#this took way longer than I intended and sorry it's sad?
comfortless · 3 months
I already sent you an ask today so hiiii
(Alright so now I hopefully have your attention, imagine: ancient settling, mercenary könig is made prisoner and enslaved and reader, a cute noble girl, buys him to ☆have fun☆. He doesn't mind at all.)
Have a good day!
anon whoever you are… every message that you have sent has been like you putting a clawing animal in my brain. all of these concepts are so good. sorry it took me a bit to get around to this one. <:•)
captured mercenary! König x noblewoman! reader
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. medieval au (so: gender role nonsense), slightly mean slightly pathetic König, very brief mentions of violence/beheading, masturbation.
“That one.”
You hear yourself speak without thought. Your voice is shy, almost. It’s unbecoming of your station to seem so meek… even as you eye the men lined up before you like cattle prepped for slaughter.
Prisoners, they were. All apart from the one you had chosen would be little more than toys for the executioner after what they’ve done: to think that such a little band of mercenaries would even be planning for a siege… ridiculous. Most of the men have already had their hair cut cleanly away from their necks in preparation for the blade that would be slicing past each vertebrae and layer of muscle to chop away their heads.
This one is saved only because he’s been stripped of his armors, and though his face is rather rugged… there’s strength beneath his skin and such a deep misery in his eyes it sets your chest ablaze with pity. He could be useful, a willing servant if you could only save him from what terrible thing haunts him.
Maybe it’s the old wounds that flare his skin with the raised flesh of scar tissue, perhaps it’s the harelip or the wild thing set between his thighs where he’s forced to kneel. It catches your eye, that last one…
The prisoner’s jaw sets when your finger does point his way, blue eyes narrow just a fraction as realization settles in the pit of his stomach. No freedom to be garnered here, no love, nothing but that blade he had intended to use against you sworn to you instead. If the giant spit at your feet then, it would be expected, welcomed almost with the way your chest roars with sympathy.
He only stares.
You pay off his captors with a few silver coins and watch as they lead him bound to your side. His arms are tied too tightly before him, muscles slack with exertion after trying to fight the ropes for what must have been hours. Whether he sees you as savior or something revolting remains unknown. He doesn’t speak, not even as a servant leads him into the back of your carriage and you step inside after him, holding up the middle of your gown as to not sully it with the dirt and old blood splattered over the stones layered for street.
When the horses begin to move you give the man a proper once over, hiding your smile beneath a handkerchief, free hand curled into the lap of your skirts. He’s not just tall and broad, but incredibly well endowed. Not just sad and downtrodden, but pissed, though the only tell remains his shaking fists. His gaze never meets yours for longer than a moment before it settles back to gaze at the passing tall grass and sheep prancing about the fields, but each time that it does… there is no denying the mixture of confusion, maybe even attraction upon his face.
Your home was something this giant had never had a taste of prior to you: a castle atop a hill, charming and stone with its high ramparts and blunt roof. You didn’t need his confirmation in words, though you do ask and get nothing in turn.
The carriage pulls you right through the gate and it is almost cute the way that this man’s eyes seem to wander as he takes it all in. There are other servants tending to the sheep and horses, the smell of fire and the chiming of blade meeting blade ringing out as men spar, there are cats to keep away pests and modest but cozy homes, a tavern, an inn all beyond the wall. A small city of your own: all for the perfect little noblewoman that you were.
The only thing that you lacked was the trained sword of a man to ensure your safety, and now you had that, too.
You explain to him his place here, the role that he would take for the price you paid as you both disembark from the wooden carriage. He would be fitted for armor donning your family’s crest come the morning, whipped into obedience should he dare raise a hand toward any one here. You even think to warn him of the executioner’s sloppy work, how he may even live with his head chopped only halfway off should you request it…. some horror you had heard one of the travelers speak of.
As the weeks pass, König does begin to settle immensely. His speech is disjointed and parsed, his mother tongue muddled with your own language in a way that is cute… terribly, horribly cute.
He’s intelligent and strong: spends much of his time out amongst the lower men aiding with the animals and teaching them the deft way he swings his blade. It is an art form in its own right, the way that he paints the air with swift strokes… For a woman to fawn over a man’s swordplay was absurd, but it was impossible not to enjoy when he taunts and jabs the way that he does.
He rarely wears that armor the blacksmith crafted for him, both a flattery and an insult. You don’t mind watching him best smaller men in solely his trousers, pressing their faces into the muck while he barks his insults to them in words they can not understand. To you, now, when he flashes the most beastly of grins in your direction and utters the words, “Verpiss dich.”
You aren’t even certain why you stand there rather than hissing out orders to have him taken away. Your stupid corset feels too tight, gown too small, and your chest aches. There's not been a thing you could do to have this man do more than simply tolerate you. He sleeps within his own room in the castle, eats his fill and then some, you talk to him and layer your words with praise. He has not once been punished for anything. Not even now.
“Come here,” you demand without thought, walking down the staircase to cross the yard with your hands balled into delicate fists at your sides.
Your giant only looks confused for a moment as he clambers off of the man he’s just wrestled to the earth and rights himself. His eyebrows raise, his nostrils flare… and then he laughs. At you like you’re the most puny of rabbits, hardly a threat. Your betters would have laughed too at just how fragile you sound, on the cusp of tears over what? Some ridiculous little crush on a captive soldier??
He eventually does as you ask, stomping over to stand before you- not kneel, he never knelt. If his height and stature were meant to intimidate… your god would have to forgive the thoughts that muddle your head then, like filthy water as you drink him in.
So you explain to him as best you can just how insolent he’s being, how horribly he repays your kindness, how he would be dead on some shrouded mountain pass or have his body tossed into the river if not for you. You explain your heart out when tears come to your eyes and spring forth as your chittering continues, and you don’t even know if the moron can understand; he only stands there with the wildest grin on his face when he sees you beginning to sniffle and sob.
“Was?,” he demands again, blunt even as he takes your face into one of his large hands, turns your head to brush a tear from your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Why are you crying?”
“You need to learn your place!” And you know you’re being a hypocrite, that a proper lady should never allow a man to touch her like this, look at her the way that König does. You should call for a servant to have him dragged through the yard and whipped… or worse, but your voice only comes in a crestfallen whisper.
He shrugs those massive shoulders, rolls his neck and huffs a breath as he gazes down at you before his hand falls to his side and he merely walks away. That’s it.
Though you had the hopes that your warning had been taken seriously, the days following seem even worse.
König abandons his duties and takes up the most horrendous idea of courtship that he can muster. If courtship is even what it could be considered. It is more like a direct taunt, a jab now that he’s been made perfectly aware just how fragile the maiden he was sold to guard is.
He takes liberties once you’ve bedded down each night, your dresses stripped away to be replaced with a plain linen gown with nothing beneath: your only protection in the form of the wooden door between you two because König is no protector.
It always starts with the sound of spitting into his palm, then a drawn out sigh that rises to a near-animalistic groan. Sometimes he speaks, other times the soft, wet sounds rise in tempo until all that comes from his mouth are sharp hisses and whines.
This night proves to be the worst.
The wood creaks under his weight as he leans back against the door, stroking himself to the thought of you behind it. He makes it apparent when he breathes your name, low and shaky as you squeeze your eyes closed and pretend to not hear the words that follow.
“Scheiße… bet you’re tight,” he hisses between his depraved whimpers, the slick sounds increasing even as he rights himself to stand proper. You can almost hear the way he salivates, can almost imagine the way his jaw must fall slack and his eyes go dazed as he pleasures himself… you squeeze your thighs shut.
“Ja… you want it too, huh…” The bastard is most assuredly imagining you, knelt before him with the most helpless, reverent gaze as you plead for him. It should make you ill, yet it only stokes a fire in your belly, one that bridges between rage and need. “Ich will dich ficken…”
Your breath comes to a halt when your hand drifts beneath your thin gown, forcing yourself to listen as he brings himself to ruin in the halls as your finger presses to the spot that demands attention most of all. A fragile, shaking circle before your breath already begins to catch.
The brute sounds so helpless now, no longer the horrid thing that ordered you to “piss off” or scowled in your direction. He doesn’t know a thing about love… about how one should yearn for a maiden, only of spilling blood and seed. It’s only in the quiet of the night when the rest of the castle sleeps does he allow himself to be even this vulnerable… only his vulnerability seems even more terrifying.
His groans morph into pitiful sighs as he no doubt slows his motions, drawing out an impending orgasm in the hope that you will crawl to your door to let him in and fuck you rough on your bed.
“Just let me…”
Your thighs tremble as you weep between them in longing. The sooner it’s over the sooner you can close your eyes and drift back to sleep, no longer needing him the way he seems to need you now.
Your motions grow more heady, the patterns traced quicker and more deliberate as the heat rushes down further like the most vast wave of pure fire… When you tense, when your lips part to allow a low murmur of pleasure to slip from them, you’re met with laughter from the other side of the door.
“Ja… my lady… you do want it,” he hums as you draw your covers up and over your head in shame. You hadn’t been that loud, surely… but the way that he follows after, coming undone himself with a loud grunt as though it were some ridiculous competition…
“Let me fuck you next time,” he rasps, panting soft as he leans back. Depraved as he was, you were certain he was probably admiring the pearly paint he left along the stones. “That is my place, hm?”
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imbored1201 · 5 months
could you write something where teen r lives w ona and is always attatched to her but then lucy moves in with her and now r is upset bc she has to actually use her own bed and ona ends up buying a new bed or something.
Ona’s Follower
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Lucy x Ona x Teen Reader
Word Count: 2k
Yours and Ona's bond ran deep; the two of you had played in Manchester together. You were just 15 when you started playing with her; it was your first season coming from the academy, and she convinced you to move to Barcelona with her.
She always took care of you, and you practically followed her everywhere. She enjoyed the company though, teaching you everything, like how to cook her favorite Spanish dishes and even trying to teach you Spanish.
You feel the moment you really got attached to Ona was when she comforted you because of your frequent nightmares.
The two of you ended up being roommates when staying at a hotel with the United girls. 
You had hoped you wouldn't get a nightmare. That didn't go your way, considering you had one. 
You were woken up by Ona, who held you that night, and the next night, you had another one. 
Back at the apartment, you continued to sleep in Ona's bed. You realized sleeping with Ona helped you a lot since you stopped having nightmares, and it turns out Ona hated being alone in a bed to the point she had a lot of stuffed animals on her bed while she slept so she didn't feel alone. 
It was a huge win for both of you. 
You noticed something was going on between Ona and Lucy. Lucy was coming over every day now. You would always find them cuddling on the couch, and she would even pick you guys up to take you to training and games. 
You liked Lucy; she was funny and always brought you candy, and you always destroyed her in FIFA, so it was fun. 
Then the next step happened. Lucy moved in. You were panicking, to you, that meant you and Ona couldn't sleep in the same bed anymore. That made you disappointed, even sadder, watching Lucy unpack all her things. The good thing about it was that you were able to see Nala every day now. 
"Want to help me build this?" She was referring to a new dresser she had gotten. "Sorry, Luce, I need to go riding around." Lucy grinned, happy you were actually using the bike she had given you.
Ona was always complaining that you spent too much time in your room, so Lucy got you a bike, hoping it would motivate you to get out and go around the city.
That bike ride took a little bit longer than you intended. You did get caught up in your own head because, by the time you knew it, it was nighttime. Way past your cerfew. 
"Ona, calm down; she's fine; she probably just got caught up." Ona's eyes widened. "What if she got caught up doing something she isn't supposed to?" Lucy sighed, regretting her word choice. 
"Ona, she's a good kid; she knows not to do anything bad. She'll be back soon; you're tired; come on." Lucy led her to bed. Ona continued to stare down at her phone, waiting for any little text from you. 
She spent a couple of minutes lying down in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. "She has a key, Ona. Come on, you have to let the kid do her own thing at times. She'll be back soon; if it makes you feel better, I'll stay up and wait for her." Ona sighed and nodded. 
By the time you got home, Lucy had already fallen asleep. She did wait an hour though; she was worried too, but once she finally received a 'I'm okay' text from you, that worry went away, and she fell asleep spooning Ona.
Once you finished your routine, you went to Ona's room. It was just a habit of yours at that point, and when you saw her and Lucy sleeping cuddled up in bed, something burned up inside you. Jealously and sadness. Tears started to build up in your eyes
You know it was probably childish, but it was just something you were used to. Ona had been your anchor; every time something went wrong, you went running to her. With Lucy there now, you felt like you couldn't do that anymore. 
You gently closed the door and walked to your room. It was weird sleeping in your own bed for once. You hadn't done that in forever; you grabbed one of Ona's hoodies that you stole and laid down, using it as a pillow. You hoped you wouldn't have a nightmare and fell asleep. 
Lucy was the first to wake that morning; she hated to admit it, but she completely forgot she didn't see you come the front door; she got lost in admiring Ona's beauty to remember. 
When Ona stirred, the first thing that came to her mind was you. She thought about last night and quickly sat up, not needing any time to fully wake up. 
Lucy noticed Ona's panicked expression when she looked at her. "What?" She asked, getting up. "Where's Y/N?!" She was panicky, walking out of the room to search for you.
Lucy quickly got up and followed her as Ona checked the living room and kitchen. Lucy checked your room, and there you were. Using Ona's sweater as a pillow and holding onto a stuffed teddy bear, Lucy won you at the fair. She even won Ona one, then bragged about being too good at everything. 
"Ona, she's in here," she quietly said, gently closing your door. Ona was about to barge into your room, but Lucy gently grabbed her. "She's sleeping." Ona sighed in relief and went back to the kitchen to make apology pancakes for you. 
"Hey, what's wrong?" Lucy put her hand on Ona's hips. "Fuck Lucy, we shouldn't have slept in the same bed. I'm sorry. Y/N, she always sleeps with me; the poor girl gets these bad nightmares, and they stopped when she started sleeping with me" 
Lucy looked understanding and thought for a little bit. "You know, we need to get a bigger bed anyway; it would be beneficial for everyone and maybe even encourage a little more action," she smirked. Ona raised her eyebrows. "Lucy, we are not talking about sex while there is a child in the bedroom."
"Of course not; that's why we send her to Mapi and Ingrid's. What I'm trying to say is, let's get a bigger bed so she can sleep with us."
Ona's face lit up, and she immediately grabbed her car keys. "I'm going to look at bigger beds," she told Lucy, and left. Lucy quickly took over, smirking to herself for being a genius. 
That whole day, you only came out to eat the pancakes and for dinner. Lucy took control and barged into your room. You ended up crushing her in FIFA again.
It was now 10 p.m., and you were thirsty, your eyes hurt from playing video games all day, and you had done nothing productive all day. Mostly trying to get used to the fact that your room was actually going to be your room for once. 
"What's wrong?" Ona asked noticing your frown, you jumped, almost dropping your water. You weren't expecting Ona and Lucy to still be up at this time watching their romantic movies. "Nothing, just thirsty."
"Come watch the movie with us." Lucy made room between her and Ona. You shook your head, "I'm going to bed." Lucy didn't give up, though; she got up and threw you over her shoulders. 
"Luce," you whined. She threw you on the couch, and Ona was quick to hug you, so you couldn't get up. You sighed, paying attention to the movie. 
You were exhausted by the end of the movie, the comfort of Ona being next to you made it harder to keep your eyes open. You let your head fall against Lucy's shoulder. 
"How about you two snuggle in tonight? I'll take the couch. Then we'll go get the thing tomorrow." Lucy winked at Ona at the last part. You were confused but too tired to argue. The bed was being delivered tomorrow morning; it was just up to Lucy to bring it in on her own and build it. 
Ona led you to her room, where you collapsed on her bed. “Did you have any nightmares last night?” She asked as she got in beside you. You shook your head, rolling into her body and cuddling into her chest. She wanted to apologize for making you sleep in your own bed that night, but you had already fallen asleep. 
Once again, you woke up to no Ona. You huffed and got up, stealing a sweater that you were pretty sure was Lucy’s. “Ona?” You called out. 
You heard the front door opening and someone grunting. Nala started barking at whatever it was, so you made your way to the noise, thinking it was Ona. You let out a sad sigh when you saw it was Lucy. You loved her, but all the woman made was eggs in the morning, and you wanted Ona’s special pancakes again.
"Where's Ona?" You asked Lucy, who was struggling to bring in a mattress. "Store," she spoke out of breath. 
"What are you doing?" You asked. It was pretty obvious, but your brain was way too confused right now, and you had to ask questions. She let out some deep breaths before speaking. "Putting in the new mattress"
"Can I help?" She shrugged. "Sure, pull it," you grunted as you did what you were told. Ona wasn’t actually sure if the mattress would fit through the door; she just hoped it would. "Finally,” Lucy said, when the mattress finally got past the door. 
You were Lucy’s helper, playing with the tools, giving her whatever she needed, completely forgetting about your hunger. She proudly patted your back when everything was finished. 
"This calls for ice cream." She put a hand on your shoulder and led you out. You looked at her confused, but just went along with it. "I haven’t had breakfast," she shrugged. "It's fine.”
"Kid, you know I'm not going to take Ona from you, right?" You paused from where you were eating your ice cream and nodded, but you weren't actually sure how you felt. 
"Ona adores you; trust me, in a house fire, she would save you over me." You smiled at that. “But it’s fair; I would save Nala before the both of you."
"You promise you'll take care of her?" She nodded before adding, "I'm going to take care of both of you, I promise." She put out her pinky finger, which you took with yours. 
"That's why we bought the new mattress; it's bigger so all three of us could fit on that bed," you had a confused look on your face again, "Won't you be uncomfortable?" Lucy shook her head and let out a little laugh.
“Of course not; at this point, you’re my stepkid, you’re my favorite stepkid, and Nala is my favorite kid." She smiled proudly at that, and you appreciated it in a way. "Thanks, Lucy; I guess I understand why Ona fell for you now." “I’m just charming, ain’t I?” "Nevermind"
You still didn’t believe Lucy was actually comfortable with you being there, which is why you got ready to sleep in your own bed again. Lucy broke into your room once again, a rare stern look on her face. 
“What are you doing?” Lucy asked, her arms crossed. “I don’t want to disturb.” Lucy once again threw you over her shoulder and carried you to the bed. 
She set you down close to Ona who smiled at you. 
“Sleep bebita,” Ona spoke, spooning you. Lucy got into bed, leaving you squished in between them. Lucy got closer to you, making you push her away. “You have all that space over there."
“Shut up and let me cuddle you." You rolled your eyes and squirmed away from her, but she felt you relaxing after a couple of seconds. Your eyes were closing, and in a couple of seconds, you were out.
“Thank you for making an effort with her, Lucia.” Lucy nodded as she stroked your hair. 
“I’m just the stepdad that stepped up, ain’t I?” Lucy grinned, Ona rolled her eyes, holding you tighter. “Buenas noches Bronze”
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tarjapearce · 10 months
what if miguel and reader have a fight? and they're trying to keep the fight away from gabi and ben but they end up seeing some of it and get upset 😟🫶🏻
Oh god. *Trauma unlocked* 🫠🫠
Bit of angst and little longer than I intended
Make up here ❤️ ~
Gabi noticed how silent you and Miguel were. Her eyes noticed how your hand flinched ever softly from his, only for him to retract his hand and grip the wheel tightly. It had been like this ever since the soccer practice was over. Had something happened?
She didn't know. But the quietness didn't set up good on her chest.
"Papa? Are you okay?"
Miguel's eyes watched her from the mirror and nodded.
"Of course, Solecito."
"What happened to your hand?"
"I got injured" He nodded softly and maneuvered the lever.
"Oh..." That's all she managed to utter. You on the other hand were looking absentminded through the window as you were fetching Benjamin from Peter's home.
Ride back home was quiet, you took Benjamin and took him to his crib, he was a year now. Rebellious and black curls perched on his little head, bounced as he was put to sleep. Miguel was unpacking and you had decided to just get ready to sleep.
The fight had surely surprised you, not that you were scared of Miguel, it was just a behavior you rarely, if not ever, that you saw in him.
Gabriela took a bath, not really wanting to dinner, after all she had been treated with a Happy Meal at McDonald's.
You took a shower and changed, Miguel entering the room.
"So... I'm getting a silent treatment now?"
His voice calm, a stark contrast as how he was hours ago.
"No. Just..." You sighed, "Didn't actually expect you to hit that man."
"He was harassing you. Someone had to stop him."
"But hit him?" He sighed. "I know you, and that is really out of your character. Is... something wrong?"
"No." He spoke as he removed his t shirt
"I know work has been hard for you, and the kids, the house renovations, it can be stressful-"
"Ya estuvo, sí? Déjalo ." (Knock it off. Just leave it.) His tone firm, your lips remained shut as tears welled up in your eyes. You just nodded but your eyes drifted to Gabriela. Your heart wrenched at her expression. Fear, concern and sadness. She rushed to her room, leaving you both behind.
Miguel's head hung and he rubbed his face, realizing how the tension between you two was affecting everyone around.
"I'll get it." You mumbled and left the room. Following Gabriela, you knocked on her door and she buried herself further in the sheets.
"Mi amor?" She remained laid down, her back facing you, your steps guided you to her bed and sat next to her. She looked at you with wet eyes. It caused you to almost cry on your own.
"Is Papa okay?" she turned to face you, and you couldn't help but caress her hair.
"I... I don't know, mi amor."
"Are you angry at him?"
You shook your head and cradled her head softly.
"No mi amor. I'm not. I'm just concerned about him."
"I don't like when you fight." Another stab in your heart.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, mi amor. Sometimes stress is too much for adults and... we don't really mean things that we say, or the things we do out of impulse."
"Victor said that Papa had hit his uncle. Is that true?" Her eyes looked at you, searching for honesty.
"He... did. But his uncle did something really bad."
"What did he do?"
"He... touched me without my consent. And Papa got angry."
"Are you okay, Mama?"
"Yes, solecito. Your dad protected me from that man."
"Then why you flinched from Papa?"
You weren't expecting such comment
"Are you scared of dad?"
"No, cariño. I know he would never hurt me or any of us. But I also know that fighting isn't the way to solve problems. And it worries me cause... he never fights or id violent."
"Is something bothering him?"
"I don't know. He won't talk about it. But it's fine. Maybe he needs some space." Gabriela frowned but sighed.
"Im really sorry you had to see that, cariño. Whatever is happening, it's not your fault okay? This is between Papa and I. Understand?"
She nodded and hugged you.
"Don't fight, ok?"
You nodded as you did your best to hold it together.
"We'll try, mi amor."
Miguel heard from outside the door, uncomfortableness setting on his head. He just needed to find a way to make it up to you and his kids.
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mvlders222 · 7 months
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰
based off of the pixies song with the same name
pairing ; natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
wordcount ; 1.3k
summary ; while the yellowjackets team has plans to set up their own homecoming party, "doomcoming" if you will, natalie sneaks off only to find you. left alone with your thoughts and a bottle of alcohol, you have no choice but to confront each other about what was left unhandled before the crash.
warnings ; travis slander!!! alcohol, underage drinking, mention of nausea, angst, fluffy at the end. centered around episode s1xe9 "doomcoming." lowercase intended
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"what are you doin' out here?" you looked up to see natalie pushing her way through bushes to get to you. you were sitting on the dirt close to the large tree that stood behind you. the roots were too uncomfortable to sit on properly.
you had previously held your head to your knees and away from the others, the world, and anyone who may've been watching. natalie glimpsed at your tear-stained cheeks in disdain, a sour taste left in her mouth as she tried to swallow it down.
you looked up to meet her gaze, quickly wiping the tears away. you didn't want her to see you like this. vulnerable. nothing seemed to have come from your efforts, however. lighter tears still emitting from your eyes. "nothing," you responded.
that clearly didn't work, as now she'd made her way closer. "doesn't seem like nothin'," her thick accent pushing through. it was one of the many features you had always loved about her. she sat down next to you, avoiding the tough roots that had grown their way underneath the ground and rock.
"i don't wanna talk to you right now," you sniffled a bit.
"you're not the first. i feel like everyone hates me right now." she looked down at the ground before her. her tone made it seem like she didn't care, but she had been hurt by your words.
you and natalie had had a past. it was full of hidden love for one another. skipping class to go makeout in the janitor's closets, having girl's nights whenever your parents were out of town. nothing had ever been official, and while you had feelings for her, you still believed that she had just been using you. but if this was the closest you two would ever get, you'd take that over ruining your friendship.
she was like a drug, though. you loved being around her, and the risk of getting caught was thrilling. but when you were apart, you were left alone with your thoughts and that was more horrifying than any boogeyman hiding under a child's bed.
everything changed after the crash, she had been going on longer hunts with travis and it had been hard to hide your dates. you started seeing her less and less and hated that she left you for a boy.
"what about travis?" you glanced at her slightly, secretly hopeful for her answer, although the thought of them made you want to vomit. "i thought you two were, um, together..?"
"i thought so too. actually, i thought i had feelings for him. he just thinks i'm a slut because i don't fit his perfect image," she laughed at this. "seriously, i don't know what i was thinking."
"he's a dick." that was all you could come out with. natalie laughed at the lone sentence. "he's more than a dick," she responded.
"do you remeber us? when we were happy?" you stared at her with those sad eyes. god, those eyes. she could never lie to you.
"yeah," she said without thinking. "i'm... sorry... about all of this."
it was silent after that. an eternity of awkward silence and you didn't exactly know how to break it. "just go back to the party, okay? i'm not ready yet."
"it was getting boring anyway." she pulled your attention to the bottle of what looked like cheap bourbon. "you want some?" she uncapped it and held it out to you.
without a word, you grabbed the bottle and took a swig. after a couple gulps, you handed it back to the girl and wiped your chin of any drink that dribbled down.
"jesus, do you have nothing to live for?" she teased while grabbing the bottle. her smile slightly dropped when she saw the look on your face. it was one of hopelessness, and your eyes, empty.
"not anymore." you rubbed your nose and sniffled. you turned to face her fully now. "i was gonna go to college, you know. i don't wanna be a housewife who hates my husband, dropping my kids off at soccer practice." tears started to well up in your eyes again at the very thought of this.
"you're overthinking. trust me, that's not gonna happen." natalie brought the bottle away from her lips and looked at you again.
after a couple of sips from the both of you, the bottle was now nearly empty. while that conversation was long forgotten by natalie, it still remained in the back of your mind, taunting you.
"how do you know?" it wasn't meant to be mean, it was a genuine question.
natalie had no idea what you were talking about. as her laughing died down from some stupid joke she made, confusion quickly took over. "huh?"
"how do you know what's gonna happen? after all this?" natalie looked deeply into your eyes and reached out to grab your hand.
"'cause giving yourself away to a man doesn't give you purpose. you're throwing your life away!" she was talking like you were out of your mind. and maybe you were, or maybe it was just the alcohol. because the next thing you did you would've never been able to have the courage to do.
you wrapped your hand around the back of her neck and pulled her close to you. your lips landed on hers and she kissed back without hesitation. in that moment, time stopped. the earth stopped spinning and you were the only two people on the planet.
after a while, you pulled back, much to her dismay, and rested your forehead against hers. she was left speechless at how forward it was. "i, um, wow..."
"tell me, how that one kiss was different than the thousands we've shared?" you teased her, filled with confidence knowing that you're the one that had left her flustered.
"it's been... a while," she finally pulled her head away from yours and stared at you earnestly. "you never know what you have until you've lost it, yeah?"
you smiled at her words. it may have not been the best thing to say in that moment, it may have been sort of dopey, but in that moment it had made your heart full again.
"i regret ever leaving you." natalie shook her head and she seemed ut of breath. "even if we never had anything before now. it hurts to think about."
"i love you," you startled yourself with your own words. now it was your turn to be flustered. "sorry," you laughed awkwardly.
natalie giggled, now feeling happier than ever. she kissed you deeply once more. she didn't have to say it back for you to understand that she really did love you back.
you didn't know what was going to happen next, or if you were going to remember this in the morning, but it didn't matter because she was all yours and you were hers.
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rheearchives · 1 month
I KNOW YOU (c.g) “i understand im not the only one, for you.”
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a/n: inspired by i know you by faye webster!! 
pairings: carl grimes x fem!reader
c/w: angst no comfort, lower case intended, use of y/n, not proof read yet.
you always had feelings for carl, ever since you guys were kids. when you two first met at the prison, when rick had found you wandering around in the woods near the prison. many cuts and bruises littered across your plush skin. you were so young at the time and he had made sure you were safe. taking you back to the prison, and you and carl clicked almost instantly. or so you thought.
you two had been inseparable for the longest time. doing almost everything together, you would say carl was your “best friend” but you knew you wanted more than that. but you guys were so young and you didn’t want to spoil such a good friendship. so you kept your most feelings to your self.
You're holding me and holding back, I don't really care for that, just you.
until we had made it to alexandria. that “inseparable” bond you two had, was no longer. there is this girl named enid ever since carl met her you felt left behind. it broke your heart just thinking about it, that look carl always used to give you, was the same one he gave her now.
There's a pause between every minute, feelin' like I need something, It's just you
those comics you two read together, he had read with her too. you felt like you were forgotten and replaced. he no longer went to you to tell important things going on with his life, he went to her. he no longer spent any free time he had with you. he didn’t admire you like he did to her. 
I know, I know, I know, I know, you, you
though you were more sad and hurt then angry for that matter. after all you two had been through so much together and its hard to accept you had been forgotten so easily. it hurt you to admit it but you knew whatever you and carl could’ve been was long gone.
I'll quiet down if it's what you want, I understand I'm not the only one, for you.
you weren’t willing to give up you twos friendship just yet. it took every bone in your body to muster up the courage to ask him to hangout again. but you did anyway, in hope you could make something work. even if it meant just being friends. as long as you were with him, right?
So tell me what you're looking for, Is it a picture-perfect girl, for you?
you place a few soft knocks on the door, fiddling with your fingers as you wait nervously. your jaw clenched in anticipation as you awaited the opening. when the door finally cracks open lightly, carl peaking through. he stares down at you opening the door a bit more, the smile he had on his face dropping when he sees you. after a few moments of silence you decide to speak. giving him an understanding to why you were here in the first place. 
I'm here regardless of the pain.
“Uh- hi carl, i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out? possibly.” you say stumbling over your words his gaze making you more nervous than ever. 
“oh..i im busy, y/n. maybe some other time?” he says, as he smiles at you apologetically. but that stupid smile plastered on his face was far from apologetic. though he tried to make it seem like that you could tell he could care less about your presence. he was just making sorry excuses to make you leave and it definitely didn’t go without notice.
Don't ever tell me to go away, from you
“that’s okay, maybe another time, yea.” you say your mouth creating a thin line, nodding your head in agreement. even though you didn’t agree at all. trying your best to reassure yourself that it’ll all be okay. but you didn’t want to fight about it. you were over it at this point and just wanted to cry in that moment.
your heart hurt more than ever, why did you feel this way? it was a pain you couldn’t explain, it felt like something was out of reach. it was something you couldn’t quite grasp but you knew you wanted this feeling to be gone. you knew you wanted just to wake up and this all be a nightmare. all carl does is nod in response, but in the corner of your eye you see something. behind him you could see enid, your heart sunk at the sight. 
she was sitting on the couch playing with judith a bright smile on both of their faces. your expression dropping slightly, that unexplainable feeling intensifying. for some reason just seeing her have fun with judith made you envy her so much. back at the prison whenever beth wasn’t watching judith you and carl would watch her. just seeing him do all those things you two used to do with her shattered your heart.
“i’m, im just gonna go now. bye y/n.” carls words pulling you out of your thoughts. you groan at the rather blunt response. him looking at you as he began to shut the door. not even giving you an opportunity to say goodbye back.
“yea, bye.” you mumbled under your breath as the door shut. you feel a lump in your throat grow as you stand there in shock. you felt like you had lost your best friend in the whole world. the only person who ever understood you. you couldn’t get over how quickly you were left behind. you begin to tear up replaying that moment over and over in your head. 
all the memories you and carl had together so faint in your mind. you knew you weren’t special or anything but at one point carl made you feel that way. when you were with carl it seemed like all your problems were tossed to the side, well at least it used to. after a while of just standing looking at the shut door, lost in your thoughts completely.
When we're old and have to leave the earth, I'll still remember all I've learned, from you.
you turn around swiftly on your heels leaving the premises of the house no longer wanting to feel like a burden to him or enid anymore. tears streaming down your face as you realize you had lost your whole world. carl was your whole world, but he didn’t think of you the same. well not anymore. but you would like to believe at some point, he did?
maybe in another universe he’d still think of you like that,  just not this one.
i understand im not the only one, for you.
a/n: kay guys i have arose from the dead! 🧟‍♀️ sorry if this is disappointing this is my first angst!! i hope ygs like it anyway 😭
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imtrashraccoon · 3 months
Ooh could you perhaps write something for cross? Like an X reader? I haven't seen many of those- like- at all, and it's incredibly sad because the boy deserves love :c
Feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna do it <3
I'm so sorry for the wait, Anon! I didn't realize it had been almost a month since I received this! In my defense it took me like two weeks to figure out what I wanted to write in the first place. I hope this doesn't disappoint because it's way longer than I intended it to be...
A Gentle Soldier
Cross!Sans x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 4,875
You were simple person, just doing what you could to get by in the world. It wasn't an easy or comfortable life but you made the best of it.
After your father passed away, you were left with the cabin he'd built that had been your childhood home. It was a small one room building with a loft for sleeping and a fireplace set into one wall, which was especially nice in the Winter when the stone bricks it was built from radiated the heat throughout the entire cabin.
You kept a small vegetable and herb garden out back and regularly hunted or trapped animals for meat year round. You also preserved anything extra for the cold months when you might not be able to leave the cabin during bad storms for several days. Other than the occasional trip into the nearby village for rifle ammo and a few other things that you couldn't make yourself, you were self sufficient and almost never interacted with anyone.
Maybe one day you'd meet someone and start a family, but they'd have to be adaptable because you weren't about to just abandon the life you'd worked so hard to build for yourself. You liked to think that you were a reasonable sort but there were some things that you wouldn't compromise on. Moving back into the village was one of them, so unless you had no other options, you were going to hang on dearly to your little piece of paradise.
Today was a bit of a gloomy one, but despite the heavy rainfall the previous night, many dark clouds still remained overhead. There was a cool breeze as well, but you figured the inclement weather would hold off for a few hours at least, which was enough time to check your traps.
After putting on a thick coat for warmth and in case you were wrong about the rain, you shouldered a rucksack which held extra traps and some small tools. You also slung your father's hunting rifle over your shoulder, which while you didn't think you'd need it, there was always the possibility of running into a hungry bear or wolf this time of year. You were a decent shot, but hopefully if you did end up missing, the loud noise would be enough to scare them away.
While checking each of your traps, you thought it was strange how quiet the forest seemed today. Not even the occasional birdsong interrupted the silence and none of the traps had even been touched. That was disappointing, but you still had some meat you'd smoked previously and you had enough flour to make some bread so you wouldn't go hungry tonight at least.
You were on your way home again when you heard a loud noise.
It was like several trees had been knocked over or like a landslide had been triggered.
That wasn't something an animal could do.
You checked that your rifle was loaded but kept the safety on for now as you carefully made your way towards the strange noise. You only wanted to take a peek, just in case someone had gotten hurt. Although, it soon became apparent that whatever or whomever had caused the disturbance was still in the area and, as you drew closer, you began to hear people shouting as if they were in the middle of a fight.
You stopped at the crest of a hill and peered down into the little valley below.
There were at least four monsters below you, three of which were seemingly working together to attack the fourth. They all looked like skeleton monsters, however there were some anatomical differences between them and human skeletons. They were dressed completely different from both each other and from any monsters you'd ever seen before too.
The first was a skeleton whose outfit was rather intricate but it was also completely black and white. It was hard to describe with all the layers of clothing, but the basics of his outfit seemed to be a white parka with a fluffy hood, a narrow white cape with black edges, and a pair of black shorts with white stripes that were shaped like an X. He had twin bone daggers with hollow blades and even from here you could tell that he was quite experienced with them.
The second skeleton was wearing a metal chestplate, a light blue bandana tied around his neck with matching gloves and boots, and sturdy looking jeans. He kind of looked like a warrior from an RPG to you and the large maul he was wielding only solidified that thought in your mind.
The third skeleton was a bit shorter than the others and he seemingly flitted about like a leprechaun with what looked like a giant paintbrush. His outfit was mostly brown but some of the straps holding it together were bright yellow and green. He also had on a pair of fingerless gloves and sported a very long brown scarf that somehow didn't impede his movements at all.
Their outfit choices seemed to be representative of their personalities since you couldn't think of any other reason for the variety on display. The first struck you as the strong and silent type, with the second seeming like he was dependable, and the third looked almost carefree and yet also rather bubbly at the same time.
Their opponent though, just looking at him seemed to fill you with dread, and while you had limited experience with people, even you knew he was bad news.
He was several inches taller than the three, not counting the numerous black tentacles protruding from his back. His bones and clothing also seemed to be completely black, in such a way that gave him the appearance of having been dipped in ink, except it didn't seem to leave a mess everywhere. Speaking of clothing, while it was hard to differentiate where his bones ended and clothes began, his outfit looked like it consisted of a fancy overcoat and you could see that he was wearing a gold circlet and several rings on his phalanges. He seemed to only have one working eye socket, which had a piercing cyan eyelight, if the way he kept guarding his right side was any indication, but other than the uncountable number of tentacles, he didn't appear to have any weapons of his own, not that it seemed to be a problem for him.
You knew in your heart that you shouldn't be sticking around and risk being caught in the crossfire, but at the same time, you couldn't help but want to continue watching. It was almost mesmerizing with how fluid their movements were and even though each had their own techniques, they all seemed to work flawlessly together. Their opponent seemed frustrated in comparison and yet he was managing to hold his own against all three at once. You didn't know what the stakes were or how the fight had even started, but you couldn't help but silently cheer for the three skeletons to win.
The monochromatic skeleton was suddenly grabbed by a tendril and sent flying until he collided with a nearby tree. You watched in horror as his body slumped to the ground and when he didn't move for several long seconds, you felt the sickly feeling of dread beginning to pool in your stomach.
The other two skeletons were too busy to check on their compatriot and you could tell the nightmarish looking one would send each of them flying as well if they lost focus for even a second.
You had to see if he was hurt and how badly.
Not caring if you were seen anymore, you scrambled down the steep incline, scattering loose stones and dirt under your boots in a mini landslide as you did so. Somehow you didn't lose your footing but it certainly did slow you down.
Although, before you could reach the fallen skeleton, there was a flash of bright light and another one appeared by his side.
This skeleton was a bit taller than the others, but still shorter than the scary one, and you almost had to squint to even look at him. His presence almost seemed to warm up the immediate area and, rather confusingly, just seeing him made you feel calm and like you should be happy. Considering the situation, it also felt unnerving but you couldn't place exactly why that was.
Somehow, he was dressed even more fanciful than any of the others. Over a form fitting black body suit, he had a loose white outfit that kind of resembled a tunic with bright yellow accents. The best way to describe it was like he'd stepped out of an ancient Egyptian mural, only he was somehow more beautiful.
This new skeleton knelt down by the first and placed his gloved hands on his still crumpled form. A soft yellow glow flickered from between his fingers before the monochromatic skeleton's body jolted awake. The bright one then stood up and said something you didn't quite hear, which the other nodded in response to.
He summoned a gorgeous longbow with a string made of glowing blue energy. Then, he appeared to notch a similarly glowing arrow and turned as if to join the fight, before his gaze locked with your own.
You were completely awestruck and for a moment you found yourself lost in his golden eyelights. You felt like you should be overjoyed that he'd noticed you but the disinterested look on his skull quickly quelled those thoughts. He looked like he was about to say something to you, when a shout from the nightmarish skeleton interrupted him.
"Dream! So you've resorted to collecting pawns now?!" his voice thundered across the little valley.
The bright skeleton, whose name was apparently Dream, let out a tired sigh and turned to face the antagonizing one. "I'm tired of fighting, brother. So I'm here to finish this once and for all," he responded in a tone that, while much calmer, still held a certain level of venom and he'd notably ignored the accusations.
The two brothers practically leaped at each other and their resounding blows echoed throughout the surrounding area. Dream was far more agile than you'd expected and his arrows seemed to burst like a firecracker as they found their mark. His brother seemed to transform into a form that struck so much more fear into you than his first had, so much so that you couldn't bear to watch them any further.
"hey, are you alright?"
You startled and glanced to your left to find the monochromatic skeleton had hauled himself to his feet and apparently had also noticed you.
He looked rather banged up but fortunately didn't seem to have any broken bones or other obvious injuries. Although, there were several tears in his jacket, which you could now see was actually short sleeved and that he was wearing a long sleeved shirt underneath. The ends of his cape were also frayed but you could tell they were already like that before he'd been whipped into a tree.
However, the most striking details about him were his white eyelights, that almost seemed to have a soft purple glow at the center, and an old jagged red scar under his right eye socket. He seemed genuinely concerned about you too, which was a little odd since you were the one who'd originally been concerned about him.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I think..." you managed to respond.
His bonebrows knit together in a way that seemed to suggest that he didn't fully believe you. He didn't choose to press you further though and instead retrieved his daggers from the ground where he'd dropped them earlier.
"okay then, but you should probably try to get as far away from here as you can. as you can see, things get messy fast when these two meet."
"You don't need to tell me twice."
With one last glance to make sure you really were okay, he charged back into the fray again, leaving you to figure out how you were going to get back up the hill. The rain had left the already steep slope much softer than usual and even if you crawled up on your hands and knees, there was no way you'd make it without sliding back down.
Which meant you'd have to find another way.
While you were trying not to focus on the terrifying fight going on, you couldn't ignore it completely. Still, you did your best to make as little noise as possible and hoped that they were all too occupied to notice you.
Just as you'd found a place with decent looking handholds to haul yourself up, you heard someone shout a warning from behind you.
As you turned to see what was going on, your vision was engulfed in a bright blue light.
You heard something impact the rocks behind you.
Then you heard a crumbling sound and felt some small stones hit your head.
When you came to, you were lying on your back staring up at the grey sky. You could still hear fighting so you must've only been out for a few minutes. You started to sit up but a firm hand on your shoulder kept you from doing so.
"easy there." The monochromatic skeleton was leaning over you now and he still looked rather concerned. His pale eyelights flitted over your face looking for injuries before focusing on a spot just above your right temple.
Your head was throbbing in such a way that you knew you'd get a headache later and when you gingerly ran your fingers over your scalp, you discovered that you were bleeding. Whatever had knocked you out had apparently been sharp enough to give you what seemed to be a nasty cut.
As soon as you'd registered this, the skeleton quickly tore off a section from his cape and wrapped it around your head to serve as a makeshift bandage. He also applied a firm but gentle pressure in an attempt to stem the bleeding. You couldn't help but admire how calm he was as anyone else would probably be a little panicked in this situation. It was almost like he had done this many times before.
"What happened?" you finally asked.
His cool demeanor faltered for a moment to be replaced with a tight frown. "you were spotted by nightmare and he tried to grab you, but dream stopped him..."
You noticed his phalanges twitch as if he wanted to clench his fists before stopping himself and continuing to try to patch you up. Sensing that there was something else that he wasn't saying out loud, you tried to press him further.
"I'm grateful of course, but what's bothering you about it?"
"he was careless and if his aim had been off just a bit more, he could've actually hit you," he grumbled under his breath.
He closed his eyes and took a long-suffering breath. When he seemed to have calmed down some, he made eye contact with you again.
"are you alright otherwise? does anything else hurt?" he asked.
You took a second to flex each of your limbs, but other than a few aches that would probably just become bruises, you didn't seem to have any other injuries.
"No, I think I'm fine. A bit shaken up but that's pretty normal in these situations, right?"
He raised a bonebrow and was about to respond when a sound that sounded like a mix between a harsh hiss and a deep growl interrupted him. He whirled in the direction it had come from, simultaneously drawing his daggers that he must've sheathed earlier when he had stopped to help you.
Two shadows wielding battleaxes had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and they started advancing on the two of you. With the black armour they were wearing and the way they easily dwarfed everyone else on the battlefield, you knew these guys were bad news. Other than the glow of their cyan eyelights, they were entirely black and while it was hard to tell, save for their sharp teeth and claws, they also appeared to be skeletons.
Your rescuer didn't hesitate for a second before basically launching himself at them. When they responded to his assault by swinging their heavy weapons, you half expected him to get knocked back, but he ducked under one and sidestepped the other.
He moved so quickly that you could barely keep track of him with your eyes but it seemed that he was using his smaller stature to his advantage. He wasn't wearing heavy armour either which meant he could dodge pretty much every blow with relatively little effort.
In the blink of an eye, he sliced clean through one's torso and simultaneously beheaded the other.
The bodies of the shadowy skeletons seemed to flicker before dissolving into thin air.
He'd won!
"Wow..." you gasped. "I could tell you were good but I didn't know you were that good..."
He nodded and took a cursory glance around the area before letting himself relax again. He was breathing quite heavily after all that, but there was a small glimmer of relief in his pale eyelights when he looked back at you.
"thanks." He seemed to study you for a moment before approaching and holding out his hand. "do you think you can walk?"
"Yeah..." As he helped you to your feet, you felt your cheeks grow slightly warm and you were certain that you were blushing.
What was this day? You'd never seen any skeleton monsters before now and when one of them had showed this much concern for your well-being, you were reduced to nothing but a flustered mess, as if you were a grade schooler with a crush all of the sudden.
He held onto your hand for a few seconds longer than he probably should've but when he realized, he quickly dropped it like he'd been burned. Even though he looked away immediately afterwards, you thought you saw a soft purple glow flicker across his cheekbones.
In that moment, you were struck with the realization that he looked kinda cute. Unfortunately, he seemed a bit unsure of himself all of the sudden, despite how confident he'd been fighting moments prior. It was...rather endearing actually.
"Hey, um, thanks for stopping to help and...for just saving my life too."
He smiled and, while it was a small one, you could almost feel how genuinely glad he was. He let out a soft chuckle and fiddled with the wrapped handle of one of his daggers as that same purple glow coloured his zygomatic arch again.
"yeah...of course. i couldn't just ignore you, especially when you had no part in this," he muttered.
You introduced yourself before asking the one question that had been on your mind from the moment you had first seen him. "What's your name?"
He opened his mouth to answer when a bright light from the still ongoing battle grabbed your attention.
While his clothes had been slightly torn and dirtied, Dream stood tall with his bow drawn, ready to fire the notched golden arrow at his brother. He'd only been using blue energy arrows before, but this one seemed much more powerful, if the magic that was pouring from it like a hungry flame was any indication.
In contrast, Nightmare was in a combat ready position with his tentacles poised to strike. His clothing seemed relatively untouched, but the inky substance covering him had either served to protect him or at the very least hide any damage he'd incurred.
While both skeletons were breathing heavily, Nightmare definitely seemed like he was much more worn out than his brother. Which was probably why Dream had brought the others along in the first place now that you thought about it.
Time seemed to stand still as the golden skeleton let the arrow fly.
The world was instantly bathed in an explosion of light.
The nightmarish one let out an anguished scream and clutched his chest as he fell to his knees.
The edges of his form seemed to blur together and for a moment you wondered if he would disappear like the dark skeletons had earlier.
Then the ground suddenly erupted around the golden skeleton.
He was abruptly run through with several black tentacles.
Your hands flew to your mouth in shock as he collapsed as well.
The monochromatic skeleton next to you seemed frozen in shock but in the few seconds that he hesitated, the other two reached Dream first. They seem to briefly examine him before the one in blue gingerly picked up the injured skeleton.
The skeleton in brown swung his large paintbrush which summoned a swirling golden vortex in mid air.
"Cross! We have to go now!" the blue skeleton shouted.
That seemed to spur the skeleton by your side into action and he started to hurry towards them, but stopped himself and glanced back at you. He had a conflicted expression on his skull, as if he knew that he should go with his colleagues but he also looked like he didn't want to leave just yet.
"Cross? Is that your name?" you asked.
He nodded firmly, "yeah..."
"You should probably go with them. I'll be fine, okay?"
He hesitated for a moment longer before his skull took on a determined expression. "stay safe then," he said before sprinting across the valley to the others.
They disappeared into the portal and silence blanketed the forest once more and for the second time today, you shouldered your bag and rifle, neither of which seemed to have been damaged from the debris that had hit you.
Just before you climbed back up the hill, you glanced around the little valley. While a couple of trees had been knocked over, no lasting damage seemed to have been caused by the conflict. There wasn't even any bodies that you'd have to think about burying.
Time passed as it always did. Summer came and went without anything else out of the ordinary happening and you began preparing for Winter.
You couldn't stop thinking about the kind skeleton that had saved your life. His skills were impressive and you'd never met anyone who actually knew how to fight like he did since it really wasn't necessary nowadays. Oddly enough though, you began to realize that you also found him...handsome.
You'd never heard or met any other skeletons before him and you certainly hadn't since. Maybe they were very rare or maybe there just weren't any living in the area. Either way, it was probably because you'd never found actual skeletons scary. You never would've imagined actually being attracted to one though, monster or not.
You wished you could see him again.
But you didn't know where he was from or really anything else about him besides his name.
So you tried to it put out of your mind and focus on stockpiling food and fuel for Winter.
Today you were chopping up some firewood. You'd been doing a little at a time over the past few weeks so as to not overwork yourself and by now you'd managed to stockpile just about two month's worth. You estimated that you were probably almost halfway done but you wanted to be sure you had enough just in case.
Just as you cleaved yet another log in half, you heard someone approaching from the forest. With your trusty axe still in hand, you turned to see who or what was intruding on your little piece of rustic paradise.
To your shock, Cross was standing only a few paces away from you. He looked much the same as he did before, although his uniform had since been mended.
"uh, hey again," he said in a quiet tone of voice.
For a moment, you were tongue-tied but quickly tried to recover. "H-hey! Um, what...brings you out here in the middle of nowhere?"
A purple glow flickered across his cheekbones and he rubbed the back of his cerebral vertebrae. "i wanted...to come check on you..." he muttered. "i hope this doesn't sound weird, but i just had to see you again..."
You leaned your axe against the chopping block so as to not risk dropping it on your toes. Running a hand over your face, you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
"No, it's not weird. I was actually hoping we'd see each other again."
His eye sockets widened in surprise and his pale eyelights quickly scanned your face as if he didn't believe what he'd heard. After a few moments, he grinned, although his cheekbones were still flushed that beautiful purple which you thought was adorable.
"really? you don't mind that i just showed up? i mean, i would've called first but..." He glanced away from you as he trailed off.
"Well, I don't exactly get cell service out here so you couldn't have anyways," you responded with a chuckle.
Cross chuckled as well as he moved closer to you. "on another note, did you need any help here?" he asked as he motioned to the pile of wood.
"I think I'm done for now but if you don't mind, you could help me carry all this back to the cabin," you suggested and began to scoop up an armful.
He nodded and started to pick up what was left of the pile. You walked around to the front door and propped it open to make it easier to bring the firewood inside. By the time you'd unloaded your armful in the large stack you had been steadily building, Cross appeared in the doorway with a much larger armful of wood. He didn't seem to be struggling with the weight but he also didn't have a free hand to unload.
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him and wondered how he'd even managed to pick up such a large amount in the first place. Still, you took pity on him and started taking off a couple of the pieces from the top of his armful.
"You didn't just bring all of the firewood in at once, did you?" you teased.
He smirked but shrugged his shoulders as his hands were still occupied. "well, it wouldn't make sense to go back and forth if we didn't have to, right?"
You shook your head and just continued helping him. He was right in a way. If he hadn't offered to help, you would've had to make probably a dozen trips, which would have been pretty tiring.
Your fingers brushed against his hand by accident and you quickly pulled back. Although, Cross didn't seem to notice your embarrassment and he finished stacking the remaining pieces of wood he had been holding.
Clearing your throat, you tried to distract yourself from what had just happened. "So, how are you doing?"
"i'm doing alright, i suppose," he hummed. "what about you? did your injuries heal properly?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I don't even think it left a scar but if it did, my hair covers everything anyways."
His expression turned into one of relief. "that's good, i'm really sorry that i had to leave abruptly like that."
"No, I completely understand!" You hesitated for a second before asking, "Was...Dream okay...?"
His eye sockets narrowed and he seemed to grow more serious for a moment. "yeah, he's fine."
"Oh, that's great to hear."
A bit of an awkward silence settled between both of you. Since he seemed like he wasn't going to expound on what had happened further, you decided to try to lighten the mood and motioned for him to sit down on the couch by the fireplace. He sat down gratefully but his posture seemed a bit stiff.
"Can I tell you something?"
He tilted his skull and gave you a curious look. "what's up?"
Rather than answer immediately, you reached over and placed your hand on his. He briefly glanced down but when he didn't pull away, you took that as a signal that he was okay with the contact for the time being.
"This sounds weird, but I haven't been able to get you out of my head for months."
One of his bonebrows twitched but his expression otherwise remained neutral.
You took a deep breath and continued. "Cross... I really like you."
He placed his other hand on top of yours and smiled. "well, that does sound weird...but i really like you too." His cheekbones flushed with purple as he spoke but he didn't look away from you this time.
You couldn't help but laugh. This conversation felt like it'd come straight from a fairytale and yet it was real. Your heart swelled with joy and while you were certain your cheeks had turned bright red, you couldn't care less right now.
Cross chuckled softly and, to your surprise, he reached over to wrap an arm around your shoulders. This brought you closer together but not uncomfortably so. Even like this, it seemed he was still being considerate of your feelings.
"does this mean i can come over again to see you?" he asked in a quiet voice.
You nodded vigorously, "For sure!"
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spectersgirl · 6 months
if ur taking requests!! harvey and reader getting into a heated argument and harvey being his usual self takes it too far by saying something he didn’t mean and it ends up real angsty but then they make up somehow cuz i don’t like sad endings lol
if ur not don’t worry abt it :)
I'm always taking requests! I may not do them but I'm always taking them 🤪
Harvey Specter x Reader
The New York skyline really was beautiful, and maybe you could've appreciated it if you were standing in Harvey's office under different circumstances.
The air crackled with tension as you and Harvey fought, the biggest fight you'd had in your entire relationship.
"You can't just bulldoze your way through everything, Harvey!" your voice cut through the silence, blazing with frustration. "One day you'll realize you need to listen to others instead of assuming you have all the answers, and it'll be too late."
Harvey's features hardened, his gaze unwavering as he spoke coldly. "And sometimes, you need to understand that this is how it works. I've been doing this a hell of a lot longer than you have. You don't get to lecture me on how to handle my cases, if I wanted your opinion I would've asked."
The words, sharper than intended, hung heavy in the air leaving a bitter taste in both your and Harvey's mouths. You tried your best to hide it, but he saw the flicker of hurt that flashed across your face, a mix of betrayal and anguish clouding your expression.
"You know what, Harvey? Maybe you're right. Maybe I shouldn't bother trying to help if you're just going to throw it back in my face," you replied, your voice trembling ever so slightly with restrained emotion.
For a moment, regret crossed Harvey's eyes, but his pride took over once more, replacing the regret with a coldness. "Fine. Maybe it's better this way."
The harshness in his words reverberated, a feeling of finality rippling through the room. You hated this, but there was nothing left for you to say. You stormed out, leaving him with nothing but the click of your heels on the tile floor. The door sealing shut made Harvey sigh, immediate regret over his words hitting him like a wave.
The hours that followed were agonizingly slow, each minute dragging on as Harvey remained seated at his desk, getting nothing done as the weight of his own words bore down on him. His usual confidence faltered as he replayed every word of the argument in his mind, grappling with the realization that his pride had cost him the most important thing he'd ever known. He swirled a glass of whiskey he'd poured absentmindedly.
It wasn't until a soft, hesitant knock broke the silence in his office that Harvey stirred from his thoughts. you stood at the threshold, your shoulders tense and eyes glistening with tears. He saw every emotion you felt plain as day on your face, and his heart lurched.
"Y/N, I didn't mean what I said," Harvey began, but you raised a hand, interrupting him.
"I know you didn't. And neither did I," you admitted, your voice cracking with vulnerability.
A fragile silence loomed, a moment of uncertain energy between you, before Harvey closed the distance, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice laced with genuine remorse. "I'm so, so sorry."
You nodded, hugging him back and resting your head on his chest, the tension evaporating as you both relaxed for the first time that day. "I am too."
Harvey gently pulled away, cupping your face with a tenderness that said everything he didn't know how to. "We make a good team, you and I. I can't lose that."
A small smile formed on your lips, unable to hide the fact that you shared the sentiment. "Me either, Harvey."
With this admission, he gently leaned down to kiss your lips, a longing present there as you kissed back.
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pink-sparkly-witch · 8 months
The One That Got Away - Chapter Ten
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Warnings: tw: child abuse, tw: physical abuse, tw: verbal abuse, angst, heart-to-heart, language.
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
A/N: There are TRIGGER WARNINGS in this part - please heed these, and if you think you’ll be affected by any of them, please do not read.
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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Y/N and Dean danced delicately around the things they really should be discussing. They talked about their careers, the town gossip, and what they’d been up to for the past twelve years. She wiped down Dean’s kitchen, ignoring his protests, and now that the surfaces gleamed, Y/N felt the tension in the room rise. She couldn’t take much more of dodging the elephant in the room, it was driving her crazy, and she could feel her hackles rise the longer they stayed awkwardly quiet with each other.
It had never been like this between them before. Not even in the hospital had it been so electrically charged, and it terrified Y/N. She grabbed plates, cutlery, and pie and headed back to the dining table, where Dean quickly sliced and served them a piece of the sweet pastry treat. 
“So, uh, Bobby told me about your dad. I’m sorry, Y/N/N,” Dean spoke, breaking through the thickening tension. And there it was, the first elephant in the room. Y/N shrugged with indifference before she carefully responded.
“It is what it is. That man must’ve gone through five bottles of Jack a week, maybe more, for the past twenty years. It was bound to happen,” she finished and took a mouthful of pie.
“Have you seen him yet?” Dean asked, and she shook her head. “You gonna?” he prodded gently. Y/N shrugged again as she chewed the pie, responding after she swallowed.
“I know I should, I’ll probably regret it if I don’t, but there’s nothing that can be gained by me going there. According to Bobby, he doesn’t remember anything, so an apology or an explanation for what he did isn’t coming, so why bother? It’s not like I’ll get any closure from it,” Y/N shoved another piece of the pie in her mouth, and Dean studied her expression a little more before speaking again.
“So, it’s unlikely he remembers what he did to you?” Dean clarified, and she nodded. “But you won’t know for sure if you don’t see him. It might give you some peace or closure seeing him again even if he doesn’t remember-”
“I remember, Dean,” Y/N said a little louder than she intended. “I remember everything that happened when I was a kid, and anything that happens or is said or not said in that room will stay with me for the rest of my life, and he’ll get to remain blissfully ignorant of all of it. How’s that for closure?” she huffed.
“I just need a little more time to figure out what will be easier for me to live with. Will I be able to live with things the way they are now and happily never see him again? Can I face him knowing he’ll never apologise? Not even remember what he did?”
“I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you,” Dean said as he took her hand.
“Can you tell Bobby that?” Y/N scoffed a sad laugh. “He won’t get off my case. ‘Speak to your father,’ ‘speak to Dean,’ like it’s not hard enough coming back here after being away for so long and knowing I hurt people. He just expects everything to be fine, and I’ll slip back into the folds, be accepted, and fit in like the past decade never happened. It’s daunting, and I don’t know if I made the right choice coming back here, and I’m scared…”
“Okay, alright, stop and breathe,” Dean said as he gripped her shoulders. “First off, it’s your decision what you do about your father, alright? You hit the nail on the head, Princess. You, and only you, know what’s best for you, so you need to tell Bobby to back off and leave you be,” he smiled softly as she laughed, glad he could ease her worries just a little.
“Second, never doubt that you don’t fit in here. You do. It’s your home. The family you have here will always be your family. Blood or not. That won’t ever change. Were people hurt that you left? Yes, absolutely. But were any of them as hurt as you? No. Not even close. They were hurt because they didn’t know the extent of what was happening and felt like they’d failed you in every way.”
“I never told anyone, Dean. Only you,” she frowned, a slight look of accusation crossing her features.
“And I never told anyone, I swear to you. But, Princess, it was no secret your father was an alcoholic. It didn’t go unnoticed that there was some level of neglect. That you had to look after the both of you much younger than any kid should have to,” Dean said as he placed his thumb and forefinger on her chin and pushed gently to force her to meet his gaze.
“The bruises, cuts, broken bones,” Dean continued, “were mostly hidden, but more than once, mom asked about a black eye or the fingerprint bruises on your arms. The black eyes I explained away as your clumsiness,” he smiled softly at her sad laugh. “The bruises as you were probably putting your dad to bed,” Dean swiped the tears from her cheek that had fallen.
“And then, Bobby and Mom got letters telling them everything, and the guilt and hurt they had because they didn’t help you-”
“When I started school,” Y/N interrupted, “my father sat me down and said that if I told anyone about the drinking and the hitting, he’d be taken away, and I’d never see him again. And because I didn’t have a mother, I’d be taken far away from Uncle Bobby and you guys and be put in a foster home. I’d never see anyone I loved ever again. It’s why I didn’t tell anyone. Except you. And why I was so insistent that you didn’t tell anyone. That’s on me, not them.”
“It’s not on you, Y/N. Not telling anyone was the decision of a frightened little girl stuck between protecting herself and protecting her father. She did what she thought was right and tried to protect both of them. All she had to do was hold on and keep pretending ‘til she was old enough to get the hell outta Dodge. Well, Lawrence, technically, but you get what I mean!” Dean smiled at the soft chuckle she gave him.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, or it’s too soon, tell me, and it’s dropped,” Dean said and licked his lips. “Mom wants to reach out to you. She misses you. I do, too,” he finished as he gently took her hands again.
“I’ll call her, and maybe we can arrange something when I come off night shift rotation next week,” Y/N said quietly. “I miss her too,” she smiled sadly. “But I miss you the most, and that scares me.”
Dean saw the water pool in her eyes and frowned. He’d thought she might be overly guarded tonight, having not seen each other in so long, and that it’d take longer for her to put her armour down. She did have shields up, he could see them, but his Y/N, his girl, was cautiously peeking over them, just waiting to bring them down completely.
“What scares you, Princess? Me?” he asked, following her lead and lowering his guard slightly.
“God, not you! Never you, Dean. I’m scared of this. Us. You invited me here, said we needed to talk, and yeah, we’re talking, but not really about what we need to talk about. There’s this…” Y/N trailed off, hands gesturing wildly, trying to find the right words. “Vibe… this tension that is slapping me in the face, and quite honestly, I can’t figure out if you wanna kiss me or yell at me. And that scares me because there was a time when I could read you, cut through all the bullshit and get straight to the point.
“And yeah,” she continued before he could respond. “That’s my fault. Because I left, and it’s been a long time, and we’ve probably grown apart. Changed beyond the other’s recognition,” she finished and ran her hands down her face in frustration. 
Dean wasn’t sure what she was trying to say and couldn’t predict where this would go. Yes, they had both changed, but he wasn’t sure he’d changed as much as she had. He was proud of who she’d become. Everything from how she carried herself to how she spoke with more confidence than he’d ever heard from her astounded him. He couldn’t wait to get to know her all over again. The spark of physical attraction was still there for him. She was as beautiful as she’d always been. More beautiful. He also couldn’t deny that he thought her confidence was quite the turn on.
“Alright,” Dean said. “Let’s get the ball rolling. I read your letter. Mom gave it to me the day you met Jess. You thanked me for not asking you to stay?” he questioned.
“Yes. You probably saved both our lives that night,” Y/N smiled sadly.
“Princess…” Dean whispered, and she shook her head, cutting him off.
“You might not realise this, but I know you. I know you better than you know yourself. My father would’ve gone too far again, and you’d have killed him. And because you’re a good man, you’d have turned yourself in,” she said as she touched his cheek, caressing his jaw with her thumb.
Dean’s lips tightened, and he nodded once, confirming that was precisely what he’d have done.
“So, tell me, Dean,” Y/N said. “What are we doing here? What do you really want?”
Next Chapter >>
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lovable-liar · 6 months
Dad Hasan is living in my brain rent freeeer!!!! I feel like he’d definitely be the parent that gets angry at the school if his kid was mistreated in any way. Like he’d want to burn the school down type shit.
His eldest daughter comes home holding her younger sister's hand while the little one cries.
"Papa! Yavru is crying!" (translation: baby, young, cub, nestling, youngster, little one - Turkish)
"What's wrong, yavru? What's wrong my baby?" He coos as he picks his daughters up, placing one on each knee.
"Huh? You hurt, yavru?"
When she mumbles something through tears, he leans in to hear her better.
"What'cha sayin', baby? Speak up, papa's got bad ears!"
"My teacher- wouldn't let me play soccer with the boys at lunch time..." She blubbers out, her little wobbly words send a pang to his heart.
"Awh, yavru... büyük yavru, go find Renna. Papa's gonna make everything okay." (translation: big baby, big young, big cub, big nestling, big youngster, big little one - Turkish)
The next day, he takes the girls to school himself. Well- not *all* by himself.
He gets Uncle Ludwig, Uncle Will, Uncle Austin, Auntie QT, Uncle Schlatt, Uncle Ted, and Uncle Marche to tag along.
The kids are *so* happy to see them all!!!
Your littlest one is strapped to Schlatt's chest in a sling, your son sits in Ludwig's lap and your two girls sit with QT between them.
When they get to school, the kids are a little sad that their time with their Uncles and Auntie is over today but their daddy promises they'll see them again soon and that they'll walk them into school.
Once the girls are in their class room and your son is in the nursery, all that's left is your littlest one. (Who is snugly snoring and dribbling on Schlatt's shoulder.)
Well- that's not all that's left.
Unbeknownst to the kids, there was an actual reason for their Uncles and Auntie being here.
To intimidate a certain someone.
Of course, Hasan is intimidating enough, but after you'd heard what happened, you wanted that teacher to shit himself.
Your husband insisted you stay home because he knows you, and he knows you had an 80% chance of getting into a physical fight over your kids.
"Hello, I called yesterday, we're here to see Mr. Keller!" His tone is so sweet, and gentle, and kind towards the lady in the office. A complete juxtaposition he intends for later.
"Hasan Piker."
"Oh! You're Ece and Elif's father! Your daughters are such angels, everyone absolutely adores them. They're so polite! Tell me your secret! My son doesn't even know how to pronounce the word 'please' and he's 15!" (Ece: 'The Queen.' - Elif: 'Honest.')
He chuckles softly at her words and replies with, "It's all their Ren! They'd be rabid animals if it weren't for them."
"Are you all going to see Mr. Keller? I don't remember seeing anything about multiple people on the meeting form..."
"Sorry, I should have prefaced! We're seeing Mrs. Maddox about an issue with Mr. Keller."
"Ah! Yes, I see that now! God... he's always got something going on with him. Never liked him. Always very cold, never refills the coffee in the staff room. I've also heard he got a parent pre-"
"Mr. Piker!" Mrs. Maddox's voice reverberates off the walls. She was a lovely woman, she made sure the school offered free school meals, she'd escort kids to their buses personally, she baked every single kid a sweet treat for the holidays, she was wonderful.
"These are the girl's Uncles and Aunt, I see! It's lovely to meet you all."
After getting acquainted with her, they all entered her office and took their seats and waited for Mr. Keller to arrive. Which took a little longer than expected.
He sauntered into the room with an exaggerated roll of his eyes, accompanied by an exasperated sigh and an irritated "Yes?" directed towards Mrs. Maddox. The air practically froze with his evident disinterest. However, the cool guy act was swiftly abandoned when he realized the unexpected presence of more people in the room.
"Take a seat, Robert! This is Mr. Hasan Piker; you have his youngest daughter, Ece, in your class," Mrs. Maddox announced warmly.
'Robert' walked in, his face transitioning from its initial nonchalant expression to a slight shade of pale as he took in Hasan's appearance.
The shift in atmosphere was palpable, and 'Robert' went even paler when Mrs. Maddox excused herself to take a phone call, leaving an awkward silence hanging in the air.
As soon as Mrs. Maddox shuts the door behind herself, QT springs into action.
"What's this I've heard about you banning the girls from soccer, 'Robert'?"
"Mrs. Piker-"
"Mrs. Ahgren." She corrects him with a sting of malice woven into her words.
"Apologies, Mrs. Ahgren... I have no idea what you mean! The girls are absolutely allowed to- and are encouraged to play sports of all kinds at this school! Hinting at the idea that I've 'banned' them is completely preposterous!"
"Are you trying to tell us that our niece lied to her own father?" Will speaks next, completely bewildered by this teacher's boldness.
"Absolutely not, Mr..."
"Neff. Mr. Neff. I simply mean that our school is not 'old-school' in that regard. We have a girls soccer club for after school on Wednesday if your daughter would like, Mr. Piker!" 'Robert' continued, attempting to smooth things over.
QT narrowed her eyes, unimpressed by 'Robert's' attempt to deflect the accusation. She shot a glance at the rest of the group, and a silent agreement passed between them.
Hasan, Will, QT, Austin, Ludwig, Ted, and Schlatt formed a united front, ready to confront the teacher.
QT leaned in, her voice cutting through the room like a knife. "What's your game, 'Robert'? Our niece doesn't lie. If she says you're banning girls from soccer, we're inclined to believe her. Now, you have a choice: either you come clean right now, or we escalate this matter."
"Are you threatening me, Mrs. Ahgren?"
QT chuckled, a humorless sound that sent shivers down 'Robert's' spine. "No, 'Robert,' I'm not threatening you. I'm promising you. Promising you that we know you're not all the innocent teacher you like to make people believe you are." (Best believe QT did some CIA type background check on this guy.)
"You're not *all* related to Ece, are you?"
The room fell silent for a moment as 'Robert' attempted to sow seeds of doubt.
Hasan Piker added, "Blood or not, this is Ece's family. Count yourself lucky my partner isn't here, they would've ripped you a new one by now."
"I'm sure."
Schlatt, with a sly grin, said, "You're in for a lesson in community, buddy."
Said man stands and saunters over to Mr. Keller's seat. He places his large hands on the arms of the chair and, still with the baby strapped to him, leans in real close to say, "You might not know this about me, but I've been around. My connections go deep. Ever heard of discretion? I've got resources at my disposal that can make your life a living hell. Now, we're here to resolve this peacefully, but I'd strongly advise you to drop this 'girls can't play soccer with boys' nonsense. Trust me, it's in your best interest to cooperate."
"Thank you for taking the time to meet, Mr. Piker! I'm looking forward to seeing your spouse at tonight's charity event."
"Oh, they wouldn't dream of missing it! It's a priority for both of us," Hasan replied with a warm smile.
"Wonderful news! Will you be the one picking up Ece, Elif, and Aslan today?" (Aslan: 'Lion.')
"Absolutely, we'll all be here to pick them up," Hasan confirmed.
"Sounds great, I might even see you! If I don't, have a great rest of your day!"
As they bid their farewells, a palpable silence settled in the car during the drive home. The hum of the engine was the only audible sound, and the air inside the vehicle seemed to carry the unspoken tension that lingered from the meeting.
Hands were balled, jaws clenched, brows pinched.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
That Nico angst was amazing, could we possibly be getting a part 2?
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Part 1
I Heard What You Said Pt. 2
I know Nico definitely was not having as much fun as he intended to tonight since he had been blowing up my phone all night. It took every inch of me not to answer his calls or texts, but I managed. Around 2:30 in the morning as I lay in bed listening to my phone buzz beside me I finally decided I had enough, and turn off my phone completely.
After throwing my phone on my nightside table I turned my back and tried falling asleep but as I lay in bed I feel uncomfortable and embarrassed by what my boyfriend had shared with his teammates about me. I'm more embarrassed about my lacking ability to please him.
The next thing I know the morning light was shining into my eyes as I wake up from the sound of someone knocking on my apartment door. I groan as I push myself up and out of the bed before making my way out of my bedroom and across the apartment to the front door.
When I reached the door, I checked the peak hole first and saw exactly who I thought. I look into the mirror beside the door and brush the messy hair away with my fingers before opening the door and facing Nico. I don't greet him through I just stare at him waiting for him to start.
"I- uh- Can I come in?" Nico asks shyly as he stands in the hallway outside of my apartment. He looks down the hall at my neighbours down the hall walking down towards the elevators.
Instead of answering I just move to the side and let him make his way inside. I shut the door behind him then turn and make my way past him as I walk to the living room. I sit on on of my couches and Nico sits on the other so he is sat facing me.
"I'm sorry" Nico says and I just nod my head slightly waiting for him to continue but he doesn't.
"That's it?" I ask him curiously. He looks as if he wants to say more. and I can tell he is embarrassed but I don't know if it is about his actions or if he got caught.
"No" he says as he shifts a little in his seat. He reaches for my hand but I deny him as I begin rubbing my hand up and down my thigh instead and Nico brings his hand back to him awkwardly. "I don't know why I said that, I really don't. I made it sound-" he starts but stops thinking about a word to say, "worse than it is"
I nod my head expecting him to stay more but we awkwardly sit in silence a little longer, until I finally stand. "Wha- where are you going?" Nico asks as I stood to make my way to the bedroom.
"I was going to go get ready. I don't have time to sit here in silence with you all day" I say looking down at him as he still sits on the couch.
"No, wait. Please. I really don't have an explanation for anything I said other than I really shouldn't have said it, and really it wasn't even true. You satisfy me in every single way, I don't know why I was compelled to say that" he says standing up to face me
"Obviously it was true, that isn't something you make up" I say and Nico shakes his head no as he brings his arms up again to rub my arm. "I don't care if you don't think I'm good, but I'd appreciate if you didn't tell everyone of your team. And-" I start but stop as I start to feel slightly embarrassed from the whole situation.
"And?" Nico says looking down at me with sad eyes that match mine.
"I don't believe that I satisfy you at all now"
Nico brings me into his chest and I wrap my arms around his waist as his wrap around my body. I feel him press a kiss in my hair before resting his chin on top of my head, "I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot. Please believe me when I tell you that I love you."
I take a deep breath then push away from his chest and look at him, I can't stay mad at him because I do love him and I believe he loves me, "You are an idiot" I say as I start to form a smile on my face.
"Please forgive me" he says as a smile starts to form on his face, "I can't live without this beautiful smile in my life" he tells me. I stand on my tippy toes and place a kiss on his lips and he kisses me back. The kiss was short, Nico tried to deepen it I pushed away.
"Fine" I say followed by a giggle.
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mechformers · 1 year
Ma Miles - Ch. 17
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9.5k words
Chapter warning: Oh gosh, where do I even start... Wound cleaning and dressing, "sponge bath", grief, panic attack, Mo'at should be a warning in and of herself lol, what did I even write??? I am not responsible for anything that happens in chapter 17 alright! Oh, boner alert... Come to think of it - I guess Quaritch's horrible flirting should be a warning too
So... this got a bit longer and later than I had intended lol I would absolutely love any and all comments you would want to give me, be it a clean "neat" or an unintelligible long ramble!
(If you want to be tagged with the updated chapters, please leave your @ myusername in the comments! )
Previous chapter | Masterpost | Chapter 18
The sea gently laps against the roots below your kelku, the sound soothing as you sit cross-legged in your nest, staring down at your sleeping son while you run your fingers over your songcord, the new beads bringing deep sorrow to your heart. Pressing your voice through your lips, the sound fills the kelku as you sing, remembering each bead as you go. Spider smiles in his sleep and it makes your heart soar within your chest. Your son was safe once more, removed from the dangers that had surrounded you for far too long. Finishing your songcord, you’re surprised to see Jake Sully standing in the doorway, a conflicted expression on his bruised face. Smiling gently at him, you welcome him to sit by your nest with a nod of your head.
“Are they -” Jake tries, his voice breaking as he tries to reel in the conflict raging within him, “The addition was beautiful, I’m sorry I listened in on it without your permission,”
“Who they were with us meant something to me, Jake Sully,” You hum as you look down at the bead between your fingers that represents the recom unit.
“Just call me Jake, Y/n. We have known each other long enough by now,” Jake offers, his voice gentle as he watches you turn the bead between your fingers once more. “How is he?”
“The demon has not moved,” You growl pathetically as your ears flatten against your skull and your tail trashes angrily behind you.
“Yeah, he had that effect on people,” Jake chuckles softly even though he looks uncomfortable.
“What effect?” You huff out a little harsher than you had intended to.
“The anger and frustration that you’re feeling, I don’t think there’s anyone he’s ever crossed paths with who hasn’t felt the same,” The words are meant to bring you comfort, yet, as the realization sets in, it only brings you immense sadness.
Had the demon really been like this to everyone he ever met? Had he really had no one by his side that he could have been himself with? He must have… He managed to create Spider with a mate, after all. The thought sours your mood even more as your tail thrashes behind you. His unit seemed fond of him too, so he couldn’t have been completely alone.
“Tell me about him,” You hear yourself saying, your desperation to know more, to grab and hold onto anything that would point somewhere in the direction that all of this was just one big misunderstanding, clear in your voice.
“About the Colonel?” Jake does a double take, his eyes widening.
“Yes, tell me about him,” You confirm, turning your hopeful eyes to him, “Please,”
“Um… I don’t know what there is to say. You obviously know the important details,” Jake starts, his eyebrows furrowing with unease.
“That is not the important details. Who was he when he was not this Colonel?” You plead with him, the passion in your voice obviously enough to sway him.
“I didn’t know him for very long, but in the time before our relationship turned sour, he was a decent enough guy. Typical bonehead Marine, stern, direct, but behind all of that, he took care of his own,” Jake starts before taking a deep sigh. You smile at the way you recognize what Jake is describing.
“He would always go that extra mile for his people - for his family. But there was always this thing looming over him, a pressure that always had him moving forward, never quite standing still. If he wasn’t training the troops, giving safety briefings, or being in meetings, he was cooped up in his office doing paperwork until late at night.” The way Jake describes him makes the same sad feeling from before drape over you again. What Jake was describing was not a life…
“When he wasn’t at the base, he was always on the move. You see, Quaritch led from the frontline, always taking the first step to pave the path for his people, to make sure that it was the right line of motion.” Jake huffed before immediately freezing, the fond memory obviously not one he expected to have.
“Quaritch made a lot of horrible decisions as head of security for the RDA, but he always looked for the right path to take, the one that would lead to the smallest amount of casualties on both sides. You see, in basic training, you're taught to make quick decisions under fire. To view everything through the pinhole of surviving the moment.” Jake got a far-off look in his eyes and you got the feeling that there was more to the words than what you were talking about right now.
“When none of your choices are good, you make the best of the bad ones. There's no room for second-guessing. No time for regret.” Jake continues before meeting your eyes head-on, ”That comes later. A luxury for the living, so to say."
“Quaritch was no exception. I could see it in his eyes after a bad mission. It was in the way he snapped at people or avoided the big bosses at all possible costs. He would try his best to hide it, but it was in everything he did for many days after.” The words felt hollow as Jake spoke them. Although you understand them, you can't quite wrap your head around the action behind them.
“Why did he not refuse to do these missions?” You can’t help but ask, immediately noticing how Jake shakes his head as he huffs a humorless chuckle.
“It didn’t - doesn’t - work like that, Y/n.” He quickly corrects himself and you get the dawning feeling that he’s speaking from experience. “Once you got a job that paid well enough, you needed to dig your claws in to keep it. Earth, the planet we were from, has become hostile, our Great Mother brutally murdered by the greed of the few, and the desperation to simply just survive of the many. If you were lucky enough to get a job on Pandora, you made sure to keep it. Besides, he didn’t have much choice in the matter. Everyone is replaceable for the RDA - if Quaritch had refused, another, possibly worse, person would have simply just taken his place and done it anyway,”
What Jake says is disturbing, sending chills down your spine. Did the sky people really treasure life that poorly? Did they really just replace each other if someone refused to do what was obviously wrong? You stare back at Jake with big eyes as the silence stretches on.
“You know, I hadn’t really thought about it that way before,” Jake starts, another conflicted look crossing his face. “Quaritch valued loyalty above all else, didn’t matter who you were or who you had been. When he accepted you into his unit, that was a clean slate for you, a new chance at life for when you rotated back home.”
“His values do not excuse his actions,” Mo’at grounds from behind you, making the both of you turn your heads in her direction, only to see Tonowari standing by her side with his arms crossed.
“Tsahìk,” You greet Mo’at, before looking at Tonowari, “Olo’eyktan, I see you,”
“How is your son?” Tonowari asks, his uncertain eyes looking at Spider’s sleeping form.
“Spider is doing well, Olo’eyktan,” Your little kelku feels crowded with the five of you inside, but it means little when Mo’at huffs and presses past Tonowari.
“Spider is going to be a great hunter, a mighty warrior. You do not need to worry about him,” Your Tsahìk looks so proud as she speaks about your son, her head held high as she walks over to the supplies she left the day before. “Y/n, we have lessons to get to,”
“Yes, Tsahìk,” You mumble as you hurry over to her side, bending your head as you pass Tonowari.
“I guess that is our cue to leave,” Jake chuckles as he gets to his own feet.
“I specifically remember giving you an order to be with your family today, to not let me see you moving around,” Tonowari rumbles as he crosses his massive arms over his equally massive chest while pinning Jake with a harsh stare.
“What can I say, my friend…” Jake grins as he spreads his arms, palms up.
“How Neytiri deals with you is beyond me,” Tonowari chuckles, rolling his eyes as he shakes his head. Wrapping an arm around Jake’s shoulders, the bigger man steers Jake’s smaller body out of the marui pod.
“How has his rest been?” Mo’at asks while laying supplies on a woven mat before her.
“His rest has been sure, Tsahìk,” You reply before sitting down beside her, taking the mortar she has offered you.
“And yours?” Mo’at’s knowing eyes pierce through you as you sigh deeply.
“Troubled,” You eventually respond honestly, knowing that the older woman would know whether you replied or not.
“If you are to heal the demon, you will need to be rested. I do not share my lessons with just anyone, Y/n” Mo’at’s voice leaves no room for argument.
If you were being honest with yourself, you felt gratitude for getting the chance to learn from the Tsahìk herself. With no particular skills of your own, you had been shuffled around to where there was a need for extra hands, your whole life. It wasn’t as if you were untalented, you just hadn’t found the right path for you. But maybe going through tsakarem, for however long it would be taught to you, would be the missing link in your life, finally offering you a chance to be useful to your clan.
For the following week, Mo’at teaches you how to crush ingredients into different textures, teaches you what herbs would help with healing wounds specific to the demon’s injuries, and how to assess his condition throughout the day as he lay unconscious. It’s incredibly hard work, but somehow, you make it work. Spider is gone most of the day anyway, so instead of sitting alone in the kelku to watch over the demon, you welcome the older woman’s guidance.
“You have done well,” Mo’at hums one afternoon after you cleaned and redressed the demon’s wounds.
Whatever Mo’at was feeding him sure kick-started his weight gain. As if you hadn’t been struggling before, the demon grew heavier and heavier with each day that went by, making cleaning his body extremely difficult. The awkward positions you had found yourself in while buckling under his weight would have you blushing for years to come. Mo’at’s voice still rings clear in your ears when she commented that modesty had no room in a Tsahìk’s life. Sighing deeply, you had powered through, but with his growing deadweight, it had taken longer and longer to complete the task.
“Wait, was that an actual compliment I heard?” Jake’s voice calls from the doorway, his grin spreading lazily across his face as he looks at Mo’at.
The older woman huffs fondly, the smallest of smiles pulling on her lips while she tries to ignore her daughter’s mate. Jake chuckles as he walks further inside, his long legs swaying lazily as he comes to a crouch before you.
“Do you need help with him?” He smiles down at you as you struggle to lift the demon into place.
“She must need to learn how to do this alone,” Mo’at hums as she walks around your kelku, her eyes sharp following your every move as you struggle to get the demon back in his makeshift nest.
“I’m fine, Jake,” You smile up at him as you shift your hold on the demon, “Thank you,”
“Alright,” Jake just chuckles as he looks up at Mo’at.
“Can you take Y/n to the cove of ancestors?” Mo’at asks, making both of your heads snap to her position by the seaside opening of the marui pod.
“Y-yeah, sure,” Jake replies, his voice breaking a little. Curiosity is written all over his face, but he knows better than to ask by now, something you do not.
“The cove of ancestors?” You repeat questioningly, watching as Mo’at turns to you, her all-seeing eyes pinning you to the woven mat you’re kneeling on.
“You will know when you arrive, Eywa will show you the way,” The reply doesn’t make sense at all, but when Mo’at motions for you to get up to your feet, you do.
“When you have found what you’re looking for, spend the rest of your day with your son. I will watch over the demon,” You’re not about to be told twice, so as your ears twitch excitedly, you get to your feet, and with one last look back at the den, you leave your kelku behind for the first time since you arrived.
Walking beside Jake, you let your eyes fall on the beautiful marui pods that make the village. They’re decorated in beautifully vibrant colors, with shells, stones, and everything else the sea would willingly offer the Metkayina. The sand is warm and wet when you step down from the woven mats that made the bridges between each marui pod. You can’t help but dig your toes into it, grinning childishly as you chuckle.
“You’ve probably never ridden an ilu before, so we’ll take my skimwing. She will get us there quicker.” Jake grins over at you, so obviously knowing something that you don’t.
“I have seen the ilu outside of our kelku, but I have never ridden one,” You confirm, only making Jake grin wider.
“You will love the skimwing then,” This childishly excited side of Jake is new to you, one you have never seen before while he served your people as the Olo’eyktan. You decide then and there that you like this side of him.
You do not, however, like the skimwing. Clutching onto Jake’s middle, he howls with laughter as the skimwing quickly takes you in and out of the water as she flies. It’s quick, it’s challenging and it’s absolutely nothing like riding an ikran. At that moment as you’re plastered to Toruk Makto, you wish you had called for Hawnu instead. When you eventually come to a stop though, the scenery takes your breath away. The last time you had been here, Hawnu had flown low with the small ship behind him while you desperately clutched onto Neteyam’s body, and the time before…
“It’s beautiful,” You whisper in awe as Jake greets a small family as they swim past you on their ilus.
“Isn’t it?” Jake hums back, leaning back now that the skimwing slows down. “The first time I was here, we held a funeral without a body,”
Your gasp comes involuntarily. Clutching his shoulder, you don’t know what to say to him as you move further into the cove, the floating rocks paving way for the beauty that lay within. Letting your eyes roam the huge cove, you realize that it looks so much different than you remembered. Like Jake, you had held your own funeral without the bodies needed to connect with the Great Mother.
“Come on,” Jake turns back and smiles gently at you before breaking tsaheylu with his skimwing.
“When we get down there, I’ll give you a txampaysye, it will help you breathe underwater. Make tsaheylu with it and it will breathe for you,” Jake explains, a gentle smile on his face.
“I will not need one, Jake. I have already been down there nine times before. I will not struggle with the journey,” Swallowing audibly, Jake’s eyebrows furrow before he reaches out to squeeze your knee.
“Alright, come on then,” Nodding, you slide off of the skimwing, taking deep breaths before you let yourself sink beneath the water's surface.
Following Jake’s lead, you swim down until you reach the glowing spirit tree. It’s just as beautiful as you remembered it to be, but this time, you have the chance to really look at its surroundings. Letting your eyes roam around the gorgeous area, you notice how Jake has already connected to Ranteng Utralti. You wonder who it is he’s visiting, perhaps a friend lost in a battøe that should have never been. Tsu’tey’s name comes to mind as you make your way over to one of its vines. The two had become brothers before the final battle and through the years, you knew that both Jake and Neytiri missed him.
Connecting to Ranteng Utralti, you’re immediately brought back to a place you knew all too well. Grinning, you let yourself walk forward as you approach the childish group of recoms currently splashing water at each other in the pond. Z-Dog and Brown balance on the log bobbing in the water as Lopez, and Prager float in the water below them. They’re all grinning and laughing as they try to be something called a “king of the mountain”.
Turning back, you’re prepared to see the rest of the unit lounging on the bank, but to your surprise, only Seanfike stares back at you, the man sitting cross-legged as his tail slaps happily behind him. Narrowing your eyes, you can’t help the way your ears pin back flat against your skull. Something wasn’t right…
“What’s wrong?” Seanfike immediately asks, noticing your worried face.
“Where are the others?” You ask him, seeing how his own face furrows in confusion.
“What do you mean? They’re right behind you,” Seanfike points to the recom’s playing in the pond behind you.
“No, where is Lyle?” You start, but a grin spreads across Seanfike’s face as he chuckles at something behind you.
“Seanfike, please listen,” You press, desperation clutching your chest, “Where are Mansk, Ja, and Lyle?”
“I dunno, they’re probably around here somewhere. Haven’t really seen them in a while,” He eventually replies, confusion deeply etched into his face. “Why?”
A heavy feeling grows inside of you as you realize that they hadn’t been accepted by the Great Mother. Your attempt at putting their souls to rest failed as their bodies had never been united with Eywa. Your chest hurts as you feel tears pressing from your eyes. There’s a wail building in your chest, but below water, as you were, your mouth only fills with water. Distressed, Seanfike clutches your shoulders as Brown’s head comes to rest on your shoulder. All around you, the recom unit, what was left of them crowded you, wrapping their arms around you to hold you close.
“Breathe,” Brown whispers, his gentle voice stinging like a blade against your skin.
You’re roughly pulled from the vine you’re attached to, Jake’s scared eyes pulling at your body to take you up again, but you pull away from him. Struggling underwater, Jake suddenly freezes as he looks behind you, his eyebrows furrowing at something. Turning, your eyes go wide at what you see. From the glowing golden tendrils of Ranteng Utralti, four songcords flat upward, as if presented as something sacred.
To you, they were…
Kicking your legs, you reach for the rejected songcords as you glide through the water. Clutching them to your chest, you curl in on yourself as sorrow overtakes you. Eywa had accepted them, had held them within her warmth until you came and ruined everything. Distantly, you realize that you’re being pulled to the surface, but it isn’t before you’re hauled onto a rock and your lungs desperately gasp for air that you register it.
Coughing and gasping, you wail mournfully as you’re gathered up into warm arms. A hand smooths your wet hair back from your face as you’re rocked, but all you can think about is the songcords clenched tightly in your hands. Other Metkayina gathers around you with sympathetic looks on their faces as they ask Jake what they can do to help, or if they can get the Olo’eyktan. But Jake just shakes his head as he holds you through your heartache.
By the time eclipse arrives, Jake has managed to get you back to the village, his gentle hand leading you out of the water where Spider and Tonowari stand waiting for you. Your son meets you before you’ve managed to emerge fully, his small hand clutching onto the leather of your tweng. Shifting the songcords to one hand, you offer the free one to Spider, feeling how he immediately takes it in his. Although your heart is heavy, you find comfort in his small, warm hand as he clings to yours.
The communal meal goes by in a blur, your son’s worried eyes following your every move. You know that he wants to ask about the songcords still clutched tightly in your hand, but like you, he waits until you’re ready to talk, giving you the time you need to collect your thoughts. Jake and Tonowari keep sending you worried looks, even Ronal looks your way once, her knowing eyes lingering on you before turning away again. It feels like a relief when Spider eventually finishes his meal and you’re able to excuse yourselves from the clan.
Walking hand in hand, you slowly lead Spider down the woven bridges to your kelku, the flickering lights from inside greeting you as you let your son enter first. Taking a deep breath, you follow through, closing the flap behind you. Mo’at, of course, takes one look at you and immediately knows. You want to be angry at her knowledge, but you find that you’re grateful for her understanding when she nods minutely before getting up to leave you alone.
Moving about your kelku, you watch as Spider washes his feet in the little bowl on the other side, his little nighttime routine before going to sleep. Slowly, he settles down in your nest, the blankets nestled tightly around him as he cuddles up. Walking up to sit beside him, you listen as he lets out a deep, sleepy sigh. Closing your eyes, you part your lips as the first words leave your mouth.
“I couldn’t find their bodies,” You whisper, knowing that your son is listening intently. “So I made these songcords for them, hoping that the Great Mother would show them mercy and accept the offering,”
The silence feels cold inside of your kelku, the soft sound from Spider’s exopack the only noise besides the water below your marui pod. It should have been calming, but as your heart clenches painfully in your chest, you’re unable to find any real comfort in it. Turning your head to look at Spider, you see the shimmering in his beautiful brown eyes. Cupping his face in your free hand, you smile sadly at him before getting up to lie down beside him.
“Here, I will sing their cords for you,” You hum as you pull your son closer to your chest.
Sleep finds you shortly after you have finished recounting their milestones, your son’s face as he turns in your arms, surprisingly happy as he closes his beautiful eyes. Cupping the back of his head, you let your eyes drift to the songcords still clutched in the hand below Spider’s head. Closing your eyes, you don't even notice when you drift off, leaving the stress and heartache of the day behind.
It’s another early morning when you wake up the next day. Your body feels heavy as you roll Spider to the side to step out of your nest, the warm glow of the sun greeting you through the cracks as you approach the flaps. Opening them, you let the fresh, salty air clean away the heaviness of sleep from your kelku. Looking down at the songcords in your hand, you sigh deeply. The Great Mother’s will was not without reason, you had to trust that.
Turning to stare at the demon, you find his songcord in your hand, turning your bead between your fingers as you make up your mind. If he could be here before you, alive and real, then Lyle, Mansk, and Ja had to be alive somewhere too. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath as you settle your resolve. Walking over to your nest, you dig until you reach the bottom of the corner that saw little use. Looking at the songcords in your hands one last time, you hide them at the bottom before arranging the nest back to how it was.
Working through your own morning routine, you gather fresh water into bowls before starting on fresh salves and pastes for the demon’s first change. For once, the demon doesn’t seem quite as heavy when you move him while cleaning his body, making your work that much easier. When Spider wakes, you’ve already finished up, the last lingering feeling of despair leaving you as your son sends a cheeky grin your way. He’s telling you about the plans he has for the day when there’s a knock on your kelku, Jake, Neteyam, and Lo’ak smiling gently at you from the outside.
“Thought some fresh food would be good,” Jake offers as you gesture for them to come inside.
Of course, Spider rushes through his breakfast before the soles of the boys feet are the only thing Jake and you see as they hightail out of your kelku, leaving only the fleeting sound of their snickering as they poke fun at something Neteyam said. The kelku falls into a comfortable silence before Jake eventually breaks it with small talk. You sit, chatting like that until it’s time to change the demon again.
Preparing what you needed, you continue to talk with Jake as you start what was now routine for you. Mixing a freshly smelling surly leaf into the water, you dip a clean cloth into it before starting to clean the demon’s arms. Jake leans back on the wall behind him as you go about cleaning the demon, changing to a new clean cloth when it’s time for his face.
“And then she looked at me as if I had grown a second set of ears,” Jake chuckles, his grin wide as he retells the story about how Neytiri had taught him the way of the people all those years ago.
“And then, what did you do?” With a grin of your own, you chuckle as you wipe the demon’s brow, letting your hand linger as you look over at Jake.
“Am I dreaming, Princess?” The demon rumbles lazily, a sappy smile forming on his lips as he lifts his hand to caress your cheek.
Snapping your head back down to look at him, your grin slips into a frown as you slap his hand away as if it burnt you. Hiss furiously at him, you get up to your feet while you drop the wet cloth in your hand. The demon was asleep just moments ago, his sleeping draft given that morning assured that. Had you managed to mess up the mixture somehow? It must be the only explanation as to why the demon was now awake. You watch as his smiling face morphs into something a little sad as his ears droop, but all you can think about is what you did wrong as your wide, scared eyes lift up to meet Jake’s equally surprised ones.
“Aww… What did I do this time, sweetheart?” The demon’s lazy rumble turns charming as he smirks up at you, a cocky grin on his face.
“Quiet your tongue, demon,” You refuse to use his English as you hiss furiously again, noting how his sad, droopy ears pin back flat against his skull instead.
“Yes, ma’am,” He hums, a fond kind of smile spreading across his lips as he closes his eyes and breaches contently.
“How are you feeling, Quaritch?” Jake asks, his voice is low, gentle even, but the reaction is still instantaneous in the demon.
His eyes pop open with both alarm and fear, and it makes something clench painfully in your chest. The demon tries to jump to his feet to get into a defensive position, the move no doubt second nature to him, but with his muscles weak from disuse and his body still exhausted from trying to heal itself, he wobbles under his weight. Still, the demon fights to get into a defensive position, swaying and stumbling as he takes a protective stand before you, pushing you behind him.
“I’m not here to fight, Quaritch,” Jake states quickly, even though anger steadily becomes evident on his face.
“Like hell, you aren’t,” The demon sneers back, his ears flat against his skull as his tail whips anxiously behind him, smacking you with every back-and-forth motion.
From behind, you can recognize how good he looks in a normal tweng, how the soft leather hugs his narrow hips, or how strong the base of his tail is. But at that moment you find that you’re done with his bullshit and the situation his presence has forced you to be in. Grabbing the base of his kuru, you kick his legs out from under him, wrestling his slightly weaker body into the makeshift nest he’s been resting in.
“You stay and you be silent,” You hiss at him furiously, the English command registering immediately as his ears lower submissively. To your surprise, the demon looks almost ashamed, the fight leaving his much bigger body as he stares up at you with big eyes, his tail twitching anxiously beside your hip.
“Yes, Ma’am,” The demon mumbles, his voice rough with disuse as he looks away, unable to meet your eyes any longer.
“Answer him,” You demand, your voice leaving no room for argument.
There’s a tense silence spreading over your kelku as the demon refuses to do anything - as if a petulant child. He’s not meeting your eyes, not even looking in Jake’s direction. He’s clutching the ribs on his right side and you get the grueling feeling that all your hard work has just been wasted on the demon. Hissing, you step over him on your way to leave when his hand desperately grabs your tail.
“Wait!” He croaks and there’s an urgency in his voice, as if he’s genuinely afraid, that has you turning around to look down at him.
The demon is still laying in his makeshift bed where you put him, only having moved enough to grab your tail. Reluctantly, he slowly lets go of your tail, as if he’s testing if you’ll flee or not. Only when you’ve stood still for what he deems long enough does he roll all the way over to his back again. There’s a battle going on within him, one that looks painful enough that you want to reach out to him, to help soothe his troubles as much as possible, but you don’t. Eventually, his conflicted eyes meet yours, as if looking for strength before they close on a deep, rugged sigh.
“I’m peachy,” The demon bites, eyes opening to stare directly at Jake.
“Skxawng,” You scold with a click of your tongue while crossing your arms over your chest.
“Alright, alright, relax already,” He grumbles, reminding you of Spider the few times you’ve had disagreements. “I’m sore, alright. Ribs hurting like shit,”
The admission seems to pain him as his face darkens with embarrassment. He still scowls at Jake in the corner of your kelku, but your immediate worry is the pain that he’s apparently in. Stepping over the demon, you grab the ingredients for the salve that would help with his pain. Sitting down beside him, you cross your legs as you start to grind the ingredients into the bowl. There’s an uncomfortable silence in the marui pod, until it’s disturbed by Spider running into your kelku, laughter in his beautiful voice as he smiles at you.
“Mom,” Spider grins, his happiness all but blinding you as you look up, just in time to see your son’s smile dropping from his face as he freezes, only for Neteyam to run into him from behind.
“Yo, what’s up, bro?” Neteyam snickers as he sidesteps Spider, only to stop dead in his tracks. “D-dad…”
Jake reaches out for his oldest son, offering support when he recognizes fear in his voice. Neteyam grabs his father’s hand before quickly stepping closer to him, but the demon doesn’t care. His initial reaction was a slight widening of his eyes, but just as quickly as his eyes shifted to Neteyam, they’re back on your son again.
“Spider,” The demon croaks, voice pleading. He doesn’t dare to move, but his ears rotate, open and alert, to your son as he stares.
“Come,” You tell him, looking at the spot beside you while still crushing the ingredients into a smooth salve. “Sit,”
“We will be fine, Jake,” You look up at Toruk Makto, noting how his chest has puffed out, his legs spread wide as he covers his son protectively.
“You sure? It’s no trouble staying, Y/n,” Jake assures you, and even though you know he would like to take his son anywhere but here, you know that if you needed him to stay, he would.
“There are words that need to be said between us,” You sigh, feeling the emotional turmoil that this is taking on you weighing heavily on your shoulders as you come to the conclusion that maybe your son shouldn’t be here for this conversation after all. “Will you take Spider with you?”
Nodding, Jake gently leads Neteyam and Spider through the doors, spearing one last look at the demon before disappearing from view. You have no doubt in his mind that he will be back soon, if only under the disguise of having forgotten something. Sighing, you continue the grind, watching as the paste turns creamy and then, finally, a smooth light green salve.
“Point to where the pain is,” You snap quickly at the demon, breaking the silence that once more had spread across your kelku.
“Slower,” The demon rumbles, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Pain. Point,” You growl, your impatience bleeding over into annoyance when he sighs.
“Here,” He points to his right side, just below his nipple, “And here,”
Nodding your head, you crouch over him, spreading your legs over his hips before sitting down on the meat of his thighs. To feel the demon’s warm skin against the inside of your sensitive thighs brings a lump to your throat, but shortly after, you’re pulled out of your thoughts when the demon growls.
“The hell?” The growl is dangerously deep as he gets up to his elbows, wincing at the pressure it gives his ribs. “The fuck are my clothes, woman?”
The sharpness of his yellow eyes sends butterflies through your stomach, but you refuse to make it excite you. The demon had made his nest, now he needed to lay in it.
“Gone.” You huff down at him, narrowing your eyes.
“What do you mean gone?” He bites back just as quickly, his own eyes narrowing.
“When I found you, you had soiled yourself. Your tweng could not be saved,” He doesn’t understand what you’re saying, his face all twisted as he tries to make sense of it.
“My twe- The hell you saying, woman?” The demon tries to sit up, but you easily push him back down again, noticing how the motion brings him pain.
“Like a baby, you dirty your tweng,” You repeat, this time in English so that he’ll understand.
You don’t have to wait long for him to do so. Almost immediately, his eyes go wide as his face turns dark, his eyebrows narrowing while he clenches his jaw shut. He doesn’t meet your eyes, instead deciding to stare at something else on your face.
“You mean to say that you undressed me while I was out like a light?” His voice is dangerously even when he speaks and had you still feared him, you would have probably backed off of him.
“I do not know this meaning,” You huff back at him, holding your ground.
“You fucking took my clothes off and dressed me in this shit,” The demon raises his voice as he sneers at you from below, his ears slicked back against his skull.
“Would you have preferred to wear soiled armor?” The deadpan comeback makes the demon growl angrily.
“Wha- in English, woman!” The demon huffs, his frustration only growing.
“Should I take you here with a dirty tweng?” The reaction is, once more, immediate. The demon growls furiously, his despair so easy to read as he cups his hands over his tweng.
Huffing at his ridiculous modesty, you lower your body once more, sitting down on the meat of his thighs. Slapping his hands away from his tweng, you watch as he immediately covers it with his hands again. You do not understand what it is he’s doing, so you slap his hands away again, only for the demon to cover his tweng again, his face growing an even darker shade. Grabbing his wrists, you tear them away from the front of his tweng, pinning them to the makeshift nest below him, only for the demon to snap them right back again.
“Stop it,” You hiss at him, your ears folding back in annoyance.
“You stop it!” The demon’s voice is high, almost childish as he looks up at you. He’s still not able to meet your eyes.
“You are like a child,” Grabbing his wrists once more, you tear them away while he fights you. In the end, his weakened state makes him lose the battle. “Do not move, demon.”
Huffing, the demon turns his head to look away from you. It finally gives you the space you need to work. Leaning over him, you spread your hands over the demon’s pectorals, fanning your fingers until your thumbs meet in the middle. You try to feel if his lungs expand equally, but the demon only takes shallow breaths, as if he’s consciously fighting you every step of the way.
“Deep breaths,” You tell him and to your utter surprise, he follows your command without complaining.
Guiding him through the examination Mo’at had taught you, you’re surprised that he doesn’t fight you. He states motionless as you press your fingers down his sternum, checking for tenderness in and around his chest wall. With a finger between each of his ribs, you percuss while listening for hyperresonant sounds. The demon hisses when you reach his right side, but otherwise stays quiet. It’s only when you scoot back to put your ear to his chest that he freezes.
“What are you doing?” He drawls, his head finally moving back to look down at you.
“Be silent and breathe regularly,” You hum back as you press your ear to his warm skin.
His heart beats loudly in his chest, almost too loud, and his breathing is too fast, but you’re still able to listen to his lungs. Moving your head further down to the bottom of his ribcage, you feel his stomach tighten against your cheek as his breath stutters.
“Oh, sweet mother,” You can hear him whisper above you, but then he manages to breathe carefully, somewhat close to what his breathing was while he was asleep.
Moving to the other side, you do the same. Sitting up again, confusion strikes you as you find the demon has screwed his eyes shut, his jaw tightly clenched as his hands have created tight fists by his side. Reaching over to take one of his hands in yours, you open the fist to hold his hand, sliding your smaller hand into his bigger one.
“Tell me, where does it hurt?” You ask him gently, only to receive a snort and a smirk in return.
“Trust me, sweetheart, you don’t want to know,” He mumbles, his drawls so thick that you struggle to understand the words. “I’m just fine, darling,”
Letting go of his hand, you move further up on the met of his thighs to get a better position. After asking him to take deep breaths, you press your fingers over his vital organs, starting under his ribs. With each exhale, you feel for any enlargements, for any tenderness. Moving further down you do the same, watching him closely just in case he wouldn’t say anything about the pain. It’s not until you put your hands on each side of the top of his hip bones that he tenses.
“Do this hurt?” You ask him as you gently make the organ move between your hands.
You only receive a gasp in return as the demon closes his eyes, his lips slightly parted and his breath becomes ragged. There’s something wrong, but he doesn’t want to tell you what it is. Moving over to the other side brings forth the same reaction. You’re about to demand he tells you where the pain is from when your hand brushes against something it should not have. Looking between your wide-spread thighs a huge bulge stares back at you from beneath the demon’s tweng. With wide eyes, your head snaps up to meet the dangerously sharp ones of the demon. His lips have parted more, the tips of his fangs visible from the plumpness of his lips. You can feel your irises dilate as the warm scent of the demon reaches your nose.
“Maybe you did want to know after all, mama,” The demon’s husky voice has dropped several octaves, the deep rumble all but rattling through your ribcage as your own core responds to his scent.
Until his words register in your suddenly foggy mind. Hissing, you jump off of him as if burned. The disappointment is clear as day when the demon flops his head down on his makeshift nest again. Stomping around your kelku, you grab your blade before walking to the door.
“Use the salve in the bowl on your pain, and drink water,” You growl before stepping outside. The fresh, salty air greets you as its warm winds caress your heated skin. It feels great.
“Trouble in paradise?” Jake chuckles softly, making you jump.
“What?” You’re caught so off guard that you don’t know what to say.
“You seem distressed, Y/n,” Jake squeezes your shoulder gently as he bends to look into your eyes.
“Would you not be distressed if you had to live with him after everything he has done?” Your words come out much harsher than you had intended to, but you find that they ring no less true than what you feel.
The demon had taken everything that you had. He had snatched every breath from your lungs, had made you feel, had made you care only to turn his back to you at the first opportunity he got. He had taken everything you taught him and used it against you. Still, when his body lay beaten and broken at death’s door, you had stood by his side. You had cleaned his body and healed his wounds while he rested. You had kept him alive when all he deserved was to be washed out in the sand, a dark moment in Na’vi history. Jake just looks at you with knowing eyes. You can no more help the sigh that leaves you than you can keep your shoulders from sagging under the weight of Jake’s hand.
By the time you get Spider, the demon has been asleep for many hours, but you still make a mental note to up the sleeping draft you mix with his water. Sighing, you watch as Spider curls into your nest, his smaller body tired after yet another day filled with new and exciting adventures. Smiling to yourself, you step over to the demon, pulling the blanket off of him. Sitting down, you start the cleaning routine, removing leaves on the deeper wounds while cleaning old salve from shallower cuts. By the time you had finished, you felt the weight of the day in your tired eyes. Curling up beside Spider, you’re happy to see that his beautiful brown eyes glitter as he stares at you. Smiling, he bumps his masked forehead to yours as he sighs happily. It doesn’t take long before you’re asleep, warm and tired as your son’s heartbeat plays the most beautiful rhythm you have ever heard in your life.
Which is why you’re so confused when you wake up to the rumbled growls of a much darker character. Turning your head, you’re met with the demon’s sharp eyes as he huffs with frustration. He hasn’t moved from his makeshift nest apart from sitting up, the blanket tightly wrapped around him. Groaning, you rub the sleep from your face as you yawn. This would apparently be another day when the demon would be awake. Annoyed, you start to plan a way to slip him more of the sleeping draft. Maybe, if you were lucky, he would drink the entire bowl and choke on -
“Woman, stop ignoring me,” The demon growls, his voice annoying in the silence of the early morning. “Where are my weapons?”
“Where I found you,” You respond lazily as you sit up in your nest to stare at him.
“The hell you mean by that, darling?" He sneers, the anger blazing in his sharp eyes.
“I left everything when I took your armor off,” You sigh, pinching the broad bridge of your nose as you pray to Eywa to give you strength.
“Now why in the ever-loving hell would you do that, sweetheart?” His voice cuts deep like a blade through the soft underbelly of a beast as his eyes narrow.
“You have no need of them,” You start, watching as his chest puffs while his face contorts into one big frown, ready to spit angrily. “But I took your blade with us. It’s in Cupcake’s bag.”
“Cupcake?” At the mention of his ikran, the demon halts, his eyes turning from angry to hopeful in a matter of seconds. “Is she alright?”
The demon’s voice is gentle when he asks, yet, the urgency behind his question shines through. He cares deeply for his ikran. The knowledge warms something deep within you, making your own annoyance bleed away.
“She is safe with Hawnu,” You confirm, offering what you hope is a comforting smile.
The demon takes a deep breath, wincing slightly before he lets out a sigh. In your own stressed state, you have failed to realize that he must have his own set of stress going on in his life. Something must have triggered his sudden change of heart. The man you had come to know, the man behind this… this unrecognizable mask, something drastic would have had to happen for him to leave all reason and just act. In the back of your mind, Jake’s words ring loud and clear. ‘When none of your choices are good, you make the best of the bad ones.’
“Thanks,” The demon mumbles, his voice calm and relieved.
You’re about to ask what happened when Spider yawns beside you. Looking down at your son you smile as his beautiful brown eyes open to greet you. Reaching forward, you brush the hair from his forehead, chuckling lightly as he swats at your hand before brushing the rest of his hair away by himself. Sitting up in your nest, his easy smile drops to one of uncertainty as he notices the demon. Looking up, you notice how the demon furrows his brows before taking a deep breath.
“Good morning, Spider,” He drawls, his voice warm and heavy, like a blanket during thunderstorms.
Spider doesn’t reply though, and although you want to tut at him for being rude, you don’t. His father had broken something sacred, something only he could make right again. The only thing you could do was to offer your son the support and safety he needed when he needed it. Getting to your feet, you offer Spider a fruit for breakfast, smiling gently at him when he slices the fruit in two and offers you the first dice of meat. Reaching forward, you cup the back of his messy head before leaning down to place a kiss on the top of his head, letting your lips linger for a moment too long before pulling back. Looking up at you, the conflict on your son’s face makes you smile sadly down at him. You wish more than anything that you could take this hardship away from him, that you could make his life as joyful as he has made yours. When he sighs and looks over to his father though, pride explodes within you at the strength you see in his small form.
But as Spider opens his mouth, no doubt to offer his father food, Neytiri and Jake enter your kelku, the older woman’s smile slipping from her face when sharp eyes meet hers. Before you’re able to react, the demon is up on his feet, staggering unsteadily as he pushes Spider and you behind him as he takes a defensive stand before you. The way he hisses sends a chill down your spine and makes the tip of your tail twitch with unease. When the deep growl leaves the cavity of his chest, an immediate biological reaction course through you, forcing you to reach out for safety while clutching your so to your side. Your heart beats wildly as you hold onto the demon’s tail, your hand gripping so hard that your fingers grow cold. Distantly, you can hear Jake tell you that everything is alright, that you’re safe, but the demon’s furious growls want nothing to do with the Toruk Makto’s words. It’s only then that your frozen body thaws, your fear bleeding out of you as Jake’s words reach your mind. Taking in the situation before you, Neytiri hisses and snarls, her blade drawn and pointing at the demon, while her mate desperately tries to calm the situation behind her.
“Get your batshit crazy wife away from my family, Corporal,” The demon sneers, his tail whipping furiously beneath your hand.
Letting go of the demon’s tail, you slap the back of his head, having understood what he just said, knowing it was not nice words.
“If you come near my son again, I will skin you alive, woman,” You have never heard him sound this venomous before, his fury sending dread through your body.
As Jake hisses in response to the threat to his mate's life, the feeling that something is wrong settles heavily in the pit of your stomach once more. Pushing Spider further behind you, you try to sidestep the demon, but his long arms keep pushing you back as he shifts his defensive stand with each move you make.
“Be nice,” You scold him, holding his arm still as you finally step out from behind him.
“You don’t know, do you?” He huffs a flat chuckle, but there’s no humor in it as his dangerously sharp eyes meet yours.
“What do I not know?” You ask confused, a heavy stone dropping in your stomach as the unease doubles up.
“How she held our son at knifepoint, how she ran her blade across his chest, drawing blood before going in for the killing blow,” The demon’s words are spat so venomously, with such pure hatred, that it leaves no room for questioning.
Yet, you can’t help the gasp from leaving your lips as another, much colder chill runs down your spine. Looking down at the long, crusting wound across your son’s chest, you walk through your belief that he had hurt himself during his escape, like with the other cuts and bruises. But now that you really look at the wound, as you look beyond the healing flesh, you realize that the wound is too clean to have happened by accident.
“Quaritch was holding Kiri at knifepoint too, threatening to kill her if I didn’t surrender. Y/n he took our children just to draw me out. We thought we had just lost Neteyam by Quaritch’s demand,” Jake hurried to say, his voice pleading with you.
But all you can hear is that Neytiri ran her blade across your innocent son’s chest, drawing his blood before going in for the killing blow to end his life. Turning to Neytiri you see how her blade has lowered, her hands slack by her sides as she stares ahead, her expression empty behind her eyes.
“A son for a son, wasn’t that what you said?” The demon sneers and his fury with Neytiri all but drips from the sound.
“Oh, shit,” You can hear Jake whisper, but your ears start ringing as the words sink in and you understand what has been said.
“Is this true, sister?” You turn to Neytiri, praying to the Great Mother that it wasn’t so, that this was just one of the demon’s and Jake's many lies.
“Yes,” Neytiri doesn’t even deny it, but the older woman doesn’t look proud about it either.
A wounded sound leaves your throat as your mind goes blank with pain. Distantly, you feel tears start to roll down your face at the betrayal of your sister’s actions. You’re screaming, but you can’t hear it, unable to stop it as sobs rush through your body. Strong arms wrap around you and before you know it you’re going down, the warm body behind you following you down as your knees hit the woven ground of your kelku. You’re wailing, but all you can hear is Neytiri’s ‘Yes’ ringing through your mind.
The demon tries to comfort you, his big hand holding your head against his chest as you cry. Spider steps closer too, his small arms wrapping around your shoulders as he presses his head to your back. It doesn’t help. Reaching out for your son, you clasp your hand around his, noting how his hand is so small where it’s held by yours, and suddenly, the image of Neytiri holding a blade to your son’s small body flashes before your mind. In the end, rage is the only thing left inside of your empty heart.
“We’re supposed to protect the children,” You whisper morseso to yourself, your voice almost inaudible. But you know they've heard you by the way they all flinch at your words.
“We’re supposed to protect the children,” You say louder as you push away from the demon’s embrace, slapping at his arms and chest to get away when he reaches for you when you turn to face Neytiri again.
“We’re supposed to protect the children!” You scream at her, but she won’t meet your eyes. Stepping away from the demon, you stare at both of them, truly seeing them for the first time in your life before continuing. “And you use them to hurt each other,”
You watch as both of them flinch, their ears pinned back so close to their skulls that had you not known they were there, you would have missed them. Their tails have curled protectively around their legs, their heads lowered in shame, but somehow, they still have the audacity to meet your eyes when you stare at them.
“I saved your son while desperately searching for my own and this is how you repay me,” Your words fall like stones in the silent marui pod.
Behind them, Tonowari stands tall, his warriors no doubt calling him to the marui pod for him to see what the wailing and shouting is about. His eyes are wide as he stands behind the Sullys, ears flat against his mighty hair, while his tail thrashes behind him.
“You are both unworthy to call yourselves parents in the presence of Eywa.” You sneer at them, your fury making your skin grow cold, threatening to make your teeth clatter against each other.
“You do not deserve them,” Your voice is surprisingly calm when you speak, making their ears twitch with the change, as if the defeat in your voice was somehow worse than the rage.
Wrapping your hand around Spider’s arm, you walk out of your kelku without looking back. You needed to find Hawnu, needed to feel the wind through your hair, needed to take your son to a place where you knew he would be safe, where you knew he would be protected. When you had calmed down enough, you had a whole cave full of things you would need to talk to him about, but for right now, you just needed to feel safe, if only for a little while. With your heart broken and bleeding in your chest, you call for Hawnu, your ikran immediately responding with his own screech, Cupcake’s complimentary screech following just behind.
“Do you have space for one more?” Mo’at’s voice asks gently from behind and you’re too tired to argue with the older woman, so instead, you just nod as the tears roll down your face. Maybe she would know why the Great Mother had turned her back on you…
Chapter 16 | Masterpost | Chapter 18
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berylcups · 2 months
Yandere Files: Ghiaccio X Foreign Reader
CW: stalking, imprisonment, death (mentioned), jealousy, hostess clubs, masturbation, phone sex(is it if it’s one sided?),immigration, outercourse, mild toxicity
Notes: just a disclaimer- I have no idea how immigration works in Italy or how it works across other countries but I thought it would be a good point of conflict for Ghia to act up to. Also- Ghiaccio was a tough nut to crack. (No pun intended 👀) He’s not very sexually motivated as a character he seems so I had to really try hard with this one! I hope it’s not too OOC and you ice fuckers like it though~🩵Beryl
Minors DNI
Y/N has been living in Napoli Italy for about 4 and a half years now. It’s tough living on their own but it’s worth it. They’re in college for design and work a job that they love. They work in a nice cafe as a hostess and it pays ridiculously well! The only catch is… there’s a lot of mafia activity. Y/N hears and sees things they aren’t supposed to- but that’s okay because they look the other way.
Now this was a special kind of cafe. It took heavy inspiration from the east for its heavily…attentive service. Hostesses would be pouring wine for their guests, lighting their cigarettes/cigars, sitting with them, conversing, laughing at their jokes, stroking their ego, and even joining them on drinks - non alcoholic of course! We can’t have the staff getting tipsy on the job!
Melone being the creep that he is, surveyed this place out for good mothers for BabyFace. But he also really likes the atmosphere so he got his other teammates to go along. Even Sorbet and Gelato! The two had no interest in the women but they enjoyed being pampered by them. But Ghiaccio… he didn’t really like it. Why would he want some host/hostess to be bugging him every 5 minutes??? He doesn’t get it! That’s until he met Y/N of course.
Aesthetics didn’t mean much to the man but he thought they were very gorgeous- it didn’t matter how tall or small, thick or thin, light or dark they were. He was enamored by their open mindedness and that they were willing to just actively listen to him. They gave their full attention to this man, and gave out intelligent thought out answers-to the best of their language capabilities.
“Oh uh sorry… what was the correct name for that pasta again? Shit. I can’t remember! It looks like little corkscrews. Like the part of the wine bottle opener you use to screw into the cork .” Y/N struggled trying to find the name.
“I believe the one you’re looking for is fusilli.” He replied, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yes! That’s the one! Thank you Ghiaccio. Well I had the fusilli alla checca the other day and I was surprised. I really liked it despite me not liking cheese very much. I’m glad I listened to you.” They said cheerfully.
He couldn’t help but smirk from having his ego stroked like that. Of course he’s right! He knows everything about Italy and its wonderful culture.
“Sigh… I’m really gonna miss it here.” They said looking down at their coffee with a sad smile.
Ghiaccio nearly spits out his coffee. “What?!” He yelled. “ I mean- what do you mean by that?” He lowered his voice trying not to cause a scene.
“Well as you know I’m graduating from _____ University in a few weeks… and my Visa is almost up. I only have about 3 months left before I have to go back home to _______.” They said gloomily. “I really don’t want to leave because I love it here so much.”
“Go apply for a permanent residency! They should take you in since you've been here almost 5 years.” He replied.
“I wish I could…but my mom is waiting for me at home and I’m all she has. And the wait time for the documents will take longer than I am allowed here legally.” They signed sadly. “Well… let’s not let this ruin our time together! We still have 3 months. Let’s make the best of it right Ghia?” They chirped trying to bring the mood back up.
He wanted to shake them by their shoulders and tell them that’s not good enough and they can’t just leave him but he can’t just have an outburst. It will scare them away! He has to think of a plan to keep Y/N here with him. PERMANENTLY.
“Yeah, you’re right Y/N. Let’s just enjoy the time we have left.” He said, faking a small smile.
He was seething inside. How DARE they try to leave him. Of ALL PEOPLE it had to be Y/N to turn their back on him?! Not on his watch! He was going to use his resources and connections to make sure that Y/N doesn’t leave the country of Italy ever.
Now that he’s smitten with you, some of your regulars stopped showing up. You wonder why? It’s starting to worry you a little bit financially. You have to make sure that you have enough money for the trip home!
“I wonder why people are showing up less and less… am I not doing good enough?” You asked dejectedly.
“No of course not! Their wives/husbands probably found out that they were hanging out here and probably put them on a tight leash.” Ghiaccio lied.
Anytime he’d see one of the patrons get a little too flirty or handys with you he’d corner them in the back alley and beat them with an inch of their lives. Or worse, do what he does best-freeze them till they shatter like glass.
While you’re still here he follows you everywhere and you are too distracted by everyday life to notice it. Oh! He just happens to be near your university! How about a ride home in his nice car? It beats taking public transport. Or when you happen to run into him at the grocery store? How about he gives you a quick ride back home so you don’t have to carry all those heavy groceries home? He’s so thoughtful!
When he’s home alone , or on a mission he’s always thinking of you . He’s sexually frustrated because when he furiously masturbates his hand isn’t enough anymore . He wants to feel your hand around his cock instead or better yet your warm hole.
He calls you often at odd hours of the night just to check in with you. You two have long deep discussions about random things like how English is just ridiculous, or learning about your culture and food, your hobbies, his hobbies, just about everything! In person he’s usually the one talking but on the phone you’re the one who’s doing most of the talking. When he talks he sounds winded, strained? Like there’s repetitive smacking sounds going on in the background. He says he’s just “multitasking “ but with what?
He knows you love your job-he gets it. But… he can’t stand the idea of another pair of eager balls or a thirsty pussy near you. He doesn’t wanna take your joy away but he doesn’t want to live in a constant state of anxiety! You're his! So he’s a straight forward man, so he’s gonna confess his feelings to you when he’s certain that he has a chance. You clearly pay more attention to him, your eyes light up when he comes in through those doors. You eagerly sit in his lap and listen to his usual complaints of the day.
“Aww I’m so sorry that happened. What a douche! He should have known better, you were right to stand up for yourself. You have a reputation to uphold. Is there anything I can do to make it better for you?” You cooed.
“Just having you around is enough to turn my day around.” He said, softening his tone.
“Aww~ Ghia! You’re too sweet. You’re the one I’m gonna miss the most.” You sighed. “Hey… I’m not really supposed to ask this because this could jeopardize my job but…do you wanna go out sometime?” You whispered. “I really really like you and I’ll regret not telling you how I feel before I have to go home… if you’re okay with long distance relationships that is- I understand if you don’t it’s not that easy and I promise I’ll visit as much as pos-“
He put a finger up to your lips to stop your nervous rambling “ of course Y/N. I was honestly going to ask you myself.”he confessed. “As far as long distance goes, we’ll make it work.” He lied, he had his plans in order to make sure you’ll never leave.
He agreed to a long distance relationship because that’s not what he had planned at all. He already got a hold of your passport and other legal documents when you were outside of your home at university. He made sure they were absolutely destroyed. He has Melone currently making him a perfect fake permanent residency card for you. Now you’re NOT going ANYWHERE.
On the days that you’re free he takes you to historic places close by and acts like a more in depth tour guide to you. He hopes this will make you want to stay even more and it’s working. He’ll show you all the best restaurants- not that touristy shit or the Michelin star nonsense. Just real authentic Italian cuisine!
He likes to drive the scenic routes and show you all the lesser known beaches, forests, parks, vineyards, etc. The lesser known the better, so he has the privacy he needs to mercilessly fuck you into the back of his car. He apologized for your first time with him being on top of the back of an uncomfortable car but he just couldn’t help himself. You looked so good with the nice outfit you were wearing!
He’s very athletic so likes to pick you up against the wall as he’s fucking you. He’s all about hard and fast. He’s gonna want to bite at your neck and leave tons of bite marks and hickies all over your body. He wants everyone to know that you’re taken and not available for anything outside your job. He doesn’t cum just once he goes at around 4-5 times with a very insane fast refractory period.
He’s not big on foreplay but he has a fixation outercourse. Watching his cock slip through your folds/ass drives him feral. But he’s not selfish, whatever you want he’ll give to you- within reason. He loves you but he’s very impatient!
He has an obsession with boobs. 👀 big boobs, small boobs, no boobs , pecs… all boobs are good boobs to this tit lover. He likes to use his cold hands and watch the nipples harden and hear you whine that he’s too cold 🥶 it never fails to get a chuckle out of him to hear you whine for him to stop making you so cold!
When it’s nearly time to go home he plays along and helps you pack up all of what you plan to bring back to your home country. Since you’re only packing sentimental items and necessities, there’s not too many bags. Thankfully they all fit in his trunk.
You crash at his house the night before you leave. Only one teeny tiny problem… you missed your goddamn flight!
“You missed your flight and you lost your passport? You know what this means right Y/N? You’re stuck here in the country .” Ghiaccio said very calmly for a tense situation like this.
“ I’m an illegal now! What will I do???” You cried with tears staining your cheeks.
“ I already took care of the problem myself.” He said calmly. He pulls out a fake permanent residency card. It was as realistic as the real thing. Only thing is your last name is the same as his.
You can’t just stay! You needed to go home! This is wrong! You wanted to argue, but there was just something ominous about his demeanor.
“I love you too much Y/N. I can’t let you leave.” He said eerily calm, taking a step closer to you. Was it the anxiety or did the temperature of the room just drop.
“But… you know I can’t stay. I have to go home.” You whimpered.
He took a firm grip on your shoulders and made intense eye contact.
“Oh Y/N… perhaps you're not really understanding the situation. Allow me to say this in a language you understand: You’re not leaving me or the country..”he spoke in your mother tongue and he did it perfectly.
You can tell he’s mad, and you don’t want him to get worse. He’s a part of Passione, you know this. You’re not dumb! Now’s the time to do what you do best, be obedient and do what he says. After all, Ghiaccio knows best.
Once you accept your fate that you’re stuck here with him: it’s till death do you part. But don’t worry he still treats you as if nothing happened. Just as long as you don’t mention anything about it ☠️ or you’ll end up in the chilly basement for a few days. But it hurts him just as much as hurts you! He loves holding onto you at night as he’s drifting asleep. He’d never lay a hand on you, he just wants to make sure you never ever leave him.
But as long as you leave the past in the past (aka- your home and family!) you have a bright future ahead of you with this loving man! 🥰
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byunejoo · 1 year
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── two thirty seven
contents. smut minors dni, established relationship, hints of idol au, boyfriend!ej, perv!ej, female reader, somnophilia, unprotected sex, fingering, being woken up by sex, dubcon (kinda), tit grabbing/squeezing, usage of the word “noona”, usage of the pet name “baby”, creampie
word count. 2096
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Euijoo doesn’t mean to be so late. He promised you that he’d come to your place after he finished work today, but he didn’t know that it'd run this far into the night. Surely, you’d gone to sleep by now. The thought made him a little sad, and he debated whether or not he should just head back to the dorm to not disturb you at these hours.
Ultimately, he decided he was going to keep his promise.
You were still awake when he got there, sitting on the sofa to await his arrival. It’d been a while since you’ve seen your boyfriend for more than a few minutes at a time, but he was going to sleep next to you tonight and he will have an off day tomorrow. Needless to say, you were excited. So excited that you jumped up from your seat and ran to greet him when you heard the lock turning at your entrance door.
He smiled at the sight of you, though he felt a little pang of guilt that you were up so late when he saw the time. Still, he greeted you with a tight hug and a tender kiss on the lips, all the while pushing the door closed behind him with his foot. He loved seeing you like this; you were wearing an old t-shirt that he’d left behind one of the previous times he slept over, which stopped just shy of your top-mid thigh, leaving it to the imagination whether you were wearing any shorts beneath it. Euijoo cut that thought short, knowing that he’d get himself into trouble if he thought much about it.
“How was work?” Your voice was relaxing and sugary, like a warm honey-sweetened tea, warming him from the inside out as he felt some of his worries washing away.
He hummed, and replied in a tone just as soft as yours. “Tiring. Did you wait long? I’m sorry for being so late.” You waved off his apology, assuring him that you didn’t mind waiting. “Why don’t I go shower and I'll join you in bed when I'm done?”
You agreed, shuffling off to your bedroom after whispering something about watching a movie together, even as late as it is. He sent you off with yet another kiss and turned on his heels to make his way to the bathroom. He wanted to shower quickly to get back to you as soon as possible. Unfortunately, he took a bit longer than expected. Getting caught up in scrubbing the dried sweat and dirt from his body, letting the warm water beat down on his skin as a makeshift massage, he didn’t realize how much time had passed when he got out. He glanced at the time on his phone and cursed, rushing to dry his hair and brush his teeth so he can finally join you in bed.
When he peeked into your bedroom, you were already sound asleep. He felt apologetic for taking so long, and a little upset, but it was understandable. The digital clock across the room read 02:37 am in big, bright red letters. Maybe he could climb into bed without waking you — besides, you have all day tomorrow to spend time together.
He gently pulled the cover back, intending to crawl in and cuddle. However, his plans were ruined when he glanced down. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of you; you’re laying on your stomach, one leg bent at an angle, causing the shirt to ride up. It was bunched up at your waist, showcasing your plump ass barely covered by the cute underwear you’d chosen to wear. They were cotton, pink with a strawberry pattern printed on them. They’d twisted, presumably from you moving around to find a comfortable position, and bunched up between your asscheeks.
His mind was racing, full of dirty thoughts. Thoughts of pulling your underwear to the side, secretly looking and sinking his fingers into your pussy clouded his vision. But he knew he couldn’t. He just couldn’t justify doing that when you were asleep, no matter how sexy you look. No matter how badly he wants to test the limits and see how long it takes of his fingers fucking into you to wake you up, he couldn’t. He was going to fix where they bunched up uncomfortably and sleep normally beside you. That’s all. Nothing less, nothing more.
When Euijoo's fingers hooked around the leg opening of your underwear, you shifted your hips. Shocked, he froze in his spot, still holding them away from your skin. He now had a full view of your pussy from where he stands, and he has to take a few deep breaths. He tries to calm himself down, but his dick hardening in his pants made it difficult to think clearly. All he wants to do is drop to his knees, bury his face between your legs and finger you while he laps up all of the wetness that drips down to your clit. It looked so pretty that he has to resist the urge to—
He touches you. His fingers slip past the fabric and just barely brush past your folds, cupping your pussy. You stir a bit, making his breath catch in his throat, but remain sound asleep. It was as if his hands had a mind of their own pulling your underwear down your thighs as gently as he could. With your bottom half now bare, his shaking hands run up your thighs to softly touch you more. Euijoo’s large hands timidly squeeze your ass cheeks, spreading them apart and staring at your holes in awe. They’re so pretty, you’re so pretty, and all his. He just can’t wait to stuff his cock in you. And he can’t help but wonder, would you still be able to sleep through that?
There’s a heavy feeling in his chest. He knows that he should ask permission to touch you like this, but he tries to reason with himself. You always said you were intrigued by the idea of being woken up like this, and you trust him, so is it really wrong?
As he let his fingers ghost over your skin, noting how perfect it felt in his hands, he couldn’t bring himself to stop. And when he shallowly pushed one of his fingers inside of you, he doesn’t want to. Even in this state, the tender touches to your body have caused arousal to pool at your entrance. It makes the slide of his finger so easy when he presses it further into you. He’s gentle with the touch, staring in awe when he pulled it back, seeing it shine with your slick. He spreads the wetness all the way from your entrance down to your clit, his touch still feather light until he presses two fingers into you. Which was still so easy with how wet you are.
He starts to thrust his fingers into you with a timid, shy pace. His fingers curled into you at an angle, brushing against a spot that he’s come to find easily in your relationship, causing you to shift your hips again. For a second, he halts his movements. But when you started to subconsciously angle your hips and try to grind them down on his fingers, he began fucking them into you. This time at a slightly faster pace. Heat bloomed from his chest up to his neck and face at the lewd noise from his fingers repeatedly plunging into your wetness.
What halted his movements entirely was when your hand grasped his wrist. You let out a loud whine, lightly digging your fingernails into the skin. His fingers stilled, buried inside you, as he watched your reaction. He had only a small peek of your face, but he could see that your eyes were still squeezed shut, and your eyebrows were furrowed. With his fingertips just barely brushing that spot inside you, your hips start to roll on their own.
“Wha…What are you doing, baby?” Your voice was groggy. Euijoo felt a wave of guilt wash over him after waking you up, and it was evident by your voice that sleep was still weighing heavy on you.
Though your vision is still blurred and your mind hazy, you can clearly see the sheepish smile and light blushing on his face when you opened your eyes. His eyes darted around, seemingly unable to make eye contact with you or dare to even look at your face at all. “I'm sorry, noona. I was coming to bed, but you just looked so pretty like this.”
You hummed. “I hope you were planning on fucking me properly. If you’re going to do it, do it right.” Your words were slurred together from residual drowsiness, but he understood them clearly.
Your words sent a rush of arousal straight to his cock bulging in his pants. His stomach felt like it twisted many times over, as if he was on a rollercoaster, and he could feel precum begin to ooze from the tip of his neglected cock. He hadn’t realized how completely affected he was by this entire situation, but now that he had become aware, it’s all he could think about. He just wanted to be inside you now. He wanted to release the pressure that’s on the border of becoming uncomfortable.
Taking your words as an invitation to continue, he stepped back and allowed himself to pull your forgotten-about underwear further down your legs until they fell to the floor. He then rushes to push his own down so he could step out of them. Still just as careful, he begins to gently turn you over to lay on your back. Your eyes had once again closed, head lolling to the side, still grasping at the edge of your interrupted sleep. He doesn’t want to move too fast and disturb you any further, so his movements are slow. His hand has a light grip on your ankle, pulling your legs apart enough so he can kneel between them. He now had your legs draped over his thighs, spread just enough for the dim light peeking through the window to catch and illuminate the wetness on your pussy and inner thighs. Using his fingers, he shakily runs them through your arousal once again, all the way from your entrance up to your clit, gathering a bit to use on himself as lubricant. He still had that heavy, sinking feeling in his chest, and a lump in his throat, but he pushes that aside knowing that you’re okay with this. You said so.
Euijoo lazily strokes himself a couple of times, spreading both your wetness and whatever had leaked out of him over the length to make the slide easier. When he lined the tip up, you shifted a little again, still in a sleepy haze. Then, he slowly started to push himself in. It was slow, almost an agonizing pace, but he didn’t want to jostle you too much. It’s not as if there was any resistance, none more than usual from the tightness of your pussy, because you’d already dripped so much arousal already.
He only gets a little more than halfway through before pulling out until just the tip is inside you, slowly thrusting back in, pushing a little more. The action makes you let out a little whine and loll your head over to the other side. After repeating that process a couple of times, he finally fully sheathes himself inside you and he feels like he can breathe. It was as if he subconsciously held his breath the entire time, almost like his usual shaky breathing would interrupt your in-between sleeping state.
One again, he pulls out almost entirely before thrusting back inside you, as deep as he could go. He sets the pace this time; it was slow, soft and gentle. Enough to feel good, but he isn’t sure it’s enough to cum. Still, he keeps the pace. Euijoo lets his hand gently knead the meat of your thigh, where his hand was resting, as he fucked you. He could hear your breathing become heavier, and he knew you weren’t asleep anymore, but he managed to keep the rhythm.
That was until you begged him “please, more.”
Euijoo sat up on his knees, changing the angle a little so he could reach even deeper. He leaned down to place a kiss on the corner of your parted mouth, almost giggling at the way you desperate chase after his lips. He sets a new pace with his thrusts this time. One that’s a little deeper, a little less soft, and one that makes you cry out and reach for his hands. Lacing his fingers with yours, he continues like that. He didn’t know where he should look—should he focus on your pretty face scrunched up in pleasure? Or should he watch where his cock slips in and out of your wet pussy, creating such a lewd sound that can be heard alongside the two of you’s moans? Or should he focus on where your boobs are bouncing under your shirt that he so desperately wants to take off?
He lets go of your hands, much to your dismay, and quickly started pushing your shirt up. He got it just barely over your chest before he grabs both tits in his hands, squeezing. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to use as leverage to pull you down on his cock in time with his thrusts.
“Noona, you look so pretty.” He hissed when your hands reached for his shoulders, lightly digging your nails into his skin. He allows you to pull him down to press a few small kisses to his lips, which he gladly returns. “I think I’m gonna cum soon.”
You nodded, silently agreeing. Wordlessly saying yeah, me too. Even if you tried to put it in words, you’re pretty sure it would come out as slurred, pathetic whines. Though you were awake, your mind was still hazy and even worse when clouded by a big fog of lust. There was a tight feeling in your abdomen, muscles contracting as your hips begging to gently rock up to meet Euijoo's thrusts and keep him as deep inside you as possible. You were so close, almost there, riding on the edge of orgasm until it hits you. Almost instinctively, your legs wrap around his waist pulling him closer until all he can do is rut his hips into yours.
At the same time, Euijoo can feel himself slowly losing it. He squeezes his eyes shut, vision having gone blurry, and tries to focus on your pretty sounds. But even they, and the lewd wet noises, fade into the background as he feels himself just barely touching the nose of his own orgasm. He almost didn’t hear your desperate plea for him to cum inside, baby, please. But he did, and he was glad for that, because he wasn’t sure if he could pull out when it feels this good. His fingertips dig into the skin of your thighs, where they had returned preciously, as he finally tips over the edge and loses himself in the feeling of you wrapped around him while he cums. He lets a few curses slip past his lips and drops his head down to your shoulder. His teeth graze the skin there, making you gasp and clench around him in excitement.
All too soon, though, both of you reached the end of your climaxes, riding out the high of your orgasm.
Euijoo lifted his head, barely, just enough to turn his face toward yours and lazily press his lips to yours. He could feel his stress from the work day evaporate as he steadied his heart rate, slowly kissing you. However, he could feel sleep catching up to him, so he pulled away. He needed to clean the two of you up before he eventually fell asleep while kissing you.
He didn’t miss the way you giggle and propose the idea of doing this again another time, though.
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animeomegas · 1 year
A little Shikamaru drabble! Very angsty, but I've had this idea for awhile and I wanted to but it to use! Hope you enjoy
CW: blood, injury, pain, implied torture, crying
Every step you took was agonizing, but you pushed forward. You could feel sharp pains and dull aches all throughout your body, and the cut across your eye was stinging even worse than before, but you refused to take a break. If you did, you probably wouldn't be able to move again, and you were so close. So close to your home that you had been longing for, so close to your friends, so close to your mate.
He was what got you through this last year of hell. The image of his smile was a welcome distraction from your suffering and the memory of his voice kept you calm as you fought your way out. You needed to see him, needed to feel him in your arms again. That alone would make this all worth it.
Your body trembled as the village came into view. Whether it was from anticipation or exhaustion, you couldn't tell. You forced yourself to take another step, then another. You could do this. You could get home.
Slowly, so slow it put you on edge, you made your way into the village. You know you looked horrible, and smelled even worse. You know that you should probably get to a hospital, or give a report, or maybe care about the people staring at you as you moved, but you didn't do any of that.
You went home.
You follow the path that you had walked so many times to get to your home. Your heart beat faster knowing that he was close, that you could see him.
Fuck, all you wanted was to see him again. If something had happened to him, you don't know what you would do with yourself.
You barely have enough chakra to undo the wards before opening the door and forcing yourself though. Just a little bit more...
You close the door louder than you intended to, but you can't bring yourself to really care as you are overwhelmed with your mate's depressed scent. It permeated the air and you hated the sour and bitter scent. You wanted to get rid of it completely and replace it with that wonderful blend of content scents that used to follow you everywhere in your home.
"Naruto, if this is another fucking wellness check-"
And turning the corner, unkempt and angry and sad and absolutely beautiful, was your mate. He was real. He was here.
Despite how your throat ached, you said "Shikamaru."
His disinterested gaze snapped to your face, disbelief and pain warring in his expression.
Even like that, he was beautiful. You felt yourself begin to tear up, all those time you fought it to continue on rising to the surface as you collapsed in relief and maybe a bit of blood loss. "...I'm home."
He stared at your crumpled form for a bit longer, probably trying to figure out if you were real or not. But it only took him a second before his eyes widened and he launched himself at you, pulling you into the tightest hug you've ever had.
He repeated your name, brushing your hair away from your injured eye. "You're home."
"Sorry it took me so long. Got held up a bit."
Shikamaru didn't smile at your attempt at a joke. "Are you alright?" He scanned your face and body, clearly noting in his mind all of your visible injuries.
"Not really." You try to smile a bit, but you find yourself sobbing instead. "I'm sorry-"
He growls at you before you continue. "Nothing to apologize for."
You continue to cry into his shoulder as the weight of the last year comes crashing down on you. A mission gone wrong, all your teammates dead, endless pain for your captors amusement, crawling with what felt like every bone in your body broken, a parting slash to your face as you escaped. You were so tired. You were in pain, physically and emotionally.
Through the tears, you manage to say "I don't want to be a shinobi anymore."
"Then you won't be." Shikamaru responded, rubbing your back soothingly.
"Don't worry about all that. Just focus on the now."
Right. All of that for Future You to deal with. For now, you could just relish in the warmth of your lover.
-Ghost Anon
Ooooh, Ghost Anon!!!!!! I love this angst so much, I'm such a sucker for these sorts of plots!!!
Also I love the little details, because Naruto really would send constant wellness checks if he thought Shikamaru's obsession was dead and Shikamaru being described as unkempt and angry paints such a clear picture in my mind, I love it!!!
Thank you so much for blessing our eyes and minds with this beautiful piece of fiction!!!
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I'm imagining it being some years later and Levi and reader run into each other, both single and working hard in the careers they worked hard to get into after college. They both regret the way things ended and decide to try again. Before it was wrong time, right person. Now is the right time. :3 soulmates AU anyone??
k thanks sorry for making you sad als;dkfj;alsdf <3
i also got too excited while writing this and made it longer than intended so this is a oneshot now apparently alkdfjlksajfd
this is technically a sequel to this other drabble i wrote the other day :3 it got too angsty so i bullied sky into sending me a follow-up request jsdkfjksdf
I Do | 1k Follower Event | Modern!AU Fluff Oneshot
✧ word count ➼ 1.3k ✧ notes ➼ modern!au, fluff, implied soulmates!au, i screamed while writing this, i'm a sucker for stolen kisses under the night skyf dskfjlskdjf
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Even years after you last saw him, Levi was on your mind. There was something that felt right about being with him. Any partners that you've had in-between were short-lived. None provided you the passion, safety, love, and comfort that Levi had. You commonly found yourself staring at your phone, longing to reach out and go to him again.
After seeing you on the arms of someone else at that party all those years ago, you knew that he truly believed that you had moved on or hated him for pushing you away. It took everything in you to not pick up the phone and call him, to proclaim that you haven't taken a single step forward and that he was always at the forefront of your mind.
Thus, when you bumped into someone at a crosswalk and then immediately looked up into those gray eyes of his, you felt your heart soar and drop at the same time. You felt like you lost your ability to breathe. You felt your blood run cold. You couldn't bear walking away from him again. Now that he was in your presence again, you didn't know how you'd be able to cope with being forced to say goodbye again.
Even with completely different career paths and with the intent of flying far, far away from your alma mater, you both had still ended at the same town, walking down the same block, street, and crosswalk.
You weren't sure how long you were looking at him, getting lost in his steely gaze. You noted how mesmerizing his eyes were and how he was always able to communicate just through his gaze alone and how just him simply looking at you was enough to get your heart pounding.
You said shortly, as if you were frozen in place and was unsure of what to say or do.
"Hey," he responded quietly, sharing your thoughts of unease.
His eyes darted to the sidewalk and you quickly noticed that the light was about to turn green for the incoming traffic and the two of you quickly jogged to the other side of the street.
You awkwardly shuffled around him for a while. You could've just left, heading towards whatever original destination you had in mind, but something kept you from making that decision. Something in you wanted to be around him, as uncomfortable as it felt at the moment.
"Sorry," you apologized quietly, although you weren't sure what for. "Uhm-"
"-been a few years, hasn't it?" he spoke in a tone that indicated that he was feeling just as awkward as you did. However, he also couldn't bring himself to leave.
You looked up at him and nodded.
"Never thought I'd run into you here of all places," you said, throwing him a small smile in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"Neither did I."
There was silence again, except this time the two of you spent the time gazing into each other's eyes. He couldn't tell what was running through your mind and you couldn't tell what was running through his.
You finally spoke.
"Am I holding you up? You probably have somewhere to be."
Levi shrugged.
"Not really."
"Oh," you said quietly, awkwardly shuffling again. "Well, I should probably get-"
"Wanna grab coffee?" Levi asked before you could finish your sentence.
He didn't want to let you go again.
Part of you wanted to leave the situation and awkwardness as quick as possible, but a much bigger part of you wanted to be around him again. You couldn't explain it, but you were drawn to him, despite everything that had happened.
You nodded.
"I know a spot. It has..." he began talking, but eventually trailed off.
"It has...?"
"It has that one drink you liked," he mumbled quietly, almost as if he was embarrassed about the fact that he still knew that.
"O-Oh," you said quietly, looking away in an attempt to hide the pink tinting your cheeks.
You were mesmerized once you reached the cafe and you heard him ordering for you. Even years after you broke up and had no contact, he still knew you like the back of his hand. It brought up memories upon memories of all the little things that Levi did to show you his love for you. It was like a habit for him and he fell right back into it.
The two of you chatted, catching up about what life has been like since graduating. You were both single and focusing primarily on your careers post-college. You had fallen into the pattern of a mundane, everyday life.
Chatting with him felt more natural than you were willing to admit. Even talking to the friends you had made at work felt like more effort, but with Levi—it felt like second-nature.
You looked up as the waiter returned with a check for the two of you.
Almost as if you were on the same wavelength, you and Levi both attempted to place your cards on the table, with his hand brushing on yours.
Feeling his skin on yours momentarily paralyzed you.
You couldn't lie to yourself anymore. Being next to him, talking to him, and feeling his skin on yours just felt right. You had felt an empty pit within you for the past few years since graduating, and you knew it was because you longed for him.
That was on your mind the entire time as the two of you handled the check and found yourselves walking along the block away from the cafe and towards your respective homes. The sun had gone down and the street lights were beginning to turn on. With most people having either gone home or gone indoors to one of the local restaurants, it was only the two of you outside, bathed by the night lights.
You walked with your hands in your coat pocket, with the night air being slightly too chilly for your taste, although that gave you an excuse to explain the rising color in your cheeks.
You walked along the same block for a long time. It was so long that part of you forgot that you lived in separate areas and would have to arrive at a crossroads eventually. When you arrived at that crossroads, you felt yourself freeze again as you noticed him walking in a separate direction.
You couldn't let him go again.
You grabbed at his sleeve as he walked away, prompting him to stop.
"Levi, wait-"
He stopped walking immediately and looked over at you.
You looked into his soft, but concerned gaze. Your heart was pounding as every memory you had of being with him began to play on repeat in your head. You remembered the first time you met, the first time you kissed, as well as how absolutely heart broken you were when you left him all those years ago.
Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you pulled him in and pressed your lips against his.
You felt him freeze as he felt your lips on his again. His breath hitched right before returning the kiss a second or two later, placing his hand on the side of your face as you gripped onto his coat.
Feeling his lips on yours felt liberating. It felt like you were holding your breath every since you broke things off with him and now you were finally able to breath again. Your mind was overtaken as you felt his lips on yours, his hand on your cheek, and his body against yours.
You were meant for each other. You always were.
You slightly pulled away so that you could speak, but only slightly.
"I've dreamt of this," you whispered.
"Yeah?" he asked, matching your whisper.
"Where you're holding me and asking me if I wanna try again with you and..."
You trailed off.
"And...?" he asked expectantly.
"I do."
im literally sobbing djfkslfdj #: @chaotic-on-main (although its your ask jdkslfksd) @romantichomicide95 @lovolee3 @svftackerman @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @idkks4m @moonmalice @elnyrae @sleepyfairyxo @averysmolbear @cathybarn @tclbts @belovedackerman @bejewelledd @fuyulvr @sad-darksoul @levis-squishy-cheeks @roseofdarknessblog @anviacker @aam1na @luvjiro @noctemys @sixpennydame @dumbfound-princess @raenacreates @deepzombieyouth join my taglist!
Come participate in my 1K follower event!
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purplefangirl42 · 5 months
I see you've done Sheriff Hunter before and I'd love to see a bit where he gets shot in some fool hardy shootout and the reader has to convince him to let them help him 😁😁😁😁
Thank you!
Thanks for the request! I'm sorry this took so long and hope you can enjoy this as a holiday surprise! It ended up being way longer than I originally intended. It is a continuation of the previous Sheriff Hunter piece I did before! Divider by saradika
Tags: Western AU, slight angst, gun violence, injury and death mentions
Things after your accidental trek across the desert were much less exciting. You decided to settle down in the town that you had ended up at in your travels, not wishing to go any further and risk another incident. You had been sad to see your friend go, but were happy that she and her family were moving onto better things.
Over time, you developed relationships with the people in town and started to become part of the community. The Sheriff and his family welcomed you with open arms every time you stopped by to visit them. The youngest, a girl named Omega, was overly fond of you and loved to tell you stories of how things were before you arrived.
However, every time the subject veered in the direction of their missing brother, who’s name you had learned was Crosshair, Hunter would change the subject and ask Omega to talk about something else. It seemed that he did not want to speak about this wayward brother in any capacity, especially with Omega around. One day, when she was off playing with other children from town, you approached him to talk about it.
“I know you don’t like to discuss what happened with Crosshair, but I thought maybe you could get a little bit of closure if you talked about it to someone that doesn’t already have an opinion formed on the matter.”
Hunter leaned back in his chair and sighed, running one of his hands down his face. While he had never told you specifically to leave the subject alone, only diverting the conversation when Omega brought it up, you had the feeling that he wasn’t keen on talking about it at all. Even with you.
“I get that there is a lot of pain behind what happened,” you continued. “But letting it fester and refusing to talk about it will not make it go away.”
“He made a choice to join a bad group of people,” Hunter said. “We tried to talk him out of it and he refused to listen. That’s all there is to it.”
You raised your eyebrows in disbelief. That didn’t seem like something that would cause the reaction it normally did. There had to be more to it than that, he just wasn’t telling you.
“So you just left him behind? Washed your hands of your own brother and gave up on him?”
Hunter sat up straight, a scowl covering his features at your accusation.
“Of course not!” he said with a raised voice before lowering it to speak again. “We tried to help him. But he’s a stubborn bastard and there is no changing his mind once it’s made up. Believe me, I’ve known him his entire life. Once his decision is made, that’s it. Not even Wrecker could get through to him and those two were closer than any of us.”
Sensing that you had crossed some boundaries, you held up your hands in surrender and backed away from him.
“I’m sorry, I never should have said that. I know you would never do something like that. I was simply trying to get some answers.”
“Why do you care so much?” Hunter asked.
“Because I see the sadness in your eyes everytime Omega brings him up,” you said. “You miss him. I know it.”
Hunter’s expression softened and he looked down at his desk for a moment before pulling open one of the drawers. He lifted something from the drawer and placed it on the desk, pushing it towards you. You picked up the picture frame that he had revealed and looked down at the dusty faded photo within.
It was of a group of five men, all standing together as a united force. Your eyes glanced over the familiar faces of Tech, Wrecker, Hunter, and Echo before landing on a thinner face fixed in an almost permanent looking scowl. He had a tattoo over one eye and a neatly trimmed head of lighter hair than the rest of his brothers. Overall, he had the appearance of someone that didn’t quite look like he belonged. 
“That was taken before we took in Omega,” Hunter said. “And before Crosshair left us. Don’t let his scowl fool you, he was always making that face.”
You could almost hear the love in Hunter’s voice at his comment about his brother’s sour expression. Like it was something that he remembered fondly. 
“I still believe that he might come back someday,” you said, handing the photo back to him. “Sometimes people just need to go through things on their own before they find their way back to where they belong.”
“I hope you’re right,” Hunter said. “Although, it seems like you found where you belong in this town, so maybe you know better than any of us.”
You smiled at him, glad he seemed to have forgiven you for crossing his boundaries before. He returned your smile with a small one of his own before returning the photo back to its original home. Just as you were about to say something else, the door banged open behind you and Omega came running in.
“Hunter! You need to come quick!”
Hunter was on his feet faster than you had ever seen anyone move before, running around the desk to answer his sister’s call. You ran after the pair of them out into the street, but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw why Omega had come to get him.
Tech was on the ground, glasses knocked askew and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. The local tavern owner, Phee, knelt beside him and was trying to wash away some of the blood with the corner of her apron.
“What happened?” Hunter asked. 
“The Imperials were here,” Tech said as he reached up to straighten his glasses. “They were looking for someone.”
You saw Hunter stiffen at the mention of the Imperials. You didn’t know much about this group, but you knew they were bad news. They had done a lot of harm to people that didn’t deserve it.
“Was he with them?” Hunter asked softly.
“Do you think I would still be here if he was?” Tech asked, getting back to his feet with Phee’s help. “They didn’t seem too interested in us or the townsfolk. They were only looking for someone that was running from them. I think of those religious refugees that came through a few days ago.”
“The Jedi?” you asked. “Why would they be looking for them? You would think they would have given up on them by now.”
Hunter turned to look at you with a pitying look. He knew that your brother had been part of the religious order known as the Jedi, and that his death at the hands of the Imperials had been what had caused you to travel far away with your friend’s family in the first place. It was one of the reasons you had pushed him to talk about his grief so much, you wanted to find a common ground.
“We’ll just keep our distance from any others that come into town,” Hunter said. “If anyone sees something suspicious, just avoid it and go inside.”
“You want us to run and hide?” Echo said, coming up on the scene with Wrecker. “Shouldn’t we do something about it?”
“Yeah!” Wrecker added. “I don’t wanna hide. I wanna fight these bozos off so they leave people alone!”
You heard Hunter sigh tiredly and saw him run one of his hands through his thick hair. You had heard this conversation happen before in their group, namely between Hunter and Echo. The latter wanted to do something about this gang, but Hunter wanted to leave it alone and ignore it.
“Fine, you do what you want,” he said. “But don’t expect a successful outcome. There are more of them than there are of us. I think the best way to deal with it is to avoid aggravating them, but if you feel that fighting back will help, then go ahead.”
Seemingly glad to have their brother’s blessing, albeit reluctant, Echo and Wrecker turned in the direction of the stables. Hunter watched them go, his hands resting on his hips and shoulders drooping low. You stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“It will be alright, Hunter,” you said. “They know what they’re doing.”
“I wish I shared your optimism,” he said before walking back in the direction of his office, Omega trailing after him.
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The following day, you were making your way back from the well when you came across Hunter sitting on the steps to the station. He was fiddling with a knife, spinning it in his hands as he stared at the ground in front of him.
“Any news?” you asked.
He shook his head and threw the knife down at the ground, watching it embed itself in the dirt.
“They left last night,” he said. “Don’t know where they went exactly. Omega wanted to go with them, determined to help.”
“I take it you told her no?”
Hunter looked up at you with an incredulous expression.
“Of course I did. I had to lock her in her room to prevent her from going after them. She cried herself to sleep, but I think she understands that I was trying to protect her. She and Phee had a long talk this morning and she seemed in better spirits when she came back.”
You shifted the heavy bucket of water to one hip and patted his shoulder, hoping to offer him some sense of calm. He reached up and placed his hand over yours, his calloused fingers rough against your smooth skin. He looked like he wanted to say something, but hesitated a few times, opening his mouth and closing it again before words could come out.
“I should probably get going,” you said, breaking the tension between you. “This bucket is quite heavy.”
He waved you off and you started back in the direction of home. Just before you reached your door, you could hear some strange noises just down the street. It almost sounded like muffled voices. You placed your bucket down and walked in the direction of the sound, keeping your steps light to avoid alerting others of your presence. You came to an alley and peaked you head around the corner.
Huddled in the alley were six men dressed in black with dark bandanas covering the lower half of their faces. A white star shape was emblazoned on their black hats, which you knew meant that they were members of the Imperials. One of the men looked up, brown eyes focusing on you. One of the eyes had a tattoo over it. A tattoo you recognized.
“We have company,” he said in a raspy voice.
You lifted your skirts and ran as fast as you could away from the men, heading back in the direction of the Sheriff’s station. You opened your mouth to call for Hunter, but before you could say anything, a gloved hand covered your mouth.
“Not so fast, little miss,” a voice said in your ear.
Thinking quickly, you stopped your foot down on the man’s toes, causing him to howl in pain and released his hold on you. You started running again and made it to the steps, calling out for Hunter. He came running out and caught you as you stumbled up the stairs.
“Imperials! They’re in the town!” you shouted between gasping breaths.
Hunter told you to get inside and reached just inside the door to grab his pistol and hat from where they were hanging beside the door. Just as soon as he had them in his position, the men in black appeared in the square in front of the station.
“You seem lost, gentlemen,” Hunter said calmly. “I believe you are in the wrong town.”
You peered out from the open doorway, hiding your body behind the solid wooden frame. Your eyes flicked over to the other side of the room, where Tech’s double pistols were hanging. You had never fired a gun before, but maybe you could figure it out if Hunter needed some help.
A tall, thin figure stepped out from the rest of the group and faced Hunter directly. He pulled his bandana down and you could clearly see the face that you had suspected when you had noticed the tattoo before. There was no doubt in your mind. It was Crosshair.
“Don’t play coy, Hunter,” he rasped. “We know the girl is connected to the Jedi. Hand her over and we’ll leave.”
You felt your heart stop in your chest. They were looking for you? While your brother had been in the Jedi order, you had never had any involvement yourself. You couldn’t understand why they would want you.
“You can’t have her, she’s done nothing wrong,” Hunter said.
“Who’s going to stop us? You?” Crosshair sneered. “I know Wrecker and Echo aren’t here to help you and Tech got knocked around yesterday by one of my men. You’re on your own.”
You heard a soft noise behind you and when you turned, you saw a small blonde head poking out from behind the wall that hid the stairs leading to the upper level. You waved your hand frantically at Omega, motioning for her to go back upstairs. She seemed to ignore your instruction, however, and snuck down from her perch on the stairs to stand on the other side of the doorway. 
She grabbed one of Tech’s pistols and tossed it in your direction before taking the other in her own hands. You sighed in resignation and turned the gun over in your hands, trying to figure out how it worked. Omega waved a hand at you and showed you what to do from across the room, motioning to different parts of the gun. You were able to follow her silent instruction and get it ready to fire. 
During this interchange, you had missed everything happening outside. When you looked back at Hunter, you noticed that he had his gun raised, pointing it at his brother. Crosshair had done the same and the two of them seemed to be in a standoff.
“This doesn’t have to be this way, Hunter. No one needs to get hurt, just hand her over.”
A gunshot rang out and one of the men beside Crosshair fell to the ground. Your head snapped over to look at Omega, who had fired the shot. Following her lead, you took out a man on the other side of the group. That left three more beside Crosshair. You quickly reloaded and watched as Omega took out another Imperial quicker than you could imagine. 
Before you could set up to take out one of your own, there was another shot and Hunter collapsed on the ground in front of you. Behind the sound of your own heartbeat, you could hear Omega screaming and two more shots being fired.
You dropped the gun to the floor and sank to your knees beside Hunter. He was still moving, which caused a near sob of relief to escape your lungs. You tore the bottom of your skirt and pressed it against his bleeding shoulder. 
“You need to get out of here,” Hunter said through clenched teeth.
You looked up and saw that Crosshair had disappeared, all of his men lying on the ground. Tech and Phee were running across the square, a smoking pistol in Phee’s hand. She must have taken out the other two men after Hunter had been shot.
“I think we’re good, they’re all dead and Crosshair’s gone,” you said. “We need to get you some help.”
“I’m fine. Give me some whisky and I’ll be good to go,” Hunter said, trying to sit up.
“He shot you, you idiot,” Phee said, coming to kneel beside the two of you. “You’re not fine.”
“I need some pliers, a needle and thread, some bandages, and something to clean his wound,” you said. 
Phee nodded and ran off in the direction of her tavern. You had seen many fights take place there in your short time here in town, so you figured she had some supplies to deal with this kind of situation. 
“You don’t have to take care of me,” Hunter said. “Tech can do it.”
“Tech’s glasses are broken and he’s currently trying to calm down Omega,” you said, looking in the direction of Hunter’s siblings to confirm your statement.
“I still think you should get out of here before he comes back again,” Hunter said, wincing in pain as he tried to move again. “You obviously aren’t safe here.”
“Let me fix you up and then we’ll talk about it,” you said. “You got shot for me, the least I can do is help you afterwards.”
Hunter’s pained expression softened as he met your gaze. 
“I’d get shot for you anyday, beautiful.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his words before the thought that he might be delirious crossed your mind. You shook your head to clear away your feelings just as Phee returned with the supplies.
“Now hold still and let’s get this bullet out of you before you bleed to death.”
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