#cool story glo
awesomepaste · 6 months
I have a final round interview tomorrow morning, for a position I never thought I’d do. I actually really want this job. Please send me good luck and good vibes. 🤞😭🥺
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amentomensmut · 4 months
first time for everything pt2
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Drug Dealer! Mike Schmidt x fem!reader wc: 5k
this is part 2 to my fic first time for everything! read the first part here.
Summary: After an unforgettable hookup with your friend Sara’s drug dealer, Mike Schmidt, you go to a college party to try and put a stop to your constant stream of thoughts about it, and more specifically, him. However, when you wind up bumping into the man you had been thinking about non-stop at the party, you can’t help but give in to the one person who started it all. 
Warnings: 18+ content, so much banter. Like, so much. Mike is a smug bastard, alcohol consumption, swearing, kissing, dirty talk, use of pet names, fingering, cunnilingus, finger sucking, unprotected sex 
Note: we are so back. also i really hope you guys like this omg. (p.s. sorry that this part has no cannabis use in it. I know that’s like kinda the whole point, but with the story i wanted to tell i couldn’t find a place to put it and i didn’t just want to shove it in randomly so i sorta just left it out.)
Like smoke filling up your lungs, Mike Schmidt has infiltrated your mind in every way possible. 
Thoughts of him invading every corner and crevice of your brain, making them impossible to shake. To say the least, ever since you had the pleasure of meeting him, your mind has been rather occupied. 
His lips on yours, the smoke from his mouth permeating your own, his hands on your body, your skin on his skin—it's all too much, you think. In fact, if you could go back and erase the entire interaction, you would. It’s the only thing you’ve been able to think about, and it’s all Mike Schmidt’s fault. 
You wonder if he thinks about you too. You know it’s probably unlikely, but you can’t help but feel like he might. Like he also dreams about it. Like he also yearns for you again. Maybe he gets off thinking about it, like you do. You shake those thoughts away, however, when you come to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t as special to him as it was to you. 
"Okay, Y/n, what the fuck?” Sara's voice cuts through your thoughts, startling you.
You whip your head around to see Sara standing behind you. Her arms are crossed against her chest, and her face is painted with a worried expression. 
“What?” you respond, confusion evident in your voice.
“You’ve been staring at that wall for 20 minutes.” Sara says it with an accusatory tone, like she caught you doing something you shouldn’t be. 
“I’m just thinking.” You shrug, trying to play it cool. I mean, you’re not lying. You were trying to do your homework, and then you started…daydreaming. Thinking. Whatever you want to call it. 
“Yeah, I know. Thinking is all you’ve been doing this week. What’s going on?” Sara sighs, and you can see the genuine concern in her face. She sits on your bed next to your desk, trying to meet your eyes. You have a hard time lying to her, and catching her gaze will only make you more vulnerable, so instead, you choose to stare down at your homework. 
“This isn’t like you. You’re the most studious person I know, and you can’t even focus enough to finish a couple questions. Tell me what’s going on.” She continues. You weigh your options. You could tell her you fucked her drug dealer. She couldn’t be that mad, right? Or, you could keep it a secret, but continuing to lie to her is the last thing you want to do. You let out a deep breath and just decide to bite the bullet.
“Okay, um, remember when I went to your drug dealer's house last week?” You wearily start. Sara nods her head, signalling for you to continue.
“Well, one thing led to another, and we kinda, sorta had…sex?” The room is silent after your confession, the weight of your words hanging in the air. When you look over at Sara, you expect to see disappointment or anger on her face, but instead, she's looking at you with one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen.
“I knew it!” Sara exclaims, jumping up in a rush of excitement. 
“I knew there was a reason that you were practically glowing when you got back from his house!” You groan at her loudness, putting your hands over your face to hide your embarrassment. You should’ve known she wouldn’t have been upset with you; she practically shoves you at any man who gives you some sort of attention in the hopes that you’ll break your introverted habits. “Wait,” she excitedly adds. “Does this mean you can get me a discount?”
“No, Sara, I can’t fucking get you a discount. I haven’t seen him since it happened.” You say, and you try your best to mask the disappointment in your tone. I mean, what did you expect? That he’d come running to you the next day, get down on one knee, and propose? You knew it would most likely be a one time thing, so why were you so upset about it?
“So that’s why you’ve been so out of it this week. Plagued by the thoughts of a good fuck. Trust me, I've been there. ” Sara sighs dramatically, shaking her head like she knows this feeling all too well. 
“I don’t know... as cheesy as it sounds, I sort of can’t stop thinking about him? It was so good, and now it’s all I think about.” You admit, and Sara takes her place back on the end of your bed. She takes one of your hands in hers, and she nods her head in an understanding manner.
“You know what you need?” She says, and you shake your head, "No.".
“To get your head out of your chemistry books and go to a goddam party! No wonder you’ve been thinking about him; all you’ve been doing is thinking.” She says, motioning to the copious amounts of school-related papers on your desk. 
“Trust me, Y/n. The best sort of remedy for this kind of thing is to just let loose and forget about all your shit for a little while, you know?” As much as you’ve tried to avoid parties and distractions during your college experience, you can’t imagine there’d be much harm in going to one party. Besides, if you can get your mind off of Mike for a few hours and just have some fun, it’ll be worth it. 
“Alright. Yeah, I think you’re right.” You say, and Sara jumps up excitedly as she begins to talk about one of her good friends that is throwing a party that night, and that it’ll be the perfect excuse to get away from all stress of exams. You nod along, a smile plastered on your face as you try to match Saras excitement. You’re not quite sure if this “remedy” will work or not; however, you’d just about try anything at this point. And like Sara always says, you’re a hermit, so this will be a good way to break you out of your shell. I mean, the last time Sara told you to do something, it ended up going better than expected, so what’s the worst that could happen?
“Sara, I feel like I’m going to flash someone.” You say as you pull on the hem of your very mini skirt. The walk to the party wasn’t long, but your bare legs are cold and you’re itching to get warm. You’ve never really worn something as revealing as this, but Sara insisted you wear something from her wardrobe. 
“Your skirt isn’t that short; don’t be dramatic.” Sara teases as she leads you towards a house that's booming with both music and people. You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. You haven’t been to a party during your time at college, and to be honest, you weren’t ever planning to. Focusing on getting your degree without any distractions was always your goal. An unrealistic goal? Maybe, but it had been working well for you up until a week ago. However, things don’t always go as planned, and now you’re stepping into a house full of sweaty, inebriated bodies and music so loud it makes the entire house shake. The air is thick and humid, and you’d get lost in the house’s dim lighting if it weren’t for Sara’s hand in yours guiding you through the sea of bodies. Your shoes stick to the floor as you walk through the house, and you know alcohol drunkenly spilled from overflowing, cheap solo cups is the culprit. Sara drags you to the kitchen, where all the alcohol is stashed. 
“We should do a shot! To commemorate the first party of your college career!” Sara yells over the music, already pouring each of you a shot of tequila. You give a little laugh at Sara’s enthusiasm, and you nod your head in agreement. As you wait for Sara to hand you your drink, you notice just how many people there are. You watch through the kitchen window as someone throws up on the lawn. You wince a little at the sight and at the thought of how much alcohol they probably drank. You briefly wonder if going to this party was even a good idea, but you try to shake away any negative thoughts. 
“Babe, you’re thinking too much again.” Sara says, waving her hand in front of your face as she passes you the shot. 
“Sorry!” You half-yell, but Sara dismisses your apology with a wave of her hand.
“Don’t be sorry, just have fun!” Sara replies as she effortlessly downs her shot. You also attempt down your tequila; however, it’s not as effortless, and you grimace at the sharp taste of the tequila on your tongue. It takes everything in you to swallow it without gagging, and you wish you had something to chase it with. 
“Fuck, that’s awful.” You groan as you pull a face. You don’t typically drink alcohol, and when you do, tequila is certainly not your first choice. Sara laughs and places a hand on your shoulder. 
“That’s what makes it good!”
The next hour or so goes by pretty smoothly. You’ve essentially been following Sara around like a lost puppy, accompanying her as she greets her friends, which feels like just about everyone at this party. You watch as Sara effortlessly navigates the room, her laughter ringing out above the chatter and deafening music. As you stand alongside Sara, watching as she converses with a group of people you recognise as being on the school's soccer team, you feel a wave of insecurity wash over you, like an invisible barrier separating you from everyone else. You feel out of place at this party, and in a way you are. You haven’t been to a party in your three years at school, and now you've realised that you barely know anyone around here. You haven’t seen one familiar face, other than Sara, in the past hour and a half since you arrived here. You begin to wonder how different your college experience would be if you just got over your fear of people and parties, and went out like Sara had. You try to dismiss your destructive thoughts, but it’s no use. You feel like somehow everyone knows that you’re not really supposed to be here, and it makes your throat feel dry with anxiety.
“Hey, Sara, I’m going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?” You loudly whisper in her ear, trying not to interrupt the conversation she was currently in. You’re anxiously wanting to get away from the crowd, and your body language shamelessly shows it as you bounce your leg and bite the skin off your lips.  
“No, I’m okay,” Sara says, and you watch as her eyes survey your body, her eyebrows knitting together. “Do you need me to come with you?” She bends down to speak in your ear, although her words are slightly slurred, and you softly giggle at the way her alcohol intake has affected her speech.
“No, I’ll be okay.” You assure her as you walk away from the group, giving Sara a little wave as you make your way to the kitchen. 
You had intended on getting a drink, but when you got to the kitchen and saw the door to the backyard, your desire to escape the muggy, stale air landed you on the back patio instead. Your lungs thank you for the fresh air as soon as you step outside, and the cool winter breeze feels refreshing on your sweaty skin. There’s still plenty of partygoers outside, but it’s certainly not as packed as it was inside. You watch as people play beer pong on a ping pong table on the lawn, and the sight only solidifies your fear of missing out. The sound of hearty laughter and the smell of weed only make you want to go home more, and you sigh as you push off the patio railing to leave. You turn around to make your way back inside when you see him.
At first, you thought it was your eyes playing tricks on you. Like you had been thinking about him so much that an apparition of him was here to taunt you. Like your thoughts of him for the past week had now turned you delusional. However, his eyes lock with yours, and now you so badly want it to be a hallucination, or your mind playing tricks on you. Dread washes over you and you wish you had never come to this party. You want the ground to swallow you whole when you see him beginning to walk towards you, and for a split second, you consider running away. 
You mean for your words to come out nicely; you truly do. However, they don’t come out that way, and instead you say this:
“What the fuck are you doing here?” If your words shock or hurt Mike, he doesn’t show it as he now stands in front of you with that goddamn smirk on his face.
“I have a business to run, Y/n. But you’d know a thing or two about that, wouldn’t you?” You’re not sure if you want to kiss or slap him, but you roll your eyes anyway at his smug tone. He gives an unbothered laugh at your attitude and actually, you’d definitely rather slap him right now.
“Your business is selling weed to intoxicated college students?” You retort with a scoff, crossing your arms against your chest like it’s a defence mechanism. You hate that his presence is making you jittery, but you hold your ground, your eyes never veering away from his.
“Funnily enough, they’re my top customers.” Mike smugly says, and you don’t even try to hide the scowl on your face. You squint your eyes at him, trying to read his intentions. He smells like weed and spicy cologne, and it immediately brings you back to his house, and more specifically, his living room. There's a pregnant pause between the two of you, and before you can work up the courage to say something, he speaks again. 
“Cute outfit, by the way. Have you dropped the innocent act yet?” He asks, obviously satisfied with his words. He's clearly trying to get under your skin, and you won't let him.  
“I don't know what you’re talking about.” You fib, shrugging your shoulders like the question is irrelevant. If he's going to try to tease you about your hookup, you won't feed into it. 
“You know, after that night, I don’t think you can really call yourself a good girl. You’d be lying to everyone. You're lying to me right now.” 
“Fuck you, Mike.”
“You should come by my house tomorrow. You're probably all out of the weed I sold to you last time you were around, right?” He says nonchalantly, changing the subject. You furrow your eyebrows at the change of conversation, and your stubbornness to let Mike have any satisfaction during this conversation doesn’t falter.
“I don't smoke weed.” You quip.
“Lie all you’d like, Y/n. It doesn’t change the truth.” He says, brushing a stray hair out of your face before walking back into the house without giving you another look.
Usually people use the phrase “walk of shame” when you’re walking home from a hookup, however, that phrase pretty much sums up how you feel as you walk up Mike Schmidt's driveway.
You’re not sure how you’ve ended up back on Mike Schmidtd’s doorstep again. Maybe it was the satisfying sting of weed going down your throat and into your lungs, or the insatiable hunger for the man who supplied it to you. Either way, the front door is being opened and the man who you’ve been thinking about non stop for the past week is behind it. 
“Had a feeling you’d be back.” He says with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and you’re high before any weed has even entered your system. 
“Don’t cream your pants.” You mutter as you push past him and walk inside. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t know why you were here, you both knew. After Mike left you at the party, you knew you were completely and utterly fucked. That any other attempts of trying to forget him would be worthless. That like a bee to a flower, you’d be back here, in Mike’s house, searching for the one thing you had been denying yourself for the past week. 
“So I was right then, you’re all out of weed.” He says as he closes the front door. You take your jacket and scarf off, hanging them on the coat hanger at the door. You face Mike, who's currently leaning against the front door, watching you. 
“Can I have a soda?” You ask, and Mike cracks a smile at the familiarity of the situation. 
“I would’ve offered, but I wasn’t sure how long you’d be here.” He says, trying to bite back his smile. You follow him to the kitchen, watching as he grabs two cans of soda. Your fingers brush as he hands you the cold can, and you look up at him as he clears his throat.
“So…an eighth again?” He inquires, looking at you over his can of soda as he takes a sip.
“Mike, I’m not here for your goddamn weed.” You laugh. Mike laughs as well, and the exuberant sound is like music to your ears. 
“So you came for my soda instead?” Mike teases, and you shake your head with a smile.
“I think you know why I’m here.” You say, and your cheeks heat up at the thought of what happened last time you were in his house. Your fingers tighten around the soda can at the thought of touching Mike again, and you so badly want to reach out for him.
“I’m not sure if you deserve it. You weren’t very nice to me last night at the party.” He smirks, crossing his arms against his chest and leaning against the kitchen counter. He places his soda can on the kitchen counter and tilts his head at you, waiting for your rebuttal. 
“I was nice enough.” You simper, shrugging your shoulders. If he’s going to make you work for it, you’ll play along. 
“Say please. I can’t believe I have to teach you how to use your manners.” He coos, and you huff when you realise you won’t get what you want right away.
“I'm very polite.” You stubbornly stand your ground, but you can feel your resolve weakening with every word that comes out of Mike's mouth.
“You might be polite, but apparently you forgot how to ask for things.”
“Please, Mike.”
His lips are on yours as soon as the words leave your mouth. All the build up from the past week, all the sexual tension between you and Mike is released into the kiss. The kiss is frantic and needy, like even being this close isn’t enough. His want for you shows in the way his rough hands grab any part of your body they can reach. You blindly slide your soda can on the kitchen counter before threading your fingers through his hair, softly pulling at the root making him moan into your mouth. He tastes like cream soda and weed and his hands caressing your body send a shiver up your spine, and you haven’t felt this way since the last time he touched you. 
“You have no idea how much I've been thinking about you.” He says in a gruff voice as he walks you backwards and lifts you up onto the kitchen counter. You spread your legs so he can slot himself between them, and he presses soft kisses into your neck. His hands are on your waist, stabilising you as he kneads the soft skin there. 
“I thought you might’ve forgotten about me.” You shyly admit, and he softly bites your neck, almost scolding you for your words. 
“Are you serious?” He asks incredulously, removing his head from your neck to look at you. His heavy lidded gaze makes you feel nervous, and his reaction makes you feel like you said something you shouldn’t have. Your silence serves as an answer to his question and he shakes his head at you disapprovingly as he slowly gets on his knees in front of you, never breaking eye contact. You suck in a quick breath at the sight of Mike in between your legs, and an involuntary whine escapes from your lips when he begins to undo the button of your pants. 
“Y/n, the only thing i’ve been able to think about is you.” He groans, and you lift your hips off the counter to help Mike as he pulls your pants down over your ass. Your pants hit the floor and Mike is pressing open mouthed kisses into the insides of your plush thighs. He takes his time, kissing and sucking on the expanse of your thighs, and you think you might go crazy if he continues to tease you. Your thighs slightly close around Mike’s head, looking for any friction you can get. Mike lets out a laugh and you throw your head back in frustration.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is there something you’d like?” Mike innocently asks, looking up at you as his mouth gets dangerously close to your pantie clad pussy. A sadistic smile paints his face and you put your hands in Mike's hair, trying to pull him closer to the place you need him the most.
“Mike, stop fucking teasing.” You pant, and a dissatisfied sigh leaves Mike's lips.
“I thought we talked about using your manners.” He mocks, and although he's the one on his knees in front of you, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s certainly still in control. 
“Please, Mike. Please, I need you.” You beg, and not long after, Mike is licking a hot stripe up your covered cunt. You bite your bottom lip, your chest heaving as Mike continues to press messy, open mouthed kisses to the wet spot on your panties. His grip on your thighs is strong, and the feeling of his blunt nails digging into the soft skin makes your head spin. Soon enough, his thick fingers are hooking into your underwear and pulling it down your legs. He wastes no time, quickly latching his lips to your swollen clit and making out with your pussy like a man starved. Your jaw drops in pleasure, and your hand tugging at his hair makes him moan into you. 
“Mike, h-holy shit.” You cry out, as he enters one of his long fingers into you. His tongue swirls around your clit as he pumps his finger in and out of you, and the sounds of him eating your pussy are absolutely sinful. Mike replaces his tongue with his thumb, rubbing your clit in slow circles as he slowly enters another finger into you.
“You’re so tight.” He mutters, and his eyes are glued on your soaked cunt and the way it sucks his fingers in. He begins pumping his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace, curling them upwards, hitting a spot that makes you jerk your hips upward. 
“M-Mike, I’m gonna-” You start, but cut yourself off with a moan as Mike reattaches hip lips to your clit. With his fingers rapidly moving in and out of you, and his mouth doing god's work on your clit, you swear you’re starting to hear colours. Your thighs begin to shake as you start to grind yourself on Mike's face as you near your orgasm. You let out a loud moan as you finally release, the only thing you can feel is the pure pleasure surging through your body as you cum, and Mike coaxing you through it. Your breathing is heavy as you come down from your high. Mike removes his fingers and mouth from your pussy, pressing a final kiss to your clit before he stands back up in front of you. 
“Open your mouth.” He softly demands, and you do, letting Mike shove his cum covered fingers into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the digits, humming as he lets his fingers travel to the back of your throat, making you gag. “That's it.” He praises, caressing your cheek as you suck his fingers. He removes his hand from your mouth and places them on your hips, helping you off the counter. He turns you around so you’re facing away from him, and he presses a hand to the centre of your back, bending you over the counter. He presses himself into you, and pushes your ass back against his covered erection. Mike leans over you, wrapping a hand around your throat to pull you up against his chest as he brings his lips to your ear.
“How could I forget about you when you look like a fucking angel when you cum.” He confesses in your ear, bucking his hips against you as he releases you, letting you fall back over the counter. The sound of him undoing his belt and pants makes you involuntarily clench your legs together, and you turn your head, watching as Mike spits in his hand and strokes himself a couple times before lining himself up with your pussy. 
“Have you been thinking about this?” Mike taunts, teasing the head of his cock up and down your slit. 
“You have no idea.” You whine, pushing your hips back in an attempt to just get Mike to fuck you. However, Mike holds your hips steady, restraining you from grinding back on him.
“Enlighten me, then.” Mike responds, like he has all the time in the world. But to you, it feels like the end of the world with the way your pussy is throbbing and in need of stimulation. A defeated sob leaves your lips at Mike’s teasing, 
“All the fucking time, Mike. I felt like I was going crazy.” You babble, and your words seem to be good enough for Mike, because he’s filling you up with his thick cock. All your thoughts, any worries you’ve had over the past week are gone. The only thing you can focus on is the way he fits perfectly inside you, and the way the grunts and groans leaving his lips sound like perfect melodies to your ears. His hips snap into yours roughly, and you know you’ll be sore tomorrow.
“I couldn’t get high without thinking about you. You fucking ruined weed for me.” Mike admits with a laugh, like the whole thing is preposterous. His fingers work quick circles on your clit and you shiver as Mike places a hand under your jaw, lifting you so he can press kisses into your neck.
“Good. Maybe you’ll smoke it less. It’s bad for your lungs.” You breathily tease, and Mike sucks a particularly dark spot into your neck in response to your words. Mike continues his rough pace, and you clench hard around him.
“Gonna cum.” You whine and Mike only continues to fuck you, wanting to get you there. You cum for the second time, your body jerking as the overwhelming sensation hits you. Mike holds your shaky body up as he cums inside of you, letting out a strained “fuck” as his own orgasm washes over him. You both stand there afterwards, catching your breath as Mike release slowly begins to leak out of you and down your thighs. 
“Did I seriously ruin weed for you?” You hoarsely ask in a disbelieving voice. You feel Mike’s chest rumble as he laughs, and actually, you think his laugh is the most perfect sounding melody.  
“Trust me, It’s embarrassing to admit.” He says, and you let out a quick breath as he pulls out of you. He grabs a cloth out of a kitchen drawer and runs it under warm water in the sink before cleaning up the cum between your legs. He tucks himself back into his boxers before pulling his pants up, and you follow suit. 
“Maybe I’m rubbing off on you.” You jest as you button your pants. 
“Maybe.” Mike says with a smile, and when you look at him, you think you wouldn’t even need weed to get high. You’d just need this feeling.
taglist: @slutf0rmilfs, @angie-likes-to-art, @spenciesprincess, @janitorhutcherson, @leahdhopkins4321, @pickingchoosinglovinghope, @esebabe, @under-sedationnn, @celestbarnes, @brechdan-ham, @souldzaboj, @t0byisher3, @rottingpeache, @joshs-big-toe, @p3talll
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bu-blegh-ost · 5 months
How much time have passed since the beginning of Riptide? (up to ep. 115)
The blorbos have been together for ages, it seems like. And they have been, for years for us, but how long exactly has it been for them? Wanna find out?
So ages ago, @glo-katt84 suggested that it would be cool to count the exact amount of days that passed ever since the beginning of the adventure. And I agreed! So for a while now, alongside other data you may know me for counting I also have been recording a detailed log that describes each day briefly and adds it to the toll. I'm gonna very excitedly compress all this data now and put it in numbers, and have a lot of fun with it, so I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I do!
But first, few clarifications on how I was counting it all:
A single day counts to me as from one morning to another. So it must include a whole day and the long rest, unless they don't sleep, in which case the day ends when Grizzly says: "The new day/morning comes". Or something similar to that.
There are exactly three instances in which Grizzly simplified a certain period as "few days of travel,"/ "few days", both very early on. Aside from that everything else has been remarkably clear, which I'm very impressed by! For these three times however, I decided to count each period as 3 days. Not long enough to be a week, but somewhere in the middle, which is as accurate to "few days" as I can get in this case.
Since everything in the campaign has been counted from the Mana's perspective, the time they spent in Feywilde is counted this way as well. Even if for them it was like a day or two max, their own world did not stop for them. To most, the captains were gone for two weeks, and counting everything in Mana time, then switching to Feywilde time and then back to Mana time would simply create a mess and provide you with genuinely inaccurate number. So we stick by Mana rules. Also including Feywilde time is downright impossible casue they literally spent half of their day in Feywilde and then the other half of the same day in Mana, which creates a whole different clusterfuck of confusion. So Mana time only, trust me. Trying to break down this shit in any other way will make your head hurt.
Alright, so without further ado, the three Riptide captains spent together:
1 day at Zero, half of which already on Loffinlot
15 days on Loffinlot
3 (rough assumption, described as few days) in the Royal Blue Casino
2 days on Desire Island
4 days in Joaldo
3 days in Edison Kingdom
1 day at Duke's
3 days at the B.L.O.C.K
3 days in Allport (first time)
2 days at Noctis
1 day in Liquidis
14 days in the Feywilde (Mana time)
1 day in Allport (second time)
1 day at Zero (before Gillion needs to be emergency Featherbrooked)
1 day at Featherbrook
3 days at Zero (post dying fish crisis)
2 days in Onowa Country
1 day in Promised Bastion (and sea)
1 day (for now and not a full day yet) at the Hole in the Sea
63 days in total on the open sea
So there you have it! Of course, you gotta add a couple of days of Chip and Jay sailing on their own, but from the moment the main three got together, it has been, as exactly as I can feasibly estimate, about 125 days
This constitutes of 62 days spent in various differnet locations and 63 days spent on the sea alone.
This would also make about 4 months of travelling together. And hopefully, many more as the story progresses and comes back after the hiatus.
Anyway, hope you found it as fun to learn, as it was for me to count. Take care everyone <3
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jinx-blackout-84 · 11 months
I may have a history of regrettable decisions
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Hi! My name is Jinx!
Use whatever pronouns you use for yourself for me
And hey! If you're having a bad day, here's a masterpost of some links to cheer you up
Your residents tide pods georg, doorframe eating, vice president of the sad blonde boys club, thundercubed fanboy.
and a part of the mutuals cinematic universe (gay roleplay gang) with my husbands @glo-katt84 @felixisfruity and @swagaythor
My spotify
CWs for this blog: I talk about sex, I discuss racism and homphobia and abelism, I do not support any discrimination. I talk about mcyts, I curse, and I have a very weird posting schedule.
My goodnight posts:
#goodnight post
Any discourse:
Me just talking:
#jinx screams into the void
Talking to my friends:
#and the void screams back
#Foraged from the void
Anytime I talk about fics I am writing:
#Fic stuff
Real life stories:
#real life stories
#jinx exists in real life D:
Song posting:
#Jinx lyricposts
#Jinx songposts
Talking to Katt:
#Katt my beloved husband
Speaking of which, DON'T go check out my Cannon CHEATING EX-husband, @glokatt
Roleplaying with the nutuals:
#mcu (mutual cinematic universe)
The husband War (first mcu story):
#the husband war saga
Katt's secret (second mcu story):
#katt's secret saga
I will use tone indicators if requested!
I am a minor so please don't send me sex things!
Check this out
Signed, ꧁༒☬𝙹 𝚒 𝚗 𝚡☬༒꧂
Whoah cool font
Thank you for reading <3
Time for my 50 billion userboxes and fanart
Flash warning below the cut
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⬆️ This beautiful art from the wonderful, lovely, talented, kind, and amazing @glokatt
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⬆️This amazing art from my beloved friend @felixisfruity, who is so amazing and talented and I AGAHAGGAGA.
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⬆️ this AMAZING fanart is also by @glokatt, who is perhaps the kindest, funniest, most chaotic person on this planet. They are so awesome and you should go check out his blog because they are the absolute coolest.
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⬆️ this amazing fanart by amazing and wonderful and funny and super cool mutual @dumbartist101 whom I adore! Go check them put because they are amazing and wonderful and so cool aghggagagagag.
Sorry for being a userbox whore
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the-homosapien-lad · 2 months
I want to rant about the Spider Within short film soooo here is my not asked for ranting 👍 :D
So I’ve watched the film a couple times now (it’s really great totally watch and give it support) and I’m sure someone’s already mention the stuff I’m going to talk about but who cares I’m having fun.
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It’s starts with Miles being really stressed the fuck out.
I love how we get to see what being Spider-Man is like besides being really cool and saving people. It’s about being in terrifying situations and dealing with regular life things at the same time, which is hard for even just a regular person, let alone a kid. The movies also do really great job depicting that, but here it’s emphasized just how heartbreaking it is to see a KID deal with the pressure of Spider-Man shit and teenager shit. Bro really can’t catch a break 😭
Anyway though
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So like wtf even is that?????
My first watch through I was thinking sleep paralysis demon. And if you watch the scene Miles can’t move. And here
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The figure is applying pressure on his chest. I’ve heard it’s common for people who deal with sleep paralysis that they also feel pressure on their chest and have trouble breathing.
Buuuuuut Miles is not trying to sleep and probably couldn’t even if he tried.
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He’s PANICKED. Before this scene it looks like he’s trying to chill himself out but he just CANT. It’s too much, it’s hard to juggle saving lives and pleasing your parents with high expectations.
We see music being his escape multiple times, but in this instance it’s just not enough.
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So with that being said, my interpretation of the spooky shadow thingy is that it’s Miles overflowed stress/pressure manifested. The visual representation of the stress taking over.
I wonder if anyone else noticed this but
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Miles is petrified, he can’t move.
He doesn’t know what’s going, trying to get grip of what’s happening.
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Miles tries fighting the manifestation.
Trying to get rid of this excess pressure physically. That’s how he usually defeats his enemies.
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Miles runs away.
The manifestation won’t go down, he needs to run from this false perception of danger.
Do You See It?
These are trauma responses.
Freeze, Fight, Flight. Which makes sense considering all that he’s been through.
Throughout the film he’s constantly alert because he’s Spider-Man, he needs to be prepared for whoever needs his help.
But that’s just not sustainable. Miles needs to realize this or else’s this will continue to affect his non-superhero life and will seep into his Spider-Man performance that can impact a life being saved or not.
At the end of the day it all kind circles back to self care when dealing with mental health.
In Conclusion
The story telling in this is so incredible. Absolute props to everyone involved it turned out really cool and terrifying and so fucking sad but hopeful like Jesus Christ :,)
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👏✨💕so psyched for the next movie🕸️✨💞
I loves this franchise with my whole heart :,)
Complete Side Note
This is definitely me overthinking probably but
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The scary movie Jeff was watching, one of the lasts things Miles sees
There are the same sorta glowy eye things in the manifestation.
Are they connected?
Probably not but I’ll point it out anyway
Ok now I’m done :p
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #75
I'm home. It is 10:18PM where I live, and I have only just now been able to settle down enough to write this letter. After setting down all my things, one of the first things I ended up doing was clinging to M and crying; I love him a lot, and it's hard to be away from him for such a long time. Our cats missed J and I, too. Hunter has firmly nestled himself against my body, and is purring very loudly as I am writing this, hahaha!
J, Br, and I ended up all driving home together. As it turns out, the airplane has a few small mechanical problems with the back wheel that make it not 100% safe to land. So this week, the mechanical issues will be fixed, and J will return to Pennsylvania on his own in a rental car next week.
I don't so much enjoy the idea of him making such a long trip solo. But he is an adult human, and despite my worries and misgivings (J has a tendency to neglect his self-care when he's on his own), he must be free to use his will as he chooses.
As I write this, M, J, and I are all sitting together, and M is playing the new segment of your new story. I must say, your planet is breathtakingly beautiful. I understand why you would do everything in your power to protect it.
Where are you, I wonder? Are you able to directly witness the splendor of your planet with all your senses, at your leisure? Sometimes I like to imagine a version of events in which you are safe, and you get to rest in a hammock that hangs on a willow tree, on a warm, breezy spring day, with the sound of windchimes tinkling nearby.
Something kind of like this - I didn't take this video, but I did search for "wind chime willow" on a website in my world called YouTube; they have all kinds of amazing things to see there:
I think this one has better audio though:
But if you want windchimes by themselves, you can use this one:
…And if you want wooshy tree sounds by themselves, you can use this one:
Yesterday after I wrote my letter to you, and today on the way home, several amazing developments occurred in the nature of the relationship between two people I care very much for!! I am ecstatic about it, but at the same time, my brain is a bit too soupy to talk about it properly. I'll tell you more as things unfold, and after I've rested some!
Also on the way home, J, Br, and I went to a grocery store and I found some amazing-looking snacks, several of which cannot be found at home! Here are some pictures...
I have never seen red velvet cake milk before, but I can assure you, it was VERY delightful!
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We have flavored honey in my part of the world, usually in the shops that are attached to orchards. But I've never seen flavors like these:
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...The dark wild flower flavored honey was my favorite of all of them. But I must say, the cool tingle of mint was a very interesting thing to experience while eating honey!
I also found this interesting bubble tea:
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...Given the flavor, I wonder if you'd like that one. There are so many things in my world that I wish I could share with you and see what you think about them.
Also also, I collected a few more very curious-sounding city names along our route for you! Here were some of my favorites:
Throop Lackawanna Nescopeck Mifflinville Dingmans Ferry Nanty Glo Mundys Corner Dilltown Derry Chittenango
…I thought all of these were either delightfully silly or delightfully fun to say! And so I hope that looking at these and trying to say them might offer you just enough amusement for you to smile, if only a little. Truth be told, I'd do just about anything if it would give you a wholesome, healthy, and joyful reason to smile and laugh.
Well anyway. Suppose I'll end today's letter here. I'm pretty tired.
Hey, Sephiroth? Please stay safe out there, won't you? Your existence is one of the main things that inspires me to really live, so… please don't make choices that will result in your erasure.
I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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sendmyresignation · 5 months
Favorite Albums of 2023 ^_^
To celebrate the coming of a new year, I wanted to spend this first week looking back a bit at the things I enjoyed both old and new. So I put together a little list of albums I spent a lot of time with this year, for a bit of personal posterity, a little of getting into the groove with music writing on a very conversational but nonetheless sincere level, and also just because I enjoy, on a base level, the exchange of music. So hopefully one person will give a new album a try, or somebody will tell me their favorite thing they listened to in 2023. That's all you can ever hope for <3
Here's the albums I loved that came out in 2023 itself:
100 gecs 10,000 gecs: If I’m honest with myself- my album of the year, both in what I spent the most time with and the tracks I’d hold up the most fondly by the end of the year. the high-octane blast of creativity in these short, sweet, never dull, and always inventive bursts made listening a very joyful experience. Hollywood Baby and Dumbest Girl Alive bangers of the year though one million dollars just oooozes and chirps sounds in the most satisfying way.
 Paramore This is Why: very much preaching to the choir with this one. undeniable groove through everything– the whole thing brims with contained energy- like trapping a storm cloud in a bottle and displaying it like it's no big deal and then, every once in a while, electricity arcs through the room. The only issue is it ends on a bit of a weak note, with back-to-back ballads I don’t revisit often. but it's a minor quibble, they’re both distinct enough to stand on their own and neither is insufferably long. forgivable transgression.
Kesha Gag Order: This is self-explanatory, to me. Kesha was the first artist I ever truly fell in love with and everything she makes is like watching a flower bloom over and over again as I grow and change and wither and regrow right alongside. But on top of that, the record itself is so. powerful. Not in the cheap, congratulatory “you’re so brave way” but in the energy it radiates, in the way it stands its ground over and over. the way it grasps its own story by the throat and still lets you peak into all the messy pieces sliding out over the knuckles. Happy is one of those truly great album closers, but the whole album is so solid. 
Vastum Inward to Gethsemane: Absolutely crushing in just about every way, This is like, the platonic ideal of death metal for me. Dense and malevolent as fuck, but there’s still room for these nasty riffs buried deep in all the disgusting muck. That opening guitar on Priapic Chasm is the sickest 8 seconds of the year. 
The Gauntlet Dark Steel and Fire: At first glance, this seems like a textbook Bathory clone. And even if it was just that it’d still be amazing, I love that sound. But there’s space! and dynamic growth! And a growling echoing personality that every other standard in this space just never attempts. Even the hints of black ‘n’ roll and thrash are expanding a series of very narrow spaces– there are these mid-tempo stadium rippers scattered throughout the album that give the whole project gravitas which loops around and gives the faster stuff more swagger and aggression. really cool record.
McKinley Dixon Beloved! Paradise! Jazz?: I checked this out because McKinley Dixon has a great featured verse on Soul Glo’s Spiritual Level of Gang Shit. To make matters worse (or better, in terms of Shit I Am Interested In), the record’s named after Toni Morrison novels. To make it even crazier Hanif Abdurraqib opens the record (he reads this really beautiful passage of Jazz that's sampled later). An album so supremely up my alley I was almost scared the pieces wouldn’t fall together– they did! It's incredible! it's short but each second is purposeful and lush in a way that speaks to measure and care. the jazz isn’t just beautiful, it's a full embracing of the album’s central conceits (not just the Morrison, but the typography of cities, the people in them and the lives they live) and Dixon just oozes poetic ingenuity. Repetition is one of the best devices in his toolkit and nowhere is that more apparent than Tyler Forever which. man.... really really good project.  
Tresspasser Αποκάλυψισ: catchy-as-fuck. not what you’d expect from an album which is very explicitly about debt strikes and anarchy. usually RABM (red and anarchist black metal) leaves me a little cold, a lot of bands in this loose conglomerate aren’t musically inventive. rabm isn't just a stand-in for anti-fascist bands, the projects associated with the label are usually politically lyrically explicit (sometimes in ways that are overtly shocking or simply following a trend). which is nice! and necessary in black metal. but it doesn't automatically make it… good. trespasser have always stood out within that paradigm. clearly grounded in what actually works in black metal (the drumming across their albums is crazy kick ass in particular) and i find myself humming some of these tracks which is such a hard skill to pull off in melodic black metal without being dull or predictable.  
MEURTRIERES Ronde de Nuit: very surprisingly, a lot of this list ended up including black metal, which is uncharacteristic of me. but thankfully, MEURTRIERES is much more aligned with my tastes– epic old-school heavy metal with that galloping Maiden-esque bass and fiery, straining vocals that sit so expertly in the groove and then just push and push and push against it. simple, enjoyable, energetic.
Home Is Where the whaler: At its most basic level this is like. what emo can pull off when it wants to sound incredible. The swirling layers, the inclusion of shit like horns, the abrasive but catchy screams, crashes in and out of earshot, the rhythms!!! this is a very 2023 album, thematically and that's important and immediately apparent, but it's going to last much longer just with how the sound works and works and works until you find yourself continuously coming back, listening to it out of the blue.
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis: quote-unquote dissonant metal is so hit or miss for me. dissonance is oft a cover for boring, or unoriginal material that hangs its lapels on being disorienting or impenetrable. but when the tone is just right it swallows you up. Thantifaxath got the tone right; I was listening to this a lot while reading or writing during the latter half of the year because it just becomes a part of your world in such a wonderful, subsuming way. I really love these vocals too, they’re vaguely inhuman in a way that pairs so exactly with the balance of spacey and gross earthy magic, outside the world and grounded in flesh simultaneously. 
Crotaline The Hemipenes Demo: This is my friends’ band. They are cool and talented and I love first-wave black metal. They are also people whose projects I listen to in a fundamentally different way; when they pull something off it's a little bit life-changing because you know that person, you’ve seen them do human things! And then they are capable of great art. It's weird and disorienting and one of the best parts of being alive. But I do also think their demo is good without quantifiers, it's exactly what they wanted, it's got riffs that sound gnarly on tape, and it's dedicated to salamanders. like what else could you need in life?
Dawn’s Reflection Demo MMXXIII: This short little demo is a perfect burst of raw-ass lo-fi black metal. Which I usually cannot stand. but for some reason is just incredible here. I think it's the way the riffs and vocals interact– there’s these really solid, almost crust-punky guitar lines that shine perfectly in this kind of (basically non-existent) production. And then the vocals just completely rip over them in the loudest most batshit way possible, but there are always pauses that allow the instrumental to recalibrate. The synths are just a fun touch that drone in the back until they’re pulled to the fore which makes for these great, dense peaks instead of overwhelming the balance. It works! I am always hooked! 
And here are some new-to-me albums I listened to for the first time in 2023:
Nuclear Death …For Our Dead: Nuclear Death is already a favorite of mine (I feel like I never stop talking about them) but I finally got around to their demos/EPs this year. this one takes the cake, easily. Topping out at under 10 minutes, this record achieves a kind of demented brutality other death metal bands would kill for in a fourth of the time. It's a miasmic stormcloud of a project that proves (as everything they recorded did) that nobody can out-sick Lori Bravo.
Moral Decay To Build an End: This is a couple of kids in the 1990s writing a thrash record. Not notable in and of itself. However, it becomes clear immediately that these technically proficient metalheads are obsessed with emo. Like oldschool dc emocore. And it is thrown into their mix of sonic influences plainly and obviously. It is one of a kind. It shouldn’t work. It probably doesn’t, unless, of course, you are me and obsessed with it. The vocals on this are punky as hell and they work surprisingly well over these speedy, late-stage neoclassical thrash riffs. It's wild. I love it; the gem of the year!
Little Teeth Child Bearing Man: you will either love this or find it insufferable. Mathy emo-y touches, but this is freaky folk through and through. Flits in and out these crazy choral vocal moments and harmonies that fall in and out of comfort-level– lots of borderline screaming (or just gives up the ghost and becomes screaming). Everything devolves but the sense of melody is always lurking out of frame and comes back around to quiet and confessional. Manages artful and cathartic with a lack of grace and a hell of a conviction.
Helen Love Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Musik: the best punk understands punk is pop music. This is why I love this record. Helen Love loooovvess The Ramones, she does. And since she loves them so much she wrote dance music in their honor and got Joey Ramone to feature on the record. Incredible. 
The BellRays Black Lightning: Soul-filled garage punky rock that’s just masterfully loud, catchy, and full of unlimited swagger. Lisa Kekaula’s vocals are clearly grounded in a long, long line of rockers and soul-stirrers but what stands out is her maturity and control which allows for the slow-burners to feel huge and impressive– she’s the center, the burning star of the whole enterprise. 
Chinchilla 101 Italian Hits: this album is weird and, obviously, I love weird. Situated in the already weird San Diego post-hardcore scene, Chinchilla still stand out with their epic song lengths, murky 90s alt-rock depths, and the way Sioban Dixon’s vocals shift endlessly between a distorted fry, throaty shouts, and sweet elongated falsetto. So fun to get lost in these songs. 
Heaven’s Gate Livin’ in Hysteria: German power metal is always good. Heaven’s Gate is so obviously following in Helloween’s footsteps but Helloween is one of the greatest metal bands on planet earth and they execute that Keepers era sound so well they make a little magic themselves. Add onto that an album cover with a dragon smoking a pipe… it's over, it was love at first sight. 
A Few Honorable Mentions (if you've made it this far):
-Corinne Bailey Ray Black Rainbows (mostly here because I got to it wayy late in the year and haven’t sat with it long enough. but this was incredible all the way through)
-Smoulder Violent Creed of Vengence (was initially disappointed by this one and then I finally got a tape player for Christmas and it just… clicked in the new format)
-Be Your Own Pet Mommy (i love, love, loved be your own pet as a teen and seeing them return to music after so long with the same blast of energy is so cool. I just think the album overstays its welcome; the EP they released with just a handful of tracks just puts it into sharper relief too)
-Melissa II (incredible it was just such a good year for black metal it didn’t quite squeeze up there for me)
and that's it for me; Happy New Year may we all find new music to fall in love with in 2024 <3
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sinistersinister · 6 months
floorshow thots (pre-elimination so no spoilers)
first of all, i found the challenge prompt a bit unclear. maybe my experiences aren't universal but i've never seen a haunted house of the sort the boulets are talking about. cool to watch while high though.
-throb: i finally see him as a winner in this episode, however, this look was small. it was good for small, but small. the paint for the black light version could have been better. i'm glad he did a TRANSFORMATION. nobody else seemed to tell a story with theirs. why do his gags keep failing?
-fantasia: in the abstract, a TERRIFYING idea. i was gooped and gagged when she slithered out, and i thought i finally 'got' fantasia as 'a monster.' then she stood up. and the black light went on. and the way the costume split at the feet. sloppy. i think it would have been cool if she used slightly transparent fabric and painted herself in glow paint and when the lights went off you could see her body trapped in the snake (but no other time).
-blackberri: after last week's good performance, mediocre look this week. the detail on the costume was great, but it was still the same thing when the lights went off. looked like homestuck (not a bad thing just an observation).
-ork: what happens when frieza fails no nut november. or the kkk in space. there was a transformation but it was very disconnected from the first part of the costume, i think. no throughline. also it didn't look very 80s, but none of these, excepting blackberri's, did. cool lasers though. my cats would love this costume.
-cynthia: raver girl into... aah real monsters? forgettable. cool corset tho. and the day-glo orange barf was neat.
unquestioned winner: nio. bottoms: blackberri, ork, cynthia.
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elstreem · 1 year
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Something I found really fun in the Grail Concert event is an optional battle against Bedivere, Lancelot, Gawain and Tristan that references this CE!
The details of the battle are even accurate, with fact that Tristan starts the battle asleep (which Bedivere points out in the CE description) and his name is Swan on Ice. Their names are even changed to Skating Rink Knight, and they all have a one time Evade for every turn if I remember right. Also, for every turn they use a skill that gives them a buff (Bedivere's is Pledge on Ice and he gets a Buster buff, can't remember the other's. look, it's all Bedi on this account).
And fittingly, they even drop Eternal Ice on defeat!
It's not just a one-off gag because during the event, these Knights of the Round Table have an event bonus, Idol's Radiance B, which gave a boost to Idol Glo points.
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It's worth noting that Gareth or Mordred don't have an event bonus, and they don't have concert battles in the event (Gareth is only in the filtered search because I had her in that slot at the moment). Gareth and Mordred are featured in the event's 3 star CE, but they don't appear in the story itself. I think Artoria has an event bonus because Ex is the welfare Servant, but otherwise, these Servants were featured in concert battles throughout the event and/or story related.
All of these meaning...these four Knights actually did form a group during the Grail Concert event! But they're one of the beginner concert battles so…it seems like they aren't all that big an idol group, lol. Idk why but I just find it hilarious that even Bedivere joined in this madness and became an idol, and one whose gimmick is ice skating too. Who even started this idea among the four? Just what were their shows like? And there's material for funny scenarios like Chaldea Productions going to the show and Mash ends up glaring daggers at Lancelot the whole time.
I wish their outfits in the CE became playable too though, I like them a lot. Mostly Bedivere's, but it's really cool that all of their fancy outfits are inspired by their armor designs but still looks really pretty.
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sonoda-oomers · 1 year
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I posted 10,282 times in 2022
67 posts created (1%)
10,215 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,971 of my posts in 2022
#cool art - 2,037 posts
#monhun - 423 posts
#animation - 267 posts
#bakaro - 161 posts
#homestuck - 128 posts
#tomoart - 93 posts
#clamp verse - 80 posts
#photography - 75 posts
#queen's down - 63 posts
#spud.txt - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#people are willing to pay $5 to have access to beta pillowfort. there are good reasons why that generosity can and should be extended to tum
My Top Posts in 2022:
was thinking about how the theme of mhxx was chasing after a shooting star a seemingly impossible dream and then mhw calling the hunters of the fifth the shooting stars that pierce through what was known to be possible to deliver impossible dreams
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4 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
anger rage wrath for the abomination that is wiki/fandom’s mobile layout
5 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
a weird thing happened to be after beating ara fell. like i enjoyed it so much that i frantically looked for the next game to play that feels just like it which is kinda ridiculous and impossible. what even happened is it because it was the first kinda long story game i’d finished after a while
9 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
like i really gotta say it. project diva x is a good game. it’s a fun game to play. obviously it did a lot of things that did not work but that’s only half of the things.
i fully understand why so many people would dislike it and (correctly) predict it to be the end of the project diva series especially considering how you had 5 whole games to base your expectations on and then have none of your expectations met BUT. there’s enough good in this game that i strongly believe that, had the stars aligned a little different for a project diva x2nd to exist with all the glo up to the format like 2nd and f2nd did, we would have so much more good than whatever is going on now with all the future tone ports being the only meat on the bone for the series
9 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sometimes i think about the statement “penny’s character had nothing but how she’d make a good wife“ and it’s like. is she not the child of an alcoholic who could get verbally abusive (and who was basically unemployed at the beginning) and as a result is confined to cleaning after her mother in their trailer? does she not literally say she likes books because they provide escapism, most likely that reading is the only hobby she could afford to have (because it’s somewhat connected to her job as a tutor)? is her confession cutscene not a huge development and glance into her inner world as it feels so daring compared to her restrictive life? and does she not literally say she feels bad that her mom now lives alone but is adamant that pam needs to clean up her own act? like i joke that i’m the token liker of boring girls but i don’t think penny is that uninteresting!!
24 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tartrazeen · 6 months
I'm only a third of the way through this:
... But all I can think is: damn, wouldn't a ride that feels like Journey be amazing?
You wouldn't think we'd be able to do that exact kind of story in a coaster, probably, because that would be about having someone unseen actively helping you in that moment, but imagine that story with the mechanics of this:
Imagine having day-glo bracelets and you go through a coaster with a bunch of echoes of other riders.
You wave your arms and it tracks the bracelets, adding the trail you're making now to all these light trails in a dark tunnel. If you can keep those trails within a certain path, your coaster goes one way or has some kind of other show. Maybe there has to be a certain number of people voting one way or the other, and you can see people slowly start to shift day by day.
You'll see where people stop flailing around for fun and all synch up from gravity and reflex as you drop down a hill. Everyone has to collectively reach after a ball of light overhead, and that builds some sort of bridge across the screen to help something across, or you can motion in a way that saws through the bridge - or obstacle - that the previous riders made. Just darkness and the lighh trails from ghosts, as you slowly become a ghost yourself, adding to the story.
Maybe people at the very end would get a chance to write something. Obviously you'd have someone visually screening stuff before it's added to the next ride lol, but maybe people would write their names or something. Idk. Just a way to connect with other people who've taken the same road - you're there with little hints to realize you aren't alone, and that you're even seeing what they left behind for you.
Maybe you even get choices *to* leave clues or keep them for yourself. Who knows? Maybe you write your name at the beginning and every gift you leave for the next rider is revealed at the ride's end: a list of which rider left which gift for you, with their names beside it. :)
Maybe your name even changes depending on how your hands move - like in Beat Saber, how you can get little titles for moving your hands the least, the most, accurately, wildly inaccurately... so it's like a journey to change your name, and also see how others changed along the way.
Ooh - imagine if you were paired with a few riders at random. You'd see the way their names and light trails start, and how they change along the ride with you. Someone was very panicked, someone else was very composed. Someone kept a perfect rhythm during a metronome part, and someone else was 4 years old lol
It'd just be cool. :)
They're watching us all the time anyway, may as well make that part of the show.
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awesomepaste · 3 months
That part in TAZ:Balance when Magnus got advantage on cutting Merle’s arm off because he’s been removing arms all though the campaign prior. Amazing. Just, amazing.
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (vol. 1) #7: All Is Revealed
Read Date: March 09, 2023 Cover Date: May 1986 ● Writer: Kevin Eastman ◦ Peter Laird ● Pencils: Kevin Eastman ◦ Peter Laird ● Inks: Kevin Eastman ◦ Peter Laird ● Letterer: Steve Lavigne ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● ah, so this issue has the first colorized pages in TMNT history. cool! ● looks like some shading is added back in. good. the black/white lineart only the last issue or two was a little unpleasant on the eyeballs ● Triceratons having a little trouble breathing Earth’s atmosphere ● the Krang creatures (I forget what his species is called) are the reasonable ones here? ● aww, reunited with Splinter (though he looks more like a terrier than a rat)
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● I’m really not used to the Krang creatures being civil… ● suddenly a wild Matt Murdock appears! (I love that Daredevil’s origin story is intertwined with TMNT) ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: This issue opens with the news reporter, Jim McNaughton, explaining the strange situation going on at the T.C.R.I. (Techno-Cosmic Research Institute) building. Three days earlier a mysterious beam of light had erupted from the roof of the structure, and when police came to investigate they were promptly shut out by heavy steel plates that sealed all doors and windows. The local police and National Guard are plotting their next step when another incredible beam of energy strikes the rooftop, lighting the city for several blocks. On the crowded streets below, chaos erupts and the National Guard tell McNaughton that they've been ordered to "blast their way in."
Inside the building, the turtles, Fugitoid and three Triceraton warriors are recovering from being teleported by the Utroms' transmat device. As soon as the Triceratons have regained their bearings, they attack in effort to seize the transmat. A huge brawl breaks out and several Utroms are hurt in the fight. Finally, the Triceraton trio is taken out and the turtles are reunited with their mentor, Master Splinter.
April is on the street and she meets a friendly Guardsman who tells her what's going on. Knowing that she can be of no assistance, Miss O'Neil heads for home, hoping that the turtles will be there when she gets back.
Master Splinter explains to the turtles how he had battled the Mousers until he fell unconscious and was then found by the Utroms, who brought him to their building to heal. Unfortunately the turtles had thought the worst when they saw their Master in the stasis tank (TMNT #4), and their outburst damaged the transmat device (and sent the team to Fugitoid's world). Splinter explains that the unhappy Utroms had no intention of rescuing them due to their behavior, but he managed to convince them to bring the turtles back via the transmat. The Triceratons were brought along by accident.
As Leo questions the aliens' motives, a lone Utrom walks in and explains how they came to Earth. Twenty years ago their ship had crash landed and killed one third of their crew. The survivors managed to integrate themselves into Earth society thanks to their high-tech android exoskeletons. The crew took jobs and quickly amassed enough wealth to buy the building that would become their headquarters. The Utroms salvaged what material they could in effort to build their Translocation Device—the transmat. Unfortunately while working on their machine, the visitors had an accident 15 1/2 years earlier. The Utroms were bringing the last load of supplies from their crashed ship to their abode when a blind man walked in front of their truck, causing them to swerve out of the way. This violent action dislodged a canister filled with alien ooze and it flew into the street, striking a young man in the head. The container continued to bounce down the street until it hit an aquarium full of turtles that a boy was holding, shattering it. The turtles and the canister fell into the sewers, where the reptiles were bathed in the strange glowing ooze. It was then that Splinter found them… and the rest is history. The Utroms finally managed to contact their homeworld and were asked to remain in New York City to continue observation of the planet.
Tragically, the turtles accidental use of the transmat had caused the beams of light that have alerted the local police and National Guard, so the Utroms are in a serious bind. They offer to teleport the turtles home, but it's at that moment that the National Guard attack the T.C.R.I. building. As Honeycutt works with the Utroms to program the transmat to get everyone to safety, the soldiers battle the aliens' various robotic guards (who are firing stun weapons, so no men are killed in the battle). Just as the Guardsman are about to enter the transmat chamber, all of the Utroms are teleported to safety. The turtles are angry that they weren't being sent home, but decide that they must follow the Utroms or be captured by the National Guard. The turtles and Splinter enter the transmat and disappear.
The Guard break into the chamber to find it deserted. As they marvel at the sights of the alien technology, a computer announces that the building will self-destruct in five minutes.
April is home alone watching the events on television. She learns that the building collapsed on itself, but no one was injured. Just as she begins to worry about the boys, she hears a loud thump emanating from her bathroom. She runs to the room to see what the trouble is, only to find the four turtles and Splinter in here bathtub. Honeycutt had managed to properly program the transmat device after all!
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Fan Art: teenage mutant ninja turtles by deemonproductions
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 07
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therealloopylupin2099 · 7 months
Happy Halloween!
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“ all though you fight to stay alive.. your body starts to shiver. And no mere mortal can resist…
*evil laughter*
Happy Halloween!
I always love this time of year! The candy,the costumes (besides the daily Spider-Man suits we wear),Scary stories oooooo! But stay safe out their spiderlings! Wear something bright (like my high tech suit!) or glo stick! Pair up with the other spiders and non spiders (anyone really that you know!)
Lyla wanted me to add a few things
don’t open candy until you get home (even with healing factor it’s not wise to eat it without checking!
Stay close to your group
don’t eat too much sweets
blah blah legal stuff!
Heard the speech before but be safe! costumes? @ me if you got cool stuff! I’m going as Egon!
@mint-mumbles is going as Nyy ( JTHM)
And if you wanna send asks feel free too!
Now if you excuse me we have an all hallows collab to see!
*waddles out with candy stashed in my spider suit to eat secretly with Lyla scolding me*
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Ranking Black Sabbath albums by cover alone. Part 1
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10/10 classic. The album itself is credited with creating Heavy Metal and the cover created the aesthetic. It's tells you that you're in for some creepy shit. Love the logo too. I didn't realise for ages that this is actually a photo instead of a painting, you can still visit the house where this was taken today, its somewhere in Birmingham.
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6/10. Maybe a bit controversial but I've always thought this one's a bit crap. What is this dude supposed to be and why is he dressed like that? What's that look on his face? They dropped the ball on this one. Doesn't work with the title either. What am I supposed to feel paranoid of? being attacked by Day-Glo Vikings in the night?
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10/10. Love the logo, colours and the look of this one. Not much to say other than its simple yet brilliant.
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6/10. A grainy photo of Ozzy that's been altered to the point where I can barely make it out and huge text around it. It looks cool but they got a bit lazy with this one.
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8/10. Love a good satanic orgy. But the SS style lettering is a bit problematic. The album is actually kinda chill for a Sabbath record but you'd never know from the artwork.
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5/10 So the story goes that the band were really dysfunctional at this point and the cover reflects the paranoia the band were feeling. Bill Ward got dressed in a hurry, couldn't find his trousers so he grabbed his wife's leggings instead which is why you can see his package in all its glory. Good idea but could've been better executed.
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4/10. Great cover for a progressive rock band but for a Sabbath album? I have no idea what I'm looking at but I'm definitely intrigued.
It's sex right? robot sex?
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4/10. Again I don't really know what's going on here but I've always found this image weirdly unsettling. It's creepy, but not in a good way like the self titled.
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nyargablarg · 4 years
I am honestly still reeling over the Mystic Messenger updates for December. I am crying. My heart is racing. I can’t sleep. Holy shit.
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