#though I have seen him joke about this one so thankfully he doesn't seem too bothered by it anymore
justagaycryptid · 2 years
Ngl I/Me/Myself is the absolute WORST song that could have gone viral for Will especially on tiktok of all places because it is an incredibly nuanced song and tiktok users are not particularly known for their understandings of nuance
#just thinking about this earlier#and really this goes for social media in general#but I'm pretty sure it blew up on tiktok#when will sang that he was afraid of his fans in um i mean its kind of a lot its just like yeah me too dude sorry about that one#ngl a lot of will wood fans are some of the absolute worst music fans I have ever seen#right up there with pre-hiatus fall out boy fans and mitski fans#i'm sure there's more those are just the people I am most familiar with though I don't listen to mitski#something something lets put the worst of will wood and mitski fans in a room together and see them fuckin kill each other or whatever#but damn will has some absolute shitty fans like I feel so bad for this man he literally cannot catch a break#like holy shit leave him alone!#hopefully he has a nice hiatus because god knows hes earned a break#and yeah this was a while ago but point still stands#and yeah most of his songs are pretty nuanced but this one is probably more of a sensitive and personal one#also it's so fucking weird how bad people want will to be queer#like I don't know if he is for sure I think I saw something about him being mspec but I don't know if its true#and even if it is it's really none of my buisness#and holy shit not every gnc person is trans#though I have seen him joke about this one so thankfully he doesn't seem too bothered by it anymore#that or he's got a good sense of humor about it#but holy shit it's really just one thing after another for him#will wood#shouting into the void
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carmensbloggg · 22 days
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ᯓ★ j. maybank x female (kook) reader
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synopsis : jj has been obsessed with reader since the moment he first saw her. one day he plucks up the courage to talk to her, to his surprise, all goes well
warnings : use of y/n, language, all in 2nd person, not proofread
a/n : i love jj x kook reader so much they have my whole heart
Crack a smile and wave
It doesn't scare me away
Hit the brakes
I feel like cruising with you too
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“Look, it’s your girl,” Kie half jokes as she points towards you walking into The Wreck. JJ’s head immediately snaps up to look at the pretty girl that had just walked in.
The first time he ever saw you was on your way back home from school. He could tell because you were still dressed in your uniform; skirt rolled short, socks pulled up to your knees, tie wrapped perfectly. Everything about you looked so flawless. There was one thing though, your mascara had run down your cheeks, your eyes were glossy and your nose was red. You had bumped into him and were quick to apologise as he helped stabilise you. You were gone as quick as you came and he thought he would never see you again.
Boy was he wrong.
The second time he saw you was at a kegger on the boneyard. You were with your friends at the shore, anyone looking at you would see you all were clearly intoxicated. JJ wasn’t looking at your friends though, he was only focused on the light pink dress that adorned your curves. Your plush thighs that were on display, your tits that almost spilled out the top of your dress. Your platform flip flops that made you appear taller, only by a few inches. Your lip gloss that reflected in the moonlight as you laughed with the girls around you. You shook some hair away from your face, allowing it to flow freely in the wind. He thought you were the most pretty girl he had ever seen as he kept a close eye on you. He had no intention whatsoever of going over to you and introducing himself, you were drunk and probably wouldn’t even remember him. His eyes remained on you the whole night, making sure no one approached you and that you were safe.
The third time he saw you was at Midsummers. John B had told him to give a note to Sarah Cameron, and you being a kook was there too. You were crying, once again, and running away from Ben Madden. JJ watched as Ben tried consoling you and failed as you slapped him and ran out the doors into the house, assumingly going home. He wanted to help you, he really did, but he knew you wouldn’t want a pogue like himself to calm you down.
And that brings us to the fourth time, right now at The Wreck. He should’ve expected it honestly, where else would a kook girl go on a Saturday? Nevertheless, he enjoyed your presence and the ability to watch you. His friends however, do not enjoy when JJ watches you. Pope has told him countless times that his ‘need to protect you’ is not healthy and Kie just hates that you distract him so much from their plans without even knowing. John B doesn’t seem to care, but he does get annoyed from time to time when JJ ignores him. Obviously the boy doesn’t mean to do it on purpose, you’re just so captivating.
“JJ,” Kie sighs before Pope chimes in. “Are you ever going to actually talk to her? Or just stare at her whenever she’s around,” Pope asks rhetorically, every one of course knowing the answer. “I can’t talk to her, she’d probably get scared and walk away, and then everyone would know JJ Maybank has no game,” his head rests in his hands as sadness makes itself clear on his face. “This is depressing,” Pope deadpans and JJ lays his head on the table.
Just as silence falls over the table, John B catches you looking towards JJ. “JJ, dude, look up,” he shakes his friend, making sure you’re still looking. Confusion washes over your features as John B tries so desperately to get JJ to lift his head up. JJ reluctantly raises his head and groans a “what,” to John B, who simply nods in your direction. Thankfully you’re still looking at JJ and the confusion washes away when he smiles and waves at you. You softly smile back and wave to him before returning to your own conversation, occasionally sharing more glances with the blonde a few tables over from you.
“JJ Maybank has game after all,” JJ smiles to himself. “You should talk to her,” Kie pushes him, only to be turned down. “I can’t, she’s with her friends,” he makes up an excuse. “Who cares? Go on, go,” John B pushes further, until he eventually gives in and walks over to your table.
He stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before clearing his throat. Your conversation comes to a halt at the suddenness of his presence. “Hi,” you smile softly up at him. “Hi,” he chokes out. No one says anything and you’re left making eye contact for a few seconds before you decide to speak up. “Is everything okay?” you nervously laugh a little at his shyness. “Oh, shit- sorry yeah, um a few minutes ago I smiled and waved at you and you smiled and waved back,” he begins to explain. “Yeah,” you smile and nod, recalling the moment shared. “And uh, now you’re talking to me so I was just wonderin’ if I scared you, but I’m guessing I didn’t because you’re still here,” his nervousness radiates through his tone. “You’re asking if you’re scary?” you almost laugh at the poor boy. He hesitantly nods, only now realising he had no plan whatsoever with this. “Scary? You? Not a chance pretty boy,” you giggle, surprised a little at your sudden boldness. A light red hue takes over his face as he slowly nods. “Can I get your number?” he manages to get out, he’s not really sure how though, the only thing in his mind is your words. “Mhm, of course,” you smile as you write your number on a napkin and hand it to him. “Thank you,” he says as he makes his way back over to his fiends.
“JJ Maybank has game after all,” he repeats as he waves the napkin in the pogue’s faces.
After about 15 minutes, your friends decide to leave, but not you. Confidence surges through you as you make your way over to the blonde pogues table, already planning the words in your head.
“Um, hi,” you nervously state to him and his friends. They all greet you, JJ being the last to do so. You recognised Kiara, you were friends with her during her kook year. “I was wondering if maybe I could go home with you tonight? If that’s okay with you of course,” you ask JJ, expecting a no in return. “Uh, sure, yeah, that’s fine, the house might be a little messy though,” he warns you. “That’s okay, messy is good,” you nod, being reminded of your own house which always looks like it was bought yesterday.
Obviously JJ isn’t going to take you back to his own house, god knows what his dad would do or say. The Chateau is really his only option here. “Yeah, of course, come on, we’re going now anyway,” he smiles, getting up from his seat and taking you out into the Twinkie.
“JB you okay to drive?” JJ questions as he throws John B the keys. The boy just nods and you and JJ get in the back. He slings an arm around your shoulder before introducing you to his friends. “So, that’s John B, that’s Pope and you already know Kie,” he points them all out and you nod along, saying hi to each one.
Eventually you make it to ‘JJ’s house’ and you’re shown to the guest bedroom JJ’s room, where both you and JJ sit on the bed. “Pretty nice house,” you comment, looking around. “It’s actually not mine, it’s John B’s, he just lets me crash here,” JJ admits to you. “Oh, do you think he would mind if I stay the night?” you ask, not really wanting to go home. “Probably not, he doesn’t really care,” the boy nods as you both slip into mindless conversation about anything and everything to do with your lives. It’s somehow so easy to talk to someone with such different life experiences than your own. JJ tells you all about his dad and how he and John B became friends and you talk about how your mother is so controlling and your parents fell out of love way before they even had you. JJ sympathises with you about every sad experience you’ve had, and you do the same for him.
After some time you both decide it’s probably best to go to sleep and find comfort in each other’s arms. It’s pretty safe to say the two of you fell in love a little more beyond physical attraction.
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a/n pt2 : i don’t really get down with the ending but it’s gonna have to do 😭
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uniquevoidflowers · 5 months
For @luna-lovegreat :)
Legend’s going to scream if the old man doesn’t stop telling those stupid jokes. Time thinks it’s a good idea to tell dad jokes as a way to entertain the chain while they walk. The plan is to get to Hateno Village, but this is Wild’s Hyrule, so it’ll take weeks to get there, and that’s not including stops to rest and eat. The veteran swears as Time begins another Hylia-forsaken joke but thankfully Warriors stops him. “I think that’s enough for one day, Sprite.” The captain says.
Time pouts. “But my jokes are really good.”
Wind snickers. “Sure, old man.”
“What?” Time huffs. “You all just don’t appreciate my humour.”
“Damn right.” Legend retorts. 
Time gasps in mock offence. “You were supposed to say you do like my humour!” 
“Yeah, right. Like that’s ever happening.” Legend says, rolling his eyes.
“What about you, pup?” Time asks. 
Twilight thinks for a moment. “No offence, but your jokes are…unfunny.”
Time gives him a disappointed look jokingly, missing how the rancher flinches. “How far is the next stop?” Sky asks, panting slightly as he tries to keep up with the group.
Wild hums and looks at his slate. “I’d say about…an hour or two? We’ll reach one of the villages we’re rebuilding.” 
An hour is way too long to reach a simple stop in the road, Legend thinks. 
“I’m hungry though.” Wind complains.
“Don’t worry, I can give you a snack once we get to the village.” Wild says.
The sailor sighs and laments about having to wait that long. Wild snorts. “At least we’re not in the desert or Hebra.”
“Hebra?” Hyrule tilts his head slightly.
“A snowy region. If you don’t have protective gear then you’ll freeze to death. Add that to the horrible blizzards and monsters that can appear there, and you can imagine how much worse it would be than a couple of hours of walking.” Wild explains, watching the horrified look on Wind’s face.
Legend shudders. No offence to Wild but the cook’s Hyrule seems like a nightmare. “How did you even survive during your adventure?” Four asks incredulously. 
“Gathering the right tools to help me I guess.” The cook shrugs.
Four’s eyes flicker with multiple colours, but his expression conveys clear concern and confusion. Wild sighs. They continue walking down the path and the veteran takes in the strange beauty of the fallen land. Remnants of malice float in the air, not visible, but Legend still senses it’s there. Ruins are scattered across the area, pieces of old stone lying in the grass. It's almost melancholic. After what seems like a millenia, Wild announces cheerfully, "We're almost at Mabe Village." 
Legend freezes, eyes widening slightly at the name. "You okay, vet?" Twilight asks, looking a little concerned. 
The veteran nods. 
You know what, the name is probably just a coincidence! He thinks to himself.
They make it to the village and Legend can't help but notice how similar the layout of the village looks to Koholint's Mabe Village. "Oh, hi, Link!" A sweet, melodious voice rings throughout the clearing.
Legend almost falls, stumbling. "Marin?"
But when he sees where the voice is coming from, he doesn't see Marin. He sees a little girl with blonde hair, grinning at Wild. "Who's Marin?" Hyrule asks. 
Legend flinches. "No one."
The traveller huffs but doesn't press any further. "Hi, Saffie!" Wild greets the little girl. "Have they built the inn yet?" He asks.
Saffie nods. "It's all set up an' everything if you wanna stay there."
Wild ruffles the little girl's hair and the chain follows him across the village. Legend can see buildings still being made, and how small the village is compared to what they've seen in Wild's Hyrule. Fresh soil is scattered all around, little sprouts emerging from it. A few people walk around carrying materials or just talking to one another, smiles on their faces. “From what I’ve heard, Mabe Village used to be lively…music was a big part of their culture.” Wild grins, although guilt is prominent in his eyes.
Legend grits his teeth. There are so many similarities to the Koholint Village. Which shouldn’t be possible. Nobody notices the veteran’s turmoil though. They walk through the village, behind Wild, who leads them through a path. “Have you heard?” An old woman says.
At first Legend moves to ignore the old woman. “Of what?” Another woman says.
“The legend of Koholint.” The old woman responds.
Legend stops dead in his tracks. 
“No? Tell me about it.” The other woman demands.
“Some Sheikah researchers uncovered the legend in this very village. There’s still a lot of mystery to it but it’s about a hero who visited a dream island named Koholint.” The old woman explains.
Legend feels the blood drain from his face. This was hundreds of thousands of years after him, in a different timeline…and nobody’s supposed to know about a dream. This couldn’t be possible. Now everybody knows what he did.
They know he has blood on his hands. 
“Legend? Hey, what’s wrong?” Someone asks him but he can’t respond.
He can’t breathe.
Koholint was never real, how in Hylia’s name does anybody know? How did they make it a legend? Legend can just imagine eyes in him right now-
They know they know they know they know they know-
“Link. Follow my breathing, okay?” 
The veteran knows there are more eyes on him right now. He feels a hand holding his. Marin? He wants to say but he can’t. 
The island girl giggles and clasps Link’s hand. “C’mon! Let’s go to our secret spot!”
“-Link? Legend? Can you hear me?”
“I want to be a seagull so I can fly and sing to many people.” She mumbles and Link holds her hand.
“Why are you sad? Is it because I’m not real?” 
Link flinches and looks her in the eyes. Marin is covered in thick red blood, her eyes dead, and her smile feels fake. “Are you sad because you killed me?”
Link gulps, shame making his ears turn pink. “I…killed you?”
“Don’t you remember Link? You woke the Windfish. You left me, us, for dead.” She chimes, broken laughter coming from her mouth. Blood spills from her mouth. “Are you happy with yourself Link? You finally got to go home.”
Tears roll down Link’s face. “No! I’m staying here, right?”
“Wake up Link.” Marin says, coldly a daunting smile plastered on her pale face.
“Link, wake up!” Someone pleads, confusion in their tone.
“Wake up!” Marin snaps, more of that horrid blood spurting out of her mouth and spraying Link. 
Link chokes out a sob then he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks to see Marin—no the captain there. “Are you with me?”
Legend nods, squeezing his eyes shut. He hears Warriors sigh with relief. “Thank the goddesses. Can you follow my breathing?” Warriors asks and starts taking deep breaths.
The veteran obliges.
In and out.
In and out.
Once Legend can finally breathe, he notices everyone staring at him and his face burns with shame. “Let’s go to the inn.” He mumbles and walks past Warriors.
Wild looks at the vet with understanding and Legend hates it. The cook begins walking and Legend follows him, ignoring Warriors and Hyrule’s protests. Legend doesn’t look at the random people gazing at him. They make it to the inn quickly, and the innkeeper says they don’t have to pay to stay there night. The cook smiles and leads everyone away to some rooms. “Do you want some alone time?” Wild whispers.
Legend shakes his head. The cook nods. “Do you want company? I can go find Wolfie if you don’t want someone.” 
The veteran’s surprised but he nods. Wild leaves and comes back with the wolf. “Let me know if you need anything.” He says and leaves.
Legend sits down in a room with Wolfie, knees to his chest and looking at the ground. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had…since I’ve thought of her like that.” He mutters. The wolf’s ears twitch. “I know you don’t know what I’m talking about.” Legend laughs dryly.
Wolfie stands up and curls up closer to Legend, nuzzling his hands comfortingly. “…I don’t understand…How do they know? It wasn’t real.” The veteran says, voice thick with tears.
Wolfie whines. Legend takes a shuddery deep breath. “I’m going to get answers tomorrow, Wolfie. See how much these people know. See if they know I’m…” He trails off weakly.
A murderer
Wolfie tilts his head. Legend sighs. “I don’t wanna go back to the others. They’d probably start asking me questions that I don’t wanna answer…” 
Legend stays there, fidgeting with his rings and trying to clear his mind.
“Are you happy with yourself, Link?”
“You saw him. We need to know what’s going on so this doesn’t happen again.” Warriors says.
The cook sucks in a breath and responds with, “Let him have some time to think. If he wants to talk about it, he can, but I don’t think we should push if he doesn’t want to.” 
“Fine. If it’s going to slow us down though, I think we need to know.” Warriors says and walks away, blue scarf trailing behind him.
The cook decides to see if the villagers need any help rebuilding. “Link! Do you mind helping us gather some wood? We’re running out.” Hudson calls out.
“Sure.” Wild says.
“Thank you, Link. You’re a good man.” Hudson grins.
Wild smiles slightly and then heads out towards some trees a little ways away from Mabe Village. He summons an axe from his bag and starts swinging it at the trees. The first hit makes a large dent and then the tree falls, and the log makes a loud thud. Small birds and other creatures run away. Wild slashes the log and a bundle of wood appears on the ground, so he picks the heavy bundle into his arms and pushes it down into his magic bag. He does this with as many trees as he can until he decides he has enough wood. The cook sprints back to Hudson and hands the man the bundles of wood. “50 bundles?! Thank you so much, let me pay you.” Hudson pulls out a purple rupee.
Wild grins and Hudson shows the crew how much they got. Wild’s just glad he can help out. “Hey!” Saffie calls.
Wild waves. Saffie smiles and comes up to the cook. “Are you making food tonight? I always like your cooking.”
“Saffina!” A woman comes up with a stern look in her eyes. “Don’t nag Link about food, he just came from a long journey!”
“Okay.” Saffie says, clearly disappointed.
“I’ll make something for you later.” Wild promises.
Saffie brightens and cheers. The cook walks away towards the inn when he realizes the sun is setting. He goes up to his, Twilight’s, and Legend’s room. “Oh, hey.” Legend mumbles when Wild walks in.
Wild hesitates then asks, “How are you feeling?” 
“Fine, I guess…Don’t give me that look I mean it.” Legend hisses.
“If you’re sure. It’s okay if you’re not fine.” Wild says gently.
“I know that.” Legend says but his eyes betray how the vet really feels.
“Okay. Do you…Do you want to help me make dinner?” Wild asks. “I mean—it could distract you if you need it and it can be relaxing if you’re doing it right—You can say no if you don’t want to—“
“Wild, it’s okay. I’ll help you.” Legend says, putting a hand on the cook’s shoulder.
Wild sighs. “Follow me then.” He says and leads Legend towards the cooking pot.
“Can you grab a few Hylian Shrooms from my bag?” Wild asks.
“Right.” Legend says and starts digging through Wild’s bag. “By The Three…Wild how much can this bag hold?” 
“Hmm…a lot.” Wild says. He actually doesn’t know how much it can hold.
“Very helpful.” Legend scowls and continues to dig through the bag for a bit and then grabs a few mushrooms.
The veteran tosses the mushrooms to Wild who begins chopping them up into the pot. “Next, I need a Hyrule Bass.” Wild hums softly.
Legend blinks. “A what?”
“A fish. Green scales, orange fins?” Wild hints.
“Huh.” Legend pulls out the fish after a bit of frustrated curses and then tosses it to the cook. “How do you keep this organized?” 
Wild grins. “I don’t.” Then he starts preparing the fish for the pot.
“What next?”
“That’s it.” 
“Wha-What do you mean that’s it?” Legend asks.
“There’s no more ingredients for this recipe. I’m just making a simple fish and mushroom skewer for everyone.” Wild says slowly.
“Hm.” Legend stands up and walks over to the cook. 
Wild throws the fish in and lets the ingredients simmer. “Ah, could you get me my ladle?” 
The veteran raises a brow but obliges. Once Wild obtains the ladle he stirs the pot a little. The smell of seafood envelops the room. The cook hums a familiar tune, staring at the food that hisses and moves around the pot, until it stops and Wild can hear the music that plays when it’s done. “What the fuck was that.” Legend says, ears twitching.
Wild shrugs. “It happens whenever the food’s done.”
“I’m learning some things today.” Legend says and Wild hands the veteran a skewer. 
The veteran takes a bite out of the food and puts up a lazy thumbs up. To that, Wild laughs and goes to deliver skewers to the rest of the chain. If he has any left he’ll give some to Saffie and her family. He eats with the chain although Legend isn’t there…Wild isn’t too worried, maybe Legend went to eat alone upstairs or something.
“Wild this is really good!” Wind says, food in his mouth.
“Chew with your mouth closed, sailor.” Warriors says.
Wild chuckles at the sailor rolling his eyes. 
He fails to see violet eyes burning a hole through him.
Legend stares at the cook for a few moments, and then walks away towards the room. His steps echo in his ears and then the doorknob twisting as Legend enters the bedroom. The room looks eerily similar to Marin's house, Legend realizes.
"Zelda...? No, silly! I'm Marin!"
Legend rubs his eyes tiredly and the island girl fades from his vision. The veteran sighs.
"Tell me more about yourself."
Legend remembers what he had said that time on the beach with Marin. He had ran his mouth, bragging about the adventures he went on.
He was a fool.
He was in love.
Marin listened intently, somehow putting up with his arrogance and cherishing every word that had spilled out of Legend's mouth.
His arrogance had quickly died out once he had woken up from his dream.
Legend sighs and decides to sort through his bag again, giving himself a distraction. He pulls out his items and sorts through them carefully, and puts them neatly into his bag. By the time he's finished, the night has flown by, and Wild and Twilight are stepping in the room. "We're all going to sleep now." Twilight informs the vet.
The veteran hero nods and puts his bag away. Wild curls up on the floor with a bedroll and Twilight takes one of the beds. Legend takes the other bed and squeezes his eyes shut. Soon all he can hear is soft snoring and Legend allows himself to fall asleep before the snoring gets worse.
"Tell me about yourself." Marin says, smiling. "Link, are you a hero?"
Link looks at Marin with confusion. "Of course I am."
"Then why did you kill an entire island of people and animals? Does that really make you a hero?" Marin asks, tilting her head.
A flash and Marin's now covered in thick red liquid. The red liquid falls down her face and her blue dress sickeningly. Marin clasps Link's hand and Link jolts away, blood now staining his hands. "Are you a true hero Link?"
'I am.' He wants to respond but he doesn't know if that's right.
"Are you a hero, Link?"
Link hears his Uncle's voice and jerks around. The island distorts and shapes into a cold, musty dungeon. Uncle has a gaping hole through his chest. "I..."
"A hero saves people, right?" Uncle says.
Link nods slowly. "You didn't save me." Uncle accuses. "Are you really a hero?"
There's disappointment in Uncle's tone that makes Link's stomach churn. "I'm sorry." Link says, tears streaming down his face.
"Sorry's not enough. It's never enough. Don't you remember what I've taught you?"
Link backs up, scrambling away from his Uncle, almost trying to hide from the visible disappointment. "I remember, Uncle." He chokes out.
"Clearly, you don't."
Link cries and the dungeon collapses underneath his feet. Link falls in the darkness, all of the light gone. White outlines of his friends and family surround him.
Link hears a million voices at once.
Marin steps out of the crowd, the white chalky outline of her grabbing his hand. "You're no hero." She spits and a bloody hibiscus falls into his hand.
Marin dissolves.
The crowd dissolves, and screaming quickly fills the air. "No! Stop!" Link cries out.
All of his friends are gone now. Dead.
He's alone.
Legend jolts awake. Tears spill out his eyes and he tries desperately to swallow back sobs. Wild is awake in seconds.
Damn it.
"Legend?" Wild whispers.
The veteran looks at the cook and rubs his eyes. "Did I wake you up?" He mumbles.
"No. Is...Are you okay, vet?" Wild asks in a soft, gentle tone.
No. He really isn't.
Legend steps out of bed and almost stumbles but catches himself. "I need to get some fresh air." He says quietly.
"Okay. Don't be gone for too long, m'kay?"
Legend nods and walks out the door, walking past the other doors in a dark hallway. He hurries out the front door and sees the moonlight shine on the grass and trees. The veteran looks back at the inn.
You're no hero.
Legend runs, Pegasus Boots activating, and he runs away from the inn, letting the cold air envelop him. He ignores the tears falling from his eyes and he keeps on running.
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mstrickster · 8 months
Which one of the ducks is the first to introduce the other ducks to alcohol? And how would each of the ducks get when they are drunk?
This is fun. I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna use this ask to shout out my friend @kaymardsa and their fanfic.
This fic gives a lot of fun ideas in the first chapter of how the Ducks act when drunk!
Anyway, on to the answer!
Now, I've seen a few people who write Dean as the one who gets the Ducks into drinking. However, that seems too obvious, so I'm gonna say Goldberg is the one.
I say this because Goldberg's parents own a restaurant. He works at that restaurant and probably gets stuff for free. So, I could totally see him asking his mom if he could take some food for a party and sneaking out some alcohol.
Anyway, the next part! Their drunk personalities!
Dean: I'm gonna start with Dean cause I can. He is the fun drunk. He likes to party and have fun. So, drunk him is just that too an extremely. He is the drunk who buys drinks for all and yells how he loves all his friends. He also becomes the ultimate hype man and wingman for his friends.
Fulton: I could see Fulton having levels like Amy from Brooklyn 99. Like after his first drink, he isn't affected. By the second, he will laugh at anything. By the third, he is the loud drunk. By the fourth drink, which is his cap currently, he is the emotional drunk. At 4 drinks, he has cried about how much he loves his friends or his girlfriend.
Adam: Adam doesn't get drunk easily. However, when he does get drunk, he is the promiscuious drunk. Thankfully, the first time he got drunk, he was with someone. However, his partner had to get him somewhere private fast because he wouldn't stop making sexual comments.
Averman: Now, because Averman is generally a fun and jokey guy, normally I could see him being the sad drunk. Not in the same way Fulton is. He's more. "The world is on fire, and we're all gonna die someday." drunk. Like he will bring the mood down fast. He does take about 5 drinks to get drunk, though. So he knows when to stop and will sometimes choose to be the designated driver.
Julie: Julie is the thief drunk. If she isn't monitored, she will steal things. This can range between silverware to at one point a fish. It was alive and in a ziplock. She almost never remembers taking these until she finds the items the next day.
Luis: Luis is the self-conscious drunk. He loses all the confidence he has. The first time he got wasted, he sat on the floor with Kenny and talked about how his confidence is fake and he's worried some people only like him for his looks. It makes you want to give him a hug.
Kenny: Kenny is the daredevil/trash talker drunk. He loses all the doubt, so he will jump off tables, sing in front of crowds, and smacktalk almost all his friends. He is small and unstoppable because he can often escape without people noticing. Kenny is a fucking menace.
Connie: Connie hardly ever gets drunk. However, the one time she did, she spent the whole time talking about Guy. Like we know, Guy gushes about Connie and how amazing she is. While that's how Connie is with Guy when she's drunk. Like I can imagine her going "Julie, look at the man, i love that man, he is amazing." Then she starts to cry.
Guy: Guy is the drunk that doesn't appear drunk. Like his personality doesn't appear to change. However, he does show the aftermath of being drunk. However, unless you knew him really well, you couldn't tell. Like you can only tell because he will start shortening everyone's name. That's it.
Charlie: Charlie is the dramatic drunk. Like everything to drunk, Charlie is a big deal. Like you think normal Charlie is dramatic. He's nothing compared to drunk Charlie. One time, when Charlie got drunk, he thought Jesse hated him because he didn't laugh right away at his joke. It's a mess.
Goldberg is the wandering drunk. Like unless he is watched, he will wander off. He does tend to fall into another group if they're at a party. However, it becomes a hazard if he is outside. He will walk into the street unless his is held on to.
Jesse: Jesse is the drunk who finds everything funny. He will laugh at anything even if it isn't funny. He will even get others to laugh because "come on man that was hilarious." It never is.
Russ: Russ is the spacey drunk. He will lose track of conversations before they even start. He will also argue with people that he knows what they are talking about. Yes, he completely heard you and understands. Stop asking!
Dwayne: Dwayne is the profound drunk. He is a true drunk philosopher. Weirdly, most of his observations make sense to the non-drunk mind. One of his greatest hits was "Why do humans feel like we control the world? We are nothing without the food we eat and the water we eat." It almost cause Averman to have an existential crisis.
Thank you, nonnie!
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unhingedlesbear · 1 month
Okay fuck it yeah I'm making the post idc abt backlash. First of all the hidden agenda fandom doesn't exist anymore so whos even gonna have an issue. But if you do feel called out um. Maybe thats ur problem idk bc I'm not aiming at anyone in particular here.
Anyway long ass ramble abt the tiny dead Hidden Agenda fandom below the cut
This is mainly something I noticed looking through the very limited amount of Hidden Agenda fics on ao3, but it's VERY obvious on there. The vast majority of fics on there are centered on Adam and Finn, which I can understand more since they have an interesting backstory and are well written characters, sure. But then you look at the others and the other characters that are centered are... Riggs and Calvary?
In the actual game ofc Becky and Felicity are the main characters. Both of them not only are pretty objectively interesting characters on their own, and even more so together. On top of this they have the most shipping potential of any two characters in that game, it's literally basically canon, it's not even subtext atp it's literally just text. NO other two characters have that amount of chemistry in the game, and yet there is a noticeable lack of gravey fics in that tag. And I'll stress again bc I know how defensive people got last time I made this kind of observation, I'm not pointing fingers or calling anyone misogynistic/racist/homophobic BUT. but. When the two mcs are women, one of which is poc, and they're implied to be lesbians, and they get sidelined by the fandom despite being the focuses of the game... it's kinda hard not to assume there's some kind of bias there.
And on another point, it's similar when it comes to supporting characters too. In a way I'm disappointed but absolutely not surprised that Adam/Finn is prioritized in fan works over Becky/Felicity, but when characters like Riggs and Calvary are also given more attention than them it becomes way more suspicious to me. Riggs is a fine character, I like him enough and I can see why others might like him more, but wbk he doesn't really have all that much relevance. Calvary is even more confusing bc he basically JUST exists to be a creepy misogynistic asshole and as unlikeable as possible. Thankfully I haven't seen him getting a lot of attention but the fact that I've seen him getting any that isn't entirely negative is... hm...
Now there ARE in fact male characters that can be both relevant and likeable: Tom and Karl. (I talk shit abt Karl bc it's a joke I started with friends, I'm gonna drop that for this post obv bc we're being fr here) these two are pretty obviously more relevant than Riggs or Calvary, they're literally Becky's partners (Tom can even replace Riggs' entire role lmao, and if he's replaced himself it's by Karl) and I'd say they're also both likeable characters on their own too. And yet I'm pretty sure I found maybe one??? fic with them in it? Probably should have mentioned this earlier but yeah, they're both poc.
So like... I feel like it all comes down to what Becky/Felicity/Tom/Karl have in common and then what Adam/Finn/Riggs/Calvary have in common. It strikes me as questionable. But like maybe I'm just an annoying snowflake though idk🤷‍♀️ /s
This turned into more of a ramble than anything and I'm aware i'm also yelling into a void bc I'm posting entirely for a dead fandom that barely existed to begin with, but tbh this stuff applies to most if not all larger fandoms as well, i'm just looking at it from what I've seen in the remnants of the HA fandom. Again I am not attacking anyone here, I am making observations. If you're like mad or something I'm just gonna assume you didn't even read the whole post. Yes ur allowed to like characters, but I am also allowed to address what I've noticed about what characters seem to be more liked than others.
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obitv · 1 year
@ghostknifeweek day 2: heart
read it on ao3 here
It's only a few days after the Prime Defenders are officially formed that Vyncent notices the... tattoo? that Dakota has on his bicep. From what he can tell so far, tattoos are pretty common in this world, but it's William who draws his attention to it. Indirectly, of course, but he keeps glancing at it when he thinks nobody is noticing and getting this... complicated look on his face. Human faces are harder to read, especially since he don't know either of these two yet. So, he asks.
"Hey, Dakota? What's with that tattoo on your arm?"
Dakota looks over at Vyncent, surprised, and he notices that William's head also snaps over to him at the same time. It makes him slightly jumpy, having both of them staring so blatantly, but clearly it means something. It's a small heart, fully black, on the outside of his upper arm, only visible because Dakota had taken his usual flannel off and had a vest on underneath.
Dakota doesn't let up on the staring, and Vyncent starts to wonder if he'd accidentally violated ANOTHER unspoken taboo because neither of them are saying anything. Dakota shakes it off eventually, but what he says doesn't make much sense to Vyncent.
"It's my soul mark? Y'know, the way to know you met your soulmate?! Dude, I'm starting to think you really are from another world. You don't- Don't you have one?" He sounds distressed at the end, like not having a 'soul mark' is some horrible fate.
Soulmates. Seriously? That's- fairy tale bullshit, as far as Vyncent's concerned. Stories of powerful magic meant to entertain children, not actual things. Then again, as far as William and Dakota are concerned, dragons are made up to entertain kids. Supposedly. Vyncent's pretty sure every world has dragons. But- off topic.
"I- No? Dakota, I told you- No, how do they even work? We definitely don't have those back on- back home," Vyncent answers, brushing off how Dakota still doesn't believe he's not from here, despite being a different species.
"Well, wayyyy back, like, FOREVER ago, the first time heroes existed, everyone had a soulmark! And then the heroes disappeared and they did too, but then the PRIME FORCE did their cool shit and everyone has one again! They're black until you meet your soulmate, then it gets colours!"
Vyncent narrows his eyes at Dakota. He... seems genuine? This doesn't seem like something Dakota would joke about. Just to be sure though, Vyncent turns to look at William-
Who isn't there. Shouldn't one of them have heard the door open if William had left? Maybe Dakota had noticed and not said anything?
Whatever. That's just proof he's letting himself get distracted by trivial things. If he's so out of it he can't even hear footsteps and a door... Dakota, thankfully, is already back to his own exercise. More training is clearly what he needs.
Eventually, a pattern forms. Without fail, every single time soulmates get brought up, William finds a way to leave without answering any questions about it. Going invisible, falling through the floor... On more memorable occasions, even going intangible to walk straight through a door, or pretending to answer a call and walking off.
It's weird, is what it is. Vyncent doesn't like talking with Tide, but he'd had to once they'd started going to school and Vyncent found out Dakota really wasn't lying. Tide told him what he wanted to know about soulmarks at least, but still! William's way more interesting when he talks about things, and is less likely to somehow manage to go off on a lecture. But even when it got brought up in school William was never there...
In a quiet moment after meeting Ashe, Vyncent decides to ask her if she'd noticed William's behaviour too. He knows she has one, even though he's never seen it, so he reasons that she might understand. And unlike Dakota, she won't immediately run off to find William and try ask him herself.
"I mean... maybe he's just private? Could just be a taboo where he's from, I've heard of that. Like, some people think its bad luck or whatever? My- uh. My mom was like that, before she met Mark." She leans back against the couch and seems to consider it more, and a complicated look crosses her face. Fucking humans and their lack of ears and tails...
He stares at her in hopes she'll.. say something that makes sense instead of making minute facial expressions. When she does speak again, it's more halting than before, like she doesn't want to say it. "Or... maybe he doesn't have a soulmark?"
"Is that possible?" Vyncent frowns. As far as he'd been told, the only reason he doesn't have a soulmate is because he wasn't born on Prime. Nobody has ever said it was possible for people to just... be born here without one.
Ashe winces a little and shrugs. "I've seen it mentioned online, but it's... really rare. Absurdly." She reaches up to tug on her hair a little, sighing. "It's probably just personal. But- keep it in mind, yeah? I'll try to get Dakota to stop talking about it so much."
And then the world ends.
The sky rains blood, Mark drags them out to some cabin in the middle of nowhere, Dakota and Vyncent wrestle in the mud, William makes a rocket, you know the story.
In the non-stop chaos that follows, nobody really has time to bring up soulmates. Ashe follows through and elbows Dakota in the side when he tries to bring it up at the cabin, and again at Richie's when they're being fitted for their suits. Richie gives confused looks to both Vyncent and William, but thankfully Dakota immediately bounds up when they're all finished in the weird machine and starts whispering his ideas to the designer before things could get more awkward.
Small blessings.
Then William dies. Ashe can't do anything and Vyncent is suddenly deeply, deeply regretful that he never bothered to learn from a cleric.
To say things work out would be a gross simplification. They lug William's body around, first without guidance and then with it once Ashe realises she can talk to his ghost. Vyncent begins to wonder if maybe he should try asking what the Prime equivalent of a cleric is, just in case, but then they're chasing after Wavelength and he's preoccupied with the mental battle of trying not to let Alphonse kill the asshole and fuck everything up more.
But William ends up alright again, at least. Alphonse... isn't happy about the situation, so Vyncent resolves to keep some distance until he calms down. Just- to be safe. If he were to dwell on it,he'd know that he really, really doesn't want to see William that hurt, ever again.
Maybe it's because of all the stress and chaos that Vyncent doesn't notice anything for... however long it takes. But the day they get their hero suits, he takes a moment in the changing room to check on his bruises from Alphonse's fight.
He doesn't just find bruises. It's hard to see, resting on a dip in his spine right between his shoulder blades, but as he contorts in the mirror he sees it - a small black heart. One that by all rights he shouldn't have.
Vyncent Sol does not want to think about soulmates. So he doesn't. He stares at the mark, forces his breathing to steady, and pulls the rest of his outfit back on. Breathes some more - even if none of the others can read elf body language, he's better safe than sorry.
He walks back out, strikes a few poses in his new gear, and forces the topic from his mind.
William Wisp does not have a soulmate.
For years, he had hoped that it was a fluke, some anomaly in the magic, and as soon as he met his soulmate his soulmark would finally appear and people would stop glancing at him whenever the topic was brought up.
Then he died. Nobody really knows how soulmate magic works, but people who died before the marks came back didn't have any marks on their corpses. So he... just wouldn't ever have a soulmate.
He'd hoped to all fucking hell that he could avoid the topic with his new group. Luckily, the wisps gave him the perfect powers for avoiding awkward conversations! It's just his luck to get teamed with a guy who doesn't know anything about soulmates and a guy who's obsessed with them, but there's always the classic "fall through the floor" trick.
Which he does. A lot. Vyncent is fucking relentless after Dakota talks to him, and William has to pull out every strategy and even invent some new ones to get away from it.
Vyncent... intrigues him. Once he lets up on the soulmate questions, they actually start to get pretty close, and William lets himself fantasize.
They're nice fantasies. Ones where William tells Vyncent he can't have a soulmate because he's dead, and Vyncent says it doesn't matter and picks him up (which Vyncent can do, and finding that out was when William became incredibly grateful his blush isn't as strong anymore) and kisses him and fireworks go off and they hold hands and skip away into the sunset. Or something.
William is infinitely glad he doesn't dream anymore, too.
The daydreaming picks up when William finds out that since Vyncent isn't from Prime, he also doesn't have a soulmate! Dakota's upset enough for the two of them, right? Maybe- Maybe one day, when William builds up the courage, they can be, like... chosen soulmates.
When those thoughts start to come up, William works harder to push them out. He has far more important shit to think about these days than hanging on to his childhood dream of finding a soulmate. He doesn't have one.
A couple weeks after Dakota leaves, Vyncent and Will settle into something like a routine. They train, they eat, they watch movies, they do a little vigilante work, they ignore WATCH's calls... almost all normal teenager things.
They both realise pretty fast William doesn't actually have good clothes for exercising in, but after raiding Dakota's closet they find he has shirts in... way more sizes than he'd ever need? Which is weird, but he's not fucking here to ask about it, is he? So William takes some of the tank tops.
Which is a wonderful time for him to forget that Vyncent, being the adorably oblivious guy he is (as much as William resents it - both the adorable and oblivious parts), is the kind of guy who occasionally forgets to knock when he opens door. To be fair, normally William hears him walking and makes sure he's presentable, but he's tired and angry and might be muttering to himself so much that he doesn't have time to pull the top on when Vyncent opens the door.
Small mercy: he has his back to the door. Big problem: Vyncent does not immediately turn and walk back out, but instead pauses and asks, "When did you get that tattoo?"
This is a problem, because William does not have any tattoos on his back. He whips around to look at Vyncent, trying to see if he's fucking around, but- He looks shaken. Like William's supposed tattoo is something that's freaking both of them out.
"Wh-what tattoo?" He asks, near frantic. His heart never quite races anymore but he still feels himself flush, feels if speed up just a little. He can't let himself get his hopes up jumping to conclusions, but he can't help but mentally cross his fingers while he waits for Vyncent to answer.
"It's... a heart. Right," he gestures to his chest, below his collarbones, "here. On your back. Not- not a black one. It's... indigo, I think? Is it- not a tattoo?" His voice is almost as unsteady as William feels, which doesn't make any sense, right? Right? Because why would Vyncent care if William has a soulmark or not, why would Vyncent immediately be able to place it on himself?
His mind is racing in place of his heart beat. He looks Vyncent in the eyes, just for a moment, and then runs through him to reach the bathroom and its much bigger mirror as fast as he can. He can faintly hear Vyncent running through the halls, but it takes longer when you have to go around the walls and not through them.
Small perks of not being able to control his powers well when his emotions spike.
He can't help but freeze up once he's standing there. Gripping the sink, staring into his own eyes... the dread, the excitement, the curiosity, it's all building up inside him and it's near paralysing. But he's William Wisp, and he can't resist the pull of a new mystery.
He turns around. It's hard to see, because he really isn't that flexible, but he sees it. A small indigo heart, sitting on his spine between his shoulder blades. A real, tangible soul mark. And- indigo, not black.
He doesn't cry. He can't, but his vision blurs anyway and he has to face the sink again to grab hold of something to keep himself upright.
It's like deja-vu, then. He doesn't hear Vyncent coming, just sees him in the reflection, appearing behind him in the doorway. Their eyes meet, and William doesn't fucking know what to say. How do you- how do you ask someone that? How do you ask, "Hey, I know we took comfort in both not having soulmates, but- are we?"
Vyncent doesn't make him ask. His eyes flicker between William's face in the mirror and the soul mark, and instead of saying anything he turns around and pulls the hem of his shirt up to his neck.
"What colour is it?"
Reading people has never been William's best skill. Reading Vyncent is even harder, given the cultural differences. So he doesn't try to decipher how Vyncent feels based on his voice, he just stares at the heart on Vyncent's back, in the exact same place as his own. And he answers, voice softer than he expected, "Indigo."
There's a long beat where neither of them move. Then William turns to face him right as Vyncent drops his shirt back down and turns at the same time. And William is made acutely aware of many things - how he's still shirtless, the coolness of the sink at his back, the fact he's been dreaming about this moment since he was 13 years old, that Vyncent can move incredibly fast when he wants to...
And how it feels to finally kiss Vyncent Sol. He barely processes it as Vyncent moves closer to him, stays standing where he was even as Vyncent reaches out and rests his hands on William's shoulder and hip. He's so warm, skin to skin, and Will thinks he could hear Vyncent's heart pounding as they draw closer and then lean in as one.
There aren't fireworks, but they don't need them. It's a little awkward, because clearly neither of them are used to this, but William tilts his head just right and suddenly the cold doesn't matter, the fact he never believed this could ever happen for him doesn't matter. He can feel Vyncent's heart, his breath, and his hands feel like they're burning him in a way he could get addicted to.
He doesn't want it to end, but he knows they definitely have to talk and maybe let him put a shirt on, so he pulls back first. He's never been this close to Vyncent's face before, and he wants to memorise it instantly. He's so gorgeous it's- distracting, right, because he wanted to talk.
"So -"
"Oh, I -"
They both stop and have to hold back laughter. Vyncent rests his forehead against William's and Will has to seriously focus to stop himself from falling through the floor at the gesture.
"I- Was that OK? Sorry, I-"
"No, hey, it was- more than OK, Vynce, really." He moves his hands up from where they'd settled on Vyncent's sides and holds his face and his hands. "It was perfect. I l- We're soulmates!" He laughs, more than he has in weeks, a full laugh that shakes him and then shakes Vyncent as he joins in. "We're rucking soulmates, Vynce! The real thing!"
Vyncent stops laughing before him. It takes Will a minute to get himself under control again, and when he looks up he can see Vyncent watching him with pure fondness in his eyes and thinks, maybe, if he hadn't been in love already then he definitely is now.
Later on, there will be time for more kisses. There will be time for talking, and cuddling, and memorising every line of Vyncent's face, learning exactly where their soulmarks are and knowing it's a part of them. For now, though, William is perfectly content to stay right where he is and let himself be stupidly, hopelessly, happily in love.
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You know what I think? I think we haven't given enough time to considering Reynie's backstory. I know it isn't expanded upon much, and since he's the main perspective character it's easy to brush past because he doesn't consider it an issue, but the kid lived in an orphanage for basically his whole life before the series.
It's stated that he's bullied for not fitting in. I'm lucky that I've never been in that kind of position before (homeschooled, etc.) because I haven't been around lots of people, but this is worse than normal schools because he lived with them. He couldn't get away from the kids who thought he was weird and made fun of him for doing things like reading because they were around each other all of the time.
If someone teases me even slightly and good-naturedly about using big words or being excited about some "obscure" trivia, I still want to clam up and never talk about it again. It's only due to Miss Perumal that Reynie doesn't give up the things he enjoys doing, like reading the newspaper, because of the other kids. There had to be some times after he meets everyone else that he'll be speaking and then suddenly stutters to a stop for seemingly no reason and when the others check on him it's because some dumb bully harassed him for, like, using the word "ubiquitous" or knowing about the history of the printing press or something and he's still scared that if he lets himself ramble without censoring himself everyone will hate him.
It's a joke that he initially wears mismatched clothes in the first book, but the reason is that he dressed in the dark, not because he's kindhearted and was trying to be nice (Though he'd probably try and do it anyway), but because his orphanage roommates yell at him for even reading with a penlight under a blanket at night. Thankfully, Miss Perumal knows him and tells him to please go change with the lights on regardless, but the way he was too prepared to do it says that this has happened before (Possibly a lot).
The orphanage director knows that Reynie is gifted and is in no way challenged by the general curriculum offered (He expects the eleven year old to write up a ten-page report by the day after he's taken the test, and is confident he'll be able to do it), but he keeps Reynie there so that he'll get paid for providing him an "education". Technically, this is why Miss Perumal is hired, which proved to be great, but they could have just as easily hired a terrible person who didn't care about Reynie either. Mr. Benedict has to bribe the man to get him to let them take Reynie, which is also concerning because he never seems to care about Reynie and apparently forgets about him after getting paid.
I've seen people who are genuinely brilliant humans but consistently believe that they're stupid or average because no one has told them how smart they are. He probably takes a long time to shake off the fear that the other shoe will drop at some point and Mr. Benedict will realise he's not as smart as they thought he was and they'll send him back. Even though Miss Perumal keeps telling him he's gifted, he has to ask her if she thinks he'd even qualify for Mr. Benedict's tests in the beginning.
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byler-4-life · 2 years
Do you think Finn or Noah would say no to a kissing scene? Finn doesn’t seem to like kissing scenes but thankfully him and Noah are good friends so I don’t think it would be too awkward. He takes his job seriously and he’s had m|m kissing scenes before so I don’t think he would say no. Noah would probably joke about it a lot unless Finn was uncomfortable. I think this would be one of the rare occasions Noah would be nervous and prepare a lot, but I don’t think he would say no either. I can’t wait to see what S5 holds for their characters and to see Finn and Noah in some panels together since it’s been awhile.
Hmmm, this is difficult to answer. I can't pretend to know the thoughts of Finn or Noah. Finn has had multiple kissing scenes with Millie in the show though, so he can't hate them TOO much. Or at least, he can't be totally averse to them. Plus, as you've mentioned, he has kissed another boy in The Goldfinch movie. So I think that Finn will be fine with it.
I haven't seen all of Noah's works, but I'm not sure I've seen him do a kiss in a tv show/movie? So this might be his first time doing a kiss on screen. And to have it be an m|m kiss (not to assume Noah's sexuality) might just add to the pressure. However...from what we've seen of Noah's personality, he doesn't seem like the type to get stressed easily over much of anything lol. And we see in panels and interviews how much he loves and cares about Will's character. I think he will do whatever is necessary to give Will the story/ending he deserves.
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mjlovescm · 2 years
23- The party
Completed, 27 chapters, “She’s an angel” Rodrick Heffley x black fem reader
It's not exactly like the movies, but it's close enough. The atmosphere was buzzing as loud as the music, various clouds of smoke filled the air and solo cups were everywhere. 
You should have felt excited, I mean you were, but more than anything you were clueless. Turning around, you look for one of the boys. Planning to follow their lead for the night  as the safest and smartest option.  But Chris and Ben are nowhere to be seen. Instead, behind you was Rodrick.
It was a good thing, yes, in this situation, though it didn't really seem that way. At least not to you, Rodrick on the other hand was somewhat happy about it. It meant he wouldn't have to worry about where you were all night. And he could give you the kind of party experience he knew you were dying for.
“Wanna get a drink.” He says just loud enough for you to hear an almost blank expression on his face. Almost.
You don't say anything, still a bit upset from your argument earlier. If you could even call it that. Rodrick rolls his eyes and takes your hand into his. His hold is loose, almost like he didn't want to touch you but knew he had to. 
The kitchen may have been clean, but the counters were a complete mess. Bottles you'd only seen inside your parent's canted china cabinet splay out like an alcohol all you can eat. Somehow, he finds two clean cups, scanning the bottles of liquor before settling on something that wouldn't destroy you. At least not completely. He pours some into both of the cups, not enough to casually sip on, so they must have been shots. 
“Here.” He says, passing you the red solo cup before throwing his head back and swallowing the liquid in his. 
“What, no chase?” You joke, reminding him of the first time you had shots, and how he gave you kisses as chase. 
Although he doesn't seem amused, he gives you half a courtesy smile and pours himself another shot, a larger one this time. He's not drinking to get drunk, he's drinking for courage. The courage to start an argument about someone he may be wrong about, but to him the maybe was a very, very small chance. Either way tonight he was gonna confront you or confront him no matter the consequences.  
“Drink up.” He says, pouring more alcohol into your cup before tapping the bottle against it. A hint of enthusiasm in his voice. 
“I can't drink this without chase Rodrick, I'll probably gag and throw up.” You act overdramatic. 
“Don't be a pussy, it's not that much, just swallow it. You're good at that.”
“I am not a pussy, and you are not funny.” 
“You are a pussy.” He whispers with raised brows and a smile. “But if you want me to kiss you that bad, just ask next time.” He whispers again, but this time he brings himself closer. Hovering his lips beside your ear as he spoke before pulling away. 
You don't say anything, you smile and quickly swallow, cringing at the taste and sighing at the burn before you're overcome with the familiar rush of Rodrick's lips. The two of you didn't kiss in public often or ever as far as you could remember. Thankfully you weren't the only ones, in fact the two of you were probably on the tamer side considering that it was just a kiss.
To your surprise, you actually started to have fun. Mingling and talking to people who you'd seen at school but were too shy to speak to. Across the room, Rodrick was doing the same. You give him an occasional lazy smile, none of which he notices or returns.
You sigh and continue your conversation, but Rodrick sits heavy in the back of your mind. 
You thought about your friendship, your “argument” and how the boy who invited you had suddenly gone ghost afterwards. Maybe Rodrick was right … to some extent. It must have been the alcohol because suddenly a wave of emotion comes over you. It was a mix of guilt, sadness and probably something else you couldn’t pinpoint. 
“Uh, I'm gonna go use the bathroom.” 
You don’t wait for a response from the girl you were talking to and start moving through the crowded room. The closer you get to him, the clearer his conversation becomes. 
“Trust me man, I've been there, your girlfriend sounds like a sweetheart, but you just need to tell her how you feel.” The drunk stranger advises him. “If she still wants to be friends with him, then maybe it’s time to move on.”
Rodrick didn’t say you were his girlfriend the guy just assumed, but Rodrick didn’t correct him, in fact he didn't really mind the mistake. 
“I can’t just move on, she’s my best friend.” 
“Why are you telling people that I'm your girlfriend!” You don’t yell, but you certainly are loud enough.  
Your voice catches Rodrick off guard, and he quickly turns around. 
“I didn’t tell him that, I told him we’re just friends.” He pauses, “With benefits.”
“So you told him we’re having sex.” 
“Yeah… kinda.”
“Why is that all you ever think about?”
You knew it wasn’t true, but you were definitely not sober, and you just said the first thing that came to your mind. Rodrick wasn’t either, and he speaks before his mind can stop him.
“That’s funny coming from you.” His voice is low. 
“What’s that supposed to mean.” You match his volume, conscious of those around you. 
“It means if you wanted to fuck other people, you could have just told me.” 
You stare at him for a few seconds, letting what he said settle into your mind. His words confuse you, a lump grows in your throat, and you struggle to speak. 
“I don’t know what you're talking about” 
You tell him desperately. So desperately that anyone could pick up on it and of course Rodrick did, but he disregards it. 
“He only wants one thing from you y/n stop acting clueless” 
At first, you were sure you misheard him. Sure, that Rodrick couldn’t have said that kind of thing to you. The lump in your throat grows at least twice in size. You’re so unsure what to say or how to react that you just freeze. And you and Rodrick just stare at each other. 
“Y/n I-”
You walk away before you can hear what he has to say. Which honestly would have just been him scrambling and stuttering. You sprint out of the room and go to the nearest bathroom you could find. Turning the knob and sighing when the door didn’t open. 
“Occupied.” A voice says behind the door. 
You give them a shaky, “Okay.” and look for another room. 
You find one upstairs with the door wide open. The door may have been open, but it wasn’t an empty room.  Something shifted in your stomach when you saw him. The same boy who gave you his number in secret, took you to the movies and invited you to this stupid party just casually sitting there. 
“Hey … You.” He pauses, “I've been looking for you all night, where’ve you been.” 
You don’t give him a response, and he continues anyway. 
“Actually, I was looking for you because I wanted to talk to you about something.” He stands and speaks carefully. 
*oh god,* You thought, knowing exactly what was about to happen. *Rodrick was right*
“I feel like you sorta mixed up what we are.” 
He takes a step closer, and the space between the two of you shrinks tremendously. 
“We?” You choked out. 
“I’m okay with you having a boyfriend, but don’t pretend like you’re trying to stay loyal.” 
He takes another step as his harsher tone sets in. 
“Playing hard to get as if you’re something special. I invited you here, so we could finally just fuck and get it over with, but I just don’t really think I want Rodrick's sloppy seconds anymore.” 
He blows a breath of air through his nose and gives you a small smile. 
“You look good though lots of people are ugly when they cry, so I guess you're one of the lucky ones.” 
He leaves the room, passing someone in the doorway as he does. 
*crying,* You think to yourself, only now seeing the mix of concealer and tears that stained your shirt. 
God, you were crying and didn’t even realize it. You tried to swallow and collect yourself, but that lump still sat in your throat. It hurt and burned of alcohol and soda. You wiped your face with your hands, which was pointless because you only started crying more. At least you were conscious of it this time. 
“We should leave.” A voice says behind you in the doorway. 
Of course, it was Rodrick. Who followed you after calling you clueless. He’d been there almost the entire time, watching you be humiliated. You wanted to walk off and get home another way, but with you and tears and clearly not sober, there was no way he was gonna let that happen. 
So you don’t fight with him or argue, you're too sad anyway. You just try to hold onto whatever dignity you have left and walk to the car with your head down in defeat.
Next chapter ;)
All chapters :)
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madness-dragons · 2 years
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Runners are often seen as a materialistic, weak, pompous bunch. Native to the same island as basilisks and vultures, they've evolved with a heavy focus on flight and, as their name implies, running- as such, they have hollow bones and small, compact bodies. Not ideal for combat at all! So, how do these tiny treegoers settle disputes amongst eachother?
Typically, they race eachother! In the air or on the ground- it's quicker and cleaner than a brawl, and usually far more enjoyable to them. And if that doesn't work, there's always feathers- runners come in the full spectrum of colors, and perhaps even some we can't see! With these feathers, they can make some purdy vibrant displays, useful both for warding off threats and for decision making.
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Of course, all things in evolution can be costly. And this pacifist course has rendered them easy prey on their island home... As food sources decline rapidly with the shrinking territory, runners hardly stand a chance in the way of self defense. Most, if not all by now, have chosen to migrate away in droves, integrating almost completely into society. Very few still exist in the wild- and if they do, they won't for long!
So, what the hell's any of that mean for Sheriff?
Not all dragons in Nexus City were kidnapped by Phobos or his brainwashed workers. As a matter of fact, modern day, plenty of dragons come to the city on their own accord in an attempt to make a name for themselves! It's sort of spiraled out of Phobos's control- not that he cares much, at this point.
Sheriff is one of those dragons- sick of his species being seen as a joke, he's determined to either make it big in the city or die trying. (Well, maybe he wouldn't go that far...)
He began as a humble mattress salesman- which caught the eye of Jeb, head of the Industrial District. The two became fast friends- which seemed great for Sheriff's reputation, for a while, anyways.
Even without his full memories intact, Jeb has suspected for a while now that Phobos is entirely unfit to lead, and that whatever he's doing needs to come to a stop quickly before all of dragonkind feels the consequences. Taking advantage of Sheriff's eagerness to be involved and known, he offered to have him be a major part of an assasination plot- it's certainly one way to make a name for yourself!
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However, for whatever reason, the plan fell through- Jeb managed to escape with his reputation and position as head of a district intact, while Sheriff took the brunt of the blame and was placed on flight arrest. (Thankfully, the plan was never discovered to be an assassination attempt- had Phobos known, he'd certainly be a lot worse off....)
Even though all they did was ground him, Sheriff's definitely less than pleased about what happened... The two haven't spoken since. Flight is a huge part of runner culture, and without it, he doesn't quite know what to do with himself- his business suffered a blow too, knowing it's headed by a criminal. Perhaps he'll find eventual freedom when the Status Quo makes it's rounds through the City- they are there to liberate, after all!
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Dancing in Paris
Requested by @aeriscallanga
OC owned by @aeriscallanga
CW: None
Word count: 1,328
Real quick A/N: "cHaOs, YoU sAiD wEeKlY pOsTiNg" well, guess what, im a liar. plus i got sick like twice so this has just been chilling in my google docs for like a month now but hey! its here now and idk maybe i will do weekly posting. also this is not beta read so my bad if theres any errors or if it sucks /hj
“Come on, Keith. I’ve seen you dance. You have to audition, they’ll love you,” Luka said, matching his strides to Keith’s.
“I don’t know… Last time I went to an audition-”
“You didn’t make it. I know, but you’re a lot less busy now. You don’t have to worry about a random call from that second job you had that you still keep secret for some reason," Luka said playfully, trying to lighten Keith's mood with the joke. It seemed to work because Keith let a smile onto his face.
"Okay. I'll think about it. That doesn't mean I'm actually going to do it," Keith replied, a new-found resolve in their voice.
"At least put your name on the list. You don't even have to show up. Even baby steps are progress." The two paused on a bridge and looked out over the river. Keith seemed to be lost in thought. They took a deep breath before looking over at Luka and finally breaking the silence.
"Okay. I'll do it. But I'm just putting my name on the audition list, that doesn't mean I'm committed to this."
"That's all I could ever ask for," Luka said as he offered the other a smile.
Keith counted the steps as he danced. Today was the day if the auditions and they figured if they were going to potentially audition, they might as well be ready. Truth be told, they had been practicing ever since he signed his name onto the audition sheet. Right now, he was dancing on an empty sidewalk next to a river. The space was much better than his cramped home. 
"One, two, three-" CRASH
Keith jumped at the noise and lost his footing. They fell onto the sidewalk, nothing too bad had happened to them. He was, thankfully, just a bit shaken up. They looked up to the source of the loud crash.
"Great," Keith sighed in annoyance as he saw what it was. On the bridge up the river he spotted what he could only assume was an akumatized "villain". Speaking of spots, it seemed Ladybug had arrived and, by the looks of it, had dodged what seemed to be a thrown market stall. He wasn't going to make it, was he? They had a creeping suspicion they weren't going to go, so he didn't know why he seemed disappointed, but he was. On top of all of that, they promised to meet Luka before giving him their final decision.
Keith looked back up to see Cat Noir had arrived. It seemed like a tough fight and it looked like the two superheroes may have been losing. He noticed Ladybug was nowhere to be seen, though. "Odd," Keith thought to himself as he felt a tap on their shoulder.
"Excuse me?," a familiar voice asked. Oh no.
How did he keep getting himself into these situations? Keith held in his hand a box. In that box was a nose ring. He just had to put it on and get rid of the villain, whose name he had quickly forgotten and hoped he got to the theatre on time after. He opened the box and out flew some sort of… was that a bull? How was it flying?
"Hello!," it said cheerily, giving a little wave as Keith let out a yell of surprise.
"You can talk?"
"Yep! I'm Stompp! Now let's go, we've got work to do!" The little bull thing- Stompp put his little hands on the box.
"I- I don't know if I can," Keith admitted.
"What do you mean? Of course you can. You've got this in you! I know you do!"
"It's just… Can you keep a secret?," Keith asked, making sure it was just the two of them.
"Of course!," Stompp seemed very pleased to be trusted enough by Keith.
"Well… I used to be a superhero and it kinda messed with my life and I've got an audition to maybe get to like right after this." Stompp put a hand on one of Keith's fingers.
"Well, they're not going to unakumatize that person without your help. They need you. The way I see it is you're going to be way later if you don't help. The quicker we get this done, the quicker you get to that audition. If you don't want to, though, I suggest you hurry before the streets are too dangerous to go through. So, what's it gonna be?" Keith glanced over to the Parisian streets. They were a mess and only getting worse by the minute. Keith took a breath before answering.
"Okay. Let's do this." Stompp let out a happy cry before pushing the box closer to Keith.
"Well hurry up then!"
As they put the nose ring in, Keith felt more determined than they had felt in a while as they fought. Stompp was right, too. The fight had ended rather quickly and Ladybug somehow managed to get the streets cleaned up almost instantaneously. 
Keith's feet were methodically hitting the concrete sidewalk as he ran to where he had agreed to meet Ladybug. They slid behind a wall before coming to a stop and detranforming themself. Stompp reappeared and congratulated him on his work.
"You did amazing!," Stompp said as Ladybug came into sight.
"Well, I guess this is it," Keith said, feeling a lot more disappointed than he thought he would be.
"Yeah. It was nice working with you. Now, you've got an audition to get to!," Stompp replied. Keith almost interjected with a 'Maybe' before another surge of determination washed over him. 
"I do, don't I?" The two said their final goodbyes before Keith carefully took the nose ring out and handed it to Ladybug. With a wave from the both of them after Ladybug thanked Keith, they were both off. Ladybug to wherever she went after a fight and Keith to meet Luka.
All Keith heard were his breaths and his heavy footfalls as he ran. He had to meet Luka on time. He had to get to that audition. He wasn't missing it. Not this time.
Keith slowed to a stop as he reached the spot he agreed to meet Luka at, but they couldn't see him. He heard footsteps approaching from an alley and spun around, only to be met by Luka. Keith breathed a sigh of relief.
"About time you showed up," Luka teased.
"No time for that we've got to go, I'm gonna be late!" With that, Keith grabbed Luka's hand and ran towards the theater.
"You know, they'll probably give you more time given a few blocks of Paris were shut down for a while," Luka said, trying to keep pace with Keith.
"Yeah, but we can't be sure," Keith said, continuing to run. They continued like this for a few more minutes, continuing to constantly dodge cars and pedestrians before coming to a stop outside of a theater.
"Well, this is it," Luka said as he tried to catch his breath.
"Yeah," Keith replied, his eyes transfixed on the building. Their hand reached out for the handle and they opened the door. The walked into the building and for the first time in a very long time, Keith danced. It felt incredible and in that moment, he didn't even care if he got the part- well, maybe he did a little, but not as much as he used to. They were just happy to be there and as he wrapped his dance up, the judges looked at him expectantly. 
"Keith, if you're willing to accept, you have the part," the one in the middle spoke.
"Yes! I'd love to take it!" Keith was more than elated. He did it. He really did it. Luka was right after all. That brought him back down. 'I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?,' Keith thought to themself, but as they looked over at Luka smiling at them, he figured he could live with it.
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smol-cherry · 3 years
◇MCYT Makeup HCs (Part 2)
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◇A/N: I have a request half done and I'm procrastinating by writing another request, anyways it's 12 Am while writing this..
◇Character(s): George, Wilbur, Tommy, Karl, Quackity, Nihachu, Jack.
◇Type: Headcanon.
◇Genre: Fluff.
◇TW/CW: Mention of E-Girl type makeup? Cussing.
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CC! George:
He has.. Little idea what he's doing, you're going to have to help him through half of it.
Also can't seem to find a comfortable way to do your makeup, he's always too far away.
You're gonna have to pick colors.. He's colorblind.. Unless you like chaos.
Has a really hard time with eyeliner, he thought about different ways to do eyeliner for about 5 minutes before actually doing anything.
He's trying his best though and it doesn't turn out too badly.
Your eyeliner is not even at all though.
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CC! Wilbur:
This sweet boy certainly doesn't work with makeup ever, but he's seen people use it enough to remember.. Some of it.
Hell probably stick to something a bit more calm and natural, nothing crazy or that would take a lot of work.
Though he really wanted to go for an E-Girl type look.. Self explanatory.
Has a hard time not resting his hand on your cheek to get closer, you might have to move his arm away.
He's honestly pretty proud of himself after it's done.
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CC! Tom my:
He's so focused he ends up breaking his persona up a bit, but remembers he's streaming and starts cracking jokes again.
Would probably ask you a bunch of questions, he's genuinely interested in how you so good all the time.
Not that he'd say that of course.
Calls Wilbur and asks for help even though you're right there, he apologies and says it was just for a bit after stream.
Can't keep still so he fucks up a bit but it actually looks alright.
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CC! Karl:
Tries so sneak kisses randomly, chat is absolutely loving it.
He's a little confused about how much blush or highlighter he should add and where but he still does a good job.
Thankfully doesn't mess up anything too badly, actually puts a lot of effort into it.
Matches your eyeshadow to his merch..
He thinks you look adorable, as always.
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CC! Quackity:
This little gremlin..
Can't stop laughing at all, but neither can you.
He messed one thing up and now you're both almost crying from laughter.
The stream was so chaotic.
He can't decide what style would look best on you, so you have to give him a couple options to help.
Goes with pretty bold and bright colors.
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CC! Nihachu:
Oh are you in luck, you chose the best person for the job.
Still struggles a tiny bit but only because she usually doesn't really put makeup on others, only herself.
She makes your makeup match hers.
Gives you a little too much blush but you still look great.
Expect to see a lot of edits or fancams later that day.
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CC! Jack Manifold:
He's put makeup on Niki before so.. He might be able to remember what he should start with first.
He's so concentrated when it comes to putting on eyeliner it genuinely scared you for a bit.
He smudges it though..
Also goes for a bold look and bright colors.
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rubysunnday · 3 years
Hi!! If this doesn't catch your eye, then feel free to delete this.
Could I please request a Bridgerton imagine where Eloise meets Reader and realises that R would be perfect for one of her brothers (you can decide which one)? Eloise then tries to matchmake them or even just introduce them to each other??
so, this is love
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“Oh, come on, Y/N/N.”
“Pretty please?”
“Eloise, you can give me the sad eyes all you want, my answer is not going to change.”
“But if you just -”
“Eloise, I will burn you with this cigarette in a minute - stop it.”
Eloise slumped back against the tree and gave Y/N a glower that would rival Anthony. Y/N - who’d been friends with the Bridgerton’s for almost four years - ignored the glowering glare her friend was giving her and puffed on her cigarette.
“Are you coming to the ball tomorrow?” Eloise asked, dropping her glower. She reached over and snatched the cigarette out of Y/N’s hand.
“Yes, of course,” Y/N replied, frowning. “You know I am - no.”
“One dance.”
“Just one.”
Eloise practically growled. “Oh, come on, Y/N! You love Colin!”
“Yes, as a friend, El,” Y/N replied, scoffing. “Don’t you dare try and set me up with your brother.”
Eloise sighed but held her hands up in surrender. “Alright, I won’t. But you’ll still come tomorrow?”
“I don’t really have much choice,” Y/N muttered. “I promised your mother and Anthony.”
Eloise smirked. “She’s terrifying, isn’t she?”
“Put together with Anthony, I felt as if I was going to be executed if I didn’t say yes!” Y/N exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “He glowered at me, El. Glowered.”
“Ah, yes, Anthony Bridgerton’s infamous glower,” Eloise said, nodding. She handed the cigarette back to Y/N. “Now you have to come.”
Y/N let out a sarcastic laugh as she took the cigarette. “Very funny, El.”
“What’s funny?”
Y/N jumped and almost fell off the swing she was sitting on. “Jesus Christ, Benedict!” She exclaimed, putting a hand on her chest. 
“Sorry,” Benedict said, struggling not to smile. He sat down on the swing next to her and held his hand out for the cigarette. 
“Oh, we’re all just sharing now, are we?” Y/N muttered, handing the cigarette to him. 
“We were just talking about how Mother and Anthony managed to make Y/N agree to attend the ball tomorrow night,” Eloise said, picking at the grass around her.
“He glowered, she smiled,” Y/N muttered, shuddering either from the sudden gust of wind or the memory of being cornered in Anthony’s office.
Benedict laughed and choked on the smoke he accidentally inhaled. “Once they corner you, there's no escape, believe me, I know!”
Y/N groaned, slouching as much as she could in the swing. “I don’t want to go, though - no offence.”
“None taken,” Eloise called, shaking her head. “I don’t want to go either.”
Y/N groaned again and leant back on the swing, tilting her head back until her hair was touching the grass. She pushed herself back and forth with her feet as she contemplated her impending doom, half listening to the conversation Benedict and Eloise were having.
She’d never been one for balls - she was a introvert like Eloise - and preferred hiding in her house (or Bridgerton house which was quickly becoming a second home to her) reading a book. 
When she’d first entered society she’d been a wallflower. Y/N and Eloise had met at a ball and had bonded over the fact neither one wanted to be there. A few balls later and Y/N found herself dancing with Colin Bridgerton.
It hadn’t taken much before she fell down a rabbit hole titled Big Crush on Colin Bridgerton. 
Not that she would ever admit it to anyone. Unfortunately, Eloise had found out and - after much badgering and nagging - Y/N had reluctantly admitted that she was right and ever since then, Eloise had been determined to set her up with her brother. 
Y/N had been avoiding Colin ever since Eloise had found out, not that she thought he’d noticed.
Y/N tilted back a bit further and yelped as she lost her balance and fell onto the grass. “Oh, right, that’s it, I’m not going,” she moaned, staring up at the tree and glowering at the inconvenience that had just occurred to her. 
Benedict snorted as he stood up and held out a hand to her. “Oh, stop complaining, Y/N/N, you’ll be fine. I’ll keep an eye on you.”
Y/N begrudgingly took Benedict’s hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet and pull a twig out her hair. “Yes, and then the entire ton can glare at me because I’m friends with the most eligible bachelors in London.”
Benedict smacked her on the back of the head and Y/N slapped his arm in retaliation.
“Children,” Eloise called - sounding scarily like Violet. “Y/N, you are coming whether you like it or not. In fact, I’m going to make Benedict come and get you at noon tomorrow so you can get ready here.”
“And so I don’t run away?” Y/N added, raising an eyebrow at Eloise.
“That too.”
Y/N muttered something that sounded suspiciously like she was cursing the entire Bridgerton name, but she nodded. “Fine. Benedict can come and get me.”
“I’m so glad I’m appreciated by you,” Benedict said sarcastically, putting an arm around her shoulders. “It’s such a refreshing change.”
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She wasn’t hiding.
There just happened to be a significantly large potted plant in front of the chair she was sitting in. 
Y/N had to admit that she did look beautiful. The midnight blue dress sparkled in the dozens of candles dotted around the room and her hair had been pinned up with jewelled violet hair pins that Violet had leant her for the night.
That didn’t, however, change the fact that she didn’t want to be there and was trying her hardest to avoid Colin. 
Eloise, however, had had the opposite idea and had been glued to Colin’s side the entire night, trying to find Y/N and make her dance with her brother. 
“Is my Mother’s orange tree plant providing subtle enough cover, Y/N/N, or would you like a cheese plant as well?”
Y/N stuck her tongue out at Anthony. “I know you’re joking but I wouldn’t mind if it happened to appear next to the orange tree.”
Anthony chuckled and sat down next to her, offering her one of the glasses of lemonade he’d been holding. “You can’t hide behind a plant all evening.”
“I’m doing a pretty good job of it so far,” she retorted, sipping on the drink. “It is a very nice plant.”
“Why are you hiding?” Anthony asked, leaning back in his chair.
“Your sister is trying to set me up with Colin,” Y/N muttered, glowering at the plant as if it was Eloise’s face.
“Who? El?” “Yes, Eloise,” Y/N snapped. “Once that woman gets an idea she physically cannot let it go until she’s finished with it.”
Anthony laughed. “You’re hiding from Eloise?”
“She’s terrifying when she’s on a mission, Anthony,” Y/N replied, turning in her chair to look at her friend. “You’ve seen her with the whole Whistledown fiasco.”
“I was wondering why she’s been glued to Colin’s side or night,” Anthony mused.
Y/N groaned, dramatically throwing her head back against the wall. “I’m doomed, Anthony. Doomed.”
“Let it never be said you’re not dramatic,” Anthony muttered, sipping his drink. “Want to dance?”
“If I dance she might see me. I should hide behind foliage when possible.”
“She’s not a predator, Y/N. Besides, you promised me a dance,” Anthony said, standing up and holding his hand out.
“No,” Y/N grumbled, taking his hand and letting him drag her onto the floor, “she’s an apex predator.” 
Anthony rolled his eyes. “Yes, alright, she’s an apex predator. Now, I know you don’t like my family tonight but please try to avoid stepping on my toes, these shoes have just been polished.”
Y/N resisted the childish urge to stamp on Anthony’s foot, just to prove a point. 
The dance was a slightly energetic one - a far cry from a waltz, thankfully - and Y/N found that she was actually enjoying herself. Anthony spun her around the room and lifted her up into the air, watching her giggle with excitement with a triumphant smile.
The song slowly came to an end and they bowed to each other. Y/N giggled again and hugged Anthony.
“I enjoyed that, thank you,” Y/N said, almost beaming. “Oh, fuck.”
Anthony, forgetting that Y/N had spent too much time around them and probably knew more swear words than he did, gaped at her. “What?”
Y/N nodded behind him with fear in her eyes. “I’ve been snared.”
“Y/N! There you are!” Eloise called, barging through the crowd and dragging Colin behind her. Colin followed his sister with an amused smile. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“And I’ve been dancing with Anthony,” Y/N replied, trying to avoid looking at Colin. 
Eloise’s eyes narrowed at her for a second. “Colin has a question to ask you,” she said, pushing her brother forward.
Colin stepped forward and Y/N was forced to look at him. She titled her head up - no matter what height she seemed to be, he always seemed to be taller - and met his gaze. She struggled to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as he made eye contact with her and smiled.
“I was wondering if you would like to waltz with me?” Colin asked, gesturing to the band who were preparing for the next dance.
“Waltz?” Y/N asked, staring at him.
“You don’t need anyone’s permission, do you?” Colin asked, frowning. “I just assumed with you being an only child -”
“She has my permission to waltz, brother,” Anthony said, stepping forward and standing next to Y/N. “I am her chaperone after all.”
Y/N gave Anthony a glare of betrayal. “Yes, of course,” she said, turning back to Colin. “I’d be happy to dance with you.”
“Excellent,” Colin said, taking Y/N’s hand.
As he led her to the dance floor, Y/N glared at Anthony and Eloise, who she now realised had teamed up together. They both looked far too pleased with themselves and when they began to follow them onto the dance floor she realised she had no way out.
“Are you alright?” Colin asked, eyeing her with concern as Y/N sighed heavily. “I’ve hardly seen you all evening.”
“I’ve been outside,” Y/N lied, nodding to convince herself. “Away from... people.”
Colin chuckled, nodding with an air of understanding. “Yes, I understand.”
Colin moved his hand on to her waist and Y/N tried not to make the sharp intake of breath she took obvious. His hand rested on her waist and the small of her back, just below where the back of her dress ended and exposed her skin. His other hand grabbed hers and, despite the white, silk gloves she was wearing, she could feel the heat of his hands. 
“Y/N?” Colin asked softly.
Y/N’s eyes snapped to his and she was engulfed by the pure delight, love and enjoyment in them. The crinkled slightly as he smiled at her. 
“We have an audience,” Colin said, nodding to his left. 
Y/N followed his gaze and tried not to groan aloud when she noticed the entire Bridgerton family - minus Eloise and Anthony who’d annoyingly joined them on the dance floor - watching them.
“Oh, for -” Y/N cut herself off and sighed. “No, it’s fine,” she said, looking back at Colin. 
“Are you sure?” He asked.
The orchestra finished tuning and the first notes of the waltz began.
“Yes,” Y/N said, smiling a pure smile of joy for the first time that night. “It’s perfect.”
They began dancing around the room to the gentle melody of the waltz. 
“Have you been avoiding me?” Colin asked suddenly.
Y/N blinked in surprise as he spun her. “You noticed?”
She mentally cursed herself because that was not what she meant to say. 
“Of course I noticed, Y/N,” Colin said, frowning. “I go to talk to you and you’re not there. You’ve disappeared off with Hyacinth or Benedict.”
Y/N sighed, realising she wasn’t going to get away with lying. “Ok, fine. I have been avoiding you, Colin.”
Y/N cursed in her head as Colin spun her away to Anthony (she was beginning to suspect the two Bridgerton siblings had purposefully joined them in the dance to make it even harder to talk to him).
“Bad time,” she growled to Anthony.
“Eloise forced me too,” Anthony replied, unfazed by the anger that was directed at him. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Y/N asked, looking up at him.
“Of course, Y/N/N.” “Am I... suitable for Colin?” She asked, finally voicing her main concern and the reason she’d been avoiding him. “I know I'm not a perfect lady - and I have hardly any dowry and that my family is all but non-existent -”
“Y/N,” Anthony said softly, cutting her off. “You are more than enough for my brother. I don’t care about anything except the fact that you love him.”
Y/N opened her mouth to protest but Anthony cut her off before she could.
“I’ve seen the way you two look at each other, Y/N,” he said gently, twirling her. “You are practically a Bridgerton already, why not make it official?”
Y/N’s eyes widened but before she could question him, she was spun back to Colin. 
“So, we were talking about you avoiding me,” Colin said, a cheeky grin on his face.
Y/N let out a stuttered breath as Colin moved his hand up slightly, his fingers brushing over her bare back. 
“Colin... I...”
“I know,” Colin said gently, looking her in the eye.
Y/N faltered. “You know... what?”
“Why you’ve been avoiding me,” Colin elaborated. 
“Oh?” “Eloise told me.”
Colin laughed. “You’re change of tone is so telling - you are rubbish at hiding your emotions.”
“Yeah, well I’m obviously not that bad,” Y/N muttered. “What did Eloise say, exactly?”
“That you like me and she’s been trying to set us up for the past few weeks,” Colin replied, twirling her around a few times. “Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
Y/N shrugged slightly. “You’re a Bridgerton, Colin. You could have any woman in this room - the majority of whom are far more suitable than me, an orphan with hardly any dowry and a grandmother who doesn’t care -”
“But I want you, Y/N,” Colin said, moving his hand from her back to tilt her chin up.
Y/N allowed him to lift her head up and gazed into his eyes. “You... want me?”
“I did just say that, didn’t I?” Colin quipped, his eyes twinkling.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Haha, very funny.” She paused. “But... you do want... me?”
“Of course I do!” Colin said, surprised that she was even doubting his affections. “Y/N, I’ve wanted you from the moment you walked into me and nearly fell down the stairs.”
Y/N let out a snort that she quickly disguised with a cough. “Thank you for saving me, by the way,” she replied, smiling. “That would have been interesting.”
“Especially since you almost took Benedict out with you,” Colin added.
Y/N laughed, throwing her head back. “Oh, god, don’t remind me!”
Colin moved his hands to her waist and lifted her into the air as the music reached its climax. He slowly lowered her back down, his hands staying on her waist, and Y/N felt the sudden urge to take him there and then.
“I love you, Y/N Y/L/N,” Colin said softly, his voice almost a whisper in her ear. “I love everything about you. I love your clumsiness, your eye for art, the way you sing... I love you.”
Y/N looked up at him. “I love you too, Colin.”
Colin smiled and stepped closer to her, his hands tightening on her waist. 
Someone bumped into Y/N and she fell forward into Colin - the man catching her and holding her up against him.
“Stupid heels,” Eloise cursed, wobbling and grabbing Anthony’s arm to steady herself. “Oh, hi! How was your dance?”
Y/N bit her lip and looked at Colin, struggling not to laugh. “Someday, Eloise,” she said, turning to look at her friend, “I’m going to be hanged for murdering you.”
Eloise took Y/N’s arm. “If you get caught I’ll be disappointed.”
“Who said I’d be caught?” Y/N questioned. “I just assumed your brothers would hang me themselves.”
The two women laughed as they walked off to the drinks table, chatting vividly about a subject women probably shouldn’t be talking about.
“I love her, brother,” Colin said, turning to look at Anthony.
Anthony chuckled and smiled, patting him on the back. “Yes, I noticed, Colin,”
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ryosmne · 3 years
Tattoo Artist! Sukuna x reader (part 3)
Hey there again, I had a few ideas of where i wanted to take the third part, I'm very happy with what I came up with, it's very very fluffy, I hope you have a good time reading 💜.
Series masterlist here
Here's a playlist for fluffy Sukuna
Warnings: Language, suggestive tones, alcohol consumption (everyone is of age here, around 21/22), nudity? Not really described, that's about it.
Saturday was slow for Sukuna, he doesn't really like working away his weekends, but here he is, finishing up a chest piece that looked good if he had to say so himself. Everything was luckluster to him compared to the project he was still drafting for y/n.
Speaking of her she hadn't texted him all day, neither did Sukuna. He told himself he wasn't clingy like that, she texted him before she would do it again surely. Y/n didn't pay much mind to him not making contact, perhaps he was busy. She wasn't wrong, she also had initiated most of their text conversations, she didn't want to seem desperate. Sukuna was going to contact her when he was free.
On the other hand Sukuna was stressed, passing in the hallway between the reception and his work booth, checking his phone every once in a while, he was a bit snappier than usual, not letting Gojo's or Megumi's remarks go, he would answer back, his voice almost dripping with venom, he was very much pissed and it showed.
When closing time finally came he was ready to blow up, Gojo teasing him, only made him more agitated. Gojo knew something was bothering him and he wasn't planning on dropping the subject.
"Hey 'kuna, tell the truth, you took her out and she left because she couldn't stand you, that's why you're so mad."
The white haired man joked, you could see the smoke coming out Sukuna's ears.
"Don't call me that. For your information, me and y/n had a great time, quit being an bumbass I'm not mad." Y/n did enjoy herself right? It sure looked like it. Was Sukuna getting insecure? Yes. Could everyone tell he was lying about not being mad? Also Yes.
"Oh so it's 'you and y/n' now? You were right Geto, he's got it real bad, he's not even calling her 'some girl' or something."
Gojo continued to laugh, he was enjoying every single second of torment he was putting Sukuna through.
He had enough though, he grabbed his jacket and his keys, but just before he left the rest of his crew and Yuuji, who came to eat with Megumi to close, he called to the most rational person inside. "Geto, come on I'll drive you home." Sukuna needed someone to talk to, he needed to know he was in the right and not going totally insane. Nanami was really close to him but relationships wasn't a topic he would really touch on. Gojo was out of the question, the man was a womaniser, not that it was a bad thing but he wouldn't even take Sukuna seriously, he only wanted to annoy him for the time being. Megumi was also a no. He would spill the beans to Yuuji, he already had Gojo on his ass he didn't need two more idiots making fun of him, one was barely tolerable. That only left Geto, who has at least had a few solid relationships and he was trustworthy enough not to give him too much shit.
Geto grabbed the chance not to have to clean for one night, but he was very curious about Sukuna's sudden move to give him a ride home, he has never offered that before. Yuuji had tipped him off, he knew his brother wanted to get all of the attention, if y/n didn't make a move, his brother would go insane. He was surprisingly right, so Yuuji told Geto to try and get his brother riled up. Now Geto didn't exactly agree, but he wanted to give Sukuna a friendly nudge to the right direction.
Sukuna had already been driving for a little while, he couldn't find the courage to open his mouth and talk. Has he gone mad? Its not like he's clueless about girls, he's had many. Why was it different this time?
"So how come you wanna drive me around at night?" The raven haired man asked, eyebrow raised, ready to hear what his friend was so on edge for all day, even though he had an idea. Sukuna wasn't one to share feelings, he never did, he couldn't really tell anyone the reason why not a single word from y/n all day irked him so damn much. "Look, so let's say there's this girl right? You take her out, you have fun, everything is cruising perfectly, but then she doesn't really talk to you the next day." He said with a small pause "hypothetically speaking" He added, just to avoid further questions.
Geto looked at him with a blank face, although he couldn't really believe in his ears, Yuuji was right, he knew his friend was falling face first, it still surprised him. He saw the day that Sukuna was stressed for a girl, if someone told him even two weeks ago that this was going to happen happen, Geto most definitely would've laughed straight in their face.
"Well it depends really, for example did you text her and she didn't answer? Then yeah, she's not interested, but maybe she's busy, or she started texting first and she wants you to initiate." Sukuna blinked "You're right she's busy, she has a test too, maybe she has been studying, she'll come around." He said, the words came fast out of his mouth. Geto looked at him again more serious this time. "Look man, I know for a fact, you haven't texted first, you seem to really like her, don't be a pussy and send her one text." His tone was equally serious. "I'm just fond of her, that's all she's good company." Sukuna tried to brush him off, Geto wouldn't budge. "Call it what you want, I know you like the feisty ones, so do many people and you know how college kids are, one party is all it takes to lead to who knows what. Man up, when you do you can bring her around the shop too, you know we all would love to meet her." By the time Geto finished his sentence, Sukuna had already parked outside of his apartment to drop him off, they shared their good nights.
For the rest of his lonely drive home Sukuna couldn't help but think of that party his brother mentioned a couple nights ago, was y/n going to be there? And Geto's words kept replaying in his head.
Geto was smiling to himself walking inside his apartment knowing he did the right thing giving his friend a slight push.
With her hair just the way she liked it, her make-up done and an outfit that extenuated her best features, y/n was making her way down the street to meet up with Mai outside of Todo's place. The walk wasn't too long and y/n caught a glimpse of her short haired friend, who was also dressed to impress, standing right out of Todo's door.
"You didn't wait long did you?" Y/n asked, Mai smilled and shook her head, she was the late one most of the time, she did make it just a second before y/n arrived.
"Let's go, my sister and Nobara are waiting" she informed y/n, who nodded. "Really, I haven't seen Maki in a while, Nobara rarely shows up in class too." She said full of excitement, the girls were friends for a long while, even before college. Mai and y/n ended up forming closer friendship.
"Yeah they're about to remind us of how single we are." Mai loved her sister with all her heart, she was very competitive though and when Maki got with Nobara before Mai could strike up a boyfriend in college, she took it a bit personally. Then she focused her attention on finding someone for y/n, but that never went well. Hopping right up the stairs both girls were talking about what they would see tonight, more accurately who. "So Yuuji is probably going to be here, I asked Todo" Mai said her eyes hopefull, y/n rolled her's and her companion didn't let it go unnoticed. "I really don't get you, he's cute, you even said so." There she goes again, but y/n wouldn't let it slide this time. "You seem way more giddy to see him, than I do." She said, knocking on Todo's door who was waiting right behind it, answering in seconds. Mai was still dumbfounded, she hardly acknowledged Todo at the door and made her way inside with y/n.
Thankfully the sofa on Todo's living room they usually sat on was only occupied by Maki and Nobara. "Wow sis you made it on time for once without someone dragging you out the house." Maki hugged her sister tightly, "I didn't really have a choice, y/n said she would go home if I was late again." Mai, said with a bit of a whine. Nobara went for y/n. "She's giving you hell huh?" Her comment made the girl laugh. "Nah she's fine, she can be a bit of a baby." That line made Mai slap her arm playfully, even when they made digs at each other, it was all in good fun.
Y/n could see Mai out the corner of her eye scanning the room, it wasn't unusual for her to do that, but it was the fourth time the past 30 minutes they've been here. Something was definitely up with her, and when she raised her hand having finally spotted the one she was looking for, y/n was a hundred percent sure of what was going on.
"Yuuji, over here" Mai called hand in the air, a very friendly smile on her face. Yuuji eagerly walked over offering his greetings, his attention was on y/n "Hey, has my brother texted you at all?" That was an out of the blue question. Mai gave her a look "His brother?" She questioned, then looked back at Yuuji "You've got a brother?" Why did he have to say that infront of Mai, she wouldn't leave her alone until she told her everything about the guy, she was at least thankful he didn't mention a date, Sukuna probably hadn't mentioned anything to him. "Oh yeah, he's the one I went to last week and no Yuuji he hasn't, did something happen?" Mai stayed silent, so did the other girls, they planned on interrogating her later, judging by the looks they exchanged. "Oh it's nothing" Yuuji let out a breathy laugh, knowing he plotted with Geto to get under his brother's skin. Payback for the bagels he baked at 4 am was going to be sweet.
Yuuji took a seat next to Mai, who introduced him to her sister, Nobara already knew him short of and the two of them begun chatting casually. Y/n could see the chemistry between them as he complimented the dark haired girl on the way she looked tonight. She could see their eyes meeting, something more than friendliness resided in the looks they shared.
Y/n let her friend have her fun, at this point Maki and Nobara had adopted her taking shots, talking about the annoying situations that have occurred in the time they hadn't seen each other. Nobara in particular, was sharing her frustrations about men not taking her seriously as Maki's significant other and continuing to make moves on her partner. "I shut them down" Maki said proudly snaking an arm around her girlfriend's waist. "I know you do, I just want them to feel a bit threatened" Nobara's eyes drifted to the floor . "What are you talking about? Remember the time you just looked at that guy eyeing her and he mouthed 'sorry'? You're very threatening." Y/n took another shot laughing with the two girls. Her comment was quite comforting to Nobara and Maki knew that things always went Nobara's way, she just liked complaining sometimes, she was the jealous type.
Todo with Takada in hand, who arrived right after y/n and Mai, answers his door again for the multipluth time this evening, seeing the last person he expected. "I thought you were too old for house parties" he taunted at the grumpy man infront of him. "Screw you I'm 26, and I didn't come empty handed" Sukuna spoke, his tone getting a bit friendlier at the last words in his sentence. He passwd the two bottles of vodka he held to Todo. "Well come on in, Yuuji's brother is also mine" he said giving the pink haired man a friendly hug.
Sukuna's eye scanned his living room untill his eyes landed on the back of y/n's head, he headed straight her way.
Y/n heard a few girls around her making a fuss over some apparently really hot guy who just entered, but she didn't bother turning around. That was until she heard it "Huh, who would've known, you actually have friends" That voice was unmistakably his. Sukuna was here. Y/n's heart was fluttering in her chest but the alcohol in her system made it easy to come up with a comeback. "At least I don't pay mine to hang around me." She said, her voice laced with sarcasm, she still didn't turn to face him, she was frozen in place. Mai's, Maki's, Yuuji's and Nobara's eyes were wide and dancing between the two. There was for sure something going on here. Sukuna took a seat beside her casually draping an arm around the back of the sofa. "You're hurting my feelings doll, I'm not that bad" he spoke so softly, she almost got lost looking into his eyes. He looked way too good for her liking, same jewelry and eyeliner as the last time she saw him, his pink her strategically messed up, a silk black button down with the top two buttons undone, exposing his defined collarbones and the tattoos that extended to his chest and neck, black pants framing his thighs perfectly as he sat. Y/n was staring at this point, her friends were silent, taking in the image that was displayed before them. They had never seen y/n flustered or having difficulty forming words. Even Yuuji was surprised, seems like he was wrong about y/n's taste.
Sukuna was enjoying the look on her face a little more than he cared to admit, he would've taken his teasing further, but he didn't want to embarrass the girl anymore and her friends were already shocked. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" He asked her poking her cheek, and y/n could see Nobara was about to blow up.
"Right, Mai, Maki and Nobara this is Sukuna, he's um my tattoo artist?" What was she even supposed to say at this point? The guy she went on a date with and had the best make out session of her life?
Sukuna gave his hand out to the girls greeting them, he noticed his brother a few seats over who was concealing a laugh "you're here too brat" he briefly egnowledged him, Yuuji hummed back a hello in return, turning to Mai who was very eager to hear the details of y/n's and Sukuna's relationship, he sure as hell didn't look like just her tattoo artist.
"Tattoo artist? Really? you don't even have tattoos y/n" Nobara spoke, she just wanted her friend to be honest with her, if she had someone special, she could have said so, they've known each other for years. Sukuna wasn't surprised to hear that y/n hadn't shared that she got tattooed, he could tell she was a bit of a private person.
Y/n took off her jacket that she still had on from when she arrived, to show off the design to Maki and Nobara, Mai had already seen it and she was busy gossiping with Yuuji anyways. "Right, I forgot to tell you" she said, as Maki and Nobara scanned her upper arm with their eyes, so did Sukuna. He couldn't help himself, y/n looked so beautiful in his work. He wanted to cover every inch of her skin she was willing to give him, she could be his personal work of art, she already was one, but he wanted to decorate her in the best way he could and with the most beautiful art he could make. "That looks so beautiful" Maki spoke in awe, Nobara gave a little laugh "it's creepy, but it's really you. "
She took a look at Sukuna then back at y/n "It's very fitting, I don't know how to explain it." She continued.
Sukuna never took compliments that seriously, but hearing y/n's seemingly bitchy friend praise his work and the perception he had of her made him grin widely.
The four of them continued to speak, Maki and Nobara were very interested in Sukuna's line of work, Mai and Yuuji also took their turns in talking when they weren't too busy with one another. Y/n's friends were doing great with Sukuna, she thought he would be really difficult, he has a very explosive personality. Sukuna was putting in all the effort to make a good impression, both to y/n and the ones around her.
"So, did you miss me that much you came to find me?" Y/n asked once the attention was taken off of them. Mai looked to be having a deep conversation with Yuuji whereas Maki and Nobara got up to dance. "And if I did?" Sukuna spoke, his face dangerously close to hers, when did he manage to get hip to hip with her? Then again y/n had grown so comfortable around him, she didn't notice.
"Well, if that's the case, I'm glad you did come." She replied, Sukuna could tell she was a bit tipsy, else he would be making out with her on that sofa not caring who was watching.
Y/n poured herself another drink, thank god she didn't have to get up to get a refill, but Sukuna's voice stopped her movements. "Maybe you should ease up there" he said watching her fill two cups.
Y/n raised a brow at him "since where are you a party pooper? come on it ain't a party without a drink" her voice was playful as she tried passing one cup to him. Sukuna liked this y/n too, she was a bit more giggly, she smiled a bit more, "I'm driving sweetheart". Y/n was satisfied with his answer and proceeded to gulp down on both the cups she filled before Sukuna could stop her. She laughed pointing at him with her tongue out "too slow". Sukuna could only smile and pat her head. She was something else.
Somewhere along the night, Maki and Nobara disappeared and so did Yuuji and Mai. "You better tell your brother to take good care of my friend" y/n's state was getting worse, or more hilarious, it depended on how you looked at it. Sukuna would straight up laugh with some of the things she said, and he was trying his best to keep all forms of alcohol away from her, for her own good. "I don't think you should worry, Yuuji is much better than me in these kinds of things." He replied honestly, but y/n didn't necessarily see it like that. "There's no way he's that smooth" she trailed, the corners of her lips tugging upward. "Well if I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked me, didn't you think I was a dick?" Sukuna asked "Still do" her smile only grew wider.
One thing was for sure, y/n was very demanding when drunk, Sukuna left her side for the first time all night to get her some water, cause she felt 'like SpongeBob under that lamp drying out'. Not even slightly bothered by her request, Sukuna was on his way back to her, that's when he saw some guy standing infront of her trying to talk to her. Y/n even in her not very conscious state didn't tolerate people who didn't respect her "Just one song, come on it won't hurt, you're alone after all" the guy, y/n didn't care to catch the name of said "look, I don't dance, not unless the company is worth it, and I'm here with someone, leave me alone, this is getting annoying" Sukuna observed laughing to himself. He didn't feel the need to intervene yet. Y/n didn't like getting bossed around that's for sure, nor did she need a knight in shining armour to protect her, not that he would mind doing that. Sukuna casually sat down beside her again, ignoring the guy who was still standing there for some reason. That irritated him, it was enough that he tried to make a move on her, but not leaving while he was right there rubbed him the wrong way, "Here you go sweetheart" He said handing her the glass, praying that she won't drop and break it, he threw a glare at the guy who finally took the hint and left. "Thank you 'kuna." Y/n spoke, in a tone totally different from the one she had moments ago.
The nickname alone made his heart jump. Gojo was quite annoying when he called him that, but hearing the same word rolling out of y/n's tongue was completely different. Sukuna couldn't tell why he was feeling that way, he didn't care though, all he knew was that even the air smelled sweeter, when he was around her.
"You don't dance unless the company is good?" He asked, genuinely curious "well yes, if I feel comfortable I'll dance, but I don't really do it that much" she said, eyes heavy looking all over Sukuna's frame. " I see, how about we dance?" Sukuna suggested, he rarely danced himself, y/n made him want to get out of his comfort zone, hell he's already at a house party thanks to her.
"Only if you take some shots with me." She smilled at him malevolently. "You're playing dirty, who's going to take you home if I'm drunk?" Sukuna just wanted to hear her drunken logic "It probably takes a bottle for you to get drunk, you're clumsy, drunk or not, you're probably going to kill me if I get in your car".
Sukuna was full blown laughing, but she was right, her head was still not gone, she could walk and talk fine, she was just more talkative and cheerful, couple of shots wouldn't hurt, he could walk her home after since she lived close by, he remembered the way and then walk back home himself. She also gave him the cutest look he'd ever seen, how could he deny her?
"Ok you win" he raised his hands in defeat and y/n couldn't be happier. She poured 4 shots for them, which they quickly consumed and they were off to dance.
She never pictured him as a dancer, y/n saw Sukuna as the very cool looking dude standing on the bar, probably drinking whiskey with a bit of ice.
Looks can be deceiving, Sukuna was spinning her around, their bodies were pressed together, guiding each other to the beat. Eyes were meeting, body heat was exchanged, they fit like puzzle pieces even like this. Y/n kept looking at the exposed skin of his neck, why did he have to look like that and be this close, her face only grew warmer once her eyes met his and then dropped to his lips. Its not that Sukuna didn't want to kiss her, he would most certainly prefer her to be sober and remember it clearly the next day.
Those last two shots y/n had, in addition to Sukuna's body against hers, made her vision a bit blurry and her knees weak. "Hey doll, everything ok? You with me?" He shook her lightly by the shoulders, he could tell she was growing tired and he noticed how her demeanor changed. "Mhm, I'm sleepy 'kuna" there she goes again, making his heart skip beats. Y/n would be giving him so much shit had she realised she made him feel like that. "Ok then, how about we take you home ?" Sukuna's voice was so mellow, almost like he was talking to a toddler.
He guided her out of the crowded house, Todo was nowhere to be found, so Sukuna couldn't really let him know he was leaving.
Y/n was leaning on him, walking slowly down the street towards her place, but she abruptly stopped and sat down.
"What's wrong?" Sukuna asked, his sound as mellow as before. She was down right adorable, sitting there with a pout of her face .
"My feet hurt" y/n complained, dramatically throwing her arms around, if it was any other person Sukuna would've droped them to fend for themselves. "Really? That's sad" he replied, dropping down to her level, she only nodded, women's shoes are the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Sukuna scooped her up in his arms and carried her bridal style the rest of the way, he couldn't have her complaining and it wasn't like she would remember much either. With her arms wrapped securely around his neck, y/n could feel the warmth creeping up her neck all the way up to her ears, she didn't see the satisfied smile Sukuna wore.
Today went a lot better than he expected. So well that the tiredness got to y/n before they reached her apartment. Sukuna watched as she fell asleep in his arms. What a strange girl, she had both shyness and attitude, she was dancing her heart out no more than 15 minutes ago yet she still managed to fall asleep as he carried her.
Reaching her building, luckily the main entrance was unlocked. Sukuna took a peek at her, he couldn't bring himself to wake her up, she looked so peaceful, but unfortunately he had to. "Hey, which floor are you on?" He whispered softly, that was enough to shake y/n awake. "Third" she whispered back. Sukuna took the elevator up, and he finally reached her hallway, he only wished she didn't get her floor wrong or it would look like he was trying to break into someone else's house. "Doll, can you point your door for me? I'll put you down for a bit, where are your keys?" Y/n pointed at her door, handed Sukuna her keys and groaned as he set her down to unlock it for her. "You're such a brat" he pointed out swinging the door open, her annoyed face looked even cutter under the barely lit hallway.
Lord knows how Sukuna managed to find the light switches in the dark but he made it, y/n looked completely out of it now. He picked her back up and tried a few doors to find her bedroom. He gently layed her on the mattress. Y/n groaned again and said something about being uncomfortable. Of course she was uncomfortable, with her clothes still on from going out, there's no way she wasn't.
He shouldn't care right? He should just let her be and go home, but Sukuna could already tell she would have an awful nights sleep and he wanted her to rest properly. "Were do you keep sleep clothes" he asked, y/n pointed lazily at some drawer. After briefly digging in the drawer, he took out a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie for her.
He reached her frame again, undoing her shoes, sliding them off, next he prompted y/n with her side resting on the headboard so he could have her sit up with her legs dangling of the side of her bed. His hands found the rim of her shirt, her voice stopped him "don't look ok?" Her voice was hardly above a whisper. "I won't look"
"Promise?" She asked holding out her pinky
"promise" he stated locking it.
Sukuna averted his eyes from her body and helped her into her comfy clothes. Only one thing remained "Now come on time to get your makeup off"
"Nooo, I want to sleep" she complained loudly, dropping her body backwards on the bed. "Come on, it's not good for your skin, it will just be a minute, just be good for me" he said grabbing her hand, but y/n turned her head away. That's when Sukuna threw her over his shoulder, the most she could do was weakly hit his back and tell at him to put her down.
Sukuna sat her somewhere in her bathroom, while she still mumbled about being sleepy. He got a washcloth wet, and took a look at the products in her cabinet, she surely had an oil cleanser he just had to find it... bingo.
He pushed her hair out of the way and gently applied and massaged the product on to her skin, giving her instructions to keep her eyes and mouth close, he was extra careful not to cut her with his nails, then he used the washcloth to remove all the make-up that melted off. Sukuna also wore liner, not all the time but often enough to know that some things didn't come off with soap and water. He takes care of himself, his skin, his hair, his nails, everything. He knows a bit more than he's willing to share. Next he followed the same steps with her cleaner, y/n was enjoying herself, half asleep under his touch. He finished everything by applying a serum and a moisturizer on her face. "You've got the cheap stuff." He joked. "Hey it works" y/n defended as he picked her up once more.
This time he layed her under the covers, he pulled them up over her body, looking at her with plain adoration, he leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead.
"Sleep tight, I'll text you." He whispered in her ear, turning around to leave. A hand tugged oh his wrist, the same way he had done to her a couple days ago. Y/n was looking at him with pleading eyes "please stay" she almost begged, "are you sure? Its really late" he said, y/n nodded patting the spot beside her, he couldn't say no to those eyes. He quickly got rid of his shoes and dress shirt, he disappeared to the bathroom to take off his eyeliner and got under the covers with her.
Y/n curled up next to him, laying her head on his chest, taking in all his warmth and scent while listening to his heartbeat, his arm was wrapped securely around her.
" Can I ask you something?" Y/n's voice broke the silence. "Didn't you want to sleep?" Sukuna teased, and y/n took the opportunity to ask anyway. "Why do you like me?" What kind of question is this? Sukuna blamed the fact that she was a bit out it. She had no reason to be insecure, she was stunning and she also had a personality to back up her looks. "Let's see... you're kind of a badass, no one really talks back to me like you do, you're quite easy on the eyes too" what he said was very true, but he was falling for the little details too. The way she picked mindlessly at her food as she talked when he took her out, or the way her eyes sparkled when something peaked her interest. Even her drunken self had him feeling things he never did.
"How come you were single? Judging by your friends it's been a while" The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them, but y/n didn't give any signs of being bothered by his assumption. "Honestly, I don't want someone to fall out of love and leave me behind" Drunken words are sober thoughts. Sukuna didn't want to ask if that had happened to her before, he didn't care, he would do better than whoever hurt her.
More moments passed with him rubbing comforting circles on her back, he was sure she was asleep, her breath was slow and steady against his chest. "I wonder, what would you say if I asked you to be mine?" Sukuna whispered, staring up at her ceiling. "I'd say yes, airhead" y/n mumbled. Sukuna's eyes widened, she wasn't supposed to hear that. "I'll make sure to ask you soon then" he said, y/n looked up at him, this time he couldn't help himself and captured her lips in his, in a very slow passionate kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to keep y/n's head spinning around with him running through it. "Sleep already, brat"
"okay 'kuna".
The light coming in, beaming through her curtains, woke y/n from a very peaceful sleep, now all she felt was the vodka she consumed the night before. Her head was pounding hard, she reached for her phone on her nightstand. Instead of her phone, her hand made contact with a piece of paper.
Good morning doll.
You're most definitely feeling like shit, but don't worry you didn't do anything too embarrassing. Unfortunately I had to go to work early and you looked cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. There are pain killers next to you, you must have a hell of a headache. Don't forget to eat, I made breakfast for you in the kitchen (with all I could manage to find, you should go grocery shopping more often). Text me or I might think you died in your sleep. Have a wonderful day y/n.
- Sukuna
PS I took a peek in one of your notebooks. I was right, your handwriting is really fucking bad.
Of course he had to be his usual smug self, y/n found herself laughing at the words scribbled on the paper that was obviously ripped out of one of her notebooks. His handwriting was as pretty as his drawings, so aesthetically pleasing. He had even taken time to doodle coffee cups, and some trees at the bottom of the page.
The events from the previous night were starting to flood back to her head head. She took the pain killers Sukuna left out for her, he was kind enough to place a glass of water on her nightstand too. Y/n couldn't believe Sukuna not only stayed over, but he also put in so much effort for her, he certainly didn't look like the type to do so.
Walking in her kitchen, what she witnessed, exceeded all her expectations. When she read breakfast she thought he made her a sandwich, which she would've been extremely grateful for. Sukuna had gone all out, from pancakes, to French toast, an omelet and even her coffee served. She just stood there looking at her table, mouth almost hanging.
Her phone buzzed in the pocket of her sweat pants.
You should've told me you were going out with Yuuji's hot brother. I would've never guessed that's your type.
Mai seemed to be in a mood to tease her.
You're right I should've told you, your turn, where did you and Yuuji run off to last night?
Y/n laughed knowing it was going to take a while to get a response. She sat down looking at all the choices she had, wondering what to pick. It's safe to say everything was as delicious as Sukuna.
I'm impressed. You draw, you cook AND you didn't burn down my house, I'm very thankful for that (breakfast was delicious too).
Sukuna, stared down at his phone, all the stress he had two nights ago long forgotten. Only thing that remained was to get y/n right back in his chair.
Happy to hear you're alive and kicking and you enjoy my cooking. I've got to go through, some dickbag wants me to do a cover-up. I'll talk to you later.
He dealt with this client in an unusually polite manner. Y/n had brighten his morning from the moment he woke up next to her.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Yuuji was right, I had to push him" Geto said to an agitated Gojo, who wanted to get under Sukuna's skin for a little longer. "Then hopefully he will bring her over, that would for sure be fun, he's going to get so worked up if we give her any attention." Gojo was rubbing his hands together at the thought. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not that worried about what Sukuna will do to you, we've both seen y/n, she doesn't even take his shit, I think she'd hit you." Nanami pointed out ."Well I haven't yet seen her, Yuuji said she was nice to him." Megumi joined the conversation remembering his friend talking about the girl, he had zoned out for half of it though. "I haven't seen her either, I did hear her though, she doesn't sound like she would let you pull something like that to him" Geto spoke again. "Nah she looked friendly, we can for sure make him foam at the mouth" Gojo plotted. "I can guarantee, she will rip of your head of if you try your shit." Sukuna was sure of it too.
Tag list: (message me or comment and I'll gladly add you)
@artist4theworld @skatercashew
@in-inception @not-another-ackerman
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
Thank you for being a voice of reason in this whole cluster. As a bi person, would it have been awesome for Misha to be coming out? Hell yeah. But he wasn't (yet who knows what the future holds). He messed up, he apologized and meant it. It was (I believe) an honest mistake. We've all been there, said something that came out wrong or made a joke that didn't land right. We may never know why he said what he did but he knows he messed up and apologized. I've seen (and blocked) people who were acting like he ruined their lives and killed their family. And it just seemed... like overkill? I get being upset he said it, or that he seemed to be making a joke out of being bi (which I don't think was his intention). I get being sad we can't claim him as "one of us" but this one mistake doesn't invalidate all the good he's done and will continue to do. Nor does it invalidate anyone who is queer? I'm still bi even though he isn't? Him being straight doesn't make me less bi nor does him being straight ruin my life in anyway? (not that I speak for all queer people obvi) Thankfully, I haven't seen too many people overreacting (and blocked those who were), but I just wanted to thank you for being rational. I love the blog, keep up the good work!
Anon, you said literally everything that I've been thinking and feeling for the past two days. I am already sorry in advance for the long ass response this will get. (All of this is clearly my own opinion so if someone reading it disagrees, cool)
It would feel amazing if we could say that he's one of us but even if he is not that doesn't change a lot of things in my opinion.
He messed up and he will learn from it and he immediately took ownership of that fuck up. He didn't blame it on anyone else except himself. He clearly realized his mistake and you can tell he feels horrible over it just from how the apology is worded. This is a person who cares a lot about us and would never do something to hurt us on purpose. There are celebs out there who when they fucked up, their version of apology was 'my bad..but like eh shit happens' so in my book, his apology was good and enough (for me).
For all we know maybe he did retract once he realized this is getting too much attention from media and everyone else. Maybe he did think that a little 'im all three' comment would stay in the fandom. And yes maybe the reason why I am having a different reaction or opinion to this is due to the fact that as someone who is bi, I have never been able to (nor will I probably be able to) say that outside of tumblr. And unfortunately I've had moments where I said something that could've revealed a glimpse of my sexuality and Ii had to retract and turn it into a dumb joke. And it fucking sucks.
And I fully agree with you, I don't think he meant to make this a joke. I think it was just a shit ton of bad timing and bad luck. And the way some fans have been treating him is horrible. The fans who have decided that this somehow ruins their lives, need to take a step back and take a deep breath. Because like you said, it does look like overkill. I understand there are fans who are upset and I won't tell them not to be. But there is a side of fans who decided that this gives them the right to practically wish death on him. I hate to say it like this but it's not that deep. And I fully agree with you. None of this changes shit. We're still bi. People are still queer. We are still fucking amazing and loved (which we have always been). I think this kind of opens a look into that maybe we as people shouldn't measure our value by celebs that we relate to however, I'm not gonna go into that.
And this also does not erase the amazing things he has done for us. In the end of the day he's still Misha. The same dude who has fought for us and stood up for us. And has done so many other things for our community. Again I am so sorry for the long ass response but I didn't want to give you some shitty short answer because everything you said has been on my mind.
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Pleasantly Surprising
Pairing: Gerard x Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Fluff / Enemies to lovers Summary: (Y/n) meets a nice group of guys in a concert. Warning: Blood, but no violence or wounds description.
Requested on Wattpad
a/n: This one if for you blood kink bastards </3
(Y/p) = Your pronouns
Tumblr media
Feeling the cold night air filling my lungs with a faint smell of grass is much better than the smoky and sweaty, heavy air present among the public that gets worse near the mosh pit. I lean back against the brick wall, feeling the cold surface through the thick jeans of my jacket, digging into my shoulder blades as I try to control my breathing, quietly watching the band leaving the stage to give place to another.
My throat feels dry, aching the slightest after I swallow around the sharp and cold breaths, so I look around for a stand to buy at least a soda, ankling over to the nearest one. The line isn't actually that long – thank hell –, but that doesn't prevent a random bastard from trying to cut in line.
"Hey, what in the fuck you think you're doing?" I raise an eyebrow, pulling them back by their collar and they just look at me with this sulky face, bottom lip sticking out and lip ring glowing lightly under the reduced lighting. "No cutting in!"
"Says who?" they retort bitterly. "What you gonna do about it?"
"Aw, bold, aren't we?" I raise an eyebrow, glancing down and... the motherfucker is wearing school clothes, lacking the tie and shirt untucked. Private school. "What are you? Not like the other kids? The line isn't even that long, stupid."
"Fuck off," they sigh, shrugging out of my grip and harshly fixing their clothes.
"Frank– Fuck, Frank, the hell, can't we leave you alone for a single second?" A random voice suddenly interrupts our interaction before a tall person approaches, a motherly and worried air lacing their gaze. They look from me to Frank before exhaling, raising an eyebrow, at which Frank shrugs. "I'm sorry for whatever Frank did, he–"
"Fuck, no, Ray!" Frank cuts them off, "you're not playing the good guy here! I was just trying to–"
"Trying to cut in the line, yeah, very nice of you, isn't it?" I roll my eyes, twisting my mouth. At least he isn't lying, but is he stupid or something? Why would he try to convince us what he was trying to do was alright?
It looks like Frank is going to argue for a second, but ends up just groaning through gritted teeth and looking away with a sigh and tense shoulders.
Ray doesn't look any amused, only observing Frank like who looks at a puzzle after having tried to solve it for weeks without success. They shake their head, turning to me instead. "I'm Ray, he/him, nice to meet you. Sorry for Frank, what he did is... unfortunately usual."
I observe him looking at him from head to toes. School uniform just like Frank's, tucked shirt, loose tie. "Hi. I'm (y/n), (y/p). And don't worry, I would've done the same," I breathe, looking away from the two to hand the person behind the counter the money after pointing to the drink I want.
"What?" Frank gasps. "You would've done the same and still acted all like that towards me?"
I roll my eyes, sighing. "Me doing it doesn't mean I like being affected by it." I grab the change, shoving it in my pocket then step aside for Frank and Ray, cracking the can open.
"Y'know–" Frank crosses his arms over his chest, throwing his nose in the air, "–my momma says that you should treat the others as you want to be–"
"Aw, honey, so you'd like me cutting in the line right in front of you? Shamelessly?" I raise an eyebrow at him, unable to hold back a grin when his face gets bright red, hands balling into fists. Not gonna lie, it's kinda cute how he twists his mouth. Frank is about to curse when Ray is shoving a couple of cans into his hands – a sigh leaves his lips instead. "Two for each?" I question and sip on my drink.
Frank smirks, looking at me with humor. "Yeah, wanna watch me drink them at once?"
Ray rolls his eyes at Frank, shoving him out of the way after noticing there were people behind them. "We're actually with two other friends. Are you alone here? Do you wanna come along?" He smiles, ignoring Frank's complaints, so I opt for doing the same.
"I guess that'd be nice," I hum, shrugging. Otherwise, I'd be going home right now and Ray actually seems nice... I mean, Frank does too, but I'm not feeding his ego.
The other two stand against a brick wall when we find them, both quietly chatting to each other until seeing us approaching. The first one doesn't exactly react, more interested in the can Ray hands him, but the second, greasy punk, hums questioningly, straightening their posture as taking a good look at me almost like I did to Frank earlier. "And who are you?"
"(Y/n), (y/p)," I mutter, looking at them from over the rim of the can, taking a sip of my drink.
"Found lying in the trash when I approached," Frank adds, but doesn't seem so confident after I playfully shove him aside.
"Gerard, he/they," Gerard replies, eyes never averting away from mine. What is he, kind of a gang leader? Got a hell of an ego, though a bit differently from Frank – I'm noticing a pattern here, huh. "Mikey, he/him," he continues, nodding to the other guy.
I throw my empty can in a trashcan before leaning in towards Gerard. He tries to escape the touch, but he's against a wall, there's nowhere to go. How cute. "Belleville High," I say, finally able to make out what the small black letters embroidered on the chest area says, and step away, allowing Gerard to breathe. "Isn't it that private school? Catholic one? Wow, who'd know I'd find BH students here!"
"Stereotyping, are we?" Frank raises an eyebrow. It's impossible holding back a smile at him.
"No, never," I chuckle. "It's just a... rare occurrence. You came here right after school?"
"Not really." Ray shakes his head. "Just didn't have the opportunity to change. Good thing it's Friday, tho," he chuckles humorlessly and I nod in a silent agreement.
"And where do you study?" Frank takes a better look at my face. "If you study, that is."
I scoff, but don't reply just yet. Mikey is the most tidied up out of the four whereas Gerard has his tie loose around his neck, shirt untucked, blazer all wrinkled. "Of course I study, dumbass!" I glare. "But I'm in the public school near the park. But I've seen you before." I nod towards Gerard. "Just don't know where."
Gerard's eyes narrow. "Are you sure?"
"It's not always that I see a greasy vampire looking around, so yeah."
A silence hovers between us for a moment, both of us staring at each other until he feigns unamusement, looking away – I smile with a stupid pride swelling in my chest.
The night ends with us exchanging numbers after a solid hour of joking around and throwing sarcastic insults at each other. Teasing Gerard was particularly fun because he often ran away from the whole joking or at least tried to and even Mikey laughed when it failed, though sometimes succeeding when Frank finally managed to get the spotlight on himself. Ray is sweet, despite being the perfect example for 'looks like a cinnamon roll, but can actually kill you.'
Gerard got my attention, to be honest.
Saturday and Sunday go by quite slowly and thankfully texting the guys every five minutes doesn't make it as depressing as usual. Texting Gerard isn't the same as texting Frank – who replies a text to each word I send him –, however. Gerard often replies with a word or a vague comment and guess what? I'm only more interested.
No Gerard manages to slip between my thoughts during school, but it ends up happening as soon as I step past the gates. Belleville high, isn't it? Shitty elite, but they don't really seem to be like that... let's see if that wasn't just great acting. That's not even a mile away from here. I look down the street, the direction opposite to where I would usually go. It won't hurt to say hi, right? Not to mention I've got nothing to do for the rest of the day.
Belleville High's classes finish about ten minutes later compared to my school's, so I don't bother walking too fast, but not slow enough to let my palms get clammy or overthink anything. Amazing how I can feel like this about people I only met once. Okay, whatever, take a deep breath because I guess I know these curls.
"Look at who we have here!" I throw an arm around Frank's neck, interrupting whatever they were doing and attracting wide eyes towards me. Turns out I found them earlier than expected, hanging out in the park.
"Damn, are you everywhere?" Frank raises an eyebrow at me and presses his lips together, though never stepping away. Blood?
"Who knows?" I joke. "Also..." I trail off, only now taking a good look at them. "Man, what in the hell fucking happened to you guys? Seriously–" I yank a paper off Frank's back, sighing at the 'kick me' written across it and hand it to him, shaking my head. What fucking idiot did this? How the hell did they even get into a fight? It doesn't seem like they were fighting each other.
Frank groans poorly, wadding the paper into a ball and tossing it at the nearby trash can. He's got a few scratches above his eyebrows and blood trailing down the corner of his lips. Mikey and Gerard are probably in the best state out of the four – Gerard got blood trailing down his nose and same for Mikey, though on opposite sides and Mikey's cheek is smeared with blood. I can't say the same about Ray... I don't know how he's not even wincing with all that blood trailing down his face.
"Well," Mikey breathes, bringing a hand to the back of his head, "you can say that–"
"Why do you even want to know?" Gerard steps forward, hands clenched into fists by his sides. "You got nothing to do with it, okay?"
"Aw," I breathe a chuckle. So he wants things to happen like this? But does he have the nerve to keep it? I may not have known him for long, but the attitude is clearly foreign, unmatching. "And what, baby? You lost, didn't you? And you're a fucking sore loser!"
"I just don't see why you should know." He twists his mouth, looking at me uninterested, but it doesn't take long until he's looking at me with these eyes, irises barely seen, eyebrows scrunched close. "And don't talk to me like that! Maybe it would even be better if you fucked off and left us alone, don't you think?"
Man, he talks a lot. Too much. No wonder why he's in such a state. Maybe he'll shut up if I...
"Holy..." Frank trails off with a quiet chuckle and I'm certain Gerard would have glared at him if he wasn't processing what just happened.
Meanwhile, Mikey and Ray stare at me with wide eyes – as wide as Gerard's, but they're not as petrified as Gerard is, for sure, only with hesitant, unsure grins on their faces. I suppress the urge to laugh at Gerard, instead more focused on rubbing my tongue against the roof of my mouth, trying to get rid of the salty and metallic taste.
A quiet sound comes from Gerard as he finally moves, maybe a groan, not sounding really comfortable. He brings a hand up to his lips. The perfect trail of almost dry blood is now smudged, following the direction I licket it to, having the blood smeared across his chin and bottom lip. "Ugh, ugh, ugh," he groans, frantically cleaning his lips and chin with the back of his wrist, against the sleeve of his blazer. "What the fuck? You're gross!"
I roll my eyes with a sigh. "Man, I wonder why I thought being an asshole could be solved."
"Eh, trust me, he isn't normally like this," Ray says with a shrug, looking at Gerard like if he was a chained angry dog even after receiving a glare.
No one gives Gerard's tantrum much attention as we soon sit down on the grass and change the subject before we can notice. Surprisingly, Gerard sits down next to me. Even more surprisingly, he leans closer at some point and whispers, "well, look at who's the vampire now."
Saying Gerard's words got stuck in my head would be an understatement. Maybe it's a nightmare, maybe it's not, but it does get me randomly blushing or stupidly grinning during random times of the day. Nonetheless, school the following day does help a bit with cleaning my head a little.
After a few hours of staring at blackboards, the setting changes to staring at records hanging on the walls and it's honestly better. Incoherent, loud chatter being changed to music of my choice is a lot better, even if I need to talk to a customer now and then.
"This is the place I told you about. I've only been here once, but it seems good," a voice says from the outside, but I don't look up from my homework.
"Never been here," someone else says. A pause follows then their footsteps sound clearer and I sigh, shoving my things on the space under the counter.
"Hello, good afternoon," I say automatically, holding back a groan at how my eraser insists on falling and grabbing it fast. "How can I help you?" I finally look up just to freeze. And the four have the same reaction, to be honest. "I knew I had seen you before," I say to Gerard.
"What a small world!" Frank approaches, immediately narrowing his eyes and throwing his nose in the air as looking over to me. "So you're not a rebel who only wanders around and goes to free concerts during the night and stalks us?" He raises an eyebrow, looking around the place, inspecting the shelves full of records and CDs.
"So you only got one set of clothes?" I mock, staring at his school uniform.
Frank exhales, shoulders dropping. "We just got here from school." He motions vaguely to his messenger bag and I nod, humming, not like it matters a lot.
While we talk, Ray and Mikey wander around, talking quietly to each other and sometimes taking a record in hand, but Gerard... he stands there awkwardly, observing Frank and I with a lost gaze. What is he doing? Trying to act all cool like last time? Or doesn't know how to react?
"Hello," I greet, which sounds more like a question. Frank turns around to look at him, apparently understanding Gerard as much as I do.
Gerard presses his lips together and steps forward, also leaning against the counter. "You didn't mention you work here."
"Didn't have a reason to." I shrug.
The corner of his lips twitch and he's holding eye contact until sighing. "Okay, whatever. Got anything new on Misfits or Pumpkins? Also, Bauhaus." He glances at me, black strands falling over his eyes for a moment before he's pulling them away. Cute.
"Of course." I grin, moving to the cabinets behind the counter.
Frank eventually darts off as I show Gerard the records and cassettes like he wanted. I glance around to make sure Frank is paying attention to whatever Mikey is telling him and Ray before I turn to Gerard again, grinning lightly. "Y'know," I mutter, leaning forward with my elbows over the counter. "I've got passes for a bar concert tonight. Wanna come?"
"What do you mean by passes?" His eyes never avert from the records – he runs his fingers over them delicately, examining each of them closely.
"Each ticket was about ten dollars and they're sold out, but the store is sponsoring the event and I got free passes." I smirk, watching his eyebrows raise lightly. "I usually can get one person in with me. What do you say?"
He pauses. "Why me?"
"Because you're the one I know the least." And also the one I'm interested in. "Pick you up at seven, what do you say?"
He sighs. "I'll text you my address."
"Wow, you're..." Gerard stares at me with a blank face, standing there and letting all the cold air get in. He rushes into the car, closing the door carefully.
"I'm...?" I raise an eyebrow, sinking my foot down on the gas, pulling away from the sidewalk.
"I don't know." Silence. "Not what I expected."
"Glad to know." I grin. "You're also not what I expected. You're never what I expect, to be honest..." He wasn't all open in the beginning, but also wasn't the asshole he was in the park – in his defence, at least, he had just gotten out of a fight, nerves still on edge. At the store, however, he seemed more like himself. "Also, you're looking good."
Gerard's eyes are surrounded by eyeliner and a red eyeshadow – definitely nothing I would see him in, but also nothing I'm disappointed about –, bringing out his paleness. And for the first time, he isn't wearing that stupid school uniform and fancy shoes are replaced by platform boots. A leather jacket clutches his shoulders, decorated with a few studs and patches, and covering a nice Slipknot shirt. And there are his jeans, fucking tight and I swear I hadn't noticed this guy got such a nice ass and, fucking hell, it's difficult not staring at his thighs flat on the seat, with a chain falling over one of them.
"Thank you," he mutters quietly. Even in the reduced lighting, I can see his cheeks gaining a red tone before he looks away.
The place is crowded, but not overly – which is why the tickets were even sold, at first place – and it's fun seeing Gerard's chin drop when he looks at the sign of the place. To simplify, everyone is either always wanting to play in this bar or come watch someone play and the tickets are not only always sold in small quantities, but also expensive.
"Let's go," I chuckle after having spent a good moment observing Gerard.
We jog across the street, towards the entrance, just straight away skipping the whole line. The guy in charge of letting people in looks at us indifferently, in a silent question, muscles clear under the tight staff shirt. Even if there's no visible difference in his expression, he does relax a bit after I show him my pass and steps aside to let us in.
"Wow," Gerard mutters, almost inaudibly.
"You like it?" I ask as we walk through the people. No answer comes. He stayed back, of course; the boy is kinda shy and hesitant, after all. "C'mon!" I take a hold of his hand to pull him with me until we're in the bar area, which's much calmer. He stands there for a moment, looking around, until I point at one of the stools, sitting down on the one beside it.
Gerard shifts on his seat, hands resting on his lap and clenched into fists. He observes everything with wide eyes and I can't bring myself to avert my attention away from him. He's beautiful.
When the band starts playing, however, the atmosphere starts changing. It's a classic punk band – the kind of people you'd see around in skate lanes, spraying anarchist messages on a building's wall or behind a McDonald's counter – and the music is good, nonetheless, raw and emotional and demanding. Great to dance to.
Gerard is shy, as already stated – what makes me wonder how he even agreed on coming –, taking a good time to actually stand up from the stool and join me.
His hand is warm under mine, maybe not as warm as his cheeks seem to be. I had taken it in mine to pull him up from the stool, only, but he didn't let go and... oh well. Aren't you interesting, Gerard? I grin to myself and take his other hand to pull him to dance with me; that if you consider moving around to the rhythm of the song some kind of dance, but Gerard doesn't complain.
I'm not sure how much time goes by – I only question myself about that once the band is saying good night, breathing audibly as they get off the stage. The live music is replaced by a momentary incoherent chatter when loud music fills the place again, this time coming from the speakers. Gerard and I are out of breath when averting our attention from the stage to each other. My arms feel a bit sore after all of that, almost the opposite to my numb legs.
"Wanna grab a drink?" I nod towards the bar. "We can go to the alley to take a breath, then."
"Sounds good."
The non-alcoholic drinks are as cold as the night air, suddenly making it even more obvious how much we jumped around to the band's sound. We lean against the wall opposite to the side of the bar and I look at Gerard, watching his chest rise and fall fast, only coming to a longer pause when he brings the glass to his lips. He observes something above us, maybe the sky, but I don't care.
"Your nose is bleeding again." I suddenly note, seeing the dark red trail now almost reaching his upper lip. Not a surprise. He hurt his nose not much over a day ago and all the jumping must have opened the wound.
"Fuck." Gerard brings a hand to his nose and sighs when seeing the red stain on his fingers; I chuckle softly, halfheartedly. "What? You wanna lick it again?" he teases, raising an eyebrow at me. He apparently opts for not ruining the sleeve of his leather jacket, regarding it more than his school blazer.
I roll my eyes, smiling helplessly. "Well, if you'd like me to," I decide to tease back, looking at him through half lidded eyes.
"Ah, you wouldn't dare!" He chuckles, blood staining his lips according to how he talks.
"You think so, honey?" I raise an eyebrow. A few stutters come from him, but I just grab his glass and set it aside with mine, on the ground, before stepping towards him. "Tell me, why are you always so... bold around me? It's clear it's not part of you, as Ray even said." I suppress a humorous chuckle at how he frantically backs away against the wall, having nowhere to go. This brings me memories. "Maybe it has a specific reason?"
Gerard's eyes are wide, lips twitching, though no word ever comes through and his expression changes instantly once I get a hold of his hips and pin him to the wall. Feeling the heat coming from his cheeks is almost possible and all that resistance is gone, tendering into compliance and shyness.
"Look at you, Gerard," I mutter, rubbing circles into his hips as leaning in. "How surprising can you be?"
Having Gerard only letting out a quiet whine in response as his hands rest hesitantly over my shoulders make my heart flutter in my chest. I finally lean in, pressing my lips to Gerard's; he returns the kiss right away, lips sliding against mine easily.
And there it is; the rich metallic taste of Gerard's blood. I run my tongue over his bottom lip, snatching a hum from him, which turns into a whining-gasp once my teeth sink into it slightly.
His hands tighten around my shoulders, I grip harder onto his hips in consequence and he's sent relaxing back against the wall. He never had control over the kiss, but he's suddenly just giving up on the power at once with a quiet sound, slowly wrapping his arm around my neck to pull me closer and I gladly deepen the kiss.
"Wow, love," I breathe as soon as we part the kiss, lungs screaming for air. Gerard doesn't reply verbally, with his lips brushing lightly against mine and, by now, the blood is starting to get sticky, on its way to drying, also on my lips.
"I hope we can go out more often," he mutters shyly, not long before burying his face in the crook of my neck.
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