Obviously, this is horrifying to her. What did Hayward expect to get from showing Wanda that? Like she'd be all "oh, hmm, how fascinating. Look, he's made of wires and such. By all means, cut my boyfriend's robot head off. For science"?
"What are you doing to him?" "We're dismantling the most sophisticated sentient weapon ever made." I think you're a liar pants, Dick. "It's our legal and ethical obligation."
"I just want to bury him. It's all I want." "Are you sure?" "Excuse me?" "Not everyone has the kind of power that could bring their soulmate back online — forgive me — back to life." You are such a sleaze, Dick. They can't get Vision to work again, so why not emotionally manipulate the grieving woman to do it for you. Gross. DIAF Dick.
"No, I can't do that. That's not why I'm here." "Okay, I can't allow you to take three billion dollars worth of vibranium just to put it in the ground." He's the worst. "The best I can do is let you say goodbye to him here."
"He's all I have." "Well, that's just it, Wanda; he isn't yours." Somebody needs to squash this guy like a bug. I don't care who. Wanda, obviously, deserves the honor most, but let her get on with her life, I say. Monica's probably the next best for sure. SOMEBODY THOUGH! Hand Darcy a wrench, she'll take care of it.
Where were we … Oh, Wanda's doing the head tilt of impending magical ass-kickery. She busts through the glass, drops down to the floor of the lab, and a security team runs out to point their guns at her. AD Dick tells them to fall back. Why, his plan's working just perfectly, no need to interfere with the woman he’s making suffer extra.
Wanda walks around Vision's body to his head. And she puts her hand over the giant hole where Thanos ripped out the mind stone. "I can't feel you." Every bit of this, for me, takes AD Dick from a generic loathsome character, to somebody actually disgusting. Do not like.
Wanda can't feel Vision at all, and she walks away, out of the room, out of the SWORD building, leaving the body behind. THIS IS VERY SAD, MARVEL.
She gets into her car, and in the passenger seat is an open envelope, like for a greeting card or something. And off she goes to Westview, New Jersey. A down-on-its-luck small town, full of sad looking people and dirty streets. 
She pulls into the driveway of a property that's overgrown, with just a foundation, no house.
Damn you show. It wasn't an envelope, it was a real estate deed with a plan of the property with a red heart drawn on it, and the words "to grow old in. v." inside. What did Wanda do to deserve this? I mean, fine, she was in Hydra for like a minute, but she wasn't a true believer or anything, and she redeemed herself. Come on. Stupid Marvel, making all the things hurt.
She's crying, you're crying, I'm crying, everybody's crying, as she walks into the foundation of the home that never was. And then it all just comes pouring out of her in a great burst of red light and grief and power. Creating the sitcom world around her and swallowing Westview. Poor Wanda. 
There. There's your answer, Agatha. Are you happy, you big meanie? Go turn AD Dick into a toad, or something, would you?
Hm, from her power, the yellow light of the mind stone starts to separate out, from back when she and it sort of had their moment in the Hydra lab, and out of that Vision is recreated or reborn or reconstituted or … whatever. Then they're in the black and white world of the first ep, and everything is perfect. Damn you, Marvel.
Real world Wanda looks up from where she's standing behind B&W Wanda and Vision and sees it's all just a TV show set. Agatha is in the audience, clapping. She vanishes and Wanda can hear Billy and Tommy screaming for her. She runs off set and into her front yard.
Out on the street, Agatha has the boys on magic leashes.
Agatha says she knows what Wanda is and that "You have no idea how dangerous you are." Well, keep holding her boys with magic ropes around their necks and we'll all find out. Agatha's gone full witchy here, she looks great.
"You're supposed to be a myth. A being capable of spontaneous creation. Here you are, using it to make breakfast for dinner." lol. Hey! I was actually thinking last night that I hadn't made waffles in a while. Breakfast for dinner is its own kind of magic, Agatha. (note to self: check we have syrup)
Wanda is pretty done with Agatha. She wants the boys released.
"Oh yes, your children. Vision. This whole little life you've made; this is chaos magic, Wanda. And that makes you … The Scarlet Witch!" DUN DUN DUN! CREDITS! !!!!
Well that was all very dramatic and sad. A really good episode, really good. Damn you, Marvel. Kathryn Hahn is great, absolutely love her.
Yes, there's a mid-credits scene, btw. F'in AD Dick, for what it's worth, finally putting his Genius Master Plan into action. What a dick. The biggest sack of tiny dicks you ever saw. No really, I hate this guy. I hope Wanda tears him a hundred new ones. Then sets what's left on fire. With her mind. 
Also, he’s dumb. He can’t possibly think he can contain Wanda when she gets a look at his Genius Master Plan, can he? Is he that dumb? Probably, but couldn’t one of his little minions go “um, sir, she did almost defeat Thanos. I suspect this may end catastrophically for us.” 
Do you suppose Darcy’s still stuck in traffic? 
OH NO! There’s only one more episode left. I’m sad about that. This has turned out really quite good. Well done, show. Well done. 
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nightlocktime · 4 years
So the whole RT/KB idea for VM moving forward was a with Veronica being traumatized, alone, and as far away from her town and the people that loved her. I... I guess they can have that???
For everyone else interested in staying in Neptune we can have these:
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Good old Keith Mars drowns in work trying to forget the recent loss of his son in law and finds himself in the middle of a corruption case involving Neptune's most powerful men. His work does not get easier when he knows his old pal Clyde Pickett might be involved. FEELINGS HAPPEN. 
Spoiler alert: Keith is wearing Clyde's hat so I mean... you can draw your own conclusions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯    
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Cindy 'Mac' Mackenzie is back in town and ready to make some noise. She recruits former bar-owner now girlfriend Nicole Malloy, her college roommate and best friend Parker Lee, and a high school acquaintance Jackie Cook to bring terror to Southern California's biggest corporations. What is their set of skills? I have no fucking clue but they are full of rage and motivation. It's like Mr. Robot, Ocean's 8, and Leverage had a threesome.  
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Good cop/ghost cop but like they are teachers!!! (one is a teacher)... Wallace Fennel is decided to help troubled kids from Neptune High and who better to be his right hand that his best friend now ghost Logan Echolls? It's like Buffy The Vampire Slayer but with Logan trying to understand his ghost powers and Wallace is his watcher but like HE DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS. Kids love Wallace. He’s the kind hot teacher but like he’s also weird af? They see him talking to himself A LOT??? He even got into a fistfight with himself once and then argued that he was doing an impromptu contemporary dance???. Is2g this was a serious show and then it went to hell as I typed this. They really help kids from abusive homes and shitty situations. Soulful, funny, action-packed! BROTP.
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Local gang leader Eli Navarro is trying really hard to help his community but the options in this town for them are bad and he keeps getting into bad situations. On top of that and while trying to be a good dad, he's being haunted by his high school crush who is now a fucking ghost and still a pain in the ass no matter how dead he is. He's also still very hot which makes things fucking difficult for Eli. Will-they, won't-they? (THEY WILL, OK?!! THIS IS MY STORY AND WE HAVE HAPPY ENDINGS). Though logistics are difficult, like if Wallace was embarrassed by a dumb fistfight imagine a makeout session IMAGINE MORE! hahaha I'm sorry I'll leave now.
I've been thinking about this post for a year. Now I can rest in peace.
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The 100 said Live Fast Die Young, Bad Bitches Do It Well, and they were Right
We were so fed this episode with women kicking ass, it’s what we deserve. As always, spoilers for the most recent episode (7.06) of The 100
            Indra becoming the commander of Wonkru, you love to see it. Like we’ve been saying this shit for years now, destroy the fucking flame and let Indra lead. Shout out to Adina Porter’s amazing acting skills (again), because every scene she’s in she absolutely kills and I am constantly in awe of everything she does. I understand where Indra was coming from with trying to get Madi to unite Wonkru again, the flame and the commander is all she’s known, but it was still,,,, Not Great! I’m so happy Jackson, Murphy and Emori showed up and put a stop to that shit, and I love how much they genuinely care for her. Side note, while I love getting to see Madi being a kid and getting to experience being normal, the fucking whiplash I got seeing Duncan/Quigley Quagmire on screen was a Time. “Yes I was a null left out to die, no I don’t want to fight you”, this kid is so Tired already I love him and want the best for him. 
            Beyond that incredible scene of Indra taking control of Wonkru (complete with “Can I at least watch?” ‘No.’ “I’m going to watch” and Murphy’s little clap, fucking amazing I love every moment Memori is on screen), the Sanctum scenes Once Again Dragged On. And now we added another plot? Technically we added it on a couple episodes ago but I’m already So Tired of Hatch’s girlfriend whatever the fuck her name is. “Tell Raven Boom Boom” fuck out of here with that corny ass shit, you are the Least important storyline in the clusterfuck that the writers have created. I kind of hope they all just get like...sent to a different planet I don’t Care about it. 
            Sheiheda (finally spelled that bitches name right I think) is so....one dimensional. Like, I get it it’s the increased tension with the believers and Wonkru fracturing and what not but he’s so fucking evil for...no reason?? He’s like, “everyone wants power blah blah blah power is the greatest weapon you could have, I’ll teach you how to gain power” whoop de fucking do. You’re not special, you’re not even an interesting flavour of evil I’m so tired of your shit. Penn getting the best line of “please Shut Him Up” was the audience taking over his body for a hot sec. Nelson I had hopes for you but like....b u d d y. “Hmm, I have dedicated my entire life to taking down corrupt leaders who take away people’s free wills so they can stay in power, but I guess I’ll listen to you, who won’t shut up about how people want power (self project much?) and also just give off bad vibes” like b r u h. 
THE DIYOZA-BLAKE FAMILY IS BACK IN ACTION BITCHES!! When Diyoza appeared I was so fucking happy I have Missed Her. The montage of her being as inconvenient as possible and rescuing herself to a kickass soundtrack? Art. I love them all getting to reuinte and the little moment of comforting Octavia when she said Bellamy was dead (just you fucking wait babe). I think it’s fairly obvious which direction they want Echo to go but I’m still hoping against hope she gets some good character development before the series ends. Diyoza agreeing with Echo killing that old man picking flowers but Octavia not liking it, Interesting. 
And Levitt!! He’s Not Dead!!! I am still very concerned for him and also slightly suspicious of him but I really really hope he’s as genuine as he seems. His and Octavia’s little moment, beautiful I loved it, Levitt really said punch me in the face it’ll be awesome huh. Not like, super thrilled with Gabriel’s choice but whatever they needed them to stay on Sanctum I guess. 
(fuck you for mentioning the native Bardoans again without letting me see them or giving me more information Let Me See The Crystal Giants.)
And finally, our lord and saviour, Clarke Griffin and her team of planet hopping idiots. Did Not enjoy the spiders, just right off the bat, not a fan of those. However, Nakara being the human garbage disposal is so fucking funny to me and the fact that the caves are a living being (with an anomaly stone in it like fucking what??? Did this bitch eat that too???). That smash cut between Russel saying “Then you take out the enemies Queen” and Clarke Griffin, poetic cinema. I love her so much y’all and I love her and Raven’s little moment. ALSO! I would die for Niylah and her stupid puns I love her and want her protected at all costs. Jordan geeking out over aliens continues to be a delight, this is what we deserved from Monty and Harper’s kid. Remove the impressionable youth from the shitty influences and would you look at that, Much Better. And Miller continues to be a delight and a whole ass mood in every episode, just here for Clarke and to get their people back but complaining the whole way because of the batshit insanity they go through, I Love Him. So many “side” characters got like, three lines this episode and that’s really great for them, would love to see them say more some day. 
I will say I wish Raven apologized to Clarke for what she’s said and done in the past, but her line of Clarke Griffin doesn’t break was really indicative of how the rest of the deliquints saw her, as their leader yes but also someone who could kill without falling apart when in reality we know it nearly destroyed her inside. I really hope that Raven continues to grow and understand and her and Clarke get to where they should have always been. Also, Raven talking about killing twelve (12) people and how it feels like her soul is breaking or whatever and I can just imagine Clarke’s inner monologue of “Remember that time I killed an Entire Mountain Of People and y’all got mad at me for leaving to process that, good times good times”. It’s definitely the start to a better path for Raven and I really really really hope it continues. 
Overall, this episode while the plot was kind of boring was saved by just how amazing the ladies were, kick ass take names and look incredible doing it, I love them. The acting continues to be incredible (once again shout out to JR Bourne for doing the Most) and even though I despise some of the storylines, the actors should be given praise for making it compelling stories to watch with how far their characters have come. Fuck Sanctum though. 
Next Episode Emori getting her time in the spotlight? You love to see it. I will say I’m incredibly worried for her (JRoth if you kill her is2g) but I am also So Ready to see her go off. I think this is the episode of Murphy with a gun to his head comes from? Idk should be interesting even if it’s dealing with whatever the fuck her name is crazy lady. Also, trouble with the Diyoza family, which will be Extremely interesting to watch as Diyoza has to come to terms with the fact that Hope has grown up without her, but also trying to make sure she doesn’t make the same mistakes Diyoza made.
When will Bellamy return from the war. When we get the Bellarke reunion I’m going to lose my mind y’all already know I’m a clown for them and I miss him (once again the character not the actor because Once Again, it is Completely understandable for them to prioritize their mental health first). I feel a little like Kronk watching these episodes like “oh ya, it’s all coming together” I can’t Wait for all the OG’s to reunite for the final season
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otome-reviews · 5 years
IkeRev: “Happy Birthday Lancelot” Event Review!!
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I was hoping for some ultra cheesy, romance novel-type stories for our Red King’s birthday, given his tall/(inwardly) dark/handsome stereotype, and the writers definitely didn’t disappoint on that front! Haha. Here are my quick thoughts on L’s two routes:
Red Army Date ​
MC successfully drags Lancelot away from his work and out on their first ever date in town for his birthday, but when the rest of the Red Army realize they’ve accidentally eaten all the food earmarked for Lance’s secret birthday party and also have to head into town secretly, funny shenanigans ensue! This route was pure light-hearted fluff, and I really enjoyed it. Especially because aside from being the King of Hearts, Lance also seems to be King of the Cheesy Lines. There’s “I never knew that falling in love would change my whole world.” And “I look forward to celebrating further with you tonight, in bed.” Lmao. 💕
Unforgettable Day
Sirius and Harr (aka Lancelot’s two deadly sexy former friends) help MC plan out the perfect getaway date for Lancelot’s birthday! Destination: the beach, deep within Black Territory and formerly out of L’s reach (nothing Harr’s magic can’t solve). I liked this route because Lance was so true to his dramatic self. I swear, this is one of the few guys who can fret that his girlfriend might leave him to return to Black turf because she talked to Sirius like twice, and get away with it, lol. I can even forgive Lance for wasting his magic mana for once! Flying MC out over the ocean, princess carrying her so she won’t be soaked by the waves... of course he would. This guy, is2g. 😂
Honestly, I don’t think the writing for this event was really fantastic, but Lancelot’s characterization was so spot on! Love this extra king so much, haha. I personally liked both routes but thought Unforgettable Day was more unnecessarily dramatic and therefore entertaining. What did you think? :)
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wxtaru · 5 years
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// Also Is2g if some comes crying @ me in the DMs/inbox screeching about a supposed pedophilia and problematic uwu content bc of Morty and Lance’s story.
I’m hitting so hard and fast that block button, it won’t even be funny.
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sequoiann · 6 years
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✎ it’s ya girl denise !!!!! and guess what!! yes it’s already in the header but hfsdk i’ve hit my first anniversary!!! it’s crazy that i’ve actually sustained my account for a year! im rly so so grateful tht i’ve built up this… thing…. :^) the tumblr fam + the friends ive made through this acc was a hugeee part of my 2017, and im sure it’d be an even bigger part of my 2018 ! i’d like to thank everyone for being willing to read my pile of bullcrap tht i pour out of my head, ive said this before n i’ll say it again: i never ever imagined tht i’ll have a successful writing acc on here! i’ve tried writing on other platforms (like wattpad) before but it nv rly worked out well long-term bc it became a chore for me to post n update my stories…. but it’s never like tht on tumblr bc of you sweet buttercups!!! thnk u all for constantly reminding me to take care of myself n for checking in on me randomly nd !!! for keyboard smashing your souls out + screaming @ me when i post content!! every little action you guys do rly impacts me a lot, n even when u guys just come by n drop a msg in my inbox my heart just combusts n 💞💛🚨💎💗💥💘‼ (okay enough yapping)
i honestly dont know how follow forevers work but ! i’d like to mention people tht hv, in one way or another, helped me to keep this account going! i cant mention e v e ry o n e but do know tht as long as you’ve made a single note on my dash or hv positive views on my content, you’d be in this list if i cld fit everyone!! i love you all and thnk u so much for everything!
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💛: scroll 2 the bottom for a msg! 💗: bithc i’d fling myself out of the solar system for you ilysdm wth ⛅: i actl stalk ur page every few days n send in anon asks bc im a coward but haa thnk u 4 being an inspiration to humanity 💫: we dont talk a lot yet but i absolutely adore ur content!!! n i hope you’re well n happy bc u deserve all the love u can get !
a-c :
@andromedaneedsoxyjin 💗 @adoretexts ⛅ @ajuimaginary 💗 @boosoonhao 💛 @bfwooz 💗 @blondshua 💫 @bookwan 💗 @cheolshu 💫 @chittafont ⛅ @choco-seventeen 💛 @caratvocals 💛 @cosmicae 💗 @chillihansol 💛 @camera-seventeen 💫
d-o :
@dumbbelle 💛 @dreamingseventeen 💛 @gyuofficial 💫 @hansolmates 💗 @hoshidotcom  💫 @hyungwon  💫 @hxshi  💫 @honeywonu 💗 @jeongahn  💗 @joshsua 💫 @jiso2 💗 @jeong-hanie 💫 @joshpup 💗 @johshuas 💫 @jeonghney  💫 @kristian-do 💗 @kingyu97 💛 @kwoncity 💗 @lxveille 💗 @myungho ⛅ @neoyeppuda 💛 @oatmealupdates 💗
p-s :
@princeshushu @paintedshua 💛 @peachseong ⛅ @pasteluji ⛅ @pjimims ⛅ @rappershua 💫 @seventeendom 💫 @soongyuz @shuvee 💫@saythename17scenarios 💗 @starshua @sailorimagines ⛅ @swimmingfool 💫@sebongie-loves ⛅ @softmanscoups 💫 @softhaos ⛅ @soongyuz 💛
t - # :
@ttherose 💫 @taekemeaway ⛅ @tswoondere 💫 @vitaminhosh 💫 @versigny ⛅ @warmau ⛅ @welovekpopscenarios 💗 @writers-leir ⛅ @writingdummy 💗 @whatsoodo ⛅ @wonuz ⛅ @17cuties ⛅ @17cafe 💗 @17mounteens 💗
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❥ @boosoonhao
love!!! okay hello hngh we hvnt talked the most yet but i dont think i’ve expressed my utmost love for you enough so yes let me tell you how much i l o v e your content, plus u post quality works so often it makes my little heart so !!! content !!! im not sure when you made your account n i think i discovered your blog a little late but thnk u for your effort in everything you do, u rly inspire me to keep working on my drafts :”) i lov you n i hope we get closer this year! even if im an awkward ass! 
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❥ @choco-seventeen
chOcoOooO oh choco my juliet hskjdf hi it’s my annoying ass here to bother u again with my over-the-top affection for u!!!! you rly were one of the blogs tht made me start my own writing blog, n even when i did i nv knew i’d ever talk to u?? maybe through anon heuk but i rly thought u’d be tht holy figure up there tht i’ll never reach! i mean u are still tht holy figure but thnk u for being so friendly n nice n cute n for bcoming a friend 2 me!!! i lov u so much + okay pfft your works pffttt i wnt to frame them up in gold n hang them in my living hall wadafack bih
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❥ @caratvocals
oh look another one of my inspirations whom motivated me to start out making fake texts!! kura my love hello !!! i knw we hvnt talked a lot in the recent months…? but my appreciation n love for u still ! remains ! the same !! i love your bubbly n kind personality n it’s rly similar to seokmin’s…. you’re the sun tht never goes out! thnk u for spouting random cute words bc wow thAT shiT you do makes me so soft n your texts??? my honey your texts are so legit i cackle whenever i read them !! i never know how you make them so realistic but i’d like to thank you for putting so much effort into your work ; n your scenarios omg when u released your first fic i wanted to roll in the grass n scream ! it was so good, the chan apocalypse one and the jeonghan day 27 (? i think?) one! i lov all your works basically, thnk u for being so inspiring n cute n for being yourself i lov u !!!
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❥ @chillihansol
hanni hanni hanni HANNI !!! my virtual sister! the loml !!! i’ve got so many things to thank you for honestly, you’ve been tht pillar of support for me whenever my mind is just going haphazard ! n u always try to help whenever sth comes up n ure so kind abt everything i wna migrate to where u live omf // + i’ve seen u improve in your writing so much in such a short period of time i am shook tbh wht kind of black magic are u doing ?? ok but im so grateful to hv met u omg when i think abt u i honestly just…… burst into ugly tears bc wht did i ever do in my past life to deserve you ilysdm thnk u for coming into my life n staying here through all my bullsht
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❥ @dumbelle
my ring ring ding a ling!!! my disney princess !!!! i love you so much do i need to say anything more!!! thnk u for always checking in on me with cute lil msgs n chatting w my boring ass ! you’re so sweet n kind n so crazy n wow i love crazy :^)) you’ve been posting such unique content on your blog…. i mean the moodboards + the speech text bubbles + the cute lil scenarios below tht?? wht the heck tht is so cute ???? the first time i saw  one of your moodboard i started chuckling 2 myself @ the dinner table n i wnted to shove the fork down my throat is2g ok ilyssm
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❥ @kingyu97
feesha!! i rmb when you were still tht f anon tht i met indirectly through clar n lani, n you lil shits wouldnt tell me who u are !!! tht was a funny experience im not gna lie but tht aside, thnk u for always showing your support in my works + being my lil chat buddy!! you brighten up my days so much, sometimes u randomly pop into my inbox when im feeling under the waeather n it just… rly…. makes me smile n then sob in 54 languages bc i lov u n i hv done nothing to deserve everything u do for me n i just…. i just love u ok pls stay in my life ilyily
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❥ @dreamingseventeen
yEt another one of my senpais ! my inspiration 2 write!!!! i’ve loved your works ever since i discovered cos, it’s rly one of the fics tht i rmb every detail abt bc i reread it everytime it fades from my dory memory!! i feel so honored tht i got to talk to n be friends with succch an amazing author like you, n i love how you’re just so sincere n genuine in everything tht u do! thnk u for supporting me + encouraging me when im hesitant to do stuff, im so grateful for you and i love you ! i hope you keep writing (although your cat walks all over you n your desktop kekk how cute), pls do rmb to stay healthy !!
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❥ @neoyeppuda
i’d really want to make 2 separate dedis to the both of u clar n lani but this post is getting toooo long so i’ll try to be concise but at the same time (hopefully) be able to tell u 2 how much i love u!!! the both of u hv been supporting me for a while n i heard abt you guys a lot before, n when yall came into my inbox i shrieked when i found out tht it was the admins of neoyeppuda like woa i feel like a celebrity just noticed me?? the same feeling i got with choco when i interacted w her for the first time! thnk u both for being so sweet n kind n crazy with me, im so thankful tht the both of u are my friends :^) lani you’re so damn beautiful both inside out n i hope u dont forget tht, i knw things may be hard but it’ll get better - talk to me whenever alright ♡ clar you’re the adorablest fluffiest person ever ilysm thnk u for always hitting my soft spots haaaa :”))) i hope 2018 goes well for the both of u, n pls take care!
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❥ @paintedshua
sophie!!! my lovely lavendar soap bar! i think you’d be able to expect wht i wna say already but thnk u for chatting with me at random times of the day / night abt random ass topics tht come off your head (or maybe mine?) ! it makes me so happy tht we’re able to talk so… calmly abt crazy topics n talk so crazily abt calm topics….. i dont think tht made sense but yes u get it hnghh thnk u for building this friendship with me! one tht i treasure with all my heart n soul!!! i hope you continue having happiness n bliss in your life bc u obviously deserve all the good u can get
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❥ @soongyuz
priya!!!! wow i can write a freaking 87439-word essay for u bc i think?? tht you’ve been my longest (i dont think tht this is the correct term but) mutual? you’ve been here as heart anon, and let me tell you!!! those days!!! i wasn’t in the best emotional condition (?? ok this doesnt sound right too buT lets move on) then n your heart anon asks were so cute n so innocent n just so!! full of marshmallows n rainbow sprinkles !!! n then a priya emerged from tht n im so damn grateful tht you’ve been with me for so long, thnk u for absolutely everything tht you’ve done for me, i love u so much ♡ i hope you arent too stressed abt school + i hope ure taking care of yourself!
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s0ftkwan · 6 years
(fake) boyfriend!daehwi
group; member wanna one; lee daehwi
genre fluff fluff fluff
author’s note literally came up with this in the shower lol also this gif is really cute <3
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once a year your school had this giant festival that was full of games and food booths and tons of other stalls
basically like those huge fairs in those animes lol
and for the first time in forever, you and your bff daehwi didnt have anything to do
it was literally the first year since you transferred in that you werent class pres or vice pres and same goes for daehwi
this year the unfortunate position was given to guanlin, another close friend of yours
lets just say you enjoyed every single moment watching guanlin try not to pull his hair out from all the stress
ofc you two had little jobs here and there like running your class’s stall but that only took up about an hour of the whole festival
so you and hwi were hitting all of the stalls playing games and stuffing your faces with all of the food
literally you two felt like you were expecting mothers
overall it was a fun ass day until dun dun dun
your bitchy ass cousin who you absolutely hated with a burning passion oK calm down arrived
“hwi i’ll catch u later, i have to show this ho--I MEAn my cousin around“
on the inside you were literally begging him to end your life right there and then
she was visiting for the week and she couLd NOT gET ANY MORE annoying is2G 
dont worry she felt the same <<3
you were stuck wondering why the heck she was here until you remembered
before you left for school in the morning, u remembered your mom telling you she was stopping by so that she could see what normal life was like where you lived
but u knew that it was her lame ass excuse to talk to more boys loL
anYways you had the great displeasure of showing her around the school
you were pretty sure for the first hour, the only words that came out of her mouth were “where are the cute boys y/n ??!!”
when you passed by the churro stall you were literally about to stuff those churros down her throat lmao
coincidentally you saw daehwi with your other classmates laughing about something
weirdly though you felt a little pit pat in your heart when you saw him smiling so much but you blamed it on the heat or something lame like that
but that lil joy disappeared immediately when you heard your cousin pipe up behind you
“ooo couz, who is that? he’s kinda cute“
you swore you were about to break her little fingers off when she pointed one of them at your best friend
instead of doing that though, you came up with another approach to shut her down for good
you didnt know what demon possessed you to be able to do such a thing but you grabbed daehwi’s wrist, pulling him away gently from your classmates
walked up to your cousin
linked your arms in his
and yelled out loud
“cousin dearest, meet daehwi, my boyfriend“
ong somewhere in the distance telling daniel that he knew it and that he needed to be paid 50 bucks or smthn
for the first time, your cousin was actually speechless
“w-woah, o-okay,,, nice to meet you,,,,,hey couz, i’m gonna head uh over there ok? see you later!!”
she left awkwardly probs super embarrassed hAh
you were too busy smirking at your victory to notice your best friend’s totally shocked and blushy face
“b-b-boyFRIEnD???“ big time rush ayy
you finally realize that somehow your hands were intertwined with his “hwi your my best friend you know i would die for you right......pls be my boyfriend for the day“
the poor boy looked like he was going to faint
“ONLY for the day and only in front of my cousin, i promise when this is all over,,,,,,,i’ll get you a date with whoever you want bc letsfaceityouneedit“
you were terrified that he was gonna say n o bc what happens after thaT?? an awkward rejection??
“You know what that was so stupid of me pls forgive me let me just tell my cousin that it was all a li--“
“i’ll do it“
long story short thats how lee daehwi became your fake boyfriend for a day
and honestly, it wasnt all that bad
it actually felt pretty normal for you just like you were friends at a fair
except he held your hand and you had gross couple headbands
but only when your cousin was in your line of sight
people cooed at how cute you two were
especially your annoying seniors jaehwan and sungwoon
“jaehwan sungwoon i swear i will take these annoying headbands and choke you until you turn purple“
needless to say they shut up after that
you thought things were normal and even almost forgot about your little act until daehwi pulled you into an empty photobooth to take some couple pictures
“h-hwi, she cant even see us in here,,,“
“still! we gotta sell it, y/n!“
it was actually pretty fun
daehwi and you pulled some extremely ugly poses that you were not even sure existed until you did it
but for the final picture, daehwi told you to look straight into the camera with a pretty smile
you did as you were told bc you thought he was going to do the same, buT
cheeky ass boy plants a peck on your cheek just as the camera goes off
you look at him with wide eyes and he just has a sheepish smile on his face
“g-gotta sell it, right?“
the pictures came out really funny and so typical of you
daehwi let you keep the pictures except for the last one
when you asked him why he just told you “good memories that’s all“
you bet your ass you were a blushing mess after that
you two continued on as if nothing happened but you didnt notice how daehwi held your hand all afternoon even if you two had no idea where your cousin was
it was finally the closing of the fair’s first day and everyone pretty much left
you had found your cousin again who was surprisingly not as irritating as you thought
she was waiting by the gate and daehwi walked you there
“daehwi, thank you sosososo much for today,,,,like being my fake boyfriend and all,,,“
“no problem,,,,so,, y/n,, about your little offer,,,,“
you felt your heart break a little bit when you remembered what you offered him
i mean you werent jealous or anything its just that the thought of daehwi holding another person’s hand or kissing their cheek or doing anything like what you did today just made you kinda sour inside bUT YOU WERENT JEALOUS OR ANYTHING uh huh keep telling yourself that hun
“o-oh yeah, that,,, listen as your bff for life, i can assure you i am an a grade wing woman. just tell me your type and i can make it happen buddy. who is it? is it somi from class a? or dara the sophmore?? or is it––“
“it’s you“
“e-excuse me?“
“y/n, my bestest friend in the whole wide world who i have had a crush on since the first moment i saw you, will you go out with me?“
needless to say your night ended with a promise of a date, a future boyfriend, and a lot of excitement for the week to come
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ssaalexblake · 6 years
obligatory post viewing the last jedi comment/laterblog/thought dump SPOILERS,
honestly it’s a good job billie lourd looks more like debbie reynolds than carrie b/c it’d confuse people otherwise 
also.... why is Hux so funny??? he is such a loser, he’s supposed to be this big scary bad guy but he’s like... the whump bait for the bad guys. I laughed almost every time he was on screen b/c he was so pathetic it reached levels of genuine funny. I don’t often see the comic relief guy be the fuck awful one. 
and bb8′s methods of fixing shit are worryingly like mine AKA pray for the best, hope it doesn’t catch fire
i love general leia organa 
get fucked fuck boys 
laura dern has a really long neck and i never noticed before
finn’s leaking suit was so lol worthy is2g
also highkey poe is super in love with finn still jjust so u know
at the end of the movie poe and rey drink han’s leftover liquor b/c they missed hitting that
Rose not hesitating to stun Finn’s ass 
Rose who lost her sister in a run suggested by Poe and didn’t hold it against him
Rose who got to cry and CARE and stand for something, Rose who carried on without stopping because her sister died for this and she will carry on, she /will/.
Rose who wouldn’t let Finn die, because there are unavoidable sacrifices, and he wouldn’t be one of them
i fucking love Rose
i fucking died
and my lordy the PORGS my sweet penuin like noodles
i love them so much
also luke has clearly inheritied some never before seen Extra(tm) ualities from Anakin b/c /// dude/// u could have done ANYTHING to catch that fish but y’all have to pitch yourself off a fucking cliff on a pointy stick and spear it
not even gonna talk about the milking thing that was just as uncomfortable as they intended it to be
rey mocking his daily routine tho
REACH OUT *raises arm* *eyes roll so hard they fall off the cliff and fall into sea*
luke tickling her hand with the thing i died
Rey accidentally destroying the whole island and being judged by the lizard fish people
rey asking him to put clothes on through unexpected force visions tho highkey me he was more ripped than i’d expected and it was kinda distracting
oh and i forgot kylie being totally unwilling to shoot the bridge out bc he could sense leia. Leia knowing he was there with the finger on the trigger.
oh shit tho
do u think she knew it wasn’t him who fired??? He couldn’t do it, rando soldiers did it, but did Leia know??
I liked the way they did the kylie/rey interactions, like, filming wise?? it was good??? and also they didn’t offend my sensibilities either. I kinda like that she tried to get him to do the right thing but then was like ‘well... oh well imma fight u down instead’. Girl is practical. isn’t gonna give up what’s important for his ass. 
srsly... it’s entire goddamn ass
and people who make mint off war
tho i greatly appreciate the comment that they sell to the resistance too. It cheapens the depth of it if you imply otherwise. 
‘the most depraved people in the galaxy’ 
*supercut to super rich people casino*
Chewie ate a porg and i cried 
i cried just like the other porgs
the leia holo and the trinket and everything that made me hurt
despite anything else, Rey’s utter confidence that she can and will turn Kylie to the light again warmed me. Like yeah, you go girl, you believe you can do anything. 
ok tho but Poe and purple dern (idr her name oops so purple dern she is) irritated me in a way that the narrative was so obviously framed against her and i’m fed up with stories doing that to women, forcing us to doubt them to only prove ‘look we gotcha!!! why did u think badly of the lady???’, She was never wrong, Poe kinda did do that, but narrative bias and all. But also the mutiny was hilarious b/c they were so bad at it. And leia stunning poe and 3po and Not Leia Jr immediately putting their hands up lol
and star wars is know for loud and obnoxious, and i ADORED that they used this to their advantage and had utter, complete, total silence after purple dern made her move. 
BB8 was stunning the whole movie full stop
snoke was a dick and i’m still laughing that he like, got chopped in 2 and later u see his arm still on the side indicating he ended up more than 2 parts. just subtly in the bg bc this is not a high rated movie
Hux’s reaction to all of this was utterly priceless btw i was in stitches
HIGHKEY tho Finn’s showdown with Phasma. So good. So So good. like, the one blue eye. Quiet, yet ultimately powerful symbolism that didn’t need flash to make it’s point.
i loved that Ren called Rey Nobody. He called her nobody. Like, i know everybody was on team ‘rey should be a solo or skywalker!!’ but this was narratively more significant. Kylo wants to erase everything. He wants freedom from his legacy, from the past. From Snoke an Skywalker alike. He called her nobody as an insult, and to be nobody is all he wants. It’s everything he wants. It was telling. Rey has a freedom he does not and he knows it. 
whoever made the red salt ground decision, like, amazing, the symbolism of the resistance being shot in the heart and the imagary of the red salt spooling out of the opening like they were bleeding out dangerously was a brilliant piece of visual storytelling. 
luke and leia just
it was good enough that i’m not super bitter she didn’t smack him upside the head
in the end though, i think it was a good conclusion of Luke’s arc. It was very Kenobi, and I think Luke would have liked it that way. 
i know people criticise the new ones for using the formula from the original episodes, but like, i think nowadays that has a certain amount of resonance to it itself. 
Rey escaping with everybody on the falcon while the old, scraggly, lived in exile mentor fights off the big bad? it was symmetrical. 
OH and when kyle issues an order, and Hux repeats it with gusto and then ren just fucking LOOKED at hux once going *dude wtf* was top tier humour
i like bad guys who are genuinely fucking terrible but also so easy to mock. 
and hux’s ‘do u think u got him?’ 
i loved rey and Poe’s little meet cute like they’re gon be such cute friends and they’re gonna be finn’s wingmen lbr 
and the movie achieved the modus operandi. A spark can start a flame. Most of them all got slaughtered, and the end of the movie was hopeful??? All that’s left is enough people to pack into the falcon and run with, but it didn’t feel like despair. It felt hopeful. 
and then topping it off with a shot of the little boy looking into the horizon, talking to his friends about Luke Skywalker, and then his broom in the shadow of the sun looking like a lightsaber, resistance ring on his finger. 
i’m emotional. 
and a last thought, when i saw luke’s x-wing in the water, i thought the Moment would be him lifting it from the depths, like it was so long ago, but i was wrong, it will stay there forever now. It seems fitting that his jedi journey started with his ship sinking and it ended sunk for good. 
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episodesucks · 6 years
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