#this used to be [and still is] one of my all-time favorite spn arts
tagged by @nigeltde-fic to art-ify these questions for writers and i would never deny her:
How many works do you have?
if i estimated correctly, i have over 350 posts with at least one drawing each on this tumblr account. which gave me a heart attack tbh, that's so many haha. there's some more my art floating around the internet elsewhere like on the terrebus account.
What fandoms do you draw for?
the main one currently is supernatural, before that it was the terror and before that it was football (the soccer kind) rpf. but i still do all of 'em! there are some others i play with like sherlock holmes, fdtd or mtw.
What are your top 5 drawings by notes?
using a random internet tool to rank posts:
dean/cas phallic angel blade (2492 notes)
sam/dean rebar kiss (1569 notes)
possum!dean (1510 notes)
blanky & tuunbaq dinner date (1492 notes)
dean with tattoos (1475 notes)
conclusion: big destiel still rules tumblr
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i usually do when it feels like something directed at me, like asks/dms or replies on twitter and tumblr. not so much when it's tags on tumblr or qrts on twitter - those feel more like the other person is talking into the void and not to me directly lol
What is a piece of art you drew with the angstiest ending?
hard to define 'ending' in the context of art - it supposes a sort of narrative structure not every of my drawings has. maybe this one. because, in the words of the rolling stones, you can't always get what you want.
What's the piece of art you drew with the happiest ending?
i guess this defines happy ending but i also had to think of this one, just because i can hallucinate the story that it took for them to get to that cocktail sippin' ending.
Do you get hate on art?
yes, sometimes lol i've had people fighting wars in my twitter replies when i posted cas/jack art. wah wah wah he's his dad. wah wah wah they're brothers. wah wah wah kill yourself. ridiculous and irrelevant. i do still think fondly of some replies i get though, like the one that was in russian and said 'such a talent and only for the sake of lust... sad.'
Do you draw smut?
yeah, but it's one of the things i want to get better at.
Do you draw crossovers? What's the craziest one you've draw?
not really. i want to draw an spn/fdtd crossover but that's not super crazy
Have you ever had art stolen?
reposted without credit, if that counts.
Have you ever collaborated on art before?
yes, having one person do the lineart and one do the colouring. it's a fun exercise to make you consciously realise your own art processes
What's your all-time favorite ship?
wincest is up there, of course. holmes/watson is simply a staple. humboldt/bonpland because mtw shaped me in my adolescence. i don't like to define THEEE favourite though because there's different ships for different flavours and that's great.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
does it count as a wip if i haven't even started creating it lmao! if yes - a longer story s4 sam/dean dean/cas piece set to dessa's 551. if that sounds insane, it's because it is.
What are your drawing strengths?
i think depicting connection between two characters and portraying a sense of want/love/doubt even through a distance between them.
What are your drawing weaknesses?
stiff poses and inability to draw without reference. also backgrounds and feet :(
First fandom you drew for?
football rpf. the reason i started drawing regularly at all haha
Favorite art you've drawn?
probably this one. it just... worked out, from idea to product, and it feels smooth and it makes me happy :)
thank u for tagging me, nige!!
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maccca-chino · 6 months
Fanfiction Q&A
tagged by @thepagemistress , thank youuuuu! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
a whopping 4 can you tell I don't write fics often!
though there actually used to be a few more short oneshots, but when I fell rather violently out of love with SPN, which they were for I just. couldn't stand to see them in there anymore (and I didn't like the writing itself anymore either) and I ended up deleting them... ^^"
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
41,198 (and the deleted fics would only have added around maybe 1000 words? 2k max but I don't even think they added up to that much)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
the only fics left are for DBH now, I have considered writing for Sandman, but tbh. there's sooooo many good writers in this fandom, anything I want to exist as fics is pretty much already there or in progress of being made and so I'm rather content to focus on art, slow at it though I may be :'D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
er, well since there's only 4 of em:
1. no one can tell where your heart is (885, still in progress. and has been for a while I am so sorry)
2. lay bare the fire in me (328, .....the same as above. but I do have outlines for both fics, they WILL get finished dammit :'D)
3. and I don’t dance, but here I am (87, ...which is the sequel to 1 I couldn't wait to write even though the main fic isn't done yet xD)
4. freedom is a length of rope (34)
also yes, I am indeed very fond of the lower case titles
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do or try to, even if it's just a short answer, because I love engaging with people over things that are important to me (and with comments I don't have to start the conversdation so to speak).
I do however have a few comments left in my inbox that I have not answered due to the crushing guilt of not having updated in so long.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
freedom is a length of rope (technically also in progress to have a more hopeful ending added, but the longer it exists, the more I want to. keep the angsty ending it has. also guess where that title is from lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
and I don’t dance, but here I am though the in progress fics will likely end on the same level of everything is good and nothing hurts
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, people have been very nice and also so infinitely patient with me! TAT
While not hostile, the weirdest I got was someone trying to convince me to let them sort of cowrite the fic with me? I respectfully declined because I did (I do TAT) have the general story outlined.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...haven't yet, but the two fics in progres will have it. We'll find out h kind then I suppose.
No sure I'd ever be confident enough for pwp.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have not and don't know if I would? If I did I'd probably only very loosely do it, because I am not confident I could do each included world/fandom justice. That's easier with art for me than writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but with barely any existing and only half of em finished I would be surprised :'D
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I.. don't think so.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, and tbh I'd probably be very intimidated to try.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
....ohhhhh noooooo, I hate picking favorites :'D
but I think one that's been with me since forEVER is Ace Attorney's Wrightworth (or NaruMitsu as I got to know it hehe).
In newer terms I think Dreamling will stick with me too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
freedom is a length of rope like I said, the more I think about "fixing" what happened in chapter 1 in an additional chapter, the more I find myself leanign towards "no. this works better as an angsty oneshot"
maybe one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmmm, not sure I write enough to really find em. minimalism? Shorter stories in a more minimal style I'd say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hilariously, I think that's also minimalism. because writing longer overarcing storylines when this is your go to becomes difficult.
Or maybe that's just "long interesting storylines that aren't super predictable or cliché"
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
well, I am German, so if the opportunity presented itself for a character where it works I could.
as far as writing in general in English goes. idk, I spent a lot of my time conversing and writing in English even outside the internet, and it's hard for me to judge how well lI'm doing in terms of er. written eloquence? I try my best and that's all I can do really.
For languages I don't know, I'd probably try to find someone who knows them or make really sure I've got it correct, I don't trust google translate enough :'D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
unless we count the NaruMitsu proposal RP I wrote with a friend in ICQ, but that was never published outside that chatroom xD
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
no one can tell where your heart is
as far behind as I am with updating it and as much as I feel like I bit off a bit more than I should've with it, it's my baby ;w;
Offering this up for anyone who feels so inclined to answer and tagging @wizardofgoodfortune , @wordsinhaled and @academicblorbo but no pressure! <3
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
I have been tagged by @sugaraddictarchangels! ^-^
Your name: I am Will. Still debating acquiring other names.
Your first fandom(s): HP, but let's not talk about that. The real shit was in the Warriors fandom. I survived wars in there. Cat wars.
Your current fandom(s): Primarily Supernatural. (It's my special interest! I do not have a choice in being here! uwu!) but also, rotating around Mass Effect, Succession, and if Cat succeeds in drawing me back in, I'm gonna end up in my Elder Scrolls phase again.
How did you first get into fandom? Well, you see, I was given far too much unrestricted access to the internet as a child. And I wanted to read Everything.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? Forever? Forever. Long as I can remember, anyway, which to be fair, isn't very long.
How often do you read fanfics? Well, damn, dude, I just set one down to come answer this. (Really though, a lot. Idk I like seeing the blorbos dance. And also I'm still experiencing some burn-out from having to be autistic and in college and such so actual books... no. only blorbo.)
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
Supernatural: Sam Winchester the most character of all time. Lucifer! Second most character of all time! and rn, Michael. but that third slot is always subject to change. Last week it was Raphael lmao.
Mass Effect: Legion. They're my favorite robot, I want their gender and their name. Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, genuinely my favorite teammate and I think she has the best plotline through all three games don't @ me. and hm. hard choice. Joker. Because he is funny. Because his relationship to Shepard is maybe my favorite out of anyone's, even the romance options. (Tiptree + "Anderson told me to take care of you" conversation in my mind always at all times...)
Succession: (okay this is cruel this is actually like asking me to pick a favorite child. but i will.) Shiv my beloved my queen i would die for her. Gerri my other beloved and queen i would also die for her. and Roman, my favorite little guy with everything in the world wrong with him.
Elder Scrolls: Martin Septim & the v specific version of Hero of Kvatch who does mantle Sheogorath, yes, both of them together, they are a set but the point is that they are separated by fate and godhood. and then also Nazeem. because he is funny. I wrote a whole fic about him.
Have you ever written fic for a fandom? YES! someone go read my silly mass effect fic i just wrote i crave attention
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? Also yes. I don't post much and what I have I delete later because it's never good enough. i am. hard on my art.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: sam is queer of sexuality and trans of gender. end of story. (and the reason I feel strongly about this is people who claim he's 'too boring' to be queer. first of all, you're wrong, he's amazing. second of all, you don't earn queerness by being cool. you just are. fandoms stop treating queerness as a reward for some characters and being cishet as a punishment for others challenge.)
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Depends on the friend. But I stand by that if you want to infect someone with the spn brainworms, give them a copy of john's journal and watch the rot set in.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? it's all of us sitting around a campfire sharing insane takes.
I am tagging... hm. @godsprettiestprincess, @synesindri, @archangelsammy, @herefortears, @ladyknightskye, @thnks-fr-th-samulet, and anyone else who wants in. :3
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lamiasage · 1 year
Your work reminds me of Euclase, who used to be in the fandom long ago before she went pro. Except it looks like you do paintovers and smudging, which is like Petite-Madame, another great artist who used to be in the fandom. You fit in the middle, but either way it's lovely to see beautiful art being made for our favorite characters.
Oh hey, thank you! 😊💜
I have been in fandom when they were around still and I definitely took some inspiration from their art! I admire Euclase's painterly soft but still very precise realism and the work of color/glow in her later spn paintings and I have definitely looked at a few of her tutorials to figure out my own style (this one for example). I also always loved Petite-Madame's Destiel art, especially the highlighting, and well, I will never forget her beautiful Twist and Shout fanart.
About the latter part of the ask, I actually don't do smudging at all :D I tried it once here, but the smudge tool really overwhelms me. I instead blend with the pipette tool and a soft brush (or, if I keep it more painterly, with a textured brush). It just personally works better for me! And about the paintovers, I actually had to google what that means, but I think as I understand it I don't do that either (I think?) xD I did paintovers back in 2014/2015 when I first eased my way into digital art but did then stop painting completely since it felt like I was cheating and it catapulted me into a 5-year long art block until I felt brave enough to pick up a pen again (sorry if that's too personal and I am being awkward) 😅 I do sometimes stay very close to a reference or a screenshot of the show but I don't paint over it, I just try to recreate it and make it more pretty (in my personal perspective, that's of course very subjective) :D I also try to "loosen" up more with the 'realism' aspect of things lately, and just keep it more textured and painterly, or do some doodles and sketches, and go more nuts with the colors, because I always have the feeling that my perfectionism limits me in what I allow myself to paint (I say while I work on a painting that references a screenshot of the show, but I am trying, I swear, if you look at my latest art! Sometimes a more 'realistic' attempt at painting sneaks into it but I definitely want to be more flexible and upload more stylized stuff as well 😂)
I think when we are talking about styles, I also have to mention other awesome artists in this fandom that I take a big chunk of inspiration from and that influence my own style and processes as an artist :D For example, Winchester-Reload, who obviously is just 💚💙 with her paintings and shading (those cheekbones!!! the beards!!!) and especially the facial expressions and emotions transferred by her art, Diminuel with the highlights and blush and absolutely adorable cuteness, and Clickbaitcowboy with his peak gender art and the way he draws bodies and does stylized illustrations that look very realistic at the same time (how??? sir your art is so pretty). Also Scenteddean, Artmetica, C-Kaeru, Feredir, Werepires, Free-To-Be-Impaled, Naughtystiel, and so so so many more artists who created beautiful art for this fandom and who are just so talented <3
Sorry if my answer was a little bit on the long side! Again, thank you so much. I think it's such a great compliment to be associated with Euclase's and Petite-Madame's styles whose art I definitely looked up to growing up in the fandom 😳 And thank you for being so lovely, I hope my 4 am answering attempt does your ask justice 😭💜
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
If Obey me wanst at otome and more horror and they acted like the demons they were i would like them more than their counterpaets
Like demons who are badass and just evil or manipualtive are just like (they look hot doing it) but you can still like the character and their design.
So i was wondering what charcter that share the same name that you like/dislike from one media?
Well, okay, I had to think about this for a minute. I can certainly name demons and angels from various medias that I liked that have different names, but the ones that have the same names as the demons in Obey Me? Yeah I had to think about that a bit more lol.
Lucifer is the main one that I've seen most often depicted as a specific character. I went through phases with him in Supernatural, but most of the time I was freaking out whenever he showed up. It was always like oh my gosh this guy again?! I didn't like or dislike him, it was more like he was a necessary evil lol.
I liked the Lucifer from Sandman a lot more. Perhaps because the spn Lucifer always had a bit of a falling apartness to him lol.
I will say that I loved all of the characters in the Dominion of the Fallen series by Aliette de Bodard. There is an Asmodeus in that series and he was by far my favorite character. Extremely dangerous, but that was what made him such a good character. The characters in that book are more like fallen angels on earth (specifically in Paris) than demons, but I feel like it's close enough.
I'm also fond of the Beelzebub from Good Omens.
There are so many iterations of Satan that I can't even begin to articulate any favorites I may have. I can't think of anyone specific, but I just feel like the name Satan is often used in a more generic sense.
That's all I can really come up with for demons with the same name... I'm sure I'm forgetting some that I've encountered over the years, but those are the ones that come to mind.
Though I think my favorite depictions of Lucifer are from classical art. I love the hot Lucifer statue that Guillame Geefs made, he just looks so pretty but so angry. And then there's the classic painting everyone knows by Alexandre Cabanel where he's looking over his arm with a tear in his eye. Ahh, Lucifer, so angsty but so pretty lol.
I dunno, I'm fascinated by all sorts of depictions, but there is no doubt that I'm kinda in my fluff era over here, lol. And the otome game style of these characters gives me plenty of fluff with just enough magic and intrigue and demonicness to keep my attention.
Hopefully some of this rambling answered the question lol.
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green-cargaytions · 2 years
yeahh tag game! thanks @soldierpoetdean for the tag! (rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better)
name: basil or eliot
star sign: capricorn
height: 5’ 4” still getting taller B)
time: 9:09 PM EST
birthday: wouldn’t you like to know ;)
favorite bands/artists: queen, hozier, dodie, anarbor, my chemical romance, FOB, nickel creek, hawktail, green day, all time low, matchbox twenty
last movie: On The Town with frank sinatra and gene kelly (my father is trying to educate me)
last show: good omens (rewatch) spn (still watching)
when did i create this blog: ….like march 2022 lol
what i post: memes, shitposts, reblog games, i used to reblog and create spn takes & art but now that’s gonna be over at @dean-smiths-suspenders
last thing i googled: uhhh. idk man well now it’s “search history” lmao
other blogs: dean-smiths-suspenders (spn sideblog for answering asks, posting/rbing art and takes, and posting whatever spn brainworms i currently have)
do i get asks? not that often, i’d love to get more tbh!
following: only 39 people apparently?? jesus i need some more mutuals and people to follow D::::
average hours of sleep: 8-10
instruments: violin, piano, baritone uke (idk if that counts tho), theramin (briefly), i am a certified Fucker With a Harmonica
what i’m wearing: cargo shorts, arts camp sweatshirt, white t-shirt, necklace made for me by my qpp, two leather bracelets
dream job: cultural or forensic anthropologist OR professional musician OR gender & sexuality studies professor OR screenwriter? no idea
dream trip: backpacking around europe with friends or the Peace Corps OR touring with an orchestra or band OR Thee Great American Road Trip in one summer
nationality: american (born here) & italian (entire mom’s side of the family is from there)
favorite songs: changes every few months. right now ADHD by truslow, Teenage Dirtbag by Send Request, Welcome To Wonderland by anson seabra, and Going Home by the score are on repeat.
last book i’ve read: The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger, an account of a crew of New England fisherman caught in a deadly storm in the 1990’s
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: hmmm. good omens universe for sure. then maybe *struggles to think of media i’ve consumed* uhhhh is it cheating if i say the american gods universe which is also neil gaiman? and finally…uh.. oOH DISCWORLD (terry pratchett).
okay, people to tag, hmmm
@musicforteenagers @cerealandchoccymilk @unreliable--narrator @thegentlemanstar @burntoutandproud @thatrandomartist5 @gender-snatched @dykevillanelle @noodles-07
uh- like i said i’m not following too many people in the first place and i didn’t wanna annoy anyone by tagging somebody who isn’t a mutual, so yeah 9 tags will have to do
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Ok, so here they come. Birthday Celebration / Share the Love Fest Part 2 (since my love for you was technically part 1 ;))
I'm going to start with my original Tumblr family, though who knows how many are actually still around or will see this. I'm experiencing big nostalgia here and will probably also forgot so so many of those who made my time here special all those years ago, but here goes:
@littlegreenplasticsoldier - always and forever one of my absolute favorite story tellers. The way she puts a story together with something that looks like ease (no matter how furiously the feet are paddling below the surface - I know!) Ali always took such care with our SPN family, weaving compassion, consideration, and respect into all the relationships. And my God, the stories! All were so great and she knows my favorite **cough / Force of Habit / cough** but I recently stumbled across the Winchester Triplets saga again, and man, what fun. I have to give her props for always being willing to take our prompts and build such a great life!
@mrswhozeewhatsis - another amazing supporter of all things SPN fanfiction, Michelle is such a generous and fun writer AND reader. I know she's taken on Pond duties, but I also have a hilarious memory of some stationary!kink. I do think there was more, but here's what I found!
@manawhaat - Mana is another amazing Pond runner. So many great ideas. So much support of the SPN fanfic writer community. Also a great lover of John, along with the boys, and I remember a surfer!au that made me want to dive into the ocean of Winchester.
@sebbytrash - Kale is a writer no matter how much she'll tell you she isn't. She was a founding member of the Pond and such an amazing and giving reader. She used to compile regular fic recs of any and every SPN fic anyone tagged her in and gave such good Dean edit reblogs. She's across the Atlantic from me, so every morning I would wake up to just the stuff of dreams in my feed, mostly thanks to her. She switched to Marvel, and especially Seb, when she really picked up writing steam but it was always fun to see. And I can't forget this little Steve number she made for me.
@withoutaplease - Laur was perhaps the first Sam!girl I connected with on Tumblr. She came on the scene like a freight train and did not slow down. Her boyfriend!Sam series was a dream. These days she keeps me flush with Steve/Stancy/Eddie/Billy fic/art/dreams. It's glorious and I'm glad she found a writing bug again, even if it isn't SPN!
@saenalife - somewhere along the way I got it stuck in my head that Saena was from Scandinavia, so it was always a mystery to me how well she captured the Oregon coast in her fantastic Dean x OFC fic, Gimme Shelter. I always love to see her cross my dash, even if it's not new fic.
I unfortunately never interacted much with @thepriexperience when I was actually active in the fandom, but I follow her and love her random spams of whatever feelings are happening in the moment. You'll have to go to AO3 to find it now, but her Under the Hood Into the Heart series was amazing!
Thank you, Rhi, for letting me relive some fun memories here!
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ladyknightskye · 1 year
I have been tagged by @quietwingsinthesky
Your name: Megs or Skye. I accept Meg and Hey You as well.
Your first fandom(s): Saint Seiya. Technically Sailor Moon. They were the first ones I wrote fic for, but Saint Seiya is the one where I had the my first fandom experiences. I used to hang out on Rusty Old Ankh's Saint Seiya Forum all the time. Stayka (A German fan who had her own website) wherever you are out there, shout out, you were always my model of how to act in fandom and I hope life is treating you well.
Your current fandom(s): Active fandoms that I still engage with all the time - Supernatural and Halo. Fandoms that I vibe with and sometimes reblog stuff about - Mandalorian, Reylo, Hannibal, Transformers.
How did you first get into fandom? So, I loved Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon, and decided one day when I had unrestricted access to a school computer to search them up. Stayka I mentioned up there? Her fan fic archive was my first exposure to fandom and I loved it. Mostly because I constructed these elaborate massively multiplayer crossover stories in my head, and how cool would it be to share them with the world?
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? Y'all, it's been nineteen, slutty, slutty years. Probably a little longer, but my earliest memories of really engaging was in my freshman year of high school.
How often do you read fanfics? Pretty often. I'm horrible about starting long fics and then not finishing them though.
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
Supernatural: Dean, Lucifer, Castiel, my poor little sopping wet meow meows. I just, I love them your honor.
Halo: Master Chief John-117, Cortana, and Fred-104. My sweet gentle giants and the crazy awesome AI. They did ya dirty girl. Seriously though, I have all kinds of love for Fred and John. They are bae.
Transformers: Optimus Prime (in all his incarnations), Megatron (also all of his incarnations), Soundwave (most incarnations). Look, Optimus Prime is my beloved, my husband, my knight in shining armor, and I've yet to meet a version I didn't love in some way. Megatron is by turns awesome because he's just so deliciously evil or awesome because bitch has a point. IDW-1 Megs is admittedly my favorite because he had this journey from pacifist to warmonger to atoner that was beautiful. Soundwave, I say more incarnations because there are some versions I vibe with less, but I love that he's the stoic with fourteen kids.
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?
Tumblr media
Have I???? Ever written fic??? I'm pretty sure you can still find my Saint Seiya fics from nineteen years ago on FFN. Look up "Niteskye" or "LadyKnightSkye." I have no shame.
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom?
Okay, this one not as much as the fan fic, but yes, I do have fan art of Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, and others floating around.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
Look, I don't care if literally no one else agrees with me, but Lucifer SPN would have fucking rolled over and showed his belly if just one character had shown him affection without overtly mistrusting him and giving him shit. We talk a lot about Dean being a creature of Love (because he is) but so is Lucifer. His entire motivation for everything was love, and yes, he's a selfish bastard, but even selfish bastards want to feel loved. He is also touch starved like Hell because he was stuck alone in a cage for millennia.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Depends on the friend. Also depends on where I met them. I am making my husband start Supernatural from the beginning with me because maybe with his encouragement I will actually be able to start season six.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?
Home. Like, with the exception of college and the SCA, I've never really felt like I've totally belonged anywhere but in fandom spaces.
I am tagging... @heavenssexiestangel @authortobenamedlater and anyone else who wants to do this. :)
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nikkirecs · 1 year
i’m so sorry roy
this is gonna be a monster because i love educating baby weebs
Zankyou no Terror - saw you paused it but it gets so wild in the latter half and i just love it so much
MONSTER - possibly one of the greatest psych anime of all time
86: Eighty Six - if you like code geass you’ll probably like this
BANANA FISH - it’s tragic. it’s gay. i’m sad.
Death Parade - an anime about death
Made in Abyss - it fucks up my head so much, also could probs go ounder the shounen section
PSYCHO-PASS - defs makes you think about society 
Yuukoku no Moriarty - the manga’s better but still fun
shounen (by that i mean action/adventure bc there’s defs non-shounen here)
HIGH CARD - it’s not finished but has those bsd vibes
World Trigger - i actually read not watched and tay says s1 isn’t great but 2&3 are and i love the manga
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST - one of the greatest anime of all time, it’s amazing and has some psych elements too
HUNTER×HUNTER (2011) - long and so worth it, again one of the greatest anime of all time
Kekkai Sensen - very fun urban fantasy with a+ characters
Soul Eater - my favorite anime of all time, the manga is better but it’s still amazing, some fanservice
Akatsuki no Yona - heavy on the romance and idk how you feel about it but it’s so good, an adventure 
Arslan Senki (TV) - by the creator of fma, a fun story of a prince reclaiming his throne
Baccano! - fun mafia ensemble that has spn elements 
BLEACH - one of the greatest shounen of all time with a shitty ending. really just stop when it feels like it should end (i can’t say when without spoiling it)
BURN THE WITCH - by the creator of bleach, it’s fun but you need to read the prequel first
Dr. STONE - it’s fun and sciency 
Enen no Shouboutai - by the creator of soul eater, it’s a fun anime about firefighters who use fire powers, some fanservice
Kyoukai no Kanata - another urban fantasy with kyoani art so it’s beautiful
Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji (Movie) - it’s a really cute urban fantasy
Magi: The labyrinth of magic - a fun shounen about dungeons 
Mob Psycho 100 - about a boy who’s too powerful and an adult who is irresponsible in most ways but is very responsible with how he treats children
Promare - it’s just fun
Shingeki no Kyojin - it feels weird to rec this bc the series goes downhill tbh but the early seasons are a+ shounen with a lot of psych elements later on
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu - listen you’ve seen nothing it’s making it hard to find creative ways to hype things up
Ao no Exorcist - full disclosure the first season has an anime original ending which isn’t great but s2 gets it back on track
Durarara!! - so fun and defs something for someone who likes bsd
K - heavy fanservice warning but bsd vibes are great
Kemono Jihen - honestly i forget about this so much but it was fun and p basic shounen
Modao Zushi - it’s just v good
THE GOD OF HIGH SCHOOL - it’s fun, it’s funny, it’s got great animation 
Vanitas no Carte - the manga’s better but i still like this lots
VINLAND SAGA - could also be psych probably but it’s v good
EDENS ZERO - by the creator of fairy tail so fanservice warning
GANGSTA. - the quality is not great but it’s fun. i really need to read the manga
Kami no Tou: Tower of God - it’s fun. i’m excited for s2
ORIENT - honestly kinda meh but i’m fond of it
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - it wild
One Punch Man - op protags are fun
Owari no Seraph - i love fighting vampires
spoani bc it’s good for everyone
Blue Lock - you mentioned that you read it so you should watch it too
Aoashi - a+ soccer anime
Cross Game - technically this is sports but really it’s a drama about grief and how we handle it and move on
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - god what a good spoani
SK∞ - it fun
Ballroom e Youkoso - dancing spoani
Chihayafuru - v romance heavy but still v good
Diamond no Ace - baseball boys
Ookiku Furikabutte - more baseball boys
Yuuri!!! on ICE - figure skating is fun
Kuroko no Basket - basketball boys
Yowamushi Pedal - biking boys
GREAT PRETENDER - it’s so fun and all about heists which is one of my favorite things i just coudln’t find where it would fit
Godzilla: Singular Point - tbh i just like science and giant monsters
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love-advice-on-call · 9 months
thank you for responding so quickly, I appreciate that a lot. Its a poly relationship, i knew from the start that they were poly even before we got together. And for a while it was just us but then they found someone else. And they clicked so much faster than we did and they had far easier access to each other. They used to say i was their favorite person in the whole world and that i completed them but they never say that anymore… i feel like their other partner is superior to ke in pretty much every way and i dont see why i even matter. and slowly the times where we see each other have dwindled. I joined band to see them more but now they’re in honors band. We have no classes together, they constantly have to go do stuff during lunch breaks so i dont even always get to see them then. Wednesday used to be our date day but now they have band sectionals that day that take up an hour. And thats the only available day. When i text them sometimes they dont respond. I feel like i’m not special and my mental health struggles and life problems are just a burden on them. I tried to tell them this and break it off for their own good. I still loved them though i just know i’m a problem. That lasted for a day. I made them cry. We made up though. We were supposed to go out that day. Instead they went out with their other partner. I know it makes sense but it really really hurt. During that time I wouldn’t see them for more than about five minutes in person every so often for weeks at a time. It got better but i feel like everything’s spiraling back to that point again. And as for the things i wanted to get into. It wasn’t necessarily entirely because they were into it. Spn is just something ive meant to watch for a while but them being into it did help. They only gave me the reason of “i want it to just be a special thing for me” The ceramics club is different. They have a friend who’s graduating this year and there are two days where they go to ceramics club together. That also used to be something we did together. I’m also in the ceramics class and i was planning to use that club as work time for my class projects and now i cant.
i’m sorry. I dont know if thats all of it but I’m rambling so i’m going to cut myself off.
thanks for listening
No problem, I'm trying to get better at my response time so I appreciate that, thanks! I also don’t want you to apologize for giving me info, that is exactly what I asked you for and everything you said was super helpful
That’s got to be really tough. To go from someone’s number one to feeling like you’re not even their second thought has got to be so hard.
Break it off for their own good? It's not for their good. What about your good? You're the one suffering here. The way you describe your partner doesn’t sound like a partner at all. You only see them for 5 mins some weeks. That is just wild. People see their coworkers more than that. This person should be giving you time evenly with their other partner. But they are doing the exact opposite of that and you do not need to excuse their bad behavior.
You guys just had a heartfelt conversation and were supposed to go out later that day, but they stood you up and all you can say is that “it makes sense.” The only way this makes sense is if this person simply does not respect you or your time.
I understand wanting to keep some things special, but SPN isn’t something you can gate keep. It’s a TV show and you can ask anyone else on Tumblr, that show is meant to be seen by everyone. It’s one of the foundations of this website and he is basically forbidding you to watch it. You can also watch a show without talking about it with them, they can’t forbid you from watching a program.
I feel like you also shouldn’t let this person dictate whether or not you are able to grow your art either or literally do your ceramics homework. If you feel you want to get more time at the wheel, then a real partner would be encouraging you. I understand it can be awkward given circumstances, but I think you should at least try to stick to your guns in the one thing that you truly want to do for you.
Look, I’m going to give it to you straight. I understand how much you care about your partner and that you got into this relationship knowing they were poly, but the way they treat you and they way they handle relationships is not right. I can tell you right now that this person isn’t poly, they sound like someone who likes monogamy, but want the freedom of jumping around relationship to relationship without feeling guilt. Real polyamorous people communicate well, they carve out time to spend with their partners, they are clear on how they feel, and they text back. They sound like someone who wanted to say “poly” because they wanted to sneak away into another relationship and just hoped that the old one they were in would fade out so they wouldn’t have to face a break-up. All this person has done is date you solo and the moment some shiny new model came around, they suddenly gave you almost no attention and won’t even share something as simple as a TV show.
My advice to you is that I think it may be best if you break up with your partner. I know that is tough to hear and that you care about them a lot, but they aren’t giving you the time of day. Based on what you said, it feels like they are avoiding you, they aren’t texting you back, and worst of all, they stood you up to be with their other parter Literally right after you told them that you weren’t seeing them enough. I think you need to make a stand for yourself now, because if you don’t then you’ll just keep getting stepped on by this person.
Aug 26, 2023
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louisdotmp3 · 3 years
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AUGUST 2021 - month in review & monthly favorites
hello friends, romans, countrymen, etc. yet another month has slipped through my fingers but good content was made and consumed so it's all worth it huh
rowena in paint it black
timestamp roulette: heart
meg in green
destiel in survival of the fittest
alpha vampire
harry styles in falling
vonnegnatural: all this happened, more or less
web weaving
destiel + the brothers karamazov
destiel + the iliad
buffynatural 31
dean + lee
dean in last call
dean in laz rising
dean + pamela in dark side of the moon
dean in pink film
cas in pink film
holy broken heart (destiel)
morning glories (destiel)
eloise amv (destiel)
fakepaintingnatural [one] [two] [three]
downtown abbey
louis tomlinson: away from home festival [one] [two]
on the head of a pin collage - @jimmygirl
[one] [two] [three] [four]
lucifer rising, when the levee breaks - @emptymeg
glasses dean - @demoncas
you look awfully like a mutated angel to me - @omniscientoranges
spn s1 aesthetic - @4x01
web weaving
@windmillcas's excellent series with redacted chemical company ads [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] + the return of the king
the good supernatural - @castiowl
dean + mary + wings - @antecriste
how long does it take for a living person to become a ghost? - @isthismyotpwhyyesitis
the big questions: a short introduction to philosophy - @seasonfifteendean
on the head of a pin + a week of twelve days - @mary-winchester
my bloody valentine + buffy s6 - @buffyannesummrs
god's gonna cut you down + swan song - @godsquad
destiel + dalton day - @exitwound
the good place + supernatural but it's just jason quotes - @billiewena
what's heaven got that i can't find sitting next to you on a cool autumn morning? - @thursdaygirlgn
forgiving our fathers - @maulthots
i can never go home - @omniscientoranges
3OH!3natural - @hellerjesuschrist
@endverse [one] [two] [three] [four]
floralnatural, dean + the anxious hand-tapping thing that he does, dean + benny in purgatory - @bipridedean
castiel: from glory i fell for love - @subbydean
destiel + favorite movie couples - @cosmiccas
cracked chassis, you're my family, fimmf - @seraphcastiel
for the first time i feel - @sourpatchdean
supernatural - @clairejack
destiel + margaret atwood - @theedorksinlove
destiel + tmwwbk - @smiledean
locations/scenery - @anaels
meredith grey + dean winchester parallels - @disabledcas
cas' grace - @angelfishofthelord
fare thee well - @debriefingspn
real men - @idontwikeit
same mistakes - @katebushstandean
newmoonnatural - @angeltiddies
vincent - @jewishdeanwinchester
hickeynatural - @communistmishacollins
dean + cas + prayer - @joharvele
troubled kid dean and bobby's care- @one-more-offbeat-anthem
sad movie nights - @its-maddiec (hi maddie i'm still mad at u for this one)
eileen rescues cas from the empty - @deanspurpleflannel
dean + mary + mourning the ghosts of people they didn't know - @castielcommunism
dean's a working (union) girl - @uhuraha
this section will be in the addition! in order to not exceed tagging people limit so make sure to peep the reblog
if you ever want me to reblog something of yours, you can use my tracking tag #useremmaj so i can see it + like it + reblog it ! 💖🌻
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asecretvice · 2 years
Hey! There’s this thing I like to do with the authors I’m yet to get familiar with :)
What stories of yours are you particularly proud of? Which got less attention than deserved? Please feel free to rant about what makes them so special, this is literally my favorite thing 👀
Hope you’re having a lovely day ❤️ thank you!
Hey! Thanks for the ask. I'm not so great at tooting my own horn, but obviously there are things I like about my stories, so I'm gonna do my best. And I'll stick to spn, since that's our shared fandom ^_^
For how long I've been a fan of the show I haven't been able to produce nearly as much as I'd wish, so I'm proud of everything I've finished, really. Buckle up because I went longwinded on this ask, lol.
Andrew Lloyd Webber Gets a Pass (2017)
This one is important to me because it's the first story I'd finished in years. Not just fic--any story, full stop. If nothing else, I'll always be grateful to the show and this wonderful fandom for that fact alone. I started writing again.
Obviously the best thing to love is that I got paired with delicious irony as my artist for tropefest! Talk about hitting the jackpot your first run out the gate! But as for the story itself...well it's all wrapped up in my love of the theatre, isn't it? I had such a great time imagining all the various spaces actors and crew rehearsed and performed in. Especially Paradise Theatre, which is built from bits and pieces of the venues I've seen over the years. But I have an incredibly soft spot for Bobby's shop...
The other fun bit, I've got to say, was the casting. Cats was the first musical I ever got into, back when I was a kid, so as you can imagine I've had some time to develop strong opinions on what a production of it would look like if I were in charge. But the offstage casting was a blast, too--Ezra has got to be my favorite. I must have been wearing my brilliant pants that day when I thought to use her as the costume designer. It was so fun trying to recreate her voice and having her interact with the boys.
The Horse-King (2018)
This was a DCRB, so this was inspired by cloud_wolfbane's art. The initial piece was of Dean riding a rearing black horse with glowing blue eyes. And I was like, oho! I like horses. I like fantasy. I like animal transformation (I've got a strong background in fairy tales). Perfection.
And then it grew to be over 70,000 words. The first novel-length story I've ever finished. I'm proud of that, but it's even crazier because of how bombarded by stress I was near the end, including my power going out around posting day! But it gave me the confidence to take on bigger story ideas, for sure.
This story is really amazing though, and not the least because of cloud's art. I'd send her a scene, and she'd send me art back, and there are literally over a dozen pieces. It really does read like a long fairy tale in that sense, with all these beautiful illustrations throughout. I'm still humbled to have inspired that, though obviously she was inspiring me in turn. I'm serious. Like I sat there and described the royal crests, the map of the continent, the armor for human and horse alike...and then she created these astounding pieces.
A part of the writing that I really love surrounds our main characters going deep into the dark wood and stumbling upon a cottage and the people who live in it...just those couple chapters were so fun. I also absolutely positively enjoyed imagining Impala as a big, badass horse. She is 100% her own important character in this story.
And This, Your Living Kiss (2019)
What can I say. You asked what got less attention than it deserved? I cannot possibly say that about any of my fics...for some reason this did quite well when released during pinefest, and then somehow got a second surge during the post-finale boom. Why? I have no idea why lightning struck here. And because of this fic, my other fics have gotten more reads than they otherwise might. I just got really lucky.
As with the previous fics, I was spoiled by the art for this one. Elliot Draznin did such an amazing job. Like, they made actual real life paintings, with amazing color and texture! One of which was specifically inspired by a poem I wrote for the fic! What an honor.
I am proud of the poetry I wrote. For the prose, I'm proud of chapter 5. I'm proud of that chapter because of the responses I've gotten. In allowing myself to go there, I brought others with me who seemed to have needed that as much as I did. Relationships like that cause such a particular, private grief, so often invisible to the world. But we're not alone. We're not.
I've lived such a small, unimportant life, that sometimes I think this might be my only contribution to the world. The gift I have given that has touched the most people. What a tiny thing for all my years of living! But then I read the comments: the love, the tears, the shared grief, the shared poetry, the vows to revive the joy and passion in their lives. The later updates, where they've made those changes. What a gift to receive those messages. If it truly is all I leave behind, then there are at least a handful of people out there who feel the better for it. And that's enough.
Let the Old Ways Die (2019)
I wrote this with quite a quick turn around for tropefest and yes, with my continuing luck I scored another fantastic artist in dreym! I love the greyscale, and the expressions on their faces are perfection! They make me full-on grin when I see them.
This story was interesting to write because it's a double movie fusion with Begin Again and A Star is Born (the latest one). So I took our spn characters and smooshed their stories together with two other stories, and actually got something coherent in result, lol. Surprisingly I ended up cutting a lot of the darker stuff I was going to put in, so the story is lighter than planned. Unusual for me.
It's also a love letter to music and musicians. I had a great time choosing the music to include in this fic (to which I provide the links), especially because I think spn greatly underutilized the music from the eras in which the boys were growing up.
I also just love the idea of the Wayward gals being in a band together. I still want to write a timestamp that spends more time with them.
Cool Rider (2020)
Not gonna lie, once again, the absolute best thing about this story is the art. This was for another pinefest, and deathbycoldopen did two stunning pieces, for two of my favorite scenes. Cas as a kid learning to really ride his bike, and then Dean and Cas as adults on Cas's motorcycle...the wistful look on Dean's face gets me every fucking time.
What can I say about the story itself. Unlike the last one, this was meant to be very light, short, and fluffy. It ended up long and much darker. And no wonder...I rewrote this several times in the midst of early pandemic pandemonium, and pushed myself really hard. Probably too hard.
It was kind of fun writing the action; as the story is inspired by Grease 2 it is all very goofy. But to me the center of it is Dean and Cas alone together at night, just them and the motorcycle. That little slice of freedom we all long for.
Also it has the best last line of my spn fics, imo. I was writing the last chapter and then it came to me as I was nearing the end and I fucking swear I must have grinned like the og animated grinch. It's such an iconic Dean line, and it fit perfectly.
Everybody Needs the Light (2020)
My first ever DCBB. I've had to pull out of that biggest of bangs so many times (including last year), but by the gods I finally did it! And could not have asked for a better partner in this than kayanem, whose art is incredible. I just do not lose with my artists. She created custom banners for every chapter and did three gorgeous pieces in addition. I was doing my best to create a certain atmosphere in the story, and she so perfectly understood what I was going for. I simply can't imagine this story existing without her art (and her support too--which should be said for all my other artists as well).
I've always wanted to do a pre-canon, canon-divergent story that also functioned as a kind of fix-it, something where we meet Dean during the ~Standford era~ and the beginning of the show is all turned around. I'm so happy to have been able to add to that genre, and to have it be so firmly set on the North Shore of Minnesota. I hope that sense of place comes through.
I very much enjoyed writing Dean and Cas together in the lodge at night during a storm. The softness it brings out of them, how this Cas with a canon divergent background interacts with pre-canon Dean, and how this meeting still has profound impact.
My favorite aspect, however, is Klara Nováková, the name and characterization I've given to Cas's woman vessel from "Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets." I love her. I wish I could've done more. Maybe I will do more.
My favorite single detail, though, is the easter egg I begged kayanem to put in the banner for chapter six as a nod to one of my fav paintings. Has anyone spotted it yet? Not that they've told me...
Spiders (2021)
The only fic I was able to finish last year. That alone is its own triumph.
I love it for so many reasons. It's my first bunker fic, so I had to think about it in a lot more detail than I ever have before, what this place looks like to me, what the images of it we get from the show might mean. It's a lot shorter of a story than I've written recently, so it's great to know I'm still capable of something this contained.
But also, just...it started with a simple image, a small scene inside Dean's bedroom. It nagged at me and nagged at me until I asked myself, how did we get to this point? And I started writing the story, and only once I got to that scene did I understand what had to happen next...I was discovering what was going as Dean was, pretty much, and no more suspected where things were really heading than him. But I like where it went.
I love that it was a short story, but I still got to sink into descriptions. I love that I had to figure out how to convey very mundane things, slow things, quick things, industrial things, nature things, physical things, nigh incomprehensible metaphysical things...I hope people find beauty in it.
To Have and to Hold (2020, posted 2021)
I wrote this for the To Hell + Back Anthology. I am so proud that I got to participate in it. I got paired with eriisoo, whose artwork is included with my fic. It's heartwrenchingly lovely--a full page laid out like a comic, elevating my words into an image. Amazing.
Though I started writing this fic at the end of 2019, I was working on it into early 2020, which is when "The Trap" aired. Suddenly the story seemed to coalesce and I was able to integrate some of that dialogue into a very emotionally charged scene. And wouldn't you know, that's the one eriisoo was inspired to depict. I will miss having the living, continuing show there to inspire me every week with new material, somehow answering questions I didn't know I had while I wrote.
The final version you see of the fic is half the length it originally was, due to word count constraints. I had to do a tremendous amount of editing, which was a challenge of my skills in and of itself. My fav piece of writing, though, beside that scene inspired by "The Trap," has to be the sequence where Cas remembers what it was like to watch Dean sleep, leading into finally understanding the depth of his feelings for him. Yes, I'm still proud of that.
But that's it. That's all I've got for the fandom.
Well, you said it was you fav thing to hear people talk about what makes their fics special...I hope you enjoyed my rambles. Thanks again for the ask. Would you mind doing the same for your own work? You've got me intrigued now!
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sobsicles · 3 years
Opening Line Tag Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @dont-offend-the-bees - thanks! ill just do my spn fics and not any ive co-written because i didn't start the first chapters for those, though they're very good (Season Z and The Bad Santa Clause, respectively, that are fics written by a group of many amazing authors!)
Dean starts falling in love with him on a slow Sunday morning under slanted sunlight that slips through the gaps in the trees. — six hundred sundays (and many more)
Why did the curtains have to be yellow? — i want to do with you (what spring does to cherry trees)
In a bar on a Tuesday morning, it's a few months out from the final shot at the world ending. But hey, Chuck's long gone, and everything has worked out for the best, and the world keeps right on turning. Funny how that goes, huh? — dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d's to the destination)
There are certain moments in one's life when things go exactly as planned. It's like the stars align and the skies open up to reveal rays of sunlight and, against all odds, everything seems to be in perfect harmony. This is a phenomenon that Dean is genuinely not accustomed to, as it doesn't really happen for him. — finding hope (and finding him)
The first time she meets him, he's nothing more than an almost-missed appointment. — break the skin (to break the barriers)
The first time Dean and Cas kiss, it's not even really a kiss at all. It is, in fact, mouth-to-mouth. — a kiss for every season (literally)
The brass chip slides back and forth in a small path across the leaning desk Bobby has had for years and still hasn't gotten around to fixing. The chip reads: To thine own self be true. Unity. Service. Recovery. — separate ways and sleeping dogs
Getting used to Heaven is something of a marvel. It ain't perfect, and Dean thinks he'd hate it if it was, which is probably why it isn't. There's just enough human-esque nuances to it that keep it feeling like life rather than death, and he's thankful for that because he's got the smallest inkling that he should have gotten to live a little longer than he did. — oh sooner or later it all comes down to faith
So, the first thing that happens is Castiel comes back. It's at a pretty inconvenient time, considering the amount of pain Dean is in and how close he is to being dead. — things happen (they do, and they do, and they do)
It's not the first time Claire has ever gone missing. It is, however, the first time Kaia panics about it. — what's missing is found (our souls can exhale now)
It's different now, no matter how much they're pretending it's not. Mostly out of self-preservation, because sometimes their sanity is hanging by a mere thread and it's so obvious that they simply have no choice but to fake it 'til they make it. They've done a lot of that through the years, practically crafted it into a fine art, but this is the best performance yet. — according to all known laws of life
Time is different here. — what they deserve (it's better this way)
The first realization he remembers having is that the stars are oddly bright from where he lies sprawled on his back. The second, of course, is that there are troubling sounds coming from some vague point to his left. He supposes that's fair—vision and auditory processes are usually the first thing people make sense of when they wake. He knows that much, at least. Not much else, though. — Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You)
Dean would think that a failsafe like this wouldn't exist. It doesn't quite add up in his head when he sits down and thinks about it, but Sam assures him over and over that it's well within the realm of possibility for the Men of Letters--supposed smart people--to come up with something as stupid as this. — home is where the heart is (and you have mine)
The blackbirds start singing a dawn. — profoundly bonded (by law)
So. So, the thing about desperation, and want, and desire, and how it controls, is that it's all bullshit, and Dean wants absolutely no part in it. — staring at ceiling in the dark, same empty feeling in your heart (love comes slow and it goes so fast)
Cas wasn't a music fanatic of any kind, Dean knew this firsthand. Sure, he listened to whatever Dean was listening to, or whatever was playing in the car on long trips. But he never went out of his way to listen to music in his spare time. — listen to the song in my soul (only you can hear)
All things considered, Castiel found solace in the fact that his life couldn't get any worse than this. — Just A Touch
There were a few things that were known about Dean Winchester, undeniable things that hadn't wavered once in his entire life. — a helping hand (let's not be friends)
Dean was merely ten years old when he discovered that bridges didn't close the gap between two worlds. — The Bridges We Built
insane to me that none of these opened up on dialogue. i don't open up with dialogue that often, as it turns out. also, most of these fics are dean pov. only three of these out of twenty are cas pov (1, 12, 18). my personal five favorites out of these: 3, 5, 10, 14, 15.
im supposed to tag people, but like, i want anyone who wants to do it to do it! if you see this and want to do it, definitely do so! tag me if you do; i'd love to see your answers!
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artymcart · 2 years
So I want to let you know that your Endverse AU is one of my favorites. I really enjoy your art style and I love how you incorporate the relationships between Dean, Cas, Sam, Eileen and the kids. I love how you actually tell a story with Sam and Eileen and don't just have them swaying in the background. It's amazing!
As people move on to other fandoms it can be frustrating. My dash which was once filled with nothing but Supernatural has slowly filled up with other shows along with Supernatural. It's sad to see but I do know people who are still happy engaging with Supernatural content on this platform. I don't know much about other platforms like IG or Twitter.
Don't be so hard on yourself for not being able to do everything and pump out more art as much. Some of my favorite writers, artists, and video creators in this fandom take time either away to handle the things in their life or update things at a slower pace. For the most part I'm always happy to wait (I've waited 3 years for part 3 for a spn fic lol)
Thank you so much 💝
I really try to include everyone and make the story more dynamic with it. The narrative of Destiel fan fiction is nice and I get lost in it so often, that the things around them get into a blurr.
And that's something I wanted to avoid. Yes I have Dean/Cas centric stories and Saileen Stories but I try very hard to make it a Family theme. They are living in a small space, privacy is a gift. The Winchesters are used to it but now it's not just THEM but Cas, Eileen, the kids and Jack.
Lol I could go on for hours. Sorry.
Insta/Twitter are very fast paced, sometimes it's really overwhelming. You have a trend for 24 hours and if you don't follow it you drown (at least it feels like that for me). That's what I personally like about Tumblr. Yes, the meme game is strong but I'm between it's comfort stuff and things you actually WANT to see. I follow SPN accounts and I have to be true, if they switch to another fandom and I'm not into it, I unfollow people 🙃
That's what makes my Tumblr my personal comfort zone and it's a bit hard to get away from it. I open Tumblr and see Mishas happy grin and it makes me happy too.
I guess the feeling of being not good enough or not doing enough is my switching between social media. On Instagram people react instantly of I upload something, Tumblr is slower, sometimes posts that got over 2000 likes on Insta and several comments get no love here and that hurts...
A lot of people are like "It's not about likes!" but it kinda is? I show and share my story and it's like shouting into a black void 😞 I could all of this for myself (sometimes I do! I have several stories and sketches that I've never shown or pictures I never posted) but I love to show and share my ideas. The lack of feedback is a bit of discouraging.
But like it said, it's a platform problem, not a user one.
Anyway, long story short, thank you for your kind words and your support 💟 it means a lot to me 💖💖
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honeykept · 3 years
hey this is gonna sound weird but I got back into spn VERY RECENTLY and I want to draw something for Nov 5th (used to do spn fanart way back in the day) but I haven't seen a bunch of the eps from the last few seasons (post S11). I don't have time to rewatch them all before the 5th, do you have a list of eps I should prioritize? Also I'm open to concepts/ideas for the art, I'm good at realism mostly. thank u sooooo much for ur help but also I blame u and the hellers in general for pulling me back in so the art is gonna be dedicated to u guys
hey, that's awesome!! i'm very glad you're back!! here's some episodes you might want to cram in before nov. 5th, from s12 onward! bolded are, in my opinion, essential in terms of understanding either the plot or the fandom (’C’ for ‘cule as in desticule) but of course i’ll advise that you read the plot summaries for any eps you can’t watch, including those that aren’t listed!!
s12e1 — keep calm and carry on : first ep of the season, i assume this would be easiest to start with so you can recall s11, and also just so you can get the gist of where the season will be headed. [PLOT]
s12e8 — LOTUS : introduces you to kelly kline. it's not my favorite and it's a bucklemming ep but plot-wise it might be important to know who kelly is, though tbh you can just read the synopsis and you should be fine. [PLOT]
s12e10 — lily sunder has some regrets : just a genuinely great episode! lots of cas background info and dean/cas moments [C]
s12e12 — stuck in the middle with you : davy perez ep!! cas says i love you!! sorta plot-heavy i GUESS? but if you want destiel angst then this is for you. it's mostly about the angst. [C]
s12e19 — the future : really important in terms of jack [PLOT]
s12e23 — all along the watchtower : season finale in which Very Significant things happen. s13 picks up right from where this leaves off. beginning of the widower arc. [PLOT, C]
s13e1 — lost and found : again, first ep of s13, lots of destiel angst (beautiful beautiful angst. the jacting joices....superb) [PLOT, C]
s13e4 — the big empty : cas!!! answers the question of what happened to him. [PLOT]
gonna go ahead and mention here that in order to watch s13e6 you should probably watch, like. the last ten minutes of s13e5, because again, ep 6 picks up right where ep 5 leaves off.
s13e6 — tombstone : destiel must-watch and end of the widower arc. also significant in terms of jack's development [PLOT, C]
s13e10 — wayward sisters : read the synopsis of ep 9 beforehand though if you want to get a background on kaia. [PLOT, C]
s13e16 — scoobynatural : 'nuff said. [C]
s13e19 — funeralia : not necessary but there’s a good amt. of rowena and cas in this ep so <3 [C]
s13e23 — let the good times roll : season finale, lots of stuff happens plot-wise [PLOT]
s14e1— stranger in a strange land : “i thought you two were joined at the—you know. everything.” really a slow ep tbh, but read the synopsis [C]
s14e3 — the scar : dean is back! there is a scene bt dean/cas in which the score makes me lose my goddamn mind. [PLOT, C]
s14e4 — mint condition : not essential, but a favorite. you’ll especially want to watch it if you’re a dean girl (gn) [C]
s14e7 — unhuman nature : again not necessary, but good jack development/jack scenes with his family [C]
s14e8 — byzantium : VERY important plot wise, re: cas and jack. [PLOT, C]
s14e10 — nihilism : so good. so very very good. also, pamela barnes. [PLOT, C]
do not watch s14e13 lebanon. i repeat, disregard lebanon.
s14e14 — ouroboros : again, one of my faves. gay motw, and v cute scene between dean and cas (: also, rowena!!! [C]
s14e17 — game night : the plot in this ep bleeds through onto the divorce arc of season 15. the ending is...ambiguous, but you can either watch 14x18 or find out what happens in the summary of that ep [PLOT]
s14e20 — moriah : again, a season finale. eps 18-20 really hinge on the events of 14x17, so all you really need to know is that they’re all v upset about [redacted redacted], which happens in ep 17. [PLOT]
s15e3 — the rupture : what i consider to be part one of three re: the divorce arc. also we’ve got a good smattering of characters and it’s important for plot reasons [PLOT, C]
s15e6 — golden time : part 2 of 3 in divorce arc. definite angst, lots of cas, and lots of eileen ((: [PLOT, C]
s15e9 — the trap : now, ofc this is part 3 of 3 in the divorce arc, and while it may be a great dean/cas ep, i must say it’s also one of my favorite sam episodes. sorry, but you really can’t skip this one!! [PLOT, C]
s15e10 — the heroes' journey : one of my favorite episodes, but it's garth-centric and you can really read all you need to know via episode summary but still. the implications of this ep haunt me. why lamp. [C]
s15e17 — unity : lots of god-stuff happening, and it leads into 15x18 [PLOT, C]
s15e18 — despair : the last episode of spn!! [PLOT, C]
so, added up, that’s 4 essential eps in season 12, 4 essential eps in season 13, 4 essential eps in season 14, and 5 essential eps in season 15. grand total of 17 eps across all four seasons! (which is less than one full season of the show)
quick run down in case you need a TL;DR: 
season 12: episodes 1, 10, 19 and 23
season 13: episodes 1, 6, 10, and 23
season 14: episodes 3, 8, 10, and 17
season 15: episodes 3, 6, 9, 17, and 18
now, if you need to narrow it down even further, i’d prioritize the eps that are labeled “[PLOT, C]” (12 eps) as those are important plot-wise and also for references w/i the fandom. good luck, i hope this helped!!
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years
I’ve Realized Something
I’ve been feeling so...off, these past few days. Almost sick. Like, weird enough that I was honestly worried I might have COVID. 
I feel sick to my stomach, I’m so tired no matter how much sleep I get, I’ve been having a hard time conversing with people like a normal human, and I feel so distracted, like I can never focus. 
For the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out. Am I sick? Anxious? Depressed? I mean, my anxiety and depression do tend to feel like this, but there’s something about it that feels different. 
And finally, it hit me. 
I’m grieving. 
I’m grieving the loss of Supernatural, and of two of my favorite characters in the entire universe. 
That’s why it feels so similar to my anxiety and depression, but at the same time so different. 
Here’s the thing. 
In my opinion, the finale was beautiful and perfectly done, but that doesn’t mean it hurt any less. Losing Dean so early on hurt like he**. Losing Sam at the end hurt like he**, no matter how much I love that they ended up in heaven together. More than anything, knowing that there would be no more episodes of this show hurt like he**. 
I know there are a lot of people who didn’t like the finale, but at the same time, I have a feeling that, deep down, one thing we can all agree on is how much it hurts to lose this show. 
Some of us have been in this fandom for all fifteen years, and some people are brand new. Many of us are somewhere in between (like me). But no matter when we joined this fandom, we’ve all felt its impact, and as such, we all feel its loss. 
I, for one, haven’t been able to re-watch any of the scenes from the finale without sobbing uncontrollably. I can more or less scroll through Tumblr and look at gifs and images and fan art, but when it comes to watching videos, I fall apart. I haven’t even attempted to watch the what are bound to be beautiful fandom music video edits from my favorite YouTube channels that include the finale, because every time I think about Supernatural and its end, that pit in my stomach gets even wider. 
So instead, I’ve been trying to distract myself with music, work, and other things, in desperate attempts to keep myself from crying. Though, clearly, that’s not a healthy coping mechanism. I suppose I get that from Dean Winchester. 
Even when he’s dead, I’m still projecting onto Dean Winchester. 
Though, I suppose, in one of his interviews, Jensen said he does the same thing, so maybe, truly, I’m projecting onto Jensen Ackles. ;) 
In any case, my grieving process is not the point of this post. 
What is the point of this post is that I’m grieving. And I know a lot of other Supernatural fans are too. 
Whether you loved the finale, hated it, or you’re somewhere in the middle, I think we’re all feeling the loss of a show that has meant so much to us for as long as we’ve been involved in it. It affects us all in different ways, and it definitely hurts. 
I just want to remind everyone that we are all in this together. 
This fandom is not going away any time soon. 
We are still the SPN Family. 
We still love and appreciate this show for everything it’s taught us, and that legacy will never be forgotten. 
Just because the show is over doesn’t mean we are. 
It doesn’t mean the actors are done with us, and it doesn’t mean we’re done with each other. 
It hurts. A lot. I’m starting to cry just writing this. 
But we are all here, together. 
I’m here for you. 
I hope you can say the same for me and for others. 
And in the end, no matter how we all felt about the finale, I think we can all agree on grief. And no matter how we all deal with it, it’s important that we deal with it together. 
You are not alone. 
I see you, and I feel you. 
And we’ll get through this. 
I love you all. <3 <3 
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