#time to reach out to friends
awesomepaste · 1 year
When I keep checking my phones notifications, that’s when I know I crave connection
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tenisperfection · 1 month
7x04 being from Buck's perspective broke my brain because of the way we saw Eddie through Buck's eyes. Then I realized that Suspicion, where Eddie was shot, was from Eddie's perspective, and all of Surviviors was from Buck's perspective and I want to jump into the ocean.
#the implications......#we saw eddie's turmoil when carla brought up the follow your heart line#his agony over charlie's abuse#then the shooting and watching his best friend splattered with his blood#that split second where he realized who buck was to him and has been all along#the way he wanted to reach out and touch buck one last time#(do not think about eddie thinking about chris under any circumstances but if you do imagine eddie feeling relieved that buck will be there#and sorrow that he won't be there with chris and won't get to see him grow up and won't get to see buck#and then we have survivors right#we immediately jump to buck's perspective with him getting eddie into the ambulance and eddie asking if buck was hurt *sobs*#and the whole episode is mostly buck's side#but so is the will scene!!!!#because we obviously went nuts over the implications of it#but consider the tone of the scene--there's devotion yes#but most of the tone is that of disbelief#because buck can't believe eddie did this and eddie didn't tell him and eddie is telling him now#and eddie wants buck to carry on for christopher if eddie is gone#and buck absolutely would#but in his mind he can't fathom a world where he has to exist without eddie#and eddie is the one asking him to#hahahahah fuck you don't find it son you make it all over again#buck made this and buck chose this and buck has to live with it#i can't wait for these men to realize/bring to light all the love between them#911 abc#this unraveling on a saturday afternoon is brought to you by insanity
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crunchchute · 3 months
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Sam and Max if they were cool /j
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pokimoko · 9 months
The fact that Main-verse Ooo is as good and as kind as it is (relative to the other universes shown so far, at least, it's obviously not perfect) all because of the same character that starts off as the OG series' antagonist, the person we were made to see as the bad guy (albeit an often ineffectual one) for several seasons, is making me lose my mind.
Imagine finding out the guy you spent your childhood beating up and saving princesses from is in fact a driving catalyst behind you being able to exist, and not only exist but also live in a world that knows what kindness is. All because that man, the same man who you've witnessed do terrible things, once met a little girl and taught her how to be good.
Simon's story really shows us that even if you lose your way and forget how it is to be good yourself, the world keeps the memory for you. That act of love Simon showed Marcy by protecting her and seeing her as more than the monster she thought herself to be created ripples upon ripples, small at first but eventually enough to help give their wreckage of a world—a world that easily could have been forsaken, its goodness overlooked because of its inhospitable remains—a chance to grow into something beautiful. Because of those very same ripples Simon created, the people of Ooo grew up in a world where they know enough about kindness that they were able and willing to spare the 'bad guy' some, to see beyond the wreckage and allow him to grow too.
In saving Marceline, Simon helped to not only to save the world, but also himself.
#fionna and cake#fionna and cake spoilers#adventure time#simon petrikov#ice king#marceline abadeer#simon and marcy#meta#this was just a phone note to get thoughts out of my system but then it came out semi-coherent#so welp guess i'm writing meta now. i'm really in the deep end now. but yeah...Ice King and Simon's story being about the power of kindness#A cruel world requires constant cruelty to be maintained. But kindness? That reaches across time. one act of kindness sparks another#'I need to save you but whose going to save me?' That act of love and compassion is gonna save you ya dingus....eventually#In a less kind world finn and Jake could have watched those tapes about Simon and still decided IK was a hopeless cause.#That he was too far gone to be saved. But they didn't. They chose to treat him nicer and actually be friends with him.#One thing i always loved about IK's story is that he didn't have to completely change himself for people around him to treat him better#They changed their perspective and were kind to him and it was THAT that helped him change. to grow beyond the 'antagonist' role#to quote my go to and all time favourite good place quote:#'the point is people improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold that against them when they don't?'#Arrgh sorry I just always loved Ice King's arc in the show. From pesky antagonist to the person Finn dived into a chaos god to save#(the world's new beginning and its near ending being all because of simon. he has such main character energy and boy does he not want it)#And now we're getting Simon stuff and I'm so normal I'm so normal I'm so normal (<- has never been normal about this character)#(i...i have many MANY drawings of ice king and simon from 2015 and the years after. i was doomed from the start. F&C was the final straw)#(as was reading marcy's secret scrapbook recently...and here i thought i'd truly reached the capacity of hurt i can feel about these two)#Going insane over these last two episodes. 'she didn't have a me'. Fionna and Simon bonding. Gumlee kiss. PETRIGROF BACKSTORY#and the implication that Simon isn't remembering it accurately? Their sweet sounding love song actually foreshadowing their issues?#I am clawing at the walls. thank you AT crew you are enriching the enclosure that is my brain
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gummi-ships · 6 months
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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - The Grid
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canisalbus · 7 months
If Machete and Vasco were roommates before they became a couple, there had to have been moments of innocent touching/body contact, followed by deep gay panic.
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bitchfitch · 19 days
idk, something that might help a lot of people is understanding that when someone asks you a question that could just be googled, they usually aren't asking because they want to know the answer. They're asking because they want to talk to you or hear your take on things.
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sollucets · 9 months
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now that you've already stepped into my life...
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fuwaprince · 3 days
🌟 Calling ALL Compassionate Souls! 🌟
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In the heart of my local community lies a sanctuary of hope. A haven where lives are transformed and futures are rebuilt. My dear friend's family home, which has been a beacon of kindness and generosity for many (myself included), is in jeopardy. As in it could be lost FOREVER in 1 week! For good! Countless souls of every background have found solace within its walls and were guided back to stability and success. Now it all faces an uncertain fate... unless, we come together to make a difference!
This is not just about saving a house; it's about preserving a legacy of compassion and support. Every dollar donated, every share, every act of kindness WILL make a monumental difference.
We positivity bloggers/tumblrinas know not to underestimate the power of a supportive community!! 😤 We have made literal fucking miracles happen in the past through our unwavering camaraderie and solidarity. I know we can do it again, collectively. Let's band together, once again, virtual hand in virtual hand, to ensure that this sanctuary of hope continues to shine brightly for those in need. Please! People deserve safe spaces... that aren't just virtual.
Please lend your support and spread the word, and together we can make a difference and ensure that this sacred space remains for generations to come.
Mr. Leonard is a talented man. He is a proud native and the modest master of a few trades. He is a carpenter, a painter, a jeweler, an arborist, a plumber and more... He never charges anybody for his work and, you know, if he did- which he wouldn't, then his contributions to local and overarching communities would have earned him a mansion by now. Seriously, maybe two.
He built this home alongside his grandads. His handprints are on the ceiling still. It's a token of his love and the labor he's willing to put into this home. He is a father, a survivor of many things. When his babygirl passed, he gave all her stuffed animals away to people who needed them. He's the kind of man who feeds his dog and neighbor before his skinny self. This man is such a light and I cry so hard typing this, realizing that nobody rly supports him. He doesn't get the support he deserves. He starves to keep the lights on for everybody here and, only if he's lucky, a friend might bring him fast food so that he has more than cereal to work on. Many people take full advantage of a generous soul like his. He knows this, accepts it and that never stops him from doing what's right and needs to be done. He has saved my life and making this post is the least I could do. He's a grown ass adult but even grown ass adults (like me and all my friends still here) need help along the way.
The oldest resident here is a senior transient with no family and no place to go. Just like Mr. Leonard. And I've met young men as young as 18 with no families come to his home for much needed guidance, for protection from the streets. Mr. Leonard has empowered women to escape abusive marriages through the process of divorce. He helped me escape my tormentors. He has my admiration and respect. He has my support.
Please help my friend. I have known him for a few years now, talking nearly daily, minus the times I go on hiatus. Now he's desperately reaching out for our support. Please don't ignore him. He is the type who never asks for anything. Even when he needs to. I... don't even think he's asking for himself... He's probably asking for all the people that he knows depend on this home to still exist. I rly want him to be able to exist in this home for the rest of his life. To him it's still "grandma's home" but to me it is truly all his. He's the one taking care of it. Please believe me, he is worth the time it took for you to read up to this point.
He is human. Worthy of unconditional compassion, respect and support... worthy of a home- like you and I. And he's happily willing to share his gifts with those who need it, which makes him a hero in this community. 🏡💖
or as Mr. Leonard would always say: "Whatever you do today, do it well. Don't forget to eat today. You're awesome, stay awesome."
#save the sanctuary#community strong 💪#please signal boost and help#i rly should have helped Mr. Leonard sooner!! i regret not typing this post for him during summer#it took a long time for us to meet but he is truly one of the nicest and most positive souls#he has a dog named karma who keeps everyone here safe#i came here with a bunch of cleaning supplies to clean this place from top the bottom just for the realtor to ask him to leave#he has somehow been allowed to stay here in the home he grew up just by what seems like sheer fucking luck#when his grandma passed he didn't get left with anything no help no family PLEASE#this man deserves to be in the home he grew up in#he still calls it his grandma's#this is their family home#i type this now while being protected under their roof#this place has offered me peace and the people here have offered me so much love#this place restored my humanity#this is the place grief is finally shared and traumas are healed from#people have come from all walks of life#so many people will be out of a home#of hope and of care and of help#myself and karma and Mr. Leonard included#pls pls pls remember me#i have been gone for so long but if we're friends and you're part of the community then don't let the chance to help slide by please#ANYTHING helps even if its $1#if all my followers donated $1 he would at least have a solid 40K#idk how many more helpful souls we can reach but please reblog if you cant donate#boost#crowdfunding#gofundme#fundraising#donations
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landofanimes · 6 months
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I want to change the world Without letting go of my hand Accept that I am watching over you And I'm sure you can do anything
Change my mind I won't let you be alone Everyone is here We'll break through whatever may happen It's wonderland
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agardenofideas · 3 months
i hope sunny gets a villain arc if tubbo wont get one fully
like i need her to lash out at every single adult around her for not carring for her pa or her (looking at phil who offered to care for pomme and dapper when he wouldnt for sunny on tubbos Confirmed death), for no one taking her pa seriously, for taking things from them, from her pa until there was nothing left of him.
i need her to lash out at the adults for never seeing her pa hurting and thinking it wasnt serious, i need her to lash out in peoples faces how she had said they were worried for her pa and the adults just said hes like that or he'll get better and he didn't
i want her to lash out and reveal that tubbo said to her he felt more seen and cared about by a fed worker who was learning to have emotions than from any islander around
i want her to burn things, even if not a house and just a wood she placed down to set fire, i want her to do that, i want her to blow things up and lash out and be heard
cuz if being a good girl for her pa ends with them unheard and him dead then she will be heard now and once this thing called Creation gets her pa back to her, she is not letting him go
if any of the adults who didnt do anything to get him back cared for him in life and cared just a bit in death, they dont deserve to see her pa back again, he is sunny's and sunny's alone
i want sunny to spew vitrol and fire and to lash out at everyone, she deserves to go on a murderous rampage too as a treat
#qsmp sunny#tubbo#mostly as a mention#qsmp#look- she went through a lot#being from purgatory#isolated from most eggs and the ones she did meet most rejected her (ik tallulah said give more time- but as an ND myself- rejection)#it feels like rejection- anyways-#she tried so hard to make friends or get along and any time she did it just- failed so bad#sure chayanne and ramon like her lots and such and she has em and pepi- but-#out of all the eggs she could meet who were new to her- only 2 she knew liked her- out of 6 eggs only 2#(that she knew and it took a while to know too- as well as later meet more eggs that would like her too-)#and then her dad is on a depression spiral#and then he is taken from her against his will and on their final day before hes gone they get attacked#and then hes gone for *days*#he comes back and hes worse#no one takes this hurting seriously even when she reached out for fit but he just brushed it off or made light-#and then forever kidnapps the eggs to work and then dapper is taken and no one knows where#her dad gets a bit better btu then hes back to being bad#people keep messing with him too#and it just hurts in ways ya know#and then they are taken to prison#oh yea- and she had her mom as a corpse in her front yard basically#anyways- prison she finally meets her other dad after months of being on quesadilla#everyone presses button and then are in a library and the eggs are just on the prone bodies of their parents#(tubbo died in same position that he sleeps in)#(sunny deffinetly curled up in his dead arms as she did when he sleeps. hes just sleeping. please shes just sleeping and this is a dream)#i want her to finally go ape shit#she would still be kind but she would have no mercy or simpathy to give anymore#no one will trample on them anymore
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suntails · 2 months
I’m going to paint you a picture of modern communication, and how it is fundamentally broken.
Let’s look at one friend. You chat pretty much everyday, and mostly talk to this person on twitter and discord, with occasional tumblr DMs. That’s three places you talk. But that’s actually not true, because you also have each other’s priv twitters and talk there as well. That’s four. Now account for, let’s say, one post reply per account per person, in addition to your DMs. That’s eight. But that’s ALSO not true, because not only do you talk in discord DMs with each other, but you’re in a friend group server as well! And you talk in those channels together! That’s nine.
This is one friend.
Now look around you. How many friends, how many mutuals are you in contact with. A few, a handful, a dozen, more? How many accounts per person do you have, how many places can you send each other posts, devolve into separate topics and conversations? How many people text you as well. Friends, family, coworkers? What do you do day to day around catching up, what IRL commitments will rip you away long enough to let the pile build again?
I can’t do it. I cannot live an actual life in the real world and balance this much interaction, it’s crushing. I reply to a friend’s post because I’m interested in the subject, I want to have a discussion! I WANT to talk about it with them, but I immediately kick myself for adding another conversation to the pile. Day by day, I ignore messages for hours on end and watch mountains pile around me, to reply en masse at the end of the night to let the cycle repeat. I wake up to six discord DMs and as I clear the third, the first replies back again.
We weren’t meant to have thirty simultaneous conversations. We weren’t. And you know in your bones that the number isn’t an exaggeration.
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girl-hwat · 6 months
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i knew this would happen. this is what always happens.
in my mind this is about two and jamie but take it as you like. he was still young, and he still hoped, and he still lost.
lafayette, orville peck // it was the animals, natalie diaz // i guess, mitski // S6E44 the war games: part 10 // mahmoud darwish // aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, benjamin saenz // unknown // the garden of eden, ernest hemingway // a self portrait in letters, anne sexton
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graveyard-society · 10 months
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i was at my therapist's not too long ago, drew these on the whiteboard while on the waiting list ☺️🩷
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lefthandedhotch · 10 months
hello <3 thanks to pinterest i have an aaron and jack ask because <3 my boys <3 like thats husband and son fr !!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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he pet the small boy :3 actually CRYING because he's sooooooo so so so tiny :'))) and all smiley because his daddy gave him a medal :3 PLSSSS and then the team being all 👀🤭 when they meet beth CRIES i love them all soooo much :')) the only found family ever <3
thinking about them all meeting you there <33 aaron's fiance who he's been with for a good while and while they were a bit frowny :( at not getting to know about you sooner, they knew that he did it because of what happened with haley and foyet and they knew how important she was to him so they totally understood that he kept you a secret as long as he did🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but penny tells them to all snap out of it because he only said fiance not wife so there's plenty of time to get to know you before and at the wedding which she will now be in charge of because she loves love 🤭🤭🤭😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 you look over at aaron and grin soooo happily because they're all as amazing as he and jack told you they'd be - actually!!! they're even more amazing than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 you kiss your sweaty sweaty man and congratulate him on the triathlon and how amazing he did and he gets all blushy and shy despite the team being there (penelope Can Not control her squeals of happiness ajsmskfnfkdkgkk) and you all go get something to eat and jack holds your hand so happy that his aunties and uncles can finally meet you and!!!!! because he has a medal🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 penelope is squished to your other side asking So Many questions and you look over at aaron so amused and so happy because he has such a silly bau family and you love them all so much already🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞
hehehehehe hiiiiiiiiii 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank u pinterest and thank u jess-brain for the cutie hotchner boys thought!!!! 🤭🤭💕💕💕💕💕 fr fr thats husband and son!!!! 🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗
teeniest tiniest boy ever :(((((( being sooooooo proud of his daddy and sooooooo happy when his daddy lays the medal around his neck 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and he immediately turns to giggle to you “it’s so heavy!!!” which makes you grin so big and squish his lil cheeks “that’s because you’re so little!” and aaron watches the whole thing with the biggest most heart-eyed grin Ever! which of course makes penelope squeal loud enough to make every racer and their friends/family in the vicinity glance over at your little group all curiously 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 and after you smooch smooch smooch your sweaty handsome darling aaron, that sweet blonde angel penny gloms onto you immediately and with the help of the little hotchner bug in your arms, she gets the whole story of how you and aaron met and fell in loooooooove 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 hehehe at some point when the team all realize that penny’s interrogation of you (with questions and comments sprinkled in by the whole team who are All very curious about you 🤭) is not going to end soon, rossi suggests drinks and dinner at his mansion!!!! you’re very excited because you’ve heard Many Many stories of bau parties and rossi’s home from your hotchner guys but aaron sighs all dramatically because he is Sweaty (which of course makes you giggle and smooch his cheek as you hum “but you’re cuuuuuute” and he’s immediately placated 🤭😌 also rossi says he can shower at his place AKDHDKDJSKSKS) but you and jack are happy so he’s happy to go hang out with the team and tell silly stories about you and him when you first started dating 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 it’s still kinda early in the evening at rossi’s but sweet lil jack is already snoozing and snoring in your arms (because he was up Late the night before making a poster for his dad) and you keep seeing aaron hiding snores behind his Big hand because he’s soooooo tired after working so hard that day :( so you hug everyone and tell them you’re taking your boys home (which makes them all 🥹💕 because they Love knowing that someone who loves them so much is taking care of them 🥺) and when you get them home and get aaron into bed so you can kiss his sleepy face and murmur over and over how proud of him you are and how happy you are to have met his people who are so so important to him (and now to you too!!!!!!) and all aaron can think as you fall asleep snuggled into his chest with your hand resting over his heart and his ring on your finger while he plays over the whole day in his head is that he can’t Wait for you to be his wife and he can’t believe how unbelievably grateful he is that you’re in his (and jacks 🤭🥹🥰💗) life 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗🥰🥰
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ecoqueer · 2 years
I wish that people gave a shit about nonbinary people who don’t use they/them pronouns. You can literally give your friend group (which includes another nonbinary person) a list of your favorite pronouns, none of which include they/them, and mention several times that you don’t like they/them pronouns for yourself, but they’ll make the switch from she/her pronouns to…they/them. And feel super proud of themselves for being sooo progressive as to use they/them pronouns for you….when those aren’t your pronouns.
I think that saying “he she and they are my least favorite but are fine in combination with other things…I’m really fine with any neos but here’s a list of my faves that you can choose from!” Is polite and not a difficult request. I’m not good at being a pushy person, and I shouldn’t need to be.
#it screams#i guess I’ll pull the lists out again and re-link them#but the aforementioned friends view messages from me as a chore and check them rarely so when they do they’ve built up and so just skim#everything#which I’m fucking tired of#I’ve been going back and forth on whether it’s better to have no friends or a few friends who make you feel shitty#dunno which is worse#they also are extremely cavalier with covid while knowing I have no health insurance#and have supported some statements/actions that really make me sad#so idk I might be basically friendless at this point#i hold on for too long to people who have clearly moved on and don’t much care about being my friend anymore#I’ve tried reaching out a few times to no avail so idk I might just give up#try to cultivate online relationships more#which feels pretty impossible to me#sigh#I’ve been not able to sleep well#because of issues in my life with…all of the few people in it#issues that could be solved if I had kept a wider support network#instead of getting trapped with someone who was abusing me and my friends who don’t seem to give a shit about that and expressed more#concern for him than for me when the news was revealed to them#again I don’t have health insurance so no therapist#which I fucking desperately need right now#i have no one separate to talk to#the one who knows all of the different factors from all of the angles…is the abuser#i feel like I’m in so much fucking pain and I feel so alone and all of the people in my life who are supposed to be my loved ones#are standing around me ignoring me completely and acting like everything is okay#just causing me more and more pain#well this didn’t start out intended as a vent but it sure turned into one huh#i wish I could convey to y’all the desperation and loneliness and aching that I feel#vent
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