hydranomago · 11 months
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weird that it happened twice
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digitalyarbs · 1 year
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Thomas Jefferson with Freckles? Yes, according to Daniel Webster, "Mr. Jefferson is now between eighty-one and eighty-two, above six feet high, of an ample, long frame, rather thin and spare. His head, which is not peculiar in its shape, is set rather forward on his shoulders; and his neck being long, there is, when he is walking or conversing, an habitual protrusion of it. It is still well covered with hair, which having been once red, and now turning gray, is of an indistinct sandy color. His eyes are small, very light, and now neither brilliant nor striking. His chin is rather long, but not pointed. His nose small, regular in its outline, and the nostrils a little elevated. His mouth is well formed and still filled with teeth; it is strongly compressed, bearing an expression of contentment and benevolence. His complexion, formerly light and freckled, now bears the marks of age and cutaneous affection. " According to the Monticello website, "His eyes were variously described by family, friends, employees, and others as blue, gray, "light," hazel, and combinations thereof." This updated rendition of Thomas Jefferson's life mask has been reconstructed to portray a more life like skin texture, incorporating some of the freckles that are often mentioned in descriptions of his appearance. With the utmost aim of capturing his true likeness, this reconstruction of Thomas Jefferson's life mask strives to faithfully represent him as closely as possible.
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not-ever-normal · 1 year
Just realized today's Tommy J's birthday. This is the reason why today fwlt horrible. Happy birthday you fucker. Be glad im even making this. The first thing I'm gonna do to you when I see you in hell is hit you with the heaviest object there that I can lift. Fuck you
Me bitch
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duelamort · 1 year
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winterzz7 · 1 month
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haley-harrison · 2 years
People: you can't hear pictures
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
reincarnation au Alex publicly threatens lmm on twitter for calling his mom a whore. btw
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chaotic-history · 7 months
just realised i forgot to post monticello pictures so here! i'll put the outdoor photos here and i'll make a different post for the photos from inside the house since i have a lot
the area really is so beautiful
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widowshill · 9 months
next tumblr gimmick day should be getting rid of ims and making everyone use fanmail again. its the closest a social media site has ever come to simulating letter-writing in the digital world.
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shmreduplication · 6 months
planning my dc trip and i'm mostly going to be at the national gallery of art for the rothko exhibit but i' m also looking at other places i might go and their merch offerings to check for baseball hats
clearly baseball hat-making tech has improved in the past few years because more places have hats than ever before BUT it's mostly white text on black hats which is just mind boggling
the namesake industry, baseball, has had it figured out for years that words < logo-ized letters < non-word/non-letter logo
most teams have the misfortune of having a stupid names that aren't associated with any image (what, praytell, is an "athletic" or a "phillie"?) so those teams go with a stylized version of the city's initial(s) (I think Oakland, bless her heart, is the only one that goes with the stylized initial of the team name so they have "A's" instead of "O" on the hats)
teams that are lucky enough to have an animal as their team name have the animal as their primary hat logo as well. The cardinal on a baseball bat, the oriole wearing its own baseball hat, the bluejay with the maple leaf. Even red sox hats will often have a pair of red socks on them even tho socks are not a cool animal and imo the "B" hat is something any masshole can wear while the actual socks logo is just for the baseball fans. Also special mention to the houston astros, they do have an "H" on the hat but by god it is in front of a fucking star
and yet museams, which sell loads of artwork on apparel so like clearly they already have designs that they're allowed to put on baseball hats, and a lot of it is one or two colors and geometric, v easy to embroider onto a curved piece of fabric, and yet the the guggenheim puts at best a "G" and at worst "GUGGENHEIM NEW YORK" on black hats with white thread and calls it a day
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ovrarches · 1 year
yes I can draw children (chibi with a slightly more proportional body)
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everyothermouse · 2 years
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School doodles
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so i know im a NATM blog rn but you know that in Modern 1776, Ben Franklin would keep changing Adams' name to '69' for no reason and Adams would give up after attempt 45. Franklin would nickname himself Big Daddy. Why? I don't know. But he would.
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duelamort · 1 year
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leupagus · 3 months
Three-Legged Puppy Fics
List five of your least-popular fics, as well as when/why you wrote them.
Home to the Weary: Merlin, Gwen/Morgana, 2010.
I wrote this at the request of a friend who wanted, I think, something Gwen-centric. Because I was not a fan of the show I decided to focus on an AU in which Gwen backflipped out of that whole situation and founded her own sort of kingdom, only meeting the terrible trio years later. It was really fun and was the first time I'd ever tried writing a fic that hinted at a larger world going on around the characters, if that makes sense. This one's a little pretentious but you can definitely see my "style" as it were.
Treads on the Ground: Babylon (not the sci-fi show, the short-lived british cop show), Liz Garvey/Finn Kirkwood, 2022.
This was written during my Bertie Carvel phase where I'd watched "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" and was desperate for something, anything, that didn't have him wearing terrible prosthetics or playing a psycho. He still sort of plays a psycho in this show, but he looks super hot and angry all the time which is really all I needed. (Also bonus hilarity: Liz's boyfriend in this show is played by none other than James Lance, playing "louche asshole" to the absolute hilt.) Anyway I wrote this because I really wanted a fake dating AU for these two AND a "Finn is secretly in line to the throne" fic and this was the perfect way to combine these two. I'm still legitimately really proud of thsi fic.
The Bright Relief: 1776 musical, John Adams & Thomas Jefferson (and a little bit of / in there, if I'm honest), 2010.
I wrote this because my friends waldorph and screamlet and I were having the Summer of 1776 Feelings and we all wrote various (wonderful) crimes and misdemeanors in that fandom, mostly revolving all the ways in people who love John Adams make fun of him. That was a truly terrible summer but made a whole lot better by those two, and by William Daniels being the most John Adams to ever John Adams. (I actually rewatched the miniseries a few months ago and Paul Giamatti does a great job but that thing is SO DREARY. Although I will say Stephen Dillane first caught my eye in the role of TJeff, aka once again playing a guy who's down real bad for someone smarter than him (in this case both Abigail AND John). The scene where he first meets Abigail is just nonstop flirting, with John making faces in the background. It's great.)
Happy Tails To You (Until We Meet Again): SGA, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, 2009.
Oh lordy — probably the worst fic I've ever written, but I can't quite bring myself to delete it. I've been on the periphery of fandom for most of my adult life (what up X-Files yahoo groups and Prodigy Star Trek RP rooms), but SGA was what made me start thinking of writing fic after a long period of only reading it. (Yes, there is college-era gus fic out there. No, I'm not posting it on AO3.) I never quite got a handle on Sheppard or McKay but I did enjoy writing this and the other SGA fic I wrote, but yeah this deserves its obscurity.
Honey Now I'm Not One To Complain: Dalgliesh, Adam Dalgliesh/Kate Miskin, 2022.
Another one of my "Bertie Carvel is extremely attractive when he's sad and/or a cop" flash-fandoms, although I wrote a pretty good primer on the first season that I think gives a good case for the show as a whole. I wanted to write that largely because the show is so resolutely grim and I prefer stories that are... not grim, so I gave myself the challenge of putting these guys into one of the classic tropes. I did toy with the fake dating/marriage trope but honestly I think this was funnier, and I would always rather commit to the bit.
Tagging uhhh let's see, @laiqualaurelote, @themardia, @sadcypress, @auntieclimactic, and @eyebrowofdoom, if they (or anyone else) wants to do this.
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echoes-lighthouse · 2 months
To answer a couple of questions that were asked in the tags of my Thomas Jefferson intro
a) for @astronomicalgarbage, who asks if my Jefferson has a thing for Mac and Cheese:
Absofuckinglutely. There's an ongoing fight between me (Canadian) and him (American) about whether Kraft Dinner counts as mac and cheese or an abomination before the lord, and it's one of our favourite meaningless battles. We also correct each other's spelling on papers of words like favourite/favorite and colour/color.
b) for @tex-treasures, who wanted to know our favourite Pokemon and our favourite art periods!
My favourite Pokemon is Ditto, same as it is IRL ^-^ I also have a soft spot for Caterpie and Eevee. My favourite art period is the Pre-Raphaelites.
Thomas's favourite Pokemon are uhhhhhh Luxray, Rayquaza, and he likes Vulpix content. I feel like I don't have the actual knowledge to say what an actual fan like him would like! He likes Neo-Classicalism and chibi art -_-
c) finally, the big question from several people, IS THIS AN APRIL FOOL'S PRANK?
Short answer: yes, I thought it would be fun to do for April Fool's, Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson is not going to be a member of my F/O list. But I do appreciate everyone who turned out to support me <3 <3
Long answer: LMM's version of Thomas Jefferson was genuinely one of the first ten characters I drew selfship art with. As much as I like the aesthetics of the character, I simply have no desire to dive back into that fandom and the politics thereof. My Hamilton/Les Mis era of my life was one of rampant idealism and huge energy and I feel very far away from that earnest wide-eyed first year who was making eight-hour drives to the capital to wave signs on the weekend.
If I was going to selfship with LMM's Thomas Jefferson, I would probably make my own modern design without some of the details from Miku Binder TJeff, but with the same nostalgia for the exaggerated characteristics of the Hamilton fandom (ie. Alex never sleeps, Laurens loves turtles, Lafayette is nonbinary, Thomas loves mac and cheese, everyone has dated everyone else).
But ultimately I'm not going to put in that work. Suffice to say that although this was an April Fool's prank, it was with a lot of heart and genuine enjoyment that I got to explore this dynamic!
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